246 XOUS55 KWBC 030802 CAPWBC urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T08:02:59-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. en-US Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2022-02-03T08:02:59-00:00 2022-02-03T08:12:59-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier KEPWBC WMOidentifier NZUS91 KWBC 030802 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery SAME 024031 UGC MDC031  545 XOUS52 KWBC 030805 CAPMFL urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:05:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Rip Current Statement Avoid Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService RPS 2022-02-03T03:05:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:05:00-05:00 2022-02-03T19:00:00-05:00 NWS Miami FL Rip Current Statement issued February 3 at 3:05AM EST until February 4 at 7:00PM EST by NWS Miami FL * WHAT...Dangerous rip currents. * WHERE...Coastal Palm Beach County. * WHEN...Through Friday evening. * IMPACTS...Rip currents can sweep even the best swimmers away from shore into deeper water. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier CFWMFL WMOidentifier WHUS42 KMFL 030805 NWSheadline HIGH RIP CURRENT RISK NOW IN EFFECT THROUGH FRIDAY EVENING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.EXT.KMFL.RP.S.0006.000000T0000Z-220205T0000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T19:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T09:42:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T02:01:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T01:58:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T15:42:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-30T23:14:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-30T15:41:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-30T02:52:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-29T19:05:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-29T14:36:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-29T02:47:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-28T14:55:00-05:00 Coastal Palm Beach County SAME 012099 UGC FLZ168  546 XOUS52 KWBC 030805 CAPMFL urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:05:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Rip Current Statement Avoid Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService RPS 2022-02-03T03:05:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:05:00-05:00 2022-02-03T19:00:00-05:00 NWS Miami FL Rip Current Statement issued February 3 at 3:05AM EST until February 3 at 7:00PM EST by NWS Miami FL * WHAT...Dangerous rip currents. * WHERE...Coastal Broward and Coastal Miami-Dade Counties. * WHEN...Through this evening. * IMPACTS...Rip currents can sweep even the best swimmers away from shore into deeper water. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier CFWMFL WMOidentifier WHUS42 KMFL 030805 NWSheadline HIGH RIP CURRENT RISK REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH THIS EVENING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KMFL.RP.S.0007.000000T0000Z-220204T0000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T19:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T09:42:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T02:01:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T01:58:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T15:42:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-30T23:14:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-30T15:41:00-05:00 Coastal Broward County; Coastal Miami Dade County SAME 012011 SAME 012086 UGC FLZ172 UGC FLZ173  927 XOUS52 KWBC 030806 CAPTAE urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:06:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:43:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:33:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:33:00-05:00 en-US Met Rip Current Statement Avoid Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService RPS 2022-02-03T03:06:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:06:00-05:00 2022-02-04T05:00:00-05:00 NWS Tallahassee FL Rip Current Statement issued February 3 at 3:06AM EST until February 5 at 7:00PM EST by NWS Tallahassee FL * WHAT...Dangerous rip currents expected. * WHERE...Bay, Gulf, and Franklin County Beaches. * WHEN...Through Saturday evening. * IMPACTS...Rip currents can sweep even the best swimmers away from shore into deeper water. Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier CFWTAE WMOidentifier WHUS42 KTAE 030806 NWSheadline HIGH RIP CURRENT RISK REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH SATURDAY EVENING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KTAE.RP.S.0017.000000T0000Z-220206T0000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-05T19:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T05:44:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T05:44:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T12:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T02:15:00-05:00 South Walton; Coastal Bay; Coastal Gulf; Coastal Franklin SAME 012131 SAME 012005 SAME 012045 SAME 012037 UGC FLZ108 UGC FLZ112 UGC FLZ114 UGC FLZ115  132 XOUS51 KWBC 030810 CAPPHI urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:10:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2022-02-03T03:10:00-05:00 2022-02-04T01:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T17:00:00-05:00 NWS Mount Holly NJ Winter Weather Advisory issued February 3 at 3:10AM EST until February 4 at 4:00PM EST by NWS Mount Holly NJ * WHAT...Freezing rain. Total ice accumulations of two to four tenths of an inch are expected. * WHERE...Sussex County, New Jersey. * WHEN...From 1:00 AM until 4:00 PM Friday. * IMPACTS...Be prepared for slippery conditions on area roads and walkways. Postpone travel if possible. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The freezing rain is forecast to transition to sleet and snow before ending late on Friday afternoon. Little snow accumulation is expected. Use extra caution if traveling. The latest road conditions for your state can be obtained by dialing 5 1 1. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWPHI WMOidentifier WWUS41 KPHI 030810 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 4 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KPHI.WW.Y.0009.220204T0600Z-220204T2100Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T16:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Sussex SAME 034037 UGC NJZ001  133 XOUS51 KWBC 030810 CAPPHI urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:10:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2022-02-03T03:10:00-05:00 2022-02-04T06:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T17:00:00-05:00 NWS Mount Holly NJ Winter Weather Advisory issued February 3 at 3:10AM EST until February 4 at 4:00PM EST by NWS Mount Holly NJ * WHAT...Freezing rain. Total ice accumulations up to around a tenth of an inch are expected. * WHERE...The Pennsylvania counties of Berks, Lehigh and Northampton. The New Jersey counties of Warren and Morris. * WHEN...From 6:00 AM until 4:00 PM Friday. * IMPACTS...Be prepared for slippery conditions on area roads and walkways. Postpone travel if possible. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The freezing rain is forecast to transition to sleet and snow before ending late on Friday afternoon. Little snow accumulation is expected. Use extra caution if traveling. The latest road conditions for your state can be obtained by dialing 5 1 1. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWPHI WMOidentifier WWUS41 KPHI 030810 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM TO 4 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KPHI.WW.Y.0009.220204T1100Z-220204T2100Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T16:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Warren; Morris; Berks; Lehigh; Northampton SAME 034041 SAME 034027 SAME 042011 SAME 042077 SAME 042095 UGC NJZ007 UGC NJZ008 UGC PAZ060 UGC PAZ061 UGC PAZ062  134 XOUS51 KWBC 030810 CAPPHI urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:10:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2022-02-03T03:10:00-05:00 2022-02-04T01:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T17:00:00-05:00 NWS Mount Holly NJ Winter Weather Advisory issued February 3 at 3:10AM EST until February 4 at 4:00PM EST by NWS Mount Holly NJ * WHAT...Freezing rain. Total ice accumulations of two to four tenths of an inch are expected. * WHERE...The Pennsylvania counties of Carbon and Monroe. * WHEN...From 1:00 AM until 4:00 PM Friday. * IMPACTS...Be prepared for slippery conditions on area roads and walkways. Postpone travel if possible. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The freezing rain is forecast to transition to sleet and snow before ending late on Friday afternoon. Little snow accumulation is expected. Use extra caution if traveling. The latest road conditions for your state can be obtained by dialing 5 1 1. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWPHI WMOidentifier WWUS41 KPHI 030810 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 4 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KPHI.WW.Y.0009.220204T0600Z-220204T2100Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T16:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Carbon; Monroe SAME 042025 SAME 042089 UGC PAZ054 UGC PAZ055  135 XOUS51 KWBC 030810 CAPPHI urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:10:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:07:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:04:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:52:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Watch Monitor Past Severe Observed SAME WSA NationalWeatherService WSA 2022-02-03T03:10:00-05:00 2022-02-04T01:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:25:13-05:00 NWS Mount Holly NJ The Winter Storm Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Mount Holly NJ on this developing situation. The Winter Storm Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Mount Holly NJ on this developing situation. Use extra caution if traveling. The latest road conditions for your state can be obtained by dialing 5 1 1. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWPHI WMOidentifier WWUS41 KPHI 030810 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 4 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.UPG.KPHI.WS.A.0004.220204T0600Z-220204T2100Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T16:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Carbon; Monroe SAME 042025 SAME 042089 UGC PAZ054 UGC PAZ055  347 XOUS54 KWBC 030810 CAPLIX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:10:00-06:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Dense Fog Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService FGY 2022-02-03T02:10:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:10:00-06:00 2022-02-03T09:00:00-06:00 NWS New Orleans LA Dense Fog Advisory issued February 3 at 2:10AM CST until February 3 at 9:00AM CST by NWS New Orleans LA * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of southeast and southern Mississippi and southeast Louisiana mainly along the coasts of Mississippi and the Northshore of lakes Pontchartrain and Maurepas. In addition patchy dense fog is possible near the Pearl River. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility. If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier NPWLIX WMOidentifier WWUS74 KLIX 030810 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KLIX.FG.Y.0002.220203T0810Z-220203T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T09:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Washington; Livingston; St. John The Baptist; Southern Tangipahoa; Northwest St. Tammany; Southeast St. Tammany; Eastern Orleans; Pearl River; Hancock; Harrison; Jackson SAME 022117 SAME 022063 SAME 022095 SAME 022105 SAME 022103 SAME 022071 SAME 028109 SAME 028045 SAME 028047 SAME 028059 UGC LAZ039 UGC LAZ050 UGC LAZ058 UGC LAZ072 UGC LAZ075 UGC LAZ076 UGC LAZ078 UGC MSZ077 UGC MSZ080 UGC MSZ081 UGC MSZ082  802 XOUS51 KWBC 030811 CAPILN urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:11:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:16:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:11:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:11:00-05:00 2022-02-03T12:00:00-05:00 NWS Wilmington OH Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:11AM EST until February 4 at 7:00AM EST by NWS Wilmington OH * WHAT...Heavy mixed precipitation expected. Additional snow and sleet accumulations of 4 to 6 inches and ice accumulations of up to three tenths of an inch. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Portions of Southeast Indiana and Central and Southwest Ohio. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Power outages and tree damage are likely due to the ice. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. Travel could be nearly impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills will likely fall below zero degrees Friday night into Saturday morning. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWILN WMOidentifier WWUS41 KILN 030811 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KILN.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-220204T1200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T07:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:56:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T09:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:39:00-05:00 Ripley; Dearborn; Fayette; Pickaway; Fairfield; Butler; Warren; Clinton; Hamilton SAME 018137 SAME 018029 SAME 039047 SAME 039129 SAME 039045 SAME 039017 SAME 039165 SAME 039027 SAME 039061 UGC INZ073 UGC INZ074 UGC OHZ063 UGC OHZ064 UGC OHZ065 UGC OHZ070 UGC OHZ071 UGC OHZ072 UGC OHZ077  803 XOUS51 KWBC 030811 CAPILN urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:11:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:16:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:11:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:11:00-05:00 2022-02-03T12:00:00-05:00 NWS Wilmington OH Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:11AM EST until February 4 at 7:00AM EST by NWS Wilmington OH * WHAT...Heavy mixed precipitation expected. Additional snow and sleet accumulations of 4 to 7 inches and ice accumulations of around one tenth of an inch. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Licking, Madison, Franklin OH and Greene Counties. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills will likely fall to near or below zero degrees Friday through Saturday morning. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWILN WMOidentifier WWUS41 KILN 030811 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KILN.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-220204T1200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T07:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:56:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T09:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:39:00-05:00 Madison; Franklin; Licking; Greene SAME 039097 SAME 039049 SAME 039089 SAME 039057 UGC OHZ054 UGC OHZ055 UGC OHZ056 UGC OHZ062  804 XOUS51 KWBC 030811 CAPILN urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:11:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:16:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:11:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:11:00-05:00 2022-02-03T12:00:00-05:00 NWS Wilmington OH Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:11AM EST until February 4 at 7:00AM EST by NWS Wilmington OH * WHAT...Moderate to heavy snow expected. Some sleet or freezing rain may mix in early on. Additional snow and sleet accumulations of 5 to 8 inches. A light glaze of ice is possible. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Portions of East Central and Southeast Indiana and West Central Ohio. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills will likely fall to near or below zero degrees Friday through Saturday morning. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWILN WMOidentifier WWUS41 KILN 030811 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KILN.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-220204T1200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T07:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:56:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T09:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:39:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:39:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T21:42:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:16:00-05:00 Wayne; Fayette; Union; Franklin; Miami; Champaign; Clark; Preble; Montgomery SAME 018177 SAME 018041 SAME 018161 SAME 018047 SAME 039109 SAME 039021 SAME 039023 SAME 039135 SAME 039113 UGC INZ050 UGC INZ058 UGC INZ059 UGC INZ066 UGC OHZ051 UGC OHZ052 UGC OHZ053 UGC OHZ060 UGC OHZ061  805 XOUS51 KWBC 030811 CAPILN urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:11:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:16:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:11:00-05:00 2022-02-03T06:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T12:00:00-05:00 NWS Wilmington OH Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:11AM EST until February 4 at 7:00AM EST by NWS Wilmington OH * WHAT...Heavy mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations of 2 to 4 inches and ice accumulations of two tenths to one half of an inch. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Portions of Southeast Indiana, Northeast and Northern Kentucky and Central, South Central and Southwest Ohio. * WHEN...From 6 AM this morning to 7 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Power outages and tree damage are likely due to the ice. Travel could be nearly impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills will likely fall to near or below zero degrees Friday night into Saturday morning. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWILN WMOidentifier WWUS41 KILN 030811 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM THIS MORNING TO 7 AM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KILN.WS.W.0003.220203T1100Z-220204T1200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T07:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:56:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T09:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T09:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:39:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:39:00-05:00 Ohio; Switzerland; Carroll; Gallatin; Boone; Kenton; Campbell; Owen; Grant; Pendleton; Bracken; Robertson; Mason; Lewis; Ross; Hocking; Clermont; Brown; Highland; Adams; Pike; Scioto SAME 018115 SAME 018155 SAME 021041 SAME 021077 SAME 021015 SAME 021117 SAME 021037 SAME 021187 SAME 021081 SAME 021191 SAME 021023 SAME 021201 SAME 021161 SAME 021135 SAME 039141 SAME 039073 SAME 039025 SAME 039015 SAME 039071 SAME 039001 SAME 039131 SAME 039145 UGC INZ075 UGC INZ080 UGC KYZ089 UGC KYZ090 UGC KYZ091 UGC KYZ092 UGC KYZ093 UGC KYZ094 UGC KYZ095 UGC KYZ096 UGC KYZ097 UGC KYZ098 UGC KYZ099 UGC KYZ100 UGC OHZ073 UGC OHZ074 UGC OHZ078 UGC OHZ079 UGC OHZ080 UGC OHZ081 UGC OHZ082 UGC OHZ088  806 XOUS51 KWBC 030811 CAPILN urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:11:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:16:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:16:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:11:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:11:00-05:00 2022-02-03T12:00:00-05:00 NWS Wilmington OH Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:11AM EST until February 4 at 7:00AM EST by NWS Wilmington OH * WHAT...Moderate to heavy snow expected. Additional snow accumulations of 5 to 8 inches. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Portions of Central and West Central Ohio. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind chills will likely fall to near or below zero degrees Friday through Saturday morning. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Additional information can be found at www.weather.gov/iln as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWILN WMOidentifier WWUS41 KILN 030811 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KILN.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-220204T1200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T07:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:56:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:56:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T09:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T09:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:39:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:39:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T21:42:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:16:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T10:11:00-05:00 Hardin; Mercer; Auglaize; Darke; Shelby; Logan; Union; Delaware SAME 039065 SAME 039107 SAME 039011 SAME 039037 SAME 039149 SAME 039091 SAME 039159 SAME 039041 UGC OHZ026 UGC OHZ034 UGC OHZ035 UGC OHZ042 UGC OHZ043 UGC OHZ044 UGC OHZ045 UGC OHZ046  801 XOUS51 KWBC 030812 CAPPHI urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:12:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:21:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T23:08:00-05:00 en-US Met Dense Fog Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService FGY 2022-02-03T03:12:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:12:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:00:00-05:00 NWS Mount Holly NJ Dense Fog Advisory issued February 3 at 3:12AM EST until February 3 at 11:00AM EST by NWS Mount Holly NJ * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...In New Jersey, Morris and Hunterdon. In Pennsylvania, Upper Bucks, Western Chester and Western Montgomery. * WHEN...Until 11 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility. If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier NPWPHI WMOidentifier WWUS71 KPHI 030812 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST THIS MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.EXT.KPHI.FG.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-220203T1600Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T11:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-07-04T07:55:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-07-04T03:31:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-07-04T03:31:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-07-04T01:25:00-04:00 Morris; Hunterdon; Western Chester; Western Montgomery; Upper Bucks SAME 034027 SAME 034019 SAME 042029 SAME 042091 SAME 042017 UGC NJZ008 UGC NJZ009 UGC PAZ101 UGC PAZ103 UGC PAZ105  802 XOUS51 KWBC 030812 CAPPHI urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:12:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:21:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T23:08:00-05:00 en-US Met Dense Fog Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService FGY 2022-02-03T03:12:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:12:00-05:00 2022-02-03T07:00:00-05:00 NWS Mount Holly NJ Dense Fog Advisory issued February 3 at 3:12AM EST until February 3 at 7:00AM EST by NWS Mount Holly NJ * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...In New Jersey, Warren and Sussex. In Pennsylvania, Carbon, Monroe, Northampton, Lehigh and Berks. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Areas of dense fog should develop for a time early this morning. If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier NPWPHI WMOidentifier WWUS71 KPHI 030812 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KPHI.FG.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-220203T1200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T07:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-07-04T07:55:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-07-04T03:31:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-07-04T03:31:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-07-04T01:25:00-04:00 Sussex; Warren; Carbon; Monroe; Berks; Lehigh; Northampton SAME 034037 SAME 034041 SAME 042025 SAME 042089 SAME 042011 SAME 042077 SAME 042095 UGC NJZ001 UGC NJZ007 UGC PAZ054 UGC PAZ055 UGC PAZ060 UGC PAZ061 UGC PAZ062  803 XOUS51 KWBC 030812 CAPPHI urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:12:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:21:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T23:08:00-05:00 en-US Met Dense Fog Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService FGY 2022-02-03T03:12:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:12:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:00:00-05:00 NWS Mount Holly NJ Dense Fog Advisory issued February 3 at 3:12AM EST until February 3 at 11:00AM EST by NWS Mount Holly NJ * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of central, northern and southern New Jersey, southeast Pennsylvania, northeast Maryland and central, northern and southern Delaware. * WHEN...Until 11 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility. If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier NPWPHI WMOidentifier WWUS71 KPHI 030812 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST THIS MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KPHI.FG.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-220203T1600Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T11:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-07-04T07:55:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-07-04T03:31:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-07-04T03:31:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-07-04T01:25:00-04:00 New Castle; Kent; Inland Sussex; Delaware Beaches; Kent; Queen Anne's; Talbot; Caroline; Somerset; Middlesex; Western Monmouth; Eastern Monmouth; Mercer; Salem; Gloucester; Camden; Northwestern Burlington; Ocean; Cumberland; Atlantic; Cape May; Atlantic Coastal Cape May; Coastal Atlantic; Coastal Ocean; Southeastern Burlington; Delaware; Philadelphia; Eastern Chester; Eastern Montgomery; Lower Bucks SAME 010003 SAME 010001 SAME 010005 SAME 024029 SAME 024035 SAME 024041 SAME 024011 SAME 034035 SAME 034023 SAME 034025 SAME 034021 SAME 034033 SAME 034015 SAME 034007 SAME 034005 SAME 034029 SAME 034011 SAME 034001 SAME 034009 SAME 042045 SAME 042101 SAME 042029 SAME 042091 SAME 042017 UGC DEZ001 UGC DEZ002 UGC DEZ003 UGC DEZ004 UGC MDZ012 UGC MDZ015 UGC MDZ019 UGC MDZ020 UGC NJZ010 UGC NJZ012 UGC NJZ013 UGC NJZ014 UGC NJZ015 UGC NJZ016 UGC NJZ017 UGC NJZ018 UGC NJZ019 UGC NJZ020 UGC NJZ021 UGC NJZ022 UGC NJZ023 UGC NJZ024 UGC NJZ025 UGC NJZ026 UGC NJZ027 UGC PAZ070 UGC PAZ071 UGC PAZ102 UGC PAZ104 UGC PAZ106  072 XOUS52 KWBC 030812 CAPTAE urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:12:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:30:00-05:00 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:12:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:12:00-05:00 2022-02-03T07:00:00-05:00 NWS Tallahassee FL Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:12AM EST until February 3 at 7:00AM EST by NWS Tallahassee FL * WHAT...Southeast winds around 20 knots. Seas 5 to 8 feet. * WHERE...Gulf waters from the Walton-Okaloosa County line to Apalachicola out 60 nautical miles. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST /6 AM CST/ Thursday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWTAE WMOidentifier WHUS72 KTAE 030812 NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KTAE.SC.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-220203T1200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T07:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:38:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T22:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T10:38:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:07:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T02:42:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T03:55:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T04:18:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T14:18:00-04:00 Coastal Waters From Ochlockonee River to Apalachicola FL out to 20 Nm; Waters from Suwannee River to Apalachicola FL from 20 to 60 NM SAME 077755 SAME 077775 UGC GMZ755 UGC GMZ775  073 XOUS52 KWBC 030812 CAPTAE urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:12:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:30:00-05:00 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:12:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:12:00-05:00 2022-02-03T19:00:00-05:00 NWS Tallahassee FL Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:12AM EST until February 3 at 7:00PM EST by NWS Tallahassee FL * WHAT...Southeast winds around 20 knots. Seas 5 to 8 feet. * WHERE...Gulf waters from the Walton-Okaloosa County line to Apalachicola out 60 nautical miles. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWTAE WMOidentifier WHUS72 KTAE 030812 NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.EXT.KTAE.SC.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-220204T0000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T19:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:38:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T22:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T10:38:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:07:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T02:42:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T14:52:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T03:55:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T04:18:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T14:18:00-04:00 Coastal waters from Okaloosa-Walton County Line to Mexico Beach out 20 NM; Coastal Waters from Mexico Beach to Apalachicola out 20 NM; Waters from Okaloosa-Walton County Line to Mexico Beach from 20 to 60 NM; Waters from Mexico Beach to Apalachicola FL from 20 to 60 NM SAME 077750 SAME 077752 SAME 077770 SAME 077772 UGC GMZ750 UGC GMZ752 UGC GMZ770 UGC GMZ772  603 XOUS55 KWBC 030812 CAPWBC urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T08:12:59-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. en-US Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2022-02-03T08:12:59-00:00 2022-02-03T08:22:59-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier KEPWBC WMOidentifier NZUS91 KWBC 030812 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery SAME 024031 UGC MDC031  736 XOUS54 KWBC 030813 CAPEWX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:13:00-06:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Flood Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService FAY 2022-02-03T02:13:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:13:00-06:00 2022-02-03T04:15:00-06:00 NWS Austin/San Antonio TX Flood Advisory issued February 3 at 2:13AM CST until February 3 at 4:15AM CST by NWS Austin/San Antonio TX * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...A portion of south central Texas, including the following counties, Bexar and Comal. * WHEN...Until 415 AM CST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. Some low-water crossings may become impassable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 213 AM CST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. Between 0.5 and 1.5 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts of 0.5 to 1.5 inches are expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... San Antonio, New Braunfels, Schertz, Universal City, Live Oak, Selma, San Antonio Int Airport, Randolph AFB, Canyon Lake, Leon Valley, Helotes, Fair Oaks Ranch, Kirby, Alamo Heights, Windcrest, Terrell Hills, Bulverde, Garden Ridge, Shavano Park and Hollywood Park. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Be aware of your surroundings and do not drive on flooded roads. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier FLSEWX WMOidentifier WGUS84 KEWX 030813 NWSheadline FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 415 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KEWX.FA.Y.0006.220203T0813Z-220203T1015Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T04:15:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Bexar, TX; Comal, TX 29.81,-98.53 29.9,-98.43 29.78,-98.22 29.62,-98.26 29.59,-98.31 29.55,-98.28 29.2,-98.65 29.25,-98.8 29.54,-98.81 29.81,-98.53 SAME 048029 SAME 048091 UGC TXC029 UGC TXC091  740 XOUS51 KWBC 030814 CAPPBZ urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:14:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:24:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:14:00-05:00 2022-02-03T04:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T14:00:00-05:00 NWS Pittsburgh PA Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:14AM EST until February 4 at 10:00AM EST by NWS Pittsburgh PA * WHAT...Heavy mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations up to 3 inches and ice accumulations up to one quarter of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of east central Ohio. Portions of southwest and western Pennsylvania. Portions of northern and the northern panhandle of West Virginia. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Power outages and tree damage are possible due to the ice. Travel could be difficult. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWPBZ WMOidentifier WWUS41 KPBZ 030814 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KPBZ.WS.W.0003.220203T0900Z-220204T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T10:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T13:50:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T13:50:00-05:00 Harrison; Jefferson; Muskingum; Guernsey; Belmont; Noble; Monroe; Butler; Clarion; Beaver; Allegheny; Washington; Greene; Hancock; Brooke; Ohio; Marshall; Wetzel SAME 039067 SAME 039081 SAME 039119 SAME 039059 SAME 039013 SAME 039121 SAME 039111 SAME 042019 SAME 042031 SAME 042007 SAME 042003 SAME 042125 SAME 042059 SAME 054029 SAME 054009 SAME 054069 SAME 054051 SAME 054103 UGC OHZ049 UGC OHZ050 UGC OHZ057 UGC OHZ058 UGC OHZ059 UGC OHZ068 UGC OHZ069 UGC PAZ014 UGC PAZ015 UGC PAZ020 UGC PAZ021 UGC PAZ029 UGC PAZ031 UGC WVZ001 UGC WVZ002 UGC WVZ003 UGC WVZ004 UGC WVZ012  741 XOUS51 KWBC 030814 CAPPBZ urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:14:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:24:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2022-02-03T03:14:00-05:00 2022-02-03T14:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T14:00:00-05:00 NWS Pittsburgh PA Winter Weather Advisory issued February 3 at 3:14AM EST until February 4 at 10:00AM EST by NWS Pittsburgh PA * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations up to 3 inches and ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of northwest, southwest, and western Pennsylvania. Portions of northern West Virginia. * WHEN...From 2 PM this afternoon to 10 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWPBZ WMOidentifier WWUS41 KPBZ 030814 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 2 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 10 AM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.EXT.KPBZ.WW.Y.0007.220203T1900Z-220204T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T10:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T13:50:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-26T09:56:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-26T03:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-25T18:48:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-25T10:54:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-25T03:47:00-05:00 Jefferson; Armstrong; Indiana; Westmoreland; Westmoreland Ridges; Fayette; Fayette Ridges; Marion; Monongalia; Ridges of Eastern Monongalia and Northwestern Preston; Preston; Eastern Preston; Western Tucker; Eastern Tucker SAME 042065 SAME 042005 SAME 042063 SAME 042129 SAME 042051 SAME 054049 SAME 054061 SAME 054077 SAME 054093 UGC PAZ016 UGC PAZ022 UGC PAZ023 UGC PAZ073 UGC PAZ074 UGC PAZ075 UGC PAZ076 UGC WVZ021 UGC WVZ509 UGC WVZ510 UGC WVZ511 UGC WVZ512 UGC WVZ513 UGC WVZ514  742 XOUS51 KWBC 030814 CAPPBZ urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:14:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:24:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:14:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:14:00-05:00 2022-02-03T14:00:00-05:00 NWS Pittsburgh PA Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:14AM EST until February 4 at 10:00AM EST by NWS Pittsburgh PA * WHAT...Heavy mixed precipitation. Additional snow and sleet accumulations between 3 and 8 inches and ice accumulations around two tenths of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of east central Ohio. Portions of northwest and southwest Pennsylvania. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Travel could be very difficult. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWPBZ WMOidentifier WWUS41 KPBZ 030814 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KPBZ.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-220204T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T10:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T13:50:00-05:00 Tuscarawas; Carroll; Columbiana; Coshocton; Mercer; Venango; Forest; Lawrence SAME 039157 SAME 039019 SAME 039029 SAME 039031 SAME 042085 SAME 042121 SAME 042053 SAME 042073 UGC OHZ039 UGC OHZ040 UGC OHZ041 UGC OHZ048 UGC PAZ007 UGC PAZ008 UGC PAZ009 UGC PAZ013  616 XOUS52 KWBC 030818 CAPCHS urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:18:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:18:00-05:00 2022-02-03T22:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:30:00-05:00 NWS Charleston SC Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:18AM EST until February 7 at 1:00AM EST by NWS Charleston SC * WHAT...South winds 15 to 20 kt becoming northeast 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt by Saturday. Seas 4 to 7 ft expected. * WHERE...South Santee River to Edisto Beach out 20 NM. * WHEN...From 10 PM this evening to 1 AM EST Monday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWCHS WMOidentifier WHUS72 KCHS 030818 NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 1 AM EST MONDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KCHS.SC.Y.0016.220204T0300Z-220207T0600Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-07T01:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Coastal waters from South Santee River to Edisto Beach SC out 20 nm SAME 075350 UGC AMZ350  617 XOUS52 KWBC 030818 CAPCHS urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:18:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:18:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:18:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:30:00-05:00 NWS Charleston SC Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:18AM EST until February 8 at 1:00AM EST by NWS Charleston SC * WHAT...South winds 15 to 20 kt becoming northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt by Saturday. Seas 5 to 9 ft. * WHERE...Savannah to Altamaha Sound from 20 to 60 NM. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWCHS WMOidentifier WHUS72 KCHS 030818 NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST TUESDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KCHS.SC.Y.0016.220203T0818Z-220208T0600Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-08T01:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Waters from Savannah GA to Altamaha Sound GA extending from 20 nm to 60 nm SAME 075374 UGC AMZ374  433 XOUS53 KWBC 030820 CAPOAX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:20:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T20:13:00-06:00 en-US Met Wind Chill Advisory Prepare Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WCY 2022-02-03T02:20:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:20:00-06:00 2022-02-03T11:00:00-06:00 NWS Omaha/Valley NE Wind Chill Advisory issued February 3 at 2:20AM CST until February 3 at 11:00AM CST by NWS Omaha/Valley NE * WHAT...Very cold wind chills. Wind chills as low as 20 below zero. * WHERE...Portions of east central, northeast and southeast Nebraska and southwest and west central Iowa. * WHEN...Until 11 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...The cold wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. Use caution while traveling outside. Wear appropriate clothing, a hat, and gloves. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWOAX WMOidentifier WWUS43 KOAX 030820 NWSheadline WIND CHILL ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM CST THIS MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KOAX.WC.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-220203T1700Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T11:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:17:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T07:23:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T02:56:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-02T08:56:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-02T03:27:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-01T23:28:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-01T20:50:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-01T17:45:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-01T17:45:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-01T14:32:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-01T14:32:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-01T17:45:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-01T14:32:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-01T09:48:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-01T09:48:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-01T04:26:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-01T04:26:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-12-31T21:00:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-12-31T21:00:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-12-31T21:00:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-12-31T21:00:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-12-31T15:44:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-12-31T15:44:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-12-31T15:44:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-12-31T15:44:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-12-31T11:46:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-12-31T11:46:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-12-31T11:46:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-12-31T11:46:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-12-31T03:26:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-12-31T03:26:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-12-31T03:26:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-12-31T03:26:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-12-30T20:19:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-12-30T15:32:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-12-30T15:32:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-12-30T15:08:00-06:00 Monona; Harrison; Shelby; Pottawattamie; Mills; Montgomery; Fremont; Page; Knox; Cedar; Thurston; Antelope; Pierce; Wayne; Boone; Madison; Stanton; Cuming; Burt; Platte; Colfax; Dodge; Washington; Butler; Saunders; Douglas; Sarpy; Seward; Lancaster; Cass; Otoe SAME 019133 SAME 019085 SAME 019165 SAME 019155 SAME 019129 SAME 019137 SAME 019071 SAME 019145 SAME 031107 SAME 031027 SAME 031173 SAME 031003 SAME 031139 SAME 031179 SAME 031011 SAME 031119 SAME 031167 SAME 031039 SAME 031021 SAME 031141 SAME 031037 SAME 031053 SAME 031177 SAME 031023 SAME 031155 SAME 031055 SAME 031153 SAME 031159 SAME 031109 SAME 031025 SAME 031131 UGC IAZ043 UGC IAZ055 UGC IAZ056 UGC IAZ069 UGC IAZ079 UGC IAZ080 UGC IAZ090 UGC IAZ091 UGC NEZ011 UGC NEZ012 UGC NEZ015 UGC NEZ016 UGC NEZ017 UGC NEZ018 UGC NEZ030 UGC NEZ031 UGC NEZ032 UGC NEZ033 UGC NEZ034 UGC NEZ042 UGC NEZ043 UGC NEZ044 UGC NEZ045 UGC NEZ050 UGC NEZ051 UGC NEZ052 UGC NEZ053 UGC NEZ065 UGC NEZ066 UGC NEZ067 UGC NEZ068  434 XOUS53 KWBC 030820 CAPOAX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:20:00-06:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Wind Chill Advisory Prepare Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WCY 2022-02-03T02:20:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:20:00-06:00 2022-02-03T11:00:00-06:00 NWS Omaha/Valley NE Wind Chill Advisory issued February 3 at 2:20AM CST until February 3 at 11:00AM CST by NWS Omaha/Valley NE * WHAT...Very cold wind chills. Wind chills as low as 20 below zero. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Nebraska. * WHEN...Until 11 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...The cold wind chills could result in hypothermia if precautions are not taken. Use caution while traveling outside. Wear appropriate clothing, a hat, and gloves. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWOAX WMOidentifier WWUS43 KOAX 030820 NWSheadline WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM CST THIS MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.EXA.KOAX.WC.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-220203T1700Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T11:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Saline; Jefferson; Gage; Johnson; Nemaha; Pawnee; Richardson SAME 031151 SAME 031095 SAME 031067 SAME 031097 SAME 031127 SAME 031133 SAME 031147 UGC NEZ078 UGC NEZ088 UGC NEZ089 UGC NEZ090 UGC NEZ091 UGC NEZ092 UGC NEZ093  547 XOUS53 KWBC 030821 CAPDDC urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:21:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:14:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:14:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T19:06:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T19:06:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T19:49:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T19:49:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T19:49:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:01:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:01:00-06:00 en-US Met Wind Chill Advisory Prepare Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WCY 2022-02-03T02:21:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:21:00-06:00 2022-02-03T11:30:00-06:00 NWS Dodge City KS Wind Chill Advisory issued February 3 at 2:21AM CST until February 3 at 12:00PM CST by NWS Dodge City KS * WHAT...Very cold wind chills expected. Wind chills as low as 15 below zero. * WHERE...Portions of central, south central, southwest and west central Kansas. * WHEN...From midnight CST /11 PM MST/ tonight to noon CST /11 AM MST/ Thursday. * IMPACTS...The cold wind chills could result in hypothermia if precautions are not taken. Use caution while traveling outside. Wear appropriate clothing, a hat, and gloves. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWDDC WMOidentifier WWUS43 KDDC 030821 NWSheadline WIND CHILL ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST /11 AM MST/ TODAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KDDC.WC.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-220203T1800Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T12:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T00:59:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T00:59:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:36:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:36:00-06:00 Trego; Ellis; Scott; Lane; Ness; Rush; Hamilton; Kearny; Finney; Hodgeman; Pawnee; Stafford; Stanton; Grant; Haskell; Gray; Ford; Edwards; Kiowa; Pratt; Morton; Stevens; Seward; Meade; Clark; Comanche; Barber SAME 020195 SAME 020051 SAME 020171 SAME 020101 SAME 020135 SAME 020165 SAME 020075 SAME 020093 SAME 020055 SAME 020083 SAME 020145 SAME 020185 SAME 020187 SAME 020067 SAME 020081 SAME 020069 SAME 020057 SAME 020047 SAME 020097 SAME 020151 SAME 020129 SAME 020189 SAME 020175 SAME 020119 SAME 020025 SAME 020033 SAME 020007 UGC KSZ030 UGC KSZ031 UGC KSZ043 UGC KSZ044 UGC KSZ045 UGC KSZ046 UGC KSZ061 UGC KSZ062 UGC KSZ063 UGC KSZ064 UGC KSZ065 UGC KSZ066 UGC KSZ074 UGC KSZ075 UGC KSZ076 UGC KSZ077 UGC KSZ078 UGC KSZ079 UGC KSZ080 UGC KSZ081 UGC KSZ084 UGC KSZ085 UGC KSZ086 UGC KSZ087 UGC KSZ088 UGC KSZ089 UGC KSZ090  971 XOUS53 KWBC 030821 CAPDTX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:21:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:53:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:53:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T20:35:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning AllClear Past Minor Observed SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:21:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:21:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:37:13-05:00 NWS Detroit/Pontiac MI The Winter Storm Warning has been cancelled. The Winter Storm Warning has been cancelled and is no longer in effect. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWDTX WMOidentifier WWUS43 KDTX 030821 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CAN.KDTX.WS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-220203T0900Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T04:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:24:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:24:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T20:38:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T20:38:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T12:19:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T12:19:00-05:00 Sanilac; Shiawassee; Genesee; Lapeer; St. Clair; Livingston; Oakland; Macomb; Washtenaw; Wayne; Lenawee; Monroe SAME 026151 SAME 026155 SAME 026049 SAME 026087 SAME 026147 SAME 026093 SAME 026125 SAME 026099 SAME 026161 SAME 026163 SAME 026091 SAME 026115 UGC MIZ055 UGC MIZ060 UGC MIZ061 UGC MIZ062 UGC MIZ063 UGC MIZ068 UGC MIZ069 UGC MIZ070 UGC MIZ075 UGC MIZ076 UGC MIZ082 UGC MIZ083  984 XOUS55 KWBC 030822 CAPWBC urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T08:22:59-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. en-US Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2022-02-03T08:22:59-00:00 2022-02-03T08:32:59-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier KEPWBC WMOidentifier NZUS91 KWBC 030822 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery SAME 024031 UGC MDC031  931 XOUS54 KWBC 030823 CAPMRX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:23:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met High Wind Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME HWW NationalWeatherService HWW 2022-02-03T03:23:00-05:00 2022-02-03T09:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T13:00:00-05:00 NWS Morristown TN High Wind Warning issued February 3 at 3:23AM EST until February 4 at 1:00AM EST by NWS Morristown TN * WHAT...South winds 40 to 50 mph with gusts in excess of 70 mph expected. * WHERE...Portions of the east Tennessee mountains. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 1 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds will blow down trees and power lines. Widespread power outages are expected. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier NPWMRX WMOidentifier WWUS74 KMRX 030823 NWSheadline HIGH WIND WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 1 AM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.NEW.KMRX.HW.W.0003.220203T1400Z-220204T0600Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T01:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Johnson; Cocke Smoky Mountains; Southeast Greene; Unicoi; Southeast Carter; Blount Smoky Mountains; Sevier Smoky Mountains; Southeast Monroe SAME 047091 SAME 047029 SAME 047059 SAME 047171 SAME 047019 SAME 047009 SAME 047155 SAME 047123 UGC TNZ018 UGC TNZ041 UGC TNZ043 UGC TNZ045 UGC TNZ047 UGC TNZ072 UGC TNZ074 UGC TNZ087  932 XOUS54 KWBC 030823 CAPMRX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:23:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:51:00-05:00 en-US Met High Wind Watch Monitor Past Severe Observed SAME HWA NationalWeatherService HWA 2022-02-03T03:23:00-05:00 2022-02-03T09:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:38:48-05:00 NWS Morristown TN The High Wind Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Morristown TN on this developing situation. The High Wind Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Morristown TN on this developing situation. People should avoid being outside in forested areas and around trees and branches. If possible, remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Use caution if you must drive. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier NPWMRX WMOidentifier WWUS74 KMRX 030823 NWSheadline HIGH WIND WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 1 AM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.UPG.KMRX.HW.A.0002.220203T1400Z-220204T0300Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T22:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T15:15:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T03:19:00-05:00 Johnson; Cocke Smoky Mountains; Southeast Greene; Unicoi; Southeast Carter; Blount Smoky Mountains; Sevier Smoky Mountains; Southeast Monroe SAME 047091 SAME 047029 SAME 047059 SAME 047171 SAME 047019 SAME 047009 SAME 047155 SAME 047123 UGC TNZ018 UGC TNZ041 UGC TNZ043 UGC TNZ045 UGC TNZ047 UGC TNZ072 UGC TNZ074 UGC TNZ087  251 XOUS53 KWBC 030824 CAPLBF urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:24:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T13:50:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T13:50:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T16:21:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T16:21:00-06:00 en-US Met Wind Chill Advisory Prepare Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WCY 2022-02-03T02:24:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:24:00-06:00 2022-02-03T11:00:00-06:00 NWS North Platte NE Wind Chill Advisory issued February 3 at 2:24AM CST until February 3 at 11:00AM CST by NWS North Platte NE * WHAT...Very cold wind chills. Wind chills as low as 29 below zero. * WHERE...Portions of central, north central, panhandle, southwest and west central Nebraska. * WHEN...Until 11 AM CST /10 AM MST/ this morning. * IMPACTS...The cold wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. Use caution while traveling outside. Wear appropriate clothing, a hat, and gloves. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWLBF WMOidentifier WWUS43 KLBF 030824 NWSheadline WIND CHILL ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM CST /10 AM MST/ THIS MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KLBF.WC.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-220203T1700Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T11:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:00:00-06:00 Sheridan; Eastern Cherry; Keya Paha; Boyd; Brown; Rock; Holt; Garden; Grant; Hooker; Thomas; Blaine; Loup; Garfield; Wheeler; Arthur; McPherson; Logan; Custer; Deuel; Keith; Perkins; Lincoln; Chase; Hayes; Frontier; Western Cherry SAME 031161 SAME 031031 SAME 031103 SAME 031015 SAME 031017 SAME 031149 SAME 031089 SAME 031069 SAME 031075 SAME 031091 SAME 031171 SAME 031009 SAME 031115 SAME 031071 SAME 031183 SAME 031005 SAME 031117 SAME 031113 SAME 031041 SAME 031049 SAME 031101 SAME 031135 SAME 031111 SAME 031029 SAME 031085 SAME 031063 UGC NEZ004 UGC NEZ005 UGC NEZ006 UGC NEZ007 UGC NEZ008 UGC NEZ009 UGC NEZ010 UGC NEZ022 UGC NEZ023 UGC NEZ024 UGC NEZ025 UGC NEZ026 UGC NEZ027 UGC NEZ028 UGC NEZ029 UGC NEZ035 UGC NEZ036 UGC NEZ037 UGC NEZ038 UGC NEZ056 UGC NEZ057 UGC NEZ058 UGC NEZ059 UGC NEZ069 UGC NEZ070 UGC NEZ071 UGC NEZ094  396 XOUS54 KWBC 030826 CAPMRX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:26:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2022-02-03T03:26:00-05:00 2022-02-04T01:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T13:00:00-05:00 NWS Morristown TN Winter Weather Advisory issued February 3 at 3:26AM EST until February 4 at 7:00PM EST by NWS Morristown TN * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of less than one inch and ice accumulations of around one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...In Tennessee, Hancock County. In Virginia, Lee, Wise, Scott VA and Russell Counties. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 7 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWMRX WMOidentifier WWUS44 KMRX 030826 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 7 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KMRX.WW.Y.0008.220204T0600Z-220205T0000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T19:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Hancock; Lee; Wise; Scott; Russell SAME 047067 SAME 051105 SAME 051720 SAME 051195 SAME 051169 SAME 051167 UGC TNZ015 UGC VAZ001 UGC VAZ002 UGC VAZ005 UGC VAZ006  397 XOUS54 KWBC 030826 CAPMRX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:26:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2022-02-03T03:26:00-05:00 2022-02-04T01:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T13:00:00-05:00 NWS Morristown TN Winter Weather Advisory issued February 3 at 3:26AM EST until February 4 at 12:00PM EST by NWS Morristown TN * WHAT...Freezing rain expected. Total ice accumulations of around one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Scott TN, Campbell, Claiborne and Morgan Counties. * WHEN...From 1 AM to noon EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Difficult travel conditions are possible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning commute. Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWMRX WMOidentifier WWUS44 KMRX 030826 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO NOON EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KMRX.WW.Y.0008.220204T0600Z-220204T1700Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T12:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Scott; Campbell; Claiborne; Morgan SAME 047151 SAME 047013 SAME 047025 SAME 047129 UGC TNZ012 UGC TNZ013 UGC TNZ014 UGC TNZ035  977 XOUS53 KWBC 030826 CAPLOT urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:26:00-06:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:06:00-06:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning AllClear Past Minor Observed SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T02:26:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:26:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:41:55-06:00 NWS Chicago IL The Winter Storm Warning has been cancelled. The Winter Storm Warning has been cancelled and is no longer in effect. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWLOT WMOidentifier WWUS43 KLOT 030826 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CAN.KLOT.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-220203T1600Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T10:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T17:49:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:17:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:29:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:33:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T23:10:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T20:00:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:03:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T10:24:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T02:38:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T21:28:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T14:07:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T21:32:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-05T02:41:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T15:03:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T10:52:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T03:30:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T21:39:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T14:29:00-06:00 Lake; Porter SAME 018089 SAME 018127 UGC INZ001 UGC INZ002  978 XOUS53 KWBC 030826 CAPLOT urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:26:00-06:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:06:00-06:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning AllClear Past Minor Observed SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T02:26:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:26:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:41:55-06:00 NWS Chicago IL The Winter Storm Warning has been cancelled. The Winter Storm Warning has been cancelled and is no longer in effect. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWLOT WMOidentifier WWUS43 KLOT 030826 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CAN.KLOT.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-220204T0000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T18:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T17:49:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:17:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:29:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:33:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T23:10:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T20:00:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:03:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T10:24:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T02:38:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T21:28:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T14:07:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T21:32:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-05T02:41:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T15:03:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T10:52:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T03:30:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T21:39:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T14:29:00-06:00 Kankakee SAME 017091 UGC ILZ023  979 XOUS53 KWBC 030826 CAPLOT urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:26:00-06:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2022-02-03T02:26:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:26:00-06:00 2022-02-03T10:30:00-06:00 NWS Chicago IL Winter Weather Advisory issued February 3 at 2:26AM CST until February 3 at 6:00PM CST by NWS Chicago IL * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Additional snow accumulations of up to one inch. * WHERE...Livingston County. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Plan on locally slippery road conditions and in places, sharply varying visibility. These hazardous conditions will impact the morning commute. Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for Illinois can be obtained on the internet at www.gettingaroundillinois.com. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWLOT WMOidentifier WWUS43 KLOT 030826 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... ...WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.EXA.KLOT.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-220204T0000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T18:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Livingston SAME 017105 UGC ILZ032  980 XOUS53 KWBC 030826 CAPLOT urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:26:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:06:00-06:00 en-US Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2022-02-03T02:26:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:26:00-06:00 2022-02-03T10:30:00-06:00 NWS Chicago IL Winter Weather Advisory issued February 3 at 2:26AM CST until February 3 at 6:00PM CST by NWS Chicago IL * WHAT...Lake effect snow showers and patchy blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 4 inches, highest in northeastern Cook. * WHERE...Central Cook and Southern Cook Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on locally slippery road conditions and in places, sharply varying visibility. These hazardous conditions will impact the morning and evening commutes in parts of Cook County. Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for Illinois can be obtained on the internet at www.gettingaroundillinois.com. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWLOT WMOidentifier WWUS43 KLOT 030826 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KLOT.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-220204T0000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T18:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T17:49:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T17:49:00-06:00 Northern Cook; Central Cook; Southern Cook SAME 017031 UGC ILZ103 UGC ILZ104 UGC ILZ105  981 XOUS53 KWBC 030826 CAPLOT urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:26:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:06:00-06:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T02:26:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:26:00-06:00 2022-02-03T10:30:00-06:00 NWS Chicago IL Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 2:26AM CST until February 3 at 6:00PM CST by NWS Chicago IL * WHAT...Treacherous travel today due to snow and areas of blowing and drifting snow expected. Additional Snow accumulations of 1 to 4 inches, highest south of U.S. Highway 24. * WHERE...Portions of northwest Indiana and east central Illinois. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST /7 PM EST/ Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on snow covered roads and slippery road conditions due to snow and blowing snow today. This will impact the morning commute. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. In Illinois, the latest road conditions for Illinois can be obtained on the internet at www.gettingaroundillinois.com. In Indiana, the latest road conditions for Indiana are available by calling 1-800-261-7623. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWLOT WMOidentifier WWUS43 KLOT 030826 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST /7 PM EST/ THIS EVENING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KLOT.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-220204T0000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T18:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T17:49:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:17:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:29:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:33:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T23:10:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T20:00:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:03:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T10:24:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T02:38:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T21:28:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T14:07:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T21:32:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-05T02:41:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T15:03:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T10:52:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T03:30:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T21:39:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T14:29:00-06:00 Iroquois; Ford; Newton; Jasper; Benton SAME 017075 SAME 017053 SAME 018111 SAME 018073 SAME 018007 UGC ILZ033 UGC ILZ039 UGC INZ010 UGC INZ011 UGC INZ019  982 XOUS54 KWBC 030826 CAPMOB urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:26:00-06:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Dense Fog Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService FGY 2022-02-03T02:26:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:26:00-06:00 2022-02-03T09:00:00-06:00 NWS Mobile AL Dense Fog Advisory issued February 3 at 2:26AM CST until February 3 at 9:00AM CST by NWS Mobile AL * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Mobile Central, Baldwin Central, Mobile Coastal and Baldwin Coastal Counties. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility. If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier NPWMOB WMOidentifier WWUS74 KMOB 030826 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KMOB.FG.Y.0001.220203T0826Z-220203T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T09:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Mobile Central; Baldwin Central; Mobile Coastal; Baldwin Coastal SAME 001097 SAME 001003 UGC ALZ263 UGC ALZ264 UGC ALZ265 UGC ALZ266  983 XOUS53 KWBC 030826 CAPLOT urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:26:00-06:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:06:00-06:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning AllClear Past Minor Observed SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T02:26:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:26:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:41:55-06:00 NWS Chicago IL The Winter Storm Warning has been cancelled. The Winter Storm Warning has been cancelled and is no longer in effect. Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for Illinois can be obtained on the internet at www.gettingaroundillinois.com. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWLOT WMOidentifier WWUS43 KLOT 030826 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... ...WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CAN.KLOT.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-220204T0000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T18:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T17:49:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:17:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:29:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:33:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T23:10:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T20:00:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:03:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T10:24:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T02:38:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T21:28:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T14:07:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T21:32:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-05T02:41:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T15:03:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T10:52:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T03:30:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T21:39:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T14:29:00-06:00 Livingston SAME 017105 UGC ILZ032  827 XOUS51 KWBC 030829 CAPAKQ urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:31:00-05:00 en-US Met Dense Fog Advisory Prepare Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService MFY 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:30:00-05:00 NWS Wakefield VA Dense Fog Advisory issued February 3 at 3:29AM EST until February 3 at 10:00AM EST by NWS Wakefield VA * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to less than 1 NM. For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt, becoming north Friday afternoon. Waves 2 to 4 ft expected. * WHERE...Chesapeake Bay from Smith Point to Windmill Point VA, Chesapeake Bay from Windmill Point to New Point Comfort VA, Chesapeake Bay from New Point Comfort to Little Creek VA and Chesapeake Bay from Little Creek VA to Cape Henry VA including the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, from 7 PM this evening to 6 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWAKQ WMOidentifier WHUS71 KAKQ 030829 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM EST SATURDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KAKQ.MF.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-220203T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T10:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:10:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:51:00-05:00 Chesapeake Bay from Smith Point to Windmill Point VA; Chesapeake Bay from Windmill Point to New Point Comfort VA; Chesapeake Bay from New Point Comfort to Little Creek VA; Chesapeake Bay from Little Creek VA to Cape Henry VA including the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel SAME 073630 SAME 073631 SAME 073632 SAME 073634 UGC ANZ630 UGC ANZ631 UGC ANZ632 UGC ANZ634  828 XOUS51 KWBC 030829 CAPAKQ urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:31:00-05:00 en-US Met Dense Fog Advisory Prepare Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService MFY 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:30:00-05:00 NWS Wakefield VA Dense Fog Advisory issued February 3 at 3:29AM EST until February 3 at 10:00AM EST by NWS Wakefield VA * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to less than 1 NM. For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt, becoming north/northwest late Friday afternoon. Seas 5 to 8 ft expected. * WHERE...Coastal waters from Fenwick Island DE to Chincoteague VA out 20 nm, Coastal waters from Chincoteague to Parramore Island VA out 20 nm and Coastal waters from Parramore Island to Cape Charles Light VA out 20 nm. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, from 4 PM this afternoon to 6 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWAKQ WMOidentifier WHUS71 KAKQ 030829 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 6 AM EST SATURDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KAKQ.MF.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-220203T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T10:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:10:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:51:00-05:00 Coastal waters from Fenwick Island DE to Chincoteague VA out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Chincoteague to Parramore Island VA out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Parramore Island to Cape Charles Light VA out 20 nm SAME 073650 SAME 073652 SAME 073654 UGC ANZ650 UGC ANZ652 UGC ANZ654  829 XOUS51 KWBC 030829 CAPAKQ urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-03T19:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:30:00-05:00 NWS Wakefield VA Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:29AM EST until February 5 at 6:00AM EST by NWS Wakefield VA * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to less than 1 NM. For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 15 to 25 kt, becoming north 15 to 25 kt with gusts to 30 kt Friday evening. Seas 4 to 6 ft expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Cape Charles Light to Virginia- North Carolina border out to 20 nm. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, from 7 PM this evening to 6 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWAKQ WMOidentifier WHUS71 KAKQ 030829 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM EST SATURDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KAKQ.SC.Y.0017.220204T0000Z-220205T1100Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-05T06:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Coastal Waters from Cape Charles Light to Virginia-North Carolina border out to 20 nm SAME 073656 UGC ANZ656  830 XOUS51 KWBC 030829 CAPAKQ urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-03T19:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:30:00-05:00 NWS Wakefield VA Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:29AM EST until February 5 at 6:00AM EST by NWS Wakefield VA * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to less than 1 NM. For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt, becoming north Friday afternoon. Waves 2 to 4 ft expected. * WHERE...Chesapeake Bay from Smith Point to Windmill Point VA, Chesapeake Bay from Windmill Point to New Point Comfort VA, Chesapeake Bay from New Point Comfort to Little Creek VA and Chesapeake Bay from Little Creek VA to Cape Henry VA including the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, from 7 PM this evening to 6 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWAKQ WMOidentifier WHUS71 KAKQ 030829 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM EST SATURDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KAKQ.SC.Y.0017.220204T0000Z-220205T1100Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-05T06:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Chesapeake Bay from Smith Point to Windmill Point VA; Chesapeake Bay from Windmill Point to New Point Comfort VA; Chesapeake Bay from New Point Comfort to Little Creek VA; Chesapeake Bay from Little Creek VA to Cape Henry VA including the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel SAME 073630 SAME 073631 SAME 073632 SAME 073634 UGC ANZ630 UGC ANZ631 UGC ANZ632 UGC ANZ634  831 XOUS51 KWBC 030829 CAPAKQ urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:31:00-05:00 en-US Met Dense Fog Advisory Prepare Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService MFY 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:30:00-05:00 NWS Wakefield VA Dense Fog Advisory issued February 3 at 3:29AM EST until February 3 at 10:00AM EST by NWS Wakefield VA * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to less than 1 NM. For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt, becoming north Friday evening. Waves 1 to 2 ft expected. * WHERE...Currituck Sound. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, from 1 AM Friday to 6 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWAKQ WMOidentifier WHUS71 KAKQ 030829 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM FRIDAY TO 6 AM EST SATURDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KAKQ.MF.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-220203T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T10:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:10:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:51:00-05:00 Currituck Sound SAME 073633 UGC ANZ633  832 XOUS51 KWBC 030829 CAPAKQ urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:31:00-05:00 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory AllClear Past Minor Observed SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:44:42-05:00 NWS Wakefield VA The Small Craft Advisory has been cancelled. The Small Craft Advisory has been cancelled and is no longer in effect. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWAKQ WMOidentifier WHUS71 KAKQ 030829 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM EST SATURDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CAN.KAKQ.SC.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-220203T0900Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T04:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:10:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:51:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T12:50:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T09:48:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T10:57:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T06:33:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:17:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T00:54:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T21:40:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T18:46:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T09:59:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T06:39:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T03:35:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T00:24:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T21:56:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T18:30:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T14:50:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T07:27:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T04:05:00-05:00 Coastal Waters from Cape Charles Light to Virginia-North Carolina border out to 20 nm SAME 073656 UGC ANZ656  833 XOUS51 KWBC 030829 CAPAKQ urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:31:00-05:00 en-US Met Dense Fog Advisory Prepare Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService MFY 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:30:00-05:00 NWS Wakefield VA Dense Fog Advisory issued February 3 at 3:29AM EST until February 3 at 10:00AM EST by NWS Wakefield VA * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to less than 1 NM. For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt, becoming north Friday evening. Waves 2 to 3 ft expected. * WHERE...James River from James River Bridge to Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, from 7 PM this evening to 6 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWAKQ WMOidentifier WHUS71 KAKQ 030829 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM EST SATURDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KAKQ.MF.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-220203T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T10:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:10:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:51:00-05:00 James River from James River Bridge to Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel SAME 073638 UGC ANZ638  834 XOUS51 KWBC 030829 CAPAKQ urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-04T01:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:30:00-05:00 NWS Wakefield VA Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:29AM EST until February 4 at 1:00PM EST by NWS Wakefield VA * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to less than 1 NM. For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 15 to 20 kt and waves 1 to 2 ft expected. * WHERE...Rappahannock River from Urbanna to Windmill Point, York River and James River from Jamestown to the James River Bridge. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, from 1 AM to 1 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWAKQ WMOidentifier WHUS71 KAKQ 030829 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 1 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KAKQ.SC.Y.0017.220204T0600Z-220204T1800Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T13:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Rappahannock River from Urbanna to Windmill Point; York River; James River from Jamestown to the James River Bridge SAME 073635 SAME 073636 SAME 073637 UGC ANZ635 UGC ANZ636 UGC ANZ637  835 XOUS51 KWBC 030829 CAPAKQ urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:31:00-05:00 en-US Met Dense Fog Advisory Prepare Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService MFY 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:30:00-05:00 NWS Wakefield VA Dense Fog Advisory issued February 3 at 3:29AM EST until February 3 at 10:00AM EST by NWS Wakefield VA * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to less than 1 NM. For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 15 to 20 kt and waves 1 to 2 ft expected. * WHERE...Rappahannock River from Urbanna to Windmill Point, York River and James River from Jamestown to the James River Bridge. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, from 1 AM to 1 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWAKQ WMOidentifier WHUS71 KAKQ 030829 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 1 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KAKQ.MF.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-220203T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T10:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:10:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:51:00-05:00 Rappahannock River from Urbanna to Windmill Point; York River; James River from Jamestown to the James River Bridge SAME 073635 SAME 073636 SAME 073637 UGC ANZ635 UGC ANZ636 UGC ANZ637  836 XOUS51 KWBC 030829 CAPAKQ urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-04T01:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:30:00-05:00 NWS Wakefield VA Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:29AM EST until February 5 at 6:00AM EST by NWS Wakefield VA * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to less than 1 NM. For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt, becoming north Friday evening. Waves 1 to 2 ft expected. * WHERE...Currituck Sound. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, from 1 AM Friday to 6 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWAKQ WMOidentifier WHUS71 KAKQ 030829 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM FRIDAY TO 6 AM EST SATURDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KAKQ.SC.Y.0017.220204T0600Z-220205T1100Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-05T06:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Currituck Sound SAME 073633 UGC ANZ633  837 XOUS51 KWBC 030829 CAPAKQ urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:31:00-05:00 en-US Met Dense Fog Advisory Prepare Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService MFY 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:30:00-05:00 NWS Wakefield VA Dense Fog Advisory issued February 3 at 3:29AM EST until February 3 at 10:00AM EST by NWS Wakefield VA * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to less than 1 NM. For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 15 to 25 kt, becoming north 15 to 25 kt with gusts to 30 kt Friday evening. Seas 4 to 6 ft expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Cape Charles Light to Virginia- North Carolina border out to 20 nm. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, from 7 PM this evening to 6 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWAKQ WMOidentifier WHUS71 KAKQ 030829 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM EST SATURDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KAKQ.MF.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-220203T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T10:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:10:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:51:00-05:00 Coastal Waters from Cape Charles Light to Virginia-North Carolina border out to 20 nm SAME 073656 UGC ANZ656  838 XOUS51 KWBC 030829 CAPAKQ urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-03T19:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:30:00-05:00 NWS Wakefield VA Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:29AM EST until February 5 at 6:00AM EST by NWS Wakefield VA * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to less than 1 NM. For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt, becoming north Friday evening. Waves 2 to 3 ft expected. * WHERE...James River from James River Bridge to Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, from 7 PM this evening to 6 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWAKQ WMOidentifier WHUS71 KAKQ 030829 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM EST SATURDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KAKQ.SC.Y.0017.220204T0000Z-220205T1100Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-05T06:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS James River from James River Bridge to Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel SAME 073638 UGC ANZ638  839 XOUS51 KWBC 030829 CAPAKQ urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:30:00-05:00 NWS Wakefield VA Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:29AM EST until February 5 at 6:00AM EST by NWS Wakefield VA * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to less than 1 NM. For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt, becoming north/northwest late Friday afternoon. Seas 5 to 8 ft expected. * WHERE...Coastal waters from Fenwick Island DE to Chincoteague VA out 20 nm, Coastal waters from Chincoteague to Parramore Island VA out 20 nm and Coastal waters from Parramore Island to Cape Charles Light VA out 20 nm. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, from 4 PM this afternoon to 6 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWAKQ WMOidentifier WHUS71 KAKQ 030829 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 6 AM EST SATURDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KAKQ.SC.Y.0017.220203T2100Z-220205T1100Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-05T06:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Coastal waters from Fenwick Island DE to Chincoteague VA out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Chincoteague to Parramore Island VA out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Parramore Island to Cape Charles Light VA out 20 nm SAME 073650 SAME 073652 SAME 073654 UGC ANZ650 UGC ANZ652 UGC ANZ654  049 XOUS51 KWBC 030829 CAPAKQ urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:31:00-05:00 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-03T10:00:00-05:00 NWS Wakefield VA Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:29AM EST until February 3 at 7:00AM EST by NWS Wakefield VA * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to less than 1 NM. For the Small Craft Advisory, seas 4 to 5 ft. * WHERE...Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, until 7 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWAKQ WMOidentifier WHUS71 KAKQ 030829 NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.EXT.KAKQ.SC.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-220203T1200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T07:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:10:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:51:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T12:50:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T09:48:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T10:57:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T06:33:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:17:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T00:54:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T21:40:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T18:46:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T09:59:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T06:39:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T03:35:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T00:24:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T21:56:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T18:30:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T14:50:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T07:27:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T04:05:00-05:00 Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm SAME 073658 UGC ANZ658  050 XOUS51 KWBC 030829 CAPAKQ urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:31:00-05:00 en-US Met Dense Fog Advisory Prepare Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService MFY 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:29:00-05:00 2022-02-03T10:00:00-05:00 NWS Wakefield VA Dense Fog Advisory issued February 3 at 3:29AM EST until February 3 at 10:00AM EST by NWS Wakefield VA * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to less than 1 NM. For the Small Craft Advisory, seas 4 to 5 ft. * WHERE...Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, until 7 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWAKQ WMOidentifier WHUS71 KAKQ 030829 NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KAKQ.MF.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-220203T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T10:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:10:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:51:00-05:00 Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm SAME 073658 UGC ANZ658  491 XOUS51 KWBC 030830 CAPBTV urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:30:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:26:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:30:00-05:00 2022-02-03T07:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:00:00-05:00 NWS Burlington VT Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:30AM EST until February 4 at 1:00PM EST by NWS Burlington VT * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 13 inches. * WHERE...All of Vermont, as well as the Champlain Valley of New York. * WHEN...From 7 AM this morning to 1 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel will be very difficult. The hazardous conditions will impact the morning and evening commutes, especially Friday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Light rain and snow will develop across the area early this morning and change to all snow this afternoon with a dusting to 2 inches of accumulation expected by sunset. Snow intensity increases thereafter with moderate to heavy snow expected tonight into Friday morning accumulating an additional 7 to 12 inches before tapering off in the afternoon. In addition, a brief period of sleet is likely across far southern Rutland and Windsor Counties this evening through midnight before changing back to heavy, wet snow. This may result in isolated power outages from snow loading. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Please allow extra time if travel is necessary. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWBTV WMOidentifier WWUS41 KBTV 030830 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM THIS MORNING TO 1 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KBTV.WS.W.0003.220203T1200Z-220204T1800Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T13:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:52:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T06:56:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T06:47:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T03:04:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T15:18:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T06:56:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T06:47:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T15:36:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T15:36:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T12:29:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T12:29:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T12:29:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T03:17:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T15:36:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T15:38:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T15:38:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T02:51:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-31T15:37:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-31T17:57:00-05:00 Eastern Clinton; Eastern Essex; Grand Isle; Western Franklin; Orleans; Essex; Western Chittenden; Lamoille; Caledonia; Washington; Western Addison; Orange; Western Rutland; Windsor; Eastern Franklin; Eastern Chittenden; Eastern Addison; Eastern Rutland SAME 036019 SAME 036031 SAME 050013 SAME 050011 SAME 050019 SAME 050009 SAME 050007 SAME 050015 SAME 050005 SAME 050023 SAME 050001 SAME 050017 SAME 050021 SAME 050027 UGC NYZ028 UGC NYZ035 UGC VTZ001 UGC VTZ002 UGC VTZ003 UGC VTZ004 UGC VTZ005 UGC VTZ006 UGC VTZ007 UGC VTZ008 UGC VTZ009 UGC VTZ010 UGC VTZ011 UGC VTZ012 UGC VTZ016 UGC VTZ017 UGC VTZ018 UGC VTZ019  492 XOUS51 KWBC 030830 CAPBTV urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:30:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:26:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:30:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:30:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:00:00-05:00 NWS Burlington VT Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:30AM EST until February 4 at 7:00AM EST by NWS Burlington VT * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 7 to 12 inches. * WHERE...St. Lawrence, Franklin, Western Clinton, and Western Essex Counties of New York. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel will be difficult. The hazardous conditions will impact the morning and evening commutes, especially Friday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Light snow will continue through this afternoon with 1 to 3 inches of accumulation expected by sunset. Snow intensity increases thereafter with moderate to heavy snow expected tonight accumulating an additional 5 to 10 inches before tapering off early Friday morning. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Please allow extra time if travel is necessary. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWBTV WMOidentifier WWUS41 KBTV 030830 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KBTV.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-220204T1200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T07:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:52:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T06:56:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T06:47:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T03:04:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T15:18:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T06:56:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T06:47:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T15:36:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T15:36:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T12:29:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T12:29:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T12:29:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T03:17:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T15:36:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T15:38:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T15:38:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T02:51:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-31T15:37:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-31T17:57:00-05:00 Northern St. Lawrence; Northern Franklin; Southeastern St. Lawrence; Southern Franklin; Western Clinton; Western Essex; Southwestern St. Lawrence SAME 036089 SAME 036033 SAME 036019 SAME 036031 UGC NYZ026 UGC NYZ027 UGC NYZ029 UGC NYZ030 UGC NYZ031 UGC NYZ034 UGC NYZ087  174 XOUS51 KWBC 030830 CAPPHI urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:30:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:09:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-03T00:33:00-05:00 en-US Met Dense Fog Advisory Prepare Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService MFY 2022-02-03T03:30:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:30:00-05:00 2022-02-03T17:00:00-05:00 NWS Mount Holly NJ Dense Fog Advisory issued February 3 at 3:30AM EST until February 3 at 1:00PM EST by NWS Mount Holly NJ * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce the visibility to 1/4 NM or less. For the Small Craft Advisory, a southerly wind 20 to 25 knots with gusts around 30 knots tonight and Friday morning, becoming northwest 15 to 20 knots with gusts of 25 to 30 knots for Friday afternoon and Friday night, and seas building to 5 to 7 feet. * WHERE...The Atlantic coastal waters of Delaware and New Jersey. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 1:00 PM this afternoon. For the Small Craft Advisory, from 6:00 PM this evening until 6:00 AM Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult through this early afternoon. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating a small vessel, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWPHI WMOidentifier WHUS71 KPHI 030830 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM EST SATURDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KPHI.MF.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-220203T1800Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T13:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-23T12:02:00-04:00 Coastal waters from Sandy Hook to Manasquan Inlet NJ out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Manasquan Inlet to Little Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Little Egg Inlet to Great Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Great Egg Inlet to Cape May NJ out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Cape May NJ to Cape Henlopen DE out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Cape Henlopen to Fenwick Island DE out 20 nm SAME 073450 SAME 073451 SAME 073452 SAME 073453 SAME 073454 SAME 073455 UGC ANZ450 UGC ANZ451 UGC ANZ452 UGC ANZ453 UGC ANZ454 UGC ANZ455  175 XOUS51 KWBC 030830 CAPPHI urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:30:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:30:00-05:00 2022-02-03T18:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T17:00:00-05:00 NWS Mount Holly NJ Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:30AM EST until February 5 at 6:00AM EST by NWS Mount Holly NJ * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce the visibility to 1/4 NM or less. For the Small Craft Advisory, a southerly wind 20 to 25 knots with gusts around 30 knots tonight and Friday morning, becoming northwest 15 to 20 knots with gusts of 25 to 30 knots for Friday afternoon and Friday night, and seas building to 5 to 7 feet. * WHERE...The Atlantic coastal waters of Delaware and New Jersey. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 1:00 PM this afternoon. For the Small Craft Advisory, from 6:00 PM this evening until 6:00 AM Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult through this early afternoon. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating a small vessel, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWPHI WMOidentifier WHUS71 KPHI 030830 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM EST SATURDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KPHI.SC.Y.0016.220203T2300Z-220205T1100Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-05T06:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Coastal waters from Sandy Hook to Manasquan Inlet NJ out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Manasquan Inlet to Little Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Little Egg Inlet to Great Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Great Egg Inlet to Cape May NJ out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Cape May NJ to Cape Henlopen DE out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Cape Henlopen to Fenwick Island DE out 20 nm SAME 073450 SAME 073451 SAME 073452 SAME 073453 SAME 073454 SAME 073455 UGC ANZ450 UGC ANZ451 UGC ANZ452 UGC ANZ453 UGC ANZ454 UGC ANZ455  176 XOUS51 KWBC 030830 CAPPHI urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:30:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:09:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-03T00:33:00-05:00 en-US Met Dense Fog Advisory Prepare Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService MFY 2022-02-03T03:30:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:30:00-05:00 2022-02-03T13:00:00-05:00 NWS Mount Holly NJ Dense Fog Advisory issued February 3 at 3:30AM EST until February 3 at 1:00PM EST by NWS Mount Holly NJ * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce the visibility to 1/4 NM or less. * WHERE...Delaware Bay. * WHEN...Until 1:00 PM this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWPHI WMOidentifier WHUS71 KPHI 030830 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KPHI.MF.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-220203T1800Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T13:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-23T12:02:00-04:00 Delaware Bay waters north of East Point NJ to Slaughter Beach DE; Delaware Bay waters south of East Point NJ to Slaughter Beach DE SAME 073430 SAME 073431 UGC ANZ430 UGC ANZ431  680 XOUS54 KWBC 030831 CAPMOB urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:31:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:45:00-06:00 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T02:31:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:31:00-06:00 2022-02-03T11:00:00-06:00 NWS Mobile AL Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 2:31AM CST until February 4 at 12:00AM CST by NWS Mobile AL * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to 1 NM or less. For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds around 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and seas 1 to 3 ft. * WHERE...Mississippi Sound, Southern Mobile Bay and Northern Mobile Bay. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until noon CST Friday. For the Small Craft Advisory, until midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWMOB WMOidentifier WHUS74 KMOB 030831 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST FRIDAY... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KMOB.SC.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-220204T0600Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T00:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:35:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T05:14:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T20:16:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T12:11:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T12:11:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T02:22:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T02:22:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-21T04:01:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-21T09:23:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T19:59:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T12:41:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T06:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T06:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T20:25:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T20:25:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T12:12:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T12:12:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T04:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T04:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T22:44:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T22:44:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T04:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T15:40:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T15:40:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T15:40:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T22:44:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T13:12:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T13:12:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T03:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T03:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T22:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T22:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T18:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T18:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T10:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T10:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T10:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T04:05:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T04:05:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T04:05:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-16T16:48:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-16T16:48:00-05:00 North Mobile Bay; South Mobile Bay; Mississippi Sound SAME 077630 SAME 077631 SAME 077632 UGC GMZ630 UGC GMZ631 UGC GMZ632  681 XOUS54 KWBC 030831 CAPMOB urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:31:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:45:00-06:00 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T02:31:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:31:00-06:00 2022-02-03T11:00:00-06:00 NWS Mobile AL Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 2:31AM CST until February 5 at 6:00AM CST by NWS Mobile AL * WHAT...Southeast winds 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 5 to 8 ft. * WHERE...Waters from Pensacola FL to Pascagoula MS from 20 to 60 NM, Waters from Okaloosa Walton County Line FL to Pensacola FL from 20 to 60 NM, Coastal waters from Pensacola FL to Pascagoula MS out 20 NM and Coastal waters from Okaloosa Walton County Line FL to Pensacola FL out 20 NM. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWMOB WMOidentifier WHUS74 KMOB 030831 NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST SATURDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KMOB.SC.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-220205T1200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-05T06:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:35:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T05:14:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T20:16:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T12:11:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T02:22:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T18:54:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T11:48:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T03:36:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-21T04:01:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-21T09:23:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T19:59:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T12:41:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T06:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T06:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T20:25:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T20:25:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T12:12:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T12:12:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T04:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T04:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T22:44:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T22:44:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T04:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T15:40:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T15:40:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T15:40:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T22:44:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T13:12:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T13:12:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T03:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T03:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T22:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T22:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T18:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T18:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T10:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T10:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T10:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T04:05:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T04:05:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T04:05:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-16T16:48:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-16T16:48:00-05:00 Coastal waters from Okaloosa-Walton County Line to Pensacola FL out 20 NM; Waters from Pensacola FL to Pascagoula MS from 20 to 60 NM; Waters from Okaloosa-Walton County Line to Pensacola FL from 20 to 60 NM SAME 077655 SAME 077670 SAME 077675 UGC GMZ655 UGC GMZ670 UGC GMZ675  682 XOUS54 KWBC 030831 CAPMOB urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:31:00-06:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Dense Fog Advisory Prepare Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService MFY 2022-02-03T02:31:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:31:00-06:00 2022-02-03T11:00:00-06:00 NWS Mobile AL Dense Fog Advisory issued February 3 at 2:31AM CST until February 4 at 12:00PM CST by NWS Mobile AL * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to 1 NM or less. For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds around 20 kts with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 5 to 8 ft. * WHERE...Coastal waters from Pensacola FL to Pascagoula MS out 20 NM. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until noon CST Friday. For the Small Craft Advisory, until 6 AM CST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWMOB WMOidentifier WHUS74 KMOB 030831 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST FRIDAY... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST SATURDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.EXB.KMOB.MF.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-220204T1800Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T12:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Coastal waters from Pensacola FL to Pascagoula MS out 20 NM SAME 077650 UGC GMZ650  683 XOUS54 KWBC 030831 CAPMOB urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:31:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:45:00-06:00 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T02:31:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:31:00-06:00 2022-02-03T11:00:00-06:00 NWS Mobile AL Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 2:31AM CST until February 5 at 6:00AM CST by NWS Mobile AL * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to 1 NM or less. For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds around 20 kts with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 5 to 8 ft. * WHERE...Coastal waters from Pensacola FL to Pascagoula MS out 20 NM. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until noon CST Friday. For the Small Craft Advisory, until 6 AM CST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWMOB WMOidentifier WHUS74 KMOB 030831 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST FRIDAY... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST SATURDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KMOB.SC.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-220205T1200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-05T06:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:35:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T05:14:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T20:16:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T12:11:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T02:22:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T18:54:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T11:48:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T03:36:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-21T04:01:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-21T09:23:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T19:59:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T12:41:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T06:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T06:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T20:25:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T20:25:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T12:12:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T12:12:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T04:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T04:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T22:44:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T22:44:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T04:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T15:40:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T15:40:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T15:40:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T22:44:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T13:12:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T13:12:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T03:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T03:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T22:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T22:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T18:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T18:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T10:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T10:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T10:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T04:05:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T04:05:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T04:05:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-16T16:48:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-16T16:48:00-05:00 Coastal waters from Pensacola FL to Pascagoula MS out 20 NM SAME 077650 UGC GMZ650  684 XOUS54 KWBC 030831 CAPMOB urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:31:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:45:00-06:00 en-US Met Dense Fog Advisory Prepare Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService MFY 2022-02-03T02:31:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:31:00-06:00 2022-02-03T11:00:00-06:00 NWS Mobile AL Dense Fog Advisory issued February 3 at 2:31AM CST until February 4 at 12:00PM CST by NWS Mobile AL * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to 1 NM or less. For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds around 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and seas 1 to 3 ft. * WHERE...Mississippi Sound, Southern Mobile Bay and Northern Mobile Bay. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until noon CST Friday. For the Small Craft Advisory, until midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWMOB WMOidentifier WHUS74 KMOB 030831 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST FRIDAY... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.EXT.KMOB.MF.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-220204T1800Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T12:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:35:00-06:00 North Mobile Bay; South Mobile Bay; Mississippi Sound SAME 077630 SAME 077631 SAME 077632 UGC GMZ630 UGC GMZ631 UGC GMZ632  806 XOUS54 KWBC 030831 CAPMOB urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:31:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:45:00-06:00 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T02:31:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:31:00-06:00 2022-02-03T11:00:00-06:00 NWS Mobile AL Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 2:31AM CST until February 4 at 12:00AM CST by NWS Mobile AL * WHAT...Southeast winds around 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and seas 1 to 2 ft. * WHERE...Eastern Choctawhatchee Bay, Western Choctawhatchee Bay, Pensacola Bay System and Perdido Bay. * WHEN...Until midnight CST Thursday night. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWMOB WMOidentifier WHUS74 KMOB 030831 NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KMOB.SC.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-220204T0600Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T00:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:35:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T05:14:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T20:16:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T12:11:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T02:22:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-21T04:01:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-21T09:23:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T19:59:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T12:41:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T06:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T06:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T20:25:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T20:25:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T12:12:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T12:12:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T04:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T04:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T22:44:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T22:44:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T04:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T15:40:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T15:40:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T15:40:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T22:44:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T13:12:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T13:12:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T03:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T03:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T22:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T22:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T18:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T18:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T10:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T10:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T10:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T04:05:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T04:05:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T04:05:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-16T16:48:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-16T16:48:00-05:00 Perdido Bay Area; Pensacola Bay Area including Santa Rosa Sound; Western Choctawhatchee Bay; Eastern Choctawhatchee Bay SAME 077633 SAME 077634 SAME 077635 SAME 077636 UGC GMZ633 UGC GMZ634 UGC GMZ635 UGC GMZ636  666 XOUS55 KWBC 030832 CAPWBC urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T08:32:59-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. en-US Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2022-02-03T08:32:59-00:00 2022-02-03T08:42:59-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier KEPWBC WMOidentifier NZUS91 KWBC 030832 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery SAME 024031 UGC MDC031  705 XOUS54 KWBC 030834 CAPHUN urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:34:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:19:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:49:00-06:00 en-US Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2022-02-03T02:34:00-06:00 2022-02-03T22:22:00-06:00 2022-02-03T14:45:00-06:00 NWS Huntsville AL Flood Warning issued February 3 at 2:34AM CST until February 4 at 4:00PM CST by NWS Huntsville AL * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Elk River above Fayetteville. * WHEN...From this evening to tomorrow afternoon. * IMPACTS...At 20.7 feet, Flood waters reach the City Pumping Station in Fayetteville. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 2:15 AM CST Thursday the stage was 2.7 feet. - Forecast...The river will rise above flood stage late this evening to 19.5 feet just after midnight tonight. It will then fall below flood stage late tomorrow morning to 6.4 feet and begin rising again Sunday morning. It will rise to 7.9 feet Sunday evening. It will then fall again and remain below flood stage. - Flood stage is 17.5 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 19.7 feet on 03/24/2020. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier FLSHUN WMOidentifier WGUS84 KHUN 030834 NWSheadline FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM THIS EVENING TO TOMORROW AFTERNOON BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KHUN.FL.W.0005.220204T0422Z-220204T2200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T16:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T22:26:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-21T05:09:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T13:34:57-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T05:11:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T05:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T19:53:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T08:58:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T04:29:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T21:02:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T10:15:00-05:00 Franklin, TN; Lincoln, TN 35.17,-86.51 35.09,-86.5 35.03,-86.83 35.13,-86.83 35.17,-86.51 SAME 047051 SAME 047103 UGC TNC051 UGC TNC103  187 XOUS51 KWBC 030836 CAPCAR urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:36:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T20:23:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Watch Monitor Past Severe Observed SAME WSA NationalWeatherService WSA 2022-02-03T03:36:00-05:00 2022-02-03T19:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:51:41-05:00 NWS Caribou ME The Winter Storm Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Caribou ME on this developing situation. The Winter Storm Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Caribou ME on this developing situation. A Winter Storm Warning means significant amounts of snow, sleet and ice will make travel extremely dangerous. The latest road conditions for Maine can be obtained by going to newengland511.org. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWCAR WMOidentifier WWUS41 KCAR 030836 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.UPG.KCAR.WS.A.0005.220204T0000Z-220205T0600Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-05T01:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:05:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:16:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:22:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:47:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T20:53:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:48:00-05:00 Coastal Hancock; Coastal Washington SAME 023009 SAME 023029 UGC MEZ029 UGC MEZ030  188 XOUS51 KWBC 030836 CAPCAR urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:36:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:36:00-05:00 2022-02-03T22:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:45:00-05:00 NWS Caribou ME Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:36AM EST until February 4 at 10:00PM EST by NWS Caribou ME * WHAT...Heavy mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches, sleet accumulations of up to two inches and ice accumulations of around one tenth of an inch expected. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Coastal Hancock and Coastal Washington Counties. * WHEN...From 10 PM this evening to 10 PM EST Friday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning and evening commute. Power outages are possible. A Winter Storm Warning means significant amounts of snow, sleet and ice will make travel extremely dangerous. The latest road conditions for Maine can be obtained by going to newengland511.org. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWCAR WMOidentifier WWUS41 KCAR 030836 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.EXB.KCAR.WS.W.0005.220204T0300Z-220205T0300Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T22:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Coastal Hancock; Coastal Washington SAME 023009 SAME 023029 UGC MEZ029 UGC MEZ030  189 XOUS51 KWBC 030836 CAPCAR urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:36:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:36:00-05:00 2022-02-03T10:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:45:00-05:00 NWS Caribou ME Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:36AM EST until February 4 at 1:00PM EST by NWS Caribou ME * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 7 to 10 inches expected. * WHERE...Northeast Aroostook and Northern Somerset Counties. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 1 PM EST Friday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning and evening commute. A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel extremely dangerous. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for Maine can be obtained by going to newengland511.org. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWCAR WMOidentifier WWUS41 KCAR 030836 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 1 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.EXB.KCAR.WS.W.0005.220203T1500Z-220204T1800Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T13:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Northeast Aroostook; Northern Somerset SAME 023003 SAME 023025 UGC MEZ002 UGC MEZ003  190 XOUS51 KWBC 030836 CAPCAR urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:36:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T20:23:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:36:00-05:00 2022-02-03T19:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:45:00-05:00 NWS Caribou ME Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:36AM EST until February 4 at 7:00PM EST by NWS Caribou ME * WHAT...Heavy mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of 10 to 16 inches, sleet accumulations of one half to one inch and ice accumulations of a light glaze expected. * WHERE...Central Washington, Interior Hancock and Southern Penobscot Counties. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 7 PM EST Friday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be extremely dangerous. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning and evening commute. A Winter Storm Warning means significant amounts of snow, sleet and ice will make travel extremely dangerous. The latest road conditions for Maine can be obtained by going to newengland511.org. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWCAR WMOidentifier WWUS41 KCAR 030836 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING NOW IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 7 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.EXT.KCAR.WS.W.0005.220204T0000Z-220205T0000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T19:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-25T06:53:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-25T05:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-25T03:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-24T23:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-25T05:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-24T15:19:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-24T15:28:00-05:00 Southern Penobscot; Interior Hancock; Central Washington SAME 023019 SAME 023009 SAME 023029 UGC MEZ015 UGC MEZ016 UGC MEZ017  191 XOUS51 KWBC 030836 CAPCAR urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:36:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T20:23:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2022-02-03T03:36:00-05:00 2022-02-03T10:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:45:00-05:00 NWS Caribou ME Winter Weather Advisory issued February 3 at 3:36AM EST until February 4 at 1:00PM EST by NWS Caribou ME * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 8 inches expected. * WHERE...Northwest Aroostook County. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 1 PM EST Friday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning and evening commute. The cold wind chills as low as 20 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Maine can be obtained by going to newengland511.org. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWCAR WMOidentifier WWUS41 KCAR 030836 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 1 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KCAR.WW.Y.0010.220203T1500Z-220204T1800Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T13:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:05:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:16:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-28T20:32:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-29T03:45:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-28T15:04:00-04:00 Northwest Aroostook SAME 023003 UGC MEZ001  192 XOUS51 KWBC 030836 CAPCAR urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:36:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T20:23:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:36:00-05:00 2022-02-03T13:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:45:00-05:00 NWS Caribou ME Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:36AM EST until February 4 at 7:00PM EST by NWS Caribou ME * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 10 to 16 inches expected. * WHERE...Portions of Central Highlands, Far Eastern, North Woods and Penobscot Valley Maine. * WHEN...From 1 PM this afternoon to 7 PM EST Friday. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Travel could be extremely dangerous. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning and evening commute. A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel extremely dangerous. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for Maine can be obtained by going to newengland511.org. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWCAR WMOidentifier WWUS41 KCAR 030836 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 7 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KCAR.WS.W.0005.220203T1800Z-220205T0000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T19:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:05:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:16:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-25T06:53:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-25T05:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-25T03:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-24T23:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-25T05:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-24T15:19:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-24T15:28:00-05:00 Northern Piscataquis; Northern Penobscot; Southeast Aroostook; Central Piscataquis; Central Penobscot; Southern Piscataquis; Northern Washington SAME 023021 SAME 023019 SAME 023003 SAME 023029 UGC MEZ004 UGC MEZ005 UGC MEZ006 UGC MEZ010 UGC MEZ011 UGC MEZ031 UGC MEZ032  193 XOUS51 KWBC 030836 CAPCAR urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:36:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T20:23:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Weather Advisory Monitor Past Moderate Observed SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2022-02-03T03:36:00-05:00 2022-02-03T10:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:51:41-05:00 NWS Caribou ME The Winter Weather Advisory has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Caribou ME on this developing situation. The Winter Weather Advisory has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Caribou ME on this developing situation. A Winter Storm Warning for snow means severe winter weather conditions will make travel extremely dangerous. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for Maine can be obtained by going to newengland511.org. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWCAR WMOidentifier WWUS41 KCAR 030836 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 1 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.UPG.KCAR.WW.Y.0010.220203T1500Z-220204T1800Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T13:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:05:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:16:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-28T20:32:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-29T03:45:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-28T15:04:00-04:00 Northeast Aroostook; Northern Somerset SAME 023003 SAME 023025 UGC MEZ002 UGC MEZ003  364 XOUS54 KWBC 030836 CAPBRO urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:36:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:34:00-06:00 en-US Met Wind Chill Advisory Prepare Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WCY 2022-02-03T02:36:00-06:00 2022-02-03T18:00:00-06:00 2022-02-04T13:00:00-06:00 NWS Brownsville TX Wind Chill Advisory issued February 3 at 2:36AM CST until February 4 at 1:00PM CST by NWS Brownsville TX * WHAT...Very cold wind chill values expected. The wind chill values could cause frostbite in as little as 30 minutes to exposed skin. Expect wind chills to range from 35 above zero down to the teens above zero. * WHERE...Portions of Deep South Texas. * WHEN...6 PM this evening to 1 PM Friday. A Wind Chill Advisory means that cold air and the wind will combine to create low wind chills. Frost bite and hypothermia can occur if precautions are not taken. Make sure you wear a hat and gloves. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWBRO WMOidentifier WWUS44 KBRO 030836 NWSheadline WIND CHILL ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 1 PM CST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KBRO.WC.Y.0002.220204T0000Z-220204T1900Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T13:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Zapata; Jim Hogg; Brooks; Inland Kenedy; Starr; Southern Hidalgo; Inland Willacy; Inland Cameron; Coastal Willacy; Coastal Cameron; Coastal Kenedy; Northern Hidalgo SAME 048505 SAME 048247 SAME 048047 SAME 048261 SAME 048427 SAME 048215 SAME 048489 SAME 048061 UGC TXZ248 UGC TXZ249 UGC TXZ250 UGC TXZ251 UGC TXZ252 UGC TXZ253 UGC TXZ254 UGC TXZ255 UGC TXZ256 UGC TXZ257 UGC TXZ351 UGC TXZ353  826 XOUS55 KWBC 030836 CAPTWC urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T01:36:00-07:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:04:00-07:00 en-US Met Hard Freeze Warning Execute Expected Severe Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService HZW 2022-02-03T01:36:00-07:00 2022-02-03T01:36:00-07:00 2022-02-03T09:00:00-07:00 NWS Tucson AZ Hard Freeze Warning issued February 3 at 1:36AM MST until February 3 at 9:00AM MST by NWS Tucson AZ * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures generally between 25 and 29 degrees. * WHERE...Tucson Metro Area. * WHEN...This morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier NPWTWC WMOidentifier WWUS75 KTWC 030836 NWSheadline HARD FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MST THIS MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KTWC.HZ.W.0001.000000T0000Z-220203T1600Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T09:00:00-07:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T02:34:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-27T08:58:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-26T13:59:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-26T02:27:00-07:00 Tucson Metro Area including Tucson/Green Valley/Marana/Vail SAME 004019 UGC AZZ504  827 XOUS55 KWBC 030836 CAPTWC urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T01:36:00-07:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:04:00-07:00 en-US Met Freeze Warning Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService FZW 2022-02-03T01:36:00-07:00 2022-02-03T01:36:00-07:00 2022-02-03T09:00:00-07:00 NWS Tucson AZ Freeze Warning issued February 3 at 1:36AM MST until February 3 at 9:00AM MST by NWS Tucson AZ * WHAT...Widespread Sub-freezing temperatures expected, generally between 28 and 32 degrees. Potentially a bit colder in the normally colder locations, like near larger washes. * WHERE...Western Pima County, the Tohono O'odham Nation and southern to eastern Pinal county. * WHEN...This morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will damage sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier NPWTWC WMOidentifier WWUS75 KTWC 030836 NWSheadline FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM MST THIS MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KTWC.FZ.W.0001.000000T0000Z-220203T1600Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T09:00:00-07:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T02:34:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T02:34:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T14:34:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T18:57:00-07:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T14:46:00-07:00 Western Pima County Including Ajo/Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument; Tohono O'odham Nation including Sells; South Central Pinal County including Eloy/Picacho Peak State Park SAME 004019 SAME 004021 UGC AZZ501 UGC AZZ502 UGC AZZ505  953 XOUS51 KWBC 030837 CAPCAR urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:37:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:28:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:03:00-05:00 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:37:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:37:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:45:00-05:00 NWS Caribou ME Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:37AM EST until February 4 at 7:00PM EST by NWS Caribou ME * WHAT...Northwest winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 6 to 9 ft. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Eastport, ME to Schoodic Point, ME out 25 NM and Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME out 25 NM. * WHEN...Until 7 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWCAR WMOidentifier WHUS71 KCAR 030837 NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.EXT.KCAR.SC.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-220205T0000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T19:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:05:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:41:00-05:00 Coastal Waters from Eastport, ME to Schoodic Point, ME out 25 NM; Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME out 25 NM SAME 073050 SAME 073051 UGC ANZ050 UGC ANZ051  954 XOUS51 KWBC 030837 CAPCAR urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:37:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:37:00-05:00 2022-02-04T01:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:45:00-05:00 NWS Caribou ME Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:37AM EST until February 4 at 7:00PM EST by NWS Caribou ME * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt expected. * WHERE...Intra Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 7 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWCAR WMOidentifier WHUS71 KCAR 030837 NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 7 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KCAR.SC.Y.0015.220204T0600Z-220205T0000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T19:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Intra Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME SAME 073052 UGC ANZ052  490 XOUS53 KWBC 030838 CAPIND urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:38:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:52:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:01:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:17:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:38:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:38:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:45:00-05:00 NWS Indianapolis IN Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:38AM EST until February 4 at 1:00AM EST by NWS Indianapolis IN * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches. * WHERE...Portions of central, north central and west central Indiana. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Patchy blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for Indiana can be obtained by calling 1 800 2 6 1 7 6 2 3 http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWIND WMOidentifier WWUS43 KIND 030838 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KIND.WS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-220204T0600Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T01:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T09:21:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:46:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:46:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T21:56:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T21:56:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T10:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T10:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T03:52:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T03:52:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-31T12:21:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-31T14:22:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-31T02:45:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-30T22:05:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-30T18:26:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-30T15:34:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-30T12:41:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-30T10:47:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-30T02:51:00-05:00 Carroll; Warren; Tippecanoe; Clinton; Howard; Fountain SAME 018015 SAME 018171 SAME 018157 SAME 018023 SAME 018067 SAME 018045 UGC INZ021 UGC INZ028 UGC INZ029 UGC INZ030 UGC INZ031 UGC INZ035  609 XOUS53 KWBC 030838 CAPIND urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:38:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:52:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:52:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:01:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:17:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:38:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:38:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:45:00-05:00 NWS Indianapolis IN Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:38AM EST until February 4 at 1:00AM EST by NWS Indianapolis IN * WHAT...Heavy snow. Some mixed precipitation south of Sullivan to Bloomington to Rushville. Additional snow accumulations of 4 to 7 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, south central, southwest and west central Indiana. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Patchy blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for Indiana can be obtained by calling 1 800 2 6 1 7 6 2 3 http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWIND WMOidentifier WWUS43 KIND 030838 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KIND.WS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-220204T0600Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T01:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T09:21:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T09:21:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:46:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:46:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T21:56:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T21:56:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T10:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T10:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-31T12:21:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-31T14:22:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-31T02:45:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-30T22:05:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-30T18:26:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-30T15:34:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-30T12:41:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-30T10:47:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-30T02:51:00-05:00 Montgomery; Boone; Tipton; Hamilton; Madison; Delaware; Randolph; Vermillion; Parke; Putnam; Hendricks; Marion; Hancock; Henry; Vigo; Clay; Owen; Morgan; Johnson; Shelby; Rush; Sullivan; Greene; Monroe; Brown; Bartholomew; Knox SAME 018107 SAME 018011 SAME 018159 SAME 018057 SAME 018095 SAME 018035 SAME 018135 SAME 018165 SAME 018121 SAME 018133 SAME 018063 SAME 018097 SAME 018059 SAME 018065 SAME 018167 SAME 018021 SAME 018119 SAME 018109 SAME 018081 SAME 018145 SAME 018139 SAME 018153 SAME 018055 SAME 018105 SAME 018013 SAME 018005 SAME 018083 UGC INZ036 UGC INZ037 UGC INZ038 UGC INZ039 UGC INZ040 UGC INZ041 UGC INZ042 UGC INZ043 UGC INZ044 UGC INZ045 UGC INZ046 UGC INZ047 UGC INZ048 UGC INZ049 UGC INZ051 UGC INZ052 UGC INZ053 UGC INZ054 UGC INZ055 UGC INZ056 UGC INZ057 UGC INZ060 UGC INZ061 UGC INZ062 UGC INZ063 UGC INZ064 UGC INZ067  610 XOUS53 KWBC 030838 CAPIND urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:38:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:52:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:01:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:17:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:38:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:38:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:45:00-05:00 NWS Indianapolis IN Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:38AM EST until February 4 at 1:00AM EST by NWS Indianapolis IN * WHAT...Heavy mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches and ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Portions of central, south central, southeast and southwest Indiana. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Patchy blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for Indiana can be obtained by calling 1 800 2 6 1 7 6 2 3 http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWIND WMOidentifier WWUS43 KIND 030838 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KIND.WS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-220204T0600Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T01:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T09:21:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:46:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T21:56:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-31T12:21:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-31T14:22:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-31T02:45:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-30T22:05:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-30T18:26:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-30T15:34:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-30T12:41:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-30T10:47:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-30T02:51:00-05:00 Decatur; Daviess; Martin; Lawrence; Jackson; Jennings SAME 018031 SAME 018027 SAME 018101 SAME 018093 SAME 018071 SAME 018079 UGC INZ065 UGC INZ068 UGC INZ069 UGC INZ070 UGC INZ071 UGC INZ072  204 XOUS51 KWBC 030839 CAPLWX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:39:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2022-02-03T03:39:00-05:00 2022-02-04T05:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T19:45:00-05:00 NWS Baltimore MD/Washington DC Winter Weather Advisory issued February 3 at 3:39AM EST until February 4 at 1:00PM EST by NWS Baltimore MD/Washington DC * WHAT...Freezing rain. Ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...In Maryland, Washington and Central and Eastern Allegany Counties. In West Virginia, Morgan, Berkeley and Jefferson Counties. * WHEN...From 5 AM to 1 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will likely impact the Friday morning commute. Slow down and use caution while traveling. When venturing outside, watch your first few steps taken on steps, sidewalks, and driveways, which could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWLWX WMOidentifier WWUS41 KLWX 030839 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 5 AM TO 1 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KLWX.WW.Y.0012.220204T1000Z-220204T1800Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T13:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Washington; Central and Eastern Allegany; Morgan; Berkeley; Jefferson SAME 024043 SAME 024001 SAME 054065 SAME 054003 SAME 054037 UGC MDZ003 UGC MDZ502 UGC WVZ051 UGC WVZ052 UGC WVZ053  205 XOUS51 KWBC 030839 CAPLWX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:39:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2022-02-03T03:39:00-05:00 2022-02-04T01:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T19:45:00-05:00 NWS Baltimore MD/Washington DC Winter Weather Advisory issued February 3 at 3:39AM EST until February 4 at 1:00PM EST by NWS Baltimore MD/Washington DC * WHAT...Freezing rain. Ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...In Maryland, Garrett and Extreme Western Allegany Counties. In West Virginia, Western Grant, Western Mineral and Western Pendleton Counties. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 1 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will likely impact the Friday morning commute. Slow down and use caution while traveling. When venturing outside, watch your first few steps taken on steps, sidewalks, and driveways, which could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWLWX WMOidentifier WWUS41 KLWX 030839 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 1 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KLWX.WW.Y.0012.220204T0600Z-220204T1800Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T13:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Garrett; Extreme Western Allegany; Western Grant; Western Mineral; Western Pendleton SAME 024023 SAME 024001 SAME 054023 SAME 054057 SAME 054071 UGC MDZ001 UGC MDZ501 UGC WVZ501 UGC WVZ503 UGC WVZ505  206 XOUS51 KWBC 030839 CAPLWX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:39:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2022-02-03T03:39:00-05:00 2022-02-04T05:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T19:45:00-05:00 NWS Baltimore MD/Washington DC Winter Weather Advisory issued February 3 at 3:39AM EST until February 4 at 4:00PM EST by NWS Baltimore MD/Washington DC * WHAT...Freezing rain. Ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Frederick MD, Carroll, Northern Baltimore and Northwest Harford Counties. * WHEN...From 5 AM to 4 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will likely impact the Friday commute. Slow down and use caution while traveling. When venturing outside, watch your first few steps taken on steps, sidewalks, and driveways, which could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWLWX WMOidentifier WWUS41 KLWX 030839 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 5 AM TO 4 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KLWX.WW.Y.0012.220204T1000Z-220204T2100Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T16:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Frederick; Carroll; Northern Baltimore; Northwest Harford SAME 024021 SAME 024013 SAME 024005 SAME 024025 UGC MDZ004 UGC MDZ005 UGC MDZ006 UGC MDZ507  937 XOUS53 KWBC 030839 CAPIWX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:39:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:22:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T23:03:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:39:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:39:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:45:00-05:00 NWS Northern Indiana Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:39AM EST until February 3 at 7:00PM EST by NWS Northern Indiana * WHAT...Moderate to heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of 4 to 8 inches by this evening bring storm total snow amounts between 10 and 14 inches. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Portions of northern Indiana and northwest Ohio. * WHEN...Until 7 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Widespread blowing snow will significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions will impact all travel through this evening. This storm will bring dangerous driving conditions through today. Unplowed roads have nearly become impassible in many areas northwest and north of Fort Wayne. Plummeting wind chills accompanied by blowing and drifting snow could bring a potentially lethal travel situation with wind chills falling below zero if you become stuck in your vehicle late today or tonight. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, blankets and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency or if you are stranded. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWIWX WMOidentifier WWUS43 KIWX 030839 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KIWX.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-220204T0000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T19:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T16:10:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T12:55:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T12:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:39:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T21:55:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:33:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T10:09:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T05:38:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T23:34:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T15:21:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T15:21:00-05:00 De Kalb; Whitley; Allen; Miami; Wabash; Huntington; Williams; Fulton; Defiance; Henry; Paulding SAME 018033 SAME 018183 SAME 018003 SAME 018103 SAME 018169 SAME 018069 SAME 039171 SAME 039051 SAME 039039 SAME 039069 SAME 039125 UGC INZ009 UGC INZ017 UGC INZ018 UGC INZ023 UGC INZ024 UGC INZ025 UGC OHZ001 UGC OHZ002 UGC OHZ004 UGC OHZ005 UGC OHZ015  938 XOUS53 KWBC 030839 CAPIWX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:39:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:22:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T23:03:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:39:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:39:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:45:00-05:00 NWS Northern Indiana Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:39AM EST until February 3 at 7:00PM EST by NWS Northern Indiana * WHAT...Moderate to heavy snow will redevelop with blowing and drifting snow. Additional snow accumulations of 2 to 6 inches by this evening will bring storm total snow amounts to between 10 and 14 inches. Winds gusting as high as 30 mph. * WHERE...Portions of northern Indiana and southwest Michigan. * WHEN...Until 7 PM EST /6 PM CST/ Thursday. * IMPACTS...Travel will be very difficult or impossible into this evening, especially on unplowed roads. Areas of blowing and drifting snow will likely cause snow drifts in excess of 3 feet. This storm will bring dangerous driving conditions through today. Unplowed roads have nearly become impassible in many areas northwest and north of Fort Wayne. Plummeting wind chills accompanied by blowing and drifting snow could bring a potentially lethal travel situation with wind chills falling below zero if you become stuck in your vehicle late today or tonight. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, blankets and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency or if you are stranded. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWIWX WMOidentifier WWUS43 KIWX 030839 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST /6 PM CST/ THIS EVENING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KIWX.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-220204T0000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T19:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T16:10:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T12:55:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T12:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:39:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T21:55:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:33:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T10:09:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T05:38:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T23:34:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T15:21:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T15:21:00-05:00 Elkhart; Lagrange; Steuben; Noble; Starke; Pulaski; Marshall; Fulton; Kosciusko; White; Cass SAME 018039 SAME 018087 SAME 018151 SAME 018113 SAME 018149 SAME 018131 SAME 018099 SAME 018049 SAME 018085 SAME 018181 SAME 018017 UGC INZ005 UGC INZ006 UGC INZ007 UGC INZ008 UGC INZ012 UGC INZ013 UGC INZ014 UGC INZ015 UGC INZ016 UGC INZ020 UGC INZ022  939 XOUS53 KWBC 030839 CAPIWX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:39:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:22:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T23:03:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning AllClear Past Minor Observed SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:39:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:39:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:55:03-05:00 NWS Northern Indiana The Winter Storm Warning has been cancelled. The Winter Storm Warning has been cancelled and is no longer in effect. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWIWX WMOidentifier WWUS43 KIWX 030839 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CAN.KIWX.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-220204T0000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T19:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T16:10:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T12:55:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T12:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:39:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T21:55:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:33:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T10:09:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T05:38:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T23:34:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T15:21:00-05:00 La Porte; St. Joseph; Berrien; Cass; St. Joseph; Branch; Hillsdale SAME 018091 SAME 018141 SAME 026021 SAME 026027 SAME 026149 SAME 026023 SAME 026059 UGC INZ003 UGC INZ004 UGC MIZ077 UGC MIZ078 UGC MIZ079 UGC MIZ080 UGC MIZ081  940 XOUS53 KWBC 030839 CAPIWX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:39:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:22:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T23:03:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:39:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:39:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:45:00-05:00 NWS Northern Indiana Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:39AM EST until February 4 at 1:00AM EST by NWS Northern Indiana * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of 5 to 10 inches by this evening bring storm total snow amounts to between 10 and 14 inches. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Portions of northern Indiana and northwest Ohio. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Widespread blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. This storm will bring dangerous driving conditions through today. Unplowed roads have nearly become impassible in many areas northwest and north of Fort Wayne. Plummeting wind chills accompanied by blowing and drifting snow could bring a potentially lethal travel situation with wind chills falling below zero if you become stuck in your vehicle late today or tonight. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, blankets and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency or if you are stranded. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWIWX WMOidentifier WWUS43 KIWX 030839 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KIWX.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-220204T0600Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T01:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T16:10:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T12:55:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T12:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:39:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T21:55:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:33:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T10:09:00-05:00 Wells; Adams; Grant; Blackford; Jay; Putnam; Van Wert; Allen SAME 018179 SAME 018001 SAME 018053 SAME 018009 SAME 018075 SAME 039137 SAME 039161 SAME 039003 UGC INZ026 UGC INZ027 UGC INZ032 UGC INZ033 UGC INZ034 UGC OHZ016 UGC OHZ024 UGC OHZ025  230 XOUS54 KWBC 030841 CAPHUN urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:41:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:22:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:51:00-06:00 en-US Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2022-02-03T02:41:00-06:00 2022-02-04T10:17:00-06:00 2022-02-03T14:45:00-06:00 NWS Huntsville AL Flood Warning issued February 3 at 2:41AM CST until February 5 at 9:16PM CST by NWS Huntsville AL * WHAT...Moderate flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Big Nance Creek AT Courtland. * WHEN...From Friday morning to late Saturday evening. * IMPACTS...At 16.0 feet, Water begins to cover roads south of downtown Courtland. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1:30 AM CST Thursday the stage was 3.3 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage late tomorrow morning and crest of 17.0 feet around midnight on Friday. It will then fall below flood stage Saturday afternoon. - Flood stage is 14.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 17.0 feet on 07/10/1940. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier FLSHUN WMOidentifier WGUS84 KHUN 030841 NWSheadline FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY MORNING TO LATE SATURDAY EVENING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KHUN.FL.W.0008.220204T1617Z-220206T0316Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-05T21:16:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-04-02T09:28:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-04-02T20:57:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-04-02T05:41:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-04-01T20:20:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-04-01T09:28:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-04-01T04:07:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-31T20:20:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-31T08:55:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-31T07:37:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-30T20:41:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-30T14:45:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-30T09:29:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-30T05:28:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-29T20:52:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-29T14:07:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-29T02:32:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-28T20:21:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-28T08:36:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-27T21:29:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-27T08:57:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-27T04:50:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-26T20:36:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-26T10:31:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-26T06:04:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-25T20:33:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-25T09:41:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-24T21:34:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-24T09:32:00-05:00 Lawrence, AL 34.79,-87.42 34.76,-87.33 34.68,-87.25 34.57,-87.28 34.58,-87.41 34.79,-87.42 SAME 001079 UGC ALC079  523 XOUS54 KWBC 030841 CAPSHV urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:41:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:23:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:23:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:23:00-06:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T02:41:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:41:00-06:00 2022-02-03T15:45:00-06:00 NWS Shreveport LA Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 2:41AM CST until February 3 at 6:00PM CST by NWS Shreveport LA * WHAT...Heavy mixed precipitation expected. Sleet and snow accumulations up to one inch across the warning area and ice accumulations of one quarter of an inch across northeast Texas and southwestern Arkansas with near one half of an inch across southeast Oklahoma. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Oklahoma, southwest Arkansas and northeast Texas. * WHEN...Through 6 PM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Power outages and tree damage are likely due to the ice. Travel could be nearly impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWSHV WMOidentifier WWUS44 KSHV 030841 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KSHV.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-220204T0000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T18:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T10:27:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T02:53:00-06:00 Sevier; Howard; Hempstead; Nevada; Columbia; Union; McCurtain; Red River; Franklin; Titus; Camp; Wood; Upshur; Smith; Cherokee SAME 005133 SAME 005061 SAME 005057 SAME 005099 SAME 005027 SAME 005139 SAME 040089 SAME 048387 SAME 048159 SAME 048449 SAME 048063 SAME 048499 SAME 048459 SAME 048423 SAME 048073 UGC ARZ050 UGC ARZ051 UGC ARZ060 UGC ARZ061 UGC ARZ072 UGC ARZ073 UGC OKZ077 UGC TXZ096 UGC TXZ108 UGC TXZ109 UGC TXZ110 UGC TXZ124 UGC TXZ125 UGC TXZ136 UGC TXZ149  524 XOUS54 KWBC 030841 CAPSHV urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:41:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:23:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:23:00-06:00 en-US Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2022-02-03T02:41:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:41:00-06:00 2022-02-03T15:45:00-06:00 NWS Shreveport LA Winter Weather Advisory issued February 3 at 2:41AM CST until February 3 at 6:00PM CST by NWS Shreveport LA * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Light snow and sleet accumulations of up to one quarter of an inch possible and ice accumulations of one tenth of an inch or less will be possible. * WHERE...Portions of extreme north central and northwest Louisiana, south central and southwest Arkansas and east and northeast Texas. * WHEN...Through 6 PM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWSHV WMOidentifier WWUS44 KSHV 030841 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KSHV.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-220204T0000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T18:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T10:27:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T02:53:00-06:00 Little River; Miller; Lafayette; Caddo; Bossier; Webster; Claiborne; Union; Bowie; Morris; Cass; Marion; Gregg; Harrison; Rusk; Nacogdoches; Angelina SAME 005081 SAME 005091 SAME 005073 SAME 022017 SAME 022015 SAME 022119 SAME 022027 SAME 022111 SAME 048037 SAME 048343 SAME 048067 SAME 048315 SAME 048183 SAME 048203 SAME 048401 SAME 048347 SAME 048005 UGC ARZ059 UGC ARZ070 UGC ARZ071 UGC LAZ001 UGC LAZ002 UGC LAZ003 UGC LAZ004 UGC LAZ006 UGC TXZ097 UGC TXZ111 UGC TXZ112 UGC TXZ126 UGC TXZ137 UGC TXZ138 UGC TXZ150 UGC TXZ152 UGC TXZ165  020 XOUS54 KWBC 030842 CAPBRO urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:00:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-03T00:45:00-06:00 en-US Met Freeze Watch Monitor Past Severe Observed SAME NWS NationalWeatherService FZA 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 2022-02-04T03:00:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:57:18-06:00 NWS Brownsville TX The Freeze Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Brownsville TX on this developing situation. The Freeze Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Brownsville TX on this developing situation. Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier NPWBRO WMOidentifier WWUS74 KBRO 030842 NWSheadline WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM THIS MORNING TO 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 10 AM CST FRIDAY... ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE FRIDAY NIGHT THROUGH SATURDAY MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.UPG.KBRO.FZ.A.0003.220204T0900Z-220204T1700Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T11:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Coastal Willacy; Coastal Kenedy SAME 048489 SAME 048261 UGC TXZ256 UGC TXZ351  021 XOUS54 KWBC 030842 CAPBRO urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:00:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-03T00:45:00-06:00 en-US Met Freeze Watch Prepare Future Severe Possible SAME NWS NationalWeatherService FZA 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 2022-02-05T03:00:00-06:00 2022-02-05T11:00:00-06:00 NWS Brownsville TX Freeze Watch issued February 3 at 2:42AM CST until February 5 at 11:00AM CST by NWS Brownsville TX * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 expected. For the Wind Advisory, north winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 40 mph expected. For the Freeze Watch, sub- freezing temperatures as low as 26 possible. * WHERE...Coastal Willacy and Coastal Kenedy Counties. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning, from midnight tonight to 10 AM CST Friday. For the Wind Advisory, from 6 AM this morning to 6 PM CST this evening. For the Freeze Watch, from late Friday night through Saturday morning. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier NPWBRO WMOidentifier WWUS74 KBRO 030842 NWSheadline WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM THIS MORNING TO 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 10 AM CST FRIDAY... ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE FRIDAY NIGHT THROUGH SATURDAY MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KBRO.FZ.A.0004.220205T0900Z-220205T1700Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-05T11:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Coastal Willacy; Coastal Kenedy SAME 048489 SAME 048261 UGC TXZ256 UGC TXZ351  022 XOUS54 KWBC 030842 CAPBRO urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:00:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-03T00:45:00-06:00 en-US Met Freeze Watch Monitor Past Severe Observed SAME NWS NationalWeatherService FZA 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 2022-02-04T03:00:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:57:19-06:00 NWS Brownsville TX The Freeze Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Brownsville TX on this developing situation. The Freeze Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Brownsville TX on this developing situation. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier NPWBRO WMOidentifier WWUS74 KBRO 030842 NWSheadline FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 10 AM CST FRIDAY... ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE FRIDAY NIGHT THROUGH SATURDAY MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.UPG.KBRO.FZ.A.0003.220204T0900Z-220204T1700Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T11:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Zapata; Jim Hogg; Brooks; Inland Kenedy; Starr; Inland Willacy; Northern Hidalgo SAME 048505 SAME 048247 SAME 048047 SAME 048261 SAME 048427 SAME 048489 SAME 048215 UGC TXZ248 UGC TXZ249 UGC TXZ250 UGC TXZ251 UGC TXZ252 UGC TXZ254 UGC TXZ353  023 XOUS54 KWBC 030842 CAPBRO urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-03T00:45:00-06:00 en-US Met Wind Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WIY 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 2022-02-03T06:00:00-06:00 2022-02-05T11:00:00-06:00 NWS Brownsville TX Wind Advisory issued February 3 at 2:42AM CST until February 3 at 6:00PM CST by NWS Brownsville TX * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 expected. For the Wind Advisory, north winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 40 mph expected. For the Freeze Watch, sub- freezing temperatures as low as 26 possible. * WHERE...Coastal Willacy and Coastal Kenedy Counties. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning, from midnight tonight to 10 AM CST Friday. For the Wind Advisory, from 6 AM this morning to 6 PM CST this evening. For the Freeze Watch, from late Friday night through Saturday morning. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier NPWBRO WMOidentifier WWUS74 KBRO 030842 NWSheadline WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM THIS MORNING TO 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 10 AM CST FRIDAY... ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE FRIDAY NIGHT THROUGH SATURDAY MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KBRO.WI.Y.0004.220203T1200Z-220204T0000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T18:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-27T11:53:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-27T14:45:00-06:00 Coastal Willacy; Coastal Kenedy SAME 048489 SAME 048261 UGC TXZ256 UGC TXZ351  024 XOUS54 KWBC 030842 CAPBRO urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Freeze Warning Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService FZW 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 2022-02-04T00:00:00-06:00 2022-02-05T11:00:00-06:00 NWS Brownsville TX Freeze Warning issued February 3 at 2:42AM CST until February 4 at 10:00AM CST by NWS Brownsville TX * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 expected. For the Wind Advisory, north winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 40 mph expected. For the Freeze Watch, sub- freezing temperatures as low as 26 possible. * WHERE...Coastal Willacy and Coastal Kenedy Counties. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning, from midnight tonight to 10 AM CST Friday. For the Wind Advisory, from 6 AM this morning to 6 PM CST this evening. For the Freeze Watch, from late Friday night through Saturday morning. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier NPWBRO WMOidentifier WWUS74 KBRO 030842 NWSheadline WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM THIS MORNING TO 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... ...FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 10 AM CST FRIDAY... ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE FRIDAY NIGHT THROUGH SATURDAY MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KBRO.FZ.W.0005.220204T0600Z-220204T1600Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T10:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Coastal Willacy; Coastal Kenedy SAME 048489 SAME 048261 UGC TXZ256 UGC TXZ351  025 XOUS54 KWBC 030842 CAPBRO urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-03T00:45:00-06:00 en-US Met Wind Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WIY 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 2022-02-03T06:00:00-06:00 2022-02-03T18:00:00-06:00 NWS Brownsville TX Wind Advisory issued February 3 at 2:42AM CST until February 3 at 6:00PM CST by NWS Brownsville TX * WHAT...North winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 40 mph expected. * WHERE...Coastal Cameron County. * WHEN...From 6 AM this morning to 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier NPWBRO WMOidentifier WWUS74 KBRO 030842 NWSheadline WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM THIS MORNING TO 6 PM CST THIS EVENING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KBRO.WI.Y.0004.220203T1200Z-220204T0000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T18:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-27T11:53:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-27T14:45:00-06:00 Coastal Cameron SAME 048061 UGC TXZ257  026 XOUS54 KWBC 030842 CAPBRO urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Freeze Warning Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService FZW 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 2022-02-04T00:00:00-06:00 2022-02-05T11:00:00-06:00 NWS Brownsville TX Freeze Warning issued February 3 at 2:42AM CST until February 4 at 10:00AM CST by NWS Brownsville TX * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 expected. For the Freeze Watch, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 26 possible. * WHERE...Zapata, Jim Hogg, Brooks, Inland Kenedy, Starr, Inland Willacy and Northern Hidalgo Counties. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning, from midnight tonight to 10 AM CST Friday. For the Freeze Watch, from late Friday night through Saturday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier NPWBRO WMOidentifier WWUS74 KBRO 030842 NWSheadline FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 10 AM CST FRIDAY... ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE FRIDAY NIGHT THROUGH SATURDAY MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KBRO.FZ.W.0005.220204T0600Z-220204T1600Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T10:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Zapata; Jim Hogg; Brooks; Inland Kenedy; Starr; Inland Willacy; Northern Hidalgo SAME 048505 SAME 048247 SAME 048047 SAME 048261 SAME 048427 SAME 048489 SAME 048215 UGC TXZ248 UGC TXZ249 UGC TXZ250 UGC TXZ251 UGC TXZ252 UGC TXZ254 UGC TXZ353  027 XOUS54 KWBC 030842 CAPBRO urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:00:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-03T00:45:00-06:00 en-US Met Freeze Watch Prepare Future Severe Possible SAME NWS NationalWeatherService FZA 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 2022-02-05T03:00:00-06:00 2022-02-05T11:00:00-06:00 NWS Brownsville TX Freeze Watch issued February 3 at 2:42AM CST until February 5 at 11:00AM CST by NWS Brownsville TX * WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 expected. For the Freeze Watch, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 26 possible. * WHERE...Zapata, Jim Hogg, Brooks, Inland Kenedy, Starr, Inland Willacy and Northern Hidalgo Counties. * WHEN...For the Freeze Warning, from midnight tonight to 10 AM CST Friday. For the Freeze Watch, from late Friday night through Saturday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier NPWBRO WMOidentifier WWUS74 KBRO 030842 NWSheadline FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 10 AM CST FRIDAY... ...FREEZE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE FRIDAY NIGHT THROUGH SATURDAY MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KBRO.FZ.A.0004.220205T0900Z-220205T1700Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-05T11:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Zapata; Jim Hogg; Brooks; Inland Kenedy; Starr; Inland Willacy; Northern Hidalgo SAME 048505 SAME 048247 SAME 048047 SAME 048261 SAME 048427 SAME 048489 SAME 048215 UGC TXZ248 UGC TXZ249 UGC TXZ250 UGC TXZ251 UGC TXZ252 UGC TXZ254 UGC TXZ353  303 XOUS55 KWBC 030842 CAPWBC urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T08:42:59-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. en-US Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2022-02-03T08:42:59-00:00 2022-02-03T08:52:59-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier KEPWBC WMOidentifier NZUS91 KWBC 030842 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery SAME 024031 UGC MDC031  746 XOUS53 KWBC 030842 CAPTOP urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:53:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:42:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:04:00-06:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning AllClear Past Minor Observed SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:58:10-06:00 NWS Topeka KS The Winter Storm Warning has been cancelled. The Winter Storm Warning has been cancelled and is no longer in effect. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWTOP WMOidentifier WWUS43 KTOP 030842 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CAN.KTOP.WS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-220203T1800Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T12:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T09:51:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T08:22:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T12:23:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:31:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T22:01:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T14:57:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T03:19:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-25T23:51:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-25T15:26:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-25T11:55:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-25T15:26:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-25T02:26:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-25T02:16:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-24T14:16:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-24T03:52:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-24T03:48:00-06:00 Franklin; Coffey; Anderson SAME 020059 SAME 020031 SAME 020003 UGC KSZ056 UGC KSZ058 UGC KSZ059  747 XOUS53 KWBC 030842 CAPTOP urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:53:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:42:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:04:00-06:00 en-US Met Wind Chill Advisory Prepare Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WCY 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 2022-02-03T11:00:00-06:00 NWS Topeka KS Wind Chill Advisory issued February 3 at 2:42AM CST until February 3 at 11:00AM CST by NWS Topeka KS * WHAT...Very cold wind chills expected. Wind chills as low as 15 below zero. * WHERE...Republic, Cloud and Ottawa Counties. * WHEN...Until 11 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...The cold wind chills could result in frostbite and hypothermia if precautions are not taken. Use caution while traveling outside. Wear appropriate clothing, a hat, and gloves. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWTOP WMOidentifier WWUS43 KTOP 030842 NWSheadline WIND CHILL ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM CST THIS MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.EXT.KTOP.WC.Y.0003.220203T0842Z-220203T1700Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T11:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Republic; Cloud; Ottawa SAME 020157 SAME 020029 SAME 020143 UGC KSZ008 UGC KSZ020 UGC KSZ034  748 XOUS53 KWBC 030842 CAPTOP urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Wind Chill Advisory Prepare Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WCY 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:42:00-06:00 2022-02-03T11:00:00-06:00 NWS Topeka KS Wind Chill Advisory issued February 3 at 2:42AM CST until February 3 at 11:00AM CST by NWS Topeka KS * WHAT...Very cold wind chills. Wind chills as low as 17 below zero. * WHERE...Portions of central, north central and northeast Kansas. * WHEN...Until 11 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...The cold wind chills could result in frostbite and hypothermia if precautions are not taken. Use caution while traveling outside. Wear appropriate clothing, a hat, and gloves. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWTOP WMOidentifier WWUS43 KTOP 030842 NWSheadline WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM CST THIS MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.EXB.KTOP.WC.Y.0003.220203T0842Z-220203T1700Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T11:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Washington; Marshall; Nemaha; Brown; Clay; Dickinson SAME 020201 SAME 020117 SAME 020131 SAME 020013 SAME 020027 SAME 020041 UGC KSZ009 UGC KSZ010 UGC KSZ011 UGC KSZ012 UGC KSZ021 UGC KSZ035  856 XOUS54 KWBC 030844 CAPHUN urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:44:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:49:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:20:00-06:00 en-US Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2022-02-03T02:44:00-06:00 2022-02-04T00:18:00-06:00 2022-02-03T14:45:00-06:00 NWS Huntsville AL Flood Warning issued February 3 at 2:44AM CST until February 6 at 12:36PM CST by NWS Huntsville AL * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Paint Rock River NEAR Woodville. * WHEN...From late tonight to early Sunday afternoon. * IMPACTS...At 19.0 feet, Water is covering Alabama State Route 65 about two miles north of U.S. Highway 72. Several County Roads in Paint Rock Valley are flooded...including Jackson County Road 20. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 6:00 PM CST Wednesday the stage was 4.1 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage just after midnight tonight and crest of 18.5 feet Friday night. It will then fall below flood stage Sunday morning. - Flood stage is 15.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 18.5 feet on 05/08/1999. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier FLSHUN WMOidentifier WGUS84 KHUN 030844 NWSheadline FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT TO EARLY SUNDAY AFTERNOON BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KHUN.FL.W.0006.220204T0618Z-220206T1836Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-06T12:36:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-22T06:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-22T14:30:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-21T22:22:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-21T11:40:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-21T05:19:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T22:29:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T13:34:56-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T05:18:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T05:06:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T19:55:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T13:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T04:33:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T21:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T10:45:00-05:00 Jackson, AL; Madison, AL; Marshall, AL 34.91,-86.28 34.89,-86.06 34.42,-86.37 34.5,-86.53 34.91,-86.28 SAME 001071 SAME 001089 SAME 001095 UGC ALC071 UGC ALC089 UGC ALC095  707 XOUS51 KWBC 030845 CAPBGM urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:45:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:11:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T13:16:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:55:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:40:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Watch Monitor Past Severe Observed SAME WSA NationalWeatherService WSA 2022-02-03T03:45:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T04:01:10-05:00 NWS Binghamton NY The Winter Storm Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Binghamton NY on this developing situation. The Winter Storm Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Binghamton NY on this developing situation. Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission remind motorist to adjust speeds based on driving conditions as winter weather impacts Pennsylvania roadways. Visit www.511pa.com for the latest travel, roadways, and traffic conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWBGM WMOidentifier WWUS41 KBGM 030845 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.UPG.KBGM.WS.A.0003.220203T1600Z-220204T2000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T15:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T22:41:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:44:00-05:00 Delaware; Susquehanna; Northern Wayne SAME 036025 SAME 042115 SAME 042127 UGC NYZ057 UGC PAZ039 UGC PAZ040  708 XOUS51 KWBC 030845 CAPBGM urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:45:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2022-02-03T03:45:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:00:00-05:00 2022-02-04T03:45:00-05:00 NWS Binghamton NY Winter Weather Advisory issued February 3 at 3:45AM EST until February 4 at 3:00PM EST by NWS Binghamton NY * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches and ice accumulations of around two tenths of an inch. * WHERE...In Pennsylvania, Susquehanna and Northern Wayne counties. In New York, Delaware county. * WHEN...From 11 AM this morning to 3 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Light rain this morning will change to a wintry mix of snow, sleet, and freezing rain by this afternoon. The wintry mix will change to all snow Friday morning. Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission remind motorist to adjust speeds based on driving conditions as winter weather impacts Pennsylvania roadways. Visit www.511pa.com for the latest travel, roadways, and traffic conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWBGM WMOidentifier WWUS41 KBGM 030845 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KBGM.WW.Y.0010.220203T1600Z-220204T2000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T15:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Delaware; Susquehanna; Northern Wayne SAME 036025 SAME 042115 SAME 042127 UGC NYZ057 UGC PAZ039 UGC PAZ040  709 XOUS51 KWBC 030845 CAPBGM urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:45:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:55:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:40:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:45:00-05:00 2022-02-03T09:00:00-05:00 2022-02-04T03:45:00-05:00 NWS Binghamton NY Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:45AM EST until February 4 at 3:00PM EST by NWS Binghamton NY * WHAT...Heavy mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of 4 to 10 inches and ice accumulations of around one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Otsego, Chenango, Chemung, Tioga and Broome counties. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 3 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Light rain this morning will change to a wintry mix late this morning. The wintry mix will change to all snow late tonight and early Friday morning. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWBGM WMOidentifier WWUS41 KBGM 030845 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KBGM.WS.W.0002.220203T1400Z-220204T2000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T15:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Chemung; Chenango; Otsego; Tioga; Broome SAME 036015 SAME 036017 SAME 036077 SAME 036107 SAME 036007 UGC NYZ024 UGC NYZ045 UGC NYZ046 UGC NYZ055 UGC NYZ056  710 XOUS51 KWBC 030845 CAPBGM urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:45:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:55:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:40:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Watch Monitor Past Severe Observed SAME WSA NationalWeatherService WSA 2022-02-03T03:45:00-05:00 2022-02-03T19:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T04:01:10-05:00 NWS Binghamton NY The Winter Storm Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Binghamton NY on this developing situation. The Winter Storm Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Binghamton NY on this developing situation. Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission remind motorist to adjust speeds based on driving conditions as winter weather impacts Pennsylvania roadways. Visit www.511pa.com for the latest travel, roadways, and traffic conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWBGM WMOidentifier WWUS41 KBGM 030845 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 3 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.UPG.KBGM.WS.A.0003.220204T0000Z-220204T2000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T15:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Sullivan; Wyoming; Lackawanna; Luzerne; Pike; Southern Wayne SAME 036105 SAME 042131 SAME 042069 SAME 042079 SAME 042103 SAME 042127 UGC NYZ062 UGC PAZ043 UGC PAZ044 UGC PAZ047 UGC PAZ048 UGC PAZ072  711 XOUS51 KWBC 030845 CAPBGM urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:45:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2022-02-03T03:45:00-05:00 2022-02-03T19:00:00-05:00 2022-02-04T03:45:00-05:00 NWS Binghamton NY Winter Weather Advisory issued February 3 at 3:45AM EST until February 4 at 3:00PM EST by NWS Binghamton NY * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of up to two inches and ice accumulations of one tenth to one quarter of an inch. * WHERE...In Pennsylvania, Wyoming, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Pike and Southern Wayne counties. In New York, Sullivan county. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 3 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Power outages and tree damage is possible due to the ice. Travel could be difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Rain today will change to a wintry mix of snow, sleet, and freezing rain tonight. The wintry mix will change to all snow by early Friday afternoon. Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission remind motorist to adjust speeds based on driving conditions as winter weather impacts Pennsylvania roadways. Visit www.511pa.com for the latest travel, roadways, and traffic conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWBGM WMOidentifier WWUS41 KBGM 030845 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 3 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KBGM.WW.Y.0010.220204T0000Z-220204T2000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T15:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Sullivan; Wyoming; Lackawanna; Luzerne; Pike; Southern Wayne SAME 036105 SAME 042131 SAME 042069 SAME 042079 SAME 042103 SAME 042127 UGC NYZ062 UGC PAZ043 UGC PAZ044 UGC PAZ047 UGC PAZ048 UGC PAZ072  712 XOUS51 KWBC 030845 CAPBGM urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:45:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:11:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T13:16:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:55:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:40:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Watch Monitor Past Severe Observed SAME WSA NationalWeatherService WSA 2022-02-03T03:45:00-05:00 2022-02-03T11:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T04:01:09-05:00 NWS Binghamton NY The Winter Storm Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Binghamton NY on this developing situation. The Winter Storm Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Binghamton NY on this developing situation. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission strongly encourage motorist to heed all travel restrictions and delay unnecessary travel. Visit www.511pa.com for the latest travel, roadways, and traffic conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWBGM WMOidentifier WWUS41 KBGM 030845 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.UPG.KBGM.WS.A.0003.220203T1600Z-220204T2000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T15:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T22:41:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:44:00-05:00 Bradford SAME 042015 UGC PAZ038  713 XOUS51 KWBC 030845 CAPBGM urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:45:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:45:00-05:00 2022-02-03T09:00:00-05:00 2022-02-04T03:45:00-05:00 NWS Binghamton NY Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:45AM EST until February 4 at 3:00PM EST by NWS Binghamton NY * WHAT...Heavy mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of 2 to 4 inches and ice accumulations of around two tenths of an inch. * WHERE...Bradford county. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 3 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... Light rain early this morning will change to a wintry mix of snow, sleet, and freezing rain late this morning. The wintry mix will change to all snow late tonight and early Friday morning. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission strongly encourage motorist to heed all travel restrictions and delay unnecessary travel. Visit www.511pa.com for the latest travel, roadways, and traffic conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWBGM WMOidentifier WWUS41 KBGM 030845 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.EXA.KBGM.WS.W.0002.220203T1400Z-220204T2000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T15:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Bradford SAME 042015 UGC PAZ038  714 XOUS51 KWBC 030845 CAPBGM urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:45:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:11:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:40:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T13:16:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:55:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:45:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:45:00-05:00 2022-02-04T03:45:00-05:00 NWS Binghamton NY Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:45AM EST until February 4 at 3:00PM EST by NWS Binghamton NY * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 9 to 12 inches. * WHERE...Oneida, Cortland, Tompkins, Schuyler, Steuben, Onondaga, Madison, Yates, Seneca and Southern Cayuga counties. * WHEN...Until 3 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...A mix of rain and snow this morning will change to mainly snow by this afternoon. Some sleet may mix in late this afternoon and evening. The heaviest snowfall will be tonight. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWBGM WMOidentifier WWUS41 KBGM 030845 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KBGM.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-220204T2000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T15:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Northern Oneida; Yates; Seneca; Southern Cayuga; Onondaga; Steuben; Schuyler; Tompkins; Madison; Southern Oneida; Cortland SAME 036065 SAME 036123 SAME 036099 SAME 036011 SAME 036067 SAME 036101 SAME 036097 SAME 036109 SAME 036053 SAME 036023 UGC NYZ009 UGC NYZ015 UGC NYZ016 UGC NYZ017 UGC NYZ018 UGC NYZ022 UGC NYZ023 UGC NYZ025 UGC NYZ036 UGC NYZ037 UGC NYZ044  810 XOUS53 KWBC 030846 CAPDMX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:46:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T20:39:00-06:00 en-US Met Wind Chill Advisory Prepare Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WCY 2022-02-03T02:46:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:46:00-06:00 2022-02-03T11:00:00-06:00 NWS Des Moines IA Wind Chill Advisory issued February 3 at 2:46AM CST until February 3 at 12:00PM CST by NWS Des Moines IA * WHAT...Very cold wind chills. Wind chills as low as 30 below zero. * WHERE...Northern Iowa. * WHEN...Until noon CST today. * IMPACTS...The cold wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. Use caution while traveling outside. Wear appropriate clothing, a hat, and gloves. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWDMX WMOidentifier WWUS43 KDMX 030846 NWSheadline WIND CHILL ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KDMX.WC.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-220203T1800Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T12:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:55:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T12:15:28-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T12:15:27-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T09:32:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T09:32:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:28:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:28:00-06:00 Emmet; Kossuth; Winnebago; Worth; Palo Alto; Hancock; Cerro Gordo; Pocahontas; Humboldt; Wright; Franklin SAME 019063 SAME 019109 SAME 019189 SAME 019195 SAME 019147 SAME 019081 SAME 019033 SAME 019151 SAME 019091 SAME 019197 SAME 019069 UGC IAZ004 UGC IAZ005 UGC IAZ006 UGC IAZ007 UGC IAZ015 UGC IAZ016 UGC IAZ017 UGC IAZ023 UGC IAZ024 UGC IAZ025 UGC IAZ026  811 XOUS53 KWBC 030846 CAPDMX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:46:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T20:39:00-06:00 en-US Met Wind Chill Advisory Prepare Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WCY 2022-02-03T02:46:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:46:00-06:00 2022-02-03T10:00:00-06:00 NWS Des Moines IA Wind Chill Advisory issued February 3 at 2:46AM CST until February 3 at 10:00AM CST by NWS Des Moines IA * WHAT...Very cold wind chills. Wind chills as low as 25 below zero. * WHERE...Portions of northern, western, and central Iowa. * WHEN...Until 10 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...The cold wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes or less. Use caution while traveling outside. Wear appropriate clothing, a hat, and gloves. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWDMX WMOidentifier WWUS43 KDMX 030846 NWSheadline WIND CHILL ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CST THIS MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KDMX.WC.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-220203T1600Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T10:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:55:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:55:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T12:15:28-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T09:32:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:28:00-06:00 Butler; Bremer; Sac; Calhoun; Webster; Hamilton; Hardin; Grundy; Black Hawk; Crawford; Carroll; Greene; Boone; Story; Marshall; Audubon; Guthrie; Cass; Adair; Adams; Union SAME 019023 SAME 019017 SAME 019161 SAME 019025 SAME 019187 SAME 019079 SAME 019083 SAME 019075 SAME 019013 SAME 019047 SAME 019027 SAME 019073 SAME 019015 SAME 019169 SAME 019127 SAME 019009 SAME 019077 SAME 019029 SAME 019001 SAME 019003 SAME 019175 UGC IAZ027 UGC IAZ028 UGC IAZ033 UGC IAZ034 UGC IAZ035 UGC IAZ036 UGC IAZ037 UGC IAZ038 UGC IAZ039 UGC IAZ044 UGC IAZ045 UGC IAZ046 UGC IAZ047 UGC IAZ048 UGC IAZ049 UGC IAZ057 UGC IAZ058 UGC IAZ070 UGC IAZ071 UGC IAZ081 UGC IAZ082  359 XOUS54 KWBC 030846 CAPHUN urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:46:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:21:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:51:00-06:00 en-US Met Flood Warning Avoid Immediate Severe Observed SAME FLS NationalWeatherService FLW 2022-02-03T02:46:00-06:00 2022-02-03T19:12:00-06:00 2022-02-03T15:00:00-06:00 NWS Huntsville AL Flood Warning issued February 3 at 2:46AM CST until February 5 at 11:24AM CST by NWS Huntsville AL * WHAT...Moderate flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Flint River at Brownsboro. * WHEN...From this evening to late Saturday morning. * IMPACTS...At 20.0 feet, Backwater on a nearby tributary added to floodwaters from the Flint River both reach a small bridge on Brownsboro Road. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1:30 AM CST Thursday the stage was 8.5 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage this evening to a crest of 20.0 feet tomorrow morning. It will then fall below flood stage early Saturday morning. - Flood stage is 17.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 19.9 feet on 01/03/2020. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier FLSHUN WMOidentifier WGUS84 KHUN 030846 NWSheadline FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM THIS EVENING TO LATE SATURDAY MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KHUN.FL.W.0007.220204T0112Z-220205T1724Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-05T11:24:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T19:57:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-20T06:18:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-19T13:10:00-05:00 Madison, AL 34.76,-86.49 34.75,-86.38 34.61,-86.39 34.47,-86.47 34.54,-86.55 34.76,-86.49 SAME 001089 UGC ALC089  544 XOUS54 KWBC 030846 CAPMRX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:46:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T23:43:00-05:00 en-US Met Flood Watch Prepare Future Severe Possible SAME FFA NationalWeatherService FAA 2022-02-03T03:46:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:46:00-05:00 2022-02-03T13:00:00-05:00 NWS Morristown TN Flood Watch issued February 3 at 3:46AM EST until February 4 at 7:00AM EST by NWS Morristown TN * WHAT...Flash flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues to be possible. * WHERE...Portions of southwest North Carolina, east Tennessee, and southwest Virginia, including the following areas, in southwest North Carolina, Cherokee and Clay. In east Tennessee, Anderson, Bledsoe, Blount Smoky Mountains, Bradley, Campbell, Claiborne, East Polk, Grainger, Hamblen, Hamilton, Hancock, Hawkins, Jefferson, Knox, Loudon, Marion, McMinn, Meigs, Morgan, North Sevier, Northwest Blount, Northwest Monroe, Rhea, Roane, Scott TN, Sequatchie, Sevier Smoky Mountains, Southeast Monroe, Union, and West Polk. In southwest Virginia, Lee, Russell, Scott VA, and Wise. * WHEN...From 1 AM EST /Midnight CST/ Thursday through Friday morning. * IMPACTS...Excessive runoff may result in flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations. Flooding may occur in poor drainage and urban areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood You should monitor later forecasts and be prepared to take action should Flash Flood Warnings be issued. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier FFAMRX WMOidentifier WGUS64 KMRX 030846 NWSheadline FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH FRIDAY MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KMRX.FA.A.0001.000000T0000Z-220204T1200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T07:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T13:56:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T13:56:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:31:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-01T01:30:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T15:11:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T03:27:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T03:27:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-27T14:52:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T03:27:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-27T03:11:00-05:00 Cherokee; Clay; Scott; Campbell; Claiborne; Hancock; Hawkins; Morgan; Anderson; Union; Grainger; Hamblen; Roane; Loudon; Knox; Jefferson; NW Blount; Blount Smoky Mountains; North Sevier; Sevier Smoky Mountains; Sequatchie; Bledsoe; Rhea; Meigs; McMinn; Northwest Monroe; Southeast Monroe; Marion; Hamilton; Bradley; West Polk; East Polk; Lee; Wise; Scott; Russell SAME 037039 SAME 037043 SAME 047151 SAME 047013 SAME 047025 SAME 047067 SAME 047073 SAME 047129 SAME 047001 SAME 047173 SAME 047057 SAME 047063 SAME 047145 SAME 047105 SAME 047093 SAME 047089 SAME 047009 SAME 047155 SAME 047153 SAME 047007 SAME 047143 SAME 047121 SAME 047107 SAME 047123 SAME 047115 SAME 047065 SAME 047011 SAME 047139 SAME 051105 SAME 051720 SAME 051195 SAME 051169 SAME 051167 UGC NCZ060 UGC NCZ061 UGC TNZ012 UGC TNZ013 UGC TNZ014 UGC TNZ015 UGC TNZ016 UGC TNZ035 UGC TNZ036 UGC TNZ037 UGC TNZ038 UGC TNZ039 UGC TNZ067 UGC TNZ068 UGC TNZ069 UGC TNZ070 UGC TNZ071 UGC TNZ072 UGC TNZ073 UGC TNZ074 UGC TNZ081 UGC TNZ082 UGC TNZ083 UGC TNZ084 UGC TNZ085 UGC TNZ086 UGC TNZ087 UGC TNZ098 UGC TNZ099 UGC TNZ100 UGC TNZ101 UGC TNZ102 UGC VAZ001 UGC VAZ002 UGC VAZ005 UGC VAZ006  480 XOUS51 KWBC 030848 CAPALY urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:48:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:25:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T23:00:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Watch Monitor Past Severe Observed SAME WSA NationalWeatherService WSA 2022-02-03T03:48:00-05:00 2022-02-03T13:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T04:03:50-05:00 NWS Albany NY The Winter Storm Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Albany NY on this developing situation. The Winter Storm Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Albany NY on this developing situation. Slow down and use caution while traveling. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWALY WMOidentifier WWUS41 KALY 030848 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 5 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 5 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.UPG.KALY.WS.A.0006.220203T1800Z-220204T1800Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T13:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-30T15:46:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-31T03:51:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-31T03:51:00-04:00 Western Greene; Western Ulster SAME 036039 SAME 036111 UGC NYZ058 UGC NYZ063  481 XOUS51 KWBC 030848 CAPALY urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:48:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:25:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T23:00:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Watch Monitor Past Severe Observed SAME WSA NationalWeatherService WSA 2022-02-03T03:48:00-05:00 2022-02-03T13:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T04:03:50-05:00 NWS Albany NY The Winter Storm Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Albany NY on this developing situation. The Winter Storm Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Albany NY on this developing situation. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWALY WMOidentifier WWUS41 KALY 030848 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 5 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.UPG.KALY.WS.A.0006.220203T1800Z-220204T1800Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T13:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-30T15:46:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-31T03:51:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-31T03:51:00-04:00 Southern Fulton; Montgomery; Schoharie; Western Schenectady; Western Albany SAME 036035 SAME 036057 SAME 036095 SAME 036093 SAME 036001 UGC NYZ039 UGC NYZ040 UGC NYZ047 UGC NYZ048 UGC NYZ051  482 XOUS51 KWBC 030848 CAPALY urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:48:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:25:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T23:00:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Watch Monitor Past Severe Observed SAME WSA NationalWeatherService WSA 2022-02-03T03:48:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T04:03:50-05:00 NWS Albany NY The Winter Storm Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Albany NY on this developing situation. The Winter Storm Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Albany NY on this developing situation. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWALY WMOidentifier WWUS41 KALY 030848 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 5 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 5 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.UPG.KALY.WS.A.0006.220203T2100Z-220204T2200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T17:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-30T15:46:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-31T03:51:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-31T03:51:00-04:00 Northern Berkshire; Northern Saratoga; Eastern Schenectady; Southern Saratoga; Eastern Albany; Western Rensselaer; Eastern Rensselaer; Southeast Warren; Southern Washington; Bennington; Western Windham; Eastern Windham SAME 025003 SAME 036091 SAME 036093 SAME 036001 SAME 036083 SAME 036113 SAME 036115 SAME 050003 SAME 050025 UGC MAZ001 UGC NYZ041 UGC NYZ049 UGC NYZ050 UGC NYZ052 UGC NYZ053 UGC NYZ054 UGC NYZ083 UGC NYZ084 UGC VTZ013 UGC VTZ014 UGC VTZ015  483 XOUS51 KWBC 030848 CAPALY urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:48:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2022-02-03T03:48:00-05:00 2022-02-03T19:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:00:00-05:00 NWS Albany NY Winter Weather Advisory issued February 3 at 3:48AM EST until February 4 at 5:00PM EST by NWS Albany NY * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches and ice accumulations of one tenth to one quarter of an inch. * WHERE...In New York, Eastern Greene, and Columbia Counties. In Massachusetts, Southern Berkshire County. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 5 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Power outages and tree damage are possible due to the ice. Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The sleet and freezing rain will transition to snow around daybreak Friday. Slow down and use caution while traveling. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWALY WMOidentifier WWUS41 KALY 030848 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 5 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KALY.WW.Y.0010.220204T0000Z-220204T2200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T17:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Southern Berkshire; Eastern Greene; Western Columbia; Eastern Columbia SAME 025003 SAME 036039 SAME 036021 UGC MAZ025 UGC NYZ059 UGC NYZ060 UGC NYZ061  484 XOUS51 KWBC 030848 CAPALY urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:48:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:25:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T23:00:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Watch Monitor Past Severe Observed SAME WSA NationalWeatherService WSA 2022-02-03T03:48:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T04:03:50-05:00 NWS Albany NY The Winter Storm Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Albany NY on this developing situation. The Winter Storm Watch has been replaced. Please see the latest information from NWS Albany NY on this developing situation. Slow down and use caution while traveling. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWALY WMOidentifier WWUS41 KALY 030848 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 5 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.UPG.KALY.WS.A.0006.220203T2100Z-220204T2200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T17:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:08:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-30T15:46:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-31T03:51:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-31T03:51:00-04:00 Southern Berkshire; Eastern Greene; Western Columbia; Eastern Columbia SAME 025003 SAME 036039 SAME 036021 UGC MAZ025 UGC NYZ059 UGC NYZ060 UGC NYZ061  485 XOUS51 KWBC 030848 CAPALY urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:48:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2022-02-03T03:48:00-05:00 2022-02-03T17:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:00:00-05:00 NWS Albany NY Winter Weather Advisory issued February 3 at 3:48AM EST until February 4 at 5:00PM EST by NWS Albany NY * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total sleet and snow accumulations of 1 to 3 inches and ice accumulations of one tenth to three tenths of an inch. * WHERE...Western Greene and Western Ulster Counties in the eastern Catskills * WHEN...From 5 PM this afternoon to 5 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Power outages and tree damage are possible due to the ice. Travel could be treacherous. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The sleet and freezing rain will change to snow Friday morning. Slow down and use caution while traveling. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWALY WMOidentifier WWUS41 KALY 030848 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 5 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 5 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KALY.WW.Y.0010.220203T2200Z-220204T2200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T17:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Western Greene; Western Ulster SAME 036039 SAME 036111 UGC NYZ058 UGC NYZ063  486 XOUS51 KWBC 030848 CAPALY urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:48:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:48:00-05:00 2022-02-03T17:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:00:00-05:00 NWS Albany NY Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:48AM EST until February 4 at 5:00PM EST by NWS Albany NY * WHAT...Heavy snow and mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations of 6 to 12 inches for the southern Greens of Bennington and western Windham Counties, and the Glens Falls northern Saratoga Region. 3 to 7 inches of snow and sleet for the Capital Region, northern Taconics, the northern Berkshires, and eastern Windham County Vermont with ice accumulations of a light glaze to two tenths of an inch. * WHERE...Southern Vermont, the Capital Region, Glens Falls and northern Saratoga Region, and the northern Taconics in eastern New York and northern Berkshire County in western Massachusetts. * WHEN...From 5 PM this afternoon to 5 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions will impact this evenings commute and Friday mornings commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Rain will transition to snow and icy mix tonight. Sleet and freezing rain will linger across the Capital Region, portions of southern Vermont and the northern Berkshires until shortly before daybreak. The precipitation will transition to snow and continue through the morning commute. Snowfall rates could briefly approach an inch an hour. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWALY WMOidentifier WWUS41 KALY 030848 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 5 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 5 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.EXB.KALY.WS.W.0003.220203T2200Z-220204T2200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T17:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Northern Berkshire; Northern Saratoga; Eastern Schenectady; Southern Saratoga; Eastern Albany; Western Rensselaer; Eastern Rensselaer; Southeast Warren; Southern Washington; Bennington; Western Windham; Eastern Windham SAME 025003 SAME 036091 SAME 036093 SAME 036001 SAME 036083 SAME 036113 SAME 036115 SAME 050003 SAME 050025 UGC MAZ001 UGC NYZ041 UGC NYZ049 UGC NYZ050 UGC NYZ052 UGC NYZ053 UGC NYZ054 UGC NYZ083 UGC NYZ084 UGC VTZ013 UGC VTZ014 UGC VTZ015  487 XOUS51 KWBC 030848 CAPALY urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:48:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T15:25:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T23:00:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:48:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:48:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:00:00-05:00 NWS Albany NY Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:48AM EST until February 4 at 1:00PM EST by NWS Albany NY * WHAT...Heavy snow. Total snow accumulations of 10 to 15 inches. * WHERE...The southern Adirondacks, western Mohawk Valley, and northern Washington County. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel will be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning and evening commutes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow will develop across the area this morning and continues through the afternoon. Snow intensity increases tonight with snowfall rates of an inch an hour possible. The snow tapers Friday late morning. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWALY WMOidentifier WWUS41 KALY 030848 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KALY.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-220204T1800Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T13:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:08:00-05:00 Northern Herkimer; Hamilton; Southern Herkimer; Northern Warren; Northern Washington; Northern Fulton SAME 036043 SAME 036041 SAME 036113 SAME 036115 SAME 036035 UGC NYZ032 UGC NYZ033 UGC NYZ038 UGC NYZ042 UGC NYZ043 UGC NYZ082  488 XOUS51 KWBC 030848 CAPALY urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:48:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2022-02-03T03:48:00-05:00 2022-02-03T19:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:00:00-05:00 NWS Albany NY Winter Weather Advisory issued February 3 at 3:48AM EST until February 4 at 5:00PM EST by NWS Albany NY * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations of 1 to 2 inches and ice accumulations of one tenth to one quarter of an inch. * WHERE...In Connecticut, Litchfield County. In New York, Eastern Ulster and Dutchess Counties. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 5 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Power outages and tree damage are possible due to the ice. Travel could be difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The sleet and freezing rain will transition to snow in the late morning on Friday. Slow down and use caution while traveling. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWALY WMOidentifier WWUS41 KALY 030848 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 5 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KALY.WW.Y.0010.220204T0000Z-220204T2200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T17:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Northern Litchfield; Southern Litchfield; Eastern Ulster; Western Dutchess; Eastern Dutchess SAME 009005 SAME 036111 SAME 036027 UGC CTZ001 UGC CTZ013 UGC NYZ064 UGC NYZ065 UGC NYZ066  489 XOUS51 KWBC 030848 CAPALY urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:48:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:48:00-05:00 2022-02-03T13:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:00:00-05:00 NWS Albany NY Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:48AM EST until February 4 at 5:00PM EST by NWS Albany NY * WHAT...Heavy snow and a wintry mix of sleet and freezing rain. Total snow accumulations of 6 to 12 inches over the central Mohawk Valley, and sleet and snow accumulations of 4 to 8 inches for the Helderbergs and Schoharie Valley and ice accumulations of a glaze to two tenths of an inch. * WHERE...Southern Fulton, Montgomery, Schoharie, Western Schenectady and Western Albany Counties. * WHEN...From 1 PM this afternoon to 5 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact this evening commute and Friday mornings commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snowfall rates will increase to an inch an hour from north to south across the warning area tonight. The sleet and freezing rain should transition to all snow over Schoharie County and the Helderbergs before daybreak Friday. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWALY WMOidentifier WWUS41 KALY 030848 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 5 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.EXB.KALY.WS.W.0003.220203T1800Z-220204T2200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T17:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Southern Fulton; Montgomery; Schoharie; Western Schenectady; Western Albany SAME 036035 SAME 036057 SAME 036095 SAME 036093 SAME 036001 UGC NYZ039 UGC NYZ040 UGC NYZ047 UGC NYZ048 UGC NYZ051  422 XOUS51 KWBC 030849 CAPCLE urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:49:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:09:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:09:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:09:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:49:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:49:00-05:00 2022-02-03T13:00:00-05:00 NWS Cleveland OH Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:49AM EST until February 4 at 7:00AM EST by NWS Cleveland OH * WHAT...Heavy snow occurring. Additional snow accumulations of 6 to 10 inches. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Portions of north central, northeast and northwest Ohio. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning and especially the Thursday evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Light and scattered snow showers across the area will increase in intensity and coverage late this morning into the afternoon as the next wave of snow enters from the southwest. Snowfall rates of one half inch to one inch per hour are possible this afternoon. Strong north to northeast winds will allow for blowing and drifting of snow which could especially impact east-west oriented roadways. Low temperatures tonight will reach the lower teens and wind chill values as low as zero to five degrees below zero are expected. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWCLE WMOidentifier WWUS41 KCLE 030849 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KCLE.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-220204T1200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T07:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:09:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:09:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:09:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T11:58:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T11:58:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T11:58:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T21:26:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T21:26:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:48:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:48:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T09:56:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T09:56:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T04:59:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T04:59:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T04:59:00-05:00 Sandusky; Erie; Lorain; Cuyahoga; Lake; Geauga; Ashtabula Inland; Hancock; Seneca; Huron; Medina; Summit; Portage; Trumbull; Wyandot; Crawford; Richland; Ashland; Wayne; Marion; Morrow; Ashtabula Lakeshore SAME 039143 SAME 039043 SAME 039093 SAME 039035 SAME 039085 SAME 039055 SAME 039007 SAME 039063 SAME 039147 SAME 039077 SAME 039103 SAME 039153 SAME 039133 SAME 039155 SAME 039175 SAME 039033 SAME 039139 SAME 039005 SAME 039169 SAME 039101 SAME 039117 UGC OHZ008 UGC OHZ009 UGC OHZ010 UGC OHZ011 UGC OHZ012 UGC OHZ013 UGC OHZ014 UGC OHZ017 UGC OHZ018 UGC OHZ019 UGC OHZ020 UGC OHZ021 UGC OHZ022 UGC OHZ023 UGC OHZ027 UGC OHZ028 UGC OHZ029 UGC OHZ030 UGC OHZ031 UGC OHZ036 UGC OHZ037 UGC OHZ089  423 XOUS51 KWBC 030849 CAPCLE urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:49:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:09:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:49:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:49:00-05:00 2022-02-03T13:00:00-05:00 NWS Cleveland OH Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:49AM EST until February 4 at 7:00AM EST by NWS Cleveland OH * WHAT...Heavy snow occurring. Additional snow accumulations of 8 to 11 inches. * WHERE...Northern Erie, Crawford and Southern Erie counties. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning and especially the Thursday evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Light and scattered snow showers across the area will increase in intensity and coverage by this afternoon as the next wave of snow enters from the southwest. Snowfall rates of one half inch to one inch per hour are possible this afternoon. Low temperatures tonight will reach the lower teens and wind chill values as low as zero degrees are expected. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission strongly encourage motorists to heed all travel restrictions and delay unnecessary travel. Visit www.511pa.com for the latest travel, roadway, and traffic conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWCLE WMOidentifier WWUS41 KCLE 030849 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KCLE.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-220204T1200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T07:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:09:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T11:58:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:03:00-05:00 Northern Erie; Southern Erie; Crawford SAME 042049 SAME 042039 UGC PAZ001 UGC PAZ002 UGC PAZ003  424 XOUS51 KWBC 030849 CAPCLE urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:49:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:09:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:49:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:49:00-05:00 2022-02-03T13:00:00-05:00 NWS Cleveland OH Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:49AM EST until February 4 at 7:00AM EST by NWS Cleveland OH * WHAT...Heavy mixed precipitation occurring. Additional snow accumulations of 6 to 9 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...Holmes, Stark, Mahoning and Knox counties. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning and especially the Thursday evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Rain continues to transition to freezing rain and sleet over the next hour or two before changing to all snow by daybreak. This quicker transition to snow has allowed for a slightly higher snowfall forecast for today. Snow will increase in intensity and coverage late this morning into the afternoon as the next wave of snow enters from the southwest. Snowfall rates of one half inch to one inch per hour are possible this afternoon. Low temperatures tonight will reach the lower teens and wind chill values as low as zero degrees are expected. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWCLE WMOidentifier WWUS41 KCLE 030849 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KCLE.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-220204T1200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T07:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:09:00-05:00 Stark; Mahoning; Holmes; Knox SAME 039151 SAME 039099 SAME 039075 SAME 039083 UGC OHZ032 UGC OHZ033 UGC OHZ038 UGC OHZ047  425 XOUS51 KWBC 030849 CAPCLE urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:49:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:09:00-05:00 en-US Met Winter Storm Warning Prepare Expected Severe Likely SAME WSW NationalWeatherService WSW 2022-02-03T03:49:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:49:00-05:00 2022-02-03T13:00:00-05:00 NWS Cleveland OH Winter Storm Warning issued February 3 at 3:49AM EST until February 4 at 7:00AM EST by NWS Cleveland OH * WHAT...Heavy snow occurring. Additional snow accumulations of 4 to 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Lucas, Ottawa and Wood counties. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning and especially the Thursday evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...A lull in snowfall across Northwest Ohio this morning will fill back in by this afternoon as the next wave of snow enters from the southwest. Snowfall rates in excess of one half inch per hour are possible this afternoon. Strong north to northeast winds will allow for blowing and drifting of snow which could especially impact east-west oriented roadways. Low temperatures tonight will reach the single digits and wind chill values as low as five degrees below zero are expected. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWCLE WMOidentifier WWUS41 KCLE 030849 NWSheadline WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KCLE.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-220204T1200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T07:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:09:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T11:58:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T21:26:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:48:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T09:56:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T04:59:00-05:00 Lucas; Wood; Ottawa SAME 039095 SAME 039173 SAME 039123 UGC OHZ003 UGC OHZ006 UGC OHZ007  349 XOUS53 KWBC 030850 CAPMQT urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:50:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:29:00-05:00 en-US Met Heavy Freezing Spray Warning Avoid Expected Severe Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService UPW 2022-02-03T03:50:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:50:00-05:00 2022-02-03T07:00:00-05:00 NWS Marquette MI Heavy Freezing Spray Warning issued February 3 at 3:50AM EST until February 3 at 7:00AM EST by NWS Marquette MI * WHAT...Heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater occurring, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Portions of Central and Eastern Lake Superior. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWMQT WMOidentifier WHUS73 KMQT 030850 NWSheadline HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KMQT.UP.W.0009.000000T0000Z-220203T1200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T07:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T16:30:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T10:45:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:01:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T13:13:04-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T21:40:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T16:07:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T10:54:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T03:48:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T21:51:00-05:00 Manitou Island to Point Isabelle MI; Point Isabelle to Lower Entrance of Portage Canal MI; Portage Lake to Huron Island MI to Lower Entrance of Portage Canal To Huron Islands MI Including Keweenaw and Huron Bays; Lake Superior West of Line from Manitou Island to Marquette MI Beyond 5NM from shore; Lake Superior East of a line from Manitou Island to Marquette MI and West of a line from Grand Marais MI to the US/Canadian Border Beyond 5NM from shore; Lake Superior from Grand Marais MI to Whitefish Point MI 5NM off shore to the US/Canadian border SAME 091245 SAME 091246 SAME 091247 SAME 091265 SAME 091266 SAME 091267 UGC LSZ245 UGC LSZ246 UGC LSZ247 UGC LSZ265 UGC LSZ266 UGC LSZ267  350 XOUS53 KWBC 030850 CAPMQT urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:50:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:29:00-05:00 en-US Met Heavy Freezing Spray Warning Avoid Expected Severe Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService UPW 2022-02-03T03:50:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:50:00-05:00 2022-02-03T12:00:00-05:00 NWS Marquette MI Heavy Freezing Spray Warning issued February 3 at 3:50AM EST until February 3 at 7:00AM EST by NWS Marquette MI * WHAT...For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater occurring, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. For the Small Craft Advisory, northwest winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 20 kt and waves 3 to 6 ft occurring in ice free areas. * WHERE...Marquette to Munising MI, Huron Islands to Marquette MI, Munising to Grand Marais MI and Grand Marais to Whitefish Point MI. * WHEN...For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, until 7 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWMQT WMOidentifier WHUS73 KMQT 030850 NWSheadline HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KMQT.UP.W.0009.000000T0000Z-220203T1200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T07:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T16:30:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T10:45:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:01:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T13:13:04-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T21:40:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T16:07:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T10:54:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T03:48:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T21:51:00-05:00 Huron Islands to Marquette MI; Marquette to Munising MI; Munising to Grand Marais MI; Grand Marais to Whitefish Point MI SAME 091248 SAME 091249 SAME 091250 SAME 091251 UGC LSZ248 UGC LSZ249 UGC LSZ250 UGC LSZ251  351 XOUS53 KWBC 030850 CAPMQT urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:50:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:29:00-05:00 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:50:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:50:00-05:00 2022-02-03T12:00:00-05:00 NWS Marquette MI Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:50AM EST until February 3 at 1:00PM EST by NWS Marquette MI * WHAT...For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater occurring, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. For the Small Craft Advisory, northwest winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 20 kt and waves 3 to 6 ft occurring in ice free areas. * WHERE...Marquette to Munising MI, Huron Islands to Marquette MI, Munising to Grand Marais MI and Grand Marais to Whitefish Point MI. * WHEN...For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, until 7 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWMQT WMOidentifier WHUS73 KMQT 030850 NWSheadline HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KMQT.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-220203T1800Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T13:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T16:30:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T10:45:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:01:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-08T04:05:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-07T21:09:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-07T16:09:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-07T09:57:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-07T04:07:00-05:00 Huron Islands to Marquette MI; Marquette to Munising MI; Munising to Grand Marais MI; Grand Marais to Whitefish Point MI SAME 091248 SAME 091249 SAME 091250 SAME 091251 UGC LSZ248 UGC LSZ249 UGC LSZ250 UGC LSZ251  352 XOUS53 KWBC 030850 CAPMQT urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:50:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:29:00-05:00 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:50:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:50:00-05:00 2022-02-03T07:00:00-05:00 NWS Marquette MI Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:50AM EST until February 3 at 7:00AM EST by NWS Marquette MI * WHAT...North winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 20 kt and waves 2 to 5 ft occurring in ice free areas. * WHERE...Ontonagon to Upper Entrance of Portage Canal MI, Upper Entrance of Portage Canal to Eagle River MI and Eagle River to Manitou Island MI. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWMQT WMOidentifier WHUS73 KMQT 030850 NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KMQT.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-220203T1200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T07:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T16:30:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T10:45:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T04:01:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T21:40:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-08T04:05:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-07T21:09:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-07T16:09:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-07T09:57:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-07T04:07:00-05:00 Ontonagon to Upper Entrance of Portage Canal MI; Upper Entrance of Portage Canal to Eagle River MI; Eagle River to Manitou Island MI SAME 091242 SAME 091243 SAME 091244 UGC LSZ242 UGC LSZ243 UGC LSZ244  282 XOUS52 KWBC 030851 CAPILM urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:51:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Coastal Flood Advisory Monitor Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService CFY 2022-02-03T03:51:00-05:00 2022-02-03T08:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T12:00:00-05:00 NWS Wilmington NC Coastal Flood Advisory issued February 3 at 3:51AM EST until February 3 at 12:00PM EST by NWS Wilmington NC * WHAT...Up to one half foot of inundation above ground level expected in low-lying areas near shorelines and tidal waterways. * WHERE...Coastal Horry and Coastal Georgetown Counties. * WHEN...From 8 AM this morning to noon EST today. * IMPACTS...Vulnerable causeways to and from local beaches may experience minor coastal flooding. Low-lying roads and locations along the Intracoastal Waterway and adjacent tidal creeks may observe minor coastal flooding. Check with local officials for the latest information regarding coastal flood impacts and closures. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Affected areas listed are based on average tide conditions. Additional locations may experience flooding during periods of heavy rainfall, high winds, or other factors. If travel is required, allow extra time as some roads may be closed. Do not drive around barricades or through water of unknown depth. Take the necessary actions to protect flood-prone property. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier CFWILM WMOidentifier WHUS42 KILM 030851 NWSheadline COASTAL FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM THIS MORNING TO NOON EST TODAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KILM.CF.Y.0014.220203T1300Z-220203T1700Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T12:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Coastal Horry; Coastal Georgetown SAME 045051 SAME 045043 UGC SCZ054 UGC SCZ056  283 XOUS52 KWBC 030851 CAPILM urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:51:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Coastal Flood Advisory Monitor Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService CFY 2022-02-03T03:51:00-05:00 2022-02-03T10:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T13:00:00-05:00 NWS Wilmington NC Coastal Flood Advisory issued February 3 at 3:51AM EST until February 3 at 3:00PM EST by NWS Wilmington NC * WHAT...Up to one half foot of inundation above ground level expected in low-lying areas near shorelines and tidal waterways. * WHERE...The lower Cape Fear River including downtown Wilmington. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 3 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...The lowest portions of USS North Carolina Road and Battleship Road begin to observe minor coastal flooding. Water begins to spread out of storm drains onto Water Street just south of Market Street in downtown Wilmington. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Affected areas listed are based on average tide conditions. Additional locations may experience flooding during periods of heavy rainfall, high winds, or other factors. If travel is required, allow extra time as some roads may be closed. Do not drive around barricades or through water of unknown depth. Take the necessary actions to protect flood-prone property. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier CFWILM WMOidentifier WHUS42 KILM 030851 NWSheadline COASTAL FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KILM.CF.Y.0014.220203T1500Z-220203T2000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T15:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Inland New Hanover SAME 037129 UGC NCZ107  724 XOUS51 KWBC 030852 CAPAKQ urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:52:00-05:00 Actual Cancel Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:30:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:30:00-05:00 en-US Met Dense Fog Advisory AllClear Past Minor Observed SAME NWS NationalWeatherService FGY 2022-02-03T03:52:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:52:00-05:00 2022-02-03T04:07:14-05:00 NWS Wakefield VA The Dense Fog Advisory has been cancelled. The Dense Fog Advisory has been cancelled and is no longer in effect. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier NPWAKQ WMOidentifier WWUS71 KAKQ 030852 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CAN.KAKQ.FG.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-220203T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T10:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:15:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:15:00-05:00 Westmoreland; Richmond; Northumberland; Lancaster; Gloucester; Middlesex; Mathews; Surry; James City; Isle of Wight; Norfolk/Portsmouth; Suffolk; Chesapeake; Virginia Beach; Eastern King and Queen; Eastern Essex; York; Newport News; Hampton/Poquoson SAME 051193 SAME 051159 SAME 051133 SAME 051103 SAME 051073 SAME 051119 SAME 051115 SAME 051181 SAME 051830 SAME 051095 SAME 051093 SAME 051710 SAME 051740 SAME 051800 SAME 051550 SAME 051810 SAME 051097 SAME 051057 SAME 051735 SAME 051199 SAME 051700 SAME 051650 UGC VAZ075 UGC VAZ076 UGC VAZ077 UGC VAZ078 UGC VAZ084 UGC VAZ085 UGC VAZ086 UGC VAZ089 UGC VAZ090 UGC VAZ093 UGC VAZ095 UGC VAZ096 UGC VAZ097 UGC VAZ098 UGC VAZ520 UGC VAZ522 UGC VAZ523 UGC VAZ524 UGC VAZ525  725 XOUS51 KWBC 030852 CAPAKQ urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:52:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:30:00-05:00 en-US Met Dense Fog Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService FGY 2022-02-03T03:52:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:52:00-05:00 2022-02-03T10:00:00-05:00 NWS Wakefield VA Dense Fog Advisory issued February 3 at 3:52AM EST until February 3 at 10:00AM EST by NWS Wakefield VA * WHAT...Visibility one quarter to one half mile in dense fog. Near zero visibility possible at times. * WHERE...In Maryland, Maryland Beaches, Inland Worcester, Dorchester, Somerset and Wicomico Counties. In Virginia, Accomack and Northampton Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility. If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier NPWAKQ WMOidentifier WWUS71 KAKQ 030852 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KAKQ.FG.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-220203T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T10:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T18:15:00-05:00 Dorchester; Wicomico; Somerset; Inland Worcester; Maryland Beaches; Accomack; Northampton SAME 024019 SAME 024045 SAME 024039 SAME 024047 SAME 051001 SAME 051131 UGC MDZ021 UGC MDZ022 UGC MDZ023 UGC MDZ024 UGC MDZ025 UGC VAZ099 UGC VAZ100  726 XOUS52 KWBC 030852 CAPILM urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:52:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:52:00-05:00 2022-02-03T22:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T15:00:00-05:00 NWS Wilmington NC Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:52AM EST until February 6 at 4:00PM EST by NWS Wilmington NC * WHAT...North winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and seas 4 to 7 ft expected. * WHERE...Southeast North Carolina and Northeast South Carolina coastal waters. * WHEN...From 10 PM this evening to 4 PM EST Sunday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWILM WMOidentifier WHUS72 KILM 030852 NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM EST SUNDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KILM.SC.Y.0011.220204T0300Z-220206T2100Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-06T16:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Coastal waters from Surf City to Cape Fear NC out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Cape Fear NC to Little River Inlet SC out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Little River Inlet to Murrells Inlet SC out 20 nm; Coastal waters from Murrells Inlet to South Santee River SC out 20 nm SAME 075250 SAME 075252 SAME 075254 SAME 075256 UGC AMZ250 UGC AMZ252 UGC AMZ254 UGC AMZ256  496 XOUS54 KWBC 030852 CAPLCH urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:52:00-06:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Special Weather Statement Execute Expected Moderate Observed SAME SPS NationalWeatherService SPS 2022-02-03T02:52:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:52:00-06:00 2022-02-03T03:15:00-06:00 NWS Lake Charles LA Special Weather Statement issued February 3 at 2:52AM CST by NWS Lake Charles LA At 252 AM CST, trained weather spotters reported a strong thunderstorm near Pine Forest, or near Vidor, moving northeast at 45 mph. HAZARD...Pea size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Minor damage to outdoor objects is possible. Locations impacted include... Orange, Vidor, Deweyville, Mauriceville, Pine Forest, Wrights Settlement, Gist, Devils Pocket, Hartburg and Forest Heights. This includes Interstate 10 in Texas between mile markers 869 and 861. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier SPSLCH WMOidentifier WWUS84 KLCH 030852 NWSheadline A strong thunderstorm will impact portions of west central Calcasieu Parish, southwestern Newton, northwestern Orange and southeastern Jasper Counties through 315 AM CST eventMotionDescription 2022-02-03T08:52:00-00:00...storm...216DEG...38KT...30.19,-93.97 maxWindGust Up to 30 MPH maxHailSize 0.25 BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Calcasieu; Orange; Southern Jasper; Southern Newton 30.51,-93.88 30.42,-93.73 30.4,-93.74 30.4,-93.71 30.35,-93.63 30.07,-93.94 30.18,-94.1 30.51,-93.88 SAME 022019 SAME 048361 SAME 048241 SAME 048351 UGC LAZ041 UGC TXZ216 UGC TXZ261 UGC TXZ262  543 XOUS55 KWBC 030852 CAPWBC urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T08:52:59-00:00 Test Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 This is only a test for monitoring of vital dissemination systems. en-US Met Test Message None Unknown Unknown Unknown SAME NWS NationalWeatherService TST 2022-02-03T08:52:59-00:00 2022-02-03T09:02:59-00:00 NWS Monitoring message only. Please disregard. Monitoring message only. Please disregard. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier KEPWBC WMOidentifier NZUS91 KWBC 030852 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM Montgomery SAME 024031 UGC MDC031  610 XOUS52 KWBC 030855 CAPMHX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T17:54:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:47:00-05:00 en-US Met Dense Fog Advisory Prepare Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService MFY 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:00:00-05:00 NWS Newport/Morehead City NC Dense Fog Advisory issued February 3 at 3:55AM EST until February 3 at 10:00AM EST by NWS Newport/Morehead City NC * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 NM or less. For the Small Craft Advisory, southwest winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt tonight becoming northwest Friday night and Saturday and rough waters expected. * WHERE...Pamlico Sound. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, from 1 AM Friday to 10 PM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWMHX WMOidentifier WHUS72 KMHX 030855 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM FRIDAY TO 10 PM EST SATURDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KMHX.MF.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-220203T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T10:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T07:32:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T07:32:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T07:32:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T07:32:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T03:47:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T03:47:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T03:47:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T03:47:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T09:58:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T09:58:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T09:58:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T09:58:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T21:28:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T21:28:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T21:28:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T21:28:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T20:02:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T20:04:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T20:04:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T20:04:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T20:04:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T20:04:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T20:02:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T17:52:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T17:52:00-04:00 Pamlico Sound SAME 075135 UGC AMZ135  611 XOUS52 KWBC 030855 CAPMHX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T17:54:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:47:00-05:00 en-US Met Dense Fog Advisory Prepare Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService MFY 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:00:00-05:00 NWS Newport/Morehead City NC Dense Fog Advisory issued February 3 at 3:55AM EST until February 3 at 10:00AM EST by NWS Newport/Morehead City NC * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 NM or less. For the Small Craft Advisory, southwest winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt tonight becoming northwest Friday night and Saturday with choppy waters expected. * WHERE...Albemarle, Croatan, and Roanoke Sounds and the Alligator River. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, from 1 AM Friday to 10 PM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWMHX WMOidentifier WHUS72 KMHX 030855 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM FRIDAY TO 10 PM EST SATURDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KMHX.MF.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-220203T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T10:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T07:32:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T07:32:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T07:32:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T07:32:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T03:47:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T03:47:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T03:47:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T03:47:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T09:58:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T09:58:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T09:58:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-18T09:58:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T21:28:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T21:28:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T21:28:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T21:28:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T20:02:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T20:04:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T20:04:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T20:04:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T20:04:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T20:04:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T20:02:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T17:52:00-04:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-17T17:52:00-04:00 Alligator River; Albemarle Sound; Croatan and Roanoke Sounds SAME 075131 SAME 075230 SAME 075231 UGC AMZ131 UGC AMZ230 UGC AMZ231  612 XOUS52 KWBC 030855 CAPMHX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 2022-02-04T01:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:00:00-05:00 NWS Newport/Morehead City NC Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:55AM EST until February 5 at 10:00PM EST by NWS Newport/Morehead City NC * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 NM or less. For the Small Craft Advisory, southwest winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt tonight becoming northwest Friday night and Saturday with choppy waters expected. * WHERE...Albemarle, Croatan, and Roanoke Sounds and the Alligator River. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, from 1 AM Friday to 10 PM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWMHX WMOidentifier WHUS72 KMHX 030855 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM FRIDAY TO 10 PM EST SATURDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.EXB.KMHX.SC.Y.0013.220204T0600Z-220206T0300Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-05T22:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Alligator River; Albemarle Sound; Croatan and Roanoke Sounds SAME 075131 SAME 075230 SAME 075231 UGC AMZ131 UGC AMZ230 UGC AMZ231  613 XOUS53 KWBC 030855 CAPMKX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:55:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T20:36:00-06:00 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T02:55:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:55:00-06:00 2022-02-03T11:00:00-06:00 NWS Milwaukee/Sullivan WI Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 2:55AM CST until February 3 at 6:00PM CST by NWS Milwaukee/Sullivan WI * WHAT...North winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and waves 3 to 5 ft. * WHERE...Nearshore Waters from Sheboygan to Port Washington. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWMKX WMOidentifier WHUS73 KMKX 030855 NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KMKX.SC.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-220204T0000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T18:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T13:41:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T09:39:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-05T18:20:00-06:00 Sheboygan to Port Washington WI SAME 092643 UGC LMZ643  614 XOUS52 KWBC 030855 CAPMHX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 2022-02-03T19:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:00:00-05:00 NWS Newport/Morehead City NC Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:55AM EST until February 6 at 4:00AM EST by NWS Newport/Morehead City NC * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 NM or less. For the Small Craft Advisory, southwest winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt tonight becoming northwest Friday night and Saturday. Seas 5 to 8 ft expected. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Duck to Oregon Inlet. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, from 7 PM this evening to 4 AM EST Sunday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWMHX WMOidentifier WHUS72 KMHX 030855 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 AM EST SUNDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KMHX.SC.Y.0015.220204T0000Z-220206T0900Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-06T04:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS S of Currituck Beach Light NC to Oregon Inlet NC out to 20 nm SAME 075150 UGC AMZ150  615 XOUS52 KWBC 030855 CAPMHX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T17:54:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:47:00-05:00 en-US Met Dense Fog Advisory Prepare Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService MFY 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:00:00-05:00 NWS Newport/Morehead City NC Dense Fog Advisory issued February 3 at 3:55AM EST until February 3 at 10:00AM EST by NWS Newport/Morehead City NC * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 NM or less. For the Small Craft Advisory, southwest winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt tonight becoming northwest Friday night and Saturday. Seas 5 to 8 ft expected. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Duck to Oregon Inlet. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, from 7 PM this evening to 4 AM EST Sunday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWMHX WMOidentifier WHUS72 KMHX 030855 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 AM EST SUNDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KMHX.MF.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-220203T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T10:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:13:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-01T09:55:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-01T05:30:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-01T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-01T11:22:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T21:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T21:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T21:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T21:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T21:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T16:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T16:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T16:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T16:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T16:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-01T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-01T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-01T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-01T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-01T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T10:31:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T10:31:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T10:31:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T10:31:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T10:31:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T07:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T07:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T07:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T07:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T07:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T07:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T04:30:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T04:30:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T04:30:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T07:00:00-05:00 S of Currituck Beach Light NC to Oregon Inlet NC out to 20 nm SAME 075150 UGC AMZ150  616 XOUS52 KWBC 030855 CAPMHX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T17:54:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:47:00-05:00 en-US Met Dense Fog Advisory Prepare Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService MFY 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:00:00-05:00 NWS Newport/Morehead City NC Dense Fog Advisory issued February 3 at 3:55AM EST until February 3 at 10:00AM EST by NWS Newport/Morehead City NC * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 to 1/2 NM. For the Small Craft Advisory, southwest winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and seas 6 to 9 ft becoming northwest Friday night and Saturday. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Oregon Inlet to Cape Hatteras. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, until 7 AM EST Sunday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWMHX WMOidentifier WHUS72 KMHX 030855 NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST SUNDAY... ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KMHX.MF.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-220203T1500Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-03T10:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-01T09:55:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-01T05:30:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-01T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-01T11:22:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T21:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T21:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T21:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T21:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T21:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T16:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T16:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T16:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T16:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T16:03:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-01T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-01T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-01T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-01T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-03-01T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T10:31:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T10:31:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T10:31:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T10:31:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T10:31:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T07:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T07:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T07:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T07:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T07:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T07:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T04:30:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T04:30:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T04:30:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-28T07:00:00-05:00 S of Oregon Inlet NC to Cape Hatteras NC out to 20 nm SAME 075152 UGC AMZ152  617 XOUS52 KWBC 030855 CAPMHX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T17:54:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:47:00-05:00 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:00:00-05:00 NWS Newport/Morehead City NC Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:55AM EST until February 6 at 9:00PM EST by NWS Newport/Morehead City NC * WHAT...southwest winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and seas 6 to 9 ft becoming northwest Friday night and Saturday. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Cape Hatteras to Ocracoke Inlet. * WHEN...Until 9 PM EST Sunday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWMHX WMOidentifier WHUS72 KMHX 030855 NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM EST SUNDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.EXT.KMHX.SC.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-220207T0200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-06T21:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:13:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T10:59:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T06:17:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:01:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T21:42:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T18:17:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:15:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T03:11:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T01:18:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T15:17:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T06:55:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T09:58:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T06:39:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T03:49:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T00:47:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T21:28:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T21:28:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T14:13:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T14:13:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T00:47:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T10:30:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T10:30:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T06:33:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T06:33:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T03:46:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T03:46:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T03:46:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T03:46:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T21:14:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T21:14:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T21:14:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T21:14:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T06:33:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T14:45:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T14:45:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T14:45:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T14:45:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T04:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T04:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T04:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T04:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T21:34:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T21:34:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T21:34:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T21:34:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T14:42:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T14:42:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T14:42:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T14:42:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-31T19:36:00-05:00 S of Cape Hatteras NC to Ocracoke Inlet NC out to 20 nm SAME 075154 UGC AMZ154  618 XOUS52 KWBC 030855 CAPMHX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T17:54:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:47:00-05:00 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:00:00-05:00 NWS Newport/Morehead City NC Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:55AM EST until February 6 at 7:00AM EST by NWS Newport/Morehead City NC * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 to 1/2 NM. For the Small Craft Advisory, southwest winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and seas 6 to 9 ft becoming northwest Friday night and Saturday. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Oregon Inlet to Cape Hatteras. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, until 7 AM EST Sunday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWMHX WMOidentifier WHUS72 KMHX 030855 NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST SUNDAY... ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.EXT.KMHX.SC.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-220206T1200Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-06T07:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:13:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T10:59:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T06:17:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T03:01:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T21:42:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T18:17:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:15:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T03:11:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T01:18:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T15:17:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T06:55:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T02:32:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T09:58:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T06:39:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T03:49:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T00:47:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T21:28:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T21:28:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T14:13:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T14:13:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T00:47:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T10:30:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T10:30:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T06:33:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T06:33:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T03:46:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T03:46:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T03:46:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T03:46:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T21:14:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T21:14:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T21:14:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T21:14:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T06:33:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T14:45:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T14:45:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T14:45:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T14:45:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T04:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T04:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T04:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T04:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T21:34:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T21:34:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T21:34:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T21:34:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T14:42:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T14:42:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T14:42:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T14:42:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-31T19:36:00-05:00 S of Oregon Inlet NC to Cape Hatteras NC out to 20 nm SAME 075152 UGC AMZ152  619 XOUS53 KWBC 030855 CAPMKX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T02:55:00-06:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T20:36:00-06:00 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T02:55:00-06:00 2022-02-03T02:55:00-06:00 2022-02-03T11:00:00-06:00 NWS Milwaukee/Sullivan WI Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 2:55AM CST until February 4 at 3:00AM CST by NWS Milwaukee/Sullivan WI * WHAT...North winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and waves 4 to 7 ft. * WHERE...Nearshore Waters from Port Washington to Winthrop Harbor IL. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWMKX WMOidentifier WHUS73 KMKX 030855 NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.CON.KMKX.SC.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-220204T0900Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T03:00:00-06:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T13:41:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T09:39:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T02:41:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T20:45:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T14:39:00-06:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-05T18:20:00-06:00 Port Washington to North Point Light WI; North Point Light to Wind Point WI; Wind Point WI to Winthrop Harbor IL SAME 092644 SAME 092645 SAME 092646 UGC LMZ644 UGC LMZ645 UGC LMZ646  620 XOUS52 KWBC 030855 CAPMHX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 2022-02-04T01:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:00:00-05:00 NWS Newport/Morehead City NC Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:55AM EST until February 5 at 10:00PM EST by NWS Newport/Morehead City NC * WHAT...For the Dense Fog Advisory, dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 NM or less. For the Small Craft Advisory, southwest winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt tonight becoming northwest Friday night and Saturday and rough waters expected. * WHERE...Pamlico Sound. * WHEN...For the Dense Fog Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Small Craft Advisory, from 1 AM Friday to 10 PM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Low visibility will make navigation difficult. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWMHX WMOidentifier WHUS72 KMHX 030855 NWSheadline DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM FRIDAY TO 10 PM EST SATURDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.EXB.KMHX.SC.Y.0013.220204T0600Z-220206T0300Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-05T22:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Pamlico Sound SAME 075135 UGC AMZ135  854 XOUS51 KWBC 030855 CAPGYX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 2022-02-04T01:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T18:00:00-05:00 NWS Gray ME Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:55AM EST until February 4 at 6:00PM EST by NWS Gray ME * WHAT...Southwest winds becoming northeast 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 2 to 4 ft expected. * WHERE...Penobscot Bay and Casco Bay. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 6 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWGYX WMOidentifier WHUS71 KGYX 030855 NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 6 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KGYX.SC.Y.0015.220204T0600Z-220204T2300Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T18:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Penobscot Bay; Casco Bay SAME 073151 SAME 073153 UGC ANZ151 UGC ANZ153  855 XOUS52 KWBC 030855 CAPMHX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T17:54:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:47:00-05:00 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 2022-02-03T19:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:00:00-05:00 NWS Newport/Morehead City NC Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:55AM EST until February 6 at 6:00AM EST by NWS Newport/Morehead City NC * WHAT...southwest winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and seas 4 to 7 ft becoming northwest Friday night and Saturday. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Cape Lookout to Surf City. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 6 AM EST Sunday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWMHX WMOidentifier WHUS72 KMHX 030855 NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM EST SUNDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.EXT.KMHX.SC.Y.0013.220204T0000Z-220206T1100Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-06T06:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T15:15:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T18:17:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T03:11:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-01T01:18:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T15:17:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-01-31T06:55:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T09:58:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T06:39:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T03:49:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T00:47:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T21:28:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T21:28:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T14:13:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T14:13:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-04T00:47:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T10:30:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T10:30:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T06:33:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T06:33:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T03:46:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T03:46:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T03:46:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T03:46:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T21:14:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T21:14:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T21:14:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T21:14:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T06:33:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T14:45:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T14:45:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T14:45:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T14:45:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T04:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T04:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T04:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T04:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-02T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T21:34:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T21:34:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T21:34:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T21:34:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T14:42:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T14:42:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T14:42:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T14:42:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-01T03:00:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-01-31T19:36:00-05:00 S of Cape Lookout NC to Surf City NC out to 20 nm SAME 075158 UGC AMZ158  856 XOUS51 KWBC 030855 CAPGYX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 2022-02-03T18:00:00-05:00 NWS Gray ME Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:55AM EST until February 4 at 6:00PM EST by NWS Gray ME * WHAT...Southwest winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt becoming northeast tonight into Friday and seas building to 4 to 6 ft. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Stonington, ME to Port Clyde, ME out 25 NM, Coastal Waters from Port Clyde, ME to Cape Elizabeth, ME out 25 NM and Coastal Waters from Cape Elizabeth, ME to Merrimack River, MA out 25 NM. * WHEN...Until 6 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWGYX WMOidentifier WHUS71 KGYX 030855 NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KGYX.SC.Y.0015.220203T0855Z-220204T2300Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T18:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Coastal Waters from Stonington, ME to Port Clyde, ME out 25 NM; Coastal Waters from Port Clyde, ME to Cape Elizabeth, ME out 25 NM; Coastal Waters from Cape Elizabeth, ME to Merrimack River, MA out 25 NM SAME 073150 SAME 073152 SAME 073154 UGC ANZ150 UGC ANZ152 UGC ANZ154  857 XOUS52 KWBC 030855 CAPMHX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T17:54:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T21:47:00-05:00 en-US Met Small Craft Advisory Avoid Expected Minor Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService SCY 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 2022-02-03T19:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:00:00-05:00 NWS Newport/Morehead City NC Small Craft Advisory issued February 3 at 3:55AM EST until February 6 at 6:00AM EST by NWS Newport/Morehead City NC * WHAT...southwest winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and seas 5 to 8 ft becoming northwest Friday night and Saturday. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Ocracoke Inlet to Cape Lookout. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 6 AM EST Sunday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier MWWMHX WMOidentifier WHUS72 KMHX 030855 NWSheadline SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM EST SUNDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.EXT.KMHX.SC.Y.0014.220204T0000Z-220206T1100Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-06T06:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T14:13:00-05:00 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2021-02-03T10:30:00-05:00 S of Ocracoke Inlet NC to Cape Lookout NC out to 20 nm SAME 075156 UGC AMZ156  518 XOUS52 KWBC 030855 CAPGSP urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 Actual Update Public IPAWSv1.0 w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T22:28:00-05:00 en-US Met Flood Watch Prepare Future Severe Possible SAME FFA NationalWeatherService FAA 2022-02-03T03:55:00-05:00 2022-02-03T18:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T12:00:00-05:00 NWS Greenville-Spartanburg SC Flood Watch issued February 3 at 3:55AM EST until February 4 at 1:00PM EST by NWS Greenville-Spartanburg SC * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues to be possible. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Georgia, western North Carolina and upstate South Carolina, including the following areas. In Georgia, Habersham and Rabun Counties. In North Carolina, Graham, Haywood, Macon, Jackson, Swain and Transylvania. In South Carolina, mountainous northern portions of Oconee and Pickens Counties. * WHEN...From this evening through Friday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Excessive runoff may result in flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - A cold front will move into the area from the west, producing widespread rainfall. Rainfall amount of 2 to 4 inches is expected between now and Friday, with localized totals up to 5 inches. This could cause localized flooding. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood A Flood Watch means there is a potential for flooding based on current forecasts. Please monitor the latest forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier FFAGSP WMOidentifier WGUS62 KGSP 030855 NWSheadline FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM THIS EVENING THROUGH FRIDAY AFTERNOON BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM EAS-ORG WXR VTEC /O.CON.KGSP.FA.A.0001.220203T2300Z-220204T1800Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T13:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS expiredReferences w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov,urn:oid:,2022-02-02T14:40:00-05:00 Rabun; Habersham; Swain; Haywood; Graham; Northern Jackson; Macon; Southern Jackson; Transylvania; Oconee Mountains; Pickens Mountains SAME 013241 SAME 013137 SAME 037173 SAME 037087 SAME 037075 SAME 037099 SAME 037113 SAME 037175 SAME 045073 SAME 045077 UGC GAZ010 UGC GAZ017 UGC NCZ051 UGC NCZ052 UGC NCZ058 UGC NCZ059 UGC NCZ062 UGC NCZ063 UGC NCZ064 UGC SCZ001 UGC SCZ002  236 XOUS51 KWBC 030856 CAPOKX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:56:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2022-02-03T03:56:00-05:00 2022-02-04T06:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:30:00-05:00 NWS Upton NY Winter Weather Advisory issued February 3 at 3:56AM EST until February 4 at 6:00PM EST by NWS Upton NY * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of up to one inch and ice accumulations of up to two tenths of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of northeast New Jersey and southeast New York. * WHEN...From 6 AM to 6 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute. Slow down and use caution while traveling. Check local Department of Transportation information services for the latest road conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWOKX WMOidentifier WWUS41 KOKX 030856 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM TO 6 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KOKX.WW.Y.0008.220204T1100Z-220204T2300Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T18:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Eastern Passaic; Western Bergen; Eastern Bergen; Western Essex; Eastern Essex; Rockland; Northern Westchester; Southern Westchester SAME 034031 SAME 034003 SAME 034013 SAME 036087 SAME 036119 UGC NJZ004 UGC NJZ103 UGC NJZ104 UGC NJZ105 UGC NJZ106 UGC NYZ069 UGC NYZ070 UGC NYZ071  237 XOUS51 KWBC 030856 CAPOKX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:56:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2022-02-03T03:56:00-05:00 2022-02-04T06:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:30:00-05:00 NWS Upton NY Winter Weather Advisory issued February 3 at 3:56AM EST until February 4 at 7:00PM EST by NWS Upton NY * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of up to one inch and ice accumulations of around two tenths of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of southern Connecticut. * WHEN...From 6 AM to 7 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commute. Slow down and use caution while traveling. Check local Department of Transportation information services for the latest road conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWOKX WMOidentifier WWUS41 KOKX 030856 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM TO 7 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KOKX.WW.Y.0008.220204T1100Z-220205T0000Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T19:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Northern Fairfield; Northern New Haven; Northern Middlesex; Northern New London; Southern Fairfield; Southern New Haven; Southern Middlesex; Southern New London SAME 009001 SAME 009009 SAME 009007 SAME 009011 UGC CTZ005 UGC CTZ006 UGC CTZ007 UGC CTZ008 UGC CTZ009 UGC CTZ010 UGC CTZ011 UGC CTZ012  238 XOUS51 KWBC 030856 CAPOKX urn:oid: w-nws.webmaster@noaa.gov 2022-02-03T03:56:00-05:00 Actual Alert Public IPAWSv1.0 en-US Met Winter Weather Advisory Execute Expected Moderate Likely SAME NWS NationalWeatherService WWY 2022-02-03T03:56:00-05:00 2022-02-04T01:00:00-05:00 2022-02-03T16:30:00-05:00 NWS Upton NY Winter Weather Advisory issued February 3 at 3:56AM EST until February 4 at 6:00PM EST by NWS Upton NY * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations of up to one inch and ice accumulations of one tenth to two tenths of an inch. * WHERE...In New Jersey, Western Passaic County. In New York, Orange and Putnam Counties. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 6 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute. Slow down and use caution while traveling. Check local Department of Transportation information services for the latest road conditions. http://www.weather.gov AWIPSidentifier WSWOKX WMOidentifier WWUS41 KOKX 030856 NWSheadline WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 6 PM EST FRIDAY BLOCKCHANNEL EAS BLOCKCHANNEL NWEM VTEC /O.NEW.KOKX.WW.Y.0008.220204T0600Z-220204T2300Z/ eventEndingTime 2022-02-04T18:00:00-05:00 BLOCKCHANNEL CMAS Western Passaic; Orange; Putnam SAME 034031 SAME 036071 SAME 036079 UGC NJZ002 UGC NYZ067 UGC NYZ068