867 WWST02 SABM 060000 1:31:06:01:00 SECURITE WEATHER BULLETIN FOR SHIPPING - METAREA 6- 2025-02-6, 00:00 UTC. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS. PART 1 GALE WARNING: WARNING 43: STRONG BARIC GRADIENT WILL PROVOKE WINDS FORCE 8 FROM SECTOR W WITH GUST IN GOLFO DE SAN JORGE COASTS SOUTH PATAGONIA COASTS FROM 06/0600 WARNING 42: STRONG BARIC GRADIENT WILL PROVOKE WINDS FORCE 8 FROM SECTOR N WITH GUST BETWEEN 45S-55S AND 40W-60W FROM 06/0600 WARNING 41: STRONG BARIC GRADIENT PROVOKES WINDS FORCE 8 FROM SE WITH GUST IN OUTER RIO DE LA PLATA URUGUAY SOUTH EAST COASTS BETWEEN 35S-40S AND 45W-60W UNTIL 06/1800 WARNING 39: LOW 978HPA AT 55S 30W MOV E WEAKENING PROVOKES WINDS FORCE 8 FROM SECTOR W WITH GUST BETWEEN 45S-55S AND 20W-40W UNTIL 06/0600 PART 2 GENERAL SYNOPSIS AT 21:00UTC HIGH 1017HPA 40S 40W MOV E DPN EXP 40S 30W BY 06/2100 LOW 978HPA 55S 30W MOV E WKN 051400 UTC 1.SEA ICE LIMIT 7107S 02000W 6849S 02659W 6409S 02820W 6615S 04047W 6421S 04319W 6223S 04358W 6051S 04607W 6246S 05158W 6223S 05414W 6250S 05627W 6356S 06230W 6607S 06716W 2.ICEBERGS GREATER THAN 10NM A23A 5639S 04052W 40X32NM A76B 4615S 02731W 15X5NM A23B 5705S 04109W 10X3NM 3.ICEBERGS SMALLER THAN 10NM ICEBERG1 6148S 05524W 9X3NM ICEBERG2 5524S 03554W 3X2NM ICEBERG3 5742S 03129W 2X1NM ICEBERG4 6229S 05508W 2X1NM ICEBERG5 5503S 03616W 2X1NM ICEBERG6 4609S 02753W 8X1NM ICEBERG7 5716S 02942W 2X1NM ICEBERG8 6210S 02819W 3X2NM ICEBERG9 6241S 04914W 9X3NM ICEBERG10 6241S 04609W 3X1NM 4.ICEBERGS AREA A: 7257S 02000W 5000S 02000W 4500S 02600W 4500S 03500W 6727S 03500W B: 6727S 03500W 4800S 03500W 4800S 04200W 5500S 04500W 6030S 04502W C: 6030S 04502W 5700S 04500W 5500S 05500W 6100S 06716W 6641S 06716W PART 3 FORECAST ISSUED 00:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 00:00 UTC 2025-02-7 COASTAL AREAS: INNER RIO DE LA PLATA: SECTOR S 5/4 WITH GUSTS VIS GOOD OUTER RIO DE LA PLATA: SE 8/7 WITH GUSTS VEER SECTOR S 6/5 WITH GUSTS PROB OF RAIN IMPR STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS POOR TO GOOD URUGUAY SOUTH EAST COASTS: SE 8/7 WITH GUSTS VEER SECTOR S 6/5 PROB OF STORMS IMPR STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS POOR TO MODERATE MAR DEL PLATA COASTS(36š17S - 38š30S): VRB 4 PROB OF RAIN IMPR STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS MODERATE TO GOOD RINCON BAHIA BLANCA COASTS(38š30S - 41šS): SECTOR N 6/5 WITH GUSTS VIS MODERATE TO GOOD PENINSULA DE VALDES COASTS(41šS - 45šS): SECTOR N 7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BACK SECTOR W 6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF SH IMPR STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR GOLFO DE SAN JORGE COASTS(45šS - 48šS): SECTOR N 7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BACK SECTOR W 8 WITH GUSTS BY 6/0600 PROB OF SH IMPR STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS MODERATE TO POOR OCNL VERY POOR SOUTH PATAGONIA COASTS(48šS - 54šS): SECTOR N 7 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR W 7/8 WITH GUSTS BY 6/0600 PROB OF RAIN VIS VERY POOR TO POOR FIN DEL MUNDO COASTS(54šS - 55šS): VRB 3/4 VEER SW 5/6 WITH GUSTS BY 6/1500 PROB OF RAIN NXT HVY RAIN VIS VERY POOR TO POOR ISLAS MALVINAS COASTS: SECTOR N 7/6 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR W 7 WITH GUSTS PROB OF HVY RAIN VIS POOR OCNL VERY POOR OCEANIC AREAS: NORTH AREA (35S- 40S AND 20W- 55W) E OF 35W: SECTOR W 5 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR E 5/6 WITH GUSTS BY 6/0900 PROB OF SH VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR W OF 35 - E OF 45W: SECTOR E 6/7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY PROB OF HVY STORMS STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS POOR OCNL VERY POOR REST OF THE AREA: SE 8/7 WITH GUSTS VEER SECTOR S 7/6 WITH GUSTS BY 6/0600 PROB OF STORMS VIS POOR OCNL VERY POOR CENTRAL EAST AREA (40S- 50S AND 20W- 40W) N OF 45S: SW 5/6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF ISOL RAIN VIS MODERATE REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR W 8/7 WITH GUSTS BACK SW 7 WITH GUSTS BY 6/1800 PROB OF ISOL RAIN VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR CENTRAL WEST AREA (40S- 50S AND 40W- 60W) N OF 45S: SECTOR N 5/6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF SH STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR E OF 50 - S OF 45S: SECTOR W 6/5 VEER SECTOR N 7/8 WITH GUSTS PROB OF RAIN TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE TO POOR OCNL VERY POOR REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR N 7/8 WITH GUSTS PROB OF RAIN IMPR TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS POOR OCNL VERY POOR SOUTH EAST AREA (50S- 60S AND 20W- 40W) N OF 55S: SECTOR W 8/7 WITH GUSTS BACK SW 7/6 WITH GUSTS BY 6/0900 PROB OF SH IMPR STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS VERY POOR TO POOR OCNL MODERATE REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR S 6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF SH RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE IMPR STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS POOR TO MODERATE SOUTH WEST AREA (50S- 60S AND 40W- 60W) N OF 55S: SECTOR N 7/8 WITH GUSTS PROB OF RAIN STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS VERY POOR TO POOR REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR N 5/6 WITH GUSTS PROB OF RAIN VIS POOR DRAKE AREA (55S- 60S AND 60W- 67W): VRB 4/5 PROB OF SH VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  868 WWST01 SABM 060000 1:31:06:01:00 SEGURIDAD BOLETIN METEOROLOGICO PARA NAVEGANTES - METAREA 6 - 6-02-2025, 00:00 UTC. SERVICIO METEOROLOGICO NACIONAL INFORMACION DE HIELOS MARINOS Y TEMPANOS SUMINISTRADA POR EL SHN, PRESION EN HPA, ESCALA BEAUFORT PARA VIENTO. 1 PARTE AVISO DE TEMPORAL: AVISO 43: FUERTE GRADIENTE BARICO PROVOCARÁ VIENTO FUERZA 8 DEL SECTOR W CON RAFAGAS EN GOLFO DE SAN JORGE COSTA PATAGONIA SUR A PARTIR DEL 06/0600 AVISO 42: FUERTE GRADIENTE BARICO PROVOCARÁ VIENTO FUERZA 8 DEL SECTOR N CON RAFAGAS EN 45S-55S 40W-60W A PARTIR DEL 06/0600 AVISO 41: FUERTE GRADIENTE BARICO PROVOCA VIENTO FUERZA 8 DEL SE CON RAFAGAS EN RIO DE LA PLATA EXTERIOR COSTA SUDESTE DEL URUGUAY EN 35S-40S 45W-60W HASTA EL 06/1800 AVISO 39: DEPRESION 978HPA EN 55S 30W MOV E DEBILITANDOSE PROVOCA VIENTO FUERZA 8 DEL SECTOR W CON RAFAGAS EN 45S-55S 20W-40W HASTA EL 06/0600 2 PARTE SINOPSIS GENERAL A LAS 21:00UTC ANTICICLON 1017HPA 40S 40W MOV E DPN EXP 40S 30W EL 06/2100 DEPRESION 978HPA 55S 30W MOV E WKN 051400 UTC 1.LIMITE DE HIELO MARINO 7107S 02000W 6849S 02659W 6409S 02820W 6615S 04047W 6421S 04319W 6223S 04358W 6051S 04607W 6246S 05158W 6223S 05414W 6250S 05627W 6356S 06230W 6607S 06716W 2.TEMPANOS MAYORES A 10MN A23A 5639S 04052W 40X32MN A76B 4615S 02731W 15X5MN A23B 5705S 04109W 10X3MN 3.TEMPANOS MENORES A 10MN TEMPANO1 6148S 05524W 9X3MN TEMPANO2 5524S 03554W 3X2MN TEMPANO3 5742S 03129W 2X1MN TEMPANO4 6229S 05508W 2X1MN TEMPANO5 5503S 03616W 2X1MN TEMPANO6 4609S 02753W 8X1MN TEMPANO7 5716S 02942W 2X1MN TEMPANO8 6210S 02819W 3X2MN TEMPANO9 6241S 04914W 9X3MN TEMPANO10 6241S 04609W 3X1MN 4.AREA DE TEMPANOS A: 7257S 02000W 5000S 02000W 4500S 02600W 4500S 03500W 6727S 03500W B: 6727S 03500W 4800S 03500W 4800S 04200W 5500S 04500W 6030S 04502W C: 6030S 04502W 5700S 04500W 5500S 05500W 6100S 06716W 6641S 06716W 3 PARTE PRONOSTICO DE LAS 00:00 UTC VALIDO HASTA LAS 00:00 UTC DEL DIA 7-02-2025 ZONAS COSTERAS: RIO DE LA PLATA INTERIOR: SECTOR S 5/4 CON RAFAGAS VIS BUENA RIO DE LA PLATA EXTERIOR: SE 8/7 CON RAFAGAS VEER SECTOR S 6/5 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE LLUVIAS MEJORANDO A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA VIS MALA A BUENA COSTA SUDESTE DEL URUGUAY: SE 8/7 CON RAFAGAS VEER SECTOR S 6/5 PROB DE TORMENTAS MEJORANDO A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA VIS MALA A REGULAR COSTA MAR DEL PLATA(36š17S - 38š30S): VRB 4 PROB DE LLUVIAS MEJORANDO A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA VIS REGULAR A BUENA RINCON BAHIA BLANCA(38š30S - 41šS): SECTOR N 6/5 CON RAFAGAS VIS REGULAR A BUENA COSTA PENINSULA DE VALDES(41šS - 45šS): SECTOR N 7 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 BACK SECTOR W 6 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE SH MEJORANDO A PARTIR DE LA MAŅANA VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA GOLFO DE SAN JORGE(45šS - 48šS): SECTOR N 7 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 BACK SECTOR W 8 CON RAFAGAS EL 6/0600 PROB DE SH MEJORANDO A PARTIR DE LA MAŅANA VIS REGULAR A MALA OCNL MUY MALA COSTA PATAGONIA SUR(48šS - 54šS): SECTOR N 7 CON RAFAGAS BACK SECTOR W 7/8 CON RAFAGAS EL 6/0600 PROB DE LLUVIAS VIS MALA A MUY MALA COSTA FIN DEL MUNDO(54šS - 55šS): VRB 3/4 VEER SW 5/6 CON RAFAGAS EL 6/1500 PROB DE LLUVIAS LUEGO LLUVIAS FUERTES VIS MALA A MUY MALA COSTA DE ISLAS MALVINAS: SECTOR N 7/6 CON RAFAGAS BACK SECTOR W 7 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE LLUVIAS FUERTES VIS MALA OCNL MUY MALA AREAS OCEANICAS: AREA NORTE (35S- 40S Y 20W- 55W) E DE 35W: SECTOR W 5 CON RAFAGAS BACK SECTOR E 5/6 CON RAFAGAS EL 6/0900 PROB DE SH VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA W DE 35 - E DE 45W: SECTOR E 6/7 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 PROB DE TORMENTAS FUERTES A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA VIS MALA OCNL MUY MALA RESTO DEL AREA: SE 8/7 CON RAFAGAS VEER SECTOR S 7/6 CON RAFAGAS EL 6/0600 PROB DE TORMENTAS VIS MALA OCNL MUY MALA AREA CENTRO ESTE (40S- 50S Y 20W- 40W) N DE 45S: SW 5/6 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE LLUVIAS AISLADAS VIS REGULAR RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR W 8/7 CON RAFAGAS BACK SW 7 CON RAFAGAS EL 6/1800 PROB DE LLUVIAS AISLADAS VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA AREA CENTRO OESTE (40S- 50S Y 40W- 60W) N DE 45S: SECTOR N 5/6 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE SH A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA E DE 50 - S DE 45S: SECTOR W 6/5 VEER SECTOR N 7/8 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE LLUVIAS HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS REGULAR A MALA OCNL MUY MALA RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR N 7/8 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE LLUVIAS MEJORANDO HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS MALA OCNL MUY MALA AREA SUDESTE (50S- 60S Y 20W- 40W) N DE 55S: SECTOR W 8/7 CON RAFAGAS BACK SW 7/6 CON RAFAGAS EL 6/0900 PROB DE SH MEJORANDO A PARTIR DE LA MAŅANA VIS MUY MALA A MALA OCNL REGULAR RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR S 6 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE SH LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA MEJORANDO A PARTIR DE LA MAŅANA VIS MALA A REGULAR AREA SUDOESTE (50S- 60S Y 40W- 60W) N DE 55S: SECTOR N 7/8 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE LLUVIAS A PARTIR DE LA MADRUGADA VIS MALA A MUY MALA RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR N 5/6 CON RAFAGAS PROB DE LLUVIAS VIS MALA AREA PASAJE DE DRAKE (55S- 60S Y 60W- 67W): VRB 4/5 PROB DE SH VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  869 WWST03 SABM 060000 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR NAVTEX STATIONS - METAREA 6 - FEBRUARY 06, 00:00UTC NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS. GALE WARNING: WARNING 41: STRONG BARIC GRADIENT PROVOKES WINDS FORCE 8 FROM SE WITH GUST IN OUTER RIO DE LA PLATA URUGUAY SOUTH EAST COASTS BETWEEN 35S-40S AND 45W-60W UNTIL 06/1800 WARNING 43: STRONG BARIC GRADIENT WILL PROVOKE WINDS FORCE 8 FROM SECTOR W WITH GUST IN GOLFO DE SAN JORGE COASTS SOUTH PATAGONIA COASTS FROM 06/0600 GENERAL SINOPSIS: NO SIGNIFICATIVE WEATHERFORECAST ISSUED 00:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 00:00 UTC 2025-02-7 NAVTEX STATIONS FCST: BUENOS AIRES: SECTOR S 5/4 WITH GUSTS VIS GOOD BAHIA BLANCA: SECTOR N 6/5 WITH GUSTS VIS MODERATE TO GOOD. MAR DEL PLATA: VRB 4 PROB OF RAIN IMPR STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS MODERATE TO GOOD. COMODORO RIVADAVIA: SECTOR N 7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BACK SECTOR W 8 WITH GUSTS BY 6/0600 PROB OF SH IMPR STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS MODERATE TO POOR OCNL VERY POOR. RIO GALLEGOS: SECTOR N 7 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR W 7/8 WITH GUSTS BY 6/0600 PROB OF RAIN VIS VERY POOR TO POOR. USHUAIA: VRB 3/4 VEER SW 5/6 WITH GUSTS BY 6/1500 PROB OF RAIN NXT HVY RAIN VIS VERY POOR TO POOR. ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  811 WSUY31 SUMU 060000 SUEO SIGMET 1 VALID 060000/060200 SUMU- SUEO MONTEVIDEO FIR EMBD TSGR FCST WI S3307 W05817 - S3004 W05742 - S3005 W05650 - S3225 W05310 - S3444 W05253 - S3307 W05817 TOP FL400 MOV E 10KT NC=  704 WVHO31 MHTG 060000 MHTG SIGMET 1 VALID 060000/060600 MHTG- MHCC CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR VA SANTA MARIA PSN N1445 W09133 VA CLD OBS AT 2300Z SFC/FL130 N1446 W09133 - N1444 W09132 - N1430 W09159 - N1438 W09206 - N1446 W09133 MOV SW 15KT FCST 0500Z SFC/FL130 N1451 W09159 - N1446 W09133 - N1444 W09133 - N1441 W09201 - N1451 W09159=  090 WSPN08 KKCI 060000 SIGP0H KZAK SIGMET HOTEL 4 VALID 060000/060400 KKCI- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0000Z WI N3509 W17546 - N3105 W17402 - N2935 E17235 - N3046 E17059 - N3509 W17546. TOP FL350. MOV ESE 20KT. WKN.  670 WWUS43 KLSX 060001 WSWLSX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service St Louis MO 601 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ILZ058-097-098-MOZ034>036-041-042-050>052-060115- /O.EXP.KLSX.WW.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T0000Z/ Greene IL-Pike IL-Calhoun IL-Monroe MO-Ralls MO-Pike MO-Boone MO- Audrain MO-Callaway MO-Montgomery MO-Lincoln MO- Including the cities of Columbia, Bowling Green, Pittsfield, Mexico, and Fulton 601 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... Freezing drizzle has ended across the area as temperatures rise above freezing. Remain cautious for lingering slick spots on bridges and overpasses. $$ ILZ095-096-MOZ018-019-026-027-060300- /O.CON.KLSX.WW.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T0300Z/ Adams IL-Brown IL-Knox MO-Lewis MO-Shelby MO-Marion MO- Including the cities of Hannibal, Quincy, and Mount Sterling 601 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of west central Illinois and northeast Missouri. * WHEN...Until 9 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Wednesday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. In Illinois, the latest road conditions can be obtained at www.gettingaroundillinois.com. In Missouri, the latest road conditions can be obtained at traveler.modot.org/map or by calling 1-888-275-6636. && $$ Pfahler  018 WVID21 WAAA 060001 WAAF SIGMET 01 VALID 060001/060600 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT SEMERU PSN S0806 E11255 VA CLD OBS AT 2330Z WI S0807 E11253 - S0803 E11254 - S0807 E11314 - S 0820 E11311 - S0822 E11255 - S0807 E11253 SFC/FL150 MOV SE 05KT WKN=  088 WSUS32 KKCI 060002 SIGC MKCC WST 060002 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 13C VALID UNTIL 0155Z IL FROM 20WNW TTH-20SSE AXC LINE TS 20 NM WIDE MOV FROM 26050KT. TOPS TO FL400. ...SPECIAL... OUTLOOK VALID 060155-060555 FROM TTH-40NE MSL-30WSW ARG-TTH WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  339 WSUS31 KKCI 060002 SIGE MKCE WST 060002 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 6E VALID UNTIL 0155Z IN 50SE TTH ISOL EMBD TS D20 MOV FROM 26050KT. TOPS TO FL390. ...SPECIAL... CONVECTIVE SIGMET 3E VALID UNTIL 0155Z OH TN KY IN FROM 30WSW CVG-40W HNN-30SE BNA-60WNW BNA-30WSW CVG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 26035KT. TOPS TO FL400. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 4E VALID UNTIL 0155Z GA TN AL FROM 30NE MSL-20SSE GQO-50NW ATL-50NNE VUZ-30NE MSL AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 26035KT. TOPS TO FL320. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 5E VALID UNTIL 0155Z SC FROM 30SW SPA-30N CAE-10NNW CAE-40NNW IRQ-30SW SPA AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25040KT. TOPS TO FL310. OUTLOOK VALID 060155-060555 FROM JST-40WNW CSN-CAE-40NE MSL-TTH-ROD-JST WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  698 WSSG31 GOOY 060001 GOOO SIGMET A1 VALID 060001/060400 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR OCEANIC FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2350Z W OF LINE N0329 W02457 - N0051 W02000 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  837 WWUS74 KLZK 060004 NPWLZK URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Little Rock AR 604 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ARZ016-024-025-031>034-039-042>046-052>055-062-122-123-138-141-238- 241-341-060600- /O.NEW.KLZK.FG.Y.0005.250206T0004Z-250206T0600Z/ Independence-Cleburne-Jackson-Conway-Faulkner-White-Woodruff- Perry-Garland-Saline-Pulaski-Lonoke-Prairie-Pike-Clark-Hot Spring- Grant-Dallas-Southern Pope County-Southeast Van Buren County- Northwest Yell County-Central and Eastern Montgomery County-Yell Excluding Northwest-Northern Montgomery County Higher Elevations- Southwest Montgomery County Higher Elevations- Including the cities of Waveland, Cotton Plant, Shirley, Ola, Cabot, London, Plainview, Danville, Dardanelle, North Little Rock, Malvern, Hazen, Hector, Damascus, De Valls Bluff, Havana, Russellville, Conway, Beebe, Scotland, Norman, McCrory, Sheridan, Augusta, Little Rock, Lonoke, Glenwood, Bryant, Newport, Atkins, Albert, Murfreesboro, Batesville, Clinton, Morrilton, Story, Heber Springs, Fairfield Bay, Perryville, Fordyce, Benton, Des Arc, Arkadelphia, Searcy, Mount Ida, and Hot Springs 604 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of central, eastern, north central, southwest, and western Arkansas. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ 44  277 WHUS72 KMHX 060005 MWWMHX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 705 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 AMZ150-060900- /O.EXT.KMHX.SC.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ S of Currituck Beach Light to Oregon Inlet NC out 20 nm- 705 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and seas 4 to 6 ft. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Duck to Oregon Inlet. * WHEN...Until 4 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ AMZ156-158-060500- /O.EXT.KMHX.SC.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-250206T0500Z/ S of Ocracoke Inlet to Cape Lookout NC out 20 nm- S of Cape Lookout to N of Surf City NC out 20 nm- 705 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT EST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Northeast winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Ocracoke Inlet to Surf City. * WHEN...Until midnight EST tonight. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ AMZ135-060500- /O.EXT.KMHX.SC.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-250206T0500Z/ Pamlico Sound- 705 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT EST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and rough waters. * WHERE...Pamlico Sound. * WHEN...Until midnight EST tonight. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ AMZ154-061215- /O.CON.KMHX.SC.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-250207T1600Z/ S of Cape Hatteras to Ocracoke Inlet NC out 20 nm including the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary- 705 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 4 to 6 ft. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Cape Hatteras to Ocracoke Inlet. * WHEN...Until 11 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ AMZ152-061215- /O.CON.KMHX.SC.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-250207T1400Z/ S of Oregon Inlet to Cape Hatteras NC out 20 nm- 705 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 4 to 7 ft. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Oregon Inlet to Cape Hatteras. * WHEN...Until 9 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  832 WSCH31 SCIP 060005 SCIZ SIGMET 01 VALID 060005/060015 SCIP- SCIZ ISLA DE PASCUA FIR CNL SIGMET A2 052015/060015=  985 WWNZ40 NZKL 060005 GALE WARNING 021 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: PACIFIC AT 060000UTC FRONT 50S 148W 51S 152W 50S 160W MOVING WESTSOUTHWEST 10KT. WITHIN 180 NAUTICAL MILES SOUTH OF FRONT: EASTERLY 40KT EASING NEXT 6 HOURS. GALE AREA MOVING WITH FRONT. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 019.  986 WWNZ40 NZKL 060004 STORM WARNING 020 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: PACIFIC AT 060000UTC LOW 953HPA NEAR 46S 160W MOVING WESTSOUTHWEST 5KT. 1. WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES OF LOW IN SECTOR FROM NORTH THROUGH EAST TO SOUTHEAST: CLOCKWISE 50KT EASING TO 40KT NEXT 6 HOURS. 2. OUTSIDE AREA 1 AND WITHIN 360 NAUTICAL MILES OF LOW: CLOCKWISE 40KT. STORM AND GALE AREAS MOVING WITH LOW. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 018.  610 WSPS21 NZKL 060001 NZZO SIGMET 1 VALID 060007/060407 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S6210 W16240 - S5630 W15310 - S5430 W13940 - S5640 W14400 - S5810 W15220 - S6250 W15950 - S6210 W16240 FL280/360 STNR NC=  407 WWUS41 KPBZ 060009 WSWPBZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 709 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 PAZ074-076-078-WVZ512-514-060815- /O.CON.KPBZ.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Higher Elevations of Westmoreland-Higher Elevations of Fayette- Higher Elevations of Indiana-Eastern Preston-Eastern Tucker- Including the cities of Ohiopyle, Canaan Valley, Davis, Hazelton, Armagh, Thomas, Ligonier, Rowlesburg, Terra Alta, Donegal, and Champion 709 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Significant icing. Little or no snow accumulation and ice accumulations a quarter of an inch to around four tenths of an inch. * WHERE...In Pennsylvania, Higher Elevations of Fayette, Higher Elevations of Westmoreland, and Higher Elevations of Indiana Counties. In West Virginia, Eastern Preston and Eastern Tucker Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Power outages and tree damage are likely due to the ice. Travel could be nearly impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Wednesday evening and Thursday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report ice accumulations or damage by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ OHZ068-069-PAZ031-075-WVZ004-012-511-060815- /O.EXA.KPBZ.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Noble-Monroe-Greene-Fayette-Marshall-Wetzel-Preston- Including the cities of Uniontown, Bruceton Mills, New Martinsville, Moundsville, Woodsfield, Caldwell, Kingwood, and Waynesburg 709 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain expected. Ice accumulations a glaze to around one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of east central Ohio, southwest Pennsylvania, and northern and the northern panhandle of West Virginia. * WHEN...Until 4 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...The hazardous conditions could impact the Wednesday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report snow or ice accumulations by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ OHZ039>041-048>050-057>059-PAZ013-020-021-029-073-WVZ001>003-060815- /O.CON.KPBZ.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Tuscarawas-Carroll-Columbiana-Coshocton-Harrison-Jefferson OH- Muskingum-Guernsey-Belmont-Lawrence-Beaver-Allegheny-Washington- Westmoreland-Hancock-Brooke-Ohio- Including the cities of Wheeling, Lower Burrell, Dover, Greensburg, Malvern, Monaca, Canonsburg, Carrollton, Aliquippa, Cadiz, Murrysville, Pittsburgh Metro Area, Follansbee, Wellsburg, Cambridge, New Castle, Latrobe, Zanesville, Beaver Falls, Weirton, Washington, New Philadelphia, East Liverpool, Martins Ferry, Ellwood City, Columbiana, Salem, St. Clairsville, Ambridge, Steubenville, Coshocton, Monessen, and New Kensington 709 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Ice accumulations a glaze to around one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of east central Ohio, southwest and western Pennsylvania, and northern and the northern panhandle of West Virginia. * WHEN...Until 4 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Difficult travel conditions are possible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Wednesday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report snow or ice accumulations by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ PAZ007>009-014>016-022-077-060815- /O.CON.KPBZ.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Mercer-Venango-Forest-Butler-Clarion-Jefferson PA-Armstrong- Indiana- Including the cities of Indiana, Grove City, Kittanning, Franklin, Sharon, Tionesta, Hermitage, Ford City, Oil City, Clarion, Brookville, Punxsutawney, and Butler 709 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Snow accumulations less than one inch and ice accumulations between one tenth and two tenths of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of northwest and western Pennsylvania. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Wednesday evening and Thursday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report snow or ice accumulations by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ 22  440 WOAU06 AMMC 060009 IDY21050 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology At 0009UTC 6 February 2025 FINAL GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN, SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous clockwise flow associated with low 982hPa near 53S127E. Forecast weakening low 985hPa near 54S133E at 060600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 49S116E 46S119E 48S135E 54S135E 49S116E. FORECAST Northwesterly quarter winds 30/40 knots within 600nm of low in northern semicircle. Winds easing below 34 knots throughout by 060600UTC. Rough to very seas. Moderate to heavy swell. PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. No further alerts will be issued for this event.  441 WOAU16 AMMC 060009 IDY21050 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology At 0009UTC 6 February 2025 FINAL GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN, SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous clockwise flow associated with low 982hPa near 53S127E. Forecast weakening low 985hPa near 54S133E at 060600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 49S116E 46S119E 48S135E 54S135E 49S116E. FORECAST Northwesterly quarter winds 30/40 knots within 600nm of low in northern semicircle. Winds easing below 34 knots throughout by 060600UTC. Rough to very seas. Moderate to heavy swell. PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. No further alerts will be issued for this event.  925 WOAU46 AMMC 060009 IDY21050 40:2:1:04:70S100E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology At 0009UTC 6 February 2025 FINAL GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN, SOUTHEASTERN AND SOUTHERN AREAS SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous clockwise flow associated with low 982hPa near 53S127E. Forecast weakening low 985hPa near 54S133E at 060600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 49S116E 46S119E 48S135E 54S135E 49S116E. FORECAST Northwesterly quarter winds 30/40 knots within 600nm of low in northern semicircle. Winds easing below 34 knots throughout by 060600UTC. Rough to very seas. Moderate to heavy swell. PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. No further alerts will be issued for this event.  358 WOAU47 AMMC 060010 IDY21060 40:2:1:04:70S075E25090:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology At 0010UTC 6 February 2025 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AREA SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous flow associated with strengthening cold front near 56S088E 60S092E. Forecast near 56S093E 60S097E at 061200UTC, near 56S100E 60S104E at 061800UTC, and near 55S087E 56S115E 60S115E 60S091E at 070000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 55S087E 56S115E 60S115E 60S091E 55S087E. FORECAST Northwesterly quarter winds 30/40 knots developing within 240nm east of cold front from 060600UTC. Rough to very rough seas. Moderate to heavy swell. PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. The next alert will be issued by 0700 UTC 06 February 2025  642 WOAU08 AMMC 060010 IDY21070 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology At 0010UTC 6 February 2025 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AREA SITUATION AT 0000UTC Developing vigorous flow associated with low 968hPa west of area near 58S079E at 061800UTC, and 965hPa near 60S085E at 070000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 53S080E 53S094E 59S093E 59S080E 53S080E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 30/40 knots within 360nm of low in the northern semicircle, increasing to 35/45 knots within 120nm of low in the northern semicircle. Rough to very rough seas, increasing to high within 120nm of low. Moderate to heavy swell. PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. The next alert will be issued by 0700 UTC 06 February 2025  876 WOAU48 AMMC 060010 IDY21070 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology At 0010UTC 6 February 2025 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AREA SITUATION AT 0000UTC Developing vigorous flow associated with low 968hPa west of area near 58S079E at 061800UTC, and 965hPa near 60S085E at 070000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 53S080E 53S094E 59S093E 59S080E 53S080E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 30/40 knots within 360nm of low in the northern semicircle, increasing to 35/45 knots within 120nm of low in the northern semicircle. Rough to very rough seas, increasing to high within 120nm of low. Moderate to heavy swell. PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. The next alert will be issued by 0700 UTC 06 February 2025  119 WOAU09 AMMC 060010 IDY21080 40:2:1:04:55S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology At 0010UTC 6 February 2025 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN AREA SITUATION AT 0000UTC Vigorous flow developing associated with forecast low 996hPa near 41S095E at 061800UTC, and low 997hPa near 40S097E at 070000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 37S092E 37S099E 44S096E 44S091E 37S092E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 30/40 knots within 120nm of low developing from 061800UTC. Rough to very rough seas. Moderate to heavy swell. PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. The next alert will be issued by 0700 UTC 06 February 2025  284 WSUY31 SUMU 060010 SUEO SIGMET A1 VALID 060010/060410 SUMU- SUEO MONTEVIDEO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3412 W05822 - S3308 W05823 - S3400 W05257 - S3615 W05349 - S3412 W05822 FL100360 MOV E 10KT NC=  063 WSJD20 OJAM 060000 NIL  209 WWCN02 CYTR 060011 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB SHILO AND RANGE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 6:11 PM CST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB SHILO (CWLO) TYPE: WIND ADVISORY LEVEL 1 FOR RAVEN UAV IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SURFACE WIND GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 20 KNOTS SUSTAINED VALID: 06/0800Z TO 07/0200Z (06/0200 CST TO 06/2000 CST) COMMENTS: STRONG WESTERLY WINDS ARE EXPECTED TO DEVELOPED OVER CFB SHILO AND THE RANGE TONIGHT. SUSTAINED WESTERLY WINDS OF 20 TO 25 KNOTS ARE EXPECTED TO DEVELOP AFTER MIDNIGHT TONIGHT, AND SHOULD LAST UNTIL LATE THURSDAY EVENING. GUSTS OF OVER 30 KNOTS ARE EXPECTED, AND THERE IS A RISK OF 35 KNOTS THURSDAY AFTERNOON. A LEVEL 2 ADVISORY WILL BE ISSUED IF NECESSARY. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 06/1200Z (06/0600 CST) END/JMC  682 WABZ23 SBGL 060008 SBRE AIRMET 1 VALID 060013/060330 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR BKN CLD 400/0900FT FCST WI S0738 W03625 - S0802 W03520 - S0743 W03436 - S0713 W03427 - S0532 W03458 - S0530 W03545 - S0728 W03629 - S0738 W03625 STNR NC=  860 WWCN03 CYTR 060014 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR 17 WING CFB WINNIPEG PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 6:14 PM CST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: 17 WING CFB WINNIPEG (CYWG) TYPE: WIND WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SURFACE WIND (MEAN OR GUST) GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 25 KNOTS VALID: 06/0800Z TO 07/0100Z (06/0200 CST TO 06/1900 CST) COMMENTS: STRONG AND GUSTY WESTERLY WINDS ARE EXPECTED TO DEVELOP OVER WINNIPEG TONIGHT. GUSTS OF 25 KNOTS SHOULD BEGIN AFTER MIDNIGHT TONIGHT, AND WILL INCREASE TO OVER 30 KNOTS THURSDAY AFTERNOON ADDITIONALLY SUSTAINED WINDS COULD REACH 25 KNOTS THURSDAY AFTERNOON. THESE WINDS WILL DIMINISH THURSDAY EVENING. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 06/1200Z (06/0600 CST) END/JMC  595 WSAG31 SABE 060014 SAEF SIGMET 1 VALID 060014/060036 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR CNL SIGMET 13 052336/060036=  596 WSAG31 SABE 060019 SAEF SIGMET 2 VALID 060019/060219 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0019Z WI S3117 W05750 - S3300 W05805 - S3240 W05839 - S3101 W05929 - S3046 W05901 - S3101 W05745 - S3117 W05750 TOP FL400 MOV E 15KT WKN=  641 WSAG31 SABE 060019 SAEF SIGMET 2 VALID 060019/060219 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0019Z WI S3117 W05750 - S3300 W05805 - S3240 W05839 - S3101 W05929 - S3046 W05901 - S3101 W05745 - S3117 W05750 TOP FL400 MOV E 15KT WKN=  687 WSAG31 SABE 060020 SAEF SIGMET A1 VALID 060020/060420 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR SEV MTW OBS AT 0020Z WI S4055 W06900 - S3901 W07108 - S4039 W07200 - S4143 W07138 - S4200 W07116 - S4055 W06900 FL050/150 STNR NC=  740 WSAG31 SABE 060020 SAEF SIGMET A1 VALID 060020/060420 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR SEV MTW OBS AT 0020Z WI S4055 W06900 - S3901 W07108 - S4039 W07200 - S4143 W07138 - S4200 W07116 - S4055 W06900 FL050/150 STNR NC=  185 WABZ23 SBGL 060008 SBRE AIRMET 2 VALID 060013/060330 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SFC VIS 0800M RA FCST WI S0605 W03547 - S0605 W03457 - S0528 W03457 - S0528 W03547 - S0605 W03547 STNR NC=  941 WWUS73 KDDC 060017 NPWDDC URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Dodge City KS 617 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 KSZ045-046-063>066-076>081-086>090-061230- /O.NEW.KDDC.FG.Y.0005.250206T0017Z-250206T1300Z/ Ness-Rush-Finney-Hodgeman-Pawnee-Stafford-Haskell-Gray-Ford- Edwards-Kiowa-Pratt-Seward-Meade-Clark-Comanche-Barber- Including the cities of Greensburg, Haviland, Kinsley, Jetmore, La Crosse, Medicine Lodge, Meade, Lake Coldwater, Montezuma, Cimarron, Plains City, Larned, Coldwater, Minneola, Protection, St. John, Sublette, Garden City, Fowler, Satanta, Lewis, Liberal, Hanston, Macksville, Ness City, Dodge City, Kiowa, Ashland, Pratt, and Stafford 617 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of central, south central, southwest, and west central Kansas. * WHEN...Until 7 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ FINCH  967 WSPS21 NZKL 060020 NZZO SIGMET 2 VALID 060020/060022 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 30 052022/060022=  268 WTIO20 FMEE 060018 PANPAN HURRICANE WARNING FOR METAREA VIII (S) ISSUED BY METEO-FRANCE/TROPICAL CYCLONE CENTER/LA REUNION 06/02/2025 AT 0000 UTC. WARNING NUMBER: 007/8 (SOUTH-WEST INDIAN OCEAN) 10 MINUTES AVERAGE WIND SPEED IN KNOTS (KT) (WIND GUSTS AT SEA MAY BE ABOUT 40% STRONGER THAN THE AVERAGED WIND) MINIMUM SEA LEVEL PRESSURE IN HECTOPASCAL (HPA) (INDICATIVE FIGURE). HURRICANE WARNING BEGINNING OF VALIDITY: THURSDAY 06/02/2025 AT 0000 UTC. PHENOMENON: INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 8 (VINCE) 960 HPA POSITION: WITHIN 20 NM RADIUS OF POINT 19.0 S / 83.2 E (NINETEEN DECIMAL ZERO DEGREES SOUTH AND EIGHTY THREE DECIMAL TWO DEGREES EAST) AT 0000 UTC MOVEMENT: WEST 8 KT THREAT AREAS: SQUALLY WEATHER IN A 300 NM RADIUS AROUND THE CENTER5 HURRICANE FORCE WINDS 65/90 KT AND VERY HIGH TO PHENOMENAL SEAS WITHIN A 25 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 30 NM IN THE SOUTHERN SEMI-CIRCLE AND THE NORTH-EASTERN QUADRANT. STORM FORCE WINDS 50/60 KT AND HIGH TO VERY HIGH SEAS WITHIN A 35 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 40 NM IN THE SOUTHERN SEMI-CIRCLE AND THE NORTH-EASTERN QUADRANT. GALE FORCE WINDS 35/45 KT AND VERY ROUGH TO HIGH SEAS WITHIN A 60 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 70 NM IN THE SOUTHERN SEMI-CIRCLE. NEAR GALE FORCE WINDS 30 KT AND ROUGH TO VERY ROUGH SEAS WITHIN A 90 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 105 NM IN THE NORTH-WESTERN QUADRANT, UP TO 130 NM IN THE SOUTH-EASTERN QUADRANT AND UP TO 145 NM IN THE SOUTH-WESTERN QUADRANT. STRONG GUSTS UNDER SQUALLS. FORECAST POSITION AND INTENSITY: 12H, VALID 2025/02/06 AT 12 UTC: 19.3 S / 81.3 E, MAX WIND = 95 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 100 NM SE: 140 NM SW: 150 NM NW: 95 NM 34 KT NE: 60 NM SE: 80 NM SW: 80 NM NW: 55 NM 48 KT NE: 35 NM SE: 40 NM SW: 40 NM NW: 35 NM 64 KT NE: 25 NM SE: 25 NM SW: 30 NM NW: 25 NM 24H, VALID 2025/02/07 AT 00 UTC: 19.5 S / 78.9 E, MAX WIND = 100 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 105 NM SE: 170 NM SW: 170 NM NW: 95 NM 34 KT NE: 60 NM SE: 95 NM SW: 90 NM NW: 50 NM 48 KT NE: 35 NM SE: 40 NM SW: 40 NM NW: 35 NM 64 KT NE: 25 NM SE: 30 NM SW: 30 NM NW: 25 NM OTHER INFORMATION: NIL.=  519 WTIO21 FMEE 060018 METEO-FRANCE/CENTRE DES CYCLONES TROPICAUX DE LA REUNION BMS MARINE LE 06/02/2025 A 0000UTC. NUMERO: 007/8 (SUD-OUEST DE L'OCEAN INDIEN) VITESSES DU VENT MOYEN SUR 10 MINUTES EN NOEUDS (KT) (LES RAFALES SUR MER PEUVENT EXCEDER D'ENVIRON 40% LA VALEUR DU VENT MOYEN). PRESSION MINIMALE AU NIVEAU DE LA MER EN HECTOPASCALS (HPA) (VALEUR INDICATIVE) AVIS D'OURAGAN DEBUT DE VALIDITE: JEUDI 06/02/2025 A 0000 UTC. PHENOMENE: CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 8 (VINCE) 960 HPA POSITION: DANS UN RAYON DE 20 MN AUTOUR DU POINT 19.0 S / 83.2 E (DIX-NEUF DEGRES ZERO SUD ET QUATRE-VINGT TROIS DEGRES DEUX EST) A 0000 UTC DEPLACEMENT: OUEST 8 KT ZONES MENACEES: TEMPS A GRAINS DANS UN RAYON DE 300 MN AUTOUR DU CENTRE. OURAGAN 65/90 KT ET MER TRES GROSSE A ENORME DANS UN RAYON DE 25 MN AUTOUR DU CENTRE, S'ETENDANT JUSQUE 30 MN DANS LE DEMI-CERCLE SUD ET LE QUADRANT NORD-EST. TEMPETE 50/60 KT ET MER GROSSE A TRES GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE 35 MN AUTOUR DU CENTRE, S'ETENDANT JUSQUE 40 MN DANS LE DEMI-CERCLE SUD ET LE QUADRANT NORD-EST. COUP DE VENT 35/45 KT ET MER TRES FORTE A GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE 60 MN AUTOUR DU CENTRE, S'ETENDANT JUSQUE 70 MN DANS LE DEMI-CERCLE SUD. GRAND FRAIS 30 KT ET MER FORTE A TRES FORTE DANS UN RAYON DE 90 MN AUTOUR DU CENTRE, S'ETENDANT JUSQUE 105 MN DANS LE QUADRANT NORD-OUEST, JUSQUE 130 MN DANS LE QUADRANT SUD-EST ET JUSQUE 145 MN DANS LE QUADRANT SUD-OUEST. FORTES RAFALES SOUS GRAINS. PREVISIONS: POSITION ET INTENSITE PREVUES: A 12H POUR LE 06/02/2025 A 12 UTC: 19.3 S / 81.3 E, VENT MAX = 95 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 100 MN SE: 140 MN SO: 150 MN NO: 95 MN 34 KT NE: 60 MN SE: 80 MN SO: 80 MN NO: 55 MN 48 KT NE: 35 MN SE: 40 MN SO: 40 MN NO: 35 MN 64 KT NE: 25 MN SE: 25 MN SO: 30 MN NO: 25 MN A 24H POUR LE 07/02/2025 A 00 UTC: 19.5 S / 78.9 E, VENT MAX = 100 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 105 MN SE: 170 MN SO: 170 MN NO: 95 MN 34 KT NE: 60 MN SE: 95 MN SO: 90 MN NO: 50 MN 48 KT NE: 35 MN SE: 40 MN SO: 40 MN NO: 35 MN 64 KT NE: 25 MN SE: 30 MN SO: 30 MN NO: 25 MN INDICATIONS COMPLEMENTAIRES : NEANT.=  950 WGUS86 KSTO 060023 FLSUSA Flood Statement National Weather Service Sacramento CA 423 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in California... Sacramento River Near Hamilton City affecting Glenn and Butte Counties. Sacramento River At Ord Ferry affecting Glenn and Butte Counties. Sacramento River At Vina Woodson Bridge affecting Tehama County. Sacramento River At Tehama Bridge affecting Tehama County. For the Upper Sacramento River...including Tehama Bridge, Vina Woodson Bridge, Hamilton City, Ord Ferry...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. For more hydrologic information and stage definitions refer to the following web site: wrh.noaa.gov/sto/hydro_data.php The next statement will be issued Thursday afternoon at 430 PM PST. && CAC007-021-070030- /O.CON.KSTO.FL.W.0007.000000T0000Z-250207T0200Z/ /HAMC1.1.ER.250205T1024Z.250206T0200Z.250206T1200Z.NO/ 423 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL TOMORROW EVENING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Sacramento River near Hamilton City. * WHEN...Until tomorrow evening. * IMPACTS...At 137.7 feet, West Sacramento Avenue and River Road north of Big Chico Creek flood 1.5 hours after the Hamilton City gage reaches 137.7-138.0 feet. At 144.0 feet, County Road 23 in Glenn County closes east of RD 2140 levee as a result of water on roadway. At 145.1 feet, Water inundates Phase 2A restoration area north of Hwy 32 bridge inside of levee; touches toe of levee. At 146.8 feet, Water at top of Irvine Finch boat ramp. At 147.2 feet, Overflow begins on the east bank of the river, from near Wilson Landing Road to Highway 32. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 3:45 PM PST Wednesday the stage was 148.2 feet. - Bankfull stage is 142.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 3:45 PM PST Wednesday was 148.2 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 148.9 feet this evening. It will then fall below flood stage late tonight. - Flood stage is 147.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 148.7 feet on 01/15/2023. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3982 12213 3981 12194 3968 12186 3967 12208 $$ CAC007-021-070030- /O.CON.KSTO.FL.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T2200Z/ /ORFC1.1.ER.250205T0443Z.250206T1100Z.250207T1600Z.NO/ 423 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL EARLY FRIDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Sacramento River at Ord Ferry. * WHEN...Until early Friday afternoon. * IMPACTS...At 110.3 feet, Head cuts in 3Bs silt weir start overflow into Butte Basin, flooding dips on Ord Ferry Road west of River Road. Persistent flows at or above this level increase flooding in Butte Basin. Ord Ferry Road and additional roads in Glenn and Colusa counties are closed due to flooding. At 113.8 feet, Design overflow level for M&T, 3Bs and Goose Lake flood control facilities to divert flood flows into Butte Basin. M&T overflows close River Road from Ord Ferry Road to Chico Road. Ord Ferry Road is already closed. At 114.0 feet, Designated flood stage left bank. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 3:45 PM PST Wednesday the stage was 115.0 feet. - Bankfull stage is 114.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 3:45 PM PST Wednesday was 115.0 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 116.7 feet late tonight. It will then fall below flood stage Friday morning. - Flood stage is 114.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 117.0 feet on 02/19/2017. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3971 12211 3971 12189 3955 12185 3953 12206 $$ CAC103-070030- /O.CON.KSTO.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250207T0048Z/ /VWBC1.1.ER.250204T0412Z.250206T0100Z.250206T0748Z.NO/ 423 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL TOMORROW AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Sacramento River at Vina Woodson Bridge. * WHEN...Until tomorrow afternoon. * IMPACTS...At 183.9 feet, Woodson Bridge Park is closed due to flooding. Water is up to the top steps of the recreation center at Woodson Bridge RV Park and spaces 15-33 begin to take on water on the east bank of the river. At 184.9 feet, South Avenue starts to flood east of the river. At 185.9 feet, South Avenue is flooded and closed. The Woodson Bridge RV Park office and spaces 1-14, 34-52, and 62-72 start to flood. At 188.9 feet, Water leaves the established river channel and floods low lying areas along the Sacramento River. Woodson Bridge RV Park is completely impacted and closed. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 3:45 PM PST Wednesday the stage was 185.9 feet. - Bankfull stage is 180.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 3:45 PM PST Wednesday was 186.1 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 187.8 feet late this afternoon. It will then fall below flood stage late this evening. - Flood stage is 183.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 188.1 feet on 03/09/1995. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3996 12221 3999 12201 3982 12196 3981 12216 $$ CAC103-070030- /O.CON.KSTO.FL.W.0001.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /TEHC1.1.ER.250203T0951Z.250205T1745Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 423 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Sacramento River at Tehama Bridge. * WHEN...Until further notice. * IMPACTS...At 206.7 feet, Water into rv park on east side of river. Tires of trailers get wet. At 209.7 feet, Flood stage - Road inside trailer park and turn around site under RR tracks (Tehama/Vina road) become impassible. Water is into area around structures on east side of river. No structural damage. Sheriff's office issues advisory. Makes sure Pelhams Bay, Snug Harbor, River Inn (small trailer parks all in a row on east side of river north of bridge) know of advisory. At 210.7 feet, Between 210 and 211 feet the county park becomes inaccessible. At 211 feet water begins to enter Driftwood RV fishing resort on east bank of river and just north of the county park. At 214.7 feet, Pelams Resort access road floods. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 4:00 PM PST Wednesday the stage was 214.8 feet. - Bankfull stage is 206.5 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 4:00 PM PST Wednesday was 216.6 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage early Friday morning and continue rising to 211.3 feet Friday afternoon. - Flood stage is 209.5 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 214.9 feet on 03/06/2019. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 4009 12228 4010 12205 3996 12199 3994 12221 $$ Wood  013 WSPY31 SGAS 060023 SGFA SIGMET 1 VALID 060023/060323 SGAS- SGFA ASUNCION FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0615Z NE OF LINE S2154 W05910 - S2540 W05458 TOP FL380 STNR NC=  059 WSMO31 ZMUB 060023 ZMUB SIGMET 01 VALID 060100/060500 ZMUB- ZMUB ULAANBAATAR FIR SEV TURB FCST NE OF LINE N5140 E9806-N4224 E10206 AND SW OF LINE N4932 E10863-N4477 E11364 FL180/340 MOV NE 10KMH NC=  118 WWUS83 KBIS 060026 SPSBIS Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Bismarck ND 626 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 NDZ003>005-011>013-020>023-025-034>037-046>048-050-051-060200- Renville-Bottineau-Rolette-Ward-McHenry-Pierce-Oliver-McLean- Sheridan-Wells-Foster-Morton-Burleigh-Kidder-Stutsman-Emmons- Logan-La Moure-McIntosh-Dickey- Including the cities of Mohall, Glenburn, Sherwood, Bottineau, Rolla, Dunseith, Rolette, Shell Valley, St. John, Minot, Velva, Towner, Drake, Rugby, Center, Garrison, Washburn, Underwood, Wilton, Turtle Lake, Mcclusky, Goodrich, Harvey, Fessenden, Carrington, Mandan, Bismarck, Steele, Tappen, Jamestown, Linton, Strasburg, Napoleon, Gackle, Lamoure, Edgeley, Kulm, Wishek, Ashley, Oakes, and Ellendale 626 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...PERIOD OF MODERATE TO HEAVY SNOW ACROSS CENTRAL NORTH DAKOTA THROUGH EARLY THIS EVENING... A period of moderate to heavy snow will significantly reduce visibility and create snow-covered roadways across central North Dakota through early this evening. Most areas will receive 1 to 2 inches of snow, but there could be localized amounts up to 3 inches. Be prepared for difficult travel, and be sure to check the latest road conditions. $$ Heinert  912 WWAK83 PAFG 060027 SPSAFG Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 327 PM AKST Wed Feb 5 2025 AKZ839-841>844-061600- Tanana Flats-Goldstream Valley and Nenana Hills- Chatanika River Valley-Two Rivers-Fairbanks Metro Area- Including Birch Lake, The Richardson Highway from MP 295 to MP 317, Ester Dome, Murphy Dome, The Parks Highway from MP 325 to MP 342, Haystack, The Elliott Highway from MP 1 to MP 32, The Steese Highway from MP 12 to MP 85, Two Rivers, Chena Hot Springs Road from MP 12 to MP 34, Fairbanks, Fort Wainwright, Ester, North Pole, and Fox 327 PM AKST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...Mixed Snow and Freezing Drizzle To Continue Through Tonight... The mix of light snow and freezing drizzle that is falling across the Fairbanks area, as well as freezing fog, will continue through this evening and likely into tonight before changing back to light snow. Differences in precipitation types are highly localized across the area and may make driving difficult. Significant ice accumulations are not expected. Once precipitation transitions to snow, expect 2 to 4 inches to fall through Friday morning with the heaviest snow falling Thursday evening and Thursday night. The evening commute on Thursday may be difficult with moderate snow falling and reduced visibility. $$  924 WSJP31 RJTD 060026 RJJJ SIGMET O01 VALID 060026/060426 RJTD- RJJJ FUKUOKA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N3255 E13732 - N3256 E13246 - N3403 E12842 - N3440 E12910 - N3610 E13112 - N3416 E13925 - N3255 E13732 FL220/270 MOV E 30KT INTSF=  963 WSJP31 RJTD 060026 RJJJ SIGMET O01 VALID 060026/060426 RJTD- RJJJ FUKUOKA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N3255 E13732 - N3256 E13246 - N3403 E12842 - N3440 E12910 - N3610 E13112 - N3416 E13925 - N3255 E13732 FL220/270 MOV E 30KT INTSF=  513 WGUS84 KLCH 060028 FLSLCH Flood Statement National Weather Service Lake Charles LA 628 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana... Calcasieu River Near Glenmora Additional information is available at www.weather.gov. The next statement will be issued Thursday evening at 630 PM CST. && LAC079-070030- /O.EXT.KLCH.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250208T1800Z/ /GLML1.1.ER.250128T1500Z.250201T1630Z.250208T1200Z.NO/ 628 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL EARLY SATURDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Calcasieu River near Glenmora. * WHEN...Until early Saturday afternoon. * IMPACTS...At 12.0 feet, When the river is falling and the gauge reading is forecast to be near 12 feet, flooding of forested areas near the river will occur. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 5:45 PM CST Wednesday the stage was 13.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 5:45 PM CST Wednesday was 13.4 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage Saturday morning and continue falling to 11.2 feet Monday evening. - Flood stage is 12.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && Fld Observed Forecasts (6 pm CST) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Thu Fri Sat Calcasieu River Glenmora 12.0 13.0 Wed 5 pm CST 12.6 12.2 11.8 && LAT...LON 3115 9275 3105 9265 3090 9262 3090 9269 3113 9279 $$ 24  053 WWCN20 CWWG 060029 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR THE MANITOBA LAKES UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:29 P.M. CST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: LAKE WINNIPEG - SOUTH BASIN LAKE WINNIPEG - NORTH BASIN LAKE MANITOBA LAKE WINNIPEGOSIS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 10 TO 20 CM IS EXPECTED THROUGH SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN AND THE PARKLANDS AND INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA. THIS SYSTEM, TRACKING THROUGH THE NORTHERN US STATES, CONTINUES TO BRING HEAVY BANDS OF SNOW OVER SOUTHEASTERN SASKATCHEWAN AND CENTRAL INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA WEDNESDAY EVENING. LIGHT, FLUFFY SNOW WILL RAPIDLY ACCUMULATE BEFORE TAPERING OFF TO LIGHT FLURRIES EARLY THURSDAY MORNING IN SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON IN MANITOBA. PREPARE FOR QUICKLY CHANGING AND DETERIORATING TRAVEL CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW WILL MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. THERE MAY BE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC IN URBAN AREAS. PUBLIC SAFETY CANADA ENCOURAGES EVERYONE TO MAKE AN EMERGENCY PLAN AND GET AN EMERGENCY KIT WITH DRINKING WATER, FOOD, MEDICINE, A FIRST-AID KIT AND A FLASHLIGHT. FOR INFORMATION ON EMERGENCY PLANS AND KITS GO TO HTTPS://WWW.GETPREPARED.GC.CA/. SNOWFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  054 WWCN11 CWWG 060029 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:29 P.M. CST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: VIRDEN - SOURIS DAUPHIN - RUSSELL - ROBLIN - WINNIPEGOSIS MINNEDOSA - RIDING MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK STE. ROSE - MCCREARY - ALONSA - GLADSTONE SWAN RIVER - DUCK MOUNTAIN - PORCUPINE PROVINCIAL FOREST ARBORG - HECLA - FISHER RIVER - GYPSUMVILLE - ASHERN BERENS RIVER - LITTLE GRAND RAPIDS - BLOODVEIN - ATIKAKI POPLAR RIVER GRAND RAPIDS - WATERHEN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 10 TO 20 CM IS EXPECTED THROUGH SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN AND THE PARKLANDS AND INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA. THIS SYSTEM, TRACKING THROUGH THE NORTHERN US STATES, CONTINUES TO BRING HEAVY BANDS OF SNOW OVER SOUTHEASTERN SASKATCHEWAN AND CENTRAL INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA WEDNESDAY EVENING. LIGHT, FLUFFY SNOW WILL RAPIDLY ACCUMULATE BEFORE TAPERING OFF TO LIGHT FLURRIES EARLY THURSDAY MORNING IN SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON IN MANITOBA. PREPARE FOR QUICKLY CHANGING AND DETERIORATING TRAVEL CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW WILL MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. THERE MAY BE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC IN URBAN AREAS. PUBLIC SAFETY CANADA ENCOURAGES EVERYONE TO MAKE AN EMERGENCY PLAN AND GET AN EMERGENCY KIT WITH DRINKING WATER, FOOD, MEDICINE, A FIRST-AID KIT AND A FLASHLIGHT. FOR INFORMATION ON EMERGENCY PLANS AND KITS GO TO HTTPS://WWW.GETPREPARED.GC.CA/. SNOWFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  055 WWCN13 CWWG 060029 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:29 P.M. CST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: MOOSOMIN - GRENFELL - KIPLING - WAWOTA CARLYLE - OXBOW - CARNDUFF - BIENFAIT - STOUGHTON YORKTON - MELVILLE - ESTERHAZY KAMSACK - CANORA - PREECEVILLE. SNOWFALL WARNING ENDED FOR: CITY OF REGINA FORT QU'APPELLE - INDIAN HEAD - LUMSDEN - PILOT BUTTE ESTEVAN - WEYBURN - RADVILLE - MILESTONE MOOSE JAW - PENSE - CENTRAL BUTTE - CRAIK ASSINIBOIA - GRAVELBOURG - CORONACH. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 10 TO 20 CM IS EXPECTED THROUGH SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN AND THE PARKLANDS AND INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA. THIS SYSTEM, TRACKING THROUGH THE NORTHERN US STATES, CONTINUES TO BRING HEAVY BANDS OF SNOW OVER SOUTHEASTERN SASKATCHEWAN AND CENTRAL INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA WEDNESDAY EVENING. LIGHT, FLUFFY SNOW WILL RAPIDLY ACCUMULATE BEFORE TAPERING OFF TO LIGHT FLURRIES EARLY THURSDAY MORNING IN SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON IN MANITOBA. PREPARE FOR QUICKLY CHANGING AND DETERIORATING TRAVEL CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW WILL MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. THERE MAY BE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC IN URBAN AREAS. PUBLIC SAFETY CANADA ENCOURAGES EVERYONE TO MAKE AN EMERGENCY PLAN AND GET AN EMERGENCY KIT WITH DRINKING WATER, FOOD, MEDICINE, A FIRST-AID KIT AND A FLASHLIGHT. FOR INFORMATION ON EMERGENCY PLANS AND KITS GO TO HTTPS://WWW.GETPREPARED.GC.CA/. SNOWFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  714 WOPS01 NFFN 060000 DCU PASS NAVY NIL  865 WCAU01 YMMC 060036 YMMM SIGMET J07 VALID 060130/060730 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR TC VINCE PSN S1900 E08313 CB OBS AT 0000Z WI 110NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL540 MOV W 08KT NC=  253 WCAU01 YMMC 060036 YMMM SIGMET J07 VALID 060130/060730 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR TC VINCE PSN S1900 E08313 CB OBS AT 0000Z WI 110NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL540 MOV W 08KT NC RMK: MW=  970 WWUS41 KRLX 060040 WSWRLX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Charleston WV 740 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 WVZ523-524-060845- /O.CON.KRLX.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Northwest Pocahontas-Southeast Pocahontas- Including the cities of Snowshoe and Marlinton 740 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Significant icing. Additional ice accumulations up to four tenths of an inch. * WHERE...Northwest Pocahontas and Southeast Pocahontas Counties. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Significant ice accumulation on power lines and tree limbs may cause widespread and long-lasting power outages. Travel could be nearly impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Travel is strongly discouraged. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Prepare for possible power outages. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or by accessing the online traffic and roadway portal for your state. Persons should consider delaying all travel. Motorists should use extreme caution if travel is absolutely necessary. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ OHZ076-085-WVZ009>011-017-019-020-060700- /O.EXA.KRLX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T0700Z/ Washington-Meigs-Wood-Pleasants-Tyler-Wirt-Ritchie-Doddridge- Including the cities of Marietta, Vienna, Pennsboro, Elizabeth, Harrisville, Paden City, Pomeroy, St. Marys, Middlebourne, Belmont, West Union, Sistersville, Parkersburg, and Belpre 740 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing Rain. Additional ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Ohio and northern West Virginia. * WHEN...Until 2 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Difficult travel conditions are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or by accessing the online traffic and roadway portal for your state. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ OHZ066-067-075-084-060700- /O.CON.KRLX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T0700Z/ Perry-Morgan-Athens-Vinton- Including the cities of New Lexington, Somerset, McConnelsville, Athens, Hamden, Stockport, McArthur, and Crooksville 740 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Athens, Morgan, Perry, and Vinton Counties. * WHEN...Until 2 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Difficult travel conditions are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or by accessing the online traffic and roadway portal for your state. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ WVZ526-060845- /O.CON.KRLX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Southeast Randolph- Including the cities of Harman 740 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations of a tenth to two tenths of an inch. * WHERE...Southeast Randolph County. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Tree damage and power outages are likely due to the ice. Travel could be nearly impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Wednesday evening and Thursday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or by accessing the online traffic and roadway portal for your state. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ FMK  222 ACUS01 KWNS 060041 SWODY1 SPC AC 060039 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0639 PM CST Wed Feb 05 2025 Valid 060100Z - 061200Z ...THERE IS A SLIGHT RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS IN SOUTHERN/CENTRAL KY TO FAR NORTHERN TN... ...SUMMARY... A couple tornadic storms, along with isolated damaging winds and large hail, will be possible overnight into early morning Thursday across parts of Kentucky and Tennessee. ...KY/TN... A low-amplitude shortwave trough over the Mid/Lower MO Valley will progress east across parts of the Midwest tonight. Strong tropospheric flow attendant to this wave will overspread the northern periphery of a warm-moist sector advancing north from the TN Valley. This will induce weak cyclogenesis overnight within the pronounced baroclinic zone. Low-level warm theta-e advection will strengthen later this evening, with mainly elevated convection occurring north-northeast of the surface front. Still, some potential will exist for near surface-based storms across the baroclinic zone, along with a couple supercells. A separate band of broken convection may form in the early morning as a cold front emerges near the developing surface cyclone. Enlarged low-level hodographs, coupled with pronounced elongation in the mid/upper levels, could foster a couple sustained surface-based supercells within this regime across parts of southern to central KY and far northern TN. The categorical risk has been increased to a level 2-SLGT for the overnight/early-morning tornado potential. ..Grams.. 02/06/2025 $$  223 WUUS01 KWNS 060041 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0639 PM CST WED FEB 05 2025 VALID TIME 060100Z - 061200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... 0.02 35758532 35758745 36008871 36518930 37308874 37878729 38168573 38318440 38208315 37668261 36658260 36168319 35758532 0.05 37788467 37768395 37368372 36778381 36428461 36448628 36588760 36798810 37138787 37658629 37788467 && ... HAIL ... 0.05 35868949 36269006 36659023 37158963 37938771 38708559 38878428 38648211 38438161 37858153 36688208 36138304 35758528 35868949 && ... WIND ... 0.05 35388753 35628900 35878948 36458935 37278880 37898721 38498481 38548381 38318224 37728173 36358219 35808340 35698534 35388753 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... SLGT 37138787 37658629 37788467 37768395 37368372 36778381 36428461 36448628 36588760 36798810 37138787 MRGL 37158963 38708559 38878428 38648211 38438161 37858153 36358219 35808340 35698534 35388753 35628900 36269006 36659023 37158963 TSTM 33068699 34358990 34639153 34399416 34869524 36429519 36979454 37209151 38568949 39668877 40538765 40928530 41558214 41497962 40687727 39477582 38537594 37447717 36427959 34157932 33728008 34228176 33068699 && THERE IS A SLGT RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 40 NW HOP 45 N BWG 20 SSW LEX 35 WNW JKL 20 WSW JKL 25 SE LOZ 40 NE CSV 30 NE BNA 10 SW HOP 35 WNW HOP 40 NW HOP. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM CGI 35 NNE SDF 20 SSE LUK 30 NE HTS CRW 25 WNW BKW 15 SE TRI 35 WSW HSS 25 SW CSV 45 N MSL MKL 40 WNW DYR 15 ESE POF CGI. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 40 ESE TCL 20 W UOX 40 NE PBF 25 NNE DEQ 30 E MLC 30 WSW GMJ 10 S JLN 35 NNE UNO 20 E BLV 15 SSE DEC 25 N DNV FWA 20 WNW CLE 15 ENE FKL 30 ESE UNV 20 SW ILG 25 WNW SBY 10 ESE RIC 20 SW DAN 25 E FLO 40 SSW FLO 40 WNW CAE 40 ESE TCL.  826 WTIO30 FMEE 060029 RSMC / TROPICAL CYCLONE CENTER / LA REUNION TROPICAL CYCLONE FORECAST WARNING (SOUTH-WEST INDIAN OCEAN) 0.A WARNING NUMBER: 7/8/20242025 1.A INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 8 (VINCE) 2.A POSITION 2025/02/06 AT 0000 UTC: WITHIN 20 NM RADIUS OF POINT 19.0 S / 83.2 E (NINETEEN DECIMAL ZERO DEGREES SOUTH AND EIGHTY THREE DECIMAL TWO DEGREES EAST) MOVEMENT: WEST 8 KT 3.A DVORAK ANALYSIS: 5.5/5.5/S 0.0/6 H 4.A CENTRAL PRESSURE: 960 HPA 5.A MAX AVERAGE WIND SPEED (10 MN): 90 KT RADIUS OF MAXIMUM WINDS (RMW): 31 KM 6.A EXTENSION OF WIND BY QUADRANTS (KM): 28 KT NE: 165 SE: 240 SW: 270 NW: 195 34 KT NE: 110 SE: 130 SW: 130 NW: 110 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 75 SW: 70 NW: 65 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 55 SW: 55 NW: 45 7.A FIRST CLOSED ISOBAR (PRESSURE / AVERAGE DIAM): 1007 HPA / 1200 KM 8.A VERTICAL EXTENSION OF CYCLONE CIRCULATION: DEEP 1.B FORECASTS (WINDS RADII IN KM): 12H: 2025/02/06 12 UTC: 19.3 S / 81.3 E, VENT MAX= 095 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 185 SE: 260 SW: 280 NW: 175 34 KT NE: 110 SE: 150 SW: 150 NW: 100 48 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SW: 75 NW: 65 64 KT NE: 45 SE: 45 SW: 55 NW: 45 24H: 2025/02/07 00 UTC: 19.5 S / 78.9 E, VENT MAX= 100 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 195 SE: 315 SW: 315 NW: 175 34 KT NE: 110 SE: 175 SW: 165 NW: 95 48 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SW: 75 NW: 65 64 KT NE: 45 SE: 55 SW: 55 NW: 45 36H: 2025/02/07 12 UTC: 19.8 S / 76.5 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 220 SE: 345 SW: 345 NW: 175 34 KT NE: 130 SE: 205 SW: 185 NW: 100 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 85 SW: 85 NW: 65 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 65 SW: 65 NW: 55 48H: 2025/02/08 00 UTC: 20.2 S / 73.8 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 220 SE: 350 SW: 345 NW: 175 34 KT NE: 130 SE: 215 SW: 205 NW: 110 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 95 SW: 95 NW: 75 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 65 SW: 65 NW: 55 60H: 2025/02/08 12 UTC: 20.5 S / 71.6 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 250 SE: 370 SW: 345 NW: 195 34 KT NE: 150 SE: 215 SW: 215 NW: 120 48 KT NE: 85 SE: 95 SW: 95 NW: 85 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 65 SW: 75 NW: 65 72H: 2025/02/09 00 UTC: 20.8 S / 70.2 E, VENT MAX= 100 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 285 SE: 390 SW: 350 NW: 220 34 KT NE: 175 SE: 230 SW: 220 NW: 140 48 KT NE: 85 SE: 95 SW: 100 NW: 85 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SW: 75 NW: 75 2.B LONGER-RANGE OUTLOOK: 96H: 2025/02/10 00 UTC: 24.0 S / 68.1 E, VENT MAX= 085 KT, TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 345 SE: 465 SW: 350 NW: 230 34 KT NE: 205 SE: 280 SW: 220 NW: 140 48 KT NE: 100 SE: 110 SW: 110 NW: 85 64 KT NE: 75 SE: 85 SW: 85 NW: 75 120H: 2025/02/11 00 UTC: 29.9 S / 67.7 E, VENT MAX= 065 KT, TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 435 SE: 480 SW: 305 NW: 270 34 KT NE: 240 SE: 285 SW: 220 NW: 155 48 KT NE: 90 SE: 110 SW: 110 NW: 70 64 KT NE: 70 SE: 70 SW: 70 NW: 60 2.C ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: T=CI=5.5- OVER THE LAST 6 HOURS, VINCE'S EYE PATTERN PERSISTED, ALTHOUGH IT LOST DEFINITION IN THE LATEST IMAGES. THE LATEST MICROWAVE IMAGE ( 2136Z SSMIS) SEEMS TO SHOW THE DISAPPEARANCE OF THE WEAKNESS IN THE SOUTH-EASTERN EYEWALL. SUBJECTIVE DVORAK ANALYSES STILL RANGE FROM 5.0 TO 5.5, (EQUIVALENT TO A MAXIMUM WIND OF 75 TO 95KT). OBJECTIVE CIMSS ANALYSES (DMINT, DPRINT, SATCON,...) ARE BETWEEN 80 AND 90KT. INTENSITY IS MAINTAINED AT 90KT. AS FOR THE TRACK, LITTLE HAS CHANGED. VINCE IS FORECAST TO MOVE WEST-SOUTHWEST, DRIVEN BY THE SUBTROPICAL RIDGE THAT REMAINS SOUTHEAST OF THE SYSTEM. BY THE END OF THE WEEK, THE RIDGE IS EXPECTED TO SHIFT EAST OF VINCE, GRADUALLY SLOWING DOWN THE STEERING FLOW AND PUSHING IT SOUTHWESTWARD AND THEN SOUTHWARD. ALL GUIDANCE REMAINS IN AGREEMENT WITH THIS SCENARIO. SPREAD REMAINS PARTICULARLY LOW, EVEN IF THERE ARE SOME DISCREPANCIES IN THE MOTION SPEED LATE IN THE FORECAST. YET, THERE IS A TREND FOR A NORTHWARD SHIFT IN GUIDANCE. IN TERMS OF INTENSITY, VINCE WILL BENEFIT FROM GOOD ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS (GOOD OCEANIC POTENTIAL, WEAKENING SHEAR, INCREASING UPPER LEVEL DIVERGENCE). IT COULD THEREFORE CONTINUE TO INTENSIFY IN THE ABSENCE OF A NEW EYEWALL REPLACEMENT CYCLE. FROM SATURDAY, THE SHEAR SHOULD STRENGTHEN AND PUT AN END TO VINCE'S STRENGTHENING. THE SYSTEM SHOULD WEAKEN PARTICULARLY FROM MONDAY ONWARDS. NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT IS EXPECTED ON INHABITED LAND OVER THE NEXT 72 HOURS.=  827 WTIO31 FMEE 060029 CMRS / CENTRE DES CYCLONES TROPICAUX DE LA REUNION BULLETIN D'ANALYSE ET DE PREVISION CYCLONIQUE (SUD-OUEST OCEAN INDIEN) 0.A NUMERO DU BULLETIN : 7/8/20242025 1.A CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 8 (VINCE) 2.A POSITION A 0000 UTC LE 06/02/2025 : DANS UN RAYON DE 20 MN AUTOUR DU POINT 19.0 S / 83.2 E (DIX-NEUF DEGRES ZERO SUD ET QUATRE-VINGT TROIS DEGRES DEUX EST) DEPLACEMENT: OUEST 8 KT 3.A ANALYSE DE DVORAK: 5.5/5.5/S 0.0/6 H 4.A PRESSION AU CENTRE: 960 HPA 5.A VENT MAX (MOYEN/10 MN): 90 KT RAYON DES VENTS MAXIMAUX (RVM): 31 KM 6.A EXTENSION DES VENTS PAR QUADRANTS (KM): 28 KT NE: 165 SE: 240 SO: 270 NO: 195 34 KT NE: 110 SE: 130 SO: 130 NO: 110 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 75 SO: 70 NO: 65 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 55 SO: 55 NO: 45 7.A COTE/DIAM PREMIERE ISOBARE FERMEE: 1007 HPA / 1200 KM 8.A EXTENSION VERTICALE DE LA CIRCULATION CYCLONIQUE: PROFONDE 1.B PREVISIONS (EXTENSIONS DES VENTS FORTS EN KM): 12H: 06/02/2025 12 UTC: 19.3 S / 81.3 E, VENT MAX= 095 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 185 SE: 260 SO: 280 NO: 175 34 KT NE: 110 SE: 150 SO: 150 NO: 100 48 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SO: 75 NO: 65 64 KT NE: 45 SE: 45 SO: 55 NO: 45 24H: 07/02/2025 00 UTC: 19.5 S / 78.9 E, VENT MAX= 100 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 195 SE: 315 SO: 315 NO: 175 34 KT NE: 110 SE: 175 SO: 165 NO: 95 48 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SO: 75 NO: 65 64 KT NE: 45 SE: 55 SO: 55 NO: 45 36H: 07/02/2025 12 UTC: 19.8 S / 76.5 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 220 SE: 345 SO: 345 NO: 175 34 KT NE: 130 SE: 205 SO: 185 NO: 100 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 85 SO: 85 NO: 65 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 65 SO: 65 NO: 55 48H: 08/02/2025 00 UTC: 20.2 S / 73.8 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 220 SE: 350 SO: 345 NO: 175 34 KT NE: 130 SE: 215 SO: 205 NO: 110 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 95 SO: 95 NO: 75 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 65 SO: 65 NO: 55 60H: 08/02/2025 12 UTC: 20.5 S / 71.6 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 250 SE: 370 SO: 345 NO: 195 34 KT NE: 150 SE: 215 SO: 215 NO: 120 48 KT NE: 85 SE: 95 SO: 95 NO: 85 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 65 SO: 75 NO: 65 72H: 09/02/2025 00 UTC: 20.8 S / 70.2 E, VENT MAX= 100 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 285 SE: 390 SO: 350 NO: 220 34 KT NE: 175 SE: 230 SO: 220 NO: 140 48 KT NE: 85 SE: 95 SO: 100 NO: 85 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SO: 75 NO: 75 2.B TENDANCE ULTERIEURE: 96H: 10/02/2025 00 UTC: 24.0 S / 68.1 E, VENT MAX= 085 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL 28 KT NE: 345 SE: 465 SO: 350 NO: 230 34 KT NE: 205 SE: 280 SO: 220 NO: 140 48 KT NE: 100 SE: 110 SO: 110 NO: 85 64 KT NE: 75 SE: 85 SO: 85 NO: 75 120H: 11/02/2025 00 UTC: 29.9 S / 67.7 E, VENT MAX= 065 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL 28 KT NE: 435 SE: 480 SO: 305 NO: 270 34 KT NE: 240 SE: 285 SO: 220 NO: 155 48 KT NE: 90 SE: 110 SO: 110 NO: 70 64 KT NE: 70 SE: 70 SO: 70 NO: 60 2.C COMMENTAIRES: T=CI=5.5- AU COURS DES 6 DERNIERES HEURES, LA CONFIGURATION EN OEIL DE VINCE S'EST MAINTENUE, MEME SI ELLE A PERDU EN DEFINITION SUR LES DERNIERES IMAGES. LA DERNIERE IMAGE MICRO-ONDES (SSMIS 2136Z) SEMBLENT MONTRER LA DISPARITION DE LA FAIBLESSE DANS LE MUR SUD-EST. LES ANALYSES DVORAK SUBJECTIVES OSCILLENT TOUJOURS ENTRE 5.0 ET 5.5, (EQUIVALENT A UN VENT MAX ALLANT DE 75 A 95KT). LES ANALYSES OBJECTIVES DU CIMSS (DMINT, DPRINT, SATCON,..) SE SITUENT ENTRE 80 ET 90KT. L'INTENSITE EST MAINTENUE A 90KT. EN TERMES DE TRAJECTOIRE, PEU DE CHANGEMENT. VINCE EST PREVU SE DEPLACER EN DIRECTION DE L'OUEST-SUD-OUEST, PILOTE PAR LA DORSALE SUBTROPICALE QUI SE MAINTIENT AU SUD-EST DU SYSTEME. EN FIN DE SEMAINE, LA DORSALE DEVRAIT SE DECALER A L'EST DE VINCE, FAVORISANT UN RALENTISSEMENT PROGRESSIF DU FLUX DIRECTEUR PUIS SON ORIENTATION AU SUD-OUEST PUIS AU SUD. L'ENSEMBLE DES GUIDANCES RESTE EN ACCORD AVEC CE SCENARIO. LA DISPERSION RESTE FAIBLE, MEME SI DES ECARTS DANS LA VITESSE DE DEPLACEMENT SONT PRESENTS EN FIN D'ECHEANCE. ON PEUT CEPENDANT NOTER, UNE TENDANCE D'UN DECALAGE VERS LE NORD DANS LES GUIDANCES. EN TERMES D'INTENSITE, VINCE BENEFICIE DANS LES PROCHAINS JOURS DE BONNES CONDITIONS ENVIRONNEMENTALES (BON POTENTIEL OCEANIQUE, CISAILLEMENT FAIBLISSANT, DIVERGENCE D'ALTITUDE EN HAUSSE). IL POURRAIT DONC CONTINUER A S'INTENSIFIER EN L'ABSENCE DE NOUVEAU CYCLE DE REMPLACEMENT DU MUR DE L'OEIL. A PARTIR DE SAMEDI LE CISAILLEMENT DEVRAIT SE RENFORCER ET METTRE FIN A L'INTENSIFICATION DE VINCE. LE SYSTEME DEVRAIT FAIBLIR NOTAMMENT A PARTIR DE LUNDI. AUCUN IMPACT SIGNIFICATIF N'EST ATTENDU POUR LES TERRES HABITEES AU COURS DES PROCHAINES 72 HEURES.=  346 WWUS85 KPUB 060043 RFWPUB URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pueblo CO 543 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 COZ229-230-233-237-060145- /O.EXP.KPUB.FW.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T0100Z/ Huerfano County Including Walsenburg- Western Las Animas County Including Trinidad and Thatcher- Eastern Las Animas County Including Pinon Canyon- Baca County Including Springfield and Eastern Comanche Grasslands- 543 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...RED FLAG WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 6 PM MST THIS EVENING FOR GUSTY WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 229, 230, 233, AND 237... Humidity values are recovering to above 15 percent at this time and will continue to increase this evening. Winds will also decrease this evening. $$  169 WSPR31 SPJC 060042 SPIM SIGMET C1 VALID 060045/060100 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET C4 VALID 052200/060100=  876 WSUS31 KKCI 060055 SIGE MKCE WST 060055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 1E VALID UNTIL 0255Z WV OH TN KY FROM 30E CVG-10E HNN-40ESE BNA-30WSW BWG-30E CVG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 26035KT. TOPS TO FL400. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 2E VALID UNTIL 0255Z SC FROM 40SSW CLT-40SSE CLT-10NNE CAE-30NW CAE-40SSW CLT AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 26030KT. TOPS TO FL300. OUTLOOK VALID 060255-060655 FROM JST-40WNW CSN-CAE-40NE MSL-TTH-ROD-JST WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  528 WSUS32 KKCI 060055 SIGC MKCC WST 060055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 1C VALID UNTIL 0255Z NE 60NNE BFF ISOL TS D20 MOV FROM 28055KT. TOPS TO FL300. OUTLOOK VALID 060255-060655 FROM TTH-40NE MSL-DYR-TTH WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  360 WSUS33 KKCI 060055 SIGW MKCW WST 060055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 060255-060655 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  679 WTAU05 APRF 060049 IDW23100 40:2:2:24:15S105E400:11:00 SECURITE OCEAN WIND WARNING FOR METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre at 0049 UTC 6 FEBRUARY 2025 STORM FORCE WIND WARNING Please be aware, wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION At 0000 UTC Tropical Cyclone Taliah was centred within 30 nautical miles of latitude fourteen decimal eight south (14.8S) longitude one hundred and five decimal three east (105.3E) Recent movement : west at 5 knots Maximum winds : 50 knots Central pressure: 982 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 120 nautical miles in NE quadrant and within 100 nautical miles in SE quadrant and within 120 nautical miles in SW quadrant and within 140 nautical miles in NW quadrant. FORECAST Maximum winds to 50 knots near the centre. Winds above 48 knots within 50 nautical miles of centre in western and northern quadrants with high seas and heavy swell. Winds above 34 knots within 120 nautical miles in NE quadrant and within 100 nautical miles in SE quadrant and within 120 nautical miles in SW quadrant and within 140 nautical miles in NW quadrant with very rough seas and moderate swell. Forecast positions At 1200 UTC 06 February: Within 50 nautical miles of 15.3 south 102.9 east Central pressure 984 hPa. Winds to 50 knots near centre. At 0000 UTC 07 February: Within 65 nautical miles of 15.8 south 100.2 east Central pressure 985 hPa. Winds to 50 knots near centre. REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use email to tcwc@bom.gov.au. Next warning will be issued by 0700 UTC 06 February 2025. AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY TROPICAL CYCLONE WARNING CENTRE  083 WSBN31 OBBI 060047 OBBB SIGMET 01 VALID 060100/060300 OBBI- OBBB BAHRAIN FIR SEV ICE FCST NW OF LINE N2710 E05040 - N2650 E05010 FL120/160 MOV NE 05KT NC=  557 WSPR31 SPJC 060049 SPIM SIGMET B1 VALID 060055/060100 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET B5 VALID 052330/060100=  756 WWUS84 KLUB 060054 AAA RFWLUB URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE...UPDATED National Weather Service Lubbock TX 654 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 TXZ021-022-027-028-033-034-039-040-060200- /O.EXP.KLUB.FW.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T0100Z/ Parmer-Castro-Bailey-Lamb-Cochran-Hockley-Yoakum-Terry- 654 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...RED FLAG WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 7 PM CST THIS EVENING FOR STRONG WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FAR SOUTHWESTERN TEXAS PANHANDLE AND WESTERN PORTIONS OF THE SOUTH PLAINS... Winds have diminished and conditions are no longer favorable for the growth and spread of wildfires. $$  914 WWUS84 KAMA 060054 RFWAMA URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Amarillo TX 654 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 OKZ001-002-TXZ001>003-006>008-011>013-016-017-317-060200- /O.EXP.KAMA.FW.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T0100Z/ Cimarron-Texas-Dallam-Sherman-Hansford-Hartley-Moore-Hutchinson- Oldham-Potter-Carson-Deaf Smith-Randall-Palo Duro Canyon- 654 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...RED FLAG WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 7 PM CST THIS EVENING FOR STRONG WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR WESTERN AND CENTRAL PANHANDLES... Winds have decreased below 15 mph across the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles this evening. Even though relative humidity values remain around 10 percent or less, they should increase through this evening. Therefore, the Red Flag Warning will be allowed to expire. $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit... www.weather.gov/ama  692 WWUS83 KDMX 060055 SPSDMX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Des Moines IA 655 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 IAZ004>007-015>017-023>028-033-060200- Emmet-Kossuth-Winnebago-Worth-Palo Alto-Hancock-Cerro Gordo- Pocahontas-Humboldt-Wright-Franklin-Butler-Bremer-Sac- Including the cities of Estherville, Algona, Forest City, Lake Mills, Northwood, Manly, Emmetsburg, Garner, Britt, Kanawha, Mason City, Clear Lake, Pocahontas, Laurens, Rolfe, Fonda, Gilmore City, Humboldt, Eagle Grove, Clarion, Belmond, Hampton, Parkersburg, Clarksville, Shell Rock, Greene, Aplington, Allison, Dumont, Waverly, Sac City, Lake View, Odebolt, Wall Lake, Schaller, and Early 655 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...Light Freezing Drizzle Expected to Persist this Evening... WHAT...Intermittent light freezing drizzle WHERE...Northern Iowa, including the Highway 3 corridor north to the Minnesota border. WHEN...Through at least 9pm. IMPACTS...Roads and sidewalks may accumulate a light glazing making for slick and icy conditions, especially on untreated surfaces such as secondary and less traveled roads. Elevated surfaces such as cars and trees may also accumulate a light glaze. PREPAREDNESS AND PRECAUTIONARY ACTIONS...Motorists and pedestrians are advised exercise caution. Wet looking surfaces may be icy and slippery. Motorists should slow down, drive defensively, and prepare for changeable conditions are short distances. $$ Small  760 WSCI36 ZUUU 060054 ZPKM SIGMET 1 VALID 060120/060520 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N3328 E10330-N3227 E10549-N3153 E10931-N2722 E10916-N2651 E10007-N2946 E09839-N3328 E10330 FL050/170 STNR NC=  523 WSUS05 KKCI 060055 WS5Q SLCQ WS 060055 SIGMET QUEBEC 2 VALID UNTIL 060455 MT WY UT CO FROM 80WSW BIL TO 30WSW GLD TO 40SSE PUB TO 40ENE SLC TO 80WSW BIL OCNL SEV TURB BLW FL180. DUE TO STG LOW LVL WNDS AND STG UDDFS AND LLWS. RPTD BY ACFT. CONDS CONTG BYD 0455Z. ....  870 WSCI36 ZUUU 060055 ZPKM SIGMET 2 VALID 060120/060520 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N3200 E09700-N3334 E10352-N3153 E10931-N2548 E10817-N2833 E08829-N3117 E08811-N3200 E09700 FL150/340 STNR NC=  380 WTMA20 FIMP 060050 TTT WARNING OF HURRICANE FORCE WINDS AT 0000 UTC,INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 8 (VINCE) 960 HPA WAS CENTRED WITHIN 20 NM RADIUS OF POINT 19.0 S / 83.2 E (NINETEEN DECIMAL ZERO DEGREES SOUTH AND EIGHTY THREE DECIMAL TWO DEGREES EAST). MOVEMENT: WEST 8 KT THREAT AREAS: SQUALLY WEATHER IN A 300 NM RADIUS AROUND THE CENTER. HURRICANE FORCE WINDS 65/90 KT AND VERY HIGH TO PHENOMENAL SEAS WITHIN A 25 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 30 NM IN THE SOUTHERN SEMI-CIRCLE AND THE ORTH-EASTERN QUADRANT. STORM FORCE WINDS 50/60 KT AND HIGH TO VERY HIGH SEAS WITHIN A 35 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 40 NM IN THE SOUTHERN SEMI-CIRCLE AND THE NORTH-EASTERN UADRANT. GALE FORCE WINDS 35/45 KT AND VERY ROUGH TO HIGH SEAS WITHIN A 60 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 70 NM IN THE SOUTHERN SEMI-CIRCLE. NEAR GALE FORCE WINDS 30 KT AND ROUGH TO VERY ROUGH SEAS WITHIN A 90 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 105 NM IN THE NORTH-WESTERN QUADRANT, UP TO 130 NM IN THE SOUTH-EASTERN QUADRANT AND UP TO 145 NM IN THE SOUTH-WESTERN QUADRANT. STRONG GUSTS UNDER SQUALLS. END=  585 WSMX31 MMMX 060059 MMEX SIGMET A1 VALID 060059/060459 MMMX- MMFR MEXICO FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0059Z WI 15NM EITHER SIDE OF LINE N1940 W10204 - N1920 W09922 CB TOP FL400 MOV STNR WKN. =  739 WHCA72 TJSJ 060102 MWWSJU URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Juan PR 902 PM AST Wed Feb 5 2025 AMZ711-060915- /O.CON.TJSJ.SC.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-250210T0400Z/ Atlantic Waters of Puerto Rico and USVI from 10 NM to 19.5N- 902 PM AST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AST SUNDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 6 to 7 ft. * WHERE...Atlantic Waters of Puerto Rico and USVI from 10 NM to 19.5N. * WHEN...Until midnight on Sunday . * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ AMZ723-060915- /O.CON.TJSJ.SC.Y.0010.250206T1000Z-250210T0400Z/ Anegada Passage east of Virgin Gorda and Saint Croix south to 17N- 902 PM AST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM THURSDAY TO MIDNIGHT AST SUNDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 5 to 7 ft expected. * WHERE...Anegada Passage east of Virgin Gorda and Saint Croix south to 17N. * WHEN...From 6 AM Thursday to midnight Sunday night. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ AMZ733-741-060915- /O.CON.TJSJ.SC.Y.0011.250206T2200Z-250207T1600Z/ Caribbean waters of Puerto Rico from 10 NM to 17N, including the coastal waters of Saint Croix-Mona Passage Southward to 17N- 902 PM AST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THURSDAY TO NOON AST FRIDAY... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 6 to 7 ft expected. * WHERE...Caribbean waters of Puerto Rico from 10 NM to 17N, including the coastal waters of Saint Croix and Mona Passage Southward to 17N. * WHEN...From 6 PM Thursday to noon AST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  154 WCAU01 YMMC 060105 YMMM SIGMET D16 VALID 060130/060730 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR TC TALIAH PSN S1448 E10518 CB OBS AT 0000Z WI 140NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL600 MOV W 05KT NC=  072 WCAU01 YMMC 060105 YMMM SIGMET D16 VALID 060130/060730 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR TC TALIAH PSN S1448 E10518 CB OBS AT 0000Z WI 140NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL600 MOV W 05KT NC RMK: MW=  044 WSIR31 OIII 060035 OIIX SIGMET 01 VALID 060030/060230 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3721 E04435 - N3734 E04532 - N3613 E04648 - N3543 E04601 - N3721 E04435 TOP FL320 MOV ENE NC=  872 WGUS84 KLZK 060108 FLSLZK Flood Statement National Weather Service Little Rock AR 708 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Arkansas... White River At Augusta affecting Woodruff and White Counties. White River At Georgetown affecting Woodruff, Prairie and White Counties. Black River At Black Rock affecting Jackson, Independence and Lawrence Counties. ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Arkansas... White River At Clarendon affecting Monroe and Arkansas Counties. Cache River Near Patterson affecting Jackson and Woodruff Counties. For the Lower White River...including Newport, Augusta, Georgetown, Des Arc, Clarendon...Minor flooding is forecast. For the Black River...including Corning, Pocahontas, Black Rock... Minor flooding is forecast. For the Cache River...including Patterson...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. The next statement will be issued Thursday evening at 715 PM CST. && ARC145-147-070115- /O.EXT.KLZK.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /AUGA4.1.ER.000000T0000Z.250205T2015Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 708 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...White River at Augusta. * WHEN...Until further notice. * IMPACTS...At 32.0 feet, Thousands of acres of cropland and farm roads are flooded in White and Woodruff counties. Water is isolating homes and camps along the river in White and Woodruff counties. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 6:00 PM CST Wednesday the stage was 32.1 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall to 28.1 feet Saturday, February 15. - Flood stage is 26.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && Fld Observed Forecasts (6 pm CST) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Thu Fri Sat White River Augusta 26.0 32.1 Wed 6 pm CST 32.0 31.9 31.6 && LAT...LON 3514 9152 3525 9146 3537 9150 3534 9136 3521 9133 3515 9137 $$ ARC063-067-075-070115- /O.EXT.KLZK.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250209T0000Z/ /BKRA4.1.ER.250130T2324Z.250201T0700Z.250207T1800Z.NO/ 708 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL SATURDAY EVENING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Black River at Black Rock. * WHEN...Until Saturday evening. * IMPACTS...At 17.0 feet, Low lying cultivated land and pastures in Lawrence, Jackson, and Independence counties flood. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 6:00 PM CST Wednesday the stage was 15.7 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage early Friday afternoon and continue falling to 11.8 feet Monday evening. - Flood stage is 14.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && Fld Observed Forecasts (6 pm CST) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Thu Fri Sat Black River Black Rock 14.0 15.7 Wed 6 pm CST 14.7 13.8 13.1 && LAT...LON 3570 9140 3591 9125 3612 9115 3610 9101 3588 9110 3564 9128 $$ ARC117-145-147-070115- /O.EXT.KLZK.FL.W.0019.250206T1500Z-250212T0000Z/ /GEOA4.1.ER.250206T1500Z.250208T0600Z.250210T1800Z.NO/ 708 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT FROM THURSDAY MORNING TO TUESDAY EVENING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...White River at Georgetown. * WHEN...From Thursday morning to Tuesday evening. * IMPACTS...At 21.0 feet, Hurricane Lake Wildlife Management Area and Raft Creek Bottoms inundated. Roads in the bottoms are flooded. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 6:00 PM CST Wednesday the stage was 20.6 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage late tomorrow morning to a crest of 21.5 feet early Saturday morning. It will then fall below flood stage early Monday afternoon. - Flood stage is 21.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && Fld Observed Forecasts (6 pm CST) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Thu Fri Sat White River Georgetown 21.0 20.6 Wed 6 pm CST 21.2 21.4 21.5 && LAT...LON 3500 9155 3508 9151 3514 9152 3515 9137 3506 9139 3498 9142 $$ ARC067-147-070115- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0008.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PTTA4.1.ER.250131T1815Z.250205T2200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 708 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Cache River near Patterson. * WHEN...Until further notice. * IMPACTS...At 11.0 feet, Water near homes on Pine Street in Patterson. Water deep over Woodruff County Road 775. Water around camps along State Highways 14 and 18 in Jackson County. Many acres of cropland, pastures, and timberland flooded in Craighead, Jackson, and Woodruff counties. AGFC may close WMA inside Woodruff County for deer hunting due to flooding. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 6:15 PM CST Wednesday the stage was 10.8 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to remain steady above flood stage at 10.8 feet. - Flood stage is 9.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && Fld Observed Forecasts (6 pm CST) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Thu Fri Sat Cache River Patterson 9.0 10.8 Wed 6 pm CST 10.8 10.8 10.8 && LAT...LON 3510 9133 3522 9128 3539 9123 3538 9113 3521 9117 3508 9122 $$ ARC001-095-070115- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0017.250207T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CLDA4.1.ER.250207T0000Z.250211T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 708 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM THURSDAY EVENING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE... * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...White River at Clarendon. * WHEN...From Thursday evening until further notice. * IMPACTS...At 28.0 feet, Flooding of cropland and timber is occurring. Roads to homes and cabins in lower Maddox Bay area off Highway 146 south of Clarendon impassible. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 6:00 PM CST Wednesday the stage was 25.6 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage tomorrow evening and continue rising to a crest of 27.2 feet early Tuesday afternoon. - Flood stage is 26.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && Fld Observed Forecasts (6 pm CST) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Thu Fri Sat White River Clarendon 26.0 25.6 Wed 6 pm CST 26.0 26.4 26.7 && LAT...LON 3435 9119 3449 9132 3466 9139 3472 9129 3455 9120 3442 9108 $$  354 WHHW70 PHFO 060109 MWWHFO URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Honolulu HI 309 PM HST Wed Feb 5 2025 PHZ110-111-113-114-116-117-060215- /O.CAN.PHFO.SC.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T0400Z/ Kauai Northwest Waters-Kauai Windward Waters-Kauai Channel- Oahu Windward Waters-Kaiwi Channel-Maui County Windward Waters- 309 PM HST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Seas have diminished below 10 feet. $$  249 WGUS84 KLZK 060110 FLSLZK Flood Statement National Weather Service Little Rock AR 710 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Arkansas... Ouachita River At Camden affecting Calhoun and Ouachita Counties. ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Arkansas... Ouachita River At Thatcher L&D affecting Calhoun, Bradley and Union Counties. For the Ouachita River...including Jones Mill Dcp, Arkadelphia, Camden, Thatcher L&D...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. The next statement will be issued Thursday evening at 715 PM CST. && ARC013-103-070115- /O.EXT.KLZK.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250208T1617Z/ /CAMA4.1.ER.000000T0000Z.250205T0815Z.250207T1017Z.NO/ 710 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL LATE SATURDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Ouachita River at Camden. * WHEN...Until late Saturday morning. * IMPACTS...At 30.0 feet, State Highway 7 north of Camden floods, with detours nearby. Portions of Sandy Beach Park will flood. Some county roads north and east of Camden begin to flood. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 6:30 PM CST Wednesday the stage was 29.5 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage early Friday morning and continue falling to 18.5 feet Monday evening. - Flood stage is 26.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && Fld Observed Forecasts (6 pm CST) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Thu Fri Sat Ouachita River Camden 26.0 29.5 Wed 6 pm CST 27.0 24.6 22.1 && LAT...LON 3329 9261 3344 9280 3363 9289 3367 9275 3350 9264 3338 9247 $$ ARC011-013-139-070115- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CALA4.1.ER.250203T0652Z.250207T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 710 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Ouachita River at Thatcher L&D. * WHEN...Until further notice. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 6:30 PM CST Wednesday the stage was 81.3 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 82.1 feet early Friday morning. - Flood stage is 79.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && Fld Observed Forecasts (6 pm CST) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Thu Fri Sat Ouachita River Thatcher L&D 79.0 81.3 Wed 6 pm CST 82.0 82.1 81.7 && LAT...LON 3311 9223 3323 9236 3329 9261 3338 9247 3333 9226 3322 9212 $$  950 WWUS74 KAMA 060111 NPWAMA URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Amarillo TX 711 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 OKZ003-061200- /O.NEW.KAMA.FG.Y.0003.250206T0111Z-250206T1200Z/ Beaver- Including the cities of Beaver and Forgan 711 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Beaver County. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ Muscha  528 WSPN07 KKCI 060112 SIGP0G KZAK SIGMET GOLF 7 VALID 060112/060205 KKCI- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET GOLF 6 052205/060205.  896 WHHW40 PHFO 060113 CFWHFO Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Honolulu HI 313 PM HST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY FOR EAST FACING SHORES OF KAUAI OAHU MOLOKAI MAUI AND THE BIG ISLAND... .Medium period northeast (040 degrees) swell will persist through Thursday. HIZ009-029-030-032-035-037-038-047-048-053-054-061415- /O.EXT.PHFO.SU.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250207T0400Z/ Olomana-Kauai North-Kauai East-East Honolulu-Koolau Windward- Molokai Windward-Molokai Southeast-Windward Haleakala-Kipahulu- Big Island East-Big Island North- 313 PM HST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM HST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Surf up to 12 feet. * WHERE...East facing shores of Kauai, Maui, Molokai, Oahu and the Big Island. * WHEN...Until 6 PM HST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Moderate. Strong breaking waves and strong currents will make swimming dangerous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Heed all advice from ocean safety officials. When in doubt, don't go out. && $$ Birchard  136 WSKO31 RKSI 060117 RKRR SIGMET Y01 VALID 060117/060500 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SEV TURB FCST N3521 E13003 - N3610 E12827 - N3607 E12356 - N3727 E12356 - N3738 E12627 - N3742 E12911 - N3647 E13202 - N3521 E13003 FL240/290 MOV E 20KT NC=  945 WWUS46 KHNX 060123 WSWHNX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Hanford CA 523 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 CAZ323-326>328-330-060930- /O.CON.KHNX.WS.W.0003.250206T1200Z-250208T0000Z/ Yosemite NP outside of the valley-Upper San Joaquin River-Kaiser to Rodgers Ridge-Kings Canyon NP-Sequoia NP- Including the cities of Cedar Grove, Devils Postpile, Tuolumne Meadows, Lake Wishon, Florence Lake, Huntington Lake, Giant Forest, Lodgepole, Lake Thomas Edison, Shaver Lake, and Wawona 523 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM THURSDAY TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations up to 34 inches. Winds gusting as high as 60 mph. * WHERE...Kaiser to Rodgers Ridge, Kings Canyon NP, Sequoia NP, Upper San Joaquin River, and Yosemite NP outside of the valley. * WHEN...From 4 AM Thursday to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. Strong winds could cause tree damage. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ DH  986 WWUS83 KBIS 060124 SPSBIS Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Bismarck ND 724 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 NDZ004-005-012-013-022-023-025-036-037-047-048-050-051-060230- Bottineau-Rolette-McHenry-Pierce-Sheridan-Wells-Foster-Kidder- Stutsman-Logan-La Moure-McIntosh-Dickey- Including the cities of Bottineau, Rolla, Dunseith, Rolette, Shell Valley, St. John, Velva, Towner, Drake, Rugby, Mcclusky, Goodrich, Harvey, Fessenden, Carrington, Steele, Tappen, Jamestown, Napoleon, Gackle, Lamoure, Edgeley, Kulm, Wishek, Ashley, Oakes, and Ellendale 724 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...PERIOD OF MODERATE TO HEAVY SNOW ACROSS CENTRAL NORTH DAKOTA THROUGH EARLY THIS EVENING... A period of moderate to heavy snow will significantly reduce visibility and create snow-covered roadways across central North Dakota through early this evening. Most areas will receive 1 to 2 inches of snow, but there could be localized amounts up to 3 inches. Be prepared for difficult travel, and be sure to check the latest road conditions. $$ Heinert  133 WWUS72 KJAX 060124 NPWJAX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Jacksonville FL 824 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 FLZ021-035-220-236-340-522-061500- /O.NEW.KJAX.FG.Y.0006.250206T0300Z-250206T1500Z/ Suwannee-Gilchrist-Western Hamilton-Western Alachua-Western Marion-Southwestern Columbia- Including the cities of McAlpin, Blue Springs, Newberry, Houston, Oleno State Park, Newburn, Trenton, West Lake, Columbia, Suwannee River Station, High Springs, Suwannee Springs, Live Oak, Ocala Airport, and Archer 824 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Gilchrist, Southwestern Columbia, Suwannee, Western Alachua, Western Hamilton, and Western Marion Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ For more information, visit us at www.weather.gov/jax 23  951 WAHW31 PHFO 060124 AAA WA0HI HNLS WA 060123 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 7 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 060400 . AIRMET MTN OBSC...OAHU MOLOKAI MAUI...UPDATE N THRU E SECTIONS. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 025 DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND CONT BEYOND 0400Z. =HNLT WA 060123 AMD AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 5 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 060400 . NO SIGNIFICANT TURB EXP. =HNLZ WA 052200 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 3 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 060400 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...142-137.  073 WSMG31 FMMI 060125 FMMM SIGMET C1 VALID 060125/060325 FMMI- FMMM ANTANANARIVO FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1830 E04600 - S2000 E04630 - S2100 E04430 - S2000 E04430 TOP ABV FL450 STNR WKN=  970 WWUS72 KTBW 060126 NPWTBW URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tampa Bay Ruskin FL 826 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 FLZ139-239-060930- /O.NEW.KTBW.FG.Y.0007.250206T0126Z-250206T1500Z/ Coastal Levy-Inland Levy- Including the cities of Cedar Key, Chiefland, Williston, Yankeetown, and Bronson 826 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Coastal Levy and Inland Levy Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ TBW  100 WSMG31 FMMI 060126 FMMM SIGMET F1 VALID 060126/060526 FMMI- FMMM ANTANANARIVO FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI S2000 E05200 - S2400 E05000 - S2230 E04830 - S2000 E05030 TOP ABV FL480 MOV S NC=  032 WWUS86 KOTX 060127 SPSOTX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Spokane WA 527 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 IDZ001>004-WAZ033-035>038-060230- Central Panhandle Mountains-Coeur d'Alene Area-Idaho Palouse-Northern Panhandle-Spokane Area-Upper Columbia Basin-Northeast Mountains-Washington Palouse-Okanogan Highlands- 527 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...AN AREA OF MODERATE TO BRIEF HEAVY SNOW WILL AFFECT WEST CENTRAL SHOSHONE...NORTHERN BENEWAH...KOOTENAI...NORTHEASTERN LINCOLN...SOUTHERN STEVENS... SOUTHEASTERN FERRY AND SPOKANE COUNTIES... At 525 PM PST, an area of moderate to heavy snow was located along a line extending from 16 miles northwest of Davenport to 6 miles south of St. Maries. Movement was north at 25 mph. Locations impacted include... Spokane, Spokane Valley, Coeur d'Alene, Post Falls, Hayden, Cheney, Rathdrum, St. Maries, Dalton Gardens, Kellogg, Pinehurst, Liberty Lake, Airway Heights, Medical Lake, Nine Mile Falls, Deer Park, Millwood, Davenport, Plummer, and Hauser. This includes the following highways... Interstate 90 in Washington between mile markers 266 and 299. Interstate 90 in Idaho between mile markers 0 and 49. U.S. Highway 95 in Idaho between mile markers 392 and 440. U.S. Highway 2 in Washington between mile markers 251 and 312. U.S. Highway 195 in Washington between mile markers 79 and 95. U.S. Highway 395 in Washington between mile markers 165 and 193. Visibilities will drop quickly to less than a half mile in this area of moderate to heavy snow. Icy roads are expected as snow moves over the area. Conditions can deteriorate rapidly in winter weather situations. Be prepared for snow or ice covered roads. Slow down and allow extra time when traveling. && LAT...LON 4831 11836 4763 11607 4715 11646 4777 11856 TIME...MOT...LOC 0125Z 201DEG 21KT 4779 11844 4723 11653 $$ JW  216 WSMG31 FMMI 060127 FMMM SIGMET G1 VALID 060127/060527 FMMI- FMMM ANTANANARIVO FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI S2500 E05700 - S2900 E05530 - S2700 E05000 - S2530 E05100 TOP ABV FL480 STNR NC=  075 WHUS72 KTBW 060130 MWWTBW URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tampa Bay Ruskin FL 830 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 GMZ850-870-060930- /O.NEW.KTBW.MF.Y.0010.250206T0130Z-250206T1500Z/ Coastal waters from Tarpon Springs to Suwannee River FL out 20 NM- Waters from Tarpon Springs to Suwannee River FL out 20 to 60 NM- 830 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to one quarter nautical mile or less. * WHERE...Coastal waters from Tarpon Springs to Suwannee River FL out 20 NM and Waters from Tarpon Springs to Suwannee River FL out 20 to 60 NM. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  837 WHUS72 KTAE 060131 MWWTAE URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 831 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 GMZ750-752-061500- /O.NEW.KTAE.MF.Y.0007.250206T0131Z-250206T1500Z/ Coastal waters from Mexico Beach to Okaloosa Walton County Line FL out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Mexico Beach to Apalachicola FL out 20 NM- 731 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1 NM or less. * WHERE...Nearshore Gulf waters from the Walton-Okaloosa County line to Apalachicola out 20 nautical miles. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$ GMZ730-755-765-775-061800- /O.EXT.KTAE.MF.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Apalachee Bay or Coastal Waters From Keaton Beach to Ochlockonee River FL out to 20 Nm- Coastal Waters From Ochlockonee River to Apalachicola Fl out to 20 Nm- Coastal waters from Suwannee River to Keaton Beach FL out 20 NM- Waters from Suwannee River to Apalachicola FL from 20 to 60 NM- 831 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1 NM or less. * WHERE...Nearshore Gulf waters from the Ochlockonee River to the Suwannee River out 20 nautical miles, Coastal Waters From Ochlockonee River to Apalachicola Fl out to 20 Nm, and Waters from Suwannee River to Apalachicola FL from 20 to 60 NM. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$ DVD  147 WWUS74 KOUN 060131 NPWOUN URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Norman OK 731 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 OKZ004>048-050>052-TXZ083>090-061500- /O.NEW.KOUN.FG.Y.0004.250206T0131Z-250206T1500Z/ Harper-Woods-Alfalfa-Grant-Kay-Ellis-Woodward-Major-Garfield- Noble-Roger Mills-Dewey-Custer-Blaine-Kingfisher-Logan-Payne- Beckham-Washita-Caddo-Canadian-Oklahoma-Lincoln-Grady-McClain- Cleveland-Pottawatomie-Seminole-Hughes-Harmon-Greer-Kiowa-Jackson- Tillman-Comanche-Stephens-Garvin-Murray-Pontotoc-Coal-Cotton- Jefferson-Carter-Johnston-Atoka-Love-Marshall-Bryan-Hardeman- Foard-Wilbarger-Wichita-Knox-Baylor-Archer-Clay- Including the cities of Coalgate, Okarche, Davis, Shattuck, Granite, Elk City, Durant, Madill, Temple, Kingston, Tishomingo, Meeker, Gage, Tuttle, Ponca City, Leedey, Fairview, Atoka, Sulphur, Prague, Thackerville, Wakita, Stroud, Concho, Woodward, Henrietta, Purcell, Burns Flat, Seymour, Knox City, Lawton, Pond Creek, Sayre, Guthrie, Archer City, Okeene, Shawnee, Davenport, Arnett, Stillwater, Ringling, Walters, Fargo, Sheppard AFB, Marietta, Chandler, Medford, Yukon, Holliday, Wewoka, Geary, Quanah, Alva, Vici, Chickasha, Norman, Crowell, Waurika, Buffalo, Wynnewood, Kingfisher, Hollis, Newcastle, Enid, Hennessey, Blackwell, Lindsay, Wellston, Wetumka, Moore, Ada, Seiling, Cherokee, Hobart, Lamont, Perry, Cheyenne, Vernon, Oklahoma City, Laverne, Wichita Falls, Hinton, Lakeside City, Hammon, Cordell, Frederick, Holdenville, Snyder, Pauls Valley, Mustang, Helena, Altus, Anadarko, Scotland, Taloga, Blanchard, Clinton, Ryan, Watonga, Seminole, Carmen, Ardmore, Munday, Sentinel, Weatherford, Mangum, El Reno, and Duncan 731 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Areas with visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, northern, northwest, southeast, southern, southwest, and western Oklahoma and northern Texas. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ .speg.  662 WWUS72 KTAE 060132 NPWTAE URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 832 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 FLZ007>019-026>029-034-108-112-114-115-118-127-128-134-061500- /O.NEW.KTAE.FG.Y.0008.250206T0132Z-250206T1500Z/ North Walton-Central Walton-Holmes-Washington-Jackson-Inland Bay- Calhoun-Inland Gulf-Inland Franklin-Gadsden-Leon-Inland Jefferson- Madison-Liberty-Inland Wakulla-Inland Taylor-Lafayette-Inland Dixie-South Walton-Coastal Bay-Coastal Gulf-Coastal Franklin- Coastal Jefferson-Coastal Wakulla-Coastal Taylor-Coastal Dixie- Including the cities of Bucell Junction, Bay City, Nixon, Boyd, Point Washington, Hanson, Pleasant Ridge, Creels, Frink, Hilliardville, Sneads, Port St. Joe, High Bluff, Odena, Eucheeanna, Glendale, Festus, Santa Rosa Beach, Adams Beach, Portland, Vicksburg, Holmes County Airport, Callaway, Dills, Econfina, Wewahitchka, Morgan Place, Fish Creek, Cluster Springs, Madison, Littman, Cherry Lake, Killearn Estates, Bonifay, Graceville, Jena, Howard Creek, Beacon Hill, Panama City, Lovett, Beverly, Wakulla Springs, Buckhorn, Dalkeith, Jonesboro, Malone, Bennett, Cobb Crossroads, Hays Place, Saint Joe Beach, Saint Marks, Apalachicola Airport, Blountstown, De Funiak Spring Airport, Pinetta, Alma, Santa Clara, Lynn Haven, New Hope, Carbur, Five Points, Drifton, Abe Springs, Hopewell, Fort Gadsden, Dekle Beach, Chattahoochee, Cairo, Honeyville, Hines, Tallahassee, Sandestin, Simsville, Athena, Sweetwater, Browntown, Argyle, Panacea, Maclay State Gardens, Wetumpka, Marysville, Perry, Shired Island, Durham, Center Ridge, Poplar Head, Southport, Jarrott, White City, Blue Springs, Capps, Marianna, Bradfordville, Port Leon, Turquoise Beach, Cabbage Grove, Mayo, Leonia, Chaires Crossroads, Bunker, Crystal Lake, Richter Crossroads, Killearn Lakes, Quincy, Youngstown, Capitola, Quincy Airport, Clarksville, Horseshoe Beach, Cooks Hammock, Casa Blanco, Tilton, Chipley, Midway, Buckville, Cross City, Day, Bethel, Yellow Jacket, Old Town, Alpine Heights, Oak Grove, Suwannee, Freeport, Buck Siding, Howell Place, Orange Hill, Chaires, Scotts Ferry, De Funiak Springs, Cedar Island, Sopchoppy, Chipley Municipal Airport, Cross City Airport, Overstreet, Monticello, Barker Store, Magnolia Beach, Medart, Fenholloway, Hardin Heights, and Apalachicola 832 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 /732 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025/ ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST /9 AM CST/ THURSDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of the Big Bend and Panhandle of Florida. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST /9 AM CST/ Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ DVD  402 WWUS41 KLWX 060133 WSWLWX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 833 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 MDZ001-003-501-502-VAZ028-031-507-WVZ050>053-055-501>504-060945- /O.CON.KLWX.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Garrett-Washington-Extreme Western Allegany-Central and Eastern Allegany-Frederick VA-Clarke-Northern Virginia Blue Ridge- Hampshire-Morgan-Berkeley-Jefferson-Hardy-Western Grant-Eastern Grant-Western Mineral-Eastern Mineral- 833 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Significant icing expected. Two to three tenths of an inch of ice from freezing rain, and a coating of sleet expected. * WHERE...Portions of north central and western Maryland, northwest Virginia, and eastern West Virginia. * WHEN...Until noon EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Significant ice accumulation on power lines and tree limbs may cause widespread power outages. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...A light mix of freezing rain and sleet this evening will transition to a steady freezing rain tonight. Temperatures will warm Thursday morning, and precipitation transitions to rain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not touch downed lines and report any power outages to your electric company. Travel is highly discouraged due to slick roadways and the possibility of downed trees and power lines. && $$ VAZ503-WVZ505-060945- /O.CON.KLWX.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Western Highland-Western Pendleton- 833 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Significant icing expected. Two to three tenths of an inch of ice from freezing rain expected. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...In Virginia, Western Highland County. In West Virginia, Western Pendleton County. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Significant ice accumulation on power lines and tree limbs may cause widespread power outages. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...A light mix of freezing rain and sleet through this evening will transition to a steady freezing rain tonight. Temperatures will warm Thursday morning, and precipitation transitions to rain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not touch downed lines and report any power outages to your electric company. Travel is highly discouraged due to slick roadways and the possibility of downed trees and power lines. && $$ VAZ025>027-029-030-508-060945- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Augusta-Rockingham-Shenandoah-Page-Warren-Central Virginia Blue Ridge- 833 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain expected. Ice accumulations from freezing rain ranging from a light glaze in the valleys to two tenths of an inch on the ridges expected. * WHERE...Portions of central, northwest, and western Virginia. * WHEN...Until noon EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...A light mix of freezing rain and sleet this evening will transition to a steady freezing rain tonight. Temperatures will warm Thursday morning, and precipitation transitions to rain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ VAZ504-WVZ506-060945- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Eastern Highland-Eastern Pendleton- 833 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain expected. Ice accumulations from freezing rain between one tenth and one quarter of an inch expected. * WHERE...In Virginia, Eastern Highland County. In West Virginia, Eastern Pendleton County. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...A light mix of freezing rain and sleet this evening will transition to a steady freezing rain tonight. Temperatures will warm Thursday morning, and precipitation transitions to rain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ DCZ001-MDZ008-011-013-014-016>018-504-506-508-VAZ036>039-050-051- 053>057-502-527-060945- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.250206T0200Z-250206T1500Z/ District of Columbia-Cecil-Southern Baltimore-Prince Georges-Anne Arundel-Charles-St. Marys-Calvert-Central and Southeast Montgomery-Central and Southeast Howard-Southeast Harford-Nelson- Albemarle-Greene-Madison-Orange-Culpeper-Fairfax-Arlington/Falls Church/Alexandria-Stafford-Spotsylvania-King George-Southern Fauquier-Central and Southeast Prince William/Manassas/Manassas Park- 833 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. A light glaze of ice from freezing rain and a coating of sleet expected. * WHERE...Portions of DC, central, northeast, northern, and southern Maryland, and central, northern, and northwest Virginia. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Light sleet this evening will become a mix of freezing rain and sleet after midnight. Most of the area will see a mix of sleet and freezing rain through the night, with rain mixing in along and east of Interstate 95. Temperatures will warm Thursday morning after sunrise, and precipitation transitions to rain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ MDZ004>006-503-505-507-VAZ040-501-505-506-526-060945- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.250206T0200Z-250206T1700Z/ Frederick MD-Carroll-Northern Baltimore-Northwest Montgomery- Northwest Howard-Northwest Harford-Rappahannock-Northern Fauquier- Western Loudoun-Eastern Loudoun-Northwest Prince William- 833 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Ice accumulations from freezing rain between one tenth and one quarter of an inch, and a coating of sleet expected. * WHERE...Portions of central, north central, and northern Maryland and northern and northwest Virginia. * WHEN...Until noon EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...A mix of light freezing rain and sleet this evening becomes mainly a steady freezing rain tonight, though sleet will likely mix in at times overnight. Temperatures will warm Thursday morning transitioning freezing rain over to rain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ DHOF  542 WABZ23 SBGL 060129 SBRE AIRMET 3 VALID 060134/060330 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SFC VIS 1500M RA FCST WI S0826 W03520 - S0826 W03431 - S0749 W03431 - S0749 W03520 - S0826 W03520 STNR NC=  471 WSAG31 SAVC 060139 SAVF SIGMET 1 VALID 060139/060339 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR FRQ TS FCST AT 0139Z WI S4444 W06441 - S4628 W06343 - S4839 W06357 - S4915 W06603 - S5029 W06653 - S5043 W06348 - S4856 W06150 - S4534 W06150 - S4413 W06312 - S4444 W06441 TOP FL290 MOV E 08KT WKN=  647 WSAG31 SAVC 060139 SAVF SIGMET 1 VALID 060139/060339 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR FRQ TS FCST AT 0139Z WI S4444 W06441 - S4628 W06343 - S4839 W06357 - S4915 W06603 - S5029 W06653 - S5043 W06348 - S4856 W06150 - S4534 W06150 - S4413 W06312 - S4444 W06441 TOP FL290 MOV E 08KT WKN=  017 WAHW31 PHFO 060135 AAB WA0HI HNLS WA 060132 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 8 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 060400 . AIRMET MTN OBSC...OAHU MOLOKAI MAUI N THRU E SECTIONS. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 025 DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND CONT BEYOND 0400Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSC...KAUAI...UPDATE N THRU E SECTIONS. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 025 DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND CONT BEYOND 0400Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSC...BIG ISLAND...UPDATE UPOLU POINT TO CAPE KUMUKAHI TO SOUTH CAPE. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 025 DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND CONT BEYOND 0400Z. =HNLT WA 060123 AMD AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 5 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 060400 . NO SIGNIFICANT TURB EXP. =HNLZ WA 052200 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 3 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 060400 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...142-137.  780 WGUS84 KJAN 060136 FLSJAN Flood Statement National Weather Service Jackson MS 736 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Mississippi... Big Black River Near Bentonia affecting Yazoo and Madison Counties. MSC089-163-060245- /O.CAN.KJAN.FL.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T0136Z/ /BTAM6.1.ER.250131T1638Z.250203T0100Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 736 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IS CANCELLED... The Flood Warning is cancelled for the Big Black River Near Bentonia. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 7:00 PM CST Wednesday the stage was 21.1 feet. - Forecast...The river has fallen below flood stage. && Fld Observed Forecasts (6 pm CST) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Thu Fri Sat Big Black River Bentonia 22.0 21.1 Wed 7 pm CST 19.8 18.7 18.0 && LAT...LON 3256 9064 3281 9012 3291 9006 3285 8987 3272 8996 3245 9052 $$ DB  736 WSAG31 SACO 060142 SACF SIGMET 1 VALID 060142/060242 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 0142Z WI S2727 W06904 - S2827 W06703 - S2908 W06528 - S2852 W06442 - S2742 W06448 - S2621 W06413 - S2549 W06419 - S2523 W06531 - S2455 W06718 - S2447 W06839 - S2614 W06826 - S2658 W06818 - S2712 W06845 - S2726 W06904 - S2727 W06904 TOP FL410 STNR INTSF=  850 WSAG31 SACO 060142 SACF SIGMET 1 VALID 060142/060242 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 0142Z WI S2727 W06904 - S2827 W06703 - S2908 W06528 - S2852 W06442 - S2742 W06448 - S2621 W06413 - S2549 W06419 - S2523 W06531 - S2455 W06718 - S2447 W06839 - S2614 W06826 - S2658 W06818 - S2712 W06845 - S2726 W06904 - S2727 W06904 TOP FL410 STNR INTSF=  948 WWUS41 KBGM 060138 WSWBGM URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Binghamton NY 838 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 NYZ022-024-055-PAZ038-043-047-061345- /O.CON.KBGM.WW.Y.0011.250206T0600Z-250206T1800Z/ Steuben-Chemung-Tioga-Bradford-Wyoming-Luzerne- Including the cities of Tunkhannock, Wilkes-Barre, Owego, Hornell, Corning, Hazleton, Towanda, Waverly, Sayre, and Elmira 838 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 1 PM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations up to two inches and ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...In New York, Chemung, Steuben, and Tioga Counties. In Pennsylvania, Bradford, Luzerne, and Wyoming Counties. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 1 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Precipitation will begin as snow tonight, changing over to a mix of sleet and freezing rain during the morning hours. Surface temperatures should warm enough to see all rain by the early afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In New York, The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. In Pennsylvania, The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission remind motorist to adjust speeds based on driving conditions as winter weather impacts Pennsylvania roadways. Visit www.511pa.com for the latest travel, roadways, and traffic conditions. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ NYZ009-015>018-023-025-036-037-044>046-056-057-062-PAZ039-040-044- 048-072-061345- /O.CON.KBGM.WW.Y.0011.250206T0900Z-250206T2100Z/ Northern Oneida-Yates-Seneca-Southern Cayuga-Onondaga-Schuyler- Tompkins-Madison-Southern Oneida-Cortland-Chenango-Otsego-Broome- Delaware-Sullivan-Susquehanna-Northern Wayne-Lackawanna-Pike- Southern Wayne- Including the cities of Oneonta, Boonville, Rome, Hallstead, Syracuse, Oneida, Binghamton, Cortland, Hamilton, Utica, Auburn, Walton, Damascus, Seneca Falls, Montrose, Scranton, Watkins Glen, Milford, Norwich, Penn Yan, Ithaca, Honesdale, Equinunk, Delhi, and Monticello 838 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 4 PM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations up to 2 inches across much of the area. 3-4 inches of snow and sleet expected across Northern Oneida county. Ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Portions of central New York and northeast Pennsylvania. * WHEN...From 4 AM to 4 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Precipitation will begin as snow tonight, changing over to a mix of sleet and freezing rain during the morning hours. Freezing rain and freezing drizzle expected at higher elevations during the afternoon, with rain and drizzle in the valleys. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In New York, The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. In Pennsylvania, The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission remind motorist to adjust speeds based on driving conditions as winter weather impacts Pennsylvania roadways. Visit www.511pa.com for the latest travel, roadways, and traffic conditions. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ KL  061 WWQT11 OTHH 060131 OTHH WS WRNG 060131 01 VALID 060133/060300 MOD-STRG WS EXP TO AFFECT A/FLD AND VC BTN GND AND 1400FT. SFC WIND: 12017KT 1400FT WIND: 15812KT =  280 WWUS74 KTSA 060139 NPWTSA URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tulsa OK 739 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 OKZ064>066-070-061500- /O.EXB.KTSA.FG.Y.0004.250206T0139Z-250206T1500Z/ Creek-Okfuskee-Okmulgee-Muskogee- Including the cities of Sapulpa, Okmulgee, Okemah, and Muskogee 739 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Muskogee, Okfuskee, Creek, and Okmulgee Counties. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Visibilities are expected to be reduced to less than one quarter mile by dense fog. Rapidly changing visibility will create hazardous driving conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your low beam headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ ARZ001-002-010-011-OKZ054>063-067>069-061500- /O.EXT.KTSA.FG.Y.0004.250206T0139Z-250206T1500Z/ Benton-Carroll-Washington AR-Madison-Osage-Washington OK-Nowata- Craig-Ottawa-Pawnee-Tulsa-Rogers-Mayes-Delaware-Wagoner-Cherokee- Adair- Including the cities of Fayetteville, Pryor, Bartlesville, Pawnee, Pawhuska, Huntsville, Berryville, Nowata, Rogers, Jay, Stilwell, Grove, Wagoner, Vinita, Springdale, Tahlequah, Miami, Tulsa, Bentonville, Eureka Springs, and Claremore 739 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of northwest Arkansas and east central and northeast Oklahoma. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Visibilities are expected to be reduced to less than one quarter mile by dense fog. Rapidly changing visibility will create hazardous driving conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your low beam headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ 06  223 WSAG31 SAVC 060146 SAVF SIGMET A1 VALID 060146/060546 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 0146Z WI S4421 W07127 - S4409 W06822 - S4103 W06854 - S4122 W07010 - S4153 W07058 - S4139 W07143 - S4421 W07127 FL070/130 STNR NC=  490 WSAG31 SAVC 060146 SAVF SIGMET A1 VALID 060146/060546 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 0146Z WI S4421 W07127 - S4409 W06822 - S4103 W06854 - S4122 W07010 - S4153 W07058 - S4139 W07143 - S4421 W07127 FL070/130 STNR NC=  608 WGUS84 KMEG 060142 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 742 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Tennessee... Obion River near Obion For the Obion River...including Martin, Obion, Bogota...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. Additional information is available at weather.gov/memphis. The next statement will be issued as needed. && TNC045-053-131-061200- /O.EXT.KMEG.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ /OBNT1.1.ER.250201T1340Z.250203T2000Z.250206T0600Z.NO/ 742 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL TOMORROW MORNING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Obion River near Obion. * WHEN...Until tomorrow morning. * IMPACTS...At 34.0 feet, Farmland near the river is flooded. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 7:00 PM CST Wednesday the stage was 34.1 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 7:00 PM CST Wednesday was 35.0 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage just after midnight tonight and continue falling to 31.4 feet Monday evening. - Flood stage is 34.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3628 8927 3633 8909 3633 8895 3620 8895 3614 8927 $$ CJC  756 WSMA31 FIMP 060140 FIMM SIGMET A01 VALID 060130/060530 FIMP- FIMM MAURITIUS FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0115Z N OF LINE S0900 E07500 - S1200 E06500 - S1300 E05530 TOP ABV FL410 STNR WKN=  242 WSUS32 KKCI 060155 SIGC MKCC WST 060155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 060355-060755 FROM TTH-40NE MSL-DYR-TTH WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  243 WSUS33 KKCI 060155 SIGW MKCW WST 060155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 060355-060755 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  244 WSUS31 KKCI 060155 SIGE MKCE WST 060155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 3E VALID UNTIL 0355Z WV OH KY FROM 40N HNN-40WSW EKN-60SW HNN-60ESE CVG-40N HNN AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 26045KT. TOPS TO FL370. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 4E VALID UNTIL 0355Z IN IL FROM 30NNE IND-40S AXC LINE EMBD TS 20 NM WIDE MOV FROM 25050KT. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 5E VALID UNTIL 0355Z TN KY FROM 60E IIU-40E LOZ-40N GQO-20NNW BWG-60E IIU AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25040KT. TOPS TO FL400. OUTLOOK VALID 060355-060755 FROM JST-40WNW CSN-CAE-40NE MSL-TTH-ROD-JST WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  835 WSRA31 RUPK 060144 UHMM SIGMET P01 VALID 060200/060600 UHPP- UHMM MAGADAN FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N5405 SFC/FL160 STNR NC=  072 WSPA11 PHFO 060146 SIGPAX KZAK SIGMET XRAY 11 VALID 060145/060205 PHFO- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET XRAY 10 VALID 052205/060205. TURB HAS DECREASED.  407 WWST02 SBBR 060131 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE WARNING NR 028/2025 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1200Z - TUE - 04/JAN/2025 COASTAL AREA BETWEEN CHUÍ/RS AND RIO GRANDE/RS TO 320 NM OFFSHORE ST ARTING AT 052100Z. WIND NE/NW FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 061200Z. WARNING NR 029/2025 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1200Z - WED - 05/FEB/2025 OCEANIC AREA BETWEEN 34S052W, 36S048W, 31S043W AND 32S048W STARTING A T 061500Z. WAVES FROM SW/S 3.0/3.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 072100Z.  810 WWUS41 KPHI 060147 WSWPHI URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 847 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 DEZ001>003-MDZ012-015-019-020-NJZ016-021>023-061200- /O.CON.KPHI.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ New Castle-Kent-Inland Sussex-Kent MD-Queen Annes-Talbot-Caroline- Salem-Cumberland-Atlantic-Cape May- Including the cities of Denton, Georgetown, Chestertown, Cape May Court House, Centreville, Wilmington, Pennsville, Millville, Hammonton, Dover, and Easton 847 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Snow and sleet accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of central, northern, and southern Delaware, northeast Maryland, and southern New Jersey. * WHEN...Until 8 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NJZ001-007>009-PAZ060>062-101>103-105-061200- /O.CON.KPHI.WW.Y.0006.250206T0400Z-250206T1800Z/ Sussex-Warren-Morris-Hunterdon-Berks-Lehigh-Northampton-Western Chester-Eastern Chester-Western Montgomery-Upper Bucks- Including the cities of Perkasie, Honey Brook, Washington, Flemington, Morristown, Allentown, West Chester, Kennett Square, Newton, Bethlehem, Pottstown, Collegeville, Reading, Chalfont, Oxford, and Easton 847 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations up to two inches and ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of northern and northwest New Jersey and east central and southeast Pennsylvania. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NJZ010-012-013-015-017>020-027-PAZ070-071-104-106-061200- /O.CON.KPHI.WW.Y.0006.250206T0400Z-250206T1500Z/ Somerset-Middlesex-Western Monmouth-Mercer-Gloucester-Camden- Northwestern Burlington-Ocean-Southeastern Burlington-Delaware- Philadelphia-Eastern Montgomery-Lower Bucks- Including the cities of Camden, Lansdale, Norristown, Mount Holly, Media, Wharton State Forest, Doylestown, Jackson, Glassboro, Trenton, Moorestown, New Brunswick, Philadelphia, Freehold, Morrisville, Cherry Hill, and Somerville 847 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations around one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of central, northern, and southern New Jersey and southeast Pennsylvania. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ PAZ054-055-061200- /O.CON.KPHI.WW.Y.0006.250206T0400Z-250206T2000Z/ Carbon-Monroe- Including the cities of Jim Thorpe and Stroudsburg 847 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations up to two inches and ice accumulations around one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Carbon and Monroe Counties. * WHEN...Until 3 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Fitzsimmons  867 WSUY31 SUMU 060200 SUEO SIGMET 2 VALID 060200/060400 SUMU- SUEO MONTEVIDEO FIR EMBD TSGR FCST WI S3143 W05807 - S3015 W05744 - S2956 W05648 - S3212 W05339 - S3254 W05317 - S3143 W05807 TOP FL400 MOV E 10KT NC=  056 WSBZ23 SBGL 060144 SBCW SIGMET 1 VALID 060149/060330 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2901 W05632 - S3010 W05254 - S2954 W05228 - S2906 W05300 - S2739 W05328 - S2739 W05329 - S2713 W05411 - S2819 W05552 - S2901 W05632 TOP FL410 STNR NC=  057 WSBZ23 SBGL 060144 SBCW SIGMET 2 VALID 060149/060330 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3000 W05326 - S3013 W05244 - S3302 W05030 - S3235 W05005 - S3103 W05052 - S3009 W05202 - S2949 W05232 - S2954 W05228 - S3010 W05254 - S3000 W05326 - S3000 W05326 TOP FL410 STNR NC=  114 WWUS41 KILN 060151 WSWILN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wilmington OH 851 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 INZ050-058-059-066-OHZ060>064-070>074-060700- /O.CON.KILN.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T0700Z/ Wayne-Fayette-Union-Franklin-Preble-Montgomery-Greene-Fayette- Pickaway-Butler-Warren-Clinton-Ross-Hocking- Including the cities of Logan, Connersville, Wilmington, Downtown Dayton, Middletown, Lebanon, Fairborn, Chillicothe, Camden, Springboro, Franklin, Oxford, Brookville, West College Corner, Landen, Richmond, Eaton, Xenia, Fairfield, Kettering, Circleville, Beavercreek, Washington Court House, Mason, Liberty, Blanchester, and Hamilton 851 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of east central and southeast Indiana and central, south central, southwest, and west central Ohio. * WHEN...Until 2 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Difficult travel conditions are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In Indiana, visit 511in.org or call 1-800-261-7623 for the latest road information. In Ohio, visit ohgo.com for the latest road information. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ OHZ026-034-035-042>046-051>056-065-061000- /O.CON.KILN.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1000Z/ Hardin-Mercer-Auglaize-Darke-Shelby-Logan-Union-Delaware-Miami- Champaign-Clark-Madison-Franklin-Licking-Fairfield- Including the cities of Tipp City, Minster, Kenton, Bellefontaine, West Jefferson, Wapakoneta, Celina, St. Marys, Downtown Columbus, Plain City, New Bremen, Piqua, Lancaster, Newark, Marysville, Springfield, Urbana, Troy, Delaware, London, Greenville, Sidney, Ada, Coldwater, and Pickerington 851 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around one tenth of an inch, with some locations receiving up to two tenths of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of central and west central Ohio. * WHEN...Until 5 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Difficult travel conditions are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. visit ohgo.com for the latest road information. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ Hatzos  927 WABZ23 SBGL 060147 SBAZ AIRMET 2 VALID 060152/060330 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SFC VIS 1000M RA FCST WI S0148 W05649 - S0148 W05559 - S0111 W05559 - S0111 W05649 - S0148 W05649 STNR NC=  928 WABZ23 SBGL 060147 SBAZ AIRMET 1 VALID 060152/060330 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR BKN CLD 200/0700FT FCST WI S0148 W05649 - S0148 W05559 - S0111 W05559 - S0111 W05649 - S0148 W05649 STNR NC=  260 WWCN11 CWWG 060152 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:52 P.M. CST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: VIRDEN - SOURIS DAUPHIN - RUSSELL - ROBLIN - WINNIPEGOSIS MINNEDOSA - RIDING MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK STE. ROSE - MCCREARY - ALONSA - GLADSTONE SWAN RIVER - DUCK MOUNTAIN - PORCUPINE PROVINCIAL FOREST ARBORG - HECLA - FISHER RIVER - GYPSUMVILLE - ASHERN BERENS RIVER - LITTLE GRAND RAPIDS - BLOODVEIN - ATIKAKI POPLAR RIVER GRAND RAPIDS - WATERHEN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 10 TO 20 CM IS EXPECTED THROUGH SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN AND THE PARKLANDS AND INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA. THIS SYSTEM, TRACKING THROUGH THE NORTHERN US STATES, CONTINUES TO BRING HEAVY BANDS OF SNOW OVER SOUTHEASTERN SASKATCHEWAN AND CENTRAL INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA WEDNESDAY EVENING. LIGHT, FLUFFY SNOW WILL RAPIDLY ACCUMULATE BEFORE TAPERING OFF TO LIGHT FLURRIES EARLY THURSDAY MORNING IN SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON IN MANITOBA. PREPARE FOR QUICKLY CHANGING AND DETERIORATING TRAVEL CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW WILL MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. THERE MAY BE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC IN URBAN AREAS. PUBLIC SAFETY CANADA ENCOURAGES EVERYONE TO MAKE AN EMERGENCY PLAN AND GET AN EMERGENCY KIT WITH DRINKING WATER, FOOD, MEDICINE, A FIRST-AID KIT AND A FLASHLIGHT. FOR INFORMATION ON EMERGENCY PLANS AND KITS GO TO HTTPS://WWW.GETPREPARED.GC.CA/. SNOWFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  261 WWCN20 CWWG 060152 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR THE MANITOBA LAKES UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:52 P.M. CST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: LAKE WINNIPEG - SOUTH BASIN LAKE WINNIPEG - NORTH BASIN LAKE MANITOBA LAKE WINNIPEGOSIS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 10 TO 20 CM IS EXPECTED THROUGH SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN AND THE PARKLANDS AND INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA. THIS SYSTEM, TRACKING THROUGH THE NORTHERN US STATES, CONTINUES TO BRING HEAVY BANDS OF SNOW OVER SOUTHEASTERN SASKATCHEWAN AND CENTRAL INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA WEDNESDAY EVENING. LIGHT, FLUFFY SNOW WILL RAPIDLY ACCUMULATE BEFORE TAPERING OFF TO LIGHT FLURRIES EARLY THURSDAY MORNING IN SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON IN MANITOBA. PREPARE FOR QUICKLY CHANGING AND DETERIORATING TRAVEL CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW WILL MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. THERE MAY BE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC IN URBAN AREAS. PUBLIC SAFETY CANADA ENCOURAGES EVERYONE TO MAKE AN EMERGENCY PLAN AND GET AN EMERGENCY KIT WITH DRINKING WATER, FOOD, MEDICINE, A FIRST-AID KIT AND A FLASHLIGHT. FOR INFORMATION ON EMERGENCY PLANS AND KITS GO TO HTTPS://WWW.GETPREPARED.GC.CA/. SNOWFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  471 WWCN13 CWWG 060152 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:52 P.M. CST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: KAMSACK - CANORA - PREECEVILLE. SNOWFALL WARNING ENDED FOR: MOOSOMIN - GRENFELL - KIPLING - WAWOTA CARLYLE - OXBOW - CARNDUFF - BIENFAIT - STOUGHTON YORKTON - MELVILLE - ESTERHAZY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 10 TO 20 CM IS EXPECTED THROUGH SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN AND THE PARKLANDS AND INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA. THIS SYSTEM, TRACKING THROUGH THE NORTHERN US STATES, CONTINUES TO BRING HEAVY BANDS OF SNOW OVER SOUTHEASTERN SASKATCHEWAN AND CENTRAL INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA WEDNESDAY EVENING. LIGHT, FLUFFY SNOW WILL RAPIDLY ACCUMULATE BEFORE TAPERING OFF TO LIGHT FLURRIES EARLY THURSDAY MORNING IN SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON IN MANITOBA. PREPARE FOR QUICKLY CHANGING AND DETERIORATING TRAVEL CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW WILL MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. THERE MAY BE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC IN URBAN AREAS. PUBLIC SAFETY CANADA ENCOURAGES EVERYONE TO MAKE AN EMERGENCY PLAN AND GET AN EMERGENCY KIT WITH DRINKING WATER, FOOD, MEDICINE, A FIRST-AID KIT AND A FLASHLIGHT. FOR INFORMATION ON EMERGENCY PLANS AND KITS GO TO HTTPS://WWW.GETPREPARED.GC.CA/. SNOWFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  675 WWUS83 KLMK 060154 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 754 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 KYZ078-081-082-060230- Russell KY-Cumberland KY-Clinton KY- 754 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT CLINTON...SOUTHWESTERN RUSSELL AND CUMBERLAND COUNTIES THROUGH 830 PM CST... At 754 PM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Burkesville, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Albany, Burkesville, Leslie, Littrell, Desda, Cartwright, Snow, Ida, Modoc, and Ellington. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, seek shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3669 8550 3673 8547 3674 8551 3684 8553 3698 8494 3696 8494 3695 8495 3692 8496 3686 8506 3683 8506 3681 8503 3676 8500 3670 8502 3665 8546 TIME...MOT...LOC 0154Z 258DEG 39KT 3677 8542 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...<30 MPH $$ 13  709 WSMX31 MMMX 060155 MMID SIGMET B1 VALID 060154/060554 MMMX- MMFO MAZATLAN OCEANICA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0154Z WI N0638W11537 - N1003W11316 - N1117W10932 - N0743W11209 - N0638W11537 CB TOP FL480 MOV STNR NC. =  654 WWUS41 KPBZ 060156 WSWPBZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 856 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 PAZ074-076-078-WVZ512-514-061000- /O.CON.KPBZ.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Higher Elevations of Westmoreland-Higher Elevations of Fayette- Higher Elevations of Indiana-Eastern Preston-Eastern Tucker- Including the cities of Ohiopyle, Canaan Valley, Davis, Hazelton, Armagh, Thomas, Ligonier, Rowlesburg, Terra Alta, Donegal, and Champion 856 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Significant icing. Little or no snow accumulations and ice accumulations up to three tenths of an inch. * WHERE...In Pennsylvania, Higher Elevations of Fayette, Higher Elevations of Westmoreland, and Higher Elevations of Indiana Counties. In West Virginia, Eastern Preston and Eastern Tucker Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Power outages and tree damage are likely due to the ice. Travel could be nearly impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report ice accumulations or damage by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ WVZ021-509-513-060900- /O.EXA.KPBZ.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Marion-Monongalia-Western Tucker- Including the cities of Saint George, Hendricks, Fairmont, Parsons, and Morgantown 856 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Ice accumulations a glaze to around one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Marion, Monongalia, and Western Tucker Counties. * WHEN...Until 4 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report snow or ice accumulations by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ OHZ039>041-048>050-057>059-068-069-PAZ013-020-021-029-031-073-075- WVZ001>004-012-511-060900- /O.CON.KPBZ.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Tuscarawas-Carroll-Columbiana-Coshocton-Harrison-Jefferson OH- Muskingum-Guernsey-Belmont-Noble-Monroe-Lawrence-Beaver-Allegheny- Washington-Greene-Westmoreland-Fayette-Hancock-Brooke-Ohio- Marshall-Wetzel-Preston- Including the cities of Wheeling, Lower Burrell, Dover, Greensburg, Moundsville, Malvern, Monaca, Canonsburg, Carrollton, Aliquippa, Cadiz, Kingwood, Murrysville, Pittsburgh Metro Area, Follansbee, New Martinsville, Wellsburg, Cambridge, Woodsfield, New Castle, Latrobe, Zanesville, Uniontown, Bruceton Mills, Beaver Falls, Weirton, Washington, New Philadelphia, East Liverpool, Martins Ferry, Ellwood City, Columbiana, Salem, St. Clairsville, Ambridge, Steubenville, Coshocton, Caldwell, Monessen, New Kensington, and Waynesburg 856 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Ice accumulations a glaze up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of east central Ohio, southwest and western Pennsylvania, and northern and the northern panhandle of West Virginia. * WHEN...Until 4 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Difficult travel conditions are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report snow or ice accumulations by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ PAZ007>009-014>016-022-077-061000- /O.CON.KPBZ.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Mercer-Venango-Forest-Butler-Clarion-Jefferson PA-Armstrong- Indiana- Including the cities of Indiana, Grove City, Kittanning, Franklin, Sharon, Tionesta, Hermitage, Ford City, Oil City, Clarion, Brookville, Punxsutawney, and Butler 856 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Snow accumulations less than one inch and ice accumulations between one tenth and two tenths of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of northwest and western Pennsylvania. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report snow or ice accumulations by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ 22  341 WWUS46 KEKA 060157 WSWEKA URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Eureka CA 557 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 CAZ101-060300- /O.EXP.KEKA.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0200Z/ Coastal Del Norte- Including Smith River, Crescent City, and Klamath 557 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 6 PM PST THIS EVENING... The threat has ended. $$ CAZ102-061000- /O.CON.KEKA.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ /O.CON.KEKA.WW.Y.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Del Norte Interior- Including Gasquet and Hwy 199-Collier Tunnel 557 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM PST THIS EVENING ABOVE 1500 FEET... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Winter Storm Warning ABOVE 1500 FEET, heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations up to 3 inches. For the Winter Weather Advisory ABOVE 2500 FEET, snow expected. Total snow accumulations up to 6 inches. * WHERE...Del Norte Interior. * WHEN...For the Winter Storm Warning, until 10 PM PST this evening. For the Winter Weather Advisory, from 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Visibilities may drop below 1/4 mile due to falling and blowing snow. The strong winds and weight of snow on tree limbs may down power lines and could cause sporadic power outages. Travel could be very difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Persons are urged to stay indoors until conditions improve. If you must go outside, dress in layers. Several layers of clothes will keep you warmer than a single heavy coat. Cover exposed skin to reduce your risk of frostbite or hypothermia. Gloves, a scarf, and a hat will keep you from losing your body heat. Persons should delay all travel if possible. If travel is absolutely necessary, drive with extreme caution and be prepared for sudden changes in visibility. Leave plenty of room between you and the motorist ahead of you, and allow extra time to reach your destination. Avoid sudden braking or acceleration, and be especially cautious on hills or when making turns. Make sure your car is winterized and in good working order. Persons should consider delaying all travel. Motorists should use extreme caution if travel is absolutely necessary. Persons should consider delaying all travel. If travel is absolutely necessary, drive with extreme caution. Consider taking a winter storm kit along with you, including such items as tire chains, booster cables, flashlight, shovel, blankets and extra clothing. Also take water, a first aid kit, and anything else that would help you survive in case you become stranded. Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ CAZ107-061000- /O.CON.KEKA.WS.W.0004.250206T1800Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.CON.KEKA.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0300Z/ Northern Trinity- Including Hwy 3-Scott Mountain 557 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PST THIS EVENING ABOVE 1500 FEET... * WHAT...For the Winter Weather Advisory ABOVE 1500 FEET, snow. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch. For the Winter Storm Warning ABOVE 2500, heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 8 and 13 inches. * WHERE...Northern Trinity. * WHEN...For the Winter Weather Advisory, until 7 PM PST this evening. For the Winter Storm Warning, from 10 AM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Persons are urged to stay indoors until conditions improve. If you must go outside, dress in layers. Several layers of clothes will keep you warmer than a single heavy coat. Cover exposed skin to reduce your risk of frostbite or hypothermia. Gloves, a scarf, and a hat will keep you from losing your body heat. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ CAZ105-061000- /O.CON.KEKA.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0300Z/ /O.CON.KEKA.WW.Y.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Northern Humboldt Interior- Including Hwy 101-Prairie Creek Summit, Orleans, Hwy 299-Berry Summit, and Bald Hills Rd 557 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PST THIS EVENING ABOVE 1500 FEET... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the first Winter Weather Advisory ABOVE 1500 FEET, snow. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch. For the second Winter Weather Advisory ABOVE 2500 FEET, snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 8 inches. * WHERE...Northern Humboldt Interior. * WHEN...For the first Winter Weather Advisory, until 7 PM PST this evening. For the second Winter Weather Advisory, from 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Travel could be very difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Persons are urged to stay indoors until conditions improve. If you must go outside, dress in layers. Several layers of clothes will keep you warmer than a single heavy coat. Cover exposed skin to reduce your risk of frostbite or hypothermia. Gloves, a scarf, and a hat will keep you from losing your body heat. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ CAZ108-061000- /O.CON.KEKA.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0300Z/ /O.CON.KEKA.WW.Y.0004.250206T1800Z-250207T1800Z/ Southern Trinity- Including Ruth 557 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PST THIS EVENING ABOVE 1500 FEET... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the first Winter Weather Advisory ABOVE 1500 FEET, snow. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch. For the second Winter Weather Advisory ABOVE 2500, snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 9 inches. * WHERE...Southern Trinity. * WHEN...For the first Winter Weather Advisory, until 7 PM PST this evening. For the second Winter Weather Advisory, from 10 AM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Travel could be very difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Persons are urged to stay indoors until conditions improve. If you must go outside, dress in layers. Several layers of clothes will keep you warmer than a single heavy coat. Cover exposed skin to reduce your risk of frostbite or hypothermia. Gloves, a scarf, and a hat will keep you from losing your body heat. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ CAZ106-060300- /O.CON.KEKA.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0300Z/ Southern Humboldt Interior- Including Dinsmore 557 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PST THIS EVENING ABOVE 1500 FEET... * WHAT...For the first Winter Weather Advisory ABOVE 1500 FEET, snow. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch. For the second Winter Weather Advisory ABOVE 2500 FEET, snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 8 inches. * WHERE...Southern Humboldt Interior. * WHEN...Until 7 PM PST this evening. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Persons are urged to stay indoors until conditions improve. If you must go outside, dress in layers. Several layers of clothes will keep you warmer than a single heavy coat. Cover exposed skin to reduce your risk of frostbite or hypothermia. Gloves, a scarf, and a hat will keep you from losing your body heat. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ For hazard areas see https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/map/?wfo=eka ZVS  434 WWUS75 KVEF 060159 NPWVEF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Las Vegas NV 559 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 NVZ017-019-060300- /O.CAN.KVEF.WI.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ Western Clark and Southern Nye County-Spring Mountains-Red Rock Canyon- Including the cities of Mt Charleston, Indian Springs, Amargosa Valley, Red Rock Canyon, Desert Rock, and Pahrump 559 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Winds have decreased across the area and the Wind Advisory has been cancelled. $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/lasvegas CM  911 WAIS31 LLBD 060153 LLLL AIRMET 1 VALID 060200/060400 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC OBS WI N3321 E03548 - N3257 E03555 - N3118 E03504 - N3123 E03453 - N3321 E03548 STNR NC=  985 WGUS84 KLIX 060200 FLSLIX Flood Statement National Weather Service New Orleans LA 800 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Mississippi...Louisiana... Pearl River Near Bogalusa affecting Washington and Pearl River Counties. For the Lower Pearl River...including Bogalusa...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/lix. Click on the Rivers and Lakes menu for forecasts and observations. The next statement will be issued Thursday afternoon at noon CST. && LAC117-MSC109-061800- /O.EXT.KLIX.FL.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250210T1200Z/ /BXAL1.1.ER.000000T0000Z.250206T1800Z.250210T0600Z.NO/ 800 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL MONDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Pearl River near Bogalusa. * WHEN...Until Monday morning. * IMPACTS...At 18.5 feet, Woodlands and crop acreage along the river will be flooded. The Bogue Chitto Wildlife Management area will be inundated with water in recreational camps and over access roads. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 7:00 PM CST Wednesday the stage was 18.7 feet. - Bankfull stage is 15.0 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 19.0 feet early tomorrow afternoon. It will then fall below flood stage early Monday morning. - Flood stage is 18.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3067 8976 3067 8990 3100 8979 3100 8969 $$ Schlotz  019 WSAU21 YMMC 060200 YMMM SIGMET S02 VALID 060219/060619 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0950 E09020 - S0840 E09330 - S0930 E10010 - S1250 E10420 - S1530 E10310 - S1350 E09730 - S1150 E09730 - S1130 E09150 TOP FL550 MOV W 05KT NC=  217 WHUS71 KAKQ 060202 MWWAKQ URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wakefield VA 902 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ANZ658-061015- /O.NEW.KAKQ.SC.Y.0019.250206T0202Z-250206T1200Z/ Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm- 902 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 10 to 15 kt and seas 4 to 6 ft. * WHERE...Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  107 WSBO31 SLLP 060200 SLLF SIGMET 1 VALID 060210/060510 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST AT 0200Z WI S1903 W06101 - S1656 W06203 - S1529 W06314 - S1349 W06505 - S1226 W06735 - S1054 W06853 - S1038 W06754 - S0947 W06642 - S0939 W06520 - S1132 W06512 - S1226 W06419 - S1300 W06220 - S1333 W06132 - S1323 W06101 - S1343 W06029 - S1610 W06010 - S1615 W05826 - S1709 W05823 - S1730 W05747 - S1806 W05730 - S1923 W05811 - S1900 W05909 - S1903 W06101 - TOP FL390 STNR WKN=  924 WGUS84 KSHV 060204 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 804 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Texas... Sabine River Near Mineola affecting Wood and Smith Counties. For the Sabine River...including Mineola, Hawkins, Gladewater, Longview, Beckville, Logansport...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: https://water.noaa.gov/wfo/SHV The next statement will be issued Thursday evening at 815 PM CST. && TXC423-499-070215- /O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-250208T0900Z/ /MLAT2.1.ER.250131T2145Z.250204T0400Z.250207T1500Z.NO/ 804 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL LATE FRIDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Sabine River near Mineola. * WHEN...Until late Friday night. * IMPACTS...At 16.0 feet, Expect flooding of low river bottoms with secondary roadways along with picnic and recreational areas becoming inundated as well. Ranchers should move cattle and equipment to higher ground. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 6:15 PM CST Wednesday the stage was 15.4 feet. - Bankfull stage is 14.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 6:15 PM CST Wednesday was 16.1 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage late Friday morning and continue falling to 10.4 feet Monday evening. - Flood stage is 14.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3278 9574 3263 9535 3257 9535 3259 9550 3273 9574 $$ 16  848 WSUS31 KKCI 060205 SIGE MKCE WST 060205 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 6E VALID UNTIL 0355Z IN IL FROM 20ESE JOT-30E BVT-40NE AXC-30SSW JOT-20ESE JOT AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25050KT. TOPS TO FL380. ...SPECIAL... CONVECTIVE SIGMET 3E VALID UNTIL 0355Z WV OH KY FROM 40N HNN-40WSW EKN-60SW HNN-60ESE CVG-40N HNN AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 26045KT. TOPS TO FL370. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 4E VALID UNTIL 0355Z IN IL FROM 30NNE IND-40S AXC LINE EMBD TS 20 NM WIDE MOV FROM 25050KT. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 5E VALID UNTIL 0355Z TN KY FROM 60E IIU-40E LOZ-40N GQO-20NNW BWG-60E IIU AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25040KT. TOPS TO FL400. OUTLOOK VALID 060355-060755 FROM JST-40WNW CSN-CAE-40NE MSL-TTH-ROD-JST WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  505 WWCN11 CWTO 060206 FREEZING RAIN WARNING FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:06 P.M. EST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEZING RAIN WARNING FOR: WINDSOR - ESSEX - CHATHAM-KENT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== FREEZING RAIN BEGINNING TONIGHT. HAZARDS: PATCHY FREEZING RAIN LEADING TO ICY AND SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. UP TO 2 MM OF ICE BUILD-UP. TIMING: BEGINNING NEAR MIDNIGHT AND CONTINUING THROUGH EARLY THURSDAY MORNING. DISCUSSION: SNOW MIXED WITH FREEZING RAIN IS EXPECTED TO MOVE INTO THE REGION TONIGHT. CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED TO IMPROVE THURSDAY MORNING. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME ICY AND SLIPPERY. TAKE EXTRA CARE WHEN WALKING OR DRIVING IN AFFECTED AREAS. POOR WEATHER CONDITIONS MAY CONTRIBUTE TO TRANSPORTATION DELAYS. FREEZING RAIN WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN RAIN FALLING IN SUB-ZERO TEMPERATURES CREATES ICE BUILD-UP AND ICY SURFACES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN ONTARIO, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  506 WCIN31 VIDP 060200 NIL  204 WWUS41 KCTP 060207 WSWCTP URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service State College PA 907 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 PAZ017-024-025-033>035-061300- /O.CON.KCTP.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Clearfield-Cambria-Blair-Somerset-Bedford-Fulton- Including the cities of Somerset, Bedford, Johnstown, McConnellsburg, Altoona, Clearfield, and DuBois 907 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Significant icing expected overnight and Thursday morning. Ice accumulations between one-quarter and one-half inch from freezing rain, preceded by snow and sleet accumulation of an inch or less. * WHERE...The Laurel Highlands and south-central mountains. * WHEN...Until noon EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Power outages and tree damage are likely due to the ice. Travel could be nearly impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Freezing rain will be the dominant precipitation type for most of the time through mid-morning. Wind gusts of up to 20 to 30 MPH are expected, and will lead to power outages as tree limbs are likely to break and hit power lines. The temperatures will warm up above freezing during the morning, ending the threat of freezing rain. Temperatures will reach afternoon highs in the 40s. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Travel is strongly discouraged. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Prepare for possible power outages. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ PAZ004>006-010>012-018-019-026>028-036-037-041-042-045-046-049>053- 056>059-063>066-061300- /O.CON.KCTP.WW.Y.0012.250206T0300Z-250206T1700Z/ Warren-McKean-Potter-Elk-Cameron-Northern Clinton-Northern Centre- Southern Centre-Huntingdon-Mifflin-Juniata-Franklin-Tioga- Northern Lycoming-Sullivan-Southern Clinton-Southern Lycoming- Union-Snyder-Montour-Northumberland-Columbia-Perry-Dauphin- Schuylkill-Lebanon-Cumberland-Adams-York-Lancaster- Including the cities of Mifflintown, Lebanon, Shamokin, Hershey, Bradford, Danville, Bloomsburg, Carlisle, Sunbury, Mount Union, Harrisburg, Warren, Gettysburg, Huntingdon, Williamsport, York, Coudersport, Newport, Philipsburg, State College, Renovo, Lock Haven, Emporium, Berwick, Chambersburg, Mansfield, Laporte, Pottsville, Lewistown, Lancaster, St. Marys, Selinsgrove, Ridgway, Wellsboro, Trout Run, and Lewisburg 907 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total sleet and snow accumulations between 1 and 2 inches followed by ice accumulations between one tenth and two tenths of an inch from freezing rain and freezing drizzle. * WHERE...Central Pennsylvania. * WHEN...Until noon EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Sleet will be the dominant precipitation type during the latter half of the night and first half of the morning. Wind gusts of up to 15 to 25 MPH are expected, and could lead to power outages as tree limbs could break and hit power lines. The temperatures will warm up above freezing during the morning and early afternoon, reaching highs in the 40s in the afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit weather.gov/StateCollege Dangelo  206 WWUS43 KLSX 060208 WSWLSX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service St Louis MO 808 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ILZ095-096-MOZ018-019-026-027-060600- /O.EXT.KLSX.WW.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ Adams IL-Brown IL-Knox MO-Lewis MO-Shelby MO-Marion MO- Including the cities of Hannibal, Quincy, and Mount Sterling 808 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of west central Illinois and northeast Missouri. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. In Illinois, the latest road conditions can be obtained at www.gettingaroundillinois.com. In Missouri, the latest road conditions can be obtained at traveler.modot.org/map or by calling 1-888-275-6636. && $$ Pfahler  641 WWUS83 KIND 060212 SPSIND Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 912 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 INZ028-035>037-043>047-054-055-065-060430- Warren-Fountain-Montgomery-Boone-Vermillion-Parke-Putnam- Hendricks-Marion-Morgan-Johnson-Decatur- Including the cities of Williamsport, West Lebanon, Attica, Covington, Veedersburg, Crawfordsville, Lebanon, Zionsville, Clinton, Fairview Park, Rockville, Montezuma, Rosedale, Greencastle, Plainfield, Brownsburg, Danville, Indianapolis, Martinsville, Mooresville, Greenwood, Franklin, and Greensburg 912 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...PATCHY FREEZING RAIN ALONG WITH ISOLATED THUNDERSTORMS WITH SMALL HAIL... Patchy freezing rain will continue for parts of central Indiana this evening. Temperatures will warm slowly from southwest to northeast, ending the freezing rain threat by around midnight. Slick spots are possible mainly on untreated and elevated surfaces. In addition, isolated thunderstorms will continue to move quickly northeast across the area this evening. Some of the storms will contain small hail. $$ INZ021-029>031-038>040-060430- Carroll-Tippecanoe-Clinton-Howard-Tipton-Hamilton-Madison- Including the cities of Delphi, Flora, Lafayette, West Lafayette, Frankfort, Kokomo, Tipton, Fishers, Carmel, Noblesville, and Anderson 912 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...ISOLATED THUNDERSTORMS WITH SMALL HAIL THIS EVENING... Isolated thunderstorms will continue to move quickly northeast across the area this evening. Some of the storms will contain small hail. In addition, freezing rain will continue at times. Slick spots are possible, especially on untreated and elevated surfaces $$  103 WOCN11 CWTO 060214 WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:14 P.M. EST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WEATHER ADVISORY FOR: GATINEAU. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WINTER WEATHER TRAVEL ADVISORY IN EFFECT FOR THURSDAY. HAZARDS: TOTAL SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS OF 5 TO 10 CM. REDUCED VISIBILITY IN SNOW. POSSIBLE FREEZING DRIZZLE BEGINNING THURSDAY AFTERNOON. TIMING: BEGINNING THURSDAY MORNING AND CONTINUING THROUGH EARLY THURSDAY EVENING. DISCUSSION: CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED TO IMPROVE THURSDAY EVENING. MOTORISTS SHOULD EXPECT HAZARDOUS WINTER DRIVING CONDITIONS AND ADJUST TRAVEL PLANS ACCORDINGLY. POOR WEATHER CONDITIONS MAY CONTRIBUTE TO TRANSPORTATION DELAYS. SLOW DOWN DRIVING IN SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. WATCH FOR TAILLIGHTS AHEAD AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME ICY AND SLIPPERY. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN GATINEAU, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  291 WWUS45 KBYZ 060214 WSWBYZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Billings MT 714 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 MTZ065-066-141-172-061900- /O.NEW.KBYZ.WW.Y.0013.250206T0400Z-250206T1900Z/ Livingston Area-Beartooth Foothills-Northern Sweet Grass-Melville Foothills- Including the locations of McLeod, Livingston, Big Timber, Melville, Nye, Springdale, and Fishtail 714 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Areas of blowing and drifting snow. SW to W winds will increase tonight, gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Beartooth Foothills, Livingston Area, Melville Foothills, and Northern Sweet Grass. * WHEN...Until noon MST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Areas of blowing snow could reduce visibility below 3 miles at times, with local reductions below 1 mile. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. For the latest road conditions, call 5 1 1. && $$ Additional graphics for this hazard can be found at http://www.weather.gov/billings Palmquist  225 WSCH31 SCFA 060216 SCFZ SIGMET 01 VALID 060216/060324 SCFA- SCFZ ANTOFAGASTA FIR CNL SIGMET A2 052324/060324=  101 WSMS31 WMKK 060217 WBFC SIGMET 1 VALID 060220/060520 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS N OF LINE N0609 E11828 - N0713 E11456 TOP FL480 MOV W NC=  075 WWUS83 KJKL 060217 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 917 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 KYZ079-083-084-060245- McCreary KY-Wayne KY-Pulaski KY- 917 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT WAYNE...SOUTHWESTERN PULASKI AND WEST CENTRAL MCCREARY COUNTIES THROUGH 945 PM EST... At 917 PM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Cabell, or 12 miles west of Monticello, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Monticello, Burnside, Slavens, Susie, Barrier, Parnell, Gregory, Bronston, Ritner, Cabell, Denney, Kidder, Naomi, Oil Valley, Coopersville, Burfield, Kidds Crossing, Hidalgo, Quinton, and Rockeybranch. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3692 8496 3696 8494 3696 8492 3695 8490 3700 8484 3701 8485 3706 8464 3675 8452 3670 8502 3676 8501 3681 8503 3683 8506 3686 8506 TIME...MOT...LOC 0217Z 253DEG 37KT 3683 8508 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...<30 MPH $$ GEERTSON  332 WOCN11 CWTO 060217 WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:17 P.M. EST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WEATHER ADVISORY FOR: CITY OF OTTAWA PRESCOTT AND RUSSELL CORNWALL - MORRISBURG. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WINTER WEATHER TRAVEL ADVISORY IN EFFECT FOR THURSDAY. HAZARDS: TOTAL SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS OF 5 TO 10 CM. REDUCED VISIBILITY IN SNOW. POSSIBLE FREEZING DRIZZLE BEGINNING THURSDAY AFTERNOON. TIMING: BEGINNING THURSDAY MORNING AND CONTINUING THROUGH EARLY THURSDAY EVENING. DISCUSSION: CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED TO IMPROVE THURSDAY EVENING. MOTORISTS SHOULD EXPECT HAZARDOUS WINTER DRIVING CONDITIONS AND ADJUST TRAVEL PLANS ACCORDINGLY. POOR WEATHER CONDITIONS MAY CONTRIBUTE TO TRANSPORTATION DELAYS. SLOW DOWN DRIVING IN SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. WATCH FOR TAILLIGHTS AHEAD AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. FOR ROAD CONDITIONS AND OTHER TRAVELLER INFORMATION FROM THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION, VISIT HTTPS://WWW.ONTARIO.CA/511, HTTPS://WWW.TWITTER.COM/511ONTARIO, OR CALL 5-1-1. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN ONTARIO, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  459 WWJP27 RJTD 060000 WARNING AND SUMMARY 060000. WARNING VALID 070000. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. STORM WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 994 HPA AT 38N 151E SEA EAST OF JAPAN MOVING ENE 25 KNOTS. WINDS 30 TO 45 KNOTS WITHIN 700 MILES OF LOW SOUTHWEST SEMICIRCLE AND 300 MILES ELSEWHERE. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 50 KNOTS WITHIN 800 MILES OF LOW SOUTH SEMICIRCLE AND 300 MILES ELSEWHERE WITHIN NEXT 6 HOURS. FORECAST POSITION FOR 061200UTC AT 40N 157E WITH UNCERTAINTY OF 50 MILES RADIUS. FORECAST POSITION FOR 070000UTC AT 40N 165E WITH UNCERTAINTY OF 80 MILES RADIUS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 984 HPA AT 40N 173E SEA SOUTH OF ALEUTIANS MOVING ENE 30 KNOTS. WINDS 30 TO 45 KNOTS WITHIN 1000 MILES OF LOW NORTH SEMICIRCLE AND 600 MILES ELSEWHERE. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 45 KNOTS WITHIN 1200 MILES OF LOW NORTHWEST SEMICIRCLE AND 600 MILES ELSEWHERE FOR NEXT 24 HOURS. ANOTHER LOW 984 HPA AT 46N 163E MOVING NNE 10 KNOTS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPED LOW 986 HPA AT 46N 141E SEA OF JAPAN MOVING SOUTH SLOWLY. WINDS 30 TO 40 KNOTS WITHIN 1000 MILES OF LOW NORTHWEST SEMICIRCLE AND 700 MILES ELSEWHERE. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 40 KNOTS WITHIN 1300 MILES OF LOW WEST SEMICIRCLE AND 900 MILES ELSEWHERE FOR NEXT 24 HOURS. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 47N 152E 51N 163E 60N 175E 60N 180E 27N 180E 27N 171E 36N 173E 47N 152E. SUMMARY. LOW 1020 HPA AT 40N 122E SSE 25 KT. HIGH 1026 HPA AT 32N 120E ESE 15 KT. STATIONARY FRONT FROM 27N 165E TO 31N 173E 33N 180E 31N 176W. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  810 WWUS43 KDVN 060218 WSWDVN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Quad Cities IA IL 818 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 IAZ076>078-087>089-ILZ024>026-035-060600- /O.EXT.KDVN.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ Keokuk-Washington-Louisa-Jefferson-Henry IA-Des Moines-Mercer- Henderson-Warren-McDonough- Including the cities of Mount Pleasant, Washington, Sigourney, Wapello, Oquawka, Macomb, Fairfield, Aledo, Monmouth, and Burlington 818 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of northwest and west central Illinois and southeast Iowa. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In Iowa, the latest road conditions are available at ia511.org or by calling 511. In Illinois, the latest road conditions are available at gettingaroundillinois.com. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ IAZ098-099-ILZ034-060600- /O.EXT.KDVN.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ Van Buren-Lee-Hancock- Including the cities of Fort Madison, Carthage, and Keosauqua 818 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...In Illinois, Hancock County. In Iowa, Lee and Van Buren Counties. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In Iowa, the latest road conditions are available at ia511.org or by calling 511. In Illinois, the latest road conditions are available at gettingaroundillinois.com. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ MOZ009-010-060600- /O.EXT.KDVN.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ Scotland-Clark- Including the cities of Kahoka and Memphis 818 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Clark and Scotland Counties. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions are available at modot.org or by calling 511. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ IAZ040>042-053-054-066-ILZ001-002-007-009-060600- /O.CON.KDVN.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ Buchanan-Delaware-Dubuque-Jones-Jackson-Clinton-Jo Daviess- Stephenson-Carroll-Whiteside- Including the cities of Maquoketa, Galena, Sterling, Freeport, Independence, Manchester, Anamosa, Dubuque, Clinton, and Mount Carroll 818 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of northwest Illinois and east central and northeast Iowa. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In Iowa, the latest road conditions are available at ia511.org or by calling 511. In Illinois, the latest road conditions are available at gettingaroundillinois.com. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ IAZ051-052-063>065-067-068-ILZ015>018-060600- /O.CON.KDVN.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ Benton-Linn-Iowa-Johnson-Cedar-Muscatine-Scott-Rock Island-Henry IL-Bureau-Putnam- Including the cities of Cedar Rapids, Princeton, Iowa City, Vinton, Marengo, Geneseo, Tipton, Muscatine, Moline, Rock Island, Davenport, Bettendorf, and Hennepin 818 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of north central and northwest Illinois and east central Iowa. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In Iowa, the latest road conditions are available at ia511.org or by calling 511. In Illinois, the latest road conditions are available at gettingaroundillinois.com. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ Haase  653 WWUS43 KMKX 060219 WSWMKX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 819 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 WIZ056-062>072-060900- /O.NEW.KMKX.WW.Y.0002.250206T0219Z-250206T0900Z/ Sauk-Iowa-Dane-Jefferson-Waukesha-Milwaukee-Lafayette-Green-Rock- Walworth-Racine-Kenosha- Including the cities of Beloit, Shullsburg, Argyle, Monroe, Milwaukee, Watertown, Blanchardville, East Troy, Janesville, Baraboo, Racine, Benton, Whitewater, Prairie Du Sac, Menomonee Falls, New Berlin, Barneveld, Muskego, Darlington, Belmont, Brookfield, Dodgeville, Brodhead, Reedsburg, Madison, Jefferson, Fort Atkinson, Mineral Point, Delavan, Kenosha, Elkhorn, Sauk City, Waukesha, and Lake Geneva 819 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle with a light glaze of ice accumulation is expected. A few snow showers may mix in at times with minimal accumulation. * WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Wisconsin. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ HEEREN  786 WWUS41 KPBZ 060219 WSWPBZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 919 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 PAZ074-076-078-WVZ512-514-061030- /O.CON.KPBZ.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Higher Elevations of Westmoreland-Higher Elevations of Fayette- Higher Elevations of Indiana-Eastern Preston-Eastern Tucker- Including the cities of Ohiopyle, Canaan Valley, Davis, Hazelton, Armagh, Thomas, Ligonier, Rowlesburg, Terra Alta, Donegal, and Champion 919 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Significant icing. Little or no snow accumulation and ice accumulations up to three tenths of an inch. * WHERE...In Pennsylvania, Higher Elevations of Fayette, Higher Elevations of Westmoreland, and Higher Elevations of Indiana Counties. In West Virginia, Eastern Preston and Eastern Tucker Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Power outages and tree damage are likely due to the ice. Travel could be nearly impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report ice accumulations or damage by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ WVZ510-060900- /O.EXA.KPBZ.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Ridges of Eastern Monongalia and Northwestern Preston- Including the cities of Coopers Rock 919 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Ridges of Eastern Monongalia and Northwestern Preston County. * WHEN...Until 4 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report snow or ice accumulations by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ OHZ039>041-048>050-057>059-068-069-PAZ013-020-021-029-031-073-075- WVZ001>004-012-021-509-511-513-060900- /O.CON.KPBZ.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Tuscarawas-Carroll-Columbiana-Coshocton-Harrison-Jefferson OH- Muskingum-Guernsey-Belmont-Noble-Monroe-Lawrence-Beaver-Allegheny- Washington-Greene-Westmoreland-Fayette-Hancock-Brooke-Ohio- Marshall-Wetzel-Marion-Monongalia-Preston-Western Tucker- Including the cities of Wheeling, Lower Burrell, Dover, Greensburg, Moundsville, Malvern, Monaca, Canonsburg, Carrollton, Aliquippa, Cadiz, Kingwood, Murrysville, Pittsburgh Metro Area, Follansbee, New Martinsville, Wellsburg, Cambridge, Woodsfield, New Castle, Latrobe, Zanesville, Morgantown, Saint George, Uniontown, Bruceton Mills, Beaver Falls, Weirton, Washington, Fairmont, Hendricks, New Philadelphia, Parsons, East Liverpool, Martins Ferry, Ellwood City, Columbiana, Salem, St. Clairsville, Ambridge, Steubenville, Coshocton, Caldwell, Monessen, New Kensington, and Waynesburg 919 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Ice accumulations a glaze up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of east central Ohio, southwest and western Pennsylvania, and northern and the northern panhandle of West Virginia. * WHEN...Until 4 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Difficult travel conditions are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report snow or ice accumulations by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ PAZ007>009-014>016-022-077-061030- /O.CON.KPBZ.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Mercer-Venango-Forest-Butler-Clarion-Jefferson PA-Armstrong- Indiana- Including the cities of Indiana, Grove City, Kittanning, Franklin, Sharon, Tionesta, Hermitage, Ford City, Oil City, Clarion, Brookville, Punxsutawney, and Butler 919 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations less than one inch and ice accumulations between one tenth and two tenths of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of northwest and western Pennsylvania. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report snow or ice accumulations by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ 22  513 WWUS41 KAKQ 060220 WSWAKQ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wakefield VA 920 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 MDZ021-VAZ048-062-064-075-510-511-517-519-521-061030- /O.CON.KAKQ.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Dorchester-Fluvanna-Goochland-Caroline-Westmoreland-Eastern Louisa-Western Hanover-Western King William-Western King and Queen-Western Essex- 920 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain with a glaze of ice expected. A brief period of sleet is possible. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Maryland and central, east central, and north central Virginia. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. In Maryland, call 511 for road information. In Virginia, call 511 for road information. && $$ VAZ509-061030- /O.CON.KAKQ.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Western Louisa- 920 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain with total ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch expected. * WHERE...Western Louisa County. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. Call 511 for road information. && $$ Zimmerman  091 WHUS71 KCLE 060220 MWWCLE URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cleveland OH 920 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 LEZ061-149-169-061030- /O.NEW.KCLE.GL.W.0002.250206T2100Z-250207T0900Z/ Ripley to Buffalo NY extending from 5NM off shoreline to US- Canadian border-Conneaut OH to Ripley NY- Conneaut OH to Ripley NY beyond 5 nm off shoreline to US- Canadian border- 920 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...GALE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds to 35 knots expected. * WHERE...The nearshore waters of Lake Erie from Conneaut OH to Ripley NY, and the open waters of Lake Erie from Conneaut OH to Buffalo NY. * WHEN...From 4 PM Thursday to 4 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. Areas of ice on Lake Erie will quickly shift to the east and northeast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://www.weather.gov/cle  218 WSPR31 SPJC 060219 SPIM SIGMET 1 VALID 060230/060500 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0210Z E OF LINE S0617 W07404 - S0438 W07753 - S0336 W07825 - S0116 W07425 TOP FL460 STNR WKN=  115 WWUS43 KARX 060222 WSWARX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service La Crosse WI 822 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SLIPPERY TRAVEL WITH ONGOING FREEZING DRIZZLE THIS EVENING... .An area of freezing drizzle continues moving through northeast Iowa and southwest Wisconsin this evening. Accumulations of a light glaze are expected and travel could be hazardous on untreated surfaces such as roads, bridges, and sidewalks. Freezing drizzle will exit the area late tonight. Use caution if traveling this evening and overnight. IAZ008>011-018-019-029-030-WIZ054-055-061-060600- /O.NEW.KARX.WW.Y.0003.250206T0222Z-250206T0600Z/ Mitchell-Howard-Winneshiek-Allamakee-Floyd-Chickasaw-Fayette- Clayton-Crawford-Richland-Grant- Including the cities of Decorah, Osage, Richland Center, Cresco, Charles City, Elkader, Prairie Du Chien, New Hampton, Platteville, Oelwein, and Waukon 822 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle. Ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of north central and northeast Iowa and southwest Wisconsin. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. In Iowa, visit 511ia.org for road conditions. In Wisconsin, visit 511wi.gov for road conditions. && $$ Falkinham  403 WSCI38 ZYTX 060221 ZYSH SIGMET 1 VALID 060230/060630 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF LINE N4318 E11727 - N4432 E13105 SFC/FL340 MOV E 25KMH NC =  247 WSPR31 SPJC 060221 SPIM SIGMET A1 VALID 060225/060230 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET A11 VALID 052330/060230=  810 WSCI38 ZYTX 060221 ZYSH SIGMET 1 VALID 060230/060630 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF LINE N4318 E11727 - N4432 E13105 SFC/FL340 MOV E 25KMH NC =  815 WSAU21 YMMC 060223 YMMM SIGMET M21 VALID 060223/060341 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR CNL SIGMET M20 052341/060341=  663 WWUS46 KPQR 060225 WSWPQR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Portland OR 625 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SNOW AND RAIN SHOWERS PERSIST THROUGH THE EVENING WHICH WILL PRODUCE ADDITIONAL SNOW ACCUMULATION... .Showers continue as a low pressure system nears the south Washington Coast. Showers persist this evening. Temperatures sit right around freezing so precipitation will be a mix of rain and snow except at elevations above 1000 feet. ORZ106-107-WAZ203-060800- /O.EXT.KPQR.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T0800Z/ North Oregon Coast Range-Central Oregon Coast Range-Willapa Hills- Including the cities of Sunset Summit, Wilson River Summit, Horton, Brooklyn, Valsetz, and Mary's Peak 625 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT PST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Heavy wet snow. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch. * WHERE...North and Central Coast Range Mountains of Oregon, and Willapa Hills. * WHEN...Until midnight PST tonight. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Overnight temperatures will fall below freezing so moisture on roadways may freeze in some locations. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Consider postponing travel until weather conditions improve. If you must travel, be sure to slow down and allow extra time. If your car becomes trapped in deep snow, be sure to keep your car off to stay safe from potential carbon monoxide poisoning. If you are using a generator, be sure to keep it outdoors and away from windows and vents. Be aware that walking surfaces may be slick. Walk with extra care. Backcountry recreation is not advised. && $$ ORZ119-123>125-WAZ208-061200- /O.CON.KPQR.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ West Columbia River Gorge of Oregon above 500 ft-Clackamas County Cascade Foothills-Cascade Foothills of Marion and Linn Counties- Lane County Cascade Foothills-South Washington Cascade Foothills- Including the cities of Yacolt, Rhododendron, Detroit, Vida, Welches, Toutle, Silver Falls, Corbett, Brightwood, Mill City, Amboy, Oakridge, McKenzie Bridge, Lake Merwin, and Cherryville 625 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Wet snow. Additional snow accumulations up to two inches. * WHERE...Foothills of the Northern and Central Oregon Cascades, West Columbia River Gorge of Oregon above 500 ft, and South Washington Cascade Foothills. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Overnight temperatures will fall below freezing so moisture on roadways may freeze in some locations. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Have a winter emergency driving kit readily available. Common items to include: flashlight, batteries, blankets, a shovel, water, non-perishable food items, tire chains, etc. Be aware that walking surfaces may be slick. Walk with extra care. For the latest road conditions and chain restrictions in Oregon, call 5 1 1, or visit: www.tripcheck.com. For the latest road conditions and chain restrictions in Washington, visit: wsdot.com/travel/real-time/map && $$ ORZ120>122-WAZ209-210-060600- /O.CON.KPQR.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ West Columbia River Gorge I-84 Corridor-Upper Hood River Valley- Central Columbia River Gorge I-84 Corridor-West Columbia River Gorge SR 14 Corridor-Central Columbia River Gorge SR 14 Corridor- Including the cities of Rooster Rock, Stevenson, North Bonneville, Beacon Rock SP, Odell, Cascade Locks, Bonneville, Underwood, Parkdale, Wyeth, Hood River, Cape Horn, Multnomah Falls, and Carson 625 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Wet snow. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch. * WHERE...Western and Central Columbia River Gorge and the Hood River Valley. * WHEN...Until 10 PM PST this evening. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Overnight temperatures will fall below freezing so moisture on roadways may freeze in some locations. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Have a winter emergency driving kit readily available. Common items to include: flashlight, batteries, blankets, a shovel, water, non-perishable food items, tire chains, etc. Be aware that walking surfaces may be slick. Walk with extra care. For the latest road conditions and chain restrictions in Oregon, call 5 1 1, or visit: www.tripcheck.com. For the latest road conditions and chain restrictions in Washington, visit: wsdot.com/travel/real-time/map && $$ ORZ126>128-WAZ211-061200- /O.CON.KPQR.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ North Oregon Cascades-Cascades of Marion and Linn Counties- Cascades of Lane County-South Washington Cascades- Including the cities of Waldo Lake, Mt. St. Helens, Indian Heaven Wilderness, Government Camp, Bennett Pass, Lost Lake, Larch Mountain, Timothy Lake, Tombstone Summit, McKenzie Pass, Willamette Pass, Santiam Junction, Breitenbush Springs, and Santiam Pass 625 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations between 1 and 3 inches. * WHERE...South Washington Cascades and the Northern and Central Cascades of Oregon. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Overnight temperatures will fall below freezing so moisture on roadways may freeze in some locations. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Have a winter emergency driving kit readily available. Common items to include: flashlight, batteries, blankets, a shovel, water, non-perishable food items, tire chains, etc. Be aware that walking surfaces may be slick. Walk with extra care. For the latest road conditions and chain restrictions in Oregon, call 5 1 1, or visit: www.tripcheck.com. For the latest road conditions and chain restrictions in Washington, visit: wsdot.com/travel/real-time/map && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit www.weather.gov/portland 27  065 WGUS84 KSHV 060226 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 826 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Texas... Neches River Near Neches affecting Cherokee, Houston and Anderson Counties. For the Neches River...including Lake Palestine, Neches, Alto, Diboll, Rockland...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: https://water.noaa.gov/wfo/SHV The next statement will be issued Thursday evening at 830 PM CST. && TXC001-073-225-070230- /O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-250211T0000Z/ /NCST2.1.ER.250202T0420Z.250206T0600Z.250210T0600Z.NO/ 826 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL MONDAY EVENING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Neches River near Neches. * WHEN...Until Monday evening. * IMPACTS...At 14.0 feet, Minor lowland flooding. Move livestock and equipment to higher ground away from the river. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 6:30 PM CST Wednesday the stage was 13.3 feet. - Bankfull stage is 12.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 6:30 PM CST Wednesday was 13.3 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 13.4 feet just after midnight tonight. It will then fall below flood stage early Monday morning. - Flood stage is 12.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3205 9544 3167 9524 3166 9537 3188 9548 $$ 16  631 WGUS84 KSHV 060227 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 827 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Texas... Sabine River Near Mineola affecting Wood and Smith Counties. For the Sabine River...including Mineola, Hawkins, Gladewater, Longview, Beckville, Logansport...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: https://water.noaa.gov/wfo/SHV The next statement will be issued Thursday evening at 830 PM CST. && TXC423-499-070230- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-250208T0900Z/ /MLAT2.1.ER.250131T2145Z.250204T0400Z.250207T1500Z.NO/ 827 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL LATE FRIDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Sabine River near Mineola. * WHEN...Until late Friday night. * IMPACTS...At 16.0 feet, Expect flooding of low river bottoms with secondary roadways along with picnic and recreational areas becoming inundated as well. Ranchers should move cattle and equipment to higher ground. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 8:15 PM CST Wednesday the stage was 15.3 feet. - Bankfull stage is 14.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 8:15 PM CST Wednesday was 16.1 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage late Friday morning and continue falling to 10.4 feet Monday evening. - Flood stage is 14.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3278 9574 3263 9535 3257 9535 3259 9550 3273 9574 $$ 16  193 WVEQ31 SEGU 060226 SEFG SIGMET 1 VALID 060226/060826 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT REVENTADOR PSN S0004 W07739 VA CLD OBS AT 0150Z WI S0004 W07740 - S0006 W07738 - S0017 W07753 - S0010 W07756 - S0004 W07740 SFC/FL140 MOV SW 10KT FCST AT 0800Z WI S0004 W07740 - S0006 W07739 - S0017 W07754 - S0009 W07756 - S0004 W07740=  207 WGUS84 KSHV 060228 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 828 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Texas... Angelina River Near Lufkin affecting Cherokee, Nacogdoches and Angelina Counties. For the Angelina River...including Alto, Lufkin...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: https://water.noaa.gov/wfo/SHV The next statement will be issued Thursday evening at 830 PM CST. && TXC005-073-347-070230- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0223.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LUFT2.1.ER.241226T0615Z.250102T1745Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 828 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Angelina River near Lufkin. * WHEN...Until further notice. * IMPACTS...At 162.0 feet, Minor lowland to diminish and end on the lower Angelina River. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 8:00 PM CST Wednesday the stage was 162.0 feet. - Bankfull stage is 158.5 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 8:00 PM CST Wednesday was 162.0 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 162.1 feet early Friday morning. - Flood stage is 161.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3145 9474 3148 9482 3150 9482 3146 9466 3144 9462 $$ 16  365 WHUS71 KBUF 060228 MWWBUF URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Buffalo NY 928 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 LEZ040-041-061000- /O.NEW.KBUF.GL.W.0005.250206T2100Z-250207T0900Z/ Lake Erie nearshore waters from Ripley to Dunkirk- Lake Erie nearshore waters from Dunkirk to Buffalo- 928 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...GALE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds to 35 knots expected. * WHERE...The nearshore waters of Lake Erie from Ripley to Buffalo. * WHEN...From 4 PM Thursday to 4 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LOZ042>045-062>065-061000- /O.CON.KBUF.GL.A.0003.250206T2300Z-250207T2300Z/ Lake Ontario nearshore waters from the Niagara River to Hamlin Beach- Lake Ontario nearshore waters from Hamlin Beach to Sodus Bay- Lake Ontario nearshore waters from Sodus Bay to Mexico Bay- Lake Ontario nearshore waters from Mexico Bay to the Saint Lawrence River- Lake Ontario open waters from the Niagara River to Hamlin Beach- Lake Ontario open waters from Hamlin Beach to Sodus Bay- Lake Ontario open waters from Sodus Bay to Mexico Bay- Lake Ontario open waters from Mexico Bay to the Saint Lawrence River- 928 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...GALE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM THURSDAY EVENING THROUGH FRIDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...West winds to 40 knots and waves 15 to 19 feet possible. * WHERE...The nearshore and open waters of Lake Ontario. * WHEN...From Thursday evening through Friday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Strong winds can cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should consider altering plans to avoid possible hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe wind and waves. && $$ JJR  473 WSMG31 FMMI 060230 FMMM SIGMET E1 VALID 060230/060630 FMMI- FMMM ANTANANARIVO FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1100 E04130 - S1330 E04530 - S1500 E04530 - S1400 E04237 TOP ABV FL480 STNR NC=  304 WWUS43 KFGF 060231 WSWFGF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 831 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 MNZ001>004-007-NDZ008-016-027-030-039-061045- /O.CON.KFGF.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T2100Z/ West Polk-Norman-Clay-Kittson-West Marshall-Pembina-Eastern Walsh- Grand Forks-Traill-Cass- Including the cities of Nash, Hillsboro, Park River, Walhalla, Grand Forks, Portland, Fargo, Karlstad, Florian, Backoo, Halstad, Leroy, Syre, Englund, East Grand Forks, Akra, Cavalier, Bowesmont, Grafton, Drayton, Crookston, Lancaster, Kelso, Hatton, Oakwood, Argyle, Hallock, Roseville, Moorhead, Mayville, Hadler, Warren, Faith, Flaming, Radium, Stephen, Twin Valley, and Ada 831 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 1 and 3 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Portions of northwest and west central Minnesota and northeast and southeast North Dakota. * WHEN...Until 3 PM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions and reduced visibility. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visibility could fall as low as 1/4 mile at times, especially in open areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MNZ005-008-013>015-022-027-028-061045- /O.CON.KFGF.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T2100Z/ Roseau-East Marshall-Pennington-Red Lake-East Polk-Mahnomen-West Becker-East Becker- Including the cities of Thief River Falls, McIntosh, Red Lake Falls, Grygla, Erskine, Rosewood, Salol, Fertile, Naytahwaush, Roseau, Casperson, Detroit Lakes, Gatzke, Fosston, Fox, Mahnomen, Waubun, Newfolden, Middle River, Hayes Lake State Park, Espelie, Pencer, Malung, Wolf Lake, Dakota Junction, and Shoreham 831 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 4 inches. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...A portion of northwest Minnesota. * WHEN...Until 3 PM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions and reduced visibility. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visibility could fall as low as 1/2 mile at times, especially in open areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MNZ006-009-016-017-023-024-061045- /O.CON.KFGF.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Lake Of The Woods-North Beltrami-North Clearwater-South Beltrami- South Clearwater-Hubbard- Including the cities of Red Lake, Bagley, Upper Rice Lake, Bemidji, Long Lost Lake, Lower Rice Lake, Hubbard, Ponemah, Redby, Emmaville, Clearbrook, Baudette, Alida, Ebro, Nary, Rosby, Lavinia, Lake Itasca, Roy Lake, and Park Rapids 831 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 5 inches. * WHERE...Portions of north central and northwest Minnesota. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NDZ006-007-014-015-024-026-028-029-038-054-061045- /O.CON.KFGF.WW.Y.0006.250206T0600Z-250207T0000Z/ Towner-Cavalier-Benson-Ramsey-Eddy-Nelson-Griggs-Steele-Barnes- Western Walsh- Including the cities of Adams, Vang, Fort Totten, Cando, Leeds, Considine, Maida, Hope, Lankin, Minnewaukan, Fairdale, Maddock, Mount Carmel, Aneta, New Rockford, Tolna, Langdon, Lakota, Valley City, Mcville, Dresden, Finley, Cooperstown, and Devils Lake 831 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 6 PM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations of up to 2 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Portions of northeast and southeast North Dakota. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 6 PM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions and reduced visibility. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visibility could fall as low as 1/4 mile at times, especially in open areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Perroux  184 WWUS73 KFGF 060231 NPWFGF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 831 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 NDZ006-007-014-015-024-026-054-061045- /O.CON.KFGF.CW.Y.0010.250206T0600Z-250206T1800Z/ Towner-Cavalier-Benson-Ramsey-Eddy-Nelson-Western Walsh- Including the cities of Adams, Vang, Fort Totten, Cando, Leeds, Considine, Maida, Lankin, Minnewaukan, Fairdale, Maddock, Mount Carmel, Aneta, New Rockford, Tolna, Langdon, Lakota, Mcville, Dresden, and Devils Lake 831 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO NOON CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills as low as 34 below expected. * WHERE...Benson, Cavalier, Eddy, Nelson, Ramsey, Towner, and Western Walsh Counties. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to noon CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...The dangerously cold wind chills as low as 35 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use caution while traveling outside. Wear appropriate clothing, a hat, and gloves. && $$ Perroux  913 WSIR31 OIII 060229 OIIX SIGMET 02 VALID 060225/060430 OIII-OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3238 E04728 - N3249 E05000 - N3008 E05025 - N2953 E04757 - N3238 E04728 TOP FL320 MOV ENE INTSF=  383 WSEO31 EETN 060233 EETT SIGMET F01 VALID 060300/060700 EEMH- EETT TALLINN FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST E OF N5930 E02524 - N5805 E02520 SFC/FL070 MOV SE 10KT NC=  600 WWUS43 KEAX 060234 WSWEAX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Kansas City/Pleasant Hill MO 834 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 KSZ102-MOZ001>004-011>013-020-021-060345- /O.EXP.KEAX.WW.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T0300Z/ Doniphan-Atchison MO-Nodaway-Worth-Gentry-Holt-Andrew-De Kalb- Buchanan-Clinton- Including the cities of Maysville, Lathrop, Wathena, Tarkio, Plattsburg, Osborn, Troy, Savannah, Elwood, Union Star, Clarksdale, St. Joseph Airport, Highland, Grant City, Rock Port, Fairfax, St. Joseph, Mound City, Craig, Cameron, Maitland, Oregon, Country Club Villa, Stanberry, King City, Maryville, Forest City, Stewartsville, and Albany 834 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 PM CST THIS EVENING... Freezing drizzle has largely moved out of the area, allowing the advisory to end. Wet roads and below freezing temperatures may lead to areas of re-freeze, especially on elevated and bridge surfaces. Please continue to use caution if traveling tonight. $$ MOZ005>008-014>017-022>025-060600- /O.EXT.KEAX.WW.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ Harrison-Mercer-Putnam-Schuyler-Daviess-Grundy-Sullivan-Adair- Caldwell-Livingston-Linn MO-Macon- Including the cities of Queen City, Downing, Jamesport, Gallatin, Marceline, Trenton, Bethany, Polo, La Plata, Breckenridge, Lancaster, Braymer, Unionville, Kirksville, Mercer, Glenwood, Green City, Hamilton, Chillicothe, Macon, Greentop, Brookfield, Princeton, and Milan 834 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of north central and northeast Missouri. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ https://www.weather.gov/eax Curtis  839 WSRS31 RURD 060234 URRV SIGMET 1 VALID 060235/060630 URRR- URRV ROSTOV-NA-DONU FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF LINE N4409 E03634 - N4249 E04002 AND SW OF LINE N4310 E04143 - N4517 E04229 - N4646 E03729 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  536 WAGR31 LGAT 060233 LGGG AIRMET 1 VALID 060233/060633 LGAT- LGGG ATHINAI FIR BKN CLD 7000/10000 FT OBS ATHINAI TMA NE STNR NC=  016 WVCO31 SKBO 060236 SKED SIGMET 1 VALID 060143/060745 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR VA ERUPTION MT VOLCAN NEVADO DEL RUIZ PSN N0453 W07519 VA CLD OBS AT 0110Z SFC/FL190 N0454 W07519 - N0452 W07518 - N0441 W07531 - N0447 W07534 - N0454 W07519 MOV SW 10KT=  170 WWUS43 KDMX 060236 WSWDMX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Des Moines IA 836 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FREEZING DRIZZLE CREATING ICY CONDITIONS THIS EVENING... .Freezing drizzle has created icy and slick conditions, especially on secondary, untreated, and less traveled roadways, bridges, and sidewalks this evening. These conditions will persist later into tonight. IAZ081-092-060345- /O.EXP.KDMX.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T0300Z/ Adams-Taylor- Including the cities of New Market, Bedford, Lenox, and Corning 836 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 PM CST THIS EVENING... Much of the freezing drizzle has ended and conditions should be improving shortly. $$ IAZ005>007-016-017-024>028-060600- /O.EXB.KDMX.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ Kossuth-Winnebago-Worth-Hancock-Cerro Gordo-Humboldt-Wright- Franklin-Butler-Bremer- Including the cities of Parkersburg, Shell Rock, Belmond, Aplington, Forest City, Kanawha, Eagle Grove, Clarksville, Northwood, Garner, Clarion, Waverly, Mason City, Britt, Dumont, Hampton, Algona, Clear Lake, Allison, Lake Mills, Greene, Manly, and Humboldt 836 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of north central Iowa. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible, particularly those that are untreated and less traveled. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. For the latest travel conditions, check the Iowa 511 app, www.511ia.org, or dial 511. && $$ IAZ034>039-044>050-060600- /O.EXT.KDMX.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ Calhoun-Webster-Hamilton-Hardin-Grundy-Black Hawk-Crawford- Carroll-Greene-Boone-Story-Marshall-Tama- Including the cities of Fort Dodge, Boone, Dysart, Eldora, Ames, Reinbeck, Iowa Falls, Webster City, Manson, Conrad, Tama, Denison, Jefferson, Gladbrook, Lake City, Carroll, Cedar Falls, Toledo, Marshalltown, Rockwell City, Wellsburg, Waterloo, Grundy Center, Ackley, Dike, Pomeroy, and Traer 836 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Central Iowa. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible, particularly those that are untreated and less traveled. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. For the latest travel conditions, check the Iowa 511 app, www.511ia.org, or dial 511. && $$ IAZ057>062-070>075-082>086-093>097-060600- /O.EXT.KDMX.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ Audubon-Guthrie-Dallas-Polk-Jasper-Poweshiek-Cass-Adair-Madison- Warren-Marion-Mahaska-Union-Clarke-Lucas-Monroe-Wapello-Ringgold- Decatur-Wayne-Appanoose-Davis- Including the cities of Pella, Osceola, Adel, Norwalk, Perry, Mount Ayr, Leon, Humeston, Indianola, Oskaloosa, Corydon, Carlisle, Allerton, Des Moines, Grinnell, Creston, Knoxville, Newton, Chariton, Seymour, Albia, Stuart, Bloomfield, Bayard, Greenfield, Earlham, Fontanelle, Waukee, Atlantic, Winterset, Audubon, Ottumwa, Exira, Adair, Guthrie Center, Centerville, Casey, Lamoni, and Panora 836 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Much of south central into southeastern Iowa. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible, particularly those that are untreated and less traveled. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. For the latest travel conditions, check the Iowa 511 app, www.511ia.org, or dial 511. && $$ Ansorge  199 WSKW10 OKKK 060235 OKAC SIGMET 1 VALID 060330/060730 OKKK- OKAC KUWAIT FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF N2830 AND E OF E04630 TOP FL350 MOV NE 15KT NC=  597 WHUS73 KMQT 060237 MWWMQT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Marquette MI 937 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 LSZ162-061045- /O.CON.KMQT.GL.W.0010.250206T1200Z-250207T0600Z/ /O.CON.KMQT.UP.W.0009.250206T1200Z-250207T1200Z/ Lake Superior west of a line from Saxon Harbor WI to Grand Portage MN beyond 5NM- 937 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 /837 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025/ ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM EST /6 AM CST/ THURSDAY TO 1 AM EST /MIDNIGHT CST/ FRIDAY... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM EST /6 AM CST/ THURSDAY TO 7 AM EST /6 AM CST/ FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Gale Warning, west winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 45 kt and waves 7 to 10 ft expected. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater expected, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Lake Superior west of a line from Saxon Harbor WI to Grand Portage MN beyond 5NM. * WHEN...For the Gale Warning, from 7 AM EST /6 AM CST/ Thursday to 1 AM EST /midnight CST/ Friday. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, from 7 AM EST /6 AM CST/ Thursday to 7 AM EST /6 AM CST/ Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ248-250-061045- /O.CON.KMQT.SC.Y.0027.250206T0300Z-250206T1500Z/ /O.CON.KMQT.GL.W.0010.250206T1500Z-250207T0900Z/ Seul Choix Point to Point Detour MI- 5NM East of a line from Fairport MI to Rock Island Passage- 937 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THURSDAY... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THURSDAY TO 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 20 kt and waves 1 to 4 ft expected. For the Gale Warning, west winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and waves 2 to 5 ft expected. * WHERE...Seul Choix Point to Point Detour MI and 5NM East of a line from Fairport MI to Rock Island Passage. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 10 AM EST Thursday. For the Gale Warning, from 10 AM Thursday to 4 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ244-245-061045- /O.CON.KMQT.SC.Y.0027.250206T0400Z-250206T1500Z/ /O.CON.KMQT.SR.W.0002.250206T1500Z-250207T1200Z/ /O.CON.KMQT.UP.W.0009.250206T1800Z-250208T0000Z/ Eagle River to Manitou Island MI- Manitou Island to Point Isabelle MI- 937 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THURSDAY... ...STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THURSDAY TO 7 AM EST FRIDAY... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THURSDAY TO 7 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and waves 2 to 5 ft expected. For the Storm Warning, west winds 25 to 35 kt with gusts up to 50 kt and waves 11 to 16 ft expected. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater expected, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Eagle River to Manitou Island MI and Manitou Island to Point Isabelle MI. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 10 AM EST Thursday. For the Storm Warning, from 10 AM Thursday to 7 AM EST Friday. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, from 1 PM Thursday to 7 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Storm force winds and hazardous waves will capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should remain in port, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ LSZ246-061045- /O.EXA.KMQT.SC.Y.0027.250206T0400Z-250206T1500Z/ /O.CON.KMQT.SR.W.0002.250206T1500Z-250207T1200Z/ /O.CON.KMQT.UP.W.0009.250206T1800Z-250208T0000Z/ Point Isabelle to Lower Entrance of Portage Canal MI- 937 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THURSDAY... ...STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THURSDAY TO 7 AM EST FRIDAY... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THURSDAY TO 7 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and waves 1 to 3 ft expected. For the Storm Warning, west winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and waves 2 to 5 ft expected. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater expected, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Point Isabelle to Lower Entrance of Portage Canal MI. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 10 AM EST Thursday. For the Storm Warning, from 10 AM Thursday to 7 AM EST Friday. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, from 1 PM Thursday to 7 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Storm force winds and hazardous waves will capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should remain in port, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ LMZ221-061045- /O.CON.KMQT.GL.W.0010.250206T1500Z-250207T0300Z/ Green Bay North of line from Cedar River MI to Rock Island Passage- 937 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM TO 10 PM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and waves 1 foot or less expected. * WHERE...Green Bay North of line from Cedar River MI to Rock Island Passage. * WHEN...From 10 AM to 10 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ240>242-263-061045- /O.CON.KMQT.SR.W.0002.250206T1200Z-250207T0900Z/ /O.CON.KMQT.UP.W.0009.250206T1500Z-250207T1800Z/ Saxon Harbor WI to Black River MI-Black River to Ontonagon MI- Ontonagon to Upper Entrance of Portage Canal MI- Lake Superior from Saxon Harbor WI to Upper Entrance to Portage Canal MI 5NM off shore to the US/Canadian border including Isle Royale National Park- 937 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 /837 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025/ ...STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM EST /6 AM CST/ THURSDAY TO 4 AM EST /3 AM CST/ FRIDAY... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM EST /9 AM CST/ THURSDAY TO 1 PM EST /NOON CST/ FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Storm Warning, west winds 25 to 35 kt with gusts up to 50 kt and waves 10 to 15 ft expected. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater expected, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Saxon Harbor WI to Black River MI, Black River to Ontonagon MI, Ontonagon to Upper Entrance of Portage Canal MI and Lake Superior from Saxon Harbor WI to Upper Entrance to Portage Canal MI 5NM off shore to the US/Canadian border including Isle Royale National Park. * WHEN...For the Storm Warning, from 7 AM EST /6 AM CST/ Thursday to 4 AM EST /3 AM CST/ Friday. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, from 10 AM EST /9 AM CST/ Thursday to 1 PM EST /noon CST/ Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Storm force winds and hazardous waves will capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should remain in port, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ LSZ243-247>251-264>267-061045- /O.CON.KMQT.SR.W.0002.250206T1500Z-250207T1200Z/ /O.CON.KMQT.UP.W.0009.250206T1800Z-250208T0000Z/ Upper Entrance of Portage Canal to Eagle River MI- Lower Entrance of Portage Canal To Huron Islands MI Including Keweenaw and Huron Bays-Huron Islands to Marquette MI- Marquette to Munising MI-Munising to Grand Marais MI- Grand Marais to Whitefish Point MI- Lake Superior from Upper Entrance to Portage Canal to Manitou Island MI 5NM off shore to the US/Canadian Border- Lake Superior West of Line from Manitou Island to Marquette MI Beyond 5NM from shore- Lake Superior East of a line from Manitou Island to Marquette MI and West of a line from Grand Marais MI to the US/Canadian Border Beyond 5NM from shore- Lake Superior from Grand Marais MI to Whitefish Point MI 5NM off shore to the US/Canadian border- 937 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THURSDAY TO 7 AM EST FRIDAY... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THURSDAY TO 7 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Storm Warning, west winds 30 to 40 kt with gusts up to 50 kt and waves 14 to 19 ft expected. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater expected, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Portions of Central, Eastern and Western Lake Superior. * WHEN...For the Storm Warning, from 10 AM Thursday to 7 AM EST Friday. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, from 1 PM Thursday to 7 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Storm force winds and hazardous waves will capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should remain in port, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$  193 WANO31 ENMI 060238 ENOR AIRMET I01 VALID 060233/060400 ENMI- ENOR POLARIS FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N7048 E02939 - N7003 E02955 - N7017 E03120 - N7044 E03019 - N7048 E02939 SFC/3000FT MOV NE 15KT WKN=  741 WWUS83 KPAH 060238 SPSPAH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Paducah KY 838 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 INZ088-KYZ015-018>020-060300- Spencer IN-Henderson KY-Webster KY-McLean KY-Daviess KY- 838 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHWESTERN SPENCER...CENTRAL DAVIESS...SOUTHEASTERN HENDERSON...NORTHWESTERN MCLEAN AND NORTHEASTERN WEBSTER COUNTIES THROUGH 900 PM CST... At 837 PM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over St. Joseph, or 13 miles northwest of Calhoun, moving northeast at 60 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Owensboro, Rockport, Sebree, Robards, Masonville, Stanley, St. Joseph, Eureka, Beech Grove, Moseleyville, and Hebbardsville. This includes the following highways... Interstate 165 between Mile Markers 67 and 70. Interstate 69 in Kentucky between Mile Markers 134 and 144. Audubon Parkway between Mile Markers 6 and 23. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3767 8705 3759 8751 3771 8759 3789 8728 3788 8727 3789 8727 3792 8721 3788 8691 TIME...MOT...LOC 0237Z 245DEG 52KT 3772 8736 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ DWS  151 WSPS21 NZKL 060237 NZZO SIGMET 3 VALID 060241/060641 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3810 W16320 - S4110 W16010 - S4030 W17020 - S5250 W17420 - S4920 W17520 - S3740 W17220 - S3810 W16320 FL150/360 MOV NE 35KT NC=  501 WSPS21 NZKL 060238 NZZO SIGMET 4 VALID 060241/060301 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 32 052301/060301=  353 WWCN13 CWWG 060240 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:40 P.M. CST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: KAMSACK - CANORA - PREECEVILLE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 10 TO 20 CM IS EXPECTED THROUGH SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN AND THE PARKLANDS AND INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA. THIS SYSTEM, TRACKING THROUGH THE NORTHERN US STATES, CONTINUES TO BRING HEAVY BANDS OF SNOW OVER SOUTHEASTERN SASKATCHEWAN AND CENTRAL INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA WEDNESDAY EVENING. LIGHT, FLUFFY SNOW WILL RAPIDLY ACCUMULATE BEFORE TAPERING OFF TO LIGHT FLURRIES EARLY THURSDAY MORNING IN SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON IN MANITOBA. PREPARE FOR QUICKLY CHANGING AND DETERIORATING TRAVEL CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW WILL MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. THERE MAY BE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC IN URBAN AREAS. PUBLIC SAFETY CANADA ENCOURAGES EVERYONE TO MAKE AN EMERGENCY PLAN AND GET AN EMERGENCY KIT WITH DRINKING WATER, FOOD, MEDICINE, A FIRST-AID KIT AND A FLASHLIGHT. FOR INFORMATION ON EMERGENCY PLANS AND KITS GO TO HTTPS://WWW.GETPREPARED.GC.CA/. SNOWFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  354 WWCN20 CWWG 060240 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR THE MANITOBA LAKES UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:40 P.M. CST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: LAKE WINNIPEG - SOUTH BASIN LAKE WINNIPEG - NORTH BASIN LAKE MANITOBA LAKE WINNIPEGOSIS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 10 TO 20 CM IS EXPECTED THROUGH SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN AND THE PARKLANDS AND INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA. THIS SYSTEM, TRACKING THROUGH THE NORTHERN US STATES, CONTINUES TO BRING HEAVY BANDS OF SNOW OVER SOUTHEASTERN SASKATCHEWAN AND CENTRAL INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA WEDNESDAY EVENING. LIGHT, FLUFFY SNOW WILL RAPIDLY ACCUMULATE BEFORE TAPERING OFF TO LIGHT FLURRIES EARLY THURSDAY MORNING IN SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON IN MANITOBA. PREPARE FOR QUICKLY CHANGING AND DETERIORATING TRAVEL CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW WILL MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. THERE MAY BE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC IN URBAN AREAS. PUBLIC SAFETY CANADA ENCOURAGES EVERYONE TO MAKE AN EMERGENCY PLAN AND GET AN EMERGENCY KIT WITH DRINKING WATER, FOOD, MEDICINE, A FIRST-AID KIT AND A FLASHLIGHT. FOR INFORMATION ON EMERGENCY PLANS AND KITS GO TO HTTPS://WWW.GETPREPARED.GC.CA/. SNOWFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  355 WWCN11 CWWG 060240 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:40 P.M. CST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: DAUPHIN - RUSSELL - ROBLIN - WINNIPEGOSIS MINNEDOSA - RIDING MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK STE. ROSE - MCCREARY - ALONSA - GLADSTONE SWAN RIVER - DUCK MOUNTAIN - PORCUPINE PROVINCIAL FOREST ARBORG - HECLA - FISHER RIVER - GYPSUMVILLE - ASHERN BERENS RIVER - LITTLE GRAND RAPIDS - BLOODVEIN - ATIKAKI POPLAR RIVER GRAND RAPIDS - WATERHEN. SNOWFALL WARNING ENDED FOR: VIRDEN - SOURIS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 10 TO 20 CM IS EXPECTED THROUGH SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN AND THE PARKLANDS AND INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA. THIS SYSTEM, TRACKING THROUGH THE NORTHERN US STATES, CONTINUES TO BRING HEAVY BANDS OF SNOW OVER SOUTHEASTERN SASKATCHEWAN AND CENTRAL INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA WEDNESDAY EVENING. LIGHT, FLUFFY SNOW WILL RAPIDLY ACCUMULATE BEFORE TAPERING OFF TO LIGHT FLURRIES EARLY THURSDAY MORNING IN SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON IN MANITOBA. PREPARE FOR QUICKLY CHANGING AND DETERIORATING TRAVEL CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW WILL MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. THERE MAY BE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC IN URBAN AREAS. PUBLIC SAFETY CANADA ENCOURAGES EVERYONE TO MAKE AN EMERGENCY PLAN AND GET AN EMERGENCY KIT WITH DRINKING WATER, FOOD, MEDICINE, A FIRST-AID KIT AND A FLASHLIGHT. FOR INFORMATION ON EMERGENCY PLANS AND KITS GO TO HTTPS://WWW.GETPREPARED.GC.CA/. SNOWFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  745 WWUS43 KOAX 060242 WSWOAX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Omaha/Valley NE 842 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 IAZ055-056-069-079-080-090-091-NEZ043>045-050>053-065>068-078- 088>093-060345- /O.EXP.KOAX.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T0300Z/ Harrison-Shelby-Pottawattamie-Mills-Montgomery-Fremont-Page- Colfax-Dodge-Washington-Butler-Saunders-Douglas-Sarpy-Seward- Lancaster-Cass-Otoe-Saline-Jefferson-Gage-Johnson-Nemaha-Pawnee- Richardson- Including the cities of Farragut, Papillion, Glenwood, Red Oak, Table Rock, Fremont, La Vista, Plattsmouth, Dunlap, Tabor, Sterling, Council Bluffs, Beatrice, Woodbine, Omaha, Pawnee City, Tecumseh, Logan, Clarinda, Auburn, Shenandoah, Missouri Valley, Ashland, Nebraska City, Blair, Falls City, Lincoln, Schuyler, Sidney, Milford, Crete, Wahoo, David City, Fairbury, Hamburg, Wilber, Seward, Harlan, Yutan, and Bellevue 842 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 PM CST THIS EVENING... Light mist may continue at some locations into the overnight hours, leading to slick spots on untreated roads. $$ Mead  782 WABZ23 SBGL 060240 SBRE AIRMET 4 VALID 060245/060530 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SFC VIS 1500M RA FCST WI S1117 W03729 - S1117 W03640 - S1041 W03640 - S1041 W03729 - S1117 W03729 STNR NC=  197 WSUS31 KKCI 060255 SIGE MKCE WST 060255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 7E VALID UNTIL 0455Z KY IN FROM 50WNW IIU-20SW IIU-40S PXV-PXV-50WNW IIU AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 24050KT. TOPS TO FL430. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 8E VALID UNTIL 0455Z OH IN FROM 30W FWA-20S ROD-20SE IND-30S BVT-30W FWA AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS TO FL430. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 9E VALID UNTIL 0455Z TN KY FROM 30ESE IIU-LOZ-60SW LOZ-40SSW IIU-30ESE IIU AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25050KT. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 10E VALID UNTIL 0455Z IN IL FROM 30SW GIJ-30NE BVT-20SW BVT-30SE JOT-30SW GIJ AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25050KT. TOPS TO FL400. OUTLOOK VALID 060455-060855 FROM FWA-40WNW CSN-SPA-40NE MSL-TTH-FWA WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  198 WSUS32 KKCI 060255 SIGC MKCC WST 060255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 060455-060855 FROM TTH-40NE MSL-DYR-TTH WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  377 WSUS33 KKCI 060255 SIGW MKCW WST 060255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 060455-060855 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  512 ACUS11 KWNS 060243 SWOMCD SPC MCD 060243 OHZ000-INZ000-060845- Mesoscale Discussion 0064 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0843 PM CST Wed Feb 05 2025 Areas affected...portions of eastern Indiana and much of north-central Ohio Concerning...Freezing rain Valid 060243Z - 060845Z SUMMARY...Freezing drizzle and light freezing rain showers are expected to increase in coverage/intensity through tonight. Periods of moderate to locally heavy freezing rain are possible. DISCUSSION...Evening upper air/surface analysis showed a broad warm air advection regime was strengthening ahead of a low amplitude upper trough and warm front over portions of the middle OH Valley. North of the surface front, temperatures are near or just below freezing with several areas of light to occasionally moderate precipitation. Over the last couple of hours, area surface stations have observed a mosaic of freezing drizzle, snow/ice pellets and light freezing rain showers as the initial onset of stronger warm air advection. Thus far, intermittent freezing rain rates have been light, generally below 0.02 in/hr. However, recent radar trends show an increase in deeper convective cores (some with lightning) and moderate stratiform developing over east-central IN and far western OH. This intensification trend is expected to continue as large-scale ascent from an approaching shortwave trough should bolster low-level warm advection (850-700 mb temps of 4-6 C) through the overnight hours. Continued large-scale ascent, in combination with weak elevated buoyancy (~500 J/kg of MUCAPE) will support more widespread and heavier precipitation across portions of eastern IN and north-central OH. Moderate to locally heavy freezing rain, with rates of 0.05-0.1 in/hr are possible, especially with the heavier convective elements. Freezing rain concerns are highest primarily across north-central OH where surface temperatures are below 30 F and accretion will be most efficient. However, some icing is possible over much of central/southern OH where surface temperatures are more marginal. Given the expected increase in icing, travel disruptions are possible. ..Lyons.. 02/06/2025 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...PBZ...RLX...CLE...ILN...IWX...IND... LAT...LON 40278575 41468584 41658482 41498255 41498129 41048073 40068133 39558253 39648353 39758425 39878508 40278575  373 WABZ23 SBGL 060240 SBRE AIRMET 6 VALID 060245/060530 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR BKN CLD 400/0900FT FCST WI S1117 W03729 - S1117 W03640 - S1041 W03640 - S1041 W03729 - S1117 W03729 STNR NC=  161 WWUS74 KJAN 060245 NPWJAN URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Jackson MS 845 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 MSZ048>052-054>058-062>066-072>074-061045- /O.CON.KJAN.FG.Y.0006.250206T0400Z-250206T1600Z/ Hinds-Rankin-Scott-Newton-Lauderdale-Copiah-Simpson-Smith-Jasper- Clarke-Lincoln-Lawrence-Jefferson Davis-Covington-Jones-Marion- Lamar-Forrest- Including the cities of Forest, Pearl, Monticello, Prentiss, Magee, Heidelberg, Hattiesburg, Jackson, Conehatta, Lumberton, Mount Olive, Shubuta, Union, Decatur, Purvis, Mendenhall, Crystal Springs, Meridian, New Hebron, Bassfield, Columbia, Wesson, Bay Springs, Stonewall, Brandon, Morton, West Hattiesburg, Collins, Laurel, Quitman, Hazlehurst, Brookhaven, Raleigh, Newton, Taylorsville, and Richland 845 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of central and south Mississippi. * WHEN...Until 10 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ DL  765 WHUS72 KCHS 060245 MWWCHS URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Charleston SC 945 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 AMZ352-061045- /O.EXB.KCHS.MF.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1100Z/ Waters from Edisto Beach SC to Savannah GA out 20 NM- 945 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/2 NM or less. * WHERE...Edisto Beach to Savannah out 20 NM. * WHEN...Until 6 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$ AMZ350-061045- /O.EXT.KCHS.MF.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1100Z/ Waters from South Santee River to Edisto Beach SC out 20 NM- 945 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/2 NM or less. * WHERE...South Santee River to Edisto Beach out 20 NM. * WHEN...Until 6 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  633 WWUS43 KILX 060246 WSWILX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lincoln IL 846 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ILZ042-043-047-048-060600- /O.EXT.KILX.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ Logan-De Witt-Cass-Menard- Including the cities of Beardstown, Clinton, Petersburg, and Lincoln 846 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...De Witt, Logan, Menard, and Cass Counties. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ ILZ027>031-036>038-040-041-060600- /O.CON.KILX.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ Knox-Stark-Peoria-Marshall-Woodford-Fulton-Tazewell-McLean- Schuyler-Mason- Including the cities of Galesburg, Eureka, Toulon, Canton, Peoria, Rushville, Normal, Lacon, Bloomington, Pekin, and Havana 846 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Marshall, Mason, McLean, Peoria, Stark, Tazewell, Woodford, Fulton, Knox, and Schuyler Counties. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ Deubelbeiss  285 WWUS81 KRLX 060247 SPSRLX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 947 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 KYZ101>103-OHZ083-086-087-WVZ007-008-016-018-028>032-040-060600- Greenup-Carter-Boyd-Jackson OH-Gallia-Lawrence OH-Mason- Jackson WV-Roane-Calhoun-Braxton-Gilmer-Lewis-Harrison-Taylor- Barbour- Including the cities of Flatwoods, Raceland, Russell, Grayson, Olive Hill, Carter Caves State Park, Grayson Lake State Park, Ashland, Cannonsburg, Jackson, Wellston, Oak Hill, Gallipolis, Ironton, Lake Vesuvius, South Point, Point Pleasant, New Haven, Ravenswood, Ripley, Spencer, Grantsville, Sutton, Gassaway, Burnsville, Glenville, Weston, Clarksburg, Bridgeport, Grafton, Philippi, and Belington 947 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...Patchy Freezing Rain Possible Next Few Hours... With temperatures hovering around freezing, some areas in the alerted counties may see light ice accumulations over the next few hours. Any freezing rain should change over to plain rain around or soon after midnight as temperatures start to rise above freezing. With recent warm temperatures, any ice accumulations will likely be confined to elevated surfaces, but could cause slick spots on bridges and overpasses. If traveling this evening, remain alert for icy spots. $$  838 WWUS43 KDTX 060248 WSWDTX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Detroit/Pontiac MI 948 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 MIZ075-076-082-083-061115- /O.CON.KDTX.WW.Y.0003.250206T0300Z-250206T1400Z/ Washtenaw-Wayne-Lenawee-Monroe- Including the cities of Ann Arbor, Monroe, Adrian, and Detroit 948 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations up to a half-inch. Ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Lenawee, Monroe, Washtenaw, and Wayne Counties. * WHEN...Until 9 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Untreated roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...A wintry mix consisting of sleet and freezing rain, and possibly some snow briefly at onset, will move into the area during late evening and then peak during the 1 AM to 4 AM time period. Precipitation will taper off during the early portion of the morning commute, especially around metro Detroit. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. You can obtain the latest road conditions from the MDOT Michigan Drive Map. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ MIZ060>063-068>070-061115- /O.CON.KDTX.WW.Y.0003.250206T0500Z-250206T1400Z/ Shiawassee-Genesee-Lapeer-St. Clair-Livingston-Oakland-Macomb- Including the cities of Howell, Flint, Port Huron, Pontiac, Lapeer, Warren, and Owosso 948 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...The M-59 to I-69 corridors of southeast Michigan. * WHEN...Until 9 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Untreated roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Light snow will move into the area between Midnight and 2 AM with a mix of snow pellets and freezing rain or drizzle. Precipitation is expected to taper off during the morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. You can obtain the latest road conditions from the MDOT Michigan Drive Map. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ BT  903 WANO31 ENMI 060248 ENOR AIRMET I02 VALID 060244/060400 ENMI- ENOR POLARIS FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N7050 E02940 - N7045 E03035 - N7015 E03130 - N7000 E02955 - N7050 E02940 SFC/3000FT MOV NE 15KT WKN=  531 WHUS71 KCAR 060248 MWWCAR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Caribou ME 948 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ANZ052-061100- /O.CON.KCAR.GL.A.0005.250207T0600Z-250208T0300Z/ Intra Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME- 948 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...GALE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE THURSDAY NIGHT THROUGH FRIDAY EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and seas 3 to 5 ft possible. * WHERE...Intra Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME. * WHEN...From late Thursday night through Friday evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds can cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should consider altering plans to avoid possible hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe wind and seas. && $$ ANZ050-051-061100- /O.CON.KCAR.GL.A.0005.250207T0600Z-250208T0800Z/ Coastal Waters from Eastport, ME to Schoodic Point, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME out 25 NM- 948 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...GALE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE THURSDAY NIGHT THROUGH LATE FRIDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 45 kt and seas 6 to 9 ft possible. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Eastport, ME to Schoodic Point, ME out 25 NM and Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME out 25 NM. * WHEN...From late Thursday night through late Friday night. * IMPACTS...Strong winds can cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should consider altering plans to avoid possible hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe wind and seas. && $$  797 WWUS41 KBUF 060250 WSWBUF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Buffalo NY 950 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 NYZ019>021-061215- /O.CON.KBUF.WW.Y.0011.250206T0600Z-250206T1800Z/ Chautauqua-Cattaraugus-Allegany- Including the cities of Jamestown, Olean, and Wellsville 950 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 1 PM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations of an inch or less and ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...The western Southern Tier. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 1 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will result in slippery roads and limited visibilities. Slow down and use caution while driving. Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. && $$ NYZ006>008-061215- /O.CON.KBUF.WW.Y.0011.250206T0900Z-250207T0300Z/ Oswego-Jefferson-Lewis- Including the cities of Oswego, Watertown, and Lowville 950 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 10 PM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations of up to 2 across most of the area, with higher amounts of 2 to 4 inches across the TuG Hill. Ice accumulations of less than one tenth of an inch. Winds could gust as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...The Eastern Lake Ontario Region. * WHEN...From 4 AM to 10 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Precipitation will fall mainly as snow, but could mix with some freezing drizzle Thursday afternoon and evening. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will result in slippery roads and limited visibilities. Slow down and use caution while driving. Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. && $$ NYZ012>014-085-061215- /O.CON.KBUF.WW.Y.0011.250206T0900Z-250206T1800Z/ Wyoming-Livingston-Ontario-Southern Erie- Including the cities of Warsaw, Geneseo, Canandaigua, Orchard Park, and Springville 950 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 1 PM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations of an inch or less and ice accumulations of a few hundredths of an inch. * WHERE...Wyoming, Livingston, Ontario, and Southern Erie Counties. * WHEN...From 4 AM to 1 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will result in slippery roads and limited visibilities. Slow down and use caution while driving. Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. && $$ JJR  793 WHUS73 KIWX 060250 MWWIWX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Northern Indiana 950 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 LMZ043-046-061100- /O.CON.KIWX.SC.Y.0008.250206T1800Z-250207T1000Z/ New Buffalo MI to St Joseph MI-Michigan City IN to New Buffalo MI- 950 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THURSDAY TO 5 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 knots with gusts 30 knots. A few gusts up to 35 knot gales possible Thursday night. Waves building to 4 to 9 feet Thursday night. * WHERE...Michigan City IN to St Joseph MI. * WHEN...From 1 PM Thursday to 5 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  867 WSAL31 DAAA 060250 DAAA SIGMET 1 VALID 060300/060500 DAMM- DAAA ALGER FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N3736 E00354 - N3900 E00801 - N3713 E00833 - N3704 E00406 - N3736 E00354 FL040/080 STNR NC=  944 WANO31 ENMI 060253 ENOR AIRMET I03 VALID 060247/060400 ENMI- ENOR POLARIS FIR CNL AIRMET I01 060233/060400=  160 WSLB31 OLBA 060300 OLBA SIGMET 1 VALID 060258/060658 OLBA- OLBA BEIRUT FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST N OF OLBA FIR TOP ABV FL240 INTSF=  409 WWUS75 KPIH 060253 NPWPIH URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pocatello ID 753 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 IDZ052>057-065-060400- /O.EXP.KPIH.WI.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0300Z/ Arco/Mud Lake Desert-Upper Snake River Plain-Lower Snake River Plain-Eastern Magic Valley-Southern Hills/Albion Mountains-Raft River Region-Teton Valley- Including the cities of Heyburn, Fort Hall, Almo, Rockland, Malta, Holbrook, Ashton, Mud Lake, INL, Rupert, American Falls, Driggs, Oakley, Burley, Craters of the Moon NM, St. Anthony, Pocatello, Blackfoot, Albion, Tetonia, Rexburg, Shelley, and Idaho Falls 753 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM MST THIS EVENING... The threat has ended. $$ Visit weather.gov/pocatello for more information. Messick  999 WWUS43 KBIS 060253 WSWBIS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 853 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 NDZ002>005-010>013-021>023-025-035>037-047-048-050-051-061100- /O.CON.KBIS.WW.Y.0004.250206T0600Z-250207T0000Z/ Burke-Renville-Bottineau-Rolette-Mountrail-Ward-McHenry-Pierce- McLean-Sheridan-Wells-Foster-Burleigh-Kidder-Stutsman-Logan-La Moure-McIntosh-Dickey- Including the cities of Ellendale, Washburn, Goodrich, Bismarck, Stanley, Gackle, Lignite, Sherwood, Rolla, Minot, Towner, Columbus, Portal, Edgeley, St. John, Kulm, Shell Valley, Rugby, New Town, Oakes, Ashley, Glenburn, Mcclusky, Turtle Lake, Drake, Lamoure, Powers Lake, Tappen, Garrison, Parshall, Steele, Jamestown, Harvey, Napoleon, Dunseith, Rolette, Mohall, Velva, Underwood, Fessenden, Bottineau, Bowbells, Wilton, Wishek, and Carrington 853 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 6 PM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Blowing snow expected. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...Portions of northwest and much of central North Dakota. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 6 PM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Widespread blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use caution while traveling, especially in open areas. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Heinert  299 WSAG31 SACO 060258 SACF SIGMET 2 VALID 060258/060458 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 0258Z WI S2600 W06715 - S2700 W06739 - S2810 W06703 - S2836 W06626 - S2849 W06508 - S2803 W06416 - S2728 W06403 - S2618 W06401 - S2524 W06421 - S2508 W06604 - S2551 W06711 - S2559 W06716 - S2600 W06715 TOP FL410 STNR NC=  300 WTNC18 NWBB 060253 TROPICAL CYCLONE ADVISORY ISSUED BY NEW-CALEDONIA METSERVICE AT 2025-02-06 01:38 UTC NAME: TROPICAL DEPRESSION TD06F DATA AT 2025-02-06 00:00 UTC LATITUDE: 22.0 S LONGITUDE: 162.2 E LOCATION ACCURACY: WITHIN 20 NM MOVEMENT TOWARD: 152 DEGREE SPEED OF MOVEMENT: 9 KT MAXIMUM 10-MINUTES WIND: 25 KT MAXIMUM WIND GUST: 35 KT CENTRAL PRESSURE: X HPA RADIUS OF 34-KNOT WINDS NE QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF 34-KNOT WINDS SE QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF 34-KNOT WINDS SW QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF 34-KNOT WINDS NW QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF 48-KNOT WINDS NE QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF 48-KNOT WINDS SE QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF 48-KNOT WINDS SW QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF 48-KNOT WINDS NW QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF 64-KNOT WINDS NE QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF 64-KNOT WINDS SE QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF 64-KNOT WINDS SW QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF 64-KNOT WINDS NW QUADRANT: X NM RADIUS OF MAXIMUM WINDS: 100 NM FORECAST DATA DATE (UTC): LOCATION(DEGREE): ACCURACY(NM): MAX WIND(KT) 06/02/25 00UTC: 22.5 S 163.3 E: 30: 30 06/02/25 06UTC: 22.7 S 164.0 E: 40: 30 06/02/25 12UTC: 22.8 S 165.2 E: 50: 30 06/02/25 18UTC: 23.4 S 167.0 E: 60: 30 07/02/25 00UTC: 23.8 S 168.2 E: 80: 30 07/02/25 06UTC: 24.3 S 169.1 E: 90: 25 07/02/25 12UTC: 25.1 S 170.9 E: 100: 20 07/02/25 18UTC: 25.8 S 172.4 E: 110: 20 08/02/25 00UTC: 26.4 S 173.6 E: 130: 20 08/02/25 06UTC: 26.8 S 174.4 E: 140: 20 08/02/25 12UTC: 27.5 S 175.6 E: 150: 20 08/02/25 18UTC: 28.1 S 176.7 E: 160: 20 NEXT ISSUE TIME :=  301 WSAG31 SACO 060258 SACF SIGMET 2 VALID 060258/060458 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 0258Z WI S2600 W06715 - S2700 W06739 - S2810 W06703 - S2836 W06626 - S2849 W06508 - S2803 W06416 - S2728 W06403 - S2618 W06401 - S2524 W06421 - S2508 W06604 - S2551 W06711 - S2559 W06716 - S2600 W06715 TOP FL410 STNR NC=  650 WTNC18 NWBB 060253 TROPICAL CYCLONE ADVISORY Issued by NEW-CALEDONIA METSERVICE at 2025-02-06 01:38 UTC Name: tropical depression TD06F Data at 2025-02-06 00:00 UTC Latitude: 22.0 S Longitude: 162.2 E Location accuracy: within 20 nm Movement toward: 152 degree Speed of movement: 9 kt Maximum 10-minutes wind: 25 kt Maximum wind gust: 35 kt Central pressure: X hPa Radius of 34-knot winds NE quadrant: X nm Radius of 34-knot winds SE quadrant: X nm Radius of 34-knot winds SW quadrant: X nm Radius of 34-knot winds NW quadrant: X nm Radius of 48-knot winds NE quadrant: X nm Radius of 48-knot winds SE quadrant: X nm Radius of 48-knot winds SW quadrant: X nm Radius of 48-knot winds NW quadrant: X nm Radius of 64-knot winds NE quadrant: X nm Radius of 64-knot winds SE quadrant: X nm Radius of 64-knot winds SW quadrant: X nm Radius of 64-knot winds NW quadrant: X nm Radius of maximum winds: 100 nm FORECAST DATA Date (UTC): Location(degree): Accuracy(nm): Max wind(kt) 06/02/25 00UTC: 22.5 S 163.3 E: 30: 30 06/02/25 06UTC: 22.7 S 164.0 E: 40: 30 06/02/25 12UTC: 22.8 S 165.2 E: 50: 30 06/02/25 18UTC: 23.4 S 167.0 E: 60: 30 07/02/25 00UTC: 23.8 S 168.2 E: 80: 30 07/02/25 06UTC: 24.3 S 169.1 E: 90: 25 07/02/25 12UTC: 25.1 S 170.9 E: 100: 20 07/02/25 18UTC: 25.8 S 172.4 E: 110: 20 08/02/25 00UTC: 26.4 S 173.6 E: 130: 20 08/02/25 06UTC: 26.8 S 174.4 E: 140: 20 08/02/25 12UTC: 27.5 S 175.6 E: 150: 20 08/02/25 18UTC: 28.1 S 176.7 E: 160: 20 Next issue time :  194 WHUS73 KMKX 060254 MWWMKX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 854 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 LMZ643>646-061100- /O.CON.KMKX.SC.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ /O.CON.KMKX.GL.W.0005.250206T1500Z-250207T0900Z/ Sheboygan to Port Washington WI- Port Washington to North Point Light WI- North Point Light to Wind Point WI- Wind Point WI to Winthrop Harbor IL- 854 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THURSDAY... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THURSDAY TO 3 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and waves 4 to 6 ft. For the Gale Warning, west winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 40 kt expected. * WHERE...Nearshore Waters from Sheboygan to Winthrop Harbor IL. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 9 AM CST Thursday. For the Gale Warning, from 9 AM Thursday to 3 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ LMZ080-261-362-364-366-563-565-567-669-671-673-675-777-779-868- 870-872-874-876-878-061100- /O.CON.KMKX.GL.W.0005.250206T1500Z-250207T0900Z/ Lake Michigan Michigan City IN to St. Joseph MI 5 NM offshore to mid-line of lake.- Lake Michigan from Seul Choix Point to Rock Island Passage 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan South of a line from Seul Choix Point to the Mackinac Bridge and North of a line from Charlevoix MI to South Fox Island 5NM offshore- Lake Michigan from Charlevoix to Point Betsie MI 5NM Offshore to mid lake- Lake Michigan from Point Betsie to Manistee MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Rock Island Passage to Sturgeon Bay WI 5NM offshore to mid lake- Lake Michigan from Sturgeon Bay to Two Rivers WI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Two Rivers to Sheboygan WI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Sheboygan to Port Washington WI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Port Washington to North Point Light WI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from North Point Light to Wind Point WI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Wind Point WI to Winthrop Harbor IL 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor IL 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Wilmette Harbor to Michigan City in 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Pentwater to Manistee MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Whitehall to Pentwater MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Grand Haven to Whitehall MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Holland to Grand Haven MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from South Haven to Holland MI 5NM offshore to Mid lake- Lake Michigan from St Joseph to South Haven MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- 854 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THURSDAY TO 3 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 25 to 35 kt with gusts up to 45 kt and waves 7 to 12 ft expected. * WHERE...All Open Waters of Lake Michigan. * WHEN...From 9 AM Thursday to 3 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$  321 WWJP81 RJTD 060000 VITAL WARNING FOR NAHA NAVTEX AREA 060000UTC ISSUED AT 060300UTC PRESSURE GRADIENT IS STEEP GALE WARNING SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI WITH MAX WINDS 40 KT NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU, SEA SOUTHWEST OF MESHIMA WITH 35 KT WARNING(NEAR GALE) SOUTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU, HYUGA NADA, SEA OFF KAGOSHIMA, SEA AROUND AMAMI, SOUTHERN PART OF EAST CHINA SEA, SEA SOUTH OF OKINAWA NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 060900UTC =  721 WWJP82 RJTD 060000 VITAL WARNING FOR MOJI NAVTEX AREA 060000UTC ISSUED AT 060300UTC DEVELOPED LOW 986HPA AT 46N 141E MOV SOUTH SLWY LOW 1020HPA AT 40N 122E MOV SSE 25 KT GALE WARNING SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF NOTO, NORTHWESTERN PART OF JAPAN SEA, SEA EAST OF OKI SYOTO AND AROUND WAKASA WAN, SEA WEST OF OKI SYOTO, TSUSHIMA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF CHEJU ISLAND, SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI WITH MAX WINDS 40 KT SETONAIKAI, NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU WITH 35 KT WARNING(NEAR GALE) HYUGA NADA, SEA OFF KAGOSHIMA WARNING(ICING) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, NORTHWESTERN PART OF JAPAN SEA NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 060900UTC =  722 WWJP83 RJTD 060000 VITAL WARNING FOR YOKOHAMA NAVTEX AREA 060000UTC ISSUED AT 060300UTC DEVELOPING LOW 994HPA AT 38N 151E MOV ENE 25 KT FCST POSITION FOR 061200UTC AT 40N 157E WITH UNCERTANITY OF 50 MILES RADIUS FCST POSITION FOR 070000UTC AT 40N 165E WITH UNCERTANITY OF 80 MILES RADIUS DEVELOPED LOW 986HPA AT 46N 141E MOV SOUTH SLWY GALE WARNING NORTHERN SEA OFF KANTO, SOUTHERN SEA OFF KANTO WITH MAX WINDS 45 KT EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU WITH 40 KT EASTERN SEA OFF TOKAI, NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU WITH 35 KT WARNING(NEAR GALE) WESTERN SEA OFF TOKAI, SOUTHERN SEA OFF TOKAI, SOUTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 060900UTC =  984 WWJP84 RJTD 060000 VITAL WARNING FOR OTARU NAVTEX AREA 060000UTC ISSUED AT 060300UTC DEVELOPING LOW 994HPA AT 38N 151E MOV ENE 25 KT FCST POSITION FOR 061200UTC AT 40N 157E WITH UNCERTANITY OF 50 MILES RADIUS FCST POSITION FOR 070000UTC AT 40N 165E WITH UNCERTANITY OF 80 MILES RADIUS DEVELOPED LOW 986HPA AT 46N 141E MOV SOUTH SLWY GALE WARNING SEA WEST OF SAKHALIN, SOYA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF AKITA, SEA OFF SADO, SEA OFF NOTO WITH MAX WINDS 40 KT TSUGARU KAIKYO, SEA OFF HIYAMA AND TSUGARU WITH 35 KT WARNING(ICING) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 060900UTC =  985 WWJP85 RJTD 060000 VITAL WARNING FOR KUSHIRO NAVTEX AREA 060000UTC ISSUED AT 060300UTC DEVELOPING LOW 994HPA AT 38N 151E MOV ENE 25 KT FCST POSITION FOR 061200UTC AT 40N 157E WITH UNCERTANITY OF 50 MILES RADIUS FCST POSITION FOR 070000UTC AT 40N 165E WITH UNCERTANITY OF 80 MILES RADIUS DEVELOPED LOW 986HPA AT 46N 141E MOV SOUTH SLWY GALE WARNING SEA EAST OF SAKHALIN, SOYA KAIKYO, SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF KUSHIRO, SEA OFF HIDAKA, EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU WITH MAX WINDS 40 KT TSUGARU KAIKYO WITH 35 KT WARNING(NEAR GALE) SEA OFF ABASHIRI NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 060900UTC =  217 WWUS73 KBIS 060255 NPWBIS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 855 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 NDZ001>005-009>013-017>019-021>023-061100- /O.CON.KBIS.CW.Y.0010.250206T0600Z-250206T1800Z/ Divide-Burke-Renville-Bottineau-Rolette-Williams-Mountrail-Ward- McHenry-Pierce-McKenzie-Dunn-Mercer-McLean-Sheridan-Wells- Including the cities of Watford City, Washburn, Crosby, Goodrich, Stanley, Lignite, Sherwood, Rolla, Minot, Towner, Columbus, Portal, St. John, Williston, Shell Valley, Rugby, New Town, Glenburn, Mcclusky, Beulah, Turtle Lake, Drake, Powers Lake, Halliday, Garrison, Parshall, Killdeer, Hazen, Harvey, Dunseith, Rolette, Mohall, Velva, Underwood, Fessenden, Bottineau, Bowbells, and Wilton 855 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 /755 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025/ ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT CST /11 PM MST/ TONIGHT TO NOON CST /11 AM MST/ THURSDAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills as low as 35 below expected. * WHERE...Northwest and north central North Dakota. * WHEN...From midnight CST /11 PM MST/ tonight to noon CST /11 AM MST/ Thursday. * IMPACTS...The cold wind chills as low as 35 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you are planning to be outside, be sure to dress in layers, covering all exposed skin. && $$ Heinert  017 WGUS63 KJKL 060257 FFAJKL URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Watch National Weather Service Jackson KY 957 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 KYZ044-050>052-061100- /O.EXA.KJKL.FA.A.0001.250206T0300Z-250206T1800Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Fleming-Montgomery-Bath-Rowan- Including the cities of Owingsville, Camargo, Mount Sterling, Morehead, Jeffersonville, and Flemingsburg 957 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WATCH IN EFFECT THROUGH THURSDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues to be possible. * WHERE...A portion of east central Kentucky, including the following counties, Bath, Fleming, Montgomery and Rowan. * WHEN...Through Thursday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Excessive runoff may result in flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations. Creeks and streams may rise out of their banks. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - Showers and thunderstorms with heavy rainfall rates will lead to an increased threat for flooding late tonight into Thursday. An average of 1 to 1.5 inches of rainfall is expected with totals as high as 2 to 3 inches where thunderstorms move repeatedly over the same locations. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$ KYZ058>060-068-069-079-080-083>088-104-106>120-061100- /O.CON.KJKL.FA.A.0001.250206T0300Z-250206T1800Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Estill-Powell-Menifee-Rockcastle-Jackson-Pulaski-Laurel-Wayne- McCreary-Whitley-Knox-Bell-Harlan-Elliott-Morgan-Johnson-Wolfe- Magoffin-Floyd-Lee-Breathitt-Knott-Owsley-Perry-Clay-Leslie- Letcher-Martin-Pike- Including the cities of Barbourville, Salyersville, South Williamson, Stearns, Pikeville, Cumberland, Monticello, Pineville, Elkhorn City, Irvine, Brodhead, Burnside, Prestonsburg, Hyden, Mount Vernon, Ravenna, Corbin, Inez, Beattyville, Jackson, Jenkins, Whitley City, Wheelwright, McKee, Frenchburg, Williamsburg, Hindman, Booneville, Coal Run, Stanton, Annville, Clay City, London, Harlan, West Liberty, Middlesboro, Pippa Passes, Whitesburg, Paintsville, Manchester, Somerset, Campton, Hazard, and Sandy Hook 957 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH THURSDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues to be possible. * WHERE...Portions of east central, northeast, south central, and southeast Kentucky, including the following counties, in east central Kentucky, Elliott, Estill, Menifee and Powell. In northeast Kentucky, Johnson and Martin. In south central Kentucky, Laurel, McCreary, Pulaski, Rockcastle, Wayne and Whitley. In southeast Kentucky, Bell, Breathitt, Clay, Floyd, Harlan, Jackson, Knott, Knox, Lee, Leslie, Letcher, Magoffin, Morgan, Owsley, Perry, Pike and Wolfe. * WHEN...Through Thursday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Excessive runoff may result in flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations. Creeks and streams may rise out of their banks. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - Showers and thunderstorms with heavy rainfall rates will lead to an increased threat for flooding late tonight into Thursday. An average of 1 to 1.5 inches of rainfall is expected with totals as high as 2 to 3 inches where thunderstorms move repeatedly over the same locations. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$ GEERTSON  747 WWUS83 KLMK 060257 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 957 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 INZ089-KYZ023>025-060330- Perry IN-Hancock KY-Meade KY-Breckinridge KY- 957 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL IMPACT SOUTHERN PERRY...NORTHWESTERN MEADE...HANCOCK...AND NORTHWESTERN BRECKINRIDGE COUNTIES THROUGH 1030 PM EST/930 PM CST/... At 957 PM EST/857 PM CST/, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 6 miles west of Tell City to Masonville. Movement was east at 60 mph. HAZARD...Half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Tell City, Hardinsburg, Hawesville, Lewisport, Cannelton, Cloverport, Troy, New Amsterdam, Frymire, and Skillman. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, seek shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3793 8697 3794 8692 3799 8686 3802 8680 3800 8677 3803 8677 3804 8679 3806 8677 3812 8628 3806 8627 3773 8643 3768 8668 3774 8682 3779 8682 3784 8685 3783 8690 3784 8691 3788 8689 3790 8692 3789 8699 TIME...MOT...LOC 0257Z 249DEG 54KT 3795 8687 3767 8704 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...<30 MPH $$ 13  619 WWUS75 KTFX 060258 NPWTFX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Great Falls MT 758 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 MTZ305-306-061300- /O.UPG.KTFX.CW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /O.NEW.KTFX.EC.W.0003.250206T0258Z-250206T1800Z/ Hill County-Northern Blaine County- Including the following locations: Hogeland, Zurich, Harlem, Fort Belknap, Chinook, and Havre 758 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...EXTREME COLD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Dangerously cold wind chills as low as 45 below. * WHERE...Hill County and Northern Blaine County. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST Thursday. * IMPACTS...The dangerously cold wind chills as low as 45 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Dress in layers including a hat, face mask, and gloves if you must go outside. && $$ MTZ303-304-061300- /O.NEW.KTFX.EC.W.0003.250206T0258Z-250206T1800Z/ Eastern Glacier, Western Toole, and Central Pondera-Eastern Toole and Liberty- Including the following locations: Santa Rita, Devon, Cut Bank, Joplin, Whitlash, Chester, Lothair, Ethridge, Galata, and Shelby 758 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...EXTREME COLD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Dangerously cold wind chills as low as 40 below. * WHERE...Eastern Glacier, Western Toole, and Central Pondera Counties, and Eastern Toole and Liberty Counties. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST Thursday. * IMPACTS...The dangerously cold wind chills as low as 40 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Dress in layers including a hat, face mask, and gloves if you must go outside. && $$ MTZ309-310-061300- /O.EXA.KTFX.CW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Eastern Pondera and Eastern Teton-Western and Central Chouteau County- Including the following locations: Carter, Brady, Fort Benton, Floweree, Conrad, and Ledger 758 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills as low as 35 below. * WHERE...Eastern Pondera and Eastern Teton Counties, and Western and Central Chouteau County. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST Thursday. * IMPACTS...The dangerously cold wind chills as low as 35 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use caution while traveling outside. Wear appropriate clothing, a hat, and gloves. && $$ MTZ311-061300- /O.CON.KTFX.CW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Bears Paw Mountains and Southern Blaine- Including the following locations: Rocky Boy 758 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills as low as 35 below. * WHERE...Bears Paw Mountains and Southern Blaine. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST Thursday. * IMPACTS...The dangerously cold wind chills as low as 35 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use caution while traveling outside. Wear appropriate clothing, a hat, and gloves. && $$ Brusda  520 WSRS31 RUSP 060301 ULLL SIGMET 2 VALID 060400/060600 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF LINE N7009 E03203 - N6717 E04226 - N6608 E03919 - N6629 E02932 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  521 WSRS31 RUSP 060300 ULLL SIGMET 1 VALID 060400/060600 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV MTW FCST W OF LINE N7009 E03203 - N6717 E04226 - N6608 E03919 - N6629 E02932 FL020/150 STNR NC=  430 WSRS31 RUSP 060302 ULLL SIGMET 3 VALID 060400/060600 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST W OF LINE N5838 E03651 - N6539 E03515 - N6645 E04222 - N7048 E03205 SFC/FL150 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  983 WSRS31 RURD 060302 URRV SIGMET 2 VALID 060310/060630 URRR- URRV ROSTOV-NA-DONU FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST S OF LINE N4322 E04037 - N4530 E04157 - N4427 E04637 - N4201 E04557 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  511 WSNO36 ENMI 060303 ENOB SIGMET U01 VALID 060400/060800 ENMI- ENOB BODOE OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N7735 E00915 - N8020 E03000 - N7300 E03000 - N7145 E02025 - N7735 E00915 FL140/300 MOV ENE 10KT NC=  051 WWUS75 KRIW 060304 NPWRIW URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Riverton WY 804 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 WYZ002-003-016-019-020-060415- /O.EXP.KRIW.HW.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T0300Z/ Absaroka Mountains-Cody Foothills-Upper Wind River Basin-Green Mountains and Rattlesnake Range-Natrona County Lower Elevations- Including the cities of Dubois, Cody, Jeffrey City, Meeteetse, Clark, and Casper 804 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...HIGH WIND WARNING HAS EXPIRED... Winds will continue to diminish through the rest of the evening. Though occasional strong gusts are possible, high winds are not expected to continue and thus, the High Wind Warning has been allowed to expire. $$ For more information from the National Weather Service, visit https://weather.gov/riw/ . Hensley  915 WWUS83 KPAH 060305 SPSPAH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Paducah KY 905 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 KYZ019-060315- Daviess KY- 905 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHEASTERN DAVIESS COUNTY THROUGH 915 PM CST... At 904 PM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Knottsville, or 8 miles east of Owensboro, moving northeast at 55 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Owensboro, Whitesville, and Knottsville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3774 8682 3771 8686 3769 8684 3765 8699 3780 8707 3782 8706 3789 8691 3788 8689 3787 8691 3784 8691 3783 8689 3784 8689 3784 8686 3779 8682 TIME...MOT...LOC 0304Z 245DEG 49KT 3777 8695 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ DWS  528 WOUS45 KTFX 060305 ADRMT MTC063-081-060445- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGE MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Relayed by National Weather Service Great Falls MT 805 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE IS TRANSMITTED AT THE REQUEST OF THE MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. The Missing Endangered Person Advisory for 13 year old Evelyn Care has been canceled, and she is safe. Missoula Police Department thanks all for any assistance provided. $$  847 WHUS73 KGRB 060305 MWWGRB URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Green Bay WI 905 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 LMZ541>543-061115- /O.CON.KGRB.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ /O.CON.KGRB.GL.W.0003.250206T1500Z-250207T0900Z/ Rock Island Passage to Sturgeon Bay WI- Sturgeon Bay to Two Rivers WI-Two Rivers to Sheboygan WI- 905 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THURSDAY... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THURSDAY TO 3 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 10 to 20 kts with gusts up to 25 kts and waves 3 to 6 ft. For the Gale Warning, west winds 20 to 30 kts with gusts up to 45 kts and waves 2 to 5 ft expected. * WHERE...Lake Michigan nearshore waters from Washington Island to Sheboygan. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 9 AM CST Thursday. For the Gale Warning, from 9 AM Thursday to 3 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ521-522-061115- /O.CON.KGRB.GL.W.0003.250206T1500Z-250207T0300Z/ Green Bay south of line from Cedar River to Rock Island Passage and north of a line from Oconto WI to Little Sturgeon Bay WI- Green Bay south of line from Oconto WI to Little Sturgeon Bay WI- 905 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM TO 9 PM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 kts with gusts up to 45 kts expected. * WHERE...Central and Southern Bay of Green Bay. * WHEN...From 9 AM to 9 PM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$  162 WHUS73 KGRR 060305 MWWGRR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Rapids MI 1005 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 LMZ846>849-061115- /O.CON.KGRR.GL.W.0005.250206T1800Z-250207T0900Z/ Holland to Grand Haven MI-Grand Haven to Whitehall MI- Whitehall to Pentwater MI-Pentwater to Manistee MI- 1005 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THURSDAY TO 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 25 to 35 knots with gusts up to 45 knots and waves 9 to 14 feet expected. * WHERE...Holland to Manistee. * WHEN...From 1 PM Thursday to 4 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ844-845-061115- /O.CON.KGRR.GL.W.0005.250207T0000Z-250207T0900Z/ St Joseph to South Haven MI-South Haven to Holland MI- 1005 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THURSDAY TO 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 knots with gusts up to 40 knots and waves 7 to 11 feet expected. * WHERE...St Joseph to Holland. * WHEN...From 7 PM Thursday to 4 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$  238 WGUS63 KLMK 060306 FFALMK URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Watch National Weather Service Louisville KY 1006 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 KYZ035>037-039>043-047>049-055>057-066-067-061500- /O.NEW.KLMK.FA.A.0002.250206T0306Z-250206T1500Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Franklin-Scott KY-Harrison KY-Anderson-Woodford-Fayette-Bourbon- Nicholas-Mercer-Jessamine-Clark KY-Boyle-Garrard-Madison-Casey- Lincoln- Including the cities of Frankfort, Cynthiana, Lawrenceburg, Paris, Carlisle, Lexington, Georgetown, Winchester, Harrodsburg, Nicholasville, Danville, Liberty, Versailles, Richmond, Lancaster, and Stanford 1006 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WATCH IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is possible. * WHERE...Portions of east central and south central Kentucky, including the following areas, in east central Kentucky, Anderson, Bourbon, Boyle, Clark, Fayette, Franklin, Garrard, Harrison, Jessamine, Madison, Mercer, Nicholas, Scott, and Woodford. In south central Kentucky, Casey and Lincoln. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Excessive runoff may result in flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - Repeated rounds of showers and thunderstorms with heavy rainfall may lead to flooding. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$ 13  186 WSAU21 YMMC 060308 YBBB SIGMET P10 VALID 060335/060735 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2150 E14640 - S2040 E14850 - S1840 E14710 - S1800 E14830 - S2130 E15310 - S2510 E15450 - S2510 E15000 FL150/260 MOV N 05KT NC=  564 WWCN15 CWWG 060308 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR SOUTHERN ALBERTA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:08 P.M. MST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: =NEW= LETHBRIDGE - TABER - MILK RIVER MEDICINE HAT - BOW ISLAND - SUFFIELD CYPRESS HILLS PROVINCIAL PARK - FOREMOST. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== A PERIOD OF VERY COLD WIND CHILLS IS EXPECTED. EXTREME COLD WIND CHILL VALUES NEAR -40 ARE EXPECTED TONIGHT. WIND CHILL VALUES WILL MODERATE THURSDAY MORNING. EXTREME COLD PUTS EVERYONE AT RISK. WATCH FOR COLD RELATED SYMPTOMS: SHORTNESS OF BREATH, CHEST PAIN, MUSCLE PAIN AND WEAKNESS, NUMBNESS AND COLOUR CHANGE IN FINGERS AND TOES. DRESS WARMLY. DRESS IN LAYERS THAT YOU CAN REMOVE IF YOU GET TOO WARM. THE OUTER LAYER SHOULD BE WIND RESISTANT. COVER UP. FROSTBITE CAN DEVELOP WITHIN MINUTES ON EXPOSED SKIN, ESPECIALLY WITH WIND CHILL. IF IT'S TOO COLD FOR YOU TO STAY OUTSIDE, IT'S TOO COLD FOR YOUR PET TO STAY OUTSIDE. EXTREME COLD WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN VERY COLD TEMPERATURES OR WIND CHILL CREATES AN ELEVATED RISK TO HEALTH SUCH AS FROST BITE AND HYPOTHERMIA. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ABSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ABSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  565 WWUS83 KFSD 060308 SPSFSD Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 908 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 IAZ001>003-012>014-020>022-MNZ071-072-080-081-089-090-097-098- SDZ039-040-055-056-062-067-060515- Lyon-Osceola-Dickinson-Sioux-O'Brien-Clay-Plymouth-Cherokee- Buena Vista-Lincoln-Murray-Cottonwood-Nobles-Jackson-Pipestone- Rock-Kingsbury-Brookings-Lake-Moody-Minnehaha- Including the cities of Rock Rapids, George, Inwood, Larchwood, Sibley, Spirit Lake, Milford, Arnolds Park, Sioux Center, Orange City, Rock Valley, Hawarden, Hull, Sheldon, Hartley, Sanborn, Spencer, Le Mars, Cherokee, Storm Lake, Tyler, Hendricks, Lake Benton, Ivanhoe, Marshall, Slayton, Fulda, Windom, Mountain Lake, Worthington, Jackson, Lakefield, Pipestone, Luverne, De Smet, Arlington, Lake Preston, Brookings, Madison, Orland, Flandreau, Sioux Falls, Canton, Lennox, Tea, and Harrisburg 908 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...PATCHY FREEZING DRIZZLE AND FREEZING FOG THROUGH LATE EVENING... Patchy light freezing drizzle and freezing fog is expected through late this evening. This may cause untreated surfaces to become slippery. Please use caution while traveling and be prepared for changing road conditions. $$  086 WSCI34 ZSSS 060308 ZSHA SIGMET 1 VALID 060330/060730 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N25 FL150/380 MOV E 20KMH NC=  292 WSBZ23 SBGL 060325 SBAZ SIGMET 1 VALID 060330/060730 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0326 W06748 - S0450 W06621 - S0254 W06208 - S0233 W06039 - S0109 W06015 - S0043 W06007 - N0046 W05948 - N0119 W06256 - N0116 W06542 - N0011 W06722 - S0326 W06748 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  293 WSBZ23 SBGL 060325 SBAZ SIGMET 3 VALID 060330/060730 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0119 W06015 - S0408 W05528 - S0658 W05157 - S0811 W04908 - S0637 W04458 - S0618 W04448 - S0606 W04412 - S0442 W04323 - S0429 W04309 - S0411 W04231 - S0210 W04151 - S0205 W04159 - S0111 W04643 - S0003 W05053 - S0037 W05205 - S0008 W05448 - N0026 W05626 - N0055 W05946 - S0119 W06015 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  294 WSBZ23 SBGL 060325 SBAZ SIGMET 2 VALID 060330/060730 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0233 W06036 - S0624 W06007 - S0945 W05933 - S1226 W05917 - S1502 W05700 - S1525 W05546 - S1411 W05456 - S0906 W05504 - S0748 W05459 - S0550 W05636 - S0319 W05652 - S0119 W06015 - S0040 W06007 - S0043 W06007 - S0109 W06015 - S0221 W06035 - S0233 W06036 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  721 WSCI34 ZSSS 060310 ZSHA SIGMET 2 VALID 060330/060730 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR SEV ICE FCST S OF N30 FL060/180 MOV E 20KMH NC=  478 WSBZ23 SBGL 060325 SBRE SIGMET 1 VALID 060330/060730 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0452 W04329 - S0616 W04100 - S0616 W03801 - S0540 W03311 - S0405 W03342 - S0328 W03840 - S0202 W04148 - S0207 W04150 - S0210 W04151 - S0411 W04231 - S0429 W04309 - S0442 W04323 - S0452 W04329 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  175 WACN02 CWAO 060311 CZEG AIRMET D1 VALID 060310/060710 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR OVC CLD 600-800/5000FT OBS WI 25NM OF N7443 W09457 STNR NC=  366 WACN22 CWAO 060311 CZEG AIRMET D1 VALID 060310/060710 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR OVC CLD 600-800/5000FT OBS WI 25NM OF /N7443 W09457/CYRB STNR NC RMK GFACN37=  367 WSBZ23 SBGL 060325 SBBS SIGMET 1 VALID 060330/060730 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2012 W04958 - S2147 W04839 - S2213 W04803 - S2315 W04720 - S2316 W04718 - S2317 W04716 - S2317 W04716 - S2338 W04639 - S2315 W04554 - S2315 W04554 - S2314 W04552 - S2248 W04546 - S2122 W04438 - S2028 W04537 - S1851 W04728 - S2011 W04958 - S2012 W04958 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  731 WSBZ23 SBGL 060325 SBCW SIGMET 3 VALID 060330/060730 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2315 W04554 - S2312 W04357 - S2154 W04402 - S2122 W04438 - S2248 W04546 - S2314 W04552 - S2315 W04554 TOP FL410 STNR NC=  014 WWUS43 KIND 060313 WSWIND URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 1013 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 INZ021-029>031-038>042-048-049-056-057-060900- /O.CON.KIND.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Carroll-Tippecanoe-Clinton-Howard-Tipton-Hamilton-Madison- Delaware-Randolph-Hancock-Henry-Shelby-Rush- Including the cities of Greenfield, Carmel, Muncie, New Castle, Noblesville, Shelbyville, Parker City, Kokomo, Fishers, Farmland, Tipton, Union City, Winchester, Anderson, Rushville, Delphi, Lafayette, Flora, West Lafayette, and Frankfort 1013 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Total ice accumulations up to around a tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, north central, and west central Indiana. * WHEN...Until 4 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Difficult travel conditions are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ 50  068 WSAU21 YBRF 060313 YBBB SIGMET Q01 VALID 060313/060515 YBRF- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SQL TS OBS WI S1750 E14120 - S1520 E14140 - S1520 E14210 - S1750 E14210 TOP FL520 STNR NC=  745 WSBZ23 SBGL 060325 SBCW SIGMET 4 VALID 060330/060730 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3010 W05737 - S3153 W05407 - S3345 W05322 - S3353 W05323 - S3400 W05300 - S3400 W05024 - S3017 W04647 - S2834 W04847 - S2652 W05318 - S2648 W05345 - S2655 W05343 - S2819 W05552 - S3010 W05737 TOP FL410 STNR NC=  155 WWUS74 KLZK 060314 NPWLZK URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Little Rock AR 914 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ARZ007-008-017-060600- /O.EXA.KLZK.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ Sharp-Randolph-Lawrence- Including the cities of Cave City, Walnut Ridge, Hoxie, Attica, Ash Flat, Pocahontas, and Hardy 914 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Lawrence, Randolph, and Sharp Counties. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ ARZ016-024-025-031>034-039-042>046-052>055-062-122-123-138-141-238- 241-341-060600- /O.CON.KLZK.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ Independence-Cleburne-Jackson-Conway-Faulkner-White-Woodruff- Perry-Garland-Saline-Pulaski-Lonoke-Prairie-Pike-Clark-Hot Spring- Grant-Dallas-Southern Pope County-Southeast Van Buren County- Northwest Yell County-Central and Eastern Montgomery County-Yell Excluding Northwest-Northern Montgomery County Higher Elevations- Southwest Montgomery County Higher Elevations- Including the cities of Waveland, Cotton Plant, Shirley, Ola, Cabot, London, Plainview, Danville, Dardanelle, North Little Rock, Malvern, Hazen, Hector, Damascus, De Valls Bluff, Havana, Russellville, Conway, Beebe, Scotland, Norman, McCrory, Sheridan, Augusta, Little Rock, Lonoke, Glenwood, Bryant, Newport, Atkins, Albert, Murfreesboro, Batesville, Clinton, Morrilton, Story, Heber Springs, Fairfield Bay, Perryville, Fordyce, Benton, Des Arc, Arkadelphia, Searcy, Mount Ida, and Hot Springs 914 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of central, eastern, north central, southwest, and western Arkansas. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ 44  505 WWUS46 KMFR 060314 WSWMFR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 714 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ORZ026-061115- /O.EXP.KMFR.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T0300Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Jackson County- Including the cities of Medford and Ashland 714 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY FOR THIS EVENING HAS EXPIRED... * WHAT...For the Winter Storm Warning, heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 7 inches with up to 10 inches in higher terrain. For the Winter Weather Advisory, snow expected down to valley floors. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 4 inches for valley floors. * WHERE...For the Winter Storm Warning, areas mainly above 2000 feet, including Highway 140, I-5 and the cities of Ashland, Talent and Butte Falls. For the Winter Weather Advisory, mainly below 2000 feet including Medford, Central Point, Rogue River, Shady Cove, I-5, Highway 62 and 238. * WHEN...From 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ ORZ024-061115- /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Eastern Curry County and Josephine County- Including the cities of Grants Pass, Merlin, and Wilderville 714 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST THURSDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST THURSDAY... ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the current Winter Storm Warning, heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations between 2 and 6 inches with up to 10 inches over higher mountains. For the current Winter Weather Advisory, wet snow. Additional snow accumulations up to two inches. For the second Winter Storm Warning tomorrow, heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 9 inches. For the second Winter Weather Advisory, snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 1 and 3 inches. * WHERE...For the Winter Weather Advisory, valleys in Eastern Curry County and Josephine County including Cave Junction and Grants Pass. This includes Highways 199, 238 and I-5. For the Winter Storm Warning, higher terrain above 2500 feet including the Kalmiopsis Wilderness. * WHEN...For the first Winter Storm Warning and first Winter Weather Advisory, until 10 AM PST Thursday. For the second Winter Storm Warning and second Winter Weather Advisory, from 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ CAZ080-061115- /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Western Siskiyou County- Including the cities of Etna, Somes Bar, Happy Camp, Scott Bar, Callahan, Fort Jones, and Greenview 714 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST THURSDAY... ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the first Winter Storm Warning, additional snow accumulations between 2 and 8 inches. For the second Winter Storm Warning, heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 8 inches, and locally up to 13 inches over higher mountains. For the Winter Weather Advisory, snow expected. Total snow accumulations up to 6 inches. * WHERE...For the current Winter Storm Warning, Western Siskiyou County. This includes the mountains in Western Siskiyou County above 2500 feet. For the Winter Weather Advisory, this includes valleys in western Siskiyou County including Somes Bar and Happy Camp. For the Winter Storm Warning, this includes the mountains in Western Siskiyou County above 2500 feet. * WHEN...For the first Winter Storm Warning, until 10 AM PST Thursday. For the second Winter Storm Warning and Winter Weather Advisory, from 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 511 or visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov for road information. && $$ ORZ023-061115- /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Central Douglas County- Including the cities of Sutherlin, Winchester, Roseburg, Umpqua, and Green 714 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST THURSDAY... ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the first Winter Storm Warning, additional snow accumulations between 3 and 5 inches. For the second Winter Storm Warning, heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 6 inches. For the Winter Weather Advisory, snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 1 and 3 inches. * WHERE...Central Douglas County. For the Winter Weather Advisory, the lower elevations including Highways 138, 42 and I-5 including Roseburg, Camas Valley, Canyonville and Glendale. For the Winter Storm Warning, higher elevations in southern Douglas County including Sexton Summit. * WHEN...For the first Winter Storm Warning, until 10 AM PST Thursday. For the second Winter Storm Warning and Winter Weather Advisory, from 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ ORZ025-061115- /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Eastern Douglas County Foothills- Including the cities of Toketee Falls 714 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST THURSDAY... ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the first Winter Weather Advisory, snow. Additional snow accumulations between 2 and 6 inches with up to 10 inches in higher terrain. For the Winter Storm Warning, heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 7 inches. For the second Winter Weather Advisory, snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 4 inches. * WHERE...For the current Winter Weather Advisory, Eastern Douglas County Foothills, including Steamboat and Toketee Falls. This includes Highway 138. For the Winter Storm Warning, areas south of Highway 138. For the next Winter Weather Advisory highway 138, including Steamboat and Toketee Falls. * WHEN...For the first Winter Weather Advisory, until 10 AM PST Thursday. For the Winter Storm Warning and second Winter Weather Advisory, from 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ ORZ029-061115- /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Klamath Basin- Including the cities of Altamont, Midland, Olene, and Klamath Falls 714 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM PST THIS EVENING... ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the first Winter Weather Advisory, snow. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch. For the Winter Storm Warning, heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 8 inches. For the second Winter Weather Advisory, snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 6 inches. * WHERE...For the current Winter Weather Advisory, Northern portions of the Klamath Basin, north of Chiloquin along Highway 97. For the second Winter Weather Advisory, Highway 97 and 140, Klamath Falls, Chiloquin and Bonanza. For the Winter Storm Warning, mainly above 4500 feet. * WHEN...For the first Winter Weather Advisory, until 10 PM PST this evening. For the Winter Storm Warning and second Winter Weather Advisory, from 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. In Oregon, call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ CAZ082-061115- /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ South Central Siskiyou County- Including the cities of Dunsmuir, McCloud, and Mount Shasta 714 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM PST THIS EVENING... ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Winter Weather Advisory, snow. Additional snow accumulations between 1 and 7 inches. For the Winter Storm Warning, heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 9 and 13 inches with locally higher amounts up to 19 inches above 4500 feet elevation. * WHERE...South Central Siskiyou County, including Mount Shasta City and Dunsmuir. This also includes portions of I-5 near Mount Shasta City and Highway 89 east of Mount Shasta City. * WHEN...For the Winter Weather Advisory, until 10 PM PST this evening. For the Winter Storm Warning, from 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. In California, call 511 or visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov for road information. && $$ ORZ030-061115- /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ Northern and Eastern Klamath County and Western Lake County- Including the cities of Chemult, Crescent, and Gilchrist 714 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM PST THIS EVENING... ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Winter Weather Advisory, additional snow accumulations between 1 and 3 inches. For the Winter Storm Warning, heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 7 inches. * WHERE...Northern and Eastern Klamath County and Western Lake County. This includes Crescent and Chemult. This also includes Highway 97, Highway 31 northwest of Silver Lake and higher portions of Highway 140 east of Bly. * WHEN...For the Winter Weather Advisory, until 10 PM PST this evening. For the Winter Storm Warning, from 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ CAZ081-084-085-061115- /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Central Siskiyou County-Northeast Siskiyou and Northwest Modoc Counties-Modoc County- Including the cities of Canby, Dorris, Day, Lookout, Newell, Hilt, Likely, Tulelake, Yreka, Adin, Davis Creek, Macdoel, Klamath River, and Alturas 714 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Winter Storm Warning, heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 10 inches with up to 13 inches in higher mountains. For the Winter Weather Advisory, snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 6 inches. * WHERE...Portions of Central Siskiyou County and Modoc County. For the Winter Storm Warning, this includes portions of I-5 near Weed and the higher terrain in Modoc County including the Warner Mountains. For the Winter Weather Advisory, portions of Highway 97 near Dorris and Macdoel, 139 near Tulelake, 395 near Alturas, and portions of I-5 near Yreka, Montague and Grenada. * WHEN...From 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 511 or visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov for road information. && $$ CAZ083-ORZ031-061115- /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ North Central and Southeast Siskiyou County-Central and Eastern Lake County- Including the cities of Tennant, New Pine Creek, Bray, Lakeview, Fort Rock, Pondosa, Adel, and Valley Falls 714 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 10 inches in southern Oregon in Lake County. For Siskiyou County, between 4 and 13 inches with up to 2 feet near Mount Shasta. * WHERE...In California, North Central and Southeast Siskiyou County County including portions of Highway 97 and Tennant. In Oregon, Central and Eastern Lake County County including Silver Lake, Paisley, Lakeview and Adel and Highways 31, 395, and 140. * WHEN...From 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 511 or visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov for road information. && $$ ORZ027-061115- /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ South Central Oregon Cascades- Including the cities of Diamond Lake and Crescent Lake 714 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST THURSDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the first Winter Weather Advisory, additional snow accumulations between 4 and 12 inches. For the second Winter Weather Advisory, snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 8 inches. * WHERE...The southern Oregon Cascades. This includes Diamond Lake, Crater Lake, and Highway 140 at Lake of the Woods. * WHEN...For the first Winter Weather Advisory, until 10 AM PST Thursday. For the second Winter Weather Advisory, from 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ ORZ028-061115- /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Siskiyou Mountains and Southern Oregon Cascades- Including the cities of Howard Prairie and Siskiyou Summit 714 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM PST THIS EVENING... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 6 inches above 4500 feet elevation. Lighter snowfall of 2 to 4 inches expected below 4500 feet elevation, including for I-5 at Siskiyou Summit. * WHERE...For the current Winter Weather Advisory, Siskiyou Mountains and Southern Oregon Cascades above 4500 feet. This includes Highway 62 and Mount Ashland Ski Resort. For the next Winter Weather Advisory, all of the above areas and Highway 140, 66 and I-5 including Siskiyou Summit. * WHEN...For the first Winter Weather Advisory, until 10 PM PST this evening. For the second Winter Weather Advisory, from 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ MAS  813 WWUS73 KMKX 060314 NPWMKX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 914 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 WIZ047-051-052-059-060-061115- /O.CON.KMKX.WI.Y.0003.250206T1500Z-250207T0300Z/ Green Lake-Fond du Lac-Sheboygan-Washington-Ozaukee- Including the cities of Oostburg, Berlin, Germantown, Plymouth, Cedarburg, West Bend, Grafton, Hartford, Markesan, Fond Du Lac, Sheboygan Falls, Princeton, Howards Grove, and Mequon 914 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM TO 9 PM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 25 MPH with gusts up to 45 MPH expected. A few gusts to 50 MPH may occur. * WHERE...Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, Green Lake, Ozaukee, and Washington Counties. * WHEN...From 9 AM to 9 PM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ WOOD  163 WSID21 WAAA 060130 WAAF SIGMET 02 VALID 060130/060530 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0048 E11648 - N0105 E12015 - N 0004 E11945 - S0103 E11608 - N0034 E11453 - N0048 E11648 TOP FL500 MO V W 10KT NC=  519 WSID21 WAAA 060130 WAAF SIGMET 03 VALID 060130/060530 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0002 E12541 - S0114 E12655 - S 0201 E12708 - S0110 E12431 - S0031 E12402 - N0007 E12402 - S0002 E125 41 TOP FL510 MOV WNW 10KT INTSF=  113 WSID21 WAAA 060130 WAAF SIGMET 04 VALID 060130/060530 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0529 E12134 - S0435 E12613 - S 0627 E12603 - S0655 E12336 - S0650 E12105 - S0636 E12026 - S0529 E121 34 TOP FL530 MOV W 5KT NC=  114 WSBZ23 SBGL 060325 SBAZ SIGMET 4 VALID 060330/060730 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1735 W05451 - S1734 W05441 - S1724 W05407 - S1643 W05306 - S1521 W05326 - S1735 W05451 FL160/220 STNR NC=  113 WVID21 WAAA 060314 WAAF SIGMET 05 VALID 060314/060910 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT IBU PSN N0129 E12738 VA CLD OBS AT 0230Z WI N0129 E12734 - N0133 E12737 - N0124 E12801 - N 0110 E12802 - N0103 E12752 - N0129 E12734 SFC/FL070 MOV SE 15KT INTSF =  820 WSBZ23 SBGL 060325 SBBS SIGMET 2 VALID 060330/060730 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1724 W05407 - S2020 W05127 - S2220 W04955 - S2250 W04825 - S2250 W04825 - S2307 W04734 - S2315 W04720 - S2213 W04803 - S2147 W04839 - S1824 W05128 - S1726 W05122 - S1452 W05308 - S1521 W05326 - S1521 W05326 - S1521 W05326 - S1643 W05306 - S1724 W05407 FL160/220 STNR NC=  011 WSAU21 YMMC 060317 YMMM SIGMET O06 VALID 060400/060800 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S5000 E08300 - S4150 E08140 - S3730 E08330 - S3700 E09150 - S4230 E08740 - S5000 E08850 FL150/360 MOV E 20KT NC=  628 WWUS83 KLMK 060317 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 1017 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 KYZ028-029-060345- Bullitt KY-Hardin KY- 1017 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHWESTERN BULLITT AND CENTRAL HARDIN COUNTIES THROUGH 1045 PM EST... At 1017 PM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 11 miles west of Elizabethtown, moving northeast at 60 mph. HAZARD...Half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Elizabethtown, Shepherdsville, Radcliff, Vine Grove, Lebanon Junction, Bardstown Junction, Long View, Scuffletown, Belmont, and Addington Field Airport. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, seek shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3780 8615 3782 8601 3787 8598 3789 8598 3800 8573 3785 8562 3782 8568 3781 8574 3779 8574 3779 8573 3778 8574 3778 8572 3777 8571 3777 8570 3775 8568 3763 8612 3774 8618 TIME...MOT...LOC 0317Z 246DEG 52KT 3775 8607 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...<30 MPH $$ 13  630 WHUS74 KLIX 060317 MWWLIX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New Orleans LA 917 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 GMZ530-532-534-536-538-550-552-555-557-061300- /O.CON.KLIX.MF.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Lake Pontchartrain and Lake Maurepas-Mississippi Sound- Lake Borgne-Chandeleur Sound-Breton Sound- Coastal Waters from Port Fourchon LA to Lower Atchafalaya River LA out 20 nm- Coastal waters from the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River to Port Fourchon Louisiana out 20 NM- Coastal Waters from Boothville LA to Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Pascagoula Mississippi to Stake Island out 20 NM- 917 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1 NM or less. * WHERE...Lake Pontchartrain and Lake Maurepas, Mississippi Sound, Lake Borgne, Coastal Waters from Port Fourchon LA to Lower Atchafalaya River LA out 20 nm and Coastal waters from the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River to Port Fourchon Louisiana out 20 NM. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$ Frye  151 WSID21 WAAA 060318 WAAF SIGMET 06 VALID 060318/060718 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0852 E12259 - S0936 E12253 - S 1024 E11921 - S1019 E11621 - S0958 E11607 - S0917 E11814 - S0852 E122 59 TOP FL520 MOV W 15KT NC=  334 WSGR31 LGAT 060320 LGGG SIGMET U01 VALID 060320/060620 LGAT- LGGG ATHINAI FIR/UIR SEV TURB FCST NE OF LINE N4108 E02237 - N3746 E02414 - N3626 E02348 - N3630 E01900 - N3358 E02400 - N3328 E02900 FL220/360 MOV E NC=  696 WSBZ23 SBGL 060325 SBCW SIGMET 6 VALID 060330/060730 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2143 W05523 - S2310 W05340 - S2315 W05335 - S2255 W05249 - S2319 W05040 - S2451 W05045 - S2522 W05005 - S2250 W04826 - S2250 W04825 - S2220 W04955 - S2020 W05127 - S1724 W05407 - S2003 W05143 - S2137 W05303 - S2143 W05523 FL160/220 STNR NC=  294 WSBZ23 SBGL 060325 SBCW SIGMET 6 VALID 060330/060730 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2451 W04622 - S2737 W04426 - S2937 W04611 - S2747 W04822 - S2712 W04740 - S2704 W04749 - S2451 W04622 FL160/220 STNR NC=  906 WWUS43 KLOT 060321 WSWLOT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Chicago IL 921 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ILZ003>006-008-010>013-019>021-023-032-033-039-103>108-INZ001-002- 010-011-019-061200- /O.CON.KLOT.WW.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Winnebago-Boone-McHenry-Lake IL-Ogle-Lee-De Kalb-Kane-DuPage-La Salle-Kendall-Grundy-Kankakee-Livingston-Iroquois-Ford-Northern Cook-Central Cook-Southern Cook-Northern Will-Southern Will- Eastern Will-Lake IN-Porter-Newton-Jasper-Benton- Including the cities of Bradley, Gibson City, Peotone, Oak Lawn, Orland Park, Crystal Lake, Waukegan, Mundelein, Oregon, Roselawn, Naperville, Schaumburg, Oswego, Streator, Merrillville, Marseilles, Kentland, Manhattan, Plainfield, Bolingbrook, Morris, Watseka, Woodstock, Oak Forest, Calumet City, Rockford, Gary, Channahon, Gilman, Kankakee, McHenry, DeMotte, Morocco, Dwight, Buffalo Grove, Carol Stream, Rochelle, La Grange, Valparaiso, Beecher, Cicero, Ottawa, Evanston, Gurnee, DeKalb, Northbrook, Yorkville, Crete, Downers Grove, Portage, Fowler, Pontiac, Plano, La Salle, Algonquin, Sycamore, Fairbury, Oak Park, Paxton, Joliet, Wheaton, Dixon, Hammond, Rensselaer, Minooka, Bourbonnais, Mokena, Park Forest, Chesterton, Coal City, Palatine, Chicago, Lombard, Lemont, Mendota, Des Plaines, Oxford, Aurora, Wilmington, Byron, Belvidere, and Elgin 921 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 /1021 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST /7 AM EST/ THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain and freezing drizzle expected. Additional ice accumulations up to around one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, north central, and northeast Illinois and northwest Indiana. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST /7 AM EST/ Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous overnight. Slippery travel conditions may continue into the morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for Illinois can be obtained at www.gettingaroundillinois.com. The latest road conditions for Indiana can be obtained at https://511in.org. && $$ Petr  260 WSBZ23 SBGL 060325 SBAO SIGMET 1 VALID 060330/060730 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2936 W04607 - S3035 W04458 - S3003 W04238 - S2731 W04423 - S2930 W04601 - S2936 W04607 FL160/220 STNR NC=  657 WSBZ23 SBGL 060325 SBRE SIGMET 2 VALID 060330/060730 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S1339 W04522 - S1538 W04406 - S1550 W04345 - S1119 W04248 - S0948 W04044 - S0801 W04105 - S0907 W04333 - S1203 W04502 - S1339 W04522 FL280/350 STNR NC=  658 WSBZ23 SBGL 060325 SBRE SIGMET 3 VALID 060330/060730 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2021 W04041 - S1917 W03759 - S1852 W03740 - S1841 W03815 - S1703 W03725 - S1019 W03808 - S1113 W03928 - S2021 W04041 FL280/360 STNR NC=  577 WSBZ23 SBGL 060325 SBBS SIGMET 3 VALID 060330/060730 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S1611 W04555 - S2053 W04415 - S2032 W04358 - S2009 W04324 - S2025 W04245 - S2000 W04232 - S1959 W04232 - S1553 W04346 - S1550 W04345 - S1538 W04406 - S1338 W04522 - S1611 W04555 FL280/350 STNR NC=  677 WWUS83 KMPX 060324 AWWMSP Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 920 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 MNZ060-060615- Hennepin MN- 920 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING... The National Weather Service in the Twin Cities has issued an Airport Weather Warning for... Minneapolis/Saint Paul International Airport /MSP/ Until 1215 AM CST. For the following threats: * Icy precipitation. Areas of freezing drizzle have developed to the west and is approaching MSP. It will remain light with little or no ice accumulation expected through midnight. Some light snow may also mix in at times. Conditions will dry out overnight. && LAT...LON 4490 9325 4486 9325 4486 9321 4488 9319 4490 9321 $$ Borghoff  418 WWUS74 KLIX 060324 NPWLIX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New Orleans LA 924 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 LAZ039-066>068-071-076-079>082-MSZ070-071-077-083>088-061300- /O.CON.KLIX.FG.Y.0006.250206T0600Z-250206T1500Z/ Washington-Lower Terrebonne-Lower Lafourche-Coastal Jefferson Parish-Northern Tangipahoa-Southeast St. Tammany-Northern St. Tammany-Southwestern St. Tammany-Central Tangipahoa-Lower Tangipahoa-Pike-Walthall-Pearl River-Northern Hancock-Northern Harrison-Northern Jackson-Southern Hancock-Southern Harrison- Southern Jackson- Including the cities of Chauvin, Salem, Akers, Waveland, Dulac, Bush, Pearlington, Saucier, Diamondhead, Montegut, Dexter, Moss Point, Necaise, McNeil, Cut Off, Golden Meadow, Kentwood, Leeville, Wade, Pass Christian, Covington, McComb, Poplarville, Vancleave, Tylertown, Gulfport, Franklinton, Madisonville, Tickfaw, Wilmer, Roseland, Bay St. Louis, Bogalusa, Biloxi, Cocodrie, Lyman, Sellers, Slidell, Escatawpa, Picayune, Hammond, Kiln, Grand Isle, Independence, Pascagoula, Gautier, Amite, Ocean Springs, Ponchatoula, Enon, Robert, Folsom, Mandeville, Galliano, St. Martin, Crossroads, and Long Beach 924 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Louisiana and southern Mississippi. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your low beam headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ Frye  137 WSBZ23 SBGL 060325 SBCW SIGMET 7 VALID 060330/060730 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2129 W04140 - S2327 W03928 - S2312 W03909 - S2159 W03836 - S2159 W03836 - S2159 W03836 - S2045 W03949 - S2052 W04000 - S2057 W04015 - S2054 W04034 - S2042 W04049 - S2033 W04054 - S2033 W04054 - S2129 W04140 FL280/360 STNR NC=  138 WSBZ23 SBGL 060325 SBCW SIGMET 8 VALID 060330/060730 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2053 W04415 - S2143 W04357 - S2429 W04049 - S2327 W03928 - S2059 W04214 - S2031 W04222 - S2025 W04245 - S2009 W04324 - S2032 W04358 - S2053 W04415 FL280/350 STNR NC=  156 WSBZ23 SBGL 060325 SBAO SIGMET 2 VALID 060330/060730 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2045 W03949 - S2159 W03836 - S1900 W03715 - S1917 W03758 - S1947 W03821 - S2030 W03938 - S2036 W03941 - S2045 W03949 FL280/360 STNR NC=  743 WSTU31 LTAC 060324 LTAA SIGMET 1 VALID 060325/060700 LTAC- LTAA ANKARA FIR SEV TURB FCST SW OF LINE N4201 E03061 - N4201 E03321 - N3845 E03321 - N3813 E03558 - N3657 E03558 FL150/400 MOV NE 12KT NC=  048 WSPS21 NZKL 060322 NZZO SIGMET 5 VALID 060326/060726 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S7230 E16850 - S6830 E16920 - S6010 E17900 - S6010 W17730 - S6640 E17600 - S7250 E17420 - S7320 E17040 - S7230 E16850 FL150/350 MOV ESE 20KT NC=  049 WSPS21 NZKL 060323 NZZO SIGMET 6 VALID 060326/060347 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 34 052347/060347=  725 WSBZ23 SBGL 060325 SBCW SIGMET 9 VALID 060330/060730 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2451 W04622 - S2737 W04426 - S2937 W04611 - S2747 W04822 - S2712 W04740 - S2704 W04749 - S2451 W04622 FL160/220 STNR NC=  446 WSFJ01 NFFN 060327 NFFF SIGMET 01 VALID 060417/060817 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S2406 E16300 - S2218 E16300 - S1912 E16906 - S2242 E17324 - S2454 E17254 - S2454 E17124 - S2406 E16300 TOP FL470 STNR NC=  142 WWCN11 CWWG 060327 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:27 P.M. CST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: DAUPHIN - RUSSELL - ROBLIN - WINNIPEGOSIS MINNEDOSA - RIDING MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK STE. ROSE - MCCREARY - ALONSA - GLADSTONE SWAN RIVER - DUCK MOUNTAIN - PORCUPINE PROVINCIAL FOREST ARBORG - HECLA - FISHER RIVER - GYPSUMVILLE - ASHERN BERENS RIVER - LITTLE GRAND RAPIDS - BLOODVEIN - ATIKAKI POPLAR RIVER GRAND RAPIDS - WATERHEN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 10 TO 20 CM IS EXPECTED THROUGH THE PARKLANDS AND INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA. THIS SYSTEM, TRACKING THROUGH THE NORTHERN US STATES, CONTINUES TO BRING HEAVY BANDS OF SNOW THROUGH SOUTHWESTERN AND CENTRAL INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA WEDNESDAY EVENING. LIGHT, FLUFFY SNOW WILL RAPIDLY ACCUMULATE BEFORE TAPERING OFF TO LIGHT FLURRIES EARLY THURSDAY MORNING IN SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON IN MANITOBA. PREPARE FOR QUICKLY CHANGING AND DETERIORATING TRAVEL CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW WILL MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. THERE MAY BE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC IN URBAN AREAS. PUBLIC SAFETY CANADA ENCOURAGES EVERYONE TO MAKE AN EMERGENCY PLAN AND GET AN EMERGENCY KIT WITH DRINKING WATER, FOOD, MEDICINE, A FIRST-AID KIT AND A FLASHLIGHT. FOR INFORMATION ON EMERGENCY PLANS AND KITS GO TO HTTPS://WWW.GETPREPARED.GC.CA/. SNOWFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  143 WWCN20 CWWG 060327 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR THE MANITOBA LAKES UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:27 P.M. CST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: LAKE WINNIPEG - SOUTH BASIN LAKE WINNIPEG - NORTH BASIN LAKE MANITOBA LAKE WINNIPEGOSIS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 10 TO 20 CM IS EXPECTED THROUGH THE PARKLANDS AND INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA. THIS SYSTEM, TRACKING THROUGH THE NORTHERN US STATES, CONTINUES TO BRING HEAVY BANDS OF SNOW THROUGH SOUTHWESTERN AND CENTRAL INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA WEDNESDAY EVENING. LIGHT, FLUFFY SNOW WILL RAPIDLY ACCUMULATE BEFORE TAPERING OFF TO LIGHT FLURRIES EARLY THURSDAY MORNING IN SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON IN MANITOBA. PREPARE FOR QUICKLY CHANGING AND DETERIORATING TRAVEL CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW WILL MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. THERE MAY BE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC IN URBAN AREAS. PUBLIC SAFETY CANADA ENCOURAGES EVERYONE TO MAKE AN EMERGENCY PLAN AND GET AN EMERGENCY KIT WITH DRINKING WATER, FOOD, MEDICINE, A FIRST-AID KIT AND A FLASHLIGHT. FOR INFORMATION ON EMERGENCY PLANS AND KITS GO TO HTTPS://WWW.GETPREPARED.GC.CA/. SNOWFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  144 WWCN13 CWWG 060327 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:27 P.M. CST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING ENDED FOR: KAMSACK - CANORA - PREECEVILLE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  804 WAHW31 PHFO 060330 WA0HI HNLS WA 060400 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 061000 . AIRMET MTN OBSC...OAHU MOLOKAI MAUI KAUAI N THRU E SECTIONS. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 025 DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND CONT BEYOND 1000Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSC...BIG ISLAND UPOLU POINT TO CAPE KUMUKAHI TO SOUTH CAPE. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 025 DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND CONT BEYOND 1000Z. =HNLT WA 060400 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 061000 . NO SIGNIFICANT TURB EXP. =HNLZ WA 060400 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 061000 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...141-144.  822 WWUS83 KPAH 060331 SPSPAH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Paducah KY 931 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 KYZ017-021-022-060415- Muhlenberg KY-Todd KY-Christian KY- 931 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHEASTERN MUHLENBERG...EAST CENTRAL CHRISTIAN AND NORTHERN TODD COUNTIES THROUGH 1015 PM CST... At 931 PM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Hopkinsville, moving northeast at 55 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Hopkinsville, Dunmor, Clifty, and Allegre. This includes Pennyrile Parkway between Mile Markers 3 and 17. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3711 8691 3709 8690 3708 8694 3707 8695 3707 8698 3706 8705 3689 8706 3677 8753 3690 8762 3716 8707 3714 8692 3713 8692 3713 8690 3711 8689 TIME...MOT...LOC 0331Z 245DEG 49KT 3688 8747 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ DWS  761 WABZ23 SBGL 060327 SBRE AIRMET 8 VALID 060332/060730 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SFC VIS 1500M RA FCST WI S0523 W03500 - S0538 W03604 - S0747 W03616 - S0752 W03431 - S0712 W03411 - S0555 W03425 - S0523 W03500 STNR NC=  762 WABZ23 SBGL 060327 SBRE AIRMET 7 VALID 060332/060730 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR BKN CLD 300/0900FT FCST WI S0523 W03500 - S0538 W03604 - S0747 W03616 - S0752 W03431 - S0712 W03411 - S0555 W03425 - S0523 W03500 STNR NC=  763 WSPS21 NZKL 060327 NZZO SIGMET 7 VALID 060331/060731 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S6620 W16920 - S5640 W15420 - S5310 W13100 - S5550 W13410 - S5800 W15100 - S6930 W16650 - S7000 W17250 - S6620 W16920 FL260/370 STNR NC=  764 WSPS21 NZKL 060328 NZZO SIGMET 8 VALID 060331/060407 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 1 060007/060407=  141 WHUS73 KAPX 060332 MWWAPX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gaylord MI 1032 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 LMZ323-341-342-344>346-061145- /O.CON.KAPX.GL.W.0006.250206T1600Z-250207T1000Z/ Grand Traverse Bay south of a line Grand Traverse Light to Norwood MI-Seul Choix Point to 5NM West of Mackinac Bridge- Norwood MI to 5NM West of Mackinac Bridge including Little Traverse Bay-Sleeping Bear Point to Grand Traverse Light MI- Point Betsie to Sleeping Bear Point MI- Manistee to Point Betsie MI- 1032 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM THURSDAY TO 5 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Highest gusts up to 45 kts from the west and highest waves around 14 feet expected. * WHERE...Portions of Lake Michigan. * WHEN...From 11 AM Thursday to 5 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous highest waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ321-061145- /O.CON.KAPX.GL.W.0006.250206T2000Z-250207T1000Z/ Whitefish Bay (U.S. Portion)/Whitefish Point to Point Iroquois MI- 1032 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THURSDAY TO 5 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Highest gusts up to 45 kts from the west and highest waves around 15 feet expected. * WHERE...Whitefish Bay (U. S. Portion)/Whitefish Point to Point Iroquois MI. * WHEN...From 3 PM Thursday to 5 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous highest waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LHZ345>349-061145- /O.CON.KAPX.GL.W.0006.250206T2000Z-250207T1000Z/ Straits of Mackinac within 5 nm of Mackinac Bridge including Mackinac Island-St Ignace to False Detour Channel- 5NM East of Mackinac Bridge to Presque Isle Light MI including Bois Blanc Island- Presque Isle Light to Sturgeon Pt MI Including Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary-Sturgeon Pt to Alabaster MI- 1032 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THURSDAY TO 5 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Highest gusts up to 40 kts from the west and highest waves around 11 feet expected. * WHERE...Straits of Mackinac within 5 nm of Mackinac Bridge including Mackinac Island, St Ignace to False Detour Channel, 5NM East of Mackinac Bridge to Presque Isle Light MI including Bois Blanc Island, Presque Isle Light to Sturgeon Pt MI Including Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary and Sturgeon Pt to Alabaster MI. * WHEN...From 3 PM Thursday to 5 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous highest waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ322-061145- /O.CON.KAPX.SC.Y.0015.250206T2000Z-250207T1000Z/ St. Marys River Point Iroquois to E. Potagannissing Bay- 1032 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THURSDAY TO 5 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Highest gusts up to 35 kts from the west and highest waves around 3 feet expected. * WHERE...St. Marys River Point Iroquois to E. Potagannissing Bay. * WHEN...From 3 PM Thursday to 5 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ JPB  651 WSAG31 SABE 060338 SAVF SIGMET 2 VALID 060338/060738 SABE- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0338Z WI S5001 W06532 - S5152 W06424 - S5043 W06055 - S4748 W05955 - S4542 W05907 - S4425 W05957 - S4443 W06254 - S4703 W06246 - S4927 W06310 - S5010 W06516 - S5001 W06532 TOP FL320 STNR NC=  725 WSAG31 SABE 060338 SAVF SIGMET 2 VALID 060338/060738 SABE- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0338Z WI S5001 W06532 - S5152 W06424 - S5043 W06055 - S4748 W05955 - S4542 W05907 - S4425 W05957 - S4443 W06254 - S4703 W06246 - S4927 W06310 - S5010 W06516 - S5001 W06532 TOP FL320 STNR NC=  738 WWUS85 KTFX 060333 SPSTFX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Great Falls MT 833 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 MTZ301>303-307>309-312-060600- East Glacier Park Region-Northern High Plains- Eastern Glacier, Western Toole, and Central Pondera- Southern Rocky Mountain Front-Southern High Plains- Eastern Pondera and Eastern Teton-Cascade County below 5000ft- Including the cities of East Glacier Park, Kiowa, Babb, Saint Mary, Marias Pass, Logan Pass, Browning, Heart Butte, Dupuyer, Cut Bank, Ethridge, Santa Rita, Rogers Pass, Bynum, Choteau, Pendroy, Brady, Conrad, Ledger, and Great Falls 833 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...Areas of blowing snow tonight... With west winds blowing around 25 mph at times tonight, areas of blowing and drifting snow are possible over the western portions of North Central MT, mainly along and west of I-15. The blowing snow will reduce visibility at times through the overnight hours. The blowing snow should decrease on Thursday morning, as wind speeds become lighter. $$ Brusda  139 WWUS75 KGGW 060335 NPWGGW URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Glasgow MT 835 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 MTZ059-061-061800- /O.NEW.KGGW.EC.W.0003.250206T0335Z-250206T1800Z/ /O.CON.KGGW.CW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Northern Phillips-Northern Valley- Including Whitewater and Opheim 835 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...EXTREME COLD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST THURSDAY... ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST THURSDAY... * WHAT...For the Extreme Cold Warning, dangerously cold wind chills as low as 45 below. For the Cold Weather Advisory, very cold wind chills as low as 35 below. * WHERE...Northern Phillips and Northern Valley Counties. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST Thursday. * IMPACTS...The dangerously cold wind chills as low as 45 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 5 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Dress in layers including a hat, face mask, and gloves if you must go outside. Keep pets indoors as much as possible and make sure outdoor animals have a warm, dry shelter, food, and unfrozen water. Use caution while traveling outside. Wear appropriate clothing including a hat and gloves. && $$ MTZ016>020-023>027-062-061800- /O.CON.KGGW.CW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Central and Southeast Phillips-Central and Southern Valley- Daniels-Sheridan-Western Roosevelt-McCone-Richland-Dawson-Prairie- Wibaux-Eastern Roosevelt- Including Sidney, Frazer, Glasgow, Culbertson, Malta, Circle, Glendive, Wibaux, Richey, Wolf Point, Fairview, Saco, Scobey, Medicine Lake, Plentywood, Poplar, Fort Peck, Terry, and Hinsdale 835 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills as low as 38 below. * WHERE...A portion of northeast Montana. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST Thursday. * IMPACTS...The dangerously cold wind chills as low as 38 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use caution while traveling outside. Wear appropriate clothing, a hat, and gloves. && $$ Hicks  475 WABZ23 SBGL 060327 SBRE AIRMET 9 VALID 060332/060730 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SFC VIS 1000M RA FCST WI S0523 W03500 - S0538 W03604 - S0747 W03616 - S0752 W03431 - S0712 W03411 - S0555 W03425 - S0523 W03500 STNR NC=  754 WSBZ23 SBGL 060325 SBAO SIGMET 3 VALID 060330/060730 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3400 W05024 - S3433 W04647 - S3258 W04544 - S3201 W04828 - S3400 W05024 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  999 WSUS33 KKCI 060355 SIGW MKCW WST 060355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 060555-060955 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  000 WSUS32 KKCI 060355 SIGC MKCC WST 060355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 060555-060955 FROM 40SSE TTH-30NE MSL-LIT-40SSE TTH WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  001 WSUS31 KKCI 060355 SIGE MKCE WST 060355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 11E VALID UNTIL 0555Z TN KY IN FROM 40NNW IIU-50SSE IIU-50ENE DYR-30NE DYR-40NNW IIU AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 24050KT. TOPS TO FL450. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 12E VALID UNTIL 0555Z OH MI IN FROM 60NNE FWA-APE-40S IND-40SW GIJ-60NNE FWA AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS TO FL400. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 13E VALID UNTIL 0555Z VA NC OH TN KY IN FROM 60ENE CVG-30NNE ODF-50WNW VXV-CVG-60ENE CVG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25050KT. TOPS TO FL430. OUTLOOK VALID 060555-060955 FROM 50NNE FWA-30NW HAR-40NNW FLO-30NE MSL-40SSE TTH-50NNE FWA WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  983 WWUS83 KGRB 060340 SPSGRB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Green Bay WI 940 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 WIZ045-048>050-060545- Waushara-Winnebago-Calumet-Manitowoc- 940 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FREEZING DRIZZLE AND LIGHT SNOW WILL RESULT IN SLIPPERY TRAVEL OVERNIGHT... Light freezing drizzle mixed with snow was moving north from southern Wisconsin at 930pm this evening. It will likely arrive in Waushara, Winnebago, Calumet and Manitowoc counties between 1030pm and 1130pm. Roads and sidewalks will likely become slick, so travel with care. $$ RDM  921 WWUS75 KGGW 060341 NPWGGW URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Glasgow MT 841 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 MTZ059-061-061800- /O.CAN.KGGW.CW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /O.CON.KGGW.EC.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Northern Phillips-Northern Valley- Including Whitewater and Opheim 841 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...EXTREME COLD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST THURSDAY... ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Dangerously cold wind chills as low as 45 below. * WHERE...Northern Phillips and Northern Valley Counties. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST Thursday. * IMPACTS...The dangerously cold wind chills as low as 45 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 5 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Dress in layers including a hat, face mask, and gloves if you must go outside. Keep pets indoors as much as possible. Make sure outdoor animals have a warm, dry shelter, food, and unfrozen water. && $$ MTZ016>020-023>027-062-061800- /O.CON.KGGW.CW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Central and Southeast Phillips-Central and Southern Valley- Daniels-Sheridan-Western Roosevelt-McCone-Richland-Dawson-Prairie- Wibaux-Eastern Roosevelt- Including Sidney, Frazer, Glasgow, Culbertson, Malta, Circle, Glendive, Wibaux, Richey, Wolf Point, Fairview, Saco, Scobey, Medicine Lake, Plentywood, Poplar, Fort Peck, Terry, and Hinsdale 841 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills as low as 38 below. * WHERE...A portion of northeast Montana. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST Thursday. * IMPACTS...The dangerously cold wind chills as low as 38 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use caution while traveling outside. Wear appropriate clothing, a hat, and gloves. && $$ Hicks  574 WSJP31 RJTD 060341 RJJJ SIGMET O02 VALID 060341/060741 RJTD- RJJJ FUKUOKA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N3326 E13926 - N3443 E12915 - N3641 E13154 - N3500 E14302 - N3326 E13926 FL220/280 MOV E 30KT WKN=  575 WSJP31 RJTD 060341 RJJJ SIGMET O02 VALID 060341/060741 RJTD- RJJJ FUKUOKA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N3326 E13926 - N3443 E12915 - N3641 E13154 - N3500 E14302 - N3326 E13926 FL220/280 MOV E 30KT WKN=  922 WSRA31 RUHB 060343 UHHH SIGMET 1 VALID 060400/060800 UHHH- UHHH KHABAROVSK FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N5646 E13512 - N5551 E14525 - N5306 E14528 - N5113 E13851 - N5016 E13655 - N5129 E13619 - N5646 E13512 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  765 WSBZ23 SBGL 060339 SBCW SIGMET 10 VALID 060344/060730 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2315 W05335 - S2744 W04819 - S2712 W04740 - S2704 W04749 - S2451 W04622 - S2736 W04427 - S2731 W04423 - S2315 W04720 - S2307 W04734 - S2250 W04825 - S2250 W04826 - S2522 W05005 - S2451 W05045 - S2319 W05040 - S2255 W05249 - S2315 W05335 FL160/220 STNR NC=  312 WUUS53 KPAH 060345 SVRPAH KYC219-060415- /O.NEW.KPAH.SV.W.0001.250206T0345Z-250206T0415Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Paducah KY 945 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 The National Weather Service in Paducah has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northern Todd County in south central Kentucky... * Until 1015 PM CST. * At 944 PM CST, a severe thunderstorm was located 10 miles north of Elkton, moving northeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. * Locations impacted include... Clifty and Allegre. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3688 8724 3697 8728 3700 8727 3705 8709 3706 8706 3691 8706 TIME...MOT...LOC 0344Z 245DEG 23KT 3696 8722 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...<50 MPH $$ DWS  636 WSUY31 SUMU 060400 SUEO SIGMET 3 VALID 060400/060600 SUMU- SUEO MONTEVIDEO FIR EMBD TSGR FCST WI S3224 W05425 - S3059 W05746 - S3004 W05646 - S3203 W05340 - S3224 W05425 TOP FL400 MOV E 10KT NC=  348 WWUS41 KRNK 060346 WSWRNK URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 1046 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 WVZ507-508-061200- /O.CON.KRNK.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Eastern Greenbrier-Western Greenbrier- Including the cities of Quinwood, Duo, Lewisburg, Rainelle, Alderson, and White Sulphur Springs 1046 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Significant icing expected. Ice accumulations around three tenths of an inch. * WHERE...Greenbrier County... mainly across the higher elevations north of I-64. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, may become slick and hazardous from freezing rain. Ice accumulation on power lines and tree limbs may cause power outages. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Travel is discouraged. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Prepare for possible power outages. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Persons should consider delaying all travel. Motorists should use extreme caution if travel is absolutely necessary. && $$ VAZ019-020-024-061200- /O.CON.KRNK.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Alleghany VA-Bath-Rockbridge- Including the cities of Hot Springs, Covington, Clifton Forge, Buena Vista, and Lexington 1046 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Ice accumulations up to two tenths of an inch. * WHERE...Alleghany VA, Bath, and Rockbridge Counties. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, may become slick and hazardous from freezing rain. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ 11  021 WSIR31 OIII 060229 OIIX SIGMET 02 VALID 060225/060430 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3238 E04728 - N3249 E05000 - N3008 E05025 - N2953 E04757 - N3238 E04728 TOP FL320 MOV ENE INTSF=  249 WSRA31 RUHB 060346 UHHH SIGMET 2 VALID 060400/060800 UHHH- UHHH KHABAROVSK FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4651 E13748 - N4618 E13923 - N4204 E13428 - N4250 E13322 - N4651 E13748 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  399 WWUS75 KCYS 060346 NPWCYS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 846 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 WYZ104-060500- /O.CAN.KCYS.HW.W.0012.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ Ferris/Seminoe/Shirley Mountains- Including the cities of Seminoe Dam 846 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...HIGH WIND WARNING IS CANCELLED... The National Weather Service has cancelled the High Wind Warning for northern Carbon County. Winds have diminished below warning thresholds late this evening. $$ Trudel  641 WXFJ01 NFFN 060400 SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER TWO ON HEAVY RAIN ISSUED FROM THE NATIONAL WEATHER FORECASTING CENTRE, NADI AT 04:30PM ON THURSDAY 06TH OF FEBRUARY, 2025. HEAVY RAIN ALERT A HEAVY RAIN WARNING PREVIOUSLY IN FORCE FOR THE NORTHERN PARTS OF VITI LEVU [TAVUA THROUGH RAKIRAKI TO TAILEVU NORTH], NORTHERN DIVISION, LAU AND LOMAIVITI GROUPS IS NOW DOWNGRADED TO ALERT. A HEAVY RAIN ALERT PREVIOUSLY IN FORCE FOR THE REST OF FIJI IS NOW CANCELLED. SITUATION: A TROUGH OF LOW PRESSURE WITH CLOUD, SHOWERS AND RAIN LIES OVER FIJI WITH AN EMBEDDED LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM LOCATED TO THE SOUTHWEST OF THE GROUP. THE TROUGH IS EXPECTED TO CONTINUE MOVING EASTWARDS AND AFFECT THE NORTHERN AND EASTERN DIVISIONS. ASSOCIATED CLOUD, SHOWERS AND RAIN IS EXPECTED TO AFFECT MOST PLACES AND IS EXPECTED TO EASE FROM THE WEST FROM LATER TONIGHT. FORECAST FOR THE NORTHERN PARTS OF VITI LEVU [TAVUA THROUGH RAKIRAKI TO TAILEVU NORTH] NORTHERN DIVISION, LAU AND LOMAIVITI GROUP: OCCASIONAL RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES AND ISOLATED THUNDERSTORMS. RAIN GRADUALLY EASING TO SHOWERS FROM LATER TONIGHT. FORECAST FOR THE REST OF FIJI: CLOUDY PERIODS WITH SOME SHOWERS AND POSSIBLE ISOLATED THUNDERSTORMS. ISOLATED HEAVY FALLS LIKELY. SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL IN THE PAST 24 HOURS FROM 2PM YESTERDAY TO 2PM TODAY. STATION RAINFALL (MM) NADARIVATU 112.0 MOMI 108.5 SIGATOKA 75.5 BUKUYA 65.0 NANOKO 64.0 YAQARA 62.5 NAGADO 59.5 VATUKACEVACEVA 59.0 KEIYASI 56.5 NACOCOLEVU 56.0 PENANG 55.0 POSSIBLE IMPACTS:  642 WXFJ01 NFFN 060400 SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER TWO ON HEAVY RAIN ISSUED FROM THE NATIONAL WEATHER FORECASTING CENTRE, NADI AT 04:30PM ON THURSDAY 06TH OF FEBRUARY, 2025. HEAVY RAIN ALERT A HEAVY RAIN WARNING PREVIOUSLY IN FORCE FOR THE NORTHERN PARTS OF VITI LEVU [TAVUA THROUGH RAKIRAKI TO TAILEVU NORTH], NORTHERN DIVISION, LAU AND LOMAIVITI GROUPS IS NOW DOWNGRADED TO ALERT. A HEAVY RAIN ALERT PREVIOUSLY IN FORCE FOR THE REST OF FIJI IS NOW CANCELLED. Situation: A trough of low pressure with cloud, showers and rain lies over Fiji with an embedded low pressure system located to the southwest of the group. The trough is expected to continue moving eastwards and affect the Northern and Eastern Divisions. Associated cloud, showers and rain is expected to affect most places and is expected to ease from the west from later tonight. Forecast for the Northern parts of Viti Levu [Tavua through Rakiraki to Tailevu north] Northern division, Lau and Lomaiviti group: Occasional rain, heavy at times and isolated thunderstorms. Rain gradually easing to showers from later tonight. Forecast for the rest of Fiji: Cloudy periods with some showers and possible isolated thunderstorms. Isolated heavy falls likely. Significant Rainfall in the past 24 hours from 2pm yesterday to 2pm today. Station Rainfall (mm) Nadarivatu 112.0 Momi 108.5 Sigatoka 75.5 Bukuya 65.0 Nanoko 64.0 Yaqara 62.5 Nagado 59.5 Vatukacevaceva 59.0 Keiyasi 56.5 Nacocolevu 56.0 Penang 55.0 Possible Impacts: -Flash flooding of some low-lying areas, informal settlements, small streams and irish crossing leading to disruption to traffic flow. -Wet roads and reduced visibility. -Day-to-day activities may be affected THE NEXT SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN ON HEAVY RAIN WILL BE ISSUED AROUND 04:30AM TOMORROW OR EARLIER IF THE SITUATION CHANGES.  643 WSAG31 SABE 060352 SAVF SIGMET D1 VALID 060352/060752 SABE- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 0352Z WI S5145 W07149 - S5102 W06953 - S4816 W06715 - S4534 W06725 - S4552 W07202 - S4801 W07231 - S4903 W07329 - S5045 W07321 - S5033 W07221 - S5145 W07149 FL350/450 STNR WKN=  690 WSAG31 SABE 060352 SAVF SIGMET D1 VALID 060352/060752 SABE- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 0352Z WI S5145 W07149 - S5102 W06953 - S4816 W06715 - S4534 W06725 - S4552 W07202 - S4801 W07231 - S4903 W07329 - S5045 W07321 - S5033 W07221 - S5145 W07149 FL350/450 STNR WKN=  098 WWUS83 KJKL 060348 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 1048 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 KYZ058-068-069-079-060415- Jackson KY-Estill KY-Rockcastle KY-Pulaski KY- 1048 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHWESTERN ESTILL... NORTHEASTERN PULASKI...JACKSON AND ROCKCASTLE COUNTIES THROUGH 1115 PM EST... At 1047 PM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Bromo, or near Mount Vernon, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Mount Vernon, McKee, Carico, Sand Springs, Donaro, Bummer, Threelinks, Robinet, Shop Branch, Bandy, Mummie, Privett, Bradshaw, Horse Lick, Roundstone, Spiro, Wabp, Climax, Hansford, and Renfro Valley. THIS INCLUDES Interstate 75 in east central Kentucky between mile markers 53 and 71. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3733 8451 3742 8447 3753 8429 3751 8427 3752 8420 3756 8416 3756 8409 3763 8412 3767 8405 3737 8382 3730 8410 3734 8412 3731 8414 3730 8418 3727 8422 3721 8447 3735 8454 TIME...MOT...LOC 0347Z 251DEG 48KT 3732 8443 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...<30 MPH $$ GINNICK  101 WHUS76 KEKA 060348 MWWEKA URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Eureka CA 748 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 PZZ450-470-060500- /O.EXP.KEKA.SC.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-250206T0400Z/ Pt St George to Cape Mendocino out 10 nm- Pt St George to Cape Mendocino 10 to 60 nm- 748 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 PM PST THIS EVENING... $$  942 WSCG31 FCBB 060347 FCCC SIGMET C2 VALID 060400/060800 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0330Z S OF LINE N0205 E00630 - N0155 E01800 TOP FL410 MOV W 05KT NC=  234 WWUS83 KLMK 060349 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 1049 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 KYZ029-034-038-045-060415- Shelby KY-Bullitt KY-Spencer KY-Nelson KY- 1049 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SPENCER...SOUTHWESTERN SHELBY... NORTH CENTRAL NELSON AND NORTHEASTERN BULLITT COUNTIES THROUGH 1115 PM EST... At 1048 PM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 10 miles north of Bardstown, moving northeast at 60 mph. HAZARD...Half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Shelbyville, Taylorsville, Mount Washington, Fairfield, Wakefield, Yoder, Highgrove, Waterford, Smithville, and Deatsville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, seek shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3806 8507 3804 8508 3804 8510 3802 8513 3801 8512 3800 8513 3800 8515 3799 8515 3799 8516 3800 8516 3798 8517 3788 8556 3801 8566 3822 8514 TIME...MOT...LOC 0348Z 247DEG 52KT 3796 8552 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...<30 MPH $$ 13  197 WUUS53 KLMK 060349 SVRLMK KYC031-141-227-060415- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.W.0001.250206T0349Z-250206T0415Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 949 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northern Logan County in south central Kentucky... Southwestern Butler County in south central Kentucky... Northwestern Warren County in south central Kentucky... * Until 1015 PM CST. * At 949 PM CST, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles southwest of Dunmor, moving east at 60 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. * Locations impacted include... Anderson, Lewisburg, Woodbury, Insco, Spa, Dimple, Epleys, Leetown, Wolf Lick, and Everett. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3703 8706 3706 8705 3707 8698 3707 8694 3708 8694 3708 8692 3709 8690 3711 8690 3719 8661 3698 8653 3690 8706 TIME...MOT...LOC 0349Z 252DEG 53KT 3698 8710 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...<50 MPH $$ CSG  089 WXFJ01 NFFN 060400 **CORRECTION** SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER TWO ON HEAVY RAIN ISSUED FROM THE NATIONAL WEATHER FORECASTING CENTRE, NADI AT 04:30PM ON THURSDAY 06TH OF FEBRUARY, 2025. HEAVY RAIN ALERT A HEAVY RAIN WARNING PREVIOUSLY IN FORCE FOR THE NORTHERN PARTS OF VITI LEVU [TAVUA THROUGH RAKIRAKI TO TAILEVU NORTH], NORTHERN DIVISION, LAU AND LOMAIVITI GROUPS IS NOW DOWNGRADED TO ALERT. A HEAVY RAIN ALERT PREVIOUSLY IN FORCE FOR THE REST OF FIJI IS NOW CANCELLED. SITUATION: A TROUGH OF LOW PRESSURE WITH CLOUD, SHOWERS AND RAIN LIES OVER FIJI WITH AN EMBEDDED LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM LOCATED TO THE SOUTHWEST OF THE GROUP. THE TROUGH IS EXPECTED TO CONTINUE MOVING EASTWARDS AND AFFECT THE NORTHERN AND EASTERN DIVISIONS. ASSOCIATED CLOUD, SHOWERS AND RAIN IS EXPECTED TO AFFECT MOST PLACES AND IS EXPECTED TO EASE FROM THE WEST FROM LATER TONIGHT. FORECAST FOR THE NORTHERN PARTS OF VITI LEVU [TAVUA THROUGH RAKIRAKI TO TAILEVU NORTH] NORTHERN DIVISION, LAU AND LOMAIVITI GROUP: OCCASIONAL RAIN, HEAVY AT TIMES AND ISOLATED THUNDERSTORMS. RAIN GRADUALLY EASING TO SHOWERS FROM LATER TONIGHT. FORECAST FOR THE REST OF FIJI: CLOUDY PERIODS WITH SOME SHOWERS AND POSSIBLE ISOLATED THUNDERSTORMS. ISOLATED HEAVY FALLS LIKELY. FORECAST CONFIDENCE: MODERATE SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL IN THE PAST 24 HOURS FROM 2PM YESTERDAY TO 2PM TODAY. STATION RAINFALL (MM) NADARIVATU 112.0 MOMI 108.5 SIGATOKA 75.5 BUKUYA 65.0 NANOKO 64.0 YAQARA 62.5 NAGADO 59.5 VATUKACEVACEVA 59.0 KEIYASI 56.5 NACOCOLEVU 56.0  090 WXFJ01 NFFN 060400 **Correction** SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER TWO ON HEAVY RAIN ISSUED FROM THE NATIONAL WEATHER FORECASTING CENTRE, NADI AT 04:30PM ON THURSDAY 06TH OF FEBRUARY, 2025. HEAVY RAIN ALERT A HEAVY RAIN WARNING PREVIOUSLY IN FORCE FOR THE NORTHERN PARTS OF VITI LEVU [TAVUA THROUGH RAKIRAKI TO TAILEVU NORTH], NORTHERN DIVISION, LAU AND LOMAIVITI GROUPS IS NOW DOWNGRADED TO ALERT. A HEAVY RAIN ALERT PREVIOUSLY IN FORCE FOR THE REST OF FIJI IS NOW CANCELLED. Situation: A trough of low pressure with cloud, showers and rain lies over Fiji with an embedded low pressure system located to the southwest of the group. The trough is expected to continue moving eastwards and affect the Northern and Eastern Divisions. Associated cloud, showers and rain is expected to affect most places and is expected to ease from the west from later tonight. Forecast for the Northern parts of Viti Levu [Tavua through Rakiraki to Tailevu north] Northern division, Lau and Lomaiviti group: Occasional rain, heavy at times and isolated thunderstorms. Rain gradually easing to showers from later tonight. Forecast for the rest of Fiji: Cloudy periods with some showers and possible isolated thunderstorms. Isolated heavy falls likely. Forecast Confidence: Moderate Significant Rainfall in the past 24 hours from 2pm yesterday to 2pm today. Station Rainfall (mm) Nadarivatu 112.0 Momi 108.5 Sigatoka 75.5 Bukuya 65.0 Nanoko 64.0 Yaqara 62.5 Nagado 59.5 Vatukacevaceva 59.0 Keiyasi 56.5 Nacocolevu 56.0 Penang 55.0 Possible Impacts: -Flash flooding of some low-lying areas, informal settlements, small streams and irish crossing leading to disruption to traffic flow. -Wet roads and reduced visibility. -Day-to-day activities may be affected THE NEXT SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN ON HEAVY RAIN WILL BE ISSUED AROUND 04:30AM TOMORROW OR EARLIER IF THE SITUATION CHANGES.  181 WWUS53 KPAH 060350 SVSPAH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Paducah KY 950 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 KYC219-060415- /O.CON.KPAH.SV.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T0415Z/ Todd KY- 950 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1015 PM CST FOR NORTHEASTERN TODD COUNTY... At 950 PM CST, a severe thunderstorm was located 9 miles southwest of Dunmor, or 12 miles north of Elkton, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Locations impacted include... Clifty. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3689 8718 3701 8722 3705 8709 3706 8706 3691 8706 TIME...MOT...LOC 0350Z 253DEG 47KT 3698 8712 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.50 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...<50 MPH $$ DWS  917 WWUS83 KMPX 060351 SPSMPX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 951 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 MNZ059>063-066>070-075>078-083>085-092-093-WIZ023>028-060730- Wright-Hennepin-Anoka-Ramsey-Washington-McLeod-Sibley-Carver- Scott-Dakota-Nicollet-Le Sueur-Rice-Goodhue-Blue Earth-Waseca- Steele-Faribault-Freeborn-St. Croix-Pierce-Dunn-Pepin-Chippewa- Eau Claire- Including the cities of Monticello, Minneapolis, Blaine, St Paul, Stillwater, Hutchinson, Gaylord, Chanhassen, Chaska, Victoria, Shakopee, Hastings, St Peter, Le Sueur, Faribault, Red Wing, Mankato, Waseca, Owatonna, Blue Earth, Albert Lea, Hudson, River Falls, Menomonie, Durand, Chippewa Falls, and Eau Claire 951 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...AREAS OF FREEZING DRIZZLE LATE THIS EVENING... A large area of freezing drizzle has developed across parts of central and southern Minnesota late this evening. It is advancing east and is beginning to reach far western Wisconsin. This freezing drizzle may mix with a little light snow at times. Minor ice accumulation is possible through the early overnight hours. Be prepared to encounter slick conditions if traveling overnight. $$ Borghoff  843 WWUS83 KLMK 060352 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 1052 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 KYZ025-028-029-045-060415- Bullitt KY-Nelson KY-Meade KY-Hardin KY- 1052 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL IMPACT NORTHWESTERN NELSON... SOUTHEASTERN MEADE...SOUTHWESTERN BULLITT AND NORTHERN HARDIN COUNTIES THROUGH 1115 PM EST... At 1052 PM EST, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 6 miles south of Brandenburg to 13 miles west of Elizabethtown. Movement was east at 60 mph. HAZARD...Half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Shepherdsville, Radcliff, Vine Grove, Lebanon Junction, Muldraugh, Bardstown Junction, Hobbs, Long View, Scuffletown, and Cedar Grove. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, seek shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3801 8566 3786 8554 3771 8615 3778 8617 3780 8615 3782 8618 3791 8620 TIME...MOT...LOC 0352Z 252DEG 54KT 3790 8614 3773 8612 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...<30 MPH $$ 13  218 WHUS74 KMOB 060352 MWWMOB URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mobile AL 952 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 GMZ630>636-650-655-061500- /O.CON.KMOB.MF.Y.0006.250206T0400Z-250206T1500Z/ Northern Mobile Bay-Southern Mobile Bay-Mississippi Sound- Perdido Bay-Pensacola Bay System-Western Choctawhatchee Bay- Eastern Choctawhatchee Bay- Coastal waters from Pensacola FL to Pascagoula MS out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Okaloosa Walton County Line FL to Pensacola FL out 20 NM- 952 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1 NM or less. * WHERE...Portions of the coastal waters of Alabama and northwest Florida. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  756 WSUS05 KKCI 060353 WS5Q SLCQ WS 060353 CANCEL SIGMET QUEBEC 2. CONDS MSTLY MOD. ....  391 WSPN08 KKCI 060400 SIGP0H KZAK SIGMET HOTEL 5 VALID 060400/060800 KKCI- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0400Z WI N3923 W17309 - N3104 W17104 - N2856 W17650 - N2948 E17824 - N3340 W17658 - N3808 W17705 - N3923 W17309. TOP FL350. MOV ESE 40KT. WKN.  927 WAIS31 LLBD 060350 LLLL AIRMET 2 VALID 060400/060800 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MOD TURB OBS WI N3233 E03417 - N3230 E03535 - N3018 E03435 - N3205 E03340 - N3233 E03417 FL040/180 WKN=  259 WWUS83 KARX 060355 SPSARX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 955 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 MNZ086>088-094>096-WIZ041>044-053-060700- Dodge-Olmsted-Winona-Mower-Fillmore-Houston-La Crosse-Monroe- Juneau-Adams-Vernon- Including the cities of Dodge Center, Rochester, Winona, Austin, Preston, Caledonia, La Crosse, Sparta, Tomah, Mauston, Friendship, and Viroqua 955 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...Areas Of Freezing Drizzle Moving In... Areas of freezing drizzle continue to push northeast, reaching into portions of southeast Minnesota and southwest Wisconsin late this evening. A light glaze of ice could accrue on untreated surfaces...especially secondary roads, parking lots and sidewalks. Exercise caution while traveling tonight. Wet looking surfaces will likely be icy and slippery. Prepare accordingly. $$ Rieck  532 WWUS83 KMKX 060355 SPSMKX SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT National Weather Service MILWAUKEE/SULLIVAN WI 955 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 WIZ046-047-051-052-057>060-060900- Marquette-Green Lake-Fond du Lac-Sheboygan-Columbia-Dodge- Washington-Ozaukee- Including the cities of Montello, Westfield, Oxford, Neshkoro, Endeavor, Berlin, Princeton, Markesan, Fond Du Lac, Plymouth, Sheboygan Falls, Howards Grove, Oostburg, Portage, Columbus, Lake Wisconsin, Lodi, Beaver Dam, Waupun, Mayville, West Bend, Germantown, Hartford, Mequon, Cedarburg, and Grafton 955 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...Freezing Drizzle May Lead To Slippery Roads Overnight... Freezing drizzle is expected to continue to move northeast into parts of south central and east central Wisconsin into the overnight hours. Some light snow may mix in at times, especially toward the Montello, Fond du Lac and Sheboygan areas. The freezing drizzle may cause a glazing of ice on untreated roads, leading to slippery driving conditions into the overnight hours. Slow down and allow for extra time to reach your destination. $$ Wood  928 WWUS53 KPAH 060356 SVSPAH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Paducah KY 956 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 KYC219-060405- /O.CAN.KPAH.SV.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T0415Z/ Todd KY- 956 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN TODD COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. && LAT...LON 3689 8718 3701 8722 3705 8709 3706 8706 3691 8706 TIME...MOT...LOC 0353Z 245DEG 23KT 3700 8708 $$ DWS  009 WHUS74 KLCH 060357 MWWLCH URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lake Charles LA 957 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 GMZ430-432-435-436-450-452-455-061800- /O.CON.KLCH.MF.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Sabine Lake-Calcasieu Lake-Vermilion and West Cote Blanche Bays- Atchafalaya and East Cote Blanche Bays- Coastal waters from Cameron LA to High Island TX out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Intracoastal City to Cameron LA out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Lower Atchafalaya River to Intracoastal City LA out 20 NM- 957 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 NM or less. * WHERE...Portions of and the coastal lakes and bays of the Gulf of Mexico. * WHEN...Until noon CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  258 WAIS31 LLBD 060351 LLLL AIRMET 3 VALID 060400/060800 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC OBS WI N3321 E03548 - N3257 E03555 - N3118 E03504 - N3123 E03453 - N3321 E03548 STNR NC=  893 WHUS73 KLOT 060358 MWWLOT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Chicago IL 958 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 LMZ740-061200- /O.CON.KLOT.SC.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ /O.CON.KLOT.GL.W.0003.250206T1800Z-250207T0600Z/ Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor IL- 958 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST THURSDAY... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON THURSDAY TO MIDNIGHT CST THURSDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, significant waves to 6 ft occasionally to 8 ft expected. For the Gale Warning, west gales to 35 kt expected. * WHERE...Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor IL. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 3 AM CST Thursday. For the Gale Warning, from noon Thursday to midnight CST Thursday night. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ741-742-061200- /O.CON.KLOT.GL.W.0003.250206T1800Z-250207T0600Z/ Wilmette Harbor to Northerly Island IL- Northerly Island to Calumet Harbor IL- 958 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON THURSDAY TO MIDNIGHT CST THURSDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...West gales to 35 kt expected. * WHERE...Wilmette Harbor to Calumet Harbor IL. * WHEN...From noon Thursday to midnight CST Thursday night. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ743>745-061200- /O.CON.KLOT.SC.Y.0015.250206T1800Z-250207T1000Z/ Calumet Harbor IL to Gary IN-Gary to Burns Harbor IN- Burns Harbor to Michigan City IN- 958 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON THURSDAY TO 4 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds to 30 kt and significant waves to 7 ft occasionally to 9 ft expected, with occasional gales to 35 kt possible. * WHERE...Calumet Harbor IL to Michigan City IN. * WHEN...From noon Thursday to 4 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  138 WSPH31 RPLL 060358 RPHI SIGMET A01 VALID 060358/060758 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1333 E13000 - N0955 E13000 - N0832 E1 2456 - N1236 E12109 - N1429 E12236 - N1333 E13000 TOP FL540 MOV W 25K T NC=  238 WSPH31 RPLL 060358 RPHI SIGMET A01 VALID 060358/060758 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1333 E13000 - N0955 E13000 - N0832 E12456 - N1236 E12109 - N1429 E12236 - N1333 E13000 TOP FL540 MOV W 25KT NC=  380 WSPH31 RPLL 060358 RPHI SIGMET A01 VALID 060358/060758 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1333 E13000 - N0955 E13000 - N0832 E12456 - N1236 E12109 - N1429 E12236 - N1333 E13000 TOP FL540 MOV W 25KT NC=  519 WSBZ23 SBGL 060354 SBAO SIGMET 4 VALID 060359/060730 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2429 W04049 - S2754 W03658 - S2646 W03546 - S2327 W03928 - S2429 W04049 FL280/360 STNR NC=  219 WSUY31 SUMU 060410 SUEO SIGMET A2 VALID 060410/060810 SUMU- SUEO MONTEVIDEO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3507 W05630 - S3350 W05613 - S3242 W05302 - S3636 W05304 - S3507 W05630 FL160/360 MOV E 10KT NC=  692 WWUS43 KFGF 060402 WSWFGF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 1002 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 MNZ029>032-040-060700- /O.EXB.KFGF.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T0700Z/ Wilkin-West Otter Tail-East Otter Tail-Wadena-Grant- Including the cities of Staples Airport, Ashby, Wadena, Fergus Falls, Menahga, Battle Lake, Breckenridge, Elbow Lake, Barrett, New York Mills, Hoffman, Erdahl, Perham, Lawndale, Henning, Parkers Prairie, and Herman 1002 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle and snow. New snowfall accumulations up to an inch or two. * WHERE...Wadena, East Otter Tail, Grant, West Otter Tail, and Wilkin Counties. * WHEN...Until 1 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MNZ001>004-007-NDZ008-016-027-030-039-061215- /O.CON.KFGF.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T2100Z/ West Polk-Norman-Clay-Kittson-West Marshall-Pembina-Eastern Walsh- Grand Forks-Traill-Cass- Including the cities of Nash, Hillsboro, Park River, Walhalla, Grand Forks, Portland, Fargo, Karlstad, Florian, Backoo, Halstad, Leroy, Syre, Englund, East Grand Forks, Akra, Cavalier, Bowesmont, Grafton, Drayton, Crookston, Lancaster, Kelso, Hatton, Oakwood, Argyle, Hallock, Roseville, Moorhead, Mayville, Hadler, Warren, Faith, Flaming, Radium, Stephen, Twin Valley, and Ada 1002 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 1 and 3 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Portions of northwest and west central Minnesota and northeast and southeast North Dakota. * WHEN...Until 3 PM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions and reduced visibility. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visibility could fall as low as 1/4 mile at times, especially in open areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MNZ005-008-013>015-022-027-028-061215- /O.CON.KFGF.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T2100Z/ Roseau-East Marshall-Pennington-Red Lake-East Polk-Mahnomen-West Becker-East Becker- Including the cities of Thief River Falls, McIntosh, Red Lake Falls, Grygla, Erskine, Rosewood, Salol, Fertile, Naytahwaush, Roseau, Casperson, Detroit Lakes, Gatzke, Fosston, Fox, Mahnomen, Waubun, Newfolden, Middle River, Hayes Lake State Park, Espelie, Pencer, Malung, Wolf Lake, Dakota Junction, and Shoreham 1002 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 4 inches. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...A portion of northwest Minnesota. * WHEN...Until 3 PM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions and reduced visibility. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visibility could fall as low as 1/2 mile at times, especially in open areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MNZ006-009-016-017-023-024-061200- /O.CON.KFGF.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Lake Of The Woods-North Beltrami-North Clearwater-South Beltrami- South Clearwater-Hubbard- Including the cities of Red Lake, Bagley, Upper Rice Lake, Bemidji, Long Lost Lake, Lower Rice Lake, Hubbard, Ponemah, Redby, Emmaville, Clearbrook, Baudette, Alida, Ebro, Nary, Rosby, Lavinia, Lake Itasca, Roy Lake, and Park Rapids 1002 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 5 inches. * WHERE...Portions of north central and northwest Minnesota. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NDZ006-007-014-015-024-026-028-029-038-054-061215- /O.CON.KFGF.WW.Y.0006.250206T0600Z-250207T0000Z/ Towner-Cavalier-Benson-Ramsey-Eddy-Nelson-Griggs-Steele-Barnes- Western Walsh- Including the cities of Adams, Vang, Fort Totten, Cando, Leeds, Considine, Maida, Hope, Lankin, Minnewaukan, Fairdale, Maddock, Mount Carmel, Aneta, New Rockford, Tolna, Langdon, Lakota, Valley City, Mcville, Dresden, Finley, Cooperstown, and Devils Lake 1002 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations of up to 2 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Portions of northeast and southeast North Dakota. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions and reduced visibility. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visibility could fall as low as 1/4 mile at times, especially in open areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Perroux  643 WSIR31 OIII 060359 OIIX SIGMET 03 VALID 060410/060630 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3217 E04730 - N3306 E04945 - N3105 E05148 - N2850 E04837 - N3217 E04730 TOP FL320 MOV ENE INTSF=  402 WWUS74 KMOB 060404 NPWMOB URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mobile AL 1004 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ALZ051>060-261>266-FLZ201>206-MSZ067-075-076-078-079-061500- /O.CON.KMOB.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Choctaw-Washington-Clarke-Wilcox-Monroe-Conecuh-Butler-Crenshaw- Escambia-Covington-Mobile Inland-Baldwin Inland-Mobile Central- Baldwin Central-Mobile Coastal-Baldwin Coastal-Escambia Inland- Escambia Coastal-Santa Rosa Inland-Santa Rosa Coastal-Okaloosa Inland-Okaloosa Coastal-Wayne-Perry-Greene-Stone-George- Including the cities of Ensley, Fort Pickens, Jackson, Seminole, Bagdad, Waynesboro, Leakesville, Atmore, Destin, Spanish Fort, Century, Homewood, Fort Walton Beach, Perdido Bay, Bay Minette, Wiggins, Eglin AFB, Opp, Stockton, Evergreen, Beaumont, Orange Beach, Greenville, Molino, Andalusia, Navarre, Millry, Beulah, Walnut Hill, Daphne, Valparaiso, Monroeville, Thomasville, Camden, New Augusta, Fort Morgan, Brantley, Grove Hill, Bayou La Batre, Pine Hill, Mobile, Theodore, Fairhope, Pensacola, Citronelle, Pensacola Beach, Milton, Luverne, Lucedale, Jay, Niceville, Wright, Foley, Flomaton, Saraland, Grand Bay, Prichard, McLain, Chatom, Butler, Richton, Gulf Shores, Silas, Brewton, Dauphin Island, Crestview, Gulf Breeze, and Lisman 1004 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...South central and southwest Alabama, northwest Florida, and southeast Mississippi. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ JLH  014 WSBZ23 SBGL 060354 SBAO SIGMET 5 VALID 060359/060730 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S1841 W03815 - S1852 W03740 - S1917 W03759 - S1859 W03713 - S1703 W03725 - S1841 W03815 FL280/360 STNR NC=  341 WWUS84 KCRP 060404 SPSCRP Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Corpus Christi TX 1004 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 TXZ345-442-443-447-060815- Aransas Islands-Kleberg Islands-Nueces Islands-Calhoun Islands- Including the city of Port Aransas 1004 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...AREAS OF FOG THIS MORNING... Areas of fog have developed across portions of South Texas this evening and will last through the morning. Expect visibilities generally 1 mile or less with a few locations seeing visibilities 1/4 mile or less at times. Use caution if traveling as visibility may change rapidly in a short amount of time. Use low beam headlights and leave extra distance between your vehicle and others on the road. $$  414 WSIQ01 ORBI 060404 ORBB SIGMET A1 VALID 060430/060830 ORBI- ORBB BAGHDAD FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST N OF LINE N3450 E04158 - N3548 E04310 - N3516 E04423 - N3410 E04518 MOV NE 10KT NC=  435 WWCN15 CWUL 060405 BLIZZARD WARNING FOR NUNAVIK ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:05 P.M. EST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLIZZARD WARNING ENDED FOR: SANIKILUAQ UMIUJAQ. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== BLIZZARD CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  531 WAIS31 LLBD 060352 LLLL AIRMET 4 VALID 060400/060800 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MOD ICE OBS WI N3233 E03417 - N3230 E03535 - N2930 E03500 - N3205 E03340 - N3233 E03417 FL050/180 NC=  943 WWUS53 KLMK 060406 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 1006 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 KYC031-141-227-060415- /O.CON.KLMK.SV.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T0415Z/ Logan KY-Butler KY-Warren KY- 1006 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1015 PM CST FOR NORTHEASTERN LOGAN...SOUTHWESTERN BUTLER AND NORTHWESTERN WARREN COUNTIES... At 1006 PM CST, a severe thunderstorm was located 12 miles south of Morgantown, moving east at 60 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Anderson, Woodbury, Insco, Dimple, Leetown, Davis Crossroads, Rockland, Guy, Harper Crossroads, and Buffalo Fork. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3706 8691 3708 8692 3709 8690 3711 8690 3719 8661 3698 8653 3696 8687 TIME...MOT...LOC 0406Z 252DEG 54KT 3705 8678 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...<50 MPH $$ CSG  737 WSAU21 YBRF 060409 YBBB SIGMET Q02 VALID 060409/060515 YBRF- YBBB BRISBANE FIR CNL SIGMET Q01 060313/060515=  985 WTNT80 EGRR 060411 MET OFFICE TROPICAL CYCLONE GUIDANCE FOR NORTH-EAST PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC GLOBAL MODEL DATA TIME 00UTC 06.02.2025 NO TROPICAL CYCLONES ANALYSED OR FORECAST TO DEVELOP IN THIS AREA IN THE NEXT 168 HOURS THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED AS GUIDANCE FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE RSMCS. IT REQUIRES INTERPRETATION BY TROPICAL CYCLONE SPECIALISTS AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A FINAL PRODUCT. BULLETINS ARE NOW AVAILABLE WHICH PROVIDE EXPLICIT GUIDANCE ON CENTRAL PRESSURE AND MAXIMUM WIND SPEED. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT TROPICAL_CYCLONES@METOFFICE.GOV.UK MET OFFICE, EXETER, UK TOO 060411  986 WTNT82 EGRR 060411 MET OFFICE TROPICAL CYCLONE GUIDANCE FOR NORTH-EAST PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC GLOBAL MODEL DATA TIME 0000UTC 06.02.2025 NO TROPICAL CYCLONES ANALYSED OR FORECAST TO DEVELOP IN THIS AREA IN THE NEXT 168 HOURS THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED AS GUIDANCE FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE RSMCS. IT REQUIRES INTERPRETATION BY TROPICAL CYCLONE SPECIALISTS AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A FINAL PRODUCT. MET OFFICE, EXETER, UK TOO 060411  004 WWUS83 KLMK 060413 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 1013 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 KYZ061-062-071-060445- Warren KY-Edmonson KY-Butler KY- 1013 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHEASTERN BUTLER...NORTHERN WARREN AND EDMONSON COUNTIES THROUGH 1045 PM CST... At 1013 PM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 9 miles south of Morgantown, moving east at 60 mph. HAZARD...Half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Brownsville, Windyville, Chalybeate, Girkin, Black Gold, Rockland, Tuckertown, Straw, Huff, and Mammoth Cave. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3714 8672 3732 8615 3711 8606 3711 8607 3700 8666 TIME...MOT...LOC 0413Z 252DEG 53KT 3709 8664 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...<30 MPH $$ CSG  266 WHUS74 KHGX 060415 MWWHGX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Houston/Galveston TX 1015 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 GMZ330-335-061215- /O.CON.KHGX.MF.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Matagorda Bay-Galveston Bay- 1015 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 to 1/2 NM. * WHERE...Matagorda Bay and Galveston Bay. * WHEN...Until noon CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$ GMZ350-355-061215- /O.CON.KHGX.MF.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Coastal waters from Freeport to Matagorda Ship Channel TX out 20 NM-Coastal waters from High Island to Freeport TX out 20 NM- 1015 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 NM or less. * WHERE...Coastal waters from Freeport to Matagorda Ship Channel TX out 20 NM and Coastal waters from High Island to Freeport TX out 20 NM. * WHEN...Until noon CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  346 WWUS53 KLMK 060415 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 1015 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 KYC031-141-227-060425- /O.EXP.KLMK.SV.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T0415Z/ Logan KY-Butler KY-Warren KY- 1015 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN LOGAN... SOUTHWESTERN BUTLER AND NORTHWESTERN WARREN COUNTIES HAS EXPIRED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. However, small hail is still possible with this thunderstorm. && LAT...LON 3706 8691 3708 8692 3709 8690 3711 8690 3719 8661 3698 8653 3696 8687 TIME...MOT...LOC 0415Z 252DEG 53KT 3707 8668 $$ CSG  440 WSIQ01 ORBI 060415 ORBB SIGMET A1 VALID 060430/060830 ORBI- ORBB BAGHDAD FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST N OF LINE N3450 E04158 - N3548 E04310 - N3516 E04423 - N3410 E04518 MOV NE 10KT NC=  598 WAIS31 LLBD 060355 LLLL AIRMET 5 VALID 060400/060600 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR ISOL TS OBS WI N3317 E03450 - N3315 E03557 - N3230 E03525 - N3252 E03340 - N3317 E03450 TOP FL240 MOV E 25KT WKN=  749 WSAG31 SABE 060423 SAEF SIGMET A2 VALID 060423/060823 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR SEV MTW OBS AT 0423Z WI S4103 W06936 - S3850 W07103 - S3901 W07126 - S3958 W07148 - S4055 W07153 - S4150 W07116 - S4103 W06936 FL050/150 STNR NC=  969 WSAG31 SABE 060423 SAEF SIGMET A2 VALID 060423/060823 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR SEV MTW OBS AT 0423Z WI S4103 W06936 - S3850 W07103 - S3901 W07126 - S3958 W07148 - S4055 W07153 - S4150 W07116 - S4103 W06936 FL050/150 STNR NC=  796 WWUS46 KEKA 060421 WSWEKA URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Eureka CA 821 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 CAZ102-061230- /O.CAN.KEKA.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ /O.CON.KEKA.WW.Y.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Del Norte Interior- Including Gasquet and Hwy 199-Collier Tunnel 821 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected above 2500 feet. Total snow accumulations up to 6 inches. * WHERE...Del Norte Interior. * WHEN...From 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Including Highway 199 at Collier Tunnel. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ CAZ107-061230- /O.CON.KEKA.WS.W.0004.250206T1800Z-250207T1800Z/ Northern Trinity- Including Hwy 3-Scott Mountain 821 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 8 and 13 inches. * WHERE...Northern Trinity. * WHEN...From 10 AM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Including Highway 3 at Scott Mountain Pass. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ CAZ108-061230- /O.CON.KEKA.WW.Y.0004.250206T1800Z-250207T1800Z/ Southern Trinity- 821 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 9 inches. * WHERE...Southern Trinity. * WHEN...From 10 AM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ CAZ105-061230- /O.CON.KEKA.WW.Y.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Northern Humboldt Interior- Including Hwy 299-Berry Summit 821 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected above 2500 feet. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 8 inches. * WHERE...Northern Humboldt Interior. * WHEN...From 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Including Highway 299 at Berry Summits. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For hazard areas see https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/map/?wfo=eka ZVS  589 WWUS73 KGRB 060423 NPWGRB URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Green Bay WI 1023 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 WIZ018>022-030-031-035>040-045-048>050-073-074-061230- /O.CON.KGRB.WI.Y.0002.250206T1500Z-250207T0300Z/ Lincoln-Langlade-Menominee-Northern Oconto County-Door-Marathon- Shawano-Wood-Portage-Waupaca-Outagamie-Brown-Kewaunee-Waushara- Winnebago-Calumet-Manitowoc-Southern Marinette County-Southern Oconto County- Including the cities of Sister Bay, Two Rivers, Marshfield, Chilton, Antigo, Green Bay, Fish Creek, Wisconsin Rapids, Harmony, Keshena, Waupaca, Wautoma, Clintonville, Plover, Neopit, Kewaunee, Luxemburg, Menasha, Brookside, Little Suamico, Shawano, Middle Inlet, Wausau, Sturgeon Bay, Tomahawk, New Holstein, Sobieski, Mountain, Appleton, Redgranite, Loomis, Brillion, Manitowoc, New London, High Falls Reservoir, Porterfield, Oconto, Merrill, Pensaukee, Peshtigo, Lakewood, Stevens Point, Neenah, Townsend, Crivitz, and Oshkosh 1023 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM TO 9 PM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts of 35 to 50 mph expected. A few higher gusts are possible across east-central Wisconsin. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, north central, and northeast Wisconsin. * WHEN...From 9 AM to 9 PM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down which could result in sporadic power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The power outage threat will be highest where any ice accretion occurs overnight and Thursday morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ For more information, visit us at http://www.weather.gov/GreenBay Bersch  554 WWUS83 KLMK 060423 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 1123 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 KYZ035>037-060515- Scott KY-Franklin KY-Harrison KY- 1123 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL IMPACT SCOTT...HARRISON AND FRANKLIN COUNTIES THROUGH 1215 AM EST... At 1123 PM EST, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 14 miles southeast of New Castle to near Frankfort to 7 miles northwest of Lawrenceburg. Movement was northeast at 65 mph. HAZARD...Half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Georgetown, Frankfort, Cynthiana, Breckinridge, Stamping Ground, Sadieville, Berry, Longlick, Slickway, and Alberta. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, seek shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3810 8493 3813 8502 3827 8500 3833 8496 3834 8499 3835 8498 3837 8491 3834 8479 3835 8474 3849 8456 3851 8449 3854 8448 3853 8445 3857 8441 3858 8420 3855 8421 3855 8416 3850 8418 3847 8411 3846 8410 TIME...MOT...LOC 0423Z 240DEG 59KT 3829 8497 3820 8493 3813 8498 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...<30 MPH $$ 13  826 WHUS76 KMTR 060423 MWWMTR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 823 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 PZZ565-061230- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0017.250206T1100Z-250206T1700Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.GL.W.0005.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ Coastal Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas California out to 10 NM- 823 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 9 AM PST THURSDAY... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THURSDAY TO 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, southeast winds 15 to 25 kt expected. For the Gale Warning, south winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas California out to 10 NM. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, from 3 AM to 9 AM PST Thursday. For the Gale Warning, from 9 AM Thursday to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ570-061230- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes 10-60 NM- 823 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THURSDAY TO 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southeast winds 20 to 30 kt and seas 8 to 10 ft expected. * WHERE...Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes 10-60 NM. * WHEN...From 9 AM Thursday to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ571-061230- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ Waters from Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10-60 NM- 823 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THURSDAY TO 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 20 to 30 kt and seas 9 to 11 ft expected. * WHERE...Waters from Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10-60 NM. * WHEN...From 9 AM Thursday to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ575-061230- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos 10-60 NM- 823 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THURSDAY TO 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 20 to 30 kt and seas 9 to 10 ft expected. * WHERE...Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos 10-60 NM. * WHEN...From 9 AM Thursday to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ576-061230- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas 10-60 NM- 823 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THURSDAY TO 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and seas 8 to 10 ft expected. * WHERE...Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas 10- 60 NM. * WHEN...From 9 AM Thursday to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ540-061230- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ Coastal Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes California out to 10 NM- 823 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THURSDAY TO 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southeast winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes California out to 10 NM. * WHEN...From 9 AM Thursday to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ545-061230- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ Coastal Waters from Point Reyes to Pigeon Point California out to 10 NM- 823 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THURSDAY TO 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 20 to 30 kt expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Point Reyes to Pigeon Point California out to 10 NM. * WHEN...From 9 AM Thursday to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ560-061230- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ Coastal Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos California out to 10 NM- 823 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THURSDAY TO 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos California out to 10 NM. * WHEN...From 9 AM Thursday to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ535-061230- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ Monterey Bay- 823 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THURSDAY TO 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt expected. * WHERE...Monterey Bay. * WHEN...From 9 AM Thursday to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/sanfrancisco  971 WWUS74 KLCH 060424 NPWLCH URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lake Charles LA 1024 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 LAZ055-152>154-241>243-TXZ616-061500- /O.EXB.KLCH.FG.Y.0006.250206T0500Z-250206T1500Z/ Lower St. Martin-Upper Vermilion-Upper Iberia-Upper St. Mary- Southern Calcasieu-Southern Jefferson Davis-Southern Acadia- Southern Orange- Including the cities of New Iberia, Hayes, Morse, Bell City, Kaplan, Iowa, Gueydan, Centerville, Franklin, Vidor, Morgan City, Lake Arthur, Patterson, Bayou Vista, Bridge City, Orange, Stephensville, Meaux, Lake Charles, Maurice, Jeanerette, Berwick, and Carlyss 1024 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...In Louisiana, Lower St. Martin, Upper Iberia, Upper St. Mary, Southern Acadia, Southern Calcasieu, Southern Jefferson Davis, and Upper Vermilion Parishes. In Texas, Southern Orange County. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ LAZ073-074-252>254-TXZ615-061500- /O.EXT.KLCH.FG.Y.0006.250206T0500Z-250206T1500Z/ West Cameron-East Cameron-Lower Vermilion-Lower Iberia-Lower St. Mary-Lower Jefferson- Including the cities of Grand Lake, Intracoastal City, Avery Island, Burns Point, Hackberry, Klondike, Creole, Nederland, Abbeville, Rutherford Beach, Sabine Pass, Grand Chenier, Johnson Bayou, Cameron, Cypremort Point, Port Arthur, Forked Island, and Sea Rim State Park 1024 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...In Louisiana, Lower Iberia, Lower St. Mary, East Cameron, Lower Vermilion, and West Cameron Parishes. In Texas, Lower Jefferson County. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ Denson  376 WWCN20 CWWG 060425 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR THE MANITOBA LAKES UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:25 P.M. CST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: LAKE WINNIPEG - SOUTH BASIN LAKE WINNIPEG - NORTH BASIN LAKE MANITOBA LAKE WINNIPEGOSIS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 10 TO 20 CM IS EXPECTED THROUGH THE PARKLANDS AND INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA. THIS SYSTEM, TRACKING THROUGH THE NORTHERN US STATES, CONTINUES TO BRING HEAVY BANDS OF SNOW THROUGH SOUTHWESTERN AND CENTRAL INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA WEDNESDAY EVENING. LIGHT, FLUFFY SNOW WILL RAPIDLY ACCUMULATE BEFORE TAPERING OFF TO LIGHT FLURRIES EARLY THURSDAY MORNING IN SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON IN MANITOBA. PREPARE FOR QUICKLY CHANGING AND DETERIORATING TRAVEL CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW WILL MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. THERE MAY BE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC IN URBAN AREAS. PUBLIC SAFETY CANADA ENCOURAGES EVERYONE TO MAKE AN EMERGENCY PLAN AND GET AN EMERGENCY KIT WITH DRINKING WATER, FOOD, MEDICINE, A FIRST-AID KIT AND A FLASHLIGHT. FOR INFORMATION ON EMERGENCY PLANS AND KITS GO TO HTTPS://WWW.GETPREPARED.GC.CA/. SNOWFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  377 WWCN11 CWWG 060425 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:25 P.M. CST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: STE. ROSE - MCCREARY - ALONSA - GLADSTONE ARBORG - HECLA - FISHER RIVER - GYPSUMVILLE - ASHERN BERENS RIVER - LITTLE GRAND RAPIDS - BLOODVEIN - ATIKAKI POPLAR RIVER GRAND RAPIDS - WATERHEN. SNOWFALL WARNING ENDED FOR: DAUPHIN - RUSSELL - ROBLIN - WINNIPEGOSIS MINNEDOSA - RIDING MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK SWAN RIVER - DUCK MOUNTAIN - PORCUPINE PROVINCIAL FOREST. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 10 TO 20 CM IS EXPECTED THROUGH THE PARKLANDS AND INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA. THIS SYSTEM, TRACKING THROUGH THE NORTHERN US STATES, CONTINUES TO BRING HEAVY BANDS OF SNOW THROUGH SOUTHWESTERN AND CENTRAL INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA WEDNESDAY EVENING. LIGHT, FLUFFY SNOW WILL RAPIDLY ACCUMULATE BEFORE TAPERING OFF TO LIGHT FLURRIES EARLY THURSDAY MORNING IN SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN AND THURSDAY AFTERNOON IN MANITOBA. PREPARE FOR QUICKLY CHANGING AND DETERIORATING TRAVEL CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW WILL MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. THERE MAY BE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC IN URBAN AREAS. PUBLIC SAFETY CANADA ENCOURAGES EVERYONE TO MAKE AN EMERGENCY PLAN AND GET AN EMERGENCY KIT WITH DRINKING WATER, FOOD, MEDICINE, A FIRST-AID KIT AND A FLASHLIGHT. FOR INFORMATION ON EMERGENCY PLANS AND KITS GO TO HTTPS://WWW.GETPREPARED.GC.CA/. SNOWFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  804 WSBZ23 SBGL 060420 SBAO SIGMET 6 VALID 060425/060730 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0323 W03515 - N0016 W03438 - N0020 W02501 - N0324 W02909 - N0406 W03007 - N0323 W03515 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  322 WHPQ41 PGUM 060426 CFWPQ1 URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Tiyan GU 226 PM ChST Thu Feb 6 2025 FMZ001-061900- /O.CON.PGUM.SU.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-250207T1700Z/ Kosrae- 226 PM ChST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CHST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Large breaking waves of 7 to 10 ft. * WHERE...East facing reefs of Kosrae. * WHEN...Until 3 AM ChST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Dangerous swimming and surfing conditions and localized beach erosion. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced swimmers should remain out of the water due to dangerous surf conditions. && $$ Kleeschulte  766 WHGM71 PGUM 060426 MWWPQ1 URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tiyan GU 226 PM ChST Thu Feb 6 2025 PMZ173-061700- /O.CON.PGUM.SC.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Pohnpei Coastal Waters- 226 PM ChST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CHST FRIDAY... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 20 kt with frequent gusts up to 25 kt and seas 7 to 10 feet. * WHERE...Pohnpei Coastal Waters. * WHEN...Until 3 AM ChST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid boating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PMZ174-061700- /O.CON.PGUM.SC.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Kosrae Coastal Waters- 226 PM ChST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CHST FRIDAY... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 20 kt with frequent gusts up to 25 kt and seas 7 to 10 feet. * WHERE...Kosrae Coastal Waters. * WHEN...Until 3 AM ChST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid boating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PMZ181-061900- /O.CON.PGUM.SC.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250207T1700Z/ Majuro Coastal Waters- 226 PM ChST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CHST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 8 to 11 feet. * WHERE...Majuro Coastal Waters. * WHEN...Until 3 AM ChST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid boating in hazardous conditions. && $$ Kleeschulte  114 WSBZ23 SBGL 060421 SBCW SIGMET 11 VALID 060426/060730 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR CNL SIGMET 3 060330/060730=  010 WSBZ23 SBGL 060422 SBBS SIGMET 4 VALID 060427/060730 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR CNL SIGMET 1 060330/060730=  701 WWUS43 KGRB 060429 WSWGRB URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Green Bay WI 1029 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 WIZ045-048>050-061230- /O.NEW.KGRB.WW.Y.0004.250206T0600Z-250206T1300Z/ Waushara-Winnebago-Calumet-Manitowoc- Including the cities of Redgranite, Wautoma, Manitowoc, Chilton, Two Rivers, New Holstein, Brillion, Oshkosh, Menasha, and Neenah 1029 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Light freezing drizzle and snow expected. Total snow accumulations up to a half inch and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Waushara, Calumet, Manitowoc, and Winnebago Counties. * WHEN...Until 7 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information, visit us at http://www.weather.gov/GreenBay RDM  766 WSRS31 RUSP 060430 ULLL SIGMET 4 VALID 060600/060900 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV MTW FCST W OF LINE N7009 E03203 - N6717 E04226 - N6608 E03919 - N6629 E02932 FL020/150 STNR NC=  442 WSRS31 RUSP 060431 ULLL SIGMET 5 VALID 060600/060900 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF LINE N7009 E03203 - N6717 E04226 - N6608 E03919 - N6629 E02932 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  637 WSIQ01 ORBI 060431 ORBB SIGMET A1 VALID 060430/060830 ORBI- ORBB BAGHDAD FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST N OF LINE N3450 E04158 - N3548 E04310 - N3516 E04423 - N3410 E04518 MOV NE 10KT NC=  852 WSAG31 SABE 060436 SAVF SIGMET C1 VALID 060436/060836 SABE- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV ICE FCST AT 0436Z WI S5140 W07151 - S4939 W06728 - S5200 W06349 - S5328 W06813 - S5235 W06844 - S5216 W06842 - S5157 W07138 - S5140 W07151 FL090/120 MOV E 10KT NC=  187 WSAG31 SABE 060436 SAVF SIGMET C1 VALID 060436/060836 SABE- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV ICE FCST AT 0436Z WI S5140 W07151 - S4939 W06728 - S5200 W06349 - S5328 W06813 - S5235 W06844 - S5216 W06842 - S5157 W07138 - S5140 W07151 FL090/120 MOV E 10KT NC=  631 WHUS73 KDLH 060432 MWWDLH URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Duluth MN 1032 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 LSZ140-141-061645- /O.CON.KDLH.SC.Y.0020.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ /O.CON.KDLH.GL.W.0011.250206T1200Z-250207T0600Z/ Grand Portage to Grand Marais MN- Grand Marais to Taconite Harbor MN- 1032 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST THURSDAY... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM THURSDAY TO MIDNIGHT CST THURSDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and waves 2 to 5 ft expected. For the Gale Warning, west winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and waves 3 to 6 ft expected. * WHERE...Grand Portage to Grand Marais MN and Grand Marais to Taconite Harbor MN. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 6 AM CST Thursday. For the Gale Warning, from 6 AM Thursday to midnight CST Thursday night. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ142-143-061645- /O.CON.KDLH.SC.Y.0020.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ /O.CON.KDLH.GL.W.0011.250206T1200Z-250207T0600Z/ Taconite Harbor to Silver Bay Harbor MN- Silver Bay Harbor to Two Harbors MN- 1032 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST THURSDAY... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM THURSDAY TO MIDNIGHT CST THURSDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and waves 1 to 4 ft expected. For the Gale Warning, west winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and waves 1 to 4 ft expected. * WHERE...Taconite Harbor to Silver Bay Harbor MN and Silver Bay Harbor to Two Harbors MN. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 6 AM CST Thursday. For the Gale Warning, from 6 AM Thursday to midnight CST Thursday night. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ144-145-061645- /O.CON.KDLH.SC.Y.0020.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ /O.CON.KDLH.GL.W.0011.250206T1200Z-250207T0600Z/ Two Harbors to Duluth MN-Duluth MN to Port Wing WI- 1032 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST THURSDAY... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM THURSDAY TO MIDNIGHT CST THURSDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 5 to 15 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and waves 1 to 2 ft expected. For the Gale Warning, west winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and waves 4 to 7 ft expected. * WHERE...Two Harbors to Duluth MN and Duluth MN to Port Wing WI. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 6 AM CST Thursday. For the Gale Warning, from 6 AM Thursday to midnight CST Thursday night. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ146>148-150-061645- /O.CON.KDLH.SC.Y.0020.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ /O.CON.KDLH.GL.W.0011.250206T1200Z-250207T0600Z/ Port Wing to Sand Island WI-Sand Island to Bayfield WI- Oak Point to Saxon Harbor WI- Outer Apostle Islands Beyond 5 NM from Mainland- 1032 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST THURSDAY... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM THURSDAY TO MIDNIGHT CST THURSDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and waves up to 3 ft expected. For the Gale Warning, west winds 25 to 35 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and waves 6 to 9 ft expected. * WHERE...Port Wing to Sand Island WI, Sand Island to Bayfield WI, Oak Point to Saxon Harbor WI and Outer Apostle Islands Beyond 5 NM from Mainland. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 6 AM CST Thursday. For the Gale Warning, from 6 AM Thursday to midnight CST Thursday night. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$  085 WWUS76 KSEW 060433 NPWSEW URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 833 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 WAZ503-061345- /O.CON.KSEW.CW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Western Whatcom County- Including the cities of Bellingham 833 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills as low as 10 to 20 degrees. * WHERE...Western Whatcom County. * WHEN...Until 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Very cold temperatures can lead to hypothermia with prolonged exposure and will impact vulnerable populations such as the homeless, pets, and those without adequate access to heating. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Temperatures will warm Thursday afternoon to 30 to 35 degrees before dropping once again Friday morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Keep pets indoors as much as possible. Make frequent checks on older family, friends, and neighbors. Ensure portable heaters are used correctly. Do not use generators or grills inside. && $$ WAZ506-507-555-556-558-061345- /O.CON.KSEW.CW.Y.0004.250207T0600Z-250207T1800Z/ Western Skagit County-Everett and Vicinity-East Puget Sound Lowlands-Bellevue and Vicinity-Seattle and Vicinity- Including the cities of Lynnwood, Bonney Lake, Bothell, Kirkland, Monroe, Enumclaw, Kenmore, Woodinville, Newport Hills, Edmonds, Mount Vernon, Sahalee, Marysville, Prairie Ridge, Anacortes, Sedro-Woolley, Maple Valley, Seattle, Burlington, Covington-Sawyer-w, Redmond, Everett, and Pine Lake 833 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Very cold temperatures as low as 15 to 20 degrees for Western Skagit County and the East Puget Sound Lowlands and as low as 20 to 25 degrees for the remaining areas. * WHERE...Western Skagit County, Bellevue and Vicinity, East Puget Sound Lowlands, Everett and Vicinity, and Seattle and Vicinity. * WHEN...From 10 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Very cold temperatures can lead to hypothermia with prolonged exposure and will impact vulnerable populations such as the homeless, pets, and those without adequate access to heating. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Keep pets indoors as much as possible. Make frequent checks on older family, friends, and neighbors. Ensure portable heaters are used correctly. Do not use generators or grills inside. && $$ 18  041 WWUS43 KMKX 060433 WSWMKX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 1033 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 WIZ051-052-061245- /O.EXB.KMKX.WW.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ Fond du Lac-Sheboygan- Including the cities of Oostburg, Plymouth, Fond Du Lac, Sheboygan Falls, and Howards Grove 1033 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle with a light glaze of ice accumulation is expected. A few snow showers may mix in at times with minimal accumulation. * WHERE...Fond du Lac and Sheboygan Counties. * WHEN...Until 7 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Vehicle accidents have been reported in the Madison area due to slippery roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WIZ046-047-057>060-060900- /O.EXA.KMKX.WW.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Marquette-Green Lake-Columbia-Dodge-Washington-Ozaukee- Including the cities of Columbus, Hartford, Princeton, Mayville, Grafton, Westfield, Markesan, Mequon, Lodi, Beaver Dam, Berlin, Germantown, Portage, Lake Wisconsin, Neshkoro, Waupun, Cedarburg, West Bend, Endeavor, Montello, and Oxford 1033 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle with a light glaze of ice accumulation is expected. A few snow showers may mix in at times with minimal accumulation. * WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Wisconsin. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Vehicle accidents have been reported in the Madison area due to slippery roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WIZ056-062>072-060900- /O.CON.KMKX.WW.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Sauk-Iowa-Dane-Jefferson-Waukesha-Milwaukee-Lafayette-Green-Rock- Walworth-Racine-Kenosha- Including the cities of Watertown, Brodhead, Lake Geneva, Shullsburg, East Troy, Racine, Baraboo, Muskego, Darlington, Barneveld, Reedsburg, Blanchardville, New Berlin, Monroe, Sauk City, Mineral Point, Elkhorn, Jefferson, Menomonee Falls, Kenosha, Waukesha, Argyle, Prairie Du Sac, Benton, Delavan, Madison, Belmont, Beloit, Whitewater, Janesville, Fort Atkinson, Milwaukee, Dodgeville, and Brookfield 1033 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle with a light glaze of ice accumulation is expected. A few snow showers may mix in at times with minimal accumulation. * WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Wisconsin. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Vehicle accidents have been reported in the Madison area due to slippery roads. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WOOD  111 WSRS31 RUSP 060436 ULLL SIGMET 6 VALID 060600/060900 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST W OF LINE N6624 E02937 - N6620 E03459 - N6049 E03647 - N6123 E02924 SFC/FL100 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  637 WSID21 WAAA 060437 WAAF SIGMET 07 VALID 060437/060837 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0553 E13126 - S0622 E13243 - S 0643 E13228 - S0700 E12950 - S0605 E12946 - S0553 E13126 TOP FL480 MO V W 15KT INTSF=  901 WSPR31 SPJC 060437 SPIM SIGMET A2 VALID 060440/060600 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0420Z WI S0634 W07723 - S0627 W07636 - S0706 W07612 - S0728 W07643 - S0728 W07724 - S0634 W07723 TOP FL440 STNR INTSF=  911 WWUS83 KLMK 060439 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 1139 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 KYZ053-062>064-060515- Hart KY-Edmonson KY-Larue KY-Green KY- 1139 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHWESTERN GREEN... SOUTHWESTERN LARUE...HART AND NORTHEASTERN EDMONSON COUNTIES THROUGH 1215 AM EST/1115 PM CST/... At 1139 PM EST/1039 PM CST/, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles northeast of Brownsville, moving northeast at 65 mph. HAZARD...Half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Munfordville, Bonnieville, Cub Run, Logsdon Valley, Lobb, Mammoth Cave, Priceville, Northtown, Gabe, and Mount Sherman. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3716 8617 3731 8626 3734 8618 3734 8616 3735 8616 3734 8613 3735 8612 3733 8612 3733 8609 3734 8611 3735 8610 3735 8608 3734 8609 3734 8607 3738 8607 3739 8605 3754 8564 3732 8552 TIME...MOT...LOC 0439Z 247DEG 58KT 3725 8616 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...<30 MPH $$ CSG  838 WSRS31 RUSP 060439 ULLL SIGMET 7 VALID 060600/060900 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST W OF LINE N7008 E03157 - N6718 E04226 - N6617 E03941 - N6625 E02935 SFC/FL150 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  648 WSUS33 KKCI 060455 SIGW MKCW WST 060455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 060655-061055 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  649 WSUS32 KKCI 060455 SIGC MKCC WST 060455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 060655-061055 FROM 40E PXV-40SSW BNA-MEM-40E PXV WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  650 WSUS31 KKCI 060455 SIGE MKCE WST 060455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 14E VALID UNTIL 0655Z OH MI IN LE FROM 40SSE GRR-20SW DXO-40WSW AIR-40NE IND-40SSE GRR AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS TO FL400. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 15E VALID UNTIL 0655Z VA NC WV OH TN KY IN FROM 40NNW HNN-50SW HMV-20W BWG-40WNW CVG-40NNW HNN AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 24050KT. TOPS TO FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 060655-061055 FROM 40WSW DXO-PSB-GSO-40SSW BNA-40E PXV-40WSW DXO WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  517 WAIY31 LIIB 060447 LIMM AIRMET 1 VALID 060500/060600 LIIB- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 0500M FG FCST WI N4528 E00904 - N4506 E00903 - N4443 E00907 - N4437 E01216 - N4500 E01230 - N4527 E01132 - N4528 E00904 STNR NC=  468 WHUS76 KEKA 060448 MWWEKA URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Eureka CA 848 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 PZZ455-475-061300- /O.NEW.KEKA.SC.Y.0014.250207T0000Z-250207T1700Z/ Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena out 10 nm- Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena 10 to 60 nm- 848 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 9 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...North winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 6 to 9 feet expected. * WHERE...Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena out 10 nm and Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena 10 to 60 nm. * WHEN...From 4 PM Thursday to 9 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ450-470-061300- /O.NEW.KEKA.SC.Y.0014.250207T0300Z-250207T1700Z/ Pt St George to Cape Mendocino out 10 nm- Pt St George to Cape Mendocino 10 to 60 nm- 848 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THURSDAY TO 9 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...North winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 5 to 8 feet expected. * WHERE...Pt St George to Cape Mendocino out 10 nm and Pt St George to Cape Mendocino 10 to 60 nm. * WHEN...From 7 PM Thursday to 9 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  130 WWUS43 KARX 060449 WSWARX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service La Crosse WI 1049 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SLIPPERY TRAVEL WITH ONGOING FREEZING DRIZZLE OVERNIGHT... .Areas of freezing drizzle continue to push northeast, reaching into portions of southeast Minnesota and western Wisconsin overnight. A light glaze of ice could accrue on untreated surfaces such as secondary roads, parking lots, and sidewalks. Use caution if traveling overnight. MNZ086>088-094>096-WIZ041>044-053-060900- /O.EXB.KARX.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Dodge-Olmsted-Winona-Mower-Fillmore-Houston-La Crosse-Monroe- Juneau-Adams-Vernon- Including the cities of Dodge Center, Winona, Rochester, Friendship, Caledonia, Mauston, Viroqua, Austin, La Crosse, Tomah, Sparta, and Preston 1049 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle. Ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Minnesota and central, southwest, and west central Wisconsin. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In Minnesota, visit 511mn.org for road conditions. In Wisconsin, visit 511wi.gov for road conditions. && $$ IAZ008>011-018-019-029-030-WIZ054-055-061-060900- /O.EXT.KARX.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Mitchell-Howard-Winneshiek-Allamakee-Floyd-Chickasaw-Fayette- Clayton-Crawford-Richland-Grant- Including the cities of Decorah, Osage, Richland Center, Cresco, Charles City, Elkader, Prairie Du Chien, New Hampton, Platteville, Oelwein, and Waukon 1049 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of north central and northeast Iowa and southwest Wisconsin. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. In Iowa, visit 511ia.org for road conditions. In Wisconsin, visit 511wi.gov for road conditions. && $$ Falkinham  383 WSAG31 SACO 060454 SACF SIGMET 3 VALID 060454/060754 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 0454Z WI S2542 W06646 - S2618 W06718 - S2703 W06741 - S2810 W06749 - S2844 W06637 - S2854 W06542 - S2832 W06454 - S2756 W06410 - S2723 W06347 - S2639 W06342 - S2545 W06434 - S2504 W06513 - S2519 W06631 - S2542 W06645 - S2542 W06646 TOP FL410 MOV E 05KT NC=  427 WSAG31 SACO 060454 SACF SIGMET 3 VALID 060454/060754 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 0454Z WI S2542 W06646 - S2618 W06718 - S2703 W06741 - S2810 W06749 - S2844 W06637 - S2854 W06542 - S2832 W06454 - S2756 W06410 - S2723 W06347 - S2639 W06342 - S2545 W06434 - S2504 W06513 - S2519 W06631 - S2542 W06645 - S2542 W06646 TOP FL410 MOV E 05KT NC=  354 WSGL31 BGSF 060453 BGGL SIGMET U01 VALID 060500/060900 BGSF- BGGL NUUK FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 0500Z WI N6540 W04014 - N6346 W03955 - N6346 W04220 - N6533 W04231 - N6540 W04014 SFC/FL110 STNR NC=  749 WWCN13 CWVR 060453 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR INTERIOR AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:53 P.M. PST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: CHILCOTIN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== A PERIOD OF VERY COLD WIND CHILLS IS EXPECTED. WHEN: TONIGHT AND POSSIBLY THURSDAY NIGHT WHERE: PUNTZI MOUNTAIN REMARKS: VERY COLD TEMPERATURES IN COMBINATION WITH LIGHT WINDS WILL CREATE WINDCHILL VALUES BETWEEN -35 AND -40 OVERNIGHT. TEMPERATURES WILL MODERATE DURING THE DAY, HOWEVER WIND CHILL VALUES MAY REACH -40 AGAIN THURSDAY NIGHT BEFORE TEMPERATURES INCREASE ON FRIDAY. WATCH FOR COLD RELATED SYMPTOMS: SHORTNESS OF BREATH, CHEST PAIN, MUSCLE PAIN AND WEAKNESS, NUMBNESS AND COLOUR CHANGE IN FINGERS AND TOES. COVER UP. FROSTBITE CAN DEVELOP WITHIN MINUTES ON EXPOSED SKIN, ESPECIALLY WITH WIND CHILL. IF IT'S TOO COLD FOR YOU TO STAY OUTSIDE, IT'S TOO COLD FOR YOUR PET TO STAY OUTSIDE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  750 WWCN73 CWVR 060453 AVERTISSEMENT DE FROID EXTREME POUR L'INTERIEUR ET LE NORD DE LA COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE MIS A JOUR PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA A 20H53 HNP LE MERCREDI 5 FEVRIER 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERTISSEMENT DE FROID EXTREME POUR: CHILCOTIN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DESCRIPTION== UN EPISODE DE REFROIDISSEMENT EOLIEN TRES FORT EST PREVU. QUAND : CE SOIR ET CETTE NUIT, ET POSSIBLEMENT JEUDI SOIR ET DANS LA NUIT DE JEUDI A VENDREDI. OU : PUNTZI MOUNTAIN. REMARQUES : L'EFFET CONJOINT DES TEMPERATURES TRES BASSES ET DE VENTS LEGERS OCCASIONNERA UN REFROIDISSEMENT EOLIEN ENTRE -35 ET -40 AU COURS DE LA NUIT. LES TEMPERATURES S'ATTENUERONT AU COURS DE LA JOURNEE, MAIS LE REFROIDISSEMENT EOLIEN POURRAIT DE NOUVEAU ATTEINDRE -40 JEUDI SOIR ET DANS LA NUIT DE JEUDI A VENDREDI AVANT QUE LES TEMPERATURES AUGMENTENT VENDREDI. SURVEILLEZ L'APPARITION DE SYMPTOMES ASSOCIES AU FROID : ESSOUFFLEMENT, DOULEUR THORACIQUE, DOULEUR ET FAIBLESSE MUSCULAIRES, ENGOURDISSEMENT ET CHANGEMENT DE COULEUR DES DOIGTS ET DES ORTEILS. COUVREZ-VOUS. DES ENGELURES PEUVENT SE DEVELOPPER EN QUELQUES MINUTES SUR LA PEAU EXPOSEE AU REFROIDISSEMENT EOLIEN. S'IL FAIT TROP FROID POUR VOUS DEHORS, IL EN VA DE MEME POUR VOTRE ANIMAL DE COMPAGNIE. VEUILLEZ CONTINUER A SURVEILLER LES ALERTES ET LES PREVISIONS EMISES PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA. POUR SIGNALER DU TEMPS VIOLENT, ENVOYEZ UN COURRIEL A METEOBC(AROBAS)EC.GC.CA OU PUBLIEZ UN GAZOUILLIS EN UTILISANT LE MOT-CLIC (DIESE)BCMETEO. HTTP://METEO.GC.CA/ FIN/CPIP  026 WWUS82 KCHS 060454 SPSCHS Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston SC 1154 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 SCZ048>051-060800- Coastal Colleton SC-Beaufort SC-Coastal Jasper SC-Charleston SC- 1154 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...AREAS OF FOG DEVELOPING... Areas of fog will continue to develop across south coastal South Carolina overnight. The fog will become locally dense at times with visibilities dropping below 1/4 mile at times. The risk for dense fog will be highest across Beaufort, southern Jasper, southern Colleton into lower Charleston Counties. This includes areas such as Hilton Head, Bluffton, Hunting Island, Levy, Okatie, Bennetts Point, Jacksonboro, Edisto Beach, Adams Run, West Ashley, Johns Island, Wadmalaw Island and Folly Beach. A Dense Fog Advisory may be needed for these areas if the dense fog becomes more widespread. The nature of the fog is such that visibilities will vary greatly over short distances with the risk for locally dense fog being the greatest near bodies of water and other low-lying areas such as marshes, swamps and large ditches. Motorists should remain alert for these conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down and leave extra distance ahead of you in case a sudden stop is needed. && $$ ST  159 WSCI36 ZUUU 060455 ZPKM SIGMET 3 VALID 060520/060920 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N3200 E09700-N3334 E10352-N3153 E10931-N2548 E10817-N2833 E08829-N3117 E08811-N3200 E09700 FL150/340 STNR NC=  500 WSCI36 ZUUU 060456 ZPKM SIGMET 4 VALID 060520/060920 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N3328 E10330-N3227 E10549-N3153 E10931-N2722 E10916-N2651 E10007-N2946 E09839-N3328 E10330 FL050/170 STNR NC=  897 WWUS74 KMEG 060457 NPWMEG URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Memphis TN 1057 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ARZ009-018-026>028-MOZ113-115-061200- /O.NEW.KMEG.FG.Y.0004.250206T0457Z-250206T1200Z/ Clay-Greene-Craighead-Poinsett-Mississippi-Dunklin-Pemiscot- Including the cities of Blytheville, Paragould, Corning, Piggott, Kennett, Caruthersville, Jonesboro, and Harrisburg 1057 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Dunklin, Clay, Greene, Craighead, Poinsett, Mississippi, and Pemiscot. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ CJC  734 WGUS61 KRLX 060459 FFARLX URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Watch National Weather Service Charleston WV 1159 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 KYZ101>103-OHZ086-087-061300- /O.EXA.KRLX.FA.A.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Greenup-Carter-Boyd-Gallia-Lawrence OH- Including the cities of South Point, Olive Hill, Cannonsburg, Gallipolis, Raceland, Ashland, Ironton, Grayson Lake State Park, Carter Caves State Park, Lake Vesuvius, Flatwoods, Grayson, and Russell 1159 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WATCH IN EFFECT UNTIL EARLY THURSDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues to be possible. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Kentucky, including the following counties, Boyd, Carter and Greenup and southeast Ohio, including the following counties, Gallia and Lawrence OH. * WHEN...Until early Thursday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Excessive runoff may result in flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations. Creeks and streams may rise out of their banks. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - Showers and thunderstorms with heavy rain will lead to an increased threat for flooding overnight into early Thursday afternoon. 0.75 to 1.5 inches of rain is expected. 1 to 1.5 inches had already fallen, so rainfall totals could reach 2 to 3 inches. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ KYZ105-VAZ003-004-WVZ005>008-013>020-024>034-039-040-515>526-061300- /O.CON.KRLX.FA.A.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Lawrence KY-Dickenson-Buchanan-Wayne-Cabell-Mason-Jackson WV- Lincoln-Putnam-Kanawha-Roane-Wirt-Calhoun-Ritchie-Doddridge-Mingo- Logan-Boone-Clay-Braxton-Gilmer-Lewis-Harrison-Taylor-McDowell- Wyoming-Upshur-Barbour-Northwest Raleigh-Southeast Raleigh- Northwest Fayette-Southeast Fayette-Northwest Nicholas-Southeast Nicholas-Northwest Webster-Southeast Webster-Northwest Pocahontas- Southeast Pocahontas-Northwest Randolph-Southeast Randolph- Including the cities of Teays Valley, Hamlin, Oak Hill, Wayne, Burnsville, Williamson, Ravenswood, Charleston, Kenova, South Charleston, Holly River State Park, Ripley, Ceredo, Sutton, Glenville, Sophia, Philippi, Weston, Richwood, Buckhannon, Yatesville Lake State Park, Elkins, Meadow Bridge, Bradley, Grafton, Gary, New Haven, Grundy, Hurricane, Point Pleasant, Beckley, Grantsville, Spencer, Harrisville, Gassaway, Marlinton, Vansant, Logan, Clay, Bridgeport, Oceana, Fayetteville, Craigsville, Harman, Huntington, West Union, War, Montgomery, Snowshoe, Alum Creek, Clintwood, Belington, Summersville, Birch River, Webster Springs, Pineville, Prosperity, Madison, Welch, Louisa, Saint Albans, Pennsboro, Clarksburg, Man, Chapmanville, Mullens, Cowen, Elizabeth, and Harts 1159 PM EST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL EARLY THURSDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues to be possible. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Kentucky, including the following county, Lawrence KY, southwest Virginia, including the following counties, Buchanan and Dickenson, and West Virginia, including the following counties, Barbour, Boone, Braxton, Cabell, Calhoun, Clay, Doddridge, Gilmer, Harrison, Jackson WV, Kanawha, Lewis, Lincoln, Logan, Mason, McDowell, Mingo, Northwest Fayette, Northwest Nicholas, Northwest Pocahontas, Northwest Raleigh, Northwest Randolph, Northwest Webster, Putnam, Ritchie, Roane, Southeast Fayette, Southeast Nicholas, Southeast Pocahontas, Southeast Raleigh, Southeast Randolph, Southeast Webster, Taylor, Upshur, Wayne, Wirt and Wyoming. * WHEN...Until early Thursday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Excessive runoff may result in flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations. Creeks and streams may rise out of their banks. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - Showers and thunderstorms with heavy rain will lead to an increased threat for flooding overnight into early Thursday afternoon. 0.75 to 1.5 inches of rain is expected. 0.25 to 1.5 inches had already fallen, so rainfall totals could exceed 2 inches. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ TRM  889 WSPR31 SPJC 060458 SPIM SIGMET 2 VALID 060500/060700 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0440Z E OF LINE S0627 W07342 - S0517 W07718 - S0346 W07657 - S0202 W07500 TOP FL450 STNR WKN=  338 WSKW10 OKKK 060458 OKAC SIGMET 2 VALID 060500/060730 OKKK- OKAC KUWAIT FIR CNL SIGMET 1 060330/060730 =  609 WHUS72 KCHS 060501 MWWCHS URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Charleston SC 1201 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 AMZ354-061100- /O.EXA.KCHS.MF.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1100Z/ Waters from Savannah GA to Altamaha Sound GA out 20 NM, including Grays Reef National Marine Sanctuary- 1201 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 NM or less. * WHERE...Savannah to Altamaha Sound out 20 NM. * WHEN...Until 6 AM EST early this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$ AMZ350-352-061100- /O.CON.KCHS.MF.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1100Z/ Waters from South Santee River to Edisto Beach SC out 20 NM- Waters from Edisto Beach SC to Savannah GA out 20 NM- 1201 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 NM or less. * WHERE...South Santee River SC to Savannah GA out 20 NM. * WHEN...Until 6 AM EST early this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  638 WWUS74 KLZK 060502 NPWLZK URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Little Rock AR 1102 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ARZ007-008-017-061300- /O.EXT.KLZK.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ Sharp-Randolph-Lawrence- Including the cities of Ash Flat, Hardy, Pocahontas, Cave City, Hoxie, Walnut Ridge, and Attica 1102 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Lawrence, Randolph, and Sharp Counties. * WHEN...Until 7 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ ARZ016-024-025-031>034-039-042>046-052>055-062-122-123-138-141-238- 241-341-061300- /O.EXT.KLZK.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ Independence-Cleburne-Jackson-Conway-Faulkner-White-Woodruff- Perry-Garland-Saline-Pulaski-Lonoke-Prairie-Pike-Clark-Hot Spring- Grant-Dallas-Southern Pope County-Southeast Van Buren County- Northwest Yell County-Central and Eastern Montgomery County-Yell Excluding Northwest-Northern Montgomery County Higher Elevations- Southwest Montgomery County Higher Elevations- Including the cities of Beebe, Augusta, Norman, Murfreesboro, Arkadelphia, London, Des Arc, Danville, Cabot, Morrilton, McCrory, Conway, Benton, De Valls Bluff, Albert, Perryville, Heber Springs, Sheridan, Little Rock, Lonoke, Atkins, Cotton Plant, Shirley, Havana, Plainview, Clinton, Newport, Russellville, Ola, Hazen, Bryant, Story, Batesville, Dardanelle, Fairfield Bay, Hector, Fordyce, Malvern, Scotland, Searcy, Damascus, North Little Rock, Glenwood, Hot Springs, Mount Ida, and Waveland 1102 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of central, eastern, north central, southwest, and western Arkansas. * WHEN...Until 7 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ 70  814 WSMS31 WMKK 060506 WBFC SIGMET 2 VALID 060520/060820 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS N OF LINE N0600 E11834 - N0702 E11442 TOP FL510 MOV WNW NC=  969 WALJ31 LJLJ 060506 LJLA AIRMET 2 VALID 060506/060800 LJLJ- LJLA LJUBLJANA FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N4538 E01345 - N4549 E01335 - N4555 E01400 - N4528 E01432 - N4525 E01328 - N4538 E01345 SFC/5000FT STNR NC=  529 WSFG20 TFFF 060507 SOOO SIGMET 01 VALID 060510/060900 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR SEV ICE FCST WI N0430 W05130 - N0545 W05400 - N0915 W05400 - N1000 W04800 - N1030 W04615 - N0430 W05030 - N0430 W05115 - N0430 W05130 FL175/195 STNR NC=  324 WSTU31 LTFM 060505 LTBB SIGMET 1 VALID 060505/060630 LTFM- LTBB ISTANBUL FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0505Z E OF LINE N3942 E02731 - N4200 E02958 TOP FL280 MOV S 20KT INTSF=  029 WSIL31 BICC 060500 BIRD SIGMET U01 VALID 060511/060911 BIRK- BIRD REYKJAVIK CTA SEV TURB FCST WI N6220 W00810 - N6230 W00610 - N6120 W00550 - N6110 W00740 - N6220 W00810 SFC/FL060 STNR NC=  672 WAAK48 PAWU 060512 WA8O ANCS WA 060515 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 061315 . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF NW PAFK-PASV LN OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF NW PAFK-PASV LN MTS OBSC BY CLDS. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG ALG CST PAKI N/OFSHR N PAMY OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA/-RASN BR. IMPR FM S. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG INLAND PAKI N OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN/-RASN BR. IMPR FM S. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH PAMB-PAKN LN SW OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FZFG. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH SW PAKN AND NE PAIL MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS. NC. . AK PEN AI PAC SIDE W PASD MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK OCNL CIG BLW 010/ISOL VIS BLW 3SM -SHRA BR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . =ANCT WA 060515 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 061315 . COOK INLET AND SUSITNA VLY AB TIL 11Z NE PAPT-PAHO LN OCNL MOD TURB FL200-FL300. WKN. . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC TIL 11Z SW ISABEL PASS-PAMX LN OCNL MOD TURB FL200-FL300. WKN. . CNTRL GLF CST AD TIL 11Z OCNL MOD TURB FL200-FL300. WKN. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF TIL 08Z OCNL MOD TURB FL200-FL300. WKN. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ PAKO W SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. INTSF. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ AFT 11Z BERING E SEGUAM OCNL MOD TURB FL200-FL300. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ AFT 11Z PAAK W ISOL SEV TURB BLW 020. SEGUAM W OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK E AMCHITKA SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK TIL 08Z W BULDIR IS OCNL MOD TURB FL240-FL340. WKN. . ADAK TO ATTU AK E AMCHITKA IS OCNL MOD TURB BLW 030. NC. . =ANCZ WA 060515 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 061315 . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG OCNL MOD ICEIC 040-080. FZLVL 010. IMPR FM SW. . BRISTOL BAY AH NW PADL-PANW LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 040-080. FZLVL BLW 010. NC. . BH FEB 2025 AAWU  992 WAAK47 PAWU 060513 WA7O JNUS WA 060515 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 061315 . NONE . =JNUT WA 060515 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 061315 . NONE . =JNUZ WA 060515 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 061315 . NONE . BH FEB 2025 AAWU  612 WAAK49 PAWU 060514 WA9O FAIS WA 060515 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 061315 . UPR YKN VLY FB PFYU S OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR/FZFG. SPRDG N. NC. . UPR YKN VLY FB PFYU S MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. SPRDG N. NC. . TANANA VLY FC OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR/FZFG. NC. . TANANA VLY FC MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS. NC. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE PAHL-PAIM LN SE OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR/FZFG. SPRDG NE. NC. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. IMPR FM W. . LWR YKN VLY FF OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR/FZFG. IMPR. . LWR YKN VLY FF MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG PABR E OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN/BLSN. IMPR FM W. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. IMPR FM W. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ SE PAGL OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR. SPRDG N. DTRT FM S. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ E-SE PAGL MTS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. DTRT FM S. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BLSN/-SN BR. SPRDG N. DTRT. . =FAIT WA 060515 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 061315 . UPR YKN VLY FB TIL 08Z VCY PATA OCNL MOD TURB FL200-FL300. WKN. . TANANA VLY FC TIL 08Z SW PAML-PAIN LN OCNL MOD TURB FL200-FL300. WKN. . LWR YKN VLY FF TIL 08Z E PARY OCNL MOD TURB FL200-FL300. WKN. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG E PASC SUSTAINED SFC WND 30 KTS OR GTR. WKN. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK AFT 12Z SUSTAINED SFC WND 30 KTS OR GTR. INTSF. . =FAIZ WA 060515 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 061315 . NONE . BH FEB 2025 AAWU  865 WWCN02 CYTR 060516 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB EDMONTON/NAMAO PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 10:16 PM MST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB EDMONTON/NAMAO (CYED) TYPE: WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: WIND CHILL INDEX OF MINUS 30 OR COLDER VALID: UNTIL 06/1200Z (UNTIL 06/0500 MST) COMMENTS: WIND CHILL VALUES ARE NOW EXPECTED TO REMAIN NEAR MINUS 30 FOR THE OVERNIGHT HOURS. THE TEMPERATURE IS EXPECTED TO INCREASE BEFORE MORNING RISING THE WIND CHILL ABOVE ADVISORY CRITERIA. -------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND CHILL INDEX -25 TO -39: INCREASING RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 10 TO 30 MINUTES. -40 TO -47: HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 5 TO 10 MINUTES. -48 TO -54: VERY HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 2 TO 5 MINUTES. -------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 06/1200Z (06/0500 MST) END/JMC  496 WWUS43 KILX 060517 WSWILX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lincoln IL 1117 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ILZ027>031-036>038-040-041-060900- /O.EXT.KILX.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Knox-Stark-Peoria-Marshall-Woodford-Fulton-Tazewell-McLean- Schuyler-Mason- Including the cities of Peoria, Eureka, Canton, Toulon, Havana, Normal, Galesburg, Pekin, Rushville, Bloomington, and Lacon 1117 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Marshall, Mason, McLean, Peoria, Stark, Tazewell, Woodford, Fulton, Knox, and Schuyler Counties. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ ILZ042-043-047-048-060630- /O.CON.KILX.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ Logan-De Witt-Cass-Menard- Including the cities of Beardstown, Clinton, Lincoln, and Petersburg 1117 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle. Up to a glaze of additional accumulations expected. * WHERE...De Witt, Logan, Menard, and Cass Counties. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ Bumgardner  444 WWUS45 KVEF 060521 WSWVEF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Las Vegas NV 921 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 CAZ519-062100- /O.CON.KVEF.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250208T0000Z/ Eastern Sierra Slopes- Including the cities of Aspendell and Whitney Portal 921 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible in the higher elevations of the Eastern Sierra through Friday. Additional 1 to 2 feet of snow expected for elevations above 8,000 feet with locally higher amounts in the peaks. Winds could gust as high as 60 to 70 mph. * WHERE...Eastern Sierra Slopes. * WHEN...Until 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Visibilities may drop below 1/4 mile due to falling and blowing snow. Travel could be very difficult to impossible. Very strong winds could cause extensive tree damage. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The ongoing break in the weather will continue until heavy snow resumes Thursday afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 1-800-427-7623 for road information. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/lasvegas CM  482 WSSN31 ESWI 060522 ESAA SIGMET M01 VALID 060600/061000 ESSA- ESAA SWEDEN FIR SEV MTW FCST WI N6843 E01748 - N6817 E02032 - N6618 E01738 - N6636 E01445 - N6843 E01748 SFC/FL200 STNR INTSF=  757 WGUS66 KMTR 060524 FFAMTR Flood Watch National Weather Service San Francisco CA 924 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 CAZ502>506-061400- /O.CON.KMTR.FA.A.0003.250206T1800Z-250207T2100Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Marin Coastal Range-Sonoma Coastal Range-North Bay Interior Mountains-Coastal North Bay Including Point Reyes National Seashore-North Bay Interior Valleys- Including the cities of Napa, Tamalpais-Homestead, Lagunitas-Forest Knolls, Rohnert Park, Santa Rosa, Angwin, Sausalito, South Santa Rosa, Petaluma, Novato, Woodacre, and San Rafael 924 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM THURSDAY MORNING THROUGH FRIDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by full creeks and streams with additional rainfall expected. * WHERE...A portion of northern California, including Sonoma and Marin counties. * WHEN...From Thursday morning through Friday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Creeks and streams may rise out of their banks. Area creeks and streams are running high and could flood with more rain. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - Periods of rain beginning last Friday have helped saturate soils, fill area creeks/streams, and additional rain expected Thursday and Thursday night with renewed flooding concerns across Sonoma and Marin counties. Areas of greatest concern will be near Healdsburg, Mark West Creek near Mirabel Heights, Green Valley Creek at Martinelli Road, and Guernville. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$ DialH  208 WSMG31 FMMI 060525 FMMM SIGMET F2 VALID 060526/060926 FMMI- FMMM ANTANANARIVO FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI S2915 E05343 - S2621 E04837 - S1934 E05132 - S2638 E05700 - S2840 E05700 - S2915 E05343 TOP ABV FL480 STNR NC=  499 WSMG31 FMMI 060526 FMMM SIGMET A1 VALID 060527/060927 FMMI- FMMM ANTANANARIVO FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1212 E04934 - S1552 E05033 - S1247 E05530 - S1101 E05530 - S1000 E05412 - S1000 E05258 - S1341 E05135 - S1212 E04934 TOP ABV FL480 STNR NC=  817 WANO31 ENMI 060528 ENOR AIRMET I04 VALID 060630/061030 ENMI- ENOR POLARIS FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N6435 E01340 - N6445 E01030 - N6650 E01300 - N6645 E01550 - N6435 E01340 2000FT/FL080 STNR NC=  293 WWUS46 KMFR 060529 WSWMFR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 929 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ORZ024-061330- /O.CAN.KMFR.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /O.CAN.KMFR.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Eastern Curry County and Josephine County- Including the cities of Grants Pass, Merlin, and Wilderville 929 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER STORM WARNING FOR TONIGHT IS CANCELLED... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY FOR TONIGHT IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Leftover snow showers tonight into Thursday morning could bring up to 2 inches of snow. For the Winter Storm Warning, heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 9 inches. For the Winter Weather Advisory, snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 1 and 3 inches. * WHERE...For the Winter Weather Advisory, valleys in Eastern Curry County and Josephine County including Cave Junction and Grants Pass. This includes Highways 199, 238 and I-5. For the Winter Storm Warning, higher terrain above 2500 feet including the Kalmiopsis Wilderness. * WHEN...From 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ CAZ080-061330- /O.CAN.KMFR.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Western Siskiyou County- Including the cities of Etna, Somes Bar, Happy Camp, Scott Bar, Callahan, Fort Jones, and Greenview 929 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER STORM WARNING FOR TONIGHT IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Leftover snow showers tonight into Thursday morning could bring up to 2 inches of snow. For the Winter Storm Warning, heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 8 inches, and locally up to 13 inches over higher mountains. For the Winter Weather Advisory, snow expected. Total snow accumulations up to 6 inches. * WHERE...For the Winter Storm Warning, the higher terrain of Western Siskiyou County above 2500 feet. This includes Etna Summit on Sawyers Bar Road. For the Winter Weather Advisory, valleys in western Siskiyou County including Somes Bar and Happy Camp. This includes Highways 3 and 96. * WHEN...From 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 511 or visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov for road information. && $$ ORZ023-061330- /O.CAN.KMFR.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Central Douglas County- Including the cities of Sutherlin, Winchester, Roseburg, Umpqua, and Green 929 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER STORM WARNING FOR TONIGHT IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Leftover snow showers tonight into Thursday morning could bring up to 2 inches of snow. For the Winter Storm Warning, heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 6 inches. For the Winter Weather Advisory, snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 1 and 3 inches. * WHERE...For the Winter Storm Warning, higher elevations in southern Douglas County including Canyon mountain pass on I-5. For the Winter Weather Advisory, the lower elevations including Highways 138, 42 and I-5 including Roseburg, Camas Valley, Canyonville and Glendale. * WHEN...From 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ ORZ025-061330- /O.CAN.KMFR.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Eastern Douglas County Foothills- Including the cities of Toketee Falls 929 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY FOR TONIGHT IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Leftover snow showers tonight into Thursday morning could bring up to an inch of snow. For the Winter Storm Warning, heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 7 inches. For the Winter Weather Advisory, snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 4 inches. * WHERE...Eastern Douglas County Foothills. For the Winter Storm Warning, areas south of Highway 138. For the Winter Weather Advisory, Highway 138, including Steamboat and Toketee Falls. * WHEN...From 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ ORZ029-061330- /O.CAN.KMFR.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Klamath Basin- Including the cities of Altamont, Midland, Olene, and Klamath Falls 929 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY FOR TONIGHT IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Leftover snow showers tonight into Thursday morning could bring up to an inch of snow. For the Winter Storm Warning, heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations 6 to 8 inches. For the Winter Weather Advisory, snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 6 inches. * WHERE...For the Winter Storm Warning, mainly above 4500 feet in the Klamath Basin. For the Winter Weather Advisory, Highway 97 and 140, Klamath Falls, Chiloquin and Bonanza. * WHEN...From 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. In Oregon, call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ CAZ082-061330- /O.CAN.KMFR.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ South Central Siskiyou County- Including the cities of Dunsmuir, McCloud, and Mount Shasta 929 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY FOR TONIGHT IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...For the Winter Storm Warning, heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 8 to 12 inches with locally higher amounts up to 19 inches above 4500 feet elevation. * WHERE...South Central Siskiyou County, including Mount Shasta City and Dunsmuir. This also includes portions of I-5 near Mount Shasta City and Highway 89 east of Mount Shasta City. * WHEN...From 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. In California, call 511 or visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov for road information. && $$ ORZ030-061330- /O.CAN.KMFR.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Northern and Eastern Klamath County and Western Lake County- Including the cities of Chemult, Crescent, and Gilchrist 929 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY FOR TONIGHT IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Leftover snow showers tonight into Thursday morning could bring another inch or so of snow. Snow expected late Thursday into Friday morning. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 7 inches. * WHERE...Northern and Eastern Klamath County and Western Lake County. This includes Crescent and Chemult. This also includes Highway 97, Highway 31 northwest of Silver Lake and higher portions of Highway 140 east of Bly. * WHEN...From 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ ORZ027-061330- /O.CAN.KMFR.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ South Central Oregon Cascades- Including the cities of Diamond Lake and Crescent Lake 929 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY FOR TONIGHT IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Leftover snow showers tonight into Thursday morning could bring another 1 to 3 inches. Snow expected late Thursday through Friday morning. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 10 inches. * WHERE...The southern Oregon Cascades. This includes Diamond Lake, Crater Lake, and Highway 140 at Lake of the Woods. * WHEN...From 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ ORZ028-061330- /O.CAN.KMFR.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Siskiyou Mountains and Southern Oregon Cascades- Including the cities of Howard Prairie and Siskiyou Summit 929 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Leftover snow showers tonight into Thursday morning could bring 1 to 3 inches of snow. For the Winter Weather Advisory, snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 6 and 12 inches. * WHERE...Siskiyou Mountains and Southern Oregon Cascades. This includes Highway 62 and Mount Ashland Ski Resort, Highway 140, 66 and I-5 including Siskiyou Summit. * WHEN...From 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ CAZ081-084-085-061330- /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Central Siskiyou County-Northeast Siskiyou and Northwest Modoc Counties-Modoc County- Including the cities of Canby, Dorris, Day, Lookout, Newell, Hilt, Likely, Tulelake, Yreka, Adin, Davis Creek, Macdoel, Klamath River, and Alturas 929 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Winter Storm Warning, heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 10 inches with up to 13 inches in higher mountains. For the Winter Weather Advisory, snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 6 inches. * WHERE...Portions of Central Siskiyou County and Modoc County. For the Winter Storm Warning, this includes portions of I-5 near Weed and the higher terrain in Modoc County including the Warner Mountains. For the Winter Weather Advisory, portions of Highway 97 near Dorris and Macdoel, 139 near Tulelake, 395 near Alturas, and portions of I-5 near Yreka, Montague and Grenada. * WHEN...From 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 511 or visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov for road information. && $$ ORZ026-061330- /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Jackson County- Including the cities of Medford and Ashland 929 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Winter Storm Warning, heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 7 inches with up to 10 inches in higher terrain. For the Winter Weather Advisory, snow expected down to valley floors. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 4 inches for valley floors. * WHERE...For the Winter Storm Warning, areas mainly above 2000 feet, including Highway 140, I-5 and the cities of Ashland, Talent and Butte Falls. For the Winter Weather Advisory, mainly below 2000 feet including Medford, Central Point, Rogue River, Shady Cove, I-5, Highway 62 and 238. * WHEN...From 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ CAZ083-ORZ031-061330- /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ North Central and Southeast Siskiyou County-Central and Eastern Lake County- Including the cities of Tennant, New Pine Creek, Bray, Lakeview, Fort Rock, Pondosa, Adel, and Valley Falls 929 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 10 inches in southern Oregon in Lake County. For Siskiyou County, between 4 and 13 inches with up to 2 feet near Mount Shasta. * WHERE...In California, North Central and Southeast Siskiyou County County including portions of Highway 97 and Tennant. In Oregon, Central and Eastern Lake County County including Silver Lake, Paisley, Lakeview and Adel and Highways 31, 395, and 140. * WHEN...From 4 PM Thursday to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 511 or visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov for road information. && $$ MAS  394 WSCI33 ZBAA 060530 ZBPE SIGMET 1 VALID 060545/060945 ZBAA- ZBPE BEIJING FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N45 SFC/FL360 STNR NC=  085 WVHO31 MHTG 060532 MHTG SIGMET 2 VALID 060530/061130 MHTG- MHCC CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR VA SANTA MARIA PSN N1445 W09133 VA CLD OBS AT 0500Z SFC/FL140 N1502 W09201 - N1446 W09132 - N1444 W09134 - N1452 W09204 - N1502 W09201 MOV NW 15KT FCST 1100Z VA CLD SFC/FL140 N1505 W09205 - N1446 W09133 - N1444 W09133 - N1452 W09210 - N1505 W09205=  684 WSSG31 GOOY 060400 GOOO SIGMET A2 VALID 060400/060800 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR OCEANIC FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0350Z W OF LINE N0256 W02352 - N0104 W02212 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  647 WWUS83 KLMK 060538 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 1238 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ040-046>048-054>057-060615- Boyle KY-Mercer KY-Woodford KY-Jessamine KY-Marion KY-Washington KY- Madison KY-Garrard KY- 1238 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT MERCER...SOUTHEASTERN WOODFORD...NORTHWESTERN GARRARD...EAST CENTRAL MARION...JESSAMINE... SOUTHEASTERN WASHINGTON...BOYLE AND NORTHWESTERN MADISON COUNTIES THROUGH 115 AM EST... At 1237 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 8 miles east of Springfield, moving northeast at 70 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Nicholasville, Danville, Harrodsburg, Wilmore, Burgin, Perryville, Mackville, Brumfield, Caldwell Manor, and Parksville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3753 8509 3769 8518 3799 8461 3775 8443 TIME...MOT...LOC 0537Z 247DEG 60KT 3768 8506 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ CSG  386 WWUS43 KLSX 060538 WSWLSX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service St Louis MO 1138 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ILZ095-096-MOZ018-019-026-027-060900- /O.EXT.KLSX.WW.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Adams IL-Brown IL-Knox MO-Lewis MO-Shelby MO-Marion MO- Including the cities of Quincy, Mount Sterling, and Hannibal 1138 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Lingering freezing drizzle and/or fog, prolonging icy pavement surfaces where untreated. * WHERE...Portions of west central Illinois and northeast Missouri. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Lingering patches of glaze ice may persist on pavement that is untreated. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Temperatures have risen to near or slightly below freezing, but have been slow to do so. Meanwhile, fog, and possibly some freezing fog remains in place. As such, some patches of glaze ice may persist on untreated surfaces for a few more hours overnight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In Illinois, the latest road conditions can be obtained at www.gettingaroundillinois.com. In Missouri, the latest road conditions can be obtained at traveler.modot.org/map or by calling 1-888-275-6636. && $$ BRC  606 WWUS43 KDVN 060538 WSWDVN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Quad Cities IA IL 1138 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 IAZ040>042-053-054-066-ILZ001-002-007-009-060900- /O.EXT.KDVN.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Buchanan-Delaware-Dubuque-Jones-Jackson-Clinton-Jo Daviess- Stephenson-Carroll-Whiteside- Including the cities of Independence, Manchester, Maquoketa, Dubuque, Anamosa, Clinton, Galena, Sterling, Mount Carroll, and Freeport 1138 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of northwest Illinois and east central and northeast Iowa. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. In Iowa, the latest road conditions are available at ia511.org or by calling 511. In Illinois, the latest road conditions are available at gettingaroundillinois.com. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ IAZ051-052-063>065-067-068-ILZ015>018-060900- /O.EXT.KDVN.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Benton-Linn-Iowa-Johnson-Cedar-Muscatine-Scott-Rock Island-Henry IL-Bureau-Putnam- Including the cities of Davenport, Marengo, Muscatine, Geneseo, Princeton, Vinton, Moline, Hennepin, Rock Island, Tipton, Iowa City, Bettendorf, and Cedar Rapids 1138 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of north central and northwest Illinois and east central Iowa. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. In Iowa, the latest road conditions are available at ia511.org or by calling 511. In Illinois, the latest road conditions are available at gettingaroundillinois.com. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ IAZ076>078-087>089-ILZ024>026-035-060900- /O.EXT.KDVN.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Keokuk-Washington-Louisa-Jefferson-Henry IA-Des Moines-Mercer- Henderson-Warren-McDonough- Including the cities of Wapello, Monmouth, Oquawka, Aledo, Washington, Sigourney, Burlington, Fairfield, Mount Pleasant, and Macomb 1138 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle. * WHERE...Portions of northwest and west central Illinois and southeast Iowa. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In Iowa, the latest road conditions are available at ia511.org or by calling 511. In Illinois, the latest road conditions are available at gettingaroundillinois.com. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ IAZ098-099-ILZ034-060900- /O.EXT.KDVN.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Van Buren-Lee-Hancock- Including the cities of Keosauqua, Fort Madison, and Carthage 1138 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle. * WHERE...In Illinois, Hancock County. In Iowa, Lee and Van Buren Counties. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely remain slick and hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In Iowa, the latest road conditions are available at ia511.org or by calling 511. In Illinois, the latest road conditions are available at gettingaroundillinois.com. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ MOZ009-010-060900- /O.EXT.KDVN.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Scotland-Clark- Including the cities of Kahoka and Memphis 1138 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle. * WHERE...Clark and Scotland Counties. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely remain slick and hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. the latest road conditions are available at modot.org or by calling 511. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ Gross  113 WSPS21 NZKL 060534 NZZO SIGMET 9 VALID 060539/060939 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S4000 W15920 - S4110 W16010 - S3730 W17220 - S3540 W16800 - S4000 W15920 FL200/360 MOV NE 30KT WKN=  146 WSPS21 NZKL 060535 NZZO SIGMET 10 VALID 060539/060641 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 3 060241/060641=  122 WSID21 WAAA 060540 WAAF SIGMET 08 VALID 060540/060840 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0226 E12843 - N0132 E12955 - N 0012 E12846 - S0109 E12747 - S0035 E12456 - N0125 E12420 - N0226 E128 43 TOP FL520 MOV W 15KT NC=  123 WSID21 WAAA 060540 WAAF SIGMET 09 VALID 060540/060840 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0213 E11805 - N0216 E11924 - N 0150 E12009 - N0058 E11951 - N0055 E11809 - N0115 E11725 - N0213 E118 05 TOP FL510 MOV WNW 15KT INTSF=  523 WSAG31 SARE 060545 SARR SIGMET 1 VALID 060545/060845 SARE- SARR RESISTENCIA FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0510Z WI S2949 W05838 - S3007 W05728 - S3037 W05753 - S3026 W05901 - S2949 W05838 TOP FL450 MOV ENE 10KT INTSF=  628 WSID21 WAAA 060540 WAAF SIGMET 10 VALID 060540/060840 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0439 E12223 - S0503 E12347 - S 0549 E12430 - S0629 E12346 - S0555 E12038 - S0528 E12035 - S0439 E122 23 TOP FL520 MOV W 15KT NC=  629 WSAG31 SARE 060545 SARR SIGMET 1 VALID 060545/060845 SARE- SARR RESISTENCIA FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0510Z WI S2949 W05838 - S3007 W05728 - S3037 W05753 - S3026 W05901 - S2949 W05838 TOP FL450 MOV ENE 10KT INTSF=  061 WSID21 WAAA 060540 WAAF SIGMET 11 VALID 060540/060840 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0703 E11740 - S0624 E11940 - S 0618 E12111 - S0644 E12113 - S0718 E12025 - S0754 E11747 - S0703 E117 40 TOP FL520 MOV W 15KT INTSF=  955 ACUS01 KWNS 060542 SWODY1 SPC AC 060541 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1141 PM CST Wed Feb 05 2025 Valid 061200Z - 071200Z ...THERE IS A MARGINAL RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS IN THE SOUTHERN APPALACHIANS AND TN VALLEY... ...SUMMARY... Multiple rounds of isolated severe thunderstorms may occur across parts of the southern Appalachians and Tennessee Valley, mainly this morning and later in the afternoon to early evening. ...Southern Appalachians and TN Valley... Multiple rounds of severe potential are apparent, yielding expansion in all directions of the level 1-MRGL risk and the inclusion of tornado/hail highlights. Initial activity should be ongoing at 12Z, centered on the southeast KY, southern WV, and far southwest VA vicinity. An early morning supercell or two may linger into mid-morning, but the bulk of convective activity is expected to be in a weakening phase. Large-scale ascent and low-level shear will diminish as the low-amplitude shortwave impulse quickly shifts away over the Lower Great Lakes/northern Appalachians. This timing will be coincident with the nadir of warm-moist sector instability. A separate round of thunderstorm development is anticipated by afternoon across a portion of the Mid-South, mainly to the cool side of a slowing west/east-oriented surface front. While initial activity should be elevated within the pronounced baroclinic zone, convection should develop into the northern portion of the warm-moist sector in parts of TN to southeast KY. Despite the lack of more prominent large-scale ascent, a fast, nearly unidirectional zonal flow regime will yield mid/upper-level hodograph elongation. This should foster potential for an organized cluster to develop, centered on the southern KY/northern TN vicinity by late afternoon. Weak low-level lapse rates and more muted hodograph curvature relative to this morning may preclude a greater severe threat. But localized damaging winds and marginally severe hail may accompany this convection as far east as western NC by early evening. ..Grams/Lyons.. 02/06/2025 $$  956 WUUS01 KWNS 060542 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1141 PM CST WED FEB 05 2025 VALID TIME 061200Z - 071200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... 0.02 37388508 37898374 38048253 37818161 37128153 36568198 35958286 35498530 35658655 36188655 37388508 && ... HAIL ... 0.05 36668863 37348746 37728514 37648268 36888061 36208065 35798127 35618538 35498751 35748897 36668863 && ... WIND ... 0.05 37768500 38108306 38088178 37778106 36438022 35778038 35388384 35318565 35498761 35948865 36358787 37768500 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... MRGL 36668863 37348746 38108306 38088178 37778106 36438022 35778038 35388384 35318565 35498761 35748897 36668863 TSTM 34357580 35127679 35147817 34778185 34058583 34018910 34629074 35829276 36959245 38018834 39198377 40277933 40107630 39437272 99999999 41702515 42112241 41522076 39542012 38601930 37651836 36951869 37272037 38472124 38552248 38152456 && THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 30 SSE PAH 30 SSW OWB 35 WSW HTS 20 SSW CRW BKW 30 NW GSO 35 SW GSO 30 SSE TYS 30 NW CHA 50 N MSL 10 NNW MKL 30 SSE PAH. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 60 S HSE 15 ENE EWN 25 SSW GSB 10 SE SPA 15 ENE GAD 25 SW TUP 50 SW MEM 30 SSW FLP 35 WNW UNO 35 SE MVN 35 E LUK LBE 30 ESE CXY 95 ESE NEL ...CONT... 50 W CEC 30 SE MFR 10 WNW AAT 20 W RNO 45 ESE TVL 20 N BIH 35 SSW BIH 10 E MER 15 ESE SAC 55 W SAC 100 SW UKI.  654 WWUS43 KARX 060542 WSWARX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service La Crosse WI 1142 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SLIPPERY TRAVEL WITH ONGOING FREEZING DRIZZLE OVERNIGHT... .Areas of freezing drizzle continue to push northeast, reaching into portions of southeast Minnesota and north central Wisconsin overnight. A light glaze of ice could accrue on untreated surfaces such as secondary roads, parking lots, and sidewalks. Use caution if traveling overnight. MNZ079-WIZ032>034-060900- /O.EXA.KARX.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Wabasha-Buffalo-Trempealeau-Jackson- Including the cities of Whitehall, Arcadia, Wabasha, Black River Falls, and Alma 1142 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...In Minnesota, Wabasha County. In Wisconsin, Buffalo, Jackson, and Trempealeau Counties. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In Minnesota, visit 511mn.org for road conditions. In Wisconsin, visit 511wi.gov for road conditions. && $$ IAZ008>011-018-019-029-030-MNZ086>088-094>096-WIZ041>044-053>055-061- 060900- /O.CON.KARX.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Mitchell-Howard-Winneshiek-Allamakee-Floyd-Chickasaw-Fayette- Clayton-Dodge-Olmsted-Winona-Mower-Fillmore-Houston-La Crosse- Monroe-Juneau-Adams-Vernon-Crawford-Richland-Grant- Including the cities of New Hampton, La Crosse, Dodge Center, Rochester, Preston, Elkader, Decorah, Viroqua, Prairie Du Chien, Charles City, Platteville, Tomah, Osage, Austin, Oelwein, Mauston, Caledonia, Richland Center, Sparta, Cresco, Winona, Waukon, and Friendship 1142 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of north central and northeast Iowa, southeast Minnesota, and central, southwest, and west central Wisconsin. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In Iowa, visit 511ia.org for road conditions. In Minnesota, visit 511mn.org for road conditions. In Wisconsin, visit 511wi.gov for road conditions. && $$ Zapotocny  039 WWUS73 KILX 060542 NPWILX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lincoln IL 1142 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ILZ062-063-066>068-071>073-061200- /O.NEW.KILX.FG.Y.0002.250206T0542Z-250206T1200Z/ Cumberland-Clark-Effingham-Jasper-Crawford-Clay-Richland-Lawrence- Including the cities of Newton, Greenup, Effingham, Lawrenceville, Flora, Robinson, Olney, and Marshall 1142 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Areas of one quarter mile visibility or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Clark, Cumberland, Clay, Crawford, Effingham, Jasper, Lawrence, and Richland Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use low beam headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ 37  503 WHUS71 KAKQ 060543 MWWAKQ URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wakefield VA 1243 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ANZ658-061200- /O.CON.KAKQ.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm- 1243 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Northeast winds 10 to 15 kt and seas 4 to 6 ft. * WHERE...Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  734 WSKO31 RKSI 060545 RKRR SIGMET Z02 VALID 060545/060900 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SEV TURB FCST N3610 E12400 - N3558 E12623 - N3616 E12841 - N3601 E13059 - N3728 E13257 - N3731 E12631 - N3726 E12400 - N3610 E12400 FL240/280 MOV E 20KT NC=  194 WUUS53 KLMK 060545 SVRLMK KYC021-049-067-079-113-151-167-060615- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.W.0002.250206T0545Z-250206T0615Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 1245 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southern Mercer County in central Kentucky... Northwestern Garrard County in central Kentucky... Southwestern Clark County in central Kentucky... Jessamine County in central Kentucky... Northern Boyle County in central Kentucky... Northern Madison County in central Kentucky... Southeastern Fayette County in central Kentucky... * Until 115 AM EST. * At 1245 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Harrodsburg, moving northeast at 75 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Lexington, Richmond, Nicholasville, Danville, Harrodsburg, Wilmore, Burgin, Perryville, Chilesburg, and Caldwell Manor. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3759 8492 3775 8500 3785 8476 3786 8471 3787 8471 3805 8428 3780 8415 TIME...MOT...LOC 0545Z 246DEG 64KT 3770 8489 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ CSG  660 WWUS43 KDMX 060545 WSWDMX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Des Moines IA 1145 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 IAZ005>007-016-017-024>028-034>039-044>050-057>062-070>075-082>086- 093>097-060645- /O.EXP.KDMX.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ Kossuth-Winnebago-Worth-Hancock-Cerro Gordo-Humboldt-Wright- Franklin-Butler-Bremer-Calhoun-Webster-Hamilton-Hardin-Grundy- Black Hawk-Crawford-Carroll-Greene-Boone-Story-Marshall-Tama- Audubon-Guthrie-Dallas-Polk-Jasper-Poweshiek-Cass-Adair-Madison- Warren-Marion-Mahaska-Union-Clarke-Lucas-Monroe-Wapello-Ringgold- Decatur-Wayne-Appanoose-Davis- Including the cities of Bayard, Algona, Jefferson, Allison, Lamoni, Perry, Stuart, Clarksville, Garner, Eagle Grove, Shell Rock, Dysart, Corydon, Iowa Falls, Exira, Manly, Parkersburg, Traer, Waterloo, Albia, Carroll, Panora, Fort Dodge, Tama, Pomeroy, Manson, Leon, Aplington, Northwood, Humboldt, Grinnell, Casey, Des Moines, Lake Mills, Hampton, Mount Ayr, Greene, Grundy Center, Norwalk, Seymour, Rockwell City, Toledo, Chariton, Denison, Clarion, Cedar Falls, Fontanelle, Dike, Mason City, Wellsburg, Osceola, Atlantic, Adair, Belmond, Adel, Marshalltown, Humeston, Gladbrook, Winterset, Ackley, Conrad, Creston, Waukee, Britt, Guthrie Center, Lake City, Newton, Bloomfield, Eldora, Audubon, Allerton, Forest City, Oskaloosa, Webster City, Ottumwa, Knoxville, Boone, Waverly, Indianola, Clear Lake, Reinbeck, Pella, Dumont, Carlisle, Earlham, Greenfield, Kanawha, Ames, and Centerville 1145 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... Much of the light freezing drizzle that occurred during the evening has ended, and most road conditions were improving, so the advisory will be allowed to expire at midnight. However, untreated sidewalks and less traveled roads may still remain slick and icy overnight and into the morning commute. Motorists and pedestrians are advised to continue to exercise caution. $$ Small  876 WAKO31 RKSI 060545 RKRR AIRMET G01 VALID 060545/060900 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC VIS 5000M SN FG BR OBS WI N3744 E12550 - N3751 E12607 - N3752 E12623 - N3750 E12637 - N3632 E12629 - N3633 E12556 - N3744 E12550 STNR NC=  302 WWCN02 CYTR 060546 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB TRENTON PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 12:46 AM EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB TRENTON (CYTR) TYPE: SNOWFALL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SNOWFALL AMOUNT OF 3 CM OR MORE IN 6 HOURS VALID: 06/1100Z TO 06/2200Z (06/0600 EST TO 06/1700 EST) TYPE: FREEZING PRECIPITATION WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: FREEZING RAIN/DRIZZLE VALID: 06/1600Z TO 06/2200Z (06/1100 EST TO 06/1700 EST) TYPE: WHITE WIND WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SURFACE WIND (MEAN OR GUST) GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 25 KNOTS VALID: 06/2000Z TO 07/2400Z (06/1500 EST TO 07/1900 EST) TYPE: AMBER WIND WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SURFACE WIND (MEAN OR GUST) GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 35 KNOTS VALID: 06/2300Z TO 07/1200Z (06/1800 EST TO 07/0700 EST) COMMENTS: A FRONTAL SYSTEM WILL TRACK NORTHEAST ACROSS SOUTHERN ONTARIO ON THURSDAY, BRINGING PERIODS OF SNOW, FREEZING PRECIPITATION, AND STRONG WINDS ACROSS THE REGION. AS THE SYSTEM APPROACHES CFB TRENTON, PERIODS OF LIGHT SNOW ARE EXPECTED TO QUICKLY TRANSITION TO HEAVIER SNOWFALL RATES OF UP TO 4 CENTIMETERS PER HOUR FROM 07/1200Z UNTIL 07/1600Z. SNOW IS EXPECTED TO TAPER OFF TO PERIODS OF LIGHT SNOW MIXED WITH FREEZING DRIZZLE OR FREEZING RAIN/ICE PELLETS. THE MOST RECENT GUIDANCE INDICATES THE STRONGEST LIKELIHOOD OF FREEZING PRECIPITATION WILL BE DURING THE AFTERNOON HOURS. SNOWFALL TOTALS ARE EXPECTED TO REACH 4 TO 6 CENTIMETERS, WHILE ICE ACCRETION WILL RANGE FROM TRACE AMOUNTS TO 2 MILLIMETERS, DEPENDING ON WHEN SURFACE TEMPERATURES CLIMB ABOVE FREEZING THURSDAY EVENING. IN ADDITION TO THE MIXED PRECIPITATION, THE BACKSIDE OF THIS SYSTEM WILL ALLOW FOR STRONG SOUTHWESTERLY WINDS TO DEVELOP. INTERMITTENT GUSTS OF 25 TO 30 KNOTS CAN BE EXPECTED BEGINNING LATE THIS EVENING THROUGH FRIDAY. WHILE THERE IS STILL SOME UNCERTAINTY REGARDING THE STRENGTH OF THE PEAK GUSTS, A STRONG LOW-LEVEL JET WILL ALLOW FOR WIND GUSTS AS HIGH AS 45 KNOTS ON THURSDAY NIGHT. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 06/1200Z (06/0700 EST) END/JMC  148 WSUS32 KKCI 060555 SIGC MKCC WST 060555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 060755-061155 FROM 40E PXV-40SSW BNA-MEM-40E PXV WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  149 WSUS31 KKCI 060555 SIGE MKCE WST 060555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 16E VALID UNTIL 0755Z OH MI IN LE FROM 20W DXO-30W EWC-40WSW AIR-20SSE FWA-20W DXO AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS TO FL360. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 17E VALID UNTIL 0755Z VA NC WV OH TN KY IN FROM 20SSE ROD-30SE AIR-20SE HMV-60W BWG-50WNW IIU-20SSE ROD AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 24050KT. TOPS TO FL450. OUTLOOK VALID 060755-061155 FROM 40WSW DXO-PSB-GSO-40SSW BNA-40E PXV-40WSW DXO WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  150 WSUS33 KKCI 060555 SIGW MKCW WST 060555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 060755-061155 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  666 WSNO31 ENMI 060548 ENOR SIGMET M01 VALID 060700/061100 ENMI- ENOR POLARIS FIR SEV MTW FCST WI N6635 E01535 - N6645 E01310 - N6750 E01210 - N7020 E01840 - N7026 E02210 - N7006 E02320 - N6635 E01535 SFC/FL300 STNR INTSF=  916 WWUS43 KARX 060549 WSWARX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service La Crosse WI 1149 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SLIPPERY TRAVEL WITH ONGOING FREEZING DRIZZLE OVERNIGHT... .Areas of freezing drizzle continue to push northeast, reaching into portions of southeast Minnesota and north central Wisconsin overnight. A light glaze of ice could accrue on untreated surfaces such as secondary roads, parking lots, and sidewalks. Use caution if traveling overnight. WIZ029-060900- /O.EXA.KARX.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Clark- Including the cities of Neillsville 1149 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Clark County. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Visit 511wi.gov for road conditions. && $$ IAZ008>011-018-019-029-030-MNZ079-086>088-094>096-WIZ032>034-041>044- 053>055-061-060900- /O.CON.KARX.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Mitchell-Howard-Winneshiek-Allamakee-Floyd-Chickasaw-Fayette- Clayton-Wabasha-Dodge-Olmsted-Winona-Mower-Fillmore-Houston- Buffalo-Trempealeau-Jackson-La Crosse-Monroe-Juneau-Adams-Vernon- Crawford-Richland-Grant- Including the cities of New Hampton, Whitehall, La Crosse, Dodge Center, Wabasha, Rochester, Preston, Elkader, Decorah, Viroqua, Prairie Du Chien, Arcadia, Charles City, Platteville, Tomah, Osage, Austin, Oelwein, Mauston, Caledonia, Richland Center, Alma, Sparta, Cresco, Winona, Waukon, Friendship, and Black River Falls 1149 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of north central and northeast Iowa, southeast Minnesota, and central, southwest, and west central Wisconsin. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In Iowa, visit 511ia.org for road conditions. In Minnesota, visit 511mn.org for road conditions. In Wisconsin, visit 511wi.gov for road conditions. && $$ Zapotocny  769 WSUY31 SUMU 060600 SUEO SIGMET 4 VALID 060600/060800 SUMU- SUEO MONTEVIDEO FIR EMBD TSGR FCST WI S3050 W05751 - S3008 W05742 - S3005 W05639 - S3120 W05451 - S3050 W05751 TOP FL400 MOV E 10KT WKN=  744 WWUS46 KPQR 060550 WSWPQR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Portland OR 950 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SNOW AND RAIN SHOWERS PERSIST THROUGH THE EVENING WHICH WILL PRODUCE ADDITIONAL SNOW ACCUMULATION... .Showers continue as a low pressure system nears the south Washington Coast. Showers persist this evening. Temperatures sit right around freezing so precipitation will be a mix of rain and snow except at elevations above 1000 feet. ORZ120>122-WAZ209-210-060700- /O.EXP.KPQR.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ West Columbia River Gorge I-84 Corridor-Upper Hood River Valley- Central Columbia River Gorge I-84 Corridor-West Columbia River Gorge SR 14 Corridor-Central Columbia River Gorge SR 14 Corridor- Including the cities of Rooster Rock, Stevenson, North Bonneville, Beacon Rock SP, Odell, Cascade Locks, Bonneville, Underwood, Parkdale, Wyeth, Hood River, Cape Horn, Multnomah Falls, and Carson 950 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 10 PM PST THIS EVENING... Showers are beginning to dissipate this evening as the system moves north. Will continue to see light showers overnight, but any additional snow accumulation will be minimal. Will note that in areas with clearing skies and below freezing temperatures, cannot rule out patchy freezing fog. $$ ORZ106-107-WAZ203-060800- /O.CON.KPQR.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T0800Z/ North Oregon Coast Range-Central Oregon Coast Range-Willapa Hills- Including the cities of Sunset Summit, Wilson River Summit, Horton, Brooklyn, Valsetz, and Mary's Peak 950 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT PST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Heavy wet snow. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch. * WHERE...North and Central Coast Range Mountains of Oregon, and Willapa Hills. * WHEN...Until midnight PST tonight. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Overnight temperatures will fall below freezing so moisture on roadways may freeze in some locations. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Consider postponing travel until weather conditions improve. If you must travel, be sure to slow down and allow extra time. If your car becomes trapped in deep snow, be sure to keep your car off to stay safe from potential carbon monoxide poisoning. If you are using a generator, be sure to keep it outdoors and away from windows and vents. Be aware that walking surfaces may be slick. Walk with extra care. Backcountry recreation is not advised. && $$ ORZ119-123>125-WAZ208-061200- /O.CON.KPQR.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ West Columbia River Gorge of Oregon above 500 ft-Clackamas County Cascade Foothills-Cascade Foothills of Marion and Linn Counties- Lane County Cascade Foothills-South Washington Cascade Foothills- Including the cities of Yacolt, Rhododendron, Detroit, Vida, Welches, Toutle, Silver Falls, Corbett, Brightwood, Mill City, Amboy, Oakridge, McKenzie Bridge, Lake Merwin, and Cherryville 950 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Wet snow. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch. Highest snow amounts will occur above 2000 feet. * WHERE...Foothills of the Northern and Central Oregon Cascades, West Columbia River Gorge of Oregon above 500 ft, and South Washington Cascade Foothills. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Overnight temperatures will fall below freezing so moisture on roadways may freeze in some locations. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Have a winter emergency driving kit readily available. Common items to include: flashlight, batteries, blankets, a shovel, water, non-perishable food items, tire chains, etc. Be aware that walking surfaces may be slick. Walk with extra care. For the latest road conditions and chain restrictions in Oregon, call 5 1 1, or visit: www.tripcheck.com. For the latest road conditions and chain restrictions in Washington, visit: wsdot.com/travel/real-time/map && $$ ORZ126>128-WAZ211-061200- /O.CON.KPQR.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ North Oregon Cascades-Cascades of Marion and Linn Counties- Cascades of Lane County-South Washington Cascades- Including the cities of Waldo Lake, Mt. St. Helens, Indian Heaven Wilderness, Government Camp, Bennett Pass, Lost Lake, Larch Mountain, Timothy Lake, Tombstone Summit, McKenzie Pass, Willamette Pass, Santiam Junction, Breitenbush Springs, and Santiam Pass 950 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations up to two inches. * WHERE...South Washington Cascades and the Northern and Central Cascades of Oregon. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Overnight temperatures will fall below freezing so moisture on roadways may freeze in some locations. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Have a winter emergency driving kit readily available. Common items to include: flashlight, batteries, blankets, a shovel, water, non-perishable food items, tire chains, etc. Be aware that walking surfaces may be slick. Walk with extra care. For the latest road conditions and chain restrictions in Oregon, call 5 1 1, or visit: www.tripcheck.com. For the latest road conditions and chain restrictions in Washington, visit: wsdot.com/travel/real-time/map && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit www.weather.gov/portland 27  856 WWUS76 KMTR 060551 NPWMTR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Francisco CA 951 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 CAZ506-510-516-061700- /O.CON.KMTR.FR.Y.0021.250206T0800Z-250206T1700Z/ North Bay Interior Valleys-East Bay Interior Valleys-Southern Salinas Valley/Arroyo Seco and Lake San Antonio- 951 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...FROST ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM PST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Temperatures 34 to 36 degrees will result in frost formation. * WHERE...Southern Salinas Valley/Arroyo Seco and Lake San Antonio, East Bay Interior Valleys, and North Bay Interior Valleys. * WHEN...Until 9 AM PST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Cold conditions will be hazardous to sensitive populations such as unhoused individuals. Cold Conditions can lead to hypothermia with prolonged exposure. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Damp conditions from recent rain will make it feel colder. $$ DialH  759 WACN22 CWAO 060551 CZEG AIRMET D2 VALID 060550/060710 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNL AIRMET D1 060310/060710 RMK GFACN37=  007 WACN02 CWAO 060551 CZEG AIRMET D2 VALID 060550/060710 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNL AIRMET D1 060310/060710=  577 WWUS43 KEAX 060552 WSWEAX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Kansas City/Pleasant Hill MO 1152 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 MOZ005>008-014>017-022>025-060700- /O.EXP.KEAX.WW.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ Harrison-Mercer-Putnam-Schuyler-Daviess-Grundy-Sullivan-Adair- Caldwell-Livingston-Linn MO-Macon- Including the cities of Trenton, Braymer, Bethany, La Plata, Gallatin, Unionville, Breckenridge, Greentop, Downing, Brookfield, Queen City, Mercer, Macon, Polo, Chillicothe, Jamesport, Marceline, Milan, Lancaster, Green City, Kirksville, Glenwood, Hamilton, and Princeton 1152 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... The freezing drizzle has ended, and no additional ice accumulations are expected. Therefore, the Winter Weather Advisory will be allowed to expire at Midnight. There are still several slick spots on area roadways. Some areas that experienced melting may see refreeze overnight. Please drive with caution, especially on bridges and elevated roadways. $$ https://www.weather.gov/eax Krull  610 WWUS43 KGRB 060552 WSWGRB URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Green Bay WI 1152 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 WIZ030-031-035>040-061300- /O.EXA.KGRB.WW.Y.0004.250206T0600Z-250206T1300Z/ Marathon-Shawano-Wood-Portage-Waupaca-Outagamie-Brown-Kewaunee- Including the cities of Clintonville, Plover, Kewaunee, Marshfield, Appleton, Luxemburg, Shawano, Green Bay, Stevens Point, Wisconsin Rapids, New London, Waupaca, and Wausau 1152 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle and light snow expected. Total snow accumulations up to a half inch and ice accumulations up to around 0.05". * WHERE...Marathon, Portage, Wood, Brown, Kewaunee, Outagamie, Shawano, and Waupaca Counties. * WHEN...Until 7 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WIZ045-048>050-061300- /O.CON.KGRB.WW.Y.0004.250206T0600Z-250206T1300Z/ Waushara-Winnebago-Calumet-Manitowoc- Including the cities of Wautoma, New Holstein, Two Rivers, Chilton, Redgranite, Menasha, Brillion, Manitowoc, Neenah, and Oshkosh 1152 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle and light snow expected. Total snow accumulations up to a half inch and ice accumulations up to around 0.05". * WHERE...Waushara, Calumet, Manitowoc, and Winnebago Counties. * WHEN...Until 7 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information, visit us at http://www.weather.gov/GreenBay Bersch  205 WSCN04 CWAO 060554 CZYZ SIGMET B1 VALID 060550/060950 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST WI N4213 W08114 - N4237 W08236 - N4156 W08311 - N4138 W08228 - N4213 W08114 SFC/FL060 MOV ENE 35KT NC=  206 WSCN24 CWAO 060554 CZYZ SIGMET B1 VALID 060550/060950 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST WI /N4213 W08114/45 S CYXU - /N4237 W08236/25 NE CYQG - /N4156 W08311/25 SW CYQG - /N4138 W08228/45 SE CYQG - /N4213 W08114/45 S CYXU SFC/FL060 MOV ENE 35KT NC RMK GFACN33=  376 WWUS41 KBUF 060555 WSWBUF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Buffalo NY 1255 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NYZ001>005-010-011-061400- /O.EXA.KBUF.WW.Y.0011.250206T0900Z-250206T1800Z/ Niagara-Orleans-Monroe-Wayne-Northern Cayuga-Northern Erie- Genesee- Including the cities of Niagara Falls, Medina, Rochester, Newark, Fair Haven, Buffalo, and Batavia 1255 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM EARLY THIS MORNING TO 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations 1 to 2 inches, mainly north of the Thruway. Ice accumulations around a few hundredths of an inch. * WHERE...Niagara, Orleans, Monroe, Wayne, Northern Cayuga, Northern Erie, and Genesee Counties. * WHEN...From 4 AM early this morning to 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will result in slippery roads and limited visibilities. Slow down and use caution while driving. Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. && $$ NYZ019>021-061400- /O.CON.KBUF.WW.Y.0011.250206T0600Z-250206T1800Z/ Chautauqua-Cattaraugus-Allegany- Including the cities of Jamestown, Olean, and Wellsville 1255 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations around an inch and ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...The western Southern Tier. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will result in slippery roads and limited visibilities. Slow down and use caution while driving. Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. && $$ NYZ006>008-061400- /O.CON.KBUF.WW.Y.0011.250206T0900Z-250207T0300Z/ Oswego-Jefferson-Lewis- Including the cities of Oswego, Watertown, and Lowville 1255 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM EARLY THIS MORNING TO 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations of up to 2 across most of the area, with higher amounts of 2 to 4 inches across the Tug Hill. Ice accumulations of less than one tenth of an inch. Winds could gust as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...The Eastern Lake Ontario Region. * WHEN...From 4 AM early this morning to 10 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. Gusty winds will down tree branches and cause isolated power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Precipitation will fall mainly as snow, but could mix with some freezing drizzle this afternoon and evening. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will result in slippery roads and limited visibilities. Slow down and use caution while driving. Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. && $$ NYZ012>014-085-061400- /O.CON.KBUF.WW.Y.0011.250206T0900Z-250206T1800Z/ Wyoming-Livingston-Ontario-Southern Erie- Including the cities of Warsaw, Geneseo, Canandaigua, Orchard Park, and Springville 1255 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM EARLY THIS MORNING TO 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations of an inch or less and ice accumulations of a few hundredths of an inch. Winds could gust to 35 mph. * WHERE...Wyoming, Livingston, Ontario, and Southern Erie Counties. * WHEN...From 4 AM early this morning to 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will result in slippery roads and limited visibilities. Slow down and use caution while driving. Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, be careful on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ DRT  671 WAIY31 LIIB 060556 LIMM AIRMET 2 VALID 060600/060700 LIIB- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 0500M FG FCST WI N4534 E01007 - N4535 E00855 - N4522 E00839 - N4455 E00842 - N4437 E01216 - N4500 E01230 - N4511 E01128 - N4534 E01007 STNR NC=  194 WWUS41 KILN 060557 WSWILN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wilmington OH 1257 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 INZ050-058-059-066-OHZ060>064-070>074-061000- /O.EXT.KILN.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1000Z/ Wayne-Fayette-Union-Franklin-Preble-Montgomery-Greene-Fayette- Pickaway-Butler-Warren-Clinton-Ross-Hocking- Including the cities of West College Corner, Fairfield, Springboro, Eaton, Downtown Dayton, Lebanon, Wilmington, Camden, Circleville, Washington Court House, Franklin, Hamilton, Connersville, Liberty, Kettering, Middletown, Xenia, Fairborn, Mason, Blanchester, Logan, Chillicothe, Richmond, Brookville, Landen, Oxford, and Beavercreek 1257 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM EST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of east central and southeast Indiana and central, south central, southwest, and west central Ohio. * WHEN...Until 5 AM EST early this morning. * IMPACTS...Slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In Indiana, visit 511in.org or call 1-800-261-7623 for the latest road information. In Ohio, visit ohgo.com for the latest road information. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ OHZ026-034-035-042>046-051>056-065-061000- /O.CON.KILN.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1000Z/ Hardin-Mercer-Auglaize-Darke-Shelby-Logan-Union-Delaware-Miami- Champaign-Clark-Madison-Franklin-Licking-Fairfield- Including the cities of Plain City, Minster, Kenton, West Jefferson, Urbana, Wapakoneta, New Bremen, Lancaster, Pickerington, London, Coldwater, Greenville, Bellefontaine, Ada, Troy, Sidney, Tipp City, Marysville, Celina, Springfield, St. Marys, Newark, Downtown Columbus, Piqua, and Delaware 1257 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM EST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of central and west central Ohio. * WHEN...Until 5 AM EST early this morning. * IMPACTS...Slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. visit ohgo.com for the latest road information. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$  527 WSPR31 SPJC 060555 SPIM SIGMET A3 VALID 060555/060600 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET A2 VALID 060440/060600=  225 WWUS43 KARX 060558 WSWARX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service La Crosse WI 1158 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...SLIPPERY TRAVEL WITH ONGOING FREEZING DRIZZLE OVERNIGHT... .Areas of freezing drizzle continue to push northeast, reaching into portions of southeast Minnesota and north central Wisconsin overnight. Alight glaze of ice could accrue on untreated surfaces such as secondary roads, parking lots, and sidewalks. Use caution if traveling overnight. WIZ017-060900- /O.EXA.KARX.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Taylor- Including the cities of Medford 1158 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Taylor County. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Visit 511wi.gov for road conditions. && $$ IAZ008>011-018-019-029-030-MNZ079-086>088-094>096-WIZ029-032>034- 041>044-053>055-061-060900- /O.CON.KARX.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Mitchell-Howard-Winneshiek-Allamakee-Floyd-Chickasaw-Fayette- Clayton-Wabasha-Dodge-Olmsted-Winona-Mower-Fillmore-Houston-Clark- Buffalo-Trempealeau-Jackson-La Crosse-Monroe-Juneau-Adams-Vernon- Crawford-Richland-Grant- Including the cities of New Hampton, Whitehall, La Crosse, Dodge Center, Wabasha, Rochester, Preston, Elkader, Decorah, Viroqua, Prairie Du Chien, Arcadia, Charles City, Platteville, Neillsville, Tomah, Osage, Austin, Oelwein, Mauston, Caledonia, Richland Center, Alma, Sparta, Cresco, Winona, Waukon, Friendship, and Black River Falls 1158 PM CST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of north central and northeast Iowa, southeast Minnesota, and central, southwest, and west central Wisconsin. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In Iowa, visit 511ia.org for road conditions. In Minnesota, visit 511mn.org for road conditions. In Wisconsin, visit 511wi.gov for road conditions. && $$ Zapotocny  725 WSIL31 BICC 060501 BIRD SIGMET U02 VALID 060600/060830 BIRK- BIRD REYKJAVIK CTA SEV TURB FCST WI N6320 W02120 - N6510 W01930 - N6540 W01320 - N6410 W01340 - N6310 W01720 - N6320 W02120 SFC/FL120 MOV NW INTSF=  726 WOAU47 AMMC 060559 IDY21060 40:2:1:04:70S075E25090:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology At 0559UTC 6 February 2025 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AREA SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous flow associated with cold front near 56S088E 60S092E. Forecast near 56S093E 60S097E at 061200UTC, near 56S100E 60S104E at 061800UTC, and near 55S087E 56S115E 60S115E 60S091E at 070000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 55S087E 56S115E 60S115E 60S091E 55S087E. FORECAST Northwesterly quarter winds 30/40 knots developing within 240nm east of cold front from 060600UTC. Rough to very rough seas. Moderate to heavy swell. PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. The next alert will be issued by 1300 UTC 06 February 2025  277 WOAU48 AMMC 060559 IDY21070 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology At 0559UTC 6 February 2025 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AREA SITUATION AT 0600UTC Developing vigorous flow associated with low 968hPa west of area near 58S079E at 061800UTC, low 965hPa near 60S085E at 070000UTC, and low 964hPa near 61S091E at 070600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 52S080E 54S099E 62S099E 59S080E 52S080E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 30/40 knots within 360nm of low in the northern semicircle, increasing to 35/45 knots within 120nm of low in the northern semicircle. Rough to very rough seas, increasing to high within 120nm of low. Moderate to heavy swell. PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. The next alert will be issued by 1300 UTC 06 February 2025  278 WOAU08 AMMC 060559 IDY21070 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology At 0559UTC 6 February 2025 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AREA SITUATION AT 0600UTC Developing vigorous flow associated with low 968hPa west of area near 58S079E at 061800UTC, low 965hPa near 60S085E at 070000UTC, and low 964hPa near 61S091E at 070600UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 52S080E 54S099E 62S099E 59S080E 52S080E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 30/40 knots within 360nm of low in the northern semicircle, increasing to 35/45 knots within 120nm of low in the northern semicircle. Rough to very rough seas, increasing to high within 120nm of low. Moderate to heavy swell. PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. The next alert will be issued by 1300 UTC 06 February 2025  027 WOAU09 AMMC 060600 IDY21080 40:2:1:04:55S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology At 0600UTC 6 February 2025 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN AREA SITUATION AT 0600UTC Vigorous flow developing associated with forecast low 996hPa near 41S095E at 061800UTC, low 997hPa near 40S097E at 070000UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 37S092E 36S101E 44S097E 44S091E 37S092E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 30/40 knots within 120nm of low in the western semicircle developing from 061800UTC. Rough to very rough seas. Moderate to heavy swell. PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. The next alert will be issued by 1300 UTC 06 February 2025  568 WSIL31 BICC 060600 BIRD SIGMET I01 VALID 060602/060832 BIRK- BIRD REYKJAVIK CTA SEV ICE FCST WI N6310 W01850 - N6340 W02140 - N6450 W01900 - N6440 W01300 - N6310 W01850 FL025/220 STNR INTSF=  305 WSAU21 YMMC 060603 YMMM SIGMET S03 VALID 060619/061019 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0940 E08910 - S0830 E09350 - S1020 E10110 - S1250 E10403 - S1550 E10310 - S1420 E09840 - S1130 E09810 - S1200 E09300 TOP FL550 MOV W 05KT NC=  482 WGUS84 KMEG 060603 FLSMEG Flood Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 1203 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in Tennessee... Obion River near Obion TNC045-053-131-060715- /O.CAN.KMEG.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0603Z/ /OBNT1.1.ER.250201T1340Z.250203T2000Z.250206T0420Z.NO/ 1203 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IS CANCELLED... The Flood Warning is cancelled for the Obion River near Obion. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 11:00 PM CST Wednesday the stage was 34.0 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall to 31.4 feet Monday evening. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3628 8927 3633 8909 3633 8895 3620 8895 3614 8927 $$ CJC  993 WAIS31 LLBD 060557 LLLL AIRMET 6 VALID 060557/060800 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR CNL AIRMET 4 060400/060800=  557 WSAG31 SABE 060608 SAVF SIGMET A2 VALID 060608/061008 SABE- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV MTW OBS AT 0608Z WI S4137 W07154 - S4104 W06908 - S4322 W06752 - S4522 W06821 - S4716 W07014 - S4637 W07207 - S4245 W07202 - S4137 W07154 FL070/130 STNR NC=  665 WAIS31 LLBD 060558 LLLL AIRMET 7 VALID 060600/060800 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MOD ICE OBS WI N3310 E03430 - N3320 E03550 - N2930 E03500 - N3120 E03340 - N3310 E03430 FL050/180 NC=  666 WSAG31 SABE 060608 SAVF SIGMET A2 VALID 060608/061008 SABE- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV MTW OBS AT 0608Z WI S4137 W07154 - S4104 W06908 - S4322 W06752 - S4522 W06821 - S4716 W07014 - S4637 W07207 - S4245 W07202 - S4137 W07154 FL070/130 STNR NC=  209 WAIS31 LLBD 060559 LLLL AIRMET 8 VALID 060558/060800 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR CNL AIRMET 2 060400/060800=  790 WGUS81 KILN 060605 FLSILN Flood Advisory National Weather Service Wilmington OH 105 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC135-161-201-061300- /O.NEW.KILN.FA.Y.0001.250206T0605Z-250206T1300Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Lewis KY-Mason KY-Robertson KY- 105 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...The following counties, in northeast Kentucky, Lewis. In northern Kentucky, Mason and Robertson. * WHEN...Until 800 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 105 AM EST, radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. Between 2 and 3 inches of rain have fallen. Additional rainfall amounts up to 1 inch are possible. - Some locations that may experience flooding include... Maysville, Washington, Aberdeen, Vanceburg, Lewisburg, Tollesboro, Camp Dix, Head of Grassy, Mount Olivet, Dover, Germantown, Sardis, Concord, Epworth, Rectorville, Ribolt, Orangeburg, Herron Hill, Mount Gilead and Glen Springs. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. To report flooding, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3877 8390 3865 8376 3863 8366 3870 8352 3860 8329 3863 8314 3872 8303 3859 8307 3850 8319 3832 8328 3843 8358 3852 8364 3846 8386 3849 8393 3842 8400 3850 8418 3861 8408 3858 8400 $$ Clark  233 WAIS31 LLBD 060600 LLLL AIRMET 9 VALID 060600/060800 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MOD TURB OBS WI N3317 E03450 - N3315 E03557 - N3018 E03435 - N3225 E03340 - N3317 E03450 FL040/180 WKN=  330 WVID21 WAAA 060605 WAAF SIGMET 12 VALID 060605/061200 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT SEMERU PSN S0806 E11255 VA CLD OBS AT 0540Z WI S0808 E11253 - S0804 E11253 - S0803 E11315 - S 0823 E11305 - S0808 E11253 SFC/FL150 MOV SE 05KT NC=  181 WSCI38 ZYTX 060605 ZYSH SIGMET 2 VALID 060630/061030 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF LINE N4250 E11744 - N4108 E12609 FL100/200 MOV ESE 25KMH NC =  160 WSCI38 ZYTX 060605 ZYSH SIGMET 2 VALID 060630/061030 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF LINE N4250 E11744 - N4108 E12609 FL100/200 MOV ESE 25KMH NC =  052 WWUS73 KLSX 060607 NPWLSX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service St Louis MO 1207 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ILZ064-065-069-070-074-079-100>102-061400- /O.NEW.KLSX.FG.Y.0003.250206T0607Z-250206T1400Z/ Bond IL-Fayette IL-Clinton IL-Marion IL-Washington IL-Randolph IL- Madison IL-Saint Clair IL-Monroe IL- Including the cities of Salem, Sparta, Centralia, Edwardsville, Cahokia, Chester, Belleville, Alton, and Vandalia 1207 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility as low as 1/4 mile in dense fog. * WHERE...Bond IL, Clinton IL, Fayette IL, Marion IL, Washington IL, Madison IL, Monroe IL, Randolph IL, and Saint Clair IL Counties. * WHEN...Until 8 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ BRC  356 WHGM72 PGUM 060607 MWWPQ2 URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tiyan GU 407 PM ChST Thu Feb 6 2025 PMZ161-171-062015- /O.CON.PGUM.SC.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-250207T0700Z/ Palau Coastal Waters-Yap Coastal Waters- 407 PM ChST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM CHST FRIDAY... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts to 30 kt and combined seas of 7 to 10 feet. * WHERE...Palau and Yap Coastal Waters. * WHEN...Until 5 PM ChST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid boating in hazardous conditions. && $$ Simpson  878 WHPQ42 PGUM 060608 CFWPQ2 URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Tiyan GU 408 PM ChST Thu Feb 6 2025 FMZ037-PWZ002>006-062015- /O.CON.PGUM.SU.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250207T1900Z/ Yap-Melekeok-Airai-Koror-Peleliu-Angaur- 408 PM ChST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM CHST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Large breaking waves of 8 to 10 feet. * WHERE...North facing reefs of Palau and Yap. * WHEN...Until 5 AM ChST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Dangerous swimming and surfing conditions and localized beach erosion. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced swimmers should remain out of the water due to dangerous surf conditions. && $$ Simpson  856 ACUS11 KWNS 060608 SWOMCD SPC MCD 060608 VAZ000-KYZ000-TNZ000-060815- Mesoscale Discussion 0065 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1208 AM CST Thu Feb 06 2025 Areas affected...portions of northern Tennessee and southern Kentucky Concerning...Severe potential...Watch possible Valid 060608Z - 060815Z Probability of Watch Issuance...40 percent SUMMARY...Ongoing weak destabilization within the warm air advection regime over the TN/KY border region could support surface-based storms and a risk for hail, damaging winds, or a tornado overnight. A WW is possible, but it remains unclear if one is needed. DISCUSSION...As of 0600 UTC, regional observations show weak, but likely surface-based, destabilization is ongoing over parts of the central MS River Valley and TN/KY border region. Large-scale ascent ahead of a low-amplitude shortwave trough over the Midwest is supporting persistent low-level warm air advection over much of the Mid south. Widespread predominately elevated convection, is ongoing north of the surface warm front over the OH Valley. While to the south, surface dewpoints in the middle to upper 60s F were advecting into western TN beneath fairly steep mid-level lapse rates around 7-8 C/km. Sufficient to offset nocturnal stabilization, continued low-level theta-E advection is supporting weak to moderate MLCAPE of 500-1000 J/kg. Surface-based storm development appears possible along and south of the frontal zone over north-central TN and far southern KY, and farther west along a cold front. Enlarged low-level hodographs, coupled with moderate to strong deep-layer shear, could foster a couple sustained surface-based supercells or short bowing segments capable of large hail, damaging winds and perhaps a tornado. Current observational trends and recent HRRR guidance show a gradual increase in convective coverage over the next few hours. It remains unclear how much of the convection will remain surface-based along and south of the front. However, with strong shear and sufficient moisture/buoyancy in place, the severe risk could warrant a WW and conditions will continue to be monitored. ..Lyons/Mosier.. 02/06/2025 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...MRX...JKL...LMK...OHX...PAH...MEG... LAT...LON 36898890 37278723 37558528 37628350 37108263 36218301 35978361 35688706 35688817 35818894 36898890  752 WHMY40 PGUM 060609 CFWGUM URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Tiyan GU 409 PM ChST Thu Feb 6 2025 GUZ001-MPZ001>003-062000- /O.CON.PGUM.SU.Y.0010.250206T0800Z-250207T0700Z/ /O.CON.PGUM.RP.S.0005.250206T0800Z-250207T0700Z/ Guam-Rota-Tinian-Saipan- 409 PM ChST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM CHST FRIDAY... ...HIGH RIP CURRENT RISK REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH FRIDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Large breaking waves of 7 to 10 feet and dangerous rip currents expected. * WHERE...North facing reefs of the Marianas. * WHEN...For the High Surf Advisory, until 5 PM ChST Friday. For the High Rip Current Risk, through Friday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Dangerous swimming and surfing conditions and localized beach erosion. Rip currents can sweep even the best swimmers away from shore into deeper water. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...A long-period north swell is producing hazardous surf and high risk of rip currents along north facing reefs of the Marianas through Friday afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced swimmers should remain out of the water due to dangerous surf conditions. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$ Montvila  845 WTIO20 FMEE 060606 PANPAN HURRICANE WARNING FOR METAREA VIII (S) ISSUED BY METEO-FRANCE/TROPICAL CYCLONE CENTER/LA REUNION 06/02/2025 AT 0600 UTC. WARNING NUMBER: 008/8 (SOUTH-WEST INDIAN OCEAN) 10 MINUTES AVERAGE WIND SPEED IN KNOTS (KT) (WIND GUSTS AT SEA MAY BE ABOUT 40% STRONGER THAN THE AVERAGED WIND) MINIMUM SEA LEVEL PRESSURE IN HECTOPASCAL (HPA) (INDICATIVE FIGURE). HURRICANE WARNING BEGINNING OF VALIDITY: THURSDAY 06/02/2025 AT 0600 UTC. PHENOMENON: INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 8 (VINCE) 955 HPA POSITION: WITHIN 20 NM RADIUS OF POINT 19.2 S / 82.4 E (NINETEEN DECIMAL TWO DEGREES SOUTH AND EIGHTY TWO DECIMAL FOUR DEGREES EAST) AT 0600 UTC MOVEMENT: WEST-SOUTH-WEST 8 KT THREAT AREAS: SQUALLY WEATHER IN A 200 NM RADIUS AROUND THE CENTER, EXTENDING TO 310 NM IN THE WESTERN SEMICIRCLE. HURRICANE FORCE WINDS 65/90 KT AND VERY HIGH TO PHENOMENAL SEAS WITHIN A 35 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE. STORM FORCE WINDS 50/60 KT AND HIGH TO VERY HIGH SEAS WITHIN A 50 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 55 NM IN THE SOUTH-EASTERN QUADRANT. GALE FORCE WINDS 35/45 KT AND VERY ROUGH TO HIGH SEAS WITHIN A 70 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 80 NM IN THE SOUTH-EASTERN QUADRANT. NEAR GALE FORCE WINDS 30 KT AND ROUGH TO VERY ROUGH SEAS WITHIN A 85 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 90 NM IN THE NORTH-EASTERN QUADRANT, UP TO 95 NM IN THE SOUTH-WESTERN QUADRANT AND UP TO 100 NM IN THE SOUTH-EASTERN QUADRANT. STRONG GUSTS UNDER SQUALLS. FORECAST POSITION AND INTENSITY: 12H, VALID 2025/02/06 AT 18 UTC: 19.6 S / 80.3 E, MAX WIND = 95 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 105 NM SE: 155 NM SW: 150 NM NW: 85 NM 34 KT NE: 65 NM SE: 95 NM SW: 90 NM NW: 50 NM 48 KT NE: 35 NM SE: 50 NM SW: 45 NM NW: 35 NM 64 KT NE: 30 NM SE: 25 NM SW: 30 NM NW: 30 NM 24H, VALID 2025/02/07 AT 06 UTC: 19.9 S / 77.8 E, MAX WIND = 100 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 105 NM SE: 185 NM SW: 160 NM NW: 90 NM 34 KT NE: 65 NM SE: 115 NM SW: 100 NM NW: 55 NM 48 KT NE: 40 NM SE: 50 NM SW: 50 NM NW: 40 NM 64 KT NE: 30 NM SE: 30 NM SW: 30 NM NW: 30 NM OTHER INFORMATION: NIL.=  048 WTIO21 FMEE 060606 METEO-FRANCE/CENTRE DES CYCLONES TROPICAUX DE LA REUNION BMS MARINE LE 06/02/2025 A 0600UTC. NUMERO: 008/8 (SUD-OUEST DE L'OCEAN INDIEN) VITESSES DU VENT MOYEN SUR 10 MINUTES EN NOEUDS (KT) (LES RAFALES SUR MER PEUVENT EXCEDER D'ENVIRON 40% LA VALEUR DU VENT MOYEN). PRESSION MINIMALE AU NIVEAU DE LA MER EN HECTOPASCALS (HPA) (VALEUR INDICATIVE) AVIS D'OURAGAN DEBUT DE VALIDITE: JEUDI 06/02/2025 A 0600 UTC. PHENOMENE: CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 8 (VINCE) 955 HPA POSITION: DANS UN RAYON DE 20 MN AUTOUR DU POINT 19.2 S / 82.4 E (DIX-NEUF DEGRES DEUX SUD ET QUATRE-VINGT DEUX DEGRES QUATRE EST) A 0600 UTC DEPLACEMENT: OUEST-SUD-OUEST 8 KT ZONES MENACEES: TEMPS A GRAINS DANS UN RAYON DE 200 MN AUTOUR DU CENTRE, POUVANT S'ETENDRE JUSQU'A 310 MN DANS LE DEMI-CERCLE OUEST OURAGAN 65/90 KT ET MER TRES GROSSE A ENORME DANS UN RAYON DE 35 MN AUTOUR DU CENTRE. TEMPETE 50/60 KT ET MER GROSSE A TRES GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE 50 MN AUTOUR DU CENTRE, S'ETENDANT JUSQUE 55 MN DANS LE QUADRANT SUD-EST. COUP DE VENT 35/45 KT ET MER TRES FORTE A GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE 70 MN AUTOUR DU CENTRE, S'ETENDANT JUSQUE 80 MN DANS LE QUADRANT SUD-EST. GRAND FRAIS 30 KT ET MER FORTE A TRES FORTE DANS UN RAYON DE 85 MN AUTOUR DU CENTRE, S'ETENDANT JUSQUE 90 MN DANS LE QUADRANT NORD-EST, JUSQUE 95 MN DANS LE QUADRANT SUD-OUEST ET JUSQUE 100 MN DANS LE QUADRANT SUD-EST. FORTES RAFALES SOUS GRAINS. PREVISIONS: POSITION ET INTENSITE PREVUES: A 12H POUR LE 06/02/2025 A 18 UTC: 19.6 S / 80.3 E, VENT MAX = 95 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 105 MN SE: 155 MN SO: 150 MN NO: 85 MN 34 KT NE: 65 MN SE: 95 MN SO: 90 MN NO: 50 MN 48 KT NE: 35 MN SE: 50 MN SO: 45 MN NO: 35 MN 64 KT NE: 30 MN SE: 25 MN SO: 30 MN NO: 30 MN A 24H POUR LE 07/02/2025 A 06 UTC: 19.9 S / 77.8 E, VENT MAX = 100 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 105 MN SE: 185 MN SO: 160 MN NO: 90 MN 34 KT NE: 65 MN SE: 115 MN SO: 100 MN NO: 55 MN 48 KT NE: 40 MN SE: 50 MN SO: 50 MN NO: 40 MN 64 KT NE: 30 MN SE: 30 MN SO: 30 MN NO: 30 MN INDICATIONS COMPLEMENTAIRES : NEANT.=  866 WSIR31 OIII 060607 OIIX SIGMET 04 VALID 060610/060830 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3202 E04757 - N3202 E05023 - N2812 E05232 - N2754 E05005 - N2942 E04831 - N3202 E04757 TOP FL320 MOV ENE INTSF=  312 WSGR31 LGAT 060620 LGGG SIGMET U02 VALID 060620/061020 LGAT- LGGG ATHINAI FIR/UIR SEV TURB FCST NE OF LINE N4108 E02237 - N3746 E02400 - N3626 E02420 - N3358 E02453 - N3328 E02600 FL220/360 MOV E NC=  618 WAIS31 LLBD 060603 LLLL AIRMET 10 VALID 060603/060800 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR CNL AIRMET 3 060400/060800=  069 WWCN15 CWWG 060612 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR SOUTHERN ALBERTA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 11:12 P.M. MST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: =NEW= CARDSTON - FORT MACLEOD - MAGRATH =NEW= CROWSNEST PASS - PINCHER CREEK - WATERTON LAKES NAT. PARK MEDICINE HAT - BOW ISLAND - SUFFIELD CYPRESS HILLS PROVINCIAL PARK - FOREMOST LETHBRIDGE - TABER - MILK RIVER. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== A PERIOD OF VERY COLD WIND CHILLS IS EXPECTED. EXTREME COLD WIND CHILL VALUES NEAR -40 ARE EXPECTED TONIGHT. WIND CHILL VALUES WILL MODERATE THURSDAY MORNING. EXTREME COLD PUTS EVERYONE AT RISK. WATCH FOR COLD RELATED SYMPTOMS: SHORTNESS OF BREATH, CHEST PAIN, MUSCLE PAIN AND WEAKNESS, NUMBNESS AND COLOUR CHANGE IN FINGERS AND TOES. DRESS WARMLY. DRESS IN LAYERS THAT YOU CAN REMOVE IF YOU GET TOO WARM. THE OUTER LAYER SHOULD BE WIND RESISTANT. COVER UP. FROSTBITE CAN DEVELOP WITHIN MINUTES ON EXPOSED SKIN, ESPECIALLY WITH WIND CHILL. IF IT'S TOO COLD FOR YOU TO STAY OUTSIDE, IT'S TOO COLD FOR YOUR PET TO STAY OUTSIDE. EXTREME COLD WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN VERY COLD TEMPERATURES OR WIND CHILL CREATES AN ELEVATED RISK TO HEALTH SUCH AS FROST BITE AND HYPOTHERMIA. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ABSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ABSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  163 WWUS43 KILX 060612 WSWILX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lincoln IL 1212 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ILZ042-043-047-048-060715- /O.EXP.KILX.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0600Z/ Logan-De Witt-Cass-Menard- Including the cities of Beardstown, Clinton, Lincoln, and Petersburg 1212 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... While the freezing drizzle has ended for most of the area, slick spots will still exist on pavement, particularly in shaded areas. Pedestrians and motorists should continue to exercise caution. $$ ILZ027>031-036>038-040-041-060900- /O.CON.KILX.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Knox-Stark-Peoria-Marshall-Woodford-Fulton-Tazewell-McLean- Schuyler-Mason- Including the cities of Peoria, Eureka, Canton, Toulon, Havana, Normal, Galesburg, Pekin, Rushville, Bloomington, and Lacon 1212 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle. Up to a glaze of additional accumulations expected. * WHERE...Marshall, Mason, McLean, Peoria, Stark, Tazewell, Woodford, Fulton, Knox, and Schuyler Counties. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST early this morning. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ Bumgardner  208 WAIS31 LLBD 060604 LLLL AIRMET 11 VALID 060605/060800 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC OBS WI N3321 E03548 - N3257 E03555 - N3118 E03510 - N3123 E03453 - N3321 E03548 STNR NC=  817 WWNZ40 NZKL 060611 GALE WARNING 022 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: PACIFIC AT 060600UTC LOW 954HPA NEAR 47S 161W, SLOW MOVING. WITHIN 360 NAUTICAL MILES OF LOW: CLOCKWISE 40KT. GALE AREA SLOW MOVING. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 020.  818 WWNZ40 NZKL 060612 CANCEL WARNING 021  677 WSRS31 RURD 060617 URRV SIGMET 3 VALID 060630/061000 URRR- URRV ROSTOV-NA-DONU FIR SEV TURB FCST SW OF LINE N4600 E03701 - N4453 E03944 - N4328 E04009 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  728 WSRS31 RURD 060618 URRV SIGMET 4 VALID 060630/061000 URRR- URRV ROSTOV-NA-DONU FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST S OF LINE N4322 E04037 - N4530 E04157 - N4427 E04637 - N4201 E04557 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  316 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAZ SIGMET 5 VALID 060730/061030 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0122 W06828 - S0526 W06627 - S0402 W06116 - S0039 W06030 - S0013 W06457 - S0122 W06828 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  317 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAZ SIGMET 6 VALID 060730/061030 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0014 W06450 - S0039 W06030 - S0034 W06028 - N0508 W06036 - N0401 W06232 - N0416 W06412 - N0407 W06441 - N0207 W06349 - N0121 W06449 - S0014 W06450 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  040 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAZ SIGMET 7 VALID 060730/061030 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0032 W05758 - S0524 W05535 - S0529 W05255 - S0050 W04828 - N0101 W05249 - S0032 W05758 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  041 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAZ SIGMET 8 VALID 060730/061030 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0616 W05159 - S0904 W04932 - S0645 W04502 - S0618 W04448 - S0606 W04412 - S0442 W04323 - S0435 W04316 - S0145 W04230 - S0057 W04343 - S0008 W04458 - S0007 W04459 - N0037 W04607 - S0616 W05159 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  042 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAZ SIGMET 9 VALID 060730/061030 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0911 W06039 - S1241 W05718 - S1011 W05308 - S0656 W05607 - S0911 W06039 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  079 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAZ SIGMET 10 VALID 060730/061030 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1735 W05451 - S1734 W05441 - S1724 W05407 - S1643 W05306 - S1521 W05326 - S1735 W05451 FL160/220 STNR NC=  787 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBCW SIGMET 12 VALID 060730/061030 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2034 W05644 - S2936 W04607 - S2930 W04601 - S2731 W04423 - S2315 W04720 - S2307 W04734 - S2220 W04955 - S2020 W05127 - S1724 W05407 - S1734 W05441 - S1735 W05451 - S2034 W05644 FL160/220 STNR NC=  788 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBCW SIGMET 13 VALID 060730/061030 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3010 W05737 - S3153 W05407 - S3345 W05322 - S3353 W05323 - S3400 W05300 - S3400 W05024 - S3046 W04715 - S2846 W04955 - S2635 W05349 - S2655 W05343 - S2819 W05552 - S3010 W05737 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  789 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBCW SIGMET 14 VALID 060730/061030 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2053 W04415 - S2143 W04357 - S2429 W04049 - S2327 W03928 - S2059 W04214 - S2031 W04222 - S2025 W04245 - S2009 W04324 - S2032 W04358 - S2053 W04415 FL280/350 STNR NC=  206 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAO SIGMET 7 VALID 060730/061030 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3400 W05024 - S3441 W04557 - S3505 W04218 - S3348 W04108 - S3139 W04603 - S3046 W04715 - S3400 W05024 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  207 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAO SIGMET 8 VALID 060730/061030 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2936 W04607 - S3035 W04458 - S3003 W04238 - S2731 W04423 - S2930 W04601 - S2936 W04607 FL160/220 STNR NC=  208 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAO SIGMET 9 VALID 060730/061030 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2429 W04049 - S2754 W03658 - S2646 W03546 - S2327 W03928 - S2429 W04049 FL280/350 STNR NC=  500 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAO SIGMET 10 VALID 060730/061030 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0500 W04646 - N0140 W04320 - N0021 W03432 - S0140 W02709 - N0053 W02546 - N0324 W02909 - N0740 W03500 - N0637 W03701 - N0500 W04001 - N0500 W04646 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  275 WCAU01 YMMC 060622 YMMM SIGMET J08 VALID 060730/061330 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR TC VINCE PSN S1912 E08226 CB OBS AT 0600Z WI 110NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL530 MOV WSW 08KT NC=  053 WCAU01 YMMC 060622 YMMM SIGMET J08 VALID 060730/061330 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR TC VINCE PSN S1912 E08226 CB OBS AT 0600Z WI 110NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL530 MOV WSW 08KT NC RMK: MW=  254 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBBS SIGMET 5 VALID 060730/061030 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1924 W04945 - S2216 W04707 - S2011 W04601 - S1754 W04828 - S1924 W04945 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  541 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBBS SIGMET 6 VALID 060730/061030 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S1611 W04555 - S2053 W04415 - S2032 W04358 - S2009 W04324 - S2025 W04245 - S2000 W04232 - S1959 W04232 - S1553 W04346 - S1550 W04345 - S1538 W04406 - S1338 W04522 - S1611 W04555 FL280/350 STNR NC=  776 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBBS SIGMET 7 VALID 060730/061030 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1724 W05407 - S2020 W05127 - S2220 W04955 - S2307 W04734 - S2315 W04720 - S1452 W05308 - S1521 W05326 - S1643 W05306 - S1724 W05407 FL160/220 STNR NC=  092 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBRE SIGMET 4 VALID 060730/061030 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2021 W04041 - S1917 W03759 - S1852 W03740 - S1841 W03815 - S1703 W03725 - S1019 W03808 - S1113 W03928 - S2021 W04041 FL280/360 STNR NC=  093 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBRE SIGMET 5 VALID 060730/061030 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S1339 W04522 - S1538 W04406 - S1550 W04345 - S1119 W04248 - S0948 W04044 - S0801 W04105 - S0907 W04333 - S1203 W04502 - S1339 W04522 FL280/350 STNR NC=  846 WWUS46 KOTX 060624 WSWOTX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Spokane WA 1024 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 IDZ001-002-004-061500- /O.CON.KOTX.WW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Northern Panhandle-Coeur d'Alene Area-Central Panhandle Mountains- Including the cities of Schweitzer Mountain Road, Bonners Ferry, Kellogg, St. Maries, Clark Fork, Coeur d'Alene, Lookout Pass, Mullan, Hayden, Sandpoint, Worley, Osburn, Priest River, Dobson Pass, Eastport, Pinehurst, Fernwood, Wallace, Fourth Of July Pass, Post Falls, and Athol 1024 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM PST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Total 1 to 3 inches. Localized accumulations of 4 inches or more. * WHERE...Schweitzer Mountain Road, Bonners Ferry, Kellogg, St. Maries, Clark Fork, Coeur d'Alene, Lookout Pass, Mullan, Hayden, Sandpoint, Worley, Osburn, Priest River, Dobson Pass, Eastport, Pinehurst, Fernwood, Wallace, Fourth Of July Pass, Post Falls, and Athol. * WHEN...Until 7 AM PST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Motorists should be prepared for winter driving conditions overnight into Thursday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Moderate to locally heavy bands of snow will produce snow amounts that may vary significantly across Kootenai, Shoshone, and Bonner counties. Some spots may get an inch or less while nearby locations get 4 inches or more under heavy bands of snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. For the latest road information in Idaho, call 5 1 1. && $$ SVH  175 WWCN11 CWWG 060624 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 12:24 A.M. CST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: ARBORG - HECLA - FISHER RIVER - GYPSUMVILLE - ASHERN BERENS RIVER - LITTLE GRAND RAPIDS - BLOODVEIN - ATIKAKI POPLAR RIVER GRAND RAPIDS - WATERHEN. SNOWFALL WARNING ENDED FOR: STE. ROSE - MCCREARY - ALONSA - GLADSTONE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 10 TO 20 CM IS EXPECTED THROUGH THE INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA. THIS SYSTEM, TRACKING THROUGH THE NORTHERN US STATES, CONTINUES TO BRING HEAVY BANDS OF SNOW THROUGH CENTRAL INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA WEDNESDAY NIGHT. LIGHT, FLUFFY SNOW WILL RAPIDLY ACCUMULATE BEFORE TAPERING OFF TO LIGHT FLURRIES THURSDAY AFTERNOON. PREPARE FOR QUICKLY CHANGING AND DETERIORATING TRAVEL CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW WILL MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. THERE MAY BE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC IN URBAN AREAS. PUBLIC SAFETY CANADA ENCOURAGES EVERYONE TO MAKE AN EMERGENCY PLAN AND GET AN EMERGENCY KIT WITH DRINKING WATER, FOOD, MEDICINE, A FIRST-AID KIT AND A FLASHLIGHT. FOR INFORMATION ON EMERGENCY PLANS AND KITS GO TO HTTPS://WWW.GETPREPARED.GC.CA/. SNOWFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  176 WTIN20 DEMS 060630 TROPICAL WEATHER OUTLOOK DEMS-RSMC TROPICALCYCLONES NEW DELHI DATED 06.02.2025 TROPICAL WEATHER OUTLOOK FOR THE NORTH INDIAN OCEAN (THE BAY OF BENGAL AND THE ARABIAN SEA) VALID FOR THE NEXT 168 HOURS ISSUED AT 0600 UTC OF 06.02.2025 BASED ON 0300 UTC OF 06.02.2025. BAY OF BENGAL: Scattered low and medium clouds with embedded isolated weak to moderate convection lay over the Northwest, Westcentral & South Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea. *PROBABILITY OF CYCLOGENESIS (FORMATION OF DEPRESSION) DURING NEXT 168 HRS: 24 HOURS 24-48 HOURS 48-72 HOURS 72-96 HOURS 96-120 HOURS 120-144 HOURS 144-168 HOURS NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL *NOTE: EVERY 24HR FORECAST IS VALID UPTO 0300 UTC (0830 IST) OF NEXT DAY ARABIAN SEA: Scattered low and medium clouds with embedded moderate to intense convection lay over extreme South Arabian Sea & Comorin area. Scattered low and medium clouds lay over the rest Arabian Sea. *PROBABILITY OF CYCLOGENESIS (FORMATION OF DEPRESSION) DURING NEXT 168 HRS: 24 HOURS 24-48 HOURS 48-72 HOURS 72-96 HOURS 96-120 HOURS 120-144 HOURS 144-168 HOURS NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL *NOTE: EVERY 24HR FORECAST IS VALID UPTO 0300 UTC (0830 IST) OF NEXT DAY REMARKS: NIL  246 WWCN20 CWWG 060624 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR THE MANITOBA LAKES UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 12:24 A.M. CST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: LAKE WINNIPEG - SOUTH BASIN LAKE WINNIPEG - NORTH BASIN. SNOWFALL WARNING ENDED FOR: LAKE MANITOBA LAKE WINNIPEGOSIS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 10 TO 20 CM IS EXPECTED THROUGH THE INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA. THIS SYSTEM, TRACKING THROUGH THE NORTHERN US STATES, CONTINUES TO BRING HEAVY BANDS OF SNOW THROUGH CENTRAL INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA WEDNESDAY NIGHT. LIGHT, FLUFFY SNOW WILL RAPIDLY ACCUMULATE BEFORE TAPERING OFF TO LIGHT FLURRIES THURSDAY AFTERNOON. PREPARE FOR QUICKLY CHANGING AND DETERIORATING TRAVEL CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW WILL MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. THERE MAY BE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC IN URBAN AREAS. PUBLIC SAFETY CANADA ENCOURAGES EVERYONE TO MAKE AN EMERGENCY PLAN AND GET AN EMERGENCY KIT WITH DRINKING WATER, FOOD, MEDICINE, A FIRST-AID KIT AND A FLASHLIGHT. FOR INFORMATION ON EMERGENCY PLANS AND KITS GO TO HTTPS://WWW.GETPREPARED.GC.CA/. SNOWFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  154 WSPS21 NZKL 060621 NZZO SIGMET 11 VALID 060624/061024 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S6950 E17200 - S6300 E17710 - S6020 W17430 - S6930 E17630 - S7400 E17820 - S7320 E17250 - S6950 E17200 FL200/260 MOV ESE 20KT WKN=  155 WSPS21 NZKL 060622 NZZO SIGMET 12 VALID 060624/060726 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 5 060326/060726=  163 WWUS73 KBIS 060625 NPWBIS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 1225 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 NDZ001>005-009>013-017>019-021>023-061715- /O.CON.KBIS.CW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Divide-Burke-Renville-Bottineau-Rolette-Williams-Mountrail-Ward- McHenry-Pierce-McKenzie-Dunn-Mercer-McLean-Sheridan-Wells- Including the cities of Portal, Beulah, Rugby, Drake, Wilton, Underwood, Crosby, Garrison, Dunseith, Hazen, Rolla, Rolette, St. John, Washburn, Powers Lake, Williston, Towner, Harvey, Parshall, Killdeer, Bottineau, Goodrich, Shell Valley, Bowbells, Sherwood, Minot, Glenburn, Velva, Watford City, Turtle Lake, Fessenden, Columbus, Lignite, Halliday, Mcclusky, Mohall, New Town, and Stanley 1225 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 /1125 PM MST Wed Feb 5 2025/ ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST /11 AM MST/ TODAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills as low as 35 below expected. * WHERE...Northwest and north central North Dakota. * WHEN...Until noon CST /11 AM MST/ today. * IMPACTS...The dangerously cold wind chills as low as 35 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you are planning to be outside, be sure to dress in layers, covering all exposed skin. && $$ Schild  805 WWUS43 KBIS 060627 WSWBIS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 1227 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 NDZ002>005-010>013-021>023-025-035>037-047-048-050-051-061800- /O.CON.KBIS.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Burke-Renville-Bottineau-Rolette-Mountrail-Ward-McHenry-Pierce- McLean-Sheridan-Wells-Foster-Burleigh-Kidder-Stutsman-Logan-La Moure-McIntosh-Dickey- Including the cities of Portal, Ellendale, Rugby, Steele, Drake, Napoleon, Wilton, Underwood, Jamestown, Garrison, Dunseith, Rolla, Wishek, Rolette, St. John, Kulm, Washburn, Powers Lake, Towner, Harvey, Parshall, Edgeley, Bottineau, Ashley, Goodrich, Shell Valley, Tappen, Bowbells, Sherwood, Minot, Glenburn, Velva, Turtle Lake, Bismarck, Fessenden, Lamoure, Columbus, Gackle, Lignite, Mcclusky, Mohall, Carrington, Oakes, New Town, and Stanley 1227 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Blowing snow expected. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...Portions of northwest and much of central North Dakota. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Widespread blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use caution while traveling, especially in open areas. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Schild  979 WSNO36 ENMI 060628 ENOB SIGMET U02 VALID 060800/061200 ENMI- ENOB BODOE OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N7922 E01555 - N8020 E03000 - N7300 E03000 - N7245 E02725 - N7922 E01555 FL140/350 MOV NNE 10KT WKN=  980 WSMG31 FMMI 060228 FMMM SIGMET E2 VALID 060630/061030 FMMI- FMMM ANTANANARIVO FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1422 E04246 - S1338 E04229 - S1059 E04132 - S1113 E04237 - S1413 E04502 - S1422 E04246 TOP ABV FL480 STNR NC=  240 WGUS83 KJKL 060628 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 128 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC011-063-069-173-175-205-061130- /O.NEW.KJKL.FA.Y.0003.250206T0628Z-250206T1130Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bath KY-Elliott KY-Fleming KY-Montgomery KY-Morgan KY-Rowan KY- 128 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 630 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Urban and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall are expected. * WHERE...Portions of east central and southeast Kentucky, including the following counties, in east central Kentucky, Bath, Elliott, Fleming, Montgomery and Rowan. In southeast Kentucky, Morgan. * WHEN...Until 630 AM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 128 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause urban and small stream flooding. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Mount Sterling, Morehead, Flemingsburg, Owingsville, Marshall, Camargo, Sharpsburg, Salt Lick, Fairview, Grange City, Ringos Mills, Moore's Ferry, Wyoming, Sharkey, Hillsboro, Ramey, Polksville, Oakley, Peasticks and Midland. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3831 8383 3836 8387 3836 8392 3844 8398 3846 8397 3849 8393 3846 8386 3852 8364 3848 8358 3843 8358 3839 8340 3821 8330 3819 8324 3827 8316 3818 8305 3813 8310 3807 8334 3799 8398 3812 8408 $$ CMC  787 WWUS83 KJKL 060630 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 130 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ050>052-058>060-106-060700- Rowan KY-Montgomery KY-Menifee KY-Estill KY-Morgan KY-Bath KY- Powell KY- 130 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHERN POWELL...SOUTHEASTERN MONTGOMERY...WEST CENTRAL MORGAN...SOUTHEASTERN BATH...NORTH CENTRAL ESTILL...MENIFEE AND SOUTHWESTERN ROWAN COUNTIES THROUGH 200 AM EST... At 130 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Westbend, or near Stanton, moving east at 70 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Stanton, Frenchburg, Jeffersonville, Camargo, Clay City, Wellington, Campsites in the Indian Creek area of the Daniel Boone National Forrest, Clay Lick, Levee, Bowen, Cornwell, Kimbrell, Rothwell, Olympia Springs, Yale, Omer, Fagan, Bangor, Virden, and Vaughns Mill. THIS INCLUDES Bert T. Combs Mountain Parkway between mile markers 12 and 28. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3791 8336 3779 8400 3783 8402 3784 8400 3787 8403 3787 8402 3790 8399 3792 8399 3793 8397 3799 8400 3815 8344 TIME...MOT...LOC 0630Z 254DEG 62KT 3791 8394 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ CMC  366 WOPS01 NFFN 060600 DCU PASS NAVY NIL  767 WAGR31 LGAT 060629 LGGG AIRMET 2 VALID 060629/060929 LGAT- LGGG ATHINAI FIR BKN CLD 3000/10000 FT OBS ATHINAI TMA STNR NC=  494 WTMA20 FIMP 060630 TTT WARNING OF HURRICANE FORCE WINDS AT 0600 UTC, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 8 (VINCE) 955 HPA POSITION: WITHIN 20 NM RADIUS OF POINT 19.2 S / 82.4 E (NINETEEN DECIMAL TWO DEGREES SOUTH AND EIGHTY TWO DECIMAL FOUR DEGREES EAST) MOVEMENT: WEST-SOUTH-WEST 8 KT THREAT AREAS: SQUALLY WEATHER IN A 200 NM RADIUS AROUND THE CENTER, EXTENDING TO 310 NM IN THE WESTERN SEMICIRCLE. HURRICANE FORCE WINDS 65/90 KT AND VERY HIGH TO PHENOMENAL SEAS WITHIN A 35 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE. STORM FORCE WINDS 50/60 KT AND HIGH TO VERY HIGH SEAS WITHIN A 50 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 55 NM IN THE SOUTH-EASTERN QUADRANT. GALE FORCE WINDS 35/45 KT AND VERY ROUGH TO HIGH SEAS WITHIN A 70 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 80 NM IN THE SOUTH-EASTERN QUADRANT. NEAR GALE FORCE WINDS 30 KT AND ROUGH TO VERY ROUGH SEAS WITHIN A 85 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 90 NM IN THE NORTH-EASTERN QUADRANT, UP TO 95 NM IN THE SOUTH-WESTERN QUADRANT AND UP TO 100 NM IN THE SOUTH-EASTERN QUADRANT. STRONG GUSTS UNDER SQUALLS. T.O.O: 06/0630UTC END=  123 WWCN11 CWTO 060639 FREEZING RAIN WARNING FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 1:39 A.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEZING RAIN WARNING FOR: =NEW= ELGIN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== FREEZING RAIN TONIGHT. HAZARDS: PATCHY FREEZING RAIN LEADING TO ICY AND SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. UP TO 2 MM OF ICE BUILD-UP. TIMING: TONIGHT AND CONTINUING THROUGH EARLY THURSDAY MORNING. DISCUSSION: FREEZING RAIN MIXED WITH SNOW OR ICE PELLETS IS EXPECTED TONIGHT. CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED TO IMPROVE THURSDAY MORNING. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME ICY AND SLIPPERY. TAKE EXTRA CARE WHEN WALKING OR DRIVING IN AFFECTED AREAS. FREEZING RAIN WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN RAIN FALLING IN SUB-ZERO TEMPERATURES CREATES ICE BUILD-UP AND ICY SURFACES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN ONTARIO, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  445 WSTU31 LTFM 060636 LTBB SIGMET 2 VALID 060640/060940 LTFM- LTBB ISTANBUL FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0630Z E OF LINE N4001 E02827 - N4154 E02953 TOP FL320 MOV NE 15KT NC=  293 WWUS53 KLMK 060616 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 116 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC049-067-079-113-151-060626- /O.EXP.KLMK.SV.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T0615Z/ Garrard KY-Clark KY-Jessamine KY-Madison KY-Fayette KY- 116 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTH CENTRAL GARRARD... SOUTHWESTERN CLARK...SOUTHEASTERN JESSAMINE...NORTHERN MADISON AND SOUTHEASTERN FAYETTE COUNTIES HAS EXPIRED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. However, small hail is still possible with this thunderstorm. && LAT...LON 3770 8453 3777 8457 3783 8459 3799 8425 3780 8415 TIME...MOT...LOC 0616Z 246DEG 64KT 3787 8428 $$ CSG  958 WWUS83 KLMK 060615 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 115 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ049-057-060645- Clark KY-Madison KY- 115 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHERN CLARK AND NORTHEASTERN MADISON COUNTIES THROUGH 145 AM EST... At 115 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles northwest of Harris Ferry, moving northeast at 75 mph. HAZARD...Half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Richmond, Harris Ferry, Goffs Corner, Vianna, Redhouse, Jackson Ferry, Mina, Union City, Hunt, and Flanagan. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3792 8399 3790 8399 3786 8401 3787 8403 3784 8400 3783 8404 3785 8406 3782 8407 3785 8408 3784 8409 3784 8410 3783 8411 3781 8410 3782 8411 3781 8412 3776 8429 3788 8435 3789 8434 3804 8403 3794 8397 TIME...MOT...LOC 0615Z 245DEG 64KT 3786 8424 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...<30 MPH $$ CSG  865 WWUS41 KRLX 060642 WSWRLX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Charleston WV 142 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVZ523-524-061200- /O.CON.KRLX.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Northwest Pocahontas-Southeast Pocahontas- Including the cities of Snowshoe and Marlinton 142 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Significant icing. Additional ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Northwest Pocahontas and Southeast Pocahontas Counties. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Significant ice accumulation on power lines and tree limbs may cause widespread and long-lasting power outages. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Travel is strongly discouraged. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Prepare for possible power outages. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or by accessing the online traffic and roadway portal for your state. Persons should consider delaying all travel. Motorists should use extreme caution if travel is absolutely necessary. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ OHZ066-067-075-076-084-085-WVZ009>011-017-019-020-061000- /O.EXT.KRLX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1000Z/ Perry-Morgan-Athens-Washington-Vinton-Meigs-Wood-Pleasants-Tyler- Wirt-Ritchie-Doddridge- Including the cities of Somerset, Belpre, Paden City, Belmont, Middlebourne, McArthur, Crooksville, New Lexington, Athens, Marietta, Hamden, Harrisville, Sistersville, Parkersburg, Vienna, West Union, McConnelsville, Pomeroy, Pennsboro, St. Marys, Stockport, and Elizabeth 142 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM EST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing Rain. Additional ice accumulations of a glaze. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Ohio and northern West Virginia. * WHEN...Until 5 AM EST early this morning. * IMPACTS...Difficult travel conditions are possible. Tree damage and power outages are still possible due to earlier ice accretion. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or by accessing the online traffic and roadway portal for your state. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ WVZ526-061200- /O.CON.KRLX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Southeast Randolph- Including the cities of Harman 142 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing Rain. Additional ice accumulations of a glaze. Tree damage and power outages are possible. * WHERE...Southeast Randolph County. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely be slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. Tree damage and power outages are still possible due to earlier ice accretion. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or by accessing the online traffic and roadway portal for your state. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ TRM  863 WAIY31 LIIB 060643 LIMM AIRMET 3 VALID 060700/060800 LIIB- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 0500M FG FCST WI N4534 E01007 - N4535 E00855 - N4522 E00839 - N4455 E00842 - N4437 E01216 - N4500 E01230 - N4511 E01128 - N4534 E01007 STNR NC=  246 WSPS21 NZKL 060639 NZZO SIGMET 13 VALID 060643/061043 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S6230 W15950 - S5720 W15630 - S5240 W13100 - S5450 W13100 - S5840 W15340 - S6330 W15750 - S6230 W15950 FL250/380 STNR NC=  025 WSPS21 NZKL 060640 NZZO SIGMET 14 VALID 060643/060731 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 7 060331/060731=  347 WWUS83 KJKL 060647 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 147 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ104-060700- Elliott KY- 147 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT ELLIOTT COUNTY THROUGH 200 AM EST... At 147 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Newfoundland, or near Sandy Hook, moving east at 70 mph. HAZARD...Half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Sandy Hook, Culver, Isonville, Newfoundland, Bruin, and Stark. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3818 8305 3820 8304 3820 8302 3821 8301 3817 8298 3817 8292 3811 8289 3809 8293 3805 8295 3802 8313 3819 8319 3822 8308 TIME...MOT...LOC 0647Z 254DEG 62KT 3813 8306 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...<30 MPH $$ CMC  290 WTAU05 APRF 060648 IDW23100 40:2:2:24:15S103E400:11:00 SECURITE OCEAN WIND WARNING FOR METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre at 0648 UTC 6 FEBRUARY 2025 STORM FORCE WIND WARNING Please be aware, wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION At 0600 UTC Tropical Cyclone Taliah was centred within 30 nautical miles of latitude fourteen decimal eight south (14.8S) longitude one hundred and three decimal three east (103.3E) Recent movement : west at 12 knots Maximum winds : 50 knots Central pressure: 987 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 130 nautical miles in NE quadrant and within 150 nautical miles in SE quadrant and within 140 nautical miles in SW quadrant and within 140 nautical miles in NW quadrant. FORECAST Maximum winds to 50 knots near the centre. Winds above 48 knots within 90 nautical miles of centre in western and northern quadrants with high seas and heavy swell. Winds above 34 knots within 130 nautical miles in NE quadrant and within 150 nautical miles in SE quadrant and within 140 nautical miles in SW quadrant and within 140 nautical miles in NW quadrant with very rough seas and moderate swell. Forecast positions At 1800 UTC 06 February: Within 50 nautical miles of 15.4 south 100.8 east Central pressure 987 hPa. Winds to 50 knots near centre. At 0600 UTC 07 February: Within 65 nautical miles of 15.8 south 98.5 east Central pressure 986 hPa. Winds to 50 knots near centre. REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use email to tcwc@bom.gov.au. Next warning will be issued by 1300 UTC 06 February 2025. AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY TROPICAL CYCLONE WARNING CENTRE  817 WSUS33 KKCI 060655 SIGW MKCW WST 060655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 060855-061255 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  818 WSUS32 KKCI 060655 SIGC MKCC WST 060655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 2C VALID UNTIL 0855Z KY IN IL MO FROM 20W PXV-50S FAM LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS TO FL350. OUTLOOK VALID 060855-061255 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  819 WSUS31 KKCI 060655 SIGE MKCE WST 060655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 18E VALID UNTIL 0855Z PA WV OH LE FROM 20SW ERI-20ENE AIR-40NW HNN-60SSW DXO-20SW ERI AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS TO FL320. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 19E VALID UNTIL 0855Z PA MD VA NC WV OH TN KY FROM 20ENE AIR-30SE JST-40SE HMV-50W GQO-40NNW BWG-20ENE AIR AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 24050KT. TOPS TO FL420. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 20E VALID UNTIL 0855Z NC CSTL WTRS FROM 80SE ECG-140SE ECG-90ESE ILM-70E ILM-80SE ECG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 24030KT. TOPS TO FL250. OUTLOOK VALID 060855-061255 FROM 40WSW DXO-PSB-GSO-40SSW BNA-40E PXV-40WSW DXO WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  331 WCAU01 YMMC 060649 YMMM SIGMET D17 VALID 060730/061330 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR TC TALIAH PSN S1448 E10318 CB OBS AT 0600Z WI 150NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL630 MOV W 12KT NC=  100 WCAU01 YMMC 060649 YMMM SIGMET D17 VALID 060730/061330 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR TC TALIAH PSN S1448 E10318 CB OBS AT 0600Z WI 150NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL630 MOV W 12KT NC RMK: MW=  196 WSPR31 SPJC 060650 SPIM SIGMET 3 VALID 060700/060930 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0630Z WI S0445 W07852 - S0257 W07745 - S0237 W07639 - S0351 W07425 - S0522 W07337 - S0803 W07658 - S0445 W07852 TOP FL450 STNR WKN=  029 WWUS83 KJKL 060652 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 152 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ051-052-060-104-106-107-060730- Rowan KY-Elliott KY-Menifee KY-Johnson KY-Morgan KY-Bath KY- 152 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHERN MORGAN...SOUTHEASTERN BATH...NORTHWESTERN JOHNSON...NORTHEASTERN MENIFEE...SOUTHERN ROWAN AND ELLIOTT COUNTIES THROUGH 230 AM EST... At 152 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Bangor, or 11 miles northeast of Frenchburg, moving east at 80 mph. HAZARD...Half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... West Liberty, Sandy Hook, Wellington, Zag, Fannin Valley, Moon, Elliottville, Yale, Lick Branch, Omer, Bangor, Ratlitt, Zilpo, Wrigley, Pelfrey, Gillem Branch, Licking River, Pomp, Isonville, and Elkfork. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3823 8309 3818 8305 3821 8301 3817 8298 3817 8292 3811 8289 3809 8293 3805 8295 3803 8300 3798 8302 3797 8299 3799 8297 3800 8293 3797 8285 3790 8356 3811 8362 3820 8328 3819 8324 3822 8322 3824 8313 TIME...MOT...LOC 0652Z 257DEG 69KT 3803 8344 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...<30 MPH $$ CMC  998 WTIO31 FMEE 060643 CMRS / CENTRE DES CYCLONES TROPICAUX DE LA REUNION BULLETIN D'ANALYSE ET DE PREVISION CYCLONIQUE (SUD-OUEST OCEAN INDIEN) 0.A NUMERO DU BULLETIN : 8/8/20242025 1.A CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 8 (VINCE) 2.A POSITION A 0600 UTC LE 06/02/2025 : DANS UN RAYON DE 20 MN AUTOUR DU POINT 19.2 S / 82.4 E (DIX-NEUF DEGRES DEUX SUD ET QUATRE-VINGT DEUX DEGRES QUATRE EST) DEPLACEMENT: OUEST-SUD-OUEST 8 KT 3.A ANALYSE DE DVORAK: 5.5/5.5/S 0.0/6 H 4.A PRESSION AU CENTRE: 955 HPA 5.A VENT MAX (MOYEN/10 MN): 90 KT RAYON DES VENTS MAXIMAUX (RVM): 30 KM 6.A EXTENSION DES VENTS PAR QUADRANTS (KM): 28 KT NE: 165 SE: 185 SO: 175 NO: 155 34 KT NE: 130 SE: 150 SO: 130 NO: 130 48 KT NE: 95 SE: 100 SO: 90 NO: 95 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 65 SO: 65 NO: 65 7.A COTE/DIAM PREMIERE ISOBARE FERMEE: 1007 HPA / 1100 KM 8.A EXTENSION VERTICALE DE LA CIRCULATION CYCLONIQUE: PROFONDE 1.B PREVISIONS (EXTENSIONS DES VENTS FORTS EN KM): 12H: 06/02/2025 18 UTC: 19.6 S / 80.3 E, VENT MAX= 095 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 195 SE: 285 SO: 280 NO: 155 34 KT NE: 120 SE: 175 SO: 165 NO: 95 48 KT NE: 65 SE: 95 SO: 85 NO: 65 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 45 SO: 55 NO: 55 24H: 07/02/2025 06 UTC: 19.9 S / 77.8 E, VENT MAX= 100 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 195 SE: 345 SO: 295 NO: 165 34 KT NE: 120 SE: 215 SO: 185 NO: 100 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 95 SO: 95 NO: 75 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 55 SO: 55 NO: 55 36H: 07/02/2025 18 UTC: 20.1 S / 75.0 E, VENT MAX= 100 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 220 SE: 350 SO: 325 NO: 165 34 KT NE: 140 SE: 215 SO: 205 NO: 100 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 100 SO: 100 NO: 75 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 65 SO: 65 NO: 65 48H: 08/02/2025 06 UTC: 20.4 S / 72.5 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 240 SE: 360 SO: 325 NO: 185 34 KT NE: 150 SE: 220 SO: 215 NO: 110 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 100 SO: 95 NO: 75 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 75 SO: 75 NO: 65 60H: 08/02/2025 18 UTC: 20.9 S / 70.6 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 270 SE: 380 SO: 325 NO: 205 34 KT NE: 165 SE: 230 SO: 215 NO: 130 48 KT NE: 85 SE: 110 SO: 100 NO: 85 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SO: 75 NO: 65 72H: 09/02/2025 06 UTC: 21.8 S / 69.2 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 280 SE: 400 SO: 345 NO: 195 34 KT NE: 175 SE: 250 SO: 220 NO: 120 48 KT NE: 95 SE: 110 SO: 110 NO: 85 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SO: 85 NO: 75 2.B TENDANCE ULTERIEURE: 96H: 10/02/2025 06 UTC: 25.9 S / 67.6 E, VENT MAX= 090 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 370 SE: 470 SO: 345 NO: 230 34 KT NE: 215 SE: 295 SO: 230 NO: 150 48 KT NE: 100 SE: 130 SO: 120 NO: 95 64 KT NE: 75 SE: 85 SO: 85 NO: 75 120H: 11/02/2025 06 UTC: 30.7 S / 67.4 E, VENT MAX= 065 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL 28 KT NE: 425 SE: 470 SO: 280 NO: 280 34 KT NE: 240 SE: 295 SO: 230 NO: 165 48 KT NE: 90 SE: 120 SO: 110 NO: 60 64 KT NE: 70 SE: 60 SO: 80 NO: 60 2.C COMMENTAIRES: T=CI=5.5 AU COURS DES 6 DERNIERES HEURES, LA CONFIGURATION EN OEIL DE VINCE S'EST MAINTENUE SUR LES DERNIERES IMAGES. LA DERNIERE IMAGE VISIBLE METOP DE 0339Z PERMET DE POSITIONNER LE CENTRE AVEC PRECISION. LES ANALYSES DVORAK SUBJECTIVES SONT A 5.5, (EQUIVALENT A UN VENT MAX ALLANT DE 75 A 95KT). LES ANALYSES OBJECTIVES DU CIMSS (DMINT, DPRINT, SATCON,..) SE SITUENT ENTRE 80 ET 95KT. L'INTENSITE EST MAINTENUE A 90KT. EN TERMES DE TRAJECTOIRE, PEU DE CHANGEMENT. VINCE EST PREVU SE DEPLACER EN DIRECTION DE L'OUEST-SUD-OUEST, PILOTE PAR LA DORSALE SUBTROPICALE QUI SE MAINTIENT AU SUD-EST DU SYSTEME. EN FIN DE SEMAINE, LA DORSALE DEVRAIT SE DECALER A L'EST DE VINCE, FAVORISANT UN RALENTISSEMENT PROGRESSIF DU FLUX DIRECTEUR PUIS SON ORIENTATION AU SUD-OUEST PUIS AU SUD. L'ENSEMBLE DES GUIDANCES RESTE EN ACCORD AVEC CE SCENARIO. LA DISPERSION RESTE FAIBLE, MEME SI DES ECARTS DANS LA VITESSE DE DEPLACEMENT SONT PRESENTS EN FIN D'ECHEANCE. EN TERMES D'INTENSITE, VINCE BENEFICIE DANS LES PROCHAINS JOURS DE BONNES CONDITIONS ENVIRONNEMENTALES (BON POTENTIEL OCEANIQUE, CISAILLEMENT FAIBLISSANT, DIVERGENCE D'ALTITUDE EN HAUSSE). IL POURRAIT DONC CONTINUER A S'INTENSIFIER EN L'ABSENCE DE NOUVEAU CYCLE DE REMPLACEMENT DU MUR DE L'OEIL. A PARTIR DE SAMEDI LE CISAILLEMENT DEVRAIT SE RENFORCER ET METTRE FIN A L'INTENSIFICATION DE VINCE. LE SYSTEME DEVRAIT FAIBLIR NOTAMMENT A PARTIR DE LUNDI. IMPACTS SUR LES TERRES HABITEES : SUR RODRIGUES : VINCE GENERE UNE HOULE CYCLONIQUE AVEC DES VAGUES QUI POURRAIENT ATTEINDRE UNE HAUTEUR DE 4 METRES PRES DE LA COTE A PARTIR DE DIMANCHE SOIR.=  999 WTIO30 FMEE 060643 RSMC / TROPICAL CYCLONE CENTER / LA REUNION TROPICAL CYCLONE FORECAST WARNING (SOUTH-WEST INDIAN OCEAN) 0.A WARNING NUMBER: 8/8/20242025 1.A INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 8 (VINCE) 2.A POSITION 2025/02/06 AT 0600 UTC: WITHIN 20 NM RADIUS OF POINT 19.2 S / 82.4 E (NINETEEN DECIMAL TWO DEGREES SOUTH AND EIGHTY TWO DECIMAL FOUR DEGREES EAST) MOVEMENT: WEST-SOUTH-WEST 8 KT 3.A DVORAK ANALYSIS: 5.5/5.5/S 0.0/6 H 4.A CENTRAL PRESSURE: 955 HPA 5.A MAX AVERAGE WIND SPEED (10 MN): 90 KT RADIUS OF MAXIMUM WINDS (RMW): 30 KM 6.A EXTENSION OF WIND BY QUADRANTS (KM): 28 KT NE: 165 SE: 185 SW: 175 NW: 155 34 KT NE: 130 SE: 150 SW: 130 NW: 130 48 KT NE: 95 SE: 100 SW: 90 NW: 95 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 65 SW: 65 NW: 65 7.A FIRST CLOSED ISOBAR (PRESSURE / AVERAGE DIAM): 1007 HPA / 1100 KM 8.A VERTICAL EXTENSION OF CYCLONE CIRCULATION: DEEP 1.B FORECASTS (WINDS RADII IN KM): 12H: 2025/02/06 18 UTC: 19.6 S / 80.3 E, VENT MAX= 095 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 195 SE: 285 SW: 280 NW: 155 34 KT NE: 120 SE: 175 SW: 165 NW: 95 48 KT NE: 65 SE: 95 SW: 85 NW: 65 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 45 SW: 55 NW: 55 24H: 2025/02/07 06 UTC: 19.9 S / 77.8 E, VENT MAX= 100 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 195 SE: 345 SW: 295 NW: 165 34 KT NE: 120 SE: 215 SW: 185 NW: 100 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 95 SW: 95 NW: 75 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 55 SW: 55 NW: 55 36H: 2025/02/07 18 UTC: 20.1 S / 75.0 E, VENT MAX= 100 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 220 SE: 350 SW: 325 NW: 165 34 KT NE: 140 SE: 215 SW: 205 NW: 100 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 100 SW: 100 NW: 75 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 65 SW: 65 NW: 65 48H: 2025/02/08 06 UTC: 20.4 S / 72.5 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 240 SE: 360 SW: 325 NW: 185 34 KT NE: 150 SE: 220 SW: 215 NW: 110 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 100 SW: 95 NW: 75 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 75 SW: 75 NW: 65 60H: 2025/02/08 18 UTC: 20.9 S / 70.6 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 270 SE: 380 SW: 325 NW: 205 34 KT NE: 165 SE: 230 SW: 215 NW: 130 48 KT NE: 85 SE: 110 SW: 100 NW: 85 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SW: 75 NW: 65 72H: 2025/02/09 06 UTC: 21.8 S / 69.2 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 280 SE: 400 SW: 345 NW: 195 34 KT NE: 175 SE: 250 SW: 220 NW: 120 48 KT NE: 95 SE: 110 SW: 110 NW: 85 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SW: 85 NW: 75 2.B LONGER-RANGE OUTLOOK: 96H: 2025/02/10 06 UTC: 25.9 S / 67.6 E, VENT MAX= 090 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 370 SE: 470 SW: 345 NW: 230 34 KT NE: 215 SE: 295 SW: 230 NW: 150 48 KT NE: 100 SE: 130 SW: 120 NW: 95 64 KT NE: 75 SE: 85 SW: 85 NW: 75 120H: 2025/02/11 06 UTC: 30.7 S / 67.4 E, VENT MAX= 065 KT, TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 425 SE: 470 SW: 280 NW: 280 34 KT NE: 240 SE: 295 SW: 230 NW: 165 48 KT NE: 90 SE: 120 SW: 110 NW: 60 64 KT NE: 70 SE: 60 SW: 80 NW: 60 2.C ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: T=CI=5.5 OVER THE PAST 6 HOURS, VINCE'S EYE CONFIGURATION HAS BEEN MAINTAINED IN THE LATEST IMAGES. THE LAST VISIBLE METOP IMAGE FROM 0339Z ALLOWS US TO ACCURATELY POSITION THE CENTER. SUBJECTIVE DVORAK ANALYSES ARE AT 5.5, (EQUIVALENT TO A MAX WIND RANGING FROM 75 TO 95KT). OBJECTIVE CIMSS ANALYSES (DMINT, DPRINT, SATCON,...) ARE BETWEEN 80 AND 95KT. INTENSITY IS MAINTAINED AT 90KT. AS FOR THE TRACK, LITTLE HAS CHANGED. VINCE IS FORECAST TO MOVE WEST-SOUTHWEST, DRIVEN BY THE SUBTROPICAL RIDGE THAT REMAINS SOUTHEAST OF THE SYSTEM. BY THE END OF THE WEEK, THE RIDGE IS EXPECTED TO SHIFT EAST OF VINCE, GRADUALLY SLOWING DOWN THE STEERING FLOW AND PUSHING IT SOUTHWESTWARD AND THEN SOUTHWARD. ALL GUIDANCE REMAINS IN AGREEMENT WITH THIS SCENARIO. SPREAD REMAINS PARTICULARLY LOW, EVEN IF THERE ARE SOME DISCREPANCIES IN THE MOTION SPEED LATE IN THE FORECAST. IN TERMS OF INTENSITY, VINCE WILL BENEFIT FROM GOOD ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS (GOOD OCEANIC POTENTIAL, WEAKENING SHEAR, INCREASING UPPER LEVEL DIVERGENCE). IT COULD THEREFORE CONTINUE TO INTENSIFY IN THE ABSENCE OF A NEW EYEWALL REPLACEMENT CYCLE. FROM SATURDAY, THE SHEAR SHOULD STRENGTHEN AND PUT AN END TO VINCE'S STRENGTHENING. THE SYSTEM SHOULD WEAKEN PARTICULARLY FROM MONDAY ONWARDS. ON RODRIGUES: VINCE IS GENERATING A CYCLONIC SWELL WITH WAVES THAT COULD REACH A HEIGHT OF 4 METRES NEAR THE COAST FROM SUNDAY EVENING.=  964 WSPR31 SPJC 060653 SPIM SIGMET A4 VALID 060700/060900 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0630Z WI S0854 W07616 - S0835 W07538 - S0954 W07505 - S1033 W07554 - S0854 W07616 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF=  106 WGUS41 KRLX 060654 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 154 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC019-043-089-127-061245- /O.NEW.KRLX.FA.W.0007.250206T0654Z-250206T1245Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Boyd KY-Carter KY-Greenup KY-Lawrence KY- 154 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 745 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...A portion of northeast Kentucky, including the following counties, Boyd, Carter, Greenup and Lawrence. * WHEN...Until 745 AM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 154 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the warned area. Between 1.5 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts of 1 to 1.5 inches are possible in the warned area. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Ashland, Ironton, Grayson, Coal Grove, Olive Hill, Grayson Lake State Park, Carter Caves State Park, Cannonsburg, Catlettsburg, Oldtown, Denton, Greenbo Lake, Rush, Coalton, Gesling, Naples, Princess, Durbin, Carter and Flatwoods. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Please report observed flooding to local emergency services or law enforcement and request they pass this information to the National Weather Service when you can do so safely. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3852 8268 3846 8261 3835 8260 3831 8257 3829 8258 3817 8294 3818 8298 3820 8301 3818 8305 3822 8308 3827 8316 3824 8322 3819 8323 3819 8326 3821 8330 3832 8334 3834 8323 3843 8324 3844 8321 3851 8316 $$ TRM  153 WWUS41 KGYX 060654 WSWGYX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gray ME 154 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 .Low pressure tracking through southeast Canada and a secondary low forming near southern New England will overspread snow across the area this morning. Snow will transition to a wintry mix and end as a period of freezing drizzle late this afternoon into the evening. MEZ018-019-023-024-NHZ005>015-062100- /O.CON.KGYX.WW.Y.0005.250206T1300Z-250207T0100Z/ Interior York-Central Interior Cumberland-Coastal York-Coastal Cumberland-Southern Grafton-Southern Carroll-Sullivan-Merrimack- Belknap-Strafford-Cheshire-Eastern Hillsborough-Interior Rockingham-Coastal Rockingham-Western And Central Hillsborough- Including the cities of Marlow, North Windham, Ashland, Barrington, Bridgewater, Croydon, Sanford, Plymouth, Mont Vernon, Plaistow, Charlestown, Newport, Pelham, Loudon, Saco, Unity, Grantham, Surry, Concord, Kittery, Lempster, Ossipee, Meredith, New Gloucester, Cape Elizabeth, Sullivan, Tuftonboro, Moultonborough, Goodwins Mills, Hampstead, Alfred, Gorham, Somersworth, Holderness, Wakefield, Limington, Derry, South Portland, Portland, Madbury, Dunbarton, Newton, Gray, Laconia, Lyme, Nashua, Exeter, Westbrook, Jaffrey, Dover, Berwick, Claremont, Durham, Old Orchard Beach, Yarmouth, Gilsum, Atkinson, Hooksett, Manchester, Greenland, Rollinsford, Hollis, Milford, Weare, Ellsworth, Peterborough, Amherst, Boscawen, Goffstown, Lebanon, Brookfield, Hampton Falls, Keene, Seabrook, Cornish, Canterbury, Sharon, Portsmouth, Salem, Rochester, Goshen, Brunswick, Chester, Biddeford, Gilford, Rye, Hampton, Rumney, Buxton, North Hampton, and Wolfeboro 154 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM THIS MORNING TO 8 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 5 inches, sleet accumulations up to one tenth of an inch, and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of southwest Maine and central, northern, and southern New Hampshire. * WHEN...From 8 AM this morning to 8 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Snow will change over to a period of mixed precipitation before changing to freezing rain. Even light snowfall amounts can accumulate on roads and cause dangerous driving conditions due to snow covered roads. The hazardous conditions could impact the evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow will break out from SW to NE this morning. Several hours of snowfall are expected through early afternoon with snow fall rates of 0.5 to 1 inch per hour. These snowfall rates will result in difficult travel this afternoon into Thursday evening. As precipitation intensity decreases snow will transition to a wintry mix and then freezing drizzle lasting into the evening. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by going to newengland511.org && $$ MEZ007>009-012>014-020>022-025>028-033-NHZ001>004-062100- /O.CON.KGYX.WW.Y.0005.250206T1500Z-250207T0400Z/ Northern Oxford-Northern Franklin-Central Somerset-Southern Oxford-Southern Franklin-Southern Somerset-Androscoggin-Kennebec- Interior Waldo-Sagadahoc-Lincoln-Knox-Coastal Waldo-Interior Cumberland Highlands-Northern Coos-Southern Coos-Northern Grafton- Northern Carroll- Including the cities of Norway, Oquossoc, Arrowsic, Thomaston, Rangeley, Appleton, Bethlehem, Pittston Farm, Vassalboro, Newry, Conway, Knox, New Vineyard, Jackman, Hanover, Brassua, Errol, South Arm, Augusta, Crawford Notch, Bingham, North Conway, Unity, Waldoboro, Windsor, Alna, Camden, Berlin, Littleton, Rockport, Moosehead, Damariscotta, Pittsfield, Millsfield, Lincolnville, Livermore Falls, Avon, Waterville, Bridgton, Athens, Searsmont, Milan, Brooks, Dresden, Sidney, Cornville, Madison, Rumford, Bowdoinham, Colebrook, Morrill, Chatham, Locke Mills, Farmington, Wilton, Dummer, Woodstock, Milton, Roxbury, Thornton, Chesterville, Phippsburg, Phillips, Seboomook, Long Pond, Owls Head, Topsham, Newcastle, Greene, Wilsons Mills, Bethel, Waldo, Albany, Bowdoin, Hope, Palermo, New Sharon, Auburn, Upton, Waterville Valley, Andover, Middle Dam, Davis, Bath, Harrison, Whitefield, Lewiston, Naples, York Pond, Montville, Belfast, Wales, Temple, Skowhegan, New Portland, Jay, Liberty, Northport, Coburn Gore, Lancaster, Fryeburg, Rockland, Oxford, Minot, Palmyra, Kingfield, Byron, Sabattus, Lincoln, Embden, Bryant Pond, Turner, Sugar Hill, Jackson, Boothbay Harbor, China, Winterport, Bremen, Bristol, and Wiscasset 154 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 11 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 5 inches and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of south central, southwest, west central, and western Maine and northern New Hampshire. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 11 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Snow will change over to a period of mixed precipitation before changing to freezing drizzle. Even light snowfall amounts can accumulate on roads and cause dangerous driving conditions due to snow covered roads. The hazardous conditions could impact the evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow will break out from SW to NE this morning. Several hours of snowfall are expected through the afternoon with snowfall rates of 0.5 to 1 inch per hour. These snowfall rates will result in difficult travel this afternoon into the evening. As precipitation intensity decreases snow will transition to a wintry mix and then freezing drizzle lasting into Thursday evening. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by going to newengland511.org && $$ MSC  706 WSEO31 EETN 060655 EETT SIGMET F02 VALID 060700/061000 EEMH- EETT TALLINN FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST E OF N5953 E02646 - N5803 E02520 SFC/FL070 MOV SE 10KT NC=  479 WAHW31 PHFO 060656 WA0HI HNLS WA 060655 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 1 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 061000 . AIRMET MTN OBSC...KAUAI...UPDATE N THRU E SECTIONS. CANCEL AIRMET. COND HAVE IMPROVED. . AIRMET MTN OBSC...OAHU MOLOKAI MAUI N THRU E SECTIONS. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 025 DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND CONT BEYOND 1000Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSC...BIG ISLAND UPOLU POINT TO CAPE KUMUKAHI TO SOUTH CAPE. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 025 DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND CONT BEYOND 1000Z. =HNLT WA 060400 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 061000 . NO SIGNIFICANT TURB EXP. =HNLZ WA 060400 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 061000 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...141-144.  771 WWUS81 KRLX 060658 AWWCRW WVZ015-061300- Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 157 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING... The National Weather Service in Charleston West Virginia has issued an Airport Weather Warning for... West Virginia International Yeager Airport The following weather hazards are expected: Cloud to ground lightning within 10 SM of the airport from 200 AM until 800 AM EST THURSDAY. LAT...LON 3829 8147 3829 8172 3847 8172 3847 8147 $$ 12  384 ACUS02 KWNS 060659 SWODY2 SPC AC 060657 Day 2 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1257 AM CST Thu Feb 06 2025 Valid 071200Z - 081200Z ...NO SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AREAS FORECAST... ...SUMMARY... Showers and a few lightning flashes will be possible Friday, particularly across the high terrain of northern Utah and vicinity. ...Discussion... Within the background quasi-zonal flow aloft across the U.S., a short-wave trough is forecast to shift eastward out of the northwestern U.S. across the Great Basin and northern Intermountain region. Quasigeostrophic ascent associated with this feature will support scattered showers, with a few lightning flashes possible -- particularly across favored high-terrain areas of northern Utah and surrounding areas. The advance of the aforementioned upper system will support eastward progression of a weak/associated surface low. Late in the period, the low should emerge into the northern Plains. Meanwhile, farther south, a persistent baroclinic zone will remain draped from Oklahoma to the Carolinas through the period. While isolated showers will be possible in the vicinity of this front, weak instability should preclude thunderstorm potential. ..Goss.. 02/06/2025 $$  385 WUUS02 KWNS 060659 PTSDY2 DAY 2 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1257 AM CST THU FEB 06 2025 VALID TIME 071200Z - 081200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 2 ... TORNADO ... && ... HAIL ... && ... WIND ... && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 2 ... CATEGORICAL ... TSTM 41641544 43161432 44601029 44900723 44180650 43300663 41900952 39921102 39701225 40941313 41131441 41641544 && GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 45 ESE OWY 25 S SUN 40 E WEY 15 NW SHR 45 SSE SHR 30 NNW CPR 30 NW RKS 25 NNW PUC 25 NNE U24 50 ENE ENV 35 NW ENV 45 ESE OWY.  815 WWPK20 OPKC 060700 BULLETIN FOR MET AREA IX VALID FOR 24 HOURS COMMENCING 0700 UTC 06-02-2025 BY PAKISTAN METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT PART I: NO STORM WARNING PART II: SEASONAL WEATHER PART III: FORECAST SUB AREA NO.1 NORTH ARABIAN SEA WIND NW/NE BECMG SE/SW 10-15KT GUST 20KT N OF 24N, NE/E 10-15KT GUST 20KT S OF 24N WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY/HAZY VISIBILITY 3-4NM/1-2NM IN HAZE SEA STATE SLIGHT/MODERATE SUB AREA NO.2 GULF OF OMAN WIND SE/SW 10-15KT GUST 22KT N OF 24N, E/SE 07-12KT GUST 20KT S OF 24N WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY/HAZY VISIBILITY 3-4NM/1-2NM IN HAZE SEA STATE SLIGHT/MODERATE SUB AREA NO.3 CENTRAL NORTH ARABIAN SEA (12N/55-63E, 20N/58-67E) WIND NE/E 12-17KT GUST 22KT N OF 18N,W & E OF 65E, NE 10-15KT GUST 20KT S OF 18N,W & E OF 63E WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY/CLOUDY VISIBILITY 3-5NM SEA STATE SLIGHT/MODERATE SUB AREA NO.4 GULF OF ADEN WIND NE/E 10-15KT GUST 20KT W & E OF 50 E WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY VISIBILITY 3-5NM SEA STATE SLIGHT/MODERATE SUB AREA NO.5 ARABIAN GULF SUB AREA NO.1 NORTH OF THE GULF SEA (AREA AGN) WIND SE 19-29KT GUST 40KT /NW 10-20KT GUST 30KT WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY/TSRA VISIBILITY 3-4NM/1NM IN RAIN SEA STATE MODERATE/ROUGH OCC'LY VERY ROUGH SUB AREA NO.2 SOUTH OF THE GULF SEA (AREA AGS) WIND SE/E 12-17KT GUST 30KT WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY/LIGHT RAIN VISIBILITY 3-4NM/1-2NM IN RAIN SEA STATE MODERATE/ROUGH  175 WOCN18 CWVR 060659 SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR THE B.C. TRAVELLERS ROUTES ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:59 P.M. PST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT ENDED FOR: MALAHAT HIGHWAY - GOLDSTREAM TO MILL BAY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  257 WWUS83 KLMK 060700 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 200 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ040-041-047>049-056-057-060730- Mercer KY-Woodford KY-Fayette KY-Jessamine KY-Clark KY-Madison KY- Garrard KY- 200 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHEASTERN MERCER...SOUTH CENTRAL WOODFORD...NORTHWESTERN GARRARD...WEST CENTRAL CLARK... JESSAMINE...NORTHWESTERN MADISON AND SOUTHEASTERN FAYETTE COUNTIES THROUGH 230 AM EST... At 200 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles east of Harrodsburg, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and pea size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Richmond, Nicholasville, Wilmore, Burgin, Coletown, Valley View, Jessamine, Logana, Stone, and Toddville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3774 8482 3788 8482 3796 8431 3770 8431 TIME...MOT...LOC 0700Z 267DEG 41KT 3781 8472 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.25 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ CSG  157 WABZ23 SBGL 060655 SBCW AIRMET 1 VALID 060700/061015 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SFC VIS 1000M BR FCST WI S2343 W04735 - S2343 W04645 - S2335 W04645 - S2309 W04730 - S2309 W04735 - S2343 W04735 STNR NC=  158 WWUS83 KJKL 060701 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 201 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ050-058>060-106-108-060730- Montgomery KY-Menifee KY-Estill KY-Morgan KY-Powell KY-Wolfe KY- 201 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT POWELL...SOUTHEASTERN MONTGOMERY...SOUTHWESTERN MORGAN...NORTH CENTRAL ESTILL...MENIFEE AND NORTHWESTERN WOLFE COUNTIES THROUGH 230 AM EST... At 201 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Vaughns Mill, or near Stanton, moving east at 65 mph. HAZARD...Pea size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Stanton, Frenchburg, Clay City, Wellington, Campsites in the Indian Creek area of the Daniel Boone National Forrest, Bowen, Rexville, Kimbrell, Pekin, Omer, Fagan, Virden, Vaughns Mill, Hardwick, Mariba, Pomeroyton, Ezel, Knowlton, Haystack, and Gosneyville. THIS INCLUDES Bert T. Combs Mountain Parkway between mile markers 15 and 37. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3802 8340 3780 8334 3775 8401 3784 8403 3784 8402 3783 8402 3784 8400 3787 8403 3787 8402 3786 8401 3788 8400 TIME...MOT...LOC 0701Z 258DEG 57KT 3782 8392 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.25 IN MAX WIND GUST...<30 MPH $$ CMC  567 WABZ23 SBGL 060655 SBRE AIRMET 10 VALID 060700/061015 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR BKN CLD 400/0900FT FCST WI S0414 W03854 - S0414 W03805 - S0337 W03805 - S0337 W03854 - S0414 W03854 STNR NC=  058 WABZ23 SBGL 060655 SBRE AIRMET 12 VALID 060700/061015 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR BKN CLD 300/0900FT FCST WI S0735 W03618 - S0735 W03529 - S0658 W03529 - S0658 W03618 - S0735 W03618 STNR NC=  059 WABZ23 SBGL 060655 SBRE AIRMET 11 VALID 060700/061015 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SFC VIS 1000M RA FCST WI S0605 W03547 - S0605 W03457 - S0528 W03457 - S0528 W03547 - S0605 W03547 STNR NC=  248 WAKO31 RKSI 060705 RKRR AIRMET H02 VALID 060705/060900 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC VIS 5000M SN FG BR OBS WI N3819 E12735 - N3634 E12722 - N3605 E12612 - N3649 E12600 - N3749 E12620 - N3818 E12705 - N3819 E12735 MOV E 10KT NC=  715 WAKO31 RKSI 060705 RKRR AIRMET G03 VALID 060705/060900 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR CNL AIRMET G01 060545/060900=  698 WSCI34 ZSSS 060706 ZSHA SIGMET 3 VALID 060730/061130 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N25 FL150/380 MOV E 20KMH NC=  086 WWUS46 KPDT 060706 WSWPDT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pendleton OR 1106 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ORZ509-061200- /O.CON.KPDT.WW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ East Slopes of the Oregon Cascades- Including the cities of Camp Sherman, Sunriver, Sisters, and La Pine 1106 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations up to two inches. * WHERE...East Slopes of the Oregon Cascades. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting tripcheck.com online, or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ ORZ505-510-511-061515- /O.CON.KPDT.WW.Y.0008.250207T0000Z-250207T2100Z/ John Day Basin-North Central Oregon-Central Oregon- Including the cities of Spray, Bend, Mitchell, John Day, Dayville, Monument, Maupin, Redmond, Moro, Madras, Prineville, and Dufur 1106 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 1 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 4 inches. * WHERE...Central Oregon, John Day Basin, and North Central Oregon. * WHEN...From 4 PM Thursday to 1 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be difficult due to periods of moderate to heavy snow. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting tripcheck.com online, or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ ORZ506-061515- /O.CON.KPDT.WW.Y.0008.250207T0000Z-250207T2100Z/ Ochoco-John Day Highlands- Including the cities of Brothers, Paulina, Seneca, and Prairie City 1106 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THURSDAY TO 1 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 5 inches. * WHERE...Ochoco-John Day Highlands. * WHEN...From 4 PM Thursday to 1 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Periods of moderate and heavy snow will combine with low visibilities to create difficult driving conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting tripcheck.com online, or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ ORZ049-507-508-WAZ029-061515- /O.CON.KPDT.WW.Y.0008.250207T0300Z-250208T0000Z/ Grande Ronde Valley-Foothills of the Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon-Foothills of the Southern Blue Mountains of Oregon- Foothills of the Blue Mountains of Washington- Including the cities of Athena, Pendleton, Cove, Condon, Pilot Rock, Waitsburg, La Grande, Walla Walla, Heppner, Fossil, Elgin, Union, and Dayton 1106 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THURSDAY TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 4 inches. * WHERE...Foothills of the Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington, and Grande Ronde Valley. * WHEN...From 7 PM Thursday to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be difficult due to periods of moderate to heavy snow. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In Oregon, the latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting tripcheck.com online, or by calling 5 1 1. In Washington, the latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting the website wsdot.wa.gov/travel. && $$ MW  446 WSBZ23 SBGL 060700 SBAO SIGMET 11 VALID 060705/061030 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S1841 W03815 - S1852 W03740 - S1917 W03759 - S1859 W03713 - S1703 W03725 - S1841 W03815 FL280/360 STNR NC=  502 WSCI34 ZSSS 060708 ZSHA SIGMET 4 VALID 060730/061130 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR SEV ICE FCST S OF N30 FL060/180 MOV E 20KMH NC=  813 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAZ SIGMET 11 VALID 060730/061030 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR CNL SIGMET 6 060730/061030=  814 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAZ SIGMET 12 VALID 060730/061030 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR CNL SIGMET 5 060730/061030=  815 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAZ SIGMET 13 VALID 060730/061030 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR CNL SIGMET 7 060730/061030=  816 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAZ SIGMET 14 VALID 060730/061030 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR CNL SIGMET 9 060730/061030=  817 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAZ SIGMET 15 VALID 060730/061030 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR CNL SIGMET 10 060730/061030=  818 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAZ SIGMET 16 VALID 060730/061030 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR CNL SIGMET 8 060730/061030=  819 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAZ SIGMET 17 VALID 060730/061130 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0122 W06828 - S0526 W06627 - S0402 W06116 - S0039 W06030 - S0013 W06457 - S0122 W06828 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  820 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAZ SIGMET 18 VALID 060730/061130 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0014 W06450 - S0039 W06030 - S0034 W06028 - N0508 W06036 - N0401 W06232 - N0416 W06412 - N0407 W06441 - N0207 W06349 - N0121 W06449 - S0014 W06450 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  060 WWCN02 CYTR 060712 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB PETAWAWA PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 2:12 AM EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB PETAWAWA (CYWA) TYPE: SNOWFALL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SNOWFALL AMOUNT OF 5 CM OR MORE IN 12 HOURS VALID: 06/1500Z TO 06/2100Z (06/1000 EST TO 06/1600 EST) COMMENTS: A SYSTEM MOVING OVER ONTARIO TODAY WILL BRING SNOWFALL AMOUNT NEAR 5 CM THIS MORNING THROUGH THIS AFTERNOON. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 06/1900Z (06/1400 EST) END/JMC  130 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAZ SIGMET 21 VALID 060730/061130 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0911 W06039 - S1241 W05718 - S1011 W05308 - S0656 W05607 - S0911 W06039 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  131 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAZ SIGMET 20 VALID 060730/061130 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0616 W05159 - S0904 W04932 - S0645 W04502 - S0618 W04448 - S0606 W04412 - S0442 W04323 - S0435 W04316 - S0145 W04230 - S0057 W04343 - S0008 W04458 - S0007 W04459 - N0037 W04607 - S0616 W05159 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  132 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAZ SIGMET 19 VALID 060730/061130 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0032 W05758 - S0524 W05535 - S0529 W05255 - S0050 W04828 - N0101 W05249 - S0032 W05758 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  133 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAZ SIGMET 22 VALID 060730/061130 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1735 W05451 - S1734 W05441 - S1724 W05407 - S1643 W05306 - S1521 W05326 - S1735 W05451 FL160/220 STNR NC=  461 WWCN03 CYTR 060713 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB VALCARTIER PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 2:13 AM EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB VALCARTIER (CYOY) TYPE: SNOWFALL WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SNOWFALL AMOUNT OF 10 CM OR MORE IN 12 HOURS VALID: 06/2000Z TO 07/0600Z (06/1500 EST TO 07/0100 EST) COMMENTS: A FAST MOVING LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM WILL MOVE INTO THE REGION THIS AFTERNOON GIVING SNOW. AT THIS TIME 10 TO 15 CM OF SNOW IS EXPECTED. SNOW WILL MOVE OUT OF THE REGION NEAR MIDNIGHT. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 06/1900Z (06/1400 EST) END/JMC  551 WGUS41 KRLX 060714 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 214 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC019-127-WVC011-039-043-053-079-099-061315- /O.NEW.KRLX.FA.W.0008.250206T0714Z-250206T1315Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Boyd KY-Lawrence KY-Cabell WV-Kanawha WV-Lincoln WV-Mason WV- Putnam WV-Wayne WV- 214 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 815 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Kentucky, including the following counties, Boyd and Lawrence and West Virginia, including the following counties, Cabell, Kanawha, Lincoln, Mason, Putnam and Wayne. * WHEN...Until 815 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 214 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the warned area. Between 1.5 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts of 1 to 1.5 inches are possible in the warned area. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Huntington, Louisa, Winfield, Wayne, Hamlin, Beech Fork State Park, Hurricane, Barboursville, Kenova, Milton, Catlettsburg, Eleanor, Ceredo, Fort Gay, Ona, Culloden, East Lynn Lake, Centerville, Teays Valley and Burnaugh. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Please report observed flooding to local emergency services or law enforcement and request they pass this information to the National Weather Service when you can do so safely. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3818 8262 3825 8262 3827 8259 3841 8260 3840 8253 3847 8221 3854 8212 3855 8181 3830 8191 3823 8205 3809 8258 3815 8265 3818 8265 $$ TRM  019 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBBS SIGMET 8 VALID 060730/061030 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR CNL SIGMET 5 060730/061030=  020 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBBS SIGMET 10 VALID 060730/061030 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR CNL SIGMET 6 060730/061030=  181 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBBS SIGMET 11 VALID 060730/061130 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1924 W04945 - S2216 W04707 - S2011 W04601 - S1754 W04828 - S1924 W04945 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  182 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBBS SIGMET 12 VALID 060730/061130 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S1611 W04555 - S2053 W04415 - S2032 W04358 - S2009 W04324 - S2025 W04245 - S2000 W04232 - S1959 W04232 - S1553 W04346 - S1550 W04345 - S1538 W04406 - S1338 W04522 - S1611 W04555 FL280/350 STNR NC=  183 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBBS SIGMET 13 VALID 060730/061130 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1724 W05407 - S2020 W05127 - S2220 W04955 - S2307 W04734 - S2315 W04720 - S1452 W05308 - S1521 W05326 - S1643 W05306 - S1724 W05407 FL160/220 STNR NC=  147 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBCW SIGMET 15 VALID 060730/061030 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR CNL SIGMET 12 060730/061030=  425 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBCW SIGMET 16 VALID 060730/061030 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR CNL SIGMET 13 060730/061030=  426 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBCW SIGMET 17 VALID 060730/061030 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR CNL SIGMET 14 060730/061030=  427 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBCW SIGMET 18 VALID 060730/061130 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2034 W05644 - S2936 W04607 - S2930 W04601 - S2731 W04423 - S2315 W04720 - S2307 W04734 - S2220 W04955 - S2020 W05127 - S1724 W05407 - S1734 W05441 - S1735 W05451 - S2034 W05644 FL160/220 STNR NC=  428 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBCW SIGMET 19 VALID 060730/061130 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3010 W05737 - S3153 W05407 - S3345 W05322 - S3353 W05323 - S3400 W05300 - S3400 W05024 - S3046 W04715 - S2846 W04955 - S2635 W05349 - S2655 W05343 - S2819 W05552 - S3010 W05737 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  429 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBCW SIGMET 20 VALID 060730/061130 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2053 W04415 - S2143 W04357 - S2429 W04049 - S2327 W03928 - S2059 W04214 - S2031 W04222 - S2025 W04245 - S2009 W04324 - S2032 W04358 - S2053 W04415 FL280/350 STNR NC=  692 WWUS46 KSEW 060720 WSWSEW URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 1120 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 WAZ001-503-061800- /O.CON.KSEW.WW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ San Juan County-Western Whatcom County- Including the cities of Friday Harbor and Bellingham 1120 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 2 inches possible. * WHERE...San Juan County and Western Whatcom County. * WHEN...Until 10 AM PST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow amounts will be variable across the area. Localized higher amounts are possible under any bands of heavier snow that develop. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. && $$ WAZ504-511-512-514>517-061800- /O.CON.KSEW.WW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Southwest Interior-Hood Canal Area-Lower Chehalis Valley Area- Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca-Western Strait of Juan De Fuca- North Coast-Central Coast- Including the cities of La Push, Hoquiam, Clearwater, Clallam Bay, Sequim, Joyce, Sekiu, Beaver, Lacey, Aberdeen, Montesano, Tumwater, McCleary, Neah Bay, Ozette, Olympia, Shelton, Elma, Forks, and Queets 1120 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations of 1 to 2 inches possible. * WHERE...Portions of northwest and west central Washington. * WHEN...Until 10 AM PST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow amounts will be variable across the area. Localized higher amounts are possible under any bands of heavier snow that develop. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. && $$ WAZ506-507-509-510-555-556-558-559-061800- /O.CON.KSEW.WW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Western Skagit County-Everett and Vicinity-Tacoma Area-Admiralty Inlet Area-East Puget Sound Lowlands-Bellevue and Vicinity- Seattle and Vicinity-Bremerton and Vicinity- Including the cities of Bonney Lake, Tacoma, Kirkland, Maple Valley, Mount Vernon, Everett, Sahalee, Lynnwood, Port Townsend, Covington-Sawyer-w, Pine Lake, Sedro-Woolley, Edmonds, Silverdale, Seattle, Newport Hills, Woodinville, Marysville, Kenmore, Bremerton, Bothell, Burlington, Redmond, Anacortes, Prairie Ridge, Monroe, and Enumclaw 1120 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations up to two inches. * WHERE...Portions of northwest and west central Washington. * WHEN...Until 10 AM PST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow amounts will be variable across the area. Localized higher amounts are possible under any bands of heavier snow that develop. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. && $$  053 WHUS71 KAKQ 060720 MWWAKQ URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wakefield VA 220 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ANZ656-061200- /O.EXA.KAKQ.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Coastal Waters from Cape Charles Light to Virginia- North Carolina border out to 20 nm- 220 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Northeast winds 10 to 15 kt and seas 3 to 5 ft. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Cape Charles Light to Virginia- North Carolina border out to 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ658-061200- /O.CON.KAKQ.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm- 220 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Northeast winds 10 to 15 kt and seas 3 to 5 ft. * WHERE...Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  146 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAO SIGMET 12 VALID 060730/061030 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR CNL SIGMET 9 060730/061030=  147 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAO SIGMET 13 VALID 060730/061030 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR CNL SIGMET 10 060730/061030=  428 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAO SIGMET 17 VALID 060730/061130 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3400 W05024 - S3441 W04557 - S3505 W04218 - S3348 W04108 - S3139 W04603 - S3046 W04715 - S3400 W05024 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  429 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAO SIGMET 18 VALID 060730/061130 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2936 W04607 - S3035 W04458 - S3003 W04238 - S2731 W04423 - S2930 W04601 - S2936 W04607 FL160/220 STNR NC=  430 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAO SIGMET 16 VALID 060730/061030 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR CNL SIGMET 7 060730/061030=  431 WSBZ23 SBGL 060700 SBAO SIGMET 14 VALID 060705/061030 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR CNL SIGMET 11 060705/061030=  432 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAO SIGMET 15 VALID 060730/061030 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR CNL SIGMET 8 060730/061030=  433 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAO SIGMET 19 VALID 060730/061130 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2429 W04049 - S2754 W03658 - S2646 W03546 - S2327 W03928 - S2429 W04049 FL280/350 STNR NC=  434 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAO SIGMET 20 VALID 060730/061130 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0500 W04646 - N0140 W04320 - N0021 W03432 - S0140 W02709 - N0053 W02546 - N0324 W02909 - N0740 W03500 - N0637 W03701 - N0500 W04001 - N0500 W04646 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  435 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBAO SIGMET 21 VALID 060730/061130 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S1841 W03815 - S1852 W03740 - S1917 W03759 - S1859 W03713 - S1703 W03725 - S1841 W03815 FL280/360 STNR NC=  936 WSAU21 YMMC 060721 YBBB SIGMET P11 VALID 060735/061135 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2140 E14340 - S1830 E14610 - S2050 E15350 - S2410 E15450 - S2420 E15000 FL150/260 MOV N 05KT NC=  471 WWUS73 KAPX 060721 NPWAPX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gaylord MI 221 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MIZ020-021-025-026-031-099-061700- /O.NEW.KAPX.WI.Y.0002.250206T1800Z-250207T0600Z/ Leelanau-Antrim-Benzie-Grand Traverse-Manistee-Charlevoix- 221 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 1 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Antrim, Benzie, Charlevoix, Grand Traverse, Leelanau, and Manistee Counties. Gusts will be strongest along the Lake Michigan coastline. * WHEN...From 1 PM this afternoon to 1 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ JZ  268 WSCN24 CWAO 060723 CZYZ SIGMET B2 VALID 060720/061120 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST WI /N4233 W07946/45 S CYHM - /N4250 W08221/10 S CYZR - /N4156 W08311/25 SW CYQG - /N4138 W08228/45 SE CYQG - /N4233 W07946/45 S CYHM SFC/FL060 MOV ENE 35KT NC RMK GFACN33=  269 WSCN04 CWAO 060723 CZYZ SIGMET B2 VALID 060720/061120 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST WI N4233 W07946 - N4250 W08221 - N4156 W08311 - N4138 W08228 - N4233 W07946 SFC/FL060 MOV ENE 35KT NC=  590 WSMS31 WMKK 060724 WBFC SIGMET 3 VALID 060724/061100 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS N OF LINE N0456 E11157 - N0333 E11537 AND NW OF LINE N0400 E11848 - N0454 E11922 TOP FL510 MOV WNW NC=  617 WHUS71 KCAR 060723 MWWCAR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Caribou ME 223 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ANZ052-062100- /O.UPG.KCAR.GL.A.0005.250207T0600Z-250208T0300Z/ /O.NEW.KCAR.GL.W.0011.250207T0600Z-250208T0300Z/ Intra Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME- 223 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 10 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and seas 3 to 5 ft expected. * WHERE...Intra Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 10 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ050-051-062100- /O.UPG.KCAR.GL.A.0005.250207T0600Z-250208T0800Z/ /O.NEW.KCAR.GL.W.0011.250207T0600Z-250208T0800Z/ Coastal Waters from Eastport, ME to Schoodic Point, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME out 25 NM- 223 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM FRIDAY TO 3 AM EST SATURDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and seas 6 to 9 ft expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Eastport, ME to Schoodic Point, ME out 25 NM and Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME out 25 NM. * WHEN...From 1 AM Friday to 3 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$  648 WSMS31 WMKK 060724 WBFC SIGMET 3 VALID 060724/061100 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS N OF LINE N0456 E11157 - N0333 E11537 AND NW OF LINE N0400 E11848 - N0454 E11922 TOP FL510 MOV WNW NC=  929 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBRE SIGMET 6 VALID 060730/061130 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0202 W03444 - S0316 W03207 - S0337 W02913 - S0404 W02823 - S0728 W03045 - S0735 W03035 - S0426 W02717 - S0222 W02924 - S0202 W03444 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  118 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBRE SIGMET 9 VALID 060730/061130 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2021 W04041 - S1917 W03759 - S1852 W03740 - S1841 W03815 - S1703 W03725 - S1019 W03808 - S1113 W03928 - S2021 W04041 FL280/360 STNR NC=  119 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBRE SIGMET 8 VALID 060730/061030 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR CNL SIGMET 4 060730/061030=  120 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBRE SIGMET 7 VALID 060730/061030 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR CNL SIGMET 5 060730/061030=  121 WSBZ23 SBGL 060725 SBRE SIGMET 10 VALID 060730/061130 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S1339 W04522 - S1538 W04406 - S1550 W04345 - S1119 W04248 - S0948 W04044 - S0801 W04105 - S0907 W04333 - S1203 W04502 - S1339 W04522 FL280/350 STNR NC=  494 WSAU21 YMMC 060723 YMMM SIGMET O07 VALID 060800/061200 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S5000 E08530 - S4210 E08210 - S3640 E08750 - S3850 E10030 - S4350 E09910 - S4220 E08950 - S5000 E09110 FL150/360 MOV E 20KT NC=  585 WGUS83 KLMK 060724 FLSLMK Flood Advisory National Weather Service Louisville KY 224 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC005-017-021-049-067-079-113-151-167-181-239-061315- /O.NEW.KLMK.FA.Y.0004.250206T0724Z-250206T1315Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Anderson KY-Bourbon KY-Boyle KY-Clark KY-Fayette KY-Garrard KY- Jessamine KY-Madison KY-Mercer KY-Nicholas KY-Woodford KY- 224 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 815 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...A portion of central Kentucky, including the following counties, Anderson, Bourbon, Boyle, Clark, Fayette, Garrard, Jessamine, Madison, Mercer, Nicholas and Woodford. * WHEN...Until 815 AM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 223 AM EST, trained weather spotters reported road flooding in the advisory area due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts of 1 to 2 inches are expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Lexington, Richmond, Nicholasville, Winchester, Danville, Versailles, Harrodsburg, Veterans Park, Fayette Mall and Chevy Chase. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 3804 8474 3821 8398 3817 8399 3812 8408 3793 8397 3792 8399 3786 8401 3787 8403 3783 8400 3785 8406 3782 8407 3785 8408 3782 8412 3781 8412 3781 8407 3778 8411 3775 8408 3768 8430 3762 8496 3796 8496 $$ CSG  646 WSMS31 WMKK 060725 WBFC SIGMET 4 VALID 060725/060820 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR CNL SIGMET 2 060520/060820=  318 WWUS43 KAPX 060725 WSWAPX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gaylord MI 225 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MIZ086-087-061930- /O.NEW.KAPX.WW.Y.0014.250206T2000Z-250207T1200Z/ Western Chippewa-Central Chippewa- 225 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 7 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Gusty winds and snow are expected, transitioning to lake effect snow tonight. Blowing and drifting snow. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 5 inches, with locally higher amounts possible. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Western and Central Chippewa County. * WHEN...From 3 PM this afternoon to 7 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Very low visibilities will occur at times. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. During lake effect snow, the weather can vary from bands of locally heavy snow to dry weather just a few miles away. Visibilities can also vary greatly. Be prepared for rapid changes in weather, visibility, and road conditions. && $$ JZ  799 WSFJ01 NFFN 060726 NFFF SIGMET 02 VALID 060817/061217 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S2148 E16342 - S2218 E17348 - S2418 E17330 - S2430 E17030 - S2700 E16654 - S2318 E16342 - S2148 E16342 TOP FL520 NC=  148 WSIR31 OIII 060722 OIIX SIGMET 05 VALID 060722/060930 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3157 E04733 - N3207 E04704 - N3252 E04631 - N3400 E04518 - N3555 E04556 - N3626 E04757 - N3252 E04948 - N3157 E04733 TOP FL320 MOV ENE INTSF=  269 WSID21 WAAA 060726 WAAF SIGMET 13 VALID 060726/061126 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0743 E11321 - S0809 E11906 - S 0849 E11926 - S0921 E11713 - S0843 E11250 - S0743 E11321 TOP FL520 MO V W 5KT INTSF=  945 WACN02 CWAO 060729 CZEG AIRMET E1 VALID 060725/061125 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR BKN CLD 300-500/6000FT OBS WI 30NM OF N6838 W09556 STNR NC=  946 WACN22 CWAO 060729 CZEG AIRMET E1 VALID 060725/061125 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR BKN CLD 300-500/6000FT OBS WI 30NM OF /N6838 W09556/CYHK STNR NC RMK GFACN36=  546 WWUS83 KJKL 060730 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 230 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ107-109-110-112-060800- Breathitt KY-Floyd KY-Johnson KY-Magoffin KY- 230 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHWESTERN JOHNSON... NORTHWESTERN FLOYD...NORTHERN BREATHITT AND CENTRAL MAGOFFIN COUNTIES THROUGH 300 AM EST... At 230 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Keck, or near Jackson, moving east at 65 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Jackson, Salyersville, Mason, Simpson, Fredville, Carver, Burning Fork, Noctor, Rock Lick, Vancleve, West Royalton Station, Carver Station, Moct, Wilhurst, War Creek, Swamp Branch, Riceville, Elkatawa, Gapville, and Inverness. THIS INCLUDES Bert T. Combs Mountain Parkway between mile markers 74 and 76. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3752 8350 3764 8352 3765 8350 3762 8349 3763 8346 3766 8343 3768 8334 3768 8329 3767 8326 3770 8324 3778 8290 3757 8285 TIME...MOT...LOC 0730Z 257DEG 57KT 3760 8337 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ CMC  788 WWIN40 DEMS 060300 IWB (MORNING) DATED 06-02-2025 METEOROLOGICAL ANALYSIS \uf076 THE WESTERN DISTURBANCE NOW SEEN AS A CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER NORTH PAKISTAN AND ADJOINING JAMMU REGION AT 3.1 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL WITH A TROUGH ALOFT IN MIDDLE TROPOSPHERIC LEVEL WITH ITS AXIS AT 5.8 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL ROUGHLY ALONG LONG. 72°E TO THE NORTH OF LAT. 30°N. \uf076 THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER NORTH BANGLADESH & NEIGHBOURHOOD NOW LIES OVER CENTRAL ASSAM & NEIGHBOURHOOD AND EXTENDS UPTO 1.5 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL. \uf076 SUBTROPICAL WESTERLY JET STREAM WITH CORE WINDS OF THE ORDER UPTO 125 KNOTS AT 12.6 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL IS PREVAILING OVER NORTHWEST INDIA. \uf076 A FRESH WESTERN DISTURBANCE IS LIKELY TO AFFECT WESTERN HIMALAYAN REGION FROM 08 TH FEBRUARY, 2025. \uf076 THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER NORTHEAST ASSAM & NEIGHBOURHOOD AT 3.1 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL HAS BECOME LESS MARKED. RAINFALL FORECAST: \uf076 AT A FEW PLACES OVER ARUNACHAL PRADESH; \uf076 AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS, SUB- HIMALAYAN WEST BENGAL & SIKKIM, ASSAM & MEGHALAYA, NAGALAND, MANIPUR, MIZORAM & TRIPURA; \uf076 DRY WEATHER OVER REST PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. WEATHER WARINGS: 06 TH FEBRUARY (DAY 1): \uf076 DENSE FOG CONDITIONS VERY LIKELY IN ISOLATED POCKETS OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AND ODISHA. \uf076 COLD WAVE CONDITIONS VERY LIKELY IN ISOLATED POCKETS OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AND RAJASTHAN. \uf076 THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH LIGHTNING VERY LIKELY AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER ARUNACHAL PRADESH AND ASSAM & MEGHALAYA. 07 TH FEBRUARY (DAY 2): \uf076 THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH LIGHTNING VERY LIKELY AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER ARUNACHAL PRADESH AND ASSAM & MEGHALAYA. \uf076 DENSE FOG CONDITIONS VERY LIKELY IN ISOLATED POCKETS OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AND ODISHA.  158 WWUS81 KRLX 060734 SPSRLX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 234 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVZ005-006-013-014-060800- Lincoln WV-Wayne WV-Cabell WV-Putnam WV- 234 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHERN CABELL...SOUTHWESTERN PUTNAM...NORTHERN LINCOLN AND NORTHERN WAYNE COUNTIES THROUGH 300 AM EST... At 233 AM EST, trained weather spotters reported a strong thunderstorm over Beech Fork State Park, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and penny size hail. SOURCE...Trained weather spotters. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Ona, Sweetland, Beech Fork State Park, Lavalette, West Hamlin, Culloden, Barboursville, Branchland, Centerville, Salt Rock, Wayne, Pea Ridge, Griffithsville, Hamlin, Hurricane, Milton, Yawkey, Teays Valley, Myra, and Burnaugh. This includes Interstate 64 in West Virginia between mile markers 7 and 14, between mile markers 18 and 21, between mile markers 23 and 26, and between mile markers 28 and 40. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. A Flash Flood Watch remains in effect. Heavy downpours could cause rapid rises in water. If rising water is observed, move to higher ground. Do not drive into areas covered by water. Do not drive your vehicle into areas where the water covers the roadway. The water depth may be too great to allow your car to cross safely. Move to higher ground. && LAT...LON 3839 8256 3847 8190 3833 8192 3832 8191 3819 8191 3817 8260 TIME...MOT...LOC 0733Z 265DEG 37KT 3831 8238 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.75 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ 12  604 WWUS75 KTFX 060734 NPWTFX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Great Falls MT 1234 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 MTZ303>306-061800- /O.CON.KTFX.EC.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Eastern Glacier, Western Toole, and Central Pondera-Eastern Toole and Liberty-Hill County-Northern Blaine County- Including the following locations: Whitlash, Hogeland, Shelby, Ethridge, Galata, Chinook, Cut Bank, Chester, Zurich, Havre, Lothair, Harlem, Joplin, Devon, Fort Belknap, and Santa Rita 1234 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...EXTREME COLD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Dangerously cold wind chills as low as 40 below zero. * WHERE...Eastern Glacier, Western Toole, and Central Pondera Counties, Eastern Toole and Liberty Counties, Hill County, and Northern Blaine County. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST this morning. * IMPACTS...The dangerously cold wind chills as low as 40 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Dress in layers including a hat, face mask, and gloves if you must go outside. && $$ MTZ309>311-061800- /O.CON.KTFX.CW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Eastern Pondera and Eastern Teton-Western and Central Chouteau County-Bears Paw Mountains and Southern Blaine- Including the following locations: Fort Benton, Brady, Floweree, Conrad, Carter, Ledger, and Rocky Boy 1234 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills as low as 30 below zero. * WHERE...Eastern Pondera and Eastern Teton Counties, Western and Central Chouteau County, and Bears Paw Mountains and Southern Blaine. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST this morning. * IMPACTS...The dangerously cold wind chills as low as 30 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 20 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use caution while traveling outside. Wear appropriate clothing, a hat, and gloves. && $$ Hoenisch  688 WWUS46 KPQR 060734 WSWPQR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Portland OR 1134 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ORZ106-107-WAZ203-060845- /O.EXP.KPQR.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T0800Z/ North Oregon Coast Range-Central Oregon Coast Range-Willapa Hills- Including the cities of Mary's Peak, Brooklyn, Sunset Summit, Wilson River Summit, Valsetz, and Horton 1134 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT MIDNIGHT PST TONIGHT... Isolated light snow showers will continue over the Coast Range and Willapa Hills tonight, however any additional accumulation will be minimal and spotty. Therefore, the Winter Storm Warning will be allowed to expire at midnight tonight. $$ ORZ119-123>125-WAZ208-061200- /O.CON.KPQR.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ West Columbia River Gorge of Oregon above 500 ft-Clackamas County Cascade Foothills-Cascade Foothills of Marion and Linn Counties- Lane County Cascade Foothills-South Washington Cascade Foothills- Including the cities of Brightwood, Welches, Rhododendron, Detroit, Corbett, McKenzie Bridge, Cherryville, Silver Falls, Mill City, Yacolt, Toutle, Amboy, Oakridge, Vida, and Lake Merwin 1134 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Wet snow showers. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch. * WHERE...Foothills of the Northern and Central Oregon Cascades, West Columbia River Gorge of Oregon above 500 ft, and South Washington Cascade Foothills. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Have a winter emergency driving kit readily available. Common items to include: flashlight, batteries, blankets, a shovel, water, non-perishable food items, tire chains, etc. Be aware that walking surfaces may be slick. Walk with extra care. For the latest road conditions and chain restrictions in Oregon, call 5 1 1, or visit: www.tripcheck.com. For the latest road conditions and chain restrictions in Washington, visit: wsdot.com/travel/real-time/map && $$ ORZ126>128-WAZ211-061200- /O.CON.KPQR.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ North Oregon Cascades-Cascades of Marion and Linn Counties- Cascades of Lane County-South Washington Cascades- Including the cities of Larch Mountain, Bennett Pass, McKenzie Pass, Breitenbush Springs, Government Camp, Timothy Lake, Waldo Lake, Indian Heaven Wilderness, Santiam Junction, Mt. St. Helens, Lost Lake, Santiam Pass, Tombstone Summit, and Willamette Pass 1134 PM PST Wed Feb 5 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST THURSDAY... * WHAT...Wet snow showers. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch. * WHERE...South Washington Cascades and the Northern and Central Cascades of Oregon. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Have a winter emergency driving kit readily available. Common items to include: flashlight, batteries, blankets, a shovel, water, non-perishable food items, tire chains, etc. Be aware that walking surfaces may be slick. Walk with extra care. For the latest road conditions and chain restrictions in Oregon, call 5 1 1, or visit: www.tripcheck.com. For the latest road conditions and chain restrictions in Washington, visit: wsdot.com/travel/real-time/map && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit www.weather.gov/portland tk  533 WWCN02 CYTR 060734 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB COLD LAKE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 12:34 AM MST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB COLD LAKE (CYOD) TYPE: WIND CHILL ADVISORY ENDED COMMENTS: WIND CHILL HAS ENDED. END/JMC  158 WWIN40 DEMS 060300 IWB (MORNING) DATED 06-02-2025 METEOROLOGICAL ANALYSIS \UF076 THE WESTERN DISTURBANCE NOW SEEN AS A CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER NORTH PAKISTAN AND ADJOINING JAMMU REGION AT 3.1 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL WITH A TROUGH ALOFT IN MIDDLE TROPOSPHERIC LEVEL WITH ITS AXIS AT 5.8 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL ROUGHLY ALONG LONG. 72OE TO THE NORTH OF LAT. 30ON. \UF076 THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER NORTH BANGLADESH & NEIGHBOURHOOD NOW LIES OVER CENTRAL ASSAM & NEIGHBOURHOOD AND EXTENDS UPTO 1.5 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL. \UF076 SUBTROPICAL WESTERLY JET STREAM WITH CORE WINDS OF THE ORDER UPTO 125 KNOTS AT 12.6 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL IS PREVAILING OVER NORTHWEST INDIA. \UF076 A FRESH WESTERN DISTURBANCE IS LIKELY TO AFFECT WESTERN HIMALAYAN REGION FROM 08 TH FEBRUARY, 2025. \UF076 THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER NORTHEAST ASSAM & NEIGHBOURHOOD AT 3.1 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL HAS BECOME LESS MARKED. RAINFALL FORECAST: \UF076 AT A FEW PLACES OVER ARUNACHAL PRADESH; \UF076 AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS, SUB- HIMALAYAN WEST BENGAL & SIKKIM, ASSAM & MEGHALAYA, NAGALAND, MANIPUR, MIZORAM & TRIPURA; \UF076 DRY WEATHER OVER REST PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. WEATHER WARINGS: 06 TH FEBRUARY (DAY 1): \UF076 DENSE FOG CONDITIONS VERY LIKELY IN ISOLATED POCKETS OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AND ODISHA. \UF076 COLD WAVE CONDITIONS VERY LIKELY IN ISOLATED POCKETS OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AND RAJASTHAN. \UF076 THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH LIGHTNING VERY LIKELY AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER ARUNACHAL PRADESH AND ASSAM & MEGHALAYA. 07 TH FEBRUARY (DAY 2): \UF076 THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH LIGHTNING VERY LIKELY AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER ARUNACHAL PRADESH AND ASSAM & MEGHALAYA. \UF076 DENSE FOG CONDITIONS VERY LIKELY IN ISOLATED POCKETS OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AND ODISHA.=  795 WSCG31 FCBB 060736 FCCC SIGMET D1 VALID 060740/061140 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0715Z S OF LINE N0200 E00635 - N0200 E01636 W OF LINE N0437 E00850 - N0409 E00850 WI N0334 E01427 - N0334 E01350 - N0257 E01350 - N0257 E01430 TOP FL420 MOV W 05KT NC=  101 WWUS82 KCHS 060742 SPSCHS Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston SC 242 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 GAZ117-119-SCZ048>051-061000- Coastal Bryan GA-Beaufort SC-Coastal Chatham GA-Coastal Colleton SC-Coastal Jasper SC-Charleston SC- 242 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...LOCALY DENSE FOG THIS MORNING... Areas of fog will continue to develop across south coastal South Carolina into the Savannah Metro Area early this morning. The fog will become locally dense at times with visibilities dropping below 1/4 mile at times. A Dense Fog Advisory may be needed for some areas prior to daybreak if the dense fog becomes more widespread. The nature of the fog is such that visibilities will vary greatly over short distances with the risk for locally dense fog being the greatest near bodies of water and other low-lying areas such as marshes, swamps and large ditches. This includes areas along the Savannah and Broad Rivers. Motorists should remain alert for these conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down and leave extra distance ahead of you in case a sudden stop is needed. && $$ ST  202 WOCN20 CWVR 060742 SPECIAL AIR QUALITY STATEMENT FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AND THE B.C. MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY AT 11:42 P.M. PST WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL AIR QUALITY STATEMENT FOR: YELLOWHEAD. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== AIR QUALITY ADVISORY IN EFFECT FOR VALEMOUNT (FEBRUARY 05, 2025 9:00 AM) THE MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND PARKS IN COLLABORATION WITH THE NORTHERN HEALTH AUTHORITY HAS ISSUED AN AIR QUALITY ADVISORY FOR VALEMOUNT DUE TO HIGH CONCENTRATIONS OF FINE PARTICULATE MATTER THAT ARE EXPECTED TO PERSIST UNTIL WEATHER CONDITIONS CHANGE. EXPOSURE IS PARTICULARLY A CONCERN FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH CHRONIC CONDITIONS SUCH AS ASTHMA, COPD, HEART DISEASE, AND DIABETES(SEMICOLON) RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS SUCH AS COVID-19, PREGNANT WOMEN, INFANTS, AND OLDER ADULTS. PERSONS WITH CHRONIC UNDERLYING MEDICAL CONDITIONS OR ACUTE INFECTIONS SHOULD POSTPONE OR REDUCE STRENUOUS EXERCISE UNTIL THE ADVISORY IS LIFTED. WHERE APPROPRIATE, MAINTAIN PHYSICAL DISTANCING. ANYONE EXPERIENCING SYMPTOMS SUCH AS CONTINUING EYE OR THROAT IRRITATION, CHEST DISCOMFORT, SHORTNESS OF BREATH, COUGH OR WHEEZING, SHOULD FOLLOW THE ADVICE OF THEIR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER. STAYING INDOORS HELPS TO REDUCE EXPOSURE. REAL-TIME AIR QUALITY OBSERVATIONS AND INFORMATION REGARDING THE HEALTH EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTION CAN BE FOUND AT HTTPS://WWW.GOV.BC.CA/AIRQUALITY. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON CURRENT AIR QUALITY, VISIT HTTPS://WWW2.GOV.BC.CA/GOV/CONTENT/ENVIRONMENT/AIR-LAND-WATER/AIR. VISIT HTTP://WWW.AIRHEALTH.CA FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO REDUCE YOUR HEALTH RISK AND YOUR PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION TO POLLUTION LEVELS, AS WELL AS FOR CURRENT AND FORECAST AQHI VALUES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  908 WSAG31 SABE 060749 SAVF SIGMET 3 VALID 060749/060949 SABE- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0749Z WI S5003 W06047 - S4842 W05846 - S4625 W05849 - S4459 W06008 - S4456 W05735 - S4755 W05613 - S4954 W05539 - S5138 W05722 - S5003 W06047 TOP FL320 MOV E 05KT NC=  925 WSAG31 SABE 060749 SAVF SIGMET 3 VALID 060749/060949 SABE- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0749Z WI S5003 W06047 - S4842 W05846 - S4625 W05849 - S4459 W06008 - S4456 W05735 - S4755 W05613 - S4954 W05539 - S5138 W05722 - S5003 W06047 TOP FL320 MOV E 05KT NC=  665 WSRA31 RUHB 060746 UHHH SIGMET 3 VALID 060800/061200 UHHH- UHHH KHABAROVSK FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N5646 E13512 - N5551 E14525 - N5306 E14528 - N5113 E13851 - N5016 E13655 - N5129 E13619 - N5646 E13512 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  897 WSTU31 LTAC 060745 LTAA SIGMET 2 VALID 060800/061200 LTAC- LTAA ANKARA FIR SEV TURB FCST SW OF LINE N4245 E03335 - N3635 E03725 E03321 FL160/280 MOV E 12KT NC=  303 WSPN08 KKCI 060747 SIGP0H KZAK SIGMET HOTEL 6 VALID 060747/060800 KKCI- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET HOTEL 5 060400/060800.  662 WSUY31 SUMU 060800 SUEO SIGMET 5 VALID 060800/060800 SUMU- SUEO MONTEVIDEO FIR CNL SIGMET 4 VALID 060600/060800=  913 WSAG31 SABE 060751 SAVF SIGMET D2 VALID 060751/060951 SABE- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 0751Z WI S5119 W07218 - S5033 W06903 - S4857 W06524 - S4603 W06428 - S4622 W07130 - S4825 W07236 - S4904 W07244 - S4932 W07334 - S5041 W07257 - S5119 W07218 FL350/450 STNR NC=  029 WAIS31 LLBD 060735 LLLL AIRMET 12 VALID 060800/061200 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N3310 E03430 - N3320 E03550 - N2930 E03500 - N3120 E03340 - N3310 E03430 FL040/160 WKN=  268 WSAG31 SABE 060751 SAVF SIGMET D2 VALID 060751/060951 SABE- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 0751Z WI S5119 W07218 - S5033 W06903 - S4857 W06524 - S4603 W06428 - S4622 W07130 - S4825 W07236 - S4904 W07244 - S4932 W07334 - S5041 W07257 - S5119 W07218 FL350/450 STNR NC=  829 WSRA31 RUHB 060748 UHHH SIGMET 4 VALID 060800/061100 UHHH- UHHH KHABAROVSK FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4651 E13748 - N4618 E13923 - N4204 E13428 - N4250 E13322 - N4651 E13748 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  097 WVPH31 RPLL 060748 RPHI SIGMET 1 VALID 060748/061348 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR VA ERUPTION MT KANLAON PSN N1024 E12307 VA CLD OBS AT 0711Z=  201 WGUS51 KRLX 060748 FFWRLX KYC019-WVC011-043-099-061045- /O.NEW.KRLX.FF.W.0001.250206T0748Z-250206T1045Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 248 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Charleston has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Southern Boyd County in northeastern Kentucky... Central Cabell County in central West Virginia... Northwestern Lincoln County in central West Virginia... Northern Wayne County in western West Virginia... * Until 545 AM EST. * At 248 AM EST, Doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Between 1.5 and 2.5 inches of rain have fallen. Additional rainfall amounts of 1 to 1.5 inches are possible in the warned area. Flash flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar and automated gauges. IMPACT...Flash flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other poor drainage and low-lying areas. * Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Huntington, Hamlin, Beech Fork State Park, Barboursville, Milton, Ona, Burnaugh, Durbin, Culloden, West Hamlin, Lavalette, Pea Ridge, Salt Rock, Lockwood and Mavity. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3834 8277 3847 8205 3828 8205 3826 8240 3827 8253 3825 8277 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR AND GAUGE INDICATED $$ TRM  764 WWUS73 KIND 060749 NPWIND URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 249 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 INZ021-028>031-035>049-051>057-060>065-067>072-061400- /O.NEW.KIND.FG.Y.0001.250206T0749Z-250206T1400Z/ Carroll-Warren-Tippecanoe-Clinton-Howard-Fountain-Montgomery- Boone-Tipton-Hamilton-Madison-Delaware-Randolph-Vermillion-Parke- Putnam-Hendricks-Marion-Hancock-Henry-Vigo-Clay-Owen-Morgan- Johnson-Shelby-Rush-Sullivan-Greene-Monroe-Brown-Bartholomew- Decatur-Knox-Daviess-Martin-Lawrence-Jackson-Jennings- Including the cities of Spencer, Noblesville, Martinsville, Veedersburg, Vincennes, Mitchell, Seymour, Delphi, Farmersburg, West Lebanon, Montezuma, Covington, Rosedale, Williamsport, Greenfield, Jasonville, Loogootee, Muncie, Carlisle, North Vernon, Carmel, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Shoals, Crawfordsville, Winchester, Parker City, Mooresville, Danville, Fairview Park, Brazil, Fishers, Shelbyville, Worthington, Rushville, Greenwood, New Castle, Clinton, Zionsville, Linton, Lebanon, Nashville, Terre Haute, Rockville, Farmland, Greencastle, Plainfield, Flora, Franklin, Bloomfield, Bloomington, Columbus, Brownsburg, Washington, Bedford, West Lafayette, Tipton, Attica, Sullivan, Kokomo, Anderson, Shelburn, Gosport, Frankfort, Greensburg, and Union City 249 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, north central, south central, southeast, southwest, and west central Indiana. * WHEN...Until 9 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ JP  390 WOMQ40 LEMM 060600 AGENCIA ESTATAL DE METEOROLOGIA DE ESPANA AVISO NUMERO 065 PARA ALTA MAR ZONAS DEL MEDITERRANEO EMITIDO EL JUEVES 06 DE FEBRERO DE 2025 A LAS 08:00 UTC ALCANZA HASTA EL SABADO 08 A LAS 08:00 UTC (ANULA Y REEMPLAZA AL NUMERO 064) AVISOS: PROVENZA, LIGURIA PROVENZA: E 7 DESDE 072000 UTC HASTA 080800 UTC AL MENOS. LIGURIA: N Y NE 7 DESDE 072000 UTC HASTA 080800 UTC AL MENOS.=  772 WSUS32 KKCI 060755 SIGC MKCC WST 060755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 3C VALID UNTIL 0955Z KY IN IL MO FROM 50SSE IND-50N DYR LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS TO FL350. OUTLOOK VALID 060955-061355 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  773 WSUS33 KKCI 060755 SIGW MKCW WST 060755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 060955-061355 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  774 WSUS31 KKCI 060755 SIGE MKCE WST 060755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 21E VALID UNTIL 0955Z NY PA WV OH LE FROM 20W JHW-10NW JST-40SW AIR-40SSE DXO-20W JHW AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS TO FL320. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 22E VALID UNTIL 0955Z PA MD VA NC WV OH GA TN KY FROM 10NW JST-30SE JST-GSO-20SE GQO-40SW IIU-10NW JST AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 24055KT. TOPS TO FL420. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 23E VALID UNTIL 0955Z NC CSTL WTRS FROM 80SE ECG-110SE ECG-110E ILM-90E ILM-80SE ECG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 24030KT. TOPS TO FL310. OUTLOOK VALID 060955-061355 FROM 40WSW DXO-PSB-GSO-40SSW BNA-40E PXV-40WSW DXO WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  807 WWCN03 CYZX 060749 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR 5 CDSB GAGETOWN AND RANGE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 3:49 AM AST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: 5 CDSB GAGETOWN AND RANGE (CYCX) TYPE: SNOWFALL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SNOWFALL AMOUNT OF 5 CM OR MORE IN 12 HOURS VALID: 06/2100Z TO 07/0500Z (06/1700 AST TO 07/0100 AST) TYPE: WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: WIND CHILL INDEX OF MINUS 25 OR COLDER VALID: UNTIL 06/1400Z (UNTIL 06/1000 AST) COMMENTS: COLD TEMPERATURES COMBINED WITH A LIGHT TO MODERATE WESTERLY WIND WILL CONTINUE TO GIVE WIND CHILL VALUES BETWEEN MINUS 25 AND MINUS 30 UNTIL THIS MORNING. A FAST MOVING LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM WILL MOVE IN LATE THIS AFTERNOON GIVING THE REGION SNOW. AT THIS TIME NEAR 5 CM OF SNOW IS EXPECTED. SNOW WILL END NEAR MIDNIGHT. -------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND CHILL INDEX -25 TO -39: INCREASING RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 10 TO 30 MINUTES. -40 TO -47: HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 5 TO 10 MINUTES. -48 TO -54: VERY HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 2 TO 5 MINUTES. -------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 06/1400Z (06/1000 AST) END/JMC  824 WAIS31 LLBD 060736 LLLL AIRMET 13 VALID 060800/061200 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3321 E03548 - N3257 E03555 - N3118 E03510 - N3123 E03453 - N3321 E03548 STNR NC=  262 WWUS41 KPHI 060750 WSWPHI URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 250 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 DEZ001>003-MDZ012-015-019-020-NJZ016-021>023-061300- /O.CON.KPHI.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ New Castle-Kent-Inland Sussex-Kent MD-Queen Annes-Talbot-Caroline- Salem-Cumberland-Atlantic-Cape May- Including the cities of Cape May Court House, Dover, Wilmington, Millville, Easton, Denton, Hammonton, Centreville, Chestertown, Pennsville, and Georgetown 250 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow and sleet accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of Delaware, northeast Maryland, and southern New Jersey. * WHEN...Until 8 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ NJZ001-007>009-PAZ060>062-101>103-105-061800- /O.CON.KPHI.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Sussex-Warren-Morris-Hunterdon-Berks-Lehigh-Northampton-Western Chester-Eastern Chester-Western Montgomery-Upper Bucks- Including the cities of Newton, Chalfont, Morristown, Flemington, Washington, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Kennett Square, West Chester, Pottstown, Perkasie, Collegeville, Honey Brook, Reading, and Oxford 250 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow and sleet accumulations up to two inches and ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of northern and northwest New Jersey and east central and southeast Pennsylvania. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ NJZ010-012-013-015-017>020-027-PAZ070-071-104-106-061500- /O.CON.KPHI.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Somerset-Middlesex-Western Monmouth-Mercer-Gloucester-Camden- Northwestern Burlington-Ocean-Southeastern Burlington-Delaware- Philadelphia-Eastern Montgomery-Lower Bucks- Including the cities of Norristown, New Brunswick, Freehold, Jackson, Somerville, Trenton, Morrisville, Moorestown, Lansdale, Glassboro, Cherry Hill, Mount Holly, Wharton State Forest, Media, Doylestown, Camden, and Philadelphia 250 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow and sleet accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of New Jersey and southeast Pennsylvania. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ PAZ054-055-062000- /O.CON.KPHI.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T2000Z/ Carbon-Monroe- Including the cities of Stroudsburg and Jim Thorpe 250 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow and sleet accumulations up to two inches and ice accumulations around one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Carbon and Monroe Counties. * WHEN...Until 3 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ MPS  944 WAIS31 LLBD 060737 LLLL AIRMET 14 VALID 060800/061200 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N3310 E03430 - N3320 E03550 - N2930 E03500 - N3120 E03340 - N3310 E03430 FL050/160 NC=  521 WSIL31 BICC 060746 BIRD SIGMET U03 VALID 060830/061130 BIRK- BIRD REYKJAVIK CTA SEV TURB FCST WI N6350 W02410 - N6610 W01850 - N6610 W01050 - N6220 W01530 - N6350 W02410 SFC/FL120 MOV NW INTSF=  212 WWIN80 VOMY 060749 VOMY 060745 AD WRNG 1 VALID 060800/061200 SFC WSPD 20KT FROM 070 DEG FCST NC=  804 WAIY31 LIIB 060754 LIMM AIRMET 4 VALID 060800/060900 LIIB- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 0500M FG FCST WI N4524 E01036 - N4536 E00848 - N4516 E00835 - N4437 E01216 - N4524 E01036 STNR NC=  194 WALJ31 LJLJ 060745 LJLA AIRMET 3 VALID 060800/061100 LJLJ- LJLA LJUBLJANA FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N4525 E01328 - N4552 E01332 - N4559 E01358 - N4527 E01436 - N4525 E01328 SFC/5000FT STNR NC=  285 WWCN03 CYTR 060755 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB VALCARTIER PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 2:55 AM EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB VALCARTIER (CYOY) TYPE: WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: WIND CHILL INDEX OF MINUS 35 OR COLDER VALID: UNTIL 06/1400Z (UNTIL 06/0900 EST) TYPE: SNOWFALL WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SNOWFALL AMOUNT OF 10 CM OR MORE IN 12 HOURS VALID: 06/2000Z TO 07/0600Z (06/1500 EST TO 07/0100 EST) COMMENTS: A FAST MOVING LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM WILL MOVE INTO THE REGION THIS AFTERNOON GIVING SNOW. AT THIS TIME 10 TO 15 CM OF SNOW IS EXPECTED. SNOW WILL MOVE OUT OF THE REGION NEAR MIDNIGHT. COLD WIND CHILL VALUES BETWEEN MINUS 35 AND MINUS 40 WILL CONTINUE UNTIL THIS MORNING. -------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND CHILL INDEX -25 TO -39: INCREASING RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 10 TO 30 MINUTES. -40 TO -47: HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 5 TO 10 MINUTES. -48 TO -54: VERY HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 2 TO 5 MINUTES. -------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 06/1400Z (06/0900 EST) END/JMC  944 WSIL31 BICC 060753 BIRD SIGMET I02 VALID 060832/061130 BIRK- BIRD REYKJAVIK CTA SEV ICE FCST WI N6300 W01920 - N6400 W02210 - N6540 W02020 - N6440 W01300 - N6300 W01920 FL025/220 STNR INTSF=  265 WTXS32 PGTW 060900 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL CYCLONE 13S (VINCE) WARNING NR 010// RMKS/ 1. TROPICAL CYCLONE 13S (VINCE) WARNING NR 010 02 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONES IN SOUTHIO MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 060600Z --- NEAR 19.3S 82.5E MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 250 DEGREES AT 08 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 030 NM POSITION BASED ON EYE FIXED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 105 KT, GUSTS 130 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 035 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 035 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 055 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 055 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 050 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 075 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 095 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 080 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT REPEAT POSIT: 19.3S 82.5E --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 061800Z --- 19.7S 80.5E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 105 KT, GUSTS 130 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 020 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 020 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 260 DEG/ 11 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 070600Z --- 20.0S 78.1E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 105 KT, GUSTS 130 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 020 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 020 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 130 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 120 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 265 DEG/ 12 KTS --- 36 HRS, VALID AT: 071800Z --- 20.3S 75.5E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 100 KT, GUSTS 125 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 020 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 020 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 130 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 120 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 48 HR POSIT: 260 DEG/ 11 KTS --- EXTENDED OUTLOOK: 48 HRS, VALID AT: 080600Z --- 20.6S 73.1E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 100 KT, GUSTS 125 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 020 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 130 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 120 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 72 HR POSIT: 255 DEG/ 08 KTS --- 72 HRS, VALID AT: 090600Z --- 21.5S 69.8E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 100 KT, GUSTS 125 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 020 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 110 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 140 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 120 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 080 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 96 HR POSIT: 205 DEG/ 08 KTS --- LONG RANGE OUTLOOK: --- 96 HRS, VALID AT: 100600Z --- 24.5S 68.2E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 090 KT, GUSTS 110 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 020 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 050 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 150 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 160 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 120 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 120 HR POSIT: 180 DEG/ 13 KTS --- 120 HRS, VALID AT: 110600Z --- 29.6S 68.2E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY BECOMING SUBTROPICAL RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 020 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 170 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 170 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 110 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT --- REMARKS: 060900Z POSITION NEAR 19.4S 82.0E. 06FEB25. TROPICAL CYCLONE 13S (VINCE), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 936 NM SOUTHEAST OF DIEGO GARCIA, HAS TRACKED WEST-SOUTHWESTWARD AT 08 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE AT 060600Z IS 954 MB. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 060600Z IS 32 FEET. NEXT WARNINGS AT 062100Z AND 070900Z. REFER TO TROPICAL CYCLONE 14S (TALIAH) WARNINGS (WTXS33 PGTW) FOR TWELVE-HOURLY UPDATES.// NNNN  083 WSPH31 RPLL 060757 RPHI SIGMET A02 VALID 060758/061158 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1355 E12047 - N1340 E12933 - N1014 E12957 - N0931 E12414 - N1238 E12027 - N1355 E12047 TOP FL530 MOV WNW 20KT NC=  865 WHCA72 TJSJ 060758 MWWSJU URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Juan PR 358 AM AST Thu Feb 6 2025 AMZ733-741-061600- /O.EXT.TJSJ.SC.Y.0011.250206T1000Z-250207T2200Z/ Caribbean waters of Puerto Rico from 10 NM to 17N, including the coastal waters of Saint Croix-Mona Passage Southward to 17N- 358 AM AST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AST FRIDAY... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas up to 7 ft expected. * WHERE...Caribbean waters of Puerto Rico from 10 NM to 17N, including the coastal waters of Saint Croix and Mona Passage Southward to 17N. * WHEN...Until 6 PM AST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ AMZ711-061600- /O.CON.TJSJ.SC.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-250210T0400Z/ Atlantic Waters of Puerto Rico and USVI from 10 NM to 19.5N- 358 AM AST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AST SUNDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 6 to 7 ft. * WHERE...Atlantic Waters of Puerto Rico and USVI from 10 NM to 19.5N. * WHEN...Until midnight on Sunday . * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ AMZ723-061600- /O.CON.TJSJ.SC.Y.0010.250206T1000Z-250210T0400Z/ Anegada Passage east of Virgin Gorda and Saint Croix south to 17N- 358 AM AST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AST SUNDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 5 to 7 ft expected. * WHERE...Anegada Passage east of Virgin Gorda and Saint Croix south to 17N. * WHEN...From 6 AM Thursday to midnight Sunday night. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  924 WHUS72 KCHS 060758 MWWCHS URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Charleston SC 258 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 AMZ350-352-354-061500- /O.EXT.KCHS.MF.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Waters from South Santee River to Edisto Beach SC out 20 NM- Waters from Edisto Beach SC to Savannah GA out 20 NM- Waters from Savannah GA to Altamaha Sound GA out 20 NM, including Grays Reef National Marine Sanctuary- 258 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 NM or less. * WHERE...South Santee River SC to Altamaha Sound GA out 20 NM. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  327 WSSG31 GOOY 060759 GOOO SIGMET A3 VALID 060800/061200 GOBD- GOOO DAKAR OCEANIC FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0750Z W OF LINE N0256 W02352 - N0104 W02212 TOP FL400 STNR WKN=  119 WTXS32 PGTW 060900 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 020 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 130 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 120 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 48 HR POSIT: 260 DEG/ 11 KTS --- EXTENDED OUTLOOK: 48 HRS, VALID AT: 080600Z --- 20.6S 73.1E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 100 KT, GUSTS 125 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 020 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 130 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 120 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 72 HR POSIT: 255 DEG/ 08 KTS --- 72 HRS, VALID AT: 090600Z --- 21.5S 69.8E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 100 KT, GUSTS 125 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY // END PART 03 //  120 WTXS32 PGTW 060900 020 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 260 DEG/ 11 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 070600Z --- 20.0S 78.1E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 105 KT, GUSTS 130 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 020 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 020 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 130 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 120 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 265 DEG/ 12 KTS --- 36 HRS, VALID AT: 071800Z --- 20.3S 75.5E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 100 KT, GUSTS 125 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 020 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT // END PART 02 //  121 WTXS32 PGTW 060900 RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 020 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 110 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 140 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 120 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 080 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 96 HR POSIT: 205 DEG/ 08 KTS --- LONG RANGE OUTLOOK: --- 96 HRS, VALID AT: 100600Z --- 24.5S 68.2E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 090 KT, GUSTS 110 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 020 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 050 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 150 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 160 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 120 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 120 HR POSIT: 180 DEG/ 13 KTS --- 120 HRS, VALID AT: 110600Z --- 29.6S 68.2E // END PART 04 //  122 WTXS32 PGTW 060900 MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY BECOMING SUBTROPICAL RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 020 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 040 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 170 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 170 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 110 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT --- REMARKS: 060900Z POSITION NEAR 19.4S 82.0E. 06FEB25. TROPICAL CYCLONE 13S (VINCE), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 936 NM SOUTHEAST OF DIEGO GARCIA, HAS TRACKED WEST-SOUTHWESTWARD AT 08 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE AT 060600Z IS 954 MB. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 060600Z IS 32 FEET. NEXT WARNINGS AT 062100Z AND 070900Z. REFER TO TROPICAL CYCLONE 14S (TALIAH) WARNINGS (WTXS33 PGTW) FOR TWELVE-HOURLY UPDATES.// ???? // END PART 05/05 //  123 WTXS32 PGTW 060900 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL CYCLONE 13S (VINCE) WARNING NR 010// RMKS/ 1. TROPICAL CYCLONE 13S (VINCE) WARNING NR 010 02 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONES IN SOUTHIO MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 060600Z --- NEAR 19.3S 82.5E MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 250 DEGREES AT 08 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 030 NM POSITION BASED ON EYE FIXED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 105 KT, GUSTS 130 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 035 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 035 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 055 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 055 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 050 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 075 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 095 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 080 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT REPEAT POSIT: 19.3S 82.5E --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 061800Z --- 19.7S 80.5E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 105 KT, GUSTS 130 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 020 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT // END PART 01 //  522 WONT54 EGRR 060800 SECURITE STORM WARNING AT 060000UTC, LOW 54 NORTH 34 WEST 979 EXPECTED 74 NORTH 00 EAST 969 BY 070000UTC. WINDS WILL REACH STORM FORCE 10 OR VIOLENT STORM FORCE 11 IN THE SOUTHEAST QUADRANT BETWEEN 50 AND 550 MILES FROM THE CENTRE UNTIL 061800UTC, THEN BETWEEN 50 AND 400 MILES UNTIL 062300UTC. IN ADDITION, SOUTHWESTERLY WINDS WILL REACH STORM FORCE 10 AT TIMES IN THE NORTHWEST OF NORTH ICELAND AFTER 070500UTC  695 WSBZ23 SBGL 060755 SBRE SIGMET 11 VALID 060800/061130 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0405 W03628 - S0625 W03346 - S1029 W03250 - S0728 W03045 - S0728 W03045 - S0404 W02823 - S0337 W02913 - S0316 W03207 - S0202 W03444 - S0405 W03628 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  596 WWCN12 CWTO 060800 SNOW SQUALL WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:00 A.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOW SQUALL WARNING FOR: =NEW= NIPIGON - MARATHON - SUPERIOR NORTH =NEW= WAWA - PUKASKWA PARK. SNOW SQUALL WARNING - REPLACES SNOW SQUALL WATCH FOR: NIPIGON - MARATHON - SUPERIOR NORTH WAWA - PUKASKWA PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOW SQUALLS ARE EXPECTED THIS MORNING AND AFTERNOON. WHAT: TOTAL SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS OF 15 TO 20 CM. NEAR-ZERO VISIBILITIES IN HEAVY SNOW AND LOCAL BLOWING SNOW. WHEN: THIS MORNING CONTINUING THROUGH THIS AFTERNOON. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: WIND GUSTS UP TO 80 KM/H WILL PRODUCE REDUCED VISIBILITIES IN HEAVY SNOW AND LOCAL BLOWING SNOW. SNOW IS EXPECTED TO TAPER OFF LATE THIS AFTERNOON. SNOW SQUALLS CAUSE WEATHER CONDITIONS TO VARY CONSIDERABLY(SEMICOLON) CHANGES FROM CLEAR SKIES TO HEAVY SNOW WITHIN JUST A FEW KILOMETRES ARE COMMON. VISIBILITY WILL BE SUDDENLY REDUCED TO NEAR ZERO AT TIMES IN HEAVY SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW. TRAVEL IS EXPECTED TO BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO REDUCED VISIBILITY. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, SLOW DOWN, WATCH FOR TAIL LIGHTS AHEAD AND BE PREPARED TO STOP. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  896 WWUS84 KCRP 060802 SPSCRP Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Corpus Christi TX 202 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 TXZ245-247-342>347-442-443-447-061400- Coastal Aransas-Inland Calhoun-Coastal Kleberg-Coastal Nueces- Coastal San Patricio-Aransas Islands-Coastal Refugio- Coastal Calhoun-Kleberg Islands-Nueces Islands-Calhoun Islands- Including the cities of Rockport, Fulton, Holiday Beach, Long Mott, Corpus Christi, Flour Bluff, Portland, Ingleside, Aransas Pass, Bayside, Austwell, Seadrift, Port Lavaca, Port O Connor, and Port Aransas 202 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...AREAS OF FOG THIS MORNING... Areas of fog have developed across portions of South Texas this morning. Expect visibilities generally 1 mile or less with a few locations seeing visibilities 1/4 mile or less at times. Use caution if traveling as visibility may change rapidly in a short amount of time. Use low beam headlights and leave extra distance between your vehicle and others on the road. $$  907 WWUS41 KLWX 060802 WSWLWX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 302 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MDZ017-VAZ057-060915- /O.CAN.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ St. Marys-King George- 302 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Current temperatures are a degree or two above freezing. A slow warming continues early this morning. $$ MDZ001-003-501-502-VAZ028-031-507-WVZ050>053-055-501>504-061615- /O.CON.KLWX.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Garrett-Washington-Extreme Western Allegany-Central and Eastern Allegany-Frederick VA-Clarke-Northern Virginia Blue Ridge- Hampshire-Morgan-Berkeley-Jefferson-Hardy-Western Grant-Eastern Grant-Western Mineral-Eastern Mineral- 302 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Significant icing expected. Two to three tenths of an inch of ice from freezing rain, and a coating of sleet expected. * WHERE...Portions of north central and western Maryland, northwest Virginia, and eastern and panhandle West Virginia. * WHEN...Until noon EST today. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Significant ice accumulation on power lines and tree limbs may cause widespread power outages. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...A transition to a steady freezing rain has occurred early this morning. Temperatures will warm later this morning with precipitation transitioning to rain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not touch downed lines and report any power outages to your electric company. Travel is highly discouraged due to slick roadways and the possibility of downed trees and power lines. && $$ VAZ503-WVZ505-061200- /O.CON.KLWX.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Western Highland-Western Pendleton- 302 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Significant icing expected. Two to three tenths of an inch of ice from freezing rain expected. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...In Virginia, Western Highland County. In West Virginia, Western Pendleton County. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Significant ice accumulation on power lines and tree limbs may cause widespread power outages. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...A transition to a steady freezing rain has occurred early this morning. Temperatures will warm this morning with precipitation transitioning to rain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not touch downed lines and report any power outages to your electric company. Travel is highly discouraged due to slick roadways and the possibility of downed trees and power lines. && $$ DCZ001-MDZ008-011-013-014-016-018-504-506-508-VAZ036>039-050-051- 053>056-502-527-061500- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ District of Columbia-Cecil-Southern Baltimore-Prince Georges-Anne Arundel-Charles-Calvert-Central and Southeast Montgomery-Central and Southeast Howard-Southeast Harford-Nelson-Albemarle-Greene- Madison-Orange-Culpeper-Fairfax-Arlington/Falls Church/Alexandria- Stafford-Spotsylvania-Southern Fauquier-Central and Southeast Prince William/Manassas/Manassas Park- 302 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Sleet accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...DC, central, northeast, northern, and southern Maryland, and central, northern, and northwest Virginia. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ MDZ004>006-503-505-507-VAZ040-501-505-506-526-061615- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Frederick MD-Carroll-Northern Baltimore-Northwest Montgomery- Northwest Howard-Northwest Harford-Rappahannock-Northern Fauquier- Western Loudoun-Eastern Loudoun-Northwest Prince William- 302 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Ice accumulations from freezing rain between one tenth and one quarter of an inch, and a coating of sleet expected. * WHERE...Portions of central, north central, and northern Maryland and northern and northwest Virginia. * WHEN...Until noon EST today. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...A steady freezing rain continues early this morning although some sleet may mix in at times. Temperatures will warm this morning transitioning freezing rain over to rain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ VAZ025>027-029-030-508-061615- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Augusta-Rockingham-Shenandoah-Page-Warren-Central Virginia Blue Ridge- 302 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain expected. Ice accumulations from freezing rain ranging from a light glaze in the valleys to two tenths of an inch on the ridges expected. * WHERE...Portions of central, northwest, and western Virginia. * WHEN...Until noon EST today. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...A transition to a steady freezing rain has occurred early this morning. Temperatures will warm later this morning with precipitation transitioning to rain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ VAZ504-WVZ506-061200- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Eastern Highland-Eastern Pendleton- 302 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain expected. Ice accumulations from freezing rain between one tenth and one quarter of an inch expected. * WHERE...In Virginia, Eastern Highland County. In West Virginia, Eastern Pendleton County. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...A transition to a steady freezing rain has occurred early this morning. Temperatures will warm this morning with precipitation transitioning to rain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ BRO  101 WSUY31 SUMU 060810 SUEO SIGMET A3 VALID 060810/061110 SUMU- SUEO MONTEVIDEO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3526 W05537 - S3424 W05521 - S3337 W05308 - S3402 W05253 - S3720 W05117- S3526 W05537 FL100/360 MOV E 10KT NC=  684 WWUS41 KAKQ 060803 WSWAKQ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wakefield VA 303 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAZ075-517-519-521-060915- /O.CAN.KAKQ.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Westmoreland-Western King William-Western King and Queen-Western Essex- 303 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... $$ MDZ021-VAZ048-062-064-510-511-061200- /O.CON.KAKQ.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Dorchester-Fluvanna-Goochland-Caroline-Eastern Louisa-Western Hanover- 303 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Maryland and central and north central Virginia. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. In Maryland, call 511 for road information. In Virginia, call 511 for road information. && $$ VAZ509-061500- /O.CON.KAKQ.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Western Louisa- 303 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Western Louisa County. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. Call 511 for road information. && $$ Butner  478 WSRS31 RUSP 060803 ULLL SIGMET 8 VALID 060900/061200 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST W OF LINE N6624 E02937 - N6620 E03459 - N6049 E03647 - N6123 E02924 SFC/FL100 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  479 WSBZ23 SBGL 060800 SBAZ SIGMET 23 VALID 060805/061130 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0032 W05758 - N0021 W05502 - N0158 W05637 - N0157 W05737 - N0116 W05847 - S0032 W05758 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  809 WSBZ23 SBGL 060800 SBAZ SIGMET 24 VALID 060805/061130 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0449 W05929 - S0812 W05840 - S0656 W05607 - S0524 W05535 - S0032 W05758 - S0449 W05929 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  211 WSAG31 SACO 060808 SACF SIGMET 4 VALID 060808/061008 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 0808Z WI S2705 W06840 - S2742 W06817 - S2821 W06721 - S2904 W06542 - S3014 W06510 - S3003 W06449 - S2959 W06410 - S2959 W06336 - S3036 W06206 - S3032 W06030 - S3015 W06016 - S3004 W06038 - S2852 W06101 - S2653 W06150 - S2521 W06153 - S2505 W06404 - S2404 W06528 - S2455 W06636 - S2523 W06702 - S2604 W06730 - S2607 W06823 - S2629 W06837 - S2705 W06818 - S2708 W06842 - S2705 W06840 TOP FL410 STNR INTSF=  289 WSAG31 SACO 060808 SACF SIGMET 4 VALID 060808/061008 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 0808Z WI S2705 W06840 - S2742 W06817 - S2821 W06721 - S2904 W06542 - S3014 W06510 - S3003 W06449 - S2959 W06410 - S2959 W06336 - S3036 W06206 - S3032 W06030 - S3015 W06016 - S3004 W06038 - S2852 W06101 - S2653 W06150 - S2521 W06153 - S2505 W06404 - S2404 W06528 - S2455 W06636 - S2523 W06702 - S2604 W06730 - S2607 W06823 - S2629 W06837 - S2705 W06818 - S2708 W06842 - S2705 W06840 TOP FL410 STNR INTSF=  836 WHUS71 KGYX 060804 MWWGYX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gray ME 304 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ANZ150-152-154-062215- /O.UPG.KGYX.GL.A.0004.250207T0600Z-250208T0300Z/ /O.NEW.KGYX.GL.W.0011.250207T0600Z-250208T0000Z/ Coastal Waters from Stonington, ME to Port Clyde, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Port Clyde, ME to Cape Elizabeth, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Cape Elizabeth, ME to Merrimack River, MA out 25 NM- 304 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 7 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and seas 4 to 7 ft expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Stonington, ME to Port Clyde, ME out 25 NM, Coastal Waters from Port Clyde, ME to Cape Elizabeth, ME out 25 NM and Coastal Waters from Cape Elizabeth, ME to Merrimack River, MA out 25 NM. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 7 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ ANZ151-153-062215- /O.NEW.KGYX.SC.Y.0018.250207T0600Z-250208T0000Z/ Penobscot Bay-Casco Bay- 304 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 7 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 2 to 5 ft expected. * WHERE...Penobscot Bay and Casco Bay. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 7 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  120 WGUS51 KRLX 060805 FFWRLX WVC039-043-079-061115- /O.NEW.KRLX.FF.W.0002.250206T0805Z-250206T1115Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 305 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Charleston has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Northern Kanawha County in central West Virginia... Northeastern Lincoln County in central West Virginia... Central Putnam County in western West Virginia... * Until 615 AM EST. * At 305 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Between 1 and 1.5 inches of rain have fallen. Additional rainfall amounts of 0.5 to 1 inch are possible in the warned area. Flash flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Flash flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other poor drainage and low-lying areas. * Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Charleston, Nitro, Winfield, Jefferson, South Charleston, St. Albans, Dunbar, Hurricane, Sissonville, Clendenin, Poca, Institute, Cross Lanes, Coal Fork, Pinch, Elkview, Tornado, Alum Creek, Teays Valley and Culloden. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3837 8205 3838 8205 3840 8205 3841 8205 3847 8205 3855 8181 3854 8132 3829 8125 3828 8181 3827 8205 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$ TRM  967 WWUS41 KALY 060807 WSWALY URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albany NY 307 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 CTZ001-013-MAZ001-025-NYZ038-040-047>049-051>054-058>061-063>066- 062000- /O.CON.KALY.WW.Y.0011.250206T0900Z-250206T2300Z/ Northern Litchfield-Southern Litchfield-Northern Berkshire- Southern Berkshire-Southern Herkimer-Montgomery-Schoharie-Western Schenectady-Eastern Schenectady-Western Albany-Eastern Albany- Western Rensselaer-Eastern Rensselaer-Western Greene-Eastern Greene-Western Columbia-Eastern Columbia-Western Ulster-Eastern Ulster-Western Dutchess-Eastern Dutchess- Including the cities of Ilion, Athens, Pine Plains, Westerlo, Sandisfield, Gilboa, Amsterdam, Stanfordville, New Milford, Napanoch, Breakabeen, Hunter, Arlington, Frankfort, Terryville, Rotterdam, Windham, Ellenville, North Blenheim, Cairo, West Shokan, Thomaston, Catskill, Albany, Amenia, Mohawk, Jefferson, Millbrook, Little Falls, Oakville, Berne, New Lebanon, Stephentown, Woodstock, Sundown, Tannersville, Cobleskill, Gaylordsville, Hancock, Poughkeepsie, Delanson, Florida, Livingstonville, Mariaville, Herkimer, Schenectady, Altamont, Great Barrington, Eagle Bridge, Beacon, North Adams, Troy, Berlin, Torrington, Coxsackie, Pittsfield, Dolgeville, Dover Plains, Kerhonkson, New Paltz, West Hurley, Middleburgh, Hudson, Kingston, Wingdale, Preston Hollow, Duanesburg, Prattsville, Jefferson Heights, Pawling, Dalton, South Egremont, Knox, and Hoosick Falls 307 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations between 1 and 3 inches and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of northwestern Connecticut, western Massachusetts, and eastern New York. * WHEN...Until 6 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow this morning will transition over to a mix of sleet and freezing rain or drizzle by this afternoon. Snowfall rates could reach one inch per hour this morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ NYZ032-033-039-041>043-050-082>084-VTZ013>015-062000- /O.CON.KALY.WW.Y.0011.250206T1200Z-250206T2300Z/ Northern Herkimer-Hamilton-Southern Fulton-Northern Saratoga- Northern Warren-Northern Washington-Southern Saratoga-Northern Fulton-Southeast Warren-Southern Washington-Bennington-Western Windham-Eastern Windham- Including the cities of Brattleboro, Granville, Middle Falls, North Creek, Ballston Spa, Johnstown, Saratoga Lake, Woodford State Park, Warrensburg, Guilford Center, Pownal, Stamford, North River, Big Moose, Wells, Hague, Northwood, Whitehall, Mechanicville, Clifton Park, Saratoga Springs, Hudson Falls, Gloversville, Glens Falls, North Easton, Waterford, Greenwich, Long Lake, Sabattis, Stratton, West Brattleboro, Nobleboro, Caroga Lake, Hoffmeister, Bellows Falls, Fort Edward, Eagle Bay, Cambridge, Johnsburg, Londonderry, Burnt Hills, Atwell, Bennington, West Glens Falls, Huletts Landing, Bolton Landing, McKeever, and Old Forge 307 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM THIS MORNING TO 6 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations between 2 and 4 inches and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of eastern New York and southern Vermont. * WHEN...From 7 AM this morning to 6 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow this morning will transition over to a mix of sleet and freezing rain or drizzle this afternoon. Snowfall rates could reach or exceed one inch per hour this morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ Rathbun  444 WTXS33 PGTW 060900 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL CYCLONE 14S (TALIAH) WARNING NR 011// RMKS/ 1. TROPICAL CYCLONE 14S (TALIAH) WARNING NR 011 02 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONES IN SOUTHIO MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 060600Z --- NEAR 14.9S 103.8E MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 270 DEGREES AT 10 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 060 NM POSITION BASED ON CENTER LOCATED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 000 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 000 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 110 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 150 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 130 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 170 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 180 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT REPEAT POSIT: 14.9S 103.8E --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 061800Z --- 15.4S 101.5E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 060 KT, GUSTS 075 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 080 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 120 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 140 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 140 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 255 DEG/ 12 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 070600Z --- 16.0S 99.1E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 055 KT, GUSTS 070 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 130 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 120 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 140 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 260 DEG/ 11 KTS --- 36 HRS, VALID AT: 071800Z --- 16.3S 96.9E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 055 KT, GUSTS 070 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 080 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 120 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 130 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 120 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 48 HR POSIT: 275 DEG/ 09 KTS --- EXTENDED OUTLOOK: 48 HRS, VALID AT: 080600Z --- 16.2S 95.0E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 055 KT, GUSTS 070 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 080 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 110 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 120 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 110 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 72 HR POSIT: 280 DEG/ 05 KTS --- 72 HRS, VALID AT: 090600Z --- 15.9S 92.9E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 020 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 020 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 120 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 140 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 96 HR POSIT: 280 DEG/ 03 KTS --- LONG RANGE OUTLOOK: --- 96 HRS, VALID AT: 100600Z --- 15.7S 91.8E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 070 KT, GUSTS 085 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 050 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 130 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 120 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 120 HR POSIT: 260 DEG/ 05 KTS --- 120 HRS, VALID AT: 110600Z --- 16.0S 89.9E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 075 KT, GUSTS 090 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 170 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 180 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 170 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT --- REMARKS: 060900Z POSITION NEAR 15.0S 103.2E. 06FEB25. TROPICAL CYCLONE 14S (TALIAH), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 434 NM EAST-SOUTHEAST OF THE COCOS ISLANDS, HAS TRACKED WESTWARD AT 10 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE AT 060600Z IS 981 MB. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 060600Z IS 25 FEET. NEXT WARNINGS AT 062100Z AND 070900Z. REFER TO TROPICAL CYCLONE 13S (VINCE) WARNINGS (WTXS32 PGTW) FOR TWLEVE-HOURLY UPDATES.// NNNN  846 WWUS74 KLZK 060809 NPWLZK URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Little Rock AR 209 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ARZ042-052>055-062-141-241-341-060915- /O.CAN.KLZK.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ Garland-Pike-Clark-Hot Spring-Grant-Dallas-Central and Eastern Montgomery County-Northern Montgomery County Higher Elevations- Southwest Montgomery County Higher Elevations- Including the cities of Malvern, Norman, Murfreesboro, Albert, Arkadelphia, Story, Glenwood, Hot Springs, Sheridan, Mount Ida, and Fordyce 209 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Warmer air has advected into portions of southwestern Arkansas which has helped increase visibilities above one quarter of a mile. $$ ARZ007-008-017-061300- /O.CON.KLZK.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ Sharp-Randolph-Lawrence- Including the cities of Ash Flat, Hardy, Pocahontas, Cave City, Hoxie, Walnut Ridge, and Attica 209 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Lawrence, Randolph, and Sharp Counties. * WHEN...Until 7 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ ARZ016-024-025-031>034-039-043>046-122-123-138-238-061300- /O.CON.KLZK.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ Independence-Cleburne-Jackson-Conway-Faulkner-White-Woodruff- Perry-Saline-Pulaski-Lonoke-Prairie-Southern Pope County- Southeast Van Buren County-Northwest Yell County-Yell Excluding Northwest- Including the cities of Beebe, Augusta, London, Des Arc, Danville, Cabot, Morrilton, McCrory, Conway, Benton, De Valls Bluff, Perryville, Heber Springs, Little Rock, Lonoke, Atkins, Cotton Plant, Shirley, Havana, Plainview, Clinton, Newport, Russellville, Ola, Hazen, Bryant, Batesville, Dardanelle, Fairfield Bay, Hector, Scotland, Searcy, Damascus, North Little Rock, and Waveland 209 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of central, eastern, and north central Arkansas. * WHEN...Until 7 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ 70  991 WVCO31 SKBO 060806 SKED SIGMET 2 VALID 060740/061345 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR VA ERUPTION MT VOLCAN NEVADO DEL RUIZ PSN N0453 W07519 VA CLD OBS AT 0710Z SFC/FL210 N0454 W07519 - N0452 W07518 - N0432 W07525 - N0439 W07536 - N0454 W07519 MOV SW 5KT=  717 WWPS21 NFFN 060600 Tropical Disturbance Summary For area Equator to 25S, 160E to 120W ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI Feb 060811 UTC. TROPICAL DISTURBANCE TD06F CENTRE [1000HPA] WAS ANALYSED NEAR 22.2S 162.7E AT 060600UTC. POSITION FAIR BASED ON HIMAWARI-9 IR/VIS IMAGERY WITH ANIMATION AND PERIPHERAL SURFACE OBSERVATIONS. TD06F SLOW MOVING. TD06F LLCC IS EXPOSED AND CONVECTION REMAINS PERSISTENT TO THE EAST-NORTHEAST OF THE SUPPOSED LLCC. ORGANISATION REMAINS POOR. THE SYSTEM HAS AN ELONGATED CENTRE. TD06F LIES IN A HIGH SHEARED ENVIRONMENT WITH POOR UPPER DIVERGENCE. CYCLONIC CIRCULATIONS EXTEND UP TO 700HPA. SST IS AROUND 28-29 DEGREES CELSIUS. TD06F IS BEING STEERED TOWARDS SOUTH-EAST BY THE NORTHWEST DEEP LAYER MEAN. TD06F IS EXPECTED TO BE IMPEDED BY THE NEW CALEDONIA LAND MASS WHICH WILL HINDER DEVELOPMENT IN THE NEXT 12 TO 24 HOURS. GLOBAL MODELS HAVE PICKED UP THIS SYSTEM AND CONTINUE TO MOVE IT SOUTHEASTWARDS WITH LITTLE INTENSIFICATION. POTENTIAL FOR THIS SYSTEM TO DEVELOP INTO A TROPICAL CYCLONE IN THE NEXT 24 TO 48 HOURS IS LOW. ****************************************************************** NO OTHER SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ANALYSED OR FORECAST IN THE AREA.  879 WVCO31 SKBO 060809 SKED SIGMET 2 VALID 060740/061345 SKBO- SKED BOGOTA FIR VA ERUPTION MT VOLCAN NEVADO DEL RUIZ PSN N0453 W07519 VA CLD OBS AT 0710Z SFC/FL210 N0454 W07519 - N0452 W07518 - N0432 W07525 - N0439 W07536 - N0454 W07519 MOV SW 5KT=  966 WAIY32 LIIB 060812 LIRR AIRMET 1 VALID 060815/060930 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3817 E00938 - N3915 E01043 - N3849 E01320 - N3625 E01403 - N3628 E01126 - N3729 E01126 - N3817 E00938 TOP ABV FL150 STNR NC=  156 WTXS33 PGTW 060900 080600Z --- 16.2S 95.0E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 055 KT, GUSTS 070 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 080 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 110 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 120 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 110 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 72 HR POSIT: 280 DEG/ 05 KTS --- 72 HRS, VALID AT: 090600Z --- 15.9S 92.9E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 020 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 020 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 120 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 140 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 96 HR POSIT: 280 DEG/ 03 KTS --- LONG RANGE OUTLOOK: --- 96 HRS, VALID AT: 100600Z --- 15.7S 91.8E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 070 KT, GUSTS 085 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY // END PART 03 //  157 WTXS33 PGTW 060900 NM EAST-SOUTHEAST OF THE COCOS ISLANDS, HAS TRACKED WESTWARD AT 10 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE AT 060600Z IS 981 MB. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 060600Z IS 25 FEET. NEXT WARNINGS AT 062100Z AND 070900Z. REFER TO TROPICAL CYCLONE 13S (VINCE) WARNINGS (WTXS32 PGTW) FOR TWLEVE-HOURLY UPDATES.// ???? // END PART 05/05 //  158 WTXS33 PGTW 060900 RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 050 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 130 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 120 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 120 HR POSIT: 260 DEG/ 05 KTS --- 120 HRS, VALID AT: 110600Z --- 16.0S 89.9E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 075 KT, GUSTS 090 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 170 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 180 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 170 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT --- REMARKS: 060900Z POSITION NEAR 15.0S 103.2E. 06FEB25. TROPICAL CYCLONE 14S (TALIAH), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 434 // END PART 04 //  159 WTXS33 PGTW 060900 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL CYCLONE 14S (TALIAH) WARNING NR 011// RMKS/ 1. TROPICAL CYCLONE 14S (TALIAH) WARNING NR 011 02 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONES IN SOUTHIO MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 060600Z --- NEAR 14.9S 103.8E MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 270 DEGREES AT 10 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 060 NM POSITION BASED ON CENTER LOCATED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 000 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 000 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 070 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 110 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 150 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 130 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 170 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 180 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT REPEAT POSIT: 14.9S 103.8E --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 061800Z --- 15.4S 101.5E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 060 KT, GUSTS 075 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT // END PART 01 //  638 WGUS83 KJKL 060812 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 312 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC011-065-165-173-197-205-061145- /O.NEW.KJKL.FA.Y.0004.250206T0812Z-250206T1145Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bath KY-Estill KY-Menifee KY-Montgomery KY-Powell KY-Rowan KY- 312 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Urban and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall are expected. * WHERE...A portion of east central Kentucky, including the following counties, Bath, Estill, Menifee, Montgomery, Powell and Rowan. * WHEN...Until 645 AM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 312 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause urban and small stream flooding. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Stanton, Frenchburg, Jeffersonville, Camargo, Clay City, Wellington, Campsites in the Indian Creek area of the Daniel Boone National Forrest, Means, Cedar Groves, Cornwell, Fagan, Clay Lick, Lucky Stop, Rothwell, Bean, Bowen, Cat Creek, Hope, Rosslyn and Tabor. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3786 8401 3790 8399 3792 8399 3793 8397 3799 8400 3807 8344 3797 8344 3787 8356 3775 8408 3777 8408 3778 8411 3781 8407 3782 8410 3785 8408 3782 8407 3785 8406 3783 8404 3784 8400 3787 8403 $$ CMC  106 WTXS33 PGTW 060900 080 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 120 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 140 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 140 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 255 DEG/ 12 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 070600Z --- 16.0S 99.1E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 055 KT, GUSTS 070 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 130 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 120 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 140 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 260 DEG/ 11 KTS --- 36 HRS, VALID AT: 071800Z --- 16.3S 96.9E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 055 KT, GUSTS 070 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 080 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 120 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 130 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 120 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 48 HR POSIT: 275 DEG/ 09 KTS --- EXTENDED OUTLOOK: 48 HRS, VALID AT: // END PART 02 //  656 WSIR31 OIII 060811 OIIX SIGMET 06 VALID 060810/061030 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N2954 E04924 - N3040 E05107 - N2754 E05319 - N2636 E05101 - N2931 E04915 - N2954 E04924 TOP FL320 MOV ENE INTSF=  878 WWUS41 KOKX 060812 WSWOKX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New York NY 312 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 CTZ005>008-NJZ002-004-103-105-107-NYZ067>070-061800- /O.CON.KOKX.WW.Y.0004.250206T0900Z-250206T1800Z/ Northern Fairfield-Northern New Haven-Northern Middlesex-Northern New London-Western Passaic-Eastern Passaic-Western Bergen-Western Essex-Western Union-Orange-Putnam-Rockland-Northern Westchester- 312 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations up to two inches and ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of southern Connecticut, northeast New Jersey, and southeast New York. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Precipitation will begin as snow, then change to a wintry mix of snow, sleet, and freezing rain this morning. Temperatures eventually rise above freezing from south to north late morning into early afternoon with any lingering precipitation in the form of rain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Check local Department of Transportation information services for the latest road conditions. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ CTZ009>012-NJZ104-NYZ071-061800- /O.CON.KOKX.WW.Y.0004.250206T0900Z-250206T1800Z/ Southern Fairfield-Southern New Haven-Southern Middlesex-Southern New London-Eastern Bergen-Southern Westchester- 312 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations up to two inches and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of southern Connecticut, northeast New Jersey, and southeast New York. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Precipitation will begin as snow, then change to a wintry mix of snow, sleet, and freezing rain this morning. Temperatures eventually rise above freezing from south to north late morning into early afternoon with any lingering precipitation in the form of rain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Check local Department of Transportation information services for the latest road conditions. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ NJZ006-106-108-NYZ072>075-078-080-176>179-061600- /O.CON.KOKX.WW.Y.0004.250206T0900Z-250206T1600Z/ Hudson-Eastern Essex-Eastern Union-New York (Manhattan)-Bronx- Richmond (Staten Island)-Kings (Brooklyn)-Northwest Suffolk- Southwest Suffolk-Northern Queens-Northern Nassau-Southern Queens- Southern Nassau- 312 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations 1 to locally 2 inches and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of northeast New Jersey and southeast New York. * WHEN...Until 11 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Precipitation will begin as snow, then change to a wintry mix of snow, sleet, and freezing rain during the morning commute. Temperatures will gradually rise above freezing changing the precip to plain rain by late morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Check local Department of Transportation information services for the latest road conditions. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/nyc MW  781 WSBZ23 SBGL 060810 SBCW SIGMET 21 VALID 060815/061130 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2234 W05546 - S2359 W05525 - S2349 W05440 - S2418 W05416 - S2449 W05425 - S2308 W05038 - S2109 W05239 - S2234 W05546 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  782 WSBZ23 SBGL 060810 SBCW SIGMET 22 VALID 060815/061130 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2034 W05644 - S2210 W05452 - S2109 W05239 - S2308 W05038 - S2402 W05240 - S2936 W04607 - S2930 W04601 - S2731 W04423 - S2343 W04701 - S2307 W04734 - S2220 W04955 - S2020 W05127 - S1724 W05407 - S1734 W05441 - S1735 W05451 - S2034 W05644 FL160/220 STNR NC=  090 WSBZ23 SBGL 060810 SBCW SIGMET 23 VALID 060815/061130 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR CNL SIGMET 18 060730/061130=  110 WHUS71 KPHI 060816 MWWPHI URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 316 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ANZ450>452-062300- /O.CON.KPHI.SC.Y.0021.250206T2300Z-250207T1100Z/ Coastal waters from Sandy Hook to Manasquan Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Manasquan Inlet to Little Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Little Egg Inlet to Great Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm- 316 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 10 to 15 kt and seas 4 to 5 ft expected. * WHERE...Coastal waters from Sandy Hook to Manasquan Inlet NJ out 20 nm, Coastal waters from Manasquan Inlet to Little Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm and Coastal waters from Little Egg Inlet to Great Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 6 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ453>455-062300- /O.CON.KPHI.SC.Y.0021.250206T2300Z-250207T1100Z/ Coastal waters from Great Egg Inlet to Cape May NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Cape May NJ to Cape Henlopen DE out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Cape Henlopen to Fenwick Island DE out 20 nm- 316 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds around 10 kt and seas 4 to 5 ft expected. * WHERE...Coastal waters from Great Egg Inlet to Cape May NJ out 20 nm, Coastal waters from Cape May NJ to Cape Henlopen DE out 20 nm and Coastal waters from Cape Henlopen to Fenwick Island DE out 20 nm. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 6 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ MPS  315 WWIN80 VOJV 060813 VOJV 060800 AD WRNG 1 VALID 060800/061200 SFC WSPD 20KT FROM 120DEG OBS NC=  777 WWUS74 KHGX 060816 NPWHGX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Houston/Galveston TX 216 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 TXZ335>338-436>439-061400- /O.NEW.KHGX.FG.Y.0007.250206T0816Z-250206T1400Z/ Coastal Jackson-Coastal Matagorda-Coastal Brazoria-Coastal Galveston-Matagorda Islands-Brazoria Islands-Galveston Island- Bolivar Peninsula- Including the cities of Clute, La Marque, Texas City, Palacios, Lake Jackson, Surfside Beach, Galveston, Freeport, and Dickinson 216 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Coastal Jackson, Bolivar Peninsula, Brazoria Islands, Coastal Brazoria, Coastal Galveston, Coastal Matagorda, Galveston Island, and Matagorda Islands Counties. * WHEN...Until 8 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ JM  422 WAIS31 LLBD 060806 LLLL AIRMET 15 VALID 060806/061200 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR CNL AIRMET 13 060800/061200=  272 WAIS31 LLBD 060807 LLLL AIRMET 16 VALID 060807/061200 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC OBS WI N3321 E03548 - N3257 E03555 - N3018 E03435 - N3042 E03426 - N3321 E03548 STNR NC=  052 WWJP27 RJTD 060600 WARNING AND SUMMARY 060600. WARNING VALID 070600. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. STORM WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 988 HPA AT 39N 155E FAR OFF EAST OF JAPAN MOVING ENE 25 KNOTS. WINDS 30 TO 50 KNOTS WITHIN 800 MILES OF LOW SOUTH SEMICIRCLE AND 300 MILES ELSEWHERE. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 55 KNOTS WITHIN 800 MILES OF LOW SOUTH SEMICIRCLE AND 300 MILES ELSEWHERE WITHIN NEXT 6 HOURS. FORECAST POSITION FOR 061800UTC AT 40N 161E WITH UNCERTAINTY OF 50 MILES RADIUS. FORECAST POSITION FOR 070600UTC AT 40N 170E WITH UNCERTAINTY OF 80 MILES RADIUS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 978 HPA AT 41N 177E SEA SOUTH OF ALEUTIANS MOVING ENE 30 KNOTS. WINDS 30 TO 45 KNOTS WITHIN 1100 MILES OF LOW NORTH SEMICIRCLE AND 500 MILES ELSEWHERE. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 45 KNOTS WITHIN 1100 MILES OF LOW NORTH SEMICIRCLE AND 500 MILES ELSEWHERE FOR NEXT 24 HOURS. ANOTHER LOW 982 HPA AT 45N 180E MOVING NW SLOWLY GALE WARNING. DEVELOPED LOW 988 HPA AT 46N 141E SEA OF JAPAN MOVING ESE SLOWLY. WINDS 30 TO 40 KNOTS WITHIN 1000 MILES OF LOW NORTHWEST SEMICIRCLE AND 800 MILES ELSEWHERE. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 40 KNOTS WITHIN 1100 MILES OF LOW WEST SEMICIRCLE AND 800 MILES ELSEWHERE FOR NEXT 24 HOURS. GALE WARNING. EXPECTED NORTHEASTERLY WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN NEXT 24 HOURS PREVAILING OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 26N 124E 23N 125E 18N 118E 20N 114E 25N 118E 26N 124E. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER NORTHERN PART OF SOUTH CHINA SEA. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 47N 155E 49N 155E 50N 161E 60N 175E 60N 180E 40N 180E 40N 170E 47N 155E. SUMMARY. LOW 988 HPA AT 46N 163E NNE 10 KT. HIGH 1024 HPA AT 31N 122E ESE 10 KT. STATIONARY FRONT FROM 26N 165E TO 28N 170E 30N 175E 32N 180E 33N 177W 30N 171W. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  439 WWCN11 CWWG 060818 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:18 A.M. CST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: BERENS RIVER - LITTLE GRAND RAPIDS - BLOODVEIN - ATIKAKI POPLAR RIVER. SNOWFALL WARNING ENDED FOR: ARBORG - HECLA - FISHER RIVER - GYPSUMVILLE - ASHERN GRAND RAPIDS - WATERHEN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 10 TO 20 CM IS EXPECTED THROUGH THE INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA. THIS SYSTEM, TRACKING THROUGH THE NORTHERN US STATES, CONTINUES TO BRING HEAVY BANDS OF SNOW THROUGH CENTRAL INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA WEDNESDAY NIGHT. LIGHT, FLUFFY SNOW WILL RAPIDLY ACCUMULATE BEFORE TAPERING OFF TO LIGHT FLURRIES THURSDAY AFTERNOON. PREPARE FOR QUICKLY CHANGING AND DETERIORATING TRAVEL CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW WILL MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. THERE MAY BE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC IN URBAN AREAS. PUBLIC SAFETY CANADA ENCOURAGES EVERYONE TO MAKE AN EMERGENCY PLAN AND GET AN EMERGENCY KIT WITH DRINKING WATER, FOOD, MEDICINE, A FIRST-AID KIT AND A FLASHLIGHT. FOR INFORMATION ON EMERGENCY PLANS AND KITS GO TO HTTPS://WWW.GETPREPARED.GC.CA/. SNOWFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  440 WWCN20 CWWG 060818 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR THE MANITOBA LAKES UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:18 A.M. CST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: LAKE WINNIPEG - SOUTH BASIN LAKE WINNIPEG - NORTH BASIN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 10 TO 20 CM IS EXPECTED THROUGH THE INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA. THIS SYSTEM, TRACKING THROUGH THE NORTHERN US STATES, CONTINUES TO BRING HEAVY BANDS OF SNOW THROUGH CENTRAL INTERLAKE REGIONS OF MANITOBA WEDNESDAY NIGHT. LIGHT, FLUFFY SNOW WILL RAPIDLY ACCUMULATE BEFORE TAPERING OFF TO LIGHT FLURRIES THURSDAY AFTERNOON. PREPARE FOR QUICKLY CHANGING AND DETERIORATING TRAVEL CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW WILL MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. THERE MAY BE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC IN URBAN AREAS. PUBLIC SAFETY CANADA ENCOURAGES EVERYONE TO MAKE AN EMERGENCY PLAN AND GET AN EMERGENCY KIT WITH DRINKING WATER, FOOD, MEDICINE, A FIRST-AID KIT AND A FLASHLIGHT. FOR INFORMATION ON EMERGENCY PLANS AND KITS GO TO HTTPS://WWW.GETPREPARED.GC.CA/. SNOWFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  927 WSIL31 BICC 060818 BIRD SIGMET U04 VALID 060911/061300 BIRK- BIRD REYKJAVIK CTA SEV TURB FCST WI N6220 W00810 - N6230 W00610 - N6120 W00550 - N6110 W00740 - N6220 W00810 SFC/FL060 STNR NC=  908 WHUS73 KGRR 060822 MWWGRR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Rapids MI 322 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 LMZ846>849-061630- /O.CON.KGRR.GL.W.0005.250206T1800Z-250207T0900Z/ Holland to Grand Haven MI-Grand Haven to Whitehall MI- Whitehall to Pentwater MI-Pentwater to Manistee MI- 322 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 25 to 35 knots with gusts up to 45 knots and waves 9 to 14 feet expected. * WHERE...Holland to Manistee. * WHEN...From 1 PM Thursday to 4 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ844-845-061630- /O.CON.KGRR.GL.W.0005.250207T0000Z-250207T0900Z/ St Joseph to South Haven MI-South Haven to Holland MI- 322 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 knots with gusts up to 40 knots and waves 7 to 11 feet expected. * WHERE...St Joseph to Holland. * WHEN...From 7 PM Thursday to 4 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$  566 WOCN20 CWVR 060823 SPECIAL AIR QUALITY STATEMENT FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AND THE B.C. MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY AT 12:23 A.M. PST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL AIR QUALITY STATEMENT FOR: LAKES DISTRICT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== AIR QUALITY ADVISORY CONTINUED FOR HOUSTON (FEBRUARY 05, 2025 10:00 AM) THE MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND PARKS IN COLLABORATION WITH THE NORTHERN HEALTH AUTHORITY ISSUED AN AIR QUALITY ADVISORY FOR HOUSTON ON FEBRUARY 4, 2025. THE AIR QUALITY ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT DUE TO HIGH CONCENTRATIONS OF FINE PARTICULATE MATTER THAT ARE EXPECTED TO PERSIST UNTIL WEATHER CONDITIONS CHANGE. EXPOSURE IS PARTICULARLY A CONCERN FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH CHRONIC CONDITIONS SUCH AS ASTHMA, COPD, HEART DISEASE, AND DIABETES(SEMICOLON) RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS SUCH AS COVID-19, PREGNANT WOMEN, INFANTS, AND OLDER ADULTS. PERSONS WITH CHRONIC UNDERLYING MEDICAL CONDITIONS OR ACUTE INFECTIONS SHOULD POSTPONE OR REDUCE STRENUOUS EXERCISE UNTIL THE ADVISORY IS LIFTED. WHERE APPROPRIATE, MAINTAIN PHYSICAL DISTANCING. ANYONE EXPERIENCING SYMPTOMS SUCH AS CONTINUING EYE OR THROAT IRRITATION, CHEST DISCOMFORT, SHORTNESS OF BREATH, COUGH OR WHEEZING, SHOULD FOLLOW THE ADVICE OF THEIR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER. STAYING INDOORS HELPS TO REDUCE EXPOSURE. REAL-TIME AIR QUALITY OBSERVATIONS AND INFORMATION REGARDING THE HEALTH EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTION CAN BE FOUND AT HTTPS://WWW.GOV.BC.CA/AIRQUALITY. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON CURRENT AIR QUALITY, VISIT HTTPS://WWW2.GOV.BC.CA/GOV/CONTENT/ENVIRONMENT/AIR-LAND-WATER/AIR. VISIT HTTP://WWW.AIRHEALTH.CA FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO REDUCE YOUR HEALTH RISK AND YOUR PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION TO POLLUTION LEVELS, AS WELL AS FOR CURRENT AND FORECAST AQHI VALUES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  821 WHUS71 KOKX 060824 MWWOKX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New York NY 324 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ANZ331-332-335-338-340-345-062130- /O.EXB.KOKX.SC.Y.0016.250207T1100Z-250207T2300Z/ Long Island Sound East of New Haven CT/Port Jefferson NY to the Mouth of the Connecticut River- Long Island Sound East of the Mouth of the Connecticut River- Long Island Sound West of New Haven CT/Port Jefferson NY- New York Harbor-Peconic and Gardiners Bays- South Shore Bays from Jones Inlet through Shinnecock Bay- 324 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM TO 6 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 3 to 5 feet expected. * WHERE...Long Island Sound, New York Harbor, Peconic and Gardiners Bays, and South Shore Bays from Jones Inlet through Shinnecock Bay. * WHEN...From 6 AM to 6 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ350-062130- /O.EXT.KOKX.SC.Y.0016.250206T1800Z-250207T2300Z/ Moriches Inlet NY to Montauk Point NY out 20 nm- 324 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 6 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 5 to 8 feet expected. * WHERE...Moriches Inlet NY to Montauk Point NY out 20 nm. * WHEN...From 1 PM this afternoon to 6 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ353-355-062130- /O.EXT.KOKX.SC.Y.0016.250206T2300Z-250207T2300Z/ Fire Island Inlet NY to Moriches Inlet NY out 20 nm- Sandy Hook NJ to Fire Island Inlet NY out 20 nm- 324 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 4 to 7 feet expected. * WHERE...Sandy Hook NJ to Moriches Inlet NY out 20 nm. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 6 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ For more details, see the Coastal Waters Forecast from National Weather Service New York NY, or visit https://www.weather.gov/okx/marine  038 WWUS43 KABR 060824 WSWABR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Aberdeen SD 224 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 SDZ003>005-009-010-015>017-062015- /O.NEW.KABR.WS.A.0001.250207T1800Z-250208T1800Z/ Corson-Campbell-McPherson-Walworth-Edmunds-Dewey-Potter-Faulk- Including the cities of Ipswich, McIntosh, Gettysburg, Mobridge, Eureka, Faulkton, Herreid, and Isabel 224 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 /124 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY AFTERNOON THROUGH SATURDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 8 inches possible. * WHERE...A portion of north central South Dakota. * WHEN...From Friday afternoon through Saturday morning. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. && $$ MNZ039-046-SDZ006>008-011-018>023-062015- /O.NEW.KABR.WS.A.0001.250208T0000Z-250208T2100Z/ Traverse-Big Stone-Brown-Marshall-Roberts-Day-Spink-Clark- Codington-Grant-Hamlin-Deuel- Including the cities of Clark, Hayti, Ortonville, Clear Lake, Redfield, Britton, Aberdeen, Wheaton, Webster, Milbank, Watertown, and Sisseton 224 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY EVENING THROUGH SATURDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 6 and 10 inches possible. * WHERE...Portions of west central Minnesota and northeast South Dakota. * WHEN...From Friday evening through Saturday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. && $$ BC  516 WHUS74 KCRP 060825 MWWCRP URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Corpus Christi TX 225 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 GMZ231-232-250-061600- /O.CON.KCRP.MF.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ Baffin Bay and Upper Laguna Madre-Corpus Christi and Nueces Bays- Coastal waters from Baffin Bay to Port Aransas out 20 NM- 225 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to one mile or less. * WHERE...Baffin Bay and Upper Laguna Madre, Corpus Christi and Nueces Bays and Coastal waters from Baffin Bay to Port Aransas out 20 NM. * WHEN...Until 10 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$ GMZ236-237-255-061600- /O.CON.KCRP.MF.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ Copano, Aransas, and Redfish Bays- San Antonio, Mesquite, and Espiritu Santo Bays- Coastal waters from Port Aransas to Matagorda Ship Channel out 20 NM- 225 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to one mile or less. * WHERE...Copano, Aransas, and Redfish Bays, San Antonio, Mesquite, and Espiritu Santo Bays and Coastal waters from Port Aransas to Matagorda Ship Channel out 20 NM. * WHEN...Until 10 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  173 WWUS43 KGRR 060826 WSWGRR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Rapids MI 326 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MIZ050-056>059-064>067-071>074-061400- /O.CON.KGRR.WW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1400Z/ Muskegon-Ottawa-Kent-Ionia-Clinton-Allegan-Barry-Eaton-Ingham-Van Buren-Kalamazoo-Calhoun-Jackson- Including the cities of St. Johns, Hastings, Grand Rapids, Battle Creek, Ionia, Jenison, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Grand Haven, Lansing, Holland, Charlotte, Muskegon, and South Haven 326 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Total snow and sleet accumulations of up to one half inch and ice accumulations of a light glaze to up to a tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of south central, southwest, and west central Michigan. * WHEN...Until 9 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. && $$ Laurens  174 WWUS45 KTFX 060826 WSWTFX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Great Falls MT 126 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 MTZ307>310-312>314-316-319-321-062330- /O.NEW.KTFX.WW.Y.0016.250207T0600Z-250208T0600Z/ Southern Rocky Mountain Front-Southern High Plains-Eastern Pondera and Eastern Teton-Western and Central Chouteau County- Cascade County below 5000ft-Judith Basin County and Judith Gap- Fergus County below 4500ft-Gates of the Mountains-Helena Valley- Meagher County Valleys- Including the following locations: Lewistown, Brady, Floweree, Raynesford, Moccasin, Pendroy, Ringling, Geyser, Benchland, Carter, Canyon Creek, Great Falls, Fort Benton, Checkerboard, White Sulphur Springs, Conrad, Bynum, Wolf Creek, Windham, Choteau, Stanford, Hobson, Martinsdale, Helena, Craig, Ledger, Hilger, and Rogers Pass 126 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 5 inches. * WHERE...Portions of central and north central Montana. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or visiting the MDT Road Report website. To see a graphical representation of the degree of stress on young livestock please visit our webpage and select Local Programs then Cold Air Advisory for Newborn Livestock. && $$ MTZ315-317-318-320-322-327-330-062330- /O.NEW.KTFX.WW.Y.0016.250207T0600Z-250208T0600Z/ Upper Blackfoot and MacDonald Pass-Little Belt and Highwood Mountains-Snowy and Judith Mountains-Big Belt, Bridger and Castle Mountains-Elkhorn and Boulder Mountains-Northwest Beaverhead County-Gallatin and Madison County Mountains and Centennial Mountains- Including the following locations: Big Sky, Deep Creek Pass, Marysville, Battle Ridge Pass, Lincoln, Trident, Monarch, Dewey, Wisdom, Wise River, Big Hole Pass, Wickes, West Yellowstone, Boulder, Clancy, Montana City, Maudlow, MacDonald Pass, Elk Park Pass, Corbin, Homestake Pass, Kings Hill Pass, Bozeman Pass, Flesher Pass, Raynolds Pass, Targhee Pass, Neihart, and Chief Joseph Pass 126 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 9 inches. * WHERE...The central and southwest Montana mountains. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions and reduced visibility in falling snow and localized blowing and drifting snow over mountain passes. Tire chains may be required for some vehicles if traveling through mountain passes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or visiting the MDT Road Report website. && $$ MTZ323>326-328-329-062330- /O.NEW.KTFX.WW.Y.0016.250207T0600Z-250208T0600Z/ Canyon Ferry Area-Missouri Headwaters-Madison River Valley- Gallatin Valley-Beaverhead and Western Madison below 6000ft-Ruby Mountains and Southern Beaverhead Mountains- Including the following locations: Ennis, McAllister, Waterloo, Bozeman, Townsend, Three Forks, Harrison, Gallatin Gateway, Willow Creek, Toston, Winston, Bannack, Jeffers, Monida Pass, Norris, Pony, Whitehall, Dillon, Glen, and Cameron 126 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 5 inches. Areas of blowing and drifting snow possible Friday afternoon and evening. * WHERE...Southwest Montana Valleys. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions and reduced visibility in falling snow and localized blowing and drifting snow. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or visiting the MDT Road Report website. To see a graphical representation of the degree of stress on young livestock please visit our webpage and select Local Programs then Cold Air Advisory for Newborn Livestock. && $$ Hoenisch  260 WGUS83 KJKL 060827 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 327 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC063-165-175-205-061230- /O.NEW.KJKL.FA.Y.0005.250206T0827Z-250206T1230Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Elliott KY-Menifee KY-Morgan KY-Rowan KY- 327 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 730 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Urban and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall are expected. * WHERE...Portions of east central and southeast Kentucky, including the following counties, in east central Kentucky, Elliott, Menifee and Rowan. In southeast Kentucky, Morgan. * WHEN...Until 730 AM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 327 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause urban and small stream flooding. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... West Liberty, Sandy Hook, Henry, Little Sandy, Steele, Lenox, Wrigley, Lick Branch, Elkfork, Elamton, Pomp, Blairs Mills, Crockett, Yocum, Blaze, Licking River, Leisure, Isonville, Dehart and Moon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3796 8344 3806 8343 3813 8310 3819 8306 3818 8305 3820 8304 3820 8301 3817 8298 3817 8292 3813 8291 3811 8289 3809 8293 3805 8295 3805 8298 3804 8300 3800 8302 3797 8302 3797 8300 3786 8356 $$ CMC  264 WWUS73 KMPX 060827 NPWMPX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 227 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 MNZ041>043-047>051-054>070-073>078-082>085-091>093-WIZ023>028-061800- /O.NEW.KMPX.WI.Y.0003.250206T1500Z-250207T0000Z/ Douglas-Todd-Morrison-Stevens-Pope-Stearns-Benton-Sherburne-Lac Qui Parle-Swift-Chippewa-Kandiyohi-Meeker-Wright-Hennepin-Anoka- Ramsey-Washington-Yellow Medicine-Renville-McLeod-Sibley-Carver- Scott-Dakota-Redwood-Brown-Nicollet-Le Sueur-Rice-Goodhue- Watonwan-Blue Earth-Waseca-Steele-Martin-Faribault-Freeborn-St. Croix-Pierce-Dunn-Pepin-Chippewa-Eau Claire- Including the cities of Victoria, Fairmont, Chaska, Shakopee, Red Wing, Hastings, Durand, Gaylord, Monticello, Litchfield, Madison, Granite Falls, Mankato, Chippewa Falls, Olivia, Faribault, Blaine, Benson, Glenwood, St Cloud, Albert Lea, Redwood Falls, St Peter, Le Sueur, St James, Sauk Rapids, Owatonna, Waseca, River Falls, Little Falls, Chanhassen, Alexandria, Menomonie, Hutchinson, Elk River, Stillwater, Eau Claire, Blue Earth, Minneapolis, Montevideo, Morris, Hudson, New Ulm, Long Prairie, Willmar, and St Paul 227 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 25 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, south central, southeast, southwest, and west central Minnesota and west central Wisconsin. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ Borghoff/BPH  218 WHUS71 KBOX 060827 MWWBOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 327 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ANZ230-236-062130- /O.CAN.KBOX.SC.Y.0017.250206T1400Z-250207T1100Z/ /O.CAN.KBOX.GL.W.0008.250207T1100Z-250208T0100Z/ /O.EXA.KBOX.GL.A.0003.250207T1100Z-250208T0100Z/ Boston Harbor-Narragansett Bay- 327 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WATCH IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY MORNING THROUGH FRIDAY EVENING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... ...GALE WARNING IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...West winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and waves 2 to 4 feet possible Friday. * WHERE...In Massachusetts coastal waters, Boston Harbor. In Rhode Island coastal waters, Narragansett Bay. * WHEN...From Friday morning through Friday evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds can cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should consider altering plans to avoid possible hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe wind and seas. && $$ ANZ250-254>256-062130- /O.EXT.KBOX.SC.Y.0017.250206T1500Z-250207T1100Z/ /O.CON.KBOX.GL.A.0003.250207T1100Z-250208T0100Z/ Coastal waters east of Ipswich Bay and the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary- Coastal waters from Provincetown MA to Chatham MA to Nantucket MA out 20 nm- Coastal Waters extending out to 25 nm South of Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket- Coastal Waters from Montauk NY to Marthas Vineyard extending out to 20 nm South of Block Island- 327 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 6 AM EST FRIDAY... ...GALE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY MORNING THROUGH FRIDAY EVENING... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, southwest winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 4 to 7 feet expected. For the Gale Watch, west winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and seas 5 to 7 feet possible. * WHERE...In Massachusetts coastal waters, Coastal waters east of Ipswich Bay and the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, Coastal waters from Provincetown MA to Chatham MA to Nantucket MA out 20 nm and Coastal Waters extending out to 25 nm South of Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket. In Rhode Island coastal waters, Coastal Waters from Montauk NY to Marthas Vineyard extending out to 20 nm South of Block Island. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, from 10 AM this morning to 6 AM EST Friday. For the Gale Watch, from Friday morning through Friday evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds can cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should consider altering plans to avoid possible hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe wind and waves. && $$ ANZ235-237-062130- /O.EXT.KBOX.SC.Y.0017.250206T1500Z-250207T1100Z/ /O.CON.KBOX.GL.A.0003.250207T1100Z-250208T0100Z/ Rhode Island Sound-Block Island Sound- 327 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 6 AM EST FRIDAY... ...GALE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY MORNING THROUGH FRIDAY EVENING... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, southwest winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and seas 4 to 6 feet expected. For the Gale Watch, west winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and seas 4 to 6 feet possible. * WHERE...Rhode Island Sound and Block Island Sound. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, from 10 AM this morning to 6 AM EST Friday. For the Gale Watch, from Friday morning through Friday evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds can cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should consider altering plans to avoid possible hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe wind and seas. && $$ ANZ231>234-251-062130- /O.EXT.KBOX.SC.Y.0017.250206T1500Z-250207T1100Z/ /O.CON.KBOX.GL.A.0003.250207T1100Z-250208T0100Z/ Cape Cod Bay-Nantucket Sound-Vineyard Sound-Buzzards Bay- Massachusetts Bay and Ipswich Bay- 327 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 6 AM EST FRIDAY... ...GALE WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY MORNING THROUGH FRIDAY EVENING... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and seas 2 to 4 feet expected. For the Gale Watch, west winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and seas 2 to 4 feet possible. * WHERE...Cape Cod Bay, Nantucket Sound, Vineyard Sound, Buzzards Bay and Massachusetts Bay and Ipswich Bay. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, from 10 AM this morning to 6 AM EST Friday. For the Gale Watch, from Friday morning through Friday evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds can cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should consider altering plans to avoid possible hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe wind and seas. && $$  023 WWUS41 KBGM 060828 WSWBGM URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Binghamton NY 328 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NYZ022-024-055-PAZ038-043-047-061800- /O.CON.KBGM.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Steuben-Chemung-Tioga-Bradford-Wyoming-Luzerne- Including the cities of Wilkes-Barre, Owego, Sayre, Hornell, Towanda, Corning, Tunkhannock, Elmira, Waverly, and Hazleton 328 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Snow and sleet accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...In New York, Chemung, Steuben, and Tioga Counties. In Pennsylvania, Bradford, Luzerne, and Wyoming Counties. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Precipitation will begin as snow, changing over to a mix of sleet and freezing rain during the morning hours. Surface temperatures should warm enough to see all rain by the early afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In New York, The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. In Pennsylvania, The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission remind motorist to adjust speeds based on driving conditions as winter weather impacts Pennsylvania roadways. Visit www.511pa.com for the latest travel, roadways, and traffic conditions. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ NYZ009-015>018-023-025-036-037-044>046-056-057-062-PAZ039-040-044- 048-072-062030- /O.CON.KBGM.WW.Y.0011.250206T0900Z-250206T2100Z/ Northern Oneida-Yates-Seneca-Southern Cayuga-Onondaga-Schuyler- Tompkins-Madison-Southern Oneida-Cortland-Chenango-Otsego-Broome- Delaware-Sullivan-Susquehanna-Northern Wayne-Lackawanna-Pike- Southern Wayne- Including the cities of Monticello, Delhi, Rome, Walton, Boonville, Penn Yan, Auburn, Hamilton, Montrose, Seneca Falls, Binghamton, Scranton, Milford, Ithaca, Cortland, Honesdale, Equinunk, Oneida, Watkins Glen, Damascus, Norwich, Oneonta, Hallstead, Utica, and Syracuse 328 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations up to 3 inches and ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Portions of central New York and northeast Pennsylvania. * WHEN...Until 4 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Precipitation will begin as snow, changing over to a mix of sleet and freezing rain during the morning hours. Freezing rain and freezing drizzle expected at higher elevations during the afternoon, with rain and drizzle in the valleys. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In New York, The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. In Pennsylvania, The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission remind motorist to adjust speeds based on driving conditions as winter weather impacts Pennsylvania roadways. Visit www.511pa.com for the latest travel, roadways, and traffic conditions. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ AJG  636 WWUS73 KSGF 060829 NPWSGF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Springfield MO 229 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 MOZ055-056-067>070-078>082-089>092-094>097-103>105-060930- /O.CAN.KSGF.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1400Z/ Benton-Morgan-St. Clair-Hickory-Camden-Pulaski-Cedar-Polk-Dallas- Laclede-Texas-Dade-Greene-Webster-Wright-Lawrence-Christian- Douglas-Howell-Stone-Taney-Ozark- Including the cities of Pottersville, Meinert, Vanzant, Rocky Mount, Lebanon, Windyville, Christian Center, Village of Four Seasons, Northview, Crockerville, Duncan, Hermitage, Elsey, Crane, Filley, Tiffin, Cedar Springs, Rogersville, Marshfield, Squires, Decaturville, Mansfield, Lincoln, Ozark Beach, Caplinger Mills, Edgewater Beach, March, Seymour, Wheatland, Ozark, Cross Timbers, Stockton, Edmonson, Wasola, Silver Dollar City, Laurie, Versailles, Mora, Bendavis, Dogwood, Nixa, Mount Vernon, Quincy, Marionville, Indian Point, Plad, Mountain Grove, El Dorado Springs, Branson, Roby, Appleton City, Dawson, Waynesville, Warsaw, Siloam Springs, Laquey, Cole Camp, South Fork, Weaubleau, Foose, Olive, Plato, Springfield, West Plains, Roach, Selmore, Powersite, Rome, Greenfield, Camdenton, Kimberling City, Kirbyville, Whitakerville, Bolivar, Pomona, Arnica, Stover, Lockwood, Pittsburg, Aurora, Buffalo, Hollister, Johnson City, Fort Leonard Wood, Lynchburg, Osage Beach, Graff, White Church, Forsyth, Charity, Huggins, Goodhope, and Ava 229 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... $$ KSZ073-MOZ066-061400- /O.CON.KSGF.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1400Z/ Bourbon-Vernon- Including the cities of Fort Scott, Nevada, and Pawnee Station 229 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter to one half mile in dense fog. * WHERE...In Kansas, Bourbon County. In Missouri, Vernon County. * WHEN...Until 8 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ KSZ097-061400- /O.CON.KSGF.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1400Z/ Crawford- Including the cities of Chicopee, Lone Oak, and Pittsburg 229 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter to one half mile in dense fog. * WHERE...Crawford County. * WHEN...Until 8 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ KSZ101-MOZ088-093-101-102-061400- /O.CON.KSGF.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1400Z/ Cherokee-Jasper-Newton-McDonald-Barry- Including the cities of Riverton, Neosho, Stippville, Rocky Comfort, South West City, Lowell, Neutral, Anderson, Columbus, Cassville, Baxter Springs, Joplin, Pineville, Madry, Noel, Monett, Sherwin, Goodman, and Carthage 229 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter to one half mile in dense fog. * WHERE...In Kansas, Cherokee County. In Missouri, Barry, Jasper, McDonald, and Newton Counties. * WHEN...Until 8 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ MOZ077-061400- /O.CON.KSGF.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1400Z/ Barton- Including the cities of Kenoma and Lamar 229 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter to one half mile in dense fog. * WHERE...Barton County. * WHEN...Until 8 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service, visit http://weather.gov/sgf Titus  202 WWUS43 KMPX 060829 WSWMPX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 229 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 MNZ041>043-047>050-054>058-064-065-073-062000- /O.NEW.KMPX.WS.A.0001.250208T0300Z-250208T2100Z/ Douglas-Todd-Morrison-Stevens-Pope-Stearns-Benton-Lac Qui Parle- Swift-Chippewa-Kandiyohi-Meeker-Yellow Medicine-Renville-Redwood- Including the cities of Sauk Rapids, Madison, Granite Falls, Olivia, Redwood Falls, Montevideo, Morris, Little Falls, Alexandria, Benson, Glenwood, St Cloud, Long Prairie, Willmar, and Litchfield 229 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY EVENING THROUGH SATURDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 8 inches possible. * WHERE...Benton, Kandiyohi, Meeker, Morrison, Renville, Stearns, Todd, Redwood, Chippewa, Douglas, Lac Qui Parle, Pope, Stevens, Swift, and Yellow Medicine Counties. * WHEN...From Friday evening through Saturday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. && $$ MNZ044-045-051>053-059>063-066>070-074>078-083>085-WIZ014>016- 023>028-062000- /O.NEW.KMPX.WS.A.0001.250208T0600Z-250209T0000Z/ Mille Lacs-Kanabec-Sherburne-Isanti-Chisago-Wright-Hennepin-Anoka- Ramsey-Washington-McLeod-Sibley-Carver-Scott-Dakota-Brown- Nicollet-Le Sueur-Rice-Goodhue-Blue Earth-Waseca-Steele-Polk- Barron-Rusk-St. Croix-Pierce-Dunn-Pepin-Chippewa-Eau Claire- Including the cities of Victoria, Chaska, Shakopee, Red Wing, Mora, Hastings, Gaylord, Rice Lake, Durand, Monticello, Chippewa Falls, Mankato, Faribault, Blaine, Ladysmith, St Peter, Le Sueur, Cambridge, Owatonna, Center City, Waseca, River Falls, Chanhassen, Menomonie, Hutchinson, Osceola, Elk River, Stillwater, Eau Claire, Minneapolis, Hudson, New Ulm, St Paul, and Princeton 229 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM LATE FRIDAY NIGHT THROUGH SATURDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 8 inches possible. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, south central, and southeast Minnesota and northwest and west central Wisconsin. * WHEN...From late Friday night through Saturday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. && $$ Borghoff/BPH  283 WWUS75 KGGW 060830 NPWGGW URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Glasgow MT 130 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 MTZ018-019-061800- /O.UPG.KGGW.CW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /O.EXA.KGGW.EC.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Daniels-Sheridan- Including Plentywood, Medicine Lake, and Scobey 130 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...EXTREME COLD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Dangerously cold wind chills as low as 45 below. * WHERE...Daniels and Sheridan Counties. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST this morning. * IMPACTS...The dangerously cold wind chills as low as 45 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10 minutes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Northwest winds gusting to 30 mph this morning will produce areas of blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Dress in layers including a hat, face mask, and gloves if you must go outside. && $$ MTZ059-061-061800- /O.CON.KGGW.EC.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Northern Phillips-Northern Valley- Including Whitewater and Opheim 130 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...EXTREME COLD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Dangerously cold wind chills as low as 45 below. * WHERE...Northern Phillips and Northern Valley Counties. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST this morning. * IMPACTS...The dangerously cold wind chills as low as 45 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Dress in layers including a hat, face mask, and gloves if you must go outside. Keep pets indoors as much as possible. Make sure outdoor animals have a warm, dry shelter, food, and unfrozen water. && $$ MTZ022-061800- /O.EXA.KGGW.CW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Garfield- Including Jordan 130 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills as low as 35 below. * WHERE...Garfield County. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST this morning. * IMPACTS...The dangerously cold wind chills as low as 35 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use caution while traveling outside. Wear appropriate clothing, a hat, and gloves. && $$ MTZ016-017-020-023>027-062-061800- /O.CON.KGGW.CW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Central and Southeast Phillips-Central and Southern Valley- Western Roosevelt-McCone-Richland-Dawson-Prairie-Wibaux-Eastern Roosevelt- Including Glasgow, Poplar, Terry, Culbertson, Frazer, Sidney, Glendive, Circle, Hinsdale, Fort Peck, Wibaux, Wolf Point, Malta, Saco, Richey, and Fairview 130 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills as low as 40 below. * WHERE...Central and Southeast Phillips, Central and Southern Valley, Dawson, Eastern Roosevelt, McCone, Prairie, Richland, Western Roosevelt, and Wibaux Counties. * WHEN...Until 11 AM MST this morning. * IMPACTS...The dangerously cold wind chills as low as 40 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use caution while traveling outside. Wear appropriate clothing, a hat, and gloves. && $$ Forrester  185 WWUS43 KDLH 060830 WSWDLH URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Duluth MN 230 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 MNZ010-018-025-026-034>038-WIZ001-006-007-060930- /O.CAN.KDLH.WW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Koochiching-North Itasca-North Cass-South Itasca-Crow Wing- Northern Aitkin-South Aitkin-Carlton and South St. Louis-Pine- Douglas-Burnett-Washburn- Including the cities of Grantsburg, Hill City, Aitkin, Spooner, Walker, Brainerd, Bigfork, Superior, Hinckley, Duluth, Pine City, Grand Rapids, and International Falls 230 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Hazardous snowfall has ended per the latest radar imagery surface observations. Light snow showers may persist for the next several hours although additional accumulation of less than a quarter inch is expected. $$ MNZ021-061200- /O.CON.KDLH.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Southern Cook- Including the cities of Grand Marais 230 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations between 1 and 4 inches. * WHERE...Southern Cook County. This includes the Tribal Lands of the Grand Portage Reservation. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST early this morning. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions may impact the morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 511 or visit www.511mn.org for Minnesota road information. && $$ MNZ011-012-019-020-061200- /O.CON.KDLH.WW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ North St. Louis-Northern Cook and Lake-Central St. Louis-Southern Lake- Including the cities of Hibbing, Silver Bay, Two Harbors, Isabella, and Ely 230 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations up to two inches. * WHERE...Central and North St. Louis, North Cook and Lake Counties. This includes the Tribal Lands of the Bois Forte Band, Nett Lake and, Lake Vermilion areas. Other locations including Voyageurs National Park. The entire Boundary Waters is also included. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST early this morning. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions may impact the morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Call 511 or visit www.511mn.org for Minnesota road information. && $$ WIZ002-003-008-061200- /O.CON.KDLH.WW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Bayfield-Ashland-Sawyer- Including the cities of Bayfield, Ashland, Washburn, and Hayward 230 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch. * WHERE...Ashland, Bayfield, and Sawyer Counties. This includes the Tribal Lands of the Bad River Reservation, the Red Cliff Band and the Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation. Other locations including Madeline Island and the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST early this morning. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions may impact the morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Call 511 or visit www.511wi.gov for Wisconsin road information. && $$ For more information on Northland weather, visit www.weather. gov/duluth Huyck  900 WWUS73 KGRR 060831 NPWGRR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Rapids MI 331 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MIZ037-043-050-056-064-061645- /O.CON.KGRR.WI.Y.0002.250206T1900Z-250207T0600Z/ Mason-Oceana-Muskegon-Ottawa-Allegan- Including the cities of Hart, Jenison, Ludington, Grand Haven, Holland, and Muskegon 331 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 2 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 1 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph expected. * WHERE...Allegan, Ottawa, Mason, Muskegon, and Oceana Counties. * WHEN...From 2 PM this afternoon to 1 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and scattered power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ Laurens  019 WWUS41 KBOX 060831 WSWBOX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 331 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 CTZ002>004-MAZ002>021-026-RIZ001>007-062145- /O.CON.KBOX.WW.Y.0005.250206T1200Z-250207T0000Z/ Hartford CT-Tolland CT-Windham CT-Western Franklin MA-Eastern Franklin MA-Northern Worcester MA-Central Middlesex MA-Western Essex MA-Eastern Essex MA-Western Hampshire MA-Western Hampden MA- Eastern Hampshire MA-Eastern Hampden MA-Southern Worcester MA- Western Norfolk MA-Southeast Middlesex MA-Suffolk MA-Eastern Norfolk MA-Northern Bristol MA-Western Plymouth MA-Eastern Plymouth MA-Southern Bristol MA-Southern Plymouth MA-Northern Middlesex MA-Northwest Providence RI-Southeast Providence RI- Western Kent RI-Eastern Kent RI-Bristol RI-Washington RI-Newport RI- Including the cities of Plymouth, Narragansett, Chesterfield, Amherst, Westerly, Brockton, Springfield, New Bedford, Fitchburg, East Greenwich, Warwick, Framingham, Norwood, Gloucester, Newport, Fall River, Lawrence, Windsor Locks, Ayer, Hartford, Smithfield, Putnam, Coventry, Foster, Quincy, West Greenwich, Bristol, Union, Barre, Lowell, Orange, Charlemont, Greenfield, Vernon, Milford, Cambridge, Mattapoisett, West Warwick, Worcester, Willimantic, Blandford, Foxborough, Taunton, Providence, Northampton, and Boston 331 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM THIS MORNING TO 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations between 1 and 4 inches and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of northern Connecticut, all of Massachusetts east of the Berkshires except for the Cape and islands, and all of Rhode Island except for Block Island. * WHEN...From 7 AM this morning to 7 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. && $$ Visit us at http://www.weather.gov/box Belk  313 WWUS74 KMOB 060832 NPWMOB URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mobile AL 232 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ALZ051>060-MSZ067-075-076-078-079-060945- /O.CAN.KMOB.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Choctaw-Washington-Clarke-Wilcox-Monroe-Conecuh-Butler-Crenshaw- Escambia-Covington-Wayne-Perry-Greene-Stone-George- Including the cities of Millry, Richton, Greenville, Wiggins, Atmore, Andalusia, Jackson, Evergreen, Butler, Lucedale, McLain, Grove Hill, Luverne, Brewton, New Augusta, Leakesville, Silas, Opp, Pine Hill, Flomaton, Beaumont, Monroeville, Thomasville, Homewood, Lisman, Chatom, Camden, Waynesboro, and Brantley 232 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Confidence in the occurrence of dense fog has diminished this morning as low clouds will likely prevail over fog. Patchy fog may still be possible in some locations. $$ ALZ261>266-FLZ201>206-061500- /O.CON.KMOB.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Mobile Inland-Baldwin Inland-Mobile Central-Baldwin Central- Mobile Coastal-Baldwin Coastal-Escambia Inland-Escambia Coastal- Santa Rosa Inland-Santa Rosa Coastal-Okaloosa Inland-Okaloosa Coastal- Including the cities of Bay Minette, Perdido Bay, Century, Beulah, Grand Bay, Saraland, Prichard, Ensley, Spanish Fort, Molino, Pensacola Beach, Niceville, Seminole, Mobile, Navarre, Crestview, Fort Morgan, Destin, Stockton, Walnut Hill, Pensacola, Orange Beach, Bayou La Batre, Dauphin Island, Foley, Jay, Fairhope, Milton, Eglin AFB, Citronelle, Bagdad, Gulf Breeze, Fort Walton Beach, Daphne, Theodore, Gulf Shores, Valparaiso, Wright, and Fort Pickens 232 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of southwest Alabama and northwest Florida. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$  844 WWUS43 KFGF 060834 WSWFGF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 234 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 MNZ006-009-016-017-023-024-060945- /O.CAN.KFGF.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Lake Of The Woods-North Beltrami-North Clearwater-South Beltrami- South Clearwater-Hubbard- Including the cities of Park Rapids, Lavinia, Upper Rice Lake, Long Lost Lake, Ponemah, Emmaville, Redby, Nary, Bemidji, Hubbard, Red Lake, Roy Lake, Baudette, Bagley, Alida, Lake Itasca, Clearbrook, Lower Rice Lake, Ebro, and Rosby 234 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Accumulating snow has moved out of the area. A few flurries will linger, mainly around Lake of the Woods, but are not expected to bring winter impacts. $$ MNZ001>004-007-NDZ008-016-027-030-039-061645- /O.CON.KFGF.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T2100Z/ West Polk-Norman-Clay-Kittson-West Marshall-Pembina-Eastern Walsh- Grand Forks-Traill-Cass- Including the cities of Backoo, Englund, Syre, Leroy, Drayton, Park River, Mayville, Twin Valley, East Grand Forks, Oakwood, Stephen, Fargo, Moorhead, Crookston, Ada, Hadler, Halstad, Roseville, Akra, Kelso, Grafton, Nash, Radium, Hillsboro, Hallock, Flaming, Lancaster, Florian, Portland, Bowesmont, Cavalier, Argyle, Grand Forks, Walhalla, Hatton, Karlstad, Faith, and Warren 234 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM CST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Blowing snow. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Portions of northwest and west central Minnesota and northeast and southeast North Dakota. * WHEN...Until 3 PM CST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions and reduced visibility at times. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visibility could fall as low as 1/4 mile at times, especially in open areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MNZ005-008-013>015-022-027-028-061645- /O.CON.KFGF.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T2100Z/ Roseau-East Marshall-Pennington-Red Lake-East Polk-Mahnomen-West Becker-East Becker- Including the cities of Espelie, Roseau, Waubun, Wolf Lake, Hayes Lake State Park, Casperson, Fox, Shoreham, Middle River, Red Lake Falls, Erskine, Salol, Newfolden, Fertile, McIntosh, Fosston, Pencer, Naytahwaush, Rosewood, Detroit Lakes, Mahnomen, Thief River Falls, Gatzke, Grygla, Malung, and Dakota Junction 234 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM CST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Blowing snow. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...A portion of northwest Minnesota. * WHEN...Until 3 PM CST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions and reduced visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visibility could fall as low as 1/2 mile at times, especially in open areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NDZ006-007-014-015-024-026-028-029-038-054-061645- /O.CON.KFGF.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Towner-Cavalier-Benson-Ramsey-Eddy-Nelson-Griggs-Steele-Barnes- Western Walsh- Including the cities of Lakota, Mount Carmel, Cooperstown, Aneta, Considine, Valley City, Fairdale, Hope, Finley, Fort Totten, Cando, Maddock, Devils Lake, Mcville, Dresden, Tolna, Leeds, Adams, Langdon, Lankin, New Rockford, Maida, Minnewaukan, and Vang 234 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Blowing snow. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Portions of northeast and southeast North Dakota. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions and reduced visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visibility could fall as low as 1/4 mile at times, especially in open areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ JR  923 WWUS73 KEAX 060835 NPWEAX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Kansas City/Pleasant Hill MO 235 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KSZ057-060-MOZ043>045-053-054-060945- /O.CAN.KEAX.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ Miami-Linn KS-Cass-Johnson MO-Pettis-Bates-Henry- Including the cities of La Cygne, Raymore, Clinton, Warrensburg, Windsor, Sedalia, Pleasanton, Belton, Butler, Osawatomie, Louisburg, Paola, Harrisonville, Pleasant Hill, Mound City, Rich Hill, and Adrian 235 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Visibility has improved to at least 1 mile, if not greater. With winds increasing between 5 and 10 MPH and better moisture being pushed away from the area, the advisory has been cancelled. $$ https://www.weather.gov/eax Krull  824 WSAG31 SABE 060840 SAVF SIGMET C2 VALID 060840/061040 SABE- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV ICE FCST AT 0840Z WI S5126 W07138 - S5136 W06906 - S5051 W06450 - S5254 W06341 - S5403 W06823 - S5301 W06852 - S5213 W06815 - S5159 W07138 - S5126 W07138 FL090/120 MOV E 10KT WKN=  007 WSAG31 SABE 060840 SAVF SIGMET C2 VALID 060840/061040 SABE- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV ICE FCST AT 0840Z WI S5126 W07138 - S5136 W06906 - S5051 W06450 - S5254 W06341 - S5403 W06823 - S5301 W06852 - S5213 W06815 - S5159 W07138 - S5126 W07138 FL090/120 MOV E 10KT WKN=  985 WGUS61 KRNK 060836 FFARNK URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Watch National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 336 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVZ042>044-507-508-061800- /O.NEW.KRNK.FA.A.0002.250206T0836Z-250206T1800Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Mercer-Summers-Monroe-Eastern Greenbrier-Western Greenbrier- Including the cities of White Sulphur Springs, Duo, Bluefield, Flat Top, Lewisburg, Alderson, Union, Rainelle, Quinwood, Hinton, and Hix 336 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WATCH IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is possible. * WHERE...A portion of southeast West Virginia, including the following areas, Eastern Greenbrier, Mercer, Monroe, Summers and Western Greenbrier. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Excessive runoff may result in flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations. Creeks and streams may rise out of their banks. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$ BMG  154 WWUS41 KBUF 060837 WSWBUF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Buffalo NY 337 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NYZ006-061800- /O.NEW.KBUF.WS.A.0006.250207T0900Z-250208T1800Z/ /O.CON.KBUF.WW.Y.0011.250206T0900Z-250207T0300Z/ Oswego- Including the cities of Oswego 337 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH SATURDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...For the Winter Weather Advisory, mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations 2 to 4 inches and ice accumulations around a few hundredths of an inch. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. For the Winter Storm Watch, heavy lake effect snow possible. Total snow accumulations 6 to 12 inches possible in the most persistent lake snows. Winds could gust as high as 50 mph creating blowing and drifting snow along with greatly reduced visibility. * WHERE...Oswego County. * WHEN...For the Winter Weather Advisory, until 10 PM EST this evening. For the Winter Storm Watch, from late tonight through Saturday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Precipitation will fall mainly as snow today, but could mix with some freezing drizzle this afternoon and evening. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Narrow bands of heavy snow could bring rapidly changing road conditions and visibilities. Localized travel problems will be possible. During lake effect snow, the weather can vary from bands of locally heavy snow with greatly reduced visibilities to dry conditions just a few miles away. Be prepared for rapid changes in weather, visibility, and road conditions. Periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will result in slippery roads and limited visibilities. Slow down and use caution while driving. Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. && $$ NYZ019>021-061800- /O.CON.KBUF.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Chautauqua-Cattaraugus-Allegany- Including the cities of Jamestown, Olean, and Wellsville 337 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations of an inch or less and ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...The western Southern Tier. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will result in slippery roads and limited visibilities. Slow down and use caution while driving. Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. && $$ NYZ001>005-010-011-061800- /O.CON.KBUF.WW.Y.0011.250206T0900Z-250206T1800Z/ Niagara-Orleans-Monroe-Wayne-Northern Cayuga-Northern Erie- Genesee- Including the cities of Niagara Falls, Medina, Rochester, Newark, Fair Haven, Buffalo, and Batavia 337 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations 1 to 2 inches, mainly north of the Thruway. Ice accumulations around a few hundredths of an inch. * WHERE...Niagara, Orleans, Monroe, Wayne, Northern Cayuga, Northern Erie, and Genesee Counties. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will result in slippery roads and limited visibilities. Slow down and use caution while driving. Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. && $$ NYZ007-008-061800- /O.CON.KBUF.WW.Y.0011.250206T0900Z-250207T0300Z/ Jefferson-Lewis- Including the cities of Watertown and Lowville 337 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations 2 to 5 inches, greatest on the Tug Hill and ice accumulations less than one tenth of an inch. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Jefferson and Lewis Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. Gusty winds will down tree branches and cause isolated power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Precipitation will fall mainly as snow, but could mix with some freezing drizzle this afternoon and evening. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will result in slippery roads and limited visibilities. Slow down and use caution while driving. Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. && $$ NYZ012>014-085-061800- /O.CON.KBUF.WW.Y.0011.250206T0900Z-250206T1800Z/ Wyoming-Livingston-Ontario-Southern Erie- Including the cities of Warsaw, Geneseo, Canandaigua, Orchard Park, and Springville 337 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations of an inch or less and ice accumulations of a few hundredths of an inch. Winds could gust to 35 mph. * WHERE...Wyoming, Livingston, Ontario, and Southern Erie Counties. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will result in slippery roads and limited visibilities. Slow down and use caution while driving. Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, be careful on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ DRT  294 WAAB31 LATI 060833 LAAA AIRMET 1 VALID 060845/061245 LATI- LAAA TIRANA FIR MOD TURB FCST N OF N4135 1000/6000FT STNR WKN=  318 WWUS41 KCLE 060837 WSWCLE URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cleveland OH 337 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 OHZ003-006>011-017>022-027>033-036>038-047-061500- /O.CON.KCLE.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Lucas-Wood-Ottawa-Sandusky-Erie-Lorain-Cuyahoga-Hancock-Seneca- Huron-Medina-Summit-Portage-Wyandot-Crawford-Richland-Ashland- Wayne-Stark-Mahoning-Marion-Morrow-Holmes-Knox- Including the cities of Findlay, Cardington, Sandusky, Willard, Elyria, Bowling Green, Huron, Brunswick, Avon Lake, Marion, Galion, Rittman, Canton, Carey, Kent, Bellevue, Fremont, Wadsworth, Aurora, Upper Sandusky, Boardman, Fostoria, Ravenna, Port Clinton, Akron, Lorain, Tiffin, Bucyrus, Perrysburg, Mansfield, Wooster, Toledo, Massillon, Clyde, Austintown, Millersburg, Youngstown, Norwalk, Killbuck, Streetsboro, Orrville, Genoa, Crestline, Oak Harbor, Cleveland, Mount Gilead, North Ridgeville, Mount Vernon, Medina, Alliance, and Ashland 337 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of north central, northeast, and northwest Ohio. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Difficult travel conditions are possible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Freezing rain will begin transitioning to light rain early Thursday morning. However, slick spots may linger through mid-morning as surface temperatures remain chilly in the mid-30s. Temperatures will warm into the 40s by early Thursday afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. The Ohio Department of Transportation and Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission strongly encourage motorists to heed all travel restrictions and delay unnecessary travel. Visit www.ohgo.com for the latest travel, roadway, and traffic conditions. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ OHZ012>014-023-089-061500- /O.CON.KCLE.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Lake-Geauga-Ashtabula Inland-Trumbull-Ashtabula Lakeshore- Including the cities of Chesterland, Middlefield, Willowick, Conneaut, Geneva, Roaming Shores, Burton, Mentor, Warren, Ashtabula, Wickliffe, South Russell, Eastlake, Jefferson, Orwell, Willoughby, Niles, Chardon, Andover, Bainbridge, and Painesville 337 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Ashtabula Inland, Ashtabula Lakeshore, Geauga, Lake, and Trumbull Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Difficult travel conditions are possible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Freezing rain will begin transitioning to light rain early Thursday morning. However, slick spots may linger through mid-morning as surface temperatures remain chilly in the mid-30s. Temperatures will warm into the 40s by early Thursday afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. The Ohio Department of Transportation and Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission strongly encourage motorists to heed all travel restrictions and delay unnecessary travel. Visit www.ohgo.com for the latest travel, roadway, and traffic conditions. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ PAZ001>003-061500- /O.CON.KCLE.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Northern Erie-Southern Erie-Crawford- Including the cities of Union City, Meadville, Corry, Edinboro, Titusville, and Erie 337 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Crawford, Northern Erie, and Southern Erie Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Freezing rain will begin transitioning to light rain early Thursday morning. However, slick spots may linger through mid-morning as surface temperatures remain chilly in the mid-30s. Temperatures will warm into the 40s by early Thursday afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission strongly encourage motorists to heed all travel restrictions and delay unnecessary travel. Visit www.511pa.com for the latest travel, roadway, and traffic conditions. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ Kahn  666 WSAG31 SABE 060842 SAEF SIGMET 3 VALID 060842/061042 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 0842Z WI S3920 W07125 - S4103 W06857 - S4154 W07103 - S4121 W07157 - S4041 W07155 - S3920 W07125 FL070/160 STNR WKN=  840 WSAG31 SABE 060842 SAEF SIGMET 3 VALID 060842/061042 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 0842Z WI S3920 W07125 - S4103 W06857 - S4154 W07103 - S4121 W07157 - S4041 W07155 - S3920 W07125 FL070/160 STNR WKN=  841 WWUS43 KDTX 060838 WSWDTX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Detroit/Pontiac MI 338 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MIZ060>063-068>070-061400- /O.CON.KDTX.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1400Z/ Shiawassee-Genesee-Lapeer-St. Clair-Livingston-Oakland-Macomb- Including the cities of Howell, Flint, Owosso, Port Huron, Warren, Pontiac, and Lapeer 338 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow and sleet accumulations up to a half inch and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...A portion of southeast Michigan. * WHEN...Until 9 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Sleet and snow have started transitioning to freezing rain, with a few hundredths of an inch of ice accumulation possible on top of any existing snow or sleet accumulations. Freezing rain will gradually wane in intensity to freezing drizzle by daybreak. Temperatures in the mid 20s this morning will reach the freezing mark early this afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. You can obtain the latest road conditions from the MDOT Michigan Drive Map. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ MIZ075-076-082-083-061400- /O.CON.KDTX.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1400Z/ Washtenaw-Wayne-Lenawee-Monroe- Including the cities of Monroe, Detroit, Adrian, and Ann Arbor 338 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing Rain. Additional ice accumulations of a few hundredths of an inch possible. * WHERE...Lenawee, Monroe, Washtenaw, and Wayne Counties. * WHEN...Until 9 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Ongoing freezing rain will gradually transition to freezing drizzle by daybreak. Additional ice accumulations of a few hundredths of an inch will be possible, bringing storm total ice accumulations to around a tenth of an inch or less. Temperatures currently in the mid 20s will rise above the freezing mark around mid-day. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. You can obtain the latest road conditions from the MDOT Michigan Drive Map. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$  986 WSGL31 BGSF 060837 BGGL SIGMET U02 VALID 060900/061300 BGSF- BGGL NUUK FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 0900Z WI N6540 W04014 - N6346 W03955 - N6346 W04220 - N6533 W04231 - N6540 W04014 SFC/FL110 INTSF FCST AT 1300Z WI N6104 W04212 - N6118 W04406 - N6548 W04154 - N6520 W03852 - N6104 W04212=  517 WWUS73 KFGF 060838 NPWFGF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 238 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 NDZ006-007-014-015-024-026-054-061800- /O.CON.KFGF.CW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Towner-Cavalier-Benson-Ramsey-Eddy-Nelson-Western Walsh- Including the cities of Lakota, Mount Carmel, Aneta, Considine, Fairdale, Fort Totten, Cando, Maddock, Devils Lake, Mcville, Dresden, Tolna, Leeds, Adams, Langdon, Lankin, New Rockford, Maida, Minnewaukan, and Vang 238 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills as low as 32 below. * WHERE...Benson, Cavalier, Eddy, Nelson, Ramsey, Towner, and Western Walsh Counties. * WHEN...Until noon CST today. * IMPACTS...The dangerously cold wind chills as low as 30 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use caution while traveling outside. Wear appropriate clothing, a hat, and gloves. && $$ JR  679 WSRS31 RURD 060838 URRV SIGMET 5 VALID 060840/061000 URRR- URRV ROSTOV-NA-DONU FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST WI N4532 E03712 - N4454 E03816 - N4424 E03727 - N4457 E03643 - N4532 E03712 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  059 WGUS53 KJKL 060839 FFWJKL KYC011-065-165-173-197-205-061145- /O.NEW.KJKL.FF.W.0001.250206T0839Z-250206T1145Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Jackson KY 339 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Jackson has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Southeastern Bath County in east central Kentucky... Northwestern Estill County in east central Kentucky... Menifee County in east central Kentucky... Southeastern Montgomery County in east central Kentucky... Powell County in east central Kentucky... Southwestern Rowan County in east central Kentucky... * Until 645 AM EST. * At 339 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Flash flooding is already occurring. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Flash flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other poor drainage and low-lying areas. * Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Stanton, Frenchburg, Jeffersonville, Camargo, Clay City, Wellington, Campsites in the Indian Creek area of the Daniel Boone National Forrest, Means, Cedar Groves, Cornwell, Fagan, Clay Lick, Lucky Stop, Rothwell, Bowen, Bean, Cat Creek, Hope, Rosslyn and Tabor. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 3781 8407 3782 8410 3785 8408 3782 8407 3783 8406 3785 8406 3783 8404 3784 8400 3786 8401 3790 8399 3792 8399 3793 8397 3799 8400 3807 8344 3797 8344 3787 8356 3775 8408 3777 8408 3778 8411 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$ CMC  060 WGUS83 KJKL 060839 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 339 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC011-065-165-173-197-205-060849- /O.CAN.KJKL.FA.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1145Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bath KY-Estill KY-Menifee KY-Montgomery KY-Powell KY-Rowan KY- 339 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY HAS BEEN REPLACED WITH A FLASH FLOOD WARNING... The Flood Advisory is replaced by a Flash Flood Warning for a portion of east central Kentucky, including the following areas, Bath, Estill, Menifee, Montgomery, Powell and Rowan. The threat of flooding continues and a Flash Flood Warning is now in effect. Please refer to that bulletin for more information. && LAT...LON 3786 8401 3790 8399 3792 8399 3793 8397 3799 8400 3807 8344 3797 8344 3787 8356 3775 8408 3777 8408 3778 8411 3781 8407 3782 8410 3785 8408 3782 8407 3785 8406 3783 8404 3784 8400 3787 8403 $$ CMC  591 WHUS73 KIWX 060840 MWWIWX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Northern Indiana 340 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 LMZ043-046-061645- /O.CON.KIWX.SC.Y.0008.250206T1800Z-250207T1000Z/ New Buffalo MI to St Joseph MI-Michigan City IN to New Buffalo MI- 340 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 5 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 knots with gusts 30 knots. A few gusts up to 35 knot gales possible tonight. Waves building to 4 to 9 feet tonight. * WHERE...Michigan City IN to St Joseph MI. * WHEN...From 1 PM Thursday to 5 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  372 WWUS71 KBUF 060840 NPWBUF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Buffalo NY 340 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NYZ001-002-010>012-019-020-085-061645- /O.NEW.KBUF.WI.Y.0002.250206T2100Z-250207T1500Z/ Niagara-Orleans-Northern Erie-Genesee-Wyoming-Chautauqua- Cattaraugus-Southern Erie- Including the cities of Niagara Falls, Medina, Buffalo, Batavia, Warsaw, Jamestown, Olean, Orchard Park, and Springville 340 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 10 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Erie, Niagara, Orleans, Genesee, Wyoming, Chautauqua, and Cattaraugus Counties. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 10 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ NYZ003>008-013-014-021-061645- /O.NEW.KBUF.WI.Y.0002.250207T0000Z-250207T1500Z/ Monroe-Wayne-Northern Cayuga-Oswego-Jefferson-Lewis-Livingston- Ontario-Allegany- Including the cities of Rochester, Newark, Fair Haven, Oswego, Watertown, Lowville, Geneseo, Canandaigua, and Wellsville 340 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Monroe, Wayne, Northern Cayuga, Oswego, Jefferson, Lewis, Livingston, Ontario, and Allegany Counties. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 10 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ DRT  774 WWUS43 KMQT 060840 WSWMQT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Marquette MI 340 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MIZ001>003-062100- /O.CON.KMQT.BZ.W.0001.250206T1600Z-250207T0600Z/ Keweenaw-Ontonagon-Northern Houghton- Including the cities of Ontonagon, Houghton, Copper Harbor, and Hancock 340 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...BLIZZARD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM THIS MORNING TO 1 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Blizzard conditions expected. Total snow accumulations up to 5 inches. Winds gusting as high as 55 mph. * WHERE...Keweenaw, Northern Houghton, and Ontonagon Counties. * WHEN...From 11 AM this morning to 1 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Whiteout conditions are expected and will make travel treacherous and potentially life-threatening. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday evening commute. Strong winds could cause damage to trees and lead to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...1 to 4 inches of snowfall expected before blizzard conditions begin today. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Travel should be restricted to emergencies only. If you must travel, have a winter survival kit with you. If you get stranded, stay with your vehicle. && $$ MIZ004-084-062100- /O.CON.KMQT.BZ.W.0001.250206T1800Z-250207T0600Z/ Baraga-Southern Houghton- Including the cities of L'Anse, Sidnaw, and Kenton 340 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...BLIZZARD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 1 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Blizzard conditions expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Baraga and Southern Houghton Counties. * WHEN...From 1 PM this afternoon to 1 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Whiteout conditions are expected and will make travel treacherous and potentially life-threatening. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday evening commute. Strong winds could cause damage to trees and lead to power outages. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...1 to 3 inches of snow are expected to fall before blizzard conditions begin this afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Travel should be restricted to emergencies only. If you must travel, have a winter survival kit with you. If you get stranded, stay with your vehicle. && $$ MIZ006-007-085-062100- /O.CON.KMQT.WW.Y.0009.250206T1800Z-250207T1200Z/ Alger-Luce-Northern Schoolcraft- Including the cities of Seney, Newberry, Munising, and Grand Marais 340 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 7 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Lake effect snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations up to 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. The heaviest snowfall and the strongest winds are expected tonight. * WHERE...Alger, Luce, and Northern Schoolcraft Counties. * WHEN...From 1 PM this afternoon to 7 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Widespread blowing snow will significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. && $$ TAP  369 WACN02 CWAO 060842 CZEG AIRMET F1 VALID 060840/061240 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR SFC VIS 1/2-3/4SM SN OBS WI 30NM OF N6105 W09405 STNR NC=  370 WACN23 CWAO 060842 CZWG AIRMET G1 VALID 060840/061240 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR SFC VIS 1/2-3/4SM SN OBS WI 30NM OF /N6105 W09405/CYEK STNR NC RMK GFACN36/CZEG EDMONTON FIR AIRMET F1=  371 WACN22 CWAO 060842 CZEG AIRMET F1 VALID 060840/061240 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR SFC VIS 1/2-3/4SM SN OBS WI 30NM OF /N6105 W09405/CYEK STNR NC RMK GFACN36/CZWG WINNIPEG FIR AIRMET G1=  460 WHUS71 KBUF 060842 MWWBUF URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Buffalo NY 342 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 LOZ042>045-062>065-061645- /O.UPG.KBUF.GL.A.0003.250206T2300Z-250207T2300Z/ /O.EXB.KBUF.GL.W.0005.250206T2300Z-250207T2100Z/ Lake Ontario nearshore waters from the Niagara River to Hamlin Beach- Lake Ontario nearshore waters from Hamlin Beach to Sodus Bay- Lake Ontario nearshore waters from Sodus Bay to Mexico Bay- Lake Ontario nearshore waters from Mexico Bay to the Saint Lawrence River- Lake Ontario open waters from the Niagara River to Hamlin Beach- Lake Ontario open waters from Hamlin Beach to Sodus Bay- Lake Ontario open waters from Sodus Bay to Mexico Bay- Lake Ontario open waters from Mexico Bay to the Saint Lawrence River- 342 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds to 40 knots and waves 15 to 19 feet expected. * WHERE...The nearshore and open waters of Lake Ontario. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 4 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LEZ040-041-061645- /O.CON.KBUF.GL.W.0005.250206T2100Z-250207T0900Z/ Lake Erie nearshore waters from Ripley to Dunkirk- Lake Erie nearshore waters from Dunkirk to Buffalo- 342 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds to 35 knots expected. * WHERE...The nearshore waters of Lake Erie from Ripley to Buffalo. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 4 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LEZ020-061645- /O.NEW.KBUF.SC.Y.0016.250206T1900Z-250207T2100Z/ Upper Niagara River and Buffalo Harbor- 342 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 2 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 4 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 knots expected. * WHERE...The Upper Niagara River and Buffalo Harbor. * WHEN...From 2 PM this afternoon to 4 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Winds and/or waves will cause hazardous conditions that could capsize or damage small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ LOZ030-061645- /O.NEW.KBUF.SC.Y.0016.250206T2300Z-250207T2100Z/ Lower Niagara River- 342 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 knots expected. * WHERE...The Lower Niagara River. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 4 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Winds and/or waves will cause hazardous conditions that could capsize or damage small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  653 WWUS73 KTOP 060842 NPWTOP URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Topeka KS 242 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KSZ020>022-034>038-054>056-058-059-060945- /O.CAN.KTOP.FG.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Cloud-Clay-Riley-Ottawa-Dickinson-Geary-Morris-Wabaunsee-Lyon- Osage-Franklin-Coffey-Anderson- Including the cities of Abilene, Clay Center, Herington, Manhattan, Eskridge, Garnett, Burlington, Osage City, Alta Vista, Harveyville, Emporia, Burlingame, Ottawa, Council Grove, McFarland, Lebo, Alma, Concordia, Junction City, Overbrook, Carbondale, Paxico, Maple Hill, Lyndon, Minneapolis, and Bennington 242 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Visibilities have improved and dense fog is no longer expected. $$ Gargan  727 WACN03 CWAO 060842 CZWG AIRMET G1 VALID 060840/061240 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR SFC VIS 1/2-3/4SM SN OBS WI 30NM OF N6105 W09405 STNR NC=  254 WWUS83 KJKL 060843 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 343 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ058-068-069-080-108-111-112-114>117-060915- Jackson KY-Lee KY-Clay KY-Breathitt KY-Perry KY-Estill KY-Owsley KY- Rockcastle KY-Wolfe KY-Laurel KY-Leslie KY- 343 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL IMPACT NORTHEASTERN LAUREL...OWSLEY... NORTHWESTERN LESLIE...SOUTHERN ESTILL...NORTHWESTERN PERRY... JACKSON...EASTERN ROCKCASTLE...WESTERN BREATHITT...LEE...SOUTHWESTERN WOLFE AND NORTHERN CLAY COUNTIES THROUGH 415 AM EST... At 343 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Shirley to Eglon to near Pittsburg. Movement was east at 80 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... London, Jackson, Beattyville, Manchester, McKee, Campton, Booneville, Fincastle, Buckhorn, Turin, Donaro, Travellers Rest, Bummer, Southfork, Cowcreek, Shop Branch, Fogertown, Tyner, Privett, and Earnestville. THIS INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING HIGHWAYS... Bert T. Combs Mountain Parkway between mile markers 43 and 51. Hal Rogers Parkway between mile markers 1 and 4, and between mile markers 31 and 32, and near mile marker 51. Interstate 75 in east central Kentucky between mile markers 39 and 51. Kentucky Highway 80 in Laurel County between mile markers 4 and 11. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3752 8429 3751 8426 3753 8423 3752 8420 3756 8416 3756 8409 3762 8412 3777 8344 3759 8339 3723 8333 3709 8422 TIME...MOT...LOC 0843Z 252DEG 71KT 3761 8417 3744 8413 3717 8407 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ CMC  117 WSCI36 ZUUU 060843 ZPKM SIGMET 5 VALID 060920/061320 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N3200 E09700-N3334 E10352-N3153 E10931-N2548 E10817-N2833 E08829-N3117 E08811-N3200 E09700 FL150/340 STNR NC=  134 WWUS73 KILX 060844 NPWILX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lincoln IL 244 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ILZ045-046-055>057-061200- /O.EXB.KILX.FG.Y.0002.250206T0900Z-250206T1200Z/ Champaign-Vermilion-Douglas-Coles-Edgar- Including the cities of Urbana, Charleston, Mattoon, Champaign, Danville, Tuscola, and Paris 244 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Areas of visibility a quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Champaign, Coles, Douglas, Edgar, and Vermilion Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST early this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use low beam headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ ILZ062-063-066>068-071>073-061200- /O.CON.KILX.FG.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Cumberland-Clark-Effingham-Jasper-Crawford-Clay-Richland-Lawrence- Including the cities of Newton, Greenup, Effingham, Lawrenceville, Flora, Robinson, Olney, and Marshall 244 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Areas of visibility a quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Clark, Cumberland, Clay, Crawford, Effingham, Jasper, Lawrence, and Richland Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST early this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use low beam headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ 37  167 WONT50 LFPW 060843 SECURITE ON METAREA 2, METEO-FRANCE, WARNING NR 77, THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025 AT 0840 UTC GENERAL SYNOPSIS, THURSDAY 6 OF FEBRUARY AT 00 UTC. ATLANTIC TROUGH OVER WEST FARADAY AND ALTAIR, MOVING EAST. NEW LOW DEEPENING IN THIS TROUGH, EXPECTED 1008 42N34W BY 07/00 UTC, MOVING NORTHEAST AND EXPECTED 1004 45N28W BY 07/12 UTC. FARADAY. FROM 07/09 UTC TO 07/12 UTC AT LEAST. IN FAR SOUTH, NORTHERLY 8. SEVERE GUSTS. ALTAIR. FROM 07/00 UTC TO 07/12 UTC AT LEAST. CYCLONIC 8 IN WEST, INCREASING MAINLY NORTH OR NORTHWEST 8, LOCALLY 9 IN WEST, AT END. SEVERE GUSTS. BECOMING HIGH AT END. ACORES. FROM 07/03 UTC TO 07/12 UTC AT LEAST. IN NORTH, NORTHWESTERLY 8. SEVERE GUSTS. BT *  763 WSAG31 SARE 060849 SARR SIGMET 2 VALID 060849/061249 SARE- SARR RESISTENCIA FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0810Z WI S2913 W06057 - S2935 W05657 - S3039 W05756 - S3007 W06037 - S2913 W06057 TOP FL450 MOV ENE 10KT NC=  797 WSAG31 SARE 060849 SARR SIGMET 2 VALID 060849/061249 SARE- SARR RESISTENCIA FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 0810Z WI S2913 W06057 - S2935 W05657 - S3039 W05756 - S3007 W06037 - S2913 W06057 TOP FL450 MOV ENE 10KT NC=  844 WAHW31 PHFO 060845 WA0HI HNLS WA 060844 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 2 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 061000 . AIRMET MTN OBSC...OAHU...UPDATE N THRU E SECTIONS. CANCEL AIRMET. COND HAVE IMPROVED. . AIRMET MTN OBSC...MOLOKAI MAUI N THRU E SECTIONS. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 025 DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND CONT BEYOND 1000Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSC...BIG ISLAND UPOLU POINT TO CAPE KUMUKAHI TO SOUTH CAPE. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 025 DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND CONT BEYOND 1000Z. =HNLT WA 060400 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 061000 . NO SIGNIFICANT TURB EXP. =HNLZ WA 060400 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 061000 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...141-144.  409 WSCI36 ZUUU 060844 ZPKM SIGMET 6 VALID 060920/061320 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N3328 E10330-N3227 E10549-N3153 E10931-N2722 E10916-N2651 E10007-N2946 E09839-N3328 E10330 FL050/170 STNR NC=  630 WWUS74 KLZK 060845 NPWLZK URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Little Rock AR 245 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ARZ006-014-015-223-061600- /O.EXB.KLZK.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ Fulton-Stone-Izard-Van Buren County Higher Elevations- Including the cities of Dennard, Horseshoe Bend, Oxford, Botkinburg, Calico Rock, Mountain View, Mammoth Spring, Melbourne, and Cherokee Village 245 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter to one half mile in dense fog. * WHERE...North-central Arkansas. * WHEN...Until 10 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ ARZ007-008-017-061600- /O.EXT.KLZK.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ Sharp-Randolph-Lawrence- Including the cities of Ash Flat, Hardy, Pocahontas, Cave City, Hoxie, Walnut Ridge, and Attica 245 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Northeast Arkansas. * WHEN...Until 10 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ ARZ016-024-025-031>034-039-043>046-122-123-138-238-061500- /O.EXT.KLZK.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Independence-Cleburne-Jackson-Conway-Faulkner-White-Woodruff- Perry-Saline-Pulaski-Lonoke-Prairie-Southern Pope County- Southeast Van Buren County-Northwest Yell County-Yell Excluding Northwest- Including the cities of Beebe, Augusta, London, Des Arc, Danville, Cabot, Morrilton, McCrory, Conway, Benton, De Valls Bluff, Perryville, Heber Springs, Little Rock, Lonoke, Atkins, Cotton Plant, Shirley, Havana, Plainview, Clinton, Newport, Russellville, Ola, Hazen, Bryant, Batesville, Dardanelle, Fairfield Bay, Hector, Scotland, Searcy, Damascus, North Little Rock, and Waveland 245 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of central, eastern, and north central Arkansas. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ 70  469 WWCN11 CWHX 060845 LES SUETES WIND WARNING FOR NOVA SCOTIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:45 A.M. AST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- LES SUETES WIND WARNING FOR: INVERNESS COUNTY - MABOU AND NORTH. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WINDS THAT MAY CAUSE DAMAGE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. MAXIMUM WIND GUSTS: SOUTHEASTERLY NEAR 100 KM/H. LOCATION: MARGAREE HARBOUR TO BAY ST. LAWRENCE. TIME SPAN: OVERNIGHT TONIGHT INTO EARLY FRIDAY MORNING. BE PREPARED TO ADJUST YOUR DRIVING WITH CHANGING ROAD CONDITIONS DUE TO HIGH WINDS. LOOSE OBJECTS MAY BE TOSSED BY THE WIND AND CAUSE INJURY OR DAMAGE. LES SUETES WIND WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF DAMAGING WINDS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NSSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NSSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/ASPC  622 WWUS71 KBTV 060846 NPWBTV URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Burlington VT 346 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NYZ026-027-029-030-087-062115- /O.NEW.KBTV.WI.Y.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1200Z/ Northern St. Lawrence-Northern Franklin-Southeastern St. Lawrence- Southern Franklin-Southwestern St. Lawrence- Including the cities of Tupper Lake, Fort Covington, Malone, Norfolk, Saranac Lake, Potsdam, Ogdensburg, Star Lake, Gouverneur, Massena, and South Colton 346 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 7 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...St Lawrence and Franklin counties of New York. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 7 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ Boyd  042 WABZ23 SBGL 060845 SBCW AIRMET 2 VALID 060850/061140 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR BKN CLD 300/0700FT FCST WI S3139 W05431 - S3139 W05342 - S3108 W05342 - S3108 W05431 - S3139 W05431 STNR NC=  526 WWUS43 KDVN 060847 WSWDVN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Quad Cities IA IL 247 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 IAZ040>042-051>054-063>068-076>078-087>089-098-099-ILZ001-002-007- 009-015>018-024>026-034-035-MOZ009-010-061000- /O.EXP.KDVN.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Buchanan-Delaware-Dubuque-Benton-Linn-Jones-Jackson-Iowa-Johnson- Cedar-Clinton-Muscatine-Scott-Keokuk-Washington-Louisa-Jefferson- Henry IA-Des Moines-Van Buren-Lee-Jo Daviess-Stephenson-Carroll- Whiteside-Rock Island-Henry IL-Bureau-Putnam-Mercer-Henderson- Warren-Hancock-McDonough-Scotland-Clark- Including the cities of Independence, Fort Madison, Princeton, Hennepin, Sigourney, Washington, Tipton, Bettendorf, Vinton, Maquoketa, Manchester, Carthage, Muscatine, Geneseo, Clinton, Fairfield, Mount Carroll, Macomb, Cedar Rapids, Dubuque, Monmouth, Moline, Galena, Sterling, Iowa City, Mount Pleasant, Davenport, Wapello, Keosauqua, Oquawka, Memphis, Anamosa, Marengo, Aledo, Burlington, Rock Island, Freeport, and Kahoka 247 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 3 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... The freezing drizzle threat has ended. Some lingering slick spots on area roads and surfaces is expected through the morning commute. $$ Gross  527 WWUS43 KILX 060848 WSWILX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lincoln IL 248 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ILZ027>031-036>038-040-041-061000- /O.EXP.KILX.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Knox-Stark-Peoria-Marshall-Woodford-Fulton-Tazewell-McLean- Schuyler-Mason- Including the cities of Normal, Canton, Lacon, Havana, Pekin, Peoria, Toulon, Galesburg, Rushville, Eureka, and Bloomington 248 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 3 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... Freezing precipitation has ended, however slick surfaces will continue, particularly in shaded areas, until warmer temperatures develop during the daytime. Pedestrians and motorists should continue to exercise caution. $$ 37  753 WSUS32 KKCI 060855 SIGC MKCC WST 060855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 4C VALID UNTIL 1055Z KY IN FROM 20WSW CVG-50SSW PXV LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS TO FL350. OUTLOOK VALID 061055-061455 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  754 WSUS31 KKCI 060855 SIGE MKCE WST 060855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 24E VALID UNTIL 1055Z NY PA MD VA WV OH LE FROM 40SE BUF-40NNW CSN-20N EKN-40NW CLE-40SE BUF AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS TO FL330. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 25E VALID UNTIL 1055Z VA NC WV OH GA TN KY FROM 50SSW AIR-30ESE EKN-20NW RDU-30WNW ODF-30SSE IIU-50SSW AIR AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS TO FL420. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 26E VALID UNTIL 1055Z NC CSTL WTRS FROM 110E ECG-160E ECG-110ESE ILM-80ESE ILM-110E ECG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 24030KT. TOPS TO FL320. OUTLOOK VALID 061055-061455 FROM 40WSW DXO-PSB-GSO-40SSW BNA-40E PXV-40WSW DXO WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  755 WSUS33 KKCI 060855 SIGW MKCW WST 060855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 061055-061455 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  130 WABZ23 SBGL 060845 SBRE AIRMET 13 VALID 060850/061140 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR OVC CLD 300/0900FT FCST WI S0414 W03854 - S0414 W03805 - S0337 W03805 - S0337 W03854 - S0414 W03854 STNR NC=  229 WSIR31 OIII 060844 OIIX SIGMET 07 VALID 060910/061130 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3543 E04622 - N3515 E04843 - N3132 E05003 - N3102 E04751 - N3232 E04718 - N3351 E04536 - N3448 E04536 - N3543 E04622 TOP FL320 MOV ENE INTSF=  406 WWUS75 KVEF 060850 NPWVEF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Las Vegas NV 1250 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 AZZ036-NVZ016-020>022-062100- /O.NEW.KVEF.WI.Y.0007.250206T1800Z-250208T0300Z/ Lake Mead National Recreation Area-Northeast Clark County-Las Vegas Valley-Lake Mead National Recreation Area-Southern Clark County- Including the cities of Laughlin, Moapa, North Las Vegas, Oatman, Mohave Valley, Hoover Dam, Boulder City, Searchlight, Mesquite, Cal-Nev-Ari, Overton, Henderson, Bullhead City, Primm, and Las Vegas 1250 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 /150 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM PST /11 AM MST/ THIS MORNING TO 7 PM PST /8 PM MST/ FRIDAY... * WHAT...South to southwest winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected today. Stronger winds gusting to 55 mph are expected late Thursday night into Friday afternoon especially across the Western and southern edges of the Las Vegas Valley. * WHERE...Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Northeast Clark County, Las Vegas Valley, and Southern Clark County. * WHEN...From 10 AM PST /11 AM MST/ this morning to 7 PM PST /8 PM MST/ Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Pockets of blowing dust will reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. Strong winds and rough waves on area lakes will create hazardous conditions for small craft. && $$ CAZ520>523-062100- /O.NEW.KVEF.WI.Y.0007.250206T1800Z-250208T0300Z/ Owens Valley-White Mountains of Inyo County-Death Valley National Park-Western Mojave Desert- Including the cities of Shoshone, Furnace Creek, Westgard Pass, Daggett, Barstow, Fort Irwin, Olancha, Independence, Bristlecone Pine, Lone Pine, Stovepipe Wells, and Bishop 1250 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 7 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 55 mph expected. * WHERE...White and Inyo Mountains, Owens Valley, Death Valley National Park, and Western Mojave Desert. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 7 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Strong downslope winds may strike suddenly along the US-395 corridor and could overturn high profile vehicles and create pockets of blowing dust. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ NVZ017-019-062100- /O.NEW.KVEF.WI.Y.0007.250206T1800Z-250208T0300Z/ Western Clark and Southern Nye County-Spring Mountains-Red Rock Canyon- Including the cities of Pahrump, Desert Rock, Indian Springs, Red Rock Canyon, Amargosa Valley, and Mt Charleston 1250 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 7 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 60 mph expected. * WHERE...Spring Mountains-Red Rock Canyon and Western Clark and Southern Nye County. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 7 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Strong crosswinds are possible along US-95 between Las Vegas and Desert Rock. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/lasvegas CO  485 WWCN16 CWHX 060849 WRECKHOUSE WIND WARNING FOR NEWFOUNDLAND ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:19 A.M. NST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WRECKHOUSE WIND WARNING FOR: =NEW= CHANNEL-PORT AUX BASQUES AND VICINITY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WINDS ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. TIME SPAN: OVERNIGHT TONIGHT UNTIL NEAR NOON FRIDAY. MAXIMUM GUSTS: SOUTHEASTERLY UP TO 120 KM/H IN THE WRECKHOUSE AREA. BE PREPARED TO ADJUST YOUR DRIVING WITH CHANGING ROAD CONDITIONS DUE TO HIGH WINDS. MOTORISTS, ESPECIALLY IN HIGH PROFILE VEHICLES, MAY EXPECT HAZARDOUS DRIVING CONDITIONS ON HIGHWAYS SUBJECT TO STRONG CROSS WINDS. WRECKHOUSE WIND WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF DAMAGING WINDS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  824 WSID21 WAAA 060850 WAAF SIGMET 15 VALID 060850/061150 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0343 E12340 - S0427 E12448 - S 0448 E12446 - S0504 E12342 - S0501 E12154 - S0432 E12156 - S0343 E123 40 TOP FL530 MOV W 15KT INTSF=  825 WSID21 WAAA 060850 WAAF SIGMET 14 VALID 060850/061150 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0220 E12456 - N0053 E12822 - S 0058 E12925 - N0016 E12316 - N0214 E12258 - N0220 E12456 TOP FL530 MO V WNW 15KT NC=  521 WWUS45 KPIH 060851 WSWPIH URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pocatello ID 151 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 IDZ060-063>066-062200- /O.NEW.KPIH.WW.Y.0005.250207T0600Z-250208T0600Z/ Bear River Range-Caribou Range-Big Hole Mountains-Teton Valley- Centennial Mountains - Island Park- Including the cities of Victor, Emigration Summit, Island Park, Swan Valley, Kilgore, Tetonia, Ashton, Driggs, and Wayan 151 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 12 inches. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...Big Hole Mountains, Centennial Mountains - Island Park, Teton Valley, Bear River Range, and Caribou Range. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Call 5 1 1 or visit 511.idaho.gov for the latest road conditions. && $$ IDZ071>075-062200- /O.NEW.KPIH.WW.Y.0005.250207T0600Z-250208T0600Z/ Frank Church Wilderness-Sawtooth/Stanley Basin-Sun Valley Region- Big Lost Highlands/Copper Basin-Wood River Foothills- Including the cities of Ketchum, Copper Basin, Stanley, Bellevue, Sun Valley, Hailey, Clayton, Picabo, and Galena 151 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 12 inches. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...Big Lost Highlands/Copper Basin, Frank Church Wilderness, Sawtooth/Stanley Basin, Sun Valley Region, and Wood River Foothills. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Call 5 1 1 or visit 511.idaho.gov for the latest road conditions. && $$ Visit weather.gov/pocatello for more information. 13  592 WWUS83 KJKL 060851 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 351 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ058-059-108-111-112-060915- Lee KY-Breathitt KY-Estill KY-Powell KY-Wolfe KY- 351 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHEASTERN POWELL...CENTRAL ESTILL...NORTHWESTERN BREATHITT...NORTHERN LEE AND WOLFE COUNTIES THROUGH 415 AM EST... At 351 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Pitts, or near Irvine, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Pea size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Irvine, Campton, Fincastle, Ravenna, Pilot, Torrent, Lexie, Leeco, Pinnacle, Fillmore, Pence, Pine Ridge, Vancleve, Patsey, Wilhurst, War Creek, Gosneyville, Rogers Chapel, Vada, and Evelyn. THIS INCLUDES Bert T. Combs Mountain Parkway between mile markers 37 and 54. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3761 8398 3777 8397 3781 8339 3759 8339 TIME...MOT...LOC 0851Z 268DEG 46KT 3769 8387 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.25 IN MAX WIND GUST...<30 MPH $$ CMC  861 WWUS83 KJKL 060852 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 352 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ058-059-108-111-112-060915- Lee KY-Breathitt KY-Estill KY-Powell KY-Wolfe KY- 352 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHEASTERN POWELL...CENTRAL ESTILL...NORTHWESTERN BREATHITT...NORTHERN LEE AND WOLFE COUNTIES THROUGH 415 AM EST... At 352 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Pitts, or near Irvine, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and pea size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Irvine, Campton, Fincastle, Ravenna, Pilot, Torrent, Lexie, Leeco, Pinnacle, Fillmore, Pence, Pine Ridge, Vancleve, Patsey, Wilhurst, War Creek, Gosneyville, Rogers Chapel, Vada, and Evelyn. THIS INCLUDES Bert T. Combs Mountain Parkway between mile markers 37 and 54. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3761 8398 3777 8397 3781 8339 3759 8339 TIME...MOT...LOC 0852Z 268DEG 46KT 3769 8386 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.25 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ CMC  905 WSID21 WAAA 060851 WAAF SIGMET 16 VALID 060851/061150 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0902 E12423 - S1026 E12417 - S 1025 E12202 - S0957 E12058 - S0902 E12423 TOP FL510 MOV W 15KT INTSF=  338 WWUS75 KVEF 060852 NPWVEF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Las Vegas NV 1252 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 NVZ014-062100- /O.EXA.KVEF.WI.Y.0007.250206T1800Z-250208T0300Z/ Esmeralda and Central Nye County- Including the cities of Beatty, Dyer, Goldfield, and Silver Peak 1252 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 7 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Esmeralda and Central Nye County. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 7 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ AZZ036-NVZ016-020>022-062100- /O.CON.KVEF.WI.Y.0007.250206T1800Z-250208T0300Z/ Lake Mead National Recreation Area-Northeast Clark County-Las Vegas Valley-Lake Mead National Recreation Area-Southern Clark County- Including the cities of Laughlin, Moapa, North Las Vegas, Oatman, Mohave Valley, Hoover Dam, Boulder City, Searchlight, Mesquite, Cal-Nev-Ari, Overton, Henderson, Bullhead City, Primm, and Las Vegas 1252 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 /152 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM PST /11 AM MST/ THIS MORNING TO 7 PM PST /8 PM MST/ FRIDAY... * WHAT...South to southwest winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected today. Stronger winds gusting to 55 mph are expected late Thursday night into Friday afternoon especially across the Western and southern edges of the Las Vegas Valley. * WHERE...Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Northeast Clark County, Las Vegas Valley, and Southern Clark County. * WHEN...From 10 AM PST /11 AM MST/ this morning to 7 PM PST /8 PM MST/ Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Pockets of blowing dust will reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. Strong winds and rough waves on area lakes will create hazardous conditions for small craft. && $$ CAZ520>523-062100- /O.CON.KVEF.WI.Y.0007.250206T1800Z-250208T0300Z/ Owens Valley-White Mountains of Inyo County-Death Valley National Park-Western Mojave Desert- Including the cities of Shoshone, Furnace Creek, Westgard Pass, Daggett, Barstow, Fort Irwin, Olancha, Independence, Bristlecone Pine, Lone Pine, Stovepipe Wells, and Bishop 1252 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 7 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 55 mph expected. * WHERE...White and Inyo Mountains, Owens Valley, Death Valley National Park, and Western Mojave Desert. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 7 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Strong downslope winds may strike suddenly along the US-395 corridor and could overturn high profile vehicles and create pockets of blowing dust. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ NVZ017-019-062100- /O.CON.KVEF.WI.Y.0007.250206T1800Z-250208T0300Z/ Western Clark and Southern Nye County-Spring Mountains-Red Rock Canyon- Including the cities of Pahrump, Desert Rock, Indian Springs, Red Rock Canyon, Amargosa Valley, and Mt Charleston 1252 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 7 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 60 mph expected. * WHERE...Spring Mountains-Red Rock Canyon and Western Clark and Southern Nye County. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 7 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Strong crosswinds are possible along US-95 between Las Vegas and Desert Rock. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/lasvegas CO  599 WWUS45 KRIW 060852 WSWRIW URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Riverton WY 152 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 WYZ012-014-015-024-070000- /O.NEW.KRIW.WS.W.0004.250207T0600Z-250208T0600Z/ Teton and Gros Ventre Mountains-Wind River Mountains West-Wind River Mountains East-Salt River and Wyoming Ranges- 152 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 12 and 20 inches. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph on Friday. * WHERE...Wind River Mountains, Teton and Gros Ventre Mountains, and Salt River and Wyoming Ranges. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult, especially across Teton and Togwotee Passes. Strong winds will create hazardous conditions with blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. For graphical depictions of the snowfall forecast, including the official NWS forecast, high end amounts, and low end amounts, visit https://weather.gov/riw/winter . For winter road conditions from the Wyoming Department of Transportation, visit https://wyoroad.info . && $$ WYZ001-002-070000- /O.NEW.KRIW.WW.Y.0008.250207T0600Z-250208T0600Z/ Yellowstone National Park-Absaroka Mountains- Including the cities of Old Faithful, Lake, and Mammoth 152 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 6 and 12 inches. Winds gusting as high as 60 mph on Friday. * WHERE...Absaroka Mountains and Yellowstone National Park. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Strong winds will create hazardous conditions with blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. For graphical depictions of the snowfall forecast, including the official NWS forecast, high end amounts, and low end amounts, visit https://weather.gov/riw/winter . For winter road conditions from the Wyoming Department of Transportation, visit https://wyoroad.info .. && $$ WYZ025-070000- /O.NEW.KRIW.WW.Y.0008.250207T0600Z-250208T0600Z/ Upper Green River Basin Foothills- Including the cities of Pinedale 152 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 8 inches for Daniel and Bondurant, and 3 to 5 inches for Pinedale. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Upper Green River Basin Foothills. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Strong winds will create hazardous conditions with blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. For graphical depictions of the snowfall forecast, including the official NWS forecast, high end amounts, and low end amounts, visit https://weather.gov/riw/winter . For winter road conditions from the Wyoming Department of Transportation, visit https://wyoroad.info . && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service, visit https://weather.gov/riw/ . Straub  733 WWUS75 KPIH 060852 NPWPIH URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pocatello ID 152 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 IDZ051>057-062200- /O.NEW.KPIH.WI.Y.0004.250207T1200Z-250208T0600Z/ Shoshone/Lava Beds-Arco/Mud Lake Desert-Upper Snake River Plain- Lower Snake River Plain-Eastern Magic Valley-Southern Hills/Albion Mountains-Raft River Region- Including the cities of Mud Lake, Rexburg, Shelley, Rockland, St. Anthony, Holbrook, Carey, Fort Hall, American Falls, Pocatello, Almo, Albion, Shoshone, INL, Richfield, Oakley, Rupert, Idaho Falls, Heyburn, Blackfoot, Craters of the Moon NM, Malta, and Burley 152 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 5 AM TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Eastern Magic Valley, Shoshone/Lava Beds, Arco/Mud Lake Desert, Lower Snake River Plain, Raft River Region, Southern Hills/Albion Mountains, and Upper Snake River Plain. * WHEN...From 5 AM to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Unsecured objects may be blown around. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ Visit weather.gov/pocatello for more information. 13  748 WWUS43 KMKX 060852 WSWMKX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 252 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 WIZ062-067-068-061000- /O.EXP.KMKX.WW.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Iowa-Lafayette-Green- Including the cities of Brodhead, Mineral Point, Dodgeville, Belmont, Barneveld, Monroe, Shullsburg, Benton, Argyle, Blanchardville, and Darlington 252 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 3 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... Freezing drizzle has moved out of the area. Slippery driving conditions on untreated roads may linger into the early morning commute. $$ WIZ046-047-056>058-063>066-069>072-061100- /O.EXT.KMKX.WW.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1100Z/ Marquette-Green Lake-Sauk-Columbia-Dodge-Dane-Jefferson-Waukesha- Milwaukee-Rock-Walworth-Racine-Kenosha- Including the cities of Markesan, Elkhorn, Janesville, Watertown, New Berlin, Jefferson, Sauk City, Prairie Du Sac, Lodi, Portage, Berlin, East Troy, Princeton, Reedsburg, Neshkoro, Montello, Brookfield, Columbus, Lake Geneva, Baraboo, Fort Atkinson, Mayville, Milwaukee, Endeavor, Lake Wisconsin, Madison, Racine, Beloit, Waukesha, Whitewater, Waupun, Kenosha, Muskego, Delavan, Oxford, Beaver Dam, Menomonee Falls, and Westfield 252 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle with some light snow mixed in at times. A glazing of ice on roads is expected into the early morning commute. * WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Wisconsin. * WHEN...Until 5 AM CST early this morning. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions into the early morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WIZ059-060-061300- /O.EXT.KMKX.WW.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ Washington-Ozaukee- Including the cities of West Bend, Mequon, Cedarburg, Germantown, Hartford, and Grafton 252 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle with some light snow mixed in at times. A glazing of ice on roads is expected into the early morning commute. * WHERE...Ozaukee and Washington Counties. * WHEN...Until 7 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions into the early morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WIZ051-052-061300- /O.CON.KMKX.WW.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ Fond du Lac-Sheboygan- Including the cities of Plymouth, Fond Du Lac, Sheboygan Falls, Howards Grove, and Oostburg 252 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle with some light snow mixed in at times. A glazing of ice on roads is expected into the early morning commute. * WHERE...Fond du Lac and Sheboygan Counties. * WHEN...Until 7 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions into the early morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MARQUARDT  305 WWUS43 KARX 060853 WSWARX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service La Crosse WI 253 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 IAZ008>011-018-019-029-030-MNZ079-086>088-094>096-WIZ017-029-032>034- 041>044-053>055-061-061000- /O.EXP.KARX.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Mitchell-Howard-Winneshiek-Allamakee-Floyd-Chickasaw-Fayette- Clayton-Wabasha-Dodge-Olmsted-Winona-Mower-Fillmore-Houston- Taylor-Clark-Buffalo-Trempealeau-Jackson-La Crosse-Monroe-Juneau- Adams-Vernon-Crawford-Richland-Grant- Including the cities of New Hampton, Whitehall, La Crosse, Dodge Center, Wabasha, Rochester, Preston, Elkader, Decorah, Viroqua, Prairie Du Chien, Arcadia, Charles City, Platteville, Neillsville, Tomah, Osage, Austin, Oelwein, Mauston, Caledonia, Richland Center, Medford, Alma, Sparta, Cresco, Winona, Waukon, Friendship, and Black River Falls 253 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 3 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... The freezing drizzle and snow is quickly moving east this morning, however untreated roads remain icy. Slick roads will be possible through the morning commute, thus use caution. $$ Zapotocny  748 WGUS51 KRLX 060853 FFWRLX WVC015-039-067-061200- /O.NEW.KRLX.FF.W.0003.250206T0853Z-250206T1200Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 353 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Charleston has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Eastern Kanawha County in central West Virginia... Southern Clay County in north central West Virginia... Central Nicholas County in southeastern West Virginia... * Until 700 AM EST. * At 353 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Between 1 and 1.5 inches of rain have fallen. Additional rainfall amounts of 0.5 to 1 inch are possible in the warned area. Flash flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Flash flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other poor drainage and low-lying areas. * Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Summersville, Clay, Glen, Craigsville, Muddlety, Widen, Bickmore, Indore and Calvin. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3849 8082 3850 8068 3849 8067 3841 8066 3828 8064 3829 8124 3829 8125 3844 8129 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$ TRM  050 WWUS43 KBIS 060853 WSWBIS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 253 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 NDZ001-009-061700- /O.EXA.KBIS.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Divide-Williams- Including the cities of Williston and Crosby 253 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Blowing snow expected. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...Much of northwest and central North Dakota. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use caution while traveling, especially in open areas. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NDZ002>005-010>013-021>023-025-035>037-047-048-050-051-061700- /O.CON.KBIS.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Burke-Renville-Bottineau-Rolette-Mountrail-Ward-McHenry-Pierce- McLean-Sheridan-Wells-Foster-Burleigh-Kidder-Stutsman-Logan-La Moure-McIntosh-Dickey- Including the cities of Portal, Ellendale, Rugby, Steele, Drake, Napoleon, Wilton, Underwood, Jamestown, Garrison, Dunseith, Rolla, Wishek, Rolette, St. John, Kulm, Washburn, Powers Lake, Towner, Harvey, Parshall, Edgeley, Bottineau, Ashley, Goodrich, Shell Valley, Tappen, Bowbells, Sherwood, Minot, Glenburn, Velva, Turtle Lake, Bismarck, Fessenden, Lamoure, Columbus, Gackle, Lignite, Mcclusky, Mohall, Carrington, Oakes, New Town, and Stanley 253 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Blowing snow expected. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...Much of northwest and central North Dakota. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Widespread blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use caution while traveling, especially in open areas. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Schild  326 WABZ23 SBGL 060847 SBCW AIRMET 3 VALID 060852/061015 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR CNL AIRMET 1 060700/061015=  887 WHUS71 KCLE 060853 MWWCLE URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cleveland OH 353 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 LEZ061-149-169-061700- /O.CON.KCLE.GL.W.0002.250206T2100Z-250207T0900Z/ Ripley to Buffalo NY extending from 5NM off shoreline to US- Canadian border-Conneaut OH to Ripley NY- Conneaut OH to Ripley NY beyond 5 nm off shoreline to US- Canadian border- 353 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds to 35 knots expected. * WHERE...The nearshore waters of Lake Erie from Conneaut OH to Ripley NY, and the open waters of Lake Erie from Conneaut OH to Buffalo NY. * WHEN...From 4 PM Thursday to 4 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. Areas of ice on Lake Erie will shift to the east and northeast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://www.weather.gov/cle  302 WWUS41 KILN 060854 WSWILN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wilmington OH 354 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 OHZ026-034-035-042>046-051>056-065-061200- /O.EXT.KILN.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Hardin-Mercer-Auglaize-Darke-Shelby-Logan-Union-Delaware-Miami- Champaign-Clark-Madison-Franklin-Licking-Fairfield- Including the cities of Plain City, Minster, Kenton, West Jefferson, Urbana, Wapakoneta, New Bremen, Lancaster, Pickerington, London, Coldwater, Greenville, Bellefontaine, Ada, Troy, Sidney, Tipp City, Marysville, Celina, Springfield, St. Marys, Newark, Downtown Columbus, Piqua, and Delaware 354 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of central and west central Ohio. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. visit ohgo.com for the latest road information. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ INZ050-058-059-066-OHZ060>064-070>074-061000- /O.CON.KILN.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1000Z/ Wayne-Fayette-Union-Franklin-Preble-Montgomery-Greene-Fayette- Pickaway-Butler-Warren-Clinton-Ross-Hocking- Including the cities of West College Corner, Fairfield, Springboro, Eaton, Downtown Dayton, Lebanon, Wilmington, Camden, Circleville, Washington Court House, Franklin, Hamilton, Connersville, Liberty, Kettering, Middletown, Xenia, Fairborn, Mason, Blanchester, Logan, Chillicothe, Richmond, Brookville, Landen, Oxford, and Beavercreek 354 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM EST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of east central and southeast Indiana and central, south central, southwest, and west central Ohio. * WHEN...Until 5 AM EST early this morning. * IMPACTS...Slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In Indiana, visit 511in.org or call 1-800-261-7623 for the latest road information. In Ohio, visit ohgo.com for the latest road information. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$  580 WWCN16 CWHX 060853 WIND WARNING FOR NEWFOUNDLAND ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:23 A.M. NST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: =NEW= ST. JOHN'S AND VICINITY =NEW= AVALON PENINSULA NORTH. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WINDS THAT MAY CAUSE DAMAGE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. MAXIMUM GUSTS: SOUTHEASTERLY 80 KM/H, EXCEPT 100 ALONG PARTS OF THE COAST. LOCATIONS: NORTHERN AVALON PENINSULA. TIME SPAN: NEAR NOON FRIDAY UNTIL FRIDAY EVENING. DAMAGE TO BUILDINGS, SUCH AS TO ROOF SHINGLES AND WINDOWS, MAY OCCUR. LOOSE OBJECTS MAY BE TOSSED BY THE WIND AND CAUSE INJURY OR DAMAGE. WIND WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF DAMAGING WINDS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  293 WWUS45 KBYZ 060854 WSWBYZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Billings MT 154 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 MTZ067-068-070900- /O.NEW.KBYZ.WS.W.0005.250207T0000Z-250208T0600Z/ Absaroka/Beartooth Mountains-Crazy Mountains- Including the locations of Cooke City 154 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 5 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 10 to 15 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Absaroka/Beartooth Mountains and Crazy Mountains. * WHEN...From 5 PM this afternoon to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Outdoor recreation in the high country will be impacted by hazardous winter conditions. Expect avalanche danger to increase. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. For the latest road conditions, call 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ065-066-141-070900- /O.NEW.KBYZ.WW.Y.0014.250207T0300Z-250208T0600Z/ /O.CON.KBYZ.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-250206T1900Z/ Livingston Area-Beartooth Foothills-Northern Sweet Grass- Including the locations of Big Timber, Fishtail, McLeod, Springdale, Livingston, and Nye 154 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MST TODAY... * WHAT...For the first Winter Weather Advisory, areas of blowing snow, with west winds gusting 35 to 45 mph. For the second Winter Weather Advisory, snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 6 inches. * WHERE...Beartooth Foothills, Livingston Area, and Northern Sweet Grass. * WHEN...For the first Winter Weather Advisory, until noon MST today. For the second Winter Weather Advisory, from 8 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...For this morning, gusty winds will create areas of blowing and drifting snow, and difficult travel conditions. The risk of blowing snow will diminish this afternoon. Tonight through Friday evening, more accumulating snow will produce difficult travel conditions with snowy roads and poor visibility. This includes Interstate 90 from Livingston to Big Timber. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The heaviest snow will be on Friday. Be prepared for slow commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. For the latest road conditions, call 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ034-040-056-064-170-173-235-070900- /O.NEW.KBYZ.WW.Y.0014.250207T0300Z-250208T0600Z/ Northern Stillwater-Northern Park-Red Lodge Foothills-Paradise Valley-Northern Carbon-Northeastern Yellowstone-Southwestern Yellowstone- Including the locations of Absarokee, Fromberg, Rapelje, Red Lodge, Columbus, Billings, Huntley, Clyde Park, Broadview, Joliet, Park City, Roberts, Pompeys Pillar, Wilsall, Laurel, Roscoe, Reed Point, Emigrant, and Custer 154 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 6 inches. * WHERE...A portion of south central Montana. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel will be impacted by snowy roads and poor visibility. This includes Interstate 90 and US-212. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The heaviest snow will be on Friday. Be prepared for slow commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. For the latest road conditions, call 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ172-070900- /O.NEW.KBYZ.WS.A.0005.250207T0000Z-250208T0600Z/ /O.CON.KBYZ.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-250206T1900Z/ Melville Foothills- Including the locations of Melville 154 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM THIS AFTERNOON THROUGH FRIDAY EVENING... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON MST TODAY... * WHAT...For the Winter Weather Advisory, areas of blowing snow with west winds gusting 35 to 45 mph. For the Winter Storm Watch, heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 8 inches. * WHERE...Melville Foothills. * WHEN...For the Winter Weather Advisory, until noon MST today. For the Winter Storm Watch, from late this afternoon through Friday evening. * IMPACTS...Travel on US-191 through Melville could be very difficult, due to snow and reduced visibility. Localized blowing and drifting snow is also possible. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The heaviest snow will be on Friday. Be prepared for slow commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. Slow down and use caution while traveling. For the latest road conditions, call 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ029-042-063-228-070900- /O.NEW.KBYZ.WS.A.0005.250207T0000Z-250208T0600Z/ Musselshell-Golden Valley-Judith Gap-Southern Wheatland- Including the locations of Melstone, Ryegate, Judith Gap, Shawmut, Twodot, Roundup, Lavina, Harlowton, and Musselshell 154 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM THIS AFTERNOON THROUGH FRIDAY EVENING... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 8 inches. * WHERE...Golden Valley, Judith Gap, Musselshell, and Southern Wheatland. * WHEN...From late this afternoon through Friday evening. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult, due to snow and reduced visibility. This includes US-191 through Harlowton and Judith Gap, and Highway 12 from Harlowton to Roundup. Localized blowing and drifting snow is also possible. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The heaviest snow will be on Friday. Be prepared for slow commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. Slow down and use caution while traveling. For the latest road conditions, call 5 1 1. && $$ Additional graphics for this hazard can be found at http://www.weather.gov/billings Lester  342 WABZ23 SBGL 060849 SBRE AIRMET 14 VALID 060854/061015 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR CNL AIRMET 11 060700/061015=  343 WSPR31 SPJC 060855 SPIM SIGMET 4 VALID 060855/060930 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET 3 VALID 060700/060930=  709 WWUS43 KIWX 060854 WSWIWX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Northern Indiana 354 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 INZ005>009-104-204-MIZ078>081-177-277-OHZ001-002-004-005-015-016- 061500- /O.CON.KIWX.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Elkhart-Lagrange-Steuben-Noble-De Kalb-Eastern St. Joseph IN- Western St. Joseph IN-Cass MI-St. Joseph MI-Branch-Hillsdale- Northern Berrien-Southern Berrien-Williams-Fulton OH-Defiance- Henry-Paulding-Putnam- 354 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of northern Indiana, southwest Michigan, and northwest Ohio. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. A few power outages are possible. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ INZ012>015-017-018-020-022>027-032>034-103-116-203-216-OHZ024-025- 061500- /O.CON.KIWX.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Starke-Pulaski-Marshall-Fulton IN-Whitley-Allen IN-White-Cass IN- Miami-Wabash-Huntington-Wells-Adams-Grant-Blackford-Jay-Northern La Porte-Northern Kosciusko-Southern La Porte-Southern Kosciusko- Van Wert-Allen OH- 354 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 /254 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST /9 AM CST/ THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of northern Indiana and northwest Ohio. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST /9 AM CST/ this morning. * IMPACTS...Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. A few power outages are possible. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ CR  929 WWUS41 KPBZ 060854 WSWPBZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 354 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 PAZ074-076-078-WVZ512-514-061500- /O.CON.KPBZ.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Higher Elevations of Westmoreland-Higher Elevations of Fayette- Higher Elevations of Indiana-Eastern Preston-Eastern Tucker- Including the cities of Ohiopyle, Donegal, Rowlesburg, Hazelton, Terra Alta, Armagh, Davis, Thomas, Canaan Valley, Ligonier, and Champion 354 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Significant icing. Little or no snow accumulation and ice accumulations up to three tenths of an inch. * WHERE...In Pennsylvania, Higher Elevations of Fayette, Higher Elevations of Westmoreland, and Higher Elevations of Indiana Counties. In West Virginia, Eastern Preston and Eastern Tucker Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Power outages and tree damage are likely due to the ice. Travel could be nearly impossible on untreated roads. The hazardous conditions could impact the Wednesday evening and Thursday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report ice accumulations or damage by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ OHZ039>041-048>050-057>059-068-069-PAZ013-020-021-029-031-073-075- WVZ001>004-012-021-509>511-513-061200- /O.EXT.KPBZ.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Tuscarawas-Carroll-Columbiana-Coshocton-Harrison-Jefferson OH- Muskingum-Guernsey-Belmont-Noble-Monroe-Lawrence-Beaver-Allegheny- Washington-Greene-Westmoreland-Fayette-Hancock-Brooke-Ohio- Marshall-Wetzel-Marion-Monongalia-Ridges of Eastern Monongalia and Northwestern Preston-Preston-Western Tucker- Including the cities of New Castle, Pittsburgh Metro Area, Aliquippa, Caldwell, Canonsburg, Uniontown, Follansbee, Murrysville, Ellwood City, New Philadelphia, Kingwood, Malvern, Latrobe, Coopers Rock, Lower Burrell, Cadiz, Monessen, Washington, Columbiana, East Liverpool, Coshocton, Beaver Falls, Steubenville, Dover, St. Clairsville, Weirton, Salem, Morgantown, Zanesville, Wheeling, Waynesburg, Hendricks, Fairmont, Martins Ferry, Cambridge, Saint George, Monaca, Wellsburg, Moundsville, Bruceton Mills, Ambridge, Carrollton, Greensburg, Woodsfield, New Martinsville, Parsons, and New Kensington 354 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of east central Ohio, southwest and western Pennsylvania, and northern and the northern panhandle of West Virginia. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Difficult travel conditions are possible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report snow or ice accumulations by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ PAZ007>009-014>016-022-077-061500- /O.CON.KPBZ.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Mercer-Venango-Forest-Butler-Clarion-Jefferson PA-Armstrong- Indiana- Including the cities of Franklin, Punxsutawney, Kittanning, Ford City, Oil City, Grove City, Sharon, Butler, Clarion, Hermitage, Brookville, Tionesta, and Indiana 354 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations less than one inch and ice accumulations between one tenth and two tenths of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of northwest and western Pennsylvania. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Difficult travel conditions are possible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report snow or ice accumulations by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ Shallenberger  187 WWUS81 KRLX 060854 SPSRLX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 354 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVZ013-015-026-517-060945- Boone WV-Kanawha WV-Lincoln WV-Northwest Fayette WV- 354 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHERN KANAWHA...EAST CENTRAL LINCOLN...NORTHWESTERN FAYETTE AND NORTHERN BOONE COUNTIES THROUGH 445 AM EST... At 354 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Spurlockville, or 10 miles northwest of Madison, moving east at 65 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and nickel size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Seth, Dawes, Cedar Grove, Glasgow, Ashford, Sharon, Eskdale, Powellton, Palermo, Gauley Bridge, Spurlockville, Alkol, Pond Gap, Mud, Yawkey, Racine, Pratt, Leewood, Montgomery, and Burnwell. This includes the following highways... West Virginia Turnpike between mile markers 66 and 91. Route 119 between mile markers 51 and 65. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. A Flash Flood Watch remains in effect. Heavy downpours could cause rapid rises in water. If rising water is observed, move to higher ground. Do not drive into areas covered by water. && LAT...LON 3824 8208 3829 8124 3826 8123 3825 8119 3823 8119 3823 8117 3801 8115 3809 8210 TIME...MOT...LOC 0854Z 270DEG 57KT 3816 8196 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.88 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ 14  100 WWJP81 RJTD 060600 VITAL WARNING FOR NAHA NAVTEX AREA 060600UTC ISSUED AT 060900UTC PRESSURE GRADIENT IS STEEP GALE WARNING NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU, SOUTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU, SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI, SEA SOUTHWEST OF MESHIMA, HYUGA NADA, SEA OFF KAGOSHIMA WITH MAX WINDS 40 KT SEA AROUND AMAMI, SOUTHERN PART OF EAST CHINA SEA, SEA SOUTH OF OKINAWA WITH 35 KT WARNING(NEAR GALE) SEA EAST OF OKINAWA NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 061500UTC =  101 WWJP82 RJTD 060600 VITAL WARNING FOR MOJI NAVTEX AREA 060600UTC ISSUED AT 060900UTC DEVELOPED LOW 988HPA AT 46N 141E MOV ESE SLWY GALE WARNING SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF NOTO, SETONAIKAI, NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU, NORTHWESTERN PART OF JAPAN SEA, SEA EAST OF OKI SYOTO AND AROUND WAKASA WAN, SEA WEST OF OKI SYOTO, TSUSHIMA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF CHEJU ISLAND, SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI, HYUGA NADA, SEA OFF KAGOSHIMA WITH MAX WINDS 40 KT WARNING(ICING) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, NORTHWESTERN PART OF JAPAN SEA NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 061500UTC =  102 WWJP83 RJTD 060600 VITAL WARNING FOR YOKOHAMA NAVTEX AREA 060600UTC ISSUED AT 060900UTC DEVELOPING LOW 988HPA AT 39N 155E MOV ENE 25 KT FCST POSITION FOR 061800UTC AT 40N 161E WITH UNCERTANITY OF 50 MILES RADIUS FCST POSITION FOR 070600UTC AT 40N 170E WITH UNCERTANITY OF 80 MILES RADIUS DEVELOPED LOW 988HPA AT 46N 141E MOV ESE SLWY GALE WARNING EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, NORTHERN SEA OFF KANTO WITH MAX WINDS 45 KT SOUTHERN SEA OFF KANTO, EASTERN SEA OFF TOKAI, WESTERN SEA OFF TOKAI, SOUTHERN SEA OFF TOKAI, NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU, SOUTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU WITH 40 KT NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 061500UTC =  103 WABZ23 SBGL 060849 SBRE AIRMET 15 VALID 060854/061015 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR CNL AIRMET 12 060700/061015=  104 WSFG20 TFFF 060854 SOOO SIGMET 02 VALID 060900/061200 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR SEV ICE FCST WI N0500 W05130 - N0715 W05315 - N0945 W05100 - N1000 W04800 - N1045 W04545 - N0500 W05130 FL175/195 STNR NC=  328 WWJP84 RJTD 060600 VITAL WARNING FOR OTARU NAVTEX AREA 060600UTC ISSUED AT 060900UTC DEVELOPED LOW 988HPA AT 46N 141E MOV ESE SLWY GALE WARNING SEA WEST OF SAKHALIN, SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF SADO, SEA OFF NOTO WITH MAX WINDS 40 KT SOYA KAIKYO, TSUGARU KAIKYO, SEA OFF HIYAMA AND TSUGARU, SEA OFF AKITA WITH 35 KT WARNING(ICING) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 061500UTC =  329 WWJP85 RJTD 060600 VITAL WARNING FOR KUSHIRO NAVTEX AREA 060600UTC ISSUED AT 060900UTC DEVELOPING LOW 988HPA AT 39N 155E MOV ENE 25 KT FCST POSITION FOR 061800UTC AT 40N 161E WITH UNCERTANITY OF 50 MILES RADIUS FCST POSITION FOR 070600UTC AT 40N 170E WITH UNCERTANITY OF 80 MILES RADIUS DEVELOPED LOW 988HPA AT 46N 141E MOV ESE SLWY GALE WARNING SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO, EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU WITH MAX WINDS 45 KT SEA OFF KUSHIRO, SEA OFF HIDAKA WITH 40 KT SEA EAST OF SAKHALIN, SOYA KAIKYO, TSUGARU KAIKYO WITH 35 KT NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 061500UTC =  883 WWUS41 KBTV 060855 WSWBTV URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Burlington VT 355 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NYZ026>031-034-035-087-VTZ001>011-016>021-062100- /O.CON.KBTV.WW.Y.0007.250206T1200Z-250207T0300Z/ Northern St. Lawrence-Northern Franklin-Eastern Clinton- Southeastern St. Lawrence-Southern Franklin-Western Clinton- Western Essex-Eastern Essex-Southwestern St. Lawrence-Grand Isle- Western Franklin-Orleans-Essex-Western Chittenden-Lamoille- Caledonia-Washington-Western Addison-Orange-Western Rutland- Eastern Franklin-Eastern Chittenden-Eastern Addison-Eastern Rutland-Western Windsor-Eastern Windsor- Including the cities of Richford, White River Junction, Norfolk, Vergennes, Dannemora, Burlington, Derby, Enosburg Falls, Gouverneur, Newport, Montpelier, Underhill, Bethel, Massena, Plattsburgh, South Colton, Island Pond, Waitsfield, Tupper Lake, St. Albans, Alburgh, Killington, Ogdensburg, Ripton, Shelburne, Swanton, Saranac Lake, Lunenburg, Middlebury, Lake Placid, Port Henry, Hardwick, Bradford, Randolph, Stowe, Ellenburg, St. Johnsbury, Rutland, Fort Covington, Bristol, Potsdam, Ticonderoga, Champlain, Fair Haven, Johnson, Newcomb, Star Lake, South Hero, East Wallingford, Springfield, Malone, Ludlow, and Richmond 355 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM THIS MORNING TO 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 4 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze to locally one tenth of an inch. Winds gusty in excess of 30 mph by late Thursday. * WHERE...Portions of northern New York and central, northeast, northwest, and southern Vermont. * WHEN...From 7 AM this morning to 10 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning and especially evening commutes. Gusty winds will create areas of blowing snow which could reduce visibility below 1 mile late Thursday impacting the evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow Thursday morning will changeover to a wintry mix of snow and freezing drizzle Thursday afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. && $$ Boyd  291 ACUS03 KWNS 060855 SWODY3 SPC AC 060854 Day 3 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0254 AM CST Thu Feb 06 2025 Valid 081200Z - 091200Z ...NO THUNDERSTORM AREAS FORECAST... ...SUMMARY... Thunderstorm potential will remain low across the U.S. on Saturday. ...Discussion... The quasi-zonal flow field aloft which has prevailed recently will remain in place across most of the U.S. on Saturday. A couple of low-amplitude short-wave troughs will progress through the westerlies -- a lead feature initially over the northern and central Plains, and a second over the Pacific Northwest. The lead feature will permit a weak frontal wave -- initially over the Oklahoma/Missouri vicinity -- to shift eastward along the surface front with time, crossing the Ozarks and Ohio Valley region through the day, and then off the Mid-Atlantic Coast overnight. Potential for thunder appears low across the U.S. through the period. A lightning flash or two could occur over the Pacific Northwest vicinity early, as the upper trough crosses the area. A few showers are expected across the central Appalachians vicinity, in a zone of warm advection ahead of the approaching surface low, but lack of instability should preclude lightning. Elsewhere, aside from a few showers and possibly a lightning flash near/off the Carolina Coast, and likewise across the South Florida/Keys vicinity, thunderstorms are not expected. ..Goss.. 02/06/2025 $$  292 WUUS03 KWNS 060855 PTSDY3 DAY 3 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0254 AM CST THU FEB 06 2025 VALID TIME 081200Z - 091200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 3 ... ANY SEVERE ... && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 3 ... CATEGORICAL ... &&  598 WWCN73 CWVR 060855 AVERTISSEMENT DE FROID EXTREME POUR L'INTERIEUR ET LE NORD DE LA COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE EMIS PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA A 00H55 HNP LE JEUDI 6 FEVRIER 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERTISSEMENT DE FROID EXTREME POUR: =NOUVEAU= PARC NATIONAL YOHO - PARC NATIONAL KOOTENAY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DESCRIPTION== UNE MASSE D'AIR ARCTIQUE RESTE EN PLACE PENDANT PLUSIEURS JOURS. QUAND : JUSQU'A SAMEDI. OU : PARC NATIONAL YOHO - PARC NATIONAL KOOTENAY. RENSEIGNEMENTS SUPPLEMENTAIRES : L'EFFET CONJOINT D'UNE MASSE D'AIR ARCTIQUE ET DE VENTS MODERES OCCASIONNE UN REFROIDISSEMENT EOLIEN DE PRES DE MOINS 35. LES TEMPERATURES POURRAIENT REMONTER QUELQUE PEU DIMANCHE. LE FROID EXTREME AFFECTE TOUT LE MONDE. COUVREZ-VOUS. DES ENGELURES PEUVENT SE DEVELOPPER EN QUELQUES MINUTES SUR LA PEAU EXPOSEE AU REFROIDISSEMENT EOLIEN. VERIFIEZ L'ETAT DES PERSONNES AGEES DE VOTRE FAMILLE, VOS AMIS ET VOISINS. VEUILLEZ CONTINUER A SURVEILLER LES ALERTES ET LES PREVISIONS EMISES PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA. POUR SIGNALER DU TEMPS VIOLENT, ENVOYEZ UN COURRIEL A METEOBC(AROBAS)EC.GC.CA OU PUBLIEZ UN GAZOUILLIS EN UTILISANT LE MOT-CLIC (DIESE)BCMETEO. HTTP://METEO.GC.CA/ FIN/CPIP  599 WWCN13 CWVR 060855 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR INTERIOR AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 12:55 A.M. PST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: =NEW= YOHO PARK - KOOTENAY PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== AN ARCTIC AIRMASS REMAINS FOR SEVERAL DAYS. WHEN: NOW TO SATURDAY. WHERE: YOHO PARK - KOOTENAY PARK. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: AN ARCTIC AIRMASS COMBINED WITH MODERATE WINDS ARE GIVING WIND CHILL VALUES NEAR MINUS 35. TEMPERATURES MAY MODERATE SLIGHTLY ON SUNDAY. EXTREME COLD PUTS EVERYONE AT RISK. COVER UP. FROSTBITE CAN DEVELOP WITHIN MINUTES ON EXPOSED SKIN, ESPECIALLY WITH WIND CHILL. CHECK ON OLDER FAMILY, FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  623 WWUS43 KIND 060857 WSWIND URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 357 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 INZ021-029>031-038>042-048-049-056-057-061000- /O.CAN.KIND.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Carroll-Tippecanoe-Clinton-Howard-Tipton-Hamilton-Madison- Delaware-Randolph-Hancock-Henry-Shelby-Rush- Including the cities of Noblesville, Delphi, Greenfield, Muncie, Carmel, Lafayette, Winchester, Parker City, Fishers, Shelbyville, Rushville, New Castle, Farmland, Flora, West Lafayette, Tipton, Kokomo, Anderson, Frankfort, and Union City 357 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The threat has ended. $$ JP  047 WWCN16 CWHX 060858 WIND WARNING FOR NEWFOUNDLAND ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:28 A.M. NST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: =NEW= BAY ST. GEORGE =NEW= CORNER BROOK AND VICINITY =NEW= GROS MORNE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WINDS THAT MAY CAUSE DAMAGE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. MAXIMUM GUSTS: 80 KM/H, EXCEPT 120 IN AREAS PRONE TO ENHANCED SOUTHEASTERLIES. LOCATIONS: BAY ST. GEORGE TO GROS MORNE. TIME SPAN: FRIDAY MORNING UNTIL FRIDAY AFTERNOON. REMARKS: LOCAL ENHANCEMENT IN SOUTHEASTERLY FLOW TYPICALLY OCCURRS IN THE VICINITIES OF CAPE ST. GEORGE, PORT AU PORT BAY, THE OUTER BAY OF ISLANDS, TROUT RIVER BAY, BONNE BAY, WESTERN BROOK POND AND ST. PAULS BAY. DAMAGE TO BUILDINGS, SUCH AS TO ROOF SHINGLES AND WINDOWS, MAY OCCUR. MOTORISTS, ESPECIALLY IN HIGH PROFILE VEHICLES, MAY EXPECT HAZARDOUS DRIVING CONDITIONS ON HIGHWAYS SUBJECT TO STRONG CROSS WINDS. WIND WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF DAMAGING WINDS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  133 WSBZ23 SBGL 060853 SBAZ SIGMET 25 VALID 060858/061130 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR CNL SIGMET 17 060730/061130=  592 ACUS11 KWNS 060900 SWOMCD SPC MCD 060900 NJZ000-PAZ000-DEZ000-NYZ000-MDZ000-WVZ000-061400- Mesoscale Discussion 0066 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0300 AM CST Thu Feb 06 2025 Areas affected...much of Pennsylvania...northern Maryland...northern Delaware...western New Jersey...and southwestern New York. Concerning...Winter mixed precipitation Valid 060900Z - 061400Z SUMMARY...A mixture of sleet, freezing rain, and snow is expected this morning across portions of the central Appalachians into the Mid-Atlantic. DISCUSSION...A progressive shortwave trough and attendant mid-level jet streak are moving through the Ohio Valley this morning. Ahead of this trough, widespread stratiform rain, with some embedded convection, has developed within a region of dCVA and strong isentropic ascent. Expect this region of freezing rain, sleet, and snow to expand further this morning as ascent increases with an expanding/strengthening low-level jet. Temperatures remain in the mid to upper 20s across much of Pennsylvania and surrounding areas. These well-below freezing temperatures, combined with sustained 10 mph winds, create an environment favorable for ice accretion this morning from Lake Erie to the Atlantic Ocean near New Jersey/Delaware. Temperatures are expected to warm above freezing across Delaware and New Jersey by daybreak as strengthening low-level southeasterly flow off the Gulf stream progresses inland. Isolated pockets of freezing rain, correlated with terrain, exist farther south across Virginia, but will eventually erode as warmer air advects into the region. ..Bentley.. 02/06/2025 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...PHI...BGM...BUF...CTP...LWX...PBZ...CLE... LAT...LON 42158037 42457948 42867907 42867784 42087593 41397507 40447475 40147457 39567440 39257483 39407644 39417724 39527801 39867893 40517967 42158037  632 WHUS71 KAKQ 060900 MWWAKQ URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wakefield VA 400 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ANZ658-061200- /O.CON.KAKQ.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm- 400 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...North winds 10 to 15 kt and seas 3 to 5 ft. * WHERE...Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ656-061200- /O.CON.KAKQ.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Coastal Waters from Cape Charles Light to Virginia- North Carolina border out to 20 nm- 400 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Northeast winds 10 to 15 kt and seas 3 to 5 ft. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Cape Charles Light to Virginia- North Carolina border out to 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  835 WSBZ23 SBGL 060855 SBAZ SIGMET 27 VALID 060900/061130 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0320 W05006 - S0622 W05232 - S0906 W04849 - S0557 W04528 - S0320 W05006 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  836 WSBZ23 SBGL 060855 SBAZ SIGMET 26 VALID 060900/061130 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR CNL SIGMET 20 060730/061130=  005 WWCN11 CWVR 060900 ARCTIC OUTFLOW WARNING FOR COASTAL BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 1:00 A.M. PST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCTIC OUTFLOW WARNING FOR: WHISTLER. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG OUTFLOW WINDS AND COLD WIND CHILL VALUES ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. WHEN: NOW INTO FRIDAY MORNING. WHERE: WHISTLER VALLEY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: AN ARCTIC AIRMASS OVER CENTRAL BC IS BRINGING OUTFLOW WINDS THROUGH THE WHISTLER VALLEY. OVERNIGHT AND INTO THE MORNINGS, WIND CHILL VALUES NEAR MINUS 20 ARE EXPECTED. ANY OUTDOOR ACTIVITY EXPOSES YOU TO AN INCREASED RISK OF FROSTBITE. AVOID EXPOSED LOCATIONS NEAR THE WATER WHERE WINDS AND WIND CHILL ARE GREATEST. ENSURE THAT SHELTER IS PROVIDED FOR PETS AND OUTDOOR ANIMALS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  006 WWUS83 KARX 060901 SPSARX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service La Crosse WI 301 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 IAZ008>011-018-019-029-030-MNZ079-086>088-094>096-WIZ017-029- 032>034-041>044-053>055-061-061445- Mitchell-Howard-Winneshiek-Allamakee-Floyd-Chickasaw-Fayette- Clayton-Wabasha-Dodge-Olmsted-Winona-Mower-Fillmore-Houston- Taylor-Clark-Buffalo-Trempealeau-Jackson-La Crosse-Monroe-Juneau- Adams-Vernon-Crawford-Richland-Grant- Including the cities of Osage, Cresco, Decorah, Waukon, Charles City, New Hampton, Oelwein, Elkader, Wabasha, Dodge Center, Rochester, Winona, Austin, Preston, Caledonia, Medford, Neillsville, Alma, Arcadia, Whitehall, Black River Falls, La Crosse, Sparta, Tomah, Mauston, Friendship, Viroqua, Prairie Du Chien, Richland Center, and Platteville 301 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SLIPPERY CONDITIONS THIS MORNING... Light freezing drizzle and light snow occurred overnight and will make for slippery travel conditions, especially for untreated roads, ramps, and bridges. Be alert for a glaze of ice under the snow this morning. In addition, sidewalks and parking lots may be slippery. Allow extra time this morning to scrape your windows and for extra travel times. Exercise caution while traveling this morning. $$ Zapotocny  277 WWUS41 KPBZ 060901 WSWPBZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 401 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 OHZ069-PAZ031-075-WVZ003-004-012-021-509>511-513-061015- /O.CAN.KPBZ.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Monroe-Greene-Fayette-Ohio-Marshall-Wetzel-Marion-Monongalia- Ridges of Eastern Monongalia and Northwestern Preston-Preston- Western Tucker- Including the cities of Moundsville, Kingwood, Bruceton Mills, Saint George, Coopers Rock, Wheeling, Uniontown, Waynesburg, Hendricks, Woodsfield, Fairmont, New Martinsville, Parsons, and Morgantown 401 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Temperatures have warmed back above freezing and the FZRA has come to an end. Be aware of a few slick spots out there. $$ PAZ074-076-078-WVZ512-514-061500- /O.CON.KPBZ.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Higher Elevations of Westmoreland-Higher Elevations of Fayette- Higher Elevations of Indiana-Eastern Preston-Eastern Tucker- Including the cities of Ohiopyle, Donegal, Rowlesburg, Hazelton, Terra Alta, Armagh, Davis, Thomas, Canaan Valley, Ligonier, and Champion 401 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Significant icing. Little or no snow accumulation and ice accumulations up to three tenths of an inch. * WHERE...In Pennsylvania, Higher Elevations of Fayette, Higher Elevations of Westmoreland, and Higher Elevations of Indiana Counties. In West Virginia, Eastern Preston and Eastern Tucker Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Power outages and tree damage are likely due to the ice. Travel could be nearly impossible on untreated roads. The hazardous conditions could impact the Wednesday evening and Thursday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report ice accumulations or damage by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ OHZ039>041-048>050-057>059-068-PAZ013-020-021-029-073-WVZ001-002- 061200- /O.CON.KPBZ.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Tuscarawas-Carroll-Columbiana-Coshocton-Harrison-Jefferson OH- Muskingum-Guernsey-Belmont-Noble-Lawrence-Beaver-Allegheny- Washington-Westmoreland-Hancock-Brooke- Including the cities of New Castle, Pittsburgh Metro Area, Aliquippa, Caldwell, Canonsburg, Follansbee, Murrysville, Ellwood City, New Philadelphia, Malvern, Latrobe, Lower Burrell, Cadiz, Monessen, Washington, Columbiana, East Liverpool, Coshocton, Beaver Falls, Steubenville, Dover, St. Clairsville, Weirton, Salem, Zanesville, Martins Ferry, Cambridge, Monaca, Wellsburg, Ambridge, Carrollton, Greensburg, and New Kensington 401 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of east central Ohio, southwest and western Pennsylvania, and northern and the northern panhandle of West Virginia. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Difficult travel conditions are possible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report snow or ice accumulations by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ PAZ007>009-014>016-022-077-061500- /O.CON.KPBZ.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Mercer-Venango-Forest-Butler-Clarion-Jefferson PA-Armstrong- Indiana- Including the cities of Franklin, Punxsutawney, Kittanning, Ford City, Oil City, Grove City, Sharon, Butler, Clarion, Hermitage, Brookville, Tionesta, and Indiana 401 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of northwest and western Pennsylvania. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Difficult travel conditions are possible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report snow or ice accumulations by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ Shallenberger  853 WHUS74 KMOB 060901 MWWMOB URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mobile AL 301 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 GMZ630>636-650-655-061500- /O.CON.KMOB.MF.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Northern Mobile Bay-Southern Mobile Bay-Mississippi Sound- Perdido Bay-Pensacola Bay System-Western Choctawhatchee Bay- Eastern Choctawhatchee Bay- Coastal waters from Pensacola FL to Pascagoula MS out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Okaloosa Walton County Line FL to Pensacola FL out 20 NM- 301 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1 NM or less. * WHERE...Portions of the coastal waters of Alabama and northwest Florida. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  176 WAIY31 LIIB 060855 LIMM AIRMET 5 VALID 060900/061000 LIIB- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 0500M FG FCST WI N4524 E01036 - N4536 E00848 - N4516 E00835 - N4437 E01216 - N4524 E01036 STNR NC=  575 WSPR31 SPJC 060900 SPIM SIGMET A5 VALID 060900/061130 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0840Z WI S0733 W07742 - S0347 W07818 - S0241 W07646 - S0628 W07422 - S0913 W07413 - S1043 W07138 - S1416 W07226 - S0733 W07742 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF=  808 WABZ23 SBGL 060900 SBAZ AIRMET 3 VALID 060903/061140 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR OVC CLD 100/0600FT FCST WI S0405 W05008 - S0405 W04918 - S0328 W04918 - S0328 W05008 - S0405 W05008 STNR NC=  521 WSRS31 RUSF 060902 URFV SIGMET 1 VALID 060905/061200 URFF- URFV SIMFEROPOL FIR SEV TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR SFC/FL100 STNR NC=  225 WWUS73 KDDC 060902 NPWDDC URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Dodge City KS 302 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KSZ063-076-077-086-087-061015- /O.CAN.KDDC.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ Finney-Haskell-Gray-Seward-Meade- Including the cities of Meade, Garden City, Montezuma, Fowler, Cimarron, Satanta, Sublette, Liberal, and Plains City 302 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... $$ KSZ045-046-064>066-078>081-088>090-061300- /O.CON.KDDC.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ Ness-Rush-Hodgeman-Pawnee-Stafford-Ford-Edwards-Kiowa-Pratt-Clark- Comanche-Barber- Including the cities of Haviland, Medicine Lodge, Hanston, Ness City, Greensburg, Stafford, Pratt, Protection, Kinsley, Macksville, Jetmore, St. John, La Crosse, Kiowa, Lewis, Lake Coldwater, Ashland, Minneola, Coldwater, Larned, and Dodge City 302 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of central, south central, southwest, and west central Kansas. * WHEN...Until 7 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ BURGERT  226 WGUS53 KJKL 060903 FFWJKL KYC063-165-175-205-061230- /O.NEW.KJKL.FF.W.0002.250206T0903Z-250206T1230Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Jackson KY 403 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Jackson has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Elliott County in east central Kentucky... Southeastern Menifee County in east central Kentucky... South Central Rowan County in east central Kentucky... Northern Morgan County in southeastern Kentucky... * Until 730 AM EST. * At 403 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Flash flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Flash flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other poor drainage and low-lying areas. * Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... West Liberty, Sandy Hook, Henry, Little Sandy, Steele, Lenox, Wrigley, Lick Branch, Elkfork, Pomp, Blairs Mills, Crockett, Yocum, Blaze, Leisure, Licking River, Isonville, Dehart, Moon and Zag. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 3796 8344 3806 8343 3813 8310 3819 8306 3818 8305 3820 8304 3820 8303 3820 8301 3817 8298 3817 8292 3813 8291 3811 8289 3809 8293 3805 8295 3805 8298 3804 8300 3800 8302 3797 8302 3786 8356 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$ CMC  227 WGUS83 KJKL 060903 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 403 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC063-165-175-205-060913- /O.CAN.KJKL.FA.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1230Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Elliott KY-Menifee KY-Morgan KY-Rowan KY- 403 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY HAS BEEN REPLACED WITH A FLASH FLOOD WARNING... The Flood Advisory is replaced by a Flash Flood Warning for portions of east central and southeast Kentucky, including the following areas, in east central Kentucky, Elliott, Menifee and Rowan. In southeast Kentucky, Morgan. The threat of flooding continues and a Flash Flood Warning is now in effect. Please refer to that bulletin for more information. && LAT...LON 3796 8344 3806 8343 3813 8310 3819 8306 3818 8305 3820 8304 3820 8301 3817 8298 3817 8292 3813 8291 3811 8289 3809 8293 3805 8295 3805 8298 3804 8300 3800 8302 3797 8302 3797 8300 3786 8356 $$ CMC  882 WWUS46 KHNX 060903 WSWHNX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Hanford CA 103 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAZ323-326>328-330-061900- /O.CON.KHNX.WS.W.0003.250206T1200Z-250208T0000Z/ Yosemite NP outside of the valley-Upper San Joaquin River-Kaiser to Rodgers Ridge-Kings Canyon NP-Sequoia NP- Including the cities of Huntington Lake, Florence Lake, Tuolumne Meadows, Lodgepole, Lake Thomas Edison, Cedar Grove, Shaver Lake, Wawona, Devils Postpile, Lake Wishon, and Giant Forest 103 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations up to 51 inches. Winds gusting as high as 65 mph. * WHERE...Kaiser to Rodgers Ridge, Kings Canyon NP, Sequoia NP, Upper San Joaquin River, and Yosemite NP outside of the valley. * WHEN...Until 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. Very strong winds could cause extensive tree damage. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ CMolina  819 WDXS32 PGTW 060900 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/PROGNOSTIC REASONING FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE 13S (VINCE) WARNING NR 010// RMKS/ 1. FOR METEOROLOGISTS. 2. 6 HOUR SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS. SUMMARY: INITIAL POSITION: 19.3S 82.5E INITIAL INTENSITY: 105 KTS GEOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: 936 NM SOUTHEAST OF DIEGO GARCIA MOVEMENT PAST 6 HOURS: WEST-SOUTHWESTWARD AT 08 KTS SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT: 32 FEET SATELLITE ANALYSIS, INITIAL POSITION AND INTENSITY DISCUSSION: ANIMATED MULTISPECTRAL SATELLITE IMAGERY (MSI) DEPICTS TROPICAL CYCLONE 13S (VINCE) WITH A VERY COMPACT CENTRAL DENSE OVERCAST (CDO) SURROUNDING THE EYEWALL OF A 15 NM EYE. A 052350Z RCM-2 SAR WIND SPEED IMAGE SHOWS A VMAX OF 104 KTS LOCALIZED TO A SMALL PORTION OF THE NORTHWESTERN EYEWALL WITH 90-95 KTS WITHIN THE OTHER QUADRANTS. THE SYSTEM HAS IMPROVED IN APPEARANCE SINCE THEN, LEADING TO THE ASSESSMENT OF THE INITIAL INTENSITY AT 105 KTS. DUE TO SOME OF THE AGENCY DVORAK ESTIMATES BEING A BIT HIGHER, THE INITIAL INTENSITY IS PLACED MEDIUM CONFIDENCE. THE INITIAL POSITION IS PLACED WITH HIGH CONFIDENCE BASED ON THE EYE IN THE ANIMATED MSI. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS INDICATES THAT 13S IS IN A FAVORABLE ENVIRONMENT CHARACTERIZED BY MODERATE RADIAL OUTFLOW ALOFT, LOW (10-15 KTS) VERTICAL WIND SHEAR, AND WARMISH (26-27 C) SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES. INITIAL WIND RADII BASIS: PERSISTENCE FROM THE MENTIONED SAR DATA CURRENT STEERING MECHANISM: NORTHWESTERN PERIPHERY OF A DEEP-LAYERED SUBTROPICAL RIDGE (STR) POSITIONED TO THE SOUTHEAST. AGENCY DVORAK AND AUTOMATED FIXES: PGTW: T6.0 - 115 KTS KNES: T6.0 - 115 KTS DEMS: T6.0 - 115 KTS FMEE: T5.5 - 102 KTS CIMSS ADT: 112 KTS AT 060600Z CIMSS AIDT: 103 KTS AT 060600Z CIMSS DPRINT: 103 KTS AT 060700Z FORECASTER ASSESSMENT OF CURRENT ENVIRONMENT: FAVORABLE VWS: 10-15 KTS SST: 26-27 CELSIUS OUTFLOW: MODERATE RADIAL ANALYSIS CONFIDENCE: INITIAL POSITION: HIGH INITIAL INTENSITY: MEDIUM INITIAL WIND RADII: MEDIUM 3. FORECAST REASONING. SIGNIFICANT FORECAST CHANGES: THERE ARE NO SIGNIFICANT CHANGES TO THE FORECAST FROM THE PREVIOUS WARNING. FORECAST DISCUSSION: 13S IS FORECAST TO TRACK WEST-SOUTHWESTWARD, ALONG THE NORTHWESTERN PERIPHERY OF THE STR THROUGH TAU 72. NEAR TAU 72, THE SYSTEM WILL BEGIN TO ROUND THE AXIS OF THE RIDGE IN RESPONSE TO THE REORIENTATION OF THE RIDGE TO A NORTH-SOUTH ALIGNMENT. 13S WILL CONTINUE ON A SOUTHWARD TRACK THROUGH THE REMAINDER OF THE FORECAST PERIOD. NEAR TAU 120, THE VORTEX WILL BEGIN TO INTERACT WITH A BRANCH OF THE JET, MARKING THE TRANSITION TO A SUBTROPICAL CYCLONE. FULL EXTRATROPICAL TRANSITION IS EXPECTED TO BE PROLONGED, CAUSING 13S TO LIKELY BE DESIGNATED AS A SUBTROPICAL CYCLONE SOON AFTER TAU 120. REGARDING INTENSITY, 13S IS FORECAST TO BASICALLY MAINTAIN INTENSITY OVER THE NEXT 72 HOURS AS ENVIRONMENTAL PARAMETERS ARE EXPECTED TO REMAIN OVERALL FAVORABLE. HOWEVER, BORDERLINE SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES OF AROUND 26 C AND SLIGHT DRY AIR ENTRAINMENT ARE EXPECTED TO CAP INTENSIFICATION. AFTER TAU 72, SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES QUICKLY DROP AND VERTICAL WIND SHEAR RISES. THESE TWO FACTORS WILL CAUSE 13S TO WEAKEN TO AROUND 65 KTS AT THE END OF THE FORECAST PERIOD AS THE VORTEX SHALLOWS OUT AND BEGINS SUBTROPICAL TRANSITION. MODEL DISCUSSION: NUMERICAL MODEL GUIDANCE IS IN GOOD AGREEMENT REGARDING THE TRACK OF 13S WITH A 160 NM CROSS-TRACK SPREAD AT TAU 72. AFTER TAU 72, ALONG-TRACK SPREAD INCREASES AS MODELS DIFFER IN THE SPEED OF ROUNDING THE RIDGE AXIS. ECMWF IS THE SLOWEST WHILE GFS IS THE FASTEST. AS A RESULT, THE JTWC TRACK FORECAST IS PLACED WITH HIGH CONFIDENCE THROUGH TAU 72 AND LOW CONFIDENCE THEREAFTER. INTENSITY GUIDANCE, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF GFS, IS IN GOOD AGREEMENT. GFS IS AN OUTLIER, HAVING THE SYSTEM 25 KTS WEAKER THROUGH TAU 72. ALL MODELS SUGGEST WEAKENING AFTER TAU 72. WITH THE SYSTEM BEING SMALL, THERE IS ONLY MEDIUM CONFIDENCE IN THE INTENSITY FORECAST AS SMALL SYSTEMS CAN HIGHLY FLUCTUATE WITH THEIR INTENSITY. FORECAST CONFIDENCE: TRACK 0 - 72 HR: HIGH TRACK 72-120 HR: MEDIUM INTENSITY 0 - 72 HR: MEDIUM INTENSITY 72-120 HR: MEDIUM// NNNN  650 WHUS73 KAPX 060905 MWWAPX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gaylord MI 405 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 LSZ322-061715- /O.UPG.KAPX.SC.Y.0015.250206T2000Z-250207T1000Z/ /O.EXA.KAPX.GL.W.0006.250206T2000Z-250207T1000Z/ St. Marys River Point Iroquois to E. Potagannissing Bay- 405 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 5 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Highest gusts up to 35 kts from the west and highest waves around 3 feet expected. * WHERE...St. Marys River Point Iroquois to E. Potagannissing Bay. * WHEN...From 3 PM this afternoon to 5 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous highest waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ323-341-342-344>346-061715- /O.CON.KAPX.GL.W.0006.250206T1600Z-250207T1000Z/ Grand Traverse Bay south of a line Grand Traverse Light to Norwood MI-Seul Choix Point to 5NM West of Mackinac Bridge- Norwood MI to 5NM West of Mackinac Bridge including Little Traverse Bay-Sleeping Bear Point to Grand Traverse Light MI- Point Betsie to Sleeping Bear Point MI- Manistee to Point Betsie MI- 405 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM THIS MORNING TO 5 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Highest gusts up to 45 kts from the west and highest waves around 14 feet expected. * WHERE...Portions of Lake Michigan. * WHEN...From 11 AM this morning to 5 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous highest waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ321-061715- /O.CON.KAPX.GL.W.0006.250206T2000Z-250207T1000Z/ Whitefish Bay (U.S. Portion)/Whitefish Point to Point Iroquois MI- 405 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 5 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Highest gusts up to 40 kts from the west and highest waves around 15 feet expected. * WHERE...Whitefish Bay (U. S. Portion)/Whitefish Point to Point Iroquois MI. * WHEN...From 3 PM this afternoon to 5 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous highest waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LHZ345>349-061715- /O.CON.KAPX.GL.W.0006.250206T2000Z-250207T1000Z/ Straits of Mackinac within 5 nm of Mackinac Bridge including Mackinac Island-St Ignace to False Detour Channel- 5NM East of Mackinac Bridge to Presque Isle Light MI including Bois Blanc Island- Presque Isle Light to Sturgeon Pt MI Including Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary-Sturgeon Pt to Alabaster MI- 405 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 5 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Highest gusts up to 40 kts from the west and highest waves around 11 feet expected. * WHERE...Straits of Mackinac within 5 nm of Mackinac Bridge including Mackinac Island, St Ignace to False Detour Channel, 5NM East of Mackinac Bridge to Presque Isle Light MI including Bois Blanc Island, Presque Isle Light to Sturgeon Pt MI Including Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary and Sturgeon Pt to Alabaster MI. * WHEN...From 3 PM this afternoon to 5 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous highest waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ JZ  638 WWUS85 KABQ 060905 RFWABQ URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 205 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FIRE WEATHER WATCH IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY MID MORNING THROUGH EARLY FRIDAY EVENING FOR MUCH OF NORTHEAST AND EAST CENTRAL NM DUE TO VERY LOW HUMIDITY AND WINDY CONDITIONS... .Strong and gusty westerly winds will develop Friday mid morning east of the Sangre De Cristo and Sandia Mountains to the TX and OK borders, then continue into the early evening hours. In addition, minimum humidity will reach down into the single digits and high temperatures will challenge daily record values. This comes after many days of well above normal temperatures and very dry conditions. NMZ104-123-125-126-062200- /O.NEW.KABQ.FW.A.0003.250207T1600Z-250208T0200Z/ Northeast Plains-Northeast Highlands-Central Highlands- East Central Plains- 205 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FIRE WEATHER WATCH IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY MORNING THROUGH FRIDAY EVENING... The National Weather Service in Albuquerque has issued a Fire Weather Watch...which is in effect from Friday morning through Friday evening. * AREA AND TIMING...Northeast Highlands (Zone 123), Northeast Plains (Zone 104), Central Highlands (Zone 125) and the East Central Plains (Zone 126) from Friday mid morning through early Friday evening. * 20 FOOT WINDS...Westerly 20 to 30 mph with occasional gusts to 40 mph. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...Minimum values between 5 and 10 percent. * IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please advise the appropriate officials or fire crews in the field of this Fire Weather Watch. && $$  763 WWUS43 KLSX 060906 WSWLSX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service St Louis MO 306 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ILZ095-096-MOZ018-019-026-027-061015- /O.EXP.KLSX.WW.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T0900Z/ Adams IL-Brown IL-Knox MO-Lewis MO-Shelby MO-Marion MO- Including the cities of Quincy, Mount Sterling, and Hannibal 306 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... While some lingering patches of glaze ice may persist on area roadways through the remainder of the morning, additional ice accumulations have ended in these areas, and the Winter Weather Advisory has been allowed to expire. Motorists should continue to exercise caution in these areas. $$ BRC  798 WABZ23 SBGL 060900 SBCW AIRMET 4 VALID 060905/061140 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR BKN CLD 300/0700FT FCST WI S2305 W04537 - S2305 W04448 - S2230 W04448 - S2230 W04532 - S2237 W04537 - S2305 W04537 STNR NC=  799 WABZ23 SBGL 060900 SBCW AIRMET 5 VALID 060905/061140 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SFC VIS 0800M FG FCST WI S2305 W04537 - S2305 W04448 - S2230 W04448 - S2230 W04532 - S2237 W04537 - S2305 W04537 STNR NC=  156 WWUS83 KPAH 060906 SPSPAH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service PADUCAH KY 306 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 MOZ076-086-087-100-107>112-114-061500- Perry MO-Bollinger-Cape Girardeau-Wayne MO-Carter-Ripley-Butler- Stoddard-Scott-Mississippi-New Madrid- Including the cities of Perryville, Marble Hill, Cape Girardeau, Jackson, Piedmont, Van Buren, Doniphan, Poplar Bluff, Bloomfield, Sikeston, Charleston, and New Madrid 306 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...Areas of Dense Fog This Morning... Areas of dense fog are possible this morning across much of southeast Missouri. Motorists should be alert for rapid changes in visibility. If you encounter dense fog while driving, slow down, use low beam headlights, and leave plenty of space between your vehicle and others. $$  641 WWUS72 KCHS 060907 NPWCHS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Charleston SC 407 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 SCZ048-049-051-061500- /O.NEW.KCHS.FG.Y.0004.250206T0907Z-250206T1500Z/ Beaufort-Coastal Colleton-Coastal Jasper- Including the cities of Hilton Head Island, Levy, Chelsea, Edisto Beach, Jasper, and Beaufort 407 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Beaufort, Coastal Colleton, and Coastal Jasper Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ ST  182 WUUS51 KRLX 060908 SVRRLX WVC005-039-043-081-060945- /O.NEW.KRLX.SV.W.0001.250206T0908Z-250206T0945Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 408 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Charleston West Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Kanawha County in central West Virginia... East central Lincoln County in central West Virginia... Northwestern Raleigh County in southeastern West Virginia... Boone County in central West Virginia... * Until 445 AM EST. * At 408 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Julian, or near Madison, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and nickel size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Seth, Madison, Van, Whitesville, Turtle Creek, Sylvester, Leewood, Dawes, Prenter, Woodville, Ashford, Sharon, Eskdale, Danville, Foster, Racine, Julian, and Alum Creek. This includes the following highways... West Virginia Turnpike between mile markers 76 and 86. Route 119 between mile markers 47 and 64. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3806 8199 3824 8186 3820 8138 3790 8153 TIME...MOT...LOC 0908Z 281DEG 40KT 3813 8178 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...0.88 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ 14  145 WHUS74 KLCH 060909 MWWLCH URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lake Charles LA 309 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 GMZ430-432-435-436-450-452-455-061715- /O.CON.KLCH.MF.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Sabine Lake-Calcasieu Lake-Vermilion and West Cote Blanche Bays- Atchafalaya and East Cote Blanche Bays- Coastal waters from Cameron LA to High Island TX out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Intracoastal City to Cameron LA out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Lower Atchafalaya River to Intracoastal City LA out 20 NM- 309 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 NM or less. * WHERE...Portions of and the coastal lakes and bays of the Gulf of Mexico. * WHEN...Until noon CST today. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  822 WWUS74 KLCH 060909 NPWLCH URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lake Charles LA 309 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 LAZ055-073-074-152>154-241>243-252>254-TXZ615-616-061500- /O.CON.KLCH.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Lower St. Martin-West Cameron-East Cameron-Upper Vermilion-Upper Iberia-Upper St. Mary-Southern Calcasieu-Southern Jefferson Davis- Southern Acadia-Lower Vermilion-Lower Iberia-Lower St. Mary-Lower Jefferson-Southern Orange- Including the cities of Intracoastal City, Iowa, Forked Island, Orange, Avery Island, Bridge City, Lake Charles, Hayes, New Iberia, Stephensville, Patterson, Klondike, Vidor, Cypremort Point, Hackberry, Carlyss, Johnson Bayou, Abbeville, Maurice, Port Arthur, Sabine Pass, Sea Rim State Park, Rutherford Beach, Kaplan, Grand Chenier, Burns Point, Bell City, Bayou Vista, Jeanerette, Franklin, Nederland, Morgan City, Centerville, Berwick, Lake Arthur, Morse, Grand Lake, Creole, Cameron, Meaux, and Gueydan 309 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of south central and southwest Louisiana and southeast Texas. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ 14  364 WWUS73 KMKX 060910 NPWMKX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 310 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 WIZ046-056>058-061715- /O.EXA.KMKX.WI.Y.0003.250206T1500Z-250207T0300Z/ Marquette-Sauk-Columbia-Dodge- Including the cities of Portage, Sauk City, Lake Wisconsin, Waupun, Endeavor, Reedsburg, Montello, Westfield, Mayville, Oxford, Baraboo, Lodi, Prairie Du Sac, Neshkoro, Columbus, and Beaver Dam 310 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 9 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 MPH with gusts 45 to 50 MPH expected. * WHERE...Columbia, Marquette, Sauk, and Dodge Counties. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 9 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ WIZ047-051-052-059-060-061715- /O.CON.KMKX.WI.Y.0003.250206T1500Z-250207T0300Z/ Green Lake-Fond du Lac-Sheboygan-Washington-Ozaukee- Including the cities of Grafton, West Bend, Mequon, Oostburg, Sheboygan Falls, Plymouth, Hartford, Cedarburg, Princeton, Markesan, Fond Du Lac, Germantown, Berlin, and Howards Grove 310 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 9 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 MPH with gusts 45 to 50 MPH expected. * WHERE...Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, Green Lake, Ozaukee, and Washington Counties. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 9 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ WOOD  404 WVID21 WAAA 060910 WAAF SIGMET 17 VALID 060910/061510 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT IBU PSN N0129 E12738 VA CLD OBS AT 0850Z WI N0129 E12734 - N0133 E12738 - N0121 E12805 - N 0110 E12802 - N0103 E12752 - N0129 E12734 SFC/FL070 MOV SE 15KT NC=  352 WWUS74 KOUN 060911 NPWOUN URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Norman OK 311 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 OKZ009-014-021-040>043-045-047-048-050>052-TXZ083>090-061015- /O.CAN.KOUN.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Ellis-Roger Mills-Beckham-Garvin-Murray-Pontotoc-Coal-Jefferson- Johnston-Atoka-Love-Marshall-Bryan-Hardeman-Foard-Wilbarger- Wichita-Knox-Baylor-Archer-Clay- Including the cities of Sheppard AFB, Atoka, Henrietta, Coalgate, Shattuck, Scotland, Vernon, Sulphur, Lindsay, Ryan, Madill, Quanah, Fargo, Gage, Waurika, Munday, Knox City, Archer City, Tishomingo, Hammon, Thackerville, Seymour, Crowell, Davis, Pauls Valley, Durant, Marietta, Elk City, Ada, Wynnewood, Kingston, Ringling, Lakeside City, Cheyenne, Arnett, Sayre, Wichita Falls, and Holliday 311 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Although some patchy fog will continue to be possible this morning, widespread dense fog is not anticipated. $$ OKZ004>008-010>013-015>020-022>039-044-046-061500- /O.CON.KOUN.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Harper-Woods-Alfalfa-Grant-Kay-Woodward-Major-Garfield-Noble- Dewey-Custer-Blaine-Kingfisher-Logan-Payne-Washita-Caddo-Canadian- Oklahoma-Lincoln-Grady-McClain-Cleveland-Pottawatomie-Seminole- Hughes-Harmon-Greer-Kiowa-Jackson-Tillman-Comanche-Stephens- Cotton-Carter- Including the cities of Oklahoma City, Clinton, Okeene, Shawnee, Perry, Carmen, Okarche, Tuttle, Taloga, Davenport, Hennessey, Hollis, Duncan, Temple, Pond Creek, Vici, Lamont, Wellston, Seminole, Seiling, Helena, Buffalo, Hobart, Lawton, Geary, Enid, Wetumka, Snyder, Blackwell, Mangum, Sentinel, Chandler, Cordell, Holdenville, Cherokee, Laverne, Watonga, Chickasha, Stillwater, Wewoka, Yukon, Granite, Mustang, Woodward, Newcastle, Walters, Medford, Wakita, Weatherford, Prague, Kingfisher, Frederick, Anadarko, Leedey, Guthrie, Hinton, Burns Flat, Meeker, Altus, Purcell, Alva, El Reno, Fairview, Stroud, Ardmore, Norman, Blanchard, Concho, Moore, and Ponca City 311 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, northern, northwest, southeast, southern, southwest, and western Oklahoma. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ 30  402 WWUS83 KILX 060912 SPSILX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Lincoln IL 312 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ILZ027>031-036>038-040-041-061600- Knox-Stark-Peoria-Marshall-Woodford-Fulton-Tazewell-McLean-Schuyler- Mason- Including the cities of Galesburg, Toulon, Peoria, Lacon, Eureka, Canton, Pekin, Bloomington, Normal, Rushville, and Havana 312 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 Freezing precipitation has ended, however slick surfaces will continue, particularly in shaded areas, until warmer temperatures develop during the daytime. Pedestrians and motorists should continue to exercise caution. Be prepared for slippery roads. Look out for icy stairs, sidewalks, and driveways that could increase your risk of a fall and injury. $$ 37  174 WWCN17 CWHX 060911 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR LABRADOR ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:11 A.M. AST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: =NEW= RED BAY TO L'ANSE-AU-CLAIR. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 15 TO 20 CM IS EXPECTED. LOCATIONS: RED BAY TO L'ANSE-AU-CLAIR. TIME SPAN: EARLY FRIDAY MORNING TO FRIDAY EVENING. PREPARE FOR QUICKLY CHANGING AND DETERIORATING TRAVEL CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. VISIBILITY MAY BE SUDDENLY REDUCED AT TIMES IN HEAVY SNOW. SNOWFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  721 WABZ23 SBGL 060910 SBCW AIRMET 7 VALID 060915/061140 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SFC VIS 0300M FG FCST WI S2337 W05133 - S2337 W05044 - S2303 W05044 - S2303 W05133 - S2337 W05133 STNR NC=  722 WABZ23 SBGL 060910 SBCW AIRMET 6 VALID 060915/061140 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR BKN CLD 100/0700FT FCST WI S2337 W05133 - S2337 W05044 - S2303 W05044 - S2303 W05133 - S2337 W05133 STNR NC=  506 WGUS83 KJKL 060913 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 413 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC065-115-129-153-165-175-197-237-061215- /O.NEW.KJKL.FA.Y.0006.250206T0913Z-250206T1215Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Estill KY-Johnson KY-Lee KY-Magoffin KY-Menifee KY-Morgan KY- Powell KY-Wolfe KY- 413 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 715 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Elevated river levels caused by excessive rainfall are expected. * WHERE...Portions of east central, northeast, and southeast Kentucky, including the following counties, in east central Kentucky, Estill, Menifee and Powell. In northeast Kentucky, Johnson. In southeast Kentucky, Lee, Magoffin, Morgan and Wolfe. * WHEN...Until 715 AM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 413 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts of 0.5 to 1 inch are expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... West Liberty, Irvine, Campton, Henry, Lewis, Ravenna, Gosneyville, Valeria, Toliver, Maytown, Calaboose, Stoll, Trent, Pomeroyton, Stillwater, Murphyfork, Hazel Green, Ezel, Daysboro and Rexville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 3796 8299 3800 8294 3792 8274 3761 8411 3764 8413 3767 8409 3777 8408 3799 8302 $$ GREIF  019 WWUS75 KLKN 060914 NPWLKN URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Elko NV 114 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 NVZ030-070000- /O.NEW.KLKN.WI.Y.0003.250207T1500Z-250208T0000Z/ Humboldt- Including the cities of Winnemucca, Valmy, Golconda, and Dufferena 114 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Humboldt County. * WHEN...From 7 AM to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles along north to south oriented roadways. Use extra caution. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ NVZ031-034-035-039-040-070000- /O.NEW.KLKN.WI.Y.0003.250207T1500Z-250208T0300Z/ Northern Elko-Ruby Mountains and East Humboldt Range in Elko- White Pine-South Central Elko-Northwestern Nye- Including the cities of Gibbs Ranch, Tonopah, Lund, Ruth, Ely, Preston, Oasis, Jarbidge, Ruby Lake, Tuscarora, Charleston, Manhattan, McGill, Midas, Owyhee, Ely Airport, Round Mountain, Cherry Creek, and Mountain City 114 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM TO 7 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...White Pine, Northern Elko, Ruby Mountains and East Humboldt Range in Elko, South Central Elko, and Northwestern Nye Counties. * WHEN...From 7 AM to 7 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles along north to south oriented roadways. Use extra caution. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ NVZ033-036>038-070000- /O.NEW.KLKN.WI.Y.0003.250207T1800Z-250208T0300Z/ Southeastern Elko-Northern Lander and Northern Eureka-Southern Lander and Southern Eureka-Southwest Elko- Including the cities of Eureka, Jiggs, Ryndon, Emigrant Pass, Garden Pass, Pinto Summit, Eureka Airport, West Wendover, Palisade, Battle Mountain, Spring Creek, Lee, Argenta, Crescent Valley, South Fork, Diamond Valley, Elko, Beowawe, Hickison Summit, Grass Valley, Dunphy, and Lamoille 114 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM TO 7 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Northern Lander and Northern Eureka, Southern Lander and Southern Eureka, Southeastern Elko, and Southwest Elko Counties. * WHEN...From 10 AM to 7 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles along north to south oriented roadways. Use extra caution. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ 93  711 WWUS75 KSLC 060914 NPWSLC URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 214 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 UTZ115-122-070015- /O.NEW.KSLC.WI.Y.0005.250207T1500Z-250208T0300Z/ Western Millard and Juab Counties-Southwest Utah- Including the following locations - Milford, Beaver, Delta, Little Sahara, and Cedar City 214 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM TO 8 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 55 mph expected. * WHERE...Western Millard and Juab Counties and Southwest Utah. * WHEN...From 8 AM to 8 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects and a few power outages may result. Strong cross winds can be expected along east-west oriented roads, including Highway 50. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles and vehicles with trailers. Use extra caution. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/saltlakecity. For information on potential travel impacts visit http://udottraffic.utah.gov HM  996 WHUS73 KMQT 060914 MWWMQT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Marquette MI 414 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 LSZ162-061715- /O.CON.KMQT.GL.W.0010.250206T1200Z-250207T0600Z/ /O.CON.KMQT.UP.W.0009.250206T1200Z-250207T1200Z/ Lake Superior west of a line from Saxon Harbor WI to Grand Portage MN beyond 5NM- 414 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 /314 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST /MIDNIGHT CST/ FRIDAY... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST /6 AM CST/ FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Gale Warning, west winds 25 to 35 kt with gusts up to 45 kt and waves 6 to 11 ft expected. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater expected, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Lake Superior west of a line from Saxon Harbor WI to Grand Portage MN beyond 5NM. * WHEN...For the Gale Warning, until 1 AM EST /midnight CST/ Friday. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, until 7 AM EST /6 AM CST/ Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ248-250-061715- /O.CON.KMQT.SC.Y.0027.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ /O.CON.KMQT.GL.W.0010.250206T1500Z-250207T0900Z/ Seul Choix Point to Point Detour MI- 5NM East of a line from Fairport MI to Rock Island Passage- 414 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 22 kt and waves 1 to 3 ft occurring. For the Gale Warning, west winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and waves 2 to 5 ft expected. * WHERE...Seul Choix Point to Point Detour MI and 5NM East of a line from Fairport MI to Rock Island Passage. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Gale Warning, from 10 AM this morning to 4 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ244>246-061715- /O.CON.KMQT.SC.Y.0027.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ /O.CON.KMQT.SR.W.0002.250206T1500Z-250207T1200Z/ /O.CON.KMQT.UP.W.0009.250206T1800Z-250208T0000Z/ Eagle River to Manitou Island MI- Manitou Island to Point Isabelle MI- Point Isabelle to Lower Entrance of Portage Canal MI- 414 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 7 AM EST FRIDAY... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 7 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, south to southwest winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and waves 1 to 4 ft occurring. For the Storm Warning, west winds 25 to 35 kt with gusts up to 50 kt and waves 10 to 15 ft expected. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater expected, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Eagle River to Manitou Island MI, Manitou Island to Point Isabelle MI and Point Isabelle to Lower Entrance of Portage Canal MI. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 10 AM EST this morning. For the Storm Warning, from 10 AM this morning to 7 AM EST Friday. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, from 1 PM this afternoon to 7 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Storm force winds and hazardous waves will capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should remain in port, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ LMZ221-061715- /O.CON.KMQT.GL.W.0010.250206T1500Z-250207T0300Z/ Green Bay North of line from Cedar River MI to Rock Island Passage- 414 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * WHERE...Green Bay North of line from Cedar River MI to Rock Island Passage. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 10 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ240>242-263-061715- /O.CON.KMQT.SR.W.0002.250206T1200Z-250207T0900Z/ /O.CON.KMQT.UP.W.0009.250206T1500Z-250207T1800Z/ Saxon Harbor WI to Black River MI-Black River to Ontonagon MI- Ontonagon to Upper Entrance of Portage Canal MI- Lake Superior from Saxon Harbor WI to Upper Entrance to Portage Canal MI 5NM off shore to the US/Canadian border including Isle Royale National Park- 414 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 /314 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST /3 AM CST/ FRIDAY... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM EST /9 AM CST/ THIS MORNING TO 1 PM EST /NOON CST/ FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Storm Warning, west to northwest winds 30 to 40 kt with gusts up to 50 kt and waves 11 to 16 ft expected. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater expected, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Saxon Harbor WI to Black River MI, Black River to Ontonagon MI, Ontonagon to Upper Entrance of Portage Canal MI and Lake Superior from Saxon Harbor WI to Upper Entrance to Portage Canal MI 5NM off shore to the US/Canadian border including Isle Royale National Park. * WHEN...For the Storm Warning, until 4 AM EST /3 AM CST/ Friday. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, from 10 AM EST /9 AM CST/ this morning to 1 PM EST /noon CST/ Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Storm force winds and hazardous waves will capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should remain in port, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ LSZ243-247>251-264>267-061715- /O.CON.KMQT.SR.W.0002.250206T1500Z-250207T1200Z/ /O.CON.KMQT.UP.W.0009.250206T1800Z-250208T0000Z/ Upper Entrance of Portage Canal to Eagle River MI- Lower Entrance of Portage Canal To Huron Islands MI Including Keweenaw and Huron Bays-Huron Islands to Marquette MI- Marquette to Munising MI-Munising to Grand Marais MI- Grand Marais to Whitefish Point MI- Lake Superior from Upper Entrance to Portage Canal to Manitou Island MI 5NM off shore to the US/Canadian Border- Lake Superior West of Line from Manitou Island to Marquette MI Beyond 5NM from shore- Lake Superior East of a line from Manitou Island to Marquette MI and West of a line from Grand Marais MI to the US/Canadian Border Beyond 5NM from shore- Lake Superior from Grand Marais MI to Whitefish Point MI 5NM off shore to the US/Canadian border- 414 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 7 AM EST FRIDAY... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 7 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Storm Warning, west to northwest winds 30 to 40 kt with gusts up to 50 kt and waves 15 to 20 ft expected. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater expected, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Portions of Central, Eastern and Western Lake Superior. * WHEN...For the Storm Warning, from 10 AM this morning to 7 AM EST Friday. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, from 1 PM this afternoon to 7 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Storm force winds and hazardous waves will capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should remain in port, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ TAP  475 WVEQ31 SEGU 060912 SEFG SIGMET 2 VALID 060912/061512 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT REVENTADOR PSN S0004 W07739 VA CLD OBS AT 0740Z WI S0002 W07755 - S0004 W07740 - S0005 W07739 - S0010 W07754 - S0002 W07755 SFC/FL140 MOV W 5KT FCST AT 1330Z WI S0002 W07800 - S0004 W07740 - S0005 W07740 - S0011 W07759 - S0002 W07800 =  551 WWUS73 KARX 060916 NPWARX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service La Crosse WI 316 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 IAZ008>011-018-019-MNZ079-086>088-094>096-WIZ017-029-032>034-041>044- 053>055-062015- /O.NEW.KARX.WI.Y.0001.250206T1500Z-250207T0000Z/ Mitchell-Howard-Winneshiek-Allamakee-Floyd-Chickasaw-Wabasha- Dodge-Olmsted-Winona-Mower-Fillmore-Houston-Taylor-Clark-Buffalo- Trempealeau-Jackson-La Crosse-Monroe-Juneau-Adams-Vernon-Crawford- Richland- Including the cities of Dodge Center, Richland Center, Austin, Cresco, La Crosse, Black River Falls, Viroqua, Tomah, Charles City, Sparta, Prairie Du Chien, Wabasha, Winona, Alma, Waukon, Preston, Medford, Mauston, Decorah, Arcadia, Osage, Rochester, Neillsville, Caledonia, Whitehall, Friendship, and New Hampton 316 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West-northwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts ranging from 40 to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Iowa, southeast Minnesota, and central, north central, southwest, and west central Wisconsin. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Blowing snow will be possible in open areas for portions of Clark and Taylor counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ Cecava  386 WWUS83 KDTX 060917 SPSDTX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Detroit/Pontiac MI 417 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MIZ047>049-053>055-061200- Midland-Bay-Huron-Saginaw-Tuscola-Sanilac- Including the cities of Midland, Bay City, Bad Axe, Saginaw, Caro, and Sandusky 417 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...CAUTIOUS TRAVEL IS ADVISED FOR SNOWFALL AND LIGHT ICING ON AREA ROADWAYS... WEATHER... * A quarter to a half inch of snowfall is expected through 7 AM EST along and north of M-46. * Patchy freezing drizzle and sleet may mix in at times with the falling snow. * Air temperatures will range between 20 and 25 degrees. IMPACTS... * Snowfall and light icing may lead to slippery conditions on untreated roadways, particularly on bridges, exit ramps, and overpasses. * Brief reductions of visibility to less than one mile are also possible. && PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... * Patchy freezing drizzle means areal coverage or duration of the freezing drizzle will be limited. Motorists are urged to use caution and account for variable driving conditions by slowing down and allowing extra time. $$ KGK  058 WWUS83 KJKL 060918 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 418 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ069-112-114>117-060945- Jackson KY-Clay KY-Breathitt KY-Perry KY-Owsley KY-Leslie KY- 418 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT OWSLEY...NORTH CENTRAL LESLIE... NORTHWESTERN PERRY...SOUTHEASTERN JACKSON...SOUTHWESTERN BREATHITT AND NORTHERN CLAY COUNTIES THROUGH 445 AM EST... At 417 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Maulden, or 8 miles southeast of McKee, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 50 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... McKee, Booneville, Buckhorn, Turin, Travellers Rest, Blake, Southfork, Zekes Point, Cowcreek, Maulden, Mummie, Tyner, Privett, Bradshaw, Chestnut Gap, Beech, Scoville, Settle Store, Chestnutburg, and Shepherdtown. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3726 8398 3744 8399 3751 8341 3727 8338 TIME...MOT...LOC 0917Z 264DEG 49KT 3737 8385 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...50 MPH $$ CMC  856 WWUS45 KLKN 060919 WSWLKN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Elko NV 119 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 NVZ030-070000- /O.CON.KLKN.WW.Y.0004.250206T1800Z-250207T2100Z/ Humboldt- Including the cities of Winnemucca, Valmy, Golconda, and Dufferena 119 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 1 PM PST FRIDAY ABOVE 5000 FT... * WHAT...Snow expected above 5000 ft. Total snow accumulations up to 5 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Humboldt County. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 1 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ 93  372 WWUS73 KDMX 060919 NPWDMX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Des Moines IA 319 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 IAZ004>007-015>017-061930- /O.NEW.KDMX.WI.Y.0001.250206T1500Z-250207T0000Z/ Emmet-Kossuth-Winnebago-Worth-Palo Alto-Hancock-Cerro Gordo- Including the cities of Forest City, Manly, Garner, Lake Mills, Kanawha, Clear Lake, Britt, Estherville, Algona, Mason City, Emmetsburg, and Northwood 319 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Northern Iowa. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 6 PM CST this evening. Peak wind gusts in the afternoon hours. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ Dodson  824 WWUS83 KJKL 060920 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 420 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ108-109-111>114-060945- Lee KY-Breathitt KY-Knott KY-Owsley KY-Magoffin KY-Wolfe KY- 420 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHEASTERN OWSLEY... NORTHWESTERN KNOTT...BREATHITT...CENTRAL MAGOFFIN...EASTERN LEE AND SOUTHERN WOLFE COUNTIES THROUGH 445 AM EST... At 419 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Fillmore, or 7 miles east of Beattyville, moving east at 60 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and pea size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Jackson, Simpson, Fincastle, Fillmore, Grass, Pence, Carver, Copebranch, Daisydell, Noctor, Rock Lick, Vancleve, West Royalton Station, Carver Station, Moct, Wilhurst, War Creek, Vada, Decoy, and Elkatawa. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3751 8368 3769 8365 3769 8302 3745 8305 TIME...MOT...LOC 0919Z 275DEG 52KT 3759 8357 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.25 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ CMC  938 WAIY32 LIIB 060921 LIRR AIRMET 2 VALID 060930/061200 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3817 E00938 - N3915 E01043 - N3849 E01320 - N3625 E01403 - N3628 E01126 - N3729 E01126 - N3817 E00938 TOP ABV FL150 STNR NC=  742 WAHW31 PHFO 060921 WA0HI HNLS WA 061000 AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 3 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 061600 . AIRMET MTN OBSC...MOLOKAI MAUI N THRU E SECTIONS. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 025 DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND ENDING BY 1600Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSC...BIG ISLAND UPOLU POINT TO CAPE KUMUKAHI TO SOUTH CAPE. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 025 DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND CONT BEYOND 1600Z. =HNLT WA 061000 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 1 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 061600 . NO SIGNIFICANT TURB EXP. =HNLZ WA 061000 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 1 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 061600 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...141-144.  546 WGUS83 KJKL 060921 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 421 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC025-065-109-115-129-153-159-175-237-061230- /O.NEW.KJKL.FA.Y.0007.250206T0921Z-250206T1230Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Breathitt KY-Estill KY-Jackson KY-Johnson KY-Lee KY-Magoffin KY- Martin KY-Morgan KY-Wolfe KY- 421 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 730 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Urban and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall are expected. * WHERE...Portions of east central, northeast, and southeast Kentucky, including the following counties, in east central Kentucky, Estill. In northeast Kentucky, Johnson and Martin. In southeast Kentucky, Breathitt, Jackson, Lee, Magoffin, Morgan and Wolfe. * WHEN...Until 730 AM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 421 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause urban and small stream flooding. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts of 0.5 to 1 inch are expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Paintsville, Salyersville, Beattyville, Campton, Simpson, Fincastle, Malaga, Landsaw, Hollonville, Paxton, Lane, Baptist, Lexie, Bethany, Pence, Wilhurst, Vancleve, Stillwater, Vortex and Upper Gilmore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 3757 8414 3757 8409 3762 8412 3793 8276 3789 8264 3784 8261 3743 8415 $$ GREIF  592 WAKO31 RKSI 060920 RKRR AIRMET H04 VALID 060920/061300 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC VIS 5000M SN FG BR OBS WI N3723 E12700 - N3628 E12740 - N3655 E12829 - N3750 E12825 - N3723 E12700 - N3723 E12700 STNR NC=  359 WSUK33 EGRR 060921 EGPX SIGMET 01 VALID 060920/061320 EGRR- EGPX SCOTTISH FIR SEV MTW FCST WI N5721 W00441 - N5657 W00744 - N5814 W00715 - N6100 W00349 - N6100 E00000 - N6000 E00000 - N5721 W00441 FL040/100 STNR NC=  796 WWCN02 CYTR 060922 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB SUFFIELD DRDC/BATUS ACC AND RANGE SUFFIELD PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 2:22 AM MST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB SUFFIELD DRDC / BATUS ACC AND RANGE (CYSD) TYPE: WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: WIND CHILL INDEX OF MINUS 35 OR COLDER VALID: UNTIL 06/1800Z (UNTIL 06/1100 MST) COMMENTS: THE WIND CHILL OVER THE SUFFIELD AREA HAS FALLEN TONIGHT TO BETWEEN MINUS 35 AND MINUS 40. THE WIND CHILL WILL RISE ABOVE ADVISORY CRITERIA IN THE MORNING AS THE TEMPERATURE RISES. -------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND CHILL INDEX -25 TO -39: INCREASING RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 10 TO 30 MINUTES. -40 TO -47: HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 5 TO 10 MINUTES. -48 TO -54: VERY HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 2 TO 5 MINUTES. -------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 06/1800Z (06/1100 MST) END/JMC  003 WWUS73 KFSD 060923 NPWFSD URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 323 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 IAZ002-003-013-014-MNZ071-072-080-081-089-090-097-061730- /O.NEW.KFSD.WI.Y.0004.250206T1500Z-250207T0000Z/ Osceola-Dickinson-O'Brien-Clay-Lincoln-Lyon-Murray-Cottonwood- Nobles-Jackson-Pipestone- Including the cities of Pipestone, Slayton, Fulda, Tyler, Lakefield, Spencer, Sibley, Milford, Arnolds Park, Sanborn, Sheldon, Marshall, Windom, Hartley, Lake Benton, Spirit Lake, Jackson, Hendricks, Worthington, Ivanhoe, and Mountain Lake 323 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Portions of northwest Iowa and southwest Minnesota. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ Meyers  667 WSRS31 RUSP 060923 ULLL SIGMET 9 VALID 060923/061200 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) OBS WI N6620 E03459 - N6617 E03957 - N6505 E04308 - N6126 E03636 - N6620 E03459 SFC/FL100 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  993 WSMG31 FMMI 060923 FMMM SIGMET F3 VALID 060926/061326 FMMI- FMMM ANTANANARIVO FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI S2835 E05341 - S2540 E04731 - S2437 E04802 - S2112 E05318 - S2656 E05637 - S2835 E05341 TOP ABV FL480 STNR NC=  066 WWUS83 KDVN 060924 SPSDVN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Quad Cities IA IL 324 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 IAZ040>042-051>054-063>068-076>078-087>089-098-099-ILZ001-002-007- 009-015>018-024>026-034-035-MOZ009-010-061600- Buchanan-Delaware-Dubuque-Benton-Linn-Jones-Jackson-Iowa-Johnson- Cedar-Clinton-Muscatine-Scott-Keokuk-Washington-Louisa-Jefferson- Henry IA-Des Moines-Van Buren-Lee-Jo Daviess-Stephenson-Carroll- Whiteside-Rock Island-Henry IL-Bureau-Putnam-Mercer-Henderson- Warren-Hancock-McDonough-Scotland-Clark- Including the cities of Independence, Manchester, Dubuque, Vinton, Cedar Rapids, Anamosa, Maquoketa, Marengo, Iowa City, Tipton, Clinton, Muscatine, Davenport, Bettendorf, Sigourney, Washington, Wapello, Fairfield, Mount Pleasant, Burlington, Keosauqua, Fort Madison, Galena, Freeport, Mount Carroll, Sterling, Moline, Rock Island, Geneseo, Princeton, Hennepin, Aledo, Oquawka, Monmouth, Carthage, Macomb, Memphis, and Kahoka 324 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...Icy Conditions This Morning... While the freezing drizzle has ended across the area, icy conditions will linger this morning with temperatures generally below freezing. Any untreated roadways, bridges, residential or side streets, parking lots, and sidewalks will be slippery. If driving be extra careful on exit and entrance ramps, while turning, and when approaching stops. Plan for extra time this morning to reach your destination, and please take it slow and drive or walk with extra caution. Conditions are expected to improve by late morning and afternoon as temperatures climb above the freezing mark. $$  493 WDXS33 PGTW 060900 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/PROGNOSTIC REASONING FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE 14S (TALIAH) WARNING NR 011// RMKS/ 1. FOR METEOROLOGISTS. 2. 6 HOUR SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS. SUMMARY: INITIAL POSITION: 14.9S 103.8E INITIAL INTENSITY: 65 KTS GEOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: 434 NM EAST-SOUTHEAST OF THE COCOS ISLANDS MOVEMENT PAST 6 HOURS: WESTWARD AT 10 KTS SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT: 25 FEET SATELLITE ANALYSIS, INITIAL POSITION AND INTENSITY DISCUSSION: ANIMATED MULTISPECTRAL SATELLITE IMAGERY (MSI) DEPICTS TROPICAL CYCLONE 14S (TALIAH) WITH AN ELONGATED LOW-LEVEL CIRCULATION CENTER, OBSCURED BY CONVECTIVE BURSTS ALONG THE WESTERN PERIPHERY. A 052244Z RCM-1 SAR IMAGE REVEALS THE ALONGATED NATURE OF THE CIRCULATION, BUT ALSO REVEALS 65-70 KNOT WINDS IN THE NORHTERN PERIPHERY. THERE IS A VERY SMALL PORTION OF THE IMAGE WHICH SHOWS 80-90 KTS WITHIN THE NORTHERN SEMICIRCLE, BUT THOSE ARE ANALYZED TO BE ERRONEOUS AND NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SYSTEM. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS INDICATES THAT 14S IS IN A MARGIANL ENVIRONMENT CHARACTERIZED BY MODERATE EQAUTORWARD OUTFLO, HIGH (25-30 KTS) VERTICAL WIND SHEAR, AND WARM (27-28 C) SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES. THE INITIAL POSITION IS PLACED WITH MEDIUM CONFIDENCE BASED ON THE EXPOSED LOW-LEVEL CLOUDS WITHIN THE EASTERN PERIPHERY SEEN IN THE ANIMATED MSI. THE INITIAL INTENSITY OF 65 KTS IS ASSESSED WITH LOW CONFIDENCE BASED ON PERSISTENCE FROM THE SAR IMAGE, WHICH IS HIGHER THAN WHAT AGENCY DVORAK AND OBJECTIVE INTENSITY ESTIMATES FROM CIMSS INDICATE. INITIAL WIND RADII BASIS: PERSISTENCE FROM THE MENTIONED SAR DATA. CURRENT STEERING MECHANISM: NORTHERN PERIPHERY OF A SUBTROPICAL RIDGE (STR) POSITIONED TO THE SOUTH. AGENCY DVORAK AND AUTOMATED FIXES: PGTW: T3.0 - 45 KTS KNES: T3.5 - 55 KTS DEMS: T3.0 - 45 KTS APRF: T3.0 - 45 KTS CIMSS ADT: 34 KTS AT 060600Z CIMSS AIDT: 39 KTS AT 060600Z CIMSS DPRINT: 36 KTS AT 060600Z FORECASTER ASSESSMENT OF CURRENT ENVIRONMENT: MARGINAL VWS: 25-30 KTS SST: 27-28 CELSIUS OUTFLOW: MODERATE EQUATORWARD OTHER FACTORS: DRY AIR ENTRAINMENT ALONG THE EASTERN PERIPHERY. ANALYSIS CONFIDENCE: INITIAL POSITION: MEDIUM INITIAL INTENSITY: LOW INITIAL WIND RADII: MEDIUM 3. FORECAST REASONING. SIGNIFICANT FORECAST CHANGES: THERE ARE NO SIGNIFICANT CHANGES TO THE FORECAST FROM THE PREVIOUS WARNING. FORECAST DISCUSSION: 14S IS FORECAST TO TRACK WESTWARD, ALONG THE NORTHERN PERIPHERY OF THE STR THROUGH TAU 48. AROUND TAU 48, THE RIDGE BREAKS AND THE STEERING INFLUENCE BECOMES LESS DEFINED. AS A RESULT, 14S WILL SLOW DOWN CONSIDERABLY AFTER TAU 48 AS IT ENTERS A WEAK STEERING ENVIRONMENT. THIS WEAK STEERING ENVRIONEMTN WILL PERSIST THROUGH THE REMAINDER OF THE FORECAST PERIOD. REGARDING INTENSITY, 14S IS FORECAST TO WEAKEN THROUGH TAU 24 AS VERTICAL WIND SHEAR REAMINS HIGH AND DRY AIR INTRUDES ON THE VORTEX. AROUND TAU 48, THE ENVIRONMENT WILL BECOME MORE FAVROABLE WITH LOWER SHEAR AND A MOISTER ENVIRONMENT. THIS WILL CAUSE 14S TO REINTENSITFY THROUGH THE REMAINDER OF THE FORECAST PERIOD TO AROUND 75 KTS AT TAU 120. MODEL DISCUSSION: NUMERICAL MODEL GUIDANCE AGREES THOUGH TAU 72 WITH 70 NM CROSS-TRACK SPREAD. AFTER TAU 72, MODELS DIVERGE SIGNIFICANTLY WITH A 305 NM CROSS-TRACK SPREAD AT TAU 120. THIS IS IN RESPONSE TO THE WEAK STEERING ENVIRONMENT AT THAT TIME. AS A RESULT, THE JTWC TRACK FORECAST IS PLACED WITH HIGH CONFIDENCE THROUGH TAU 72 AND LOW CONFIDENCE THEREAFTER. INTENSITY GUIDANCE IS IN MODERATE AGREEMENT WITH ALL MODELS SUGGESTING REINTENSIFICATION AFTER TAU 60. THE JTWC INTENSITY FORECAST IS PLACED WITH OVERALL MEDIUM CONFIDENCE DUE TO UNCERTAINTIES WITH THE REINTENSIFICATION PHASE. FORECAST CONFIDENCE: TRACK 0 - 72 HR: HIGH TRACK 72-120 HR: LOW INTENSITY 0 - 72 HR: MEDIUM INTENSITY 72-120 HR: MEDIUM// NNNN  024 WWUS41 KCTP 060924 WSWCTP URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service State College PA 424 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 PAZ017-024-025-033>035-061700- /O.CON.KCTP.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Clearfield-Cambria-Blair-Somerset-Bedford-Fulton- Including the cities of DuBois, Bedford, Somerset, McConnellsburg, Altoona, Johnstown, and Clearfield 424 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Significant icing expected this morning. Ice accumulations between one-quarter and one-half inch from freezing rain, along with some sleet accumulation of an inch or less. * WHERE...A portion of central Pennsylvania. * WHEN...Until noon EST today. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Freezing rain will be the dominant precipitation type for most of the time. Wind gusts of up to 20 to 30 MPH are expected, and will lead to power outages as tree limbs are likely to break and hit power lines. The temperatures will warm up above freezing during the morning, ending the threat of freezing rain. Temperatures will reach afternoon highs in the 40s. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Travel is strongly discouraged. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Prepare for possible power outages. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ PAZ004>006-010>012-018-019-026>028-036-037-041-042-045-046-049>053- 056>059-063>066-061700- /O.CON.KCTP.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Warren-McKean-Potter-Elk-Cameron-Northern Clinton-Northern Centre- Southern Centre-Huntingdon-Mifflin-Juniata-Franklin-Tioga- Northern Lycoming-Sullivan-Southern Clinton-Southern Lycoming- Union-Snyder-Montour-Northumberland-Columbia-Perry-Dauphin- Schuylkill-Lebanon-Cumberland-Adams-York-Lancaster- Including the cities of St. Marys, Emporium, Lock Haven, Lewisburg, State College, Warren, Mifflintown, York, Gettysburg, Lebanon, Danville, Bradford, Pottsville, Shamokin, Mount Union, Laporte, Philipsburg, Chambersburg, Trout Run, Newport, Harrisburg, Bloomsburg, Coudersport, Carlisle, Williamsport, Ridgway, Hershey, Renovo, Huntingdon, Lancaster, Lewistown, Wellsboro, Mansfield, Sunbury, Selinsgrove, and Berwick 424 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total sleet and snow accumulations will be mainly an inch or less, with isolated higher amounts around 2 inches. Ice accumulations of one tenth and two tenths of an inch from freezing rain and freezing drizzle is expected. * WHERE...A portion of central Pennsylvania. * WHEN...Until noon EST today. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Sleet and freezing rain will be the dominant precipitation types. Wind gusts of up to 15 to 25 MPH are expected, and could lead to power outages as tree limbs could break and hit power lines. The temperatures will warm up above freezing during the morning and early afternoon, reaching highs in the 40s in the afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit weather.gov/StateCollege Martin/Steinbugl/Colbert  882 WSCI33 ZBAA 060923 ZBPE SIGMET 2 VALID 060945/061345 ZBAA- ZBPE BEIJING FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N45 SFC/FL360 STNR NC=  378 WOCN11 CWTO 060924 WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:24 A.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WEATHER ADVISORY FOR: GATINEAU. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WINTER WEATHER TRAVEL ADVISORY IN EFFECT FOR TODAY. HAZARDS: TOTAL SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS OF 5 TO 10 CM. REDUCED VISIBILITY IN SNOW. POSSIBLE FREEZING DRIZZLE BEGINNING THIS AFTERNOON. TIMING: BEGINNING THIS MORNING AND CONTINUING THROUGH EARLY EVENING. DISCUSSION: CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED TO IMPROVE THIS EVENING. MOTORISTS SHOULD EXPECT HAZARDOUS WINTER DRIVING CONDITIONS AND ADJUST TRAVEL PLANS ACCORDINGLY. POOR WEATHER CONDITIONS MAY CONTRIBUTE TO TRANSPORTATION DELAYS. SLOW DOWN DRIVING IN SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. WATCH FOR TAILLIGHTS AHEAD AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME ICY AND SLIPPERY. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN GATINEAU, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  603 WOCN11 CWTO 060926 WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:26 A.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WEATHER ADVISORY FOR: CITY OF OTTAWA PRESCOTT AND RUSSELL CORNWALL - MORRISBURG. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WINTER WEATHER TRAVEL ADVISORY IN EFFECT FOR TODAY. HAZARDS: TOTAL SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS OF 5 TO 10 CM. REDUCED VISIBILITY IN SNOW. POSSIBLE FREEZING DRIZZLE BEGINNING THIS AFTERNOON. TIMING: BEGINNING THIS MORNING AND CONTINUING THROUGH EARLY THIS EVENING. DISCUSSION: CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED TO IMPROVE THIS EVENING. MOTORISTS SHOULD EXPECT HAZARDOUS WINTER DRIVING CONDITIONS AND ADJUST TRAVEL PLANS ACCORDINGLY. POOR WEATHER CONDITIONS MAY CONTRIBUTE TO TRANSPORTATION DELAYS. SLOW DOWN DRIVING IN SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. WATCH FOR TAILLIGHTS AHEAD AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. FOR ROAD CONDITIONS AND OTHER TRAVELLER INFORMATION FROM THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION, VISIT HTTPS://WWW.ONTARIO.CA/511, HTTPS://WWW.TWITTER.COM/511ONTARIO, OR CALL 5-1-1. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN ONTARIO, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  980 WSAU21 YMMC 060927 YBBB SIGMET R01 VALID 060927/061127 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1400 E16115 - S1611 E16218 - S1630 E16140 - S1500 E15940 - S1400 E15940 TOP FL520 STNR NC=  981 WAGR31 LGAT 060925 LGGG AIRMET 3 VALID 060925/061225 LGAT- LGGG ATHINAI FIR BKN CLD 4000/10000 FT OBS ATHINAI TMA STNR NC=  225 WWUS81 KRNK 060928 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 428 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVZ043-044-507-061000- Summers WV-Eastern Greenbrier WV-Monroe WV- 428 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTH CENTRAL GREENBRIER...SUMMERS AND CENTRAL MONROE COUNTIES THROUGH 500 AM EST... At 427 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Sandstone, moving east at 65 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Hinton... Ronceverte... Alderson... Union... Sandstone... Laurel Branch... and Pickaway. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3782 8073 3776 8067 3780 8065 3774 8037 3747 8054 3747 8057 3765 8105 3770 8098 3772 8097 3772 8095 3770 8091 3767 8090 3768 8088 3773 8090 3774 8092 3777 8089 3782 8094 3785 8087 TIME...MOT...LOC 0927Z 288DEG 57KT 3775 8095 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ DS  229 WWUS51 KRLX 060928 SVSRLX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 428 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC043-060937- /O.CAN.KRLX.SV.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T0945Z/ Lincoln WV- 428 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL LINCOLN COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. && LAT...LON 3798 8177 3822 8164 3820 8138 3790 8153 TIME...MOT...LOC 0927Z 276DEG 42KT 3814 8145 $$ WVC005-039-081-060945- /O.CON.KRLX.SV.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T0945Z/ Kanawha WV-Raleigh WV-Boone WV- 428 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 445 AM EST FOR SOUTH CENTRAL KANAWHA...NORTHWESTERN RALEIGH AND NORTHEASTERN BOONE COUNTIES... At 427 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Glasgow, or 17 miles southeast of Charleston, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and nickel size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Seth, Van, Whitesville, Sylvester, Leewood, Dawes, Prenter, Sharon, Eskdale, and Racine. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3798 8177 3822 8164 3820 8138 3790 8153 TIME...MOT...LOC 0927Z 276DEG 42KT 3814 8145 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...0.88 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ 14  374 WSLB31 OLBA 060930 OLBA SIGMET 2 VALID 060940/061340 OLBA OLBA BEIRUT FIR TS OBS AND FCST OVER OLBA FIR TOP ABV FL260 MOV E 20KT INTSF=  572 WANO31 ENMI 060928 ENOR AIRMET I05 VALID 061030/061430 ENMI- ENOR POLARIS FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N6435 E01340 - N6445 E01030 - N6717 E01319 - N6807 E01226 - N7046 E02049 - N6830 E01951 - N6802 E01707 - N6435 E01340 3000FT/FL120 STNR NC=  908 WSMG31 FMMI 060927 FMMM SIGMET A2 VALID 060927/061327 FMMI- FMMM ANTANANARIVO FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1416 E05153 - S1158 E05055 - S1000 E05309 - S1000 E05505 - S1000 E05529 - S1232 E05529 - S1416 E05153 TOP ABV FL480 STNR NC=  454 WSLB31 OLBA 060930 OLBA SIGMET 2 VALID 060940/061340 OLBA- OLBA BEIRUT FIR TS OBS AND FCST OVER OLBA FIR TOP ABV FL260 MOV E 20KT INTSF=  993 WSCN04 CWAO 060929 CZYZ SIGMET B3 VALID 060925/061325 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST WI N4252 W07855 - N4310 W07904 - N4305 W08107 - N4253 W08224 - N4216 W08256 - N4138 W08228 - N4252 W07855 SFC/FL060 MOV E 40KT WKN=  994 WSCN24 CWAO 060929 CZYZ SIGMET B3 VALID 060925/061325 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST WI /N4252 W07855/25 SE CYSN - /N4310 W07904/5 SE CYSN - /N4305 W08107/5 NE CYXU - /N4253 W08224/10 SW CYZR - /N4216 W08256/CYQG - /N4138 W08228/45 SE CYQG - /N4252 W07855/25 SE CYSN SFC/FL060 MOV E 40KT WKN RMK GFACN33=  642 WHUS73 KMKX 060930 MWWMKX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 330 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 LMZ643>646-061730- /O.CON.KMKX.SC.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ /O.CON.KMKX.GL.W.0005.250206T1500Z-250207T0900Z/ Sheboygan to Port Washington WI- Port Washington to North Point Light WI- North Point Light to Wind Point WI- Wind Point WI to Winthrop Harbor IL- 330 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and waves 4 to 6 ft. For the Gale Warning, west winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt expected. * WHERE...Nearshore Waters from Sheboygan to Winthrop Harbor IL. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 9 AM CST Thursday. For the Gale Warning, from 9 AM Thursday to 3 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ LMZ080-261-362-364-366-563-565-567-669-671-673-675-777-779-868- 870-872-874-876-878-061730- /O.CON.KMKX.GL.W.0005.250206T1500Z-250207T0900Z/ Lake Michigan Michigan City IN to St. Joseph MI 5 NM offshore to mid-line of lake.- Lake Michigan from Seul Choix Point to Rock Island Passage 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan South of a line from Seul Choix Point to the Mackinac Bridge and North of a line from Charlevoix MI to South Fox Island 5NM offshore- Lake Michigan from Charlevoix to Point Betsie MI 5NM Offshore to mid lake- Lake Michigan from Point Betsie to Manistee MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Rock Island Passage to Sturgeon Bay WI 5NM offshore to mid lake- Lake Michigan from Sturgeon Bay to Two Rivers WI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Two Rivers to Sheboygan WI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Sheboygan to Port Washington WI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Port Washington to North Point Light WI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from North Point Light to Wind Point WI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Wind Point WI to Winthrop Harbor IL 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor IL 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Wilmette Harbor to Michigan City in 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Pentwater to Manistee MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Whitehall to Pentwater MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Grand Haven to Whitehall MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Holland to Grand Haven MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from South Haven to Holland MI 5NM offshore to Mid lake- Lake Michigan from St Joseph to South Haven MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- 330 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 25 to 35 kt with gusts up to 45 kt and waves 7 to 12 ft expected. A few storm force gusts to 50 kt possible. * WHERE...All Open Waters of Lake Michigan. * WHEN...From 9 AM Thursday to 3 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ Wood  197 WWCN11 CWTO 060932 FREEZING RAIN WARNING FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:32 A.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEZING RAIN WARNING FOR: ELGIN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== FREEZING RAIN EARLY THIS MORNING. HAZARDS: PATCHY FREEZING RAIN LEADING TO ICY AND SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. UP TO 2 MM OF ICE BUILD-UP. TIMING: EARLY THIS MORNING. DISCUSSION: FREEZING RAIN MIXED WITH SNOW OR ICE PELLETS IS EXPECTED. CONDITIONS ARE FORECAST TO IMPROVE THIS MORNING. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME ICY AND SLIPPERY. TAKE EXTRA CARE WHEN WALKING OR DRIVING IN AFFECTED AREAS. FREEZING RAIN WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN RAIN FALLING IN SUB-ZERO TEMPERATURES CREATES ICE BUILD-UP AND ICY SURFACES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN ONTARIO, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  012 WWUS73 KIWX 060933 NPWIWX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Northern Indiana 433 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 INZ012>015-017-018-020-022>027-032>034-116-216-OHZ015-016-024-025- 061500- /O.NEW.KIWX.FG.Y.0003.250206T0933Z-250206T1500Z/ Starke-Pulaski-Marshall-Fulton IN-Whitley-Allen IN-White-Cass IN- Miami-Wabash-Huntington-Wells-Adams-Grant-Blackford-Jay-Northern Kosciusko-Southern Kosciusko-Paulding-Putnam-Van Wert-Allen OH- 433 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 /333 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST /9 AM CST/ THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Areas of visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of northern Indiana and northwest Ohio. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST /9 AM CST/ this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ CR  762 WWCN11 CWTO 060934 FREEZING RAIN WARNING FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:34 A.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEZING RAIN WARNING ENDED FOR: WINDSOR - ESSEX - CHATHAM-KENT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== FREEZING RAIN CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  872 WGUS81 KILN 060934 FLSILN Flood Advisory National Weather Service Wilmington OH 434 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC135-161-201-061300- /O.CON.KILN.FA.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Lewis KY-Mason KY-Robertson KY- 434 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...The following counties, in northeast Kentucky, Lewis. In northern Kentucky, Mason and Robertson. * WHEN...Until 800 AM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 434 AM EST, radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. Between 2 and 3 inches of rain have fallen. Additional rainfall amounts up to 0.5 inches are possible. - Some locations that may experience flooding include... Maysville, Washington, Aberdeen, Vanceburg, Lewisburg, Tollesboro, Camp Dix, Head of Grassy, Mount Olivet, Dover, Germantown, Sardis, Concord, Epworth, Rectorville, Ribolt, Orangeburg, Herron Hill, Mount Gilead and Glen Springs. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. To report flooding, go to our website at weather.gov/iln and submit your report via social media, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3877 8390 3865 8376 3863 8366 3870 8352 3860 8329 3863 8314 3872 8303 3859 8307 3850 8319 3832 8328 3843 8358 3852 8364 3846 8386 3849 8393 3842 8400 3850 8418 3861 8408 3858 8400 $$ Clark  080 WSBZ23 SBGL 060929 SBBS SIGMET 14 VALID 060934/061130 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR CNL SIGMET 11 060730/061130=  878 WDXS33 PGTW 060900 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/PROGNOSTIC REASONING FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE 14S (TALIAH) WARNING NR 011// RMKS/ 1. FOR METEOROLOGISTS. 2. 6 HOUR SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS. SUMMARY: INITIAL POSITION: 14.9S 103.8E INITIAL INTENSITY: 65 KTS GEOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: 434 NM EAST-SOUTHEAST OF THE COCOS ISLANDS MOVEMENT PAST 6 HOURS: WESTWARD AT 10 KTS SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT: 25 FEET SATELLITE ANALYSIS, INITIAL POSITION AND INTENSITY DISCUSSION: ANIMATED MULTISPECTRAL SATELLITE IMAGERY (MSI) DEPICTS TROPICAL CYCLONE 14S (TALIAH) WITH AN ELONGATED LOW-LEVEL CIRCULATION CENTER, OBSCURED BY CONVECTIVE BURSTS ALONG THE WESTERN PERIPHERY. A 052244Z RCM-1 SAR IMAGE REVEALS THE ELONGATED NATURE OF THE CIRCULATION, BUT ALSO REVEALS 65-70 KNOT WINDS IN THE NORTHERN PERIPHERY. THERE IS A VERY SMALL PORTION OF THE IMAGE WHICH SHOWS 80-90 KTS WITHIN THE NORTHERN SEMICIRCLE, BUT THOSE ARE ANALYZED TO BE ERRONEOUS AND NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SYSTEM. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS INDICATES THAT 14S IS IN A MARGINAL ENVIRONMENT CHARACTERIZED BY MODERATE EQUATORWARD OUTFLOW, HIGH (25-30 KTS) VERTICAL WIND SHEAR, AND WARM (27-28 C) SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES. THE INITIAL POSITION IS PLACED WITH MEDIUM CONFIDENCE BASED ON THE EXPOSED LOW-LEVEL CLOUDS WITHIN THE EASTERN PERIPHERY SEEN IN THE ANIMATED MSI. THE INITIAL INTENSITY OF 65 KTS IS ASSESSED WITH LOW CONFIDENCE BASED ON PERSISTENCE FROM THE SAR IMAGE, WHICH IS HIGHER THAN WHAT AGENCY DVORAK AND OBJECTIVE INTENSITY ESTIMATES FROM CIMSS INDICATE. INITIAL WIND RADII BASIS: PERSISTENCE FROM THE MENTIONED SAR DATA. CURRENT STEERING MECHANISM: NORTHERN PERIPHERY OF A SUBTROPICAL RIDGE (STR) POSITIONED TO THE SOUTH. AGENCY DVORAK AND AUTOMATED FIXES: PGTW: T3.0 - 45 KTS KNES: T3.5 - 55 KTS DEMS: T3.0 - 45 KTS APRF: T3.0 - 45 KTS CIMSS ADT: 34 KTS AT 060600Z CIMSS AIDT: 39 KTS AT 060600Z CIMSS DPRINT: 36 KTS AT 060600Z FORECASTER ASSESSMENT OF CURRENT ENVIRONMENT: MARGINAL VWS: 25-30 KTS SST: 27-28 CELSIUS OUTFLOW: MODERATE EQUATORWARD OTHER FACTORS: DRY AIR ENTRAINMENT ALONG THE EASTERN PERIPHERY. ANALYSIS CONFIDENCE: INITIAL POSITION: MEDIUM INITIAL INTENSITY: LOW INITIAL WIND RADII: MEDIUM 3. FORECAST REASONING. SIGNIFICANT FORECAST CHANGES: THERE ARE NO SIGNIFICANT CHANGES TO THE FORECAST FROM THE PREVIOUS WARNING. FORECAST DISCUSSION: 14S IS FORECAST TO TRACK WESTWARD, ALONG THE NORTHERN PERIPHERY OF THE STR THROUGH TAU 48. AROUND TAU 48, THE RIDGE BREAKS AND THE STEERING INFLUENCE BECOMES LESS DEFINED. AS A RESULT, 14S WILL SLOW DOWN CONSIDERABLY AFTER TAU 48 AS IT ENTERS A WEAK STEERING ENVIRONMENT. THIS WEAK STEERING ENVIRONMENT WILL PERSIST THROUGH THE REMAINDER OF THE FORECAST PERIOD. REGARDING INTENSITY, 14S IS FORECAST TO WEAKEN THROUGH TAU 24 AS VERTICAL WIND SHEAR REMAINS HIGH AND DRY AIR INTRUDES ON THE VORTEX. AROUND TAU 48, THE ENVIRONMENT WILL BECOME MORE FAVORABLE WITH LOWER SHEAR AND A MOISTER ENVIRONMENT. THIS WILL CAUSE 14S TO REINTENSIFY THROUGH THE REMAINDER OF THE FORECAST PERIOD TO AROUND 75 KTS AT TAU 120. MODEL DISCUSSION: NUMERICAL MODEL GUIDANCE AGREES THOUGH TAU 72 WITH 70 NM CROSS-TRACK SPREAD. AFTER TAU 72, MODELS DIVERGE SIGNIFICANTLY WITH A 305 NM CROSS-TRACK SPREAD AT TAU 120. THIS IS IN RESPONSE TO THE WEAK STEERING ENVIRONMENT AT THAT TIME. AS A RESULT, THE JTWC TRACK FORECAST IS PLACED WITH HIGH CONFIDENCE THROUGH TAU 72 AND LOW CONFIDENCE THEREAFTER. INTENSITY GUIDANCE IS IN MODERATE AGREEMENT WITH ALL MODELS SUGGESTING REINTENSIFICATION AFTER TAU 60. THE JTWC INTENSITY FORECAST IS PLACED WITH OVERALL MEDIUM CONFIDENCE DUE TO UNCERTAINTIES WITH THE REINTENSIFICATION PHASE. FORECAST CONFIDENCE: TRACK 0 - 72 HR: HIGH TRACK 72-120 HR: LOW INTENSITY 0 - 72 HR: MEDIUM INTENSITY 72-120 HR: MEDIUM// NNNN  310 WWUS51 KRLX 060935 SVSRLX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 435 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC005-039-081-060945- /O.EXP.KRLX.SV.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T0945Z/ Kanawha WV-Raleigh WV-Boone WV- 435 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL KANAWHA... NORTHWESTERN RALEIGH AND NORTHEASTERN BOONE COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 445 AM EST... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However, heavy rain is still possible with this thunderstorm. && LAT...LON 3798 8177 3822 8164 3820 8138 3790 8153 TIME...MOT...LOC 0935Z 281DEG 40KT 3813 8138 $$ 14  464 WSBZ23 SBGL 060931 SBAZ SIGMET 28 VALID 060936/061130 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0124 W05016 - N0106 W04757 - S0140 W04725 - S0123 W05027 - N0124 W05016 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  465 WSBZ23 SBGL 060931 SBAZ SIGMET 29 VALID 060936/061130 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0032 W05758 - S0524 W05535 - S0529 W05255 - S0144 W05218 - N0102 W05347 - S0032 W05758 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  466 WSBZ23 SBGL 060931 SBAZ SIGMET 30 VALID 060936/061130 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR CNL SIGMET 19 060730/061130=  575 WWUS82 KMLB 060937 SPSMLB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Melbourne FL 437 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 FLZ053-058-154-159-164-254-259-264-547-647-747-061400- Osceola-Okeechobee-Coastal Indian River-Coastal Saint Lucie- Coastal Martin-Inland Indian River-Inland Saint Lucie- Inland Martin-Inland Southern Brevard-Mainland Southern Brevard- Southern Brevard Barrier Islands- 437 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...Patchy Dense Fog Over Portions of Brevard, Indian River, Martin, Okeechobee, Osceola, and St. Lucie Counties... Visibilities as low as one fourth mile are occurring across portions of Okeechobee county and patchy dense fog is expected to develop this morning over portions of Brevard, Indian River, Martin, Okeechobee, Osceola, and St. Lucie Counties. The potential (30-60%) exists for visibility reductions as low as 1/4 mile at times this morning before the fog is expected to dissipate and visibility is expected to improve by around 9am. Remember to slow down, use your low beam headlights, and to increase your following distance if you encounter fog. $$  677 WSPS21 NZKL 060937 NZZO SIGMET 15 VALID 060937/060939 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 9 060539/060939=  082 WWUS43 KARX 060937 WSWARX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service La Crosse WI 337 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...IMPACTFUL SNOW EXPECTED THIS WEEKEND... .A winter storm is expected to move through the area late Friday night through Saturday evening. Snowfall totals range from 4 to 8 inches from just south of I-90 up through north central Wisconsin. Winds will be relatively light with this storm. Temperatures are forecasted to be in the low to mid 20s. Snow ratios are ranging from 16:1 to 20:1. With these temperatures and snow ratios, a medium to fluffy snow character for this storm is expected. MNZ079-086>088-WIZ017-029-032>034-041>044-062115- /O.NEW.KARX.WS.A.0001.250208T0600Z-250209T0300Z/ Wabasha-Dodge-Olmsted-Winona-Taylor-Clark-Buffalo-Trempealeau- Jackson-La Crosse-Monroe-Juneau-Adams- Including the cities of Rochester, Dodge Center, Wabasha, Neillsville, Mauston, Winona, Alma, La Crosse, Black River Falls, Tomah, Whitehall, Sparta, Friendship, Arcadia, and Medford 337 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM LATE FRIDAY NIGHT THROUGH SATURDAY EVENING... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 8 inches possible. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Minnesota and central, north central, and west central Wisconsin. * WHEN...From late Friday night through Saturday evening. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. && $$ Cecava  961 WHUS72 KTAE 060937 MWWTAE URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 437 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 GMZ730-755-765-775-061600- /O.CON.KTAE.MF.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Apalachee Bay or Coastal Waters From Keaton Beach to Ochlockonee River FL out to 20 Nm- Coastal Waters From Ochlockonee River to Apalachicola Fl out to 20 Nm- Coastal waters from Suwannee River to Keaton Beach FL out 20 NM- Waters from Suwannee River to Apalachicola FL from 20 to 60 NM- 437 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1 NM or less. * WHERE...Nearshore Gulf waters from the Ochlockonee River to the Suwannee River out 20 nautical miles, Coastal Waters From Ochlockonee River to Apalachicola Fl out to 20 Nm, and Waters from Suwannee River to Apalachicola FL from 20 to 60 NM. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$ GMZ750-752-061500- /O.CON.KTAE.MF.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Coastal waters from Mexico Beach to Okaloosa Walton County Line FL out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Mexico Beach to Apalachicola FL out 20 NM- 337 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1 NM or less. * WHERE...Nearshore Gulf waters from the Walton-Okaloosa County line to Apalachicola out 20 nautical miles. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  595 WWUS74 KJAN 060938 NPWJAN URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Jackson MS 338 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 MSZ048>052-054>058-062>066-072>074-061600- /O.CON.KJAN.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ Hinds-Rankin-Scott-Newton-Lauderdale-Copiah-Simpson-Smith-Jasper- Clarke-Lincoln-Lawrence-Jefferson Davis-Covington-Jones-Marion- Lamar-Forrest- Including the cities of Morton, Decatur, Newton, Lumberton, Magee, Laurel, Forest, Shubuta, Bay Springs, Conehatta, Mount Olive, Collins, Stonewall, West Hattiesburg, Brookhaven, Raleigh, Mendenhall, Taylorsville, Monticello, Heidelberg, Meridian, New Hebron, Crystal Springs, Prentiss, Union, Hattiesburg, Jackson, Bassfield, Purvis, Quitman, Columbia, Wesson, Brandon, Pearl, Hazlehurst, and Richland 338 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, south central, and southeast Mississippi. * WHEN...Until 10 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ 22  660 WWUS82 KMFL 060938 SPSMFL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Miami FL 438 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 FLZ063-066-067-070-071-061230- Glades-Hendry-Inland Palm Beach County-Inland Collier County- Inland Broward County- Including the cities of Muse, Ortona, Palmdale, Lakeport, Moore Haven, Brighton Seminole, Buckhead Ridge, Felda, Hendry Correctional, Clewiston, Lion Country Safari Park, Wellington, Caloosa, Royal Palm Beach, The Acreage, Belle Glade, Golden Gate, North Blocks Golde, Orange Tree, Bunker Hill, Immokalee, Miles City, Sunniland, and Miccosukee Indian Reservation 438 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...Locally Dense Fog Possible Early This Morning... Areas of fog, some locally dense, have developed across portions of the interior this morning. Visibilities are likely to be reduced to around 1 to 2 miles in general, with localized areas experiencing reduced visibilities to one-half to one-quarter of a mile at times. Fog will likely persist through sunrise before gradually lifting. Motorists are advised to drive with caution this morning as visibilities may widely vary over short distances. Use low beam headlights and leave extra distance between your vehicle and others on the road when encountering significant reductions in visibility. Allow extra time to travel to destinations. $$  709 WSBZ23 SBGL 060935 SBAO SIGMET 22 VALID 060940/061130 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0219 W03018 - S0222 W02924 - S0426 W02717 - S0115 W02253 - N0048 W02538 - N0059 W02554 - N0053 W02546 - S0140 W02709 - S0104 W02919 - S0219 W03018 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  534 WWUS81 KRLX 060938 SPSRLX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 438 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVZ005-013-024>026-034-515-061030- Wyoming WV-Northwest Raleigh WV-Boone WV-Lincoln WV-Logan WV- Mingo WV-Wayne WV- 438 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL IMPACT MINGO...SOUTHWESTERN LINCOLN... NORTHWESTERN RALEIGH...NORTHWESTERN WYOMING...LOGAN...SOUTHEASTERN WAYNE AND BOONE COUNTIES THROUGH 530 AM EST... At 438 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a cluster of strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Madison to 6 miles west of Harts to Debord. Movement was southeast at 50 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 50 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Mount Gay, Chapmanville, Van, Chauncey, Mount Gay-Shamrock, Stickney, Sharples, Harts, Verdunville, Mallory, Switzer, West Logan, Arnett, Naugatuck, Logan, Dingess, Amherstdale-Robine, Hinch, Man, and Lenore. This includes Route 119 between mile markers 1 and 55. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. A Flash Flood Watch remains in effect. Heavy downpours could cause rapid rises in water. If rising water is observed, move to higher ground. Do not drive into areas covered by water. && LAT...LON 3756 8208 3756 8213 3759 8213 3762 8218 3765 8218 3763 8221 3766 8224 3768 8230 3774 8233 3776 8231 3781 8240 3788 8242 3794 8250 3804 8232 3813 8179 3780 8122 3772 8171 3754 8198 3755 8204 3753 8205 TIME...MOT...LOC 0938Z 302DEG 43KT 3809 8182 3801 8226 3785 8255 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...50 MPH $$ 14  164 WWUS83 KJKL 060939 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 439 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ107-109-110-112-113-119-120-061015- Breathitt KY-Martin KY-Floyd KY-Pike KY-Knott KY-Johnson KY- Magoffin KY- 439 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL IMPACT MARTIN...SOUTHERN JOHNSON... NORTHWESTERN KNOTT...NORTHERN FLOYD...CENTRAL BREATHITT... NORTHWESTERN PIKE AND SOUTHERN MAGOFFIN COUNTIES THROUGH 515 AM EST... At 438 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Job to Elkatawa. Movement was east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and pea size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Paintsville, Prestonsburg, Jackson, Salyersville, Inez, Mason, Martin, Warfield, Allen, Pilgrim, Oaklawn Estates, Vail, Davella, Lancer, Whitehouse, Burning Fork, Noctor, Collista, West Van Lear, and West Royalton Station. THIS INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING HIGHWAYS... Kentucky Highway 3 in Floyd County between mile markers 1 and 4. Kentucky Highway 3 in Johnson County Kentucky Highway 3 in Martin County between mile markers 1 and 9. Kentucky Highway 80 in Floyd County between mile markers 6 and 14. U.S. Highway 23 in Floyd County between mile markers 6 and 21. U.S. Highway 23 in Johnson County between mile markers 0 and 8. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3775 8233 3772 8232 3746 8294 3753 8352 3790 8269 3788 8261 3789 8260 3792 8260 3795 8258 3796 8255 3795 8250 3790 8247 3791 8247 3788 8242 3781 8240 3782 8239 3776 8233 3776 8231 TIME...MOT...LOC 0938Z 275DEG 41KT 3797 8250 3755 8342 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.25 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ CMC  682 WHUS74 KBRO 060939 MWWBRO URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Brownsville TX 339 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 GMZ130-132-135-150-155-061600- /O.NEW.KBRO.MF.Y.0004.250206T0939Z-250206T1600Z/ Laguna Madre from the Port of Brownsville to the Arroyo Colorado- Laguna Madre from the Arroyo Colorado To 5 NM north of Port Mansfield TX- Laguna Madre from 5 nm north of Port Mansfield to Baffin Bay TX- Gulf waters from Port Mansfield to the Rio Grande out 20 nm- Gulf waters from Baffin Bay to Port Mansfield out 20 nm- 339 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to less than 1 NM at times. * WHERE...Laguna Madre between the Port of Brownsville and Baffin Bay, and Nearshore Gulf waters between the mouth of the Rio Grande and Baffin Bay from 0 to 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 10 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  702 WABZ23 SBGL 060935 SBRE AIRMET 16 VALID 060940/061140 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR BKN CLD 100/0700FT FCST WI S1749 W04005 - S1749 W03915 - S1714 W03915 - S1714 W04005 - S1749 W04005 STNR NC=  243 WHUS72 KMHX 060940 MWWMHX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 440 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 AMZ156-062145- /O.NEW.KMHX.SC.Y.0015.250207T0100Z-250207T1200Z/ S of Ocracoke Inlet to Cape Lookout NC out 20 nm- 440 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 7 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt expected. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Ocracoke Inlet to Cape Lookout. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 7 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ AMZ150-061600- /O.EXB.KMHX.SC.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ S of Currituck Beach Light to Oregon Inlet NC out 20 nm- 440 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Seas 4 to 6 ft. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Duck to Oregon Inlet. * WHEN...Until 11 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ AMZ154-062145- /O.CON.KMHX.SC.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-250207T1600Z/ S of Cape Hatteras to Ocracoke Inlet NC out 20 nm including the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary- 440 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 4 to 6 ft. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Cape Hatteras to Ocracoke Inlet. * WHEN...Until 11 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ AMZ152-062145- /O.CON.KMHX.SC.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-250207T1400Z/ S of Oregon Inlet to Cape Hatteras NC out 20 nm- 440 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and seas 4 to 7 ft. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Oregon Inlet to Cape Hatteras. * WHEN...Until 9 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  715 WEME40 LGAT 060939 TSUNAMI COMMUNICATION TEST MESSAGE NUMBER 001 NEAM NOA HL-NTWC TSUNAMI SERVICE PROVIDER ISSUED AT 0938Z 06 FEB 2025 ... TSUNAMI COMMUNICATION TEST ... THIS TEST APPLIES TO GSCP (GREECE) ... ERCC (EUROPEAN COMMISSION) ... IOC (UNESCO) ... KOERI (TURKEY) ... CENALT (FRANCE) ... INGV (ITALY) ... IPMA (PORTUGAL) ... PMO (ISRAEL) ... GII (ISRAEL) ... GSI (ISRAEL) ... CNRS (LEBANON) ... NIOF (EGYPT) ... NRIAG (EGYPT) ... VLIZ (BELGIUM) ... BSH (GERMANY) ... DWD (GERMANY) ... DGPCE (SPAIN) ... SMHI (SWEDEN) ... JRC (ITALY) ... CDH (CYPRUS) ... NOC (UNITED KINGDOM) FROM - NEAM NOA-HLNTWC TSUNAMI SERVICE PROVIDER TO - TWFP DESIGNATED 24-HOUR TSUNAMI WARNING FOCAL POINTS OF THE NEAM REGION SUBJECT - NEAMTWS TSUNAMI COMMUNICATION TEST THIS IS A TEST TO VERIFY COMMUNICATION LINKS AND DETERMINE TRANSMISSION TIMES INVOLVED IN THE DISSEMINATION OF OPERATIONAL TSUNAMI MESSAGES FROM NEAM NOA-HLNTWC TSUNAMI SERVICE PROVIDER TO DESIGNATED 24-HOUR TSUNAMI WARNING FOCAL POINTS OF THE NEAM TSUNAMI WARNING SYSTEM AND ALL REQUESTED TSUNAMI WARNING RECIPIENTS. THIS MESSAGE IS DISSEMINATED BY E-MAIL, FAX AND GTS, FOLLOWING THE IOC TABLE AND THE REQUESTED CONTACTS. RECIPIENTS ARE KINDLY REQUESTED TO RESPOND BACK BY FILLING IN THE ONLINE QUESTIONNAIRE PROVIDED AT THE FOLLOWING LINK: HTTP://HL-NTWC.GEIN.NOA.GR/COMMTEST/ NEAM HL-NTWC (GREECE) TSUNAMI SERVICE PROVIDER EMAIL - HL_NTWC@NOA.GR FAX - +30-210-3490050 AND OR +30-210-3490198 THANK YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION IN THIS COMMUNICATION TEST THIS WILL BE THE FINAL MESSAGE ISSUED TSUNAMI COMMUNICATION TEST MESSAGE NUMBER 001  300 WABZ23 SBGL 060935 SBCW AIRMET 8 VALID 060940/061140 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR BKN CLD 100/0700FT FCST WI S2405 W05344 - S2405 W05254 - S2331 W05254 - S2331 W05344 - S2405 W05344 STNR NC=  663 WHUS74 KHGX 060941 MWWHGX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Houston/Galveston TX 341 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 GMZ330-335-061745- /O.CON.KHGX.MF.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Matagorda Bay-Galveston Bay- 341 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 NM or less. * WHERE...Matagorda Bay and Galveston Bay. * WHEN...Until noon CST today. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Fog will be densest in the southern parts of the Bays and nearshore waters. The Advisory may be further extended into the afternoon for the nearshore waters. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$ GMZ350-355-061745- /O.CON.KHGX.MF.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Coastal waters from Freeport to Matagorda Ship Channel TX out 20 NM-Coastal waters from High Island to Freeport TX out 20 NM- 341 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 NM or less. * WHERE...Coastal waters from Freeport to Matagorda Ship Channel TX out 20 NM and Coastal waters from High Island to Freeport TX out 20 NM. * WHEN...Until noon CST today. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Fog will be densest in the southern parts of the Bays and nearshore waters. The Advisory may be further extended into the afternoon for the nearshore waters. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  899 WOCN10 CWUL 060940 WEATHER ADVISORY FOR QUEBEC ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:40 A.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WEATHER ADVISORY FOR: =NEW= METRO MONTREAL - LAVAL =NEW= VAUDREUIL - SOULANGES - HUNTINGDON =NEW= RICHELIEU VALLEY - SAINT-HYACINTHE =NEW= LANAUDIERE =NEW= LACHUTE - SAINT-JEROME =NEW= LAURENTIANS =NEW= UPPER GATINEAU - LIEVRE - PAPINEAU =NEW= EASTERN TOWNSHIPS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WHAT: REDUCED VISIBILITIES IN MODERATE SNOW GIVING POOR DRIVING CONDITIONS. WHEN: MIDDAY THURSDAY UNTIL THURSDAY EVENING. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS OF 5 TO 10 CENTIMETRES, AND POSSIBLY MORE LOCALLY. POOR WEATHER CONDITIONS MAY CONTRIBUTE TO TRANSPORTATION DELAYS. BE PREPARED TO ADJUST YOUR DRIVING WITH CHANGING ROAD CONDITIONS. SLOW DOWN DRIVING IN SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. WATCH FOR TAILLIGHTS AHEAD AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  910 WWUS74 KTSA 060942 NPWTSA URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tulsa OK 342 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ARZ001-002-010-011-OKZ054>070-061500- /O.CON.KTSA.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Benton-Carroll-Washington AR-Madison-Osage-Washington OK-Nowata- Craig-Ottawa-Pawnee-Tulsa-Rogers-Mayes-Delaware-Creek-Okfuskee- Okmulgee-Wagoner-Cherokee-Adair-Muskogee- Including the cities of Rogers, Okemah, Pawhuska, Okmulgee, Fayetteville, Nowata, Jay, Tahlequah, Bentonville, Huntsville, Wagoner, Grove, Vinita, Pawnee, Bartlesville, Stilwell, Sapulpa, Springdale, Eureka Springs, Miami, Pryor, Tulsa, Berryville, Muskogee, and Claremore 342 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of northwest Arkansas and east central and northeast Oklahoma. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Visibilities are expected to be reduced to less than one quarter mile by dense fog. Rapidly changing visibility will create hazardous driving conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your low beam headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ 05  392 WSRS31 RURD 060943 URRV SIGMET 6 VALID 061000/061400 URRR- URRV ROSTOV-NA-DONU FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST S OF LINE N4326 E04016 - N4542 E04123 - N4455 E04638 - N4201 E04556 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  665 WWUS73 KICT 060944 NPWICT URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wichita KS 344 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KSZ032-033-047>053-067>072-082-083-091>096-098>100-061200- /O.CON.KICT.FG.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Russell-Lincoln-Barton-Ellsworth-Saline-Rice-McPherson-Marion- Chase-Reno-Harvey-Butler-Greenwood-Woodson-Allen-Kingman-Sedgwick- Harper-Sumner-Cowley-Elk-Wilson-Neosho-Chautauqua-Montgomery- Labette- Including the cities of Sedan, Coffeyville, Lincoln, Moline, Grenola, Humboldt, Park City, Haysville, Wichita, Winfield, Cottonwood Falls, Newton, Independence, Fredonia, Attica, El Dorado, Neodesha, Madison, Howard, Salina, Ellsworth, Kingman, Iola, Sterling, Yates Center, Wilson, Arkansas City, Eureka, Lyons, Peabody, Parsons, McPherson, Hutchinson, Anthony, Derby, Harper, Cedar Vale, Sylvan Grove, Andover, Wellington, Rose Hill, Russell, Great Bend, Hillsboro, Strong City, Augusta, Marion, Chanute, Bel Aire, Valley Center, and Longton 344 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of Central, South Central, and Southeast Kansas. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST early this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ Lawson  732 WSRS31 RURD 060945 URRV SIGMET 7 VALID 061000/061400 URRR- URRV ROSTOV-NA-DONU FIR SEV TURB FCST SW OF LINE N4600 E03701 - N4453 E04019 - N4328 E04009 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  602 WSAU21 YMMC 060946 YMMM SIGMET S04 VALID 061019/061219 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1050 E09620 - S1020 E10310 - S1230 E10330 - S1320 E10140 - S1530 E10040 - S1350 E09600 - S1150 E09620 - S1150 E09230 - S1020 E09010 - S0910 E09350 TOP FL550 MOV W 05KT NC=  639 WWUS41 KILN 060946 WSWILN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wilmington OH 446 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 INZ050-058-059-066-OHZ060>064-070>074-061100- /O.EXP.KILN.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1000Z/ Wayne-Fayette-Union-Franklin-Preble-Montgomery-Greene-Fayette- Pickaway-Butler-Warren-Clinton-Ross-Hocking- Including the cities of West College Corner, Fairfield, Springboro, Eaton, Downtown Dayton, Lebanon, Wilmington, Camden, Circleville, Washington Court House, Franklin, Hamilton, Connersville, Liberty, Kettering, Middletown, Xenia, Fairborn, Mason, Blanchester, Logan, Chillicothe, Richmond, Brookville, Landen, Oxford, and Beavercreek 446 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 5 AM EST EARLY THIS MORNING... Temperatures have risen to or slightly above freezing so little if any additional icing is expected. $$ OHZ026-034-035-042>046-051>056-065-061200- /O.CON.KILN.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Hardin-Mercer-Auglaize-Darke-Shelby-Logan-Union-Delaware-Miami- Champaign-Clark-Madison-Franklin-Licking-Fairfield- Including the cities of Plain City, Minster, Kenton, West Jefferson, Urbana, Wapakoneta, New Bremen, Lancaster, Pickerington, London, Coldwater, Greenville, Bellefontaine, Ada, Troy, Sidney, Tipp City, Marysville, Celina, Springfield, St. Marys, Newark, Downtown Columbus, Piqua, and Delaware 446 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations of around a glaze. * WHERE...Portions of central and west central Ohio. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. visit ohgo.com for the latest road information. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$  084 WWUS73 KGRB 060946 NPWGRB URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Green Bay WI 346 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 WIZ005-010>013-061800- /O.EXA.KGRB.WI.Y.0002.250206T1500Z-250207T0300Z/ Vilas-Oneida-Forest-Florence-Northern Marinette County- Including the cities of Spread Eagle, Aurora, Lac Du Flambeau, Commonwealth, Eagle River, Crandon, Rhinelander, Wausaukee, and Niagara 346 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 9 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Oneida, Vilas, Florence, Forest, and Northern Marinette County Counties. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 9 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Reduced visibility is also possible due to blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ WIZ018>022-030-031-035>040-045-048>050-073-074-061800- /O.CON.KGRB.WI.Y.0002.250206T1500Z-250207T0300Z/ Lincoln-Langlade-Menominee-Northern Oconto County-Door-Marathon- Shawano-Wood-Portage-Waupaca-Outagamie-Brown-Kewaunee-Waushara- Winnebago-Calumet-Manitowoc-Southern Marinette County-Southern Oconto County- Including the cities of Sister Bay, Two Rivers, Marshfield, Chilton, Antigo, Green Bay, Fish Creek, Wisconsin Rapids, Harmony, Keshena, Waupaca, Wautoma, Clintonville, Plover, Neopit, Kewaunee, Luxemburg, Menasha, Brookside, Little Suamico, Shawano, Middle Inlet, Wausau, Sturgeon Bay, Tomahawk, New Holstein, Sobieski, Mountain, Appleton, Redgranite, Loomis, Brillion, Manitowoc, New London, High Falls Reservoir, Porterfield, Oconto, Merrill, Pensaukee, Peshtigo, Lakewood, Stevens Point, Neenah, Townsend, Crivitz, and Oshkosh 346 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 9 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts of 35 to 50 mph expected. A few higher gusts are possible across east-central Wisconsin. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, north central, and northeast Wisconsin. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 9 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Reduced visibility is also possible due to blowing and drifting snow. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The power outage threat will be highest where any ice accretion occurred overnight and early this morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ For more information, visit us at http://www.weather.gov/GreenBay Bersch  282 WWUS83 KJKL 060947 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 447 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ109-110-112-113-115-061015- Breathitt KY-Perry KY-Floyd KY-Knott KY-Magoffin KY- 447 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHERN PERRY...KNOTT...CENTRAL FLOYD...SOUTHERN BREATHITT AND SOUTHEASTERN MAGOFFIN COUNTIES THROUGH 515 AM EST... At 447 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Watts, or 9 miles southeast of Jackson, moving east at 60 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Hindman, Estill, Wheelwright, Martin, Pippa Passes, Wayland, Buckhorn, Buck, Leburn, Vail, Hippo, Handshoe, Gunlock, Emmalena, Glo, Printer, Bearville, McDowell, Daisydell, and Orchard. THIS INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING HIGHWAYS... Kentucky Highway 80 in Floyd County between mile markers 1 and 10. Kentucky Highway 80 in Knott County between mile markers 1 and 20. Kentucky Highway 80 in Perry County between mile markers 13 and 15. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3734 8354 3735 8354 3737 8355 3739 8355 3742 8354 3743 8355 3746 8355 3747 8356 3748 8356 3759 8274 3732 8272 TIME...MOT...LOC 0947Z 263DEG 53KT 3743 8331 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ CMC  896 WHUS73 KLOT 060948 MWWLOT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Chicago IL 348 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 LMZ740>742-061800- /O.EXT.KLOT.GL.W.0003.250206T1600Z-250207T0600Z/ Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor IL- Wilmette Harbor to Northerly Island IL- Northerly Island to Calumet Harbor IL- 348 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING NOW IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...West gales to 40 kt and significant waves to 4 ft expected. * WHERE...Winthrop Harbor to Calumet Harbor IL. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ743>745-061800- /O.EXT.KLOT.SC.Y.0015.250206T1600Z-250207T1000Z/ Calumet Harbor IL to Gary IN-Gary to Burns Harbor IN- Burns Harbor to Michigan City IN- 348 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 4 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds to 30 kt, with occasional gale gusts to 35 kt, and significant waves to 7 ft occasionally to 9 ft expected. * WHERE...Calumet Harbor IL to Michigan City IN. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 4 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  127 WWUS75 KREV 060948 NPWREV URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Reno NV 148 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 NVZ001-003-070015- /O.NEW.KREV.WI.Y.0004.250206T2200Z-250208T0000Z/ Mineral and Southern Lyon Counties-Greater Reno-Carson City- Minden Area- Including the cities of Sparks, Gardnerville, Mina, Smith Valley, Schurz, Verdi, Virginia City, Hawthorne, and Yerington 148 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 2 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. Wind prone areas may gust as high as 65 mph. * WHERE...Greater Reno-Carson City-Minden Area and Mineral and Southern Lyon Counties. * WHEN...From 2 PM this afternoon to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Difficult driving conditions are possible, especially for high profile vehicles. Highway 395, Interstate 580, and Highway 95 will be the most affected. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds may knock down burned trees in the Davis Fire burn area. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Now is the time to secure loose outdoor items such as patio furniture, holiday decorations, and trash cans before winds increase which could blow these items away. The best thing to do is prepare ahead of time by making sure you have extra food and water on hand, flashlights with spare batteries and/or candles in the event of a power outage. && $$ NVZ004-070015- /O.NEW.KREV.LW.Y.0006.250207T0600Z-250208T0300Z/ Western Nevada Basin and Range including Pyramid Lake- Including the cities of Silver Springs, Lovelock, Nixon, Fallon, Fernley, and Imlay 148 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...LAKE WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 7 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph and waves 1 to 4 feet. * WHERE...Western Nevada Basin and Range including Pyramid Lake. * WHEN...From 10 PM this evening to 7 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Small boats, kayaks and paddle boards will be prone to capsizing and should remain off lake waters until conditions improve. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Check lake conditions before heading out and be prepared for a sudden increase in winds and wave heights. Consider postponing boating activities on the lake until a day with less wind. && $$ HC  487 WSSN31 ESWI 060940 ESAA SIGMET M02 VALID 061000/061400 ESSA- ESAA SWEDEN FIR SEV MTW FCST WI N6748 E01649 - N6857 E02020 - N6827 E02157 - N6459 E01424 - N6605 E01429 - N6748 E01649 SFC/200FT STNR INTSF=  348 WWUS73 KLSX 060950 NPWLSX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service St Louis MO 350 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ILZ064-065-069-070-074-079-100>102-061100- /O.CAN.KLSX.FG.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1400Z/ Bond IL-Fayette IL-Clinton IL-Marion IL-Washington IL-Randolph IL- Madison IL-Saint Clair IL-Monroe IL- Including the cities of Salem, Sparta, Centralia, Edwardsville, Cahokia, Chester, Belleville, Alton, and Vandalia 350 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Dense fog has diminished across the area, allowing for an early cancellation of the Dense Fog Advisory. $$ BRC  155 WSUS32 KKCI 060955 SIGC MKCC WST 060955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 061155-061555 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  187 WWUS81 KOKX 060942 SPSOKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 442 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NYZ079-081-061500- Northeast Suffolk-Southeast Suffolk- 442 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 A period of light snow is expected this morning along with the potential for freezing drizzle and sleet before changing over to a plain rain by mid-morning. This wintry mix of precipitation may make for hazardous travel for the morning commute by making roadways and walkways slippery. Take extra precautions if traveling. $$  356 WSUS31 KKCI 060955 SIGE MKCE WST 060955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 27E VALID UNTIL 1155Z VA NC FROM 50SW RIC-50E RDU-30ESE GSO-40S LYH-50SW RIC AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS TO FL370. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 28E VALID UNTIL 1155Z PA MD VA WV OH TN KY FROM 30NE EWC-20S LYH-40WNW VXV-60ENE CVG-40WNW EWC-30NE EWC AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS TO FL410. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 29E VALID UNTIL 1155Z NC CSTL WTRS FROM 90SE ECG-170ESE ECG-110ESE ILM-90ESE ILM-90SE ECG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 24030KT. TOPS TO FL380. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 30E VALID UNTIL 1155Z KY IN FROM 30ESE CVG-70NE DYR LINE TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS TO FL410. OUTLOOK VALID 061155-061555 FROM 40WSW DXO-PSB-GSO-40SSW BNA-40E PXV-40WSW DXO WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  357 WSUS33 KKCI 060955 SIGW MKCW WST 060955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 061155-061555 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  003 WWUS74 KLIX 060951 NPWLIX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New Orleans LA 351 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 LAZ056>060-064-065-069-070-077-078-084-086>090-061500- /O.EXA.KLIX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Assumption-St. James-St. John The Baptist-Upper Lafourche-St. Charles-Upper St. Bernard-Upper Terrebonne-Lower Plaquemines- Lower St. Bernard-Western Orleans-Eastern Orleans-Southern Livingston-Eastern Ascension-Upper Jefferson-Lower Jefferson- Upper Plaquemines-Central Plaquemines- Including the cities of Houma, Larose, Westwego, Boothville, Delacroix, Donaldsonville, Lafitte, Jean Lafitte, Meraux, Bayou Cane, Thibodaux, French Settlement, Kenner, Laplace, Empire, Myrtle Grove, Destrehan, Prairieville, Yscloskey, East New Orleans, Gretna, Pointe A La Hache, Raceland, Killian, Barataria, Reserve, Pierre Part, Labadieville, Violet, Lutcher, New Orleans, Braithwaite, Buras, Harahan, Norco, Belle Chasse, Shell Beach, Springfield, Geismar, Metairie, Whitehall, Chalmette, Port Sulphur, Gramercy, Marrero, Paincourtville, Convent, Venice, Alliance, and Gonzales 351 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...A portion of southeast Louisiana. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your low beam headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ LAZ039-066>068-071-076-079>082-MSZ070-071-077-083>088-061500- /O.CON.KLIX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Washington-Lower Terrebonne-Lower Lafourche-Coastal Jefferson Parish-Northern Tangipahoa-Southeast St. Tammany-Northern St. Tammany-Southwestern St. Tammany-Central Tangipahoa-Lower Tangipahoa-Pike-Walthall-Pearl River-Northern Hancock-Northern Harrison-Northern Jackson-Southern Hancock-Southern Harrison- Southern Jackson- Including the cities of Akers, Vancleave, Biloxi, Pascagoula, Crossroads, Grand Isle, Covington, Bay St. Louis, Cocodrie, Ocean Springs, Dexter, Galliano, McComb, Independence, Leeville, Escatawpa, Waveland, Gautier, Gulfport, Golden Meadow, Mandeville, McNeil, Kentwood, St. Martin, Lyman, Pearlington, Enon, Folsom, Montegut, Bogalusa, Amite, Kiln, Robert, Cut Off, Long Beach, Saucier, Dulac, Poplarville, Necaise, Madisonville, Diamondhead, Franklinton, Pass Christian, Bush, Salem, Sellers, Roseland, Slidell, Tylertown, Chauvin, Wilmer, Moss Point, Ponchatoula, Wade, Hammond, Picayune, and Tickfaw 351 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Louisiana and southern Mississippi. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your low beam headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ TE  017 WHUS71 KAKQ 060951 MWWAKQ URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wakefield VA 451 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ANZ658-061500- /O.EXT.KAKQ.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm- 451 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...North winds 10 to 15 kt and seas 3 to 5 ft. * WHERE...Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ656-061500- /O.EXT.KAKQ.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Coastal Waters from Cape Charles Light to Virginia- North Carolina border out to 20 nm- 451 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...North winds 10 to 15 kt and seas 3 to 5 ft. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Cape Charles Light to Virginia- North Carolina border out to 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  044 WWUS81 KRNK 060951 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 451 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAZ018-019-WVZ044-507-061015- Craig VA-Alleghany VA-Eastern Greenbrier WV-Monroe WV- 451 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL IMPACT WESTERN ALLEGHANY COUNTY IN WEST CENTRAL VIRGINIA...NORTHEASTERN CRAIG COUNTY IN SOUTHWESTERN VIRGINIA...SOUTHEASTERN GREENBRIER AND NORTHEASTERN MONROE COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN WEST VIRGINIA THROUGH 515 AM EST... At 451 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from Asbury to near Pickaway to near Union. Movement was east at 60 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and pea size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Alleghany... Lewisburg... White Sulphur Springs... Ronceverte... Union... Paint Bank... and Jordan Mines. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3765 8002 3751 8014 3757 8060 3767 8056 3784 8056 3789 8005 TIME...MOT...LOC 0951Z 272DEG 51KT 3783 8054 3769 8054 3757 8059 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.25 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ BMG  702 WAIY31 LIIB 060953 LIMM AIRMET 6 VALID 061000/061100 LIIB- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 1200M BR FCST WI N4524 E01036 - N4532 E00905 - N4509 E00815 - N4457 E00831 - N4505 E00909 - N4443 E01133 - N4524 E01036 STNR NC=  080 WWUS83 KLMK 060952 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 352 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ026-027-061-061015- Grayson KY-Butler KY-Ohio KY- 352 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHEASTERN BUTLER... SOUTHWESTERN GRAYSON AND EAST CENTRAL OHIO COUNTIES THROUGH 415 AM CST... At 351 AM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a storm with some persistent weak rotation near Hartford, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Hartford, Casey, Beaver Dam, Caneyville, Mchenry, Horse Branch, Steff, Windy Hill, Flint Springs, and Do Stop. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3736 8694 3744 8694 3751 8647 3731 8648 TIME...MOT...LOC 0951Z 266DEG 39KT 3740 8686 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ BJS  222 WWUS75 KCYS 060952 NPWCYS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 252 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 WYZ104-070015- /O.NEW.KCYS.HW.A.0013.250207T1200Z-250208T1200Z/ Ferris/Seminoe/Shirley Mountains- Including the cities of Seminoe Dam 252 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...HIGH WIND WATCH IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH LATE FRIDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Southwest winds 35 to 45 mph with gusts up to 65 mph possible. * WHERE...Ferris/Seminoe/Shirley Mountains. * WHEN...From late tonight through late Friday night. * IMPACTS...Mainly to transportation. Strong cross winds will be hazardous to light weight or high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Wind Watch means there is the potential for a hazardous high wind event. Sustained wind speeds of at least 40 MPH or gusts of 58 MPH or stronger may occur. Continue to monitor the latest forecasts. && $$ WYZ109-113-070015- /O.NEW.KCYS.HW.A.0013.250207T1500Z-250208T1200Z/ Central Carbon County-Upper North Platte River Basin- Including the cities of Rawlins, Encampment, and Saratoga 252 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...HIGH WIND WATCH IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY MORNING THROUGH LATE FRIDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Southwest winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 65 mph possible. * WHERE...Central Carbon County and Upper North Platte River Basin. * WHEN...From Friday morning through late Friday night. * IMPACTS...Mainly to transportation. Strong cross winds will be hazardous to light weight or high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Wind Watch means there is the potential for a hazardous high wind event. Sustained wind speeds of at least 40 MPH or gusts of 58 MPH or stronger may occur. Continue to monitor the latest forecasts. && $$ WYZ110-070015- /O.NEW.KCYS.HW.A.0013.250207T1500Z-250208T1500Z/ North Snowy Range Foothills- Including the cities of Elk Mountain and Arlington 252 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...HIGH WIND WATCH IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY MORNING THROUGH SATURDAY MORNING... * WHAT...West winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 65 mph possible. * WHERE...North Snowy Range Foothills including Arlington and Elk Mountain along Interstate 80. * WHEN...From Friday morning through Saturday morning. * IMPACTS...Mainly to transportation. Strong cross winds will be hazardous to light weight or high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Wind Watch means there is the potential for a hazardous high wind event. Sustained wind speeds of at least 40 MPH or gusts of 58 MPH or stronger may occur. Continue to monitor the latest forecasts. && $$ WYZ116-117-070015- /O.NEW.KCYS.HW.A.0013.250207T1500Z-250208T0900Z/ South Laramie Range-South Laramie Range Foothills- Including the cities of Horse Creek, Federal, Buford, Pumpkin Vine, Whitaker, and Vedauwoo 252 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...HIGH WIND WATCH IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY MORNING THROUGH LATE FRIDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Southwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 60 mph possible. * WHERE...South Laramie Range and Foothills including the Interstate 80 Summit between Cheyenne and Laramie. * WHEN...From Friday morning through late Friday night. * IMPACTS...Mainly to transportation. Strong cross winds will be hazardous to light weight or high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Wind Watch means there is the potential for a hazardous high wind event. Sustained wind speeds of at least 40 MPH or gusts of 58 MPH or stronger may occur. Continue to monitor the latest forecasts. && $$ WYZ106-070015- /O.NEW.KCYS.HW.A.0013.250207T1800Z-250208T1200Z/ Central Laramie Range and Southwest Platte County- Including the cities of Bordeaux 252 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...HIGH WIND WATCH IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY MORNING THROUGH LATE FRIDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...West winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 60 mph possible. * WHERE...Bordeaux area along Interstate 25 between Chugwater and Wheatland. * WHEN...From Friday morning through late Friday night. * IMPACTS...Mainly to transportation. Strong cross winds will be hazardous to light weight or high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Wind Watch means there is the potential for a hazardous high wind event. Sustained wind speeds of at least 40 MPH or gusts of 58 MPH or stronger may occur. Continue to monitor the latest forecasts. && $$ Mose  945 WWUS45 KBOI 060953 WSWBOI URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boise ID 153 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ORZ061>064-062200- /O.NEW.KBOI.WW.Y.0003.250207T0000Z-250208T0000Z/ Harney County-Baker County-Malheur County-Oregon Lower Treasure Valley- Including the cities of Buchanan, Venator, Crane, Diamond, Ontario, Malheur City, New Princeton, Dunnean, Nyssa, Burns, and Baker 153 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 /253 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM PST /5 PM MST/ THIS AFTERNOON TO 4 PM PST /5 PM MST/ FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 to 4 inches in lower elevations with mountains seeing anywhere from 6 to 10 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph near the Nevada border. * WHERE...Portions of northeast and southeast Oregon. * WHEN...From 4 PM PST /5 PM MST/ this afternoon to 4 PM PST /5 PM MST/ Friday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IDZ011-013-028-033-062200- /O.NEW.KBOI.WW.Y.0003.250207T0600Z-250208T0000Z/ West Central Mountains-Boise Mountains-Camas Prairie-Upper Weiser River- Including the cities of Garden Valley, Pine, Council, McCall, Midvale, Cambridge, Cascade, Idaho City, Fairfield, and Lowman 253 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 5 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 4 inches except between 6 and 12 inches over the mountains. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph on ridgetops. * WHERE...Portions of southwest and west central Idaho. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 5 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ SA  484 WSAG31 SACO 060958 SACF SIGMET 5 VALID 060958/061358 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0958Z WI S2657 W06754 - S2604 W06528 - S2454 W06238 - S2504 W06155 - S2651 W06147 - S3003 W06040 - S3015 W06043 - S3014 W06229 - S3036 W06353 - S3011 W06547 - S2657 W06754 TOP FL010 MOV ENE 10KT NC=  835 WSAG31 SACO 060958 SACF SIGMET 5 VALID 060958/061358 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 0958Z WI S2657 W06754 - S2604 W06528 - S2454 W06238 - S2504 W06155 - S2651 W06147 - S3003 W06040 - S3015 W06043 - S3014 W06229 - S3036 W06353 - S3011 W06547 - S2657 W06754 TOP FL010 MOV ENE 10KT NC=  887 WWUS75 KBOI 060955 NPWBOI URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boise ID 255 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 IDZ015-016-029-030-062200- /O.NEW.KBOI.WI.Y.0003.250207T1500Z-250208T0000Z/ Southwest Highlands-Western Magic Valley-Owyhee Mountains- Southern Twin Falls County- Including the cities of Murphy Hot Springs, Silver City, Hollister, Riddle, Rogerson, Twin Falls, Grasmere, and Jerome 255 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM TO 5 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Portions of south central and southwest Idaho. * WHEN...From 8 AM to 5 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ SA  438 WVNL31 EHDB 060954 EHAA SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061105 EHDB- EHAA AMSTERDAM FIR TEST=  622 WWUS41 KRLX 060955 WSWRLX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Charleston WV 455 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 OHZ075-076-084-085-WVZ009>011-017-019-020-061100- /O.EXP.KRLX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1000Z/ Athens-Washington-Vinton-Meigs-Wood-Pleasants-Tyler-Wirt-Ritchie- Doddridge- Including the cities of Harrisville, Parkersburg, Belmont, St. Marys, Vienna, Elizabeth, Hamden, McArthur, Marietta, Middlebourne, Pomeroy, Paden City, Pennsboro, Belpre, West Union, Sistersville, and Athens 455 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 5 AM EST EARLY THIS MORNING... Temperatures have risen above freezing, ending the freezing rain threat. $$ WVZ523-524-061200- /O.CON.KRLX.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Northwest Pocahontas-Southeast Pocahontas- Including the cities of Marlinton and Snowshoe 455 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Significant icing. Additional ice accumulations of a few hundreths of an inch. * WHERE...Northwest Pocahontas and Southeast Pocahontas Counties. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely be slick and hazardous. Significant ice accumulation on power lines and tree limbs may cause widespread and long-lasting power outages. Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Travel is strongly discouraged. If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Prepare for possible power outages. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or by accessing the online traffic and roadway portal for your state. Persons should consider delaying all travel. Motorists should use extreme caution if travel is absolutely necessary. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ OHZ066-067-061200- /O.EXT.KRLX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Perry-Morgan- Including the cities of Stockport, Somerset, Crooksville, McConnelsville, and New Lexington 455 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing Rain. Additional ice accumulations of a glaze. * WHERE...Morgan and Perry Counties. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. Tree damage and power outages are still possible due to earlier ice accretion. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or by accessing the online traffic and roadway portal for your state. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ WVZ526-061200- /O.CON.KRLX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Southeast Randolph- Including the cities of Harman 455 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing Rain. Additional ice accumulations of a glaze. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Southeast Randolph County. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely be slick and hazardous. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. Tree damage and power outages are still possible due to earlier ice accretion. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or by accessing the online traffic and roadway portal for your state. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ TRM  150 WHUS74 KLIX 060955 MWWLIX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New Orleans LA 355 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 GMZ530-532-534-536-538-550-552-555-557-061500- /O.CON.KLIX.MF.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Lake Pontchartrain and Lake Maurepas-Mississippi Sound- Lake Borgne-Chandeleur Sound-Breton Sound- Coastal Waters from Port Fourchon LA to Lower Atchafalaya River LA out 20 nm- Coastal waters from the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River to Port Fourchon Louisiana out 20 NM- Coastal Waters from Boothville LA to Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Pascagoula Mississippi to Stake Island out 20 NM- 355 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1 NM or less. * WHERE...Lake Pontchartrain and Lake Maurepas, Mississippi Sound, Lake Borgne, Coastal Waters from Port Fourchon LA to Lower Atchafalaya River LA out 20 nm and Coastal waters from the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River to Port Fourchon Louisiana out 20 NM. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Marine roadways will be impacted by dense fog as well, making driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  546 WWUS43 KGRB 060956 WSWGRB URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Green Bay WI 356 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 WIZ030-035-036-061800- /O.NEW.KGRB.WS.A.0001.250208T0900Z-250209T0300Z/ /O.CON.KGRB.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ Marathon-Wood-Portage- Including the cities of Plover, Marshfield, Stevens Point, Wisconsin Rapids, and Wausau 356 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM LATE FRIDAY NIGHT THROUGH SATURDAY EVENING... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle and light snow ending early this morning. Total snow accumulations up to a half inch and a glazing of additional ice. For the Winter Storm Watch, heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 8 inches possible. * WHERE...Marathon, Portage, and Wood Counties. * WHEN...For the Winter Weather Advisory, until 7 AM CST this morning. For the Winter Storm Watch, from late Friday night through Saturday evening. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact this morning's commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WIZ031-037>040-045-048>050-061800- /O.NEW.KGRB.WS.A.0001.250208T1200Z-250209T0600Z/ /O.CON.KGRB.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ Shawano-Waupaca-Outagamie-Brown-Kewaunee-Waushara-Winnebago- Calumet-Manitowoc- Including the cities of Wautoma, Clintonville, Kewaunee, New Holstein, Two Rivers, Chilton, Appleton, Luxemburg, Redgranite, Menasha, Shawano, Neenah, Green Bay, Brillion, Manitowoc, New London, Waupaca, and Oshkosh 356 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM SATURDAY MORNING THROUGH SATURDAY EVENING... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle and light snow ending early this morning. Total snow accumulations up to a half inch and a glazing of additional ice. For the Winter Storm Watch, heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 8 inches possible. * WHERE...Waushara, Calumet, Manitowoc, Winnebago, Brown, Kewaunee, Outagamie, Shawano, and Waupaca Counties. * WHEN...For the Winter Weather Advisory, until 7 AM CST this morning. For the Winter Storm Watch, from Saturday morning through Saturday evening. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact this morning's commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For more information, visit us at http://www.weather.gov/GreenBay Bersch  833 ACUS48 KWNS 060957 SWOD48 SPC AC 060956 Day 4-8 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0356 AM CST Thu Feb 06 2025 Valid 091200Z - 141200Z ...DISCUSSION... The zonal flow aloft which has persisted over the U.S. recently -- and into the start of the medium-range period -- is progged to gradually amplify, with flow becoming more cyclonic with time across the U.S. through the period. The initial effect of this gradual upper flow field evolution will be to gradually suppress the persistent west-to-east surface front over the U.S. southward. Through day 5 (Monday), this front should extend from Texas eastward through the Gulf Coast States to Georgia/South Carolina. Severe weather is not expected, as this front drifts southward and settles across this area. Through the second half of the period (late day 6 onward), disturbances moving across the southern U.S. within increasingly cyclonic flow aloft will influence potential for surface wave development along the front. Any appreciable cyclogenesis could result in northward transport of higher theta-e Gulf air, and thus some destabilization ahead of the low. With strong flow aloft atop the surface front, this would suggest an environment that would support severe-weather potential. With that said, while a general/overall increase in severe-weather probabilities over the Gulf Coast region is becoming evident during the second half of the period, uncertainty remains high. Timing and degree of any such risk will depend upon subtle features aloft, and their effects on surface mass response. And given predictability issues with respect to timing an intensity of such subtle features, it appears premature at this time to introduce 15% risk areas in the day 7 to 8 time frame. ..Goss.. 02/06/2025  835 WUUS48 KWNS 060957 PTSD48 DAY 4-8 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0356 AM CST THU FEB 06 2025 VALID TIME 091200Z - 141200Z SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 4 ... ANY SEVERE ... && SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 5 ... ANY SEVERE ... && SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 6 ... ANY SEVERE ... && SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 7 ... ANY SEVERE ... && SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 8 ... ANY SEVERE ... &&  460 WWUS74 KLCH 060958 NPWLCH URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lake Charles LA 358 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 LAZ044-045-141>143-TXZ515-516-061500- /O.EXA.KLCH.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Lafayette-Upper St. Martin-Northern Calcasieu-Northern Jefferson Davis-Northern Acadia-Upper Jefferson-Northern Orange- Including the cities of Sulphur, Rayne, Moss Bluff, Vinton, Fenton, Mauriceville, China, Iota, St. Martinville, Cade, Lafayette, Breaux Bridge, Welsh, Elton, Branch, Jennings, Church Point, De Quincy, Topsy, Beaumont, Crowley, Hathaway, and Westlake 358 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...In Louisiana, Lafayette, Upper St. Martin, Northern Acadia, Northern Calcasieu, and Northern Jefferson Davis Parishes. In Texas, Northern Orange and Upper Jefferson Counties. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ LAZ055-073-074-152>154-241>243-252>254-TXZ615-616-061500- /O.CON.KLCH.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Lower St. Martin-West Cameron-East Cameron-Upper Vermilion-Upper Iberia-Upper St. Mary-Southern Calcasieu-Southern Jefferson Davis- Southern Acadia-Lower Vermilion-Lower Iberia-Lower St. Mary-Lower Jefferson-Southern Orange- Including the cities of Intracoastal City, Iowa, Forked Island, Orange, Avery Island, Bridge City, Lake Charles, Hayes, New Iberia, Stephensville, Patterson, Klondike, Vidor, Cypremort Point, Hackberry, Carlyss, Johnson Bayou, Abbeville, Maurice, Port Arthur, Sabine Pass, Sea Rim State Park, Rutherford Beach, Kaplan, Grand Chenier, Burns Point, Bell City, Bayou Vista, Jeanerette, Franklin, Nederland, Morgan City, Centerville, Berwick, Lake Arthur, Morse, Grand Lake, Creole, Cameron, Meaux, and Gueydan 358 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of south central and southwest Louisiana and southeast Texas. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ 14  519 WUUS53 KLMK 060958 SVRLMK KYC031-085-183-061030- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.W.0003.250206T0958Z-250206T1030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 358 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Butler County in south central Kentucky... Southwestern Grayson County in central Kentucky... East central Ohio County in central Kentucky... * Until 430 AM CST. * At 357 AM CST, a severe thunderstorm was located 7 miles southeast of Hartford, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Leitchfield, Caneyville, Horse Branch, Steff, Windy Hill, Do Stop, Neafus, Pine Knob, Black Rock, and Dogwalk. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain alert for a possible tornado! Tornadoes can develop quickly from severe thunderstorms. If you spot a tornado go at once into the basement or small central room in a sturdy structure. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3755 8630 3744 8629 3732 8636 3737 8680 3745 8683 TIME...MOT...LOC 0957Z 264DEG 44KT 3741 8677 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ BJS  627 WVBX31 EBBR 061000 EBBU SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 EBBR- EBBU BRUSSELS FIR TEST=  628 WCFR35 LFPW 061000 LFRR SIGMET X01 VALID 061000/061005 LFPW- LFRR BREST FIR/UIR TEST TC PSN N4626 E00234 CB FCST WI 200NM OF TC CENTRE TOP BLW FL250 INTSF=  629 WCFR32 LFPW 061000 LFBB SIGMET X01 VALID 061000/061005 LFPW- LFBB BORDEAUX FIR/UIR TEST TC PSN N4626 E00234 CB FCST WI 200NM OF TC CENTRE TOP BLW FL250 INTSF=  630 WVFR34 LFPW 061000 LFMM SIGMET Y01 VALID 061000/061005 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR TEST VA ERUPTION MT CHAINE DES PUYS PSN N4546 E00258 VA CLD FCST WI N4300 E00615 - N4300 E00230 - N4545 E00300 - N4630 E00330 - N4630 E00545 - N4300 E00615 FL080/150 INTSF FCST AT 1005Z WI N4530 E00300 - N4630 E00300 - N4630 E00630 - N4615 E00700 - N4600 E00700 - N4545 E00300 - N4530 E00300=  631 WVFR35 LFPW 061000 LFRR SIGMET Y01 VALID 061000/061005 LFPW- LFRR BREST FIR/UIR TEST VA ERUPTION MT CHAINE DES PUYS PSN N4546 E00258 VA CLD FCST S OF LINE N4530 W00145 - N4530 W00345 AND NE OF LINE N4530 W00345 - N4430 W00145 FL080/150 INTSF FCST AT 1005Z NE OF LINE N4630 W00115 - N4715 W00230 AND SE OF LINE N4715 W00230 - N4830 W00015=  632 WVFR31 LFPW 061000 LFFF SIGMET Y01 VALID 061000/061005 LFPW- LFFF PARIS FIR/UIR TEST VA ERUPTION MT CHAINE DES PUYS PSN N4546 E00258 VA CLD FCST WI N4630 E00330 - N4845 E00500 - N4830 E00515 - N4815 E00530 - N4730 E00415 - N4630 E00445 - N4630 E00330 FL080/150 INTSF FCST AT 1005Z SE OF LINE N4830 W00015 - N4915 E00200 AND SW OF LINE N4915 E00200 - N4745 E00445=  989 WVFR32 LFPW 061000 LFBB SIGMET Y01 VALID 061000/061005 LFPW- LFBB BORDEAUX FIR/UIR TEST VA ERUPTION MT CHAINE DES PUYS PSN N4546 E00258 VA CLD FCST WI N4300 E00230 - N4315 E00115 - N4430 W00145 - N4530 W00145 - N4545 E00300 - N4300 E00230 FL080/150 INTSF FCST AT 1005Z WI N4400 E00215 - N4630 W00115 - N4630 W00015 - N4715 W00015 - N4715 E00200 - N4630 E00300 - N4530 E00300 - N4400 E00215=  990 WVFR33 LFPW 061000 LFEE SIGMET Y01 VALID 061000/061005 LFPW- LFEE REIMS FIR/UIR TEST VA ERUPTION MT CHAINE DES PUYS PSN N4546 E00258 VA CLD FCST AT 1005Z SW OF LINE N4645 E00615 - N4745 E00445 FL080/150=  991 WCEU31 LPMG 061000 LPPC SIGMET X01 VALID 061100/061105 LPPT- LPPC LISBOA FIR TEST=  992 WVYG31 LYYN 060910 LYBA SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 LYBE- LYBA BEOGRAD FIR TEST=  993 WSLT31 EYVI 061000 EYVL SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 EYVI- EYVL VILNIUS FIR TEST=  994 WVRA31 RUNW 061000 UNNT SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061105 UNNT- UNNT NOVOSIBIRSK FIR TEST=  995 WVNT32 LPMG 061000 LPPO SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 LPPT- LPPO SANTA MARIA OCEANIC FIR TEST=  178 WVRA31 RUMG 061000 UHMM SIGMET M01 VALID 061100/061105 UHMM- UHMM MAGADAN FIR TEST=  288 WVIL31 BICC 061000 BIRD SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 BIRK- BIRD REYKJAVIK FIR TEST SIGMET PLEASE DISREGARD=  289 WVEO31 EETN 061000 EETT SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 EEMH- EETT TALLINN FIR EETT TALLINN FIR TEST=  290 WVSW31 LSSW 061000 LSAS SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 LSZH- LSAS SWITZERLAND FIR/UIR TEST SIGMET PLEASE DISREGARD=  291 WVPO31 LPMG 061000 LPPC SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 LPPT- LPPC LISBOA FIR TEST=  292 WVRO31 LROM 061000 LRBB SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 LROM- LRBB BUCURESTI FIR TEST=  342 WWUS84 KLUB 061000 RFWLUB URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lubbock TX 400 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 TXZ021-022-027-028-071000- /O.NEW.KLUB.FW.A.0002.250207T1800Z-250208T0100Z/ Parmer-Castro-Bailey-Lamb- 400 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FIRE WEATHER WATCH IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY AFTERNOON THROUGH FRIDAY EVENING FOR STRONG WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR THE FAR SOUTHWEST TEXAS PANHANDLE AND NORTHWEST SOUTH PLAINS... The National Weather Service in Lubbock has issued a Fire Weather Watch, which is in effect from Friday afternoon through Friday evening. * Timing...12 PM CST Friday to 7 PM CST Friday. * Wind...Southwest at 15 to 25 mph with gusts to 35 mph. * Humidity...Minimum values between 5 and 10 percent. * Fuels...Critically dry. * Impacts...Any fires that develop can spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is discouraged. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Fire Weather Watch means that critical fire weather conditions are forecast to occur. Listen for later forecasts and possible Red Flag Warnings. && $$  349 WVRA31 RUPK 061000 UHMM SIGMET P02 VALID 061100/061105 UHPP- UHMM MAGADAN FIR TEST=  503 WVRA31 RUIR 061000 UIII SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061105 UIII- UIII IRKUTSK FIR TEST=  578 WVPL31 EPWA 061000 EPWW SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061105 EPWA- EPWW WARSZAWA FIR TEST=  974 WVFI31 EFKL 061000 EFIN SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061700 EFKL- EFIN HELSINKI FIR TEST=  975 WVSP32 LEMM 061000 LECB SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061105 LEVA- LECB BARCELONA FIR/UIR TEST=  976 WVLV31 EVRA 061000 EVRR SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 EVRA- EVRR RIGA FIR TEST=  046 WSKZ31 UATT 060959 UATT SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061105 UATT- UATT AKTOBE FIR TEST=  211 WCRA31 RUPK 061000 UHMM SIGMET P03 VALID 061100/061105 UHPP- UHMM MAGADAN FIR TEST=  212 WVRS31 RURD 061000 URRV SIGMET 8 VALID 061100/061105 URRR- URRV ROSTOV-NA-DONU FIR TEST=  632 WVRA31 RUYK 061000 UEEE SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061105 UEEE- UEEE YAKUTSK FIR TEST=  767 WVRA31 RUEK 061000 USSV SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061105 USSS- USSV YEKATERINBURG FIR TEST=  768 WVRA31 RUKR 061000 UNKL SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061105 UNKL- UNKL KRASNOYARSK FIR TEST=  769 WVQB31 LQBK 061000 LQSB SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 LQBK- LQSB SARAJEVO FIR TEST=  770 WVRA32 RUOM 061000 USTV SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061105 USTR- USTV TYUMEN FIR TEST=  771 WVRS31 RUSP 061000 ULLL SIGMET 10 VALID 061100/061105 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR TEST=  772 WSKZ31 UACC 061000 UACN SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061105 UACC- UACN ASTANA FIR TEST=  773 WCRA31 RUHB 061000 UHHH SIGMET 6 VALID 061100/061105 UHHH- UHHH KHABAROVSK FIR TEST=  774 WVKZ31 UACC 061000 UACN SIGMET 2 VALID 061100/061105 UACC- UACN ASTANA FIR TEST=  775 WVRS31 RUSM 061000 UWWW SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061105 UWWW- UWWW SAMARA FIR TEST=  776 WVSQ31 LZIB 061000 LZBB SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 LZIB- LZBB BRATISLAVA FIR TEST=  777 WVRH31 LDZM 060903 LDZO SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 LDZA- LDZO ZAGREB FIR TEST=  778 WVKZ31 UATT 061000 UATT SIGMET 2 VALID 061100/061105 UATT- UATT AKTOBE FIR TEST=  056 WSUZ31 UTTT 061000 UTTR SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061130 UTTT- UTTR TASHKENT FIR TEST=  057 WVRS31 RUSF 061000 URFV SIGMET 2 VALID 061100/061105 URFF- URFV SIMFEROPOL FIR TEST=  058 WVRA31 RUHB 061000 UHHH SIGMET 5 VALID 061100/061105 UHHH- UHHH KHABAROVSK FIR TEST=  059 WVSP31 LEMM 061000 LECM SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061105 LEVA- LECM MADRID FIR/UIR TEST=  060 WCIE31 EIDB 061000 EISN SIGMET Z01 VALID 061100/061105 EINN- EISN SHANNON FIR TEST SIGMET PLEASE DISREGARD=  061 WVAJ31 UBBB 061000 UBBB SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061105 UBBB- UBBA BAKU FIR TEST=  421 WVLJ31 LJLJ 061000 LJLA SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 LJLJ- LJLA LJUBLJANA FIR TEST=  422 WVIE31 EIDB 061000 EISN SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 EINN- EISN SHANNON FIR TEST SIGMET PLEASE DISREGARD=  634 WVKZ31 UAAA 061000 UAAA SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061105 UAAA- UAAA ALMATY FIR TEST=  635 WCSP31 LEMM 061000 LECM SIGMET 2 VALID 061100/061105 LEVA- LECM MADRID FIR/UIR TEST=  636 WVAB31 LATI 061000 LAAA SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 LATI- LAAA TIRANA FIR TEST=  637 WVGL31 BGSF 061001 BGGL SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 BGSF- BGGL NUUK FIR TEST=  643 WHUS76 KMFR 061001 MWWMFR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 201 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 PZZ350-062315- /O.CAN.KMFR.SE.W.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ /O.NEW.KMFR.SC.Y.0016.250207T1200Z-250208T0000Z/ Coastal waters from Florence to Cape Blanco OR out 10 nm- 201 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Northwest winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and steep seas 5 to 7 ft at 6 seconds. * WHERE...All areas. * WHEN...From 4 AM to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds and/or steep seas could capsize or damage smaller vessels. * View the hazard area in detail at https://go.usa.gov/x6hks PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners and those operating smaller vessels should remain in port and avoid the area of hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ370-062315- /O.CAN.KMFR.SE.W.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ /O.NEW.KMFR.SC.Y.0016.250207T0300Z-250208T0000Z/ Waters from Florence to Cape Blanco OR from 10 to 60 nm- 201 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...North winds 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 6 to 8 ft at 6 seconds expected. * WHERE...All areas. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds and/or steep seas could capsize or damage smaller vessels. * View the hazard area in detail at https://go.usa.gov/x6hks PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners and those operating smaller vessels should remain in port and avoid the area of hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ376-062315- /O.CAN.KMFR.SC.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ /O.NEW.KMFR.SC.Y.0016.250207T0300Z-250208T0000Z/ Waters from Cape Blanco OR to Pt. St. George CA from 10 to 60 nm- 201 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...North winds 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 6 to 9 ft at 6 seconds expected. * WHERE...All areas. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds and/or steep seas could capsize or damage smaller vessels. * View the hazard area in detail at https://go.usa.gov/x6hks PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners and those operating smaller vessels should remain in port and avoid the area of hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ356-062315- /O.CAN.KMFR.SC.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ /O.NEW.KMFR.SC.Y.0016.250207T1200Z-250208T0000Z/ Coastal waters from Cape Blanco OR to Pt. St. George CA out 10 nm- 201 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Northwest winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and seas 5 to 8 ft at 6 seconds expected. * WHERE...All areas. * WHEN...From 4 AM to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds and/or steep seas could capsize or damage smaller vessels. * View the hazard area in detail at https://go.usa.gov/x6hks PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners and those operating smaller vessels should remain in port and avoid the area of hazardous conditions. && $$ Visit us at https://www.weather.gov/Medford  050 WVDL35 EDZF 061001 EDVV SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 EDZF- EDVV HANNOVER UIR TEST SIGMET PLEASE DISREGARD=  051 WVDL32 EDZF 061001 EDWW SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 EDZF- EDWW BREMEN FIR TEST SIGMET PLEASE DISREGARD=  052 WVDL31 EDZF 061001 EDGG SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 EDZF- EDGG LANGEN FIR TEST SIGMET PLEASE DISREGARD=  053 WVUZ31 UTSS 061000 UTSD SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061130 UTSS- UTSD SAMARKAND FIR TEST=  054 WVCR31 LEMM 061000 GCCC SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061105 GCGC- GCCC CANARIAS FIR/UIR TEST=  507 WVRS31 RUKG 061001 UMKK SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061105 UMKK- UMKK KALININGRAD FIR TEST=  508 WVRS31 RUMA 061001 UUWV SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061105 UUWV- UUWV MOSCOW FIR TEST=  509 WABZ23 SBGL 061000 SBAZ AIRMET 4 VALID 061003/061400 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR OVC CLD 000/0900FT FCST WI S1101 W06220 - S1032 W06141 - S1145 W06037 - S1212 W06119 - S1101 W06220 STNR NC=  510 WABZ23 SBGL 061000 SBAZ AIRMET 5 VALID 061003/061400 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SFC VIS 0200M FG FCST WI S1101 W06220 - S1032 W06141 - S1145 W06037 - S1212 W06119 - S1101 W06220 STNR NC=  511 WVOS31 LOWW 061000 LOVV SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 LOWW- LOVV WIEN FIR TEST=  768 WVRA31 RUHB 061000 UHHH SIGMET 5VALID 061100/061105 UHHH- UHHH KHABAROVSK FIR TEST=  769 WVCZ31 LKPW 061000 LKAA SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 LKPW- LKAA PRAHA FIR TEST=  770 WSKZ31 UAII 061000 UAII SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061105 UAII- UAII SHYMKENT FIR TEST  015 WHUS73 KDLH 061002 MWWDLH URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Duluth MN 402 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 LSZ140-141-062215- /O.CON.KDLH.SC.Y.0020.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ /O.CON.KDLH.GL.W.0011.250206T1200Z-250207T0600Z/ /O.NEW.KDLH.UP.W.0004.250206T1400Z-250207T1000Z/ Grand Portage to Grand Marais MN- Grand Marais to Taconite Harbor MN- 402 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM THIS MORNING TO 4 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, southwest winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and waves 3 to 6 ft. For the Gale Warning, west winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and waves 3 to 6 ft expected. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater expected, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Grand Portage to Grand Marais MN and Grand Marais to Taconite Harbor MN. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 6 AM CST early this morning. For the Gale Warning, until midnight CST tonight. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, from 8 AM this morning to 4 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ142-143-062215- /O.CON.KDLH.SC.Y.0020.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ /O.CON.KDLH.GL.W.0011.250206T1200Z-250207T0600Z/ /O.NEW.KDLH.UP.W.0004.250206T1400Z-250207T1000Z/ Taconite Harbor to Silver Bay Harbor MN- Silver Bay Harbor to Two Harbors MN- 402 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM THIS MORNING TO 4 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, southwest winds around 15 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and waves 2 to 3 ft. For the Gale Warning, west winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and waves 2 to 5 ft expected. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater expected, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Taconite Harbor to Silver Bay Harbor MN and Silver Bay Harbor to Two Harbors MN. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 6 AM CST early this morning. For the Gale Warning, until midnight CST tonight. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, from 8 AM this morning to 4 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ144-145-062215- /O.CON.KDLH.SC.Y.0020.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ /O.CON.KDLH.GL.W.0011.250206T1200Z-250207T0600Z/ /O.NEW.KDLH.UP.W.0004.250206T1400Z-250207T1000Z/ Two Harbors to Duluth MN-Duluth MN to Port Wing WI- 402 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM THIS MORNING TO 4 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, southwest winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and waves 1 to 3 ft. For the Gale Warning, west winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and waves 4 to 7 ft expected. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater expected, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Two Harbors to Duluth MN and Duluth MN to Port Wing WI. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 6 AM CST early this morning. For the Gale Warning, until midnight CST tonight. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, from 8 AM this morning to 4 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ146>148-150-062215- /O.CON.KDLH.SC.Y.0020.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ /O.CON.KDLH.GL.W.0011.250206T1200Z-250207T0600Z/ /O.NEW.KDLH.UP.W.0004.250206T1400Z-250207T1000Z/ Port Wing to Sand Island WI-Sand Island to Bayfield WI- Oak Point to Saxon Harbor WI- Outer Apostle Islands Beyond 5 NM from Mainland- 402 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM THIS MORNING TO 4 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, southwest winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and waves 1 to 2 ft. For the Gale Warning, west winds 25 to 35 kt with gusts up to 45 kt and waves 7 to 10 ft expected. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater expected, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Port Wing to Sand Island WI, Sand Island to Bayfield WI, Oak Point to Saxon Harbor WI and Outer Apostle Islands Beyond 5 NM from Mainland. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 6 AM CST early this morning. For the Gale Warning, until midnight CST tonight. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, from 8 AM this morning to 4 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ Huyck  139 WVFI31 EFKL 061002 EFIN SIGMET Y02 VALID 061002/061700 EFKL- EFIN HELSINKI FIR TEST CNL SIGMET Y01 061100/061700=  531 WSMP31 LMMM 061002 LMMM SIGMET A01 VALID 061000/061400 LMML- LMMM MALTA FIR VA ERUPTION MALTA FIR PLEASE DISREGARD=  750 WVKZ31 UAII 061000 UAII SIGMET 2 VALID 061100/061105 UAII- UAII SHYMKENT FIR TEST  530 WWUS73 KDDC 061002 NPWDDC URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Dodge City KS 402 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KSZ045-046-064-078-061115- /O.CAN.KDDC.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ Ness-Rush-Hodgeman-Ford- Including the cities of Hanston, Ness City, Jetmore, La Crosse, and Dodge City 402 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... $$ KSZ065-066-079>081-088>090-061300- /O.CON.KDDC.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ Pawnee-Stafford-Edwards-Kiowa-Pratt-Clark-Comanche-Barber- Including the cities of Stafford, Haviland, Pratt, Protection, Kinsley, Coldwater, Medicine Lodge, Lewis, Lake Coldwater, Ashland, Minneola, St. John, Kiowa, Larned, Greensburg, and Macksville 402 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Barber, Comanche, Edwards, Kiowa, Pawnee, Pratt, Stafford, and Clark Counties. * WHEN...Until 7 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ BURGERT  548 WVFI31 EFKL 061002 EFIN SIGMET Y03 VALID 061100/061105 EFKL- EFIN HELSINKI FIR TEST=  613 WVBY31 UMMS 061002 UMMV SIGMET 1 VALID 061002/061015 UMMS- UMMV MINSK FIR TEST TEST TEST=  614 WVIY31 LIIB 061000 LIMM SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 LIIB- LIMM MILANO FIR TEST =  615 WVIY33 LIIB 061000 LIBB SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR TEST =  616 WCCR31 LEMM 061002 GCCC SIGMET 2 VALID 061100/061105 GCGC- GCCC CANARIAS FIR/UIR TEST=  617 WVIY32 LIIB 061000 LIRR SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR TEST =  618 WVMC31 GMMC 061000 GMMM SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 GMMC- GMMM CASABLANCA FIR TEST=  948 WSUZ31 UTSS 061002 UTSD SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061130 UTSS- UTSD SAMARKAND FIR TEST=  949 WVNO36 ENMI 061003 ENOB SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 ENMI- ENOB BODOE OCEANIC FIR TEST=  950 WVTU31 LTAC 061000 LTAA SIGMET 3 VALID 061100/061105 LTAC- LTAA ANKARA FIR TEST =  995 WFUS53 KLMK 061003 TORLMK KYC031-085-183-061030- /O.NEW.KLMK.TO.W.0001.250206T1003Z-250206T1030Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 403 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Tornado Warning for... North central Butler County in south central Kentucky... Southwestern Grayson County in central Kentucky... East central Ohio County in central Kentucky... * Until 430 AM CST. * At 403 AM CST, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located 11 miles east of Hartford, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * This tornadic thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of north central Butler, southwestern Grayson and east central Ohio Counties, including the following locations... Horse Branch, Steff, Mount Pleasant, Post, Windy Hill, Tilford, Caneyville, Do Stop, Sadler, and Neafus. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Tornadoes are extremely difficult to see and confirm at night. Do not wait to see or hear the tornado. TAKE COVER NOW! && LAT...LON 3737 8678 3745 8676 3751 8623 3733 8630 TIME...MOT...LOC 1003Z 267DEG 42KT 3741 8669 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN $$ BJS  210 WWUS83 KJKL 061003 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 503 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ110-120-061045- Floyd KY-Pike KY- 503 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT CENTRAL FLOYD AND CENTRAL PIKE COUNTIES THROUGH 545 AM EST... At 503 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Langley, or 10 miles south of Prestonsburg, moving east at 65 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 50 mph and nickel size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor damage to outdoor objects is possible. Locations impacted include... Pikeville, Estill, Coal Run Village, Martin, Wayland, Allen, East McDowell, Meta, Jamboree, Hippo, Fishtrap Lake, Glo, Garden Village, Printer, Aluba, McDowell, Betsy Layne, Toonerville, Ivel, and Honaker. THIS INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING HIGHWAYS... Kentucky Highway 80 in Floyd County between mile markers 1 and 13. U.S. Highway 119 in Pike County between mile markers 1 and 11. U.S. Highway 23 in Floyd County between mile markers 1 and 10. U.S. Highway 23 in Pike County between mile markers 15 and 32. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3734 8225 3745 8283 3746 8283 3747 8284 3748 8289 3763 8285 3757 8214 3755 8213 3756 8208 3753 8205 3755 8204 3754 8202 3754 8197 TIME...MOT...LOC 1003Z 279DEG 54KT 3754 8278 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.88 IN MAX WIND GUST...50 MPH $$ CMC  211 WVNO31 ENMI 061003 ENOR SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 ENMI- ENOR POLARIS FIR TEST=  008 WGUS51 KRLX 061004 FFWRLX KYC019-WVC011-043-099-061345- /O.EXT.KRLX.FF.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1345Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 504 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Charleston has extended the * Flash Flood Warning for... Southern Boyd County in northeastern Kentucky... Central Cabell County in central West Virginia... Northwestern Lincoln County in central West Virginia... Northern Wayne County in western West Virginia... * Until 845 AM EST. * At 504 AM EST, Doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Between 1.5 and 2.5 inches of rain have fallen. Additional rainfall amounts of 1 to 1.5 inches are possible in the warned area. Flash flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar and automated gauges. IMPACT...Flash flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other poor drainage and low-lying areas. * Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Huntington, Hamlin, Beech Fork State Park, Barboursville, Milton, Ona, Durbin, Culloden, West Hamlin, Pea Ridge, Lavalette, Salt Rock, Lockwood and Mavity. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3825 8277 3834 8277 3847 8205 3828 8205 3826 8240 3827 8263 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR AND GAUGE INDICATED $$ SL  104 WVMJ31 LWSK 061003 LWSS SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061105 LWSK- LWSS SKOPJE FIR TEST=  574 WHUS73 KGRB 061003 MWWGRB URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Green Bay WI 403 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 LMZ541>543-061815- /O.CON.KGRB.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ /O.CON.KGRB.GL.W.0003.250206T1500Z-250207T0900Z/ Rock Island Passage to Sturgeon Bay WI- Sturgeon Bay to Two Rivers WI-Two Rivers to Sheboygan WI- 403 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, south to southwest winds 10 to 20 kts and waves up to 5 ft. For the Gale Warning, west winds 20 to 30 kts with gusts up to 45 kts and waves 2 to 5 ft expected. * WHERE...Lake Michigan nearshore waters from Washington Island to Sheboygan. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 9 AM CST this morning. For the Gale Warning, from 9 AM this morning to 3 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ521-522-061815- /O.CON.KGRB.GL.W.0003.250206T1500Z-250207T0300Z/ Green Bay south of line from Cedar River to Rock Island Passage and north of a line from Oconto WI to Little Sturgeon Bay WI- Green Bay south of line from Oconto WI to Little Sturgeon Bay WI- 403 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 9 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 kts with gusts up to 45 kts expected. * WHERE...Central and Southern Bay of Green Bay. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 9 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$  326 WVAL31 DAAA 061002 DAAA SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061105 DAMM- DAAA ALGER FIR TEST=  536 WVSN31 ESWI 061000 ESAA SIGMET Y01 VALID 061100/061105 ESSA- ESAA SWEDEN FIR TEST=  818 WVBU31 LBSM 061003 LBSR SIGMET Y01 VALID 061004/061033 LBSF- LBSR SOFIA FIR TEST SIGMET PLEASE DISREGARD=  875 WWUS73 KILX 061004 NPWILX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lincoln IL 404 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ILZ045-046-055>057-062-063-066>068-071>073-061115- /O.CAN.KILX.FG.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Champaign-Vermilion-Douglas-Coles-Edgar-Cumberland-Clark- Effingham-Jasper-Crawford-Clay-Richland-Lawrence- Including the cities of Urbana, Newton, Charleston, Mattoon, Greenup, Effingham, Lawrenceville, Champaign, Danville, Tuscola, Paris, Flora, Robinson, Olney, and Marshall 404 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Visibilities have improved, and dense fog is no longer expected. $$ 37  952 WSIR31 OIII 061001 OIIX SIGMET 08 VALID 061010/061230 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3001 E04951 - N3037 E05157 - N2736 E05333 - N2628 E05113 - N2939 E04942 - N3001 E04951 TOP FL320 MOV INTSF=  341 WCNT31 LPMG 061004 LPPO SIGMET X01 VALID 061100/061105 LPPT- LPPO SANTA MARIA OCEANIC FIR TEST=  067 WSPS21 NZKL 061003 NZZO SIGMET 16 VALID 061005/061405 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S6000 W15830 - S5720 W15630 - S5150 W13110 - S5450 W13100 - S5900 W15230 - S6240 W15630 - S6000 W15830 FL260/380 STNR NC=  462 WSPS21 NZKL 061004 NZZO SIGMET 17 VALID 061005/061043 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 13 060643/061043=  595 WWUS84 KAMA 061005 RFWAMA URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Amarillo TX 405 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 TXZ001-006-011-012-016-017-062100- /O.NEW.KAMA.FW.A.0002.250207T1700Z-250208T0100Z/ Dallam-Hartley-Oldham-Potter-Deaf Smith-Randall- 405 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FIRE WEATHER WATCH IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY MORNING THROUGH FRIDAY EVENING FOR STRONG WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR THE WESTERN AND SOUTH CENTRAL TEXAS PANHANDLE... The National Weather Service in Amarillo has issued a Fire Weather Watch for strong winds and low relative humidity, which is in effect from Friday morning through Friday evening. * Affected Area...In Texas...Dallam...Hartley...Oldham... Potter... Deaf Smith and Randall. * 20 Foot Winds... 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 35 mph. * Relative Humidity... As low as 8 percent. * Red Flag Threat Index... 3 to 6. * Timing... Friday from 11 AM to 7 PM. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Fire Weather Watch means that the potential for critical fire weather conditions exists. Listen for later forecasts and possible red flag warnings. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit... www.weather.gov/ama  627 WVDN31 EKCH 061003 EKDK SIGMET Y01 VALID 061000/061010 EKMI- EKDK KOBENHAVN FIR TEST=  923 WVNT21 EGRR 061005 EGGX SIGMET 01 VALID 061100/061105 EGRR- EGGX SHANWICK FIR TEST VA CLD FCST TEST SIGMET PLEASE DISREGARD=  112 WABZ23 SBGL 061005 SBCW AIRMET 9 VALID 061010/061400 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR BKN CLD 100/0600FT FCST WI S2517 W05355 - S2517 W05305 - S2443 W05305 - S2443 W05355 - S2517 W05355 STNR NC=  824 WSNO31 ENMI 061008 ENOR SIGMET M02 VALID 061100/061500 ENMI- ENOR POLARIS FIR SEV MTW FCST WI N6507 E01416 - N6513 E01202 - N6750 E01210 - N7040 E01959 - N7102 E02749 - N6923 E02513 - N6916 E02122 - N6507 E01416 SFC/FL400 STNR NC=  841 WWCN13 CWWG 061008 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:08 A.M. CST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING ENDED FOR: SHAUNAVON - MAPLE CREEK - VAL MARIE - CYPRESS HILLS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED TO REACH EXTREME COLD WARNING CRITERIA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  842 WVUK31 EGRR 061008 EGTT SIGMET 01 VALID 061100/061105 EGRR- EGTT LONDON FIR TEST VA CLD FCST ENTIRE FIR=  356 WSAG31 SAVC 061014 SAVF SIGMET A3 VALID 061014/061414 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 1014Z WI S4610 W07148 - S4613 W06913 - S4352 W06733 - S4103 W06844 - S4118 W07019 - S4104 W07056 - S4102 W07154 - S4401 W07133 - S4610 W07148 TOP FL100 STNR NC=  357 WVUK33 EGRR 061008 EGPX SIGMET 01 VALID 061100/061105 EGRR- EGPX SCOTTISH FIR TEST VA CLD FCST ENTIRE FIR=  492 WSAG31 SAVC 061014 SAVF SIGMET A3 VALID 061014/061414 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 1014Z WI S4610 W07148 - S4613 W06913 - S4352 W06733 - S4103 W06844 - S4118 W07019 - S4104 W07056 - S4102 W07154 - S4401 W07133 - S4610 W07148 TOP FL100 STNR NC=  493 WVMG20 FMMI 061008 FMMM SIGMET B1 VALID 061008/061018 FMMI- FMMM ANTANANARIVO FIR TEST. THIS IS A TEST SIGMET. PLEASE DISREGARD.TEST VA ADVISORY NUMBER 2025/1 RECEIVED FM TOULOUSE VAAC AT 061000Z=  444 WGUS51 KRLX 061009 FFWRLX WVC039-043-079-061415- /O.EXT.KRLX.FF.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1415Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 509 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY FOR INSTITUTE, SISSONVLLE... The National Weather Service in Charleston has extended the * Flash Flood Warning for... Northern Kanawha County in central West Virginia... Northeastern Lincoln County in central West Virginia... Central Putnam County in western West Virginia... * Until 915 AM EST. * At 509 AM EST, emergency management reported thunderstorms producing heavy rain in Institute, Sissonville, Scott Depot, South Charleston, Elkview. Between 2 and 3 inches of rain have fallen. Additional rainfall amounts of 0.5 to 1 inch are possible in the warned area. Flash flooding is already occurring. Numerous water rescues were occurring This is a FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY for Institute, Sissonvlle. This is a PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION. SEEK HIGHER GROUND NOW! HAZARD...Life threatening flash flooding. Thunderstorms producing flash flooding. SOURCE...Emergency management reported. IMPACT...This is a PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION. SEEK HIGHER GROUND NOW! Life threatening flash flooding of low water crossings, small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses. * Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Charleston, Nitro, Winfield, Jefferson, South Charleston, St. Albans, Dunbar, Hurricane, Sissonville, Clendenin, Poca, Institute, Cross Lanes, Coal Fork, Pinch, Elkview, Tornado, Alum Creek, Teays Valley and Culloden. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to higher ground now! This is an extremely dangerous and life-threatening situation. Do not attempt to travel unless you are fleeing an area subject to flooding or under an evacuation order. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Move to higher ground now. Act quickly to protect your life. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3837 8205 3838 8205 3840 8205 3841 8205 3847 8205 3855 8181 3854 8132 3829 8125 3828 8181 3827 8205 FLASH FLOOD...OBSERVED FLASH FLOOD DAMAGE THREAT...CATASTROPHIC $$ TRM  472 WWCN11 CWTO 061009 FREEZING RAIN WARNING FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:09 A.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEZING RAIN WARNING ENDED FOR: ELGIN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== FREEZING RAIN CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  997 WVNT21 EGRR 061009 EGGX SIGMET 01 VALID 061100/061105 EGRR- EGGX SHANWICK FIR TEST VA CLD FCST ENTIRE FIR=  124 WSAG31 SAVC 061016 SAVF SIGMET D3 VALID 061016/061416 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1016Z WI S5041 W07302 - S5041 W07218 - S4651 W06712 - S4427 W06555 - S4402 W07143 - S4750 W07236 - S4951 W07331 - S5041 W07302 FL270/450 STNR NC=  125 WSAG31 SAVC 061016 SAVF SIGMET D3 VALID 061016/061416 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1016Z WI S5041 W07302 - S5041 W07218 - S4651 W06712 - S4427 W06555 - S4402 W07143 - S4750 W07236 - S4951 W07331 - S5041 W07302 FL270/450 STNR NC=  434 WWUS53 KLMK 061012 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 412 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC031-183-061021- /O.CAN.KLMK.TO.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1030Z/ Butler KY-Ohio KY- 412 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR NORTH CENTRAL BUTLER AND EAST CENTRAL OHIO COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The tornadic thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. && LAT...LON 3751 8623 3733 8630 3738 8656 3739 8661 3744 8662 TIME...MOT...LOC 1011Z 267DEG 42KT 3742 8655 $$ KYC085-061030- /O.CON.KLMK.TO.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1030Z/ Grayson KY- 412 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 AM CST FOR SOUTHWESTERN GRAYSON COUNTY... At 411 AM CST, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located 15 miles west of Leitchfield, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...Tornado and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. Locations impacted include... Leitchfield, Caneyville, Ready, Steff, Millwood, Shrewsbury, Do Stop, Sadler, Peth, and Black Rock. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Tornadoes are extremely difficult to see and confirm at night. Do not wait to see or hear the tornado. TAKE COVER NOW! && LAT...LON 3751 8623 3733 8630 3738 8656 3739 8661 3744 8662 TIME...MOT...LOC 1011Z 267DEG 42KT 3742 8655 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN $$ BJS  451 WABZ23 SBGL 061007 SBRE AIRMET 17 VALID 061012/061400 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR BKN CLD 300/0900FT FCST WI S0942 W03840 - S0942 W03750 - S0906 W03750 - S0906 W03840 - S0942 W03840 STNR NC=  521 WWIN80 VOTK 061008 VOTK 060800Z AD WRNG 1 VALID 060820/061220 SFC WSPD 20KT FROM 050 DEG FCST NC=  432 WSID21 WAAA 061012 WAAF SIGMET 18 VALID 061015/061315 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0734 E12141 - S0639 E12446 - S 0705 E12517 - S0834 E12222 - S0806 E12114 - S0734 E12141 TOP FL540 MO V W 15KT INTSF=  975 WSID21 WAAA 061012 WAAF SIGMET 19 VALID 061015/061315 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0234 E11859 - N0312 E12039 - N 0243 E12115 - N0105 E12032 - N0207 E11852 - N0234 E11859 TOP FL460 MO V W 15KT INTSF=  430 WVLJ31 LJLJ 061009 LJLA SIGMET Y02 VALID 061100/061105 LJLJ- LJLA LJUBLJANA FIR TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST VA SIGMET PLEASE DISREGARD TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST=  104 WWUS83 KJKL 061013 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 513 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ110-113-119-120-061100- Martin KY-Floyd KY-Pike KY-Knott KY- 513 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL IMPACT SOUTHEASTERN MARTIN...NORTHERN KNOTT...SOUTHERN FLOYD AND PIKE COUNTIES THROUGH 600 AM EST... At 513 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Delbarton to Meta to East McDowell to Elmrock. Movement was southeast at 50 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Pikeville, Estill, Coal Run Village, Elkhorn City, Wheelwright, Pippa Passes, Forest Hills, Wayland, Meta, Jamboree, Buck, Handshoe, Glo, Garden Village, McDowell, Piso, Blue Moon, Osborn, Jarad, and Biggs. THIS INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING HIGHWAYS... Kentucky Highway 80 in Floyd County between mile markers 1 and 2. Kentucky Highway 80 in Knott County between mile markers 11 and 20. U.S. Highway 119 in Pike County between mile markers 1 and 24. U.S. Highway 23 in Floyd County between mile markers 1 and 5. U.S. Highway 23 in Lethcher County near mile marker 7. U.S. Highway 23 in Pike County between mile markers 0 and 32. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with these storms. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3727 8235 3720 8255 3745 8313 3746 8313 3750 8280 3763 8256 3779 8235 3776 8231 3774 8233 3767 8230 3765 8223 3762 8221 3765 8218 3762 8218 3758 8213 3755 8213 3756 8208 3753 8205 3755 8204 3754 8197 TIME...MOT...LOC 1013Z 292DEG 44KT 3776 8220 3758 8246 3745 8272 3743 8302 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ CMC  584 WCUK33 EGRR 061013 EGPX SIGMET 02 VALID 061100/061105 EGRR- EGPX SCOTTISH FIR TEST SIGMET PLEASE DISREGARD=  760 WCNT21 EGRR 061014 EGGX SIGMET 02 VALID 061100/061105 EGRR- EGGX SHANWICK FIR TEST SIGMET PLEASE DISREGARD=  117 WWCN11 CWWG 061015 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:15 A.M. CST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING ENDED FOR: BERENS RIVER - LITTLE GRAND RAPIDS - BLOODVEIN - ATIKAKI POPLAR RIVER. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS NO LONGER EXPECTED. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  118 WWCN20 CWWG 061015 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR THE MANITOBA LAKES ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:15 A.M. CST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING ENDED FOR: LAKE WINNIPEG - SOUTH BASIN LAKE WINNIPEG - NORTH BASIN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS NO LONGER EXPECTED. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  722 WCUK31 EGRR 061015 EGTT SIGMET 02 VALID 061100/061105 EGRR- EGTT LONDON FIR TEST SIGMET PLEASE DISREGARD=  571 WSCI38 ZYTX 061014 ZYSH SIGMET 3 VALID 061030/061430 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF LINE N4250 E11744 - N4108 E12609 FL100/200 MOV ESE 25KMH NC =  739 WSCI38 ZYTX 061014 ZYSH SIGMET 3 VALID 061030/061430 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF LINE N4250 E11744 - N4108 E12609 FL100/200 MOV ESE 25KMH NC =  168 WVRM31 LUKK 061000 LUUU SIGMET Z01 VALID 061100/061105 LUKK- LUUU CHISINAU FIR TEST=  990 WWCN12 CWTO 061018 SNOW SQUALL WATCH FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:18 A.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOW SQUALL WATCH FOR: SAULT STE. MARIE - SUPERIOR EAST. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOW SQUALLS ARE EXPECTED TO DEVELOP TODAY. WHAT: TOTAL SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS OF 10 TO 20 CM. STRONG WIND GUSTS OF 80 KM/H. NEAR-ZERO VISIBILITIES IN HEAVY SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW. WHEN: THIS MORNING INTO FRIDAY MORNING. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: SNOW IS EXPECTED TO BEGIN THIS MORNING AS A LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM MOVES ACROSS NORTHERN ONTARIO. IN ITS WAKE, LAKE EFFECT SNOW SQUALLS ARE EXPECTED TO DEVELOP EARLY THIS AFTERNOON. WIND GUSTS UP TO 80 KM/H COULD PRODUCE NEAR ZERO VISIBILITIES IN HEAVY SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW. LAKE EFFECT SNOW IS EXPECTED TO DIMINISH TO FLURRIES FRIDAY MORNING. TRAVEL MAY BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO SUDDEN CHANGES IN THE WEATHER. VISIBILITY MAY BE SUDDENLY REDUCED AT TIMES IN HEAVY SNOW. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. ROAD CLOSURES ARE POSSIBLE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  213 ACUS11 KWNS 061019 SWOMCD SPC MCD 061019 KYZ000-061145- Mesoscale Discussion 0067 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0419 AM CST Thu Feb 06 2025 Areas affected...Central Kentucky Concerning...Severe potential...Watch possible Valid 061019Z - 061145Z Probability of Watch Issuance...40 percent SUMMARY...A line of storms has developed across central Kentucky with a threat for isolated large hail, damaging wind gusts, and perhaps a tornado. DISCUSSION...A line of storms has developed along the cold front in central Kentucky this morning. Low 60s dewpoints and mid-60s temperatures ahead of the front are yielding an environment with around 1000 J/kg MUCAPE. Strong effective shear (~50 knots) will support occasional supercell structures from the stronger cells which develop within the line. In addition, low-level shear (300 m2/s2 0-1km SRH per HPX VWP) will be favorable for some tornado potential with any stronger, organized supercell structures. In addition, a conditional strong tornado threat does exist if a strong, longer lasting, supercell can develop. Therefore, these stronger cells embedded within the line will need to be monitored through the morning for the threat for large hail, damaging wind gusts, and perhaps a tornado. The threat is expected to remain too isolated for a watch, but if a more widespread threat with multiple mature supercells develops, a watch may be needed. ..Bentley/Mosier.. 02/06/2025 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...RLX...JKL...ILN...LMK...PAH... LAT...LON 36938812 37538663 38238536 38538463 38368288 37928262 37258325 36858427 36648546 36708754 36938812  753 WGUS63 KJKL 061020 FFAJKL Flood Watch National Weather Service Jackson KY 520 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ044-050>052-058>060-068-069-079-080-083>088-104-106>120-061800- /O.CON.KJKL.FA.A.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Fleming-Montgomery-Bath-Rowan-Estill-Powell-Menifee-Rockcastle- Jackson-Pulaski-Laurel-Wayne-McCreary-Whitley-Knox-Bell-Harlan- Elliott-Morgan-Johnson-Wolfe-Magoffin-Floyd-Lee-Breathitt-Knott- Owsley-Perry-Clay-Leslie-Letcher-Martin-Pike- Including the cities of Whitesburg, Jenkins, Coal Run, Hazard, Pikeville, Pippa Passes, Irvine, Clay City, Stanton, Monticello, Wheelwright, Inez, Barbourville, Corbin, Flemingsburg, Owingsville, McKee, Pineville, Ravenna, Paintsville, Prestonsburg, Campton, Hindman, Manchester, Elkhorn City, Sandy Hook, Annville, Beattyville, South Williamson, West Liberty, Burnside, Jackson, Middlesboro, Frenchburg, Morehead, Brodhead, Somerset, Mount Sterling, Cumberland, Salyersville, Camargo, Stearns, Whitley City, Mount Vernon, Jeffersonville, Hyden, Williamsburg, London, Harlan, and Booneville 520 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues to be possible. * WHERE...Portions of east central, northeast, south central, and southeast Kentucky, including the following counties, in east central Kentucky, Bath, Elliott, Estill, Fleming, Menifee, Montgomery, Powell and Rowan. In northeast Kentucky, Johnson and Martin. In south central Kentucky, Laurel, McCreary, Pulaski, Rockcastle, Wayne and Whitley. In southeast Kentucky, Bell, Breathitt, Clay, Floyd, Harlan, Jackson, Knott, Knox, Lee, Leslie, Letcher, Magoffin, Morgan, Owsley, Perry, Pike and Wolfe. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Excessive runoff may result in flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations. Creeks and streams may rise out of their banks. Flooding may occur in poor drainage and urban areas. Low-water crossings may be flooded. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$ GREIF  677 WWUS53 KLMK 061020 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 420 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC085-061030- /O.CON.KLMK.TO.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1030Z/ Grayson KY- 420 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 AM CST FOR SOUTH CENTRAL GRAYSON COUNTY... At 420 AM CST, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located 8 miles southwest of Leitchfield, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...Tornado and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. Locations impacted include... Leitchfield, Caneyville, Millwood, Peth, Shrewsbury, and Black Rock. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Tornadoes are extremely difficult to see and confirm at night. Do not wait to see or hear the tornado. TAKE COVER NOW! && LAT...LON 3735 8629 3740 8646 3744 8648 3751 8623 TIME...MOT...LOC 1020Z 266DEG 44KT 3743 8642 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN $$ BJS  118 WABZ23 SBGL 061017 SBCW AIRMET 10 VALID 061022/061400 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR BKN CLD 100/0600FT FCST WI S2630 W05306 - S2630 W05217 - S2556 W05217 - S2556 W05306 - S2630 W05306 STNR NC=  081 WSPS21 NZKL 061022 NZZO SIGMET 18 VALID 061022/061024 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 11 060624/061024=  674 WWUS53 KLMK 061022 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 422 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC031-085-183-061030- /O.CON.KLMK.SV.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1030Z/ Butler KY-Grayson KY-Ohio KY- 422 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 AM CST FOR NORTHEASTERN BUTLER...SOUTHWESTERN GRAYSON AND EAST CENTRAL OHIO COUNTIES... At 422 AM CST, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles west of Leitchfield, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Leitchfield, Caneyville, Steff, Post, Windy Hill, Tilford, South, Do Stop, Neafus, and Peth. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3755 8630 3744 8629 3732 8636 3737 8680 3742 8671 TIME...MOT...LOC 1022Z 264DEG 44KT 3744 8644 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ BJS  614 WWUS73 KSGF 061023 NPWSGF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Springfield MO 423 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KSZ073-097-101-MOZ066-077-088-093-101-102-061130- /O.CAN.KSGF.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1400Z/ Bourbon-Crawford-Cherokee-Vernon-Barton-Jasper-Newton-McDonald- Barry- Including the cities of Lone Oak, Kenoma, Riverton, Neosho, Stippville, Rocky Comfort, South West City, Lamar, Lowell, Chicopee, Pittsburg, Neutral, Anderson, Columbus, Nevada, Cassville, Baxter Springs, Pawnee Station, Joplin, Pineville, Madry, Noel, Monett, Sherwin, Goodman, Carthage, and Fort Scott 423 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The threat for dense fog with visibility below a quarter mile has ended. $$ For more information from the National Weather Service, visit http://weather.gov/sgf Titus  857 WSRS31 RUSF 061023 URFV SIGMET 3 VALID 061200/061600 URFF- URFV SIMFEROPOL FIR SEV TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR SFC/FL100 STNR NC=  978 WGUS71 KRLX 061024 FFSRLX Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 524 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC019-WVC011-043-099-061345- /O.CON.KRLX.FF.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1345Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Boyd KY-Cabell WV-Lincoln WV-Wayne WV- 524 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY FOR HUNTINGTON AND CABELL COUNTY... ...FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 845 AM EST THIS MORNING FOR SOUTHERN BOYD, CENTRAL CABELL, NORTHWESTERN LINCOLN AND NORTHERN WAYNE COUNTIES... At 524 AM EST, Doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain in Huntington and Cabell county. Between 1.5 and 2.5 inches of rain have fallen. Additional rainfall amounts of 0.5 to 0.8 inches are possible in the warned area. Flash flooding is already occurring. This is a FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY for Huntington and Cabell county. This is a PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION. SEEK HIGHER GROUND NOW! HAZARD...Life threatening flash flooding. Thunderstorms producing flash flooding. SOURCE...Radar and automated gauges. IMPACT...This is a PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION. SEEK HIGHER GROUND NOW! Life threatening flash flooding of low water crossings, small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses. Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Huntington, Hamlin, Beech Fork State Park, Barboursville, Milton, Ona, Durbin, Culloden, West Hamlin, Pea Ridge, Lavalette, Salt Rock, Lockwood and Mavity. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to higher ground now! This is an extremely dangerous and life-threatening situation. Do not attempt to travel unless you are fleeing an area subject to flooding or under an evacuation order. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3826 8267 3826 8270 3825 8277 3834 8277 3839 8248 3847 8205 3846 8205 3845 8205 3843 8205 3842 8205 3841 8205 3840 8205 3828 8205 3826 8240 3827 8263 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR AND GAUGE INDICATED FLASH FLOOD DAMAGE THREAT...CATASTROPHIC $$ SL  076 WGUS73 KJKL 061025 FFSJKL Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Jackson KY 525 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC011-065-165-173-197-205-061145- /O.CON.KJKL.FF.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1145Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bath KY-Estill KY-Menifee KY-Montgomery KY-Powell KY-Rowan KY- 525 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 AM EST THIS MORNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN BATH, NORTHWESTERN ESTILL, MENIFEE, SOUTHEASTERN MONTGOMERY, POWELL AND SOUTHWESTERN ROWAN COUNTIES... At 525 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Additional rainfall amounts of 0.2 to 0.5 inches are possible in the warned area. Flash flooding is already occurring. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Flash flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other poor drainage and low-lying areas. Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Stanton, Frenchburg, Jeffersonville, Camargo, Clay City, Wellington, Campsites in the Indian Creek area of the Daniel Boone National Forrest, Means, Cedar Groves, Cornwell, Fagan, Clay Lick, Lucky Stop, Rothwell, Bowen, Bean, Cat Creek, Hope, Rosslyn and Tabor. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 3781 8407 3782 8410 3785 8408 3782 8407 3783 8406 3785 8406 3783 8404 3784 8400 3786 8401 3790 8399 3792 8399 3793 8397 3799 8400 3807 8344 3797 8344 3787 8356 3775 8408 3777 8408 3778 8411 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$ GREIF  492 WSID21 WAAA 061026 WAAF SIGMET 20 VALID 061026/061325 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0154 E11915 - S0237 E12232 - S 0318 E12228 - S0315 E12033 - S0213 E11853 - S0154 E11915 TOP FL530 MO V W 10KT INTSF=  654 WWUS85 KPUB 061027 RFWPUB URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pueblo CO 327 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A Fire Weather Watch has been issued for portions of the area late Friday morning through Friday afternoon... COZ229-230-233-070230- /O.NEW.KPUB.FW.A.0001.250207T1700Z-250208T0100Z/ Huerfano County Including Walsenburg- Western Las Animas County Including Trinidad and Thatcher- Eastern Las Animas County Including Pinon Canyon- 327 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FIRE WEATHER WATCH IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY MORNING THROUGH FRIDAY AFTERNOON FOR GUSTY WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 229, 230, AND 233... The National Weather Service in Pueblo has issued a Fire Weather Watch for gusty winds and low relative humidity, which is in effect from Friday morning through Friday afternoon. * AFFECTED AREA...Fire Weather Zones 229, 230 and 233. * WINDS...Southwest 15 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 12 percent. * IMPACTS...Fires will catch and spread quickly. Exercise extreme caution with any outdoor burning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Fire Weather Watch means that critical fire weather conditions are forecast to occur. Listen for later forecasts and possible Red Flag Warnings. && $$  555 WWUS72 KTAE 061027 NPWTAE URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 527 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 GAZ155>160-061500- /O.EXA.KTAE.FG.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Seminole-Decatur-Grady-Thomas-Brooks-Lowndes- Including the cities of Bainbridge, Moncrief, Ausmac, West Bainbridge, Seminole State Park, Fairchild, Dillon, Decatur Co A/P, Cairo, Pasco, Little Hope, Nankin, Davis Park, Hanover, Valdosta Regional Airport, Beachton, Empress, Grady Co A/P, Riverturn, Brooks Co A/P, Steinham Store, Grooverville, Dixie, Pine Park, Lynn, Donalsonville, Quitman, Donaldsonville A/P, Valdosta, Metcalf, Capel, Elpino, Blue Springs, and Thomasville 527 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Brooks, Lowndes, Thomas, Decatur, Grady, and Seminole Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ FLZ007>019-026>029-034-108-112-114-115-118-127-128-134-061500- /O.CON.KTAE.FG.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ North Walton-Central Walton-Holmes-Washington-Jackson-Inland Bay- Calhoun-Inland Gulf-Inland Franklin-Gadsden-Leon-Inland Jefferson- Madison-Liberty-Inland Wakulla-Inland Taylor-Lafayette-Inland Dixie-South Walton-Coastal Bay-Coastal Gulf-Coastal Franklin- Coastal Jefferson-Coastal Wakulla-Coastal Taylor-Coastal Dixie- Including the cities of Richter Crossroads, Sneads, Panacea, Cooks Hammock, Orange Hill, Simsville, Bennett, Howard Creek, Wakulla Springs, Santa Rosa Beach, Southport, Day, Hays Place, Leonia, Hopewell, Callaway, Saint Joe Beach, Perry, Cross City, Athena, Odena, Dekle Beach, Dalkeith, Cobb Crossroads, Old Town, Poplar Head, Clarksville, Honeyville, Wetumpka, Chaires, Sweetwater, Santa Clara, Tilton, Alpine Heights, Eucheeanna, Capps, Glendale, Chipley, Monticello, Carbur, Sandestin, Cedar Island, De Funiak Springs, Suwannee, Barker Store, Buck Siding, Crystal Lake, Port Leon, Econfina, Turquoise Beach, Port St. Joe, Boyd, Pleasant Ridge, Quincy Airport, Beacon Hill, Point Washington, Apalachicola, Mayo, Madison, Vicksburg, Killearn Lakes, Fenholloway, Five Points, Hines, Portland, Blue Springs, Fish Creek, Yellow Jacket, Chaires Crossroads, Howell Place, Hardin Heights, Frink, De Funiak Spring Airport, Bucell Junction, Cabbage Grove, Hanson, Bradfordville, Cairo, Dills, Drifton, Festus, Casa Blanco, Bethel, Center Ridge, Capitola, Buckhorn, Jonesboro, Chipley Municipal Airport, Argyle, Magnolia Beach, Chattahoochee, Creels, Shired Island, Buckville, Holmes County Airport, Medart, Jena, Cross City Airport, Jarrott, Saint Marks, Cluster Springs, Fort Gadsden, Littman, Scotts Ferry, Lynn Haven, Pinetta, Durham, Apalachicola Airport, Horseshoe Beach, Marianna, Beverly, Hilliardville, Nixon, Bunker, Youngstown, Oak Grove, Blountstown, Tallahassee, Alma, Quincy, White City, Cherry Lake, Bonifay, Bay City, Graceville, Killearn Estates, New Hope, Sopchoppy, Midway, Browntown, Adams Beach, Maclay State Gardens, Freeport, High Bluff, Lovett, Marysville, Overstreet, Abe Springs, Wewahitchka, Morgan Place, Panama City, and Malone 527 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 /427 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST /9 AM CST/ THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of Big Bend and Panhandle Florida. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST /9 AM CST/ this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ DR  725 WGUS81 KRNK 061028 FLSRNK Flood Advisory National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 528 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC025-061330- /O.NEW.KRNK.FA.Y.0001.250206T1028Z-250206T1330Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Greenbrier WV- 528 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 830 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...A portion of southeast West Virginia, including the following county, Greenbrier. * WHEN...Until 830 AM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. Some low-water crossings may become impassable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 528 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. Up to 1 inch of rain has fallen. - This includes the following streams and drainages... Big Clear Creek, Burns Run, Beaver Creek, Back Creek, Beech Run, Boggs Run, Big Run, Burdette Creek, Boggs Creek, Boulder Run, Cold Knob Fork and Anthony Creek. Additional rainfall amounts up to 1 inch are expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Lewisburg... White Sulphur Springs... Ronceverte... Rainelle... Alderson... Rupert... Quinwood... - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. When it is safe to do so, please send your reports of flooding, including mudslides or flooded roads, to the National Weather Service by calling toll free at 1...8 6 6...2 1 5...4 3 2 4. Reports and pictures can also be shared on the National Weather Service Blacksburg Facebook page and on Twitter. && LAT...LON 3787 8075 3795 8081 3799 8077 3803 8083 3806 8080 3808 8089 3808 8071 3827 8044 3823 8036 3811 8036 3805 8026 3806 7996 3787 8016 3770 8029 3769 8038 3772 8040 3768 8045 3773 8066 3787 8081 $$ BMG  782 WWUS53 KLMK 061028 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 428 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC031-085-183-061037- /O.EXP.KLMK.SV.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1030Z/ Butler KY-Grayson KY-Ohio KY- 428 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN BUTLER... SOUTHWESTERN GRAYSON AND EAST CENTRAL OHIO COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 430 AM CST... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However, gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Louisville. && LAT...LON 3755 8630 3744 8629 3732 8636 3737 8680 3742 8671 TIME...MOT...LOC 1027Z 264DEG 44KT 3744 8639 $$ Padgett  990 WSNO36 ENMI 061028 ENOB SIGMET M01 VALID 061130/061530 ENMI- ENOB BODOE OCEANIC FIR SEV MTW FCST WI N7945 E00945 - N7950 E01825 - N7745 E01715 - N7715 E01425 - N7945 E00945 SFC/FL280 MOV N 15KT INTSF=  105 WFUS53 KLMK 061028 TORLMK KYC085-093-099-061100- /O.NEW.KLMK.TO.W.0002.250206T1028Z-250206T1100Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 528 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Tornado Warning for... Northwestern Hart County in central Kentucky... Southeastern Grayson County in central Kentucky... South central Hardin County in central Kentucky... * Until 600 AM EST/500 AM CST/. * At 528 AM EST/428 AM CST/, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located near Leitchfield, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Tornado and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * This tornadic thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Hart, southeastern Grayson and south central Hardin Counties, including the following locations... Rock Creek, Seven Corners, Bonnieville, Broad Ford, Peonia, Flint Hill, Pearman, Snap, Clarkson, and Royal. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Tornadoes are extremely difficult to see and confirm at night. Do not wait to see or hear the tornado. TAKE COVER NOW! && LAT...LON 3748 8633 3755 8590 3747 8589 3747 8590 3736 8588 3738 8633 TIME...MOT...LOC 1028Z 266DEG 48KT 3742 8631 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN $$ BJS  598 WOCN11 CWTO 061028 FREEZING DRIZZLE ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:28 A.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEZING DRIZZLE ADVISORY FOR: =NEW= WINDSOR - ESSEX - CHATHAM-KENT =NEW= SARNIA - LAMBTON =NEW= ELGIN =NEW= STRATHROY - KOMOKA - WESTERN MIDDLESEX COUNTY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== AREAS OF FREEZING DRIZZLE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. HAZARD: FREEZING DRIZZLE LEADING TO LIGHT ICE BUILD-UP AND SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. TIMING: THIS MORNING. DISCUSSION: FREEZING DRIZZLE MIXED WITH LIGHT SNOW, IS EXPECTED THIS MORNING. ANY SNOW AND FREEZING DRIZZLE WILL COME TO AN END THIS AFTERNOON. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME ICY AND SLIPPERY. FREEZING DRIZZLE CAN PRODUCE THIN, HARD-TO-DETECT LAYERS OF ICE. TAKE EXTRA CARE WHEN WALKING OR DRIVING IN AFFECTED AREAS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN ONTARIO, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  397 WSMG31 FMMI 061029 FMMM SIGMET E3 VALID 061030/061430 FMMI- FMMM ANTANANARIVO FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1100 E04130 - S1259 E04350 - S1558 E04455 - S1500 E04300 TOP ABV FL480 STNR NC=  910 WGUS51 KRLX 061030 FFWRLX WVC011-061330- /O.NEW.KRLX.FF.W.0004.250206T1030Z-250206T1330Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 530 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY FOR HUNTINGTON... The National Weather Service in Charleston has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Central Cabell County in central West Virginia... * Until 830 AM EST. * At 530 AM EST, emergency management reported numerous water rescues were occurring in Huntington. Between 2 and 3 inches of rain have fallen. Additional rainfall amounts of 0.5 to 1 inch are possible in the warned area. Flash flooding is already occurring. This is a FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY for Huntington. This is a PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION. SEEK HIGHER GROUND NOW! HAZARD...Life threatening flash flooding. Thunderstorms producing flash flooding. SOURCE...Emergency management reported. IMPACT...This is a PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION. SEEK HIGHER GROUND NOW! Life threatening flash flooding of low water crossings, small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses. * Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Huntington, Chesapeake, Barboursville and Pea Ridge. This includes Interstate 64 in West Virginia between mile markers 6 and 7...and between mile markers 15 and 17. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Move to higher ground now! This is an extremely dangerous and life-threatening situation. Do not attempt to travel unless you are fleeing an area subject to flooding or under an evacuation order. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Move to higher ground now. Act quickly to protect your life. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3844 8234 3845 8232 3848 8231 3853 8213 3847 8206 3839 8248 3841 8251 3844 8240 3843 8239 FLASH FLOOD...OBSERVED FLASH FLOOD DAMAGE THREAT...CATASTROPHIC $$ TRM  939 WGUS73 KJKL 061030 FFSJKL Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Jackson KY 530 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC063-165-175-205-061230- /O.CON.KJKL.FF.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1230Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Elliott KY-Menifee KY-Morgan KY-Rowan KY- 530 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 730 AM EST THIS MORNING FOR ELLIOTT, SOUTHEASTERN MENIFEE, SOUTH CENTRAL ROWAN AND NORTHERN MORGAN COUNTIES... At 530 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Additional rainfall amounts of 0.2 to 0.5 inches are possible in the warned area. Flash flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Flash flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other poor drainage and low-lying areas. Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... West Liberty, Sandy Hook, Henry, Little Sandy, Steele, Lenox, Wrigley, Lick Branch, Elkfork, Pomp, Blairs Mills, Crockett, Yocum, Blaze, Leisure, Licking River, Isonville, Dehart, Moon and Zag. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 3796 8344 3806 8343 3813 8310 3819 8306 3818 8305 3820 8304 3820 8303 3820 8301 3817 8298 3817 8292 3813 8291 3811 8289 3809 8293 3805 8295 3805 8298 3804 8300 3800 8302 3797 8302 3786 8356 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$ GREIF  962 WSAG31 SAVC 061034 SAVF SIGMET E1 VALID 061034/061434 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 1034Z WI S5140 W06757 - S5303 W06722 - S5342 W06505 - S5303 W06418 - S5126 W06452 - S5122 W06622 - S5140 W06757 TOP FL300 MOV E 10KT NC=  028 WSAG31 SAVC 061034 SAVF SIGMET E1 VALID 061034/061434 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR EMBD TS FCST AT 1034Z WI S5140 W06757 - S5303 W06722 - S5342 W06505 - S5303 W06418 - S5126 W06452 - S5122 W06622 - S5140 W06757 TOP FL300 MOV E 10KT NC=  459 WSMS31 WMKK 061031 WBFC SIGMET 5 VALID 061100/061400 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS N OF LINE N0519 E11229 - N0400 E11537 AND NW OF LINE N0411 E11732 - N0547 E11844 TOP FL510 MOV WNW NC=  879 WSMS31 WMKK 061031 WBFC SIGMET 5 VALID 061100/061400 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS N OF LINE N0519 E11229 - N0400 E11537 AND NW OF LINE N0411 E11732 - N0547 E11844 TOP FL510 MOV WNW NC=  978 WUUS53 KLMK 061031 SVRLMK KYC031-061-085-183-061100- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.W.0004.250206T1031Z-250206T1100Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 431 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Butler County in south central Kentucky... Southwestern Grayson County in central Kentucky... East central Ohio County in central Kentucky... Northwestern Edmonson County in south central Kentucky... * Until 500 AM CST. * At 431 AM CST, a severe thunderstorm was located 9 miles northeast of Morgantown, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Leitchfield, Brownsville, Casey, Lee, Caneyville, Windyville, Roundhill, Black Gold, Broadway, and Flint Springs. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain alert for a possible tornado! Tornadoes can develop quickly from severe thunderstorms. If you spot a tornado go at once into the basement or small central room in a sturdy structure. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3731 8672 3740 8671 3748 8619 3717 8617 TIME...MOT...LOC 1031Z 271DEG 42KT 3734 8663 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ Padgett  163 WWUS74 KMEG 061032 NPWMEG URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Memphis TN 432 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ARZ026>028-061145- /O.CAN.KMEG.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Craighead-Poinsett-Mississippi- Including the cities of Blytheville, Harrisburg, and Jonesboro 432 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Visibilities have risen steadily over the past few hours. Additional visibility drops have not occurred during this time frame, even in the presence of clearing skies. Therefore, the dense fog advisory has been cancelled for this area. $$ ARZ009-018-MOZ113-115-061400- /O.EXT.KMEG.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1400Z/ Clay-Greene-Dunklin-Pemiscot- Including the cities of Paragould, Kennett, Piggott, Corning, and Caruthersville 432 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Dunklin, Clay, Greene, and Pemiscot. * WHEN...Until 8 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ JAB  336 WSFI31 EFKL 061032 EFIN SIGMET M01 VALID 061033/061233 EFKL- EFIN HELSINKI FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 1033Z WI N6920 E02122 - N6838 E02307 - N6823 E02226 - N6907 E02033 - N6920 E02122 SFC/FL200 STNR NC=  542 WVDN31 EKCH 061032 EKDK SIGMET Y02 VALID 061100/061105 EKMI- EKDK KOBENHAVN FIR TEST=  013 WWUS53 KLMK 061033 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 433 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC085-061042- /O.EXP.KLMK.TO.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1030Z/ Grayson KY- 433 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL GRAYSON COUNTY HAS EXPIRED... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. Remember, a Tornado Warning still remains in effect for southeastern Grayson County until 500 AM CST. && LAT...LON 3735 8629 3740 8646 3744 8648 3751 8623 TIME...MOT...LOC 1032Z 267DEG 42KT 3744 8626 $$ CSG  372 WWUS83 KPAH 061033 SPSPAH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Paducah KY 433 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ021-061045- Muhlenberg KY- 433 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHEASTERN MUHLENBERG COUNTY THROUGH 445 AM CST... At 432 AM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm with weak rotation near Powderly, or 7 miles southeast of Central City, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Central City and Drakesboro. This includes Western Kentucky Parkway between Mile Markers 57 and 60. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3711 8691 3710 8690 3713 8715 3730 8713 3730 8699 3727 8698 3726 8696 3724 8694 3724 8692 3723 8691 3723 8692 3721 8690 3719 8691 3718 8689 3718 8692 3714 8693 3711 8689 TIME...MOT...LOC 1032Z 274DEG 37KT 3721 8704 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ Diegan  541 WHUS76 KEKA 061033 MWWEKA URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Eureka CA 233 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 PZZ455-475-061845- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0014.250207T0000Z-250207T1700Z/ Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena out 10 nm- Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena 10 to 60 nm- 233 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 9 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...North winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 6 to 9 feet expected. * WHERE...Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena out 10 nm and Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena 10 to 60 nm. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 9 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ450-470-061845- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0014.250207T0300Z-250207T1700Z/ Pt St George to Cape Mendocino out 10 nm- Pt St George to Cape Mendocino 10 to 60 nm- 233 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...North winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 6 to 9 feet expected. * WHERE...Pt St George to Cape Mendocino out 10 nm and Pt St George to Cape Mendocino 10 to 60 nm. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 9 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  825 WAHW31 PHFO 061035 WA0HI HNLS WA 061034 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 4 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 061600 . AIRMET MTN OBSC...MOLOKAI...UPDATE N THRU E SECTIONS. CANCEL AIRMET. COND HAVE IMPROVED. . AIRMET MTN OBSC...MAUI N THRU E SECTIONS. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 025 DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND ENDING BY 1600Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSC...BIG ISLAND UPOLU POINT TO CAPE KUMUKAHI TO SOUTH CAPE. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 025 DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND CONT BEYOND 1600Z. =HNLT WA 061000 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 1 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 061600 . NO SIGNIFICANT TURB EXP. =HNLZ WA 061000 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 1 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 061600 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...141-144.  689 WWUS46 KSTO 061036 WSWSTO URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sacramento CA 236 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAZ013-063-070045- /O.CON.KSTO.WS.W.0003.250206T1200Z-250207T1200Z/ Shasta Lake Area / Northern Shasta County-Mountains Southwestern Shasta County to Western Colusa County- Including the cities of Shasta Dam and Alder Springs 236 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST FRIDAY ABOVE 3000 FEET... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected above 3000 feet. Total snow accumulations between 6 and 14 inches, up to 2 feet over highest peaks. Wind gusts as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Mountains Southwestern Shasta County to Western Colusa County and Shasta Lake Area / Northern Shasta County Counties. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Very difficult travel conditions with chain controls. Low visibility due to combination of wind and heavy snow. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning and evening commutes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Heaviest snowfall is expected between 3 PM and 11 PM Thursday, with snowfall rates of 1 to 2 inches possible at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Check the latest road conditions from Caltrans online at quickmap.dot.ca.gov or dial 5 1 1. && $$ CAZ014-068-069-070045- /O.CON.KSTO.WS.W.0003.250206T1800Z-250207T2000Z/ Burney Basin / Eastern Shasta County-Western Plumas County/Lassen Park-West Slope Northern Sierra Nevada- Including the cities of Quincy, Blue Canyon, Chester, and Burney 236 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO NOON PST FRIDAY ABOVE 5000 FEET... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected above 5000 feet. Total snow accumulations between 8 and 18 inches, up to 3 ft over highest peaks. Winds gusting as high as 65 mph, up to 80 mph over highest peaks. * WHERE...Burney Basin / Eastern Shasta County, West Slope Northern Sierra Nevada, and Western Plumas County/Lassen Park Counties. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to noon PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Very difficult travel conditions with chain controls and potential road closures. Low visibility due to combination of wind and heavy snow. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Heaviest snowfall is expected between Thursday afternoon and Friday morning, with snowfall rates of 1 to 2 inches per hour possible at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Check the latest road conditions from Caltrans online at quickmap.dot.ca.gov or dial 5 1 1. && $$ For more information, visit us at www.weather.gov/sto/ KF  661 WSMX31 MMMX 061038 MMID SIGMET C1 VALID 061037/061437 MMMX- MMFO MAZATLAN OCEANICA FIR OCNL TS OBS AT 1037Z WI N0543W11810 - N0907W10836 - N1153W11145 - N1004W11612 CB TOP FL480 MOV STNRY . =  150 WSRS31 RUSP 061038 ULLL SIGMET 11 VALID 061200/061500 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST WI N6614 E03959 - N6513 E04312 - N6238 E03955 - N6241 E03655 - N6348 E03626 - N6601 E03836 - N6614 E03959 SFC/FL100 MOV E 20KMH NC=  724 WWUS53 KLMK 061039 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 539 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC085-093-099-061100- /O.CON.KLMK.TO.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1100Z/ Hart KY-Grayson KY-Hardin KY- 539 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 AM EST/500 AM CST/ FOR NORTHWESTERN HART...EAST CENTRAL GRAYSON AND SOUTH CENTRAL HARDIN COUNTIES... At 539 AM EST/439 AM CST/, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located 8 miles southeast of Leitchfield, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Tornado and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. Locations impacted include... Upton, Sonora, Bonnieville, Spike, Spurrier, Rock Creek, Seven Corners, Broad Ford, Flint Hill, and Snap. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Tornadoes are extremely difficult to see and confirm at night. Do not wait to see or hear the tornado. TAKE COVER NOW! && LAT...LON 3744 8621 3755 8590 3747 8589 3747 8590 3736 8588 3739 8618 TIME...MOT...LOC 1039Z 265DEG 46KT 3743 8614 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN $$ BJS  838 WOCN11 CWTO 061039 FREEZING DRIZZLE ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:39 A.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEZING DRIZZLE ADVISORY FOR: WINDSOR - ESSEX - CHATHAM-KENT SARNIA - LAMBTON ELGIN STRATHROY - KOMOKA - WESTERN MIDDLESEX COUNTY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== AREAS OF FREEZING DRIZZLE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. HAZARD: FREEZING DRIZZLE LEADING TO LIGHT ICE BUILD-UP AND SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. TIMING: THIS MORNING. DISCUSSION: FREEZING DRIZZLE MIXED WITH LIGHT SNOW, IS EXPECTED THIS MORNING. ANY SNOW AND FREEZING DRIZZLE WILL COME TO AN END NEAR NOON. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME ICY AND SLIPPERY. FREEZING DRIZZLE CAN PRODUCE THIN, HARD-TO-DETECT LAYERS OF ICE. TAKE EXTRA CARE WHEN WALKING OR DRIVING IN AFFECTED AREAS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN ONTARIO, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  259 WWUS53 KLMK 061040 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 440 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC183-061049- /O.CAN.KLMK.SV.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1100Z/ Ohio KY- 440 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL OHIO COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. && LAT...LON 3733 8672 3739 8661 3741 8662 3748 8619 3717 8617 3731 8672 TIME...MOT...LOC 1039Z 269DEG 42KT 3734 8652 $$ KYC031-061-085-061100- /O.CON.KLMK.SV.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1100Z/ Butler KY-Grayson KY-Edmonson KY- 440 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 AM CST FOR NORTHEASTERN BUTLER...SOUTHWESTERN GRAYSON AND NORTHWESTERN EDMONSON COUNTIES... At 439 AM CST, a severe thunderstorm was located 13 miles northeast of Morgantown, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Leitchfield, Brownsville, Casey, Lee, Caneyville, Windyville, Roundhill, Black Gold, Broadway, and Brooklyn. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain alert for a possible tornado! Tornadoes can develop quickly from severe thunderstorms. If you spot a tornado go at once into the basement or small central room in a sturdy structure. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3733 8672 3739 8661 3741 8662 3748 8619 3717 8617 3731 8672 TIME...MOT...LOC 1039Z 269DEG 42KT 3734 8652 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ Padgett  168 WWUS72 KJAX 061040 NPWJAX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Jacksonville FL 540 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 FLZ120-GAZ162-061500- /O.EXA.KJAX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Eastern Hamilton-Echols- Including the cities of Needmore, Statenville, Belmont, Jasper, White Springs, and Jennings 540 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one to two miles in dense fog. * WHERE...In Florida, Eastern Hamilton County. In Georgia, Echols County. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ FLZ021-035-220-236-340-522-061500- /O.CON.KJAX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Suwannee-Gilchrist-Western Hamilton-Western Alachua-Western Marion-Southwestern Columbia- Including the cities of Blue Springs, Newburn, Houston, West Lake, Newberry, Archer, Oleno State Park, Suwannee River Station, Suwannee Springs, Live Oak, Columbia, Trenton, McAlpin, High Springs, and Ocala Airport 540 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog. * WHERE...Gilchrist, Southwestern Columbia, Suwannee, Western Alachua, Western Hamilton, and Western Marion Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ For more information, visit us at www.weather.gov/jax CORLESS  178 WWUS81 KRLX 061040 SPSRLX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 540 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAZ004-WVZ024-033-034-515-516-061130- Buchanan VA-Wyoming WV-Northwest Raleigh WV-McDowell WV- Southeast Raleigh WV-Mingo WV- 540 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL IMPACT BUCHANAN...MCDOWELL... SOUTHEASTERN MINGO...CENTRAL RALEIGH AND WYOMING COUNTIES THROUGH 630 AM EST... At 540 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 9 miles west of Dry Creek to 7 miles southeast of Argo. Movement was east at 60 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Davy, Jolo, Bradshaw, Lester, Coalwood, Hurley, Rhodell, Wolf Pen, Jenkinjones, Herndon, Iaeger, Coal City, Panther, Mullens, Bolt, Arnett, Stacy, Oceana, Maybeury, and Glen Daniel. This includes the following highways... West Virginia Turnpike between mile markers 28 and 44. Interstate 64 in West Virginia between mile markers 120 and 126. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3733 8227 3784 8142 3774 8092 3769 8088 3768 8088 3771 8098 3764 8107 3759 8109 3758 8120 3751 8121 3746 8131 3742 8128 3742 8131 3728 8142 3726 8150 3721 8156 3720 8168 3724 8173 3720 8176 3713 8193 TIME...MOT...LOC 1040Z 289DEG 54KT 3778 8141 3744 8194 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ 14  286 WWUS74 KMAF 061043 NPWMAF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX 443 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 TXZ046>048-050>053-060>063-067>070-061500- /O.NEW.KMAF.FG.Y.0002.250206T1043Z-250206T1500Z/ Dawson-Borden-Scurry-Andrews-Martin-Howard-Mitchell-Winkler-Ector- Midland-Glasscock-Ward-Crane-Upton-Reagan- Including the cities of Lamesa, Colorado City, Garden City, Crane, Rankin, Stanton, Odessa, Snyder, Gail, McCamey, Kermit, Monahans, Big Spring, Midland, Andrews, and Big Lake 443 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...A portion of western Texas. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. Driving conditions will be hazardous due to low visibility and rapid changes in visibility over short distances. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ R Hluchan  569 WHUS76 KMTR 061043 MWWMTR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 243 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 PZZ560-061845- /O.UPG.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ /O.EXB.KMTR.GL.W.0005.250206T1700Z-250207T0500Z/ Coastal Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos California out to 10 NM- 243 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...South winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and seas 8 to 10 ft expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos California out to 10 NM. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 9 PM PST this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ545-061845- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250206T2300Z/ /O.EXB.KMTR.GL.W.0005.250206T2300Z-250207T0500Z/ Coastal Waters from Point Reyes to Pigeon Point California out to 10 NM- 243 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... ...GALE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, southeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 33 kt expected. For the Gale Warning, south winds around 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Point Reyes to Pigeon Point California out to 10 NM. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, from 9 AM this morning to 3 PM PST this afternoon. For the Gale Warning, from 3 PM this afternoon to 9 PM PST this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ565-061845- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0017.250206T1100Z-250206T1700Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.GL.W.0005.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ Coastal Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas California out to 10 NM- 243 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM PST THIS MORNING... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, southeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 33 kt expected. For the Gale Warning, south winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 45 kt and seas 8 to 10 ft expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas California out to 10 NM. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 9 AM PST this morning. For the Gale Warning, from 9 AM this morning to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ570-061845- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes 10-60 NM- 243 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt expected. * WHERE...Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes 10-60 NM. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ571-061845- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ Waters from Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10-60 NM- 243 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 33 kt and seas 9 to 11 ft expected. * WHERE...Waters from Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10-60 NM. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ575-061845- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos 10-60 NM- 243 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 34 kt and seas 9 to 11 ft expected. * WHERE...Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos 10-60 NM. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ576-061845- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas 10-60 NM- 243 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 34 kt and seas 9 to 11 ft expected. * WHERE...Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas 10- 60 NM. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ540-061845- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ Coastal Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes California out to 10 NM- 243 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes California out to 10 NM. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ535-061845- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ Monterey Bay- 243 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 34 kt expected. * WHERE...Monterey Bay. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/sanfrancisco  733 WSIL31 BICC 061038 BIRD SIGMET U05 VALID 061130/061330 BIRK- BIRD REYKJAVIK CTA SEV TURB FCST WI N6500 W02200 - N6630 W01830 - N6630 W01100 - N6330 W01340 - N6230 W02200 - N6500 W02200 SFC/FL120 NC=  862 WGUS41 KRLX 061044 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 544 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC039-061645- /O.NEW.KRLX.FA.W.0009.250206T1044Z-250206T1645Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Kanawha WV- 544 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 1145 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...A portion of southern West Virginia, including the following county, Kanawha. * WHEN...Until 1145 AM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Flooding of the Mud River and its tributaries, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Rivers and streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 542 AM EST, Doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the warned area. Between 2 and 3 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts of 0.5 to 1 inch are possible in the warned area. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Charleston, South Charleston, Dunbar, Chesapeake, Marmet, Belle, Cedar Grove, Coal Fork and Pinch. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3836 8161 3839 8157 3842 8146 3837 8138 3822 8134 3823 8173 3836 8173 3836 8162 $$ TRM  929 WSAG31 SABE 061049 SAEF SIGMET 4 VALID 061049/061449 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 1049Z WI S3836 W07116 - S4104 W06915 - S4145 W07204 - S3836 W07116 TOP FL140 STNR NC=  931 WGUS83 KJKL 061045 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 545 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC011-063-069-173-175-205-061330- /O.EXT.KJKL.FA.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1330Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bath KY-Elliott KY-Fleming KY-Montgomery KY-Morgan KY-Rowan KY- 545 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 830 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Urban and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of east central and southeast Kentucky, including the following counties, in east central Kentucky, Bath, Elliott, Fleming, Montgomery and Rowan. In southeast Kentucky, Morgan. * WHEN...Until 830 AM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 545 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause urban and small stream flooding. - Additional rainfall amounts of 0.3 to 0.7 inches are expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Mount Sterling, Morehead, Flemingsburg, Owingsville, Marshall, Camargo, Sharpsburg, Salt Lick, Fairview, Grange City, Ringos Mills, Moore's Ferry, Wyoming, Sharkey, Hillsboro, Ramey, Polksville, Oakley, Peasticks and Midland. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3831 8383 3836 8387 3836 8392 3844 8398 3846 8397 3849 8393 3846 8386 3852 8364 3848 8358 3843 8358 3839 8340 3821 8330 3819 8324 3827 8316 3818 8305 3813 8310 3807 8334 3799 8398 3812 8408 $$ GREIF  028 WSAG31 SABE 061049 SAEF SIGMET 4 VALID 061049/061449 SABE- SAEF EZEIZA FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 1049Z WI S3836 W07116 - S4104 W06915 - S4145 W07204 - S3836 W07116 TOP FL140 STNR NC=  539 WSFI31 EFKL 061045 EFIN SIGMET U01 VALID 061046/061446 EFKL- EFIN HELSINKI FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1046Z WI N7010 E02627 - N6953 E02937 - N6728 E02757 - N6624 E02348 - N6832 E02248 - N6835 E02450 - N7010 E02627 FL330/390 WKN FCST AT 1446Z WI N6942 E02915 - N6736 E02939 - N6638 E02353 - N6710 E02326 - N6835 E02622 - N7004 E02757 - N6942 E02915=  540 WSIL31 BICC 061043 BIRD SIGMET I03 VALID 061130/061430 BIRK- BIRD REYKJAVIK CTA SEV ICE FCST WI N6310 W01920 - N6500 W02150 - N6530 W01740 - N6440 W01250 - N6310 W01920 FL025/220 STNR NC=  571 WWUS83 KLMK 061047 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 447 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ061-061115- Butler KY- 447 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT CENTRAL BUTLER COUNTY THROUGH 515 AM CST... At 447 AM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles west of Morgantown, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 50 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Morgantown, Casey, Rochester, Woodbury, Monford, South Hill, Banock, Huntsville, Mining City, and Aberdeen. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3718 8692 3718 8689 3719 8691 3721 8690 3725 8687 3725 8685 3729 8683 3729 8681 3730 8682 3732 8677 3731 8676 3735 8669 3738 8661 3718 8653 3719 8657 3718 8662 3717 8661 3714 8662 3713 8691 3714 8693 TIME...MOT...LOC 1047Z 260DEG 45KT 3723 8684 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...50 MPH $$ Padgett  155 WWUS53 KLMK 061048 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 548 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC085-061058- /O.CAN.KLMK.TO.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1100Z/ Grayson KY- 548 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL GRAYSON COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The tornadic thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. && LAT...LON 3741 8603 3745 8604 3751 8590 3748 8589 3747 8589 3747 8590 3740 8589 3739 8589 TIME...MOT...LOC 1048Z 266DEG 48KT 3744 8598 $$ KYC093-099-061100- /O.CON.KLMK.TO.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1100Z/ Hart KY-Hardin KY- 548 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 AM EST/500 AM CST/ FOR NORTH CENTRAL HART AND SOUTH CENTRAL HARDIN COUNTIES... At 548 AM EST/448 AM CST/, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located 11 miles north of Munfordville, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Tornado and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. Locations impacted include... Upton, Vento, Lone Star, and Riders Mill. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Tornadoes are extremely difficult to see and confirm at night. Do not wait to see or hear the tornado. TAKE COVER NOW! && LAT...LON 3741 8603 3745 8604 3751 8590 3748 8589 3747 8589 3747 8590 3740 8589 3739 8589 TIME...MOT...LOC 1048Z 266DEG 48KT 3744 8598 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN $$ BJS  369 WSAU21 YMRF 061049 YMMM SIGMET T01 VALID 061049/061230 YMRF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SQL TS FCST WI S2910 E12300 - S3040 E12350 - S3120 E12300 - S3100 E12210 - S3030 E12250 - S2900 E12200 TOP FL360 MOV ENE 25KT NC=  974 WSUS32 KKCI 061055 SIGC MKCC WST 061055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 061255-061655 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  975 WSUS33 KKCI 061055 SIGW MKCW WST 061055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 061255-061655 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  976 WSUS31 KKCI 061055 SIGE MKCE WST 061055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 31E VALID UNTIL 1255Z NC FROM 50WNW ECG-50WSW ECG-20E RDU-30NNE RDU-50WNW ECG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS TO FL350. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 32E VALID UNTIL 1255Z PA MD VA NC WV OH TN KY FROM 50ENE EWC-20SW RIC-40NNE GQO-60S PXV-30NW AIR-50ENE EWC AREA SEV EMBD TS MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS ABV FL450. TORNADOES...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 33E VALID UNTIL 1255Z NC CSTL WTRS FROM 100ESE ECG-170ESE ECG-120SE ILM-100SE ILM-100ESE ECG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 24030KT. TOPS TO FL340. OUTLOOK VALID 061255-061655 FROM 40WSW DXO-PSB-GSO-40SSW BNA-40E PXV-40WSW DXO WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  731 WWUS82 KFFC 061050 SPSFFC Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Peachtree City GA 550 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 GAZ044-053>060-067>073-081-082-061700- South Fulton-Coweta-Fayette-Clayton-Spalding-Henry-Butts-Jasper- Putnam-Meriwether-Pike-Upson-Lamar-Monroe-Jones-Baldwin-Crawford- Bibb- 550 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...PATCHY DENSE FOG THIS MORNING ACROSS PARTS OF NORTH AND CENTRAL GEORGIA... Some patchy dense fog will restrict visibilities to less than one-half of a mile across parts of north and central Georgia. The fog should lift after 10 AM. If driving this morning, slow down, use low-beam headlights and leave extra distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. $$  764 WVFR35 LFPW 061051 LFRR SIGMET Y02 VALID 061000/061005 LFPW- LFRR BREST FIR/UIR TEST VA ERUPTION MT CHAINE DES PUYS PSN N4546 E00258 VA CLD FCST S OF LINE N4530 W00145 - N4530 W00345 AND NE OF LINE N4530 W00345 - N4430 W00145 FL080/150 INTSF FCST AT 1005Z NE OF LINE N4630 W00115 - N4715 W00230 AND SE OF LINE N4715 W00230 - N4830 W00015=  765 WVFR33 LFPW 061051 LFEE SIGMET Y02 VALID 061000/061005 LFPW- LFEE REIMS FIR/UIR TEST VA ERUPTION MT CHAINE DES PUYS PSN N4546 E00258 VA CLD FCST AT 1005Z SW OF LINE N4645 E00615 - N4745 E00445 FL080/150=  766 WVFR32 LFPW 061051 LFBB SIGMET Y02 VALID 061000/061005 LFPW- LFBB BORDEAUX FIR/UIR TEST VA ERUPTION MT CHAINE DES PUYS PSN N4546 E00258 VA CLD FCST WI N4300 E00230 - N4315 E00115 - N4430 W00145 - N4530 W00145 - N4545 E00300 - N4300 E00230 FL080/150 INTSF FCST AT 1005Z WI N4400 E00215 - N4630 W00115 - N4630 W00015 - N4715 W00015 - N4715 E00200 - N4630 E00300 - N4530 E00300 - N4400 E00215=  767 WVFR34 LFPW 061051 LFMM SIGMET Y02 VALID 061000/061005 LFPW- LFMM MARSEILLE FIR/UIR TEST VA ERUPTION MT CHAINE DES PUYS PSN N4546 E00258 VA CLD FCST WI N4300 E00615 - N4300 E00230 - N4545 E00300 - N4630 E00330 - N4630 E00545 - N4300 E00615 FL080/150 INTSF FCST AT 1005Z WI N4530 E00300 - N4630 E00300 - N4630 E00630 - N4615 E00700 - N4600 E00700 - N4545 E00300 - N4530 E00300=  768 WVFR31 LFPW 061051 LFFF SIGMET Y02 VALID 061000/061005 LFPW- LFFF PARIS FIR/UIR TEST VA ERUPTION MT CHAINE DES PUYS PSN N4546 E00258 VA CLD FCST WI N4630 E00330 - N4845 E00500 - N4830 E00515 - N4815 E00530 - N4730 E00415 - N4630 E00445 - N4630 E00330 FL080/150 INTSF FCST AT 1005Z SE OF LINE N4830 W00015 - N4915 E00200 AND SW OF LINE N4915 E00200 - N4745 E00445=  317 WSIQ01 ORBI 061045 ORBB SIGMET A2 VALID 061000/061000 ORBI- ORBB BAGHDAD FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS E OF LINE N3527 E04441- N3392 E04442 MOV NE 15KT INTSF=  580 WWUS74 KAMA 061052 NPWAMA URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Amarillo TX 452 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 OKZ003-061200- /O.CAN.KAMA.FG.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Beaver- Including the cities of Forgan and Beaver 452 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Fog has dissipated across Beaver County this morning, so the advisory will be cancelled. $$ AH  197 WAIY31 LIIB 061053 LIMM AIRMET 7 VALID 061100/061200 LIIB- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 1200M BR FCST WI N4524 E01036 - N4532 E00905 - N4509 E00815 - N4457 E00831 - N4505 E00909 - N4443 E01133 - N4524 E01036 STNR NC=  383 WWUS43 KDLH 061053 WSWDLH URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Duluth MN 453 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 WIZ002-003-008-061200- /O.CAN.KDLH.WW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Bayfield-Ashland-Sawyer- Including the cities of Bayfield, Ashland, Washburn, and Hayward 453 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Snow has tapered off. A few additional snow showers are possible through 8 AM, though additional accumulation will be less than a quarter inch. Therefore the advisory is cancelled. $$ MNZ021-061200- /O.CON.KDLH.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Southern Cook- Including the cities of Grand Marais 453 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch. * WHERE...Southern Cook County. This includes the Tribal Lands of the Grand Portage Reservation. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST early this morning. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 511 or visit www.511mn.org for Minnesota road information. && $$ MNZ011-012-019-020-061200- /O.CON.KDLH.WW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ North St. Louis-Northern Cook and Lake-Central St. Louis-Southern Lake- Including the cities of Hibbing, Silver Bay, Two Harbors, Isabella, and Ely 453 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch. * WHERE...Central and North St. Louis, North Cook and Lake Counties. This includes the Tribal Lands of the Bois Forte Band, Nett Lake and, Lake Vermilion areas. Other locations including Voyageurs National Park. The entire Boundary Waters is also included. * WHEN...Until 6 AM CST early this morning. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Call 511 or visit www.511mn.org for Minnesota road information. && $$ For more information on Northland weather, visit www.weather. gov/duluth Huyck  019 WSSN31 ESWI 061051 ESAA SIGMET U01 VALID 061100/061300 ESSA- ESAA SWEDEN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6732 E02341 - N6611 E02354 - N6308 E02014 - N6304 E01754 - N6732 E02341 FL350/390 MOV NE 20KT=  649 WSAU21 YMMC 061054 YBBB SIGMET R02 VALID 061127/061527 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1400 E16110 - S1504 E16145 - S1531 E16159 - S1610 E16120 - S1500 E15910 - S1400 E15920 TOP FL520 STNR NC=  900 WWUS72 KCHS 061054 NPWCHS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Charleston SC 554 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 SCZ048-049-051-061500- /O.CON.KCHS.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Beaufort-Coastal Colleton-Coastal Jasper- Including the cities of Levy, Chelsea, Hilton Head Island, Jasper, Edisto Beach, and Beaufort 554 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Beaufort, Coastal Colleton, and Coastal Jasper Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ ST  093 WALJ31 LJLJ 061045 LJLA AIRMET 4 VALID 061100/061400 LJLJ- LJLA LJUBLJANA FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N4525 E01344 - N4552 E01332 - N4559 E01358 - N4527 E01436 - N4525 E01344 SFC/5000FT STNR NC=  800 WUUS53 KLMK 061056 SVRLMK KYC087-093-099-123-217-061130- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.W.0005.250206T1056Z-250206T1130Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 556 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Green County in central Kentucky... Southern Larue County in central Kentucky... Northeastern Hart County in central Kentucky... Northwestern Taylor County in central Kentucky... Southern Hardin County in central Kentucky... * Until 630 AM EST/530 AM CST/. * At 555 AM EST/455 AM CST/, a severe thunderstorm was located near Leitchfield, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Upton, Wards, Talley, Attilla, Wabash, Bloyd, Maxine, Badger, Magnolia, and Mac. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain alert for a possible tornado! Tornadoes can develop quickly from severe thunderstorms. If you spot a tornado go at once into the basement or small central room in a sturdy structure. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3739 8594 3747 8595 3753 8549 3751 8549 3750 8548 3734 8547 TIME...MOT...LOC 1055Z 268DEG 43KT 3743 8622 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ BJS  012 WSAU21 YMMC 061056 YBBB SIGMET P12 VALID 061135/061535 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1700 E15050 - S2150 E15900 - S2310 E15830 - S2500 E15200 - S2220 E14900 - S2230 E14840 - S2340 E14200 - S2100 E14030 FL150/260 MOV N 05KT NC=  762 WVCY31 LCLK 061000 LCCC SIGMET 1 VALID 061100/061105 LCLK- LCCC NICOSIA FIR TEST VA SIGMET PLEASE DISREGARD=  356 WWUS76 KSTO 061058 NPWSTO URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sacramento CA 258 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAZ016>019-067-070115- /O.NEW.KSTO.WI.Y.0006.250207T0000Z-250207T0900Z/ Central Sacramento Valley-Southern Sacramento Valley-Carquinez Strait and Delta-Northern San Joaquin Valley-Motherlode- Including the cities of Chico, Jackson, Oroville, Fairfield/Suisun, Marysville/Yuba City, Grass Valley, Sacramento, Modesto, and Stockton 258 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 1 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Eastern portions of the Delta, Central Sacramento Valley, Motherlode, Northern San Joaquin Valley, and Southern Sacramento Valley. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 1 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ For more information, visit us at www.weather.gov/sto/ KF  379 WWUS76 KLOX 061058 NPWLOX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 258 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAZ342-345-353-062300- /O.NEW.KLOX.HW.W.0008.250206T2000Z-250207T0500Z/ /O.NEW.KLOX.WI.Y.0016.250206T1058Z-250206T2000Z/ Santa Lucia Mountains-San Luis Obispo County Mountains-Santa Barbara County Interior Mountains- Including the cities of Irish Hills, Hearst Castle, La Panza Range, Big Pine Mountain, Figueroa Mountain, Caliente Range, San Rafael Mountain, and Santa Margarita Lake 258 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON PST TODAY... ...HIGH WIND WARNING IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...For the Wind Advisory, south winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph. For the High Wind Warning, south winds 25 to 40 mph with gusts up to 65 mph expected. * WHERE...San Luis Obispo County Mountains, Santa Barbara County Interior Mountains, and Santa Lucia Mountains. * WHEN...For the Wind Advisory, until noon PST today. For the High Wind Warning, from noon today to 9 PM PST this evening. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds could blow down trees and power lines. Widespread power outages are possible. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Watch for falling debris and tree limbs. Use caution if you must drive. Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ CAZ378>383-062300- /O.NEW.KLOX.WI.Y.0016.250206T1200Z-250207T2000Z/ Interstate 5 Corridor-Western San Gabriel Mountains and Highway 14 Corridor-Eastern San Gabriel Mountains-Western Antelope Valley Foothills-Eastern Antelope Valley Foothills-Antelope Valley- Including the cities of Gorman, Wrightwood, Mount Wilson, Acton, Mount Baldy, Lancaster, Warm Springs, Lake Palmdale, Llano, Palmdale, Elizabeth Lake, Pearblossom, Tejon Pass, The Angeles Crest Highway, Lake Los Angeles, Valyermo, Mill Creek, and Pyramid Lake 258 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 20 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Antelope Valley, Eastern Antelope Valley Foothills, Eastern San Gabriel Mountains, Interstate 5 Corridor, Western Antelope Valley Foothills, and Western San Gabriel Mountains and Highway 14 Corridor. * WHEN...Until noon PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ CAZ038-340-341-343-344-346>348-062300- /O.NEW.KLOX.WI.Y.0016.250206T1800Z-250207T1200Z/ Cuyama Valley-San Luis Obispo County Beaches-San Luis Obispo County Inland Central Coast-Southern Salinas Valley-San Luis Obispo County Interior Valleys-Santa Barbara County Central Coast Beaches-Santa Barbara County Inland Central Coast-Santa Ynez Valley- Including the cities of Lake Nacimiento, Creston, Los Olivos, Santa Ynez, Avila Beach, Templeton, Arroyo Grande, San Miguel, Solvang, Lompoc, San Luis Obispo, Shandon, Carrizo Plain, Vandenberg Space Force Base, Lopez Lake, Santa Maria, Atascadero, Lake Cachuma, Paso Robles, New Cuyama, Morro Bay, Nipomo, Pismo Beach, Cambria, and Buellton 258 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 4 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 15 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Cuyama Valley, San Luis Obispo County Beaches, San Luis Obispo County Inland Central Coast, San Luis Obispo County Interior Valleys, Santa Barbara County Central Coast Beaches, Santa Barbara County Inland Central Coast, Santa Ynez Valley, and Southern Salinas Valley. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 4 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ CAZ349-351-352-377-062300- /O.NEW.KLOX.WI.Y.0016.250206T2000Z-250207T0800Z/ Santa Barbara County Southwestern Coast-Santa Ynez Mountains Western Range-Santa Ynez Mountains Eastern Range-Northern Ventura County Mountains- Including the cities of Lockwood Valley, Mount Pinos, Ozena, Jalama Beach, Gaviota, El Capitan State Beach, San Marcos Pass, Montecito Hills, and Refugio State Beach 258 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM NOON TODAY TO MIDNIGHT PST TONIGHT... * WHAT...South winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Northern Ventura County Mountains, Santa Barbara County Southwestern Coast, Santa Ynez Mountains Eastern Range, and Santa Ynez Mountains Western Range. * WHEN...From noon today to midnight PST tonight. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ Visit us at http://www.weather.gov/LosAngeles Hall  001 WWUS53 KLMK 061058 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 558 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC093-099-061108- /O.EXP.KLMK.TO.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1100Z/ Hart KY-Hardin KY- 558 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR NORTH CENTRAL HART AND SOUTH CENTRAL HARDIN COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 600 AM EST/500 AM CST/... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Louisville. && LAT...LON 3741 8603 3745 8604 3751 8590 3748 8589 3747 8589 3747 8590 3740 8589 3739 8589 TIME...MOT...LOC 1058Z 266DEG 48KT 3745 8587 $$ BJS  574 WUUS53 KLMK 061059 SVRLMK KYC031-061-085-099-227-061130- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.W.0006.250206T1059Z-250206T1130Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 459 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Western Hart County in central Kentucky... Butler County in south central Kentucky... Southeastern Grayson County in central Kentucky... Northwestern Warren County in south central Kentucky... Edmonson County in south central Kentucky... * Until 530 AM CST. * At 458 AM CST, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 8 miles southeast of Leitchfield to Morgantown, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Leitchfield, Morgantown, Brownsville, Casey, Lee, Rochester, Woodbury, Roundhill, Rock Creek, and Mining City. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain alert for a possible tornado! Tornadoes can develop quickly from severe thunderstorms. If you spot a tornado go at once into the basement or small central room in a sturdy structure. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Intense thunderstorm lines can produce brief tornadoes and widespread significant wind damage. Although a tornado is not immediately likely, it is best to move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. These storms may cause serious injury and significant property damage. && LAT...LON 3722 8689 3724 8688 3725 8687 3725 8685 3726 8685 3747 8628 3744 8594 3721 8605 3711 8636 3717 8685 3719 8690 3721 8691 TIME...MOT...LOC 1058Z 270DEG 35KT 3739 8621 3722 8671 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ Padgett  444 WSAG31 SARE 061101 SARR SIGMET 3 VALID 061101/061249 SARE- SARR RESISTENCIA FIR CNL SIGMET 2 060849/061249=  892 WSAG31 SARE 061107 SARR SIGMET 4 VALID 061107/061407 SARE- SARR RESISTENCIA FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1107Z WI S2648 W06148 - S2833 W05559 - S3039 W05750 - S3013 W06034 - S2648 W06148 TOP FL390 MOV ENE 05KT INTSF=  348 WSAG31 SARE 061107 SARR SIGMET 4 VALID 061107/061407 SARE- SARR RESISTENCIA FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 1107Z WI S2648 W06148 - S2833 W05559 - S3039 W05750 - S3013 W06034 - S2648 W06148 TOP FL390 MOV ENE 05KT INTSF=  349 WABZ23 SBGL 061100 SBAZ AIRMET 6 VALID 061103/061400 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SFC VIS 0200M FG FCST WI S1300 W06031 - S1300 W05941 - S1224 W05941 - S1224 W06031 - S1300 W06031 STNR NC=  542 WSCI34 ZSSS 061105 ZSHA SIGMET 5 VALID 061130/061530 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N25 FL150/380 MOV E 20KMH NC=  570 WOXX01 KWNP 061106 ALTXMF Space Weather Message Code: ALTXMF Serial Number: 474 Issue Time: 2025 Feb 06 1101 UTC ALERT: X-Ray Flux exceeded M5 Threshold Reached: 2025 Feb 06 1113 UTC NOAA Scale: R2 - Moderate www.swpc.noaa.gov/noaa-scales-explanation Potential Impacts: Area of impact centered on sub-solar point on the sunlit side of Earth. Extent of blackout of HF (high frequency) radio communication dependent upon current X-ray Flux intensity. For real-time information on affected area and expected duration please see http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/d-region-absorption-predictions-d-rap. # Issued by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center # Recent messages, data, and help at http://swpc.noaa.gov/alerts/ # Send questions to SWPC.Webmaster@noaa.gov  042 WWUS53 KLMK 061106 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 606 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC093-061116- /O.CAN.KLMK.SV.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1130Z/ Hardin KY- 606 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN HARDIN COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. && LAT...LON 3739 8579 3748 8580 3753 8549 3751 8549 3750 8548 3734 8547 TIME...MOT...LOC 1106Z 268DEG 43KT 3743 8607 $$ KYC087-099-123-217-061130- /O.CON.KLMK.SV.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1130Z/ Green KY-Larue KY-Hart KY-Taylor KY- 606 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 630 AM EST/530 AM CST/ FOR NORTHWESTERN GREEN...SOUTHEASTERN LARUE... NORTHEASTERN HART AND NORTHWESTERN TAYLOR COUNTIES... At 606 AM EST/506 AM CST/, a severe thunderstorm was located 12 miles east of Leitchfield, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Wards, Attilla, Bloyd, Maxine, Badger, Magnolia, Mac, Jonesville, Allendale, and Hibernia. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain alert for a possible tornado! Tornadoes can develop quickly from severe thunderstorms. If you spot a tornado go at once into the basement or small central room in a sturdy structure. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3739 8579 3748 8580 3753 8549 3751 8549 3750 8548 3734 8547 TIME...MOT...LOC 1106Z 268DEG 43KT 3743 8607 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ BJS  924 WSCI34 ZSSS 061107 ZSHA SIGMET 6 VALID 061130/061530 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR SEV ICE FCST S OF N30 FL060/180 MOV E 20KMH NC=  766 WWUS81 KRNK 061108 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 608 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAZ010-011-WVZ042>044-507-508-061145- Giles VA-Bland VA-Western Greenbrier WV-Mercer WV-Summers WV- Eastern Greenbrier WV-Monroe WV- 608 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL IMPACT NORTHWESTERN GILES...NORTH CENTRAL BLAND...SOUTHWESTERN GREENBRIER... SUMMERS...MERCER AND WESTERN MONROE COUNTIES THROUGH 645 AM EST... At 608 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from Stanaford to near Mullens to near Welch. Movement was east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Bluefield... Princeton... Lewisburg... Hinton... Narrows... Ronceverte... and Alderson. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Locally heavy rain will quickly reduce visibility and result in ponding of water on roadways, standing water in low lying areas, and minor flooding of creeks, streams, and areas of poor drainage. Drivers are urged to slow down and use extra caution to avoid hydroplaning. && LAT...LON 3785 8035 3748 8056 3724 8094 3729 8131 3734 8136 3742 8131 3742 8128 3746 8131 3751 8121 3758 8119 3759 8109 3764 8107 3772 8097 3770 8091 3767 8090 3768 8088 3774 8092 3777 8089 3782 8094 3786 8082 TIME...MOT...LOC 1108Z 271DEG 40KT 3781 8113 3757 8130 3743 8153 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ BMG  425 WWUS74 KSJT 061109 NPWSJT URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Angelo TX 509 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 TXZ076>078-154-155-168>170-061500- /O.NEW.KSJT.FG.Y.0004.250206T1109Z-250206T1500Z/ Crockett-Schleicher-Sutton-McCulloch-San Saba-Menard-Kimble-Mason- Including the cities of London, San Saba, Pontotoc, Sonora, Fife, Menard, Cherokee, Roosevelt, Chappel, Katemcy, Cleo, Koockville, Voca, Hext, Harkeyville, Rochelle, Loyal Valley, Mason, Streeter, Segovia, Telegraph, Lohn, Junction, Fort Mckavett, Ozona, Eldorado, Erna, Brady, and Fredonia 509 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility near zero in some areas. * WHERE...Crockett, Kimble, Mason, McCulloch, Menard, San Saba, Schleicher, and Sutton Counties. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. Motorists along I-10 from Junction to Sonora to Ozona, and along US-87 from Brady to San Saba may experience sudden drops in visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to one quarter mile or less. If driving, slow down, use your low beams, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ 7  589 WWUS83 KLMK 061108 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 608 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ041-048-049-057-061145- Fayette KY-Jessamine KY-Clark KY-Madison KY- 608 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT CLARK...NORTHEASTERN JESSAMINE...NORTHEASTERN MADISON AND SOUTHEASTERN FAYETTE COUNTIES THROUGH 645 AM EST... At 608 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Veterans Park, moving east at 60 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Lexington, Winchester, Cadentown, Fayette Mall, Veterans Park, U K Arboretum, Chevy Chase, Goffs Corner, Chilesburg, and Renick. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3793 8397 3793 8398 3792 8398 3792 8399 3790 8399 3787 8400 3786 8401 3787 8402 3787 8403 3784 8401 3784 8402 3793 8454 3802 8454 3809 8406 TIME...MOT...LOC 1108Z 271DEG 54KT 3797 8446 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ ALL  362 WWUS86 KSTO 061109 AWWSCK CAC077-071100 Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Sacramento CA 307 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...Airport Weather Warning... The National Weather Service in Sacramento has issued an Airport Weather Warning for... Stockton Metropolitan Airport The following weather hazards are expected: Wind gusts greater than 35 knots. Expect southerly wind gusts near up to 35 kts between 1600 today, February 6th and 0100 February 7th. . $$ KF  779 WSCI38 ZYTX 061108 ZYSH SIGMET 4 VALID 061110/061510 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF LINE N4105 E11842 - N4153 E12259 - N4123 E12628 FL200/366 MOV E 20KMH NC =  012 WOCN11 CWTO 061110 FREEZING DRIZZLE ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:10 A.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEZING DRIZZLE ADVISORY FOR: =NEW= LONDON - PARKHILL - EASTERN MIDDLESEX COUNTY WINDSOR - ESSEX - CHATHAM-KENT SARNIA - LAMBTON ELGIN STRATHROY - KOMOKA - WESTERN MIDDLESEX COUNTY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== AREAS OF FREEZING DRIZZLE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. HAZARD: FREEZING DRIZZLE LEADING TO LIGHT ICE BUILD-UP AND SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. TIMING: THIS MORNING. DISCUSSION: FREEZING DRIZZLE MIXED WITH LIGHT SNOW, IS EXPECTED THIS MORNING. ANY SNOW AND FREEZING DRIZZLE WILL COME TO AN END NEAR NOON. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME ICY AND SLIPPERY. FREEZING DRIZZLE CAN PRODUCE THIN, HARD-TO-DETECT LAYERS OF ICE. TAKE EXTRA CARE WHEN WALKING OR DRIVING IN AFFECTED AREAS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN ONTARIO, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  065 WFUS53 KLMK 061110 TORLMK KYC087-099-123-217-061145- /O.NEW.KLMK.TO.W.0003.250206T1110Z-250206T1145Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 610 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Tornado Warning for... Northwestern Green County in central Kentucky... South central Larue County in central Kentucky... Northeastern Hart County in central Kentucky... Northwestern Taylor County in central Kentucky... * Until 645 AM EST/545 AM CST/. * At 609 AM EST/509 AM CST/, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located 11 miles south of Hodgenville, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...Tornado and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * This dangerous storm will be near... Campbellsville around 630 AM EST. Other locations impacted by this tornadic thunderstorm include Bloyd, Bengal, Badger, Saloma, Mac, Pike View, Hobson, Jonesville, White Rose, and Durhamtown. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Tornadoes are extremely difficult to see and confirm at night. Do not wait to see or hear the tornado. TAKE COVER NOW! && LAT...LON 3738 8577 3744 8578 3747 8536 3733 8538 TIME...MOT...LOC 1109Z 278DEG 37KT 3741 8572 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN $$ BJS  066 WFUS53 KLMK 061110 RRA TORLMK KYC031-061-061145- /O.NEW.KLMK.TO.W.0004.250206T1110Z-250206T1145Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 510 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Tornado Warning for... East central Butler County in south central Kentucky... Edmonson County in south central Kentucky... * Until 545 AM CST. * At 510 AM CST, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located 11 miles east of Morgantown, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * This dangerous storm will be near... Brownsville around 520 AM CST. Other locations impacted by this tornadic thunderstorm include Windyville, Roundhill, Black Gold, Broadway, Brooklyn, Sunfish, Straw, Huff, Asphalt, and Reedyville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Tornadoes are extremely difficult to see and confirm at night. Do not wait to see or hear the tornado. TAKE COVER NOW! && LAT...LON 3729 8659 3733 8633 3733 8619 3734 8619 3733 8618 3734 8616 3728 8610 3711 8611 3716 8638 3717 8640 3716 8641 3717 8648 3719 8650 3718 8653 3719 8659 TIME...MOT...LOC 1110Z 266DEG 49KT 3724 8650 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN $$ Padgett  932 WSCI34 ZSSS 061110 ZSHA SIGMET 7 VALID 061130/061530 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR OBSC TS FCST N OF N35 TOP FL030/180 MOV E 20KMH NC=  215 WWUS20 KWNS 061110 SEL3 SPC WW 061110 KYZ000-061600- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Tornado Watch Number 3 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 510 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 The NWS Storm Prediction Center has issued a * Tornado Watch for portions of Central Kentucky * Effective this Thursday morning from 510 AM until 1000 AM CST. * Primary threats include... A couple tornadoes possible Isolated damaging wind gusts to 70 mph possible Isolated large hail events to 1 inch in diameter possible SUMMARY...A line of thunderstorms is currently moving across central Kentucky. This line has intensified over the past hour and environmental conditions are expected to remain supportive of strong to severe thunderstorms capable of producing brief tornadoes, strong gusts, and isolated small hail. The tornado watch area is approximately along and 70 statute miles east and west of a line from 20 miles south of Bowling Green KY to 40 miles west northwest of Jackson KY. For a complete depiction of the watch see the associated watch outline update (WOUS64 KWNS WOU3). PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... REMEMBER...A Tornado Watch means conditions are favorable for tornadoes and severe thunderstorms in and close to the watch area. Persons in these areas should be on the lookout for threatening weather conditions and listen for later statements and possible warnings. && AVIATION...Tornadoes and a few severe thunderstorms with hail surface and aloft to 1 inch. Extreme turbulence and surface wind gusts to 60 knots. A few cumulonimbi with maximum tops to 500. Mean storm motion vector 27040. ...Mosier  216 WWUS30 KWNS 061110 SAW3 SPC AWW 061110 WW 3 TORNADO KY 061110Z - 061600Z AXIS..70 STATUTE MILES EAST AND WEST OF LINE.. 20S BWG/BOWLING GREEN KY/ - 40WNW JKL/JACKSON KY/ ..AVIATION COORDS.. 60NM E/W /15S BWG - 44N LOZ/ HAIL SURFACE AND ALOFT..1 INCH. WIND GUSTS..60 KNOTS. MAX TOPS TO 500. MEAN STORM MOTION VECTOR 27040. LAT...LON 36668768 37758534 37758278 36668516 THIS IS AN APPROXIMATION TO THE WATCH AREA. FOR A COMPLETE DEPICTION OF THE WATCH SEE WOUS64 KWNS FOR WOU3.  247 WOUS64 KWNS 061110 WOU3 BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 3 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 510 AM CST THU FEB 6 2025 TORNADO WATCH 3 IS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1000 AM CST FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS KYC001-003-009-021-025-031-045-049-051-053-057-061-065-067-079- 087-099-109-113-121-123-125-129-137-141-147-151-153-155-165-167- 169-171-173-175-189-197-199-203-207-213-217-227-229-231-235-237- 061600- /O.NEW.KWNS.TO.A.0003.250206T1110Z-250206T1600Z/ KY . KENTUCKY COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ADAIR ALLEN BARREN BOYLE BREATHITT BUTLER CASEY CLARK CLAY CLINTON CUMBERLAND EDMONSON ESTILL FAYETTE GARRARD GREEN HART JACKSON JESSAMINE KNOX LARUE LAUREL LEE LINCOLN LOGAN MADISON MAGOFFIN MARION MCCREARY MENIFEE MERCER METCALFE MONROE MONTGOMERY MORGAN OWSLEY POWELL PULASKI ROCKCASTLE RUSSELL SIMPSON TAYLOR WARREN WASHINGTON WAYNE WHITLEY WOLFE $$ ATTN...WFO...LMK...JKL...  248 WWUS40 KWNS 061110 WWP3 TORNADO WATCH PROBABILITIES FOR WT 0003 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0507 AM CST THU FEB 06 2025 WT 0003 PROBABILITY TABLE: PROB OF 2 OR MORE TORNADOES : 40% PROB OF 1 OR MORE STRONG /EF2-EF5/ TORNADOES : 10% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE WIND EVENTS : 20% PROB OF 1 OR MORE WIND EVENTS >= 65 KNOTS : 10% PROB OF 10 OR MORE SEVERE HAIL EVENTS : 20% PROB OF 1 OR MORE HAIL EVENTS >= 2 INCHES : 10% PROB OF 6 OR MORE COMBINED SEVERE HAIL/WIND EVENTS : 50% && ATTRIBUTE TABLE: MAX HAIL /INCHES/ : 1.0 MAX WIND GUSTS SURFACE /KNOTS/ : 60 MAX TOPS /X 100 FEET/ : 500 MEAN STORM MOTION VECTOR /DEGREES AND KNOTS/ : 27040 PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION : NO && FOR A COMPLETE GEOGRAPHICAL DEPICTION OF THE WATCH AND WATCH EXPIRATION INFORMATION SEE WOUS64 FOR WOU3. $$  416 WWUS46 KEKA 061110 WSWEKA URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Eureka CA 310 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FINAL ROUND OF SNOW THURSDAY AFTERNOON INTO FRIDAY... .A final round of snow will impact the area Thursday afternoon into early Friday. Snow levels will start around 2000 feet but gradually increase into Friday morning. The heaviest snow will be focused at the high elevations of Trinity County with less amounts in Humboldt and Del Norte. Little more than a trace is expected further south except on the highest mountain peaks. CAZ108-062300- /O.UPG.KEKA.WW.Y.0004.250206T1800Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.EXA.KEKA.WS.W.0004.250206T1800Z-250207T1800Z/ Southern Trinity- Including Hwy 3-Hayfork Summit and Hwy 36-South Fork Mountain 310 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 7 inches along high elevations of highways 36 and 3. Up to 12 inches on high isolated peaks. * WHERE...Southern Trinity. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Snow chains may be required. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ CAZ107-062300- /O.CON.KEKA.WS.W.0004.250206T1800Z-250207T1800Z/ Northern Trinity- Including Hwy 299-Buckhorn Summit and Hwy 3-Scott Mountain 310 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 8 inches along high elevations of highways 299 and 3. Higher amounts of up to 16 inches on high peaks including Scott Mountain pass. * WHERE...Northern Trinity. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Snow chains may be required. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ CAZ102-105-062300- /O.EXT.KEKA.WW.Y.0004.250206T1800Z-250207T1800Z/ Del Norte Interior-Northern Humboldt Interior- Including Hwy 299-Berry Summit, Hwy 199-Collier Tunnel, and Bald Hills Rd 310 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 5 inches along high elevations of highways 299, 199, and 36. Higher amounts up to 12 inches on high isolated peaks. * WHERE...Del Norte Interior and Northern Humboldt Interior. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Snow chains may be required. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For hazard areas see https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/map/?wfo=eka JHW  477 WSCI38 ZYTX 061108 ZYSH SIGMET 4 VALID 061110/061510 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF LINE N4105 E11842 - N4153 E12259 - N4123 E12628 FL200/366 MOV E 20KMH NC =  054 WOCN13 CWWG 061110 BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:10 A.M. CST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR: =NEW= CITY OF REGINA =NEW= FORT QU'APPELLE - INDIAN HEAD - LUMSDEN - PILOT BUTTE =NEW= CARLYLE - OXBOW - CARNDUFF - BIENFAIT - STOUGHTON =NEW= ESTEVAN - WEYBURN - RADVILLE - MILESTONE =NEW= MOOSE JAW - PENSE - CENTRAL BUTTE - CRAIK =NEW= ASSINIBOIA - GRAVELBOURG - CORONACH =NEW= SWIFT CURRENT - HERBERT - CABRI - KYLE - LUCKY LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== POOR VISIBILITY IN SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW IS EXPECTED OR OCCURRING IN SOME LOCATIONS. WINDS GUSTING UP TO 60 KM/H COMBINED WITH FALLING SNOW ARE CREATING REDUCED VISIBILITIES IN BLOWING SNOW. THE WINDS WILL GRADUALLY TAPER OFF AND VISIBILITIES WILL IMPROVE THIS AFTERNOON. TRAVEL IS EXPECTED TO BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO REDUCED VISIBILITY IN SOME LOCATIONS. VISIBILITY MAY BE SIGNIFICANTLY AND SUDDENLY REDUCED TO NEAR ZERO. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  539 WSCI38 ZYTX 061109 ZYSH SIGMET 5 VALID 061110/061430 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR CNL SIGMET 3 061030/061430=  575 WSCI34 ZSSS 061111 ZSHA SIGMET 8 VALID 061130/061530 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR CNL SIGMET 7 061130/061530=  088 WSCN04 CWAO 061111 CZYZ SIGMET B4 VALID 061110/061325 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR CNL SIGMET B3 060925/061325=  089 WSCN24 CWAO 061111 CZYZ SIGMET B4 VALID 061110/061325 CWUL- CZYZ TORONTO FIR CNL SIGMET B3 060925/061325 RMK GFACN33=  885 WWUS53 KLMK 061112 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 512 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC031-061-085-099-227-061130- /O.CON.KLMK.SV.W.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1130Z/ Hart KY-Butler KY-Grayson KY-Warren KY-Edmonson KY- 512 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 530 AM CST FOR WESTERN HART...EAST CENTRAL BUTLER...SOUTHEASTERN GRAYSON...NORTH CENTRAL WARREN AND EDMONSON COUNTIES... At 511 AM CST, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 12 miles northwest of Munfordville to 7 miles east of Morgantown, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Morgantown, Brownsville, Lee, Woodbury, Roundhill, Aberdeen, Black Gold, Cub Run, Broad Ford, and Sunfish. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1000 AM CST for south central and central Kentucky. Remain alert for a possible tornado! Tornadoes can develop quickly from severe thunderstorms. If you spot a tornado go at once into the basement or small central room in a sturdy structure. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Intense thunderstorm lines can produce brief tornadoes and widespread significant wind damage. Although a tornado is not immediately likely, it is best to move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. These storms may cause serious injury and significant property damage. && LAT...LON 3738 8625 3744 8594 3721 8605 3711 8636 3716 8672 3725 8671 TIME...MOT...LOC 1111Z 270DEG 35KT 3739 8607 3722 8657 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ Padgett  932 WGUS86 KMTR 061112 FLSMTR Flood Statement National Weather Service San Francisco CA 312 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in California... Russian River at Johnsons Beach at Guerneville affecting Sonoma County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov. The next statement will be issued this afternoon at 315 PM PST. && CAC097-062315- /O.EXT.KMTR.FL.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T2347Z/ /GUEC1.2.ER.250205T0459Z.250205T1800Z.250206T1147Z.NO/ 312 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring. * WHERE...Russian River at Johnsons Beach at Guerneville. * WHEN...Until this afternoon. * IMPACTS...At 35.0 feet, Moderate flooding is forecast along the lower Russian River. Numerous businesses and residences in the lowest sections of towns within the reach are expected to flood. In Guerneville Brookside Resort begins to flood. More extensive flooding occurs at Parkers Resort. In Northwood lower Redwood Drive floods. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 2:00 AM PST Thursday the stage was 34.6 feet. - Bankfull stage is 32.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 2:00 AM PST Thursday was 36.4 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage later today - Flood stage is 32.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 34.7 feet on 12/04/1950. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3846 12314 3854 12300 3853 12288 3848 12284 3847 12298 3841 12310 $$ Flynn  934 WSCI34 ZSSS 061111 ZSHA SIGMET 9 VALID 061130/061530 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR SEV ICE FCST N OF N35 FL030/180 MOV E 20KMH NC=  109 WSUY31 SUMU 061110 SUEO SIGMET A4 VALID 061110/061510 SUMU- SUEO MONTEVIDEO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3359 W05302 - S3548 W05407 - S3657 W05145 - S3408 W05037 - S3359 W05302 FL100/ MOV E 10KT NC=  389 WWUS63 KLMK 061113 WCNLMK WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 3 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LOUISVILLE KY 613 AM EST THU FEB 6 2025 KYC001-003-009-021-031-045-049-053-057-061-067-079-087-099-113- 123-137-141-151-155-167-169-171-207-213-217-227-229-061600- /O.NEW.KLMK.TO.A.0003.250206T1113Z-250206T1600Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED TORNADO WATCH 3 IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST /10 AM CST/ THIS MORNING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN KENTUCKY THIS WATCH INCLUDES 28 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL KENTUCKY BOYLE CASEY CLARK FAYETTE GARRARD GREEN HART JESSAMINE LARUE LINCOLN MADISON MARION MERCER TAYLOR WASHINGTON IN SOUTH CENTRAL KENTUCKY ADAIR ALLEN BARREN BUTLER CLINTON CUMBERLAND EDMONSON LOGAN METCALFE MONROE RUSSELL SIMPSON WARREN THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ABERDEEN, ALBANY, ALLENDALE, ALVATON, AMANDAVILLE, ARGYLE, ATHERTONVILLE, BEAUMONT, BEREA, BLACK GNAT, BOHON, BOWLING GREEN, BOYCE, BRYANTSVILLE, BUCKEYE, BUFFALO, BURKESVILLE, CAMPBELLSVILLE, CANE VALLEY, CANMER, CAVE CITY, CLEMENTSVILLE, COBURG, COLUMBIA, CREELSBORO, CROCUS, CUMBERLAND CITY, DANVILLE, DUBRE, DUNBAR, DUNNVILLE, EDMONTON, EIGHTY EIGHT, ELK HORN, ELLA, EXIE, FLAT ROCK, FORD, FOREST SPRINGS, FRANKLIN, GASCON, GLASGOW, GLENS FORK, GRADYVILLE, GREENSBURG, HALFWAY, HARDYVILLE, HARRODSBURG, HAYWOOD, HESTAND, HIGH BRIDGE, HILLVIEW, HOBSON, HODGENVILLE, HORSE CAVE, JABEZ, JAMESTOWN, KEENE, KESSINGER, KINGSTON, KIRKSVILLE, KNOB LICK, LANCASTER, LEBANON, LECTA, LEXINGTON, LIBERTY, LOGANSPORT, LOWELL, LUCAS, LYONS, MAGNOLIA, MARROWBONE, MAUD, MAYNARD, MCCREARY, MIDDLEBURG, MIDDLETOWN, MINTONVILLE, MORGANTOWN, MUD LICK, MUNFORDVILLE, NEW MARKET, NICHOLASVILLE, OLGA, PAINT LICK, PEYTONSBURG, PIERCE, PLANO, PRICES MILL, PROVIDENCE, QUALITY, REDHOUSE, REX, RICHARDSVILLE, RICHMOND, ROCKBRIDGE, ROWLAND, RUCKERVILLE, RUSSELL SPRINGS, RUSSELLVILLE, SALEM, SALOMA, SCOTTSVILLE, SHAKERTOWN, SPRINGFIELD, STANFORD, STATIC, SUMMER SHADE, SUMMERSVILLE, TOMPKINSVILLE, UNO, VALLEY VIEW, WILMORE, WINCHESTER, WINDSOR, WISDOM, AND YUMA. $$  827 WWUS63 KJKL 061115 WCNJKL WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 3 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON KY 615 AM EST THU FEB 6 2025 KYC025-051-065-109-121-125-129-147-153-165-173-175-189-197-199- 203-231-235-237-061600- /O.NEW.KJKL.TO.A.0003.250206T1115Z-250206T1600Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED TORNADO WATCH 3 IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST THIS MORNING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN KENTUCKY THIS WATCH INCLUDES 19 COUNTIES IN EAST CENTRAL KENTUCKY ESTILL MENIFEE MONTGOMERY POWELL IN SOUTH CENTRAL KENTUCKY LAUREL MCCREARY PULASKI ROCKCASTLE WAYNE WHITLEY IN SOUTHEAST KENTUCKY BREATHITT CLAY JACKSON KNOX LEE MAGOFFIN MORGAN OWSLEY WOLFE THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ANNVILLE, BARBOURVILLE, BEATTYVILLE, BOONEVILLE, BRODHEAD, BURNSIDE, CAMARGO, CAMPTON, CLAY CITY, CORBIN, FRENCHBURG, IRVINE, JACKSON, JEFFERSONVILLE, LONDON, MANCHESTER, MCKEE, MONTICELLO, MOUNT STERLING, MOUNT VERNON, RAVENNA, SALYERSVILLE, SOMERSET, STANTON, STEARNS, WEST LIBERTY, WHITLEY CITY, AND WILLIAMSBURG. $$ GREIF  584 WSSN31 ESWI 061110 ESAA SIGMET U02 VALID 061200/061600 ESSA- ESAA SWEDEN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6830 E02203 - N6755 E02341 - N6725 E02345 - N6538 E01906 - N6635 E01755 - N6830 E02203 SFC/FL080 STNR WKN=  759 WOXX03 KWNP 061116 SUM10R Space Weather Message Code: SUM10R Serial Number: 859 Issue Time: 2025 Feb 06 1111 UTC SUMMARY: 10cm Radio Burst Begin Time: 2025 Feb 06 1058 UTC Maximum Time: 2025 Feb 06 1058 UTC End Time: 2025 Feb 06 1058 UTC Duration: 1 minutes Peak Flux: 8100 sfu Latest Penticton Noon Flux: 191 sfu Description: A 10cm radio burst indicates that the electromagnetic burst associated with a solar flare at the 10cm wavelength was double or greater than the initial 10cm radio background. This can be indicative of significant radio noise in association with a solar flare. This noise is generally short-lived but can cause interference for sensitive receivers including radar, GPS, and satellite communications. # Issued by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center # Recent messages, data, and help at http://swpc.noaa.gov/alerts/ # Send questions to SWPC.Webmaster@noaa.gov  049 WSIQ01 ORBI 061115 ORBB SIGMET A2 VALID 061000/061400 ORBI- ORBB BAGHDAD FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS E OF LINE N3527 E04441- N3392 E04442 MOV NE 15KT INTSF=  111 WUUS53 KLMK 061117 SVRLMK KYC087-099-061145- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.W.0007.250206T1117Z-250206T1145Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 517 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Green County in central Kentucky... Central Hart County in central Kentucky... * Until 545 AM CST. * At 517 AM CST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Munfordville, moving east at 60 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Greensburg, Munfordville, Bonnieville, Leitchfield Crossing, Bluff Boom, Hudgins, Lobb, Pike View, Linwood, and Priceville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain alert for a possible tornado! Tornadoes can develop quickly from severe thunderstorms. If you spot a tornado go at once into the basement or small central room in a sturdy structure. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1000 AM CST for central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3731 8602 3739 8601 3739 8580 3734 8546 3731 8544 3730 8544 3731 8543 3725 8539 TIME...MOT...LOC 1117Z 269DEG 52KT 3735 8598 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ BJS  439 WSBZ23 SBGL 061125 SBAZ SIGMET 32 VALID 061130/061530 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0054 W05909 - S0324 W05809 - S0412 W05613 - S0314 W05350 - S0126 W05404 - S0143 W05542 - S0032 W05627 - N0153 W05631 - N0204 W05706 - N0107 W05808 - S0054 W05909 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  440 WSBZ23 SBGL 061125 SBAZ SIGMET 31 VALID 061130/061530 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0143 W06435 - N0038 W06433 - S0010 W06321 - N0004 W06145 - N0115 W06045 - N0335 W06327 - N0243 W06405 - N0207 W06349 - N0143 W06435 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  488 WWUS63 KLMK 061117 WCNLMK WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 3 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LOUISVILLE KY 617 AM EST THU FEB 6 2025 KYC001-003-009-021-031-045-049-053-057-061-067-079-087-099-113- 123-137-141-151-155-167-169-171-207-213-217-227-229-061600- /O.CON.KLMK.TO.A.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ TORNADO WATCH 3 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 11 AM EST /10 AM CST/ THIS MORNING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN KENTUCKY THIS WATCH INCLUDES 28 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL KENTUCKY BOYLE CASEY CLARK FAYETTE GARRARD GREEN HART JESSAMINE LARUE LINCOLN MADISON MARION MERCER TAYLOR WASHINGTON IN SOUTH CENTRAL KENTUCKY ADAIR ALLEN BARREN BUTLER CLINTON CUMBERLAND EDMONSON LOGAN METCALFE MONROE RUSSELL SIMPSON WARREN THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ABERDEEN, ALBANY, ALLENDALE, ALVATON, AMANDAVILLE, ARGYLE, ATHERTONVILLE, BEAUMONT, BEREAFFTERNOONA, BLACK GNAT, BOHON, BOWLING GREEN, BOYCE, BRYANTSVILLE, BUCKEYE, BUFFALO, BURKESVILLE, CAMPBELLSVILLE, CANE VALLEY, CANMER, CAVE CITY, CLEMENTSVILLE, COBURG, COLUMBIA, CREELSBORO, CROCUS, CUMBERLAND CITY, DANVILLE, DUBRE, DUNBAR, DUNNVILLE, EDMONTON, EIGHTY EIGHT, ELK HORN, ELLA, EXIE, FLAT ROCK, FORD, FOREST SPRINGS, FRANKLIN, GASCON, GLASGOW, GLENS FORK, GRADYVILLE, GREENSBURG, HALFWAY, HARDYVILLE, HARRODSBURG, HAYWOOD, HESTAND, HIGH BRIDGE, HILLVIEW, HOBSON, HODGENVILLE, HORSE CAVE, JABEZ, JAMESTOWN, KEENE, KESSINGER, KINGSTON, KIRKSVILLE, KNOB LICK, LANCASTER, LEBANON, LECTA, LEXINGTON, LIBERTY, LOGANSPORT, LOWELL, LUCAS, LYONS, MAGNOLIA, MARROWBONE, MAUD, MAYNARD, MCCREARY, MIDDLEBURG, MIDDLETOWN, MINTONVILLE, MORGANTOWN, MUD LICK, MUNFORDVILLE, NEW MARKET, NICHOLASVILLE, OLGA, PAINT LICK, PEYTONSBURG, PIERCE, PLANO, PRICES MILL, PROVIDENCE, QUALITY, REDHOUSE, REX, RICHARDSVILLE, RICHMOND, ROCKBRIDGE, ROWLAND, RUCKERVILLE, RUSSELL SPRINGS, RUSSELLVILLE, SALEM, SALOMA, SCOTTSVILLE, SHAKERTOWN, SPRINGFIELD, STANFORD, STATIC, SUMMER SHADE, SUMMERSVILLE, TOMPKINSVILLE, UNO, VALLEY VIEW, WILMORE, WINCHESTER, WINDSOR, WISDOM, AND YUMA. $$  745 WSBZ23 SBGL 061125 SBAZ SIGMET 34 VALID 061130/061530 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0803 W05121 - S0652 W05329 - S0412 W05132 - S0523 W04928 - S0803 W05121 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  746 WSBZ23 SBGL 061125 SBAZ SIGMET 33 VALID 061130/061530 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0005 W05119 - S0052 W04856 - S0207 W04504 - S0247 W04203 - S0210 W04151 - S0126 W04259 - S0122 W04332 - N0009 W04627 - N0118 W05005 - S0005 W05119 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  747 WSBZ23 SBGL 061125 SBAZ SIGMET 35 VALID 061130/061530 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1059 W05508 - S1001 W05720 - S0756 W05552 - S0857 W05342 - S1059 W05508 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  194 WSIR31 OIII 061114 OIIX SIGMET 09 VALID 061113/061430 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3540 E04544 - N3642 E04518 - N3631 E04730 - N3533 E04851 - N3330 E05034 - N3230 E05026 - N3132 E05003 - N3102 E04751 - N3232 E04718 - N3351 E04536 - N3448 E04536 - N3540 E04544 TOP FL320 MOV ENE INTSF=  567 WHUS71 KGYX 061118 MWWGYX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gray ME 618 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ANZ150-152-154-070130- /O.CON.KGYX.GL.W.0011.250207T0600Z-250208T0000Z/ Coastal Waters from Stonington, ME to Port Clyde, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Port Clyde, ME to Cape Elizabeth, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Cape Elizabeth, ME to Merrimack River, MA out 25 NM- 618 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 7 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and seas 4 to 7 ft expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Stonington, ME to Port Clyde, ME out 25 NM, Coastal Waters from Port Clyde, ME to Cape Elizabeth, ME out 25 NM and Coastal Waters from Cape Elizabeth, ME to Merrimack River, MA out 25 NM. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 7 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ ANZ151-153-070130- /O.CON.KGYX.SC.Y.0018.250207T0600Z-250208T0000Z/ Penobscot Bay-Casco Bay- 618 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 7 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 2 to 5 ft expected. * WHERE...Penobscot Bay and Casco Bay. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 7 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  149 WWUS53 KLMK 061118 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 618 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC099-123-061128- /O.CAN.KLMK.TO.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1145Z/ Larue KY-Hart KY- 618 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL LARUE AND NORTHEASTERN HART COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The tornadic thunderstorm which prompted the warning has weakened. moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST/1000 AM CST/ for central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3737 8566 3745 8564 3746 8554 3745 8553 3746 8553 3747 8537 3747 8536 3746 8536 3733 8538 TIME...MOT...LOC 1118Z 278DEG 37KT 3740 8560 $$ KYC087-217-061145- /O.CON.KLMK.TO.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1145Z/ Green KY-Taylor KY- 618 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 AM EST/545 AM CST/ FOR NORTHWESTERN GREEN AND NORTHWESTERN TAYLOR COUNTIES... At 618 AM EST/518 AM CST/, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located 11 miles northwest of Greensburg, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Tornado and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. This dangerous storm will be near... Campbellsville around 630 AM EST. Other locations impacted by this tornadic thunderstorm include Bloyd, Bengal, Saloma, Mac, Hobson, White Rose, Durhamtown, Sweeneyville, Allendale, and Willowtown. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Tornadoes are extremely difficult to see and confirm at night. Do not wait to see or hear the tornado. TAKE COVER NOW! && LAT...LON 3737 8566 3745 8564 3746 8554 3745 8553 3746 8553 3747 8537 3747 8536 3746 8536 3733 8538 TIME...MOT...LOC 1118Z 278DEG 37KT 3740 8560 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN $$ BJS  306 WACN02 CWAO 061120 CZEG AIRMET E2 VALID 061120/061520 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR BKN CLD 300-500/6000FT OBS WI 30NM OF N6838 W09556 STNR NC=  307 WACN22 CWAO 061120 CZEG AIRMET E2 VALID 061120/061520 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR BKN CLD 300-500/6000FT OBS WI 30NM OF /N6838 W09556/CYHK STNR NC RMK GFACN36=  306 WSBZ23 SBGL 061125 SBCW SIGMET 24 VALID 061130/061530 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3010 W05737 - S3057 W05602 - S3103 W05324 - S2957 W05107 - S2746 W04958 - S2733 W05442 - S2819 W05552 - S3010 W05737 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  307 WWCN02 CYTR 061120 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB EDMONTON/NAMAO PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 4:20 AM MST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB EDMONTON/NAMAO (CYED) TYPE: WIND CHILL ADVISORY ENDED COMMENTS: WIND CHILL VALUES COLDER THAN MINUS 30 ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED. END/JMC  958 WSBZ23 SBGL 061125 SBCW SIGMET 25 VALID 061130/061530 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2046 W05805 - S2204 W05801 - S2221 W05549 - S2245 W05543 - S2055 W05512 - S2046 W05805 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  959 WSBZ23 SBGL 061125 SBCW SIGMET 26 VALID 061130/061530 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2216 W04521 - S2216 W03857 - S2138 W03857 - S2045 W03949 - S2052 W04000 - S2057 W04015 - S2054 W04034 - S2042 W04049 - S2024 W04059 - S2037 W04200 - S2025 W04245 - S2009 W04324 - S2032 W04358 - S2216 W04521 FL280/390 STNR NC=  960 WSBZ23 SBGL 061125 SBCW SIGMET 27 VALID 061130/061530 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1915 W05757 - S2052 W05614 - S2055 W05512 - S2139 W05525 - S2210 W05452 - S2402 W05240 - S2810 W04749 - S2511 W04616 - S2343 W04701 - S2307 W04734 - S2220 W04955 - S2020 W05127 - S1724 W05407 - S1734 W05441 - S1743 W05611 - S1750 W05743 - S1812 W05733 - S1915 W05757 FL150/230 STNR NC=  512 WWUS83 KJKL 061122 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 622 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ050-051-059-060-061145- Montgomery KY-Menifee KY-Bath KY-Powell KY- 622 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHERN POWELL...MONTGOMERY... SOUTH CENTRAL BATH AND WESTERN MENIFEE COUNTIES THROUGH 645 AM EST... At 621 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Winchester, or 12 miles west of Mount Sterling, moving east at 60 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Mount Sterling, Stanton, Frenchburg, Jeffersonville, Camargo, Clay City, Campsites in the Indian Creek area of the Daniel Boone National Forrest, Clay Lick, Means, Levee, Preston, Cornwell, Rothwell, Walkers Crossing, Olympia Springs, Cedar Groves, Coons Station, Stepstone, Bean, and Waltersville. THIS INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING HIGHWAYS... Bert T. Combs Mountain Parkway between mile markers 12 and 16, and near mile marker 27. Interstate 64 in eastern Kentucky between mile markers 105 and 113. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for east central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3811 8363 3783 8365 3787 8403 3787 8402 3788 8400 3790 8399 3792 8399 3793 8397 3808 8406 TIME...MOT...LOC 1121Z 269DEG 51KT 3799 8417 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ CMC  219 WSPR31 SPJC 061122 SPIM SIGMET A6 VALID 061130/061400 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1110Z WI S0408 W07312 - S0709 W07532 - S1043 W07306 - S1019 W07609 - S0455 W07841 - S0254 W07734 - S0408 W07312 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  391 WGUS51 KRLX 061123 FFWRLX WVC015-039-067-061500- /O.EXT.KRLX.FF.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 623 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Charleston has extended the * Flash Flood Warning for... Eastern Kanawha County in central West Virginia... Southern Clay County in north central West Virginia... Central Nicholas County in southeastern West Virginia... * Until 1000 AM EST. * At 623 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Between 1.5 and 2.5 inches of rain have fallen. Additional rainfall amounts of 0.5 to 1 inch are possible in the warned area. There were several reports of flooded roads throughout much of the warned area. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Flash flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other poor drainage and low-lying areas. * Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Summersville, Clay, Glen, Craigsville, Muddlety, Widen, Bickmore, Indore and Calvin. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3849 8082 3850 8068 3849 8067 3841 8066 3828 8064 3829 8124 3829 8125 3844 8129 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$ TRM  726 WSBZ23 SBGL 061125 SBBS SIGMET 15 VALID 061130/061530 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2216 W04732 - S2216 W04521 - S2032 W04358 - S2009 W04324 - S2025 W04245 - S2000 W04232 - S1928 W04228 - S1845 W04227 - S1657 W04149 - S1538 W04406 - S1320 W04534 - S1200 W04654 - S1020 W04719 - S1018 W04732 - S2216 W04732 FL280/390 STNR NC=  727 WSBZ23 SBGL 061125 SBBS SIGMET 16 VALID 061130/061530 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1724 W05407 - S2020 W05127 - S2220 W04955 - S2307 W04734 - S2315 W04720 - S1300 W05235 - S1303 W05330 - S1434 W05338 - S1518 W05327 - S1521 W05326 - S1643 W05306 - S1724 W05407 FL150/230 STNR NC=  611 WWUS53 KLMK 061124 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 524 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC031-061133- /O.CAN.KLMK.TO.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1145Z/ Butler KY- 524 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL BUTLER COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The tornadic thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1000 AM CST for south central and central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3731 8632 3733 8619 3734 8619 3733 8618 3734 8616 3728 8610 3711 8611 3716 8638 3717 8639 3726 8641 TIME...MOT...LOC 1123Z 266DEG 46KT 3723 8633 $$ KYC061-061145- /O.CON.KLMK.TO.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1145Z/ Edmonson KY- 524 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 545 AM CST FOR EDMONSON COUNTY... At 523 AM CST, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located near Brownsville, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. This dangerous storm will be near... Brownsville around 530 AM CST. Other locations impacted by this tornadic thunderstorm include Windyville, Ollie, Segal, Rhoda, Lindseyville, Black Gold, Bee Spring, Broadway, Stockholm, and Pig. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Tornadoes are extremely difficult to see and confirm at night. Do not wait to see or hear the tornado. TAKE COVER NOW! && LAT...LON 3731 8632 3733 8619 3734 8619 3733 8618 3734 8616 3728 8610 3711 8611 3716 8638 3717 8639 3726 8641 TIME...MOT...LOC 1123Z 266DEG 46KT 3723 8633 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN $$ Padgett  172 WSAU21 YMMC 061124 YMMM SIGMET O08 VALID 061200/061600 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S5000 E08650 - S4010 E08140 - S3620 E09300 - S4340 E09820 - S4520 E09050 - S5000 E09250 FL150/360 MOV E 20KT NC=  381 WSBZ23 SBGL 061125 SBAZ SIGMET 36 VALID 061130/061530 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1506 W06036 - S1616 W06010 - S1619 W05827 - S1711 W05825 - S1750 W05743 - S1743 W05611 - S1734 W05441 - S1724 W05407 - S1643 W05306 - S1434 W05338 - S1323 W05332 - S1303 W05338 - S1302 W05759 - S1458 W06034 - S1506 W06036 FL150/230 STNR NC=  794 WHUS71 KBUF 061124 MWWBUF URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Buffalo NY 624 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 LEZ040-041-061930- /O.CON.KBUF.GL.W.0005.250206T2100Z-250207T0900Z/ Lake Erie nearshore waters from Ripley to Dunkirk- Lake Erie nearshore waters from Dunkirk to Buffalo- 624 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds to 35 knots expected. * WHERE...The nearshore waters of Lake Erie from Ripley to Buffalo. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 4 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LOZ042>045-062>065-061930- /O.CON.KBUF.GL.W.0005.250206T2300Z-250207T2100Z/ Lake Ontario nearshore waters from the Niagara River to Hamlin Beach- Lake Ontario nearshore waters from Hamlin Beach to Sodus Bay- Lake Ontario nearshore waters from Sodus Bay to Mexico Bay- Lake Ontario nearshore waters from Mexico Bay to the Saint Lawrence River- Lake Ontario open waters from the Niagara River to Hamlin Beach- Lake Ontario open waters from Hamlin Beach to Sodus Bay- Lake Ontario open waters from Sodus Bay to Mexico Bay- Lake Ontario open waters from Mexico Bay to the Saint Lawrence River- 624 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds to 40 knots and waves 13 to 17 feet expected. * WHERE...The nearshore and open waters of Lake Ontario. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 4 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LEZ020-061930- /O.CON.KBUF.SC.Y.0016.250206T1900Z-250207T2100Z/ Upper Niagara River and Buffalo Harbor- 624 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 2 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 4 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 knots expected. * WHERE...The Upper Niagara River and Buffalo Harbor. * WHEN...From 2 PM this afternoon to 4 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Winds and/or waves will cause hazardous conditions that could capsize or damage small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ LOZ030-061930- /O.CON.KBUF.SC.Y.0016.250206T2300Z-250207T2100Z/ Lower Niagara River- 624 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 knots expected. * WHERE...The Lower Niagara River. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 4 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Winds and/or waves will cause hazardous conditions that could capsize or damage small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  173 WWUS53 KLMK 061126 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 526 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC031-061-085-099-227-061135- /O.EXP.KLMK.SV.W.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1130Z/ Hart KY-Butler KY-Grayson KY-Warren KY-Edmonson KY- 526 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR WESTERN HART...EAST CENTRAL BUTLER...SOUTHEASTERN GRAYSON...NORTH CENTRAL WARREN AND EDMONSON COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 530 AM CST... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits, and no longer pose an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However, gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with these thunderstorms. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1000 AM CST for south central and central Kentucky. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Louisville. Remember, a Tornado Warning remains in effect for Edmonson County. && LAT...LON 3738 8625 3744 8594 3721 8605 3711 8636 3716 8672 3725 8671 TIME...MOT...LOC 1125Z 270DEG 35KT 3739 8592 3722 8642 $$ Padgett  404 WWAA01 SAWB 061200 1:31:06:01:00 SEGURIDAD BOLETIN METEOROLOGICO PARA NAVEGANTES - METAREA 6 - 2025-02-06 , 12:00 UTC. SERVICIO METEOROLOGICO NACIONAL (SMN) INFORMACION DE HIELOS MARINOS Y TEMPANOS SUMINISTRADA POR EL SHN, PRESION EN HPA, ESCALA BEAUFORT PARA VIENTO. 1 PARTE AVISO DE TEMPORAL: 94/2025 FUERTE GRADIENTE BARICO SOBRE MAR DE WEDDELL NORTE MOV E INTENSIFICANDOSE PROVOCARA VIENTO FUERZA 8 DEL SECTOR N CON RAFAGAS DE INTENSIDAD 9 EN 60S-64S 49W-35W A PARTIR DEL 06/1500 HASTA EL 07/1800 2 PARTE SINOPSIS GENERAL A LAS: 09:00UTC DEPRESION 980HPA 67S 50W MOV SE WKN DEPRESION 985HPA 73S 55W MOV SE WKN DEPRESION 982HPA 67S 72W MOV SE DPN 051400 UTC 1.LIMITE DE HIELO MARINO 7107S 02000W 6849S 02659W 6409S 02820W 6615S 04047W 6421S 04319W 6223S 04358W 6051S 04607W 6246S 05158W 6223S 05414W 6250S 05627W 6356S 06230W 6607S 06716W 2.TEMPANOS MAYORES A 10MN A23A 5639S 04052W 40X32MN A76B 4615S 02731W 15X5MN A23B 5705S 04109W 10X3MN 3.TEMPANOS MENORES A 10MN TEMPANO1 6148S 05524W 9X3MN TEMPANO2 5524S 03554W 3X2MN TEMPANO3 5742S 03129W 2X1MN TEMPANO4 6229S 05508W 2X1MN TEMPANO5 5503S 03616W 2X1MN TEMPANO6 4609S 02753W 8X1MN TEMPANO7 5716S 02942W 2X1MN TEMPANO8 6210S 02819W 3X2MN TEMPANO9 6241S 04914W 9X3MN TEMPANO10 6241S 04609W 3X1MN 4.AREA DE TEMPANOS A: 7257S 02000W 5000S 02000W 4500S 02600W 4500S 03500W 6727S 03500W B: 6727S 03500W 4800S 03500W 4800S 04200W 5500S 04500W 6030S 04502W C: 6030S 04502W 5700S 04500W 5500S 05500W 6100S 06716W 6641S 06716W 3 PARTE PRONOSTICO DE LAS 12:00 UTC VALIDO HASTA LAS 12:00 UTC DEL DIA 7-02-2025 ZONAS COSTERAS: PASAJE DE DRAKE SUR W DE 60W: NW 3 BACK SECTOR W 4/5 EL 06/1800 PROB DE NEBLINAS PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA AISLADAS DESMEJORANDO DURANTE LA NOCHE VIS BUENA A REGULAR PASAJE DE DRAKE SUR RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR N 3/4 VEER SE 4 EL 06/2100 PROB DE NIEBLAS NEBLINAS PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA AISLADAS MEJORANDO HACIA LA NOCHE VIS REGULAR A BUENA COSTAS DEL MAR DE LA FLOTA W DE 60W: NW 3 BACK SECTOR W 4/5 EL 06/1800 PROB DE NEBLINAS PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA AISLADAS DESMEJORANDO DURANTE LA NOCHE VIS BUENA A REGULAR COSTAS DEL MAR DE LA FLOTA RESTO DEL AREA: NW 3/4 VEER SECTOR W 3/4 EL 7/0000 PROB DE NIEBLAS NEBLINAS PROB DE NEVADAS AISLADAS DESMEJORANDO DURANTE LA TARDE VIS REGULAR A MALA ESTRECHO DE GERLACHE : NE 5/6 BACK NW 3 EL 7/0300 PROB DE NEBLINAS PROB DE NEVADAS AISLADAS MEJORANDO HACIA LA NOCHE VIS REGULAR A BUENA ZONA BAHIA MARGARITA : SE 3/4 BACK NE 3 VIS BUENA ZONA DEL GOLFO DE EREBUS Y TERROR : SECTOR S 3/4 VEER SW 3 EL 06/2100 PROB DE BANCOS DE NIEBLA Y NEBLINA PROB DE NEVADAS AISLADAS DESMEJORANDO HACIA LA NOCHE VIS BUENA A REGULAR OCNL MUY MALA AREAS OCEANICAS: MAR DE BELLINGSHAUSEN NORTE W DE 80W: SW 5 CON RAFAGAS VEER SECTOR W 3 EL 06/1200 PROB DE NEBLINAS PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA AISLADAS MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS A PARTIR DE LA MITAD DEL PERIODO VIS MALA OCNL REGULAR MAR DE BELLINGSHAUSEN NORTE W DE 80W: SECTOR W 4 VEER NW 4/5 EL 7/0300 PROB DE NEBLINAS PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA AISLADAS DESMEJORANDO HACIA LA NOCHE VIS BUENA A REGULAR MAR DE BELLINGSHAUSEN NORTE RESTO DEL AREA: SW 4/5 VEER SECTOR W 4 EL 7/0300 PROB DE NEBLINAS PROB DE LLUVIA Y NIEVE MEZCLADA AISLADAS MEJORANDO A PARTIR DE LA NOCHE VIS REGULAR A BUENA MAR DE BELLINGSHAUSEN SUR (66-73S 70-90W): SECTOR S 4 VEER SECTOR W 3 EL 7/0300 PROB DE NEBLINAS BANCOS DE NIEBLA PROB DE NEVADAS AISLADAS DESMEJORANDO DURANTE LA NOCHE VIS BUENA A REGULAR OCNL MUY MALA MAR DE WEDDELL NORTE N DE 64 - W DE 40W: SECTOR N 5/7 CON RAFAGAS VEER SE 7/5 CON RAFAGAS EL 7/0300 PROB DE BANCOS DE NIEBLA Y NEBLINA PROB DE NEVADAS INTERMITENTES MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS VIS MALA A MUY MALA MAR DE WEDDELL NORTE N DE 64 - E DE 40W: SECTOR N 5/6 INCR SECTOR N 7 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 EL 7/0000 PROB DE NEBLINAS PROB DE NEVADAS INTERMITENTES DESMEJORANDO HACIA LA NOCHE VIS REGULAR A MALA MAR DE WEDDELL NORTE RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR N 5/7 VEER NE 7 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 EL 06/2100 PROB DE NIEBLAS NEBLINAS PROB DE NEVADAS INTERMITENTES MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS REGULAR A MUY MALA MAR DE WEDDELL SUR (68-78S 20-60W): NE 4/5 INCR NE 6 CON RAFAGAS EL 06/1800 PROB DE NIEBLAS NEBLINAS PROB DE NEVADAS INTERMITENTES DESMEJORANDO A PARTIR DE LA TARDE VIS REGULAR A MUY MALA= [cid:d8b25f9c-0801-4ece-834c-59eb4d1fd4c9]  710 WWAA02 SAWB 061200 1:31:06:01:00 SECURITE WEATHER BULLETIN FOR SHIPPING - METAREA 6- 12:00 UTC 06, FEBRUARY 2025. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE (NWS) SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS PART 1 GALE WARNING: 94/2025 STRONG BARIC GRADIENT ON NORTHERN WEDDELL SEA MOV E INTENSIFYING WILL PROVOKE WINDS FORCE 8 FROM SECTOR N GUST WITH 9 INTENSITY IN 60S-64S 49W-35W FROM 06/1500 UNTIL 07/1800 PART 2 GENERAL SYNOPSIS AT 09:00UTC LOW 980HPA 67S 50W MOV SE WKN LOW 985HPA 73S 55W MOV SE WKN LOW 982HPA 67S 72W MOV SE DPN 051400 UTC 1.SEA ICE LIMIT 7107S 02000W 6849S 02659W 6409S 02820W 6615S 04047W 6421S 04319W 6223S 04358W 6051S 04607W 6246S 05158W 6223S 05414W 6250S 05627W 6356S 06230W 6607S 06716W 2.ICEBERGS GREATER THAN 10NM A23A 5639S 04052W 40X32NM A76B 4615S 02731W 15X5NM A23B 5705S 04109W 10X3NM 3.ICEBERGS SMALLER THAN 10NM ICEBERG1 6148S 05524W 9X3NM ICEBERG2 5524S 03554W 3X2NM ICEBERG3 5742S 03129W 2X1NM ICEBERG4 6229S 05508W 2X1NM ICEBERG5 5503S 03616W 2X1NM ICEBERG6 4609S 02753W 8X1NM ICEBERG7 5716S 02942W 2X1NM ICEBERG8 6210S 02819W 3X2NM ICEBERG9 6241S 04914W 9X3NM ICEBERG10 6241S 04609W 3X1NM 4.ICEBERGS AREA A: 7257S 02000W 5000S 02000W 4500S 02600W 4500S 03500W 6727S 03500W B: 6727S 03500W 4800S 03500W 4800S 04200W 5500S 04500W 6030S 04502W C: 6030S 04502W 5700S 04500W 5500S 05500W 6100S 06716W 6641S 06716W PART 3 FORECAST ISSUED 12:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 12:00 UTC 2025-02-7 COASTAL AREAS: SOUTHERN PORTION OF DRAKE STRAIT W OF 60W: NW 3 BACK SECTOR W 4/5 BY 06/1800 PROB OF MIST PROB OFISOL RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE WORSENING DURING THE NIGTH VIS GOOD TO MODERATE SOUTHERN PORTION OF DRAKE STRAIT REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR N 3/4 VEER SE 4 BY 06/2100 PROB OF FOG MIST PROB OFISOL RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE IMPR TOWARDS NIGTH VIS MODERATE TO GOOD MAR DE LA FLOTA COASTS W OF 60W: NW 3 BACK SECTOR W 4/5 BY 06/1800 PROB OF MIST PROB OFISOL RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE WORSENING DURING THE NIGTH VIS GOOD TO MODERATE MAR DE LA FLOTA COASTS REST OF THE AREA: NW 3/4 VEER SECTOR W 3/4 BY 7/0000 PROB OF FOG MIST PROB OFISOL SNOW FALL WORSENING DURING THE EVENING VIS MODERATE TO POOR GERLACHE STRAIT : NE 5/6 BACK NW 3 BY 7/0300 PROB OF MIST PROB OFISOL SNOW FALL IMPR TOWARDS NIGTH VIS MODERATE TO GOOD MARGARITA BAY : SE 3/4 BACK NE 3 VIS GOOD EREBUS Y TERROR GULF : SECTOR S 3/4 VEER SW 3 BY 06/2100 PROB OF FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES PROB OFISOL SNOW FALL WORSENING TOWARDS NIGTH VIS GOOD TO MODERATE OCNL VERY POOR OCEANIC AREAS: NORTHER BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA W OF 80W: SW 5 WITH GUSTS VEER SECTOR W 3 BY 06/1200 PROB OF MIST PROB OFISOL RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER STARTING THE MIDDLE OF THE PERIOD VIS POOR OCNL MODERATE NORTHER BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA W OF 80W: SECTOR W 4 VEER NW 4/5 BY 7/0300 PROB OF MIST PROB OFISOL RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE WORSENING TOWARDS NIGTH VIS GOOD TO MODERATE NORTHER BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA REST OF THE AREA: SW 4/5 VEER SECTOR W 4 BY 7/0300 PROB OF MIST PROB OFISOL RAIN AND SNOW MIXTURE IMPR STARTING NIGTH VIS MODERATE TO GOOD SOUTHERN BELLINGSHAUSEN SEA (66-73S 70-90W): SECTOR S 4 VEER SECTOR W 3 BY 7/0300 PROB OF MIST FOG PATCHES PROB OFISOL SNOW FALL WORSENING DURING THE NIGTH VIS GOOD TO MODERATE OCNL VERY POOR NORTHERN WEDDELL SEA N OF 64 - W OF 40W: SECTOR N 5/7 WITH GUSTS VEER SE 7/5 WITH GUSTS BY 7/0300 PROB OF FOG AND MIST IN PATCHES PROB OFINTERMITTENT SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER VIS VERY POOR TO POOR NORTHERN WEDDELL SEA N OF 64 - E OF 40W: SECTOR N 5/6 INCR SECTOR N 7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 7/0000 PROB OF MIST PROB OFINTERMITTENT SNOW FALL WORSENING TOWARDS NIGTH VIS MODERATE TO POOR NORTHERN WEDDELL SEA REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR N 5/7 VEER NE 7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 06/2100 PROB OF FOG MIST PROB OFINTERMITTENT SNOW FALL SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE TO VERY POOR SOUTHERN WEDDELL SEA (68-78S 20-60W): NE 4/5 INCR NE 6 WITH GUSTS BY 06/1800 PROB OF FOG MIST PROB OFINTERMITTENT SNOW FALL WORSENING STARTING EVENING VIS MODERATE TO VERY POOR= [cid:20a0b718-c413-4799-bc64-54803fde8666]  776 WWUS71 KBUF 061126 NPWBUF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Buffalo NY 626 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NYZ001-002-010>012-019-020-085-062000- /O.CON.KBUF.WI.Y.0002.250206T2100Z-250207T1500Z/ Niagara-Orleans-Northern Erie-Genesee-Wyoming-Chautauqua- Cattaraugus-Southern Erie- Including the cities of Niagara Falls, Medina, Buffalo, Batavia, Warsaw, Jamestown, Olean, Orchard Park, and Springville 626 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 10 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Erie, Niagara, Orleans, Genesee, Wyoming, Chautauqua, and Cattaraugus Counties. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 10 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ NYZ003>008-013-014-021-062000- /O.CON.KBUF.WI.Y.0002.250207T0000Z-250207T1500Z/ Monroe-Wayne-Northern Cayuga-Oswego-Jefferson-Lewis-Livingston- Ontario-Allegany- Including the cities of Rochester, Newark, Fair Haven, Oswego, Watertown, Lowville, Geneseo, Canandaigua, and Wellsville 626 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Monroe, Wayne, Northern Cayuga, Oswego, Jefferson, Lewis, Livingston, Ontario, and Allegany Counties. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 10 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ DRT  903 WACN22 CWAO 061127 CZEG AIRMET E3 VALID 061125/061520 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNL AIRMET E2 061120/061520 RMK GFACN36=  904 WACN02 CWAO 061127 CZEG AIRMET E3 VALID 061125/061520 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNL AIRMET E2 061120/061520=  376 WSFJ01 NFFN 060900 NFFF SIGMET 03 VALID 061217/061617 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S2106 E16424 - S2112 E17512 - S2442 E17518 - S2448 E16430 - S2230 E16330 - S2106 E16424 TOP FL520 NC=  565 WACN03 CWAO 061128 CZWG AIRMET G2 VALID 061125/061240 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNL AIRMET G1 060840/061240=  566 WACN23 CWAO 061128 CZWG AIRMET G2 VALID 061125/061240 CWEG- CZWG WINNIPEG FIR CNL AIRMET G1 060840/061240 RMK GFACN36/CZEG EDMONTON FIR AIRMET F2=  701 WACN02 CWAO 061128 CZEG AIRMET F2 VALID 061125/061240 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNL AIRMET F1 060840/061240=  702 WACN22 CWAO 061128 CZEG AIRMET F2 VALID 061125/061240 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNL AIRMET F1 060840/061240 RMK GFACN36/CZWG WINNIPEG FIR AIRMET G2=  621 WWUS53 KLMK 061129 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 629 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC087-099-123-217-061139- /O.EXP.KLMK.SV.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1130Z/ Green KY-Larue KY-Hart KY-Taylor KY- 629 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN GREEN... SOUTHEASTERN LARUE...NORTHEASTERN HART AND NORTHWESTERN TAYLOR COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 630 AM EST/530 AM CST/... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST/1000 AM CST/ for central Kentucky. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Louisville. && LAT...LON 3739 8579 3748 8580 3753 8549 3751 8549 3750 8548 3734 8547 TIME...MOT...LOC 1129Z 268DEG 43KT 3744 8575 $$ BJS  139 WGUS41 KRLX 061129 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 629 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The National Weather Service in Charleston WV has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in Kentucky... Little Sandy River At Grayson affecting Carter and Greenup Counties. For the Little Sandy River...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/rlx. The next statement will be issued this morning at 1000 AM EST. && KYC043-089-061500- /O.NEW.KRLX.FL.W.0005.250206T1145Z-250206T1500Z/ /GYNK2.1.ER.250206T1145Z.250206T1200Z.250206T1338Z.NO/ 629 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL LATE THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Little Sandy River at Grayson. * WHEN...Until late this morning. * IMPACTS...At 21.0 feet, Mostly farmland, a few outbuildings, and low spots on roads along river in the vicinity of Grayson start to flood. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 6:00 AM EST Thursday the stage was 20.0 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage to a crest of 21.3 feet this morning. It will then fall back below flood stage by late morning. - Flood stage is 21.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 21.4 feet on 02/24/2019. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3840 8295 3839 8287 3828 8293 3830 8300 $$ TRM  432 WSBZ23 SBGL 061125 SBRE SIGMET 12 VALID 061130/061530 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S1020 W04719 - S1200 W04654 - S1321 W04534 - S1538 W04406 - S1657 W04149 - S1845 W04227 - S1928 W04228 - S2000 W04232 - S2025 W04245 - S2037 W04200 - S2024 W04059 - S2042 W04049 - S2054 W04034 - S2057 W04015 - S2052 W04000 - S2045 W03949 - S2036 W03941 - S2030 W03938 - S2007 W03857 - S0950 W03857 - S0950 W04713 - S1020 W04719 FL280/390 STNR NC=  887 WSBZ23 SBGL 061125 SBRE SIGMET 13 VALID 061130/061530 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0106 W03642 - S0302 W03817 - S0130 W04134 - S0236 W04153 - S0524 W03705 - S0711 W03459 - S1113 W03626 - S1213 W03411 - S0404 W02823 - S0337 W02913 - S0316 W03207 - S0106 W03642 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  093 WWUS83 KLOT 061130 SPSLOT Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville IL 530 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ILZ003>006-008-010>013-019>021-023-032-033-039-103>108-INZ001-002- 010-011-019-061600- Winnebago-Boone-McHenry-Lake IL-Ogle-Lee-De Kalb-Kane-DuPage- La Salle-Kendall-Grundy-Kankakee-Livingston-Iroquois-Ford- Northern Cook-Central Cook-Southern Cook-Northern Will- Southern Will-Eastern Will-Lake IN-Porter-Newton-Jasper-Benton- Including the cities of Rockford, Belvidere, Crystal Lake, Algonquin, McHenry, Woodstock, Waukegan, Buffalo Grove, Mundelein, Gurnee, Rochelle, Oregon, Byron, Dixon, DeKalb, Sycamore, Aurora, Elgin, Naperville, Wheaton, Downers Grove, Lombard, Carol Stream, Ottawa, Streator, La Salle, Mendota, Marseilles, Oswego, Yorkville, Plano, Morris, Coal City, Minooka, Kankakee, Bourbonnais, Bradley, Pontiac, Dwight, Fairbury, Watseka, Gilman, Paxton, Gibson City, Evanston, Des Plaines, Schaumburg, Palatine, Northbrook, Chicago, Cicero, Oak Lawn, Oak Park, La Grange, Calumet City, Oak Forest, Lemont, Orland Park, Park Forest, Joliet, Bolingbrook, Plainfield, Mokena, Channahon, Manhattan, Wilmington, Crete, Peotone, Beecher, Gary, Hammond, Merrillville, Portage, Valparaiso, Chesterton, Roselawn, Kentland, Morocco, Rensselaer, DeMotte, Fowler, and Oxford 530 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 /630 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...Icy Conditions Linger This Morning... Freezing precipitation has ended across the area. However, untreated sidewalks and paved surfaces will remain icy until temperatures warm above freezing later this morning. Pedestrians and motorists should thus continue to exercise caution. Be prepared for slippery roads, and watch out for icy stairs, sidewalks, and driveways that could increase your risk of a fall and injury. Conditions will improve later this morning as temperatures climb through the 30s and winds increase. $$ KJB  464 WVHO31 MHTG 061130 MHTG SIGMET 3 VALID 061130/061730 MHTG- MHCC CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR VA SANTA MARIA PSN N1445 W09133 VA CLD OBS AT 1100Z SFC/FL140 N1504 W09155 - N1446 W09132 - N1444 W09133 - N1453 W09201 - N1504 W09155 MOV NW 5KT FCST 1700Z VA CLD SFC/FL140 N1504 W09155 - N1446 W09132 - N1445 W09133 - N1453 W09201 - N1504 W09155=  761 WHUS76 KPQR 061130 MWWPQR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Portland OR 330 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 PZZ252-253-272-273-070330- /O.NEW.KPQR.SC.Y.0016.250207T0000Z-250207T1500Z/ Coastal waters from Cape Falcon to Cape Foulweather OR out 10 NM- Coastal waters from Cape Foulweather to Florence OR out 10 NM- Waters from Cape Falcon to Cape Foulweather OR from 10 to 60 NM- Waters from Cape Foulweather to Florence OR from 10 to 60 NM- 330 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 7 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Seas 4 to 7 ft at 7 seconds and north winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt expected. * WHERE...Coastal waters from Cape Falcon to Cape Foulweather OR out 10 NM, Coastal waters from Cape Foulweather to Florence OR out 10 NM, Waters from Cape Falcon to Cape Foulweather OR from 10 to 60 NM and Waters from Cape Foulweather to Florence OR from 10 to 60 NM. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 7 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service, visit: https://www.weather.gov/portland/marine  252 WSBZ23 SBGL 061125 SBAO SIGMET 23 VALID 061130/061530 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0143 W04744 - N0104 W04648 - S0018 W04442 - N0047 W04050 - N0056 W04047 - N0051 W04037 - N0352 W02947 - N0506 W03129 - N0525 W03155 - N0503 W03719 - N0251 W04609 - N0143 W04744 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  455 WSBZ23 SBGL 061125 SBAO SIGMET 24 VALID 061130/061530 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0220 W03406 - S0316 W03207 - S0337 W02913 - S0404 W02823 - S1042 W03259 - S1121 W03229 - S0333 W02121 - S0215 W02132 - S0003 W02430 - N0005 W02521 - S0122 W03258 - S0220 W03406 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  113 WWUS43 KLOT 061132 WSWLOT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Chicago IL 532 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ILZ003>006-008-010>013-019>021-023-032-033-039-103>108-INZ001-002- 010-011-019-061245- /O.EXP.KLOT.WW.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Winnebago-Boone-McHenry-Lake IL-Ogle-Lee-De Kalb-Kane-DuPage-La Salle-Kendall-Grundy-Kankakee-Livingston-Iroquois-Ford-Northern Cook-Central Cook-Southern Cook-Northern Will-Southern Will- Eastern Will-Lake IN-Porter-Newton-Jasper-Benton- Including the cities of Fowler, Oswego, Park Forest, Algonquin, DeMotte, Plainfield, Bradley, Dixon, Chicago, Naperville, Byron, Rockford, Gurnee, Valparaiso, Chesterton, Merrillville, Lombard, Fairbury, Peotone, Yorkville, Pontiac, Kankakee, Oak Forest, Woodstock, Calumet City, La Salle, Oak Lawn, Mendota, Paxton, Bourbonnais, Orland Park, Minooka, Buffalo Grove, Gibson City, Des Plaines, Oak Park, Aurora, Joliet, Morris, Elgin, McHenry, Portage, DeKalb, La Grange, Sycamore, Mundelein, Hammond, Channahon, Belvidere, Oregon, Plano, Mokena, Rochelle, Carol Stream, Beecher, Crete, Watseka, Palatine, Gary, Cicero, Manhattan, Evanston, Gilman, Coal City, Schaumburg, Lemont, Wheaton, Morocco, Roselawn, Wilmington, Streator, Waukegan, Northbrook, Marseilles, Downers Grove, Dwight, Oxford, Bolingbrook, Ottawa, Rensselaer, Crystal Lake, and Kentland 532 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 /632 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 6 AM CST /7 AM EST/ EARLY THIS MORNING... Freezing precipitation has ended across the area. However, untreated sidewalks and paved surfaces will remain icy until temperatures warm above freezing later this morning. Pedestrians and motorists should thus continue to exercise caution. Be prepared for slippery roads, and watch out for icy stairs, sidewalks, and driveways that could increase your risk of a fall and injury. $$ Birk  920 WWAK43 PAFG 061132 WSWAFG URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 232 AM AKST Thu Feb 6 2025 AKZ840-070200- /O.NEW.PAFG.WW.Y.0031.250206T1132Z-250207T0600Z/ Eielson AFB and Salcha- Including Eielson AFB, Salcha, Moose Creek, Harding Lake, and The Richardson Highway from MP 317 to MP 346 232 AM AKST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM AKST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Freezing drizzle. Glaze of ice expected. * WHERE...Eielson AFB and Salcha. * WHEN...Until 9 PM AKST this evening. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Glaze of ice observed at Eielson AFB with freezing drizzle ongoing and expected to continue today. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  035 WOUS64 KWNS 061133 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 3 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 533 AM CST THU FEB 06 2025 TORNADO WATCH 3 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1000 AM CST FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS KYC001-003-009-021-025-031-045-049-051-053-057-061-065-067-079- 087-099-109-113-121-123-125-129-137-141-147-151-153-155-165-167- 169-171-173-175-189-197-199-203-207-213-217-227-229-231-235-237- 061600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ KY . KENTUCKY COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ADAIR ALLEN BARREN BOYLE BREATHITT BUTLER CASEY CLARK CLAY CLINTON CUMBERLAND EDMONSON ESTILL FAYETTE GARRARD GREEN HART JACKSON JESSAMINE KNOX LARUE LAUREL LEE LINCOLN LOGAN MCCREARY MADISON MAGOFFIN MARION MENIFEE MERCER METCALFE MONROE MONTGOMERY MORGAN OWSLEY POWELL PULASKI ROCKCASTLE RUSSELL SIMPSON TAYLOR WARREN WASHINGTON WAYNE WHITLEY WOLFE $$ ATTN...WFO...LMK...JKL...  167 WSCG31 FCBB 061131 FCCC SIGMET D2 VALID 061140/061540 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1115Z S OF LINE N0004 E00637 - N0004 E01702 W OF LINE N0003 E01256 - N0534 E01256 TOP FL430 MOV W 05KT INTSF=  529 WGUS53 KJKL 061134 FFWJKL KYC011-065-165-173-197-205-061315- /O.EXT.KJKL.FF.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1315Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Jackson KY 634 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Jackson has extended the * Flash Flood Warning for... Southeastern Bath County in east central Kentucky... Northwestern Estill County in east central Kentucky... Menifee County in east central Kentucky... Southeastern Montgomery County in east central Kentucky... Powell County in east central Kentucky... Southwestern Rowan County in east central Kentucky... * Until 815 AM EST. * At 634 AM EST, Trained weather spotters reported flash flooding occurring in several locations. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Trained spotters reported. IMPACT...Flash flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other poor drainage and low-lying areas. * Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Stanton, Frenchburg, Jeffersonville, Camargo, Clay City, Wellington, Campsites in the Indian Creek area of the Daniel Boone National Forrest, Means, Cedar Groves, Cornwell, Fagan, Clay Lick, Lucky Stop, Rothwell, Bowen, Bean, Cat Creek, Hope, Rosslyn and Tabor. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be aware of your surroundings and do not drive on flooded roads. && LAT...LON 3781 8407 3782 8410 3785 8408 3782 8407 3783 8406 3785 8406 3783 8404 3784 8400 3786 8401 3790 8399 3792 8399 3793 8397 3799 8400 3807 8344 3797 8344 3787 8356 3775 8408 3777 8408 3778 8411 FLASH FLOOD...OBSERVED $$ CMC  854 WSFJ02 NFFN 061135 NFFF SIGMET 04 VALID 061138/061538 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1906 E17842 - S1830 W17706 - S2142 W17830 - S2148 E17842 - S1906 E17842 TOP FL530 NC=  860 WWCN15 CWWG 061134 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR SOUTHERN ALBERTA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:34 A.M. MST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: MEDICINE HAT - BOW ISLAND - SUFFIELD CYPRESS HILLS PROVINCIAL PARK - FOREMOST LETHBRIDGE - TABER - MILK RIVER CARDSTON - FORT MACLEOD - MAGRATH CROWSNEST PASS - PINCHER CREEK - WATERTON LAKES NAT. PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== EXTREME COLD WIND CHILL VALUES NEAR -40 ARE AFFECTING SOUTHERN ALBERTA THIS MORNING. WIND CHILL VALUES WILL MODERATE LATER THIS MORNING. EXTREME COLD PUTS EVERYONE AT RISK. WATCH FOR COLD RELATED SYMPTOMS: SHORTNESS OF BREATH, CHEST PAIN, MUSCLE PAIN AND WEAKNESS, NUMBNESS AND COLOUR CHANGE IN FINGERS AND TOES. DRESS WARMLY. DRESS IN LAYERS THAT YOU CAN REMOVE IF YOU GET TOO WARM. THE OUTER LAYER SHOULD BE WIND RESISTANT. COVER UP. FROSTBITE CAN DEVELOP WITHIN MINUTES ON EXPOSED SKIN, ESPECIALLY WITH WIND CHILL. IF IT'S TOO COLD FOR YOU TO STAY OUTSIDE, IT'S TOO COLD FOR YOUR PET TO STAY OUTSIDE. EXTREME COLD WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN VERY COLD TEMPERATURES OR WIND CHILL CREATES AN ELEVATED RISK TO HEALTH SUCH AS FROST BITE AND HYPOTHERMIA. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ABSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ABSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  250 WWUS53 KLMK 061135 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 635 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC087-217-061145- /O.EXP.KLMK.TO.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1145Z/ Green KY-Taylor KY- 635 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN GREEN AND NORTHWESTERN TAYLOR COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 645 AM EST/545 AM CST/... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST/1000 AM CST/ for central Kentucky. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Louisville. && LAT...LON 3737 8566 3745 8564 3746 8554 3745 8553 3746 8553 3747 8537 3747 8536 3746 8536 3733 8538 TIME...MOT...LOC 1135Z 278DEG 37KT 3738 8540 $$ BJS  285 WFUS53 KLMK 061135 TORLMK KYC061-099-061200- /O.NEW.KLMK.TO.W.0005.250206T1135Z-250206T1200Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 535 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Tornado Warning for... Southern Hart County in central Kentucky... Northeastern Edmonson County in south central Kentucky... * Until 600 AM CST. * At 535 AM CST, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located near Brownsville, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * This dangerous storm will be near... Munfordville around 550 AM CST. Other locations impacted by this tornadic thunderstorm include Rowletts, Logsdon Valley, Straw, Bunnell Crossing, Mammoth Cave, Northtown, Legrande, Uno, Seymour, and Ollie. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Tornadoes are extremely difficult to see and confirm at night. Do not wait to see or hear the tornado. TAKE COVER NOW! && LAT...LON 3717 8605 3716 8606 3719 8623 3727 8623 3734 8575 3717 8574 3717 8579 3715 8585 3715 8592 TIME...MOT...LOC 1135Z 269DEG 40KT 3723 8616 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN $$ Padgett  001 WABZ23 SBGL 061130 SBCW AIRMET 11 VALID 061135/061230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SFC VIS 1000M RA FCST WI S2833 W05435 - S2833 W05345 - S2801 W05345 - S2801 W05435 - S2833 W05435 STNR NC=  721 WWUS53 KLMK 061137 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 537 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC061-061146- /O.EXP.KLMK.TO.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1145Z/ Edmonson KY- 537 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR EDMONSON COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 545 AM CST... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1000 AM CST for south central and central Kentucky. Remember, a Tornado Warning remains in effect for eastern Edmonson County. && LAT...LON 3731 8632 3733 8619 3734 8619 3733 8618 3734 8616 3728 8610 3711 8611 3716 8638 3717 8639 3726 8641 TIME...MOT...LOC 1136Z 266DEG 49KT 3724 8612 $$ Padgett  772 WAIY32 LIIB 061138 LIRR AIRMET 3 VALID 061200/061400 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3817 E00938 - N3915 E01043 - N3849 E01320 - N3625 E01403 - N3628 E01126 - N3729 E01126 - N3817 E00938 TOP ABV FL150 STNR NC=  883 WWHW70 PHFO 061137 NPWHFO URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Honolulu HI 137 AM HST Thu Feb 6 2025 HIZ028-070045- /O.NEW.PHFO.WI.Y.0004.250206T1137Z-250207T0400Z/ Big Island Summits- 137 AM HST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM HST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West to northwest winds 40 to 55 mph with gusts up to 65 mph. * WHERE...Big Island Summits. * WHEN...Until 6 PM HST this evening. * IMPACTS...Winds this strong can make it difficult to open and close doors. In addition driving will be difficult, especially for drivers of high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Consider postponing travel to the summits until conditions improve. If you must travel to the summits, use extra caution walking and driving. Be careful opening or closing doors. Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ AHUE  545 WSNO36 ENMI 061138 ENOB SIGMET U03 VALID 061200/061600 ENMI- ENOB BODOE OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N7307 E00000 - N7625 E00000 - N7523 E01710 - N7318 E02629 - N7223 E01201 - N7307 E00000 FL160/400 MOV NE 30KT INTSF=  546 WAIY31 LIIB 061139 LIMM AIRMET 8 VALID 061200/061400 LIIB- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 4000M BR FCST WI N4524 E01036 - N4532 E00905 - N4509 E00815 - N4457 E00831 - N4505 E00909 - N4443 E01133 - N4524 E01036 STNR NC=  129 WABZ23 SBGL 061135 SBCW AIRMET 13 VALID 061140/061400 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SFC VIS 1500M BR FCST WI S2305 W04537 - S2305 W04448 - S2230 W04448 - S2230 W04532 - S2237 W04537 - S2305 W04537 STNR NC=  130 WABZ23 SBGL 061135 SBCW AIRMET 12 VALID 061140/061400 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR BKN CLD 200/0700FT FCST WI S2305 W04537 - S2305 W04448 - S2230 W04448 - S2230 W04532 - S2237 W04537 - S2305 W04537 STNR NC=  876 WUUS53 KLMK 061139 SVRLMK KYC045-137-155-217-061215- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.W.0008.250206T1139Z-250206T1215Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 639 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... West central Lincoln County in central Kentucky... Southeastern Marion County in central Kentucky... Northeastern Taylor County in central Kentucky... Northwestern Casey County in central Kentucky... * Until 715 AM EST. * At 639 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles northeast of Campbellsville, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Liberty, Bradfordsville, Peytons Store, Spurlington, Jacktown, Lanhamtown, Merrimac, Beech Bottom, Mannsville, and Wooleyville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain alert for a possible tornado! Tornadoes can develop quickly from severe thunderstorms. If you spot a tornado go at once into the basement or small central room in a sturdy structure. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3738 8531 3748 8531 3754 8485 3732 8484 TIME...MOT...LOC 1139Z 274DEG 42KT 3743 8524 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ BJS  740 WTPS22 PGTW 061200 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL CYCLONE FORMATION ALERT (INVEST 92P) CANCELLATION// REF/A/MSG/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI/051121ZFEB2025// AMPN/REF A IS A TROPICAL CYCLONE FORMATION ALERT.// RMKS/ 1. REMARKS: THIS CANCELS REF A (WTPS21 PGTW 051130). THE AREA OF CONVECTION (INVEST 92P) PREVIOUSLY LOCATED NEAR 20.5S 161.5E IS NOW LOCATED NEAR 22.1S 162.7E, APPROXIMATELY 209 NM WEST OF NOUMEA, NEW CALEDONIA. ANIMATED MULTISPECTRAL SATELLITE IMAGERY (MSI) DEPICTS A FULLY-EXPOSED AND ELONGATED LOW-LEVEL CIRCULATION CENTER (LLCC), WITH FLARING CONVECTION TO THE SOUTHEAST. RECENT OBSERVATIONS FROM LA TONTOUTA (NWWW) INDICATES WEAK WINDS WITH A WIND SHIFT FROM 270 DEGREES TO 10 DEGREES, ACCOMPANIED BY A STEADY DECREASE IN PRESSURE FROM 1005 MB TO 1003 MB OVER THE PAST 6 HOURS. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS REVEALS UNFAVORABLE CONDITIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT WITH HIGH VERTICAL WIND SHEAR OF 30-35 KNOTS, MODERATE EQUATORWARD UPPER-LEVEL OUTFLOW AND WARM SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES OF 27-28 C. DETERMINISTIC AND ENSEMBLE MODELS SHOW ONLY A SMALL WINDOW FOR DEVELOPMENT OVER THE NEXT 12 HOURS, WITH THE ECMWF, GFS, AND GEFS BEING THE MOST AGGRESSIVE. DEVELOPMENT WILL LIKELY BE AS A SUBTROPICAL CYCLONE, AS CURRENT PHASE ANALYSIS INDICATES THAT THE SYSTEM IS ALREADY STARTING THE SUBTROPICAL TRANSITION. MODELS GENERALLY FORECAST 92P TO FURTHER ELONGATE AND EVENTUALLY BE ABSORBED BY THE SOUTH PACIFIC CONVERGENCE ZONE (SPCZ). MAXIMUM SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS ARE ESTIMATED AT 28 TO 33 KNOTS. MINIMUM SEA LEVEL PRESSURE IS ESTIMATED TO BE NEAR 998 MB. THE POTENTIAL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS IS DOWNGRADED TO LOW.// NNNN  995 WWUS53 KLMK 061140 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 540 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC087-099-061150- /O.EXP.KLMK.SV.W.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1145Z/ Green KY-Hart KY- 540 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL GREEN AND CENTRAL HART COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 545 AM CST... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However, gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1000 AM CST for central Kentucky. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Louisville. && LAT...LON 3731 8602 3739 8601 3739 8580 3734 8546 3731 8544 3730 8544 3731 8543 3725 8539 TIME...MOT...LOC 1140Z 269DEG 52KT 3736 8556 $$ BJS  487 WTPS22 PGTW 061200 TROPICAL CYCLONE WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS IS DOWNGRADED TO LOW.// ???? // END PART 02/02 //  488 WTPS22 PGTW 061200 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL CYCLONE FORMATION ALERT (INVEST 92P) CANCELLATION// REF/A/MSG/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI/051121ZFEB2025// AMPN/REF A IS A TROPICAL CYCLONE FORMATION ALERT.// RMKS/ 1. REMARKS: THIS CANCELS REF A (WTPS21 PGTW 051130). THE AREA OF CONVECTION (INVEST 92P) PREVIOUSLY LOCATED NEAR 20.5S 161.5E IS NOW LOCATED NEAR 22.1S 162.7E, APPROXIMATELY 209 NM WEST OF NOUMEA, NEW CALEDONIA. ANIMATED MULTISPECTRAL SATELLITE IMAGERY (MSI) DEPICTS A FULLY-EXPOSED AND ELONGATED LOW-LEVEL CIRCULATION CENTER (LLCC), WITH FLARING CONVECTION TO THE SOUTHEAST. RECENT OBSERVATIONS FROM LA TONTOUTA (NWWW) INDICATES WEAK WINDS WITH A WIND SHIFT FROM 270 DEGREES TO 10 DEGREES, ACCOMPANIED BY A STEADY DECREASE IN PRESSURE FROM 1005 MB TO 1003 MB OVER THE PAST 6 HOURS. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS REVEALS UNFAVORABLE CONDITIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT WITH HIGH VERTICAL WIND SHEAR OF 30-35 KNOTS, MODERATE EQUATORWARD UPPER-LEVEL OUTFLOW AND WARM SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES OF 27-28 C. DETERMINISTIC AND ENSEMBLE MODELS SHOW ONLY A SMALL WINDOW FOR DEVELOPMENT OVER THE NEXT 12 HOURS, WITH THE ECMWF, GFS, AND GEFS BEING THE MOST AGGRESSIVE. DEVELOPMENT WILL LIKELY BE AS A SUBTROPICAL CYCLONE, AS CURRENT PHASE ANALYSIS INDICATES THAT THE SYSTEM IS ALREADY STARTING THE SUBTROPICAL TRANSITION. MODELS GENERALLY FORECAST 92P TO FURTHER ELONGATE AND EVENTUALLY BE ABSORBED BY THE SOUTH PACIFIC CONVERGENCE ZONE (SPCZ). MAXIMUM SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS ARE ESTIMATED AT 28 TO 33 KNOTS. MINIMUM SEA LEVEL PRESSURE IS ESTIMATED TO BE NEAR 998 MB. THE POTENTIAL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SIGNIFICANT // END PART 01 //  115 WAIS31 LLBD 061132 LLLL AIRMET 17 VALID 061200/061600 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3321 E03548 - N3257 E03555 - N3018 E03435 - N3042 E03426 - N3321 E03548 STNR NC=  711 WWUS46 KMFR 061145 WSWMFR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 345 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAZ080-070000- /O.EXT.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250206T1800Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.EXT.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.250206T1800Z-250207T1800Z/ Western Siskiyou County- Including the cities of Callahan, Happy Camp, Etna, Greenview, Scott Bar, Fort Jones, and Somes Bar 345 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING NOW IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Winter Storm Warning, heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 10 inches, and locally up to 15 inches over higher mountains. For the Winter Weather Advisory, snow expected. Total snow accumulations up to 5 inches. * WHERE...For the Winter Storm Warning, the higher terrain of Western Siskiyou County above 2500 feet. This includes Etna Summit on Sawyers Bar Road. For the Winter Weather Advisory, valleys in western Siskiyou County including Somes Bar and Happy Camp. This includes Highways 3 and 96. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow will initially be light, then reach a peak of intensity during this afternoon and evening before tapering off into Friday morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 511 or visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov for road information. Slow down and use caution while traveling. In California, call 511 or visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov for road information. In Oregon, call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ CAZ081-084-085-ORZ029-070000- /O.EXT.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250206T1800Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.EXT.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.250206T1800Z-250207T1800Z/ Central Siskiyou County-Northeast Siskiyou and Northwest Modoc Counties-Modoc County-Klamath Basin- Including the cities of Olene, Midland, Tulelake, Klamath River, Day, Adin, Macdoel, Canby, Likely, Newell, Dorris, Lookout, Klamath Falls, Hilt, Altamont, Alturas, Davis Creek, and Yreka 345 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING NOW IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Winter Storm Warning, heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 6 and 12 inches. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. For the Winter Weather Advisory, snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...In California, Central Siskiyou County, Modoc County, and Northeast Siskiyou and Northwest Modoc Counties Counties. In Oregon, Klamath Basin County. For the Winter Storm Warning, mainly above 4500 feet in the Klamath Basin, portions of I-5 near Weed and the higher terrain in Modoc County including the Warner Mountains. For the Winter Weather Advisory, Highway 97 and 140, Klamath Falls, Chiloquin, Bonanza, Dorris, Macdoel, 139 near Tulelake, 395 near Alturas, and portions of I-5 near Yreka, Montague and Grenada. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow will initially be light then reach peak intensity this afternoon through tonight before tapering off during Friday morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. In California, call 511 or visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov for road information. In Oregon, call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. Slow down and use caution while traveling. In California, call 511 or visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov for road information. In Oregon, call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ ORZ023>026-070000- /O.EXT.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250206T2100Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.EXT.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.250206T2100Z-250207T1800Z/ Central Douglas County-Eastern Curry County and Josephine County- Eastern Douglas County Foothills-Jackson County- Including the cities of Winchester, Umpqua, Wilderville, Sutherlin, Medford, Grants Pass, Merlin, Toketee Falls, Ashland, Green, and Roseburg 345 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING NOW IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Winter Storm Warning, heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 8 inches. For the Winter Weather Advisory, snow expected. Total snow accumulations up to 3 inches. * WHERE...Central Douglas County, Eastern Curry County and Josephine County, Eastern Douglas County Foothills, and Jackson County Counties. For the Winter Storm Warning, higher elevations including Canyon mountain pass on I-5, Highway 227, and the Kalmiopsis Wilderness. For the Winter Weather Advisory, the lower elevations including portions of Highways 62, 138, 42 and I-5 including Ashland, Medford, Roseburg, Camas Valley, Canyonville, Glendale, Steamboat and Toketee Falls. * WHEN...From 1 PM this afternoon to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow levels will initially be near 2000 feet then fall to valley floors overnight into Friday morning. The majority of snowfall will occur late this evening into early Friday morning for Ashland, Butte Falls, Prospect, and Toketee Falls. The best chance for up to an inch of snow in the downtown portions of Medford, Grants Pass, and Roseburg will be from 1 AM to 4 AM early Friday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. Slow down and use caution while traveling. Call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ CAZ082-083-ORZ030-031-070000- /O.EXT.KMFR.WS.W.0004.250206T1800Z-250207T1800Z/ South Central Siskiyou County-North Central and Southeast Siskiyou County-Northern and Eastern Klamath County and Western Lake County-Central and Eastern Lake County- Including the cities of McCloud, Crescent, Tennant, Gilchrist, Lakeview, New Pine Creek, Chemult, Adel, Valley Falls, Pondosa, Fort Rock, Dunsmuir, Mount Shasta, and Bray 345 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING NOW IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 15 inches, except up to 24 inches on Mt Shasta. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Lake County and eastern Klamath County, South Central Siskiyou County, and North Central and Southeast Siskiyou County. This includes Mount Shasta City, Dunsmuir, portions of Highway 97, Tennant, I-5 near Mount Shasta City, Highway 89 east of Mount Shasta City, Silver Lake, Paisley, Lakeview, Adel and Highways 31, 395, and 140. This also includes Crescent, Chemult, Highway 97, Highway 31 northwest of Silver Lake and higher portions of Highway 140 east of Bly. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow will spread from south to north, with impacts developing in the Mount Shasta region late this morning and across south central Oregon this afternoon. Snow will then taper off late tonight into Friday morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. In California, call 511 or visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov for road information. In Oregon, call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ ORZ027-028-070000- /O.EXT.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.250206T1800Z-250207T1800Z/ South Central Oregon Cascades-Siskiyou Mountains and Southern Oregon Cascades- Including the cities of Diamond Lake, Siskiyou Summit, Howard Prairie, and Crescent Lake 345 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 15 inches. * WHERE...The southern Oregon Cascades and Siskiyou Mountains. This includes Diamond Lake, Crater Lake, and Highway 140 at Lake of the Woods, portions of Highway 62, Mount Ashland Ski Resort, Highway 140, Highway 66 and I-5 around Siskiyou Summit. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow will be light late this morning into this afternoon, then reach peak intensity tonight before tapering off Friday morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In California, call 511 or visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov for road information. In Oregon, call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ DW  382 WSSN31 ESWI 061143 ESAA SIGMET M03 VALID 061153/061543 ESSA- ESAA SWEDEN FIR SEV MTW FCST WI N6748 E01649 - N6857 E02020 - N6827 E02157 - N6459 E01424 - N6605 E01429 - N6748 E01649 SFC/FL350 STNR NC=  736 WGUS53 KJKL 061146 FFWJKL KYC011-063-069-165-173-205-061500- /O.NEW.KJKL.FF.W.0003.250206T1146Z-250206T1500Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Jackson KY 646 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Jackson has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Southern Bath County in east central Kentucky... Northwestern Elliott County in east central Kentucky... Southeastern Fleming County in east central Kentucky... North Central Menifee County in east central Kentucky... Central Montgomery County in east central Kentucky... Rowan County in east central Kentucky... * Until 1000 AM EST. * At 646 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Flash flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Flash flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other poor drainage and low-lying areas. * Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Mount Sterling, Morehead, Owingsville, Marshall, Camargo, Salt Lick, Farmers, Freestone, Bluestone, Midland, Ramey, Cogswell, Moore's Ferry, Yale, Brandy, Zilpo, Young Springs, Sharkey, Hilda and Clearfield. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3808 8405 3832 8334 3829 8333 3825 8331 3821 8330 3821 8329 3819 8326 3819 8323 3824 8322 3827 8316 3818 8304 3813 8310 3809 8326 3811 8327 3809 8330 3806 8340 3799 8400 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$ GEOGERIAN  054 WWAK42 PAFG 061147 WSWWCZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 247 AM AKST Thu Feb 6 2025 AKZ827-070200- /O.EXT.PAFG.BZ.W.0010.250206T1147Z-250208T0000Z/ St Lawrence Island- Including Gambell and Savoonga 247 AM AKST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...BLIZZARD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM AKST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Blizzard conditions expected. Total snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches. Winds gusting as high as 55 mph. * WHERE...St Lawrence Island. * WHEN...Until 3 PM AKST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Blizzard Warning means severe winter weather conditions are expected or occurring. Falling and blowing snow with strong winds and poor visibilities are likely. This will lead to whiteout conditions, making travel extremely difficult. && $$  423 WWCN02 CYTR 061146 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB SHILO AND RANGE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 5:46 AM CST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB SHILO (CWLO) TYPE: WIND ADVISORY LEVEL 1 FOR RAVEN UAV IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SURFACE WIND GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 20 KNOTS SUSTAINED VALID: UNTIL 07/0200Z (UNTIL 06/2000 CST) COMMENTS: STRONG WESTERLY WINDS OF 20 TO 25 KNOTS ARE EXPECTED UNTIL LATE THIS EVENING IN THE WAKE OF A DEPARTING SYSTEM. GUSTS OF OVER 30 KNOTS ARE EXPECTED, AND THERE REMAINS A SLIGHT RISK OF GUSTS TO 35 KNOTS THIS AFTERNOON. A LEVEL 2 ADVISORY WILL BE ISSUED IF NECESSARY. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 07/0000Z (06/1800 CST) END/JMC  638 WWCN03 CYTR 061147 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR 17 WING CFB WINNIPEG PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 5:46 AM CST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: 17 WING CFB WINNIPEG (CYWG) TYPE: WIND WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SURFACE WIND (MEAN OR GUST) GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 25 KNOTS VALID: UNTIL 07/0100Z (UNTIL 06/1900 CST) COMMENTS: STRONG AND GUSTY WESTERLY WINDS ARE EXPECTED TO DEVELOP OVER WINNIPEG THIS MORNING. GUSTS OF 25 KNOTS SHOULD BEGIN SHORTLY, AND WILL INCREASE TO OVER 30 KNOTS THIS AFTERNOON. ADDITIONALLY, SUSTAINED WINDS COULD REACH 25 KNOTS THIS AFTERNOON, BEFORE ULTIMATELY WINDS DIMINISH BELOW CRITERIA THIS EVENING. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 07/0000Z (06/1800 CST) END/JMC  224 WUUS53 KJKL 061147 SVRJKL KYC011-165-173-175-197-061215- /O.NEW.KJKL.SV.W.0001.250206T1147Z-250206T1215Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service JACKSON KY 647 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in JACKSON KY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Powell County in east central Kentucky... Southeastern Montgomery County in east central Kentucky... Western Morgan County in southeastern Kentucky... South central Bath County in east central Kentucky... Menifee County in east central Kentucky... * Until 715 AM EST. * At 647 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Bean, or near Stanton, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Jeffersonville around 650 AM EST. Frenchburg around 655 AM EST. Mariba around 700 AM EST. Wellington around 705 AM EST. Other locations in the path of this severe thunderstorm include Korea. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern and east central Kentucky. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern and east central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3805 8350 3805 8346 3803 8348 3803 8346 3802 8347 3784 8347 3784 8349 3786 8349 3785 8352 3789 8393 3801 8393 TIME...MOT...LOC 1147Z 271DEG 36KT 3794 8383 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ CMC  239 WWUS73 KICT 061148 NPWICT URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wichita KS 548 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KSZ032-033-047>053-067>072-082-083-091>096-098>100-061300- /O.EXP.KICT.FG.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Russell-Lincoln-Barton-Ellsworth-Saline-Rice-McPherson-Marion- Chase-Reno-Harvey-Butler-Greenwood-Woodson-Allen-Kingman-Sedgwick- Harper-Sumner-Cowley-Elk-Wilson-Neosho-Chautauqua-Montgomery- Labette- Including the cities of Sedan, Coffeyville, Lincoln, Moline, Grenola, Humboldt, Park City, Haysville, Wichita, Winfield, Cottonwood Falls, Newton, Independence, Fredonia, Attica, El Dorado, Neodesha, Madison, Howard, Salina, Ellsworth, Kingman, Iola, Sterling, Yates Center, Wilson, Arkansas City, Eureka, Lyons, Peabody, Parsons, McPherson, Hutchinson, Anthony, Derby, Harper, Cedar Vale, Sylvan Grove, Andover, Wellington, Rose Hill, Russell, Great Bend, Hillsboro, Strong City, Augusta, Marion, Chanute, Bel Aire, Valley Center, and Longton 548 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 6 AM CST EARLY THIS MORNING... Drier air is moving-in from the north and is allowing the fog to lift. Therefore the dense fog advisory will be allowed to expire at 6 am. $$ Lawson  624 WWUS53 KLMK 061149 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 549 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC061-061158- /O.CAN.KLMK.TO.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Edmonson KY- 549 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN EDMONSON COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The tornadic thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1000 AM CST for south central and central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3717 8602 3721 8604 3726 8603 3734 8575 3717 8574 3717 8579 3715 8585 3715 8592 TIME...MOT...LOC 1148Z 269DEG 40KT 3723 8597 $$ KYC099-061200- /O.CON.KLMK.TO.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Hart KY- 549 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 AM CST FOR SOUTHEASTERN HART COUNTY... At 548 AM CST, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located near Munfordville, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. This dangerous storm will be near... Munfordville around 555 AM CST. Three Springs around 605 AM CST. Other locations impacted by this tornadic thunderstorm include Rowletts, Logsdon Valley, Bunnell Crossing, Hardyville, Woodsonville, Horse Cave, Northtown, Hinesdale, Legrande, and Bear Wallow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Tornadoes are extremely difficult to see and confirm at night. Do not wait to see or hear the tornado. TAKE COVER NOW! && LAT...LON 3717 8602 3721 8604 3726 8603 3734 8575 3717 8574 3717 8579 3715 8585 3715 8592 TIME...MOT...LOC 1148Z 269DEG 40KT 3723 8597 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN $$ Padgett  035 WSUS32 KKCI 061155 SIGC MKCC WST 061155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 061355-061755 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  036 WSUS33 KKCI 061155 SIGW MKCW WST 061155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 061355-061755 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  037 WSUS31 KKCI 061155 SIGE MKCE WST 061155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 34E VALID UNTIL 1355Z NC CSTL WTRS FROM 120ESE ECG-170ESE ECG-120SE ILM-100SE ILM-120ESE ECG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 24030KT. TOPS TO FL370. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 35E VALID UNTIL 1355Z PA MD VA NC DC WV OH TN KY AL FROM SLT-20NNW ORF-50W GQO-60W BWG-30E AIR-SLT AREA SEV EMBD TS MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS ABV FL450. TORNADOES...HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 061355-061755 REF WW 3. FROM 30NNW SLT-SAX-60E ORF-50E MSL-40NNW BWG-30NNW SLT WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  886 WWUS46 KPQR 061149 WSWPQR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Portland OR 349 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ORZ119-123>128-WAZ208-211-061300- /O.EXP.KPQR.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ West Columbia River Gorge of Oregon above 500 ft-Clackamas County Cascade Foothills-Cascade Foothills of Marion and Linn Counties- Lane County Cascade Foothills-North Oregon Cascades-Cascades of Marion and Linn Counties-Cascades of Lane County-South Washington Cascade Foothills-South Washington Cascades- Including the cities of Bennett Pass, Breitenbush Springs, Timothy Lake, Waldo Lake, Silver Falls, Willamette Pass, Amboy, Lake Merwin, Indian Heaven Wilderness, McKenzie Pass, Detroit, Mt. St. Helens, Yacolt, Larch Mountain, Rhododendron, Corbett, Cherryville, Mill City, Santiam Pass, Oakridge, Vida, Government Camp, Brightwood, Welches, Santiam Junction, McKenzie Bridge, Lost Lake, Toutle, and Tombstone Summit 349 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 4 AM PST EARLY THIS MORNING... Light snow showers will continue over the Oregon Cascades today, but additional snow accumulation will be light. Another 1 to 2 inches is possible, mainly from Santiam Pass southward to Willamette Pass. Given the decreasing snowfall rates, the Winter Weather Advisory will be allowed to expire at 4 AM this morning. $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit www.weather.gov/portland tk  127 WWUS41 KRNK 061149 WSWRNK URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 649 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVZ507-508-061300- /O.EXP.KRNK.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Eastern Greenbrier-Western Greenbrier- Including the cities of White Sulphur Springs, Duo, Lewisburg, Alderson, Rainelle, and Quinwood 649 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... Temperatures will gradually warm through the morning and ice will no longer pose a threat. $$ VAZ019-020-024-061300- /O.EXP.KRNK.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Alleghany VA-Bath-Rockbridge- Including the cities of Hot Springs, Covington, Clifton Forge, Lexington, and Buena Vista 649 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... Temperatures will gradually warm through the morning and ice will no longer pose a threat. $$ BMG  128 WWUS41 KPBZ 061149 WSWPBZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 649 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 OHZ039-048-057-058-068-061300- /O.EXP.KPBZ.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Tuscarawas-Coshocton-Muskingum-Guernsey-Noble- Including the cities of New Philadelphia, Cambridge, Dover, Zanesville, Coshocton, and Caldwell 649 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... Precipitation has ended and/or temperatures have climbed above freezing. Therefore, the Winter Weather Advisory will be allowed to expire. $$ PAZ074-076-078-WVZ512-514-061500- /O.CON.KPBZ.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Higher Elevations of Westmoreland-Higher Elevations of Fayette- Higher Elevations of Indiana-Eastern Preston-Eastern Tucker- Including the cities of Ohiopyle, Champion, Donegal, Ligonier, Rowlesburg, Armagh, Hazelton, Terra Alta, Davis, Canaan Valley, and Thomas 649 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Significant icing. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...In Pennsylvania, Higher Elevations of Fayette, Higher Elevations of Westmoreland, and Higher Elevations of Indiana Counties. In West Virginia, Eastern Preston and Eastern Tucker Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report ice accumulations or damage by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ OHZ040-041-049-050-059-PAZ013-020-021-029-073-WVZ001-002-061500- /O.EXT.KPBZ.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Carroll-Columbiana-Harrison-Jefferson OH-Belmont-Lawrence-Beaver- Allegheny-Washington-Westmoreland-Hancock-Brooke- Including the cities of Malvern, Beaver Falls, St. Clairsville, Weirton, Carrollton, Lower Burrell, New Castle, Canonsburg, Murrysville, Ambridge, Washington, Steubenville, Cadiz, Pittsburgh Metro Area, New Kensington, Greensburg, East Liverpool, Follansbee, Aliquippa, Martins Ferry, Wellsburg, Columbiana, Monessen, Monaca, Latrobe, Salem, and Ellwood City 649 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of east central Ohio, southwest and western Pennsylvania, and northern and the northern panhandle of West Virginia. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report snow or ice accumulations by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ PAZ007>009-014>016-022-077-061500- /O.CON.KPBZ.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Mercer-Venango-Forest-Butler-Clarion-Jefferson PA-Armstrong- Indiana- Including the cities of Hermitage, Oil City, Sharon, Kittanning, Punxsutawney, Butler, Franklin, Clarion, Indiana, Ford City, Brookville, Grove City, and Tionesta 649 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of northwest and western Pennsylvania. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report snow or ice accumulations by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ TC  017 WWUS41 KILN 061150 WSWILN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wilmington OH 650 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 OHZ026-034-035-042>046-051>056-065-061300- /O.EXP.KILN.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Hardin-Mercer-Auglaize-Darke-Shelby-Logan-Union-Delaware-Miami- Champaign-Clark-Madison-Franklin-Licking-Fairfield- Including the cities of Plain City, Minster, Kenton, West Jefferson, Urbana, Wapakoneta, New Bremen, Lancaster, Pickerington, London, Coldwater, Greenville, Bellefontaine, Ada, Troy, Sidney, Tipp City, Marysville, Celina, Springfield, St. Marys, Newark, Downtown Columbus, Piqua, and Delaware 650 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... Precipitation will continue to taper off through mid morning as temperatures slowly rise above freezing. However, exposed sidewalks, decks and other surfaces may remain slick from the overnight freezing rain. $$  852 WSAU21 YMMC 061150 YMMM SIGMET S05 VALID 061219/061619 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1100 E10140 - S1230 E10320 - S1330 E10140 - S1530 E10040 - S1400 E09650 - S1130 E09750 TOP FL550 MOV NW 10KT NC=  853 WSSN31 ESWI 061150 ESAA SIGMET M04 VALID 061150/061400 ESSA- ESAA SWEDEN FIR CNL SIGMET M02 061000/061400=  241 WSBZ23 SBGL 061145 SBAZ SIGMET 37 VALID 061150/061530 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0220 W06012 - S0400 W05925 - S0451 W05832 - S0414 W05610 - S0412 W05612 - S0412 W05613 - S0324 W05809 - S0057 W05908 - S0053 W05912 - S0220 W06012 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  469 WFUS53 KLMK 061151 TORLMK KYC045-137-155-061215- /O.NEW.KLMK.TO.W.0006.250206T1151Z-250206T1215Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 651 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Tornado Warning for... West central Lincoln County in central Kentucky... Southeastern Marion County in central Kentucky... Northern Casey County in central Kentucky... * Until 715 AM EST. * At 651 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located 8 miles northeast of Campbellsville, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * This tornadic thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of west central Lincoln, southeastern Marion and northern Casey Counties, including the following locations... Peytons Store, Ellisburg, Hustonville, Moreland, Mount Salem, Chilton, Middleburg, Jacktown, and Chicken Bristle. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Tornadoes are extremely difficult to see and confirm at night. Do not wait to see or hear the tornado. TAKE COVER NOW! && LAT...LON 3735 8478 3740 8508 3741 8508 3743 8510 3746 8511 3752 8475 TIME...MOT...LOC 1151Z 272DEG 48KT 3744 8526 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN $$ BJS  734 WWUS83 KLMK 061151 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 651 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ057-061215- Madison KY- 651 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT CENTRAL MADISON COUNTY THROUGH 715 AM EST... At 651 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 8 miles west of Richmond, moving east at 60 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Richmond, Harris Ferry, Moberly, Ruthton, Redhouse, Baldwin, Newby, Union City, Crow Valley, and Bybee. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3777 8408 3774 8409 3774 8410 3771 8409 3768 8410 3774 8450 3778 8450 3780 8448 3780 8446 3784 8449 3785 8408 3784 8410 3782 8412 3781 8412 3782 8410 3781 8408 3778 8411 3777 8410 TIME...MOT...LOC 1151Z 271DEG 54KT 3778 8443 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ ALL  497 WWUS41 KAKQ 061152 WSWAKQ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wakefield VA 652 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAZ509-061300- /O.CAN.KAKQ.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Western Louisa- 652 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Temperatures will continue to rise above freezing this morning, ending the threat for freezing rain. $$ MDZ021-VAZ048-062-064-510-511-061300- /O.EXP.KAKQ.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Dorchester-Fluvanna-Goochland-Caroline-Eastern Louisa-Western Hanover- 652 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... Temperatures will continue to rise above freezing this morning, ending the threat for freezing rain. $$ Butner  556 WAIS31 LLBD 061134 LLLL AIRMET 18 VALID 061200/061600 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N3310 E03430 - N3320 E03550 - N2930 E03500 - N3120 E03340 - N3310 E03430 FL040/140 NC=  348 WSRA31 RUHB 061153 UHHH SIGMET 5 VALID 061200/061600 UHHH- UHHH KHABAROVSK FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N5529 E13423 - N5436 E14406 - N5227 E14347 - N5117 E13847 - N5006 E13648 - N5346 E13553 - N5529 E13423 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  648 WAIS31 LLBD 061135 LLLL AIRMET 19 VALID 061200/061600 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N3310 E03430 - N3320 E03550 - N2930 E03500 - N3120 E03340 - N3310 E03430 FL040/140 WKN=  127 WGUS53 KJKL 061154 FFWJKL KYC063-165-175-205-061500- /O.EXT.KJKL.FF.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Jackson KY 654 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Jackson has extended the * Flash Flood Warning for... Elliott County in east central Kentucky... Southeastern Menifee County in east central Kentucky... South Central Rowan County in east central Kentucky... Northern Morgan County in southeastern Kentucky... * Until 1000 AM EST. * At 654 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain moving back in across the warned area. Flash flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Flash flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other poor drainage and low-lying areas. * Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... West Liberty, Sandy Hook, Henry, Little Sandy, Steele, Lenox, Wrigley, Lick Branch, Elkfork, Pomp, Blairs Mills, Crockett, Yocum, Blaze, Leisure, Licking River, Isonville, Dehart, Moon and Zag. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 3796 8344 3806 8343 3813 8310 3819 8306 3818 8305 3820 8304 3820 8303 3820 8301 3817 8298 3817 8292 3813 8291 3811 8289 3809 8293 3805 8295 3805 8298 3804 8300 3800 8302 3797 8302 3786 8356 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$ GEOGERIAN  038 WAIY32 LIIB 061156 LIRR AIRMET 4 VALID 061200/061400 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3753 E01243 - N3808 E01526 - N3645 E01500 - N3737 E01232 - N3753 E01243 STNR NC=  813 WSPH31 RPLL 061156 RPHI SIGMET A03 VALID 061158/061458 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1316 E12832 - N1115 E13000 - N0956 E12956 - N1147 E12117 - N1402 E12210 - N1316 E12832 TOP FL520 MOV WNW 15KT NC=  006 WTPS22 PGTW 061200 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL CYCLONE FORMATION ALERT (INVEST 92P) CANCELLATION// REF/A/MSG/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI/051121ZFEB2025// AMPN/REF A IS A TROPICAL CYCLONE FORMATION ALERT.// RMKS/ 1. REMARKS: THIS CANCELS REF A (WTPS21 PGTW 051130). THE AREA OF CONVECTION (INVEST 92P) PREVIOUSLY LOCATED NEAR 20.5S 161.5E IS NOW LOCATED NEAR 22.1S 162.7E, APPROXIMATELY 209 NM WEST OF NOUMEA, NEW CALEDONIA. ANIMATED ENHANCED INFRARED SATELLITE IMAGERY DEPICTS AN ELONGATED LOW LEVEL CIRCULATION CENTER (LLCC) WITH FLARING CONVECTION ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERN PERIPHERY. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS REVEALS UNFAVORABLE CONDITIONS WITH HIGH VERTICAL WIND SHEAR (VWS) OF 30-40 KNOTS, MODERATE EQUATORWARD UPPER-LEVEL OUTFLOW AND WARMISH SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES OF 26-27 C. DETERMINISTIC MODELS CONTINUE TO SHOW THE CIRCULATION CONTINUING TO ELONGATE WITH POSSIBLE GALE-FORCE WINDS OCCURRING WITHIN THE NEXT 12 HOURS. HOWEVER, DEVELOPMENT WILL LIKELY BE AS A SUBTROPICAL CYCLONE, AS CURRENT PHASE ANALYSIS INDICATES THAT THE SYSTEM IS ALREADY STARTING THE SUBTROPICAL TRANSITION. MAXIMUM SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS ARE ESTIMATED AT 28 TO 33 KNOTS. MINIMUM SEA LEVEL PRESSURE IS ESTIMATED TO BE NEAR 998 MB. THE POTENTIAL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS IS DOWNGRADED TO LOW. MAXIMUM SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS ARE ESTIMATED AT 28 TO 33 KNOTS. MINIMUM SEA LEVEL PRESSURE IS ESTIMATED TO BE NEAR 998 MB. THE POTENTIAL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS IS DOWNGRADED TO LOW.// NNNN  434 WUUS53 KLMK 061156 SVRLMK KYC087-099-169-061230- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.W.0009.250206T1156Z-250206T1230Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 556 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Green County in central Kentucky... Southeastern Hart County in central Kentucky... Northwestern Metcalfe County in south central Kentucky... * Until 630 AM CST. * At 556 AM CST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Munfordville, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Greensburg, Three Springs, Monroe, Horse Cave, Rowletts, Little Barren, Node, Donansburg, Fry, and Whickerville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain alert for a possible tornado! Tornadoes can develop quickly from severe thunderstorms. If you spot a tornado go at once into the basement or small central room in a sturdy structure. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1000 AM CST for south central and central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3715 8576 3717 8575 3717 8578 3716 8581 3718 8590 3726 8590 3733 8545 3726 8540 3724 8540 3723 8541 3722 8540 3716 8540 3711 8552 3710 8553 TIME...MOT...LOC 1156Z 271DEG 45KT 3722 8583 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ Padgett  222 WWUS41 KRLX 061158 WSWRLX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Charleston WV 658 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVZ523-524-061300- /O.EXP.KRLX.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Northwest Pocahontas-Southeast Pocahontas- Including the cities of Marlinton and Snowshoe 658 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING EXPIRES AT 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... Temperatures were rising above freezing, ending the threat. Slippery spots may persist early this morning, and additional tree damage and power outages are still possible due to the overnight ice accretion. $$ OHZ066-067-WVZ526-061300- /O.EXP.KRLX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Perry-Morgan-Southeast Randolph- Including the cities of Stockport, Somerset, Crooksville, McConnelsville, New Lexington, and Harman 658 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY EXPIRES AT 7 AM EST THIS MORNING... Temperatures were rising above freezing, ending the threat. $$ FMK  551 WANO36 ENMI 061158 ENOB AIRMET I01 VALID 061300/061700 ENMI- ENOB BODOE OCEANIC FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N7855 E00930 - N7955 E01905 - N7915 E02240 - N7640 E01725 - N7610 E01605 - N7855 E00930 1000FT/FL120 MOV NNE 15KT INTSF=  763 WWUS74 KJAN 061158 NPWJAN URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Jackson MS 558 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 MSZ048>052-054>058-062>066-072>074-061300- /O.CAN.KJAN.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ Hinds-Rankin-Scott-Newton-Lauderdale-Copiah-Simpson-Smith-Jasper- Clarke-Lincoln-Lawrence-Jefferson Davis-Covington-Jones-Marion- Lamar-Forrest- Including the cities of Morton, Decatur, Newton, Lumberton, Magee, Laurel, Forest, Shubuta, Bay Springs, Conehatta, Mount Olive, Collins, Stonewall, West Hattiesburg, Brookhaven, Raleigh, Mendenhall, Taylorsville, Monticello, Heidelberg, Meridian, New Hebron, Crystal Springs, Prentiss, Union, Hattiesburg, Jackson, Bassfield, Purvis, Quitman, Columbia, Wesson, Brandon, Pearl, Hazlehurst, and Richland 558 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The threat has ended. $$ 22  867 WWUS53 KJKL 061158 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 658 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC011-173-197-061208- /O.CAN.KJKL.SV.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1215Z/ Powell KY-Montgomery KY-Bath KY- 658 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN POWELL... SOUTHEASTERN MONTGOMERY AND SOUTH CENTRAL BATH COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern and east central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3802 8347 3786 8347 3786 8352 3789 8374 3799 8374 TIME...MOT...LOC 1158Z 271DEG 41KT 3792 8363 $$ KYC165-175-061215- /O.CON.KJKL.SV.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1215Z/ Morgan KY-Menifee KY- 658 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 715 AM EST FOR WESTERN MORGAN AND MENIFEE COUNTIES... At 658 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Tabor, or over Frenchburg, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe storm will be near... Wellington around 705 AM EST. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern and east central Kentucky. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3802 8347 3786 8347 3786 8352 3789 8374 3799 8374 TIME...MOT...LOC 1158Z 271DEG 41KT 3792 8363 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ CMC  155 WSAU21 YMRF 061158 YMMM SIGMET T02 VALID 061158/061230 YMRF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR CNL SIGMET T01 061049/061230=  346 WWUS53 KLMK 061159 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 659 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC155-061208- /O.CAN.KLMK.TO.W.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1215Z/ Marion KY- 659 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN MARION COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The tornadic thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3735 8478 3740 8498 3747 8500 3752 8475 TIME...MOT...LOC 1158Z 272DEG 48KT 3744 8513 $$ KYC045-137-061215- /O.CON.KLMK.TO.W.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1215Z/ Lincoln KY-Casey KY- 659 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 715 AM EST FOR WEST CENTRAL LINCOLN AND NORTHEASTERN CASEY COUNTIES... At 658 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located 11 miles southeast of Lebanon, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. Locations impacted include... Hustonville, Peytons Store, Ellisburg, Moreland, Mount Salem, Chilton, and Chicken Bristle. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Tornadoes are extremely difficult to see and confirm at night. Do not wait to see or hear the tornado. TAKE COVER NOW! && LAT...LON 3735 8478 3740 8498 3747 8500 3752 8475 TIME...MOT...LOC 1158Z 272DEG 48KT 3744 8513 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN $$ BJS  329 WTPS22 PGTW 061200 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL CYCLONE FORMATION ALERT (INVEST 92P) CANCELLATION// REF/A/MSG/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI/051121ZFEB2025// AMPN/REF A IS A TROPICAL CYCLONE FORMATION ALERT.// RMKS/ 1. REMARKS: THIS CANCELS REF A (WTPS21 PGTW 051130). THE AREA OF CONVECTION (INVEST 92P) PREVIOUSLY LOCATED NEAR 20.5S 161.5E IS NOW LOCATED NEAR 22.1S 162.7E, APPROXIMATELY 209 NM WEST OF NOUMEA, NEW CALEDONIA. ANIMATED ENHANCED INFRARED SATELLITE IMAGERY DEPICTS AN ELONGATED LOW LEVEL CIRCULATION CENTER (LLCC) WITH FLARING CONVECTION ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERN PERIPHERY. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS REVEALS UNFAVORABLE CONDITIONS WITH HIGH VERTICAL WIND SHEAR (VWS) OF 30-40 KNOTS, MODERATE EQUATORWARD UPPER-LEVEL OUTFLOW AND WARMISH SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES OF 26-27 C. DETERMINISTIC MODELS CONTINUE TO SHOW THE CIRCULATION CONTINUING TO ELONGATE WITH POSSIBLE GALE-FORCE WINDS OCCURRING WITHIN THE NEXT 12 HOURS. HOWEVER, DEVELOPMENT WILL LIKELY BE AS A SUBTROPICAL CYCLONE, AS CURRENT PHASE ANALYSIS INDICATES THAT THE SYSTEM IS ALREADY STARTING THE SUBTROPICAL TRANSITION. MAXIMUM SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS ARE ESTIMATED AT 28 TO 33 KNOTS. MINIMUM SEA LEVEL PRESSURE IS ESTIMATED TO BE NEAR 998 MB. THE POTENTIAL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS IS DOWNGRADED TO LOW. MAXIMUM SUSTAINED SURFACE WINDS ARE ESTIMATED AT 28 TO 33 KNOTS. MINIMUM SEA LEVEL PRESSURE IS ESTIMATED TO BE NEAR 998 MB. THE POTENTIAL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SIGNIFICANT TROPICAL CYCLONE WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS IS DOWNGRADED TO LOW.// ????  220 WWUS53 KLMK 061200 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 600 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC099-061209- /O.EXP.KLMK.TO.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Hart KY- 600 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN HART COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 600 AM CST... The tornado threat has diminished and the Tornado Warning has been allowed to expire. However, large hail and damaging winds remain likely and a Severe Thunderstorm Warning remains in effect for the area. Gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1000 AM CST for south central and central Kentucky. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Louisville. Remember, a Severe Thunderstorm Warning still remains in effect for a portion of Hart County. && LAT...LON 3717 8602 3721 8604 3726 8603 3734 8575 3717 8574 3717 8579 3715 8585 3715 8592 TIME...MOT...LOC 1159Z 269DEG 40KT 3723 8582 $$ Padgett  926 WWUS43 KMKX 061200 WSWMKX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 600 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 WIZ051-052-059-060-061300- /O.CAN.KMKX.WW.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ Fond du Lac-Sheboygan-Washington-Ozaukee- Including the cities of Grafton, West Bend, Mequon, Sheboygan Falls, Plymouth, Hartford, Cedarburg, Germantown, Fond Du Lac, Oostburg, and Howards Grove 600 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The freezing drizzle and light snow has moved out of the area, and web cameras suggest that traffic is moving at normal speeds. Thus, the Winter Weather Advisory has been cancelled. Some slick spots may remain on untreated surfaces. $$ WOOD  217 WSIL31 BICC 061200 BIRD SIGMET U06 VALID 061300/061700 BIRK- BIRD REYKJAVIK CTA SEV TURB FCST WI N6220 W00810 - N6230 W00610 - N6120 W00550 - N6110 W00740 - N6220 W00810 SFC/FL060 STNR NC=  220 WHUS76 KLOX 061201 MWWLOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 401 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 PZZ670-062015- /O.NEW.KLOX.SC.Y.0022.250206T1201Z-250206T2300Z/ /O.NEW.KLOX.GL.W.0007.250206T2300Z-250207T1100Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM- 401 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... ...GALE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southeast to south winds 25 to 35 kt and combined seas of 8 to 11 ft when conditions are worst. * WHERE...Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 3 PM PST this afternoon. For the Gale Warning, from 3 PM this afternoon to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will create dangerous sea conditions which could capsize or damage small and large vessels. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...See the Coastal Waters Forecast (CWFLOX) for more. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ PZZ673-062015- /O.NEW.KLOX.SC.Y.0022.250206T1700Z-250206T2300Z/ /O.NEW.KLOX.GL.W.0007.250206T2300Z-250207T1100Z/ Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands- 401 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... ...GALE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southeast to south winds 25 to 35 kt and combined seas of 7 to 10 ft when conditions are worst. * WHERE...Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, from 9 AM this morning to 3 PM PST this afternoon. For the Gale Warning, from 3 PM this afternoon to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will create dangerous sea conditions which could capsize or damage small and large vessels. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...See the Coastal Waters Forecast (CWFLOX) for more. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ PZZ676-062015- /O.NEW.KLOX.SC.Y.0022.250206T2300Z-250207T1200Z/ Outer waters from Santa Cruz Island to San Clemente Island to 60 NM offshore including San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands- 401 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 4 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Hazardous wind and sea conditions. * WHERE...Outer waters from Santa Cruz Island to San Clemente Island to 60 NM offshore including San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands. * WHEN...From 3 PM this afternoon to 4 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...See the Coastal Waters Forecast (CWFLOX) for more. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ650-062015- /O.NEW.KLOX.SC.Y.0022.250206T2300Z-250207T1200Z/ East Santa Barbara Channel from Pt. Conception to Pt. Mugu CA including Santa Cruz Island- 401 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 4 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Hazardous wind and sea conditions. * WHERE...East Santa Barbara Channel from Pt. Conception to Pt. Mugu CA including Santa Cruz Island. * WHEN...From 3 PM this afternoon to 4 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...See the Coastal Waters Forecast (CWFLOX) for more. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ645-062015- /O.NEW.KLOX.SC.Y.0022.250206T1700Z-250207T1200Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal westward out to 10 NM- 401 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 4 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Hazardous wind and sea conditions. * WHERE...Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal westward out to 10 NM. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 4 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...See the Coastal Waters Forecast (CWFLOX) for more. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  314 WWST03 SABM 061200 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR NAVTEX STATIONS - METAREA 6 - FEBRUARY 06, 12:00UTC NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS. GALE WARNING: WARNING 43: LOW 984HPA AT 52S 62W MOV SE DEEPENING PROVOKES WINDS FORCE 8 FROM SECTOR W WITH GUST IN SOUTH PATAGONIA COASTS ISLAS MALVINAS COASTS AND BETWEEN 45S-60S AND 50W-60W GENERAL SINOPSIS: LOW 984HPA 52S 62W MOV SE DPN EXP 61S 45W BY 07/1200 EXTENDS CFNT AT 52S 62W 50S 59W 45S 60W MOV E EXP 61S 43W 45S 42W BY 07/1200 FORECAST ISSUED 12:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 12:00 UTC 2025-02-7 NAVTEX STATIONS FCST: BUENOS AIRES: SECTOR S 3/4 BACK NE BY 7/0000 MIST DURING THE MORNING DISSIPATING VIS MODERATE TO GOOD BAHIA BLANCA: NW 5/4 BACK NE 4/6 BY 06/2100 PROB OF MIST DURING THE MORNING DISSIPATING VIS MODERATE TO GOOD. MAR DEL PLATA: NW 4 BACK SECTOR E BY 7/0300 VIS GOOD. COMODORO RIVADAVIA: W 7/6 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BACK SECTOR E 4 BY 7/0000 VIS MODERATE TO GOOD. RIO GALLEGOS: E OF 65W: SW 8 WITH GUSTS DECR 7/6 WITH GUSTS BY 7/0000 PROB OF SH IMPR TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE TO GOOD. REST OF THE AREA: SW 7/6 WITH GUSTS DECR 4/3 BY 7/0300 PROB OF SH IMPR DURING THE NIGTH VIS MODERATE TO GOOD. USHUAIA: SW 6/7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY PROB OF RAIN VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR. ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  315 WWST02 SABM 061200 1:31:06:01:00 SECURITE WEATHER BULLETIN FOR SHIPPING - METAREA 6- 2025-02-06, 12:00 UTC. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SEA ICE AND ICEBERGS ISSUED BY SHN PRESSURE HPA BEAUFORT SCALE WINDS. PART 1 GALE WARNING: WARNING 43: LOW 984HPA AT 52S 62W MOV SE DEEPENING PROVOKES WINDS FORCE 8 FROM SECTOR W WITH GUST IN SOUTH PATAGONIA COASTS ISLAS MALVINAS COASTS AND BETWEEN 45S-60S AND 50W-60W WARNING 42: LOW 984HPA AT 52S 62W MOV SE DEEPENING PROVOKES WINDS FORCE 8 FROM SECTOR N WITH GUST BETWEEN 45S-55S AND 35W-60W WARNING 41: LOW 996HPA AT 36S 51W MOV SE WEAKENING PROVOKES WINDS FORCE 8 AROUND ITSELF WITH GUST IN NORTH AREA (35S- 40S AND 20W- 55W) WARNING 39: STRONG BARIC GRADIENT MOV E PROVOKES WINDS FORCE 8 FROM SW WITH GUST BETWEEN 45S-50S AND 20W-30W UNTIL 07/0000 PART 2 GENERAL SYNOPSIS AT 09:00UTC LOW 996HPA 36S 51W MOV SE WKN EXP 38S 38W BY 07/1200 EXTENDS WFNT AT 36S 51W 37S 48W 35S 43W MOV E LOW 984HPA 52S 62W MOV SE DPN EXP 61S 45W BY 07/1200 EXTENDS CFNT AT 52S 62W 50S 59W 45S 60W MOV E EXP 61S 43W 45S 42W BY 07/1200 HIGH 1017HPA 41S 35W MOV NE INTSF EXP 35S 20W BY 07/1200 EXTENDS RIDGE AT 46S 43W 60S 41W MOV E EXP 46S 23W 60S 23W BY 07/1200 061400 UTC 1.SEA ICE LIMIT 7107S 02000W 6849S 02659W 6409S 02820W 6615S 04047W 6421S 04319W 6223S 04358W 6051S 04607W 6246S 05158W 6223S 05414W 6250S 05627W 6356S 06230W 6607S 06716W 2.ICEBERGS GREATER THAN 10NM A23A 5643S 04057W 40X32NM A76B 4613S 02840W 15X5NM A23B 5724S 04059W 10X3NM 3.ICEBERGS SMALLER THAN 10NM ICEBERG1 6148S 05524W 9X3NM ICEBERG2 5524S 03554W 3X2NM ICEBERG3 5750S 03050W 2X1NM ICEBERG4 6229S 05508W 2X1NM ICEBERG5 5503S 03616W 2X1NM ICEBERG6 4613S 02849W 4X1NM ICEBERG7 5723S 02929W 2X1NM ICEBERG8 6214S 02826W 3X2NM ICEBERG9 6240S 04919W 9X3NM ICEBERG10 6248S 04606W 3X1NM ICEBERG11 6343S 03548W 2X1NM 4.ICEBERGS AREA A: 4630S 02000W 7000S 02000W 7000S 03000W 4300S 03000W B: 7000S 04500W 4800S 04500W 7000S 03000W 4500S 03000W C: 5500S 04500W 6700S 04500W 6900S 06716W 6100S 06716W D: 7000S 02000W 7000S 03500W 7400S 02000W 7800S 03500W PART 3 FORECAST ISSUED 12:00 UTC VALID UNTIL 12:00 UTC 2025-02-7 COASTAL AREAS: INNER RIO DE LA PLATA: SECTOR S 3/4 BACK NE BY 7/0000 MIST DURING THE MORNING DISSIPATING VIS MODERATE TO GOOD OUTER RIO DE LA PLATA: SECTOR S 4/3 BACK NE BY 7/0000 MIST DURING THE MORNING DISSIPATING VIS MODERATE TO GOOD URUGUAY SOUTH EAST COASTS: SW 6/5 WITH GUSTS BACK SECTOR E 4/3 BY 7/0000 LOW PROB OF SH IMPR DURING THE MORNING VIS MODERATE TO GOOD MAR DEL PLATA COASTS(36š17S - 38š30S): NW 4 BACK SECTOR E BY 7/0300 VIS GOOD RINCON BAHIA BLANCA COASTS(38š30S - 41šS): NW 5/4 BACK NE 4/6 BY 06/2100 PROB OF MIST DURING THE MORNING DISSIPATING VIS MODERATE TO GOOD PENINSULA DE VALDES COASTS(41šS - 45šS): SECTOR W 5/4 BACK NE 3/4 BY 06/2100 VIS GOOD GOLFO DE SAN JORGE COASTS(45šS - 48šS): W 7/6 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BACK SECTOR E 4 BY 7/0000 VIS MODERATE TO GOOD SOUTH PATAGONIA COASTS(48šS - 54šS) E OF 65W: SW 8 WITH GUSTS DECR 7/6 WITH GUSTS BY 7/0000 PROB OF SH IMPR TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS MODERATE TO GOOD SOUTH PATAGONIA COASTS(48šS - 54šS) REST OF THE AREA: SW 7/6 WITH GUSTS DECR 4/3 BY 7/0300 PROB OF SH IMPR DURING THE NIGTH VIS MODERATE TO GOOD FIN DEL MUNDO COASTS(54šS - 55šS): SW 6/7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY PROB OF RAIN VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR ISLAS MALVINAS COASTS: NW 7 WITH GUSTS BACK SW 8/7 WITH GUSTS BY 06/1800 PROB OF HVY RAIN VIS VERY POOR OCEANIC AREAS: NORTH AREA (35S- 40S AND 20W- 55W) W OF 40W: SECTOR E 8/6 WITH GUSTS BACK SW 5 BY 7/0300 PROB OF HVY RAIN IMPR DURING THE NIGTH VIS VERY POOR TO MODERATE REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR E 5 INCR 6/8 WITH GUSTS BY 06/2100 BACK SECTOR W 8/6 WITH GUSTS BY 7/1200 PROB OF HVY RAIN STARTING EVENING VIS GOOD TO VERY POOR CENTRAL EAST AREA (40S- 50S AND 20W- 40W) W OF 30W: SW 4/3 BACK SECTOR N 5/7 WITH GUSTS BY 7/0300 PROB OF RAIN TOWARDS NIGTH VIS GOOD TO POOR E OF 30 - N OF 45S: SW 7/6 WITH GUSTS DECR 5/3 BY 7/0000 PROB OF SH SPELLS OF GOOD WEATHER DURING THE EARLY MORNING VIS MODERATE OCNL GOOD REST OF THE AREA: SW 7/8 WITH GUSTS DECR 5/3 BY 7/0000 PROB OF SH IMPR TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS POOR TO GOOD CENTRAL WEST AREA (40S- 50S AND 40W- 60W) E OF 50 - N OF 45S: SECTOR N 5/6 WITH GUSTS BACK SW 6 WITH GUSTS BY 7/0900 PROB OF ISOL RAIN STARTING EVENING VIS GOOD TO MODERATE W OF 50 - N OF 45S: SECTOR N 6/7 WITH GUSTS BACK SW 5/3 BY 06/2100 PROB OF ISOL RAIN IMPR DURING THE NIGTH VIS MODERATE TO GOOD E OF 50 - S OF 45S: SECTOR N 5/6 WITH GUSTS INCR 7/8 WITH GUSTS BY 06/1500 BACK SW 8/7 WITH GUSTS BY 7/0600 PROB OF RAIN STARTING EVENING VIS GOOD TO POOR REST OF THE AREA: SECTOR N 8/7 WITH GUSTS BACK SW BY 06/2100 DECR 7/6 WITH GUSTS BY 7/0900 PROB OF RAIN VIS POOR TO MODERATE SOUTH EAST AREA (50S- 60S AND 20W- 40W) W OF 35W: SW 4 VEER N 4/5 BY 06/1800 INCR 6/8 WITH GUSTS BY 7/0300 PROB OF HVY RAIN TOWARDS THE END OF THE PERIOD VIS GOOD TO VERY POOR REST OF THE AREA: SW 6/5 WITH GUSTS VEER N 5/7 WITH GUSTS BY 7/0900 PROB OF SH IMPR DURING THE EVENING VIS MODERATE TO GOOD SOUTH WEST AREA (50S- 60S AND 40W- 60W) E OF 50 - N OF 55S: SECTOR N 5/6 WITH GUSTS INCR 7/8 WITH GUSTS BY 06/1800 PROB OF HVY RAIN STARTING EARLY MORNING VIS GOOD TO VERY POOR W OF 50 - N OF 55S: N 7/8 WITH GUSTS DECR 6 GUST WITH 9 INTENSITY BY 06/1800 BACK SW 8 WITH GUSTS BY 7/0000 PROB OF HVY RAIN VIS VERY POOR TO POOR E OF 50 - S OF 55S: SECTOR N 5/7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY VEER SW 7 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 7/0900 PROB OF HVY RAIN STARTING EVENING VIS MODERATE TO VERY POOR REST OF THE AREA: S 5/6 VEER SW 7/6 GUST WITH 8 INTENSITY BY 7/0000 PROB OF RAIN VIS MODERATE OCNL POOR DRAKE AREA (55S- 60S AND 60W- 67W): S 3/4 VEER SW 5 BY 06/2100 PROB OF SH STARTING EVENING VIS GOOD OCNL MODERATE ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  462 WWST01 SABM 061200 1:31:06:01:00 SEGURIDAD BOLETIN METEOROLOGICO PARA NAVEGANTES - METAREA 6 - 06-02-2025, 12:00 UTC. SERVICIO METEOROLOGICO NACIONAL INFORMACION DE HIELOS MARINOS Y TEMPANOS SUMINISTRADA POR EL SHN, PRESION EN HPA, ESCALA BEAUFORT PARA VIENTO. 1 PARTE AVISO DE TEMPORAL: AVISO 43: DEPRESION 984HPA EN 52S 62W MOV SE PROFUNDIZANDOSE PROVOCA VIENTO FUERZA 8 DEL SECTOR W CON RAFAGAS EN COSTA PATAGONIA SUR COSTA DE ISLAS MALVINAS Y EN 45S-60S 50W-60W AVISO 42: DEPRESION 984HPA EN 52S 62W MOV SE PROFUNDIZANDOSE PROVOCA VIENTO FUERZA 8 DEL SECTOR N CON RAFAGAS EN 45S-55S 35W-60W AVISO 41: DEPRESION 996HPA EN 36S 51W MOV SE DEBILITANDOSE PROVOCA VIENTO FUERZA 8 ALREDEDOR DE LA MISMA CON RAFAGAS EN AREA NORTE (35S- 40S Y 20W- 55W) AVISO 39: FUERTE GRADIENTE BARICO MOV E PROVOCA VIENTO FUERZA 8 DEL SW CON RAFAGAS EN 45S-50S 20W-30W HASTA EL 07/0000 2 PARTE SINOPSIS GENERAL A LAS 09:00UTC DEPRESION 996HPA 36S 51W MOV SE WKN EXP 38S 38W EL 07/1200 EXTIENDE WFNT EN 36S 51W 37S 48W 35S 43W MOV E DEPRESION 984HPA 52S 62W MOV SE DPN EXP 61S 45W EL 07/1200 EXTIENDE CFNT EN 52S 62W 50S 59W 45S 60W MOV E EXP 61S 43W 45S 42W EL 07/1200 ANTICICLON 1017HPA 41S 35W MOV NE INTSF EXP 35S 20W EL 07/1200 EXTIENDE EJE DE CUŅA EN 46S 43W 60S 41W MOV E EXP 46S 23W 60S 23W EL 07/1200 061400 UTC 1.LIMITE DE HIELO MARINO 7107S 02000W 6849S 02659W 6409S 02820W 6615S 04047W 6421S 04319W 6223S 04358W 6051S 04607W 6246S 05158W 6223S 05414W 6250S 05627W 6356S 06230W 6607S 06716W 2.TEMPANOS MAYORES A 10MN A23A 5643S 04057W 40X32MN A76B 4613S 02840W 15X5MN A23B 5724S 04059W 10X3MN 3.TEMPANOS MENORES A 10MN TEMPANO1 6148S 05524W 9X3MN TEMPANO2 5524S 03554W 3X2MN TEMPANO3 5750S 03050W 2X1MN TEMPANO4 6229S 05508W 2X1MN TEMPANO5 5503S 03616W 2X1MN TEMPANO6 4613S 02849W 4X1MN TEMPANO7 5723S 02929W 2X1MN TEMPANO8 6214S 02826W 3X2MN TEMPANO9 6240S 04919W 9X3MN TEMPANO10 6248S 04606W 3X1MN TEMPANO11 6343S 03548W 2X1MN 4.AREA DE TEMPANOS A: 4630S 02000W 7000S 02000W 7000S 03000W 4300S 03000W B: 7000S 04500W 4800S 04500W 7000S 03000W 4500S 03000W C: 5500S 04500W 6700S 04500W 6900S 06716W 6100S 06716W D: 7000S 02000W 7000S 03500W 7400S 02000W 7800S 03500W 3 PARTE PRONOSTICO DE LAS 12:00 UTC VALIDO HASTA LAS 12:00 UTC DEL DIA 7-02-2025 ZONAS COSTERAS: RIO DE LA PLATA INTERIOR: SECTOR S 3/4 BACK NE EL 7/0000 NEBLINAS DURANTE LA MAŅANA DISIPANDOSE VIS REGULAR A BUENA RIO DE LA PLATA EXTERIOR: SECTOR S 4/3 BACK NE EL 7/0000 NEBLINAS DURANTE LA MAŅANA DISIPANDOSE VIS REGULAR A BUENA COSTA SUDESTE DEL URUGUAY: SW 6/5 CON RAFAGAS BACK SECTOR E 4/3 EL 7/0000 BAJA PROB DE SH MEJORANDO DURANTE LA MAŅANA VIS REGULAR A BUENA COSTA MAR DEL PLATA(36š17S - 38š30S): NW 4 BACK SECTOR E EL 7/0300 VIS BUENA RINCON BAHIA BLANCA(38š30S - 41šS): NW 5/4 BACK NE 4/6 EL 06/2100 PROB DE NEBLINAS DURANTE LA MAŅANA DISIPANDOSE VIS REGULAR A BUENA COSTA PENINSULA DE VALDES(41šS - 45šS): SECTOR W 5/4 BACK NE 3/4 EL 06/2100 VIS BUENA GOLFO DE SAN JORGE(45šS - 48šS): W 7/6 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 BACK SECTOR E 4 EL 7/0000 VIS REGULAR A BUENA COSTA PATAGONIA SUR(48šS - 54šS) E DE 65W: SW 8 CON RAFAGAS DECR 7/6 CON RAFAGAS EL 7/0000 PROB DE SH MEJORANDO HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS REGULAR A BUENA COSTA PATAGONIA SUR(48šS - 54šS) RESTO DEL AREA: SW 7/6 CON RAFAGAS DECR 4/3 EL 7/0300 PROB DE SH MEJORANDO DURANTE LA NOCHE VIS REGULAR A BUENA COSTA FIN DEL MUNDO(54šS - 55šS): SW 6/7 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 PROB DE LLUVIAS VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA COSTA DE ISLAS MALVINAS: NW 7 CON RAFAGAS BACK SW 8/7 CON RAFAGAS EL 06/1800 PROB DE LLUVIAS FUERTES VIS MUY MALA AREAS OCEANICAS: AREA NORTE (35S- 40S Y 20W- 55W) W DE 40W: SECTOR E 8/6 CON RAFAGAS BACK SW 5 EL 7/0300 PROB DE LLUVIAS FUERTES MEJORANDO DURANTE LA NOCHE VIS MUY MALA A REGULAR RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR E 5 INCR 6/8 CON RAFAGAS EL 06/2100 BACK SECTOR W 8/6 CON RAFAGAS EL 7/1200 PROB DE LLUVIAS FUERTES A PARTIR DE LA TARDE VIS BUENA A MUY MALA AREA CENTRO ESTE (40S- 50S Y 20W- 40W) W DE 30W: SW 4/3 BACK SECTOR N 5/7 CON RAFAGAS EL 7/0300 PROB DE LLUVIAS HACIA LA NOCHE VIS BUENA A MALA E DE 30 - N DE 45S: SW 7/6 CON RAFAGAS DECR 5/3 EL 7/0000 PROB DE SH MEJORAMIENTOS TEMPORARIOS DURANTE LA MADRUGADA VIS REGULAR OCNL BUENA RESTO DEL AREA: SW 7/8 CON RAFAGAS DECR 5/3 EL 7/0000 PROB DE SH MEJORANDO HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS MALA A BUENA AREA CENTRO OESTE (40S- 50S Y 40W- 60W) E DE 50 - N DE 45S: SECTOR N 5/6 CON RAFAGAS BACK SW 6 CON RAFAGAS EL 7/0900 PROB DE LLUVIAS AISLADAS A PARTIR DE LA TARDE VIS BUENA A REGULAR W DE 50 - N DE 45S: SECTOR N 6/7 CON RAFAGAS BACK SW 5/3 EL 06/2100 PROB DE LLUVIAS AISLADAS MEJORANDO DURANTE LA NOCHE VIS REGULAR A BUENA E DE 50 - S DE 45S: SECTOR N 5/6 CON RAFAGAS INCR 7/8 CON RAFAGAS EL 06/1500 BACK SW 8/7 CON RAFAGAS EL 7/0600 PROB DE LLUVIAS A PARTIR DE LA TARDE VIS BUENA A MALA RESTO DEL AREA: SECTOR N 8/7 CON RAFAGAS BACK SW EL 06/2100 DECR 7/6 CON RAFAGAS EL 7/0900 PROB DE LLUVIAS VIS MALA A REGULAR AREA SUDESTE (50S- 60S Y 20W- 40W) W DE 35W: SW 4 VEER N 4/5 EL 06/1800 INCR 6/8 CON RAFAGAS EL 7/0300 PROB DE LLUVIAS FUERTES HACIA EL FINAL DEL PERIODO VIS BUENA A MUY MALA RESTO DEL AREA: SW 6/5 CON RAFAGAS VEER N 5/7 CON RAFAGAS EL 7/0900 PROB DE SH MEJORANDO DURANTE LA TARDE VIS REGULAR A BUENA AREA SUDOESTE (50S- 60S Y 40W- 60W) E DE 50 - N DE 55S: SECTOR N 5/6 CON RAFAGAS INCR 7/8 CON RAFAGAS EL 06/1800 PROB DE LLUVIAS FUERTES A PARTIR DE LA MAŅANA VIS BUENA A MUY MALA W DE 50 - N DE 55S: N 7/8 CON RAFAGAS DECR 6 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 9 EL 06/1800 BACK SW 8 CON RAFAGAS EL 7/0000 PROB DE LLUVIAS FUERTES VIS MUY MALA A MALA E DE 50 - S DE 55S: SECTOR N 5/7 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 VEER SW 7 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 EL 7/0900 PROB DE LLUVIAS FUERTES A PARTIR DE LA TARDE VIS REGULAR A MUY MALA RESTO DEL AREA: S 5/6 VEER SW 7/6 RAFAGAS CON INTENSIDAD 8 EL 7/0000 PROB DE LLUVIAS VIS REGULAR OCNL MALA AREA PASAJE DE DRAKE (55S- 60S Y 60W- 67W): S 3/4 VEER SW 5 EL 06/2100 PROB DE SH A PARTIR DE LA TARDE VIS BUENA OCNL REGULAR ----------------------------------------------------------------- NNNN=  559 WWUS43 KGRB 061202 WSWGRB URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Green Bay WI 602 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 WIZ030-035-036-062015- /O.CAN.KGRB.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ /O.CON.KGRB.WS.A.0001.250208T0900Z-250209T0300Z/ Marathon-Wood-Portage- Including the cities of Plover, Marshfield, Stevens Point, Wisconsin Rapids, and Wausau 602 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... ...WINTER STORM WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE FRIDAY NIGHT THROUGH SATURDAY EVENING... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 8 inches possible. * WHERE...Marathon, Portage, and Wood Counties. * WHEN...From late Friday night through Saturday evening. * IMPACTS...TTravel could be very difficult. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The mixed precipitation has ended early this morning, with road conditions improving. Untreated roads could remain slippery. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. && $$ WIZ031-037>040-045-048>050-062015- /O.CAN.KGRB.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ /O.CON.KGRB.WS.A.0001.250208T1200Z-250209T0600Z/ Shawano-Waupaca-Outagamie-Brown-Kewaunee-Waushara-Winnebago- Calumet-Manitowoc- Including the cities of Wautoma, Clintonville, Kewaunee, New Holstein, Two Rivers, Chilton, Appleton, Luxemburg, Redgranite, Menasha, Shawano, Neenah, Green Bay, Brillion, Manitowoc, New London, Waupaca, and Oshkosh 602 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... ...WINTER STORM WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM SATURDAY MORNING THROUGH SATURDAY EVENING... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 8 inches possible. * WHERE...Waushara, Calumet, Manitowoc, Winnebago, Brown, Kewaunee, Outagamie, Shawano, and Waupaca Counties. * WHEN...From Saturday morning through Saturday evening. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The mixed precipitation has ended early this morning, with road conditions improving. Untreated roads could remain slippery. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. && $$ For more information, visit us at http://www.weather.gov/GreenBay Bersch  939 WSTU31 LTAC 061158 LTAA SIGMET 4 VALID 061200/061600 LTAC- LTAA ANKARA FIR SEV TURB FCST SW OF LINE N4245 E03400 - N3640 E03845 FL160/280 MOV E 12KT NC=  169 WOUS64 KWNS 061203 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 3 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 603 AM CST THU FEB 06 2025 TORNADO WATCH 3 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1000 AM CST FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS KYC001-003-009-021-025-031-045-049-051-053-057-061-065-067-079- 087-099-109-113-121-123-125-129-137-141-147-151-153-155-165-167- 169-171-173-175-189-197-199-203-207-213-217-227-229-231-235-237- 061600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ KY . KENTUCKY COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ADAIR ALLEN BARREN BOYLE BREATHITT BUTLER CASEY CLARK CLAY CLINTON CUMBERLAND EDMONSON ESTILL FAYETTE GARRARD GREEN HART JACKSON JESSAMINE KNOX LARUE LAUREL LEE LINCOLN LOGAN MCCREARY MADISON MAGOFFIN MARION MENIFEE MERCER METCALFE MONROE MONTGOMERY MORGAN OWSLEY POWELL PULASKI ROCKCASTLE RUSSELL SIMPSON TAYLOR WARREN WASHINGTON WAYNE WHITLEY WOLFE $$ ATTN...WFO...LMK...JKL...  507 WWUS41 KLWX 061203 WSWLWX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 703 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAZ503-WVZ505-061315- /O.EXP.KLWX.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Western Highland-Western Pendleton- 703 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING HAS EXPIRED... Temperatures have risen above freezing. Continue to exercise caution on wet roads as some may still be icy. $$ MDZ016-018-VAZ055-056-061315- /O.CAN.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Charles-Calvert-Stafford-Spotsylvania- 703 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Temperatures have risen above freezing. Continue to exercise caution on wet roads as some may still be icy. $$ VAZ504-WVZ506-061315- /O.EXP.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Eastern Highland-Eastern Pendleton- 703 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... Temperatures have risen above freezing. Continue to exercise caution on wet roads as some may still be icy. $$ MDZ001-003-501-502-VAZ028-031-507-WVZ050>053-055-501>504-061700- /O.CON.KLWX.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Garrett-Washington-Extreme Western Allegany-Central and Eastern Allegany-Frederick VA-Clarke-Northern Virginia Blue Ridge- Hampshire-Morgan-Berkeley-Jefferson-Hardy-Western Grant-Eastern Grant-Western Mineral-Eastern Mineral- 703 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Significant icing. Additional ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of north central and western Maryland, northwest Virginia, and eastern and panhandle West Virginia. * WHEN...Until noon EST today. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Significant ice accumulation on power lines and tree limbs may cause widespread power outages. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not touch downed lines and report any power outages to your electric company. Travel is highly discouraged due to slick roadways and the possibility of downed trees and power lines. && $$ DCZ001-MDZ008-011-013-014-504-506-508-VAZ036>039-050-051-053-054-502- 527-061500- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ District of Columbia-Cecil-Southern Baltimore-Prince Georges-Anne Arundel-Central and Southeast Montgomery-Central and Southeast Howard-Southeast Harford-Nelson-Albemarle-Greene-Madison-Orange- Culpeper-Fairfax-Arlington/Falls Church/Alexandria-Southern Fauquier-Central and Southeast Prince William/Manassas/Manassas Park- 703 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...DC, central, northeast, and northern Maryland, and central, northern, and northwest Virginia. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ MDZ004>006-503-505-507-VAZ040-501-505-506-526-061700- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Frederick MD-Carroll-Northern Baltimore-Northwest Montgomery- Northwest Howard-Northwest Harford-Rappahannock-Northern Fauquier- Western Loudoun-Eastern Loudoun-Northwest Prince William- 703 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations up to around five hundredths of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of central, north central, and northern Maryland and northern and northwest Virginia. * WHEN...Until noon EST today. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ VAZ025>027-029-030-508-061700- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Augusta-Rockingham-Shenandoah-Page-Warren-Central Virginia Blue Ridge- 703 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain expected. Ice accumulations from freezing rain ranging from a light glaze in the valleys to one tenth of an inch on the ridges expected. * WHERE...Portions of central, northwest, and western Virginia. * WHEN...Until noon EST today. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ BRO  639 WSAG31 SAVC 061204 SAVF SIGMET E2 VALID 061204/061434 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA CNL SIGMET E1 061034/061434=  752 WWCN02 CYTR 061203 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB TRENTON PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 7:03 AM EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB TRENTON (CYTR) TYPE: SNOWFALL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SNOWFALL AMOUNT OF 3 CM OR MORE IN 6 HOURS VALID: UNTIL 06/2200Z (UNTIL 06/1700 EST) TYPE: FREEZING PRECIPITATION WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: FREEZING RAIN/DRIZZLE VALID: 06/1600Z TO 06/2200Z (06/1100 EST TO 06/1700 EST) TYPE: WHITE WIND WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SURFACE WIND (MEAN OR GUST) GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 25 KNOTS VALID: 06/2000Z TO 07/2400Z (06/1500 EST TO 07/1900 EST) TYPE: AMBER WIND WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SURFACE WIND (MEAN OR GUST) GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 35 KNOTS VALID: 06/2300Z TO 07/1200Z (06/1800 EST TO 07/0700 EST) COMMENTS: A FRONTAL SYSTEM WILL TRACK NORTHEAST ACROSS SOUTHERN ONTARIO TODAY, BRINGING PERIODS OF SNOW, FREEZING PRECIPITATION, AND STRONG WINDS ACROSS THE REGION. AS THE SYSTEM APPROACHES CFB TRENTON, PERIODS OF LIGHT SNOW ARE EXPECTED TO QUICKLY TRANSITION TO HEAVIER SNOWFALL RATES OF UP TO 4 CENTIMETERS PER HOUR FROM 06/1200Z UNTIL 06/1600Z. SNOW IS EXPECTED TO TAPER OFF TO PERIODS OF LIGHT SNOW MIXED WITH FREEZING DRIZZLE OR FREEZING RAIN/ICE PELLETS. THE MOST RECENT GUIDANCE INDICATES THE STRONGEST LIKELIHOOD OF FREEZING PRECIPITATION WILL BE DURING THE AFTERNOON HOURS. SNOWFALL TOTALS ARE EXPECTED TO REACH 4 TO 6 CENTIMETERS, WHILE ICE ACCRETION WILL RANGE FROM TRACE AMOUNTS TO 2 MILLIMETERS, DEPENDING ON WHEN SURFACE TEMPERATURES CLIMB ABOVE FREEZING THURSDAY EVENING. IN ADDITION TO THE MIXED PRECIPITATION, THE BACKSIDE OF THIS SYSTEM WILL ALLOW FOR STRONG SOUTHWESTERLY WINDS TO DEVELOP. INTERMITTENT GUSTS OF 25 TO 30 KNOTS CAN BE EXPECTED BEGINNING LATE THIS EVENING THROUGH FRIDAY. WHILE THERE IS STILL SOME UNCERTAINTY REGARDING THE STRENGTH OF THE PEAK GUSTS, A STRONG LOW-LEVEL JET WILL ALLOW FOR WIND GUSTS AS HIGH AS 40 KNOTS TO DEVELOP TONIGHT. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 07/0000Z (06/1900 EST) END/JMC  604 WWNZ40 NZKL 061202 GALE WARNING 023 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: PACIFIC AT 061200UTC LOW 956HPA NEAR 47S 161W MOVING EASTSOUTHEAST 10KT. 1. WITHIN 360 NAUTICAL MILES OF LOW IN NORTHEAST SEMICIRCLE: CLOCKWISE 40KT. 2. WITHIN 360 NAUTICAL MILES OF LOW IN SOUTHWEST SEMICIRCLE: CLOCKWISE 40KT EASING NEXT 6-12 HOURS. GALE AREAS MOVING WITH LOW. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 022.  605 WWNZ40 NZKL 061203 GALE WARNING 024 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: SUBTROPIC AT 061200UTC OVER WATERS EAST OF WESTERN BOUNDARY AND SOUTH OF 25S. IN AN AREA BOUNDED BY 25S 170E 25S 177E 28S 175E 28S 170E 25S 170E: EASTERLY 35KT DEVELOPING NEXT 6-12 HOURS.  537 WGUS83 KJKL 061205 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 705 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC065-115-129-153-165-175-197-237-061500- /O.EXT.KJKL.FA.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Estill KY-Johnson KY-Lee KY-Magoffin KY-Menifee KY-Morgan KY- Powell KY-Wolfe KY- 705 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Elevated river levels caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of east central, northeast, and southeast Kentucky, including the following counties, in east central Kentucky, Estill, Menifee and Powell. In northeast Kentucky, Johnson. In southeast Kentucky, Lee, Magoffin, Morgan and Wolfe. * WHEN...Until 1000 AM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 705 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. - Additional rainfall amounts of 0.3 to 0.7 inches are expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... West Liberty, Irvine, Campton, Henry, Lewis, Ravenna, Gosneyville, Valeria, Toliver, Maytown, Calaboose, Stoll, Trent, Pomeroyton, Stillwater, Murphyfork, Hazel Green, Ezel, Daysboro and Rexville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3796 8299 3800 8294 3792 8274 3761 8411 3764 8413 3767 8409 3777 8408 3799 8302 $$ GREIF  344 WABZ23 SBGL 061200 SBAZ AIRMET 7 VALID 061205/061400 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SFC VIS 0200M FG FCST WI S0027 W06724 - S0027 W06634 - N0010 W06634 - N0010 W06724 - S0027 W06724 STNR NC=  345 WABZ23 SBGL 061200 SBAZ AIRMET 8 VALID 061205/061400 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR OVC CLD 100/0600FT FCST WI S0027 W06724 - S0027 W06634 - N0010 W06634 - N0010 W06724 - S0027 W06724 STNR NC=  494 WTIO20 FMEE 061203 PANPAN HURRICANE WARNING FOR METAREA VIII (S) ISSUED BY METEO-FRANCE/TROPICAL CYCLONE CENTER/LA REUNION 06/02/2025 AT 1200 UTC. WARNING NUMBER: 009/8 (SOUTH-WEST INDIAN OCEAN) 10 MINUTES AVERAGE WIND SPEED IN KNOTS (KT) (WIND GUSTS AT SEA MAY BE ABOUT 40% STRONGER THAN THE AVERAGED WIND) MINIMUM SEA LEVEL PRESSURE IN HECTOPASCAL (HPA) (INDICATIVE FIGURE). HURRICANE WARNING BEGINNING OF VALIDITY: THURSDAY 06/02/2025 AT 1200 UTC. PHENOMENON: INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 8 (VINCE) 946 HPA POSITION: WITHIN 20 NM RADIUS OF POINT 19.5 S / 81.6 E (NINETEEN DECIMAL FIVE DEGREES SOUTH AND EIGHTY ONE DECIMAL SIX DEGREES EAST) AT 1200 UTC MOVEMENT: WEST 8 KT THREAT AREAS: SQUALLY WEATHER IN A 250 NM RADIUS AROUND THE CENTER, EXTENDING TO 350 NM IN THE WESTERN SEMICIRCLE. HURRICANE FORCE WINDS 65/100 KT AND VERY HIGH TO PHENOMENAL SEAS WITHIN A 30 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 35 NM IN THE NORTHERN SEMI-CIRCLE. STORM FORCE WINDS 50/60 KT AND HIGH TO VERY HIGH SEAS WITHIN A 45 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 50 NM IN THE NORTHERN SEMI-CIRCLE. GALE FORCE WINDS 35/45 KT AND VERY ROUGH TO HIGH SEAS WITHIN A 75 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 95 NM IN THE SOUTH-EASTERN QUADRANT AND UP TO 100 NM IN THE SOUTH-WESTERN QUADRANT. NEAR GALE FORCE WINDS 30 KT AND ROUGH TO VERY ROUGH SEAS WITHIN A 105 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 130 NM IN THE SOUTH-EASTERN QUADRANT AND UP TO 135 NM IN THE SOUTH-WESTERN QUADRANT. STRONG GUSTS UNDER SQUALLS. FORECAST POSITION AND INTENSITY: 12H, VALID 2025/02/07 AT 00 UTC: 19.9 S / 79.2 E, MAX WIND = 100 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 115 NM SE: 170 NM SW: 160 NM NW: 95 NM 34 KT NE: 70 NM SE: 105 NM SW: 100 NM NW: 55 NM 48 KT NE: 40 NM SE: 45 NM SW: 45 NM NW: 40 NM 64 KT NE: 30 NM SE: 30 NM SW: 30 NM NW: 30 NM 24H, VALID 2025/02/07 AT 12 UTC: 20.2 S / 76.5 E, MAX WIND = 105 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 115 NM SE: 190 NM SW: 180 NM NW: 90 NM 34 KT NE: 70 NM SE: 120 NM SW: 100 NM NW: 55 NM 48 KT NE: 40 NM SE: 50 NM SW: 45 NM NW: 40 NM 64 KT NE: 30 NM SE: 35 NM SW: 30 NM NW: 30 NM OTHER INFORMATION: NIL.=  651 WTIO21 FMEE 061203 METEO-FRANCE/CENTRE DES CYCLONES TROPICAUX DE LA REUNION BMS MARINE LE 06/02/2025 A 1200UTC. NUMERO: 009/8 (SUD-OUEST DE L'OCEAN INDIEN) VITESSES DU VENT MOYEN SUR 10 MINUTES EN NOEUDS (KT) (LES RAFALES SUR MER PEUVENT EXCEDER D'ENVIRON 40% LA VALEUR DU VENT MOYEN). PRESSION MINIMALE AU NIVEAU DE LA MER EN HECTOPASCALS (HPA) (VALEUR INDICATIVE) AVIS D'OURAGAN DEBUT DE VALIDITE: JEUDI 06/02/2025 A 1200 UTC. PHENOMENE: CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 8 (VINCE) 946 HPA POSITION: DANS UN RAYON DE 20 MN AUTOUR DU POINT 19.5 S / 81.6 E (DIX-NEUF DEGRES CINQ SUD ET QUATRE-VINGT UN DEGRES SIX EST) A 1200 UTC DEPLACEMENT: OUEST 8 KT ZONES MENACEES: TEMPS A GRAINS DANS UN RAYON DE 250 MN AUTOUR DU CENTRE, POUVANT S'ETENDRE JUSQU'A 350 MN DANS LE DEMI-CERCLE OUEST OURAGAN 65/100 KT ET MER TRES GROSSE A ENORME DANS UN RAYON DE 30 MN AUTOUR DU CENTRE, S'ETENDANT JUSQUE 35 MN DANS LE DEMI-CERCLE NORD. TEMPETE 50/60 KT ET MER GROSSE A TRES GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE 45 MN AUTOUR DU CENTRE, S'ETENDANT JUSQUE 50 MN DANS LE DEMI-CERCLE NORD. COUP DE VENT 35/45 KT ET MER TRES FORTE A GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE 75 MN AUTOUR DU CENTRE, S'ETENDANT JUSQUE 95 MN DANS LE QUADRANT SUD-EST ET JUSQUE 100 MN DANS LE QUADRANT SUD-OUEST. GRAND FRAIS 30 KT ET MER FORTE A TRES FORTE DANS UN RAYON DE 105 MN AUTOUR DU CENTRE, S'ETENDANT JUSQUE 130 MN DANS LE QUADRANT SUD-EST ET JUSQUE 135 MN DANS LE QUADRANT SUD-OUEST. FORTES RAFALES SOUS GRAINS. PREVISIONS: POSITION ET INTENSITE PREVUES: A 12H POUR LE 07/02/2025 A 00 UTC: 19.9 S / 79.2 E, VENT MAX = 100 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 115 MN SE: 170 MN SO: 160 MN NO: 95 MN 34 KT NE: 70 MN SE: 105 MN SO: 100 MN NO: 55 MN 48 KT NE: 40 MN SE: 45 MN SO: 45 MN NO: 40 MN 64 KT NE: 30 MN SE: 30 MN SO: 30 MN NO: 30 MN A 24H POUR LE 07/02/2025 A 12 UTC: 20.2 S / 76.5 E, VENT MAX = 105 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 115 MN SE: 190 MN SO: 180 MN NO: 90 MN 34 KT NE: 70 MN SE: 120 MN SO: 100 MN NO: 55 MN 48 KT NE: 40 MN SE: 50 MN SO: 45 MN NO: 40 MN 64 KT NE: 30 MN SE: 35 MN SO: 30 MN NO: 30 MN INDICATIONS COMPLEMENTAIRES : NEANT.=  030 WSNZ21 NZKL 061158 NZZC SIGMET 1 VALID 061205/061605 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3530 E17610 - S3450 E17240 - S3420 E17240 - S3430 E17730 - S3510 E17820 - S3530 E17610 FL370/500 MOV ESE 50KT WKN=  334 WWUS43 KDLH 061205 WSWDLH URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Duluth MN 605 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 MNZ021-061315- /O.EXP.KDLH.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ Southern Cook- Including the cities of Grand Marais 605 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING HAS EXPIRED... Heavy snow has ended. Scattered snow showers will persist for several hours. $$ MNZ011-012-019-020-061315- /O.EXP.KDLH.WW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1200Z/ North St. Louis-Northern Cook and Lake-Central St. Louis-Southern Lake- Including the cities of Hibbing, Silver Bay, Two Harbors, Isabella, and Ely 605 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... Widespread snow has ended. Scattered snow showers will persist for several hours. $$ For more information on Northland weather, visit www.weather. gov/duluth Huyck  150 WWUS83 KLMK 061206 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 606 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ062-071-074-061230- Warren KY-Edmonson KY-Barren KY- 606 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHEASTERN WARREN... NORTHWESTERN BARREN AND SOUTHEASTERN EDMONSON COUNTIES THROUGH 630 AM CST... At 606 AM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Plum Springs, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Bowling Green, Plum Springs, Cave City, Smiths Grove, Park City, Oakland, Red Cross, Girkin, Rocky Hill, and Loving. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1000 AM CST for south central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3701 8639 3711 8638 3715 8597 3692 8598 TIME...MOT...LOC 1206Z 271DEG 38KT 3705 8632 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ Padgett  217 WABZ23 SBGL 061201 SBCW AIRMET 14 VALID 061206/061400 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SFC VIS 3000M BR FCST WI S2337 W05133 - S2337 W05044 - S2303 W05044 - S2303 W05133 - S2337 W05133 STNR NC=  081 WSPS21 NZKL 061158 NZZO SIGMET 19 VALID 061206/061606 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3430 E17730 - S3510 E17820 - S3410 W17840 - S3310 W17620 - S3230 W17700 - S3430 E17730 FL370/500 MOV ESE 50KT NC=  120 WVID21 WAAA 061200 WAAF SIGMET 21 VALID 061200/061800 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT SEMERU PSN S0806 E11255 VA CLD OBS AT 1140Z WI S0758 E11242 - S0801 E11311 - S0822 E11311 - S 0824 E11247 - S0812 E11239 - S0758 E11242 SFC/FL150 MOV SE 05KT NC=  012 WABZ23 SBGL 061203 SBAZ AIRMET 9 VALID 061208/061400 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR OVC CLD 100/0600FT FCST WI S1010 W06819 - S1010 W06729 - S0934 W06729 - S0934 W06819 - S1010 W06819 STNR NC=  261 WWUS83 KJKL 061207 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 707 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ060-104-106-107-061245- Elliott KY-Menifee KY-Johnson KY-Morgan KY- 707 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT CENTRAL MORGAN...NORTHWESTERN JOHNSON...NORTHEASTERN MENIFEE AND SOUTHERN ELLIOTT COUNTIES THROUGH 745 AM EST... At 707 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Artville, or 9 miles east of Frenchburg, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 50 mph and pea size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... West Liberty, Henry, Wellington, Lenox, Zag, Moon, Lick Branch, Little Sandy, Denniston, Liberty Road, Omer, Flatgap, Jeptha, Dehart, Barnrock, Scranton, Wrigley, Mariba, Elna, and Gillem Branch. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern and east central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3809 8293 3805 8295 3803 8300 3800 8302 3798 8302 3796 8300 3800 8296 3797 8285 3789 8284 3790 8359 3802 8356 3803 8345 3810 8291 TIME...MOT...LOC 1207Z 265DEG 46KT 3794 8346 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.25 IN MAX WIND GUST...50 MPH $$ GREIF  235 WWUS83 KGRB 061208 SPSGRB Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Green Bay WI 608 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 WIZ005-010>013-018>022-030-031-035>040-045-048>050-073-074-061500- Vilas-Oneida-Forest-Florence-Northern Marinette County-Lincoln- Langlade-Menominee-Northern Oconto County-Door-Marathon-Shawano- Wood-Portage-Waupaca-Outagamie-Brown-Kewaunee-Waushara-Winnebago- Calumet-Manitowoc-Southern Marinette County- Southern Oconto County- 608 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SLIPPERY CONDITIONS POSSIBLE THIS MORNING... Overnight light freezing drizzle and light snow has produced some slippery travel conditions, especially on untreated roads, ramps, and bridges. Be alert for a glaze of ice under the snow this morning. In addition, sidewalks and parking lots may be slippery. Allow extra time to scrape your windows and for extra travel time. Slow down and exercise caution while traveling. $$ Bersch  236 WUUS53 KLMK 061209 SVRLMK KYC045-137-061245- /O.NEW.KLMK.SV.W.0010.250206T1209Z-250206T1245Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 709 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Louisville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Lincoln County in central Kentucky... East central Casey County in central Kentucky... * Until 745 AM EST. * At 708 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located 10 miles northeast of Liberty, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Crab Orchard, Hustonville, South Fork, Kings Mountain, Jumbo, Ottenheim, Mount Salem, Broughtentown, Geneva, and Middleburg. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain alert for a possible tornado! Tornadoes can develop quickly from severe thunderstorms. If you spot a tornado go at once into the basement or small central room in a sturdy structure. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3733 8450 3735 8456 3732 8461 3736 8485 3748 8485 3748 8445 TIME...MOT...LOC 1208Z 274DEG 41KT 3740 8478 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ BJS  673 WWUS53 KLMK 061210 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 710 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC045-137-061220- /O.EXP.KLMK.TO.W.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1215Z/ Lincoln KY-Casey KY- 710 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR WEST CENTRAL LINCOLN AND NORTHEASTERN CASEY COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 715 AM EST... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3735 8478 3740 8498 3747 8500 3752 8475 TIME...MOT...LOC 1210Z 272DEG 48KT 3743 8494 $$ BJS  930 WWST02 SBBR 061200 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE WARNING NR 028/2025 NEAR GALE/GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1200Z - TUE - 04/JAN/2025 COASTAL AREA BETWEEN CHUI/RS AND RIO GRANDE/RS TO 320 NM OFFSHORE STARTING AT 052100Z. WIND NE/NW FORCE 7/8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 061200Z. WARNING NR 030/2025 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1200Z - THU - 06/FEB/2025 OCEANIC AREA BETWEEN 34S052W, 36S048W, 32S044W AND 32S048W STARTING AT 061500Z. WAVES FROM SW/SE 3.0/3.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 071200Z. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 029/2025. WARNING NR 031/2025 NEAR GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1200Z - THU - 06/FEB/2025 OCEANIC AREA BETWEEN 34S053W, 36S048W, 31S043W AND 29S049W. WIND NW/SW FORCE 7 WITH GUSTS 8. VALID UNTIL 070600Z. WARNING NR 032/2025 GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1200Z - THU - 06/FEB/2025 OCEANIC AREA BETWEEN 36S048W, 30S042W, 30S030W AND 36SS030W. WIND NW/SW FORCE 8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 080000Z.=  135 WOCN11 CWTO 061211 FREEZING DRIZZLE ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:11 A.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEZING DRIZZLE ADVISORY FOR: =NEW= SIMCOE - DELHI - NORFOLK =NEW= DUNNVILLE - CALEDONIA - HALDIMAND =NEW= OXFORD - BRANT =NEW= NIAGARA =NEW= CITY OF HAMILTON WINDSOR - ESSEX - CHATHAM-KENT SARNIA - LAMBTON ELGIN LONDON - MIDDLESEX. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== AREAS OF FREEZING DRIZZLE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. HAZARD: FREEZING DRIZZLE LEADING TO LIGHT ICE BUILD-UP AND SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. TIMING: THIS MORNING. DISCUSSION: FREEZING DRIZZLE MIXED WITH LIGHT SNOW, IS EXPECTED THIS MORNING. ANY SNOW AND FREEZING DRIZZLE WILL COME TO AN END NEAR NOON. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME ICY AND SLIPPERY. FREEZING DRIZZLE CAN PRODUCE THIN, HARD-TO-DETECT LAYERS OF ICE. TAKE EXTRA CARE WHEN WALKING OR DRIVING IN AFFECTED AREAS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN ONTARIO, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  355 WWUS83 KMKX 061211 SPSMKX SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT National Weather Service MILWAUKEE/SULLIVAN WI 611 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 WIZ046-047-051-052-056>060-062>072-061500- Marquette-Green Lake-Fond du Lac-Sheboygan-Sauk-Columbia-Dodge- Washington-Ozaukee-Iowa-Dane-Jefferson-Waukesha-Milwaukee- Lafayette-Green-Rock-Walworth-Racine-Kenosha- Including the cities of Montello, Westfield, Oxford, Neshkoro, Endeavor, Berlin, Princeton, Markesan, Fond Du Lac, Plymouth, Sheboygan Falls, Howards Grove, Oostburg, Baraboo, Reedsburg, Prairie Du Sac, Sauk City, Portage, Columbus, Lake Wisconsin, Lodi, Beaver Dam, Waupun, Mayville, West Bend, Germantown, Hartford, Mequon, Cedarburg, Grafton, Dodgeville, Mineral Point, Barneveld, Madison, Watertown, Fort Atkinson, Jefferson, Waukesha, Brookfield, New Berlin, Menomonee Falls, Muskego, Milwaukee, Darlington, Shullsburg, Benton, Belmont, Argyle, Blanchardville, Monroe, Brodhead, Janesville, Beloit, Whitewater, Delavan, Elkhorn, Lake Geneva, East Troy, Racine, and Kenosha 611 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...Slick Spots On Untreated Roads And Surfaces For Morning Commute... The freezing drizzle and light snow has moved out of the area this morning. There may still be some slick spots on untreated roads and surfaces for the morning commute. Slow down and drive carefully on untreated roads into this morning. Allow for extra time to reach your destination. $$ Wood  076 WGUS83 KJKL 061211 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 711 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC025-065-109-115-129-153-159-175-237-061500- /O.EXT.KJKL.FA.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Breathitt KY-Estill KY-Jackson KY-Johnson KY-Lee KY-Magoffin KY- Martin KY-Morgan KY-Wolfe KY- 711 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Urban and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of east central, northeast, and southeast Kentucky, including the following counties, in east central Kentucky, Estill. In northeast Kentucky, Johnson and Martin. In southeast Kentucky, Breathitt, Jackson, Lee, Magoffin, Morgan and Wolfe. * WHEN...Until 1000 AM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 710 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms moving back into the advisory area. Some locations could pick up between a half inch and an inch of rain, where the persistent storms track. This will cause urban and small stream flooding. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Paintsville, Salyersville, Beattyville, Campton, Simpson, Fincastle, Malaga, Landsaw, Hollonville, Paxton, Lane, Baptist, Lexie, Bethany, Pence, Wilhurst, Vancleve, Stillwater, Vortex and Upper Gilmore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 3757 8414 3757 8409 3762 8412 3793 8276 3789 8264 3784 8261 3743 8415 $$ GEOGERIAN  663 WWST01 SBBR 061200 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE AVISO NR 028/2025 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE/MUITO FORTE EMITIDO AS 1200Z - TER - 04/JAN/2025 AREA COSTEIRA ENTRE CHUI/RS E RIO GRANDE/RS ATE 320 MN DA COSTA A PARTIR DE 052100Z. VENTO NE/NW FORCA 7/8 COM RAJADAS. VALIDO ATE 061200Z. AVISO NR 030/2025 AVISO DE MAR GROSSO EMITIDO AS 1200Z - QUI - 06/FEV/2025 AREA OCEANICA ENTRE 34S052W, 36S048W, 32S044W E 32S048W A PARTIR DE 061500Z. ONDAS DE SW/SE 3.0/3.5 METROS. VALIDO ATE 071200Z. ESTE AVISO SUBSTITUI O AVISO NR 029/2025. AVISO NR 031/2025 AVISO DE VENTO FORTE EMITIDO AS 1200Z - QUI - 06/FEV/2025 AREA OCEANICA ENTRE 34S053W, 36S048W, 31S043W E 29S049W. VENTO NW/SW FORCA 7 COM RAJADAS 8. VALIDO ATE 070600Z. AVISO NR 032/2025 AVISO DE VENTO MUITO FORTE EMITIDO AS 1200Z - QUI - 06/FEV/2025 AREA OCEANICA ENTRE 36S048W, 30S042W, 30S030W E 36SS030W. VENTO NW/SW FORCA 8 COM RAJADAS. VALIDO ATE 080000Z.=  255 WWCN11 CWVR 061212 ARCTIC OUTFLOW WARNING FOR COASTAL BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:12 A.M. PST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCTIC OUTFLOW WARNING FOR: CENTRAL COAST - INLAND SECTIONS NORTH COAST - INLAND INCLUDING KITIMAT NORTH COAST - INLAND INCLUDING TERRACE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG OUTFLOW WINDS AND COLD WIND CHILL VALUES ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. WHEN: TODAY AND TONIGHT. WHERE: NORTH AND CENTRAL COASTS - INLAND REGIONS. REMARKS: COLD TEMPERATURES AND STRONG OUTFLOW WINDS WILL CONTINUE TO GIVE LOW WIND CHILL VALUES NEAR MINUS 20. WHILE SOME MODERATION IS EXPECTED DURING THE DAYTIME, WIND CHILL VALUES WILL LOWER TO NEAR MINUS 20 IN THE OVERNIGHT AND EARLY MORNING HOURS. WINDS SHOULD EASE OFF DURING THE DAY ON FRIDAY. LIMIT OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES. FROSTBITE AND HYPOTHERMIA CAN OCCUR WITHIN MINUTES IF ADEQUATE PRECAUTIONS ARE NOT TAKEN WHEN OUTDOORS. ENSURE THAT SHELTER IS PROVIDED FOR PETS AND OUTDOOR ANIMALS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  984 WWUS81 KRLX 061213 SPSRLX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 713 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ103-105-WVZ005-006-013>015-024>027-517-519-061300- Boyd KY-Lawrence KY-Kanawha WV-Lincoln WV-Northwest Nicholas WV- Mingo WV-Wayne WV-Northwest Fayette WV-Clay WV-Boone WV-Logan WV- Cabell WV-Putnam WV- 713 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL IMPACT SOUTHEASTERN BOYD...LAWRENCE... SOUTHERN PUTNAM...KANAWHA...LINCOLN...WAYNE...SOUTHERN CABELL...WEST CENTRAL NICHOLAS...NORTHWESTERN MINGO...NORTHWESTERN LOGAN... SOUTHWESTERN CLAY...NORTHWESTERN FAYETTE AND NORTHERN BOONE COUNTIES THROUGH 800 AM EST... At 713 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near Cross Lanes to Blaine. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and pea size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Charleston, Chapmanville, Ranger, Pinch, Louisa, Glasgow, Nitro, Ashford, Indore, Burnaugh, Salt Rock, Palermo, Drennan, South Charleston, Genoa, Alkol, Poca, Harts, Mud, and Racine. This includes the following highways... Interstate 79 between mile markers 1 and 10. Interstate 77 in West Virginia between mile markers 96 and 112. Interstate 64 in West Virginia between mile markers 23 and 57. West Virginia Turnpike between mile markers 74 and 95. Route 119 between mile markers 31 and 80. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3820 8288 3819 8285 3822 8281 3823 8282 3855 8185 3831 8084 3781 8230 3786 8241 3790 8244 3791 8247 3790 8247 3795 8250 3796 8254 3795 8258 3794 8258 3810 8292 3812 8289 3818 8292 TIME...MOT...LOC 1213Z 287DEG 55KT 3844 8173 3805 8285 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.25 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ 14  644 WWUS53 KLMK 061214 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 714 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC045-137-155-217-061224- /O.EXP.KLMK.SV.W.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1215Z/ Lincoln KY-Marion KY-Taylor KY-Casey KY- 714 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR WEST CENTRAL LINCOLN... SOUTHEASTERN MARION...NORTHEASTERN TAYLOR AND NORTHWESTERN CASEY COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 715 AM EST... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and has exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However, gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for central Kentucky. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Louisville. && LAT...LON 3738 8531 3748 8531 3754 8485 3732 8484 TIME...MOT...LOC 1214Z 274DEG 42KT 3740 8475 $$ BJS  414 WWUS53 KLMK 061215 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 615 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC099-169-061225- /O.CAN.KLMK.SV.W.0009.000000T0000Z-250206T1230Z/ Hart KY-Metcalfe KY- 615 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN HART AND NORTHWESTERN METCALFE COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1000 AM CST for south central and central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3713 8562 3718 8568 3727 8566 3733 8545 3731 8544 3730 8544 3730 8543 3726 8540 3724 8540 3723 8541 3722 8540 3716 8540 3711 8552 TIME...MOT...LOC 1215Z 268DEG 43KT 3723 8555 $$ KYC087-061230- /O.CON.KLMK.SV.W.0009.000000T0000Z-250206T1230Z/ Green KY- 615 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 630 AM CST FOR SOUTHERN GREEN COUNTY... At 615 AM CST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Greensburg, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Greensburg, Bluff Boom, Donansburg, Thurlow, Fry, Grab, Exie, Liletown, Newt, and Pierce. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1000 AM CST for south central and central Kentucky. Remain alert for a possible tornado! Tornadoes can develop quickly from severe thunderstorms. If you spot a tornado go at once into the basement or small central room in a sturdy structure. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3713 8562 3718 8568 3727 8566 3733 8545 3731 8544 3730 8544 3730 8543 3726 8540 3724 8540 3723 8541 3722 8540 3716 8540 3711 8552 TIME...MOT...LOC 1215Z 268DEG 43KT 3723 8555 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ Padgett  867 WWUS53 KLMK 061218 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 718 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC045-061227- /O.CAN.KLMK.SV.W.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1245Z/ Casey KY- 718 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL CASEY COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3733 8450 3735 8456 3732 8461 3736 8471 3748 8471 3748 8445 TIME...MOT...LOC 1217Z 274DEG 41KT 3739 8464 $$ KYC137-061245- /O.CON.KLMK.SV.W.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1245Z/ Lincoln KY- 718 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 745 AM EST FOR SOUTHEASTERN LINCOLN COUNTY... At 717 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles northwest of Bee Lick, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Crab Orchard, Halls Gap, Kings Mountain, Jumbo, Ottenheim, Turkeytown, Broughtentown, Dog Walk, Highland, and Maywood. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for central Kentucky. Remain alert for a possible tornado! Tornadoes can develop quickly from severe thunderstorms. If you spot a tornado go at once into the basement or small central room in a sturdy structure. && LAT...LON 3733 8450 3735 8456 3732 8461 3736 8471 3748 8471 3748 8445 TIME...MOT...LOC 1217Z 274DEG 41KT 3739 8464 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ BJS  271 WGUS83 KJKL 061218 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 718 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC109-199-203-061430- /O.NEW.KJKL.FA.Y.0008.250206T1218Z-250206T1430Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Jackson KY-Pulaski KY-Rockcastle KY- 718 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 930 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Urban and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall are expected. * WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Kentucky, including the following counties, in south central Kentucky, Pulaski and Rockcastle. In southeast Kentucky, Jackson. * WHEN...Until 930 AM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 716 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Storms could put down an inch to an inch and a half of rainfall in less than hour. This will cause urban and small stream flooding. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Mount Vernon, Boone, Roundstone, Wildie, Conway, Hiatt, Lake Linville, Renfro Valley, Muellersville, Snider, Hummel, Bummer, Disputanta, Rockford, Climax, Gum Sulphur, Indian Lakes Park, Johnetta, Ottowa and Goochland. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3728 8466 3736 8456 3733 8450 3749 8445 3747 8437 3750 8435 3751 8436 3754 8435 3754 8432 3753 8431 3754 8430 3752 8430 3752 8427 3752 8425 3752 8420 3756 8417 3756 8414 3743 8415 $$ GEOGERIAN  442 WOAU20 AMMC 061218 IDY21090 40:2:1:04:50S125E45050:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology At 1218UTC 6 February 2025 FINAL GALE WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN AREA SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous clockwise flow associated with low 1000hPa near 22S164E. Forecast to weaken by 061800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 22S162E 24S162E 24S167E 22S165E 22S162E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 30/40 knots within 120nm of low in the southern semicircle, easing below 34 knots by 061800UTC. Moderate to rough seas. Low to moderate swell. PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. No further alerts will be issued for this event.  443 WOAU30 AMMC 061218 IDY21090 40:2:1:04:50S125E45050:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology At 1218UTC 6 February 2025 FINAL GALE WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN AREA SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous clockwise flow associated with low 1000hPa near 22S164E. Forecast to weaken by 061800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 22S162E 24S162E 24S167E 22S165E 22S162E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 30/40 knots within 120nm of low in the southern semicircle, easing below 34 knots by 061800UTC. Moderate to rough seas. Low to moderate swell. PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. No further alerts will be issued for this event.  125 WWUS83 KJKL 061218 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 718 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ058>060-106-108-111-112-061245- Menifee KY-Lee KY-Breathitt KY-Estill KY-Morgan KY-Powell KY- Wolfe KY- 718 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT POWELL...SOUTHWESTERN MORGAN... CENTRAL ESTILL...SOUTHERN MENIFEE...NORTH CENTRAL BREATHITT... NORTHEASTERN LEE AND WOLFE COUNTIES THROUGH 745 AM EST... At 718 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Hargett, or near Irvine, moving east at 60 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 50 mph and pea size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Stanton, Irvine, Campton, Simpson, Henry, Clay City, Ravenna, Campsites in the Indian Creek area of the Daniel Boone National Forrest, Pilot, Bowen, Lexie, Leeco, Kimbrell, Pekin, Pine Ridge, Wiseman Crossing Station, Patsey, Vaughns Mill, Ezel, and Spout Springs. THIS INCLUDES Bert T. Combs Mountain Parkway between mile markers 16 and 59. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern and east central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3765 8332 3768 8407 3784 8408 3782 8407 3785 8406 3783 8404 3784 8402 3784 8400 3786 8402 3786 8401 3787 8400 3792 8334 TIME...MOT...LOC 1218Z 267DEG 50KT 3777 8398 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.25 IN MAX WIND GUST...50 MPH $$ GREIF  527 WOAU08 AMMC 061219 IDY21070 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology At 1219UTC 6 February 2025 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AREA SITUATION AT 1200UTC Developing vigorous flow associated with low 970hPa west of area near 58S079E at 061800UTC, 966hPa near 60S085E at 070000UTC, 964hPa near 61S091E at 070600UTC and 965hPa near 62S098E at 071200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 52S080E 55S111E 58S112E 61S100E 61S090E 59S080E 52S080E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 30/40 knots within 360nm of low in the northern semicircle, increasing to 35/45 knots within 120nm of low in the northern semicircle. Rough to very rough seas, increasing to high seas within 120nm of low. Moderate to heavy swell. See also Melbourne Gale Warning 7. PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. The next alert will be issued by 1900 UTC 06 February 2025  634 WOAU48 AMMC 061219 IDY21070 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology At 1219UTC 6 February 2025 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AREA SITUATION AT 1200UTC Developing vigorous flow associated with low 970hPa west of area near 58S079E at 061800UTC, 966hPa near 60S085E at 070000UTC, 964hPa near 61S091E at 070600UTC and 965hPa near 62S098E at 071200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 52S080E 55S111E 58S112E 61S100E 61S090E 59S080E 52S080E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 30/40 knots within 360nm of low in the northern semicircle, increasing to 35/45 knots within 120nm of low in the northern semicircle. Rough to very rough seas, increasing to high seas within 120nm of low. Moderate to heavy swell. See also Melbourne Gale Warning 7. PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. The next alert will be issued by 1900 UTC 06 February 2025  024 WOAU09 AMMC 061219 IDY21080 40:2:1:04:55S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology At 1219UTC 6 February 2025 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN AREA SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous flow developing associated with forecast low 1000hPa near 41S095E at 061800UTC, 1002hPa near 40S096E at 070000UTC, 1002hPa near 39S099E at 070600UTC and 1001hPa near 38S100E at 071200UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 37S092E 36S101E 44S097E 43S092E 37S092E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 30/40 knots within 180nm of low in the western semicircle developing from 061800UTC then contracting to within 60nm from 070600UTC. Rough to very rough seas. Moderate to heavy swell. PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. The next alert will be issued by 1900 UTC 06 February 2025  699 WOAU47 AMMC 061220 IDY21060 40:2:1:04:70S075E25090:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology At 1220UTC 6 February 2025 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AREA SITUATION AT 1200UTC Vigorous northwesterly flow associated with cold front near 56S094E 60S097E. Forecast near 56S102E 60S105E at 061800UTC, near 56S110E 60S114E at 070000UTC and then weakening. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 56S093E 56S115E 60S115E 60S097E 56S093E. FORECAST Northwesterly quarter winds 30/40 knots within 240nm east of cold front then easing below 34 knots after 070000UTC. Rough to very rough seas. Moderate to heavy swell. See also Melbourne Gale Warning 8. PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. The next alert will be issued by 1900 UTC 06 February 2025  295 WUUS53 KJKL 061221 SVRJKL KYC109-125-199-203-061245- /O.NEW.KJKL.SV.W.0002.250206T1221Z-250206T1245Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service JACKSON KY 721 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in JACKSON KY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... North central Laurel County in south central Kentucky... Northeastern Pulaski County in south central Kentucky... Southwestern Jackson County in southeastern Kentucky... Rockcastle County in south central Kentucky... * Until 745 AM EST. * At 720 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Bee Lick, or 14 miles west of Mount Vernon, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Ottowa around 725 AM EST. Mount Vernon around 730 AM EST. Renfro Valley around 735 AM EST. Pine Hill around 740 AM EST. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for south central and southeastern Kentucky. Remain alert for a possible tornado! Tornadoes can develop quickly from severe thunderstorms. If you spot a tornado go at once into the basement or small central room in a sturdy structure. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for south central and southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3736 8456 3733 8451 3734 8450 3735 8450 3746 8445 3747 8403 3720 8405 3728 8466 TIME...MOT...LOC 1220Z 273DEG 42KT 3737 8460 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ GREIF  097 WGUS41 KRLX 061221 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 721 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC083-061815- /O.NEW.KRLX.FA.W.0010.250206T1221Z-250206T1815Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Randolph WV- 721 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 115 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...A portion of northern West Virginia, including the following county, Randolph. * WHEN...Until 115 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 719 AM EST, Doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. River gauges indicated that Mill Creek was out of its banks. Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the warned area. Between 1.5 and 2.5 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts of 0.5 to 1 inch are possible in the warned area. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Mill Creek, Dailey and Huttonsville. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3881 7984 3861 8001 3867 8009 3886 7992 $$ TRM  486 WWUS74 KLZK 061222 NPWLZK URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Little Rock AR 622 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ARZ039-043>046-138-238-061330- /O.CAN.KLZK.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Perry-Saline-Pulaski-Lonoke-Prairie-Northwest Yell County-Yell Excluding Northwest- Including the cities of Benton, De Valls Bluff, Lonoke, Plainview, Ola, North Little Rock, Bryant, Perryville, Hazen, Des Arc, Danville, Little Rock, Dardanelle, Cabot, Havana, and Waveland 622 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Warmer air is moving into central Arkansas and eroding the dense fog from southwest to northeast. $$ ARZ006>008-014-015-017-223-061600- /O.CON.KLZK.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ Fulton-Sharp-Randolph-Stone-Izard-Lawrence-Van Buren County Higher Elevations- Including the cities of Attica, Dennard, Horseshoe Bend, Oxford, Botkinburg, Ash Flat, Hardy, Calico Rock, Pocahontas, Cave City, Hoxie, Mountain View, Walnut Ridge, Mammoth Spring, Melbourne, and Cherokee Village 622 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...North-central and northeast Arkansas. * WHEN...Until 10 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ ARZ016-024-025-031>034-122-123-061500- /O.CON.KLZK.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Independence-Cleburne-Jackson-Conway-Faulkner-White-Woodruff- Southern Pope County-Southeast Van Buren County- Including the cities of Beebe, Augusta, London, Morrilton, McCrory, Conway, Heber Springs, Atkins, Cotton Plant, Shirley, Clinton, Newport, Russellville, Batesville, Fairfield Bay, Hector, Scotland, Searcy, and Damascus 622 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of central and north-central Arkansas. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ 70  839 WAHW31 PHFO 061223 WA0HI HNLS WA 061223 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 5 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 061600 . AIRMET MTN OBSC...MAUI...UPDATE N THRU E SECTIONS. CANCEL AIRMET. COND HAVE IMPROVED. . AIRMET MTN OBSC...BIG ISLAND UPOLU POINT TO CAPE KUMUKAHI TO SOUTH CAPE. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 025 DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND CONT BEYOND 1600Z. =HNLT WA 061000 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 1 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 061600 . NO SIGNIFICANT TURB EXP. =HNLZ WA 061000 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 1 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 061600 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...141-144.  385 WWUS81 KILN 061224 SPSILN Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Wilmington OH 724 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 INZ050-058-059-OHZ026-034-035-042>046-051>056-060>062-064-065- 061500- Wayne-Fayette-Union-Hardin-Mercer-Auglaize-Darke-Shelby-Logan- Delaware-Miami-Champaign-Clark-Madison-Franklin-Licking-Preble- Montgomery-Greene-Pickaway-Fairfield- Including the cities of Richmond, Connersville, Liberty, West College Corner, Kenton, Ada, Celina, Coldwater, Wapakoneta, St. Marys, New Bremen, Minster, Greenville, Sidney, Bellefontaine, Marysville, Delaware, Troy, Piqua, Tipp City, Urbana, Springfield, London, West Jefferson, Plain City, Downtown Columbus, Newark, Eaton, Camden, Downtown Dayton, Kettering, Beavercreek, Fairborn, Xenia, Circleville, Lancaster, and Pickerington 724 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...PATCHY DENSE FOG THIS MORNING... Areas of fog have developed, some of which have been locally dense to under a mile. By 9:00 or 10:00, this fog is expected to lift as westerly winds of 10-15 mph help mix out the moist air in place. Commuters should be prepared for patchy areas of significantly reduced visibilities. These reduced visibilities are not confined to the normal fog prone areas and should be accounted for when traveling this morning. $$  681 WSBZ23 SBGL 061225 SBCW SIGMET 28 VALID 061230/061530 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3154 W04955 - S3027 W04955 - S3027 W04822 - S3154 W04822 - S3154 W04955 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  621 WWUS53 KLMK 061225 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 625 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC087-061235- /O.EXP.KLMK.SV.W.0009.000000T0000Z-250206T1230Z/ Green KY- 625 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN GREEN COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 630 AM CST... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and has exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1000 AM CST for south central and central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3713 8562 3718 8568 3727 8566 3733 8545 3731 8544 3730 8544 3730 8543 3726 8540 3724 8540 3723 8541 3722 8540 3716 8540 3711 8552 TIME...MOT...LOC 1225Z 271DEG 45KT 3723 8541 $$ Padgett  183 WSFI31 EFKL 061226 EFIN SIGMET M02 VALID 061233/061543 EFKL- EFIN HELSINKI FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 1233Z WI N6923 E02116 - N6846 E02358 - N6816 E02254 - N6903 E02027 - N6923 E02116 SFC/FL350 STNR NC=  300 WSFG20 TFFF 061227 SOOO SIGMET 03 VALID 061220/061400 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0345 W05145 - N0530 W05400 - N0900 W05400 - N0500 W04815 - N0430 W05115 - N0345 W05145 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF=  836 WSCG31 FCBB 061228 FCCC SIGMET E1 VALID 061229/061540 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1215Z E OF LINE N0237 E01557 - N0050 E01557 TOP FL430 MOV W 05KT INTSF=  989 WGUS41 KRLX 061230 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 730 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 OHC105-061830- /O.NEW.KRLX.FA.W.0011.250206T1230Z-250206T1830Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Meigs OH- 730 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 130 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...A portion of southeast Ohio, including the following county, Meigs. * WHEN...Until 130 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 725 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. River gauges indicated that the Shade River was out of its banks at Chester. Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the warned area. Between 1.5 and 2.5 inches of rain have fallen. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Tuppers Plains, Chester and Darwin. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3920 8215 3919 8206 3919 8205 3919 8203 3919 8197 3919 8196 3919 8195 3919 8194 3918 8185 3911 8181 3903 8183 3905 8196 $$ TRM  359 WGUS41 KRLX 061230 RRA FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 730 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC089-OHC053-087-WVC011-013-035-039-053-079-087-105-061830- /O.NEW.KRLX.FA.W.0012.250206T1230Z-250206T1830Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Greenup KY-Gallia OH-Lawrence OH-Cabell WV-Calhoun WV-Jackson WV- Kanawha WV-Mason WV-Putnam WV-Roane WV-Wirt WV- 730 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 130 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Urban area and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Kentucky, including the following county, Greenup, southeast Ohio, including the following counties, Gallia and Lawrence, and West Virginia, including the following counties, Cabell, Calhoun, Jackson, Kanawha, Mason, Putnam, Roane and Wirt. * WHEN...Until 130 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 729 AM EST, Doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the warned area. Between 1.5 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Huntington, Ashland, Ironton, Point Pleasant, Gallipolis, Ripley, Spencer, Coal Grove, Chesapeake, Proctorville, Grantsville, Lake Vesuvius, Kenova, Catlettsburg, Buffalo, Greenup, Kenna, Sandyville, Arnoldsburg and Load. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. The saturated ground has produced conditions ripe for landslides and debris flows on steep slopes around the area. Residents with homes on or at the base of hillsides should be aware of the potential for landslides and watch for trees leaning in unusual orientations, water and mud seepage where not expected and other signs of potential ground movement. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3860 8274 3868 8276 3903 8135 3896 8103 3880 8106 3867 8114 3855 8131 3855 8205 3847 8221 3841 8258 3853 8269 3851 8316 3863 8307 3866 8286 3857 8282 $$ 30  313 WGUS43 KLMK 061231 FLWLMK BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 731 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The National Weather Service in Louisville KY has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in Kentucky... Stoner Creek at Paris affecting Bourbon County. .Heavy rain from the past 24 hours have caused the river to rise. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/lmk. The next statement will be issued by this evening at 745 PM EST. && KYC017-070045- /O.NEW.KLMK.FL.W.0007.250206T1600Z-000000T0000Z/ /PRSK2.1.ER.250206T1600Z.250206T1900Z.250207T0300Z.NO/ 731 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT FROM THIS MORNING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE... * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Stoner Creek at Paris. * WHEN...From this morning until further notice. * IMPACTS...At 18.0 feet, Water floods a few low roads on right bank of creek. At 20.0 feet, Water enters yards of homes downstream of water plant. Parts of the Garrard Park flood. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 6:15 AM EST Thursday the stage was 16.4 feet. - Bankfull stage is 18.0 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage late this morning to a crest of 18.6 feet this afternoon. It will then fall below flood stage late this evening. - Flood stage is 18.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 18.6 feet on 01/14/2013. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3804 8413 3816 8425 3829 8433 3835 8422 3823 8414 3811 8401 $$ ALL  097 WSGL31 BGSF 061231 BGGL SIGMET U03 VALID 061300/061700 BGSF- BGGL NUUK FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1300Z WI N6104 W04212 - N6118 W04406 - N6548 W04154 - N6520 W03852 - N6104 W04212 SFC/FL110 STNR NC=  581 WWUS76 KMTR 061232 NPWMTR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Francisco CA 432 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAZ510-516-062200- /O.CAN.KMTR.FR.Y.0021.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /O.NEW.KMTR.WI.Y.0008.250206T1800Z-250207T1200Z/ East Bay Interior Valleys-Southern Salinas Valley/Arroyo Seco and Lake San Antonio- 432 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FROST ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 4 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Southern Salinas Valley/Arroyo Seco and Lake San Antonio and East Bay Interior Valleys. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 4 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ CAZ506-061345- /O.CAN.KMTR.FR.Y.0021.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ North Bay Interior Valleys- 432 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FROST ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The threat has ended. $$ CAZ006-502-505-508-509-512>515-517-518-528>530-062200- /O.NEW.KMTR.WI.Y.0008.250206T1800Z-250207T1200Z/ San Francisco-Marin Coastal Range-Coastal North Bay Including Point Reyes National Seashore-San Francisco Bay Shoreline-San Francisco Peninsula Coast-Santa Cruz Mountains-Santa Clara Valley Including San Jose-Eastern Santa Clara Hills-East Bay Hills-Santa Lucia Mountains and Los Padres National Forest-Mountains of San Benito County And Interior Monterey County including Pinnacles National Park-Northern Salinas Valley/Hollister Valley and Carmel Valley-Northern Monterey Bay-Southern Monterey Bay and Big Sur Coast- 432 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM THIS MORNING TO 4 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...San Francisco and San Francisco Bay Shoreline, The Central Coast, The Santa Clara Valley and Eastern Hills, The Marin Hills, The Santa Cruz Mountains, Coastal North Bay Including Point Reyes National Seashore, East Bay Hills, and Northern Salinas Valley/Hollister Valley and Carmel Valley. * WHEN...From 10 AM this morning to 4 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ Flynn  457 WOUS64 KWNS 061233 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 3 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 633 AM CST THU FEB 06 2025 TORNADO WATCH 3 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1000 AM CST FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS KYC001-003-009-021-025-031-045-049-051-053-057-061-065-067-079- 087-099-109-113-121-123-125-129-137-141-147-151-153-155-165-167- 169-171-173-175-189-197-199-203-207-213-217-227-229-231-235-237- 061600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ KY . KENTUCKY COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ADAIR ALLEN BARREN BOYLE BREATHITT BUTLER CASEY CLARK CLAY CLINTON CUMBERLAND EDMONSON ESTILL FAYETTE GARRARD GREEN HART JACKSON JESSAMINE KNOX LARUE LAUREL LEE LINCOLN LOGAN MCCREARY MADISON MAGOFFIN MARION MENIFEE MERCER METCALFE MONROE MONTGOMERY MORGAN OWSLEY POWELL PULASKI ROCKCASTLE RUSSELL SIMPSON TAYLOR WARREN WASHINGTON WAYNE WHITLEY WOLFE $$ ATTN...WFO...LMK...JKL...  476 WUUS53 KJKL 061233 SVRJKL KYC115-153-175-061300- /O.NEW.KJKL.SV.W.0003.250206T1233Z-250206T1300Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service JACKSON KY 733 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in JACKSON KY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... East central Morgan County in southeastern Kentucky... Johnson County in northeastern Kentucky... North central Magoffin County in southeastern Kentucky... * Until 800 AM EST. * At 733 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Dingus, or 9 miles east of West Liberty, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Elna around 740 AM EST. Sip around 745 AM EST. Paintsville around 750 AM EST. Other locations in the path of this severe thunderstorm include Tutor Key. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3798 8302 3796 8300 3800 8296 3800 8293 3796 8282 3791 8273 3789 8267 3778 8267 3787 8320 3800 8319 3801 8306 3800 8304 3801 8302 TIME...MOT...LOC 1233Z 273DEG 41KT 3791 8309 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ CMC  863 WWUS53 KLMK 061234 SVSLMK Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 734 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC137-061243- /O.CAN.KLMK.SV.W.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1245Z/ Lincoln KY- 734 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN LINCOLN COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However, gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for central Kentucky. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Louisville. && LAT...LON 3733 8450 3735 8456 3732 8461 3736 8471 3748 8471 3748 8445 TIME...MOT...LOC 1232Z 274DEG 41KT 3738 8440 $$ BJS  316 WUUS51 KRLX 061234 SVRRLX WVC005-039-043-061300- /O.NEW.KRLX.SV.W.0002.250206T1234Z-250206T1300Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 734 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Charleston West Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... West central Kanawha County in central West Virginia... Central Lincoln County in central West Virginia... Northwestern Boone County in central West Virginia... * Until 800 AM EST. * At 734 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Hamlin, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Madison, Turtle Creek, Sweetland, West Hamlin, Sod, Woodville, Branchland, Palermo, Danville, Foster, Spurlockville, Griffithsville, Alkol, Mud, Yawkey, Julian, Myra, Hamlin, Ashford, and Alum Creek. This includes Route 119 between mile markers 48 and 65. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3827 8224 3829 8221 3824 8169 3799 8178 3818 8227 3819 8227 TIME...MOT...LOC 1234Z 287DEG 49KT 3822 8216 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ 14  449 WWUS46 KPDT 061235 WSWPDT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pendleton OR 435 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...MODERATE TO HEAVY SNOW TONIGHT THROUGH FRIDAY AFTERNOON... ORZ511-062300- /O.UPG.KPDT.WW.Y.0008.250207T0000Z-250207T2100Z/ /O.NEW.KPDT.WS.W.0003.250207T0000Z-250207T2100Z/ Central Oregon- Including the cities of Redmond, Madras, Bend, and Prineville 435 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 1 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 6 inches. * WHERE...Central Oregon. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 1 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Periods of moderate and heavy snow will combine with low visibilities to create difficult driving conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Persons should consider delaying all travel. If travel is absolutely necessary, drive with extreme caution. Consider taking a winter storm kit along with you, including such items as tire chains, booster cables, flashlight, shovel, blankets and extra clothing. Also take water, a first aid kit, and anything else that would help you survive in case you become stranded. && $$ ORZ507-508-062300- /O.UPG.KPDT.WW.Y.0008.250207T0300Z-250208T0000Z/ /O.NEW.KPDT.WS.W.0003.250207T0300Z-250208T0000Z/ Foothills of the Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon-Foothills of the Southern Blue Mountains of Oregon- Including the cities of Fossil, Heppner, Athena, Pendleton, Pilot Rock, and Condon 435 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 5 inches. * WHERE...Foothills of the Blue Mountains of Oregon. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Periods of moderate and heavy snow will combine with low visibilities to create difficult driving conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Persons should consider delaying all travel. If travel is absolutely necessary, drive with extreme caution. Consider taking a winter storm kit along with you, including such items as tire chains, booster cables, flashlight, shovel, blankets and extra clothing. Also take water, a first aid kit, and anything else that would help you survive in case you become stranded. && $$ ORZ044-062300- /O.EXA.KPDT.WW.Y.0008.250207T0300Z-250208T0000Z/ Lower Columbia Basin of Oregon- Including the cities of Ione, Boardman, and Hermiston 435 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations 1 to 3 inches. * WHERE...Lower Columbia Basin of Oregon. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Periods of moderate and heavy snow will combine with low visibilities to create difficult driving conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting tripcheck.com online, or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ ORZ050-062300- /O.EXA.KPDT.WW.Y.0008.250207T0300Z-250208T0000Z/ Wallowa County- Including the cities of Joseph, Enterprise, and Wallowa 435 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 7 inches. * WHERE...Wallowa County. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be difficult due to periods of moderate to heavy snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting tripcheck.com online, or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ ORZ502-WAZ030-062300- /O.EXA.KPDT.WW.Y.0008.250207T0300Z-250208T0000Z/ Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon-Northwest Blue Mountains- Including the cities of Meacham, Ski Bluewood Resort, and Tollgate 435 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 8 inches. * WHERE...In Oregon, Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon. In Washington, Northwest Blue Mountains. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be difficult due to periods of moderate to heavy snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In Oregon, the latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting tripcheck.com online, or by calling 5 1 1. In Washington, the latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting the website wsdot.wa.gov/travel. && $$ ORZ503-062300- /O.EXA.KPDT.WW.Y.0008.250207T0300Z-250208T0000Z/ Southern Blue Mountains of Oregon- Including the cities of Ukiah, Long Creek, and North Powder 435 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 7 inches. * WHERE...Southern Blue Mountains of Oregon. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be difficult due to periods of moderate to heavy snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting tripcheck.com online, or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ ORZ505-062300- /O.CON.KPDT.WW.Y.0008.250207T0000Z-250207T2100Z/ John Day Basin- Including the cities of Monument, John Day, Dayville, Mitchell, and Spray 435 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 1 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 5 inches. * WHERE...John Day Basin. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 1 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Periods of moderate and heavy snow will combine with low visibilities to create difficult driving conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting tripcheck.com online, or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ ORZ506-062300- /O.CON.KPDT.WW.Y.0008.250207T0000Z-250207T2100Z/ Ochoco-John Day Highlands- Including the cities of Brothers, Paulina, Seneca, and Prairie City 435 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 1 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 6 inches. * WHERE...Ochoco-John Day Highlands. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 1 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Periods of moderate and heavy snow will combine with low visibilities to create difficult driving conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting tripcheck.com online, or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ ORZ510-062300- /O.CON.KPDT.WW.Y.0008.250207T0000Z-250207T2100Z/ North Central Oregon- Including the cities of Moro, Maupin, and Dufur 435 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 1 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 4 inches. * WHERE...North Central Oregon. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 1 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Periods of moderate and heavy snow will combine with low visibilities to create difficult driving conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting tripcheck.com online, or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ ORZ049-062300- /O.CON.KPDT.WW.Y.0008.250207T0300Z-250208T0000Z/ Grande Ronde Valley- Including the cities of Elgin, La Grande, Union, and Cove 435 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 4 inches. * WHERE...Grande Ronde Valley. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Periods of moderate and heavy snow will combine with low visibilities to create difficult driving conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting tripcheck.com online, or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WAZ029-062300- /O.CON.KPDT.WW.Y.0008.250207T0300Z-250208T0000Z/ Foothills of the Blue Mountains of Washington- Including the cities of Dayton, Waitsburg, and Walla Walla 435 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 1 and 3 inches. * WHERE...Foothills of the Blue Mountains of Washington. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be difficult due to periods of moderate to heavy snow. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting the website wsdot.wa.gov/travel. && $$ MW  353 WSIQ01 ORBI 061240 ORBB SIGMET 01 VALID 061230/061630 ORBI- ORBB BAGHDAD FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1220Z NE OF LINE N3420 E04038 - N3051 E04756 MOVE INTSF=  188 WGUS43 KLMK 061237 FLWLMK BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 737 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The National Weather Service in Louisville KY has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in Kentucky... Licking River at Blue Licks Spring affecting Nicholas and Robertson Counties. .Heavy rain from the past have caused the river to rise. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/lmk. The next statement will be issued by this evening at 745 PM EST. && KYC181-201-070045- /O.NEW.KLMK.FL.W.0008.250206T1508Z-250207T0941Z/ /BLSK2.1.ER.250206T1508Z.250206T1800Z.250207T0340Z.NO/ 737 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL LATE TONIGHT... * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Licking River at Blue Licks Spring. * WHEN...Until late tonight. * IMPACTS...At 25.0 feet, Cropland flooding begins. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 7:00 AM EST Thursday the stage was 23.5 feet. - Bankfull stage is 24.0 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage late this morning to a crest of 26.4 feet this afternoon. It will then fall below flood stage late this evening. - Flood stage is 25.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 26.3 feet on 02/12/1998. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3828 8387 3847 8417 3857 8426 3858 8413 3848 8401 3835 8379 $$ ALL  224 WCAU01 YMMC 061238 YMMM SIGMET J09 VALID 061330/061930 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR TC VINCE PSN S1928 E08137 CB OBS AT 1200Z WI 110NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL530 MOV W 08KT INTSF=  350 WCAU01 YMMC 061238 YMMM SIGMET J09 VALID 061330/061930 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR TC VINCE PSN S1928 E08137 CB OBS AT 1200Z WI 110NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL530 MOV W 08KT INTSF RMK: MW=  425 WGUS73 KJKL 061239 FFSJKL Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Jackson KY 739 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC011-063-069-165-173-205-061500- /O.CON.KJKL.FF.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bath KY-Elliott KY-Fleming KY-Menifee KY-Montgomery KY-Rowan KY- 739 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING FOR SOUTHERN BATH, NORTHWESTERN ELLIOTT, SOUTHEASTERN FLEMING, NORTH CENTRAL MENIFEE, CENTRAL MONTGOMERY AND ROWAN COUNTIES... At 739 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain had exited off to the southeast; however, excessive runoff from previous heavy rainfall will continue to cause flash flooding in the warned area. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Flash flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other poor drainage and low-lying areas. Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Mount Sterling, Morehead, Owingsville, Marshall, Camargo, Salt Lick, Farmers, Freestone, Bluestone, Midland, Ramey, Cogswell, Moore's Ferry, Yale, Brandy, Zilpo, Young Springs, Sharkey, Hilda and Clearfield. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3808 8405 3832 8334 3829 8333 3825 8331 3821 8330 3821 8329 3819 8326 3819 8323 3824 8322 3827 8316 3818 8304 3813 8310 3809 8326 3811 8327 3809 8330 3806 8340 3799 8400 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$ GEOGERIAN  385 WTIO30 FMEE 061228 RSMC / TROPICAL CYCLONE CENTER / LA REUNION TROPICAL CYCLONE FORECAST WARNING (SOUTH-WEST INDIAN OCEAN) 0.A WARNING NUMBER: 9/8/20242025 1.A INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 8 (VINCE) 2.A POSITION 2025/02/06 AT 1200 UTC: WITHIN 20 NM RADIUS OF POINT 19.5 S / 81.6 E (NINETEEN DECIMAL FIVE DEGREES SOUTH AND EIGHTY ONE DECIMAL SIX DEGREES EAST) MOVEMENT: WEST 8 KT 3.A DVORAK ANALYSIS: 6.0/6.0/D 0.5/6 H 4.A CENTRAL PRESSURE: 946 HPA 5.A MAX AVERAGE WIND SPEED (10 MN): 100 KT RADIUS OF MAXIMUM WINDS (RMW): 28 KM 6.A EXTENSION OF WIND BY QUADRANTS (KM): 28 KT NE: 195 SE: 240 SW: 250 NW: 195 34 KT NE: 140 SE: 175 SW: 185 NW: 140 48 KT NE: 95 SE: 85 SW: 80 NW: 95 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 55 SW: 55 NW: 65 7.A FIRST CLOSED ISOBAR (PRESSURE / AVERAGE DIAM): 1006 HPA / 900 KM 8.A VERTICAL EXTENSION OF CYCLONE CIRCULATION: DEEP 1.B FORECASTS (WINDS RADII IN KM): 12H: 2025/02/07 00 UTC: 19.9 S / 79.2 E, VENT MAX= 100 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 215 SE: 315 SW: 295 NW: 175 34 KT NE: 130 SE: 195 SW: 185 NW: 100 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 85 SW: 85 NW: 75 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 55 SW: 55 NW: 55 24H: 2025/02/07 12 UTC: 20.2 S / 76.5 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 215 SE: 350 SW: 335 NW: 165 34 KT NE: 130 SE: 220 SW: 185 NW: 100 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 95 SW: 85 NW: 75 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 65 SW: 55 NW: 55 36H: 2025/02/08 00 UTC: 20.5 S / 74.0 E, VENT MAX= 110 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 230 SE: 370 SW: 335 NW: 175 34 KT NE: 140 SE: 220 SW: 215 NW: 110 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 95 SW: 95 NW: 75 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 65 SW: 65 NW: 55 48H: 2025/02/08 12 UTC: 20.8 S / 71.7 E, VENT MAX= 110 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 230 SE: 360 SW: 335 NW: 185 34 KT NE: 140 SE: 220 SW: 215 NW: 110 48 KT NE: 85 SE: 100 SW: 100 NW: 75 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SW: 75 NW: 65 60H: 2025/02/09 00 UTC: 21.4 S / 69.8 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 270 SE: 390 SW: 345 NW: 215 34 KT NE: 165 SE: 240 SW: 230 NW: 130 48 KT NE: 85 SE: 100 SW: 100 NW: 85 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SW: 75 NW: 65 72H: 2025/02/09 12 UTC: 23.0 S / 68.6 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 295 SE: 405 SW: 350 NW: 220 34 KT NE: 175 SE: 250 SW: 230 NW: 140 48 KT NE: 95 SE: 100 SW: 100 NW: 85 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SW: 85 NW: 75 2.B LONGER-RANGE OUTLOOK: 96H: 2025/02/10 12 UTC: 27.2 S / 67.5 E, VENT MAX= 090 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 345 SE: 445 SW: 315 NW: 240 34 KT NE: 205 SE: 280 SW: 230 NW: 150 48 KT NE: 100 SE: 120 SW: 110 NW: 95 64 KT NE: 75 SE: 85 SW: 85 NW: 75 120H: 2025/02/11 12 UTC: 33.2 S / 68.4 E, VENT MAX= 070 KT, TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 425 SE: 500 SW: 315 NW: 270 34 KT NE: 240 SE: 305 SW: 240 NW: 165 48 KT NE: 80 SE: 110 SW: 120 NW: 70 64 KT NE: 70 SE: 70 SW: 80 NW: 60 2.C ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: T=CI=6.0 OVER THE LAST 6 HOURS, THE VINCE'S EYE PATTERN HAS IMPROVED, AS CONFIRMED BY THE LATEST SATELLITE IMAGES. CONVECTION IN THE SOUTHEASTERN PART OF THE EYE HAS STRENGTHENED, AS CAN BE SEEN ON THE LATEST MICROWAVE IMAGES (AMSR2 FROM 0839Z , GMI FROM 0948E AND F18 FROM 1090Z). THE SUBJECTIVE DVORAK ANALYSIS IS 6.0, EQUIVALENT TO A MAX WIND OF 100KT. OBJECTIVE CIMSS ANALYSES (DMINT, DPRINT, SATCON,...) ARE BETWEEN 90 AND 100KT. THE CHOSEN INTENSITY IS THEREFORE 100KT. AS FOR THE TRACK, LITTLE HAS CHANGED. VINCE IS FORECAST TO MOVE WEST-SOUTHWEST, DRIVEN BY THE SUBTROPICAL RIDGE THAT REMAINS SOUTHEAST OF THE SYSTEM. BY THE END OF THE WEEK, THE RIDGE IS EXPECTED TO SHIFT EAST OF VINCE, GRADUALLY SLOWING DOWN THE STEERING FLOW AND PUSHING IT SOUTHWESTWARD AND THEN SOUTHWARD. ALL GUIDANCE REMAINS IN AGREEMENT WITH THIS SCENARIO. DISPERSION REMAINS LOW, EVEN IF IFS PROPOSES A MORE NORTHERLY TRACK THAN GFS BEFORE THE TURN TO THE SOUTH. IN TERMS OF INTENSITY, VINCE WILL BENEFIT FROM GOOD ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS (GOOD OCEANIC POTENTIAL, WEAKENING SHEAR, INCREASING UPPER LEVEL DIVERGENCE). IT COULD THEREFORE CONTINUE TO INTENSIFY IN THE ABSENCE OF A NEW EYEWALL REPLACEMENT CYCLE. FROM SATURDAY, THE SHEAR SHOULD STRENGTHEN AND PUT AN END TO VINCE'S STRENGTHENING. THE SYSTEM SHOULD THEN WEAKEN SLOWLY AT FIRST, THEN MORE RAPIDLY FROM MONDAY ONWARDS. IMPACTS ON INHABITED LAND : ON RODRIGUES: VINCE IS GENERATING A CYCLONIC SWELL WITH WAVES THAT COULD REACH A HEIGHT OF 4 METRES NEAR THE COAST FROM SUNDAY EVENING.=  501 WAHW31 PHFO 061239 WA0HI HNLS WA 061239 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 6 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 061600 . AIRMET MTN OBSC...BIG ISLAND...UPDATE UPOLU POINT TO CAPE KUMUKAHI TO SOUTH CAPE. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 010 DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND CONT BEYOND 1600Z. =HNLT WA 061000 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 1 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 061600 . NO SIGNIFICANT TURB EXP. =HNLZ WA 061000 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 1 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 061600 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...141-144.  669 WTIO31 FMEE 061228 CMRS / CENTRE DES CYCLONES TROPICAUX DE LA REUNION BULLETIN D'ANALYSE ET DE PREVISION CYCLONIQUE (SUD-OUEST OCEAN INDIEN) 0.A NUMERO DU BULLETIN : 9/8/20242025 1.A CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 8 (VINCE) 2.A POSITION A 1200 UTC LE 06/02/2025 : DANS UN RAYON DE 20 MN AUTOUR DU POINT 19.5 S / 81.6 E (DIX-NEUF DEGRES CINQ SUD ET QUATRE-VINGT UN DEGRES SIX EST) DEPLACEMENT: OUEST 8 KT 3.A ANALYSE DE DVORAK: 6.0/6.0/D 0.5/6 H 4.A PRESSION AU CENTRE: 946 HPA 5.A VENT MAX (MOYEN/10 MN): 100 KT RAYON DES VENTS MAXIMAUX (RVM): 28 KM 6.A EXTENSION DES VENTS PAR QUADRANTS (KM): 28 KT NE: 195 SE: 240 SO: 250 NO: 195 34 KT NE: 140 SE: 175 SO: 185 NO: 140 48 KT NE: 95 SE: 85 SO: 80 NO: 95 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 55 SO: 55 NO: 65 7.A COTE/DIAM PREMIERE ISOBARE FERMEE: 1006 HPA / 900 KM 8.A EXTENSION VERTICALE DE LA CIRCULATION CYCLONIQUE: PROFONDE 1.B PREVISIONS (EXTENSIONS DES VENTS FORTS EN KM): 12H: 07/02/2025 00 UTC: 19.9 S / 79.2 E, VENT MAX= 100 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 215 SE: 315 SO: 295 NO: 175 34 KT NE: 130 SE: 195 SO: 185 NO: 100 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 85 SO: 85 NO: 75 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 55 SO: 55 NO: 55 24H: 07/02/2025 12 UTC: 20.2 S / 76.5 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 215 SE: 350 SO: 335 NO: 165 34 KT NE: 130 SE: 220 SO: 185 NO: 100 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 95 SO: 85 NO: 75 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 65 SO: 55 NO: 55 36H: 08/02/2025 00 UTC: 20.5 S / 74.0 E, VENT MAX= 110 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 230 SE: 370 SO: 335 NO: 175 34 KT NE: 140 SE: 220 SO: 215 NO: 110 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 95 SO: 95 NO: 75 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 65 SO: 65 NO: 55 48H: 08/02/2025 12 UTC: 20.8 S / 71.7 E, VENT MAX= 110 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 230 SE: 360 SO: 335 NO: 185 34 KT NE: 140 SE: 220 SO: 215 NO: 110 48 KT NE: 85 SE: 100 SO: 100 NO: 75 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SO: 75 NO: 65 60H: 09/02/2025 00 UTC: 21.4 S / 69.8 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 270 SE: 390 SO: 345 NO: 215 34 KT NE: 165 SE: 240 SO: 230 NO: 130 48 KT NE: 85 SE: 100 SO: 100 NO: 85 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SO: 75 NO: 65 72H: 09/02/2025 12 UTC: 23.0 S / 68.6 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 295 SE: 405 SO: 350 NO: 220 34 KT NE: 175 SE: 250 SO: 230 NO: 140 48 KT NE: 95 SE: 100 SO: 100 NO: 85 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SO: 85 NO: 75 2.B TENDANCE ULTERIEURE: 96H: 10/02/2025 12 UTC: 27.2 S / 67.5 E, VENT MAX= 090 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 345 SE: 445 SO: 315 NO: 240 34 KT NE: 205 SE: 280 SO: 230 NO: 150 48 KT NE: 100 SE: 120 SO: 110 NO: 95 64 KT NE: 75 SE: 85 SO: 85 NO: 75 120H: 11/02/2025 12 UTC: 33.2 S / 68.4 E, VENT MAX= 070 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL 28 KT NE: 425 SE: 500 SO: 315 NO: 270 34 KT NE: 240 SE: 305 SO: 240 NO: 165 48 KT NE: 80 SE: 110 SO: 120 NO: 70 64 KT NE: 70 SE: 70 SO: 80 NO: 60 2.C COMMENTAIRES: T=CI=6.0 AU COURS DES 6 DERNIERES HEURES, LA CONFIGURATION EN OEIL DE VINCE S'EST AMELIOREE COMME LE CONFIRMENT LES DERNIERES IMAGES SATELLITE. LA CONVECTION DANS LA PARTIE SUD-EST DE L'OEIL S'EST RENFORCEE COMME ON PEUT LE VOIR SUR LES DERNIERES IMAGES MICRO-ONDES (AMSR2 DE 0839Z , GMI DE 0948E ET F18 DE 1090Z). L'ANALYSE DVORAK SUBJECTIVE EST DE 6.0, EQUIVALENT A UN VENT MAX DE 100KT. LES ANALYSES OBJECTIVES DU CIMSS (DMINT, DPRINT, SATCON,..) SE SITUENT ENTRE 90 ET 100KT. L'INTENSITE RETENUE EST DONC 100KT. EN TERMES DE TRAJECTOIRE, PEU DE CHANGEMENT. VINCE EST PREVU SE DEPLACER EN DIRECTION DE L'OUEST-SUD-OUEST, PILOTE PAR LA DORSALE SUBTROPICALE QUI SE MAINTIENT AU SUD-EST DU SYSTEME. EN FIN DE SEMAINE, LA DORSALE DEVRAIT SE DECALER A L'EST DE VINCE, FAVORISANT UN RALENTISSEMENT PROGRESSIF DU FLUX DIRECTEUR PUIS SON ORIENTATION AU SUD-OUEST PUIS AU SUD. L'ENSEMBLE DES GUIDANCES RESTE EN ACCORD AVEC CE SCENARIO. LA DISPERSION RESTE FAIBLE, MEME SI IFS PROPOSE UNE TRAJECTOIRE PLUS AU NORD QUE GFS AVANT LE VIRAGE VERS LE SUD. EN TERMES D'INTENSITE, VINCE BENEFICIE DANS LES PROCHAINS JOURS DE BONNES CONDITIONS ENVIRONNEMENTALES (BON POTENTIEL OCEANIQUE, CISAILLEMENT FAIBLISSANT, DIVERGENCE D'ALTITUDE EN HAUSSE). IL POURRAIT DONC CONTINUER A S'INTENSIFIER EN L'ABSENCE DE NOUVEAU CYCLE DE REMPLACEMENT DU MUR DE L'OEIL. A PARTIR DE SAMEDI LE CISAILLEMENT DEVRAIT SE RENFORCER ET METTRE FIN A L'INTENSIFICATION DE VINCE. LE SYSTEME DEVRAIT FAIBLIR ENSUITE D'ABORD LENTEMENT PUIS PLUS RAPIDEMENT A PARTIR DE LUNDI. IMPACTS SUR LES TERRES HABITEES : SUR RODRIGUES : VINCE GENERE UNE HOULE CYCLONIQUE AVEC DES VAGUES QUI POURRAIENT ATTEINDRE UNE HAUTEUR DE 4 METRES PRES DE LA COTE A PARTIR DE DIMANCHE SOIR.=  390 WTIO31 FMEE 061240 CCA ***************CORRECTIF************** CMRS / CENTRE DES CYCLONES TROPICAUX DE LA REUNION BULLETIN D'ANALYSE ET DE PREVISION CYCLONIQUE (SUD-OUEST OCEAN INDIEN) 0.A NUMERO DU BULLETIN : 9/8/20242025 1.A CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 8 (VINCE) 2.A POSITION A 1200 UTC LE 06/02/2025 : DANS UN RAYON DE 20 MN AUTOUR DU POINT 19.5 S / 81.6 E (DIX-NEUF DEGRES CINQ SUD ET QUATRE-VINGT UN DEGRES SIX EST) DEPLACEMENT: OUEST 8 KT 3.A ANALYSE DE DVORAK: 6.0/6.0/D 0.5/6 H 4.A PRESSION AU CENTRE: 946 HPA 5.A VENT MAX (MOYEN/10 MN): 100 KT RAYON DES VENTS MAXIMAUX (RVM): 28 KM 6.A EXTENSION DES VENTS PAR QUADRANTS (KM): 28 KT NE: 195 SE: 240 SO: 250 NO: 195 34 KT NE: 140 SE: 175 SO: 185 NO: 140 48 KT NE: 95 SE: 85 SO: 80 NO: 95 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 55 SO: 55 NO: 65 7.A COTE/DIAM PREMIERE ISOBARE FERMEE: 1006 HPA / 900 KM 8.A EXTENSION VERTICALE DE LA CIRCULATION CYCLONIQUE: PROFONDE 1.B PREVISIONS (EXTENSIONS DES VENTS FORTS EN KM): 12H: 07/02/2025 00 UTC: 19.9 S / 79.2 E, VENT MAX= 100 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 215 SE: 315 SO: 295 NO: 175 34 KT NE: 130 SE: 195 SO: 185 NO: 100 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 85 SO: 85 NO: 75 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 55 SO: 55 NO: 55 24H: 07/02/2025 12 UTC: 20.2 S / 76.5 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 215 SE: 350 SO: 335 NO: 165 34 KT NE: 130 SE: 220 SO: 185 NO: 100 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 95 SO: 85 NO: 75 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 65 SO: 55 NO: 55 36H: 08/02/2025 00 UTC: 20.5 S / 74.0 E, VENT MAX= 110 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 230 SE: 370 SO: 335 NO: 175 34 KT NE: 140 SE: 220 SO: 215 NO: 110 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 95 SO: 95 NO: 75 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 65 SO: 65 NO: 55 48H: 08/02/2025 12 UTC: 20.8 S / 71.7 E, VENT MAX= 110 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 230 SE: 360 SO: 335 NO: 185 34 KT NE: 140 SE: 220 SO: 215 NO: 110 48 KT NE: 85 SE: 100 SO: 100 NO: 75 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SO: 75 NO: 65 60H: 09/02/2025 00 UTC: 21.4 S / 69.8 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 270 SE: 390 SO: 345 NO: 215 34 KT NE: 165 SE: 240 SO: 230 NO: 130 48 KT NE: 85 SE: 100 SO: 100 NO: 85 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SO: 75 NO: 65 72H: 09/02/2025 12 UTC: 23.0 S / 68.6 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 295 SE: 405 SO: 350 NO: 220 34 KT NE: 175 SE: 250 SO: 230 NO: 140 48 KT NE: 95 SE: 100 SO: 100 NO: 85 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SO: 85 NO: 75 2.B TENDANCE ULTERIEURE: 96H: 10/02/2025 12 UTC: 27.2 S / 67.5 E, VENT MAX= 090 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 345 SE: 445 SO: 315 NO: 240 34 KT NE: 205 SE: 280 SO: 230 NO: 150 48 KT NE: 100 SE: 120 SO: 110 NO: 95 64 KT NE: 75 SE: 85 SO: 85 NO: 75 120H: 11/02/2025 12 UTC: 33.2 S / 68.4 E, VENT MAX= 070 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL 28 KT NE: 425 SE: 500 SO: 315 NO: 270 34 KT NE: 240 SE: 305 SO: 240 NO: 165 48 KT NE: 80 SE: 110 SO: 120 NO: 70 64 KT NE: 70 SE: 70 SO: 80 NO: 60 2.C COMMENTAIRES: T=CI=6.0 AU COURS DES 6 DERNIERES HEURES, LA CONFIGURATION EN OEIL DE VINCE S'EST AMELIOREE COMME LE CONFIRMENT LES DERNIERES IMAGES SATELLITE. LA CONVECTION DANS LA PARTIE SUD-EST DE L'OEIL S'EST RENFORCEE COMME ON PEUT LE VOIR SUR LES DERNIERES IMAGES MICRO-ONDES (AMSR2 DE 0839Z , GMI DE 0948E ET F18 DE 1090Z). L'ANALYSE DVORAK SUBJECTIVE EST DE 6.0, EQUIVALENT A UN VENT MAX DE 100KT. LES ANALYSES OBJECTIVES DU CIMSS (DMINT, DPRINT, SATCON,..) SE SITUENT ENTRE 90 ET 100KT. L'INTENSITE RETENUE EST DONC 100KT. EN TERMES DE TRAJECTOIRE, PEU DE CHANGEMENT. VINCE EST PREVU SE DEPLACER EN DIRECTION DE L'OUEST-SUD-OUEST, PILOTE PAR LA DORSALE SUBTROPICALE QUI SE MAINTIENT AU SUD-EST DU SYSTEME. EN FIN DE SEMAINE, LA DORSALE DEVRAIT SE DECALER A L'EST DE VINCE, FAVORISANT UN RALENTISSEMENT PROGRESSIF DU FLUX DIRECTEUR PUIS SON ORIENTATION AU SUD-OUEST PUIS AU SUD. L'ENSEMBLE DES GUIDANCES RESTE EN ACCORD AVEC CE SCENARIO. LA DISPERSION RESTE FAIBLE, MEME SI IFS PROPOSE UNE TRAJECTOIRE PLUS AU NORD QUE GFS AVANT LE VIRAGE VERS LE SUD. EN TERMES D'INTENSITE, VINCE BENEFICIE DANS LES PROCHAINS JOURS DE BONNES CONDITIONS ENVIRONNEMENTALES (BON POTENTIEL OCEANIQUE, CISAILLEMENT FAIBLISSANT, DIVERGENCE D'ALTITUDE EN HAUSSE). IL POURRAIT DONC CONTINUER A S'INTENSIFIER EN L'ABSENCE DE NOUVEAU CYCLE DE REMPLACEMENT DU MUR DE L'OEIL. A PARTIR DE SAMEDI LE CISAILLEMENT DEVRAIT SE RENFORCER ET METTRE FIN A L'INTENSIFICATION DE VINCE. ENSUITE LE SYSTEME DEVRAIT FAIBLIR D'ABORD LENTEMENT PUIS PLUS RAPIDEMENT A PARTIR DE LUNDI. IMPACTS SUR LES TERRES HABITEES : SUR RODRIGUES : VINCE GENERE UNE HOULE CYCLONIQUE AVEC DES VAGUES QUI POURRAIENT ATTEINDRE UNE HAUTEUR DE 4 METRES PRES DE LA COTE A PARTIR DE DIMANCHE SOIR.=  391 WTIO30 FMEE 061240 CCA ***************CORRECTIVE************** RSMC / TROPICAL CYCLONE CENTER / LA REUNION TROPICAL CYCLONE FORECAST WARNING (SOUTH-WEST INDIAN OCEAN) 0.A WARNING NUMBER: 9/8/20242025 1.A INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 8 (VINCE) 2.A POSITION 2025/02/06 AT 1200 UTC: WITHIN 20 NM RADIUS OF POINT 19.5 S / 81.6 E (NINETEEN DECIMAL FIVE DEGREES SOUTH AND EIGHTY ONE DECIMAL SIX DEGREES EAST) MOVEMENT: WEST 8 KT 3.A DVORAK ANALYSIS: 6.0/6.0/D 0.5/6 H 4.A CENTRAL PRESSURE: 946 HPA 5.A MAX AVERAGE WIND SPEED (10 MN): 100 KT RADIUS OF MAXIMUM WINDS (RMW): 28 KM 6.A EXTENSION OF WIND BY QUADRANTS (KM): 28 KT NE: 195 SE: 240 SW: 250 NW: 195 34 KT NE: 140 SE: 175 SW: 185 NW: 140 48 KT NE: 95 SE: 85 SW: 80 NW: 95 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 55 SW: 55 NW: 65 7.A FIRST CLOSED ISOBAR (PRESSURE / AVERAGE DIAM): 1006 HPA / 900 KM 8.A VERTICAL EXTENSION OF CYCLONE CIRCULATION: DEEP 1.B FORECASTS (WINDS RADII IN KM): 12H: 2025/02/07 00 UTC: 19.9 S / 79.2 E, VENT MAX= 100 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 215 SE: 315 SW: 295 NW: 175 34 KT NE: 130 SE: 195 SW: 185 NW: 100 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 85 SW: 85 NW: 75 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 55 SW: 55 NW: 55 24H: 2025/02/07 12 UTC: 20.2 S / 76.5 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 215 SE: 350 SW: 335 NW: 165 34 KT NE: 130 SE: 220 SW: 185 NW: 100 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 95 SW: 85 NW: 75 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 65 SW: 55 NW: 55 36H: 2025/02/08 00 UTC: 20.5 S / 74.0 E, VENT MAX= 110 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 230 SE: 370 SW: 335 NW: 175 34 KT NE: 140 SE: 220 SW: 215 NW: 110 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 95 SW: 95 NW: 75 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 65 SW: 65 NW: 55 48H: 2025/02/08 12 UTC: 20.8 S / 71.7 E, VENT MAX= 110 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 230 SE: 360 SW: 335 NW: 185 34 KT NE: 140 SE: 220 SW: 215 NW: 110 48 KT NE: 85 SE: 100 SW: 100 NW: 75 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SW: 75 NW: 65 60H: 2025/02/09 00 UTC: 21.4 S / 69.8 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 270 SE: 390 SW: 345 NW: 215 34 KT NE: 165 SE: 240 SW: 230 NW: 130 48 KT NE: 85 SE: 100 SW: 100 NW: 85 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SW: 75 NW: 65 72H: 2025/02/09 12 UTC: 23.0 S / 68.6 E, VENT MAX= 105 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 295 SE: 405 SW: 350 NW: 220 34 KT NE: 175 SE: 250 SW: 230 NW: 140 48 KT NE: 95 SE: 100 SW: 100 NW: 85 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SW: 85 NW: 75 2.B LONGER-RANGE OUTLOOK: 96H: 2025/02/10 12 UTC: 27.2 S / 67.5 E, VENT MAX= 090 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 345 SE: 445 SW: 315 NW: 240 34 KT NE: 205 SE: 280 SW: 230 NW: 150 48 KT NE: 100 SE: 120 SW: 110 NW: 95 64 KT NE: 75 SE: 85 SW: 85 NW: 75 120H: 2025/02/11 12 UTC: 33.2 S / 68.4 E, VENT MAX= 070 KT, TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 425 SE: 500 SW: 315 NW: 270 34 KT NE: 240 SE: 305 SW: 240 NW: 165 48 KT NE: 80 SE: 110 SW: 120 NW: 70 64 KT NE: 70 SE: 70 SW: 80 NW: 60 2.C ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: T=CI=6.0 OVER THE LAST 6 HOURS, THE VINCE'S EYE PATTERN HAS IMPROVED, AS CONFIRMED BY THE LATEST SATELLITE IMAGES. CONVECTION IN THE SOUTHEASTERN PART OF THE EYE HAS STRENGTHENED, AS CAN BE SEEN ON THE LATEST MICROWAVE IMAGES (AMSR2 FROM 0839Z , GMI FROM 0948E AND F18 FROM 1090Z). THE SUBJECTIVE DVORAK ANALYSIS IS 6.0, EQUIVALENT TO A MAX WIND OF 100KT. OBJECTIVE CIMSS ANALYSES (DMINT, DPRINT, SATCON,...) ARE BETWEEN 90 AND 100KT. THE CHOSEN INTENSITY IS THEREFORE 100KT. AS FOR THE TRACK, LITTLE HAS CHANGED. VINCE IS FORECAST TO MOVE WEST-SOUTHWEST, DRIVEN BY THE SUBTROPICAL RIDGE THAT REMAINS SOUTHEAST OF THE SYSTEM. BY THE END OF THE WEEK, THE RIDGE IS EXPECTED TO SHIFT EAST OF VINCE, GRADUALLY SLOWING DOWN THE STEERING FLOW AND PUSHING IT SOUTHWESTWARD AND THEN SOUTHWARD. ALL GUIDANCE REMAINS IN AGREEMENT WITH THIS SCENARIO. DISPERSION REMAINS LOW, EVEN IF IFS PROPOSES A MORE NORTHERLY TRACK THAN GFS BEFORE THE TURN TO THE SOUTH. IN TERMS OF INTENSITY, VINCE WILL BENEFIT FROM GOOD ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS (GOOD OCEANIC POTENTIAL, WEAKENING SHEAR, INCREASING UPPER LEVEL DIVERGENCE). IT COULD THEREFORE CONTINUE TO INTENSIFY IN THE ABSENCE OF A NEW EYEWALL REPLACEMENT CYCLE. FROM SATURDAY, THE SHEAR SHOULD STRENGTHEN AND PUT AN END TO VINCE'S STRENGTHENING. THEN THE SYSTEM SHOULD WEAKEN SLOWLY AT FIRST, THEN MORE RAPIDLY FROM MONDAY ONWARDS. IMPACTS ON INHABITED LAND : ON RODRIGUES: VINCE IS GENERATING A CYCLONIC SWELL WITH WAVES THAT COULD REACH A HEIGHT OF 4 METRES NEAR THE COAST FROM SUNDAY EVENING.=  741 WGUS41 KRLX 061241 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 741 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 OHC009-053-079-087-105-WVC013-035-053-085-105-107-061845- /O.NEW.KRLX.FA.W.0013.250206T1241Z-250206T1845Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Athens OH-Gallia OH-Jackson OH-Lawrence OH-Meigs OH-Calhoun WV- Jackson WV-Mason WV-Ritchie WV-Wirt WV-Wood WV- 741 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 145 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Ohio, including the following counties, Athens, Gallia, Jackson, Lawrence and Meigs and West Virginia, including the following counties, Calhoun, Jackson, Mason, Ritchie, Wirt and Wood. * WHEN...Until 145 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 741 AM EST, Doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the warned area. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Parkersburg, Belpre, Point Pleasant, Gallipolis, Harrisville, Pomeroy, Rio Grande, Elizabeth, Racine, Rutland, Forked Run State Park, Ravenswood, New Haven, Mason, Lubeck, Washington, Mineralwells, North Bend State Park, Gallia and Middleport. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. The saturated ground has produced conditions ripe for landslides and debris flows on steep slopes around the area. Residents with homes on or at the base of hillsides should be aware of the potential for landslides and watch for trees leaning in unusual orientations, water and mud seepage where not expected and other signs of potential ground movement. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3891 8251 3906 8223 3910 8202 3904 8196 3903 8183 3907 8180 3918 8185 3931 8149 3926 8095 3913 8086 3898 8110 3903 8137 3871 8270 $$ 30  422 WSID21 WAAA 061240 WAAF SIGMET 22 VALID 061240/061640 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0737 E11200 - S0719 E11346 - S 0744 E11413 - S0909 E11312 - S0857 E11124 - S0813 E11050 - S0737 E112 00 TOP FL520 MOV W 10KT NC=  423 WGUS41 KRLX 061243 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 743 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC019-043-089-127-061845- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1845Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Boyd KY-Carter KY-Greenup KY-Lawrence KY- 743 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 145 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...A portion of northeast Kentucky, including the following counties, Boyd, Carter, Greenup and Lawrence. * WHEN...Until 145 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 743 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the warned area. Between 2 and 3 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts up to 0.5 inches are possible in the warned area. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Ashland, Ironton, Grayson, Coal Grove, Olive Hill, Grayson Lake State Park, Carter Caves State Park, Cannonsburg, Catlettsburg, Oldtown, Denton, Greenbo Lake, Rush, Coalton, Gesling, Naples, Princess, Durbin, Carter and Flatwoods. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Please report observed flooding to local emergency services or law enforcement and request they pass this information to the National Weather Service when you can do so safely. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3852 8268 3846 8261 3835 8260 3831 8257 3829 8258 3817 8294 3818 8298 3820 8301 3818 8305 3822 8308 3827 8316 3824 8322 3819 8323 3819 8326 3821 8330 3832 8334 3834 8323 3843 8324 3844 8321 3851 8316 $$ TRM  187 WWUS51 KRLX 061244 SVSRLX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 744 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC005-039-043-061300- /O.CON.KRLX.SV.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ Kanawha WV-Lincoln WV-Boone WV- 744 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 800 AM EST FOR WEST CENTRAL KANAWHA...CENTRAL LINCOLN AND NORTHWESTERN BOONE COUNTIES... At 744 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Spurlockville, or 9 miles southeast of Hamlin, moving east at 60 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Madison, Sweetland, Sod, Woodville, Palermo, Danville, Foster, Spurlockville, Griffithsville, Alkol, Mud, Yawkey, Julian, Turtle Creek, Ashford, and Alum Creek. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3822 8209 3828 8208 3824 8169 3799 8178 3815 8214 3818 8212 TIME...MOT...LOC 1244Z 284DEG 50KT 3820 8196 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ 14  449 WSIL31 BICC 061240 BIRD SIGMET U07 VALID 061330/061530 BIRK- BIRD REYKJAVIK CTA SEV TURB FCST WI N6250 W01940 - N6600 W02100 - N6710 W01300 - N6320 W01310 - N6250 W01940 SFC/FL120 MOV SW NC=  484 WUUS53 KJKL 061245 SVRJKL KYC051-109-125-189-203-061315- /O.NEW.KJKL.SV.W.0004.250206T1245Z-250206T1315Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service JACKSON KY 745 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in JACKSON KY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Laurel County in south central Kentucky... West central Owsley County in southeastern Kentucky... Jackson County in southeastern Kentucky... Central Rockcastle County in south central Kentucky... Northwestern Clay County in southeastern Kentucky... * Until 815 AM EST. * At 745 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Orlando, or near Mount Vernon, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Jep Hill around 750 AM EST. Carico around 755 AM EST. Atkinstown around 800 AM EST. Tyner around 805 AM EST. Other locations in the path of this severe thunderstorm include Privett. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for south central and southeastern Kentucky. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for south central and southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3725 8438 3745 8436 3747 8372 3720 8373 TIME...MOT...LOC 1245Z 272DEG 41KT 3737 8427 TORNADO...POSSIBLE THUNDERSTORM DAMAGE THREAT...CONSIDERABLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...70 MPH $$ GREIF  501 WOUS20 KWNS 061245 WWASPC SPC WW-A 061245 KYZ000-061340- STATUS REPORT ON WW 3 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 30 NE HOP TO 15 NE BWG TO 20 SSE LEX TO 40 WSW HTS. ..BENTLEY..02/06/25 ATTN...WFO...LMK...JKL... && STATUS REPORT FOR WT 3 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS KYC001-003-009-025-031-045-051-053-057-061-065-079-087-099-109- 121-125-129-137-141-147-151-153-155-165-169-171-173-175-189-197- 199-203-207-213-217-227-231-235-237-061340- KY . KENTUCKY COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ADAIR ALLEN BARREN BREATHITT BUTLER CASEY CLAY CLINTON CUMBERLAND EDMONSON ESTILL GARRARD GREEN HART JACKSON KNOX LAUREL LEE LINCOLN LOGAN MCCREARY MADISON MAGOFFIN MARION MENIFEE METCALFE MONROE MONTGOMERY MORGAN OWSLEY POWELL PULASKI ROCKCASTLE RUSSELL SIMPSON TAYLOR WARREN WAYNE WHITLEY WOLFE $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  776 WABZ23 SBGL 061240 SBRE AIRMET 18 VALID 061245/061400 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR BKN CLD 500/0900FT FCST WI S0410 W03250 - S0410 W03201 - S0333 W03201 - S0333 W03250 - S0410 W03250 STNR NC=  673 WWUS41 KPHI 061245 WSWPHI URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 745 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NJZ020-027-061345- /O.CAN.KPHI.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Ocean-Southeastern Burlington- Including the cities of Jackson and Wharton State Forest 745 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Precipitation has changed to plain rain with temperatures rising above freezing. No further ice accumulations expected. Thus, the Winter Weather Advisory has been cancelled. $$ DEZ002-003-MDZ012-015-019-020-NJZ021>023-061345- /O.EXP.KPHI.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ Kent-Inland Sussex-Kent MD-Queen Annes-Talbot-Caroline-Cumberland- Atlantic-Cape May- Including the cities of Chestertown, Cape May Court House, Denton, Hammonton, Millville, Dover, Easton, Georgetown, and Centreville 745 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 AM EST THIS MORNING... Precipitation has changed to plain rain with temperatures rising above freezing. No further ice accumulations expected. Thus, the Winter Weather Advisory has been allowed to expire. $$ DEZ001-NJZ016-061500- /O.EXT.KPHI.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ New Castle-Salem- Including the cities of Pennsville and Wilmington 745 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...In Delaware, New Castle County. In New Jersey, Salem County. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ NJZ001-007>009-PAZ060>062-101>103-105-061800- /O.CON.KPHI.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Sussex-Warren-Morris-Hunterdon-Berks-Lehigh-Northampton-Western Chester-Eastern Chester-Western Montgomery-Upper Bucks- Including the cities of Newton, Chalfont, Morristown, Kennett Square, Pottstown, Bethlehem, Perkasie, West Chester, Collegeville, Flemington, Oxford, Honey Brook, Washington, Allentown, Easton, and Reading 745 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow and sleet accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of northern and northwest New Jersey and east central and southeast Pennsylvania. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ NJZ010-012-013-015-017>019-PAZ070-071-104-106-061500- /O.CON.KPHI.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Somerset-Middlesex-Western Monmouth-Mercer-Gloucester-Camden- Northwestern Burlington-Delaware-Philadelphia-Eastern Montgomery- Lower Bucks- Including the cities of Cherry Hill, Morrisville, Glassboro, New Brunswick, Camden, Somerville, Mount Holly, Philadelphia, Media, Lansdale, Moorestown, Doylestown, Norristown, Freehold, and Trenton 745 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow and sleet accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of central, northern, and southern New Jersey and southeast Pennsylvania. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ PAZ054-055-062000- /O.CON.KPHI.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T2000Z/ Carbon-Monroe- Including the cities of Stroudsburg and Jim Thorpe 745 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow and sleet accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Carbon and Monroe Counties. * WHEN...Until 3 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ Hoeflich  503 WWUS53 KJKL 061245 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 745 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC153-175-061255- /O.CAN.KJKL.SV.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ Morgan KY-Magoffin KY- 745 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL MORGAN AND NORTH CENTRAL MAGOFFIN COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3780 8267 3785 8298 3790 8298 3789 8296 3791 8296 3791 8297 3796 8298 3796 8282 3791 8273 3789 8267 TIME...MOT...LOC 1245Z 271DEG 42KT 3791 8291 $$ KYC115-061300- /O.CON.KJKL.SV.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ Johnson KY- 745 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 800 AM EST FOR CENTRAL JOHNSON COUNTY... At 745 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Flatgap, or 8 miles northwest of Paintsville, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe storm will be near... Paintsville around 750 AM EST. Other locations in the path of this severe thunderstorm include Whitehouse. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3780 8267 3785 8298 3790 8298 3789 8296 3791 8296 3791 8297 3796 8298 3796 8282 3791 8273 3789 8267 TIME...MOT...LOC 1245Z 271DEG 42KT 3791 8291 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ CMC  190 WGUS41 KRLX 061245 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 745 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC127-WVC005-039-043-045-059-099-061845- /O.NEW.KRLX.FA.W.0014.250206T1245Z-250206T1845Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Lawrence KY-Boone WV-Kanawha WV-Lincoln WV-Logan WV-Mingo WV- Wayne WV- 745 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 145 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Kentucky, including the following county, Lawrence and West Virginia, including the following counties, Boone, Kanawha, Lincoln, Logan, Mingo and Wayne. * WHEN...Until 145 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 745 AM EST, Doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the warned area. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Madison, Louisa, Blaine, Yatesville Lake State Park, Chesapeake, Chapmanville, East Bank, Glasgow, Fort Gay, Pratt, Ranger, Kiahsville, Gill, Harts, Dunlow, Spurlockville, Julian, Alum Creek, Ulysses and Charley. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. The saturated ground has produced conditions ripe for landslides and debris flows on steep slopes around the area. Residents with homes on or at the base of hillsides should be aware of the potential for landslides and watch for trees leaning in unusual orientations, water and mud seepage where not expected and other signs of potential ground movement. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3795 8258 3791 8260 3790 8269 3800 8294 3796 8299 3799 8302 3811 8289 3818 8292 3827 8266 3825 8260 3816 8263 3809 8257 3827 8195 3828 8174 3823 8172 3821 8135 3805 8164 3792 8237 3792 8248 3796 8253 $$ 30  630 WSUS32 KKCI 061255 SIGC MKCC WST 061255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 061455-061855 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  631 WSUS31 KKCI 061255 SIGE MKCE WST 061255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 36E VALID UNTIL 1455Z NC SC CSTL WTRS FROM 140SE ECG-130SSE ILM LINE EMBD TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 24030KT. TOPS TO FL310. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 37E VALID UNTIL 1455Z PA MD VA NC WV OH TN KY FROM 10WNW PSB-ORF-30ENE VXV-20E BWG-40S AIR-10WNW PSB AREA SEV EMBD TS MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS TO FL400. TORNADOES...HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 061455-061855 FROM 40WSW ALB-170ESE ECG-140SSE ILM-30ESE RDU-MSL-70ENE DYR-PSB-40WSW ALB REF WW 3. WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  632 WSUS33 KKCI 061255 SIGW MKCW WST 061255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 061455-061855 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  325 WGUS81 KRLX 061247 FLSRLX Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 747 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC039-061645- /O.CON.KRLX.FA.W.0009.000000T0000Z-250206T1645Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Kanawha WV- 747 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1145 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...A portion of southern West Virginia, including the following county, Kanawha. * WHEN...Until 1145 AM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 747 AM EST, Doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated slow moving thunderstorms with very heavy rainfall across the warned area. Between 2 and 3 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts up to 0.5 inches are possible in the warned area. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Charleston, South Charleston, Dunbar, Chesapeake, Marmet, Belle, Cedar Grove, Coal Fork and Pinch. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3836 8161 3839 8157 3842 8146 3837 8138 3822 8134 3823 8173 3836 8173 3836 8162 $$ TRM  549 WFUS53 KJKL 061248 TORJKL KYC115-061315- /O.NEW.KJKL.TO.W.0001.250206T1248Z-250206T1315Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service JACKSON KY 748 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in JACKSON KY has issued a * Tornado Warning for... Northern Johnson County in northeastern Kentucky... * Until 815 AM EST. * At 747 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located over Redbush, or 8 miles southwest of Blaine, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * This dangerous storm will be near... Stambaugh around 755 AM EST. Whitehouse around 800 AM EST. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 3787 8296 3791 8296 3795 8295 3796 8282 3795 8279 3791 8273 3789 8267 3784 8267 TIME...MOT...LOC 1247Z 269DEG 39KT 3792 8293 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN $$ CMC  642 WWUS53 KJKL 061248 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 748 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC109-125-199-203-061256- /O.EXP.KJKL.SV.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1245Z/ Laurel KY-Pulaski KY-Jackson KY-Rockcastle KY- 748 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTH CENTRAL LAUREL... NORTHEASTERN PULASKI...SOUTHWESTERN JACKSON AND ROCKCASTLE COUNTIES HAS EXPIRED... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. However, gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for south central and southeastern Kentucky. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service JACKSON KY. Remember, a Severe Thunderstorm Warning still remains in effect for eastern portions of Rockcastle County and parts of Jackson and Laurel counties. && LAT...LON 3736 8456 3733 8451 3734 8450 3735 8450 3746 8445 3747 8403 3720 8405 3728 8466 TIME...MOT...LOC 1246Z 273DEG 42KT 3735 8424 $$ GREIF  969 WWUS63 KLMK 061249 WCNLMK WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 3 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LOUISVILLE KY 749 AM EST THU FEB 6 2025 KYC021-031-049-061-067-079-087-099-113-123-151-155-167-217-229- 061400- /O.CAN.KLMK.TO.A.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED TORNADO WATCH 3 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN KENTUCKY THIS CANCELS 15 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL KENTUCKY BOYLE CLARK FAYETTE GARRARD GREEN HART JESSAMINE LARUE MADISON MARION MERCER TAYLOR WASHINGTON IN SOUTH CENTRAL KENTUCKY BUTLER EDMONSON THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ABERDEEN, ALLENDALE, ATHERTONVILLE, BEREA, BLACK GNAT, BOHON, BRYANTSVILLE, BUCKEYE, BUFFALO, CAMPBELLSVILLE, CANMER, DANVILLE, DUNBAR, ELK HORN, EXIE, FORD, GREENSBURG, HARDYVILLE, HARRODSBURG, HIGH BRIDGE, HILLVIEW, HOBSON, HODGENVILLE, HORSE CAVE, KEENE, KESSINGER, KINGSTON, KIRKSVILLE, LANCASTER, LEBANON, LEXINGTON, LOGANSPORT, LOWELL, LYONS, MAGNOLIA, MAUD, MCCREARY, MORGANTOWN, MUNFORDVILLE, NEW MARKET, NICHOLASVILLE, PAINT LICK, PIERCE, QUALITY, REDHOUSE, REX, RICHMOND, RUCKERVILLE, SALOMA, SHAKERTOWN, SPRINGFIELD, SUMMERSVILLE, UNO, VALLEY VIEW, WILMORE, WINCHESTER, AND YUMA. $$ KYC001-003-009-045-053-057-137-141-169-171-207-213-227-061600- /O.CON.KLMK.TO.A.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ TORNADO WATCH 3 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 11 AM EST /10 AM CST/ THIS MORNING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN KENTUCKY THIS WATCH INCLUDES 13 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL KENTUCKY CASEY LINCOLN IN SOUTH CENTRAL KENTUCKY ADAIR ALLEN BARREN CLINTON CUMBERLAND LOGAN METCALFE MONROE RUSSELL SIMPSON WARREN THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ALBANY, ALVATON, AMANDAVILLE, ARGYLE, BEAUMONT, BOWLING GREEN, BOYCE, BURKESVILLE, CANE VALLEY, CAVE CITY, CLEMENTSVILLE, COBURG, COLUMBIA, CREELSBORO, CROCUS, CUMBERLAND CITY, DUBRE, DUNNVILLE, EDMONTON, EIGHTY EIGHT, ELLA, FLAT ROCK, FOREST SPRINGS, FRANKLIN, GASCON, GLASGOW, GLENS FORK, GRADYVILLE, HALFWAY, HAYWOOD, HESTAND, JABEZ, JAMESTOWN, KNOB LICK, LECTA, LIBERTY, LUCAS, MARROWBONE, MAYNARD, MIDDLEBURG, MIDDLETOWN, MINTONVILLE, MUD LICK, OLGA, PEYTONSBURG, PLANO, PRICES MILL, PROVIDENCE, RICHARDSVILLE, ROCKBRIDGE, ROWLAND, RUSSELL SPRINGS, RUSSELLVILLE, SALEM, SCOTTSVILLE, STANFORD, STATIC, SUMMER SHADE, TOMPKINSVILLE, WINDSOR, AND WISDOM. $$ PADGETT  480 WGUS41 KRLX 061249 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 749 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC007-013-015-021-039-067-087-101-061845- /O.NEW.KRLX.FA.W.0015.250206T1249Z-250206T1845Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Braxton WV-Calhoun WV-Clay WV-Gilmer WV-Kanawha WV-Nicholas WV- Roane WV-Webster WV- 749 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 145 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...Portions of central and southern West Virginia, including the following counties, in central West Virginia, Braxton, Calhoun, Clay, Gilmer, Nicholas, Roane and Webster. In southern West Virginia, Kanawha. * WHEN...Until 145 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 749 AM EST, Doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the warned area. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Sutton, Clay, Webster Springs, Gassaway, Addison (Webster Springs), Camden-On-gauley, Camden On Gauley, Cedar Creek State Park, Craigsville, Big Otter, Wallback, Holly River State Park, Amma, Harrison, Cowen, Burnsville, Flatwoods, Little Birch, Frametown and Exchange. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. The saturated ground has produced conditions ripe for landslides and debris flows on steep slopes around the area. Residents with homes on or at the base of hillsides should be aware of the potential for landslides and watch for trees leaning in unusual orientations, water and mud seepage where not expected and other signs of potential ground movement. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3873 8111 3885 8104 3897 8105 3886 8063 3866 8032 3850 8022 3836 8032 3826 8055 3826 8066 3852 8069 3842 8128 3855 8132 $$ 30  738 WAGR31 LGAT 061248 LGGG AIRMET 4 VALID 061248/061348 LGAT- LGGG ATHINAI FIR BKN CLD 3000/8000 FT OBS ATHINAI TMA STNR NC=  182 WWCN13 CWVR 061250 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR INTERIOR AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:50 A.M. PST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING ENDED FOR: CHILCOTIN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED TO REACH EXTREME COLD WARNING CRITERIA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  183 WWCN73 CWVR 061250 AVERTISSEMENT DE FROID EXTREME POUR L'INTERIEUR ET LE NORD DE LA COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE TERMINE PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA A 04H50 HNP LE JEUDI 6 FEVRIER 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERTISSEMENT DE FROID EXTREME TERMINE POUR: CHILCOTIN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DESCRIPTION== ON NE PREVOIT PLUS DE CONDITIONS JUSTIFIANT L'EMISSION D'UN AVERTISSEMENT DE FROID EXTREME. HTTP://METEO.GC.CA/ FIN/CPIP  588 WGUS81 KILN 061251 FLSILN Flood Advisory National Weather Service Wilmington OH 751 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC135-161-201-061301- /O.EXP.KILN.FA.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Lewis KY-Mason KY-Robertson KY- 751 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 AM EST THIS MORNING... The Flood Advisory will expire at 8 AM EST this morning for the following counties, in northeast Kentucky, Lewis. In northern Kentucky, Mason and Robertson. The heavy rain has ended. Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3877 8390 3865 8376 3863 8366 3870 8352 3860 8329 3863 8314 3872 8303 3859 8307 3850 8319 3832 8328 3843 8358 3852 8364 3846 8386 3849 8393 3842 8400 3850 8418 3861 8408 3858 8400 $$ KC  967 WOXX01 KWNP 061251 SUMXM5 Space Weather Message Code: SUMXM5 Serial Number: 285 Issue Time: 2025 Feb 06 1249 UTC SUMMARY: X-ray Event exceeded M5 Begin Time: 2025 Feb 06 1047 UTC Maximum Time: 2025 Feb 06 1104 UTC End Time: 2025 Feb 06 1116 UTC X-ray Class: M7.6 Location: N07W17 NOAA Scale: R2 - Moderate Comment: Tenflare at 06/1058 with peak 8100 sfu www.swpc.noaa.gov/noaa-scales-explanation Potential Impacts: Area of impact centered primarily on sub-solar point on the sunlit side of Earth. Radio - Limited blackout of HF (high frequency) radio communication for tens of minutes. # Issued by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center # Recent messages, data, and help at http://swpc.noaa.gov/alerts/ # Send questions to SWPC.Webmaster@noaa.gov  475 WGUS41 KRLX 061251 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 751 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC007-013-017-021-033-041-083-085-097-101-061845- /O.NEW.KRLX.FA.W.0016.250206T1251Z-250206T1845Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Braxton WV-Calhoun WV-Doddridge WV-Gilmer WV-Harrison WV-Lewis WV- Randolph WV-Ritchie WV-Upshur WV-Webster WV- 751 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 145 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...Portions of central and northern West Virginia, including the following counties, in central West Virginia, Braxton, Calhoun, Gilmer and Webster. In northern West Virginia, Doddridge, Harrison, Lewis, Randolph, Ritchie and Upshur. * WHEN...Until 145 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 751 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the warned area. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Buckhannon, Weston, Glenville, Stonewall Jackson, Jackson Mill, Rock Cave, Burnsville, Jane Lew, Sand Fork, Auburn, Walkersville, Sand Run, Horner, Ireland, Camden, Alum Bridge, Lorentz, French Creek, Kanawha Head and Cleveland. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. The saturated ground has produced conditions ripe for landslides and debris flows on steep slopes around the area. Residents with homes on or at the base of hillsides should be aware of the potential for landslides and watch for trees leaning in unusual orientations, water and mud seepage where not expected and other signs of potential ground movement. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3913 8086 3926 8093 3919 8054 3916 8037 3897 8012 3875 8005 3866 8009 3851 8022 3866 8031 3873 8044 3886 8063 3897 8110 $$ 30  329 WOCN11 CWTO 061251 FREEZING DRIZZLE ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 7:51 A.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEZING DRIZZLE ADVISORY FOR: =NEW= HALTON HILLS - MILTON =NEW= BURLINGTON - OAKVILLE =NEW= HURON - PERTH =NEW= WATERLOO - WELLINGTON WINDSOR - ESSEX - CHATHAM-KENT SARNIA - LAMBTON ELGIN LONDON - MIDDLESEX SIMCOE - DELHI - NORFOLK DUNNVILLE - CALEDONIA - HALDIMAND OXFORD - BRANT NIAGARA CITY OF HAMILTON. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== AREAS OF FREEZING DRIZZLE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. HAZARD: FREEZING DRIZZLE LEADING TO LIGHT ICE BUILD-UP AND SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. TIMING: THIS MORNING. DISCUSSION: FREEZING DRIZZLE MIXED WITH LIGHT SNOW, IS EXPECTED THIS MORNING. ANY SNOW AND FREEZING DRIZZLE WILL COME TO AN END NEAR NOON. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME ICY AND SLIPPERY. FREEZING DRIZZLE CAN PRODUCE THIN, HARD-TO-DETECT LAYERS OF ICE. TAKE EXTRA CARE WHEN WALKING OR DRIVING IN AFFECTED AREAS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN ONTARIO, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  673 WWUS72 KJAX 061252 NPWJAX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Jacksonville FL 752 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 GAZ163-061500- /O.EXA.KJAX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Clinch- Including the cities of Homerville 752 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility around a quarter of a mile in dense fog. * WHERE...Clinch County. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ FLZ021-035-120-220-236-340-522-GAZ162-061500- /O.CON.KJAX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Suwannee-Gilchrist-Eastern Hamilton-Western Hamilton-Western Alachua-Western Marion-Southwestern Columbia-Echols- Including the cities of Houston, Suwannee Springs, Ocala Airport, Blue Springs, Archer, Oleno State Park, Statenville, Jasper, Newberry, West Lake, Belmont, White Springs, Suwannee River Station, Columbia, Needmore, Trenton, High Springs, Newburn, Live Oak, McAlpin, and Jennings 752 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility around one quarter mile in dense fog. * WHERE...In Florida, Eastern Hamilton, Gilchrist, Southwestern Columbia, Suwannee, Western Alachua, Western Hamilton, and Western Marion Counties. In Georgia, Echols County. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ For more information, visit us at www.weather.gov/jax SHASHY  706 WGUS53 KJKL 061252 FFWJKL KYC011-065-165-173-197-205-061500- /O.EXT.KJKL.FF.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Jackson KY 752 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Jackson has extended the * Flash Flood Warning for... Southeastern Bath County in east central Kentucky... Northwestern Estill County in east central Kentucky... Menifee County in east central Kentucky... Southeastern Montgomery County in east central Kentucky... Powell County in east central Kentucky... Southwestern Rowan County in east central Kentucky... * Until 1000 AM EST. * At 752 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated ongoing showers and thunderstorms still moving across the warned area. While the heaviest rainfall has exited the area, excessive runoff from previous heavy rainfall will continue to cause flash flooding. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Flash flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other poor drainage and low-lying areas. * Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Stanton, Frenchburg, Jeffersonville, Camargo, Clay City, Wellington, Campsites in the Indian Creek area of the Daniel Boone National Forrest, Means, Cedar Groves, Cornwell, Fagan, Clay Lick, Lucky Stop, Rothwell, Bowen, Bean, Cat Creek, Hope, Rosslyn and Tabor. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be aware of your surroundings and do not drive on flooded roads. && LAT...LON 3781 8407 3782 8410 3785 8408 3782 8407 3783 8406 3785 8406 3783 8404 3784 8400 3786 8401 3790 8399 3792 8399 3793 8397 3799 8400 3807 8344 3797 8344 3787 8356 3775 8408 3777 8408 3778 8411 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$ GEOGERIAN  469 WFUS53 KJKL 061253 TORJKL KYC051-109-125-189-203-061330- /O.NEW.KJKL.TO.W.0002.250206T1253Z-250206T1330Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service JACKSON KY 753 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in JACKSON KY has issued a * Tornado Warning for... North central Laurel County in south central Kentucky... West central Owsley County in southeastern Kentucky... Southern Jackson County in southeastern Kentucky... East central Rockcastle County in south central Kentucky... North central Clay County in southeastern Kentucky... * Until 830 AM EST. * At 752 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located over Dango, or 9 miles southwest of McKee, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * This dangerous storm will be near... McKee around 800 AM EST. Tyner around 805 AM EST. Green Hall around 810 AM EST. Other locations in the path of this tornadic thunderstorm include Sextons Creek. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in JACKSON KY. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3730 8423 3744 8422 3746 8373 3728 8375 TIME...MOT...LOC 1252Z 272DEG 42KT 3737 8414 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN $$ GREIF  896 WOUS64 KWNS 061253 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 3 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 653 AM CST THU FEB 06 2025 TORNADO WATCH 3 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1000 AM CST FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS KYC001-003-009-025-045-051-053-057-065-109-121-125-129-137-141- 147-153-165-169-171-173-175-189-197-199-203-207-213-227-231-235- 237-061600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ KY . KENTUCKY COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ADAIR ALLEN BARREN BREATHITT CASEY CLAY CLINTON CUMBERLAND ESTILL JACKSON KNOX LAUREL LEE LINCOLN LOGAN MCCREARY MAGOFFIN MENIFEE METCALFE MONROE MONTGOMERY MORGAN OWSLEY POWELL PULASKI ROCKCASTLE RUSSELL SIMPSON WARREN WAYNE WHITLEY WOLFE $$ ATTN...WFO...LMK...JKL...  994 WGUS61 KRLX 061253 FFARLX Flood Watch National Weather Service Charleston WV 753 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ101>103-105-OHZ086-087-VAZ003-004-WVZ005>008-013>020-024>034-039- 040-515>526-061800- /O.CON.KRLX.FA.A.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Greenup-Carter-Boyd-Lawrence KY-Gallia-Lawrence OH-Dickenson- Buchanan-Wayne-Cabell-Mason-Jackson WV-Lincoln-Putnam-Kanawha- Roane-Wirt-Calhoun-Ritchie-Doddridge-Mingo-Logan-Boone-Clay- Braxton-Gilmer-Lewis-Harrison-Taylor-McDowell-Wyoming-Upshur- Barbour-Northwest Raleigh-Southeast Raleigh-Northwest Fayette- Southeast Fayette-Northwest Nicholas-Southeast Nicholas-Northwest Webster-Southeast Webster-Northwest Pocahontas-Southeast Pocahontas-Northwest Randolph-Southeast Randolph- Including the cities of Pineville, Beckley, Mullens, New Haven, Gallipolis, Gary, Holly River State Park, Carter Caves State Park, Meadow Bridge, Bradley, Ceredo, Elkins, Ravenswood, Philippi, Olive Hill, Sutton, Welch, Flatwoods, Marlinton, Louisa, Snowshoe, Webster Springs, Man, Madison, Lake Vesuvius, Elizabeth, Glenville, Buckhannon, Harman, Ripley, Saint Albans, Bridgeport, Logan, Cowen, Weston, Gassaway, Clarksburg, Prosperity, Point Pleasant, Clay, War, Chapmanville, Oceana, Fayetteville, Hamlin, Ashland, Pennsboro, Vansant, Grayson Lake State Park, Harrisville, South Point, Sophia, Oak Hill, Montgomery, Ironton, Grantsville, Grafton, Williamson, Richwood, Kenova, Yatesville Lake State Park, Clintwood, Teays Valley, Burnsville, Hurricane, Huntington, Belington, Harts, Grundy, West Union, South Charleston, Raceland, Cannonsburg, Birch River, Grayson, Craigsville, Spencer, Russell, Charleston, Alum Creek, Wayne, and Summersville 753 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues to be possible. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Kentucky, including the following counties, Boyd, Carter, Greenup and Lawrence KY, southeast Ohio, including the following counties, Gallia and Lawrence OH, southwest Virginia, including the following counties, Buchanan and Dickenson, and West Virginia, including the following counties, Barbour, Boone, Braxton, Cabell, Calhoun, Clay, Doddridge, Gilmer, Harrison, Jackson WV, Kanawha, Lewis, Lincoln, Logan, Mason, McDowell, Mingo, Northwest Fayette, Northwest Nicholas, Northwest Pocahontas, Northwest Raleigh, Northwest Randolph, Northwest Webster, Putnam, Ritchie, Roane, Southeast Fayette, Southeast Nicholas, Southeast Pocahontas, Southeast Raleigh, Southeast Randolph, Southeast Webster, Taylor, Upshur, Wayne, Wirt and Wyoming. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Excessive runoff has resulted in flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations. Additional creeks and streams will likely rise out of their banks. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. The saturated ground has produced conditions ripe for landslides and debris flows on steep slopes around the area. Residents with homes on or at the base of hillsides should be aware of the potential for landslides and watch for trees leaning in unusual orientations, water and mud seepage where not expected and other signs of potential ground movement. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ TRM  854 ACUS01 KWNS 061253 SWODY1 SPC AC 061252 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0652 AM CST Thu Feb 06 2025 Valid 061300Z - 071200Z ...THERE IS A MARGINAL RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS FROM THE TENNESSEE VALLEY INTO THE SOUTHERN APPALACHIANS... ...SUMMARY... Multiple rounds of isolated severe thunderstorms may occur across parts of the southern Appalachians and Tennessee Valley, mainly this morning and later in the afternoon to early evening. ...TN Valley into the Southern Appalachians... A line of thunderstorms is ongoing this morning from western WV into south-central KY, along a weak cold front progressing eastward across the region. The warm sector ahead of this front is characterized by temperatures in the low/mid 60s, dewpoints in the low 60s, and modest buoyancy. Strong vertical shear exists across this region as well, with mesoanalysis estimating effective bulk shear values around 50-55 kt. Notable low-level curvature exists over the region as well, supported by strong low-level flow (i.e. 850 mb flow over 50 kt). These environmental conditions are supporting occasional updraft organization with the convective line, with a resulting potential for a few brief tornadoes as well as strong gusts and small hail. Shortwave trough responsible for the cold front as well as the strong low-level flow will continue to lift northeastward towards the Lower Great Lakes/northern Appalachians this morning. Resultant weakening of the large-scale ascent and low-level shear will likely lead to a weakening of this convective line by the late morning. The cold front is expected to continue gradually southward, and by the early afternoon will likely extend from far western VA west-southwestward across northern TN into northern AR. Another low-amplitude shortwave trough is expected to move through the region, contributing to another round of thunderstorms in the vicinity of this front. Thunderstorms are possible on both sides of the cold front, with greater storm coverage likely north of the boundary where large-scale ascent will be strongest. Vertical shear will be strong enough to support hail within a few of these elevated storms. Potential for surface-based storms will exist south of the boundary, with the degree of buoyancy modulated by how much heating is realized. Current guidance suggests temperatures could reach the low 70s, which would result in MLCAPE around 1000 J/kg. Fast, nearly unidirectional zonal flow regime will yield mid/upper-level hodograph elongation. This should foster potential for an organized cluster to develop by late afternoon, centered on the western/middle TN vicinity. Localized damaging winds and marginally severe hail may accompany this convection as it moves across TN and into far western NC by early evening. ..Mosier/Bentley.. 02/06/2025 $$  857 WUUS01 KWNS 061253 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0652 AM CST THU FEB 06 2025 VALID TIME 061300Z - 071200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... 0.02 37388508 37978359 38048253 37818161 37128153 36568198 35888290 35308440 35108666 35088806 35258851 35498884 35938862 36628646 37388508 && ... HAIL ... 0.05 36668863 37348746 37918470 38118196 37698100 36978053 36208065 35798127 35618538 35498751 35748897 36668863 && ... WIND ... 0.05 37768500 38108306 38088178 37778106 36438022 35778038 35558227 35218500 35058678 35118823 35468884 35918869 36418773 37768500 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... MRGL 36668863 37348746 37918475 38088178 37778106 36438022 35778038 35388384 35068687 35108818 35448886 35788897 36668863 TSTM 41702515 42112241 41522076 39542012 38601930 37651836 36951869 37272037 38472124 38552248 38152456 99999999 34357580 35127679 35147817 34778185 34058583 34018910 34629074 35829276 36959245 38018834 39198377 40277933 40107630 39437272 && THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 30 SSE PAH 30 SSW OWB 10 SW LEX 20 SSW CRW BKW 30 NW GSO 35 SW GSO 30 SSE TYS 30 N HSV 40 NW MSL 10 SSE MKL 10 NNW MKL 30 SSE PAH. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 50 W CEC 30 SE MFR 10 WNW AAT 20 W RNO 45 ESE TVL 20 N BIH 35 SSW BIH 10 E MER 15 ESE SAC 55 W SAC 100 SW UKI ...CONT... 60 S HSE 15 ENE EWN 25 SSW GSB 10 SE SPA 15 ENE GAD 25 SW TUP 50 SW MEM 30 SSW FLP 35 WNW UNO 35 SE MVN 35 E LUK LBE 30 ESE CXY 95 ESE NEL.  812 WOPS01 NFFN 061200 DCU PASS NAVY NIL  767 WSIR31 OIII 061246 OIIX SIGMET 10 VALID 061230/061430 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N2801 E05415 - N2658 E05301 - N2740 E05143 - N2841 E05044 - N2931 E05127 - N2911 E05330 - N2801 E05415 TOP ABV FL320 MOV ENE NC=  910 WWUS83 KJKL 061255 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 755 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ059-106-108-109-111-112-061330- Lee KY-Breathitt KY-Magoffin KY-Morgan KY-Powell KY-Wolfe KY- 755 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHERN POWELL...SOUTHERN MORGAN...NORTHERN BREATHITT...WEST CENTRAL MAGOFFIN...NORTHEASTERN LEE AND WOLFE COUNTIES THROUGH 830 AM EST... At 754 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Zoe, or near Beattyville, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Salyersville, Campton, Simpson, Fincastle, Torrent, Burkhart, Lexie, Leeco, Bethanna, Gifford, Pence, Kernie, Rock Lick, Vancleve, Moct, Wilhurst, Bays, High Falls, Lane, and Sewell. THIS INCLUDES Bert T. Combs Mountain Parkway between mile markers 41 and 75. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern and east central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3779 8306 3762 8306 3763 8375 3771 8376 3772 8374 3771 8373 3773 8372 3773 8375 3774 8376 TIME...MOT...LOC 1254Z 269DEG 46KT 3768 8366 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ AR  911 WWUS43 KBIS 061254 WSWBIS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 654 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 NDZ001>005-009>013-021>023-025-035>037-047-048-050-051-070000- /O.CON.KBIS.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Divide-Burke-Renville-Bottineau-Rolette-Williams-Mountrail-Ward- McHenry-Pierce-McLean-Sheridan-Wells-Foster-Burleigh-Kidder- Stutsman-Logan-La Moure-McIntosh-Dickey- Including the cities of Portal, Ellendale, Rugby, Steele, Drake, Napoleon, Wilton, Underwood, Crosby, Jamestown, Garrison, Dunseith, Rolla, Wishek, Rolette, St. John, Kulm, Washburn, Powers Lake, Williston, Towner, Harvey, Parshall, Edgeley, Bottineau, Ashley, Goodrich, Shell Valley, Tappen, Bowbells, Sherwood, Minot, Glenburn, Velva, Turtle Lake, Bismarck, Fessenden, Lamoure, Columbus, Gackle, Lignite, Mcclusky, Mohall, Carrington, Oakes, New Town, and Stanley 654 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Blowing snow expected. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Much of northwest and central North Dakota. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Schild  719 WAAK48 PAWU 061255 WA8O ANCS WA 061315 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 062115 . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC NE MENTASTA PASS-MCCARTHY LN MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/ISOL PCPN. IMPR. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SHSN BR/FZFG. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF MTS OBSC BY CLDS. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG PAMY-PALG LN N OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN/-RASN BR. IMPR FM S. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. NC. . AK PEN AI PAC SIDE W PASD MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . =ANCT WA 061315 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 062115 . COPPER RIVER BASIN AC TIL 16Z SW MENTASTA PASS-PAMX LN OCNL MOD TURB FL200-FL250. WKN. . CNTRL GLF CST AD TIL 16Z E PAWR-PAWD LN OCNL MOD TURB FL200-FL250. WKN. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ W PAKO SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. SPRDG E. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ AFT 16Z OCNL MOD TURB FL200-FL330. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ W PAKO ISOL SEV TURB BLW 020. W PADU OCNL MOD TURB BLW 050. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK E BULDIR IS SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK AFT 16Z E PASY OCNL MOD TURB FL270-FL330. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK AFT 16Z E AMCHITKA IS ISOL SEV TURB BLW 020. KISKA E OCNL MOD TURB BLW 050. NC. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL AFT 18Z SW PRIBILOFS SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . =ANCZ WA 061315 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 062115 . NONE . MB FEB 2025 AAWU  721 WUUS51 KRLX 061255 SVRRLX KYC127-061315- /O.NEW.KRLX.SV.W.0003.250206T1255Z-250206T1315Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 755 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Charleston West Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Lawrence County in northeastern Kentucky... * Until 815 AM EST. * At 755 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Chandlerville, or 8 miles north of Paintsville, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Ulysses and Charley. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain alert for a possible tornado! Tornadoes can develop quickly from severe thunderstorms. If you spot a tornado go at once into the basement or small central room in a sturdy structure. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3798 8257 3793 8258 3792 8260 3789 8259 3788 8261 3789 8267 3790 8271 3795 8281 3796 8282 3797 8282 TIME...MOT...LOC 1255Z 275DEG 44KT 3793 8276 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ 14  906 WGUS83 KJKL 061255 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 755 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The National Weather Service in Jackson has issued a Flood Advisory for the following rivers in Kentucky... Red River at Clay City affecting Estill and Powell Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternative route. The next statement will be issued this evening at 800 PM EST. && KYC065-197-070100- /O.NEW.KJKL.FL.Y.0012.250206T1255Z-250208T1800Z/ /CYCK2.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 755 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM THIS MORNING TO EARLY SATURDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Elevated river levels caused by excessive rainfall are expected. * WHERE...Red River at Clay City. * WHEN...From this morning to early Saturday afternoon. * IMPACTS...At 15.0 feet, Maple Street near the Red River Ranch is impassable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 7:15 AM EST Thursday the stage was 13.0 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 15.1 feet early Friday afternoon. - Flood stage is 17.0 feet. && LAT...LON 3788 8405 3788 8367 3783 8340 3775 8343 3780 8374 3780 8397 $$ GEOGERIAN  825 WWUS73 KBIS 061256 NPWBIS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 656 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 NDZ001>005-009>013-017>019-021>023-061800- /O.CON.KBIS.CW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Divide-Burke-Renville-Bottineau-Rolette-Williams-Mountrail-Ward- McHenry-Pierce-McKenzie-Dunn-Mercer-McLean-Sheridan-Wells- Including the cities of Portal, Beulah, Rugby, Drake, Wilton, Underwood, Crosby, Garrison, Dunseith, Hazen, Rolla, Rolette, St. John, Washburn, Powers Lake, Williston, Towner, Harvey, Parshall, Killdeer, Bottineau, Goodrich, Shell Valley, Bowbells, Sherwood, Minot, Glenburn, Velva, Watford City, Turtle Lake, Fessenden, Columbus, Lignite, Halliday, Mcclusky, Mohall, New Town, and Stanley 656 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 /556 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST /11 AM MST/ TODAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills as low as 35 below expected. * WHERE...Northwest and north central North Dakota. * WHEN...Until noon CST /11 AM MST/ today. * IMPACTS...The dangerously cold wind chills as low as 35 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you are planning to be outside, be sure to dress in layers, covering all exposed skin. && $$ Schild  498 WAAK47 PAWU 061257 WA7O JNUS WA 061315 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 062115 . NONE . =JNUT WA 061315 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 062115 . ERN GLF CST JE TIL 16Z W ICY BAY OCNL MOD TURB FL200-FL250. WKN. . =JNUZ WA 061315 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 062115 . NONE . MB FEB 2025 AAWU  095 WUUS51 KRLX 061258 SVRRLX WVC005-043-045-099-061330- /O.NEW.KRLX.SV.W.0004.250206T1258Z-250206T1330Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 758 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Charleston West Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southern Lincoln County in central West Virginia... North central Logan County in southern West Virginia... East central Wayne County in western West Virginia... Northwestern Boone County in central West Virginia... * Until 830 AM EST. * At 757 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Ranger, or 15 miles southeast of Wayne, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Danville, Madison, Ranger, Foster, Spurlockville, Gill, Turtle Creek, Woodville, Alkol, Harts, Mud, and Julian. This includes Route 119 near mile marker 40, and between mile markers 42 and 59. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3815 8227 3818 8181 3818 8180 3819 8180 3819 8174 3797 8175 3801 8230 TIME...MOT...LOC 1257Z 267DEG 47KT 3806 8224 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ 14  503 WWUS86 KMFR 061258 AWWMFR ORZ029-071300- Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Medford OR 456 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING... The National Weather Service in Medford has issued an Airport Weather Warning for... Klamath Falls Kingsley Field /LMT/. The following weather hazards are expected: Snow accumulation of 4 to 6 inches on the runway between 10 AM this morning and 4 AM early Friday morning. $$ BPN  915 WTAU05 APRF 061258 IDW23100 40:2:2:24:15S103E400:11:00 SECURITE OCEAN WIND WARNING FOR METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre at 1258 UTC 6 FEBRUARY 2025 STORM FORCE WIND WARNING Please be aware, wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION At 1200 UTC Tropical Cyclone Taliah was centred within 30 nautical miles of latitude fourteen decimal nine south (14.9S) longitude one hundred and two decimal six east (102.6E) Recent movement : west at 12 knots Maximum winds : 50 knots Central pressure: 987 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 100 nautical miles in NE quadrant and within 60 nautical miles in SE quadrant and within 100 nautical miles in SW quadrant and within 180 nautical miles in NW quadrant. FORECAST Maximum winds to 50 knots near the centre increasing to 55 knots by 1200 UTC 07 February. Winds above 48 knots within 60 nautical miles in NE quadrant and within 40 nautical miles in SW quadrant and within 100 nautical miles in NW quadrant with high seas and heavy swell. Winds above 34 knots within 100 nautical miles in NE quadrant and within 60 nautical miles in SE quadrant and within 100 nautical miles in SW quadrant and within 180 nautical miles in NW quadrant with very rough seas and moderate swell. Forecast positions At 0000 UTC 07 February: Within 50 nautical miles of 15.6 south 100.5 east Central pressure 989 hPa. Winds to 50 knots near centre. At 1200 UTC 07 February: Within 60 nautical miles of 16.3 south 98.2 east Central pressure 985 hPa. Winds to 55 knots near centre. REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use email to tcwc@bom.gov.au. Next warning will be issued by 1900 UTC 06 February 2025. AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY TROPICAL CYCLONE WARNING CENTRE  202 WWUS83 KJKL 061258 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 758 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ106>109-119-061330- Martin KY-Johnson KY-Magoffin KY-Morgan KY-Wolfe KY- 758 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL IMPACT WEST CENTRAL MARTIN...CENTRAL MORGAN...JOHNSON...NORTHERN MAGOFFIN AND NORTHEASTERN WOLFE COUNTIES THROUGH 830 AM EST... At 758 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a cluster of strong thunderstorms over Well Station, or near West Liberty, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Paintsville, West Liberty, Henry, Lewis, Moon, Florress, Lick Branch, Pekin, Falcon, Whitehouse, Wonnie, Panama, Williamsport, Gillem Branch, Redbush, Relief, Ever, Cottle, Perlie, and Niles. THIS INCLUDES U.S. Highway 23 in Johnson County between mile markers 5 and 16. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3780 8262 3777 8351 3797 8332 3798 8302 3796 8299 3799 8297 3799 8290 3796 8282 3789 8268 3788 8263 3788 8262 TIME...MOT...LOC 1258Z 269DEG 46KT 3786 8323 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ AR  172 WWUS53 KJKL 061259 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 759 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC051-109-125-189-203-061315- /O.CON.KJKL.SV.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1315Z/ Laurel KY-Owsley KY-Jackson KY-Rockcastle KY-Clay KY- 759 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 815 AM EST FOR NORTHEASTERN LAUREL...WEST CENTRAL OWSLEY...JACKSON...EAST CENTRAL ROCKCASTLE AND NORTHWESTERN CLAY COUNTIES... At 758 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Middlefork, or near McKee, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. This severe storm will be near... McKee around 805 AM EST. Other locations in the path of this severe thunderstorm include Herd, Sextons Creek and Thomas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for south central and southeastern Kentucky. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in JACKSON KY. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3727 8416 3745 8416 3746 8395 3747 8372 3722 8373 TIME...MOT...LOC 1258Z 272DEG 41KT 3736 8407 TORNADO...POSSIBLE THUNDERSTORM DAMAGE THREAT...CONSIDERABLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...70 MPH $$ GREIF  291 WWUS51 KRLX 061259 SVSRLX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 759 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC127-061308- /O.CAN.KRLX.SV.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1315Z/ Lawrence KY- 759 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN LAWRENCE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However, gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. && LAT...LON 3798 8257 3793 8258 3792 8260 3789 8259 3788 8261 3789 8267 3790 8271 3795 8281 3796 8282 3797 8282 TIME...MOT...LOC 1257Z 275DEG 44KT 3793 8270 $$ 12  766 WWUS53 KJKL 061259 RRA SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 759 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC115-061308- /O.EXP.KJKL.SV.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1300Z/ Johnson KY- 759 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL JOHNSON COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 800 AM EST... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service JACKSON KY. Remember, a Tornado Warning still remains in effect for northern Johnson County until 815 AM EST. && LAT...LON 3780 8267 3785 8298 3790 8298 3789 8296 3791 8296 3791 8297 3796 8298 3796 8282 3791 8273 3789 8267 TIME...MOT...LOC 1258Z 273DEG 41KT 3790 8276 $$ CMC  878 WWUS53 KJKL 061300 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 800 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC125-203-061310- /O.CAN.KJKL.TO.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1330Z/ Laurel KY-Rockcastle KY- 800 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR NORTH CENTRAL LAUREL AND EAST CENTRAL ROCKCASTLE COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The tornadic thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3731 8408 3744 8408 3746 8382 3746 8373 3728 8375 3729 8394 TIME...MOT...LOC 1300Z 272DEG 42KT 3737 8402 $$ KYC051-109-189-061330- /O.CON.KJKL.TO.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1330Z/ Owsley KY-Jackson KY-Clay KY- 800 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 830 AM EST FOR WEST CENTRAL OWSLEY...SOUTHEASTERN JACKSON AND NORTH CENTRAL CLAY COUNTIES... At 800 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located over Dabolt, or near McKee, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. This dangerous storm will be near... McKee around 805 AM EST. Green Hall around 810 AM EST. Other locations in the path of this tornadic thunderstorm include Sextons Creek. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. If a tornado or other severe weather is spotted, report it to the National Weather Service or your local nearest law enforcement agency who will send your report. This act may save lives of others in the path of dangerous weather. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3731 8408 3744 8408 3746 8382 3746 8373 3728 8375 3729 8394 TIME...MOT...LOC 1300Z 272DEG 42KT 3737 8402 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN $$ GREIF  998 WWUS53 KJKL 061300 RRA SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 800 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC115-061310- /O.CAN.KJKL.TO.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1315Z/ Johnson KY- 800 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR NORTHERN JOHNSON COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However, heavy rain is still possible with this thunderstorm. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service JACKSON KY. && LAT...LON 3787 8296 3791 8296 3795 8295 3796 8282 3795 8279 3791 8273 3789 8267 3784 8267 TIME...MOT...LOC 1258Z 269DEG 39KT 3792 8274 $$ CMC  409 WSRS31 RUSP 061301 ULLL SIGMET 12 VALID 061335/061600 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF LINE N7000 E03113 - N6840 E04142 - N6533 E04103 - N6447 E03005 FL300/350 STNR NC=  634 WAAK49 PAWU 061301 WA9O FAIS WA 061315 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 062115 . UPR YKN VLY FB PFYU S OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FZFG. IMPR. . UPR YKN VLY FB S PFYU MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . TANANA VLY FC OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FZFG. NC. . TANANA VLY FC MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS. NC. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE S-SE PAGH-PABT LN OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR/FZFG. NC. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. IMPR FM W. . LWR YKN VLY FF OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR/FZFG. IMPR FM S. . LWR YKN VLY FF MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . ARCTIC SLP CSTL FG AFT 18Z W PABR OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -BLSN BR. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. IMPR FM W. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI E PAOT-PABL LN OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FZFG. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ PAOM-PAMK LN W OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN/BR. SPRDG E TO ALL SXNS THRU PD. DTRT. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ E-SE PAGL MTS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. DTRT FM S. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN/-BLSN BR. NC. . =FAIT WA 061315 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 062115 . TANANA VLY FC TIL 16Z BTN PAOR AND PANN OCNL MOD TURB FL200-FL250. WKN. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK ST LAWRENCE IS NW SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. WKN. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK AFT 19Z OCNL MOD TURB FL240-FL340. NC. . =FAIZ WA 061315 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 062115 . NONE . PD FEB 2025 AAWU  641 WSCI36 ZUUU 061301 ZPKM SIGMET 7 VALID 061320/061720 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N3200 E09700-N3334 E10352-N3153 E10931-N2548 E10817-N2833 E08829-N3117 E08811-N3200 E09700 FL150/340 STNR NC=  484 WGUS83 KJKL 061302 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 802 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC025-109-125-129-189-203-061500- /O.NEW.KJKL.FA.Y.0009.250206T1302Z-250206T1500Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Breathitt KY-Jackson KY-Laurel KY-Lee KY-Owsley KY-Rockcastle KY- 802 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Urban and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall are expected. * WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Kentucky, including the following counties, in south central Kentucky, Laurel and Rockcastle. In southeast Kentucky, Breathitt, Jackson, Lee and Owsley. * WHEN...Until 1000 AM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 801 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause minor flooding of small creeks and streams, roads, and roadside culverts. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Jackson, McKee, Booneville, Scoville, Endee, Levi, Turin, Major, Vincent, Pebworth, Travellers Rest, Blake, Sturgeon, Chestnut Gap, Southfork, Conkling, Ida May, Eversole, Delvinta and Lower Buffalo. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3743 8417 3751 8387 3760 8354 3767 8328 3746 8321 3739 8354 3734 8375 3735 8378 3734 8378 3734 8379 3733 8381 3733 8382 3733 8383 3728 8405 3724 8423 3740 8428 $$ GEOGERIAN  784 WSUS31 KKCI 061302 SIGE MKCE WST 061302 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 38E VALID UNTIL 1455Z MD VA NC WV AND NC VA CSTL WTRS FROM 10WNW SBY-30ENE ECG-30SSW PSK-40SW BKW-30WSW CSN-10WNW SBY AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 26050KT. TOPS TO FL360. ...SPECIAL... CONVECTIVE SIGMET 36E VALID UNTIL 1455Z NC SC CSTL WTRS FROM 140SE ECG-130SSE ILM LINE EMBD TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 24030KT. TOPS TO FL310. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 37E VALID UNTIL 1455Z VA WV OH TN KY FROM 30N EKN-30WSW CSN-50WNW GQO-10NNW BWG-30N EKN AREA SEV EMBD TS MOV FROM 25055KT. TOPS TO FL400. TORNADOES...HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. OUTLOOK VALID 061455-061855 FROM 40WSW ALB-170ESE ECG-140SSE ILM-30ESE RDU-MSL-70ENE DYR-PSB-40WSW ALB REF WW 3. WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  041 WSCI36 ZUUU 061302 ZPKM SIGMET 8 VALID 061320/061720 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N3328 E10330-N3227 E10549-N3153 E10931-N2722 E10916-N2651 E10007-N2946 E09839-N3328 E10330 FL050/170 STNR NC=  117 WCAU01 YMMC 061304 YMMM SIGMET D18 VALID 061330/061930 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR TC TALIAH PSN S1454 E10236 CB OBS AT 1200Z WI 180NM OF TC CENTRE MOV W 12KT NC=  328 WCAU01 YMMC 061304 YMMM SIGMET D18 VALID 061330/061930 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR TC TALIAH PSN S1454 E10236 CB OBS AT 1200Z WI 180NM OF TC CENTRE MOV W 12KT NC RMK: MW=  481 WUUS51 KRLX 061304 SVRRLX WVC015-019-039-067-061330- /O.NEW.KRLX.SV.W.0005.250206T1304Z-250206T1330Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 804 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Charleston West Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Nicholas County in southeastern West Virginia... East central Kanawha County in central West Virginia... Southern Clay County in north central West Virginia... Northwestern Fayette County in southeastern West Virginia... * Until 830 AM EST. * At 804 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Coal Fork, or 10 miles east of Charleston, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and nickel size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Clay, Pinch, Pratt, Bickmore, Cedar Grove, Glasgow, Swiss, Indore, Marmet, Glen, Bentree, Chesapeake, Belle, Kesslers Cross Lanes, Drennan, East Bank, Coal Fork, Pond Gap, Handley, and Smithers. This includes the following highways... West Virginia Turnpike between mile markers 85 and 90. Route 19 near mile marker 32. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain alert for a possible tornado! Tornadoes can develop quickly from severe thunderstorms. If you spot a tornado go at once into the basement or small central room in a sturdy structure. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3820 8159 3842 8151 3849 8090 3816 8090 TIME...MOT...LOC 1304Z 264DEG 37KT 3831 8144 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...0.88 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ 09  582 WWUS76 KSTO 061304 NPWSTO URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sacramento CA 504 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAZ016>019-067-070145- /O.CON.KSTO.WI.Y.0006.250207T0000Z-250207T0900Z/ Central Sacramento Valley-Southern Sacramento Valley-Carquinez Strait and Delta-Northern San Joaquin Valley-Motherlode- Including the cities of Chico, Jackson, Oroville, Fairfield/Suisun, Marysville/Yuba City, Grass Valley, Sacramento, Modesto, and Stockton 504 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 1 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Eastern portions of the Delta, Central and Southern Sacramento Valley, Motherlode, Northern San Joaquin Valley. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 1 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ For more information, visit us at www.weather.gov/sto/ KF  778 WWUS63 KJKL 061305 AAA WCNJKL WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 3...UPDATED NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON KY 805 AM EST THU FEB 6 2025 KYC013-071-095-115-119-131-133-159-193-195-061600- /O.EXA.KJKL.TO.A.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS EXTENDED TORNADO WATCH 3 TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING AREAS UNTIL 11 AM EST THIS MORNING IN KENTUCKY THIS WATCH INCLUDES 10 COUNTIES IN NORTHEAST KENTUCKY JOHNSON MARTIN IN SOUTHEAST KENTUCKY BELL FLOYD HARLAN KNOTT LESLIE LETCHER PERRY PIKE THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF COAL RUN, CUMBERLAND, ELKHORN CITY, HARLAN, HAZARD, HINDMAN, HYDEN, INEZ, JENKINS, MIDDLESBORO, PAINTSVILLE, PIKEVILLE, PINEVILLE, PIPPA PASSES, PRESTONSBURG, SOUTH WILLIAMSON, WHEELWRIGHT, AND WHITESBURG. $$ KYC025-051-065-109-121-125-129-147-153-165-173-175-189-197-199- 203-231-235-237-061600- /O.CON.KJKL.TO.A.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ TORNADO WATCH 3 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 11 AM EST THIS MORNING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN KENTUCKY THIS WATCH INCLUDES 19 COUNTIES IN EAST CENTRAL KENTUCKY ESTILL MENIFEE MONTGOMERY POWELL IN SOUTH CENTRAL KENTUCKY LAUREL MCCREARY PULASKI ROCKCASTLE WAYNE WHITLEY IN SOUTHEAST KENTUCKY BREATHITT CLAY JACKSON KNOX LEE MAGOFFIN MORGAN OWSLEY WOLFE THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ANNVILLE, BARBOURVILLE, BEATTYVILLE, BOONEVILLE, BRODHEAD, BURNSIDE, CAMARGO, CAMPTON, CLAY CITY, CORBIN, FRENCHBURG, IRVINE, JACKSON, JEFFERSONVILLE, LONDON, MANCHESTER, MCKEE, MONTICELLO, MOUNT STERLING, MOUNT VERNON, RAVENNA, SALYERSVILLE, SOMERSET, STANTON, STEARNS, WEST LIBERTY, WHITLEY CITY, AND WILLIAMSBURG. $$ GREIF  308 WWUS74 KMEG 061306 NPWMEG URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Memphis TN 706 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 MOZ115-061415- /O.CAN.KMEG.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1400Z/ Pemiscot- Including the cities of Caruthersville 706 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Fog has been dissipating and is expected continue to do so throughout the morning. Therefore, the dense fog advisory has been cancelled for this area. $$ ARZ009-018-MOZ113-061500- /O.EXT.KMEG.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Clay-Greene-Dunklin- Including the cities of Kennett, Paragould, Piggott, and Corning 706 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Dunklin, Clay, and Greene. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ JAB  278 WWUS73 KIND 061306 NPWIND URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 806 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 INZ021-028>031-035>049-051>057-060>065-067>072-061415- /O.CAN.KIND.FG.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1400Z/ Carroll-Warren-Tippecanoe-Clinton-Howard-Fountain-Montgomery- Boone-Tipton-Hamilton-Madison-Delaware-Randolph-Vermillion-Parke- Putnam-Hendricks-Marion-Hancock-Henry-Vigo-Clay-Owen-Morgan- Johnson-Shelby-Rush-Sullivan-Greene-Monroe-Brown-Bartholomew- Decatur-Knox-Daviess-Martin-Lawrence-Jackson-Jennings- Including the cities of Montezuma, Zionsville, Shelburn, Greenwood, Franklin, Nashville, Fishers, Shoals, Frankfort, New Castle, Williamsport, Veedersburg, Seymour, Bedford, Rockville, Crawfordsville, Carmel, Loogootee, Lebanon, Parker City, Danville, Indianapolis, Greensburg, Washington, Carlisle, Plainfield, Greenfield, Jasonville, Attica, Clinton, Vincennes, Bloomfield, Shelbyville, Muncie, Farmersburg, Noblesville, Terre Haute, Bloomington, Delphi, Linton, Mitchell, North Vernon, West Lafayette, Sullivan, Covington, Flora, Rosedale, Worthington, Kokomo, Martinsville, Anderson, Lafayette, Brownsburg, Mooresville, Brazil, Fairview Park, Rushville, Winchester, Farmland, Columbus, Tipton, Gosport, Greencastle, Spencer, West Lebanon, and Union City 806 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Dense fog has diminished and the threat has ended. $$ Eckhoff  489 WWUS81 KRLX 061306 SPSRLX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 806 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ105-WVZ005-013-024-025-061330- Lawrence KY-Lincoln WV-Logan WV-Mingo WV-Wayne WV- 806 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHEASTERN LAWRENCE... NORTHWESTERN MINGO...SOUTHWESTERN LINCOLN...NORTHWESTERN LOGAN AND SOUTHEASTERN WAYNE COUNTIES THROUGH 830 AM EST... At 806 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Job, or near Inez, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Dingess, Wilsondale, Crum, Dunlow, Clifford, Glenhayes, Harts, Breeden, Holden, and Mount Gay-Shamrock. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3803 8261 3804 8213 3781 8210 3785 8239 3786 8242 3787 8241 3790 8244 3791 8246 3790 8247 3792 8248 3793 8250 3795 8250 3796 8253 3795 8258 3793 8258 3792 8260 3789 8260 3789 8265 TIME...MOT...LOC 1306Z 267DEG 47KT 3795 8256 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ 14  482 WWUS45 KBYZ 061309 WSWBYZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Billings MT 609 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 MTZ065-066-141-071315- /O.CAN.KBYZ.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-250206T1900Z/ /O.CON.KBYZ.WW.Y.0014.250207T0300Z-250208T0600Z/ Livingston Area-Beartooth Foothills-Northern Sweet Grass- Including the locations of Big Timber, Fishtail, McLeod, Springdale, Livingston, and Nye 609 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY FOR BLOWING SNOW IS CANCELLED... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...The risk of blowing snow this morning has diminished. For tonight through Friday, snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 6 inches. * WHERE...Beartooth Foothills, Livingston Area, and Northern Sweet Grass. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Another round of accumulating snow will produce difficult travel conditions with snowy roads and poor visibility. This includes Interstate 90 from Livingston to Big Timber. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The heaviest snow will be on Friday. Be prepared for slow commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. For the latest road conditions, call 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ172-071315- /O.CAN.KBYZ.WW.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-250206T1900Z/ /O.CON.KBYZ.WS.A.0005.250207T0000Z-250208T0600Z/ Melville Foothills- Including the locations of Melville 609 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... ...WINTER STORM WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 5 PM MST THIS AFTERNOON THROUGH FRIDAY EVENING... * WHAT...The risk of blowing snow this morning has diminished. For tonight through Friday, heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 8 inches. * WHERE...Melville Foothills. * WHEN...From 5 PM MST this afternoon through Friday evening. * IMPACTS...Travel on US-191 through Melville could be very difficult, due to snow and reduced visibility. Localized blowing and drifting snow is also possible. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The heaviest snow will be on Friday. Be prepared for slow commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. Slow down and use caution while traveling. For the latest road conditions, call 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ067-068-071315- /O.CON.KBYZ.WS.W.0005.250207T0000Z-250208T0600Z/ Absaroka/Beartooth Mountains-Crazy Mountains- Including the locations of Cooke City 609 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 5 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 10 to 15 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Absaroka/Beartooth Mountains and Crazy Mountains. * WHEN...From 5 PM this afternoon to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Outdoor recreation in the high country will be impacted by hazardous winter conditions. Expect avalanche danger to increase. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. For the latest road conditions, call 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ034-040-056-064-170-173-235-071315- /O.CON.KBYZ.WW.Y.0014.250207T0300Z-250208T0600Z/ Northern Stillwater-Northern Park-Red Lodge Foothills-Paradise Valley-Northern Carbon-Northeastern Yellowstone-Southwestern Yellowstone- Including the locations of Absarokee, Fromberg, Rapelje, Red Lodge, Columbus, Billings, Huntley, Clyde Park, Broadview, Joliet, Park City, Roberts, Pompeys Pillar, Wilsall, Laurel, Roscoe, Reed Point, Emigrant, and Custer 609 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 6 inches. * WHERE...A portion of south central Montana. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel will be impacted by snowy roads and poor visibility. This includes Interstate 90 and US-212. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The heaviest snow will be on Friday. Be prepared for slow commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. For the latest road conditions, call 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ029-042-063-228-071315- /O.CON.KBYZ.WS.A.0005.250207T0000Z-250208T0600Z/ Musselshell-Golden Valley-Judith Gap-Southern Wheatland- Including the locations of Melstone, Ryegate, Judith Gap, Shawmut, Twodot, Roundup, Lavina, Harlowton, and Musselshell 609 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 5 PM MST THIS AFTERNOON THROUGH FRIDAY EVENING... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 8 inches. * WHERE...Golden Valley, Judith Gap, Musselshell, and Southern Wheatland. * WHEN...From 5 PM MST this afternoon through Friday evening. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult, due to snow and reduced visibility. This includes US-191 through Harlowton and Judith Gap, and Highway 12 from Harlowton to Roundup. Localized blowing and drifting snow is also possible. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The heaviest snow will be on Friday. Be prepared for slow commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. Slow down and use caution while traveling. For the latest road conditions, call 5 1 1. && $$ Additional graphics for this hazard can be found at http://www.weather.gov/billings Lester  194 WGUS41 KRLX 061310 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 810 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC019-127-WVC011-039-043-053-079-099-061915- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1915Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Boyd KY-Lawrence KY-Cabell WV-Kanawha WV-Lincoln WV-Mason WV- Putnam WV-Wayne WV- 810 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 215 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Urban area and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Kentucky, including the following counties, Boyd and Lawrence and West Virginia, including the following counties, Cabell, Kanawha, Lincoln, Mason, Putnam and Wayne. * WHEN...Until 215 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Numerous roads remain closed due to flooding. Streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 809 AM EST, Flooding is already occurring in the warned area. Between 1.5 and 3 inches of rain have fallen. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Huntington, Louisa, Winfield, Wayne, Hamlin, Beech Fork State Park, Hurricane, Barboursville, Kenova, Milton, Catlettsburg, Eleanor, Ceredo, Fort Gay, Ona, Culloden, East Lynn Lake, Centerville, Teays Valley and Burnaugh. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. The saturated ground has produced conditions ripe for landslides and debris flows on steep slopes around the area. Residents with homes on or at the base of hillsides should be aware of the potential for landslides and watch for trees leaning in unusual orientations, water and mud seepage where not expected and other signs of potential ground movement. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3818 8262 3825 8262 3827 8259 3841 8260 3840 8253 3847 8221 3854 8212 3855 8181 3830 8191 3823 8205 3809 8258 3815 8265 3818 8265 $$ 30  120 WWUS51 KRLX 061311 SVSRLX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 811 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC099-061320- /O.CAN.KRLX.SV.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1330Z/ Wayne WV- 811 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL WAYNE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. && LAT...LON 3818 8181 3818 8180 3819 8180 3819 8174 3797 8175 3800 8211 3816 8205 TIME...MOT...LOC 1310Z 092DEG 18KT 3807 8206 $$ WVC005-043-045-061330- /O.CON.KRLX.SV.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1330Z/ Lincoln WV-Logan WV-Boone WV- 811 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 830 AM EST FOR SOUTHEASTERN LINCOLN...NORTH CENTRAL LOGAN AND NORTHWESTERN BOONE COUNTIES... At 810 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Gill, or 13 miles west of Madison, moving west at 20 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Danville, Madison, Foster, Spurlockville, Turtle Creek, Woodville, Alkol, Mud, Julian, and Harts. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3818 8181 3818 8180 3819 8180 3819 8174 3797 8175 3800 8211 3816 8205 TIME...MOT...LOC 1310Z 092DEG 18KT 3807 8206 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ 14  651 WOUS64 KWNS 061311 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 3 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 711 AM CST THU FEB 06 2025 TORNADO WATCH 3 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1000 AM CST FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS KYC001-003-009-013-025-045-051-053-057-065-071-095-109-115-119- 121-125-129-131-133-137-141-147-153-159-165-169-171-173-175-189- 193-195-197-199-203-207-213-227-231-235-237-061600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ KY . KENTUCKY COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ADAIR ALLEN BARREN BELL BREATHITT CASEY CLAY CLINTON CUMBERLAND ESTILL FLOYD HARLAN JACKSON JOHNSON KNOTT KNOX LAUREL LEE LESLIE LETCHER LINCOLN LOGAN MCCREARY MAGOFFIN MARTIN MENIFEE METCALFE MONROE MONTGOMERY MORGAN OWSLEY PERRY PIKE POWELL PULASKI ROCKCASTLE RUSSELL SIMPSON WARREN WAYNE WHITLEY WOLFE $$ ATTN...WFO...LMK...JKL...  764 WWUS83 KJKL 061311 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 811 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ119-061330- Martin KY- 811 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHWESTERN MARTIN COUNTY THROUGH 830 AM EST... At 811 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Job, or near Inez, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 50 mph and pea size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Inez, Add, Calf Creek, Stidham, Hode, Milo, Job, and Wells. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for northeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3786 8243 3788 8261 3789 8260 3792 8260 3793 8258 3795 8258 3796 8253 3794 8249 3794 8250 3793 8248 3790 8247 3791 8247 3790 8244 3787 8241 TIME...MOT...LOC 1311Z 271DEG 41KT 3792 8253 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.25 IN MAX WIND GUST...50 MPH $$ GREIF  565 ACUS11 KWNS 061312 SWOMCD SPC MCD 061312 KYZ000-TNZ000-061445- Mesoscale Discussion 0068 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0712 AM CST Thu Feb 06 2025 Areas affected...southern and eastern Kentucky Concerning...Tornado Watch 3... Valid 061312Z - 061445Z The severe weather threat for Tornado Watch 3 continues. SUMMARY...A threat for a few supercells capable of all severe weather hazards continues. DISCUSSION...The line of storms earlier this morning across central Kentucky has become less defined through time with a few more dominant supercells in a now broken line from east-central Kentucky to south-central Kentucky. The strongest of these supercells is moving through Jackson County as of 13Z with a somewhat tight 40 knot vRot sampled by the KJKL WSR-88D. Instability has already started to wane across the region which should eventually weaken these storms. However, in the meantime, a tornado threat may persist given the presence of a mature, long-lived, rotating updraft amid strong low-level shear (200 to 250 m2/s2 0-1km SRH). Per collaboration with WFO JKL, tornado watch 3 has been expanded across all of eastern Kentucky to cover the threat from these ongoing storms. ..Bentley/Mosier.. 02/06/2025 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...RLX...MRX...JKL...LMK...OHX... LAT...LON 36948629 37648429 37978332 37968285 37858267 37598263 37308292 36828361 36618395 36598420 36598554 36948629  918 WTMA20 FIMP 061300 TTT WARNING OF INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE VINCE PHENOMENON: INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 8 (VINCE) 946 HPA POSITION: WITHIN 20 NM RADIUS OF POINT 19.5 S / 81.6 E (NINETEEN DECIMAL FIVE DEGREES SOUTH AND EIGHTY ONE DECIMAL SIX DEGREES EAST) MOVEMENT: WEST 8 KT THREAT AREAS: SQUALLY WEATHER IN A 250 NM RADIUS AROUND THE CENTER, EXTENDING TO 350 NM IN THE WESTERN SEMICIRCLE. HURRICANE FORCE WINDS 65/100 KT AND VERY HIGH TO PHENOMENAL SEAS WITHIN A 30 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 35 NM IN THE NORTHERN SEMI-CIRCLE. STORM FORCE WINDS 50/60 KT AND HIGH TO VERY HIGH SEAS WITHIN A 45 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 50 NM IN THE NORTHERN SEMI-CIRCLE. GALE FORCE WINDS 35/45 KT AND VERY ROUGH TO HIGH SEAS WITHIN A 75 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 95 NM IN THE SOUTH-EASTERN QUADRANT AND UP TO 100 NM IN THE SOUTH-WESTERN QUADRANT. NEAR GALE FORCE WINDS 30 KT AND ROUGH TO VERY ROUGH SEAS WITHIN A 105 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 130 NM IN THE SOUTH-EASTERN QUADRANT AND UP TO 135 NM IN THE SOUTH-WESTERN QUADRANT.STRONG GUSTS UNDER SQUALLS. END.  030 WWUS53 KJKL 061313 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 813 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC051-109-189-061330- /O.CON.KJKL.TO.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1330Z/ Owsley KY-Jackson KY-Clay KY- 813 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 830 AM EST FOR WEST CENTRAL OWSLEY...SOUTHEASTERN JACKSON AND NORTH CENTRAL CLAY COUNTIES... At 813 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located over Nathanton, or 10 miles southeast of McKee, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. This dangerous storm will be near... Blake around 820 AM EST. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. If a tornado or other severe weather is spotted, report it to the National Weather Service or your local nearest law enforcement agency who will send your report. This act may save lives of others in the path of dangerous weather. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3729 8391 3745 8390 3746 8374 3746 8373 3728 8375 TIME...MOT...LOC 1313Z 272DEG 42KT 3736 8382 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN $$ GREIF  278 WUUS53 KJKL 061314 SVRJKL KYC025-051-109-131-189-193-061345- /O.NEW.KJKL.SV.W.0005.250206T1314Z-250206T1345Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service JACKSON KY 814 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in JACKSON KY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Owsley County in southeastern Kentucky... Northern Leslie County in southeastern Kentucky... Northwestern Perry County in southeastern Kentucky... East central Jackson County in southeastern Kentucky... Southwestern Breathitt County in southeastern Kentucky... North central Clay County in southeastern Kentucky... * Until 845 AM EST. * At 813 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Nathanton, or 10 miles southwest of Booneville, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Taff around 820 AM EST. Mistletoe around 825 AM EST. Buckhorn around 830 AM EST. Other locations in the path of this severe thunderstorm include Gays Creek and Wolf Coal. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3732 8386 3746 8386 3749 8337 3728 8338 TIME...MOT...LOC 1313Z 268DEG 42KT 3737 8381 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ CMC  446 WTMA20 FIMP 061300 TTT WARNING OF INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE VINCE PHENOMENON: INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 8 (VINCE) 946 HPA POSITION: WITHIN 20 NM RADIUS OF POINT 19.5 S / 81.6 E (NINETEEN DECIMAL FIVE DEGREES SOUTH AND EIGHTY ONE DECIMAL SIX DEGREES EAST) MOVEMENT: WEST 8 KT THREAT AREAS: SQUALLY WEATHER IN A 250 NM RADIUS AROUND THE CENTER, EXTENDING TO 350 NM IN THE WESTERN SEMICIRCLE. HURRICANE FORCE WINDS 65/100 KT AND VERY HIGH TO PHENOMENAL SEAS WITHIN A 30 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 35 NM IN THE NORTHERN SEMI-CIRCLE. STORM FORCE WINDS 50/60 KT AND HIGH TO VERY HIGH SEAS WITHIN A 45 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 50 NM IN THE NORTHERN SEMI-CIRCLE. GALE FORCE WINDS 35/45 KT AND VERY ROUGH TO HIGH SEAS WITHIN A 75 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 95 NM IN THE SOUTH-EASTERN QUADRANT AND UP TO 100 NM IN THE SOUTH-WESTERN QUADRANT. NEAR GALE FORCE WINDS 30 KT AND ROUGH TO VERY ROUGH SEAS WITHIN A 105 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 130 NM IN THE SOUTH-EASTERN QUADRANT AND UP TO 135 NM IN THE SOUTH-WESTERN QUADRANT.STRONG GUSTS UNDER SQUALLS. END.=  236 WWUS53 KJKL 061316 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 816 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC051-109-125-189-203-061324- /O.EXP.KJKL.SV.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1315Z/ Laurel KY-Owsley KY-Jackson KY-Rockcastle KY-Clay KY- 816 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN LAUREL...WEST CENTRAL OWSLEY...JACKSON...EAST CENTRAL ROCKCASTLE AND NORTHWESTERN CLAY COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 815 AM EST... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However, gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for south central and southeastern Kentucky. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service JACKSON KY. Remember, a Tornado Warning still remains in effect for eastern Jackson, northern Laurel, and southern Owsley counties. && LAT...LON 3727 8416 3745 8416 3746 8395 3747 8372 3722 8373 TIME...MOT...LOC 1314Z 272DEG 41KT 3735 8387 $$ GREIF  820 WUUS51 KRLX 061316 SVRRLX WVC043-045-059-099-061345- /O.NEW.KRLX.SV.W.0006.250206T1316Z-250206T1345Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 816 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Charleston West Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Mingo County in southern West Virginia... Southwestern Lincoln County in central West Virginia... Northwestern Logan County in southern West Virginia... Southeastern Wayne County in western West Virginia... * Until 845 AM EST. * At 816 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Calf Creek, or 8 miles northeast of Inez, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Chief Logan State, Chapmanville, Mitchell Heights, Wilsondale, West Logan, Breeden, Logan, Mount Gay-Shamrock, and Harts. This includes Route 119 between mile markers 28 and 39. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain alert for a possible tornado! Tornadoes can develop quickly from severe thunderstorms. If you spot a tornado go at once into the basement or small central room in a sturdy structure. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3796 8247 3797 8249 3798 8246 3799 8248 3800 8248 3804 8196 3801 8196 3799 8198 3797 8196 3785 8196 3792 8249 3795 8249 TIME...MOT...LOC 1316Z 270DEG 49KT 3795 8243 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ 14  249 WWUS51 KRLX 061317 SVSRLX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 817 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC015-019-039-067-061330- /O.CON.KRLX.SV.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1330Z/ Nicholas WV-Kanawha WV-Clay WV-Fayette WV- 817 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 830 AM EST FOR SOUTHWESTERN NICHOLAS...EAST CENTRAL KANAWHA...SOUTHERN CLAY AND NORTHWESTERN FAYETTE COUNTIES... At 817 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located 7 miles south of Glen, or 13 miles southwest of Clay, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Bentree, Pratt, Kesslers Cross Lanes, Bickmore, Drennan, Glasgow, Swiss, Indore, Pond Gap, Handley, and Clay. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain alert for a possible tornado! Tornadoes can develop quickly from severe thunderstorms. If you spot a tornado go at once into the basement or small central room in a sturdy structure. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3820 8144 3844 8117 3849 8090 3816 8090 TIME...MOT...LOC 1317Z 269DEG 49KT 3829 8120 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ 09  365 WFUS53 KJKL 061319 TORJKL KYC025-051-109-189-193-061345- /O.NEW.KJKL.TO.W.0003.250206T1319Z-250206T1345Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service JACKSON KY 819 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in JACKSON KY has issued a * Tornado Warning for... Central Owsley County in southeastern Kentucky... Northwestern Perry County in southeastern Kentucky... East central Jackson County in southeastern Kentucky... Southwestern Breathitt County in southeastern Kentucky... North central Clay County in southeastern Kentucky... * Until 845 AM EST. * At 819 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located over Blake, or 7 miles southwest of Booneville, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * This dangerous storm will be near... Taff around 825 AM EST. Morris Fork around 830 AM EST. Buckhorn around 835 AM EST. Other locations in the path of this tornadic thunderstorm include Gays Creek. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3732 8384 3744 8382 3747 8338 3731 8341 TIME...MOT...LOC 1319Z 271DEG 41KT 3738 8375 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN $$ GREIF  157 WEID22 WIIX 061320 ::::BMKG:::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG:::::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG:::: Sistem Peringatan Dini Tsunami Indonesia (InaTEWS) BADAN METEOROLOGI KLIMATOLOGI DAN GEOFISIKA Alamat:Jl. Angkasa I no.2 Kemayoran, Jakarta, Indonesia, 10720 Telp.: (+62-21) 4246321/6546316 , Fax: (+62-21) 6546316/4246703 P.O. Box 3540 Jkt, Website : http://www.bmkg.go.id ======================================================================================== Tanggal dikeluarkan: 06-Feb-2025 20:19:15 WIB Informasi gempabumi No.:2019-06/infogempa/InaTEWS/02/2025 TELAH TERJADI GEMPA BUMI DENGAN PARAMETER SEMENTARA SEBAGAI BERIKUT: Kekuatan : 5.5 SR Tanggal : 06-Feb-2025 Waktu Gempa : 20:16:28 WIB Lintang : 4.33 LU Bujur : 126.68 BT Kedalaman : 28 Km Lokasi : Talaud Islands, Indonesia Keterangan : 36 km TimurLaut MELONGUANE-SULUT 65 km BaratDaya PULAUKARATUNG-SULUT 154 km TimurLaut TAHUNA-KEP.SANGIHE-SULUT 377 km TimurLaut MANADO-SULUT 2495 km TimurLaut JAKARTA-INDONESIA Informasi Tsunami : Gempa ini tidak berpotensi TSUNAMI Informasi ini telah diperiksa oleh Seismologist Harap jangan me-reply kealamat email ini, tetapi kealamat : info_inatews@bmkg.go.id ::::BMKG:::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG:::::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG:::: ------------English Version--------------- ::::BMKG:::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG:::::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG:::: Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (InaTEWS) METEOROLOGICAL CLIMATOLOGICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL AGENCY Address:Jl. Angkasa I no.2 Kemayoran, Jakarta, Indonesia, 10720 Telp.: (+62-21) 4246321/6546316 , Fax: (+62-21) 6546316/4246703 P.O. Box 3540 Jkt, Website : http://www.bmkg.go.id ======================================================================================== Issued date : 06-Feb-2025 13:19:15 UTC Earthquake Information No.:2019-06/infogempa/InaTEWS/02/2025 AN EARTHQUAKE HAS OCCURRED WITH THESE PRELIMINARY PARAMETERS: Magnitude : 5.5 Date : 06-Feb-2025 Origin Time : 13:16:28 UTC Latitude : 4.33 N Longitude : 126.68 E Depth : 28 Km Location : Talaud Islands, Indonesia Remarks : 36 km NorthEast MELONGUANE-SULUT 65 km SouthWest PULAUKARATUNG-SULUT 154 km NorthEast TAHUNA-KEP.SANGIHE-SULUT 377 km NorthEast MANADO-SULUT 2495 km NorthEast JAKARTA-INDONESIA Tsunami Information: This earthquake does not generate TSUNAMI This Information has been reviewed by Seismologist Do not reply to this email, any inquiry addressed to : info_inatews@bmkg.go.id ::::BMKG:::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG:::::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG::::  956 WGUS83 KJKL 061321 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 821 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC011-069-173-205-061530- /O.NEW.KJKL.FA.Y.0010.250206T1321Z-250206T1530Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bath KY-Fleming KY-Montgomery KY-Rowan KY- 821 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 1030 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall are expected. * WHERE...A portion of east central Kentucky, including the following counties, Bath, Fleming, Montgomery and Rowan. * WHEN...Until 1030 AM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 819 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms had exited the area; however, excessive runoff from previous heavy rainfall continues to cause high water in low lying areas. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Flemingsburg, Sharpsburg, Fairview, Tilton, Pebble, Poplar Plains, Hillsboro, Oakley, Pecks Ridge, Sherburne, Craintown, Grange City, Odessa, Wyoming, Goddard, Ringos Mills, Wallingford, Elizaville, Bethel and Nepton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3812 8408 3831 8383 3836 8387 3836 8389 3836 8392 3842 8395 3844 8398 3849 8393 3846 8386 3852 8363 3851 8363 3851 8360 3848 8358 3843 8358 3838 8345 3840 8341 3832 8334 3808 8405 $$ GEOGERIAN  719 WSSR20 WSSS 061321 WSJC SIGMET A01 VALID 061330/061530 WSSS- WSJC SINGAPORE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0723 E11510 - N0545 E11303 - N0558 E11155 - N0720 E11214 - N0747 E11417 - N0723 E11510 TOP FL500 MOV WNW 20KT NC=  156 WOCN11 CWTO 061321 WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:21 A.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WEATHER ADVISORY FOR: CITY OF OTTAWA PRESCOTT AND RUSSELL CORNWALL - MORRISBURG. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WINTER WEATHER TRAVEL ADVISORY IN EFFECT FOR TODAY. HAZARDS: TOTAL SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS OF 5 TO 10 CM. REDUCED VISIBILITY IN SNOW. POSSIBLE FREEZING DRIZZLE BEGINNING THIS AFTERNOON. TIMING: BEGINNING THIS MORNING AND CONTINUING THROUGH EARLY THIS EVENING. DISCUSSION: CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED TO IMPROVE THIS EVENING. MOTORISTS SHOULD EXPECT HAZARDOUS WINTER DRIVING CONDITIONS AND ADJUST TRAVEL PLANS ACCORDINGLY. POOR WEATHER CONDITIONS MAY CONTRIBUTE TO TRANSPORTATION DELAYS. SLOW DOWN DRIVING IN SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. WATCH FOR TAILLIGHTS AHEAD AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. FOR ROAD CONDITIONS AND OTHER TRAVELLER INFORMATION FROM THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION, VISIT HTTPS://WWW.ONTARIO.CA/511, HTTPS://WWW.TWITTER.COM/511ONTARIO, OR CALL 5-1-1. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN ONTARIO, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  562 WWUS51 KRLX 061322 SVSRLX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 822 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC015-019-039-067-061332- /O.EXP.KRLX.SV.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1330Z/ Nicholas WV-Kanawha WV-Clay WV-Fayette WV- 822 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN NICHOLAS...EAST CENTRAL KANAWHA...SOUTHERN CLAY AND NORTHWESTERN FAYETTE COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 830 AM EST... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has weakened. However, gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. && LAT...LON 3820 8144 3844 8117 3849 8090 3816 8090 TIME...MOT...LOC 1322Z 264DEG 37KT 3829 8116 $$ 09  297 WWUS53 KJKL 061323 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 823 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC109-061333- /O.CAN.KJKL.TO.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1345Z/ Jackson KY- 823 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL JACKSON COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The tornadic thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3732 8378 3744 8378 3747 8338 3731 8341 TIME...MOT...LOC 1323Z 271DEG 41KT 3738 8368 $$ KYC025-051-189-193-061345- /O.CON.KJKL.TO.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1345Z/ Owsley KY-Perry KY-Breathitt KY-Clay KY- 823 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 845 AM EST FOR SOUTHEASTERN OWSLEY...NORTHWESTERN PERRY...SOUTHWESTERN BREATHITT AND NORTH CENTRAL CLAY COUNTIES... At 823 AM EST, a confirmed tornado was located over Conkling, or near Booneville, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Damaging tornado. SOURCE...Radar confirmed tornado. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. This tornado will be near... Morris Fork around 830 AM EST. Buckhorn around 835 AM EST. Other locations in the path of this tornadic thunderstorm include Gays Creek. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... To repeat, a tornado is on the ground. TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Heavy rainfall may hide this tornado. Do not wait to see or hear the tornado. TAKE COVER NOW! If a tornado or other severe weather is spotted, report it to the National Weather Service or your local nearest law enforcement agency who will send your report. This act may save lives of others in the path of dangerous weather. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3732 8378 3744 8378 3747 8338 3731 8341 TIME...MOT...LOC 1323Z 271DEG 41KT 3738 8368 TORNADO...OBSERVED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN $$ GREIF  195 WWUS53 KJKL 061324 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 824 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC051-109-189-061332- /O.EXP.KJKL.TO.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1330Z/ Owsley KY-Jackson KY-Clay KY- 824 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR WEST CENTRAL OWSLEY...SOUTHEASTERN JACKSON AND NORTH CENTRAL CLAY COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 830 AM EST... The Tornado Warning that was previously in effect has been reissued for Central Owsley, Northwestern Perry, East-Central Jackson, Southwestern Breathitt, and North-Central Clay counties and is in effect until 845 AM EST. Please refer to that bulletin for the latest severe weather information. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service JACKSON KY. && LAT...LON 3729 8391 3745 8390 3746 8374 3746 8373 3728 8375 TIME...MOT...LOC 1322Z 272DEG 42KT 3737 8378 $$ CMC  330 WGUS83 KJKL 061324 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 824 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC199-203-061630- /O.NEW.KJKL.FA.Y.0011.250206T1324Z-250206T1630Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Pulaski KY-Rockcastle KY- 824 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 1130 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...A portion of south central Kentucky, including the following counties, Pulaski and Rockcastle. * WHEN...Until 1130 AM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 823 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause minor flooding of small streams and creeks, roads, and roadside culverts. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Mount Vernon, Science Hill, Woodstock, Bobtown, Bandy, Dabney, Valley Oak, Willailla, Bee Lick, Level Green, Quail, Bromo, Wabp, Hansford, Spiro, Bloss, Sand Springs, Maretburg, Pongo and Hogue. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3725 8423 3723 8424 3724 8425 3723 8426 3709 8491 3712 8490 3728 8466 3741 8428 $$ GEOGERIAN  256 WSMG31 FMMI 061324 FMMM SIGMET F4 VALID 061326/061726 FMMI- FMMM ANTANANARIVO FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI S2440 E05700 - S2823 E05700 - S2807 E05125 - S2531 E05216 - S2448 E04332 - S2235 E04332 - S2250 E04624 - S1359 E04810 - S1244 E04912 - S1509 E04951 - S2211 E04822 TOP ABV FL500 STNR INTSF=  781 WUUS51 KRLX 061325 SVRRLX WVC005-019-039-081-061400- /O.NEW.KRLX.SV.W.0007.250206T1325Z-250206T1400Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 825 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Charleston West Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Kanawha County in central West Virginia... Northwestern Raleigh County in southeastern West Virginia... Southwestern Fayette County in southeastern West Virginia... Northeastern Boone County in central West Virginia... * Until 900 AM EST. * At 825 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Madison, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Seth, Dorothy, Whitesville, Sylvester, Leewood, Dawes, Prenter, Burnwell, Eskdale, and Powellton. This includes West Virginia Turnpike between mile markers 55 and 78. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3800 8177 3813 8174 3816 8120 3791 8121 TIME...MOT...LOC 1325Z 270DEG 49KT 3806 8169 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ 14  781 WSCI33 ZBAA 061325 ZBPE SIGMET 3 VALID 061345/061745 ZBAA- ZBPE BEIJING FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N45 SFC/FL360 STNR NC=  394 WSMG31 FMMI 061327 FMMM SIGMET A3 VALID 061327/061727 FMMI- FMMM ANTANANARIVO FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1000 E05437 - S1256 E05133 - S1130 E05023 - S1000 E05153 TOP ABV FL450 STNR NC=  882 WWUS83 KLMK 061328 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 728 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ076>078-061400- Russell KY-Metcalfe KY-Adair KY- 728 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT RUSSELL...SOUTHERN ADAIR AND EAST CENTRAL METCALFE COUNTIES THROUGH 800 AM CST... At 728 AM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Columbia, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Jamestown, Russell Springs, Horntown, Eli, Cundiff, Gadberry, Jericho, Webbs Cross Roads, Royville, and Sano. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1000 AM CST for south central and central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3698 8557 3701 8559 3712 8510 3712 8498 3710 8495 3711 8492 3711 8490 3705 8491 3701 8486 3700 8484 3695 8491 3696 8493 3696 8495 3692 8496 3691 8498 TIME...MOT...LOC 1328Z 266DEG 49KT 3704 8524 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ BJS  674 WGUS71 KRLX 061329 FFSRLX Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 829 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC011-061339- /O.EXP.KRLX.FF.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1330Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Cabell WV- 829 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLASH FLOOD WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 830 AM EST THIS MORNING FOR CENTRAL CABELL COUNTY... The heaviest of the rain had ended. Flash flooding is no longer a threat. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. An areal flood warning remains in effect until early this afternoon for lingering high water and larger creeks. A Flood Watch remains in effect until 100 PM EST for portions of northeast Kentucky, southeast Ohio, southwest Virginia, and West Virginia. && LAT...LON 3844 8234 3845 8232 3848 8231 3853 8213 3847 8206 3839 8248 3841 8251 3844 8240 3843 8239 $$ TRM  450 WFUS51 KRLX 061329 TORRLX WVC005-043-045-059-061400- /O.NEW.KRLX.TO.W.0001.250206T1329Z-250206T1400Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 829 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Charleston West Virginia has issued a * Tornado Warning for... North central Mingo County in southern West Virginia... Southwestern Lincoln County in central West Virginia... Northwestern Logan County in southern West Virginia... Southwestern Boone County in central West Virginia... * Until 900 AM EST. * At 829 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located 8 miles southwest of Harts, or 14 miles northwest of Logan, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Tornado and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * This dangerous storm will be near... Chapmanville, Mount Gay-Shamrock, and Chief Logan State around 835 AM EST. Other locations impacted by this tornadic thunderstorm include Sharples, Blair, Mitchell Heights, Breeden, and Jeffrey. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This Tornado Warning replaces the Severe Thunderstorm Warning issued for the same area. TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 3792 8228 3798 8227 3800 8176 3784 8176 TIME...MOT...LOC 1329Z 270DEG 47KT 3794 8222 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN $$ 14  078 WGUS83 KJKL 061330 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 830 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC025-071-115-119-153-159-195-061600- /O.NEW.KJKL.FA.Y.0012.250206T1330Z-250206T1600Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Breathitt KY-Floyd KY-Johnson KY-Knott KY-Magoffin KY-Martin KY- Pike KY- 830 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Urban and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall are expected. * WHERE...Portions of northeast and southeast Kentucky, including the following counties, in northeast Kentucky, Johnson and Martin. In southeast Kentucky, Breathitt, Floyd, Knott, Magoffin and Pike. * WHEN...Until 1100 AM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 830 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause urban and small stream flooding. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Paintsville, Prestonsburg, Salyersville, Inez, Mason, Martin, Forest Hills, Warfield, Allen, Lancer, Cliff, Bays Branch, Corn Fork Hollow, Dwale, Auxier, Beaver Junction, Dock, Emma, Alvin and Allen City. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3784 8261 3788 8264 3789 8260 3795 8258 3796 8253 3794 8249 3794 8250 3790 8247 3791 8246 3788 8242 3781 8240 3776 8231 3774 8233 3770 8230 3768 8230 3763 8220 3765 8217 3763 8218 3746 8321 3768 8328 $$ GEOGERIAN  915 WSCH31 SCTE 061326 SCTZ SIGMET 01 VALID 061326/061700 SCTE- SCTZ PUERTO MONTT FIR SEV MTW FCST E OF LINE S4000 W07215 - S4700 W07330 TOP FL120 STNR NC=  499 WACN22 CWAO 061330 CZEG AIRMET H1 VALID 061330/061730 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR BKN CLD 400-500/8000FT OBS WI 25NM OF /N6414 W07632/CYTE STNR NC RMK GFACN36=  500 WACN02 CWAO 061330 CZEG AIRMET H1 VALID 061330/061730 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR BKN CLD 400-500/8000FT OBS WI 25NM OF N6414 W07632 STNR NC=  722 WGUS41 KLWX 061331 FLWLWX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 831 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC091-165-WVC023-031-071-061945- /O.NEW.KLWX.FA.W.0001.250206T1331Z-250206T1945Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Highland VA-Rockingham VA-Grant WV-Hardy WV-Pendleton WV- 831 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 245 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...Portions of western Virginia, including the following counties, Highland and Rockingham and eastern West Virginia, including the following counties, Grant, Hardy and Pendleton. * WHEN...Until 245 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 831 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the warned area. Between 1.5 and 2.5 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts of 0.5 to 1.5 inches are possible in the warned area. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Petersburg... Franklin... Monterey... Rough Run... Brandywine... Upper Tract... Ruddle... Deer Run... Oak Flat... Brushy Run... Sugar Grove... Moyers... Milam... Landes... Harper... Palo Alto... Masonville... Dorcas... Doe Hill... Brake... - Please visit www.weather.gov/safety/flood for flood safety and preparedness information PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. In hilly terrain there are hundreds of low water crossings which are potentially dangerous in heavy rain. Do not attempt to cross flooded roads. Find an alternate route. && LAT...LON 3888 7934 3907 7920 3908 7911 3903 7907 3891 7903 3872 7909 3854 7918 3842 7930 3841 7932 3840 7931 3832 7939 3842 7960 3853 7952 $$ Geiger  195 WWUS83 KJKL 061333 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 833 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ107-109-110-119-120-061415- Martin KY-Floyd KY-Pike KY-Johnson KY-Magoffin KY- 833 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHWESTERN MARTIN...SOUTHERN JOHNSON...NORTHERN FLOYD...NORTHWESTERN PIKE AND CENTRAL MAGOFFIN COUNTIES THROUGH 915 AM EST... At 832 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Foraker, or near Salyersville, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Prestonsburg, Salyersville, Mason, Allen, Oaklawn Estates, Lancer, Carver, Burning Fork, Dotson, West Royalton Station, Carver Station, Swamp Branch, Riceville, Auxier, Gapville, Cliff, Gypsy, Brainard, Pleasant, and Bays Branch. THIS INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING HIGHWAYS... Bert T. Combs Mountain Parkway between mile markers 70 and 76. Kentucky Highway 3 in Floyd County between mile markers 1 and 4. Kentucky Highway 3 in Johnson County Kentucky Highway 3 in Martin County between mile markers 1 and 4. Kentucky Highway 80 in Floyd County between mile markers 13 and 14. U.S. Highway 23 in Floyd County between mile markers 11 and 21. U.S. Highway 23 in Johnson County between mile markers 0 and 2. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern and northeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3761 8254 3763 8315 3764 8317 3764 8319 3765 8320 3765 8321 3774 8321 3779 8255 TIME...MOT...LOC 1332Z 269DEG 46KT 3767 8313 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ AR  264 WWAK83 PAFG 061333 SPSAFG Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Fairbanks AK 433 AM AKST Thu Feb 6 2025 AKZ838>845-070200- Upper Chena River Valley-Tanana Flats-Eielson AFB and Salcha- Goldstream Valley and Nenana Hills-Chatanika River Valley- Two Rivers-Fairbanks Metro Area-Nenana- Including Chena Hot Springs, Chena Hot Springs Road east of MP 34, Birch Lake, The Richardson Highway from MP 295 to MP 317, Eielson AFB, Salcha, Moose Creek, Harding Lake, The Richardson Highway from MP 317 to MP 346, Ester Dome, Murphy Dome, The Parks Highway from MP 325 to MP 342, Haystack, The Elliott Highway from MP 1 to MP 32, The Steese Highway from MP 12 to MP 85, Two Rivers, Chena Hot Springs Road from MP 12 to MP 34, Fairbanks, Fort Wainwright, Ester, North Pole, Fox, Nenana, and The Parks Highway from MP 290 to 325 433 AM AKST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...Freezing Drizzle Today, Snow Tomorrow... Areas of freezing drizzle and flurries across the Fairbanks area today. Freezing drizzle has already resulted in a glaze of ice near Eielson and Salcha. Travel may be difficult. This will transition to snow this evening and tonight with 2 to 4 inches of snow expected through midday Friday. The heaviest snow will arrive early Friday morning making for a potentially difficult morning commute as visibility will be reduced in moderate to heavy snow. $$ Bianco  458 WOUS64 KWNS 061333 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 3 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 733 AM CST THU FEB 06 2025 TORNADO WATCH 3 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1000 AM CST FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS KYC001-003-009-013-025-045-051-053-057-065-071-095-109-115-119- 121-125-129-131-133-137-141-147-153-159-165-169-171-173-175-189- 193-195-197-199-203-207-213-227-231-235-237-061600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ KY . KENTUCKY COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ADAIR ALLEN BARREN BELL BREATHITT CASEY CLAY CLINTON CUMBERLAND ESTILL FLOYD HARLAN JACKSON JOHNSON KNOTT KNOX LAUREL LEE LESLIE LETCHER LINCOLN LOGAN MCCREARY MAGOFFIN MARTIN MENIFEE METCALFE MONROE MONTGOMERY MORGAN OWSLEY PERRY PIKE POWELL PULASKI ROCKCASTLE RUSSELL SIMPSON WARREN WAYNE WHITLEY WOLFE $$ ATTN...WFO...LMK...JKL...  590 WWUS74 KOUN 061333 NPWOUN URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Norman OK 733 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 OKZ033>037-061445- /O.CAN.KOUN.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Harmon-Greer-Kiowa-Jackson-Tillman- Including the cities of Granite, Snyder, Mangum, Hobart, Hollis, Altus, and Frederick 733 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Although some patchy fog will continue to be possible this morning, widespread dense fog is not anticipated. $$ OKZ004>008-010>013-015>020-022>032-038-039-044-046-061500- /O.CON.KOUN.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Harper-Woods-Alfalfa-Grant-Kay-Woodward-Major-Garfield-Noble- Dewey-Custer-Blaine-Kingfisher-Logan-Payne-Washita-Caddo-Canadian- Oklahoma-Lincoln-Grady-McClain-Cleveland-Pottawatomie-Seminole- Hughes-Comanche-Stephens-Cotton-Carter- Including the cities of Helena, Wakita, Blanchard, Vici, Taloga, Blackwell, Lawton, Ardmore, Oklahoma City, Chickasha, Enid, El Reno, Yukon, Seiling, Woodward, Leedey, Cordell, Seminole, Davenport, Watonga, Hinton, Lamont, Meeker, Weatherford, Medford, Mustang, Guthrie, Purcell, Holdenville, Geary, Fairview, Buffalo, Anadarko, Hennessey, Pond Creek, Clinton, Moore, Stillwater, Carmen, Cherokee, Ponca City, Shawnee, Stroud, Duncan, Chandler, Wetumka, Burns Flat, Wellston, Prague, Temple, Walters, Alva, Perry, Laverne, Okarche, Tuttle, Norman, Concho, Newcastle, Kingfisher, Wewoka, Sentinel, and Okeene 733 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Areas with visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, northern, northwest, southeast, southern, southwest, and western Oklahoma. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ MAD  842 WWUS53 KJKL 061333 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 833 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC051-061343- /O.CAN.KJKL.TO.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1345Z/ Clay KY- 833 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR NORTH CENTRAL CLAY COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The tornadic thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3732 8361 3745 8359 3747 8338 3731 8341 TIME...MOT...LOC 1333Z 271DEG 41KT 3738 8354 $$ KYC025-189-193-061345- /O.CON.KJKL.TO.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1345Z/ Owsley KY-Perry KY-Breathitt KY- 833 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 845 AM EST FOR EAST CENTRAL OWSLEY...NORTHWESTERN PERRY AND SOUTHWESTERN BREATHITT COUNTIES... At 833 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located over Morris Fork, or 10 miles southeast of Booneville, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Tornado. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. This dangerous storm will be near... Buckhorn around 840 AM EST. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Heavy rainfall may hide this tornado. Do not wait to see or hear the tornado. TAKE COVER NOW! If a tornado or other severe weather is spotted, report it to the National Weather Service or your local nearest law enforcement agency who will send your report. This act may save lives of others in the path of dangerous weather. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3732 8361 3745 8359 3747 8338 3731 8341 TIME...MOT...LOC 1333Z 271DEG 41KT 3738 8354 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN $$ GREIF  264 WGUS81 KRNK 061334 FLSRNK Flood Advisory National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 834 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC025-089-061800- /O.NEW.KRNK.FA.Y.0002.250206T1334Z-250206T1800Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Greenbrier WV-Summers WV- 834 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...A portion of southeast West Virginia, including the following counties, Greenbrier and Summers. * WHEN...Until 100 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 833 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is expected in the advisory area. Between 1.5 and 2 inches of rain have fallen overnight. - This includes the following streams and drainages... Back Creek, Big Run, Anthony Creek, Boggs Run, Big Clear Creek, Boggs Creek, Big Creek, Bluestone River, Beaver Creek and Beech Run. Additional rainfall amounts of 1 to 2 inches are expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Alleghany... Lewisburg... Hinton... White Sulphur Springs... Ronceverte... Rainelle... Alderson... - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. When it is safe to do so, please send your reports of flooding, including mudslides or flooded roads, to the National Weather Service by calling toll free at 1...8 6 6...2 1 5...4 3 2 4. Reports and pictures can also be shared on the National Weather Service Blacksburg Facebook page and on Twitter. && LAT...LON 3795 8081 3799 8077 3806 8080 3808 8089 3810 8088 3808 8071 3827 8044 3805 8026 3806 7996 3769 8030 3773 8066 3743 8086 3759 8109 3771 8098 3768 8088 3781 8093 3782 8094 3787 8075 $$ RS  353 WWUS53 KJKL 061336 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 836 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC051-109-061346- /O.CAN.KJKL.SV.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1345Z/ Jackson KY-Clay KY- 836 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL JACKSON AND NORTH CENTRAL CLAY COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3730 8360 3734 8364 3746 8357 3749 8337 3730 8338 3728 8338 TIME...MOT...LOC 1336Z 268DEG 42KT 3738 8347 $$ KYC025-131-189-193-061345- /O.CON.KJKL.SV.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1345Z/ Owsley KY-Leslie KY-Perry KY-Breathitt KY- 836 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 845 AM EST FOR SOUTHEASTERN OWSLEY...NORTHERN LESLIE...NORTHWESTERN PERRY AND SOUTHWESTERN BREATHITT COUNTIES... At 836 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Dalesburg, or 13 miles southeast of Booneville, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Wolf Coal. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3730 8360 3734 8364 3746 8357 3749 8337 3730 8338 3728 8338 TIME...MOT...LOC 1336Z 268DEG 42KT 3738 8347 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ GREIF  896 WWUS76 KSEW 061336 NPWSEW URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 536 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 WAZ503-070000- /O.CON.KSEW.CW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Western Whatcom County- Including the cities of Bellingham 536 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills as low as 10 to 20 degrees. * WHERE...Western Whatcom County. * WHEN...Until 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Very cold temperatures can lead to hypothermia with prolonged exposure and will impact vulnerable populations such as the homeless, pets, and those without adequate access to heating. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Temperatures will warm Thursday afternoon to 30 to 35 degrees before dropping once again Friday morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Keep pets indoors as much as possible. Make frequent checks on older family, friends, and neighbors. Ensure portable heaters are used correctly. Do not use generators or grills inside. && $$ WAZ506-507-555-556-558-070000- /O.CON.KSEW.CW.Y.0004.250207T0600Z-250207T1800Z/ Western Skagit County-Everett and Vicinity-East Puget Sound Lowlands-Bellevue and Vicinity-Seattle and Vicinity- Including the cities of Bonney Lake, Kirkland, Maple Valley, Mount Vernon, Everett, Sahalee, Lynnwood, Covington-Sawyer-w, Pine Lake, Sedro-Woolley, Edmonds, Seattle, Newport Hills, Woodinville, Marysville, Kenmore, Bothell, Burlington, Redmond, Anacortes, Prairie Ridge, Monroe, and Enumclaw 536 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Very cold temperatures as low as 15 to 20 degrees for Western Skagit County and the East Puget Sound Lowlands and as low as 20 to 25 degrees for the remaining areas. * WHERE...Western Skagit County, Bellevue and Vicinity, East Puget Sound Lowlands, Everett and Vicinity, and Seattle and Vicinity. * WHEN...From 10 PM this evening to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Very cold temperatures can lead to hypothermia with prolonged exposure and will impact vulnerable populations such as the homeless, pets, and those without adequate access to heating. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Keep pets indoors as much as possible. Make frequent checks on older family, friends, and neighbors. Ensure portable heaters are used correctly. Do not use generators or grills inside. && $$  256 WAIY32 LIIB 061337 LIRR AIRMET 5 VALID 061400/061700 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3859 E00759 - N3942 E00951 - N3832 E01252 - N3626 E01435 - N3628 E01125 - N3728 E01125 - N3859 E00759 TOP ABV FL150 STNR NC=  113 WAIY32 LIIB 061338 LIRR AIRMET 6 VALID 061400/061700 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3753 E01243 - N3808 E01526 - N3645 E01500 - N3737 E01232 - N3753 E01243 STNR NC=  265 WGUS66 KMTR 061337 FFAMTR Flood Watch National Weather Service San Francisco CA 537 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAZ502>506-062300- /O.CON.KMTR.FA.A.0003.250206T1800Z-250207T2100Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Marin Coastal Range-Sonoma Coastal Range-North Bay Interior Mountains-Coastal North Bay Including Point Reyes National Seashore-North Bay Interior Valleys- Including the cities of Napa, Angwin, Sausalito, South Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa, Woodacre, Novato, Lagunitas-Forest Knolls, Rohnert Park, San Rafael, Tamalpais-Homestead, and Petaluma 537 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM PST THIS MORNING THROUGH FRIDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by full creeks and streams with additional rainfall expected. * WHERE...A portion of northern California, including Sonoma and Marin counties. * WHEN...From 10 AM PST this morning through Friday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Creeks and streams may rise out of their banks. Area creeks and streams are running high and could flood with more rain. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - Periods of rain beginning last Friday have helped saturate soils, fill area creeks/streams, and additional rain expected Thursday and Thursday night with renewed flooding concerns across Sonoma and Marin counties. Areas of greatest concern will be near Healdsburg, Mark West Creek near Mirabel Heights, Green Valley Creek at Martinelli Road, and Guernville. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$ Flynn  347 WUUS53 KJKL 061337 SVRJKL KYC125-199-203-061400- /O.NEW.KJKL.SV.W.0006.250206T1337Z-250206T1400Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service JACKSON KY 837 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in JACKSON KY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Laurel County in south central Kentucky... Northeastern Pulaski County in south central Kentucky... South central Rockcastle County in south central Kentucky... * Until 900 AM EST. * At 837 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Shopville, or 9 miles northeast of Somerset, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Bent around 840 AM EST. Billows around 845 AM EST. Bunch around 850 AM EST. London around 855 AM EST. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for south central and southeastern Kentucky. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for south central and southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3724 8456 3727 8404 3725 8399 3703 8400 3708 8456 TIME...MOT...LOC 1337Z 271DEG 41KT 3716 8447 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ CMC  536 WWUS83 KJKL 061337 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 837 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ109-110-112-113-061415- Breathitt KY-Floyd KY-Knott KY-Magoffin KY- 837 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHERN KNOTT...CENTRAL FLOYD...CENTRAL BREATHITT AND SOUTHEASTERN MAGOFFIN COUNTIES THROUGH 915 AM EST... At 837 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Inverness, or over Jackson, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Jackson, Estill, Martin, Wayland, Allen, East McDowell, Fredville, Buck, Vail, Hippo, Handshoe, Gunlock, Glo, Printer, Aluba, McDowell, Daisydell, Betsy Layne, Noctor, and Orchard. THIS INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING HIGHWAYS... Kentucky Highway 80 in Floyd County between mile markers 1 and 13. Kentucky Highway 80 in Knott County between mile markers 15 and 20. U.S. Highway 23 in Floyd County between mile markers 1 and 10. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3740 8261 3748 8348 3763 8341 3762 8262 3751 8262 3750 8261 TIME...MOT...LOC 1337Z 269DEG 46KT 3753 8338 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ AR  736 WWUS73 KBIS 061337 NPWBIS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 737 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 NDZ020-031>036-061800- /O.EXA.KBIS.CW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Oliver-Golden Valley-Billings-Stark-Morton-Burleigh-Kidder- Including the cities of Steele, Mandan, Bismarck, Beach, Center, Tappen, Dickinson, and Medora 737 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 /637 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST /11 AM MST/ TODAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills as low as 35 below expected. * WHERE...Portions of south central and southwest North Dakota. * WHEN...Until noon CST /11 AM MST/ today. * IMPACTS...The dangerously cold wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you are planning to be outside, be sure to dress in layers, covering all exposed skin. && $$ NDZ001>005-009>013-017>019-021>023-061800- /O.CON.KBIS.CW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Divide-Burke-Renville-Bottineau-Rolette-Williams-Mountrail-Ward- McHenry-Pierce-McKenzie-Dunn-Mercer-McLean-Sheridan-Wells- Including the cities of Killdeer, Hazen, Garrison, Glenburn, Towner, Wilton, Rolla, Lignite, Rugby, Bowbells, Williston, Parshall, Shell Valley, Velva, Rolette, Mohall, Bottineau, Halliday, Washburn, New Town, Fessenden, Portal, Columbus, Crosby, Stanley, Sherwood, Drake, Dunseith, St. John, Underwood, Powers Lake, Minot, Watford City, Mcclusky, Goodrich, Beulah, Turtle Lake, and Harvey 737 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 /637 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST /11 AM MST/ TODAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills as low as 35 below expected. * WHERE...Northwest and north central North Dakota. * WHEN...Until noon CST /11 AM MST/ today. * IMPACTS...The dangerously cold wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you are planning to be outside, be sure to dress in layers, covering all exposed skin. && $$ Hollan  853 WGUS81 KRLX 061337 FLSRLX Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 837 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Kentucky... Little Sandy River At Grayson affecting Carter and Greenup Counties. For the Little Sandy River...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/rlx. The next statement will be issued this evening at 845 PM EST. && KYC043-089-070145- /O.EXT.KRLX.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T0634Z/ /GYNK2.1.ER.250206T1202Z.250206T1800Z.250207T0034Z.NO/ 837 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT TONIGHT... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Little Sandy River at Grayson. * WHEN...Until just after midnight tonight. * IMPACTS...At 23.0 feet, Low spots on Route 773 and Jackson Road along the river are flooded. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 8:00 AM EST Thursday the stage was 21.8 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 8:00 AM EST Thursday was 21.8 feet. - Forecast...The river will rise to a crest of 24.0 feet this afternoon, then fall back below flood stage tonight. - Flood stage is 21.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 24.0 feet on 12/30/1942. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3840 8295 3839 8287 3828 8293 3830 8300 $$ JLB  320 WUUS53 KJKL 061338 SVRJKL KYC025-051-119-131-189-193-061430- /O.NEW.KJKL.SV.W.0007.250206T1338Z-250206T1430Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service JACKSON KY 838 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in JACKSON KY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southeastern Owsley County in southeastern Kentucky... Northwestern Leslie County in southeastern Kentucky... Perry County in southeastern Kentucky... Knott County in southeastern Kentucky... Southwestern Breathitt County in southeastern Kentucky... Northeastern Clay County in southeastern Kentucky... * Until 930 AM EST. * At 838 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Gays Creek, or 13 miles north of Hyden, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Lamont around 845 AM EST. Ary around 850 AM EST. Talcum around 855 AM EST. Other locations in the path of this severe thunderstorm include Hindman, Yellow Mountain and Pippa Passes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3722 8373 3743 8352 3748 8289 3747 8285 3725 8285 3725 8287 3721 8290 TIME...MOT...LOC 1338Z 267DEG 42KT 3735 8341 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ GREIF  531 WSBZ23 SBGL 061335 SBRE SIGMET 14 VALID 061340/061530 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S0950 W03933 - S0950 W03857 - S1424 W03857 - S1424 W03539 - S1213 W03403 - S1202 W03403 - S1213 W03411 - S1147 W03509 - S1113 W03626 - S1113 W03626 - S1113 W03626 - S0841 W03531 - S0841 W03933 - S0950 W03933 FL220/280 STNR NC=  693 WWUS74 KSJT 061339 NPWSJT URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Angelo TX 739 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 TXZ066-072-073-139-140-061500- /O.EXA.KSJT.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Runnels-Tom Green-Concho-Coleman-Brown- Including the cities of Crews, Trickham, Pumphrey, San Angelo, Lowake, Paint Rock, Hatchel, Eden, Fisk, Coleman, Wall, Winters, Echo, Live Oak, Ballinger, Voss, Carlsbad, Valera, Benoit, Indian Creek, Rowena, and Brownwood 739 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility near zero in some areas. * WHERE...Brown, Coleman, Concho, Runnels, and Tom Green Counties. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. Motorists along US 87 from San Angelo to Eden and US 67 from San Angelo to Ballinger may experience sudden drops in visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to one quarter mile or less. If driving, slow down, use your low beams, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ TXZ076>078-154-155-168>170-061500- /O.CON.KSJT.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Crockett-Schleicher-Sutton-McCulloch-San Saba-Menard-Kimble-Mason- Including the cities of Eldorado, London, Fredonia, Fort Mckavett, Streeter, Ozona, Lohn, Cleo, Mason, Menard, Voca, Koockville, Segovia, Junction, Loyal Valley, Chappel, Telegraph, Harkeyville, Katemcy, Pontotoc, Roosevelt, Cherokee, San Saba, Fife, Erna, Sonora, Brady, Hext, and Rochelle 739 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility near zero in some areas. * WHERE...Crockett, Kimble, Mason, McCulloch, Menard, San Saba, Schleicher, and Sutton Counties. * WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. Motorists along I-10 from Junction to Sonora to Ozona, and along US-87 from Brady to San Saba may experience sudden drops in visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Dense Fog Advisory means visibilities will frequently be reduced to one quarter mile or less. If driving, slow down, use your low beams, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ 21  891 WOUS20 KWNS 061339 WWASPC SPC WW-A 061340 KYZ000-061440- STATUS REPORT ON WW 3 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 10 NW HOP TO 15 E BWG TO 25 NW LOZ TO 15 W JKL TO 35 SSW HTS. ..BENTLEY..02/06/25 ATTN...WFO...LMK...JKL... && STATUS REPORT FOR WT 3 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS KYC001-003-009-013-025-051-053-057-071-095-109-115-119-121-125- 133-141-147-153-159-169-171-189-193-195-199-203-207-213-227-231- 235-061440- KY . KENTUCKY COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ADAIR ALLEN BARREN BELL BREATHITT CLAY CLINTON CUMBERLAND FLOYD HARLAN JACKSON JOHNSON KNOTT KNOX LAUREL LETCHER LOGAN MCCREARY MAGOFFIN MARTIN METCALFE MONROE OWSLEY PERRY PIKE PULASKI ROCKCASTLE RUSSELL SIMPSON WARREN WAYNE WHITLEY $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  892 WCAU01 YMMC 061339 YMMM SIGMET D19 VALID 061339/061930 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR CNL SIGMET D18 061330/061930=  161 WSIL31 BICC 061336 BIRD SIGMET I04 VALID 061430/061630 BIRK- BIRD REYKJAVIK CTA SEV ICE FCST WI N6310 W01940 - N6450 W02010 - N6510 W01240 - N6440 W01250 - N6310 W01940 FL020/220 STNR WKN=  162 WCAU01 YMMC 061339 YMMM SIGMET D19 VALID 061339/061930 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR CNL SIGMET D18 061330/061930 RMK: MW=  323 WWUS51 KRLX 061339 SVSRLX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 839 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC005-019-039-081-061400- /O.CON.KRLX.SV.W.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1400Z/ Kanawha WV-Raleigh WV-Fayette WV-Boone WV- 839 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 AM EST FOR SOUTHEASTERN KANAWHA...NORTHWESTERN RALEIGH...SOUTHWESTERN FAYETTE AND EAST CENTRAL BOONE COUNTIES... At 839 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Burnwell, or 18 miles west of Fayetteville, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Dorothy, Whitesville, Sylvester, Leewood, Prenter, Burnwell, Eskdale, and Powellton. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3805 8176 3809 8147 3812 8120 3791 8121 3800 8177 TIME...MOT...LOC 1339Z 270DEG 49KT 3806 8144 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ 09  451 WSUK33 EGRR 061340 EGPX SIGMET 02 VALID 061340/061740 EGRR- EGPX SCOTTISH FIR SEV MTW FCST WI N6000 E00000 - N5721 W00441 - N5657 W00744 - N5814 W00715 - N6100 W00349 - N6100 E00000 - N6000 E00000 FL040/100 STNR NC=  498 WGUS83 KJKL 061341 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 841 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC025-051-071-109-119-125-131-153-189-193-195-199-203-061645- /O.NEW.KJKL.FA.Y.0013.250206T1341Z-250206T1645Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Breathitt KY-Clay KY-Floyd KY-Jackson KY-Knott KY-Laurel KY- Leslie KY-Magoffin KY-Owsley KY-Perry KY-Pike KY-Pulaski KY- Rockcastle KY- 841 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 1145 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Urban and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall are expected. * WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Kentucky, including the following counties, in south central Kentucky, Laurel, Pulaski and Rockcastle. In southeast Kentucky, Breathitt, Clay, Floyd, Jackson, Knott, Leslie, Magoffin, Owsley, Perry and Pike. * WHEN...Until 1145 AM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 840 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause minor flooding of small streams and creeks, roads, and roadside culverts. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Somerset, London, Pikeville, Hazard, Manchester, Hindman, Estill, Coal Run Village, Wheelwright, Burnside, Pippa Passes, Wayland, Buckhorn, Shoal, Buckhorn Lake S.P., Confluence, Gays Creek, Kaliopi, Mosley Bend and Toulouse. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3763 8222 3764 8218 3755 8213 3754 8197 3741 8216 3696 8466 3698 8470 3696 8477 3705 8491 3710 8490 $$ GEOGERIAN  165 WGUS71 KRLX 061341 FFSRLX Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 841 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC019-WVC011-043-099-061351- /O.EXP.KRLX.FF.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1345Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Boyd KY-Cabell WV-Lincoln WV-Wayne WV- 841 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLASH FLOOD WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 845 AM EST THIS MORNING FOR SOUTHERN BOYD, CENTRAL CABELL, NORTHWESTERN LINCOLN AND NORTHERN WAYNE COUNTIES... The heaviest of the rain had ended. Flash flooding is no longer a threat. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. An areal flood warning remains in effect until early this afternoon for lingering high water and runoff into larger creeks. A Flood Watch remains in effect until 100 PM EST for portions of northeast Kentucky, southeast Ohio, southwest Virginia, and West Virginia. && LAT...LON 3826 8267 3826 8270 3825 8277 3834 8277 3839 8248 3847 8205 3846 8205 3845 8205 3843 8205 3842 8205 3841 8205 3840 8205 3828 8205 3826 8240 3827 8263 $$ 30  455 WHUS76 KMTR 061342 MWWMTR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 542 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 PZZ530-062145- /O.EXA.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250206T2300Z/ /O.EXB.KMTR.GL.W.0005.250206T2300Z-250207T1100Z/ San Pablo Bay, Suisun Bay, the West Delta and the San Francisco Bay north of the Bay Bridge- 542 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... ...GALE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, a moderate chop expected. For the Gale Warning, south winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and choppy waters expected. * WHERE...San Pablo Bay, Suisun Bay, the West Delta and the San Francisco Bay north of the Bay Bridge. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, from 9 AM this morning to 3 PM PST this afternoon. For the Gale Warning, from 3 PM this afternoon to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ571-062145- /O.EXA.KMTR.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /O.UPG.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ /O.EXA.KMTR.GL.W.0005.250206T1700Z-250207T0500Z/ Waters from Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10-60 NM- 542 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM PST THIS MORNING... ...GALE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, southeast winds 10 to 21 kt. For the Gale Warning, south winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and seas 9 to 11 ft expected. * WHERE...Waters from Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10-60 NM. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 9 AM PST this morning. For the Gale Warning, from 9 AM this morning to 9 PM PST this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ575-062145- /O.EXA.KMTR.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /O.UPG.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ /O.EXA.KMTR.GL.W.0005.250206T1700Z-250207T0500Z/ Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos 10-60 NM- 542 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM PST THIS MORNING... ...GALE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. For the Gale Warning, south winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and seas 9 to 11 ft expected. * WHERE...Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos 10-60 NM. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 9 AM PST this morning. For the Gale Warning, from 9 AM this morning to 9 PM PST this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ576-062145- /O.EXA.KMTR.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /O.UPG.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ /O.EXA.KMTR.GL.W.0005.250206T1700Z-250207T0500Z/ Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas 10-60 NM- 542 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM PST THIS MORNING... ...GALE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. For the Gale Warning, south winds 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and seas 9 to 11 ft expected. * WHERE...Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas 10- 60 NM. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 9 AM PST this morning. For the Gale Warning, from 9 AM this morning to 9 PM PST this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ535-062145- /O.UPG.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ /O.EXA.KMTR.GL.W.0005.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ Monterey Bay- 542 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 40 kt expected. * WHERE...Monterey Bay. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ545-062145- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250206T2300Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.GL.W.0005.250206T2300Z-250207T0500Z/ Coastal Waters from Point Reyes to Pigeon Point California out to 10 NM- 542 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, southeast winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 34 kt expected. For the Gale Warning, south winds 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 40 kt expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Point Reyes to Pigeon Point California out to 10 NM. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, from 9 AM this morning to 3 PM PST this afternoon. For the Gale Warning, from 3 PM this afternoon to 9 PM PST this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ560-062145- /O.EXA.KMTR.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.GL.W.0005.250206T1700Z-250207T0500Z/ Coastal Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos California out to 10 NM- 542 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM PST THIS MORNING... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, southeast winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. For the Gale Warning, south winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 44 kt and seas 8 to 10 ft expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos California out to 10 NM. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 9 AM PST this morning. For the Gale Warning, from 9 AM this morning to 9 PM PST this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ565-062145- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.GL.W.0005.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ Coastal Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas California out to 10 NM- 542 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM PST THIS MORNING... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, southeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 34 kt. For the Gale Warning, south winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 44 kt and seas 8 to 10 ft expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas California out to 10 NM. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 9 AM PST this morning. For the Gale Warning, from 9 AM this morning to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ531-062145- /O.EXA.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ San Francisco Bay South of the Bay Bridge- 542 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM THIS MORNING TO 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and choppy waters expected. * WHERE...San Francisco Bay South of the Bay Bridge. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ570-062145- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1342Z-250207T1100Z/ Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes 10-60 NM- 542 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * WHERE...Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes 10-60 NM. * WHEN...Until 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ540-062145- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1342Z-250207T1100Z/ Coastal Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes California out to 10 NM- 542 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 34 kt. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes California out to 10 NM. * WHEN...Until 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/sanfrancisco  611 WSPS21 NZKL 061336 NZZO SIGMET 20 VALID 061342/061742 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S6050 W14850 - S5700 W15640 - S5740 W14930 - S5020 W13110 - S5330 W13110 - S6050 W14850 FL260/380 STNR NC=  753 WCAU01 YMMC 061342 YMMM SIGMET U01 VALID 061342/061942 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR TC TALIAH PSN S1454 E10236 CB OBS AT 1200Z WI 180NM OF TC CENTRE MOV W 12KT NC=  960 WSPS21 NZKL 061337 NZZO SIGMET 21 VALID 061342/061405 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 16 061005/061405=  117 WWUS83 KJKL 061342 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 842 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ107-119-061400- Martin KY-Johnson KY- 842 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT CENTRAL MARTIN AND EAST CENTRAL JOHNSON COUNTIES THROUGH 900 AM EST... At 842 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Tomahawk, or near Inez, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Inez, Warfield, Add, Beauty, Tomahawk, Pilgrim, Bradbury, Debord, Coalpoint, Davella, Hode, Oppy, Davisport, Prince, Calf Creek, Delong, Stidham, Milo, Job, and Lovely. THIS INCLUDES Kentucky Highway 3 in Martin County between mile markers 5 and 9. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for northeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3779 8269 3789 8268 3788 8261 3789 8260 3792 8260 3795 8258 3796 8251 3790 8247 3791 8247 3788 8242 3787 8241 3786 8242 3781 8240 3782 8239 3777 8233 TIME...MOT...LOC 1342Z 269DEG 46KT 3786 8260 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ AR  159 WCAU01 YMMC 061342 YMMM SIGMET U01 VALID 061342/061942 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR TC TALIAH PSN S1454 E10236 CB OBS AT 1200Z WI 180NM OF TC CENTRE MOV W 12KT NC RMK: MW=  938 WABZ23 SBGL 061340 SBAZ AIRMET 10 VALID 061343/061545 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR BKN CLD 200/0600FT FCST WI S0148 W05649 - S0148 W05559 - S0111 W05559 - S0111 W05649 - S0148 W05649 STNR NC=  129 WWUS51 KRLX 061342 SVSRLX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 842 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC043-059-061352- /O.CAN.KRLX.TO.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1400Z/ Mingo WV-Lincoln WV- 842 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR NORTH CENTRAL MINGO AND SOUTHWESTERN LINCOLN COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The tornadic thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. && LAT...LON 3789 8211 3799 8208 3800 8176 3784 8176 TIME...MOT...LOC 1342Z 271DEG 47KT 3791 8200 $$ WVC005-045-061400- /O.CON.KRLX.TO.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1400Z/ Logan WV-Boone WV- 842 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A TORNADO WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 AM EST FOR NORTHWESTERN LOGAN AND SOUTHWESTERN BOONE COUNTIES... At 842 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located over Chief Logan State, or near Logan, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Tornado and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. This tornadic thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Logan and southwestern Boone Counties, including the following locations... Sharples, Blair, Mitchell Heights, Jeffrey, and West Logan. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 3789 8211 3799 8208 3800 8176 3784 8176 TIME...MOT...LOC 1342Z 271DEG 47KT 3791 8200 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN $$ 14  631 WWUS53 KJKL 061343 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 843 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC025-189-193-061351- /O.EXP.KJKL.TO.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1345Z/ Owsley KY-Perry KY-Breathitt KY- 843 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL OWSLEY...NORTHWESTERN PERRY AND SOUTHWESTERN BREATHITT COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 845 AM EST... The tornado threat has diminished and the Tornado Warning has been cancelled. However, large hail and damaging winds remain likely and a Severe Thunderstorm Warning remains in effect for the area. However, gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service JACKSON KY. Remember, a Severe Thunderstorm Warning still remains in effect for northern Perry and southern Breathitt counties. && LAT...LON 3732 8361 3745 8359 3747 8338 3731 8341 TIME...MOT...LOC 1341Z 271DEG 41KT 3738 8345 $$ GREIF  138 WANO31 ENMI 061343 ENOR AIRMET I06 VALID 061430/061830 ENMI- ENOR POLARIS FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N6405 E01400 - N6350 E00955 - N6810 E01225 - N7045 E02050 - N6835 E02105 - N6800 E01705 - N6405 E01400 3000FT/FL120 STNR NC=  093 WWUS43 KGRR 061344 WSWGRR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Rapids MI 844 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MIZ050-056>059-064>067-071>074-061445- /O.EXP.KGRR.WW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1400Z/ Muskegon-Ottawa-Kent-Ionia-Clinton-Allegan-Barry-Eaton-Ingham-Van Buren-Kalamazoo-Calhoun-Jackson- Including the cities of Ionia, St. Johns, Jenison, Hastings, Jackson, Battle Creek, Grand Haven, Muskegon, Lansing, Kalamazoo, Holland, Charlotte, Grand Rapids, and South Haven 844 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM EST THIS MORNING... The precipitation has ended for most locations however some slick spots persist. Motorists should drive with added caution this morning, despite the lack of precipitation. $$ MJS  572 WWUS74 KHGX 061345 NPWHGX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Houston/Galveston TX 745 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 TXZ438-439-061800- /O.EXP.KHGX.FG.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1400Z/ /O.NEW.KHGX.FG.Y.0008.250206T1400Z-250206T1800Z/ Galveston Island-Bolivar Peninsula- Including the cities of Galveston 745 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY FOR GALVESTON ISLAND AND BOLIVAR PENINSULA... ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 AM CST THIS MORNING ELSEWHERE... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Bolivar Peninsula and Galveston Island Counties. * WHEN...Until noon CST today. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ TXZ335>338-436-437-061445- /O.EXP.KHGX.FG.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1400Z/ Coastal Jackson-Coastal Matagorda-Coastal Brazoria-Coastal Galveston-Matagorda Islands-Brazoria Islands- Including the cities of Freeport, Surfside Beach, Texas City, La Marque, Lake Jackson, Dickinson, Clute, and Palacios 745 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 8 AM CST THIS MORNING... Visibilities have improved elsewhere along the inland coast, but some patches of fog remain. Continue to exercise caution if you encounter patches of dense fog. $$ Batiste  793 WWUS63 KJKL 061348 WCNJKL WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 3 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE JACKSON KY 848 AM EST THU FEB 6 2025 KYC065-129-165-173-175-197-237-061500- /O.CAN.KJKL.TO.A.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED TORNADO WATCH 3 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN KENTUCKY THIS CANCELS 7 COUNTIES IN EAST CENTRAL KENTUCKY ESTILL MENIFEE MONTGOMERY POWELL IN SOUTHEAST KENTUCKY LEE MORGAN WOLFE THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF BEATTYVILLE, CAMARGO, CAMPTON, CLAY CITY, FRENCHBURG, IRVINE, JEFFERSONVILLE, MOUNT STERLING, RAVENNA, STANTON, AND WEST LIBERTY. $$ KYC013-025-051-071-095-109-115-119-121-125-131-133-147-153-159- 189-193-195-199-203-231-235-061600- /O.CON.KJKL.TO.A.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ TORNADO WATCH 3 REMAINS VALID UNTIL 11 AM EST THIS MORNING FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN KENTUCKY THIS WATCH INCLUDES 22 COUNTIES IN NORTHEAST KENTUCKY JOHNSON MARTIN IN SOUTH CENTRAL KENTUCKY LAUREL MCCREARY PULASKI ROCKCASTLE WAYNE WHITLEY IN SOUTHEAST KENTUCKY BELL BREATHITT CLAY FLOYD HARLAN JACKSON KNOTT KNOX LESLIE LETCHER MAGOFFIN OWSLEY PERRY PIKE THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ANNVILLE, BARBOURVILLE, BOONEVILLE, BRODHEAD, BURNSIDE, COAL RUN, CORBIN, CUMBERLAND, ELKHORN CITY, HARLAN, HAZARD, HINDMAN, HYDEN, INEZ, JACKSON, JENKINS, LONDON, MANCHESTER, MCKEE, MIDDLESBORO, MONTICELLO, MOUNT VERNON, PAINTSVILLE, PIKEVILLE, PINEVILLE, PIPPA PASSES, PRESTONSBURG, SALYERSVILLE, SOMERSET, SOUTH WILLIAMSON, STEARNS, WHEELWRIGHT, WHITESBURG, WHITLEY CITY, AND WILLIAMSBURG. $$  825 WWUS51 KRLX 061348 SVSRLX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 848 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC043-045-059-099-061357- /O.EXP.KRLX.SV.W.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1345Z/ Mingo WV-Lincoln WV-Logan WV-Wayne WV- 848 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN MINGO... SOUTHWESTERN LINCOLN...NORTHWESTERN LOGAN AND SOUTHEASTERN WAYNE COUNTIES HAS EXPIRED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. However, gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. && LAT...LON 3796 8247 3797 8249 3798 8246 3799 8248 3800 8248 3804 8196 3801 8196 3799 8198 3797 8196 3785 8196 3792 8249 3795 8249 TIME...MOT...LOC 1347Z 270DEG 49KT 3795 8190 $$ 09  646 WWCN03 CYZX 061348 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR 5 CDSB GAGETOWN AND RANGE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 9:48 AM AST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: 5 CDSB GAGETOWN AND RANGE (CYCX) TYPE: SNOWFALL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SNOWFALL AMOUNT OF 5 CM OR MORE IN 12 HOURS VALID: 06/2100Z TO 07/0500Z (06/1700 AST TO 07/0100 AST) TYPE: WIND CHILL ADVISORY ENDED COMMENTS: WIND CHILLS OF MINUS 25 ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED. A FAST MOVING LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM WILL MOVE IN LATE THIS AFTERNOON GIVING THE REGION SNOW. AT THIS TIME BETWEEN 5 AND 10 CM OF SNOW IS EXPECTED. SNOW WILL END NEAR MIDNIGHT. FREEZING DRIZZLE WILL BE POSSIBLE BEHIND THE LOW, SO KEEP MONITORING FOR FUTURE UPDATES. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 07/0200Z (06/2200 AST) END/JMC  787 WCAU01 YMMC 061348 YMMM SIGMET U02 VALID 061348/061942 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR CNL SIGMET U01 061342/061942=  187 WUUS53 KJKL 061349 SVRJKL KYC125-203-061415- /O.NEW.KJKL.SV.W.0008.250206T1349Z-250206T1415Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service JACKSON KY 849 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in JACKSON KY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Laurel County in south central Kentucky... South central Rockcastle County in south central Kentucky... * Until 915 AM EST. * At 849 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Bernstadt, or 9 miles west of London, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... London around 855 AM EST. Maplesville around 900 AM EST. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for south central and southeastern Kentucky. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for south central and southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3703 8400 3709 8430 3710 8428 3711 8429 3712 8428 3712 8430 3716 8429 3719 8433 3723 8433 3727 8404 3725 8399 TIME...MOT...LOC 1349Z 271DEG 45KT 3715 8424 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ CMC  358 WCAU01 YMMC 061348 YMMM SIGMET U02 VALID 061348/061942 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR CNL SIGMET U01 061342/061942 RMK: MW=  587 WWUS53 KJKL 061349 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 849 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC025-131-189-193-061359- /O.EXP.KJKL.SV.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1345Z/ Owsley KY-Leslie KY-Perry KY-Breathitt KY- 849 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN OWSLEY...NORTHERN LESLIE...NORTHWESTERN PERRY AND SOUTHWESTERN BREATHITT COUNTIES HAS EXPIRED... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service JACKSON KY. && LAT...LON 3730 8360 3734 8364 3746 8357 3749 8337 3730 8338 3728 8338 TIME...MOT...LOC 1349Z 268DEG 42KT 3738 8332 $$ GREIF  159 WSMS31 WMKK 061350 WBFC SIGMET 6 VALID 061400/061700 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0514 E11221 - N0825 E11630 - N0731 E11729 - N0607 E11829 - N0415 E11500 - N0514 E11221 TOP FL510 MOV WNW 20KT NC=  541 WSRS31 RURD 061349 URRV SIGMET 7 VALID 061400/061600 URRR- URRV ROSTOV-NA-DONU FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST S OF LINE N4326 E04016 - N4542 E04123 - N4455 E04638 - N4201 E04556 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  826 WWCN03 CYTR 061349 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB VALCARTIER PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 8:49 AM EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB VALCARTIER (CYOY) TYPE: WIND CHILL ADVISORY ENDED TYPE: SNOWFALL WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SNOWFALL AMOUNT OF 10 CM OR MORE IN 12 HOURS VALID: 06/2000Z TO 07/0600Z (06/1500 EST TO 07/0100 EST) COMMENTS: WIND CHILLS OF MINUS 35 ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED. A FAST MOVING LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM WILL MOVE INTO THE REGION THIS AFTERNOON GIVING SNOW. 10 TO 15 CM OF SNOW IS EXPECTED. SNOW WILL MOVE OUT OF THE REGION NEAR MIDNIGHT. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 07/0200Z (06/2100 EST) END/JMC  827 WOCN10 CWUL 061349 WEATHER ADVISORY FOR QUEBEC UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:49 A.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WEATHER ADVISORY FOR: =NEW= DRUMMONDVILLE - BOIS-FRANCS =NEW= MAURICIE METRO MONTREAL - LAVAL VAUDREUIL - SOULANGES - HUNTINGDON RICHELIEU VALLEY - SAINT-HYACINTHE LANAUDIERE LACHUTE - SAINT-JEROME LAURENTIANS UPPER GATINEAU - LIEVRE - PAPINEAU EASTERN TOWNSHIPS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WHAT: POOR VISIBILITIES IN MODERATE SNOW, CAUSING POOR TRAVEL CONDITIONS. WHEN: BEGINNING LATE THIS MORNING UNTIL THIS EVENING. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: THE SNOW WILL BE ESPECIALLY HEAVY DURING THE LUNCH HOUR AND EARLY IN THE AFTERNOON. TOTAL SNOWFALL AMOUNTS OF 5 TO 10 CENTIMETRES AND POSSIBLY MORE LOCALLY ARE EXPECTED. POOR WEATHER CONDITIONS MAY CONTRIBUTE TO TRANSPORTATION DELAYS. BE PREPARED TO ADJUST YOUR DRIVING WITH CHANGING ROAD CONDITIONS. SLOW DOWN DRIVING IN SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. WATCH FOR TAILLIGHTS AHEAD AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  935 WSMS31 WMKK 061350 WBFC SIGMET 6 VALID 061400/061700 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0514 E11221 - N0825 E11630 - N0731 E11729 - N0607 E11829 - N0415 E11500 - N0514 E11221 TOP FL510 MOV WNW 20KT NC=  282 WWUS51 KRLX 061351 SVSRLX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 851 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC005-019-039-081-061400- /O.EXP.KRLX.SV.W.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1400Z/ Kanawha WV-Raleigh WV-Fayette WV-Boone WV- 851 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN KANAWHA... NORTHWESTERN RALEIGH...SOUTHWESTERN FAYETTE AND EAST CENTRAL BOONE COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 900 AM EST... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However, heavy rain is still possible with this thunderstorm. && LAT...LON 3805 8176 3809 8147 3812 8120 3791 8121 3800 8177 TIME...MOT...LOC 1350Z 270DEG 49KT 3806 8127 $$ 09  240 WWUS81 KRNK 061351 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 851 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVZ043-507-508-061445- Western Greenbrier WV-Summers WV-Eastern Greenbrier WV- 851 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL IMPACT GREENBRIER AND SUMMERS COUNTIES THROUGH 945 AM EST... At 851 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 6 miles south of Summersville to near Van. Movement was east at 50 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 50 mph and pea size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Lewisburg... Hinton... White Sulphur Springs... Ronceverte... Rainelle... Alderson... and Rupert. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Locally heavy rain will quickly reduce visibility and result in ponding of water on roadways, standing water in low lying areas, and minor flooding of creeks, streams, and areas of poor drainage. Drivers are urged to slow down and use extra caution to avoid hydroplaning. These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3821 8036 3811 8036 3805 8026 3806 7999 3769 8032 3773 8066 3744 8086 3760 8108 3772 8097 3768 8088 3782 8094 3787 8075 3795 8081 3806 8080 3806 8087 3810 8088 3810 8084 3808 8071 3821 8052 TIME...MOT...LOC 1351Z 272DEG 45KT 3819 8082 3797 8165 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.25 IN MAX WIND GUST...50 MPH $$ RS  365 WSAG31 SACO 061357 SACF SIGMET 6 VALID 061357/061757 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1357Z WI S2745 W06424 - S2707 W06234 - S2807 W06139 - S2845 W06311 - S2745 W06424 TOP FL360 MOV ENE 08KT WKN=  833 WWUS53 KJKL 061353 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 853 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC125-199-203-061401- /O.EXP.KJKL.SV.W.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1400Z/ Laurel KY-Pulaski KY-Rockcastle KY- 853 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL LAUREL...NORTHEASTERN PULASKI AND SOUTH CENTRAL ROCKCASTLE COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 900 AM EST... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for south central and southeastern Kentucky. Remember, a Severe Thunderstorm Warning still remains in effect for Central Laurel and South Central Rockcastle County until 915 AM EST! && LAT...LON 3724 8456 3727 8404 3725 8399 3703 8400 3708 8456 TIME...MOT...LOC 1351Z 271DEG 41KT 3715 8429 $$ CMC  957 WSAG31 SACO 061357 SACF SIGMET 6 VALID 061357/061757 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1357Z WI S2745 W06424 - S2707 W06234 - S2807 W06139 - S2845 W06311 - S2745 W06424 TOP FL360 MOV ENE 08KT WKN=  208 WOUS64 KWNS 061353 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 3 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 753 AM CST THU FEB 06 2025 TORNADO WATCH 3 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1000 AM CST FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS KYC001-003-009-013-025-045-051-053-057-071-095-109-115-119-121- 125-131-133-137-141-147-153-159-169-171-189-193-195-199-203-207- 213-227-231-235-061600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ KY . KENTUCKY COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE ADAIR ALLEN BARREN BELL BREATHITT CASEY CLAY CLINTON CUMBERLAND FLOYD HARLAN JACKSON JOHNSON KNOTT KNOX LAUREL LESLIE LETCHER LINCOLN LOGAN MCCREARY MAGOFFIN MARTIN METCALFE MONROE OWSLEY PERRY PIKE PULASKI ROCKCASTLE RUSSELL SIMPSON WARREN WAYNE WHITLEY $$ ATTN...WFO...LMK...JKL...  663 WWUS51 KRLX 061353 SVSRLX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 853 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC005-045-061403- /O.EXP.KRLX.TO.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1400Z/ Logan WV-Boone WV- 853 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE TORNADO WARNING FOR NORTHWESTERN LOGAN AND SOUTHWESTERN BOONE COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 900 AM EST... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer appears capable of producing a tornado. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However, gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with this thunderstorm. && LAT...LON 3789 8211 3799 8208 3800 8176 3784 8176 TIME...MOT...LOC 1353Z 270DEG 47KT 3791 8183 $$ 14  915 WWUS83 KJKL 061354 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 854 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ079-083-061445- Wayne KY-Pulaski KY- 854 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTH CENTRAL WAYNE AND SOUTHERN PULASKI COUNTIES THROUGH 945 AM EST... At 853 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Faubush, or 12 miles north of Monticello, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 50 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Somerset, Burnside, Naomi, Sloans Valley, Nancy, Grade, Bronston, Ruth, Elihu, Mount Victory, Quinton, Dykes, Frazer, Tateville, Pulaski County Park, Somerset Pulaski Airport, Faubush, General Burnside S.P., Trimble, and Ferguson. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for south central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3711 8490 3708 8437 3697 8434 3695 8438 3695 8442 3692 8447 3697 8488 3700 8484 3705 8491 TIME...MOT...LOC 1353Z 267DEG 41KT 3703 8487 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...50 MPH $$ GREIF  132 WWUS73 KIWX 061354 NPWIWX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Northern Indiana 854 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 INZ012>015-017-018-020-022>027-032>034-116-216-OHZ015-016-024-025- 061500- /O.CAN.KIWX.FG.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Starke-Pulaski-Marshall-Fulton IN-Whitley-Allen IN-White-Cass IN- Miami-Wabash-Huntington-Wells-Adams-Grant-Blackford-Jay-Northern Kosciusko-Southern Kosciusko-Paulding-Putnam-Van Wert-Allen OH- 854 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 /754 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Visibilities have improved across many areas. While patchy dense fog may linger in a few locations through 10 AM EST, the overall threat for widespread dense fog has ended, resulting in the cancellation of the Dense Fog Advisory. $$ Fisher  373 WSUS32 KKCI 061355 SIGC MKCC WST 061355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 061555-061955 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  374 WSUS31 KKCI 061355 SIGE MKCE WST 061355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 39E VALID UNTIL 1555Z VA NC AND CSTL WTRS FROM 40SE SBY-70E ECG-40N RDU-10NE LYH-40SE SBY AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 26050KT. TOPS TO FL360. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 40E VALID UNTIL 1555Z NC SC CSTL WTRS FROM 180SE ECG-150SSE ILM LINE EMBD TS 25 NM WIDE MOV FROM 24030KT. TOPS TO FL330. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 41E VALID UNTIL 1555Z VA WV TN KY FROM 20E EKN-20WSW CSN-20NNE VXV-40E BWG-20E EKN AREA SEV EMBD TS MOV FROM 26050KT. TOPS TO FL420. TORNADOES...HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 42E VALID UNTIL 1555Z GA TN FROM 60E BNA-20NW VXV-GQO-60SSE BNA-60E BNA AREA TS MOV FROM 26045KT. TOPS TO FL300. OUTLOOK VALID 061555-061955 FROM 40WSW ALB-170ESE ECG-140SSE ILM-30ESE RDU-MSL-70ENE DYR-PSB-40WSW ALB REF WW 3. WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  375 WSUS33 KKCI 061355 SIGW MKCW WST 061355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 061555-061955 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  387 WALJ31 LJLJ 061347 LJLA AIRMET 5 VALID 061400/061700 LJLJ- LJLA LJUBLJANA FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N4525 E01344 - N4552 E01332 - N4559 E01358 - N4527 E01436 - N4525 E01344 SFC/5000FT STNR NC=  967 WHUS71 KAKQ 061355 MWWAKQ URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wakefield VA 855 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ANZ658-061800- /O.EXT.KAKQ.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm- 855 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...North winds 10 to 15 kt and seas 5 to 7 ft. * WHERE...Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ656-061800- /O.EXT.KAKQ.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Coastal Waters from Cape Charles Light to Virginia- North Carolina border out to 20 nm- 855 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...North winds 10 to 15 kt and seas 4 to 6 ft. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Cape Charles Light to Virginia- North Carolina border out to 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  709 WSTU31 LTFM 061354 LTBB SIGMET 4 VALID 061355/061655 LTFM- LTBB ISTANBUL FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1350Z E OF LINE N4145 E02943 - N4022 E02845 TOP FL320 MOV S 15KT INTSF=  854 WAGR31 LGAT 061352 LGGG AIRMET 5 VALID 061352/061752 LGAT- LGGG ATHINAI FIR BKN CLD 3000/8000 FT OBS ATHINAI TMA STNR NC=  495 WOCN12 CWTO 061356 SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:56 A.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR: =NEW= MANITOULIN ISLAND. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WIND GUSTS EXPECTED THIS EVENING AND TONIGHT. WHAT: STRONG WINDS GUSTING UP 80 KM/H. WHEN: THIS EVENING AND TONIGHT. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: STRONG SOUTHWESTERLY WINDS WILL SHIFT TO STRONG NORTHWESTERLY WINDS TONIGHT IN THE WAKE OF A STRONG COLD FRONT. LOOSE OBJECTS MAY BE TOSSED BY THE WIND AND CAUSE INJURY OR DAMAGE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  810 WWUS43 KDTX 061356 WSWDTX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Detroit/Pontiac MI 856 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MIZ060>063-068>070-075-076-082-083-061500- /O.CAN.KDTX.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1400Z/ Shiawassee-Genesee-Lapeer-St. Clair-Livingston-Oakland-Macomb- Washtenaw-Wayne-Lenawee-Monroe- Including the cities of Pontiac, Warren, Flint, Howell, Ann Arbor, Detroit, Owosso, Port Huron, Adrian, Lapeer, and Monroe 856 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Freezing drizzle is quickly coming to an end. Some caution will still be needed this morning as Untreated roads will remain slippery. $$ SC  891 WOCN11 CWTO 061356 SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:56 A.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR: =NEW= SIMCOE - DELHI - NORFOLK =NEW= DUNNVILLE - CALEDONIA - HALDIMAND =NEW= NIAGARA =NEW= WINGHAM - BLYTH - NORTHERN HURON COUNTY =NEW= GODERICH - BLUEWATER - SOUTHERN HURON COUNTY =NEW= BRUCE PENINSULA - SAUBLE BEACH - TOBERMORY =NEW= OWEN SOUND - BLUE MOUNTAINS - NORTHERN GREY COUNTY =NEW= SAUGEEN SHORES - KINCARDINE - SOUTHERN BRUCE COUNTY =NEW= MIDLAND - COLDWATER - ORR LAKE =NEW= BARRIE - COLLINGWOOD - HILLSDALE =NEW= BELLEVILLE - QUINTE - NORTHUMBERLAND =NEW= KINGSTON - PRINCE EDWARD =NEW= TOWN OF PARRY SOUND - ROSSEAU - KILLBEAR PARK =NEW= PORT CARLING - PORT SEVERN =NEW= BAYFIELD INLET - DUNCHURCH. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WIND GUSTS EXPECTED THIS EVENING AND TONIGHT. WHAT: STRONG WINDS GUSTING UP 80 KM/H. WHEN: THIS EVENING AND TONIGHT. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: STRONG SOUTHWESTERLY WINDS WILL SHIFT TO STRONG NORTHWESTERLY WINDS TONIGHT IN THE WAKE OF A STRONG COLD FRONT. LOOSE OBJECTS MAY BE TOSSED BY THE WIND AND CAUSE INJURY OR DAMAGE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN ONTARIO, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  947 WSPR31 SPJC 061357 SPIM SIGMET A7 VALID 061400/061700 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1330Z WI S0833 W07737 - S1115 W07450 - S0934 W07330 - S0716 W07623 - S0833 W07737 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  955 WWUS53 KJKL 061357 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 857 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC051-189-061406- /O.CAN.KJKL.SV.W.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1430Z/ Owsley KY-Clay KY- 857 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN OWSLEY AND NORTHEASTERN CLAY COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3722 8346 3745 8325 3748 8289 3747 8285 3725 8285 3725 8287 3721 8290 TIME...MOT...LOC 1356Z 267DEG 42KT 3736 8314 $$ KYC025-119-131-193-061430- /O.CON.KJKL.SV.W.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1430Z/ Leslie KY-Perry KY-Knott KY-Breathitt KY- 857 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 930 AM EST FOR NORTH CENTRAL LESLIE...NORTHEASTERN PERRY...KNOTT AND SOUTH CENTRAL BREATHITT COUNTIES... At 856 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Ary, or 8 miles northeast of Hazard, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Hindman, Yellow Mountain and Pippa Passes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. Remain alert for a possible tornado! Tornadoes can develop quickly from severe thunderstorms. If you spot a tornado go at once into the basement or small central room in a sturdy structure. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in JACKSON KY. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3722 8346 3745 8325 3748 8289 3747 8285 3725 8285 3725 8287 3721 8290 TIME...MOT...LOC 1356Z 267DEG 42KT 3736 8314 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ GREIF  199 WSRS31 RURD 061357 URRV SIGMET 9 VALID 061400/061600 URRR- URRV ROSTOV-NA-DONU FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST S OF LINE N4326 E04016 - N4542 E04123 - N4455 E04638 - N4201 E04556 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  200 WSRS31 RURD 061358 URRV SIGMET 10 VALID 061400/061600 URRR- URRV ROSTOV-NA-DONU FIR SEV TURB FCST SW OF LINE N4600 E03701 - N4453 E04019 - N4328 E04009 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  627 WSSD20 OEJD 061358 OEJD SIGMET 01 VALID 061355/061700 OEJN- OEJD JEDDAH FIR EMBD DS FCST N OF LINE N2827 E03858 - N2924 E04430 TOP ABV FL390 MOV SW=  807 WHHW40 PHFO 061359 CFWHFO Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Honolulu HI 359 AM HST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY FOR EAST FACING SHORES OF KAUAI OAHU MOLOKAI MAUI AND THE BIG ISLAND... .The medium period northeast (040 degrees) swell will remain near its peak through this afternoon then gradually decline through Saturday. HIZ009-029-030-032-035-037-038-047-048-053-054-070300- /O.CON.PHFO.SU.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250207T0400Z/ Olomana-Kauai North-Kauai East-East Honolulu-Koolau Windward- Molokai Windward-Molokai Southeast-Windward Haleakala-Kipahulu- Big Island East-Big Island North- 359 AM HST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM HST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Surf up to 12 feet. * WHERE...East facing shores of Kauai, Maui, Molokai, Oahu and the Big Island. * WHEN...Until 6 PM HST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Moderate. Strong breaking waves and strong currents will make swimming and surfing dangerous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Heed all advice from ocean safety officials. When in doubt, don't go out. && $$  663 WSRS31 RUSP 061400 ULLL SIGMET 13 VALID 061500/061800 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST WI N6614 E03959 - N6513 E04312 - N6238 E03955 - N6241 E03655 - N6348 E03626 - N6601 E03836 - N6614 E03959 SFC/FL100 MOV E 20KMH NC=  071 WWUS53 KJKL 061401 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 901 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC203-061410- /O.CAN.KJKL.SV.W.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1415Z/ Rockcastle KY- 901 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL ROCKCASTLE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for south central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3704 8400 3707 8420 3708 8420 3717 8419 3719 8399 3706 8400 TIME...MOT...LOC 1400Z 273DEG 41KT 3713 8412 $$ KYC125-061415- /O.CON.KJKL.SV.W.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1415Z/ Laurel KY- 901 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 915 AM EST FOR CENTRAL LAUREL COUNTY... At 900 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over London, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe storm will be near... London around 905 AM EST. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for south central Kentucky. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3704 8400 3707 8420 3708 8420 3717 8419 3719 8399 3706 8400 TIME...MOT...LOC 1400Z 273DEG 41KT 3713 8412 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ CMC  744 WSRS31 RURD 061401 URRV SIGMET 11 VALID 061402/061600 URRR- URRV ROSTOV-NA-DONU FIR CNL SIGMET 7 061400/061600=  098 WVEQ31 SEGU 061400 SEFG SIGMET 3 VALID 061400/062000 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT REVENTADOR PSN S0004 W07739 VA CLD OBS AT 1330Z WI S0002 W07749 - S0004 W07739 - S0005 W07739 - S0009 W07749 - S0002 W07749 SFC/FL140 MOV W 5KT FCST AT 1930Z WI S0001 W07759 - S0004 W07738 - S0006 W07739 - S0011 W07759 - S0001 W07759=  757 WCAU01 YMMC 061403 YMMM SIGMET V01 VALID 061403/061930 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR TC TALIAH PSN S1454 E10236 CB OBS AT 1200Z WI 180NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL600 MOV W 12KT NC=  626 WCAU01 YMMC 061403 YMMM SIGMET V01 VALID 061403/061930 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR TC TALIAH PSN S1454 E10236 CB OBS AT 1200Z WI 180NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL600 MOV W 12KT NC RMK: MW=  734 WUUS53 KJKL 061404 SVRJKL KYC125-147-199-231-235-061445- /O.NEW.KJKL.SV.W.0009.250206T1404Z-250206T1445Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service JACKSON KY 904 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in JACKSON KY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Wayne County in south central Kentucky... Southwestern Laurel County in south central Kentucky... Southern Pulaski County in south central Kentucky... Northeastern McCreary County in south central Kentucky... Northwestern Whitley County in south central Kentucky... * Until 945 AM EST. * At 904 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Frazer, or 9 miles southwest of Somerset, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Burnside around 910 AM EST. Alpine around 915 AM EST. Other locations in the path of this severe thunderstorm include Huxley, Baldrock, Bark Camp and Vox. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for south central Kentucky. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in JACKSON KY. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for south central Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3695 8495 3696 8494 3696 8492 3695 8490 3700 8484 3702 8488 3707 8481 3706 8417 3680 8421 3692 8496 TIME...MOT...LOC 1404Z 275DEG 41KT 3698 8473 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ GREIF  975 WGUS63 KLMK 061404 FFALMK Flood Watch National Weather Service Louisville KY 904 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ035>037-039>043-047>049-055>057-066-067-061515- /O.CAN.KLMK.FA.A.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Franklin-Scott KY-Harrison KY-Anderson-Woodford-Fayette-Bourbon- Nicholas-Mercer-Jessamine-Clark KY-Boyle-Garrard-Madison-Casey- Lincoln- Including the cities of Versailles, Harrodsburg, Lancaster, Nicholasville, Liberty, Lawrenceburg, Georgetown, Richmond, Paris, Lexington, Carlisle, Stanford, Cynthiana, Frankfort, Winchester, and Danville 904 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WATCH IS CANCELLED... The Flood Watch is cancelled for portions of east central and south central Kentucky, including the following areas, in east central Kentucky, Anderson, Bourbon, Boyle, Clark KY, Fayette, Franklin, Garrard, Harrison KY, Jessamine, Madison, Mercer, Nicholas, Scott KY and Woodford. In south central Kentucky, Casey and Lincoln. Although widespread flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat, isolated minor flooding issues could persist for another hour or two. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. $$ ALL  270 WWUS74 KTSA 061406 NPWTSA URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tulsa OK 806 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ARZ001-002-010-011-OKZ054>070-061515- /O.CAN.KTSA.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Benton-Carroll-Washington AR-Madison-Osage-Washington OK-Nowata- Craig-Ottawa-Pawnee-Tulsa-Rogers-Mayes-Delaware-Creek-Okfuskee- Okmulgee-Wagoner-Cherokee-Adair-Muskogee- Including the cities of Tahlequah, Bartlesville, Springdale, Berryville, Pawhuska, Vinita, Wagoner, Bentonville, Stilwell, Okemah, Grove, Fayetteville, Miami, Huntsville, Sapulpa, Okmulgee, Claremore, Eureka Springs, Muskogee, Rogers, Tulsa, Pryor, Jay, Pawnee, and Nowata 806 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Patchy fog may persist across areas north of Interstate 40 through the morning, but the threat for dense fog has ended. $$ KAH  509 WSFG20 TFFF 061406 SOOO SIGMET 04 VALID 061405/061600 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0400 W05145 - N0530 W05400 - N0845 W05400 - N0500 W04845 - N0430 W05115 - N0400 W05145 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF=  132 WSCG31 FCBB 061406 FCCC SIGMET E2 VALID 061406/061540 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1345Z E OF LINE N0317 E01510 - S0032 E01510 TOP FL450 MOV W 05KT INTSF=  834 WGUS41 KRLX 061407 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 907 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC001-033-083-097-062000- /O.NEW.KRLX.FA.W.0017.250206T1407Z-250206T2000Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Barbour WV-Harrison WV-Randolph WV-Upshur WV- 907 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...A portion of northern West Virginia, including the following counties, Barbour, Harrison, Randolph and Upshur. * WHEN...Until 300 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. This includes Middle Fork River. Streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 907 AM EST, Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the warned area. Between 1 and 1.5 inches of rain have fallen overnight. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Elkins, Audra State Park, Belington, Beverly, Junior, Lost Creek, Womelsdorf (Coalton), Ellamore, Volga, Hodgesville and Century. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3905 7989 3881 7973 3882 7984 3886 7990 3874 8003 3895 8011 3917 8035 $$ 30  998 WUUS53 KJKL 061408 SVRJKL KYC071-119-133-195-061500- /O.NEW.KJKL.SV.W.0010.250206T1408Z-250206T1500Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service JACKSON KY 908 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in JACKSON KY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Letcher County in southeastern Kentucky... Central Knott County in southeastern Kentucky... South central Floyd County in southeastern Kentucky... Southwestern Pike County in southeastern Kentucky... * Until 1000 AM EST. * At 907 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Brinkley, or near Hindman, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... May around 915 AM EST. Wheelwright around 920 AM EST. Beefhide around 925 AM EST. Other locations in the path of this severe thunderstorm include Jonancy, Lookout and Elkhorn City. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in JACKSON KY. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3727 8235 3723 8250 3715 8263 3722 8305 3739 8302 3737 8221 TIME...MOT...LOC 1407Z 275DEG 44KT 3730 8294 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ GREIF  427 WSNO31 ENMI 061408 ENOR SIGMET M03 VALID 061500/061900 ENMI- ENOR POLARIS FIR SEV MTW FCST WI N6507 E01416 - N6513 E01202 - N6750 E01210 - N7040 E01959 - N7102 E02749 - N6923 E02513 - N6916 E02122 - N6507 E01416 SFC/FL400 STNR NC=  444 WUUS53 KJKL 061408 RRA SVRJKL KYC051-125-061445- /O.NEW.KJKL.SV.W.0011.250206T1408Z-250206T1445Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service JACKSON KY 908 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in JACKSON KY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... East central Laurel County in south central Kentucky... Central Clay County in southeastern Kentucky... * Until 945 AM EST. * At 907 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Lesbas, or near London, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Blackwater around 915 AM EST. Manchester around 920 AM EST. Goose Rock around 925 AM EST. Other locations in the path of this severe thunderstorm include Lipps. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for south central and southeastern Kentucky. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3703 8374 3704 8378 3703 8378 3704 8386 3705 8386 3704 8388 3707 8408 3718 8407 3718 8360 3701 8362 TIME...MOT...LOC 1407Z 274DEG 41KT 3711 8401 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ CMC  925 WGUS83 KJKL 061408 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 908 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC109-199-203-061600- /O.EXT.KJKL.FA.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Jackson KY-Pulaski KY-Rockcastle KY- 908 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Urban and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Kentucky, including the following counties, in south central Kentucky, Pulaski and Rockcastle. In southeast Kentucky, Jackson. * WHEN...Until 1100 AM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 906 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated that the heaviest rainfall had exited to the southeast; however, excessive runoff from previous heavy rainfall will continue to cause high water along small streams in creeks. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Mount Vernon, Boone, Roundstone, Wildie, Conway, Hiatt, Lake Linville, Renfro Valley, Muellersville, Snider, Hummel, Bummer, Disputanta, Rockford, Climax, Gum Sulphur, Indian Lakes Park, Johnetta, Ottowa and Goochland. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3728 8466 3736 8456 3733 8450 3749 8445 3747 8437 3750 8435 3751 8436 3754 8435 3754 8432 3753 8431 3754 8430 3752 8430 3752 8427 3752 8425 3752 8420 3756 8417 3756 8414 3743 8415 $$ GEOGERIAN  345 WGUS71 KRLX 061409 FFSRLX Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 909 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC039-043-079-061419- /O.EXP.KRLX.FF.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1415Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Kanawha WV-Lincoln WV-Putnam WV- 909 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLASH FLOOD WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 915 AM EST THIS MORNING FOR NORTHERN KANAWHA, NORTHEASTERN LINCOLN AND CENTRAL PUTNAM COUNTIES... The heaviest of the rain had ended. Flash flooding is no longer a threat. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. An areal flood warning remains in effect until early this afternoon for lingering high water and larger creek flooding. A Flood Watch remains in effect until 100 PM EST for portions of northeast Kentucky, southeast Ohio, southwest Virginia, and West Virginia. && LAT...LON 3837 8205 3838 8205 3840 8205 3841 8205 3847 8205 3855 8181 3854 8132 3829 8125 3828 8181 3827 8205 $$ 30  871 WSCG31 FCBB 061409 FCCC SIGMET E3 VALID 061409/061540 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR CNL SIGMET E1 061229/061540=  958 WWUS83 KJKL 061410 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 910 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ113-115>118-061500- Clay KY-Perry KY-Knott KY-Letcher KY-Leslie KY- 910 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT CENTRAL LESLIE...LETCHER... SOUTHERN PERRY...SOUTH CENTRAL KNOTT AND EAST CENTRAL CLAY COUNTIES THROUGH 1000 AM EST... At 910 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Viper, or near Hazard, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 50 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Hazard, Whitesburg, Hyden, Letcher, Jenkins, Fleming-Neon, Vicco, Blackey, Van, Colly, Premium, Sergent, Redfox, Avawam, Whitco, Southdown, Hot Spot, Daisy, Dunham, and Wendover. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3713 8361 3726 8351 3719 8258 3715 8263 3712 8272 3709 8273 3708 8272 3707 8273 3705 8272 3704 8275 3703 8275 3702 8278 TIME...MOT...LOC 1410Z 275DEG 44KT 3718 8315 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...50 MPH $$ GREIF  010 WWUS74 KLZK 061410 NPWLZK URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Little Rock AR 810 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ARZ006-014-015-223-061515- /O.CAN.KLZK.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ Fulton-Stone-Izard-Van Buren County Higher Elevations- Including the cities of Horseshoe Bend, Mountain View, Botkinburg, Cherokee Village, Oxford, Melbourne, Mammoth Spring, Calico Rock, and Dennard 810 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Visibility will continue to increase during the mid morning hours. $$ ARZ024-031>034-122-123-061515- /O.CAN.KLZK.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Cleburne-Conway-Faulkner-White-Woodruff-Southern Pope County- Southeast Van Buren County- Including the cities of Damascus, Conway, Atkins, Russellville, Morrilton, McCrory, Searcy, Augusta, Hector, London, Scotland, Beebe, Clinton, Shirley, Heber Springs, Cotton Plant, and Fairfield Bay 810 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Visibility will continue to increase during the mid morning hours. $$ ARZ016-025-061600- /O.EXT.KLZK.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ Independence-Jackson- Including the cities of Batesville and Newport 810 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Jackson and Independence Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ ARZ007-008-017-061600- /O.CON.KLZK.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ Sharp-Randolph-Lawrence- Including the cities of Attica, Cave City, Hardy, Walnut Ridge, Pocahontas, Ash Flat, and Hoxie 810 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Lawrence, Randolph, and Sharp Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ 55  174 WWUS53 KJKL 061410 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 910 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC125-061419- /O.EXP.KJKL.SV.W.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1415Z/ Laurel KY- 910 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL LAUREL COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 915 AM EST... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for south central Kentucky. Remember, a Severe Thunderstorm Warning still remains in effect for East central Laurel County and Central Clay County until 945 AM EST. && LAT...LON 3704 8400 3707 8420 3708 8420 3717 8419 3719 8399 3706 8400 TIME...MOT...LOC 1409Z 271DEG 45KT 3713 8404 $$ CMC  364 WABZ23 SBGL 061405 SBAZ AIRMET 11 VALID 061410/061545 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR BKN CLD 200/0900FT FCST WI S0259 W05711 - S0259 W05622 - S0222 W05622 - S0222 W05711 - S0259 W05711 STNR NC=  362 WHHW40 PHFO 061411 CCA CFWHFO Coastal Hazard Message...CORRECTED National Weather Service Honolulu HI 411 AM HST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY FOR EAST FACING SHORES OF KAUAI OAHU MOLOKAI MAUI AND THE BIG ISLAND... .The medium period northeast (040 degrees) swell will remain near its peak through this afternoon then gradually decline through Saturday. HIZ009-029-030-032-035-037-038-047-048-053-054-070300- /O.COR.PHFO.SU.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250207T0400Z/ Olomana-Kauai North-Kauai East-East Honolulu-Koolau Windward- Molokai Windward-Molokai Southeast-Windward Haleakala-Kipahulu- Big Island East-Big Island North- 411 AM HST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM HST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Surf up to 12 feet. * WHERE...East facing shores of Kauai, Maui, Molokai, Oahu and the Big Island. * WHEN...Until 6 PM HST THIS EVENING. * IMPACTS...Moderate. Strong breaking waves and strong currents will make swimming and surfing dangerous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Heed all advice from ocean safety officials. When in doubt, don't go out. && $$  485 WWUS41 KPBZ 061411 WSWPBZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 911 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVZ512-514-061515- /O.CAN.KPBZ.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Eastern Preston-Eastern Tucker- Including the cities of Canaan Valley, Hazelton, Thomas, Rowlesburg, Terra Alta, and Davis 911 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED... $$ OHZ040-041-049-050-059-PAZ013-020-021-029-073-WVZ001-002-061515- /O.CAN.KPBZ.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Carroll-Columbiana-Harrison-Jefferson OH-Belmont-Lawrence-Beaver- Allegheny-Washington-Westmoreland-Hancock-Brooke- Including the cities of Aliquippa, Canonsburg, Weirton, Beaver Falls, Latrobe, Malvern, Monaca, Wellsburg, Martins Ferry, New Kensington, Follansbee, Murrysville, Ambridge, Lower Burrell, St. Clairsville, Greensburg, East Liverpool, Columbiana, Pittsburgh Metro Area, Cadiz, Ellwood City, Steubenville, Salem, Washington, Carrollton, New Castle, and Monessen 911 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The threat has ended. $$ PAZ074-076-078-061515- /O.CON.KPBZ.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Higher Elevations of Westmoreland-Higher Elevations of Fayette- Higher Elevations of Indiana- Including the cities of Champion, Donegal, Ohiopyle, Ligonier, and Armagh 911 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Significant icing. * WHERE...Higher Elevations of Fayette, Higher Elevations of Westmoreland, and Higher Elevations of Indiana Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report ice accumulations or damage by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ PAZ007>009-014>016-022-077-061515- /O.CON.KPBZ.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Mercer-Venango-Forest-Butler-Clarion-Jefferson PA-Armstrong- Indiana- Including the cities of Tionesta, Clarion, Indiana, Ford City, Brookville, Kittanning, Sharon, Grove City, Hermitage, Franklin, Butler, Oil City, and Punxsutawney 911 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of northwest and western Pennsylvania. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report snow or ice accumulations by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ Hefferan  040 WSMA31 FIMP 061400 FIMM SIGMET B01 VALID 061400/061800 FIMP- FIMM MAURITIUS FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1330Z WI S2600 E05700 - S2800 E0583 0 - S3000 E05830 - S3230 E06430 - S3600 E06500 - S3400 E06100 - S3200 E 06500 - S3000 E05700 - S2600 E05700 TOP ABV FL390 STNR NC=  738 WWUS53 KJKL 061412 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 912 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC025-131-193-061422- /O.CAN.KJKL.SV.W.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1430Z/ Leslie KY-Perry KY-Breathitt KY- 912 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTH CENTRAL LESLIE... NORTHEASTERN PERRY AND SOUTH CENTRAL BREATHITT COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3727 8299 3745 8300 3747 8285 3726 8285 TIME...MOT...LOC 1412Z 267DEG 42KT 3737 8290 $$ KYC119-061430- /O.CON.KJKL.SV.W.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1430Z/ Knott KY- 912 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 930 AM EST FOR CENTRAL KNOTT COUNTY... At 912 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Larkslane, or near Hindman, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Hindman, Pippa Passes, Drew, Bolyn, May, Mousie, Pine Top, Leburn, Brinkley, Yellow Mountain, Nealy, and Ivis. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in JACKSON KY. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3727 8299 3745 8300 3747 8285 3726 8285 TIME...MOT...LOC 1412Z 267DEG 42KT 3737 8290 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ GREIF  713 WGUS53 KJKL 061413 FFWJKL KYC051-109-125-061700- /O.NEW.KJKL.FF.W.0004.250206T1413Z-250206T1700Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Jackson KY 913 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Jackson has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Central Laurel County in south central Kentucky... Northern Clay County in southeastern Kentucky... Southeastern Jackson County in southeastern Kentucky... * Until noon EST. * At 913 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. Additional rainfall amounts up to 1 inch are possible in the warned area. Flash flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Flash flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other poor drainage and low-lying areas. * Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... London, Manchester, Fogertown, Benge, Grace, Byron, Portersburg, Crawford, Datha, Royrader, Langnau, Deer Lick, Urban, Sidell, High Knob, Shepherdtown, Hooker, Marydell, Malcomb and Mcwhorter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3734 8373 3734 8368 3735 8367 3736 8365 3730 8360 3718 8355 3705 8421 3723 8423 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$ GEOGERIAN  477 WWCN11 CWHX 061413 LES SUETES WIND WARNING FOR NOVA SCOTIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:13 A.M. AST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- LES SUETES WIND WARNING FOR: INVERNESS COUNTY - MABOU AND NORTH. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WINDS THAT MAY CAUSE DAMAGE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. MAXIMUM WIND GUSTS: SOUTHEASTERLY NEAR 100 KM/H. LOCATION: MARGAREE HARBOUR TO BAY ST. LAWRENCE. TIME SPAN: OVERNIGHT TONIGHT INTO EARLY FRIDAY MORNING. BE PREPARED TO ADJUST YOUR DRIVING WITH CHANGING ROAD CONDITIONS DUE TO HIGH WINDS. LOOSE OBJECTS MAY BE TOSSED BY THE WIND AND CAUSE INJURY OR DAMAGE. LES SUETES WIND WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF DAMAGING WINDS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NSSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NSSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/ASPC  375 WWJP27 RJTD 061200 WARNING AND SUMMARY 061200. WARNING VALID 071200. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. STORM WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 986 HPA AT 40N 158E FAR OFF EAST OF JAPAN MOVING EAST 25 KNOTS. WINDS 30 TO 55 KNOTS WITHIN 800 MILES OF LOW SOUTH SEMICIRCLE AND 300 MILES ELSEWHERE. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 55 KNOTS WITHIN 800 MILES OF LOW SOUTH SEMICIRCLE AND 300 MILES ELSEWHERE FOR NEXT 24 HOURS. FORECAST POSITION FOR 070000UTC AT 40N 165E WITH UNCERTAINTY OF 50 MILES RADIUS. FORECAST POSITION FOR 071200UTC AT 40N 174E WITH UNCERTAINTY OF 80 MILES RADIUS. STORM WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 976 HPA AT 46N 179E SEA SOUTH OF ALEUTIANS MOVING NNW 10 KNOTS. WINDS 30 TO 45 KNOTS WITHIN 1000 MILES OF LOW WEST SEMICIRCLE AND 600 MILES ELSEWHERE. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 50 KNOTS WITHIN 1000 MILES OF LOW WEST SEMICIRCLE AND 600 MILES ELSEWHERE WITHIN NEXT 24 HOURS. FORECAST POSITION FOR 070000UTC AT 48N 179E WITH UNCERTAINTY OF 50 MILES RADIUS. FORECAST POSITION FOR 071200UTC AT 50N 175E WITH UNCERTAINTY OF 80 MILES RADIUS. ANOTHER LOW 976 HPA AT 41N 179W MOVING ENE 25 KNOTS. GALE WARNING. DEVELOPED LOW 992 HPA AT 46N 141E SEA OF JAPAN ALMOST STATIONARY. WINDS 30 TO 40 KNOTS WITHIN 1000 MILES OF LOW NORTHWEST SEMICIRCLE AND 800 MILES ELSEWHERE. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 40 KNOTS WITHIN 1100 MILES OF LOW WEST SEMICIRCLE AND 800 MILES ELSEWHERE FOR NEXT 24 HOURS. GALE WARNING. EXPECTED NORTHEASTERLY WINDS 30 TO 40 KNOTS WITHIN NEXT 24 HOURS PREVAILING OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 26N 125E 21N 125E 15N 117E 22N 114E 25N 119E 28N 122E 26N 125E. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER NORTHERN PART OF SOUTH CHINA SEA. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 49N 155E 50N 160E 60N 173E 60N 180E 40N 180E 45N 160E 49N 155E. SUMMARY. LOW 988 HPA AT 47N 164E NNE 10 KT. HIGH 1026 HPA AT 30N 123E ESE 10 KT. STATIONARY FRONT FROM 26N 168E TO 28N 174E 30N 180E. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  221 WWUS83 KJKL 061416 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 916 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ110-113-120-061445- Floyd KY-Pike KY-Knott KY- 916 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHEASTERN KNOTT...CENTRAL FLOYD AND NORTHWESTERN PIKE COUNTIES THROUGH 945 AM EST... At 916 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Hunter, or 13 miles south of Prestonsburg, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Pikeville, Estill, Coal Run Village, Martin, Wayland, East McDowell, Meta, Bosco, Hippo, Handshoe, Fishtrap Lake, Coal Run, Glo, Zebulon, Garden Village, Printer, Langley, Arkansas, Phyllis, and Aluba. THIS INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING HIGHWAYS... Kentucky Highway 80 in Floyd County between mile markers 1 and 10. Kentucky Highway 80 in Knott County between mile markers 15 and 20. U.S. Highway 119 in Pike County between mile markers 1 and 14. U.S. Highway 23 in Floyd County between mile markers 1 and 6. U.S. Highway 23 in Pike County between mile markers 17 and 32. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3741 8233 3743 8296 3749 8292 3749 8291 3750 8291 3757 8286 3763 8235 TIME...MOT...LOC 1416Z 269DEG 46KT 3750 8278 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ AR  646 WWUS41 KLWX 061417 WSWLWX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 917 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 DCZ001-MDZ011-013-014-504-506-VAZ036>039-050-051-053-054-502-527- 061530- /O.CAN.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ District of Columbia-Southern Baltimore-Prince Georges-Anne Arundel-Central and Southeast Montgomery-Central and Southeast Howard-Nelson-Albemarle-Greene-Madison-Orange-Culpeper-Fairfax- Arlington/Falls Church/Alexandria-Southern Fauquier-Central and Southeast Prince William/Manassas/Manassas Park- 917 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Temperatures have risen above freezing. Continue to exercise caution on wet roads as some may still be icy. $$ VAZ025-026-508-061530- /O.CAN.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Augusta-Rockingham-Central Virginia Blue Ridge- 917 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Temperatures have risen above freezing. Continue to exercise caution on wet roads as some may still be icy. $$ MDZ001-003-501-502-VAZ028-031-507-WVZ050>053-055-501>504-061700- /O.CON.KLWX.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Garrett-Washington-Extreme Western Allegany-Central and Eastern Allegany-Frederick VA-Clarke-Northern Virginia Blue Ridge- Hampshire-Morgan-Berkeley-Jefferson-Hardy-Western Grant-Eastern Grant-Western Mineral-Eastern Mineral- 917 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Significant icing. Additional ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of north central and western Maryland, northwest Virginia, and eastern and panhandle West Virginia. * WHEN...Until noon EST today. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Significant ice accumulation on power lines and tree limbs may cause widespread power outages. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Temperatures will warm later this morning with precipitation transitioning to rain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not touch downed lines and report any power outages to your electric company. Travel is highly discouraged due to slick roadways and the possibility of downed trees and power lines. && $$ MDZ004>006-503-505-507-VAZ040-501-505-506-526-061700- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Frederick MD-Carroll-Northern Baltimore-Northwest Montgomery- Northwest Howard-Northwest Harford-Rappahannock-Northern Fauquier- Western Loudoun-Eastern Loudoun-Northwest Prince William- 917 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of central, north central, and northern Maryland and northern and northwest Virginia. * WHEN...Until noon EST today. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ MDZ008-508-061530- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Cecil-Southeast Harford- 917 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Cecil and Southeast Harford Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ VAZ027-029-030-061700- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Shenandoah-Page-Warren- 917 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Page, Shenandoah, and Warren Counties. * WHEN...Until noon EST today. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ AVS  017 WSTU31 LTFM 061414 LTBB SIGMET 5 VALID 061414/061714 LTFM- LTBB ISTANBUL FIR SEV ICE OBS AT 1414Z WI N4040 E02844 - N4040 E02940 - N4011 E02937 - N4016 E02835 - N4040 E02844 FL070/080 MOV SE 5KT NC=  981 WWUS53 KJKL 061419 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 919 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC119-061428- /O.CAN.KJKL.SV.W.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1430Z/ Knott KY- 919 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL KNOTT COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and has exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However, gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service JACKSON KY. && LAT...LON 3727 8299 3745 8300 3747 8285 3726 8285 TIME...MOT...LOC 1415Z 267DEG 42KT 3737 8280 $$ GREIF  784 WWUS81 KALY 061421 SPSALY Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Albany NY 921 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MAZ001-NYZ033-039>043-048>050-052>054-082>084-VTZ013>015-061700- Northern Berkshire-Hamilton-Southern Fulton-Montgomery- Northern Saratoga-Northern Warren-Northern Washington- Western Schenectady-Eastern Schenectady-Southern Saratoga- Eastern Albany-Western Rensselaer-Eastern Rensselaer- Northern Fulton-Southeast Warren-Southern Washington-Bennington- Western Windham-Eastern Windham- 921 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...MODERATE TO HEAVY SNOW TO IMPACT PORTIONS OF EASTERN NEW YORK AND WESTERN NEW ENGLAND UNTIL NOON... Moderate to locally heavy snow continues across portions of the Capital Region, Mohawk Valley, northern Taconics, Lake George Saratoga Region, eastern Adirondacks, southern Vermont and the northern Berkshires the next few hours. Snowfall rates of an inch or so an hour are possible in the heavy snow reducing visibilities to a quarter mile or less. The snow will begin to mix with sleet and some freezing rain over the Mohawk Valley and Capital Region between 10 am and noon. Total snowfall and sleet amounts will range from 1 to 3 inches. A light glaze may occur in some locations on top of the snow. Snow covered roads will be slippery and use caution if out on the roadways. $$ TAW  858 WWUS72 KCHS 061421 NPWCHS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Charleston SC 921 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 GAZ119-061600- /O.EXB.KCHS.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ Coastal Chatham- Including the cities of Wilmington Island and Tybee Island 921 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Coastal Chatham County. * WHEN...Until 11 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ SCZ048-049-051-061600- /O.EXT.KCHS.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ Beaufort-Coastal Colleton-Coastal Jasper- Including the cities of Beaufort, Hilton Head Island, Edisto Beach, Jasper, Levy, and Chelsea 921 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Beaufort, Coastal Colleton, and Coastal Jasper Counties. * WHEN...Until 11 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ BAH  327 WWUS63 KLMK 061421 WCNLMK WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION FOR WATCH 3 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE LOUISVILLE KY 921 AM EST THU FEB 6 2025 KYC001-003-009-045-053-057-137-141-169-171-207-213-227-061530- /O.CAN.KLMK.TO.A.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS CANCELLED TORNADO WATCH 3 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS IN KENTUCKY THIS CANCELS 13 COUNTIES IN CENTRAL KENTUCKY CASEY LINCOLN IN SOUTH CENTRAL KENTUCKY ADAIR ALLEN BARREN CLINTON CUMBERLAND LOGAN METCALFE MONROE RUSSELL SIMPSON WARREN THIS INCLUDES THE CITIES OF ALBANY, ALVATON, AMANDAVILLE, ARGYLE, BEAUMONT, BOWLING GREEN, BOYCE, BURKESVILLE, CANE VALLEY, CAVE CITY, CLEMENTSVILLE, COBURG, COLUMBIA, CREELSBORO, CROCUS, CUMBERLAND CITY, DUBRE, DUNNVILLE, EDMONTON, EIGHTY EIGHT, ELLA, FLAT ROCK, FOREST SPRINGS, FRANKLIN, GASCON, GLASGOW, GLENS FORK, GRADYVILLE, HALFWAY, HAYWOOD, HESTAND, JABEZ, JAMESTOWN, KNOB LICK, LECTA, LIBERTY, LUCAS, MARROWBONE, MAYNARD, MIDDLEBURG, MIDDLETOWN, MINTONVILLE, MUD LICK, OLGA, PEYTONSBURG, PLANO, PRICES MILL, PROVIDENCE, RICHARDSVILLE, ROCKBRIDGE, ROWLAND, RUSSELL SPRINGS, RUSSELLVILLE, SALEM, SCOTTSVILLE, STANFORD, STATIC, SUMMER SHADE, TOMPKINSVILLE, WINDSOR, AND WISDOM. $$ PADGETT  192 WWCN16 CWHX 061421 WRECKHOUSE WIND WARNING FOR NEWFOUNDLAND UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:51 A.M. NST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WRECKHOUSE WIND WARNING FOR: CHANNEL-PORT AUX BASQUES AND VICINITY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WINDS ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. TIME SPAN: OVERNIGHT TONIGHT UNTIL NEAR NOON FRIDAY. MAXIMUM GUSTS: SOUTHEASTERLY UP TO 120 KM/H IN THE WRECKHOUSE AREA. BE PREPARED TO ADJUST YOUR DRIVING WITH CHANGING ROAD CONDITIONS DUE TO HIGH WINDS. MOTORISTS, ESPECIALLY IN HIGH PROFILE VEHICLES, MAY EXPECT HAZARDOUS DRIVING CONDITIONS ON HIGHWAYS SUBJECT TO STRONG CROSS WINDS. WRECKHOUSE WIND WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF DAMAGING WINDS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  789 WHUS72 KCHS 061422 MWWCHS URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Charleston SC 922 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 AMZ350-352-354-061600- /O.EXT.KCHS.MF.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ Waters from South Santee River to Edisto Beach SC out 20 NM- Waters from Edisto Beach SC to Savannah GA out 20 NM- Waters from Savannah GA to Altamaha Sound GA out 20 NM, including Grays Reef National Marine Sanctuary- 922 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 NM or less. * WHERE...South Santee River SC to Altamaha Sound GA out 20 NM. * WHEN...Until 11 AM EST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  422 WSBZ23 SBGL 061420 SBBS SIGMET 17 VALID 061425/061530 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2012 W05154 - S1638 W05154 - S1638 W05003 - S2012 W05003 - S2012 W05154 TOP FL420 STNR NC=  060 WOCN11 CWTO 061422 FREEZING DRIZZLE ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:22 A.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEZING DRIZZLE ADVISORY FOR: =NEW= CITY OF TORONTO =NEW= CALEDON =NEW= MISSISSAUGA - BRAMPTON =NEW= YORK - DURHAM =NEW= DUFFERIN - INNISFIL =NEW= OWEN SOUND - BLUE MOUNTAINS - NORTHERN GREY COUNTY =NEW= SAUGEEN SHORES - KINCARDINE - SOUTHERN BRUCE COUNTY =NEW= HANOVER - DUNDALK - SOUTHERN GREY COUNTY =NEW= BARRIE - COLLINGWOOD - HILLSDALE SARNIA - LAMBTON ELGIN LONDON - MIDDLESEX SIMCOE - DELHI - NORFOLK DUNNVILLE - CALEDONIA - HALDIMAND OXFORD - BRANT NIAGARA CITY OF HAMILTON HALTON HILLS - MILTON BURLINGTON - OAKVILLE HURON - PERTH WATERLOO - WELLINGTON. FREEZING DRIZZLE ADVISORY ENDED FOR: WINDSOR - ESSEX - CHATHAM-KENT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== AREAS OF FREEZING DRIZZLE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. WHAT: FREEZING DRIZZLE LEADING TO LIGHT ICE BUILD-UP AND SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. WHEN: CONTINUING THROUGH EARLY THIS AFTERNOON ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: FREEZING DRIZZLE MIXED WITH LIGHT SNOW, IS EXPECTED TO CONTINUE THROUGH EARLY THIS AFTERNOON. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME ICY AND SLIPPERY. FREEZING DRIZZLE CAN PRODUCE THIN, HARD-TO-DETECT LAYERS OF ICE. TAKE EXTRA CARE WHEN WALKING OR DRIVING IN AFFECTED AREAS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN ONTARIO, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  101 WOUS64 KWNS 061423 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 3 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 823 AM CST THU FEB 06 2025 TORNADO WATCH 3 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1000 AM CST FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS KYC013-025-051-071-095-109-115-119-121-125-131-133-147-153-159- 189-193-195-199-203-231-235-061600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ KY . KENTUCKY COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BELL BREATHITT CLAY FLOYD HARLAN JACKSON JOHNSON KNOTT KNOX LAUREL LESLIE LETCHER MCCREARY MAGOFFIN MARTIN OWSLEY PERRY PIKE PULASKI ROCKCASTLE WAYNE WHITLEY $$ ATTN...WFO...JKL...  873 WWCN16 CWHX 061423 WIND WARNING FOR NEWFOUNDLAND UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:53 A.M. NST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: ST. JOHN'S AND VICINITY AVALON PENINSULA NORTH. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WINDS THAT MAY CAUSE DAMAGE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. MAXIMUM GUSTS: SOUTHEASTERLY 80 KM/H, EXCEPT 100 ALONG PARTS OF THE COAST. LOCATIONS: NORTHERN AVALON PENINSULA. TIME SPAN: NEAR NOON FRIDAY UNTIL FRIDAY EVENING. DAMAGE TO BUILDINGS, SUCH AS TO ROOF SHINGLES AND WINDOWS, MAY OCCUR. LOOSE OBJECTS MAY BE TOSSED BY THE WIND AND CAUSE INJURY OR DAMAGE. WIND WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF DAMAGING WINDS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  432 WGUS83 KJKL 061424 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 924 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC071-095-119-131-133-193-195-061730- /O.NEW.KJKL.FA.Y.0014.250206T1424Z-250206T1730Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Floyd KY-Harlan KY-Knott KY-Leslie KY-Letcher KY-Perry KY-Pike KY- 924 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 1230 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Urban and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall are expected. * WHERE...A portion of southeast Kentucky, including the following counties, Floyd, Harlan, Knott, Leslie, Letcher, Perry and Pike. * WHEN...Until 1230 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 923 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause minor flooding of small streams and creeks, roads, and roadside culverts. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Hazard, Whitesburg, Hyden, Letcher, Bath, Cumberland, Jenkins, Elkhorn City, Fleming-Neon, Lynch, Benham, Vicco, Blackey, Elko, Indian Bottom, Red Star, Carcassonne, Gander, Bluefield and Arminta. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3692 8351 3717 8355 3741 8214 3727 8235 3712 8272 3704 8272 3697 8287 3690 8350 $$ GEOGERIAN  131 WSIR31 OIII 061420 OIIX SIGMET 11 VALID 061420/061730 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N2801 E05415 - N2658 E05301 - N2740 E05143 - N2841 E05044 - N2931 E05127 - N3024 E05127 - N3031 E05236 - N2911 E05330 - N2801 E05415 TOP ABV FL320 MOV ENE NC=  288 WSIR31 OIII 061422 OIIX SIGMET 12 VALID 061421/061730 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3540 E04544 - N3542 E04655 - N3540 E04804 - N3448 E04907 - N3330 E05050 - N3230 E05026 - N3143 E05008 - N3157 E04910 - N3139 E04809 - N3232 E04718 - N3301 E04616 - N3439 E04449 - N3540 E04544 TOP FL320 MOV ENE INTSF=  386 WSBZ23 SBGL 061420 SBCW SIGMET 29 VALID 061425/061530 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2331 W05334 - S2329 W05151 - S2624 W05125 - S2619 W05316 - S2331 W05334 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  509 WWUS84 KMRX 061426 SPSMRX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Morristown TN 926 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAZ002-061515- Wise VA- 926 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT THROUGH 1015 AM EST... At 925 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Deane, or 9 miles northeast of Whitesburg, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 50 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down trees and tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. This storm will remain over mainly rural areas of northern Wise County near the Pound, VA area. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3713 8255 3715 8266 3715 8265 3716 8263 3719 8259 3720 8255 TIME...MOT...LOC 1425Z 273DEG 43KT 3724 8275 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...50 MPH $$ JLB  683 WWCN16 CWHX 061426 WIND WARNING FOR NEWFOUNDLAND UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:56 A.M. NST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: BAY ST. GEORGE CORNER BROOK AND VICINITY GROS MORNE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WINDS THAT MAY CAUSE DAMAGE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. MAXIMUM GUSTS: 80 KM/H, EXCEPT 120 IN AREAS PRONE TO ENHANCED SOUTHEASTERLIES. LOCATIONS: BAY ST. GEORGE TO GROS MORNE. TIME SPAN: FRIDAY MORNING UNTIL FRIDAY AFTERNOON. REMARKS: LOCAL ENHANCEMENT IN SOUTHEASTERLY FLOW TYPICALLY OCCURRS IN THE VICINITIES OF CAPE ST. GEORGE, PORT AU PORT BAY, THE OUTER BAY OF ISLANDS, TROUT RIVER BAY, BONNE BAY, WESTERN BROOK POND AND ST. PAULS BAY. DAMAGE TO BUILDINGS, SUCH AS TO ROOF SHINGLES AND WINDOWS, MAY OCCUR. MOTORISTS, ESPECIALLY IN HIGH PROFILE VEHICLES, MAY EXPECT HAZARDOUS DRIVING CONDITIONS ON HIGHWAYS SUBJECT TO STRONG CROSS WINDS. WIND WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF DAMAGING WINDS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  263 WWUS53 KJKL 061427 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 927 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC071-119-133-195-061500- /O.CON.KJKL.SV.W.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Letcher KY-Knott KY-Floyd KY-Pike KY- 927 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1000 AM EST FOR NORTHEASTERN LETCHER...SOUTHEASTERN KNOTT...SOUTHERN FLOYD AND SOUTHWESTERN PIKE COUNTIES... At 927 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Myra, or 12 miles northwest of Clintwood, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Beefhide, Lookout, Elkhorn City and Cedarville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. Remain alert for a possible tornado! Tornadoes can develop quickly from severe thunderstorms. If you spot a tornado go at once into the basement or small central room in a sturdy structure. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in JACKSON KY. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3727 8235 3723 8250 3715 8263 3721 8297 3738 8266 3737 8221 TIME...MOT...LOC 1427Z 275DEG 44KT 3728 8263 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ GREIF  219 WWUS46 KOTX 061428 WSWOTX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Spokane WA 628 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 IDZ001-002-004-061530- /O.CAN.KOTX.WW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Northern Panhandle-Coeur d'Alene Area-Central Panhandle Mountains- Including the cities of Priest River, Dobson Pass, Clark Fork, Schweitzer Mountain Road, Mullan, Kellogg, Post Falls, Lookout Pass, Sandpoint, Wallace, Pinehurst, Eastport, Hayden, Worley, Athol, Fernwood, St. Maries, Osburn, Bonners Ferry, Fourth Of July Pass, and Coeur d'Alene 628 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The threat has ended. Light snow showers will remain in the area for the next couple hours but little snow accumulation is expected. $$ OTX  343 WSNO36 ENMI 061428 ENOB SIGMET M02 VALID 061530/061830 ENMI- ENOB BODOE OCEANIC FIR SEV MTW FCST WI N7940 E01032 - N8022 E02456 - N8011 E02722 - N7923 E01820 - N7745 E01715 - N7737 E01437 - N7940 E01032 SFC/FL200 MOV N 15KT WKN=  344 WSNO31 ENMI 061428 ENOR SIGMET F01 VALID 061500/061730 ENMI- ENOR POLARIS FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST WI N7050 E02950 - N7020 E03120 - N6945 E03045 - N6915 E02925 - N6945 E02845 - N7050 E02950 SFC/2500FT MOV E 15KT WKN=  392 WSAG31 SAVC 061434 SAVF SIGMET A4 VALID 061434/061834 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 1434Z WI S5105 W07030 - S4103 W06937 - S4104 W07051 - S4103 W07154 - S4504 W07146 - S4827 W07225 - S4958 W07328 - S5041 W07302 - S5033 W07223 - S5155 W07148 - S5105 W07030 TOP FL100 STNR NC=  657 WSAG31 SAVC 061434 SAVF SIGMET A4 VALID 061434/061834 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 1434Z WI S5105 W07030 - S4103 W06937 - S4104 W07051 - S4103 W07154 - S4504 W07146 - S4827 W07225 - S4958 W07328 - S5041 W07302 - S5033 W07223 - S5155 W07148 - S5105 W07030 TOP FL100 STNR NC=  738 WWUS53 KJKL 061430 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 930 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC125-147-199-231-235-061445- /O.CON.KJKL.SV.W.0009.000000T0000Z-250206T1445Z/ Wayne KY-Laurel KY-Pulaski KY-McCreary KY-Whitley KY- 930 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 945 AM EST FOR NORTHEASTERN WAYNE...SOUTHWESTERN LAUREL...SOUTHEASTERN PULASKI...NORTHEASTERN MCCREARY AND NORTHWESTERN WHITLEY COUNTIES... At 930 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Huxley, or 16 miles southeast of Somerset, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Bark Camp and Vox. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for south central Kentucky. Remain alert for a possible tornado! Tornadoes can develop quickly from severe thunderstorms. If you spot a tornado go at once into the basement or small central room in a sturdy structure. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in JACKSON KY. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3692 8478 3707 8461 3706 8417 3682 8421 TIME...MOT...LOC 1430Z 275DEG 41KT 3695 8436 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ GREIF  369 WUUS53 KJKL 061430 SVRJKL KYC051-131-193-061500- /O.NEW.KJKL.SV.W.0012.250206T1430Z-250206T1500Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service JACKSON KY 930 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in JACKSON KY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Leslie County in southeastern Kentucky... Southeastern Perry County in southeastern Kentucky... East central Clay County in southeastern Kentucky... * Until 1000 AM EST. * At 930 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Marcum, or 9 miles southwest of Hyden, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Hosea around 935 AM EST. Hyden around 940 AM EST. Causey around 945 AM EST. Leatherwood around 950 AM EST. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3700 8314 3702 8316 3702 8318 3701 8319 3705 8362 3720 8360 3722 8311 3700 8312 TIME...MOT...LOC 1430Z 274DEG 41KT 3711 8353 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ CMC  036 WSID21 WAAA 061430 WAAF SIGMET 24 VALID 061430/061730 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0133 E12216 - S0249 E12330 - S 0330 E12115 - S0336 E11954 - S0124 E11945 - S0133 E12216 TOP FL540 MO V W 15KT INTSF=  463 WSBZ23 SBGL 061425 SBAZ SIGMET 38 VALID 061430/061530 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0545 W05750 - S0431 W05310 - S0513 W05217 - S0651 W05329 - S0803 W05122 - S0848 W05154 - S0714 W05649 - S0545 W05750 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  464 WSBZ23 SBGL 061425 SBAZ SIGMET 39 VALID 061430/061530 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1129 W05831 - S1307 W05827 - S1307 W05805 - S1302 W05759 - S1303 W05338 - S1305 W05337 - S1305 W05330 - S1305 W05330 - S1058 W05430 - S1129 W05831 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  004 WSMG31 FMMI 061429 FMMM SIGMET E4 VALID 061430/061830 FMMI- FMMM ANTANANARIVO FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1100 E04130 - S1142 E04301 - S1438 E04458 - S1500 E04300 TOP ABV FL480 STNR NC=  425 WWUS53 KJKL 061432 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 932 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC051-125-061442- /O.CAN.KJKL.SV.W.0011.000000T0000Z-250206T1445Z/ Laurel KY-Clay KY- 932 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL LAUREL AND CENTRAL CLAY COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However, heavy rain is still possible with this thunderstorm. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for south central and southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3703 8374 3704 8378 3703 8378 3704 8386 3705 8386 3704 8388 3707 8408 3718 8407 3718 8360 3701 8362 TIME...MOT...LOC 1431Z 274DEG 41KT 3709 8365 $$ CMC  539 WSID21 WAAA 061430 WAAF SIGMET 25 VALID 061430/061730 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0740 E12046 - S0734 E12335 - S 0917 E12303 - S1135 E12138 - S1121 E12029 - S0826 E12025 - S0740 E120 46 TOP FL520 MOV W 10KT NC=  881 WSAG31 SAVC 061437 SAVF SIGMET D4 VALID 061437/061837 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1437Z WI S4930 W07307 - S4927 W07106 - S4724 W07009 - S4736 W06609 - S4452 W06624 - S4439 W07130 - S4655 W07151 - S4930 W07307 FL250/400 STNR NC=  927 WSAG31 SAVC 061437 SAVF SIGMET D4 VALID 061437/061837 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 1437Z WI S4930 W07307 - S4927 W07106 - S4724 W07009 - S4736 W06609 - S4452 W06624 - S4439 W07130 - S4655 W07151 - S4930 W07307 FL250/400 STNR NC=  909 WGUS73 KJKL 061434 FFSJKL Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Jackson KY 934 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC011-065-165-173-197-205-061444- /O.CAN.KJKL.FF.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bath KY-Estill KY-Menifee KY-Montgomery KY-Powell KY-Rowan KY- 934 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLASH FLOOD WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN BATH, NORTHWESTERN ESTILL, MENIFEE, SOUTHEASTERN MONTGOMERY, POWELL AND SOUTHWESTERN ROWAN COUNTIES HAS BEEN REPLACED WITH A FLOOD ADVISORY... The heaviest rain has ended and flash flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat; however, minor flooding of low lying areas will continue through the rest of the morning. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. A Flood Watch remains in effect until 100 PM EST for portions of east central, northeast, south central, and southeast Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3781 8407 3782 8410 3785 8408 3782 8407 3783 8406 3785 8406 3783 8404 3784 8400 3786 8401 3790 8399 3792 8399 3793 8397 3799 8400 3807 8344 3797 8344 3787 8356 3775 8408 3777 8408 3778 8411 $$ GEOGERIAN  025 WGUS83 KJKL 061434 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 934 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC011-065-165-173-197-205-061500- /O.NEW.KJKL.FA.Y.0015.250206T1434Z-250206T1500Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bath KY-Estill KY-Menifee KY-Montgomery KY-Powell KY-Rowan KY- 934 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...REPLACES FLASH FLOOD WARNING... * WHAT...Urban and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall are expected. * WHERE...A portion of east central Kentucky, including the following counties, Bath, Estill, Menifee, Montgomery, Powell and Rowan. * WHEN...Until 1000 AM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 933 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated that the heaviest rain had ended across the area; however, minor flooding of small streams and creeks in low lying areas will continue through this morning. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Stanton, Frenchburg, Jeffersonville, Camargo, Clay City, Wellington, Campsites in the Indian Creek area of the Daniel Boone National Forrest, Means, Cedar Groves, Cornwell, Fagan, Clay Lick, Lucky Stop, Rothwell, Bowen, Bean, Cat Creek, Hope, Rosslyn and Tabor. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3782 8407 3783 8406 3785 8406 3783 8404 3784 8400 3786 8401 3790 8399 3792 8399 3793 8397 3799 8400 3807 8344 3797 8344 3787 8356 3775 8408 3777 8408 3778 8411 3780 8408 3781 8407 3782 8410 3785 8408 $$ GEOGERIAN  359 WSIL31 BICC 061430 BIRD SIGMET U09 VALID 061530/061730 BIRK- BIRD REYKJAVIK CTA SEV TURB FCST WI N6430 W01800 - N6640 W01740 - N6650 W01150 - N6300 W01440 - N6430 W01800 SFC/FL120 WKN=  786 WGUS81 KRNK 061436 FLSRNK Flood Advisory National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 936 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC163-061900- /O.NEW.KRNK.FA.Y.0003.250206T1436Z-250206T1900Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Rockbridge VA- 936 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...A portion of west central Virginia, including the following county, Rockbridge. * WHEN...Until 200 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. Water over roadways. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 936 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. Between 1 and 1.5 inches of rain have fallen. - This includes the following streams and drainages... Buffalo Creek, North Buffalo Creek, Broad Creek, Maury River, Colliers Creek and Gordons Run. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Lexington... Collierstown... - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. When it is safe to do so, please send your reports of flooding, including mudslides or flooded roads, to the National Weather Service by calling toll free at 1...8 6 6...2 1 5...4 3 2 4. Reports and pictures can also be shared on the National Weather Service Blacksburg Facebook page and on Twitter. && LAT...LON 3777 7945 3775 7942 3768 7950 3775 7965 3779 7963 3783 7958 3777 7946 $$ AS  940 WGUS83 KJKL 061436 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 936 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC063-165-175-205-061500- /O.NEW.KJKL.FA.Y.0016.250206T1436Z-250206T1500Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Elliott KY-Menifee KY-Morgan KY-Rowan KY- 936 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...REPLACES FLASH FLOOD WARNING... * WHAT...Urban and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall are expected. * WHERE...Portions of east central and southeast Kentucky, including the following counties, in east central Kentucky, Elliott, Menifee and Rowan. In southeast Kentucky, Morgan. * WHEN...Until 1000 AM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 935 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated indicated that the heaviest rain had ended across the area; however, minor flooding of small streams and creeks in low lying areas will continue through this morning. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... West Liberty, Sandy Hook, Henry, Little Sandy, Steele, Lenox, Wrigley, Lick Branch, Elkfork, Pomp, Blairs Mills, Crockett, Yocum, Blaze, Leisure, Licking River, Isonville, Dehart, Moon and Zag. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3796 8344 3806 8343 3813 8310 3819 8306 3818 8305 3820 8304 3820 8303 3820 8301 3817 8298 3817 8292 3813 8291 3811 8289 3809 8293 3805 8295 3805 8298 3804 8300 3800 8302 3797 8302 3786 8356 $$ GEOGERIAN  941 WGUS73 KJKL 061436 FFSJKL Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Jackson KY 936 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC063-165-175-205-061446- /O.CAN.KJKL.FF.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Elliott KY-Menifee KY-Morgan KY-Rowan KY- 936 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLASH FLOOD WARNING FOR ELLIOTT, SOUTHEASTERN MENIFEE, SOUTH CENTRAL ROWAN AND NORTHERN MORGAN COUNTIES HAS BEEN REPLACED WITH A FLOOD ADVISORY... The heaviest rain has ended and flash flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat; however, minor flooding of low lying areas will continue through the rest of the morning. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3796 8344 3806 8343 3813 8310 3819 8306 3818 8305 3820 8304 3820 8303 3820 8301 3817 8298 3817 8292 3813 8291 3811 8289 3809 8293 3805 8295 3805 8298 3804 8300 3800 8302 3797 8302 3786 8356 $$ GEOGERIAN  819 WWHW70 PHFO 061437 NPWHFO URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Honolulu HI 437 AM HST Thu Feb 6 2025 HIZ028-070400- /O.CON.PHFO.WI.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T0400Z/ Big Island Summits- 437 AM HST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM HST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West to northwest winds 40 to 55 mph. Gusts to 65 mph. * WHERE...Big Island Summits. * WHEN...Until 6 PM HST this evening. * IMPACTS...Winds this strong can make it difficult to open and close doors. In addition driving will be difficult, especially for drivers of high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Consider postponing travel to the summits until conditions improve. If you must travel to the summits, use extra caution walking and driving. Be careful opening or closing doors. Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ AHUE  115 WGUS61 KRLX 061438 FFARLX Flood Watch National Weather Service Charleston WV 938 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ101>103-105-OHZ086-087-WVZ005>008-013-014-016>020-027>032-039-040- 061545- /O.CAN.KRLX.FA.A.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Greenup-Carter-Boyd-Lawrence KY-Gallia-Lawrence OH-Wayne-Cabell- Mason-Jackson WV-Lincoln-Putnam-Roane-Wirt-Calhoun-Ritchie- Doddridge-Clay-Braxton-Gilmer-Lewis-Harrison-Taylor-Upshur- Barbour- Including the cities of Grayson Lake State Park, Ashland, Alum Creek, Ceredo, Buckhannon, Spencer, South Point, Weston, Bridgeport, Belington, Gallipolis, Grafton, Grayson, Raceland, Grantsville, Ironton, Louisa, Glenville, Ripley, Huntington, Harrisville, Burnsville, Philippi, Ravenswood, Pennsboro, West Union, Yatesville Lake State Park, Elizabeth, Clarksburg, Russell, Sutton, Lake Vesuvius, Hamlin, New Haven, Olive Hill, Carter Caves State Park, Flatwoods, Kenova, Harts, Point Pleasant, Gassaway, Teays Valley, Clay, Hurricane, Cannonsburg, and Wayne 938 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WATCH IS CANCELLED, MANY FLOOD WARNINGS REMAIN... The Flood Watch is cancelled for portions of northeast Kentucky, including the following counties, Boyd, Carter, Greenup and Lawrence KY, southeast Ohio, including the following counties, Gallia and Lawrence OH, and West Virginia, including the following counties, Barbour, Braxton, Cabell, Calhoun, Clay, Doddridge, Gilmer, Harrison, Jackson WV, Lewis, Lincoln, Mason, Putnam, Ritchie, Roane, Taylor, Upshur, Wayne and Wirt. Flood Warnings remain in affect for much of the area. Motorists should use extreme caution and be prepared for water or debris on roadway. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. Significant rainfall has ended, therefore the Flood Watch has been cancelled. However, flooding continues in many areas. See the latest flood warnings for details. $$ VAZ003-004-WVZ015-024>026-033-034-515>526-061800- /O.CON.KRLX.FA.A.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Dickenson-Buchanan-Kanawha-Mingo-Logan-Boone-McDowell-Wyoming- Northwest Raleigh-Southeast Raleigh-Northwest Fayette-Southeast Fayette-Northwest Nicholas-Southeast Nicholas-Northwest Webster- Southeast Webster-Northwest Pocahontas-Southeast Pocahontas- Northwest Randolph-Southeast Randolph- Including the cities of Prosperity, Madison, Marlinton, Sophia, South Charleston, Richwood, Bradley, Saint Albans, Fayetteville, Clintwood, Gary, Craigsville, Birch River, Montgomery, Webster Springs, Chapmanville, Elkins, Mullens, Vansant, Oak Hill, Meadow Bridge, Holly River State Park, Welch, Snowshoe, Harman, War, Williamson, Pineville, Charleston, Logan, Grundy, Oceana, Beckley, Summersville, Man, and Cowen 938 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues to be possible. * WHERE...Portions of southwest Virginia, including the following counties, Buchanan and Dickenson and West Virginia, including the following counties, Boone, Kanawha, Logan, McDowell, Mingo, Northwest Fayette, Northwest Nicholas, Northwest Pocahontas, Northwest Raleigh, Northwest Randolph, Northwest Webster, Southeast Fayette, Southeast Nicholas, Southeast Pocahontas, Southeast Raleigh, Southeast Randolph, Southeast Webster and Wyoming. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Excessive runoff has resulted in flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations. Additional creeks and streams will likely rise out of their banks. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ RPY  310 WWUS83 KJKL 061439 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 939 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ110-118-120-061515- Floyd KY-Pike KY-Letcher KY- 939 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT CENTRAL LETCHER...SOUTHEASTERN FLOYD AND SOUTHERN PIKE COUNTIES THROUGH 1015 AM EST... At 938 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Shelby Gap, or near Clintwood, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 50 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Pikeville, Whitesburg, Jenkins, Elkhorn City, Fleming-Neon, Winters, Horn, Oscaloosa, Van, Fishtrap Lake, Colly, Garden Village, Beefhide, Cromona, Trailer, Payne Gap, Sergent, Lester, Toonerville, and Democrat. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3727 8235 3723 8250 3712 8272 3705 8272 3703 8275 3705 8298 3726 8277 3728 8271 3729 8273 3731 8273 3753 8251 3747 8206 TIME...MOT...LOC 1438Z 281DEG 41KT 3724 8251 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...50 MPH $$ GREIF  416 WGUS73 KJKL 061440 FFSJKL Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Jackson KY 940 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC011-063-069-165-173-205-061450- /O.CAN.KJKL.FF.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bath KY-Elliott KY-Fleming KY-Menifee KY-Montgomery KY-Rowan KY- 940 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLASH FLOOD WARNING FOR SOUTHERN BATH, NORTHWESTERN ELLIOTT, SOUTHEASTERN FLEMING, NORTH CENTRAL MENIFEE, CENTRAL MONTGOMERY AND ROWAN COUNTIES HAS BEEN REPLACED WITH A FLOOD ADVISORY... The heaviest rain has ended and flash flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat; however, minor flooding of low lying areas will continue through the rest of the morning. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3808 8405 3832 8334 3829 8333 3825 8331 3821 8330 3821 8329 3819 8326 3819 8323 3824 8322 3827 8316 3818 8304 3813 8310 3809 8326 3811 8327 3809 8330 3806 8340 3799 8400 $$ GEOGERIAN  417 WGUS83 KJKL 061440 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 940 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC011-063-069-165-173-205-061500- /O.NEW.KJKL.FA.Y.0017.250206T1440Z-250206T1500Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bath KY-Elliott KY-Fleming KY-Menifee KY-Montgomery KY-Rowan KY- 940 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... ...REPLACES FLASH FLOOD WARNING... * WHAT...Minor flooding of small streams and creeks. * WHERE...A portion of east central Kentucky, including the following counties, Bath, Elliott, Fleming, Menifee, Montgomery and Rowan. * WHEN...Until 1000 AM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 938 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated indicated that the heaviest rain had ended across the area; however, minor flooding of small streams and creeks in low lying areas will continue through this morning. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Mount Sterling, Morehead, Owingsville, Marshall, Camargo, Salt Lick, Farmers, Freestone, Bluestone, Midland, Ramey, Cogswell, Moore's Ferry, Yale, Brandy, Zilpo, Young Springs, Sharkey, Hilda and Clearfield. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3808 8405 3832 8334 3821 8330 3819 8326 3819 8323 3824 8322 3827 8316 3818 8304 3813 8310 3809 8326 3811 8327 3806 8340 3802 8377 3799 8400 $$ GEOGERIAN  047 WSBZ23 SBGL 061435 SBCW SIGMET 30 VALID 061440/061530 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2733 W05441 - S2741 W05147 - S2701 W05129 - S2655 W05343 - S2733 W05441 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  703 WWUS41 KPHI 061441 WSWPHI URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 941 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 DEZ001-NJZ010-012-013-015>019-PAZ070-071-104-106-061545- /O.EXP.KPHI.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ New Castle-Somerset-Middlesex-Western Monmouth-Mercer-Salem- Gloucester-Camden-Northwestern Burlington-Delaware-Philadelphia- Eastern Montgomery-Lower Bucks- Including the cities of Cherry Hill, Morrisville, New Brunswick, Glassboro, Camden, Doylestown, Somerville, Pennsville, Mount Holly, Philadelphia, Media, Lansdale, Moorestown, Wilmington, Norristown, Freehold, and Trenton 941 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... Precipitation has changed to rain with temperatures rising above freezing. No further ice accumulations expected. Thus, the Winter Weather Advisory will be allowed to expire. $$ NJZ001-007>009-PAZ060>062-101>103-105-061800- /O.CON.KPHI.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Sussex-Warren-Morris-Hunterdon-Berks-Lehigh-Northampton-Western Chester-Eastern Chester-Western Montgomery-Upper Bucks- Including the cities of Newton, Chalfont, Morristown, Kennett Square, Pottstown, Bethlehem, Perkasie, West Chester, Collegeville, Flemington, Oxford, Honey Brook, Washington, Allentown, Easton, and Reading 941 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of northern and northwest New Jersey and east central and southeast Pennsylvania. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ PAZ054-055-062000- /O.CON.KPHI.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T2000Z/ Carbon-Monroe- Including the cities of Stroudsburg and Jim Thorpe 941 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow and sleet accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Carbon and Monroe Counties. * WHEN...Until 3 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ Hoeflich  103 WUUS51 KRLX 061441 SVRRLX VAC027-051-061515- /O.NEW.KRLX.SV.W.0008.250206T1441Z-250206T1515Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 941 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Charleston West Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Dickenson County in southwestern Virginia... Southwestern Buchanan County in southwestern Virginia... * Until 1015 AM EST. * At 941 AM EST, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from Belcher to Ashcamp to near Jenkins, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Haysi, Trammel, Nora, Vansant, Clinchco, Clintwood, Davenport, Breaks Interstate, John Flannagan Lake, McClure, Oakwood, and Grundy. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3696 8235 3703 8248 3713 8255 3720 8255 3725 8245 3726 8236 3735 8224 3726 8189 3714 8197 3712 8201 3705 8204 3705 8210 3704 8217 3699 8225 3700 8228 TIME...MOT...LOC 1441Z 297DEG 34KT 3736 8236 3727 8242 3715 8261 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ 09  323 WWUS83 KJKL 061442 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 942 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ079-080-084>086-061530- McCreary KY-Whitley KY-Knox KY-Laurel KY-Pulaski KY- 942 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHERN LAUREL...KNOX... SOUTHEASTERN PULASKI...NORTHEASTERN MCCREARY AND NORTHERN WHITLEY COUNTIES THROUGH 1030 AM EST... At 942 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Grove, or 14 miles north of Williamsburg, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 50 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Barbourville, Sloans Valley, Artemus, Swan Lake, Moore Hill, Clate, Barnyard, Salt Gum, Mount Victory, North Corbin, King, Jarvis, Cranes Nest, Hightop, Girdler, Youngs Creek, Bark Camp, Avis, Gray, and Dewitt. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for south central and southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3692 8457 3708 8432 3705 8386 3704 8383 3703 8383 3704 8378 3702 8377 3702 8374 3700 8373 3697 8366 3686 8367 3680 8374 3680 8378 3676 8380 TIME...MOT...LOC 1442Z 274DEG 44KT 3694 8424 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...50 MPH $$ GREIF  463 WGUS83 KJKL 061443 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 943 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC025-109-125-129-189-203-061800- /O.EXT.KJKL.FA.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Breathitt KY-Jackson KY-Laurel KY-Lee KY-Owsley KY-Rockcastle KY- 943 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Urban and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Kentucky, including the following counties, in south central Kentucky, Laurel and Rockcastle. In southeast Kentucky, Breathitt, Jackson, Lee and Owsley. * WHEN...Until 100 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 941 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated indicated that the heaviest rain had ended across the area; however, minor flooding of small streams and creeks in low lying areas will continue through early this afternoon. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Jackson, McKee, Booneville, Scoville, Endee, Levi, Turin, Major, Vincent, Pebworth, Travellers Rest, Blake, Sturgeon, Chestnut Gap, Southfork, Conkling, Ida May, Eversole, Delvinta and Lower Buffalo. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3743 8417 3751 8387 3760 8354 3767 8328 3746 8321 3739 8354 3734 8375 3735 8378 3734 8378 3734 8379 3733 8381 3733 8382 3733 8383 3728 8405 3724 8423 3740 8428 $$ GEOGERIAN  827 WWUS53 KJKL 061443 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 943 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC051-061452- /O.CAN.KJKL.SV.W.0012.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Clay KY- 943 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL CLAY COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3700 8314 3702 8316 3702 8318 3701 8319 3705 8341 3721 8338 3722 8311 3700 8312 TIME...MOT...LOC 1442Z 274DEG 41KT 3710 8335 $$ KYC131-193-061500- /O.CON.KJKL.SV.W.0012.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Leslie KY-Perry KY- 943 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1000 AM EST FOR EAST CENTRAL LESLIE AND SOUTHEASTERN PERRY COUNTIES... At 942 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Wendover, or near Hyden, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe storm will be near... Causey around 950 AM EST. Other locations in the path of this severe thunderstorm include Leatherwood. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3700 8314 3702 8316 3702 8318 3701 8319 3705 8341 3721 8338 3722 8311 3700 8312 TIME...MOT...LOC 1442Z 274DEG 41KT 3710 8335 TORNADO...POSSIBLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ CMC  788 WWUS53 KJKL 061443 RRA SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 943 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC125-147-199-231-235-061453- /O.EXP.KJKL.SV.W.0009.000000T0000Z-250206T1445Z/ Wayne KY-Laurel KY-Pulaski KY-McCreary KY-Whitley KY- 943 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN WAYNE... SOUTHWESTERN LAUREL...SOUTHEASTERN PULASKI...NORTHEASTERN MCCREARY AND NORTHWESTERN WHITLEY COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 945 AM EST... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However, gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for south central Kentucky. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service JACKSON KY. && LAT...LON 3692 8478 3707 8461 3706 8417 3682 8421 TIME...MOT...LOC 1443Z 275DEG 41KT 3694 8420 $$ GREIF  261 WGUS83 KJKL 061444 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 944 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC025-065-109-115-129-153-159-175-237-061700- /O.EXT.KJKL.FA.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Breathitt KY-Estill KY-Jackson KY-Johnson KY-Lee KY-Magoffin KY- Martin KY-Morgan KY-Wolfe KY- 944 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Urban and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of east central, northeast, and southeast Kentucky, including the following counties, in east central Kentucky, Estill. In northeast Kentucky, Johnson and Martin. In southeast Kentucky, Breathitt, Jackson, Lee, Magoffin, Morgan and Wolfe. * WHEN...Until noon EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 943 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated indicated that the heaviest rain had ended across the area; however, minor flooding of small streams and creeks in low lying areas will continue through the rest of this morning. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Paintsville, Salyersville, Beattyville, Campton, Simpson, Fincastle, Malaga, Landsaw, Hollonville, Paxton, Lane, Baptist, Lexie, Bethany, Pence, Wilhurst, Vancleve, Stillwater, Vortex and Upper Gilmore. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. && LAT...LON 3757 8414 3757 8409 3762 8412 3793 8276 3789 8264 3784 8261 3743 8415 $$ GEOGERIAN  107 WWUS81 KRLX 061444 SPSRLX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 944 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVZ024-025-034-061515- Wyoming WV-Logan WV-Mingo WV- 944 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHEASTERN MINGO... NORTHWESTERN WYOMING AND SOUTHERN LOGAN COUNTIES THROUGH 1015 AM EST... At 944 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Delbarton, or 7 miles east of Williamson, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Hanover, Chauncey, Myrtle, R.d. Bailey Lake, Cyclone, Matewan, Delbarton, Gilbert, Mallory, Coal Mountain, Hampden, Pie, Gilbert Creek, Bruno, Red Jacket, Varney, Hinch, Man, Sarah Ann, and Meador. This includes Route 119 between mile markers 11 and 21. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3761 8217 3762 8216 3762 8218 3763 8217 3765 8218 3765 8219 3763 8219 3763 8222 3765 8223 3766 8224 3766 8225 3780 8219 3777 8166 3753 8174 TIME...MOT...LOC 1444Z 285DEG 35KT 3771 8214 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ 09  100 WHUS73 KMQT 061444 MWWMQT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Marquette MI 944 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 LMZ248-250-062245- /O.EXP.KMQT.SC.Y.0027.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ /O.CON.KMQT.GL.W.0010.250206T1500Z-250207T0900Z/ Seul Choix Point to Point Detour MI- 5NM East of a line from Fairport MI to Rock Island Passage- 944 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST FRIDAY... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and waves 3 to 6 ft expected. * WHERE...Seul Choix Point to Point Detour MI and 5NM East of a line from Fairport MI to Rock Island Passage. * WHEN...Until 4 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ244>246-062245- /O.EXP.KMQT.SC.Y.0027.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ /O.CON.KMQT.SR.W.0002.250206T1500Z-250207T1200Z/ /O.CON.KMQT.UP.W.0009.250206T1800Z-250208T0000Z/ Eagle River to Manitou Island MI- Manitou Island to Point Isabelle MI- Point Isabelle to Lower Entrance of Portage Canal MI- 944 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST FRIDAY... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 7 PM EST FRIDAY... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...For the Storm Warning, west winds 25 to 35 kt with gusts up to 50 kt and waves 10 to 15 ft expected. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater expected, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Eagle River to Manitou Island MI, Manitou Island to Point Isabelle MI and Point Isabelle to Lower Entrance of Portage Canal MI. * WHEN...For the Storm Warning, until 7 AM EST Friday. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, from 1 PM this afternoon to 7 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Storm force winds and hazardous waves will capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should remain in port, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ LSZ162-062245- /O.CON.KMQT.GL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-250207T0600Z/ /O.CON.KMQT.UP.W.0009.000000T0000Z-250207T1200Z/ Lake Superior west of a line from Saxon Harbor WI to Grand Portage MN beyond 5NM- 944 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 /844 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST /MIDNIGHT CST/ FRIDAY... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST /6 AM CST/ FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Gale Warning, west winds 25 to 35 kt with gusts up to 45 kt and waves 6 to 11 ft occurring. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater occurring, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Lake Superior west of a line from Saxon Harbor WI to Grand Portage MN beyond 5NM. * WHEN...For the Gale Warning, until 1 AM EST /midnight CST/ Friday. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, until 7 AM EST /6 AM CST/ Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ221-062245- /O.CON.KMQT.GL.W.0010.250206T1500Z-250207T0300Z/ Green Bay North of line from Cedar River MI to Rock Island Passage- 944 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * WHERE...Green Bay North of line from Cedar River MI to Rock Island Passage. * WHEN...Until 10 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ240>242-263-062245- /O.CON.KMQT.SR.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250207T0900Z/ /O.CON.KMQT.UP.W.0009.250206T1500Z-250207T1800Z/ Saxon Harbor WI to Black River MI-Black River to Ontonagon MI- Ontonagon to Upper Entrance of Portage Canal MI- Lake Superior from Saxon Harbor WI to Upper Entrance to Portage Canal MI 5NM off shore to the US/Canadian border including Isle Royale National Park- 944 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 /844 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST /3 AM CST/ FRIDAY... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST /NOON CST/ FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Storm Warning, west winds 30 to 40 kt with gusts up to 50 kt and waves 11 to 16 ft occurring. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater expected, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Saxon Harbor WI to Black River MI, Black River to Ontonagon MI, Ontonagon to Upper Entrance of Portage Canal MI and Lake Superior from Saxon Harbor WI to Upper Entrance to Portage Canal MI 5NM off shore to the US/Canadian border including Isle Royale National Park. * WHEN...For the Storm Warning, until 4 AM EST /3 AM CST/ Friday. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, until 1 PM EST /noon CST/ Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Storm force winds and hazardous waves will capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should remain in port, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ LSZ243-247>251-264>267-062245- /O.CON.KMQT.SR.W.0002.250206T1500Z-250207T1200Z/ /O.CON.KMQT.UP.W.0009.250206T1800Z-250208T0000Z/ Upper Entrance of Portage Canal to Eagle River MI- Lower Entrance of Portage Canal To Huron Islands MI Including Keweenaw and Huron Bays-Huron Islands to Marquette MI- Marquette to Munising MI-Munising to Grand Marais MI- Grand Marais to Whitefish Point MI- Lake Superior from Upper Entrance to Portage Canal to Manitou Island MI 5NM off shore to the US/Canadian Border- Lake Superior West of Line from Manitou Island to Marquette MI Beyond 5NM from shore- Lake Superior East of a line from Manitou Island to Marquette MI and West of a line from Grand Marais MI to the US/Canadian Border Beyond 5NM from shore- Lake Superior from Grand Marais MI to Whitefish Point MI 5NM off shore to the US/Canadian border- 944 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST FRIDAY... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 7 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Storm Warning, west winds 30 to 40 kt with gusts up to 50 kt and waves 15 to 20 ft expected. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater expected, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Portions of Central, Eastern and Western Lake Superior. * WHEN...For the Storm Warning, until 7 AM EST Friday. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, from 1 PM this afternoon to 7 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Storm force winds and hazardous waves will capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should remain in port, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$  734 WGUS83 KJKL 061445 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 945 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC065-115-129-153-165-175-197-237-061700- /O.EXT.KJKL.FA.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Estill KY-Johnson KY-Lee KY-Magoffin KY-Menifee KY-Morgan KY- Powell KY-Wolfe KY- 945 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Elevated river levels caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of east central, northeast, and southeast Kentucky, including the following counties, in east central Kentucky, Estill, Menifee and Powell. In northeast Kentucky, Johnson. In southeast Kentucky, Lee, Magoffin, Morgan and Wolfe. * WHEN...Until noon EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 944 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated indicated that the heaviest rain had ended across the area; however, minor flooding of small streams and creeks in low lying areas will continue through the rest of this morning. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... West Liberty, Irvine, Campton, Henry, Lewis, Ravenna, Gosneyville, Valeria, Toliver, Maytown, Calaboose, Stoll, Trent, Pomeroyton, Stillwater, Murphyfork, Hazel Green, Ezel, Daysboro and Rexville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3796 8299 3800 8294 3792 8274 3761 8411 3764 8413 3767 8409 3777 8408 3799 8302 $$ GEOGERIAN  250 WSID21 WAAA 061445 WAAF SIGMET 26 VALID 061445/061845 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0554 E11735 - S0544 E11837 - S 0620 E12133 - S0658 E12131 - S0739 E11708 - S0554 E11735 TOP FL530 MO V W 5KT INTSF=  253 WSPH31 RPLL 061446 RPHI SIGMET A04 VALID 061450/061850 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1215 E12930 - N1002 E12928 - N1124 E12113 - N1341 E12102 - N1427 E12513 - N1215 E12930 TOP FL520 MOV WNW 25KT NC=  964 WGUS83 KJKL 061446 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 946 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC011-065-165-173-197-205-061700- /O.EXT.KJKL.FA.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bath KY-Estill KY-Menifee KY-Montgomery KY-Powell KY-Rowan KY- 946 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Urban and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...A portion of east central Kentucky, including the following counties, Bath, Estill, Menifee, Montgomery, Powell and Rowan. * WHEN...Until noon EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 945 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated indicated that the heaviest rain had ended across the area; however, minor flooding of small streams and creeks in low lying areas will continue through the rest of this morning. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Stanton, Frenchburg, Jeffersonville, Camargo, Clay City, Wellington, Campsites in the Indian Creek area of the Daniel Boone National Forrest, Means, Cedar Groves, Cornwell, Fagan, Clay Lick, Lucky Stop, Rothwell, Bowen, Bean, Cat Creek, Hope, Rosslyn and Tabor. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3782 8407 3783 8406 3785 8406 3783 8404 3784 8400 3786 8401 3790 8399 3792 8399 3793 8397 3799 8400 3807 8344 3797 8344 3787 8356 3775 8408 3777 8408 3778 8411 3780 8408 3781 8407 3782 8410 3785 8408 $$ GEOGERIAN  130 WSRS31 RUSF 061445 URFV SIGMET 4 VALID 061600/062000 URFF- URFV SIMFEROPOL FIR SEV TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR SFC/FL100 STNR NC=  424 WWUS74 KOUN 061447 NPWOUN URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Norman OK 847 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 OKZ005>008-011>013-018>020-026-030>032-061600- /O.EXP.KOUN.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Woods-Alfalfa-Grant-Kay-Major-Garfield-Noble-Kingfisher-Logan- Payne-Lincoln-Pottawatomie-Seminole-Hughes- Including the cities of Helena, Wakita, Blackwell, Enid, Seminole, Davenport, Meeker, Lamont, Medford, Guthrie, Holdenville, Fairview, Hennessey, Pond Creek, Stillwater, Carmen, Cherokee, Ponca City, Shawnee, Stroud, Chandler, Wetumka, Wellston, Prague, Alva, Perry, Okarche, Kingfisher, and Wewoka 847 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... Although some patchy fog will continue to be possible this morning, widespread dense fog is not anticipated. $$ OKZ004-010-015>017-022>025-027>029-038-039-044-046-061600- /O.EXT.KOUN.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ Harper-Woodward-Dewey-Custer-Blaine-Washita-Caddo-Canadian- Oklahoma-Grady-McClain-Cleveland-Comanche-Stephens-Cotton-Carter- Including the cities of Blanchard, Vici, Taloga, Ardmore, Lawton, Oklahoma City, Chickasha, El Reno, Yukon, Seiling, Woodward, Leedey, Cordell, Watonga, Hinton, Weatherford, Mustang, Purcell, Geary, Buffalo, Anadarko, Clinton, Moore, Duncan, Burns Flat, Temple, Walters, Tuttle, Laverne, Norman, Concho, Newcastle, Sentinel, and Okeene 847 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of central, northwest, southern, southwest, and western Oklahoma. * WHEN...Until 10 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ MAD  747 WWUS41 KPBZ 061448 WSWPBZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 948 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 PAZ074-076-078-061600- /O.CAN.KPBZ.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Higher Elevations of Westmoreland-Higher Elevations of Fayette- Higher Elevations of Indiana- Including the cities of Champion, Donegal, Ohiopyle, Ligonier, and Armagh 948 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED... The threat has ended. $$ PAZ007>009-014>016-022-077-061600- /O.CAN.KPBZ.WW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Mercer-Venango-Forest-Butler-Clarion-Jefferson PA-Armstrong- Indiana- Including the cities of Tionesta, Clarion, Indiana, Ford City, Brookville, Kittanning, Sharon, Grove City, Hermitage, Franklin, Butler, Oil City, and Punxsutawney 948 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... $$ Hefferan  778 WHUS73 KDTX 061448 MWWDTX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Detroit/Pontiac MI 948 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 LHZ361-362-070315- /O.CON.KDTX.GL.W.0005.250206T2000Z-250207T1500Z/ Lake Huron from 5NM east of Mackinac Bridge to Presque Isle Lt beyond 5 NM off shore- Lake Huron from Presque Isle Light to Sturgeon Point MI beyond 5NM off shore- 948 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 10 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Expect sustained winds up to 34 knots from the west with gusts up to 40 knots. The largest significant waves will be 14 feet with a potential maximum wave height of 20 feet. * WHERE...Lake Huron from 5NM east of Mackinac Bridge to Presque Isle Lt beyond 5 NM off shore and Lake Huron from Presque Isle Light to Sturgeon Point MI beyond 5NM off shore. * WHEN...The maximum winds are expected around 9 PM EST Thursday with the largest waves expected around 2 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LHZ363-441>443-462>464-070315- /O.CON.KDTX.GL.W.0005.250206T2000Z-250207T1500Z/ Lake Huron from Sturgeon Point to Alabaster MI beyond 5NM off shore-Port Austin to Harbor Beach MI- Harbor Beach to Port Sanilac MI-Port Sanilac to Port Huron MI- Lake Huron from Port Austin to Harbor Beach beyond 5NM Off Shore- Lake Huron from Harbor Beach to Port Sanilac beyond 5NM Off Shore- Lake Huron from Port Sanilac to Port Huron beyond 5NM Off Shore- 948 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 10 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Expect sustained winds up to 32 knots from the west with gusts up to 42 knots. The largest significant waves will be 10 feet with a potential maximum wave height of 14 feet. * WHERE...Portions of Lake Huron. * WHEN...The maximum winds are expected around 10 PM EST Thursday with the largest waves expected around 10 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LHZ421-422-070315- /O.CON.KDTX.GL.W.0005.250206T2000Z-250207T0900Z/ Outer Saginaw Bay SW of Alabaster to Port Austin MI to Inner Saginaw Bay-Inner Saginaw Bay SW of Point Au Gres to Bay Port MI- 948 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Expect sustained winds up to 26 knots from the west with gusts up to 39 knots expected. * WHERE...Outer Saginaw Bay SW of Alabaster to Port Austin MI to Inner Saginaw Bay and Inner Saginaw Bay SW of Point Au Gres to Bay Port MI. * WHEN...The maximum winds are expected around 7 PM EST Thursday with the largest waves expected around 10 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$  027 WWUS53 KJKL 061448 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 948 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC071-119-061457- /O.CAN.KJKL.SV.W.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Knott KY-Floyd KY- 948 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN KNOTT AND SOUTHERN FLOYD COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3717 8276 3738 8254 3737 8223 3737 8221 3727 8235 3723 8250 3715 8263 TIME...MOT...LOC 1447Z 277DEG 20KT 3727 8248 $$ KYC133-195-061500- /O.CON.KJKL.SV.W.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Letcher KY-Pike KY- 948 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1000 AM EST FOR NORTHEASTERN LETCHER AND SOUTHWESTERN PIKE COUNTIES... At 947 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Ashcamp, or 7 miles west of John Flannagan Lake, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Jenkins, Elkhorn City, Fleming-Neon, Shelby Gap, Hemphill, Fishpond Lake, Beefhide, Chip, Cromona, Ashcamp, Potters Fork, and Payne Gap. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. To report severe weather contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will send your report to the National Weather Service office in JACKSON KY. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3717 8276 3738 8254 3737 8223 3737 8221 3727 8235 3723 8250 3715 8263 TIME...MOT...LOC 1447Z 277DEG 20KT 3727 8248 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ GREIF  246 WGUS83 KJKL 061448 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 948 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC063-165-175-205-061700- /O.EXT.KJKL.FA.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Elliott KY-Menifee KY-Morgan KY-Rowan KY- 948 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Urban and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of east central and southeast Kentucky, including the following counties, in east central Kentucky, Elliott, Menifee and Rowan. In southeast Kentucky, Morgan. * WHEN...Until noon EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 947 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated indicated that the heaviest rain had ended across the area; however, minor flooding of small streams and creeks in low lying areas will continue through the rest of this morning. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... West Liberty, Sandy Hook, Henry, Little Sandy, Steele, Lenox, Wrigley, Lick Branch, Elkfork, Pomp, Blairs Mills, Crockett, Yocum, Blaze, Leisure, Licking River, Isonville, Dehart, Moon and Zag. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3796 8344 3806 8343 3813 8310 3819 8306 3818 8305 3820 8304 3820 8303 3820 8301 3817 8298 3817 8292 3813 8291 3811 8289 3809 8293 3805 8295 3805 8298 3804 8300 3800 8302 3797 8302 3786 8356 $$ GEOGERIAN  785 WHUS71 KCLE 061448 MWWCLE URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cleveland OH 948 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 LEZ061-149-169-062300- /O.CON.KCLE.GL.W.0002.250206T2100Z-250207T0900Z/ Ripley to Buffalo NY extending from 5NM off shoreline to US- Canadian border-Conneaut OH to Ripley NY- Conneaut OH to Ripley NY beyond 5 nm off shoreline to US- Canadian border- 948 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds to 35 knots expected. * WHERE...The nearshore waters of Lake Erie from Conneaut OH to Ripley NY, and the open waters of Lake Erie from Conneaut OH to Buffalo NY. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 4 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://www.weather.gov/cle  904 WWCN17 CWHX 061447 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR LABRADOR UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:47 A.M. AST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: RED BAY TO L'ANSE-AU-CLAIR. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 15 TO 20 CM IS EXPECTED. LOCATIONS: RED BAY TO L'ANSE-AU-CLAIR. TIME SPAN: EARLY FRIDAY MORNING TO FRIDAY EVENING. PREPARE FOR QUICKLY CHANGING AND DETERIORATING TRAVEL CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. VISIBILITY MAY BE SUDDENLY REDUCED AT TIMES IN HEAVY SNOW. SNOWFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  646 WGUS83 KJKL 061449 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 949 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC011-063-069-165-173-205-061700- /O.EXT.KJKL.FA.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bath KY-Elliott KY-Fleming KY-Menifee KY-Montgomery KY-Rowan KY- 949 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Elevated river levels caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...A portion of east central Kentucky, including the following counties, Bath, Elliott, Fleming, Menifee, Montgomery and Rowan. * WHEN...Until noon EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 948 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated indicated that the heaviest rain had ended across the area; however, minor flooding of small streams and creeks in low lying areas will continue through the rest of this morning. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Mount Sterling, Morehead, Owingsville, Marshall, Camargo, Salt Lick, Farmers, Freestone, Bluestone, Midland, Ramey, Cogswell, Moore's Ferry, Yale, Brandy, Zilpo, Young Springs, Sharkey, Hilda and Clearfield. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3808 8405 3832 8334 3821 8330 3819 8326 3819 8323 3824 8322 3827 8316 3818 8304 3813 8310 3809 8326 3811 8327 3806 8340 3802 8377 3799 8400 $$ GEOGERIAN  079 WWUS41 KCLE 061449 WSWCLE URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cleveland OH 949 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 OHZ003-006>014-017>023-027>033-036>038-047-089-PAZ001>003-061600- /O.EXP.KCLE.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Lucas-Wood-Ottawa-Sandusky-Erie-Lorain-Cuyahoga-Lake-Geauga- Ashtabula Inland-Hancock-Seneca-Huron-Medina-Summit-Portage- Trumbull-Wyandot-Crawford-Richland-Ashland-Wayne-Stark-Mahoning- Marion-Morrow-Holmes-Knox-Ashtabula Lakeshore-Northern Erie- Southern Erie-Crawford- Including the cities of Willoughby, Bowling Green, Erie, Medina, North Ridgeville, Millersburg, Willard, Eastlake, Canton, Aurora, Kent, Avon Lake, Roaming Shores, Warren, Bainbridge, Akron, Upper Sandusky, Cardington, Austintown, Clyde, Mansfield, Alliance, Brunswick, Streetsboro, Marion, Bellevue, Meadville, Toledo, Ravenna, Wickliffe, Union City, Wadsworth, Perrysburg, Painesville, Niles, Boardman, Titusville, Mount Gilead, Conneaut, Ashtabula, Orrville, Willowick, Massillon, Fostoria, Huron, Cleveland, Chardon, Orwell, Tiffin, Galion, Bucyrus, Wooster, Port Clinton, Youngstown, Findlay, Jefferson, Lorain, Geneva, Carey, Middlefield, Burton, Mentor, Andover, Rittman, Elyria, Killbuck, Fremont, Crestline, Oak Harbor, Norwalk, Sandusky, South Russell, Ashland, Mount Vernon, Genoa, Edinboro, Corry, and Chesterland 949 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... The threat has ended. Untreated roadways and surfaces may remain slick for the next couple of hours until temperatures warm well into the 30s today. $$ Sefcovic  319 WUUS53 KJKL 061449 SVRJKL KYC095-131-133-193-061515- /O.NEW.KJKL.SV.W.0013.250206T1449Z-250206T1515Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service JACKSON KY 949 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in JACKSON KY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Harlan County in southeastern Kentucky... East central Leslie County in southeastern Kentucky... Letcher County in southeastern Kentucky... Southeastern Perry County in southeastern Kentucky... * Until 1015 AM EST. * At 948 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Slemp, or 12 miles south of Hazard, moving east at 60 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Flint around 955 AM EST. Whitesburg around 1000 AM EST. Whitco around 1005 AM EST. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3702 8334 3720 8330 3720 8300 3717 8298 3720 8294 3719 8258 3715 8263 3712 8272 3705 8272 3701 8278 3701 8283 3699 8284 3698 8286 3695 8286 TIME...MOT...LOC 1448Z 275DEG 54KT 3708 8314 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ CMC  327 WWUS41 KLWX 061450 WSWLWX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 950 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MDZ001-003-501-502-VAZ028-031-507-WVZ050>053-055-501>504-061700- /O.CON.KLWX.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Garrett-Washington-Extreme Western Allegany-Central and Eastern Allegany-Frederick VA-Clarke-Northern Virginia Blue Ridge- Hampshire-Morgan-Berkeley-Jefferson-Hardy-Western Grant-Eastern Grant-Western Mineral-Eastern Mineral- 950 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Significant icing. Additional ice accumulations up to one tenth of an inch. * WHERE...Portions of north central and western Maryland, northwest Virginia, and eastern and panhandle West Virginia. * WHEN...Until noon EST today. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Significant ice accumulation on power lines and tree limbs may cause widespread power outages. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Temperatures will warm later this morning with precipitation transitioning to rain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not touch downed lines and report any power outages to your electric company. Travel is highly discouraged due to slick roadways and the possibility of downed trees and power lines. && $$ MDZ008-508-061700- /O.EXT.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Cecil-Southeast Harford- 950 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Cecil and Southeast Harford Counties. * WHEN...Until noon EST today. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Temperatures will warm later this morning with precipitation transitioning to rain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ MDZ004>006-503-505-507-VAZ040-501-505-506-526-061700- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Frederick MD-Carroll-Northern Baltimore-Northwest Montgomery- Northwest Howard-Northwest Harford-Rappahannock-Northern Fauquier- Western Loudoun-Eastern Loudoun-Northwest Prince William- 950 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of central, north central, and northern Maryland and northern and northwest Virginia. * WHEN...Until noon EST today. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Temperatures will warm later this morning with precipitation transitioning to rain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ VAZ027-029-030-061700- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Shenandoah-Page-Warren- 950 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Page, Shenandoah, and Warren Counties. * WHEN...Until noon EST today. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Temperatures will warm later this morning with precipitation transitioning to rain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ AVS  404 WGUS81 KRNK 061452 FLSRNK Flood Advisory National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 952 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC017-062000- /O.NEW.KRNK.FA.Y.0004.250206T1452Z-250206T2000Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bath VA- 952 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...A portion of west central Virginia, including the following county, Bath. * WHEN...Until 300 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. River or stream flows are elevated. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 951 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. Between 1 and 1.5 inches of rain have fallen. - This includes the following streams and drainages... Chimney Run, Jackson River, Cedar Creek and Back Creek. Additional rainfall amounts of 0.5 to 1 inch are expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Mountain Grove... Lake Moomaw... Callison... - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. When it is safe to do so, please send your reports of flooding, including mudslides or flooded roads, to the National Weather Service by calling toll free at 1...8 6 6...2 1 5...4 3 2 4. Reports and pictures can also be shared on the National Weather Service Blacksburg Facebook page and on Twitter. && LAT...LON 3800 8000 3824 7984 3825 7982 3826 7981 3827 7980 3823 7972 3798 7991 $$ RS  737 WWUS53 KJKL 061452 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 952 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC131-193-061501- /O.EXP.KJKL.SV.W.0012.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Leslie KY-Perry KY- 952 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL LESLIE AND SOUTHEASTERN PERRY COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 1000 AM EST... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. Remember, a Severe Thunderstorm Warning still remains in effect for East central Leslie County, Southeastern Perry County, Northeastern Harlan County, and Letcher County until 1015 AM EST. && LAT...LON 3700 8314 3702 8316 3702 8318 3701 8319 3705 8341 3721 8338 3722 8311 3700 8312 TIME...MOT...LOC 1451Z 274DEG 41KT 3710 8327 $$ CMC  057 ACUS11 KWNS 061453 SWOMCD SPC MCD 061452 VAZ000-WVZ000-KYZ000-061615- Mesoscale Discussion 0069 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0852 AM CST Thu Feb 06 2025 Areas affected...Southeast KY into far western VA Concerning...Tornado Watch 3... Valid 061452Z - 061615Z The severe weather threat for Tornado Watch 3 continues. SUMMARY...Some threat for locally damaging wind and/or a tornado may continue into late morning. DISCUSSION...A band of thunderstorms with a history of producing an apparent tornado and locally damaging gusts is moving across southeast KY toward western VA this morning. Diminishing instability with eastward extent and a tendency for a weakening/veering low-level jet (as the primary midlevel shortwave trough moves away) should result in a gradual weakening trend with time as storms move eastward. However, strong low/midlevel flow and favorable deep-layer shear will continue to support organized convection through late morning, with an attendant threat of locally damaging gusts and perhaps a tornado across the remaining portion of WW 3, and also potentially into adjacent parts of far western VA. ..Dean.. 02/06/2025 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...RNK...RLX...MRX...JKL... LAT...LON 36948487 37388268 37438216 37398111 37008136 36788241 36658328 36628434 36658474 36948487  095 WOUS64 KWNS 061453 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 3 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 853 AM CST THU FEB 06 2025 TORNADO WATCH 3 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1000 AM CST FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS KYC013-025-051-071-095-109-115-119-121-125-131-133-147-153-159- 189-193-195-199-203-231-235-061600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ KY . KENTUCKY COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BELL BREATHITT CLAY FLOYD HARLAN JACKSON JOHNSON KNOTT KNOX LAUREL LESLIE LETCHER MCCREARY MAGOFFIN MARTIN OWSLEY PERRY PIKE PULASKI ROCKCASTLE WAYNE WHITLEY $$ ATTN...WFO...JKL...  917 WHUS72 KMHX 061454 MWWMHX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 954 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 AMZ150-061800- /O.EXT.KMHX.SC.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ S of Currituck Beach Light to Oregon Inlet NC out 20 nm- 954 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Seas 4 to 6 ft. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Duck to Oregon Inlet. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ AMZ154-070300- /O.CON.KMHX.SC.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-250207T1600Z/ S of Cape Hatteras to Ocracoke Inlet NC out 20 nm including the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary- 954 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 4 to 6 ft. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Cape Hatteras to Ocracoke Inlet. * WHEN...Until 11 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ AMZ152-070300- /O.CON.KMHX.SC.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-250207T1400Z/ S of Oregon Inlet to Cape Hatteras NC out 20 nm- 954 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and seas 4 to 7 ft. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Oregon Inlet to Cape Hatteras. * WHEN...Until 9 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ AMZ156-070300- /O.CON.KMHX.SC.Y.0015.250207T0100Z-250207T1200Z/ S of Ocracoke Inlet to Cape Lookout NC out 20 nm- 954 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 7 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and seas 4 to 6 feet. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Ocracoke Inlet to Cape Lookout. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 7 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  950 WSFJ02 NFFN 061455 NFFF SIGMET 05 VALID 061538/061938 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1748 E17918 - S1706 W17624 - S2224 W17848 - S2112 E17730 - S1748 E17918 TOP FL520 MOV ENE 15KT NC=  412 WWJP82 RJTD 061200 VITAL WARNING FOR MOJI NAVTEX AREA 061200UTC ISSUED AT 061500UTC DEVELOPED LOW 992HPA AT 46N 141E ALMOST STNR GALE WARNING SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF NOTO, SETONAIKAI, NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU, NORTHWESTERN PART OF JAPAN SEA, SEA EAST OF OKI SYOTO AND AROUND WAKASA WAN, SEA WEST OF OKI SYOTO, TSUSHIMA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF CHEJU ISLAND, SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI, HYUGA NADA, SEA OFF KAGOSHIMA WITH MAX WINDS 40 KT WARNING(ICING) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, NORTHWESTERN PART OF JAPAN SEA NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 062100UTC =  413 WWJP81 RJTD 061200 VITAL WARNING FOR NAHA NAVTEX AREA 061200UTC ISSUED AT 061500UTC PRESSURE GRADIENT IS STEEP GALE WARNING NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU, SOUTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU, SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI, SEA SOUTHWEST OF MESHIMA, HYUGA NADA, SEA OFF KAGOSHIMA, SEA AROUND AMAMI, SEA SOUTH OF OKINAWA WITH MAX WINDS 40 KT SOUTHERN PART OF EAST CHINA SEA WITH 35 KT WARNING(NEAR GALE) SEA EAST OF OKINAWA NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 062100UTC =  446 WSUS32 KKCI 061455 SIGC MKCC WST 061455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 061655-062055 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  447 WSUS31 KKCI 061455 SIGE MKCE WST 061455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 43E VALID UNTIL 1655Z VA NC AND MD NC VA CSTL WTRS FROM 80ESE SBY-100E ECG-60NE RDU-20WSW RIC-80ESE SBY AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 26050KT. TOPS TO FL350. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 44E VALID UNTIL 1655Z VA NC WV TN KY FROM 10SSW EKN-30SSE CSN-50E HMV-50WSW LOZ-10SSW EKN AREA SEV EMBD TS MOV FROM 26050KT. TOPS TO FL410. TORNADOES...HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 45E VALID UNTIL 1655Z NC SC CSTL WTRS FROM 150SE ECG-190SE ECG-160SSE ILM-130SSE ILM-150SE ECG AREA TS MOV FROM 24020KT. TOPS TO FL320. OUTLOOK VALID 061655-062055 FROM 40NW EKN-100ESE SIE-160E ECG-GSO-40WNW ODF-40WSW MEM-50SSW FAM-40SSE IIU-40NW EKN REF WW 3. WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  448 WSUS33 KKCI 061455 SIGW MKCW WST 061455 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 061655-062055 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  516 WWJP83 RJTD 061200 VITAL WARNING FOR YOKOHAMA NAVTEX AREA 061200UTC ISSUED AT 061500UTC DEVELOPING LOW 986HPA AT 40N 158E MOV EAST 25 KT FCST POSITION FOR 070000UTC AT 40N 165E WITH UNCERTANITY OF 50 MILES RADIUS FCST POSITION FOR 071200UTC AT 40N 174E WITH UNCERTANITY OF 80 MILES RADIUS DEVELOPED LOW 992HPA AT 46N 141E ALMOST STNR GALE WARNING EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, NORTHERN SEA OFF KANTO, SOUTHERN SEA OFF KANTO, EASTERN SEA OFF TOKAI, WESTERN SEA OFF TOKAI, SOUTHERN SEA OFF TOKAI, NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU, SOUTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU WITH MAX WINDS 40 KT NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 062100UTC =  615 WWJP84 RJTD 061200 VITAL WARNING FOR OTARU NAVTEX AREA 061200UTC ISSUED AT 061500UTC DEVELOPED LOW 992HPA AT 46N 141E ALMOST STNR GALE WARNING SEA WEST OF SAKHALIN, SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF AKITA, SEA OFF SADO, SEA OFF NOTO WITH MAX WINDS 40 KT SOYA KAIKYO, TSUGARU KAIKYO, SEA OFF HIYAMA AND TSUGARU WITH 35 KT WARNING(ICING) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 062100UTC =  708 WWJP85 RJTD 061200 VITAL WARNING FOR KUSHIRO NAVTEX AREA 061200UTC ISSUED AT 061500UTC DEVELOPING LOW 986HPA AT 40N 158E MOV EAST 25 KT FCST POSITION FOR 070000UTC AT 40N 165E WITH UNCERTANITY OF 50 MILES RADIUS FCST POSITION FOR 071200UTC AT 40N 174E WITH UNCERTANITY OF 80 MILES RADIUS DEVELOPED LOW 992HPA AT 46N 141E ALMOST STNR GALE WARNING SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF KUSHIRO, SEA OFF HIDAKA, EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU WITH MAX WINDS 40 KT SEA EAST OF SAKHALIN, SOYA KAIKYO, TSUGARU KAIKYO WITH 35 KT NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 062100UTC =  087 WWUS74 KMEG 061456 NPWMEG URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Memphis TN 856 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ARZ009-018-MOZ113-061700- /O.EXT.KMEG.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Clay-Greene-Dunklin- Including the cities of Piggott, Kennett, Paragould, and Corning 856 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Dunklin, Clay, and Greene. * WHEN...Until 11 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ AC3  392 WSCI38 ZYTX 061454 ZYSH SIGMET 6 VALID 061530/061930 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N25 FL200/380 MOV E 20KMH NC =  393 WGUS53 KJKL 061456 FFWJKL KYC051-119-131-133-193-195-061800- /O.NEW.KJKL.FF.W.0005.250206T1456Z-250206T1800Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Jackson KY 956 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Jackson has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Southeastern Clay County in southeastern Kentucky... South Central Knott County in southeastern Kentucky... Central Leslie County in southeastern Kentucky... Letcher County in southeastern Kentucky... Southeastern Perry County in southeastern Kentucky... Southwestern Pike County in southeastern Kentucky... * Until 100 PM EST. * At 956 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. Additional rainfall amounts up to 1 inch are possible in the warned area. Flash flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Flash flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other poor drainage and low-lying areas. * Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Whitesburg, Hyden, Letcher, Jenkins, Elkhorn City, Fleming-Neon, Vicco, Blackey, Cornettsville, Ulvah, Daisy, Bluefield, Arminta, Red Star, Sassafras, Hallie, Viper, Gander, Jeff and Slemp. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3715 8371 3730 8230 3727 8235 3722 8250 3715 8263 3712 8272 3710 8272 3703 8366 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$ GEOGERIAN  068 WSCI38 ZYTX 061454 ZYSH SIGMET 6 VALID 061530/061930 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N25 FL200/380 MOV E 20KMH NC =  964 WWUS43 KIWX 061457 WSWIWX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Northern Indiana 957 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 INZ005>009-012>015-017-018-020-022>027-032>034-103-104-116-203-204- 216-MIZ078>081-177-277-OHZ001-002-004-005-015-016-024-025-061600- /O.EXP.KIWX.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Elkhart-Lagrange-Steuben-Noble-De Kalb-Starke-Pulaski-Marshall- Fulton IN-Whitley-Allen IN-White-Cass IN-Miami-Wabash-Huntington- Wells-Adams-Grant-Blackford-Jay-Northern La Porte-Eastern St. Joseph IN-Northern Kosciusko-Southern La Porte-Western St. Joseph IN-Southern Kosciusko-Cass MI-St. Joseph MI-Branch-Hillsdale- Northern Berrien-Southern Berrien-Williams-Fulton OH-Defiance- Henry-Paulding-Putnam-Van Wert-Allen OH- 957 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 /857 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 10 AM EST /9 AM CST/ THIS MORNING... Conditions will continue to slowly improve into this afternoon. With there no longer being a threat for additional freezing precipitation, the advisory will be allowed to expire. Use caution on untreated roads and other surfaces. $$ Fisher  082 WWUS53 KJKL 061457 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 957 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC133-195-061507- /O.EXP.KJKL.SV.W.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Letcher KY-Pike KY- 957 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN LETCHER AND SOUTHWESTERN PIKE COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 1000 AM EST... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service JACKSON KY. && LAT...LON 3717 8276 3738 8254 3737 8223 3737 8221 3727 8235 3723 8250 3715 8263 TIME...MOT...LOC 1457Z 275DEG 44KT 3726 8237 $$ GREIF  341 WWUS74 KLIX 061457 NPWLIX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New Orleans LA 857 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 LAZ039-056>060-064>071-076>082-084-086>090-MSZ070-071-077-083>088- 061600- /O.EXP.KLIX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Washington-Assumption-St. James-St. John The Baptist-Upper Lafourche-St. Charles-Upper St. Bernard-Upper Terrebonne-Lower Terrebonne-Lower Lafourche-Coastal Jefferson Parish-Lower Plaquemines-Lower St. Bernard-Northern Tangipahoa-Southeast St. Tammany-Western Orleans-Eastern Orleans-Northern St. Tammany- Southwestern St. Tammany-Central Tangipahoa-Lower Tangipahoa- Southern Livingston-Eastern Ascension-Upper Jefferson-Lower Jefferson-Upper Plaquemines-Central Plaquemines-Pike-Walthall- Pearl River-Northern Hancock-Northern Harrison-Northern Jackson- Southern Hancock-Southern Harrison-Southern Jackson- Including the cities of Tickfaw, Wilmer, Harahan, McComb, Thibodaux, Long Beach, Pearlington, East New Orleans, Westwego, Waveland, Kenner, Lutcher, Independence, Moss Point, Leeville, Pointe A La Hache, Paincourtville, Gulfport, Necaise, St. Martin, Braithwaite, Houma, Vancleave, Delacroix, Akers, Bush, Alliance, Belle Chasse, Picayune, Grand Isle, Laplace, Barataria, Amite, Lyman, Gramercy, Folsom, Jean Lafitte, Madisonville, Donaldsonville, Golden Meadow, Hammond, Biloxi, Lafitte, Convent, Empire, Springfield, Ponchatoula, Raceland, Dulac, Chauvin, Galliano, Port Sulphur, Slidell, Saucier, Dexter, Metairie, Prairieville, French Settlement, Whitehall, Gretna, Escatawpa, Geismar, Myrtle Grove, McNeil, Gonzales, Yscloskey, Pascagoula, Crossroads, Montegut, Killian, Pass Christian, Violet, Labadieville, Covington, Marrero, Shell Beach, Larose, New Orleans, Tylertown, Ocean Springs, Pierre Part, Bayou Cane, Enon, Robert, Sellers, Wade, Boothville, Bogalusa, Poplarville, Venice, Reserve, Destrehan, Cut Off, Kiln, Salem, Norco, Cocodrie, Franklinton, Gautier, Mandeville, Meraux, Bay St. Louis, Roseland, Kentwood, Diamondhead, Chalmette, and Buras 857 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 9 AM CST THIS MORNING... The dense fog advisory will be allowed to expire at 9 AM. Visibilities have begun to improve over the past hour and dense fog is no longer occuring. $$ PG  501 WGUS81 KLWX 061458 FLSLWX Flood Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 958 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC091-165-061508- /O.CAN.KLWX.FA.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1945Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Highland VA-Rockingham VA- 958 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IS CANCELLED... The Flood Warning is cancelled for a portion of western Virginia, including the following areas, Highland and Rockingham. Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3908 7911 3903 7907 3891 7903 3872 7909 3857 7917 3851 7921 3841 7932 3846 7948 3853 7952 3888 7934 3907 7920 $$ WVC023-031-071-061945- /O.CON.KLWX.FA.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1945Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Grant WV-Hardy WV-Pendleton WV- 958 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 245 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...A portion of eastern West Virginia, including the following counties, Grant, Hardy and Pendleton. * WHEN...Until 245 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 958 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated slow moving thunderstorms with very heavy rainfall across the warned area. Between 1.5 and 3 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts up to 0.5 inches are possible in the warned area. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Petersburg... Franklin... Rough Run... Brandywine... Upper Tract... Deer Run... Ruddle... Oak Flat... Brushy Run... Landes... Milam... Sugar Grove... Moyers... Masonville... Dorcas... Brake... Cabins... Harper... Welton... Seymourville... - Please visit www.weather.gov/safety/flood for flood safety and preparedness information PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. In hilly terrain there are hundreds of low water crossings which are potentially dangerous in heavy rain. Do not attempt to cross flooded roads. Find an alternate route. && LAT...LON 3908 7911 3903 7907 3891 7903 3872 7909 3857 7917 3851 7921 3841 7932 3846 7948 3853 7952 3888 7934 3907 7920 $$ Geiger  861 WWUS72 KJAX 061459 NPWJAX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Jacksonville FL 959 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 FLZ021-035-120-220-236-340-522-GAZ162-163-061600- /O.EXP.KJAX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Suwannee-Gilchrist-Eastern Hamilton-Western Hamilton-Western Alachua-Western Marion-Southwestern Columbia-Echols-Clinch- Including the cities of Houston, Suwannee Springs, Ocala Airport, Blue Springs, Archer, Oleno State Park, Statenville, Jasper, Newberry, West Lake, Homerville, Belmont, White Springs, Suwannee River Station, Columbia, Needmore, Trenton, High Springs, Newburn, Live Oak, McAlpin, and Jennings 959 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 10 AM EST THIS MORNING... $$ For more information, visit us at www.weather.gov/jax SHASHY  419 WHUS73 KMKX 061459 MWWMKX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 859 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 LMZ643>646-062300- /O.EXP.KMKX.SC.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ /O.CON.KMKX.GL.W.0005.250206T1500Z-250207T0900Z/ Sheboygan to Port Washington WI- Port Washington to North Point Light WI- North Point Light to Wind Point WI- Wind Point WI to Winthrop Harbor IL- 859 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 45 kt expected. * WHERE...Nearshore Waters from Sheboygan to Winthrop Harbor IL. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ LMZ080-261-362-364-366-563-565-567-669-671-673-675-777-779-868- 870-872-874-876-878-062300- /O.CON.KMKX.GL.W.0005.250206T1500Z-250207T0900Z/ Lake Michigan Michigan City IN to St. Joseph MI 5 NM offshore to mid-line of lake.- Lake Michigan from Seul Choix Point to Rock Island Passage 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan South of a line from Seul Choix Point to the Mackinac Bridge and North of a line from Charlevoix MI to South Fox Island 5NM offshore- Lake Michigan from Charlevoix to Point Betsie MI 5NM Offshore to mid lake- Lake Michigan from Point Betsie to Manistee MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Rock Island Passage to Sturgeon Bay WI 5NM offshore to mid lake- Lake Michigan from Sturgeon Bay to Two Rivers WI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Two Rivers to Sheboygan WI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Sheboygan to Port Washington WI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Port Washington to North Point Light WI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from North Point Light to Wind Point WI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Wind Point WI to Winthrop Harbor IL 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor IL 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Wilmette Harbor to Michigan City in 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Pentwater to Manistee MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Whitehall to Pentwater MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Grand Haven to Whitehall MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Holland to Grand Haven MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from South Haven to Holland MI 5NM offshore to Mid lake- Lake Michigan from St Joseph to South Haven MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- 859 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 25 to 35 kt with gusts up to 45 kt and waves 8 to 13 ft expected. * WHERE...All Open Waters of Lake Michigan. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Cannot rule out a few, brief storm force gusts this afternoon, especially across central portions of the open waters. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$  648 ACUS41 KWBC 061459 SCCNS1 Storm Summary Number 1 for Midwest to Mid-Atlantic Winter Storm NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD 900 AM CST Thu Feb 06 2025 ...Icy conditions continue across the Mid-Atlantic with periods of snow in the Northeast... Ice Storm Warnings are in effect for portions of the Central Appalachians that include southern Pennsylvania, western Maryland, the West Virginia Panhandle, and northwest Virginia. Winter Weather Advisories are in effect from the Lower Great Lakes and northern Mid-Atlantic through much of the Northeast. For a detailed graphical depiction of the latest watches, warnings and advisories, please see www.weather.gov At 800 AM CST...Regional radar and surface observations depict periods of freezing rain are ongoing in parts of central and southern Pennsylvania, western Maryland, and northern New Jersey. Light to moderate snow with sleet mixed in is occurring in northern Pennsylvania, Upstate New York, and into central New England. Precipitation was concluding across northern West Virginia, western Pennsylvania, and western New York. There are tens of thousands without power in portions of northern Virginia and eastern West Virginia as a result of significant ice accumulations. ...Selected preliminary Storm Total Snowfall in inches from 600 AM CST Wed Feb 05 through 800 AM CST Thu Feb 06... ...NEW YORK... AUBURN 1 NNE 2.0 HIGHLAND 2.0 PLEASANT VALLEY 7 SE 2.0 ...Selected preliminary Storm Total Sleet in inches from 600 AM CST Wed Feb 05 through 800 AM CST Thu Feb 06... ...DELAWARE... BROOKSIDE 0.30 ...NEW JERSEY... WANTAGE TWP 0.70 BRIDGEWATER 3 N 0.50 RAMTOWN 2 ESE 0.40 SOUTH RIVER 0.20 TRENTON MERCER ARPT 0.10 ...NEW YORK... HORSEHEADS NORTH 1 ESE 0.30 ...PENNSYLVANIA... DENTON HILL STATE PARK 5 NNE 0.50 LIVERPOOL 0.50 NORTH WHITEHALL 1 ESE 0.40 EAST NANTMEAL TWP 0.30 LEHIGH VALLEY INLT ARPT 0.30 READING RGNL ARPT 0.10 ...Selected preliminary Storm Total Freezing Rain ice amounts in inches from 600 AM CST Wed Feb 05 through 800 AM CST Thu Feb 06... ...DELAWARE... BROOKSIDE 2 SW 0.10 ...MARYLAND... GRANSTVILLE 5 W 0.35 BARTON 0.30 DEER PARK 6 NE 0.30 FROSTBURG 0.30 ACCIDENT 3 NNE 0.25 KEYSER 1 E 0.25 POTOMAC PARK 2 NW 0.25 NORRISVILLE 1 WSW 0.16 MIDDLETOWN 0.13 ELKTON 0.10 HAGERSTOWN 1 NE 0.10 NORBECK 1 ESE 0.10 ...NEW JERSEY... MILLVILLE MUNI ARPT 0.17 HAMMONTON 0.13 DELRAN 0.10 MOUNT HOLLY NWS WFO 0.10 ...NEW YORK... BUFFALO INTL ARPT 0.10 CASSADAGA 0.10 LE ROY 1 ESE 0.10 ...PENNSYLVANIA... JOHNSTOWN ARPT 0.27 ATGLEN 0.23 GLEN ROY 3 W 0.20 LANCASTER ARPT 0.19 PHILADELPHIA INTL ARPT 0.17 YORK ARPT 0.15 BROOKVILLE 0.10 ORANGEVILLE 0.10 RED LION 0.10 ALTOONA CNTY ARPT 0.05 ...VIRGINIA... SPERRYVILLE 2 SE 0.32 MONTEREY 0.25 TIMBERVILLE 3 NW 0.20 WOOLSEY 1 SW 0.13 ASHBURN 1 N 0.12 GAINESVILLE 1 NW 0.10 HERNDON 1 SSW 0.10 WINCHESTER 1 S 0.10 WINTERGREEN 2 NNW 0.10 ...WEST VIRGINIA... MOUNT STORM 0.25 RENICK 2 W 0.25 HARTMANSVILLE 1 E 0.20 MARTINSBURG 2 E 0.13 AURORA 0.12 BLOOMERY 3 SSE 0.12 DEER RUN 2 WSW 0.10 INWOOD 2 S 0.10 MILLVILLE 1 ESE 0.10 ...Selected preliminary Storm Total Rainfall in inches where the event has ended... ...WEST VIRGINIA... WEST HAMLIN 2.94 PEA RIDGE 2.75 ...Selected preliminary Storm Total Freezing Rain ice amounts in inches where the event has ended... ...ILLINOIS... CHICAGO O'HARE INTL ARPT 0.15 SUGAR GROVE 2 WNW 0.15 CHICAGO MIDWAY INTL ARPT 0.14 BEACH PARK 1 WSW 0.12 OAK FOREST 1 NW 0.07 BIGGSVILLE 0.05 ...INDIANA... VALPARAISO 3 ESE 0.08 ...IOWA... LOWDEN 0.05 OTTUMWA 2 ENE 0.05 MURRAY 2 W 0.04 ...KANSAS... STANLEY 4 W 0.11 CLARE 1 SW 0.09 ...MISSOURI... KANSAS CITY INT'L ARPT 0.15 OAK GROVE 0.10 KIRKSVILLE RGNL ARPT 0.03 SEDALIA RGNL ARPT 0.02 ...OHIO... EUCLID 1 WNW 0.20 ...WEST VIRGINIA... MINERAL WELLS 8 SSW 0.20 MASON 3 W 0.13 WHEELING ARPT 0.05 Periods of snow will continue across much of the interior Northeast while coastal areas witness a wintry mix that gradually transitions to rain. Farther south, temperatures are gradually warming above freezing across the northern Mid-Atlantic states which will cause any lingering sleet/freezing rain to transition to plain rain over the next couple of hours. Precipitation tapers off across the northern Mid-Atlantic states this afternoon, while snow transitions to a wintry mix across much of New York and interior New England. Snow will continue across much of Maine through this afternoon before tapering off this evening. Hazardous travel conditions are anticipated across much of the Northeast through this afternoon. Travelers should leave plenty of space between other vehicles and use extra caution on roadways, bridges, and overpasses. The next Storm Summary will be issued by the Weather Prediction Center at 900 PM CST. Please refer to your local National Weather Service office for additional information on this event. Mullinax $$  186 WUUS54 KMRX 061459 SVRMRX VAC195-720-061600- /O.NEW.KMRX.SV.W.0001.250206T1459Z-250206T1600Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Morristown TN 959 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Morristown has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... The City of Norton in southwestern Virginia... Wise County in southwestern Virginia... * Until 1100 AM EST. * At 959 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Roxana, or 7 miles west of Whitesburg, moving east at 60 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Norton, Wise, Coeburn, Pound, St. Paul, and Pardee. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3713 8255 3703 8248 3698 8237 3696 8236 3697 8233 3691 8230 3691 8232 3689 8232 3690 8234 3688 8240 3688 8252 3694 8286 3697 8287 3699 8283 3701 8283 3701 8278 3705 8272 3712 8272 3720 8255 TIME...MOT...LOC 1459Z 276DEG 51KT 3709 8297 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...0.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ JLB  327 WHUS74 KLIX 061459 MWWLIX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New Orleans LA 859 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 GMZ530-532-534-536-538-550-552-555-557-061700- /O.EXT.KLIX.MF.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Lake Pontchartrain and Lake Maurepas-Mississippi Sound- Lake Borgne-Chandeleur Sound-Breton Sound- Coastal Waters from Port Fourchon LA to Lower Atchafalaya River LA out 20 nm- Coastal waters from the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River to Port Fourchon Louisiana out 20 NM- Coastal Waters from Boothville LA to Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Pascagoula Mississippi to Stake Island out 20 NM- 859 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM CST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 NM or less. * WHERE...All of the tidal lakes, sounds, and nearshore Gulf waters. * WHEN...Until 11 AM CST this morning. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  403 WSPS21 NZKL 061454 NZZO SIGMET 22 VALID 061459/061859 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3450 E17800 - S3350 W17740 - S3140 W17310 - S3210 W17240 - S3440 W17650 - S3540 E17830 - S3450 E17800 FL360/500 MOV E 50KT NC=  957 WSPS21 NZKL 061455 NZZO SIGMET 23 VALID 061459/061606 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 19 061206/061606=  741 WGUS41 KRLX 061500 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 1000 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC015-039-067-062100- /O.NEW.KRLX.FA.W.0018.250206T1500Z-250206T2100Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Clay WV-Kanawha WV-Nicholas WV- 1000 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...Portions of central and southern West Virginia, including the following counties, in central West Virginia, Clay and Nicholas. In southern West Virginia, Kanawha. * WHEN...Until 400 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1000 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the warned area. Between 1.5 and 2.5 inches of rain have fallen. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Summersville, Clay, Birch River, Craigsville, Glen, Muddlety, Widen, Bickmore, Indore, Calvin and Bentree. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. The saturated ground has produced conditions ripe for landslides and debris flows on steep slopes around the area. Residents with homes on or at the base of hillsides should be aware of the potential for landslides and watch for trees leaning in unusual orientations, water and mud seepage where not expected and other signs of potential ground movement. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3846 8107 3852 8067 3851 8067 3850 8068 3849 8067 3848 8067 3841 8066 3827 8065 3828 8123 3828 8126 3844 8127 $$ 30  947 WABZ23 SBGL 061455 SBRE AIRMET 19 VALID 061500/061830 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SFC VIS 2000M RA FCST WI S0949 W03612 - S0949 W03523 - S0912 W03523 - S0912 W03612 - S0949 W03612 STNR NC=  948 WSNZ21 NZKL 061500 NZZC SIGMET 2 VALID 061500/061605 NZKL- NZZC NEW ZEALAND FIR CNL SIGMET 1 061205/061605=  582 WGUS41 KRLX 061500 RRA FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 1000 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The National Weather Service in Charleston WV has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in West Virginia... Buckhannon River Near Buckhannon affecting Upshur County. For the Tygart Valley River...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/rlx. The next statement will be issued this evening at 1000 PM EST. && WVC097-070300- /O.NEW.KRLX.FL.W.0006.250206T1851Z-250207T1445Z/ /BKNW2.1.ER.250206T1851Z.250207T0400Z.250207T0845Z.NO/ 1000 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT FROM THIS AFTERNOON TO LATE TOMORROW MORNING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Buckhannon River near Buckhannon. * WHEN...From this afternoon to late tomorrow morning. * IMPACTS...At 24.0 feet, Portions of Cleveland Ave and Wood St flood. Sections of Rte 20 south and north of town begin to flood. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 9:45 AM EST Thursday the stage was 15.7 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage this afternoon to a crest of 24.1 feet late this evening. It will then fall below flood stage late tonight. - Flood stage is 23.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 24.1 feet on 11/20/2003. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3904 8020 3903 8012 3892 8020 3894 8028 $$ JLB  790 WWUS51 KRLX 061500 SVSRLX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 1000 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC027-051-061515- /O.CON.KRLX.SV.W.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1515Z/ Dickenson VA-Buchanan VA- 1000 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1015 AM EST FOR DICKENSON AND SOUTHWESTERN BUCHANAN COUNTIES... At 1000 AM EST, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from near Grundy to near Davenport to near Trammel, moving southeast at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Haysi, Trammel, Nora, Vansant, Clinchco, Clintwood, Davenport, Breaks Interstate, McClure, Oakwood, and Grundy. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with these storms, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3696 8235 3703 8248 3713 8255 3714 8255 3720 8232 3729 8232 3735 8224 3726 8189 3714 8197 3712 8201 3705 8204 3705 8210 3704 8217 3699 8225 3700 8228 TIME...MOT...LOC 1500Z 300DEG 45KT 3725 8213 3716 8219 3704 8238 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ 09  026 WSAU21 YMMC 061501 YBBB SIGMET R03 VALID 061501/061527 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR CNL SIGMET R02 061127/061527=  684 WWUS81 KGYX 061503 AWWMHT Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Gray ME 1002 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NHZ012-013-061800- Interior Rockingham-Eastern Hillsborough- 1002 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Gray Maine has issued an * AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING FOR GROUND OPERATIONS AT Manchester-Boston Regional Airport. * Until 100 PM EST. * For the following hazards... Visibility of 1/4 mile or less. Snowfall rates of one inch per hour or greater. $$ Tubbs  813 WSAU21 YMMC 061504 YBBB SIGMET P13 VALID 061535/061935 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S2020 E13750 - S1510 E15250 - S2110 E15630 - S2320 E15440 - S2220 E14600 - S2310 E14010 FL150/260 MOV N 05KT NC=  009 WGUS41 KRLX 061504 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 1004 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC039-043-079-062100- /O.NEW.KRLX.FA.W.0019.250206T1504Z-250206T2100Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Kanawha WV-Lincoln WV-Putnam WV- 1004 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Urban area and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...A portion of southern West Virginia, including the following counties, Kanawha, Lincoln and Putnam. * WHEN...Until 400 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1003 AM EST, Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the warned area. Between 1.5 and 2.5 inches of rain have fallen. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Charleston, Nitro, Jefferson, South Charleston, St. Albans, Dunbar, Sissonville, Clendenin, Poca, Pinch, Elkview, Institute, Cross Lanes, Tornado, Alum Creek, Teays Valley and Pond Gap. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. The saturated ground has produced conditions ripe for landslides and debris flows on steep slopes around the area. Residents with homes on or at the base of hillsides should be aware of the potential for landslides and watch for trees leaning in unusual orientations, water and mud seepage where not expected and other signs of potential ground movement. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3832 8189 3855 8182 3855 8146 3853 8130 3830 8125 3820 8136 3823 8134 3838 8140 3842 8146 3838 8159 3836 8161 3835 8173 3828 8173 3827 8198 $$ 30  045 WGUS73 KJKL 061504 FFSJKL Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Jackson KY 1004 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC051-109-125-061700- /O.CON.KJKL.FF.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Clay KY-Jackson KY-Laurel KY- 1004 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY FOR CENTRAL LAUREL, NORTHERN CLAY AND SOUTHEASTERN JACKSON COUNTIES... At 1004 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms that produced between one and a half and two and a half inches of rainfall, had exited southeast of the warned area. Excessive runoff will continue to cause flash flooding of creeks and streams, especially in low lying areas. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Flash flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other poor drainage and low-lying areas. Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... London, Manchester, Fogertown, Benge, Grace, Byron, Portersburg, Crawford, Datha, Royrader, Langnau, Deer Lick, Urban, Sidell, High Knob, Shepherdtown, Hooker, Marydell, Malcomb and Mcwhorter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3734 8373 3734 8368 3735 8367 3736 8365 3730 8360 3718 8355 3705 8421 3723 8423 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$ GEOGERIAN  558 WWUS74 KLCH 061505 NPWLCH URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lake Charles LA 905 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 LAZ044-045-055-073-074-141>143-152>154-241>243-252>254-TXZ515-516- 615-616-061615- /O.EXP.KLCH.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1500Z/ Lafayette-Upper St. Martin-Lower St. Martin-West Cameron-East Cameron-Northern Calcasieu-Northern Jefferson Davis-Northern Acadia-Upper Vermilion-Upper Iberia-Upper St. Mary-Southern Calcasieu-Southern Jefferson Davis-Southern Acadia-Lower Vermilion-Lower Iberia-Lower St. Mary-Upper Jefferson-Northern Orange-Lower Jefferson-Southern Orange- Including the cities of Franklin, Topsy, Grand Lake, Orange, Patterson, Johnson Bayou, Cade, Abbeville, Fenton, Cypremort Point, Westlake, St. Martinville, Morse, Iota, Jennings, Meaux, Hackberry, Iowa, Bayou Vista, Port Arthur, Centerville, Klondike, Grand Chenier, Nederland, Sea Rim State Park, Vidor, Elton, Mauriceville, Lake Arthur, Branch, Sabine Pass, Avery Island, Breaux Bridge, Gueydan, Jeanerette, Lake Charles, Vinton, Hathaway, Stephensville, De Quincy, Creole, Kaplan, Maurice, Crowley, Morgan City, Intracoastal City, Rutherford Beach, Beaumont, Bridge City, Rayne, Burns Point, China, Welsh, Cameron, Hayes, Moss Bluff, Bell City, Church Point, Forked Island, Carlyss, Lafayette, Berwick, New Iberia, and Sulphur 905 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... The threat has ended. $$ Landreneau  042 WWUS73 KMKX 061506 NPWMKX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 906 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 WIZ046-047-051-052-056>060-062315- /O.CON.KMKX.WI.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250207T0300Z/ Marquette-Green Lake-Fond du Lac-Sheboygan-Sauk-Columbia-Dodge- Washington-Ozaukee- Including the cities of Princeton, Markesan, Oostburg, Beaver Dam, Endeavor, Lodi, Hartford, Berlin, Mayville, Plymouth, Grafton, Mequon, Baraboo, Reedsburg, Oxford, Neshkoro, Howards Grove, Columbus, Prairie Du Sac, Sheboygan Falls, Sauk City, Cedarburg, Portage, Germantown, West Bend, Waupun, Westfield, Montello, Lake Wisconsin, and Fond Du Lac 906 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 to 50 mph. * WHERE...Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, Columbia, Green Lake, Marquette, Sauk, Dodge, Ozaukee, and Washington Counties. * WHEN...Until 9 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ WAGNER  331 WGUS41 KRLX 061507 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 1007 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC067-075-083-101-070000- /O.NEW.KRLX.FA.W.0020.250206T1507Z-250207T0000Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Nicholas WV-Pocahontas WV-Randolph WV-Webster WV- 1007 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...Portions of central and northern West Virginia, including the following counties, in central West Virginia, Nicholas and Webster. In northern West Virginia, Pocahontas and Randolph. * WHEN...Until 700 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1006 AM EST, Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the warned area. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Marlinton, Cass Scenic Railroad, Greenbank, Snowshoe, Mingo, Durbin, Hillsboro, Slaty Fork, Dunmore, Edray, Valley Head, Frost, Monterville, Arbovale, Boyer, Minnehaha Springs, Cheat Bridge, Bartow, Buckeye and Cranberry Mountain Nature Center. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3835 8035 3866 8009 3861 8001 3881 7984 3882 7973 3868 7960 3866 7963 3862 7962 3849 7969 3836 7973 3831 7981 3827 7979 3818 7992 3806 7996 3805 8026 3811 8036 3823 8036 3827 8044 3822 8050 3826 8051 $$ 30  141 WSAU21 YMMC 061507 YMMM SIGMET O09 VALID 061600/062000 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3630 E08350 - S3400 E08950 - S4140 E10330 - S4520 E09400 - S5000 E09740 - S5000 E09130 FL150/400 MOV E 20KT NC=  142 WSBZ23 SBGL 061525 SBAZ SIGMET 40 VALID 061530/061930 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0057 W06548 - S0103 W06450 - S0108 W06100 - N0024 W06114 - N0233 W06321 - N0241 W06404 - N0207 W06349 - N0114 W06458 - N0057 W06548 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  143 WSBZ23 SBGL 061525 SBAZ SIGMET 41 VALID 061530/061930 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0106 W06224 - S0414 W06056 - S0709 W06145 - S0921 W05816 - S0717 W05449 - S0250 W05624 - N0116 W05847 - N0148 W05915 - N0024 W06114 - S0108 W06100 - S0106 W06224 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  144 WSBZ23 SBGL 061525 SBAZ SIGMET 42 VALID 061530/061930 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0826 W05420 - S0810 W05125 - S0620 W04952 - S0349 W05140 - S0511 W05407 - S0621 W05509 - S0717 W05449 - S0826 W05420 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  589 WSBZ23 SBGL 061525 SBAZ SIGMET 43 VALID 061530/061930 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0004 W05117 - S0213 W04452 - S0233 W04249 - S0256 W04206 - S0210 W04151 - N0007 W04520 - N0153 W04900 - S0004 W05117 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  590 WSBZ23 SBGL 061525 SBAZ SIGMET 44 VALID 061530/061930 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1348 W06104 - S1400 W06023 - S1506 W06036 - S1616 W06010 - S1619 W05827 - S1711 W05825 - S1750 W05743 - S1743 W05611 - S1735 W05447 - S1734 W05447 - S1139 W05429 - S1014 W05913 - S1124 W06027 - S1348 W06104 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  591 WSUY31 SUMU 061510 SUEO SIGMET A5 VALID 061510/061510 SUMU- SUEO MONTEVIDEO FIR CNL SIGMET A4 VALID 061110/061510=  936 WWUS53 KJKL 061508 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 1008 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC095-131-193-061517- /O.CAN.KJKL.SV.W.0013.000000T0000Z-250206T1515Z/ Harlan KY-Leslie KY-Perry KY- 1008 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN HARLAN...EAST CENTRAL LESLIE AND SOUTHEASTERN PERRY COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3698 8289 3702 8294 3700 8297 3700 8301 3715 8294 3716 8284 3715 8266 3712 8272 3705 8272 3701 8278 3701 8283 3699 8284 3698 8286 TIME...MOT...LOC 1507Z 275DEG 54KT 3705 8277 $$ KYC133-061515- /O.CON.KJKL.SV.W.0013.000000T0000Z-250206T1515Z/ Letcher KY- 1008 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1015 AM EST FOR CENTRAL LETCHER COUNTY... At 1007 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Eolia, or near Whitesburg, moving east at 60 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of central Letcher County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3698 8289 3702 8294 3700 8297 3700 8301 3715 8294 3716 8284 3715 8266 3712 8272 3705 8272 3701 8278 3701 8283 3699 8284 3698 8286 TIME...MOT...LOC 1507Z 275DEG 54KT 3705 8277 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ CMC  193 WOUS20 KWNS 061508 WWASPC SPC WW-A 061510 KYZ000-061640- STATUS REPORT ON WW 3 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 45 NNW CSV TO 10 WNW LOZ TO 50 ESE JKL TO 45 WNW BLF. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SEE MESOSCALE DISCUSSION 0069 ..DEAN..02/06/25 ATTN...WFO...LMK...JKL... && STATUS REPORT FOR WT 3 SEVERE WEATHER THREAT CONTINUES FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS KYC013-051-071-095-119-121-125-133-147-193-195-199-231-235- 061640- KY . KENTUCKY COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BELL CLAY FLOYD HARLAN KNOTT KNOX LAUREL LETCHER MCCREARY PERRY PIKE PULASKI WAYNE WHITLEY $$ THE WATCH STATUS MESSAGE IS FOR GUIDANCE PURPOSES ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO WATCH COUNTY NOTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION ON COUNTIES...INDEPENDENT CITIES AND MARINE ZONES CLEARED FROM SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AND TORNADO WATCHES. $$  322 WGUS84 KLZK 061508 FLSLZK Flood Statement National Weather Service Little Rock AR 908 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Arkansas... Black River At Black Rock affecting Independence, Lawrence and Jackson Counties. For the Black River...including Corning, Pocahontas, Black Rock... Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. The next statement will be issued Friday morning at 915 AM CST. && ARC063-067-075-071515- /O.EXT.KLZK.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250208T1800Z/ /BKRA4.1.ER.250130T2324Z.250201T0700Z.250207T1200Z.NO/ 908 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL EARLY SATURDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Black River at Black Rock. * WHEN...Until early Saturday afternoon. * IMPACTS...At 14.0 feet, Minor flooding begins. Farm ground along east bank begins to flood. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 8:00 AM CST Thursday the stage was 15.1 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage Friday morning. - Flood stage is 14.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && Fld Observed Forecasts (12 pm CST) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Fri Sat Sun Black River Black Rock 14.0 15.1 Thu 8 am CST 13.8 12.8 12.0 && LAT...LON 3570 9140 3591 9125 3612 9115 3610 9101 3588 9110 3564 9128 $$ 61  339 WSAU21 YMMC 061508 YMMM SIGMET S06 VALID 061508/061619 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR CNL SIGMET S05 061219/061619=  727 WSBZ23 SBGL 061525 SBRE SIGMET 15 VALID 061530/061930 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0256 W04206 - S0634 W03521 - S0837 W03704 - S1026 W03648 - S1214 W03411 - S1201 W03355 - S1141 W03340 - S0404 W02823 - S0337 W02913 - S0316 W03207 - S0025 W03809 - S0114 W04010 - S0105 W04129 - S0210 W04151 - S0256 W04206 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  951 WSBZ23 SBGL 061525 SBBS SIGMET 18 VALID 061530/061930 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1737 W05310 - S2154 W04932 - S2141 W04715 - S1934 W04643 - S1603 W05130 - S1737 W05310 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  578 WWIN40 DEMS 061200 IWB (EVENING) DATED 06-02-2025 METEOROLOGICAL ANALYSIS THE WESTERN DISTURBANCE AS A CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER NORTH PAKISTAN AND ADJOINING JAMMU REGION NOW LIES OVER JAMMU REGION & ADJOINING NORTH PAKISTAN AT 3.1 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL WITH A TROUGH ALOFT IN MIDDLE TROPOSPHERIC LEVEL WITH ITS AXIS AT 5.8 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL ROUGHLY ALONG LONG. 73°E TO THE NORTH OF LAT. 31°N PERSISTS. THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER CENTRAL ASSAM & NEIGHBOURHOOD EXTENDING UPTO 1.5 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL PERSISTS. SUBTROPICAL WESTERLY JET STREAM WITH CORE WINDS OF THE ORDER UPTO 125 KNOTS AT 12.6 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL CONTINUES TO PREVAIL OVER NORTHWEST INDIA. A FRESH WESTERN DISTURBANCE IS LIKELY TO AFFECT WESTERN HIMALAYAN REGION FROM 08TH FEBRUARY, 2025. RAINFALL FORECAST: AT A FEW PLACES OVER ARUNACHAL PRADESH; AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS, SUB-HIMALAYAN WEST BENGAL & SIKKIM, ASSAM & MEGHALAYA, NAGALAND, MANIPUR, MIZORAM & TRIPURA; DRY WEATHER OVER REST PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. WEATHER WARINGS: 06TH FEBRUARY (DAY 1): DENSE FOG CONDITIONS VERY LIKELY IN ISOLATED POCKETS OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AND ODISHA. COLD WAVE CONDITIONS VERY LIKELY IN ISOLATED POCKETS OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AND RAJASTHAN. THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH LIGHTNING VERY LIKELY AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER ARUNACHAL PRADESH AND ASSAM & MEGHALAYA. 07TH FEBRUARY (DAY 2): THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH LIGHTNING VERY LIKELY AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER ARUNACHAL PRADESH AND ASSAM & MEGHALAYA. DENSE FOG CONDITIONS VERY LIKELY IN ISOLATED POCKETS OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AND ODISHA.  198 WSAU21 YMMC 061511 YMMM SIGMET W01 VALID 061530/061930 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1120 E09700 - S1050 E10130 - S1210 E10300 - S1300 E10020 - S1540 E09920 - S1410 E09640 TOP FL550 MOV WNW 10KT NC=  989 WWIN40 DEMS 061200 IWB (EVENING) DATED 06-02-2025 METEOROLOGICAL ANALYSIS THE WESTERN DISTURBANCE AS A CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER NORTH PAKISTAN AND ADJOINING JAMMU REGION NOW LIES OVER JAMMU REGION & ADJOINING NORTH PAKISTAN AT 3.1 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL WITH A TROUGH ALOFT IN MIDDLE TROPOSPHERIC LEVEL WITH ITS AXIS AT 5.8 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL ROUGHLY ALONG LONG. 73OE TO THE NORTH OF LAT. 31ON PERSISTS. THE CYCLONIC CIRCULATION OVER CENTRAL ASSAM & NEIGHBOURHOOD EXTENDING UPTO 1.5 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL PERSISTS. SUBTROPICAL WESTERLY JET STREAM WITH CORE WINDS OF THE ORDER UPTO 125 KNOTS AT 12.6 KM ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL CONTINUES TO PREVAIL OVER NORTHWEST INDIA. A FRESH WESTERN DISTURBANCE IS LIKELY TO AFFECT WESTERN HIMALAYAN REGION FROM 08TH FEBRUARY, 2025. RAINFALL FORECAST: AT A FEW PLACES OVER ARUNACHAL PRADESH; AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS, SUB-HIMALAYAN WEST BENGAL & SIKKIM, ASSAM & MEGHALAYA, NAGALAND, MANIPUR, MIZORAM & TRIPURA; DRY WEATHER OVER REST PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. WEATHER WARINGS: 06TH FEBRUARY (DAY 1): DENSE FOG CONDITIONS VERY LIKELY IN ISOLATED POCKETS OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AND ODISHA. COLD WAVE CONDITIONS VERY LIKELY IN ISOLATED POCKETS OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AND RAJASTHAN. THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH LIGHTNING VERY LIKELY AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER ARUNACHAL PRADESH AND ASSAM & MEGHALAYA. 07TH FEBRUARY (DAY 2): THUNDERSTORM ACCOMPANIED WITH LIGHTNING VERY LIKELY AT ISOLATED PLACES OVER ARUNACHAL PRADESH AND ASSAM & MEGHALAYA. DENSE FOG CONDITIONS VERY LIKELY IN ISOLATED POCKETS OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AND ODISHA.=  308 WSRS31 RUSP 061512 ULLL SIGMET 14 VALID 061600/061900 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF LINE N7000 E03113 - N6840 E04142 - N6533 E04103 - N6447 E03005 FL300/360 STNR NC=  965 WHUS73 KDLH 061512 MWWDLH URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Duluth MN 912 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 LSZ140-141-070315- /O.CON.KDLH.GL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-250207T0600Z/ /O.CON.KDLH.UP.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T1000Z/ Grand Portage to Grand Marais MN- Grand Marais to Taconite Harbor MN- 912 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Gale Warning, west winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and waves 3 to 6 ft. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Grand Portage to Taconite Harbor MN. * WHEN...For the Gale Warning, until midnight CST tonight. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, until 4 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ142-143-070315- /O.CON.KDLH.GL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-250207T0600Z/ /O.CON.KDLH.UP.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T1000Z/ Taconite Harbor to Silver Bay Harbor MN- Silver Bay Harbor to Two Harbors MN- 912 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Gale Warning, west winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and waves 1 to 4 ft. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Taconite Harbor to Two Harbors MN. * WHEN...For the Gale Warning, until midnight CST tonight. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, until 4 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ144-145-070315- /O.CON.KDLH.GL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-250207T0600Z/ /O.CON.KDLH.UP.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T1000Z/ Two Harbors to Duluth MN-Duluth MN to Port Wing WI- 912 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Gale Warning, west winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and waves 4 to 7 ft. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Two Harbors to Duluth MN to Port Wing WI. * WHEN...For the Gale Warning, until midnight CST tonight. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, until 4 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ146>148-150-070315- /O.CON.KDLH.GL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-250207T0600Z/ /O.CON.KDLH.UP.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T1000Z/ Port Wing to Sand Island WI-Sand Island to Bayfield WI- Oak Point to Saxon Harbor WI- Outer Apostle Islands Beyond 5 NM from Mainland- 912 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Gale Warning, west winds 25 to 35 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and waves 7 to 10 ft. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Port Wing to Sand Island WI to Bayfield WI, Oak Point to Saxon Harbor WI and Outer Apostle Islands Beyond 5 NM from Mainland. * WHEN...For the Gale Warning, until midnight CST tonight. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, until 4 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$  989 WSBZ23 SBGL 061525 SBCW SIGMET 31 VALID 061530/061930 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1910 W05755 - S1849 W05500 - S1735 W05447 - S1743 W05611 - S1750 W05743 - S1812 W05733 - S1910 W05755 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  990 WSBZ23 SBGL 061525 SBCW SIGMET 32 VALID 061530/061930 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2914 W05644 - S3034 W05104 - S2931 W05024 - S2812 W05212 - S2534 W05104 - S2322 W05155 - S2403 W05428 - S2418 W05416 - S2532 W05438 - S2542 W05426 - S2537 W05405 - S2655 W05343 - S2819 W05552 - S2914 W05644 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  232 WSNO36 ENMI 061513 ENOB SIGMET U04 VALID 061600/062000 ENMI- ENOB BODOE OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N7415 E00000 - N7725 E00000 - N7725 E01635 - N7635 E03000 - N7300 E03000 - N7240 E02615 - N7420 E01705 - N7415 E00000 FL150/400 MOV NE 30KT NC=  176 WHUS71 KGYX 061513 MWWGYX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gray ME 1013 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ANZ150-152-154-070515- /O.CON.KGYX.GL.W.0011.250207T0600Z-250208T0000Z/ Coastal Waters from Stonington, ME to Port Clyde, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Port Clyde, ME to Cape Elizabeth, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Cape Elizabeth, ME to Merrimack River, MA out 25 NM- 1013 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 7 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and seas 4 to 7 ft expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Stonington, ME to Port Clyde, ME out 25 NM, Coastal Waters from Port Clyde, ME to Cape Elizabeth, ME out 25 NM and Coastal Waters from Cape Elizabeth, ME to Merrimack River, MA out 25 NM. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 7 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ ANZ151-153-070515- /O.CON.KGYX.SC.Y.0018.250207T0600Z-250208T0000Z/ Penobscot Bay-Casco Bay- 1013 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 7 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 2 to 5 ft expected. * WHERE...Penobscot Bay and Casco Bay. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 7 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ HAT  080 WWUS51 KRLX 061514 SVSRLX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 1014 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC027-051-061524- /O.EXP.KRLX.SV.W.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1515Z/ Dickenson VA-Buchanan VA- 1014 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR DICKENSON AND SOUTHWESTERN BUCHANAN COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 1015 AM EST... The storms which prompted the warning have weakened below severe limits, and no longer pose an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However, gusty winds and heavy rain are still possible with these thunderstorms. && LAT...LON 3696 8235 3703 8248 3713 8255 3714 8255 3720 8232 3729 8232 3735 8224 3726 8189 3714 8197 3712 8201 3705 8204 3705 8210 3704 8217 3699 8225 3700 8228 TIME...MOT...LOC 1514Z 297DEG 34KT 3725 8213 3716 8219 3704 8238 $$ 09  272 WWUS53 KJKL 061514 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 1014 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC133-061522- /O.EXP.KJKL.SV.W.0013.000000T0000Z-250206T1515Z/ Letcher KY- 1014 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL LETCHER COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 1015 AM EST... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service JACKSON KY. && LAT...LON 3698 8289 3702 8294 3700 8297 3700 8301 3715 8294 3716 8284 3715 8266 3712 8272 3705 8272 3701 8278 3701 8283 3699 8284 3698 8286 TIME...MOT...LOC 1512Z 275DEG 54KT 3705 8273 $$ CMC  479 WSBZ23 SBGL 061525 SBAO SIGMET 25 VALID 061530/061930 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0249 W04640 - N0146 W04314 - N0042 W03959 - N0024 W03549 - N0011 W02844 - N0045 W02638 - N0304 W03332 - N0431 W03928 - N0500 W04155 - N0500 W04355 - N0249 W04640 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  480 WSBZ23 SBGL 061525 SBAO SIGMET 27 VALID 061530/061930 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0007 W04520 - S0210 W04151 - S0105 W04129 - S0052 W04319 - N0007 W04520 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  481 WSBZ23 SBGL 061525 SBAO SIGMET 26 VALID 061530/061930 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0025 W03809 - S0316 W03207 - S0337 W02913 - S0404 W02823 - S1141 W03340 - S1201 W03355 - S0902 W03006 - S0638 W02847 - S0252 W02312 - S0119 W02526 - S0209 W03055 - N0001 W03707 - S0025 W03809 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  595 WSCI38 ZYTX 061512 ZYSH SIGMET 7 VALID 061513/061530 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR CNL SIGMET 6 061530/061930=  674 WGUS41 KRLX 061515 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 1015 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC027-WVC005-019-039-045-047-059-067-075-081-099-109-062115- /O.NEW.KRLX.FA.W.0021.250206T1515Z-250206T2115Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Buchanan VA-Boone WV-Fayette WV-Kanawha WV-Logan WV-McDowell WV- Mingo WV-Nicholas WV-Pocahontas WV-Raleigh WV-Wayne WV-Wyoming WV- 1015 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 415 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...Portions of southwest Virginia, including the following county, Buchanan and West Virginia, including the following counties, Boone, Fayette, Kanawha, Logan, McDowell, Mingo, Nicholas, Pocahontas, Raleigh, Wayne and Wyoming. * WHEN...Until 415 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1015 AM EST, Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the warned area. Between 1 and 2.5 inches of rain have fallen. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Beckley, Summersville, Williamson, Fayetteville, Welch, Richwood, Logan, Pineville, Babcock State Park, Oak Hill, Montgomery, Mullens, Mount Hope, Mabscott, Ansted, Oceana, Sophia, Chapmanville, Smithers and Man. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. The saturated ground has produced conditions ripe for landslides and debris flows on steep slopes around the area. Residents with homes on or at the base of hillsides should be aware of the potential for landslides and watch for trees leaning in unusual orientations, water and mud seepage where not expected and other signs of potential ground movement. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3805 8164 3819 8136 3830 8134 3827 8044 3806 8026 3810 8088 3808 8089 3806 8080 3787 8075 3782 8094 3768 8088 3771 8098 3741 8132 3740 8216 3754 8197 3755 8213 3765 8217 3768 8230 3793 8250 $$ 30  292 WSCG31 FCBB 061515 FCCC SIGMET D3 VALID 061515/061915 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1500Z S OF LINE N0045 E00636 - N0426 E01834 W OF LINE N0002 E01117 - N0603 E01117 S OF LINE N0456 E02031 - N0456 E02237 E OF LINE N0727 E02020 - N0502 E02406 TOP FL430 MOV W 05KT INTSF=  921 WVID21 WAAA 061510 WAAF SIGMET 27 VALID 061510/062110 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT IBU PSN N0129 E12738 VA CLD OBS AT 1450Z WI N0128 E12734 - N0133 E12738 - N0124 E12803 - N 0114 E12803 - N0109 E12754 - N0128 E12734 SFC/FL070 MOV SE 15KT NC=  939 WWUS81 KRLX 061518 SPSRLX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 1018 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAZ003-004-WVZ033-061545- Dickenson VA-Buchanan VA-McDowell WV- 1018 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL IMPACT SOUTHERN DICKENSON...SOUTHEASTERN BUCHANAN AND SOUTHERN MCDOWELL COUNTIES THROUGH 1045 AM EST... At 1017 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from near War to near Glen Burke to 7 miles west of Raven to near Trammel. Movement was southeast at 50 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 50 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... War, Jolo, Oakwood, Bradshaw, Stacy, Elbert, Trammel, Nora, Davenport, McClure, Cucumber, Jenkinjones, Anawalt, and Gary. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3702 8248 3713 8255 3713 8215 3721 8202 3741 8196 3732 8139 3727 8142 3726 8150 3721 8156 3720 8168 3724 8174 3720 8176 3718 8185 3713 8192 3712 8200 3707 8202 3705 8205 3704 8217 3700 8229 3696 8235 TIME...MOT...LOC 1517Z 299DEG 45KT 3735 8173 3718 8184 3707 8199 3698 8227 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...50 MPH $$ 09  786 WSCG31 FCBB 061519 FCCC SIGMET D3 VALID 061519/061540 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR CNL SIGMET D2 061140/061540=  011 WSBZ23 SBGL 061525 SBBS SIGMET 18 VALID 061530/061930 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2216 W04732 - S2216 W04521 - S2032 W04358 - S2009 W04324 - S2025 W04245 - S2000 W04232 - S1928 W04228 - S1845 W04227 - S1657 W04149 - S1538 W04406 - S1321 W04534 - S1200 W04654 - S1020 W04719 - S1018 W04732 - S1858 W04732 - S1934 W04643 - S2141 W04715 - S2143 W04732 - S2216 W04732 FL280/390 STNR NC=  654 WAHW31 PHFO 061520 WA0HI HNLS WA 061600 AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 7 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 062200 . AIRMET MTN OBSC...BIG ISLAND N THRU E SECTIONS. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 015 DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND IMPROVING BY 2200Z. =HNLT WA 061600 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 2 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 062200 . NO SIGNIFICANT TURB EXP. =HNLZ WA 061600 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 2 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 062200 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...139-144.  539 WSBZ23 SBGL 061520 SBCW SIGMET 33 VALID 061530/061930 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1915 W05757 - S2052 W05614 - S2139 W05525 - S2210 W05452 - S2341 W05305 - S2322 W05155 - S2519 W05110 - S2810 W04749 - S2511 W04616 - S2343 W04701 - S2314 W04720 - S2220 W04955 - S2020 W05127 - S1724 W05407 - S1734 W05441 - S1735 W05447 - S1735 W05447 - S1849 W05500 - S1910 W05755 - S1812 W05733 - S1915 W05757 FL150/230 STNR NC=  903 WSCG31 FCBB 061520 FCCC SIGMET F1 VALID 061520/061915 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1500Z S OF LINE N0045 E00636 - N0426 E01834 W OF LINE N0002 E01117 - N0603 E01117 S OF LINE N0456 E02031 - N0456 E02237 E OF LINE N0727 E02020 - N0502 E02406 TOP FL430 MOV W 05KT INTSF=  449 WGUS83 KJKL 061521 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 1021 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC011-069-173-205-061531- /O.EXP.KJKL.FA.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1530Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bath KY-Fleming KY-Montgomery KY-Rowan KY- 1021 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 1030 AM EST THIS MORNING... The Flood Advisory will expire at 1030 AM EST this morning for a portion of east central Kentucky, including the following areas, Bath, Fleming, Montgomery and Rowan. The heavy rain has ended and flood waters are receding. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3812 8408 3831 8383 3836 8387 3836 8389 3836 8392 3842 8395 3844 8398 3849 8393 3846 8386 3852 8363 3851 8363 3851 8360 3848 8358 3843 8358 3838 8345 3840 8341 3832 8334 3808 8405 $$ GEOGERIAN  450 WSBZ23 SBGL 061525 SBRE SIGMET 15 VALID 061530/061930 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S1020 W04719 - S1200 W04654 - S1321 W04534 - S1538 W04406 - S1657 W04149 - S1845 W04227 - S1928 W04228 - S2000 W04232 - S2025 W04245 - S2037 W04200 - S2024 W04059 - S2042 W04049 - S2054 W04034 - S2057 W04015 - S2052 W04000 - S2045 W03949 - S2036 W03941 - S2030 W03938 - S2007 W03857 - S0950 W03857 - S0950 W04713 - S1020 W04719 FL280/390 STNR NC=  451 WSBZ23 SBGL 061525 SBRE SIGMET 16 VALID 061530/061930 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S0950 W03933 - S0950 W03857 - S1424 W03857 - S1424 W03539 - S1213 W03403 - S1202 W03403 - S1213 W03411 - S1147 W03509 - S1113 W03626 - S1113 W03626 - S1113 W03626 - S0841 W03531 - S0841 W03933 - S0950 W03933 FL220/280 STNR NC=  468 WSFJ01 NFFN 061522 NFFF SIGMET 06 VALID 061617/062017 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1924 E16954 - S2406 E17224 - S2418 E16618 - S2136 E16500 - S1954 E16530 - S2136 E16818 - S1924 E16954 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  726 WSBZ23 SBGL 061525 SBBS SIGMET 19 VALID 061530/061930 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1724 W05407 - S2020 W05127 - S2220 W04955 - S2314 W04720 - S2146 W04806 - S2154 W04932 - S1737 W05310 - S1603 W05130 - S1637 W05044 - S1300 W05235 - S1303 W05330 - S1434 W05338 - S1518 W05327 - S1521 W05326 - S1643 W05306 - S1724 W05407 FL150/230 STNR NC=  941 WWUS41 KGYX 061521 WSWGYX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gray ME 1021 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 .Low pressure tracking through southeast Canada and a secondary low forming near southern New England will overspread snow across the area today. Snow will transition to a wintry mix and end as a period of freezing drizzle late this afternoon into the evening. MEZ007>009-012>014-020>022-025>028-033-NHZ001>004-070330- /O.CON.KGYX.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T0400Z/ Northern Oxford-Northern Franklin-Central Somerset-Southern Oxford-Southern Franklin-Southern Somerset-Androscoggin-Kennebec- Interior Waldo-Sagadahoc-Lincoln-Knox-Coastal Waldo-Interior Cumberland Highlands-Northern Coos-Southern Coos-Northern Grafton- Northern Carroll- Including the cities of Andover, Middle Dam, Lincoln, Coburn Gore, Rockland, Jackson, Dummer, New Vineyard, Crawford Notch, Brassua, Bowdoinham, Chatham, Skowhegan, Littleton, Millsfield, Turner, Belfast, Lancaster, Fryeburg, Jay, China, Farmington, Davis, Avon, South Arm, Chesterville, Kingfield, Bath, Moosehead, Brooks, Pittsfield, Phippsburg, Palermo, Winterport, Thornton, Bethlehem, Wiscasset, Hanover, Bridgton, Waldoboro, Bethel, Newry, Liberty, Berlin, Sugar Hill, Vassalboro, Lincolnville, Waterville Valley, Bristol, Roxbury, North Conway, Byron, Montville, Seboomook, Minot, Sabattus, Augusta, Pittston Farm, Newcastle, Morrill, Camden, Oxford, Northport, Hope, Milton, Harrison, Bremen, Bowdoin, Owls Head, Athens, York Pond, Thomaston, Oquossoc, Wilsons Mills, Long Pond, Topsham, Boothbay Harbor, Temple, Windsor, Unity, Norway, Auburn, Woodstock, Upton, New Portland, New Sharon, Livermore Falls, Sidney, Waldo, Madison, Rangeley, Wales, Conway, Naples, Arrowsic, Errol, Alna, Bingham, Albany, Phillips, Lewiston, Greene, Rumford, Cornville, Embden, Colebrook, Milan, Appleton, Wilton, Dresden, Locke Mills, Jackman, Damariscotta, Knox, Searsmont, Palmyra, Rockport, Whitefield, Waterville, and Bryant Pond 1021 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations between 2 and 4 inches for a storm total of 3 to 5 inches and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of south central, southwest, west central, and western Maine and northern New Hampshire. * WHEN...Until 11 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Snow will change over to a period of mixed precipitation before changing to freezing rain. It is recommended not to plow your driveway and walkways until the storm has ended. Even light snowfall amounts can accumulate on roads and cause dangerous driving conditions due to snow covered roads. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by going to newengland511.org && $$ MEZ018-019-023-024-NHZ005>015-070100- /O.CON.KGYX.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T0100Z/ Interior York-Central Interior Cumberland-Coastal York-Coastal Cumberland-Southern Grafton-Southern Carroll-Sullivan-Merrimack- Belknap-Strafford-Cheshire-Eastern Hillsborough-Interior Rockingham-Coastal Rockingham-Western And Central Hillsborough- Including the cities of Croydon, Dover, Sanford, Mont Vernon, Saco, Marlow, Portland, Ellsworth, Biddeford, Madbury, Surry, Rochester, Exeter, Old Orchard Beach, Hollis, Claremont, Hooksett, Plymouth, Moultonborough, Ossipee, Lempster, Keene, Lebanon, Gilford, Loudon, Canterbury, Ashland, Sullivan, Manchester, Jaffrey, Portsmouth, New Gloucester, Grantham, Rumney, Bridgewater, Tuftonboro, Weare, Brookfield, Durham, Plaistow, Boscawen, Atkinson, Gorham, Newton, Westbrook, Yarmouth, Salem, Gray, Limington, Laconia, Buxton, Somersworth, North Windham, South Portland, Lyme, Wolfeboro, Goffstown, Hampstead, Kittery, Newport, Unity, Brunswick, Rye, Concord, Holderness, Amherst, Charlestown, Alfred, Gilsum, Greenland, Hampton, Sharon, Meredith, Goodwins Mills, Derry, Seabrook, Berwick, Pelham, Cape Elizabeth, Goshen, Hampton Falls, North Hampton, Cornish, Wakefield, Barrington, Chester, Rollinsford, Dunbarton, Peterborough, Milford, and Nashua 1021 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations between 2 and 4 inches for a storm total of 3 to 5 inches, sleet accumulations up to one tenth of an inch, and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of southwest Maine and central, northern, and southern New Hampshire. * WHEN...Until 8 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Snow will change over to a period of mixed precipitation before changing to freezing rain. It is recommended not to plow your driveway and walkways until the storm has ended. Even light snowfall amounts can accumulate on roads and cause dangerous driving conditions due to snow covered roads. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by going to newengland511.org && $$ Tubbs  105 WASP40 LEMM 061514 LECM AIRMET 1 VALID 061500/061800 LEVA- LECM MADRID FIR BKN CLD 0400/4000FT OBS AT 1514Z WI N4233 W00506 - N4152 W00342 - N4050 W00450 - N4143 W00608 - N4233 W00506 STNR WKN=  106 WSCI34 ZSSS 061521 ZSHA SIGMET 10 VALID 061530/061930 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N25 FL150/380 MOV E 20KMH NC=  454 WSSN31 ESWI 061516 ESAA SIGMET M05 VALID 061545/061945 ESSA- ESAA SWEDEN FIR SEV MTW FCST WI N6455 E01344 - N6810 E01722 - N6900 E02018 - N6825 E02212 - N6431 E01607 - N6455 E01344 SFC/FL300 STNR INTSF=  735 WWUS54 KMRX 061522 SVSMRX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Morristown TN 1022 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC195-720-061600- /O.CON.KMRX.SV.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ City of Norton VA-Wise VA- 1022 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1100 AM EST FOR CENTRAL WISE COUNTY AND THE CITY OF NORTON... At 1022 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Wise, moving east at 60 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and nickel size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Norton, Wise, Coeburn, Pound, and St. Paul. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3713 8255 3703 8248 3698 8237 3696 8236 3697 8233 3691 8230 3691 8232 3689 8232 3690 8234 3688 8240 3688 8252 3695 8276 3715 8261 TIME...MOT...LOC 1522Z 276DEG 51KT 3705 8255 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...0.88 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ JLB  931 WWCN02 CYTR 061522 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB BORDEN PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 10:22 AM EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB BORDEN (CYBN) TYPE: FREEZING PRECIPITATION WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: FREEZING RAIN/DRIZZLE VALID: UNTIL 06/2300Z (UNTIL 06/1800 EST) COMMENTS: A WIDESPREAD AREA OF STRATUS OVER SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO IS BRINGING PERIODS OF FREEZING DRIZZLE THIS MORNING TO CFB BORDEN. TRACE AMOUNTS OF FREEZING DRIZZLE ARE EXPECTED. FREEZING DRIZZLE IS EXPECTED TO TAPER OFF EARLY THIS EVENING AS THE STRATUS THINS OUT AND MOVES OUT OF THE AREA. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 06/2300Z (06/1800 EST) END/JMC  082 WGUS41 KLWX 061523 FLWLWX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1023 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC071-062130- /O.NEW.KLWX.FA.W.0002.250206T1523Z-250206T2130Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Pendleton WV- 1023 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 430 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...A portion of eastern West Virginia, including the following county, Pendleton. * WHEN...Until 430 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1022 AM EST, emergency management reports multiple small streams and rivers out of their banks. Flooding is already occurring. Between 1.5 and 2.5 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts up to 0.5 inches are possible in the warned area. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Riverton... Circleville... Onego... Cherry Grove... Seneca Rocks... - Please visit www.weather.gov/safety/flood for flood safety and preparedness information PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. In hilly terrain there are hundreds of low water crossings which are potentially dangerous in heavy rain. Do not attempt to cross flooded roads. Find an alternate route. && LAT...LON 3866 7960 3869 7960 3878 7951 3880 7951 3884 7954 3887 7951 3889 7952 3889 7948 3890 7945 3893 7945 3892 7937 3896 7935 3893 7930 3853 7952 3856 7956 3859 7965 3862 7962 3864 7963 3867 7962 $$ Geiger  841 WSBZ23 SBGL 061525 SBAZ SIGMET 45 VALID 061530/061930 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1735 W05447 - S1734 W05441 - S1724 W05407 - S1643 W05306 - S1434 W05338 - S1304 W05330 - S1303 W05433 - S1734 W05447 - S1735 W05447 FL150/230 STNR NC=  975 WOUS64 KWNS 061523 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 3 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 923 AM CST THU FEB 06 2025 TORNADO WATCH 3 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1000 AM CST FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS KYC013-025-051-071-095-109-115-119-121-125-131-133-147-153-159- 189-193-195-199-203-231-235-061600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ KY . KENTUCKY COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BELL BREATHITT CLAY FLOYD HARLAN JACKSON JOHNSON KNOTT KNOX LAUREL LESLIE LETCHER MCCREARY MAGOFFIN MARTIN OWSLEY PERRY PIKE PULASKI ROCKCASTLE WAYNE WHITLEY $$ ATTN...WFO...JKL...  476 WSCI34 ZSSS 061523 ZSHA SIGMET 11 VALID 061530/061930 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR SEV ICE FCST N OF N35 AND S OF N30 FL030/180 MOV E 20KMH NC=  653 WSDR31 MDSD 061524 MDPC 061524Z 10012KT 8000 RA BKN014 BKN070 25/23 Q1019=  048 WSSR20 WSSS 061524 WSJC SIGMET A02 VALID 061530/061830 WSSS- WSJC SINGAPORE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0825 E11630 - N0544 E11301 - N0706 E11142 - N0825 E11246 - N0714 E11448 - N0851 E11509 - N0825 E11630 TOP FL510 MOV WNW 20KT NC=  434 WHUS73 KIWX 061525 MWWIWX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Northern Indiana 1025 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 LMZ043-046-062330- /O.EXT.KIWX.SC.Y.0008.250206T1800Z-250207T0000Z/ /O.NEW.KIWX.GL.W.0002.250207T0000Z-250207T0900Z/ New Buffalo MI to St Joseph MI-Michigan City IN to New Buffalo MI- 1025 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... ...GALE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, west winds 15 to 20 knots with gusts up to 30 knots and waves 4 to 6 feet expected. For the Gale Warning, west winds 20 to 30 knots with gusts up to 35 knots and waves 5 to 10 feet expected. * WHERE...Michigan City IN to St Joseph MI. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 7 PM EST this evening. For the Gale Warning, from 7 PM this evening to 4 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$  909 WGUS81 KLWX 061525 FLSLWX Flood Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1025 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC023-031-071-061945- /O.CON.KLWX.FA.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1945Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Grant WV-Hardy WV-Pendleton WV- 1025 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 245 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...A portion of eastern West Virginia, including the following counties, Grant, Hardy and Pendleton. * WHEN...Until 245 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1025 AM EST, emergency manager reported streams and rivers our of their banks with multiple roads closed due to flooding. Between 1.5 and 3 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts up to 0.5 inches are possible in the warned area. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Petersburg... Franklin... Rough Run... Brandywine... Upper Tract... Deer Run... Ruddle... Oak Flat... Brushy Run... Landes... Milam... Sugar Grove... Moyers... Masonville... Dorcas... Brake... Cabins... Harper... Welton... Seymourville... - Please visit www.weather.gov/safety/flood for flood safety and preparedness information PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. In hilly terrain there are hundreds of low water crossings which are potentially dangerous in heavy rain. Do not attempt to cross flooded roads. Find an alternate route. && LAT...LON 3908 7911 3903 7907 3891 7903 3872 7909 3857 7917 3851 7921 3841 7932 3846 7948 3853 7952 3888 7934 3907 7920 $$ Geiger  939 WGUS84 KLIX 061525 FLSLIX Flood Statement National Weather Service New Orleans LA 925 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Mississippi...Louisiana... Pearl River Near Bogalusa affecting Washington Parish and Pearl River County. For the Lower Pearl River...including Bogalusa, Pearl River...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/lix. Click on the Rivers and Lakes menu for forecasts and observations. The next statement will be issued late tonight at 130 AM CST. && LAC117-MSC109-070730- /O.EXT.KLIX.FL.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250210T0000Z/ /BXAL1.1.ER.000000T0000Z.250207T0000Z.250209T1800Z.NO/ 925 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL SUNDAY EVENING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Pearl River near Bogalusa. * WHEN...Until Sunday evening. * IMPACTS...At 18.5 feet, Woodlands and crop acreage along the river will be flooded. The Bogue Chitto Wildlife Management area will be inundated with water in recreational camps and over access roads. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 8:00 AM CST Thursday the stage was 18.8 feet. - Bankfull stage is 15.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 8:00 AM CST Thursday was 18.8 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 19.0 feet this evening. It will then fall below flood stage early Sunday afternoon. - Flood stage is 18.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3067 8976 3067 8990 3100 8979 3100 8969 $$ BL  297 WWUS81 KRNK 061526 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 1026 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAZ007-WVZ042-061600- Tazewell VA-Mercer WV- 1026 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT TAZEWELL AND SOUTHWESTERN MERCER COUNTIES THROUGH 1100 AM EST... At 1025 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Amonate, or 11 miles northwest of Tazewell, moving east at 65 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and pea size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Bluefield... Richlands... Tazewell... Cedar Bluff... Pocahontas... Bramwell... and Ceres. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3717 8187 3720 8176 3724 8174 3720 8168 3721 8156 3724 8151 3726 8150 3725 8148 3727 8142 3735 8135 3730 8106 3722 8128 3718 8126 3716 8132 3714 8133 3693 8168 3698 8171 3697 8174 3700 8180 3714 8190 TIME...MOT...LOC 1525Z 271DEG 56KT 3723 8167 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.25 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ RS  330 WUUS51 KRLX 061526 SVRRLX VAC027-051-061600- /O.NEW.KRLX.SV.W.0009.250206T1526Z-250206T1600Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 1026 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Charleston West Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southern Dickenson County in southwestern Virginia... South central Buchanan County in southwestern Virginia... * Until 1100 AM EST. * At 1026 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Wise, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Davenport, McClure, Trammel, and Nora. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3696 8236 3698 8238 3703 8248 3714 8255 3713 8193 3712 8201 3711 8202 3707 8202 3705 8205 3704 8208 3705 8210 3704 8211 3704 8217 3699 8225 3700 8228 TIME...MOT...LOC 1526Z 274DEG 48KT 3702 8249 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ 09  347 WSDR31 MDSD 061526 MDPC 061526Z 10012KT 8000 RA BKN014 BKN070 25/23 Q1019=  783 WWUS83 KJKL 061527 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 1027 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ086>088-116-117-061615- Clay KY-Knox KY-Bell KY-Harlan KY-Leslie KY- 1027 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT HARLAN...NORTHEASTERN BELL... NORTHEASTERN KNOX...SOUTHERN LESLIE AND SOUTHEASTERN CLAY COUNTIES THROUGH 1115 AM EST... At 1026 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Mills, or 10 miles north of Pineville, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Harlan, Cumberland, Loyall, Evarts, Lynch, Benham, Wallins Creek, Bobs Creek, Sandy Fork, Bledsoe, Mary Alice, Dizney, Chevrolet, Louellen, Coldiron, Salt Gum, Beverly, Black Snake, Saylor, and Erose. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. A Tornado Watch remains in effect until 1100 AM EST for southeastern Kentucky. && LAT...LON 3682 8373 3702 8370 3699 8314 3695 8315 3699 8301 3698 8287 3695 8286 3693 8286 3691 8288 3690 8287 3688 8289 3685 8301 3685 8307 3678 8313 3674 8314 3671 8329 TIME...MOT...LOC 1526Z 274DEG 35KT 3691 8363 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ GREIF  274 WOCN20 CWWG 061528 BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR THE MANITOBA LAKES ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:28 A.M. CST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR: =NEW= LAKE WINNIPEG - SOUTH BASIN =NEW= LAKE WINNIPEG - NORTH BASIN =NEW= LAKE MANITOBA =NEW= LAKE WINNIPEGOSIS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== POOR VISIBILITY IN SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW IS EXPECTED OR OCCURRING IN SOME LOCATIONS. THERE WILL BE REDUCED TO NEAR ZERO VISIBILITY AT TIMES THIS MORNING FOR PORTIONS OF SOUTHERN MANITOBA AND THE MANITOBA LAKES. CONDITIONS WILL IMPROVE THIS AFTERNOON. TRAVEL IS EXPECTED TO BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO REDUCED VISIBILITY IN SOME LOCATIONS. VISIBILITY MAY BE SIGNIFICANTLY AND SUDDENLY REDUCED TO NEAR ZERO. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  275 WOCN11 CWWG 061528 BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:28 A.M. CST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR: =NEW= BRANDON - NEEPAWA - CARBERRY - TREHERNE =NEW= KILLARNEY - PILOT MOUND - MANITOU =NEW= MELITA - BOISSEVAIN - TURTLE MOUNTAIN PROVINCIAL PARK =NEW= VIRDEN - SOURIS =NEW= DAUPHIN - RUSSELL - ROBLIN - WINNIPEGOSIS =NEW= MINNEDOSA - RIDING MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK =NEW= STE. ROSE - MCCREARY - ALONSA - GLADSTONE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== POOR VISIBILITY IN SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW IS EXPECTED OR OCCURRING IN SOME LOCATIONS. THERE WILL BE REDUCED TO NEAR ZERO VISIBILITY AT TIMES THIS MORNING FOR PORTIONS OF SOUTHERN MANITOBA AND THE MANITOBA LAKES. CONDITIONS WILL IMPROVE THIS AFTERNOON. TRAVEL IS EXPECTED TO BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO REDUCED VISIBILITY IN SOME LOCATIONS. VISIBILITY MAY BE SIGNIFICANTLY AND SUDDENLY REDUCED TO NEAR ZERO. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  168 WUUS54 KMRX 061529 SVRMRX VAC167-191-195-061630- /O.NEW.KMRX.SV.W.0002.250206T1529Z-250206T1630Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Morristown TN 1029 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Morristown has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Russell County in southwestern Virginia... Southeastern Wise County in southwestern Virginia... Northeastern Washington County in southwestern Virginia... * Until 1130 AM EST. * At 1029 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Trammel, or 9 miles east of Wise, moving east at 60 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Lebanon, Cleveland Va, Coeburn, Honaker, St. Paul, Dye, Castlewood, and Rosedale. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3711 8189 3704 8182 3696 8178 3693 8184 3680 8171 3685 8239 3689 8240 3689 8260 3708 8251 3703 8248 3698 8237 3696 8236 3700 8229 3699 8225 3704 8217 3705 8204 3707 8202 3712 8201 3714 8190 TIME...MOT...LOC 1529Z 276DEG 51KT 3700 8242 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...0.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ JLB  528 WSBZ23 SBGL 061525 SBCW SIGMET 34 VALID 061530/061930 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2216 W04521 - S2216 W03857 - S2138 W03857 - S2045 W03949 - S2052 W04000 - S2057 W04015 - S2054 W04034 - S2042 W04049 - S2024 W04059 - S2037 W04200 - S2025 W04245 - S2009 W04324 - S2032 W04358 - S2216 W04521 FL280/390 STNR NC=  633 WECA41 PHEB 061530 TSUCAX TEST...TSUNAMI DUMMY - COMMUNICATIONS TEST...TEST NWS PACIFIC TSUNAMI WARNING CENTER HONOLULU HI 1530 UTC THU FEB 6 2025 THIS IS A TEST MESSAGE. THIS MESSAGE APPLIES ONLY TO COUNTRIES AND TERRITORIES WITHIN AND BORDERING THE CARIBBEAN SEA THAT PARTICIPATE IN THE TSUNAMI AND OTHER COASTAL HAZARDS WARNING SYSTEM FOR THE CARIBBEAN AND ADJACENT REGIONS - THE CARIBE-EWS. ...THIS MESSAGE IS FOR TEST PURPOSES ONLY... ...TEST PTWC MONTHLY CARIBE-EWS COMMUNICATIONS TEST... PLEASE NOTE - THE WEBSITE FOR PTWC MESSAGES IS NOW AT TSUNAMI.GOV THE FORMER WEBSITE HAS NOW BEEN RETIRED. PLEASE UPDATE YOUR BOOKMARKS ACCORDINGLY. THIS IS A TEST MESSAGE. THIS IS A SCHEDULED TEST OF THE COMMUNICATION METHODS USED TO DISSEMINATE TSUNAMI INFORMATION FROM THE PACIFIC TSUNAMI WARNING CENTER TO THE CARIBE-EWS TSUNAMI WARNING FOCAL POINTS AND NATIONAL TSUNAMI WARNING CENTERS. THIS TEST IS CONDUCTED ON THE FIRST THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH AT 1530 UTC. THE MESSAGE IS SENT BY SEVERAL COMMUNICATIONS METHODS INCLUDING THE GLOBAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM OR GTS... THE AERONAUTICAL FIXED TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORK OR AFTN... BY EMAIL... AND BY TELEFAX. THIS MESSAGE SHOULD ARRIVE BY ALL DESIGNATED METHODS WITHIN A FEW MINUTES OF ITS BEING DISSEMINATED. TSUNAMI WARNING FOCAL POINTS AND NATIONAL TSUNAMI WARNING CENTERS SHOULD CHECK THAT IT WAS RECEIVED BY ALL METHODS IN A TIMELY FASHION. RESPONSE - IT IS ONLY NECESSARY TO RESPOND IF THE TEST WAS UNACCEPTABLY DELAYED OR NOT RECEIVED BY ONE OR MORE DESIGNATED COMMUNICATION METHODS. IN THAT CASE... PLEASE NOTIFY THE PACIFIC TSUNAMI WARNING CENTER BY EMAIL... INDICATING WHICH METHOD OR METHODS FAILED AND THE EMAIL OF A PERSON OR PERSONS TO CORRESPOND WITH REGARDING THE PROBLEM. PACIFIC TSUNAMI WARNING CENTER EMAIL - COMMS@PTWC.NOAA.GOV THE IOC... THE U.S. CARIBBEAN TSUNAMI WARNING PROGRAM... AND THE PACIFIC TSUNAMI WARNING CENTER WILL WORK TO RESOLVE ANY COMMUNICATIONS PROBLEMS THAT ARE IDENTIFIED. THIS IS A TEST MESSAGE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION IN THIS TEST. $$  431 WOCN13 CWWG 061529 BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:29 A.M. CST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR: =NEW= MOOSOMIN - GRENFELL - KIPLING - WAWOTA =NEW= YORKTON - MELVILLE - ESTERHAZY CITY OF REGINA FORT QU'APPELLE - INDIAN HEAD - LUMSDEN - PILOT BUTTE CARLYLE - OXBOW - CARNDUFF - BIENFAIT - STOUGHTON ESTEVAN - WEYBURN - RADVILLE - MILESTONE MOOSE JAW - PENSE - CENTRAL BUTTE - CRAIK ASSINIBOIA - GRAVELBOURG - CORONACH. BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY ENDED FOR: SWIFT CURRENT - HERBERT - CABRI - KYLE - LUCKY LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== POOR VISIBILITY IN SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW IS EXPECTED OR OCCURRING IN SOME LOCATIONS. WINDS GUSTING UP TO 60 KM/H COMBINED WITH FALLING SNOW ARE CREATING REDUCED VISIBILITIES IN BLOWING SNOW. THE WINDS WILL GRADUALLY TAPER OFF AND VISIBILITIES WILL IMPROVE THIS AFTERNOON. TRAVEL IS EXPECTED TO BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO REDUCED VISIBILITY IN SOME LOCATIONS. VISIBILITY MAY BE SIGNIFICANTLY AND SUDDENLY REDUCED TO NEAR ZERO. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO SKSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)SKSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  587 WSBZ23 SBGL 061525 SBRE SIGMET 17 VALID 061530/061930 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S1020 W04719 - S1200 W04654 - S1321 W04534 - S1538 W04406 - S1657 W04149 - S1845 W04227 - S1928 W04228 - S2000 W04232 - S2025 W04245 - S2037 W04200 - S2024 W04059 - S2042 W04049 - S2054 W04034 - S2057 W04015 - S2052 W04000 - S2045 W03949 - S2036 W03941 - S2030 W03938 - S2007 W03857 - S0950 W03857 - S0950 W04713 - S1020 W04719 FL280/390 STNR NC=  523 WHCA72 TJSJ 061531 MWWSJU URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Juan PR 1131 AM AST Thu Feb 6 2025 AMZ711-062345- /O.CON.TJSJ.SC.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-250210T0400Z/ Atlantic Waters of Puerto Rico and USVI from 10 NM to 19.5N- 1131 AM AST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AST SUNDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 6 to 8 ft. * WHERE...Atlantic Waters of Puerto Rico and USVI from 10 NM to 19.5N. * WHEN...Until midnight AST Sunday night. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ AMZ723-062345- /O.CON.TJSJ.SC.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250210T0400Z/ Anegada Passage east of Virgin Gorda and Saint Croix south to 17N- 1131 AM AST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AST SUNDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 5 to 7 ft. * WHERE...Anegada Passage east of Virgin Gorda and Saint Croix south to 17N. * WHEN...Until midnight AST Sunday night. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ AMZ733-741-062345- /O.CON.TJSJ.SC.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250207T2200Z/ Caribbean waters of Puerto Rico from 10 NM to 17N, including the coastal waters of Saint Croix-Mona Passage Southward to 17N- 1131 AM AST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AST FRIDAY... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 5 to 7 ft. * WHERE...Caribbean waters of Puerto Rico from 10 NM to 17N, including the coastal waters of Saint Croix and Mona Passage Southward to 17N. * WHEN...Until 6 PM AST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  530 WXFJ01 NFFN 061530 SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER THREE ON HEAVY RAIN ISSUED FROM THE NATIONAL WEATHER FORECASTING CENTRE, NADI AT 04:30AM ON FRIDAY 06TH OF FEBRUARY, 2025. HEAVY RAIN ALERT CANCELLATION A HEAVY RAIN ALERT PREVIOUSLY IN FORCE FOR THE NORTHERN PARTS OF VITI LEVU [TAVUA THROUGH RAKIRAKI TO TAILEVU NORTH], NORTHERN DIVISION, LAU AND LOMAIVITI GROUPS IS NOW CANCELLED. Situation: A weakening trough of low pressure with cloud and showers lies over northern parts of Fiji with an embedded low pressure system located to the far south of the group. The trough is expected to gradually weaken and dissipate later today. Meanwhile, a northwesterly wind flow prevails over Fiji group. Forecast for the Fiji group: Cloudy periods with some showers and isolated thunderstorms with heavy falls over Northern Ba & Ra, Tailevu North, Interior Ba & Ra, Interior Nadroga/Navosa, Interior Serua-Namosi-Naitasiri, Northern Bua & Macuata provinces and Yasawa group. Partly cloudy with isolated showers elsewhere. Isolated afternoon or evening thunderstorms with heavy falls expected. Localised heavy falls may lead to flash flooding of low lying and flood prone areas. Moderate to fresh northwesterly winds. Moderate to rough seas. THE WILL BE THE LAST SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN ON HEAVY RAIN UNLESS THE SITUATION CHANGES.  531 WXFJ01 NFFN 061530 SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN NUMBER THREE ON HEAVY RAIN ISSUED FROM THE NATIONAL WEATHER FORECASTING CENTRE, NADI AT 04:30AM ON FRIDAY 06TH OF FEBRUARY, 2025. HEAVY RAIN ALERT CANCELLATION A HEAVY RAIN ALERT PREVIOUSLY IN FORCE FOR THE NORTHERN PARTS OF VITI LEVU [TAVUA THROUGH RAKIRAKI TO TAILEVU NORTH], NORTHERN DIVISION, LAU AND LOMAIVITI GROUPS IS NOW CANCELLED. SITUATION: A WEAKENING TROUGH OF LOW PRESSURE WITH CLOUD AND SHOWERS LIES OVER NORTHERN PARTS OF FIJI WITH AN EMBEDDED LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM LOCATED TO THE FAR SOUTH OF THE GROUP. THE TROUGH IS EXPECTED TO GRADUALLY WEAKEN AND DISSIPATE LATER TODAY. MEANWHILE, A NORTHWESTERLY WIND FLOW PREVAILS OVER FIJI GROUP. FORECAST FOR THE FIJI GROUP: CLOUDY PERIODS WITH SOME SHOWERS AND ISOLATED THUNDERSTORMS WITH HEAVY FALLS OVER NORTHERN BA & RA, TAILEVU NORTH, INTERIOR BA & RA, INTERIOR NADROGA/NAVOSA, INTERIOR SERUA-NAMOSI-NAITASIRI, NORTHERN BUA & MACUATA PROVINCES AND YASAWA GROUP. PARTLY CLOUDY WITH ISOLATED SHOWERS ELSEWHERE. ISOLATED AFTERNOON OR EVENING THUNDERSTORMS WITH HEAVY FALLS EXPECTED. LOCALISED HEAVY FALLS MAY LEAD TO FLASH FLOODING OF LOW LYING AND FLOOD PRONE AREAS. MODERATE TO FRESH NORTHWESTERLY WINDS. MODERATE TO ROUGH SEAS. THE WILL BE THE LAST SPECIAL WEATHER BULLETIN ON HEAVY RAIN UNLESS THE SITUATION CHANGES.  785 WSBZ23 SBGL 061530 SBBS SIGMET 20 VALID 061535/061930 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2216 W04732 - S2216 W04521 - S2032 W04358 - S2009 W04324 - S2025 W04245 - S2000 W04232 - S1928 W04228 - S1845 W04227 - S1657 W04149 - S1538 W04406 - S1320 W04534 - S1200 W04654 - S1020 W04719 - S1018 W04732 - S2216 W04732 FL280/390 STNR NC=  681 WWUS54 KMRX 061534 SVSMRX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Morristown TN 1034 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC720-061543- /O.CAN.KMRX.SV.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ City of Norton VA- 1034 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR THE CITY OF NORTON IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. && LAT...LON 3703 8248 3698 8237 3696 8236 3697 8233 3691 8230 3691 8232 3689 8232 3690 8234 3688 8240 3688 8252 3689 8256 3704 8249 TIME...MOT...LOC 1533Z 276DEG 51KT 3703 8234 $$ VAC195-061600- /O.CON.KMRX.SV.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ Wise VA- 1034 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1100 AM EST FOR SOUTHEASTERN WISE COUNTY... At 1033 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Trammel, or 10 miles southeast of Clintwood, moving east at 60 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Coeburn and St. Paul. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3703 8248 3698 8237 3696 8236 3697 8233 3691 8230 3691 8232 3689 8232 3690 8234 3688 8240 3688 8252 3689 8256 3704 8249 TIME...MOT...LOC 1533Z 276DEG 51KT 3703 8234 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...0.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ JLB  996 WABZ23 SBGL 061531 SBCW AIRMET 15 VALID 061536/061640 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SFC VIS 3000M RA FCST WI S2405 W05344 - S2405 W05254 - S2331 W05254 - S2331 W05344 - S2405 W05344 STNR NC=  401 WGUS73 KJKL 061536 FFSJKL Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Jackson KY 1036 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC051-119-131-133-193-195-061800- /O.CON.KJKL.FF.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Clay KY-Knott KY-Leslie KY-Letcher KY-Perry KY-Pike KY- 1036 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON FOR SOUTHEASTERN CLAY, SOUTH CENTRAL KNOTT, CENTRAL LESLIE, LETCHER, SOUTHEASTERN PERRY AND SOUTHWESTERN PIKE COUNTIES... At 1036 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain gradually exiting off to the south of the warned area; however, excessive runoff from previous heavy rainfall will continue to cause flash flooding of small streams and creeks in low lying areas. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Flash flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other poor drainage and low-lying areas. Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Whitesburg, Hyden, Letcher, Jenkins, Elkhorn City, Fleming-Neon, Vicco, Blackey, Cornettsville, Ulvah, Daisy, Bluefield, Arminta, Red Star, Sassafras, Hallie, Viper, Gander, Jeff and Slemp. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3715 8371 3730 8230 3727 8235 3722 8250 3715 8263 3712 8272 3710 8272 3703 8366 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$ GEOGERIAN  782 WSID20 WIII 061535 WIIF SIGMET 01 VALID 061535/061835 WIII- WIIF JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0635 E10559 - S0559 E10503 - S0444 E10505 - S0459 E10626 - S0602 E10758 - S0633 E10709 - S0635 E10559 TOP FL520 STNR NC=  852 WAIS31 LLBD 061532 LLLL AIRMET 20 VALID 061600/062000 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N3310 E03430 - N3320 E03550 - N2930 E03500 - N3120 E03340 - N3310 E03430 FL040/140 NC=  226 WAIS31 LLBD 061533 LLLL AIRMET 21 VALID 061600/062000 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N3310 E03430 - N3320 E03550 - N2930 E03500 - N3120 E03340 - N3310 E03430 FL040/140 WKN=  499 WWUS51 KRLX 061539 SVSRLX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 1039 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC027-051-061600- /O.CON.KRLX.SV.W.0009.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ Dickenson VA-Buchanan VA- 1039 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1100 AM EST FOR SOUTHEASTERN DICKENSON AND SOUTH CENTRAL BUCHANAN COUNTIES... At 1039 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Trammel, or 9 miles southwest of Davenport, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Trammel and Davenport. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3696 8236 3698 8238 3700 8241 3710 8226 3713 8193 3711 8201 3711 8202 3707 8202 3705 8205 3704 8208 3705 8210 3704 8211 3704 8217 3699 8225 3700 8228 TIME...MOT...LOC 1539Z 274DEG 48KT 3701 8227 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ 09  644 WSCI38 ZYTX 061538 ZYSH SIGMET 8 VALID 061539/061930 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR CNL SIGMET 6 061530/061930=  254 WGUS83 KPAH 061539 FLSPAH Flood Statement National Weather Service Paducah KY 939 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Kentucky... Green River at Paradise affecting Muhlenberg County. .River levels are forecast to remain steady just above flood stage over the next 24 hours on the Green River at Paradise. It is then forecast to rise through the weekend due to additional rain across the basin, with a crest around 381.9 feet on Sunday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov. && KYC177-071745- /O.EXT.KPAH.FL.W.0004.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PRDK2.2.ER.250131T2246Z.250204T0030Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 939 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Green River at Paradise. * WHEN...Until further notice. * IMPACTS...At 380.0 feet, Water rises over the skimmer wall at the TVA fossil plant. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 9:15 AM CST Thursday the stage was 380.1 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to hold steady around 380.1 feet through Friday morning and then rise to a crest of 381.9 feet early Sunday afternoon. - Flood stage is 380.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3746 8716 3742 8703 3726 8689 3720 8697 3729 8707 3731 8719 $$ SP  101 WSBZ23 SBGL 061535 SBRE SIGMET 18 VALID 061540/061930 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR CNL SIGMET 16 061540/061930=  102 WSBZ23 SBGL 061535 SBRE SIGMET 19 VALID 061540/061930 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S0949 W03932 - S0842 W03932 - S0837 W03704 - S1026 W03648 - S1217 W03407 - S1424 W03538 - S1424 W03856 - S0950 W03857 - S0949 W03932 FL220/280 STNR NC=  162 WGUS84 KLZK 061541 FLSLZK Flood Statement National Weather Service Little Rock AR 941 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Arkansas... White River At Georgetown affecting White, Prairie and Woodruff Counties. White River At Augusta affecting White and Woodruff Counties. White River At Clarendon affecting Monroe and Arkansas Counties. For the Lower White River...including Newport, Augusta, Georgetown, Des Arc, Clarendon...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. The next statement will be issued Friday morning at 945 AM CST. && ARC117-145-147-071545- /O.EXT.KLZK.FL.W.0019.000000T0000Z-250210T1800Z/ /GEOA4.1.ER.250207T1200Z.250208T0000Z.250209T1200Z.NO/ 941 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL EARLY MONDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...White River at Georgetown. * WHEN...Until early Monday afternoon. * IMPACTS...At 21.0 feet, Hurricane Lake Wildlife Management Area and Raft Creek Bottoms inundated. Roads in the bottoms are flooded. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 9:00 AM CST Thursday the stage was 20.8 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage Friday morning, cresting Friday evening just above flood stage. - Flood stage is 21.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && Fld Observed Forecasts (12 pm CST) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Fri Sat Sun White River Georgetown 21.0 20.8 Thu 9 am CST 21.0 21.1 20.9 && LAT...LON 3500 9155 3508 9151 3514 9152 3515 9137 3506 9139 3498 9142 $$ ARC145-147-071545- /O.EXT.KLZK.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250214T0801Z/ /AUGA4.1.ER.000000T0000Z.250205T2015Z.250213T0200Z.NO/ 941 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...White River at Augusta. * WHEN...Until Friday, February 14. * IMPACTS...At 32.0 feet, Thousands of acres of cropland and farm roads are flooded in White and Woodruff counties. Water is isolating homes and camps along the river in White and Woodruff counties. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 9:00 AM CST Thursday the stage was 32.0 feet. - Forecast...The river has crested and will fall to under 32 feet by Friday morning. - Flood stage is 26.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && Fld Observed Forecasts (12 pm CST) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Fri Sat Sun White River Augusta 26.0 32.0 Thu 9 am CST 31.8 31.5 30.9 && LAT...LON 3514 9152 3525 9146 3537 9150 3534 9136 3521 9133 3515 9137 $$ ARC001-095-071545- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0017.250207T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CLDA4.1.ER.250207T0000Z.250211T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 941 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM THIS EVENING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE... * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...White River at Clarendon. * WHEN...From this evening until further notice. * IMPACTS...At 26.0 feet, River flows in many side channels and creates islands between the river and sloughs and creeks. Flooding of cropland and timber is occurring. Portions of the National Wildlife Refuge downstream of Clarendon flooding. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 9:00 AM CST Thursday the stage was 25.7 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage this evening and continue rising to a crest of 27.0 feet by Tuesday. - Flood stage is 26.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && Fld Observed Forecasts (12 pm CST) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Fri Sat Sun White River Clarendon 26.0 25.7 Thu 9 am CST 26.2 26.5 26.7 && LAT...LON 3435 9119 3449 9132 3466 9139 3472 9129 3455 9120 3442 9108 $$ 61  349 WWUS73 KDTX 061541 NPWDTX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Detroit/Pontiac MI 1041 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MIZ047>049-053>055-062345- /O.NEW.KDTX.WI.Y.0002.250206T1900Z-250207T0300Z/ Midland-Bay-Huron-Saginaw-Tuscola-Sanilac- Including the cities of Sandusky, Saginaw, Bad Axe, Bay City, Midland, and Caro 1041 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 2 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 25 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Bay, Huron, Midland, Saginaw, Sanilac, and Tuscola Counties. * WHEN...From 2 PM this afternoon to 10 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind gusts may exceed 50 MPH along the shoreline of Saginaw Bay and Lake Huron from Sand Point to Port Austin in northwest Huron County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ SC  417 WHUS76 KMTR 061541 MWWMTR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 741 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 PZZ571-062345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.GL.W.0005.250206T1700Z-250207T0500Z/ Waters from Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10-60 NM- 741 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM PST THIS MORNING... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, southeast winds 10 to 21 kt. For the Gale Warning, south winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and seas 9 to 11 ft expected. * WHERE...Waters from Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10-60 NM. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 9 AM PST this morning. For the Gale Warning, from 9 AM this morning to 9 PM PST this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ575-062345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.GL.W.0005.250206T1700Z-250207T0500Z/ Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos 10-60 NM- 741 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM PST THIS MORNING... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. For the Gale Warning, south winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and seas 9 to 11 ft expected. * WHERE...Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos 10-60 NM. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 9 AM PST this morning. For the Gale Warning, from 9 AM this morning to 9 PM PST this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ576-062345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.GL.W.0005.250206T1700Z-250207T0500Z/ Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas 10-60 NM- 741 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM PST THIS MORNING... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. For the Gale Warning, south winds 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and seas 9 to 11 ft expected. * WHERE...Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas 10- 60 NM. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 9 AM PST this morning. For the Gale Warning, from 9 AM this morning to 9 PM PST this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ545-062345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250206T2300Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.GL.W.0005.250206T2300Z-250207T0500Z/ Coastal Waters from Point Reyes to Pigeon Point California out to 10 NM- 741 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, southeast winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 34 kt expected. For the Gale Warning, south winds 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 40 kt expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Point Reyes to Pigeon Point California out to 10 NM. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, from 9 AM this morning to 3 PM PST this afternoon. For the Gale Warning, from 3 PM this afternoon to 9 PM PST this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ560-062345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.GL.W.0005.250206T1700Z-250207T0500Z/ Coastal Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos California out to 10 NM- 741 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM PST THIS MORNING... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, southeast winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. For the Gale Warning, south winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 44 kt and seas 8 to 10 ft expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos California out to 10 NM. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 9 AM PST this morning. For the Gale Warning, from 9 AM this morning to 9 PM PST this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ565-062345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.GL.W.0005.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ Coastal Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas California out to 10 NM- 741 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM PST THIS MORNING... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, southeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 34 kt. For the Gale Warning, south winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 44 kt and seas 8 to 10 ft expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas California out to 10 NM. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 9 AM PST this morning. For the Gale Warning, from 9 AM this morning to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ530-062345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250206T2300Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.GL.W.0005.250206T2300Z-250207T1100Z/ San Pablo Bay, Suisun Bay, the West Delta and the San Francisco Bay north of the Bay Bridge- 741 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, a moderate chop expected. For the Gale Warning, south winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and choppy waters expected. * WHERE...San Pablo Bay, Suisun Bay, the West Delta and the San Francisco Bay north of the Bay Bridge. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, from 9 AM this morning to 3 PM PST this afternoon. For the Gale Warning, from 3 PM this afternoon to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ535-062345- /O.CON.KMTR.GL.W.0005.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ Monterey Bay- 741 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 40 kt expected. * WHERE...Monterey Bay. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ570-062345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-250207T1100Z/ Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes 10-60 NM- 741 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * WHERE...Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes 10-60 NM. * WHEN...Until 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ540-062345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-250207T1100Z/ Coastal Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes California out to 10 NM- 741 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 34 kt. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes California out to 10 NM. * WHEN...Until 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ531-062345- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.250206T1700Z-250207T1100Z/ San Francisco Bay South of the Bay Bridge- 741 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and choppy waters expected. * WHERE...San Francisco Bay South of the Bay Bridge. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/sanfrancisco  388 WHUS74 KBRO 061541 MWWBRO URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Brownsville TX 941 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 GMZ130-132-135-150-155-061800- /O.EXT.KBRO.MF.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Laguna Madre from the Port of Brownsville to the Arroyo Colorado- Laguna Madre from the Arroyo Colorado To 5 NM north of Port Mansfield TX- Laguna Madre from 5 nm north of Port Mansfield to Baffin Bay TX- Gulf waters from Port Mansfield to the Rio Grande out 20 nm- Gulf waters from Baffin Bay to Port Mansfield out 20 nm- 941 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1 NM or less. Visibility could drop below one-quarter NM at times. * WHERE...Laguna Madre between the Port of Brownsville and Baffin Bay, and Nearshore Gulf waters between the mouth of the Rio Grande and Baffin Bay from 0 to 20 nm. * WHEN...Until noon CST today. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  404 WWUS73 KDMX 061543 NPWDMX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Des Moines IA 943 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 IAZ004>007-015>017-070000- /O.CON.KDMX.WI.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Emmet-Kossuth-Winnebago-Worth-Palo Alto-Hancock-Cerro Gordo- Including the cities of Clear Lake, Garner, Lake Mills, Northwood, Manly, Mason City, Estherville, Emmetsburg, Kanawha, Forest City, Algona, and Britt 943 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Cerro Gordo, Hancock, Kossuth, Winnebago, Worth, Emmet, and Palo Alto Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ Jimenez  128 WGUS84 KLZK 061543 FLSLZK Flood Statement National Weather Service Little Rock AR 943 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Arkansas... Cache River Near Patterson affecting Woodruff and Jackson Counties. For the Cache River...including Patterson...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. The next statement will be issued Friday morning at 945 AM CST. && ARC067-147-071545- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0008.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PTTA4.1.ER.250131T1815Z.250205T2200Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 943 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Cache River near Patterson. * WHEN...Until further notice. * IMPACTS...At 10.5 feet, Water deep over Woodruff County Road 775 north of HWY 260, and intersection of HWY 37 and HWY 18 east of Grubbs. Water is encroaching on yards of homes on Pine Street in Patterson. Many acres of cropland, pastures, and timber flooded in Jackson and Woodruff counties. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 9:15 AM CST Thursday the stage was 10.8 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to remain above 10.5 feet through the remainder of the week. - Flood stage is 9.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && Fld Observed Forecasts (12 pm CST) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Fri Sat Sun Cache River Patterson 9.0 10.8 Thu 9 am CST 10.8 10.8 10.8 && LAT...LON 3510 9133 3522 9128 3539 9123 3538 9113 3521 9117 3508 9122 $$ 61  621 WWUS43 KBIS 061543 WSWBIS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 943 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 NDZ004-005-013-062345- /O.UPG.KBIS.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ /O.NEW.KBIS.BZ.W.0001.250206T1543Z-250207T0000Z/ Bottineau-Rolette-Pierce- Including the cities of Dunseith, Rolette, Bottineau, St. John, Rugby, Shell Valley, and Rolla 943 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...BLIZZARD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Blizzard conditions. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Bottineau, Pierce, and Rolette Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Whiteout conditions are expected and will make travel treacherous and potentially life-threatening. Plan on slippery road conditions. Widespread blowing snow will significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Persons should delay all travel if possible. If travel is absolutely necessary, drive with extreme caution and be prepared for sudden changes in visibility. Leave plenty of room between you and the motorist ahead of you, and allow extra time to reach your destination. Avoid sudden braking or acceleration, and be especially cautious on hills or when making turns. && $$ NDZ001>003-009>012-021>023-025-035>037-047-048-050-051-062345- /O.CON.KBIS.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Divide-Burke-Renville-Williams-Mountrail-Ward-McHenry-McLean- Sheridan-Wells-Foster-Burleigh-Kidder-Stutsman-Logan-La Moure- McIntosh-Dickey- Including the cities of Gackle, Garrison, Jamestown, Glenburn, Towner, Edgeley, Wilton, Steele, Lignite, Bowbells, Wishek, Ellendale, Williston, Parshall, Kulm, Velva, Mohall, Bismarck, Washburn, New Town, Fessenden, Carrington, Oakes, Portal, Columbus, Crosby, Stanley, Tappen, Drake, Sherwood, Underwood, Lamoure, Powers Lake, Minot, Napoleon, Goodrich, Mcclusky, Ashley, Turtle Lake, and Harvey 943 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Blowing snow. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Most of northwest and central North Dakota. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Hollan  663 WSFI31 EFKL 061543 EFIN SIGMET M03 VALID 061544/061944 EFKL- EFIN HELSINKI FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 1544Z WI N6921 E02130 - N6842 E02237 - N6828 E02157 - N6904 E02038 - N6921 E02130 SFC/FL300 STNR INTSF=  073 WWUS74 KLZK 061544 NPWLZK URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Little Rock AR 944 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ARZ007-008-016-017-025-061645- /O.EXP.KLZK.FG.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ Sharp-Randolph-Independence-Lawrence-Jackson- Including the cities of Hardy, Pocahontas, Attica, Batesville, Ash Flat, Walnut Ridge, Newport, Cave City, and Hoxie 944 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 10 AM CST THIS MORNING... Visibility will continue to slowly improve during the late morning hours. $$ 55  083 WSBZ23 SBGL 061539 SBRE SIGMET 20 VALID 061544/061930 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR CNL SIGMET 16 061530/061930=  187 WWUS54 KMRX 061544 SVSMRX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Morristown TN 1044 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC195-061554- /O.CAN.KMRX.SV.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ Wise VA- 1044 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN WISE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However, gusty winds and heavy rain with localized flash flooding are still possible with this thunderstorm. && LAT...LON 3703 8248 3698 8237 3696 8236 3697 8233 3691 8230 3691 8232 3689 8232 3690 8234 3688 8240 3688 8252 3689 8256 3704 8249 TIME...MOT...LOC 1541Z 276DEG 51KT 3701 8214 $$ JLB  347 WHUS73 KLOT 061544 MWWLOT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Chicago IL 944 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 LMZ743>745-062345- /O.EXT.KLOT.SC.Y.0015.250206T1600Z-250207T0000Z/ /O.EXB.KLOT.GL.W.0003.250207T0000Z-250207T0600Z/ Calumet Harbor IL to Gary IN-Gary to Burns Harbor IN- Burns Harbor to Michigan City IN- 944 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... ...GALE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, west winds to 30 kt expected. For the Gale Warning, west gales to 40 kt and significant waves to 7 ft occasionally to 9 ft expected. * WHERE...Calumet Harbor IL to Michigan City IN. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 6 PM CST this evening. For the Gale Warning, from 6 PM this evening to midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ740>742-062345- /O.CON.KLOT.GL.W.0003.250206T1600Z-250207T0600Z/ Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor IL- Wilmette Harbor to Northerly Island IL- Northerly Island to Calumet Harbor IL- 944 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...West gales to 40 kt and significant waves to 4 ft expected. * WHERE...Winthrop Harbor to Calumet Harbor IL. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$  071 WHUS74 KLCH 061544 MWWLCH URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lake Charles LA 944 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 GMZ430-432-435-436-450-452-455-070600- /O.EXT.KLCH.MF.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Sabine Lake-Calcasieu Lake-Vermilion and West Cote Blanche Bays- Atchafalaya and East Cote Blanche Bays- Coastal waters from Cameron LA to High Island TX out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Intracoastal City to Cameron LA out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Lower Atchafalaya River to Intracoastal City LA out 20 NM- 944 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 NM or less. * WHERE...Portions of and the coastal lakes and bays of the Gulf of Mexico. * WHEN...Until noon CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  730 WGUS45 KTFX 061545 FLWTFX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Great Falls MT 845 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 MTC057-091545- /O.NEW.KTFX.FA.W.0001.250206T1545Z-250209T1545Z/ /00000.0.IJ.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Madison MT- 845 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING FOR AN ICE JAM IN EFFECT UNTIL 845 AM MST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Flooding caused by an ice jam is expected. * WHERE...A portion of southwest Montana, including the following county, Madison. * WHEN...Until 845 AM MST Sunday. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Depending on ice behavior, any release of the ice jam could result in sudden rises of water downstream, leading to a rapid flooding situation. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 845 AM MST, emergency management reported an ice jam near the warned area. Flooding is already occurring. - Flooding impacts will continue, but no additional rainfall is expected. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Ennis, including Lions Park in Ennis. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Stay away from ice jams! Ice jams can build and release quickly, resulting in rapid and unpredictable water levels both upstream and downstream of the ice jam. && LAT...LON 4532 11175 4533 11176 4534 11174 4536 11174 4540 11172 4539 11171 4534 11173 $$ Ludwig  272 WSBZ23 SBGL 061539 SBRE SIGMET 21 VALID 061544/061930 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR CNL SIGMET 18 061540/061930=  273 WSRA31 RUHB 061545 UHHH SIGMET 6 VALID 061600/062000 UHHH- UHHH KHABAROVSK FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N5529 E13423 - N5436 E14406 - N5227 E14347 - N5117 E13847 - N5006 E13648 - N5346 E13553 - N5529 E13423 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  841 WAIS31 LLBD 061534 LLLL AIRMET 22 VALID 061600/062000 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3321 E03548 - N3257 E03555 - N3018 E03435 - N3042 E03426 - N3321 E03548 STNR NC=  068 WWUS74 KOUN 061545 NPWOUN URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Norman OK 945 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 OKZ004-010-015>017-022>025-027>029-038-039-044-046-061645- /O.EXP.KOUN.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ Harper-Woodward-Dewey-Custer-Blaine-Washita-Caddo-Canadian- Oklahoma-Grady-McClain-Cleveland-Comanche-Stephens-Cotton-Carter- Including the cities of Blanchard, Vici, Taloga, Ardmore, Lawton, Oklahoma City, Chickasha, El Reno, Yukon, Seiling, Woodward, Leedey, Cordell, Watonga, Hinton, Weatherford, Mustang, Purcell, Geary, Buffalo, Anadarko, Clinton, Moore, Duncan, Burns Flat, Temple, Walters, Tuttle, Laverne, Norman, Concho, Newcastle, Sentinel, and Okeene 945 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 10 AM CST THIS MORNING... Although some patchy fog will continue to be possible this morning, widespread dense fog is not anticipated. $$ MAD  220 WSRS31 RURD 061545 URRV SIGMET 12 VALID 061600/061900 URRR- URRV ROSTOV-NA-DONU FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4604 E03705 - N4415 E04044 - N4400 E03910 - N4427 E03641 - N4604 E03705 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  663 WWUS51 KRLX 061547 SVSRLX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 1047 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC027-051-061556- /O.CAN.KRLX.SV.W.0009.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ Dickenson VA-Buchanan VA- 1047 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN DICKENSON AND SOUTH CENTRAL BUCHANAN COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However, heavy rain is still possible with this thunderstorm. && LAT...LON 3696 8236 3698 8238 3700 8241 3710 8226 3713 8193 3711 8201 3711 8202 3707 8202 3705 8205 3704 8208 3705 8210 3704 8211 3704 8217 3699 8225 3700 8228 TIME...MOT...LOC 1545Z 274DEG 48KT 3700 8214 $$ 09  493 WWUS54 KMRX 061547 SVSMRX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Morristown TN 1047 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC195-061557- /O.CAN.KMRX.SV.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1630Z/ Wise VA- 1047 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN WISE COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. Gusty winds along with heavy rainfall and localized flash flooding remain a risk. && LAT...LON 3711 8189 3704 8182 3696 8178 3693 8184 3680 8171 3685 8239 3689 8232 3691 8232 3691 8230 3697 8233 3700 8229 3699 8225 3704 8217 3705 8204 3707 8202 3712 8201 3713 8193 3714 8190 TIME...MOT...LOC 1547Z 276DEG 51KT 3697 8210 $$ VAC167-191-061630- /O.CON.KMRX.SV.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1630Z/ Russell VA-Washington VA- 1047 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1130 AM EST FOR RUSSELL AND NORTHEASTERN WASHINGTON COUNTIES... At 1047 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Cleveland Va, or near Lebanon, moving east at 60 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Lebanon, Cleveland Va, Honaker, St. Paul, Dye, Castlewood, and Rosedale. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3711 8189 3704 8182 3696 8178 3693 8184 3680 8171 3685 8239 3689 8232 3691 8232 3691 8230 3697 8233 3700 8229 3699 8225 3704 8217 3705 8204 3707 8202 3712 8201 3713 8193 3714 8190 TIME...MOT...LOC 1547Z 276DEG 51KT 3697 8210 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ JLB  554 WSRS31 RURD 061547 URRV SIGMET 13 VALID 061600/061900 URRR- URRV ROSTOV-NA-DONU FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST S OF LINE N4315 E04114 - N4506 E04206 - N4429 E04550 - N4135 E04648 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  834 WGUS83 KJKL 061547 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 1047 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC109-199-203-061700- /O.EXT.KJKL.FA.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Jackson KY-Pulaski KY-Rockcastle KY- 1047 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Urban and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Kentucky, including the following counties, in south central Kentucky, Pulaski and Rockcastle. In southeast Kentucky, Jackson. * WHEN...Until noon EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1046 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated that heavy rain due had ended across the area; however, small streams and creeks in low lying areas will continue to run high through the rest of the morning. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Mount Vernon, Boone, Roundstone, Wildie, Conway, Hiatt, Lake Linville, Renfro Valley, Muellersville, Snider, Hummel, Bummer, Disputanta, Rockford, Climax, Gum Sulphur, Indian Lakes Park, Johnetta, Ottowa and Goochland. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3728 8466 3736 8456 3733 8450 3749 8445 3747 8437 3750 8435 3751 8436 3754 8435 3754 8432 3753 8431 3754 8430 3752 8430 3752 8427 3752 8425 3752 8420 3756 8417 3756 8414 3743 8415 $$ GEOGERIAN  248 WWUS43 KFGF 061548 WSWFGF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 948 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 NDZ006-007-014-015-070000- /O.UPG.KFGF.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ /O.NEW.KFGF.BZ.W.0002.250206T1548Z-250207T0000Z/ Towner-Cavalier-Benson-Ramsey- Including the cities of Fort Totten, Minnewaukan, Maida, Maddock, Mount Carmel, Devils Lake, Vang, Leeds, Dresden, Considine, Cando, and Langdon 948 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...BLIZZARD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Blizzard conditions. Additional snow accumulations up to a trace. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...Benson, Cavalier, Ramsey, and Towner Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening commute. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visibility could fall lower than 1/4 mile at times, especially in open areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Travel should be restricted to emergencies only. If you must travel, have a winter survival kit with you. If you get stranded, stay with your vehicle. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MNZ001>004-007-NDZ008-016-027-030-039-062100- /O.CON.KFGF.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T2100Z/ West Polk-Norman-Clay-Kittson-West Marshall-Pembina-Eastern Walsh- Grand Forks-Traill-Cass- Including the cities of Grand Forks, Mayville, Bowesmont, Backoo, Kelso, Cavalier, Moorhead, Leroy, Akra, Halstad, Hatton, Englund, Warren, Fargo, East Grand Forks, Oakwood, Roseville, Park River, Hadler, Ada, Radium, Karlstad, Florian, Twin Valley, Hillsboro, Portland, Flaming, Stephen, Grafton, Lancaster, Syre, Hallock, Crookston, Drayton, Nash, Walhalla, Argyle, and Faith 948 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM CST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Blowing snow. Additional snow accumulations up to a trace. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Portions of northwest and west central Minnesota and northeast and southeast North Dakota. * WHEN...Until 3 PM CST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions and reduced visibility at times. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday afternoon commute. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visibility could fall as low as 1/4 mile at times, especially in open areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MNZ005-008-013>015-022-027-028-062100- /O.CON.KFGF.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T2100Z/ Roseau-East Marshall-Pennington-Red Lake-East Polk-Mahnomen-West Becker-East Becker- Including the cities of Salol, Fosston, Gatzke, Rosewood, Thief River Falls, Fertile, Newfolden, Erskine, Malung, Roseau, Waubun, Espelie, Shoreham, Wolf Lake, Mahnomen, Hayes Lake State Park, Dakota Junction, Pencer, Red Lake Falls, Detroit Lakes, Grygla, Fox, Middle River, Naytahwaush, McIntosh, and Casperson 948 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM CST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Blowing snow. Additional snow accumulations up to a trace. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...A portion of northwest Minnesota. * WHEN...Until 3 PM CST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions and reduced visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday afternoon commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visibility could fall as low as 1/4 mile at times, especially in open areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NDZ024-026-028-029-038-054-070000- /O.CON.KFGF.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Eddy-Nelson-Griggs-Steele-Barnes-Western Walsh- Including the cities of Tolna, Finley, New Rockford, Lakota, Valley City, Aneta, Fairdale, Lankin, Cooperstown, Hope, Mcville, and Adams 948 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Blowing snow. Additional snow accumulations up to a trace. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Portions of eastern North Dakota. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening commute. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visibility could fall as low as 1/4 mile at times, especially in open areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ TL  233 WGUS45 KTFX 061548 FLWTFX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Great Falls MT 848 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 MTC057-071545- /O.NEW.KTFX.FA.W.0002.250206T1548Z-250207T1545Z/ /00000.0.IJ.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Madison MT- 848 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING FOR AN ICE JAM IN EFFECT UNTIL 845 AM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Flooding caused by an ice jam is expected. * WHERE...A portion of southwest Montana, including the following county, Madison. * WHEN...Until 845 AM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Depending on ice behavior, any release of the ice jam could result in sudden rises of water, leading to a rapid flooding situation. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 848 AM MST, emergency management reported an ice jam near the warned area. Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. - River levels near the ice jam will be erratic as the ice shifts. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... mainly rural areas of North Central Madison County - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Stay away from ice jams! Ice jams can be unpredictable and can build and release suddenly. && LAT...LON 4565 11230 4563 11232 4562 11232 4561 11233 4559 11234 4559 11235 4561 11234 4562 11235 4563 11234 4562 11233 4564 11232 4567 11228 4566 11228 $$ Ludwig  485 WHUS74 KCRP 061549 MWWCRP URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Corpus Christi TX 949 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 GMZ231-232-250-061800- /O.EXT.KCRP.MF.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Baffin Bay and Upper Laguna Madre-Corpus Christi and Nueces Bays- Coastal waters from Baffin Bay to Port Aransas out 20 NM- 949 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to one mile or less. * WHERE...Baffin Bay and Upper Laguna Madre, Corpus Christi and Nueces Bays and Coastal waters from Baffin Bay to Port Aransas out 20 NM. * WHEN...Until noon CST today. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$ GMZ236-237-255-061800- /O.EXT.KCRP.MF.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Copano, Aransas, and Redfish Bays- San Antonio, Mesquite, and Espiritu Santo Bays- Coastal waters from Port Aransas to Matagorda Ship Channel out 20 NM- 949 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST TODAY... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to one mile or less. * WHERE...Copano, Aransas, and Redfish Bays, San Antonio, Mesquite, and Espiritu Santo Bays and Coastal waters from Port Aransas to Matagorda Ship Channel out 20 NM. * WHEN...Until noon CST today. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$ BF  189 WGUS83 KJKL 061550 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 1050 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC025-071-115-119-153-159-195-061700- /O.EXT.KJKL.FA.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Breathitt KY-Floyd KY-Johnson KY-Knott KY-Magoffin KY-Martin KY- Pike KY- 1050 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Urban and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of northeast and southeast Kentucky, including the following counties, in northeast Kentucky, Johnson and Martin. In southeast Kentucky, Breathitt, Floyd, Knott, Magoffin and Pike. * WHEN...Until noon EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1048 AM EST, Heavy rain has exited the area; however, high water will continue on small streams and creeks in low lying areas through the rest of this morning. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Paintsville, Prestonsburg, Salyersville, Inez, Mason, Martin, Forest Hills, Warfield, Allen, Lancer, Cliff, Bays Branch, Corn Fork Hollow, Dwale, Auxier, Beaver Junction, Dock, Emma, Alvin and Allen City. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3784 8261 3788 8264 3789 8260 3795 8258 3796 8253 3794 8249 3794 8250 3790 8247 3791 8246 3788 8242 3781 8240 3776 8231 3774 8233 3770 8230 3768 8230 3763 8220 3765 8217 3763 8218 3746 8321 3768 8328 $$ GEOGERIAN  657 WWUS72 KCHS 061550 NPWCHS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Charleston SC 1050 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 GAZ119-SCZ048-049-051-061700- /O.EXP.KCHS.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ Coastal Chatham-Beaufort-Coastal Colleton-Coastal Jasper- Including the cities of Beaufort, Hilton Head Island, Edisto Beach, Jasper, Levy, Wilmington Island, Tybee Island, and Chelsea 1050 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 11 AM EST THIS MORNING... Fog has started to lift across the area. Therefore the dense fog advisory will expire at 11 AM. $$ BAH  212 WSBZ23 SBGL 061545 SBBS SIGMET 21 VALID 061550/061930 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1721 W05334 - S1804 W05331 - S2020 W05127 - S2220 W04955 - S2256 W04808 - S2216 W04544 - S2200 W04551 - S2141 W04714 - S2154 W04930 - S1735 W05308 - S1634 W05204 - S1609 W05237 - S1721 W05334 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  213 WSBZ23 SBGL 061545 SBCW SIGMET 35 VALID 061550/061930 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1804 W05331 - S1817 W05330 - S2233 W05053 - S2306 W04845 - S2256 W04808 - S2220 W04955 - S2020 W05127 - S1804 W05331 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  436 WGUS41 KRLX 061550 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 1050 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The National Weather Service in Charleston WV has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in West Virginia... Tygart Valley River at Belington affecting Barbour County. For the Tygart Valley River...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/rlx. The next statement will be issued this evening at 1100 PM EST. && WVC001-070400- /O.NEW.KRLX.FL.W.0007.250207T0000Z-250208T0820Z/ /BELW2.1.ER.250207T0000Z.250207T1800Z.250208T0220Z.NO/ 1050 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT FROM THIS EVENING TO EARLY SATURDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Tygart Valley River at Belington. * WHEN...From this evening to early Saturday morning. * IMPACTS...At 15.0 feet, Small bridge on Willow Street floods due to backwater into Mill Creek. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 10:30 AM EST Thursday the stage was 10.9 feet. - Forecast...The river will rise above flood stage this evening to 15.8 feet early tomorrow afternoon. It will then fall below flood stage late tomorrow evening. - Flood stage is 14.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 15.8 feet on 02/24/2003. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3907 8009 3904 7991 3897 7991 3894 8000 3901 7997 $$ JLB  418 WSID20 WIII 061600 WIIF SIGMET 02 VALID 061600/062000 WIII- WIIF JAKARTA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0333 E09801 - N0013 E09957 - S0011 E09809 - N0314 E09515 - N0333 E09801 TOP FL460 MOV WNW 10KT NC=  556 WSBZ23 SBGL 061550 SBAZ SIGMET 46 VALID 061555/061930 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0103 W05231 - S0354 W05149 - S0349 W05140 - S0605 W05003 - S0439 W04905 - S0151 W04945 - S0326 W04524 - S0217 W04427 - S0213 W04452 - S0004 W05117 - N0137 W04919 - N0243 W05014 - N0103 W05231 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  557 WSBZ23 SBGL 061550 SBAZ SIGMET 47 VALID 061555/061930 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1244 W06222 - S1305 W06053 - S1124 W06027 - S1014 W05913 - S1031 W05816 - S0921 W05816 - S0755 W06032 - S1244 W06222 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  794 WOUS64 KWNS 061553 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 3 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 953 AM CST THU FEB 06 2025 TORNADO WATCH 3 REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1000 AM CST FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS KYC013-025-051-071-095-109-115-119-121-125-131-133-147-153-159- 189-193-195-199-203-231-235-061600- /O.CON.KWNS.TO.A.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ KY . KENTUCKY COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BELL BREATHITT CLAY FLOYD HARLAN JACKSON JOHNSON KNOTT KNOX LAUREL LESLIE LETCHER MCCREARY MAGOFFIN MARTIN OWSLEY PERRY PIKE PULASKI ROCKCASTLE WAYNE WHITLEY $$ ATTN...WFO...JKL...  060 WHUS72 KCHS 061553 MWWCHS URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Charleston SC 1053 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 AMZ354-061700- /O.EXT.KCHS.MF.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Waters from Savannah GA to Altamaha Sound GA out 20 NM, including Grays Reef National Marine Sanctuary- 1053 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 NM or less. * WHERE...Savannah to Altamaha Sound out 20 NM. * WHEN...Until noon EST today. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$ AMZ350-352-061900- /O.EXT.KCHS.MF.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1900Z/ Waters from South Santee River to Edisto Beach SC out 20 NM- Waters from Edisto Beach SC to Savannah GA out 20 NM- 1053 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 NM or less. * WHERE...South Santee River SC to Savannah GA out 20 NM. * WHEN...Until 2 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  752 WWUS73 KAPX 061553 NPWAPX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gaylord MI 1053 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MIZ016>018-022>024-027>030-032>036-041-042-097-098-070000- /O.EXA.KAPX.WI.Y.0002.250206T1800Z-250207T0600Z/ Emmet-Cheboygan-Presque Isle-Otsego-Montmorency-Alpena-Kalkaska- Crawford-Oscoda-Alcona-Wexford-Missaukee-Roscommon-Ogemaw-Iosco- Gladwin-Arenac-Mackinac Island/Bois Blanc Island-Beaver Island and surrounding islands- 1053 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds to 20 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Portions of Eastern Upper and Northern Lower Michigan. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects and result in blowing snow across exposed areas. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially with blowing snow. Use extra caution. && $$ MIZ020-021-025-026-031-099-070000- /O.CON.KAPX.WI.Y.0002.250206T1800Z-250207T0600Z/ Leelanau-Antrim-Benzie-Grand Traverse-Manistee-Charlevoix- 1053 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Antrim, Benzie, Charlevoix, Grand Traverse, Leelanau, and Manistee Counties. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects and result in blowing snow across exposed areas. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially with blowing snow. Use extra caution. && $$ Cornish  269 WGUS41 KRLX 061554 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 1054 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The National Weather Service in Charleston WV has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in West Virginia... Tygart Valley River At Philippi affecting Barbour County. For the Tygart Valley River...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/rlx. The next statement will be issued this evening at 1100 PM EST. && WVC001-070400- /O.NEW.KRLX.FL.W.0008.250207T0322Z-250207T1920Z/ /PHIW2.1.ER.250207T0322Z.250207T0600Z.250207T1320Z.NO/ 1054 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT FROM THIS EVENING TO EARLY TOMORROW AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Tygart Valley River at Philippi. * WHEN...From this evening to early tomorrow afternoon. * IMPACTS...At 19.0 feet, The intersection of US Route 119 and Truck Route 250 is flooded. Also, Sycamore Street and Beech Avenue are flooded. At 21.0 feet, Chestnut and McCartney Streets flood. Vietnam Veterans Park is flooded just upstream from the covered bridge. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 10:00 AM EST Thursday the stage was 9.6 feet. - Forecast...The river will rise above flood stage late this evening to 20.4 feet just after midnight tonight. It will then fall below flood stage tomorrow morning. - Flood stage is 19.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 20.4 feet on 05/26/1990. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3921 7990 3906 8000 3907 8008 3921 8007 $$ JLB  590 WWUS46 KSEW 061554 WSWSEW URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 754 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 WAZ001-503-504-509-515-516-061700- /O.CAN.KSEW.WW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ San Juan County-Western Whatcom County-Southwest Interior-Tacoma Area-Western Strait of Juan De Fuca-North Coast- Including the cities of Lacey, Tacoma, Friday Harbor, Olympia, Neah Bay, Beaver, Clallam Bay, Queets, Sekiu, Joyce, Forks, La Push, Clearwater, Tumwater, Ozette, and Bellingham 754 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Snow showers will continue to taper off this morning, with up to a half inch of additional snow accumulation possible. $$ WAZ506-507-510-555-556-558-559-061800- /O.CON.KSEW.WW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Western Skagit County-Everett and Vicinity-Admiralty Inlet Area- East Puget Sound Lowlands-Bellevue and Vicinity-Seattle and Vicinity-Bremerton and Vicinity- Including the cities of Redmond, Anacortes, Covington-Sawyer-w, Sedro-Woolley, Monroe, Sahalee, Lynnwood, Newport Hills, Kenmore, Pine Lake, Everett, Edmonds, Enumclaw, Silverdale, Prairie Ridge, Port Townsend, Woodinville, Bothell, Kirkland, Bonney Lake, Bremerton, Maple Valley, Marysville, Mount Vernon, Burlington, and Seattle 754 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations up to 1 inch. * WHERE...Portions of northwest and west central Washington. * WHEN...Until 10 AM PST this morning. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. && $$ WAZ511-512-514-517-061800- /O.CON.KSEW.WW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Hood Canal Area-Lower Chehalis Valley Area-Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca-Central Coast- Including the cities of Aberdeen, Sequim, Montesano, Shelton, McCleary, Hoquiam, and Elma 754 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations up to 1 inch. * WHERE...Central Coast, Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca, Hood Canal Area, and Lower Chehalis Valley Area. * WHEN...Until 10 AM PST this morning. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. && $$ 15  371 WWUS73 KGRR 061555 NPWGRR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Rapids MI 1055 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MIZ038>040-044>046-051-052-057-058-065-071-070000- /O.EXA.KGRR.WI.Y.0002.250206T1900Z-250207T0600Z/ Lake-Osceola-Clare-Newaygo-Mecosta-Isabella-Montcalm-Gratiot-Kent- Ionia-Barry-Van Buren- Including the cities of Ionia, Baldwin, Hastings, Big Rapids, Greenville, Fremont, Mount Pleasant, Clare, Reed City, Alma, Grand Rapids, and South Haven 1055 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 2 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 1 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 25 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Portions of central, south central, southwest, and west central Michigan. * WHEN...From 2 PM this afternoon to 1 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and scattered power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ MIZ037-043-050-056-064-070000- /O.CON.KGRR.WI.Y.0002.250206T1900Z-250207T0600Z/ Mason-Oceana-Muskegon-Ottawa-Allegan- Including the cities of Grand Haven, Ludington, Muskegon, Holland, Jenison, and Hart 1055 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 2 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 1 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph expected. * WHERE...Allegan, Ottawa, Mason, Muskegon, and Oceana Counties. * WHEN...From 2 PM this afternoon to 1 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and scattered power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ MJS  664 WSUS31 KKCI 061555 SIGE MKCE WST 061555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 46E VALID UNTIL 1755Z VA NC AND MD NC VA CSTL WTRS FROM 120ESE SBY-140E ECG-20W ECG-40N ORF-120ESE SBY AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 26050KT. TOPS TO FL350. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 47E VALID UNTIL 1755Z VA NC WV TN KY FROM BKW-30NNW LYH-10W GSO-30SSE LOZ-20ENE LOZ-BKW AREA SEV EMBD TS MOV FROM 26050KT. TOPS TO FL380. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 60KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 48E VALID UNTIL 1755Z NC SC CSTL WTRS FROM 130ESE ILM-180ESE ILM-170SSE ILM-130SSE ILM-130ESE ILM AREA TS MOV FROM 24020KT. TOPS TO FL330. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 49E VALID UNTIL 1755Z TN AL MS FROM 40SSE BNA-50WSW GQO-40W MSL-60ESE DYR-40SSE BNA AREA TS MOV FROM 26035KT. TOPS TO FL350. OUTLOOK VALID 061755-062155 FROM 40NW EKN-100ESE SIE-160E ECG-GSO-40WNW ODF-40WSW MEM-50SSW FAM-40SSE IIU-40NW EKN WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  665 WSUS33 KKCI 061555 SIGW MKCW WST 061555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 061755-062155 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  666 WSUS32 KKCI 061555 SIGC MKCC WST 061555 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 061755-062155 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  094 WSBZ23 SBGL 061550 SBAZ SIGMET 48 VALID 061555/061930 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0922 W05300 - S0922 W05045 - S0723 W05045 - S0810 W05125 - S0819 W05300 - S0922 W05300 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  458 WWUS81 KRNK 061556 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 1056 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAZ009>017-061630- Giles VA-Grayson VA-Pulaski VA-Bland VA-Wythe VA-Floyd VA- Montgomery VA-Smyth VA-Carroll VA- 1056 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...STRONG THUNDERSTORMS WILL IMPACT PULASKI...GILES...NORTHERN SMYTH...FLOYD...BLAND...CARROLL...WYTHE... NORTHEASTERN GRAYSON AND MONTGOMERY COUNTIES...THE CITY OF RADFORD AND THE CITY OF GALAX THROUGH 1130 AM EST... At 1055 AM EST, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from Oakvale to Kimberling to near Ceres. Movement was east at 90 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Blacksburg... Christiansburg... Radford... Pulaski... Wytheville... Galax... and Bland. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. These storms may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3702 8147 3699 8148 3701 8144 3703 8145 3716 8112 3729 8108 3730 8094 3735 8085 3738 8088 3734 8044 3732 8043 3732 8028 3697 8017 3660 8085 3690 8177 TIME...MOT...LOC 1555Z 281DEG 78KT 3732 8099 3715 8104 3700 8143 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ RS  985 WSCH31 SCCI 061600 SCCZ SIGMET 01 VALID 061600/062000 SCCI- SCCZ PUNTA ARENAS FIR SEV MTW FCST E OF LINE S4700 W07400 - S5150 W07400 BLW FL140 STNR NC=  213 WSFG20 TFFF 061600 SOOO SIGMET 05 VALID 061600/061800 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0330 W05200 - N0530 W05400 - N0830 W05400 - N0500 W04845 - N0430 W05115 - N0330 W05200 TOP FL450 MOV SW 05KT INTSF=  767 WWUS54 KMRX 061601 SVSMRX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Morristown TN 1101 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC167-191-061630- /O.CON.KMRX.SV.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1630Z/ Russell VA-Washington VA- 1101 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1130 AM EST FOR CENTRAL RUSSELL AND NORTHEASTERN WASHINGTON COUNTIES... At 1101 AM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Allison Gap, or near Saltville, moving east at 60 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Lebanon, Cleveland Va, Rosedale, and Castlewood. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3704 8182 3696 8178 3693 8184 3680 8171 3684 8231 3696 8217 3701 8198 TIME...MOT...LOC 1601Z 276DEG 51KT 3695 8185 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...<.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ JLB  073 WWUS41 KOKX 061602 WSWOKX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New York NY 1102 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NJZ006-106-108-NYZ072>075-078-080-176>179-061715- /O.EXP.KOKX.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ Hudson-Eastern Essex-Eastern Union-New York (Manhattan)-Bronx- Richmond (Staten Island)-Kings (Brooklyn)-Northwest Suffolk- Southwest Suffolk-Northern Queens-Northern Nassau-Southern Queens- Southern Nassau- 1102 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... The threat has ended as temperatures have warmed to above freezing for much of the advisory area. $$ CTZ005>008-NJZ002-004-103-105-107-NYZ067>070-061800- /O.CON.KOKX.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Northern Fairfield-Northern New Haven-Northern Middlesex-Northern New London-Western Passaic-Eastern Passaic-Western Bergen-Western Essex-Western Union-Orange-Putnam-Rockland-Northern Westchester- 1102 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of southern Connecticut, northeast New Jersey, and southeast New York. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Check local Department of Transportation information services for the latest road conditions. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ CTZ009>012-NJZ104-NYZ071-061800- /O.CON.KOKX.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Southern Fairfield-Southern New Haven-Southern Middlesex-Southern New London-Eastern Bergen-Southern Westchester- 1102 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of southern Connecticut, northeast New Jersey, and southeast New York. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Check local Department of Transportation information services for the latest road conditions. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/nyc BR  034 WHUS73 KGRB 061602 MWWGRB URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Green Bay WI 1002 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 LMZ521-522-070015- /O.CON.KGRB.GL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250207T0300Z/ Green Bay south of line from Cedar River to Rock Island Passage and north of a line from Oconto WI to Little Sturgeon Bay WI- Green Bay south of line from Oconto WI to Little Sturgeon Bay WI- 1002 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 kts with gusts up to 45 kts expected. * WHERE...Central and Southern Bay of Green Bay. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 9 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The Nearshore Marine Forecast will be ending today for the Bay of Green Bay for the rest of the winter. The forecast for the Bay will resume again on or around March 15, 2025. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ541>543-070015- /O.CON.KGRB.GL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250207T0900Z/ Rock Island Passage to Sturgeon Bay WI- Sturgeon Bay to Two Rivers WI-Two Rivers to Sheboygan WI- 1002 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, south to southwest winds 10 to 20 kts and waves up to 5 ft. For the Gale Warning, west winds 20 to 30 kts with gusts up to 45 kts and waves 2 to 5 ft expected. * WHERE...Lake Michigan nearshore waters from Washington Island to Sheboygan. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 9 AM CST this morning. For the Gale Warning, from 9 AM this morning to 3 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$  334 WWUS41 KLWX 061602 WSWLWX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1102 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAZ507-WVZ055-501-502-061715- /O.CAN.KLWX.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Northern Virginia Blue Ridge-Hardy-Western Grant-Eastern Grant- 1102 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED... Temperatures have risen above freezing. Continue to exercise caution on wet roads as some may still be icy. $$ MDZ503-505-VAZ027-029-030-040-501-506-526-061715- /O.CAN.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Northwest Montgomery-Northwest Howard-Shenandoah-Page-Warren- Rappahannock-Northern Fauquier-Eastern Loudoun-Northwest Prince William- 1102 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Temperatures have risen above freezing. Continue to exercise caution on wet roads as some may still be icy. $$ MDZ001-003-501-502-VAZ028-031-WVZ050>053-503-504-061715- /O.CON.KLWX.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Garrett-Washington-Extreme Western Allegany-Central and Eastern Allegany-Frederick VA-Clarke-Hampshire-Morgan-Berkeley-Jefferson- Western Mineral-Eastern Mineral- 1102 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Significant icing. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of north central and western Maryland, northwest Virginia, and eastern and panhandle West Virginia. * WHEN...Until noon EST today. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Significant ice accumulation on power lines and tree limbs may cause widespread and long-lasting power outages. Using non-approved heating devices in your home can lead to fires and carbon monoxide poisoning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Temperatures will warm later this morning with precipitation transitioning to rain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not touch downed lines and report any power outages to your electric company. Travel is highly discouraged due to slick roadways and the possibility of downed trees and power lines. && $$ MDZ004>006-507-VAZ505-061715- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Frederick MD-Carroll-Northern Baltimore-Northwest Harford-Western Loudoun- 1102 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...In Maryland, Carroll, Frederick MD, Northern Baltimore, and Northwest Harford Counties. In Virginia, Western Loudoun County. * WHEN...Until noon EST today. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Temperatures will warm later this morning with precipitation transitioning to rain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ MDZ008-508-061715- /O.CON.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Cecil-Southeast Harford- 1102 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST TODAY... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Cecil and Southeast Harford Counties. * WHEN...Until noon EST today. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Temperatures will warm later this morning with precipitation transitioning to rain. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ AVS  080 WWUS20 KWNS 061603 SEL3 SPC WW 061603 KYZ000-061600- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED TORNADO WATCH - NUMBER 3 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1003 AM CST THU FEB 6 2025 THE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER HAS CANCELLED TORNADO WATCH NUMBER 3 ISSUED AT 510 AM CST FOR PORTIONS OF KENTUCKY  081 WWUS30 KWNS 061603 SAW3 SPC AWW 061603 WW 3 TORNADO CANCELLED  670 WSCI36 ZUUU 061603 ZPKM SIGMET 9 VALID 061720/062120 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N3200 E09700-N3334 E10352-N3153 E10931-N2548 E10817-N2833 E08829-N3117 E08811-N3200 E09700 FL150/340 STNR NC=  050 WGUS86 KMTR 061604 FLSMTR Flood Advisory National Weather Service San Francisco CA 804 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAC081-061900- /O.NEW.KMTR.FA.Y.0017.250206T1604Z-250206T1900Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ San Mateo CA- 804 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Urban area and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...Portions of San Mateo County, especially urban areas of the Peninsula. * WHEN...Until 1100 AM PST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. Ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 802 AM PST, Doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated heavy rain. This will cause urban and small stream flooding. Between 0.1 and 0.5 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts of 0.2 to 0.8 inches are expected over the area. This additional rain will increase the threat for hydroplaning, rapid rises on small streams and creeks. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... San Mateo, Redwood City, South San Francisco, San Bruno, Pacifica, Foster City, Burlingame, San Carlos, Belmont, Millbrae, Half Moon Bay, Hillsborough, Woodside, Highlands- Baywood Park, El Granada, Brisbane, Highlands, Montara, Emerald Lake Hills and Moss Beach. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3753 12252 3757 12252 3759 12252 3770 12238 3770 12237 3768 12235 3765 12234 3764 12235 3763 12233 3761 12233 3759 12229 3758 12225 3756 12224 3754 12219 3734 12240 3747 12246 3750 12250 $$ Bain  695 WGUS84 KMRX 061604 FLSMRX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Morristown TN 1104 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC167-191-195-720-061900- /O.NEW.KMRX.FA.Y.0002.250206T1604Z-250206T1900Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Russell VA-Washington VA-Wise VA-City of Norton VA- 1104 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...A portion of southwest Virginia, including the following counties and independent city, City of Norton, Russell, Washington and Wise. * WHEN...Until 200 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1104 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Norton, Lebanon, Wise, Cleveland Va, Coeburn, Appalachia, Honaker, Pound, St. Paul, Castlewood, Rosedale, Dye and Pardee. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3695 8286 3697 8287 3700 8283 3704 8272 3712 8272 3720 8255 3713 8255 3702 8248 3696 8236 3704 8217 3705 8204 3712 8201 3714 8190 3696 8178 3693 8183 3681 8172 3688 8241 3689 8240 3691 8287 $$  136 WSCI36 ZUUU 061604 ZPKM SIGMET 10 VALID 061720/062120 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N3328 E10330-N3227 E10549-N3153 E10931-N2722 E10916-N2651 E10007-N2946 E09839-N3328 E10330 FL050/170 STNR NC=  981 WWCN01 CWHF 061608 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB HALIFAX PROPERTIES AND 12 WING SHEARWATER PREPARED BY METOC HALIFAX AT 12:08 PM AST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB HALIFAX PROPERTIES (CWHF) LOCATION: 12 WING SHEARWATER (CYAW) TYPE: FREEZING PRECIPITATION WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: 30 MINUTES OR MORE OF FREEZING RAIN OR ICE PELLETS VALID: 07/0200Z TO 07/0500Z (06/2200 AST TO 07/0100 AST) TYPE: SNOWFALL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SNOWFALL OF 5 CM OR MORE IN 24 HOURS VALID: 06/2200Z TO 07/0400Z (06/1800 AST TO 06/2400 AST) TYPE: WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SUSTAINED WINDS OR GUSTS IN EXCESS OF 25 KTS VALID: 07/0000Z TO 07/0500Z (06/2000 AST TO 07/0100 AST) COMMENTS: A DEVELOPING LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM WILL TRACK IN FROM THE SOUTHWEST THIS EVENING GIVING SNOW AND MODERATE TO STRONG SOUTHEAST WINDS. SNOW WILL BEGIN EARLY THIS EVENING AND CHANGE OVER TO RAIN OR DRIZZLE NEAR MIDNIGHT. SNOWFALL AMOUNTS OF NEAR 5 CM ARE EXPECTED WITH THIS SYSTEM. OCCASIONAL ICE PELLETS CAN BE EXPECTED DURING THE CHANGE OVER FROM SNOW TO RAIN AS TEMPERATURES WARM ACROSS THE REGION LATE THIS EVENING. MODERATE TO STRONG SOUTHEAST WINDS WILL DEVELOP AHEAD OF THIS SYSTEM THIS EVENING. OCCASIONAL GUSTS TO 25 KNOTS CAN BE EXPECTED FOR 12 WING SHEARWATER LATER THIS EVENING BEFORE EASING IN THE WAKE OF THE LOW AFTER MIDNIGHT. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 06/2130Z (06/1730 AST) END/METOC-HFX  461 WSIL31 BICC 061607 BIRD SIGMET U10 VALID 061700/062000 BIRK- BIRD REYKJAVIK CTA SEV TURB FCST WI N6220 W00810 - N6230 W00610 - N6120 W00550 - N6110 W00740 - N6220 W00810 SFC/FL060 STNR WKN=  300 WWUS54 KMRX 061609 SVSMRX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Morristown TN 1109 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC167-191-061619- /O.CAN.KMRX.SV.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1630Z/ Russell VA-Washington VA- 1109 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL RUSSELL AND NORTHEASTERN WASHINGTON COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However, gusty winds and heavy rain with localized flooding are still possible with this thunderstorm. && LAT...LON 3704 8182 3696 8178 3693 8184 3680 8171 3684 8231 3696 8217 3701 8198 TIME...MOT...LOC 1607Z 276DEG 51KT 3694 8170 $$ JLB  712 WHUS73 KGRR 061609 MWWGRR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Rapids MI 1109 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 LMZ846>849-070015- /O.CON.KGRR.GL.W.0005.250206T1800Z-250207T0900Z/ Holland to Grand Haven MI-Grand Haven to Whitehall MI- Whitehall to Pentwater MI-Pentwater to Manistee MI- 1109 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 25 to 35 knots with gusts up to 45 knots and waves 9 to 14 feet expected. * WHERE...Holland to Manistee. * WHEN...From 1 PM Thursday to 4 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ844-845-070015- /O.CON.KGRR.GL.W.0005.250207T0000Z-250207T0900Z/ St Joseph to South Haven MI-South Haven to Holland MI- 1109 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 knots with gusts up to 40 knots and waves 7 to 11 feet expected. * WHERE...St Joseph to Holland. * WHEN...From 7 PM Thursday to 4 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$  413 ACUS01 KWNS 061610 SWODY1 SPC AC 061608 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1008 AM CST Thu Feb 06 2025 Valid 061630Z - 071200Z ...THERE IS A SLIGHT RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS THIS AFTERNOON AND EVENING OVER PORTIONS OF TENNESSEE AND VICINITY.... ...SUMMARY... A few strong/severe thunderstorms are expected this afternoon and evening across parts of the Tennessee Valley. ...TN and vicinity... Morning visible satellite imagery shows a surface cold front extending from northwest TN into southern KY. The air mass along and south of the front continues to slowly moisten with dewpoints now in the 60s across most of western/middle TN, and cloud cover appears to be thinning. This will lead to a zone of 1000-1500 J/kg surface-based CAPE this afternoon. Most 12z model solutions indicate scattered thunderstorms will form along the front and track east-southeastward across much of TN through the afternoon/evening. Low-level wind fields are considerably weaker than last night, suggesting the overall tornado risk has likely decreased. However, mid-level lapse rates around 7 C/km, weak forcing, strong westerly flow aloft, and diurnal heating suggest the risk of a few discrete rotating/bowing storms capable of hail and damaging wind gusts. A tornado or two is possible. The threat may persist after dark in east TN, but should weaken as storms move into less instability over the mountains. ..Hart/Jirak.. 02/06/2025 $$  418 WUUS01 KWNS 061610 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1008 AM CST THU FEB 06 2025 VALID TIME 061630Z - 071200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... 0.02 36328799 36878607 37128369 37218242 37018199 36638201 35888290 35308440 35108666 35088806 35258851 35498884 35938862 36328799 && ... HAIL ... 0.05 36368837 37028475 37208278 37308072 36978057 36208065 35818124 35038373 35048582 35108814 35418882 35738898 36368837 0.15 36628642 36608395 36018391 35298461 35248552 35758779 36088795 36318797 36628642 && ... WIND ... 0.05 35488891 35788897 36368841 36798635 37068447 37208243 37278072 36438022 35788039 35028382 35058683 35118823 35488891 0.15 36638652 36608395 36028389 35308459 35208551 35768777 36048797 36328794 36638652 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... SLGT 36328797 36648645 36598392 36008392 35338458 35218557 35788780 36068793 36328797 MRGL 36388832 36918567 37188313 37248149 37298072 36438022 35778038 35058378 35068687 35108818 35448886 35788897 36388832 TSTM 34357580 35127679 35027815 34818177 34028406 33928696 34419026 34979166 36199159 37659027 38548828 38498197 37787860 38367598 38367388 99999999 40322492 41682235 41582029 39821915 38461849 37101782 36451826 36291941 37242089 38072243 38282408 && THERE IS A SLGT RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 35 SW HOP 25 S BWG 35 SSE LOZ 15 NNE TYS 40 ENE CHA 25 WNW CHA 60 SSW CKV 50 SW CKV 35 SW HOP. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 50 WSW HOP 40 E BWG 30 SSE JKL 15 WSW BLF 10 NNW PSK 30 NW GSO 35 SW GSO 55 SSE TYS 30 N HSV 40 NW MSL 10 SSE MKL 10 NNW MKL 50 WSW HOP. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 60 S HSE 15 ENE EWN 30 SSW GSB 15 ESE SPA 35 NE ATL 25 NNW BHM 40 W UOX 35 ENE LIT 30 N BVX 10 SE FAM 35 ENE MVN 20 WNW CRW 25 SSW CHO 25 ENE NHK 85 SSE ACY ...CONT... 55 SW EKA 25 N MHS 15 ENE AAT 30 NW NFL 75 S NFL 35 ESE BIH 65 NNW NID 40 SSE FAT 20 W MER 30 N SFO 75 SW UKI.  064 WWCN15 CWWG 061609 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR SOUTHERN ALBERTA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 9:09 A.M. MST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: CYPRESS HILLS PROVINCIAL PARK - FOREMOST. EXTREME COLD WARNING ENDED FOR: MEDICINE HAT - BOW ISLAND - SUFFIELD LETHBRIDGE - TABER - MILK RIVER CARDSTON - FORT MACLEOD - MAGRATH CROWSNEST PASS - PINCHER CREEK - WATERTON LAKES NAT. PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== EXTREME COLD WIND CHILL VALUES NEAR -40 ARE AFFECTING SOUTHEASTERN ALBERTA. WIND CHILL VALUES WILL MODERATE LATER THIS MORNING. EXTREME COLD PUTS EVERYONE AT RISK. WATCH FOR COLD RELATED SYMPTOMS: SHORTNESS OF BREATH, CHEST PAIN, MUSCLE PAIN AND WEAKNESS, NUMBNESS AND COLOUR CHANGE IN FINGERS AND TOES. DRESS WARMLY. DRESS IN LAYERS THAT YOU CAN REMOVE IF YOU GET TOO WARM. THE OUTER LAYER SHOULD BE WIND RESISTANT. COVER UP. FROSTBITE CAN DEVELOP WITHIN MINUTES ON EXPOSED SKIN, ESPECIALLY WITH WIND CHILL. IF IT'S TOO COLD FOR YOU TO STAY OUTSIDE, IT'S TOO COLD FOR YOUR PET TO STAY OUTSIDE. EXTREME COLD WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN VERY COLD TEMPERATURES OR WIND CHILL CREATES AN ELEVATED RISK TO HEALTH SUCH AS FROST BITE AND HYPOTHERMIA. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ABSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ABSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  826 WWUS41 KBUF 061611 WSWBUF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Buffalo NY 1111 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NYZ012>014-019>021-085-061715- /O.CAN.KBUF.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Wyoming-Livingston-Ontario-Chautauqua-Cattaraugus-Allegany- Southern Erie- Including the cities of Warsaw, Geneseo, Canandaigua, Jamestown, Olean, Wellsville, Orchard Park, and Springville 1111 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The steady widespread precipitation has moved out of the area, while temperatures have climbed above freezing. $$ NYZ006-070015- /O.CON.KBUF.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250207T0300Z/ /O.CON.KBUF.WS.A.0006.250207T0900Z-250208T1800Z/ Oswego- Including the cities of Oswego 1111 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... ...WINTER STORM WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH SATURDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...For the Winter Weather Advisory, mixed precipitation expected. Total ice accumulations of a few hundredths of an inch. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph later today. For the Winter Storm Watch, heavy lake effect snow possible. Total snow accumulations over 7 inches possible in the most persistent lake snows. Winds could gust as high as 50 mph creating blowing and drifting snow along with greatly reduced visibility. * WHERE...Oswego County. * WHEN...For the Winter Weather Advisory, until 10 PM EST this evening. For the Winter Storm Watch, from late tonight through Saturday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult for late tonight through Saturday during the potential lake effect snow event. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. Narrow bands of heavy snow could bring rapidly changing road conditions and visibilities. Localized travel problems will be possible. During lake effect snow, the weather can vary from bands of locally heavy snow with greatly reduced visibilities to dry conditions just a few miles away. Be prepared for rapid changes in weather, visibility, and road conditions. && $$ NYZ001>005-010-011-061800- /O.CON.KBUF.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Niagara-Orleans-Monroe-Wayne-Northern Cayuga-Northern Erie- Genesee- Including the cities of Niagara Falls, Medina, Rochester, Newark, Fair Haven, Buffalo, and Batavia 1111 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional ice accumulations around a few hundredths of an inch. * WHERE...Niagara, Orleans, Monroe, Wayne, Northern Cayuga, Northern Erie, and Genesee Counties. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Periods of freezing rain will result in slippery roads and limited visibilities. Slow down and use caution while driving. Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. && $$ NYZ007-008-070015- /O.CON.KBUF.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250207T0300Z/ Jefferson-Lewis- Including the cities of Watertown and Lowville 1111 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations up to 2 inches and ice accumulations around one tenth of an inch. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Jefferson and Lewis Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will result in slippery roads and limited visibilities. Slow down and use caution while driving. Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. && $$ RSH  358 WOUS64 KWNS 061613 WOU3 TORNADO WATCH OUTLINE UPDATE FOR WT 3 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1013 AM CST THU FEB 06 2025 TORNADO WATCH 3 IS NO LONGER IN EFFECT. KYZ000-061600- /O.EXP.KWNS.TO.A.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1600Z/ NO COUNTIES OR PARISHES REMAIN IN THE WATCH. $$ ATTN...WFO...LMK...JKL...  154 WWUS20 KWNS 061613 SEL3 SPC WW 061613 KYZ000-061600- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED TORNADO WATCH - NUMBER 3 NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1013 AM CST THU FEB 6 2025 THE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER HAS CANCELLED TORNADO WATCH NUMBER 3 ISSUED AT 510 AM CST FOR PORTIONS OF KENTUCKY  155 WWUS30 KWNS 061613 SAW3 SPC AWW 061613 WW 3 TORNADO CANCELLED  260 WWUS43 KAPX 061613 WSWAPX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gaylord MI 1113 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MIZ086-087-070415- /O.CON.KAPX.WW.Y.0014.250206T2000Z-250207T1200Z/ Western Chippewa-Central Chippewa- 1113 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 7 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 4 inches. Locally higher amounts possible. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Central Chippewa and Western Chippewa Counties. * WHEN...From 3 PM this afternoon to 7 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. During lake effect snow, the weather can vary from bands of locally heavy snow to dry weather just a few miles away. Visibilities can also vary greatly. Be prepared for rapid changes in weather, visibility, and road conditions. && $$ Cornish  652 WTNT80 EGRR 061613 MET OFFICE TROPICAL CYCLONE GUIDANCE FOR NORTH-EAST PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC GLOBAL MODEL DATA TIME 12UTC 06.02.2025 NO TROPICAL CYCLONES ANALYSED OR FORECAST TO DEVELOP IN THIS AREA IN THE NEXT 168 HOURS THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED AS GUIDANCE FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE RSMCS. IT REQUIRES INTERPRETATION BY TROPICAL CYCLONE SPECIALISTS AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A FINAL PRODUCT. BULLETINS ARE NOW AVAILABLE WHICH PROVIDE EXPLICIT GUIDANCE ON CENTRAL PRESSURE AND MAXIMUM WIND SPEED. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT TROPICAL_CYCLONES@METOFFICE.GOV.UK MET OFFICE, EXETER, UK TOO 061613  749 WTNT82 EGRR 061614 MET OFFICE TROPICAL CYCLONE GUIDANCE FOR NORTH-EAST PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC GLOBAL MODEL DATA TIME 1200UTC 06.02.2025 NO TROPICAL CYCLONES ANALYSED OR FORECAST TO DEVELOP IN THIS AREA IN THE NEXT 168 HOURS THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED AS GUIDANCE FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE RSMCS. IT REQUIRES INTERPRETATION BY TROPICAL CYCLONE SPECIALISTS AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A FINAL PRODUCT. MET OFFICE, EXETER, UK TOO 061613  335 WGUS84 KLCH 061615 FLSLCH Flood Statement National Weather Service Lake Charles LA 1015 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Louisiana... Calcasieu River Near Glenmora Additional information is available at www.weather.gov. The next statement will be issued Friday morning at 1015 AM CST. && LAC079-071615- /O.EXT.KLCH.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250208T0000Z/ /GLML1.1.ER.250128T1500Z.250201T1630Z.250207T1800Z.NO/ 1015 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL TOMORROW EVENING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Calcasieu River near Glenmora. * WHEN...Until tomorrow evening. * IMPACTS...At 12.0 feet, When the river is falling and the gauge reading is forecast to be near 12 feet, flooding of forested areas near the river will occur. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 9:45 AM CST Thursday the stage was 12.6 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 9:45 AM CST Thursday was 13.2 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage early tomorrow afternoon and continue falling to 10.3 feet Tuesday morning. - Flood stage is 12.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && Fld Observed Forecasts (12 pm CST) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Fri Sat Sun Calcasieu River Glenmora 12.0 12.6 Thu 9 am CST 12.0 11.3 10.8 && LAT...LON 3115 9275 3105 9265 3090 9262 3090 9269 3113 9279 $$ Jones  927 WSRS31 RUSP 061619 ULLL SIGMET 15 VALID 061800/062100 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST W OF LINE N7009 E03203 - N6717 E04226 - N6608 E03919 - N6629 E02932 SFC/FL050 MOV E 30KMH NC=  853 WGUS86 KMTR 061620 FLSMTR Flood Advisory National Weather Service San Francisco CA 820 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAC075-081-061915- /O.NEW.KMTR.FA.Y.0018.250206T1620Z-250206T1915Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ San Francisco CA-San Mateo CA- 820 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 1115 AM PST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Urban area and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...San Francisco County and northern San Mateo County. * WHEN...Until 1115 AM PST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. Ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 808 AM PST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause urban and small stream flooding. Up to 0.1 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts up to 0.5 inches are expected over the area. Additional rainfall amounts of 0.2 to 0.8 inches are expected over the area. This additional rain will increase the threat for hydroplaning, rapid rises on small streams and creeks. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... San Francisco, Daly City, South San Francisco, San Bruno, Pacifica, Brisbane, Colma and Broadmoor. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3771 12251 3776 12252 3777 12253 3779 12253 3779 12251 3781 12249 3782 12241 3780 12238 3781 12238 3780 12237 3779 12238 3778 12238 3775 12238 3772 12235 3771 12235 3770 12238 3759 12252 $$ Bain  677 WGUS63 KJKL 061621 FFAJKL Flood Watch National Weather Service Jackson KY 1121 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ044-050>052-058>060-068-069-079-080-083>088-104-106>120-061730- /O.CAN.KJKL.FA.A.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Fleming-Montgomery-Bath-Rowan-Estill-Powell-Menifee-Rockcastle- Jackson-Pulaski-Laurel-Wayne-McCreary-Whitley-Knox-Bell-Harlan- Elliott-Morgan-Johnson-Wolfe-Magoffin-Floyd-Lee-Breathitt-Knott- Owsley-Perry-Clay-Leslie-Letcher-Martin-Pike- Including the cities of Hyden, Manchester, Inez, Pineville, Hazard, Flemingsburg, Hindman, Whitesburg, Monticello, Paintsville, Camargo, Corbin, Clay City, Stanton, Whitley City, Stearns, South Williamson, Somerset, Mount Vernon, Burnside, Harlan, Beattyville, Salyersville, Coal Run, Wheelwright, Prestonsburg, Owingsville, Cumberland, Barbourville, Middlesboro, Jeffersonville, Jackson, Mount Sterling, Williamsburg, West Liberty, Campton, Ravenna, Jenkins, Pippa Passes, Brodhead, Elkhorn City, McKee, Irvine, London, Sandy Hook, Pikeville, Booneville, Morehead, Frenchburg, and Annville 1121 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WATCH IS CANCELLED... The Flood Watch is cancelled for the Kentucky counties of Bath, Elliott, Estill, Fleming, Menifee, Montgomery, Powell, Rowan, Johnson, Martin, Laurel, McCreary, Pulaski, Rockcastle, Wayne, Whitley, Bell, Breathitt, Clay, Floyd, Harlan, Jackson, Knott, Knox, Lee, Leslie, Letcher, Magoffin, Morgan, Owsley, Perry, Pike, and Wolfe. Significant rainfall has ended and no additional flooding of small streams or creeks is expected beyond what it already occurring. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. $$ HAL  793 WSRS31 RUSP 061621 ULLL SIGMET 16 VALID 061800/062100 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF LINE N7009 E03203 - N6717 E04226 - N6608 E03919 - N6629 E02932 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  556 WWCN01 CYZX 061621 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB GREENWOOD PREPARED BY METOC HALIFAX AT 12:21 PM AST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB GREENWOOD (CYZX) TYPE: SNOWFALL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SNOWFALL AMOUNT OF 5 CM OR MORE IN 12 HOURS VALID: 06/2100Z TO 07/0400Z (06/1700 AST TO 06/2400 AST) TYPE: FREEZING PRECIPITATION WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: FREEZING RAIN/DRIZZLE VALID: 07/0200Z TO 07/0500Z (06/2200 AST TO 07/0100 AST) COMMENTS: A LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM WILL TRACK IN FROM THE SOUTHWEST GIVING SNOW TO THE REGION BEGINNING LATE THIS AFTERNOON INTO THE EARLY EVENING. SNOWFALL AMOUNTS OF 3 TO 5 CM ARE EXPECTED BEFORE SNOW CHANGES OVER TO RAIN OR DRIZZLE SHORTLY AFTER MIDNIGHT. OCCASIONAL FREEZING RAIN AND ICE PELLETS CAN BE EXPECTED LATE THIS EVENING AND PERSISTING UNTIL AFTER MIDNIGHT AS SNOW CHANGES OVER TO RAIN OR DRIZZLE AS TEMPERATURES WARM. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 06/2130Z (06/1730 AST) END/METOC-HFX  906 WSRS31 RUSP 061623 ULLL SIGMET 17 VALID 061800/062100 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV MTW FCST W OF LINE N6933 E03056 - N6752 E03524 - N6658 E03348 - N6659 E02904 FL020/150 STNR NC=  707 WSCH31 SCTE 061624 SCTZ SIGMET 02 VALID 061700/062100 SCTE- SCTZ PUERTO MONTT FIR SEV MTW FCST E OF LINE S4000 W07215 - S4700 W07330 TOP FL120 STNR NC=  765 WGUS61 KRLX 061625 FFARLX Flood Watch National Weather Service Charleston WV 1125 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVZ015-024>026-034-515>526-061730- /O.CAN.KRLX.FA.A.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Kanawha-Mingo-Logan-Boone-Wyoming-Northwest Raleigh-Southeast Raleigh-Northwest Fayette-Southeast Fayette-Northwest Nicholas- Southeast Nicholas-Northwest Webster-Southeast Webster-Northwest Pocahontas-Southeast Pocahontas-Northwest Randolph-Southeast Randolph- Including the cities of Prosperity, Madison, Marlinton, Sophia, South Charleston, Richwood, Bradley, Saint Albans, Fayetteville, Craigsville, Birch River, Montgomery, Webster Springs, Chapmanville, Elkins, Mullens, Oak Hill, Meadow Bridge, Holly River State Park, Snowshoe, Harman, Williamson, Pineville, Logan, Charleston, Oceana, Beckley, Summersville, Man, and Cowen 1125 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WATCH IS CANCELLED, MANY FLOOD WARNINGS REMAIN... The Flood Watch is cancelled for portions of northeast, southeast, and southern West Virginia, including the following counties, in northeast West Virginia, Northwest Pocahontas, Northwest Randolph, Northwest Webster, Southeast Pocahontas, Southeast Randolph and Southeast Webster. In southeast West Virginia, Northwest Fayette, Northwest Nicholas, Northwest Raleigh, Southeast Fayette, Southeast Nicholas and Southeast Raleigh. In southern West Virginia, Boone, Kanawha, Logan, Mingo and Wyoming. Flood Warnings remain in affect for much of the area. Motorists should use extreme caution and be prepared for water or debris on roadway. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. Significant rainfall has ended, therefore the Flood Watch has been cancelled. However, flooding continues in many areas. See the latest flood warnings for details. $$ VAZ003-004-WVZ033-061800- /O.CON.KRLX.FA.A.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Dickenson-Buchanan-McDowell- Including the cities of Gary, Vansant, Grundy, Welch, War, and Clintwood 1125 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues to be possible. * WHERE...Portions of southwest Virginia, including the following counties, Buchanan and Dickenson and southern West Virginia, including the following county, McDowell. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Excessive runoff may result in flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations. Creeks and streams may rise out of their banks. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ RPY  455 WWCN11 CWVR 061624 ARCTIC OUTFLOW WARNING FOR COASTAL BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 8:24 A.M. PST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCTIC OUTFLOW WARNING FOR: NORTH COAST - INLAND INCLUDING KITIMAT NORTH COAST - INLAND INCLUDING TERRACE. ARCTIC OUTFLOW WARNING ENDED FOR: CENTRAL COAST - INLAND SECTIONS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG OUTFLOW WINDS AND COLD WIND CHILL VALUES ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. WHEN: TODAY AND TONIGHT. WHERE: NORTH COAST - INLAND REGIONS. REMARKS: COLD TEMPERATURES AND STRONG OUTFLOW WINDS WILL CONTINUE TO GIVE LOW WIND CHILL VALUES NEAR MINUS 20. WHILE SOME MODERATION IS EXPECTED DURING THE DAYTIME, WIND CHILL VALUES WILL LOWER TO NEAR MINUS 20 IN THE OVERNIGHT AND EARLY MORNING HOURS. WINDS SHOULD EASE OFF DURING THE DAY ON FRIDAY. LIMIT OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES. FROSTBITE AND HYPOTHERMIA CAN OCCUR WITHIN MINUTES IF ADEQUATE PRECAUTIONS ARE NOT TAKEN WHEN OUTDOORS. ENSURE THAT SHELTER IS PROVIDED FOR PETS AND OUTDOOR ANIMALS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  997 WWUS75 KSLC 061625 NPWSLC URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Salt Lake City UT 925 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 WYZ021-070500- /O.NEW.KSLC.HW.W.0002.250207T1500Z-250208T0000Z/ Southwest Wyoming- Including the following locations - Lyman and Evanston 925 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...HIGH WIND WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM TO 5 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 65 mph expected. * WHERE...Southwest Wyoming. * WHEN...From 8 AM to 5 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...High winds may move loose debris, damage property and cause power outages. Travel could be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles and vehicles with trailers. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles and vehicles with trailers. Use extra caution. People are urged to secure loose objects that could be blown around or damaged by the wind. && $$ UTZ102-070500- /O.EXB.KSLC.WI.Y.0005.250207T1000Z-250208T0100Z/ Tooele and Rush Valleys- Including the following locations - Tooele, Grantsville, and Vernon 925 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 6 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 55 mph expected. * WHERE...Tooele and Rush Valleys. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 6 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects and a few power outages may result. Blowing dust may reduce visibilities at times through the day. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Isolated wind gusts to 60 mph are expected on I-80 near Lake Point. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles and vehicles with trailers. Use extra caution. && $$ UTZ115-122-070500- /O.CON.KSLC.WI.Y.0005.250207T1500Z-250208T0300Z/ Western Millard and Juab Counties-Southwest Utah- Including the following locations - Cedar City, Milford, Little Sahara, Delta, and Beaver 925 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM TO 8 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 55 mph expected. * WHERE...Western Millard and Juab Counties and Southwest Utah. * WHEN...From 8 AM to 8 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects and a few power outages may result. Strong cross winds can be expected along east-west oriented roads, including Highway 50. Blowing dust may reduce visibilities at times through the day. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Isolated wind gusts to 60 mph can be expected across wind prone and exposed locations of western Millard, Beaver and Iron Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles and vehicles with trailers. Use extra caution. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/saltlakecity. For information on potential travel impacts visit http://udottraffic.utah.gov CRK  912 WGUS83 KJKL 061626 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 1126 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC199-203-061636- /O.EXP.KJKL.FA.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250206T1630Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Pulaski KY-Rockcastle KY- 1126 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 1130 AM EST THIS MORNING... The Flood Advisory will expire at 1130 AM EST this morning for a portion of south central Kentucky, including the following areas, Pulaski and Rockcastle. The heavy rain has ended and high water is receding. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3725 8423 3723 8424 3724 8425 3723 8426 3709 8491 3712 8490 3728 8466 3741 8428 $$ GEOGERIAN  796 WGUS84 KLZK 061627 FLSLZK Flood Statement National Weather Service Little Rock AR 1027 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Arkansas... Ouachita River At Camden affecting Ouachita and Calhoun Counties. Ouachita River At Thatcher L&D affecting Union, Calhoun and Bradley Counties. For the Ouachita River...including Jones Mill Dcp, Arkadelphia, Camden, Thatcher L&D...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfall forecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods of flooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfall forecasts. Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on our Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page at... www.weather.gov/lzk Under the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS. The next statement will be issued Friday morning at 1030 AM CST. && ARC013-103-071630- /O.EXT.KLZK.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250209T0651Z/ /CAMA4.1.ER.000000T0000Z.250205T0815Z.250208T0051Z.NO/ 1027 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL EARLY SUNDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Ouachita River at Camden. * WHEN...Until early Sunday morning. * IMPACTS...At 28.0 feet, Sandy Beach Park and portions of the Riverwalk area off of Washington Street are inundated. State Highway 7 off 79B becomes inundated. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 8:30 AM CST Thursday the stage was 28.5 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage Friday evening and continue falling to 23.5 feet Tuesday morning. - Flood stage is 26.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && Fld Observed Forecasts (12 pm CST) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Fri Sat Sun Ouachita River Camden 26.0 28.5 Thu 8 am CST 26.6 24.6 24.0 && LAT...LON 3329 9261 3344 9280 3363 9289 3367 9275 3350 9264 3338 9247 $$ ARC011-013-139-071630- /O.CON.KLZK.FL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /CALA4.1.ER.250203T0652Z.250207T0600Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1027 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Ouachita River at Thatcher L&D. * WHEN...Until further notice. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 8:30 AM CST Thursday the stage was 81.6 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 81.9 feet late tonight. - Flood stage is 79.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && Fld Observed Forecasts (12 pm CST) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Fri Sat Sun Ouachita River Thatcher L&D 79.0 81.6 Thu 8 am CST 81.9 81.8 81.4 && LAT...LON 3311 9223 3323 9236 3329 9261 3338 9247 3333 9226 3322 9212 $$ 61  753 WANO36 ENMI 061628 ENOB AIRMET I02 VALID 061700/062100 ENMI- ENOB BODOE OCEANIC FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N7930 E00915 - N8005 E01900 - N8010 E02950 - N7640 E01725 - N7610 E01605 - N7930 E00915 1000FT/FL120 STNR INTSF=  584 WEID22 WIIX 061628 ::::BMKG:::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG:::::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG:::: Sistem Peringatan Dini Tsunami Indonesia (InaTEWS) BADAN METEOROLOGI KLIMATOLOGI DAN GEOFISIKA Alamat:Jl. Angkasa I no.2 Kemayoran, Jakarta, Indonesia, 10720 Telp.: (+62-21) 4246321/6546316 , Fax: (+62-21) 6546316/4246703 P.O. Box 3540 Jkt, Website : http://www.bmkg.go.id ======================================================================================== Tanggal dikeluarkan: 06-Feb-2025 23:27:35 WIB Informasi gempabumi No.:2327-06/infogempa/InaTEWS/02/2025 TELAH TERJADI GEMPA BUMI DENGAN PARAMETER SEMENTARA SEBAGAI BERIKUT: Kekuatan : 5.6 SR Tanggal : 06-Feb-2025 Waktu Gempa : 23:24:53 WIB Lintang : 2.57 LS Bujur : 141.90 BT Kedalaman : 10 Km Lokasi : Near North Coast of Papua New Guinea Keterangan : 136 km TimurLaut JAYAPURA-PAPUA 143 km Tenggara KOTA-JAYAPURA-PAPUA 152 km TimurLaut KEEROM-PAPUA 166 km TimurLaut KAB-JAYAPURA-PAPUA 3917 km TimurLaut JAKARTA-INDONESIA Informasi Tsunami : Gempa ini tidak berpotensi TSUNAMI Informasi ini telah diperiksa oleh Seismologist Harap jangan me-reply kealamat email ini, tetapi kealamat : info_inatews@bmkg.go.id ::::BMKG:::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG:::::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG:::: ------------English Version--------------- ::::BMKG:::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG:::::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG:::: Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (InaTEWS) METEOROLOGICAL CLIMATOLOGICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL AGENCY Address:Jl. Angkasa I no.2 Kemayoran, Jakarta, Indonesia, 10720 Telp.: (+62-21) 4246321/6546316 , Fax: (+62-21) 6546316/4246703 P.O. Box 3540 Jkt, Website : http://www.bmkg.go.id ======================================================================================== Issued date : 06-Feb-2025 16:27:35 UTC Earthquake Information No.:2327-06/infogempa/InaTEWS/02/2025 AN EARTHQUAKE HAS OCCURRED WITH THESE PRELIMINARY PARAMETERS: Magnitude : 5.6 Date : 06-Feb-2025 Origin Time : 16:24:53 UTC Latitude : 2.57 S Longitude : 141.90 E Depth : 10 Km Location : Near North Coast of Papua New Guinea Remarks : 136 km NorthEast JAYAPURA-PAPUA 143 km SouthEast KOTA-JAYAPURA-PAPUA 152 km NorthEast KEEROM-PAPUA 166 km NorthEast KAB-JAYAPURA-PAPUA 3917 km NorthEast JAKARTA-INDONESIA Tsunami Information: This earthquake does not generate TSUNAMI This Information has been reviewed by Seismologist Do not reply to this email, any inquiry addressed to : info_inatews@bmkg.go.id ::::BMKG:::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG:::::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG::::  106 WGUS86 KSTO 061629 FLSUSA Flood Statement National Weather Service Sacramento CA 829 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in California... Sacramento River At Ord Ferry affecting Glenn and Butte Counties. ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in California... Sacramento River At Tehama Bridge affecting Tehama County. ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in California... Sacramento River Near Hamilton City affecting Glenn and Butte Counties. Sacramento River At Vina Woodson Bridge affecting Tehama County. For the Upper Sacramento River...including Vina Woodson Bridge, Ord Ferry...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. For more hydrologic information and stage definitions refer to the following web site: wrh.noaa.gov/sto/hydro_data.php The next statement will be issued this morning at 930 AM PST. && CAC007-021-061730- /O.CAN.KSTO.FL.W.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1629Z/ /HAMC1.1.ER.250205T1024Z.250206T0445Z.250206T1230Z.NO/ 829 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IS CANCELLED... The Flood Warning is cancelled for the Sacramento River Near Hamilton City. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 7:45 AM PST Thursday the stage was 145.2 feet. - Bankfull stage is 142.0 feet. - Forecast...Forecast to fall below monitor stage of 142.0 FT late this afternoon then forecast to recede to near 139.0 FT just after midnight tonight then forecast to rise above monitor stage of 142.0 FT late tomorrow morning then forecast to rise to near 144.0 FT early Saturday morning. * Impact...Near 144.0 feet, County Road 23 in Glenn County closes east of RD 2140 levee as a result of water on roadway. Near 146.8 feet, Water at top of Irvine Finch boat ramp. Near 145.1 feet, Water inundates Phase 2A restoration area north of Hwy 32 bridge inside of levee; touches toe of levee. Near 137.7 feet, West Sacramento Avenue and River Road north of Big Chico Creek flood 1.5 hours after the Hamilton City gage reaches 137.7-138.0 feet. Near 147.2 feet, Overflow begins on the east bank of the river, from near Wilson Landing Road to Highway 32. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3982 12213 3981 12194 3968 12186 3967 12208 $$ CAC103-061730- /O.CAN.KSTO.FL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1629Z/ /VWBC1.1.ER.250204T0412Z.250206T0430Z.250206T0730Z.NO/ 829 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IS CANCELLED... The Flood Warning is cancelled for the Sacramento River At Vina Woodson Bridge. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 7:45 AM PST Thursday the stage was 177.3 feet. - Bankfull stage is 180.0 feet. - Forecast...The river will rise to 177.6 feet late this morning. It will then fall to 175.9 feet late this afternoon. It will rise to 182.0 feet late tomorrow evening. It will then fall again and remain below flood stage. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3996 12221 3999 12201 3982 12196 3981 12216 $$ CAC007-021-071630- /O.EXT.KSTO.FL.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250208T0200Z/ /ORFC1.1.ER.250205T0443Z.250206T1700Z.250207T2000Z.NO/ 829 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL TOMORROW EVENING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Sacramento River at Ord Ferry. * WHEN...Until tomorrow evening. * IMPACTS...At 113.8 feet, Design overflow level for M&T, 3Bs and Goose Lake flood control facilities to divert flood flows into Butte Basin. M&T overflows close River Road from Ord Ferry Road to Chico Road. Ord Ferry Road is already closed. At 114.0 feet, Designated flood stage left bank. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 7:45 AM PST Thursday the stage was 115.3 feet. - Bankfull stage is 114.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 7:45 AM PST Thursday was 115.4 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 116.6 feet late this morning. It will then fall below flood stage early tomorrow afternoon. - Flood stage is 114.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 116.3 feet on 04/13/2006. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3971 12211 3971 12189 3955 12185 3953 12206 $$ CAC103-071630- /O.CON.KSTO.FL.W.0001.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /TEHC1.2.ER.250203T0951Z.250205T1745Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 829 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE... * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Sacramento River at Tehama Bridge. * WHEN...Until further notice. * IMPACTS...At 206.7 feet, Water into rv park on east side of river. Tires of trailers get wet. At 209.7 feet, Flood stage - Road inside trailer park and turn around site under RR tracks (Tehama/Vina road) become impassible. Water is into area around structures on east side of river. No structural damage. Sheriff's office issues advisory. Makes sure Pelhams Bay, Snug Harbor, River Inn (small trailer parks all in a row on east side of river north of bridge) know of advisory. At 210.7 feet, Between 210 and 211 feet the county park becomes inaccessible. At 211 feet water begins to enter Driftwood RV fishing resort on east bank of river and just north of the county park. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 8:00 AM PST Thursday the stage was 205.6 feet. - Bankfull stage is 206.5 feet. - Forecast...The river will fall to 205.1 feet this afternoon. It will then rise above flood stage late tonight to 211.6 feet tomorrow afternoon. It will fall to 209.7 feet early Saturday morning. It will then rise to 209.8 feet Saturday morning. It will fall again but remain above flood stage. - Flood stage is 209.5 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 211.6 feet on 04/07/2018. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 4009 12228 4010 12205 3996 12199 3994 12221 $$ SR  402 WGUS41 KRLX 061631 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 1131 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC039-062100- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0009.000000T0000Z-250206T2100Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Kanawha WV- 1131 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...A portion of southern West Virginia, including the following county, Kanawha. * WHEN...Until 400 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is occurring. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1127 AM EST, Flooding is ongoing in the warned area. Between 2 and 3 inches of rain have fallen overnight which has lead to numerous creeks and streams out of their banks. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Charleston, South Charleston, Dunbar, Chesapeake, Marmet, Belle, Cedar Grove, Coal Fork and Pinch. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3836 8161 3839 8157 3842 8146 3837 8138 3822 8134 3823 8173 3836 8173 3836 8162 $$ 30  007 WSBZ23 SBGL 061630 SBCW SIGMET 36 VALID 061635/061930 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1941 W05807 - S2140 W05616 - S2052 W05357 - S1734 W05442 - S1735 W05447 - S1849 W05500 - S1910 W05755 - S1941 W05807 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  216 WSBZ23 SBGL 061630 SBCW SIGMET 37 VALID 061635/061930 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2324 W05154 - S2534 W05104 - S2535 W05104 - S2604 W04908 - S2528 W04833 - S2300 W05036 - S2323 W05154 - S2324 W05154 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  308 WSBZ23 SBGL 061630 SBAZ SIGMET 49 VALID 061635/061930 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0810 W05125 - S0810 W05125 - S0723 W05045 - S0922 W05045 - S0905 W04840 - S0707 W04708 - S0350 W04700 - S0318 W04924 - S0318 W04924 - S0439 W04905 - S0605 W05003 - S0620 W04952 - S0810 W05125 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  579 WSBZ23 SBGL 061630 SBAZ SIGMET 50 VALID 061635/061930 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1106 W05620 - S1139 W05429 - S1324 W05434 - S1242 W05327 - S0922 W05257 - S0922 W05300 - S0819 W05300 - S0815 W05219 - S0826 W05420 - S0717 W05449 - S1106 W05620 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  620 WSAG31 SACO 061638 SACF SIGMET A1 VALID 061638/062038 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1638Z WI S2701 W06757 - S2209 W06528 - S2209 W06442 - S2814 W06744 - S2701 W06757 TOP FL360 STNR INTSF=  822 WSAG31 SACO 061638 SACF SIGMET A1 VALID 061638/062038 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1638Z WI S2701 W06757 - S2209 W06528 - S2209 W06442 - S2814 W06744 - S2701 W06757 TOP FL360 STNR INTSF=  302 WGUS81 KCLE 061635 FLSCLE Flood Advisory National Weather Service Cleveland OH 1135 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 OHC085-071700- /O.EXT.KCLE.FA.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250207T1700Z/ /00000.N.IJ.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Lake OH- 1135 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY FOR AN ICE JAM NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Flooding caused by an ice jam continues. * WHERE...A portion of northeast Ohio, including the following county, Lake. * WHEN...Until noon EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying areas near the Chagrin River. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1131 AM EST, local fire department reported that an ice jam remains in place on the Chagrin River, north of US Route 6 (Chardon Road). Minor flooding is already occurring in typical locations near the Chagrin River, close to the ice jam. - Flooding impacts will continue, but no additional rainfall is expected. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Willoughby, Willoughby Hills, and Waite Hill. - Please visit www.weather.gov/safety/flood for flood safety and preparedness information PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be aware of your surroundings and do not drive on flooded roads. && LAT...LON 4160 8139 4157 8139 4157 8143 4164 8142 4164 8138 $$ Sefcovic  410 WABZ23 SBGL 061630 SBRE AIRMET 20 VALID 061635/061830 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR BKN CLD 400/0900FT FCST WI S0410 W03250 - S0410 W03201 - S0333 W03201 - S0333 W03250 - S0410 W03250 STNR NC=  206 WHUS76 KEKA 061636 MWWEKA URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Eureka CA 836 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 PZZ455-475-070045- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0014.250207T0000Z-250207T1700Z/ Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena out 10 nm- Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena 10 to 60 nm- 836 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 9 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Northwest winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 6 to 9 feet expected. * WHERE...Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena out 10 nm and Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena 10 to 60 nm. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 9 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ450-470-070045- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0014.250207T0300Z-250207T1700Z/ Pt St George to Cape Mendocino out 10 nm- Pt St George to Cape Mendocino 10 to 60 nm- 836 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...North winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 6 to 9 feet expected. * WHERE...Pt St George to Cape Mendocino out 10 nm and Pt St George to Cape Mendocino 10 to 60 nm. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 9 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  234 WGUS41 KRLX 061636 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 1136 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 OHC009-053-079-087-105-163-167-WVC107-062230- /O.NEW.KRLX.FA.W.0022.250206T1636Z-250206T2230Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Athens OH-Gallia OH-Jackson OH-Lawrence OH-Meigs OH-Vinton OH- Washington OH-Wood WV- 1136 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 530 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Ohio, including the following counties, Athens, Gallia, Jackson, Lawrence, Meigs, Vinton and Washington and northern West Virginia, including the following county, Wood. * WHEN...Until 530 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1135 AM EST, Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the warned area. Between 1.5 and 2 inches of rain have fallen overnight which has resulted in numerous creeks and streams out of their banks flooding adjacent roads. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Parkersburg, Athens, Belpre, Jackson, Wellston, Oak Hill, Albany, Coolville, Vienna, Washington, Lubeck, Gallia, Hamden, North Hills, Coalton, Vinton, Wilkesville, Salem Center, Dyesville and Radcliffe. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3870 8270 3875 8270 3875 8266 3885 8265 3885 8276 3894 8275 3895 8281 3915 8279 3921 8260 3927 8221 3938 8155 3930 8148 3918 8178 3918 8208 3909 8200 3905 8221 3868 8269 $$ 30  324 WGUS83 KJKL 061636 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 1136 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC025-051-071-109-119-125-131-153-189-193-195-199-203-061646- /O.EXP.KJKL.FA.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-250206T1645Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Breathitt KY-Clay KY-Floyd KY-Jackson KY-Knott KY-Laurel KY- Leslie KY-Magoffin KY-Owsley KY-Perry KY-Pike KY-Pulaski KY- Rockcastle KY- 1136 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 1145 AM EST THIS MORNING... The Flood Advisory will expire at 1145 AM EST this morning for portions of south central and southeast Kentucky, including the following areas, in south central Kentucky, Laurel, Pulaski and Rockcastle. In southeast Kentucky, Breathitt, Clay, Floyd, Jackson, Knott, Leslie, Magoffin, Owsley, Perry and Pike. The heavy rain has ended. Urban and small stream flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3763 8222 3764 8218 3755 8213 3754 8197 3741 8216 3696 8466 3698 8470 3696 8477 3705 8491 3710 8490 $$ GEOGERIAN  526 WGUS84 KSHV 061637 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 1037 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Texas... Sabine River Near Mineola affecting Wood and Smith Counties. For the Sabine River...including Mineola, Hawkins, Gladewater, Longview, Beckville, Logansport...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: https://water.noaa.gov/wfo/SHV The next statement will be issued Friday morning at 1045 AM CST. && TXC423-499-071645- /O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-250208T2100Z/ /MLAT2.1.ER.250131T2145Z.250204T0400Z.250208T0300Z.NO/ 1037 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL SATURDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Sabine River near Mineola. * WHEN...Until Saturday afternoon. * IMPACTS...At 14.0 feet, Expect flooding of secondary roadways with picnic and recreational areas flooded as well. Also expect flooded boat ramps as well. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 10:15 AM CST Thursday the stage was 14.8 feet. - Bankfull stage is 14.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 10:15 AM CST Thursday was 15.6 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage late tomorrow evening and continue falling to 9.5 feet Tuesday morning. - Flood stage is 14.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 15.1 feet on 02/27/2016. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3278 9574 3263 9535 3257 9535 3259 9550 3273 9574 $$ 26  299 WSBZ23 SBGL 061635 SBBS SIGMET 22 VALID 061640/061930 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1724 W05407 - S1805 W05331 - S1721 W05334 - S1609 W05237 - S1634 W05204 - S1455 W05201 - S1436 W05053 - S1337 W05051 - S1335 W05159 - S1411 W05336 - S1434 W05338 - S1643 W05306 - S1724 W05407 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  605 WGUS81 KRNK 061639 FLSRNK Flood Advisory National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 1139 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC021-173-185-197-062045- /O.NEW.KRNK.FA.Y.0005.250206T1639Z-250206T2045Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bland VA-Smyth VA-Tazewell VA-Wythe VA- 1139 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 345 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...A portion of southwest Virginia, including the following counties, Bland, Smyth, Tazewell and Wythe. * WHEN...Until 345 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. Water over roadways. Ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1139 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. Up to 1 inch of rain has fallen. - This includes the following streams and drainages... Buddle Branch, Brown Lick Branch, Big Reed Island Creek, Beech Fork, Big Creek, Blue Spring Creek, Burkes Garden Creek, Bluestone River, Beaver Creek and Brush Creek. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Wytheville... Bland... Marion... Richlands... Bluefield... Tazewell... Saltville... - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. When it is safe to do so, please send your reports of flooding, including mudslides or flooded roads, to the National Weather Service by calling toll free at 1...8 6 6...2 1 5...4 3 2 4. Reports and pictures can also be shared on the National Weather Service Blacksburg Facebook page and on Twitter. && LAT...LON 3714 8190 3724 8173 3720 8168 3721 8155 3734 8136 3723 8123 3730 8098 3728 8101 3718 8086 3715 8085 3712 8093 3703 8089 3688 8074 3677 8109 3671 8152 3663 8162 3679 8170 3693 8183 3696 8178 $$ AS  845 WSGY31 SYCJ 062038 SYGC SIGMET A1 VALID 061638/062038 SYCJ - SYGC GEORGETOWN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1635Z WI N0687 W05835 - N0714 W05719 - N0597 W05716 - N0502 W05739 - N0477 W05888 - N0596 W05932 - N0687 W05835 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  383 WSBZ23 SBGL 061635 SBAZ SIGMET 51 VALID 061640/061930 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1735 W05447 - S1734 W05443 - S1734 W05442 - S1734 W05442 - S1734 W05441 - S1724 W05407 - S1643 W05306 - S1434 W05338 - S1411 W05336 - S1434 W05438 - S1734 W05447 - S1735 W05447 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  873 WGUS81 KRNK 061640 FLSRNK Flood Advisory National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 1140 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC071-121-155-161-750-770-775-062045- /O.NEW.KRNK.FA.Y.0006.250206T1640Z-250206T2045Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Giles VA-Montgomery VA-Pulaski VA-Roanoke VA-City of Radford VA- City of Roanoke VA-City of Salem VA- 1140 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 345 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...Portions of southwest and west central Virginia, including the following counties and independent cities, in southwest Virginia, City of Radford, Giles, Montgomery and Pulaski. In west central Virginia, City of Roanoke, City of Salem and Roanoke. * WHEN...Until 345 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. Ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1140 AM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. Up to 1 inch of rain has fallen. - This includes the following streams and drainages... Altoona Branch and Back Creek. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Roanoke... Blacksburg... Salem... Christiansburg... Radford... Pulaski... Vinton... - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. When it is safe to do so, please send your reports of flooding, including mudslides or flooded roads, to the National Weather Service by calling toll free at 1...8 6 6...2 1 5...4 3 2 4. Reports and pictures can also be shared on the National Weather Service Blacksburg Facebook page and on Twitter. && LAT...LON 3718 8086 3728 8101 3735 8085 3743 8086 3737 8077 3748 8051 3731 8043 3742 8007 3730 7984 3722 7985 3714 7995 3716 8009 3702 8035 3699 8049 3701 8052 3688 8074 3712 8093 3715 8085 $$ AS  427 WSGY31 SYCJ 061638 SYGC SIGMET A1 VALID 061638/062038 SYCJ - SYGC GEORGETOWN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1635Z WI N0687 W05835 - N0714 W05719 - N0597 W05716 - N0502 W05739 - N0477 W05888 - N0596 W05932 - N0687 W05835 TOP FL500 STNR NC=  540 WHUS73 KAPX 061641 MWWAPX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gaylord MI 1141 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 LMZ323-341-342-344>346-070045- /O.CON.KAPX.GL.W.0006.000000T0000Z-250207T1000Z/ Grand Traverse Bay south of a line Grand Traverse Light to Norwood MI-Seul Choix Point to 5NM West of Mackinac Bridge- Norwood MI to 5NM West of Mackinac Bridge including Little Traverse Bay-Sleeping Bear Point to Grand Traverse Light MI- Point Betsie to Sleeping Bear Point MI- Manistee to Point Betsie MI- 1141 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Highest gusts up to 45 kts from the west and highest waves around 15 feet. * WHERE...Portions of Lake Michigan. * WHEN...Until 5 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous highest waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ321-322-070045- /O.CON.KAPX.GL.W.0006.250206T2000Z-250207T1000Z/ Whitefish Bay (U.S. Portion)/Whitefish Point to Point Iroquois MI- St. Marys River Point Iroquois to E. Potagannissing Bay- 1141 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 5 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Highest gusts up to 40 kts from the west and highest waves around 15 feet expected. * WHERE...Whitefish Bay (U. S. Portion)/Whitefish Point to Point Iroquois MI and St. Marys River Point Iroquois to E. Potagannissing Bay. * WHEN...From 3 PM this afternoon to 5 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous highest waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LHZ345>349-070045- /O.CON.KAPX.GL.W.0006.250206T2000Z-250207T1000Z/ Straits of Mackinac within 5 nm of Mackinac Bridge including Mackinac Island-St Ignace to False Detour Channel- 5NM East of Mackinac Bridge to Presque Isle Light MI including Bois Blanc Island- Presque Isle Light to Sturgeon Pt MI Including Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary-Sturgeon Pt to Alabaster MI- 1141 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 5 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Highest gusts up to 40 kts from the west and highest waves around 11 feet expected. * WHERE...Straits of Mackinac within 5 nm of Mackinac Bridge including Mackinac Island, St Ignace to False Detour Channel, 5NM East of Mackinac Bridge to Presque Isle Light MI including Bois Blanc Island, Presque Isle Light to Sturgeon Pt MI Including Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary and Sturgeon Pt to Alabaster MI. * WHEN...From 3 PM this afternoon to 5 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous highest waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$  999 WHUS72 KCHS 061643 MWWCHS URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Charleston SC 1143 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 AMZ354-061745- /O.CAN.KCHS.MF.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Waters from Savannah GA to Altamaha Sound GA out 20 NM, including Grays Reef National Marine Sanctuary- 1143 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELED... The Dense Fog has lifted across the waters from Savannah GA to the Altamaha Sound. Therefore, the Dense Fog Advisory is canceled. $$ AMZ350-352-061900- /O.CON.KCHS.MF.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1900Z/ Waters from South Santee River to Edisto Beach SC out 20 NM- Waters from Edisto Beach SC to Savannah GA out 20 NM- 1143 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 2 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 NM or less. * WHERE...South Santee River SC to Savannah GA out 20 NM. * WHEN...Until 2 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  001 WGUS83 KJKL 061644 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 1144 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC011-063-069-165-173-205-061654- /O.CAN.KJKL.FA.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bath KY-Elliott KY-Fleming KY-Menifee KY-Montgomery KY-Rowan KY- 1144 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The Flood Advisory is cancelled for a portion of east central Kentucky, including the following areas, Bath, Elliott, Fleming, Menifee, Montgomery and Rowan. Flood waters have receded. The heavy rain has ended. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3808 8405 3832 8334 3821 8330 3819 8326 3819 8323 3824 8322 3827 8316 3818 8304 3813 8310 3809 8326 3811 8327 3806 8340 3802 8377 3799 8400 $$ GEOGERIAN  365 WHPQ41 PGUM 061644 CFWPQ1 URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Tiyan GU 244 AM ChST Fri Feb 7 2025 FMZ001-070645- /O.EXT.PGUM.SU.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-250208T1700Z/ Kosrae- 244 AM ChST Fri Feb 7 2025 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CHST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Large breaking waves of 7 to 9 ft. * WHERE...East facing reefs of Kosrae. * WHEN...Until 3 AM ChST Sunday. * IMPACTS...Dangerous swimming and surfing conditions and localized beach erosion. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced swimmers should remain out of the water due to dangerous surf conditions. && $$ DS  102 WHGM71 PGUM 061645 MWWPQ1 URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tiyan GU 245 AM ChST Fri Feb 7 2025 PMZ173-061745- /O.EXP.PGUM.SC.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Pohnpei Coastal Waters- 245 AM ChST Fri Feb 7 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 3 AM CHST EARLY THIS MORNING... Winds and seas will remain elevated but are no longer expected to be hazardous to small craft. $$ PMZ174-061745- /O.EXP.PGUM.SC.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Kosrae Coastal Waters- 245 AM ChST Fri Feb 7 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 3 AM CHST EARLY THIS MORNING... Winds and seas will remain elevated but are no longer expected to be hazardous to small craft. $$ PMZ181-070645- /O.CON.PGUM.SC.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250207T1700Z/ Majuro Coastal Waters- 245 AM ChST Fri Feb 7 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CHST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Northeast winds 15 to 20 kt with frequent gusts up to 25 kt and seas 7 to 10 feet. * WHERE...Majuro Coastal Waters. * WHEN...Until 3 AM ChST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid boating in hazardous conditions. && $$ DS  465 WGUS83 KJKL 061645 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 1145 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC063-165-175-205-061655- /O.CAN.KJKL.FA.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Elliott KY-Menifee KY-Morgan KY-Rowan KY- 1145 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The Flood Advisory is cancelled for portions of east central and southeast Kentucky, including the following areas, in east central Kentucky, Elliott, Menifee and Rowan. In southeast Kentucky, Morgan. The heavy rain has ended and flood waters have receded. && LAT...LON 3796 8344 3806 8343 3813 8310 3819 8306 3818 8305 3820 8304 3820 8303 3820 8301 3817 8298 3817 8292 3813 8291 3811 8289 3809 8293 3805 8295 3805 8298 3804 8300 3800 8302 3797 8302 3786 8356 $$ GEOGERIAN  539 WGUS83 KJKL 061646 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 1146 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC011-065-165-173-197-205-061656- /O.CAN.KJKL.FA.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bath KY-Estill KY-Menifee KY-Montgomery KY-Powell KY-Rowan KY- 1146 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The Flood Advisory is cancelled for a portion of east central Kentucky, including the following areas, Bath, Estill, Menifee, Montgomery, Powell and Rowan. The heavy rain has ended and flood waters have receded. && LAT...LON 3782 8407 3783 8406 3785 8406 3783 8404 3784 8400 3786 8401 3790 8399 3792 8399 3793 8397 3799 8400 3807 8344 3797 8344 3787 8356 3775 8408 3777 8408 3778 8411 3780 8408 3781 8407 3782 8410 3785 8408 $$ GEOGERIAN  086 WGUS43 KPAH 061647 FLWPAH BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Paducah KY 1047 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The National Weather Service in Paducah KY has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in Indiana...Kentucky... Ohio River at Newburgh Dam affecting Vanderburgh, Warrick, Daviess, Spencer and Henderson Counties. .Recent heavy rainfall that fell upstream along the Ohio River basin will result in river levels rising this weekend into early next week. Newburgh Lock and Dam is forecast to rise above flood stage on Sunday and crest around 41.6 feet on Tuesday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov. && INC147-163-173-KYC059-101-071900- /O.NEW.KPAH.FL.W.0005.250209T1617Z-250214T1521Z/ /NBGI3.1.ER.250209T1617Z.250212T0000Z.250214T0920Z.NO/ 1047 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT FROM SUNDAY MORNING TO FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14... * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Ohio River at Newburgh Dam. * WHEN...From Sunday morning to Friday, February 14. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 10:00 AM CST Thursday the stage was 36.0 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage late Sunday morning to a crest of 41.6 feet Tuesday evening. It will then fall below flood stage Friday, February 14. - Flood stage is 38.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3801 8745 3790 8721 3780 8728 3787 8745 $$ SP  788 WWUS41 KCAR 061647 WSWCAR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Caribou ME 1147 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MEZ011-015>017-029>032-062200- /O.NEW.KCAR.WW.Y.0003.250206T1800Z-250207T0300Z/ Central Penobscot-Southern Penobscot-Interior Hancock-Central Washington-Coastal Hancock-Coastal Washington-Southern Piscataquis-Northern Washington- Including the cities of Guilford, Bar Harbor, Dover-Foxcroft, Brewer, Danforth, Eastport, Howland, Grand Lake Stream, Aurora, Springfield, Machias, Orland, Dedham, Eastbrook, Princeton, Vanceboro, Calais, Bangor, Ellsworth, Perry, Amherst, Old Town, Orono, Wesley, Castine, Cherryfield, Topsfield, Milo, Lincoln, Bucksport, and Great Pond 1147 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 5 inches. Ice accumulations around a trace. * WHERE...Portions of Central Highlands, Coastal DownEast, Far Eastern, Interior DownEast, and Penobscot Valley Maine * WHEN...Until 10 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Maine can be obtained by going to newengland511.org. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ Brennan  868 WSMS31 WMKK 061650 WBFC SIGMET 7 VALID 061700/062000 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS N OF LINE N0537 E11851 - N0510 E11217 TOP FL500 MOV WNW 20KT NC=  882 WSCG31 FCBB 061649 FCCC SIGMET G1 VALID 061650/062050 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1630Z S OF LINE N0251 E01000 - N0550 E02100 TOP FL480 MOV W 05KT INTSF W OF LINE N0415 E01000 - S0500 E01000 TOP FL420 MOV W 05KT NC=  318 WWUS41 KCTP 061650 WSWCTP URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service State College PA 1150 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 PAZ017-024-025-033>035-061800- /O.EXP.KCTP.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Clearfield-Cambria-Blair-Somerset-Bedford-Fulton- Including the cities of Johnstown, Bedford, Somerset, Clearfield, Altoona, McConnellsburg, and DuBois 1150 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT NOON EST TODAY... The icy mix has ended and temperatures will slowly rise above the freezing mark this afternoon. Therefore, the threat of accumulating ice is over. $$ PAZ004>006-010>012-018-019-026>028-036-037-041-042-045-046-049>053- 056>059-063>066-061800- /O.EXP.KCTP.WW.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Warren-McKean-Potter-Elk-Cameron-Northern Clinton-Northern Centre- Southern Centre-Huntingdon-Mifflin-Juniata-Franklin-Tioga- Northern Lycoming-Sullivan-Southern Clinton-Southern Lycoming- Union-Snyder-Montour-Northumberland-Columbia-Perry-Dauphin- Schuylkill-Lebanon-Cumberland-Adams-York-Lancaster- Including the cities of Warren, Philipsburg, Williamsport, Pottsville, York, Danville, St. Marys, Wellsboro, Carlisle, Mount Union, Mansfield, Lewistown, Gettysburg, Berwick, Lebanon, Huntingdon, Emporium, Ridgway, State College, Newport, Selinsgrove, Trout Run, Lewisburg, Shamokin, Lancaster, Bradford, Laporte, Harrisburg, Mifflintown, Sunbury, Renovo, Coudersport, Hershey, Chambersburg, Lock Haven, and Bloomsburg 1150 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT NOON EST TODAY... The icy mix has ended and temperatures will slowly rise above the freezing mark this afternoon. Therefore, the threat of accumulating ice is over. $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit weather.gov/StateCollege Steinbugl  577 WGUS84 KSHV 061650 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 1050 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Texas... Angelina River Near Lufkin affecting Cherokee, Angelina and Nacogdoches Counties. For the Angelina River...including Alto, Lufkin...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: https://water.noaa.gov/wfo/SHV The next statement will be issued Friday morning at 1100 AM CST. && TXC005-073-347-071700- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0223.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LUFT2.1.ER.241226T0615Z.250102T1745Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1050 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Angelina River near Lufkin. * WHEN...Until further notice. * IMPACTS...At 162.0 feet, Minor lowland to diminish and end on the lower Angelina River. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 10:15 AM CST Thursday the stage was 162.1 feet. - Bankfull stage is 158.5 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 10:15 AM CST Thursday was 162.1 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 162.1 feet this afternoon. - Flood stage is 161.0 feet. - Flood History...No available flood history. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3145 9474 3148 9482 3150 9482 3146 9466 3144 9462 $$ 26  930 WGUS84 KSHV 061650 RRA FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 1050 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Texas... Neches River Near Neches affecting Anderson, Houston and Cherokee Counties. For the Neches River...including Lake Palestine, Neches, Alto, Diboll, Rockland...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: https://water.noaa.gov/wfo/SHV The next statement will be issued Friday morning at 1100 AM CST. && TXC001-073-225-071700- /O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0017.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /NCST2.1.ER.250202T0420Z.250206T1515Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1050 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Neches River near Neches. * WHEN...Until further notice. * IMPACTS...At 14.0 feet, Minor lowland flooding. Move livestock and equipment to higher ground away from the river. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 9:30 AM CST Thursday the stage was 13.4 feet. - Bankfull stage is 12.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 9:30 AM CST Thursday was 13.4 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 13.4 feet this afternoon. - Flood stage is 12.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 13.3 feet on 01/20/2017. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3205 9544 3167 9524 3166 9537 3188 9548 $$ 26  811 WGUS84 KSHV 061651 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 1051 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Texas... Angelina River Near Lufkin affecting Cherokee, Angelina and Nacogdoches Counties. For the Angelina River...including Alto, Lufkin...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: https://water.noaa.gov/wfo/SHV The next statement will be issued Friday morning at 1100 AM CST. && TXC005-073-347-071700- /O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0223.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /LUFT2.1.ER.241226T0615Z.250102T1745Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1051 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Angelina River near Lufkin. * WHEN...Until further notice. * IMPACTS...At 162.0 feet and falling, minor lowland to diminish and end on the lower Angelina River. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 10:15 AM CST Thursday the stage was 162.1 feet. - Bankfull stage is 158.5 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 10:15 AM CST Thursday was 162.1 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 162.1 feet this afternoon. - Flood stage is 161.0 feet. - Flood History...No available flood history. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3145 9474 3148 9482 3150 9482 3146 9466 3144 9462 $$ 26  679 WGUS83 KJKL 061652 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 1152 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC065-115-129-153-165-175-197-237-061702- /O.EXP.KJKL.FA.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Estill KY-Johnson KY-Lee KY-Magoffin KY-Menifee KY-Morgan KY- Powell KY-Wolfe KY- 1152 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT NOON EST TODAY... The Flood Advisory will expire at noon EST today for portions of east central, northeast, and southeast Kentucky, including the following areas, in east central Kentucky, Estill, Menifee and Powell. In northeast Kentucky, Johnson. In southeast Kentucky, Lee, Magoffin, Morgan and Wolfe. The heavy rain has ended and flood waters have receded. && LAT...LON 3796 8299 3800 8294 3792 8274 3761 8411 3764 8413 3767 8409 3777 8408 3799 8302 $$ GEOGERIAN  976 WGUS83 KJKL 061653 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 1153 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC025-065-109-115-129-153-159-175-237-061703- /O.EXP.KJKL.FA.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Breathitt KY-Estill KY-Jackson KY-Johnson KY-Lee KY-Magoffin KY- Martin KY-Morgan KY-Wolfe KY- 1153 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT NOON EST TODAY... The Flood Advisory will expire at noon EST today for portions of east central, northeast, and southeast Kentucky, including the following areas, in east central Kentucky, Estill. In northeast Kentucky, Johnson and Martin. In southeast Kentucky, Breathitt, Jackson, Lee, Magoffin, Morgan and Wolfe. The heavy rain has ended and flood waters have receded. && LAT...LON 3757 8414 3757 8409 3762 8412 3793 8276 3789 8264 3784 8261 3743 8415 $$ GEOGERIAN  150 WSBZ23 SBGL 061655 SBAZ SIGMET 52 VALID 061700/061930 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1133 W06431 - S1244 W06222 - S0939 W06112 - S1015 W06425 - S1133 W06431 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  016 WALJ31 LJLJ 061647 LJLA AIRMET 6 VALID 061700/062000 LJLJ- LJLA LJUBLJANA FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N4525 E01344 - N4552 E01332 - N4559 E01358 - N4527 E01436 - N4525 E01344 SFC/5000FT STNR NC=  152 WSUS31 KKCI 061655 SIGE MKCE WST 061655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 50E VALID UNTIL 1855Z VA NC AND MD NC VA CSTL WTRS FROM 40NNE ORF-140SE SIE-170E ECG-10SW ECG-40NNE ORF AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 26050KT. TOPS TO FL350. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 51E VALID UNTIL 1855Z VA NC WV TN KY FROM 50NW LYH-30NNE LYH-20WNW RDU-40W HMV-60NW HMV-50NW LYH DMSHG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 26050KT. TOPS TO FL310. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 52E VALID UNTIL 1855Z NC CSTL WTRS FROM 150SSE ECG-200SE ECG-180SSE ILM-120SSE ILM-150SSE ECG AREA TS MOV FROM 22015KT. TOPS TO FL350. OUTLOOK VALID 061855-062255 AREA 1...FROM 30W IIU-70ENE LOZ-HMV-50NNE ODF-40WNW ODF-60E LIT-ARG-30W IIU WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 50SE SBY-160SE SIE-150ESE SBY-180ESE ECG-80ESE ECG-30ESE ECG-30ESE ORF-50SE SBY WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  153 WSUS33 KKCI 061655 SIGW MKCW WST 061655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 1W VALID UNTIL 1855Z CA FROM 30SW FMG-60NNE CZQ-30ESE MOD-40NE SAC-30SW FMG DVLPG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 22020KT. TOPS TO FL300. HEAVY SNOW WITH EMBEDDED THUNDERSTORMS. OUTLOOK VALID 061855-062255 FROM 40NNW ENI-30N OAK-40NNW RZS-90W RZS-80WSW ENI-40NNW ENI WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  154 WSUS32 KKCI 061655 SIGC MKCC WST 061655 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 061855-062255 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  612 WWUS74 KMEG 061655 NPWMEG URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Memphis TN 1055 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ARZ009-018-MOZ113-061800- /O.EXP.KMEG.FG.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Clay-Greene-Dunklin- Including the cities of Piggott, Kennett, Paragould, and Corning 1055 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 11 AM CST THIS MORNING... The threat has ended. $$ AC3  006 WGUS83 KJKL 061655 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 1155 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC109-199-203-061705- /O.EXP.KJKL.FA.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Jackson KY-Pulaski KY-Rockcastle KY- 1155 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT NOON EST TODAY... The Flood Advisory will expire at noon EST today for portions of south central and southeast Kentucky, including the following areas, in south central Kentucky, Pulaski and Rockcastle. In southeast Kentucky, Jackson. The heavy rain has ended and flood waters have receded. && LAT...LON 3728 8466 3736 8456 3733 8450 3749 8445 3747 8437 3750 8435 3751 8436 3754 8435 3754 8432 3753 8431 3754 8430 3752 8430 3752 8427 3752 8425 3752 8420 3756 8417 3756 8414 3743 8415 $$ GEOGERIAN  759 WGUS41 KLWX 061656 FLWLWX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1156 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC171-062000- /O.NEW.KLWX.FA.W.0003.250206T1656Z-250206T2000Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Shenandoah VA- 1156 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...A portion of northwest Virginia, including the following county, Shenandoah. * WHEN...Until 300 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1154 AM EST, a stream gauge on Smith Creek is approaching minor flood stage. At Minor Flood Stage, parts of Woods Chapel Road starts to flood. Flooding is expected to begin shortly in the warned area. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... mainly rural areas of South Central Shenandoah County - Please visit www.weather.gov/safety/flood for flood safety and preparedness information PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3874 7863 3873 7861 3867 7862 3866 7864 3867 7865 3869 7865 3870 7865 3871 7865 3873 7864 $$ Geiger  832 WAIY32 LIIB 061657 LIRR AIRMET 7 VALID 061700/062030 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3859 E00759 - N3942 E00951 - N3832 E01252 - N3626 E01435 - N3628 E01125 - N3728 E01125 - N3859 E00759 TOP ABV FL150 STNR NC=  392 WSBZ23 SBGL 061655 SBCW SIGMET 38 VALID 061700/061930 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2812 W05212 - S2931 W05024 - S2953 W05038 - S3009 W05006 - S2841 W04913 - S2802 W05032 - S2551 W04959 - S2535 W05104 - S2534 W05104 - S2812 W05212 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  633 WGUS83 KJKL 061656 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 1156 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC025-071-115-119-153-159-195-061706- /O.EXP.KJKL.FA.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Breathitt KY-Floyd KY-Johnson KY-Knott KY-Magoffin KY-Martin KY- Pike KY- 1156 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT NOON EST TODAY... The Flood Advisory will expire at noon EST today for portions of northeast and southeast Kentucky, including the following areas, in northeast Kentucky, Johnson and Martin. In southeast Kentucky, Breathitt, Floyd, Knott, Magoffin and Pike. The heavy rain has ended and flood waters have receded. && LAT...LON 3784 8261 3788 8264 3789 8260 3795 8258 3796 8253 3794 8249 3794 8250 3790 8247 3791 8246 3788 8242 3781 8240 3776 8231 3774 8233 3770 8230 3768 8230 3763 8220 3765 8217 3763 8218 3746 8321 3768 8328 $$ GEOGERIAN  512 WWUS41 KLWX 061657 WSWLWX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1157 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MDZ001-003-501-502-VAZ028-031-WVZ050>053-503-504-061800- /O.EXP.KLWX.IS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Garrett-Washington-Extreme Western Allegany-Central and Eastern Allegany-Frederick VA-Clarke-Hampshire-Morgan-Berkeley-Jefferson- Western Mineral-Eastern Mineral- 1157 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...ICE STORM WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT NOON EST TODAY... Precipitation has ended. Continue to exercise caution on wet roads as some may still be icy. $$ MDZ004>006-008-507-508-VAZ505-061800- /O.EXP.KLWX.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ Frederick MD-Carroll-Northern Baltimore-Cecil-Northwest Harford- Southeast Harford-Western Loudoun- 1157 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT NOON EST TODAY... Precipitation has ended. Continue to exercise caution on wet roads as some may still be icy. $$ AVS  545 WGUS83 KJKL 061657 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 1157 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC025-109-125-129-189-203-061707- /O.CAN.KJKL.FA.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Breathitt KY-Jackson KY-Laurel KY-Lee KY-Owsley KY-Rockcastle KY- 1157 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The Flood Advisory is cancelled for portions of south central and southeast Kentucky, including the following areas, in south central Kentucky, Laurel and Rockcastle. In southeast Kentucky, Breathitt, Jackson, Lee and Owsley. The heavy rain has ended and flood waters have receded. && LAT...LON 3743 8417 3751 8387 3760 8354 3767 8328 3746 8321 3739 8354 3734 8375 3735 8378 3734 8378 3734 8379 3733 8381 3733 8382 3733 8383 3728 8405 3724 8423 3740 8428 $$ GEOGERIAN  562 WGUS86 KMTR 061657 FLSMTR Flood Advisory National Weather Service San Francisco CA 857 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAC085-087-062000- /O.NEW.KMTR.FA.Y.0019.250206T1657Z-250206T2000Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Santa Clara CA-Santa Cruz CA- 857 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON PST TODAY... * WHAT...Urban area and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...A good portion of Santa Cruz County including areas along the San Lorenzo River, elevated regions, Santa Cruz and Aptos in Central California. * WHEN...Until noon PST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. Water over roadways. River or stream flows are elevated. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 856 AM PST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain. This will cause urban and small stream flooding. Up to 0.2 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts up to 0.5 inches are expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding, especially across areas of complex terrain, low- lying regions, and flood prone areas. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley, Capitola, Live Oak, Felton, Ben Lomond, Twin Lakes, Boulder Creek, Soquel, Opal Cliffs, Aptos, Rio Del Mar, Lexington Hills, Day Valley and Aptos Hills-Larkin Valley. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. In hilly terrain there are hundreds of low water crossings which are potentially dangerous in heavy rain. Do not attempt to cross flooded roads. Find an alternate route. Flooding is occurring or is imminent. It is important to know where you are relative to streams, rivers, or creeks which can become killers in heavy rains. Campers and hikers should avoid streams or creeks. && LAT...LON 3702 12222 3703 12222 3703 12223 3721 12216 3724 12210 3709 12184 3692 12186 3692 12188 3693 12189 3696 12194 3694 12202 3695 12211 3696 12215 $$ Bain  621 WGUS73 KJKL 061658 FFSJKL Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Jackson KY 1158 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC051-109-125-061708- /O.EXP.KJKL.FF.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1700Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Clay KY-Jackson KY-Laurel KY- 1158 AM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLASH FLOOD WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT NOON EST TODAY FOR CENTRAL LAUREL, NORTHERN CLAY AND SOUTHEASTERN JACKSON COUNTIES... The heavy rain has ended and flood waters have receded. && LAT...LON 3734 8373 3734 8368 3735 8367 3736 8365 3730 8360 3718 8355 3705 8421 3723 8423 $$ GEOGERIAN  162 WSPR31 SPJC 061658 SPIM SIGMET A8 VALID 061658/061700 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET A7 VALID 061400/061700=  163 WSTU31 LTFM 061656 LTBB SIGMET 6 VALID 061655/061955 LTFM- LTBB ISTANBUL FIR OBSC TS FCST E OF LINE N4209 E02930 - N4001 E02828 TOP FL320 MOV S 15KT INTSF=  352 WACA31 MDSD 061720 MDCS AIRMET ALPHA 2 VALID 061720/062120 MDSD- MDCS SANTO DOMINGO FIR: WSPD ENE 30KT SEVERAL TURB OBS AT 1710Z ENTIRE FIR FM FL040 TL FL090 FCST NC=  913 WSPR31 SPJC 061700 SPIM SIGMET 5 VALID 061700/062000 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1630Z WI S1308 W07422 - S1522 W07431 - S1544 W07359 - S1414 W07245 - S1255 W07332 - S1308 W07422 TOP FL440 STNR INTSF=  267 WABZ23 SBGL 061700 SBCW AIRMET 16 VALID 061703/061810 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SFC VIS 1000M RA FCST WI S2540 W05156 - S2540 W05107 - S2506 W05107 - S2506 W05156 - S2540 W05156 STNR NC=  581 WWUS86 KHNX 061703 SPSHNX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service San Joaquin Valley CA 903 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAZ317-318-323-061730- Mariposa-Madera Lower Sierra CA-Yosemite NP outside of the valley CA- Mariposa Madera Foothills CA- 903 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTH CENTRAL MARIPOSA AND SOUTHWESTERN TUOLUMNE COUNTIES THROUGH 930 AM PST... At 902 AM PST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 8 miles southeast of Smith Station, or 25 miles northwest of Yosemite South Entrance, moving northeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 50 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Hetch Hetchy, Hetch Hetchy Ranger Station, Miguel Meadow Ranger Station, Gin Flat, Lower Kibbie Ridge, Lake Eleanor Ranger Station, Crane Flat Campground, White Wolf Campground, Rancheria Falls Wilderness Campground, Crane Flat, Hodgdon Meadow Campground, and Mather Ranger Station. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3789 11953 3761 12001 3774 12015 3783 12008 3776 11994 3776 11990 3777 11986 3781 11987 3785 11982 3789 11982 3790 11988 3803 11988 3809 11984 3809 11976 TIME...MOT...LOC 1702Z 230DEG 33KT 3771 12002 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...50 MPH $$ JPK  758 WWUS74 KHGX 061703 NPWHGX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Houston/Galveston TX 1103 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 TXZ438-439-061815- /O.CAN.KHGX.FG.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Galveston Island-Bolivar Peninsula- Including the cities of Galveston 1103 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Visibility has improved. Areas of sea fog are still situated off the coast and a few patches of fog cannot be ruled out at times right along the beaches. $$ 47  181 WHUS76 KLOX 061705 MWWLOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 905 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 PZZ670-070115- /O.CAN.KLOX.SC.Y.0022.000000T0000Z-250206T2300Z/ /O.EXT.KLOX.GL.W.0007.250206T1705Z-250207T1100Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM- 905 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST FRIDAY... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...South winds 25 to 35 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and combined seas 8 to 11 ft when conditions are worst. * WHERE...Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM. * WHEN...Until 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will create dangerous sea conditions which could capsize or damage small and large vessels. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...See the Coastal Waters Forecast (CWFLOX) for more. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ PZZ673-070115- /O.EXT.KLOX.GL.W.0007.250206T1705Z-250207T1100Z/ /O.CAN.KLOX.SC.Y.0022.000000T0000Z-250206T2300Z/ Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands- 905 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 25 to 35 kt and combined seas 6 to 10 ft when conditions are worst. * WHERE...Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands. * WHEN...Until 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will create dangerous sea conditions which could capsize or damage small and large vessels. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...See the Coastal Waters Forecast (CWFLOX) for more. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ PZZ645-070115- /O.EXB.KLOX.GL.W.0007.250206T1705Z-250207T1100Z/ /O.UPG.KLOX.SC.Y.0022.000000T0000Z-250207T1200Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal westward out to 10 NM- 905 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 25 to 35 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and combined seas 7 to 10 ft when conditions are worst. * WHERE...Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal westward out to 10 NM. * WHEN...Until 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will create dangerous sea conditions which could capsize or damage small and large vessels. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...See the Coastal Waters Forecast (CWFLOX) for more. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ PZZ655-070115- /O.EXA.KLOX.SC.Y.0022.250206T2300Z-250207T1200Z/ Inner waters from Point Mugu to San Mateo Pt. CA including Santa Catalina and Anacapa Islands- 905 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 4 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Hazardous wind and sea conditions. * WHERE...Inner waters from Point Mugu to San Mateo Pt. CA including Santa Catalina and Anacapa Islands. * WHEN...From 3 PM this afternoon to 4 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...See the Coastal Waters Forecast (CWFLOX) for more. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ676-070115- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0022.250206T2300Z-250207T1200Z/ Outer waters from Santa Cruz Island to San Clemente Island to 60 NM offshore including San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands- 905 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 4 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Hazardous wind and sea conditions. * WHERE...Outer waters from Santa Cruz Island to San Clemente Island to 60 NM offshore including San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands. * WHEN...From 3 PM this afternoon to 4 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...See the Coastal Waters Forecast (CWFLOX) for more. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ650-070115- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0022.250206T2300Z-250207T1200Z/ East Santa Barbara Channel from Pt. Conception to Pt. Mugu CA including Santa Cruz Island- 905 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 4 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Hazardous wind and sea conditions. * WHERE...East Santa Barbara Channel from Pt. Conception to Pt. Mugu CA including Santa Cruz Island. * WHEN...From 3 PM this afternoon to 4 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...See the Coastal Waters Forecast (CWFLOX) for more. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  553 WUUS02 KWNS 061706 PTSDY2 DAY 2 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 1105 AM CST THU FEB 06 2025 VALID TIME 071200Z - 081200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 2 ... TORNADO ... && ... HAIL ... && ... WIND ... && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 2 ... CATEGORICAL ... TSTM 44291365 45481283 45581106 45160930 44090811 44110707 43570534 42630575 41820821 41470873 40331003 40351108 41651216 43151239 44291365 && GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 60 SSE SMN 20 NW DLN 15 SSE BZN 45 NNW COD 10 NW WRL 45 ENE WRL 55 S GCC 20 WSW DGW 45 ENE RKS 20 ESE RKS 30 WSW VEL 55 NNW PUC 30 NNW OGD 20 NE PIH 60 SSE SMN.  697 ACUS02 KWNS 061706 SWODY2 SPC AC 061705 Day 2 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1105 AM CST Thu Feb 06 2025 Valid 071200Z - 081200Z ...NO SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AREAS FORECAST... ...SUMMARY... Aside from some potential for a couple of weak thunderstorms across parts of the northern Rockies vicinity, the risk for thunderstorms appears negligible across much of the U.S., Friday through Friday night. ...Discussion... Models indicate that broad mid/upper ridging will be maintained across the subtropical latitudes, from northern Mexico through the western Atlantic, and a prominent influence across the southern into central tier of the U.S. through this period, downstream of persistent ridging in the northern mid-latitudes, and troughing in the southern mid- to subtropic latitudes, of the eastern Pacific. To the east of the northeastern Pacific ridging, broad mean troughing, with more progressive embedded smaller-scale perturbations, is forecast to linger across British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest, while developing eastward across the Canadian Prairies, northern U.S. Rockies and Great Plains. Beneath this regime, guidance indicates potential for modest surface cyclogenesis across eastern Colorado through areas near/south of the Kansas/Oklahoma border vicinity. There appears better consensus among the models, particularly the ECENS/ECMWF and GEFS/GFS. But this output may still be having issues handling ongoing reinforcing cold intrusions to the lee of Rockies. The NAM and Rapid Refresh remain slower to erode the colder boundary-layer across the Texas South Plains into central Oklahoma vicinity, and are slower and weaker with the evolving surface wave. Otherwise, a gradual erosion, from south to north, of the shallow leading edge of the entrenched cold air mass is possible, beneath a continuing southerly to westerly return flow across parts of the southeastern Great Plains into southern Mid Atlantic. However, it appears that associated moisture emanating from a modifying western Gulf boundary layer will not become supportive of more than weak destabilization, or an appreciable risk for thunderstorms, due to negligible forcing for ascent and warm, capping layers aloft. ...Pacific Northwest into northern Great Plains... Models do indicate that forcing for ascent and cooling mid-levels may contribute to pockets of weak destabilization across parts of the Pacific Northwest into northern Great Plains during this period. However, based on the latest NAM and Rapid Refresh forecast soundings, the calibrated High Resolution Ensemble Forecast guidance might be too aggressive with probabilities for thunderstorms across the eastern Great Basin into northern Rockies vicinity for Friday afternoon and evening. Instability will probably be sufficient to support scattered to numerous snow and rain showers. However, whether the boundary layer in higher elevations warms enough, or convection initiating in lower elevations deepens through sufficiently cold layers aloft, to support an appreciable risk for lightning remains a bit unclear. ..Kerr.. 02/06/2025 $$  778 WGUS83 KJKL 061707 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 1207 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC071-095-119-131-133-193-195-061717- /O.CAN.KJKL.FA.Y.0014.000000T0000Z-250206T1730Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Floyd KY-Harlan KY-Knott KY-Leslie KY-Letcher KY-Perry KY-Pike KY- 1207 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The Flood Advisory is cancelled for a portion of southeast Kentucky, including the following areas, Floyd, Harlan, Knott, Leslie, Letcher, Perry and Pike. The heavy rain has ended and flood waters have receded. && LAT...LON 3692 8351 3717 8355 3741 8214 3727 8235 3712 8272 3704 8272 3697 8287 3690 8350 $$ GEOGERIAN  161 WGUS73 KJKL 061709 FFSJKL Flash Flood Statement National Weather Service Jackson KY 1209 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC051-119-131-133-193-195-061719- /O.CAN.KJKL.FF.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Clay KY-Knott KY-Leslie KY-Letcher KY-Perry KY-Pike KY- 1209 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLASH FLOOD WARNING IS CANCELLED FOR SOUTHEASTERN CLAY, SOUTH CENTRAL KNOTT, CENTRAL LESLIE, LETCHER, SOUTHEASTERN PERRY AND SOUTHWESTERN PIKE COUNTIES... The heavy rain has ended and flood waters have receded. && LAT...LON 3715 8371 3730 8230 3727 8235 3722 8250 3715 8263 3712 8272 3710 8272 3703 8366 $$ GEOGERIAN  966 WHMY40 PGUM 061710 CFWGUM URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Tiyan GU 310 AM ChST Fri Feb 7 2025 GUZ001-MPZ001>003-070700- /O.CON.PGUM.SU.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250207T0700Z/ /O.CON.PGUM.RP.S.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T0700Z/ Guam-Rota-Tinian-Saipan- 310 AM ChST Fri Feb 7 2025 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM CHST THIS AFTERNOON... ...HIGH RIP CURRENT RISK REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...For the High Surf Advisory, large breaking waves of 3 to 9 feet in the surf zone. For the High Rip Current Risk, dangerous rip currents. * WHERE...North facing reefs of the Marianas. * WHEN...For the High Surf Advisory, until 5 PM ChST this afternoon. For the High Rip Current Risk, through this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Dangerous swimming and surfing conditions and localized beach erosion. Rip currents can sweep even the best swimmers away from shore into deeper water. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced swimmers should remain out of the water due to dangerous surf conditions. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$ Bowsher  210 WHUS74 KHGX 061711 MWWHGX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Houston/Galveston TX 1111 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 GMZ330-335-061815- /O.CAN.KHGX.MF.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Matagorda Bay-Galveston Bay- 1111 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Visibility has improved in the bays. That said, some sea fog lingers in the Gulf waters, and a few intermittent patches cannot completely be ruled out along the extreme southern bays at times this afternoon. Overall, the weather pattern remains favorable for some additional sea fog in the southern and central bays during the overnight and morning hours...so mariners should keep up with the latest observations, possible advisories and Coast Guard information for the next several days. $$ GMZ350-355-071715- /O.EXT.KHGX.MF.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Coastal waters from Freeport to Matagorda Ship Channel TX out 20 NM-Coastal waters from High Island to Freeport TX out 20 NM- 1111 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1 NM or less at times. * WHERE...Coastal waters from Freeport to Matagorda Ship Channel TX out 20 NM and Coastal waters from High Island to Freeport TX out 20 NM. * WHEN...Until noon CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...There may be some intermittent breaks in the fog this afternoon, though the pattern is favorable for more widespread development later this evening and overnight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  303 WSBO31 SLLP 061710 SLLF SIGMET A1 VALID 061710/062010 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST AT 1710Z WI S1231 W06350 - S1331 W06132 - S1343 W06036 - S1615 W05950 - S1615 W05830 - S1720 W05823 - S1738 W05747 - S1832 W05742 - S1936 W05816 - S1910 W05948 - S1923 W06137 - S1636 W06314 - S1419 W06529 - S1231 W06350 - TOP FL410 STNR INTSF=  137 WWUS81 KCAR 061713 AWWBGR MEZ015-062100- AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING FOR BANGOR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE CARIBOU ME 1213 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING FOR HEAVY SNOW... Heavy snow with visibility occasionally one-quarter mile or less will impact Bangor International Airport from 1 PM until 4 PM. Snowfall rates up to around 1 inch per hour possible LAT...LON 4488 6890 4485 6880 4479 6877 4476 6886 $$ Norcross  883 WEID22 WIIX 061713 ::::BMKG:::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG:::::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG:::: Sistem Peringatan Dini Tsunami Indonesia (InaTEWS) BADAN METEOROLOGI KLIMATOLOGI DAN GEOFISIKA Alamat:Jl. Angkasa I no.2 Kemayoran, Jakarta, Indonesia, 10720 Telp.: (+62-21) 4246321/6546316 , Fax: (+62-21) 6546316/4246703 P.O. Box 3540 Jkt, Website : http://www.bmkg.go.id ======================================================================================== Tanggal dikeluarkan: 07-Feb-2025 00:12:41 WIB Informasi gempabumi No.:0012-07/infogempa/InaTEWS/02/2025 TELAH TERJADI GEMPA BUMI DENGAN PARAMETER SEMENTARA SEBAGAI BERIKUT: Kekuatan : 5.5 SR Tanggal : 07-Feb-2025 Waktu Gempa : 00:09:50 WIB Lintang : 2.52 LS Bujur : 141.95 BT Kedalaman : 10 Km Lokasi : Near North Coast of Papua New Guinea Keterangan : 142 km TimurLaut JAYAPURA-PAPUA 148 km TimurLaut KOTA-JAYAPURA-PAPUA 160 km TimurLaut KEEROM-PAPUA 172 km TimurLaut KAB-JAYAPURA-PAPUA 3923 km TimurLaut JAKARTA-INDONESIA Informasi Tsunami : Gempa ini tidak berpotensi TSUNAMI Informasi ini telah diperiksa oleh Seismologist Harap jangan me-reply kealamat email ini, tetapi kealamat : info_inatews@bmkg.go.id ::::BMKG:::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG:::::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG:::: ------------English Version--------------- ::::BMKG:::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG:::::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG:::: Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (InaTEWS) METEOROLOGICAL CLIMATOLOGICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL AGENCY Address:Jl. Angkasa I no.2 Kemayoran, Jakarta, Indonesia, 10720 Telp.: (+62-21) 4246321/6546316 , Fax: (+62-21) 6546316/4246703 P.O. Box 3540 Jkt, Website : http://www.bmkg.go.id ======================================================================================== Issued date : 06-Feb-2025 17:12:41 UTC Earthquake Information No.:0012-07/infogempa/InaTEWS/02/2025 AN EARTHQUAKE HAS OCCURRED WITH THESE PRELIMINARY PARAMETERS: Magnitude : 5.5 Date : 06-Feb-2025 Origin Time : 17:09:50 UTC Latitude : 2.52 S Longitude : 141.95 E Depth : 10 Km Location : Near North Coast of Papua New Guinea Remarks : 142 km NorthEast JAYAPURA-PAPUA 148 km NorthEast KOTA-JAYAPURA-PAPUA 160 km NorthEast KEEROM-PAPUA 172 km NorthEast KAB-JAYAPURA-PAPUA 3923 km NorthEast JAKARTA-INDONESIA Tsunami Information: This earthquake does not generate TSUNAMI This Information has been reviewed by Seismologist Do not reply to this email, any inquiry addressed to : info_inatews@bmkg.go.id ::::BMKG:::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG:::::::::::::::BMKG::::::::::::::::BMKG::::  901 WGUS83 KJKL 061715 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 1215 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Advisory continues for the following rivers in Kentucky... Red River at Clay City affecting Estill and Powell Counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you encounter a flooded roadway, turn around and find an alternative route. The next statement will be issued late tonight at 1215 AM EST. && KYC065-197-070515- /O.CON.KJKL.FL.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-250208T1800Z/ /CYCK2.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 1215 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL EARLY SATURDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Elevated river levels caused by excessive rainfall continue. * WHERE...Red River at Clay City. * WHEN...Until early Saturday afternoon. * IMPACTS...At 16.0 feet, Pompeii Road off of Highway 15 and Maple Street near the Red River Ranch are impassable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 11:15 AM EST Thursday the stage was 13.9 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 15.7 feet early Friday afternoon. - Flood stage is 17.0 feet. && LAT...LON 3788 8405 3788 8367 3783 8340 3775 8343 3780 8374 3780 8397 $$ GEOGERIAN  563 WWUS41 KBGM 061716 WSWBGM URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Binghamton NY 1216 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NYZ022-024-055-PAZ038-043-047-061830- /O.CAN.KBGM.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Steuben-Chemung-Tioga-Bradford-Wyoming-Luzerne- Including the cities of Waverly, Corning, Towanda, Wilkes-Barre, Owego, Sayre, Elmira, Tunkhannock, Hornell, and Hazleton 1216 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Dry air has moved in and temperatures have warmed to above freezing. The threat has ended. $$ NYZ009-015>018-023-025-036-037-044>046-056-057-062-PAZ039-040-044- 048-072-062100- /O.CON.KBGM.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250206T2100Z/ Northern Oneida-Yates-Seneca-Southern Cayuga-Onondaga-Schuyler- Tompkins-Madison-Southern Oneida-Cortland-Chenango-Otsego-Broome- Delaware-Sullivan-Susquehanna-Northern Wayne-Lackawanna-Pike- Southern Wayne- Including the cities of Utica, Equinunk, Penn Yan, Binghamton, Scranton, Rome, Norwich, Montrose, Honesdale, Oneida, Oneonta, Delhi, Milford, Walton, Hamilton, Auburn, Boonville, Hallstead, Monticello, Watkins Glen, Syracuse, Damascus, Cortland, Seneca Falls, and Ithaca 1216 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow and sleet accumulations up to one half inch. Winds gusting as high as 30 mph. * WHERE...Portions of central New York and northeast Pennsylvania. * WHEN...Until 4 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In New York, The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. In Pennsylvania, The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission remind motorist to adjust speeds based on driving conditions as winter weather impacts Pennsylvania roadways. Visit www.511pa.com for the latest travel, roadways, and traffic conditions. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ JTC  507 WSBZ23 SBGL 061715 SBBS SIGMET 23 VALID 061720/061930 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2154 W04930 - S2154 W04930 - S2141 W04714 - S2200 W04551 - S2216 W04544 - S2256 W04807 - S2307 W04734 - S2338 W04639 - S2314 W04552 - S2248 W04546 - S2211 W04516 - S2140 W04528 - S2141 W04711 - S2140 W04715 - S2141 W04715 - S2154 W04930 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  378 WSBZ23 SBGL 061715 SBCW SIGMET 39 VALID 061720/061930 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2248 W05054 - S2323 W04959 - S2413 W04613 - S2316 W04451 - S2211 W04516 - S2248 W04546 - S2314 W04552 - S2338 W04639 - S2307 W04734 - S2256 W04807 - S2256 W04808 - S2306 W04845 - S2233 W05053 - S2232 W05054 - S2248 W05054 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  908 WSUK33 EGRR 061718 EGPX SIGMET 03 VALID 061740/062140 EGRR- EGPX SCOTTISH FIR SEV MTW FCST WI N6000 E00000 - N5721 W00441 - N5657 W00744 - N5814 W00715 - N6100 W00349 - N6100 E00000 - N6000 E00000 FL040/100 STNR NC=  496 WWUS81 KRNK 061719 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 1219 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAZ043-044-061745- Henry VA-Pittsylvania VA- 1219 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...STRONG STORMS WILL IMPACT PITTSYLVANIA AND HENRY COUNTIES...THE CITY OF DANVILLE AND THE CITY OF MARTINSVILLE THROUGH 1245 PM EST... At 1213 PM EST, Doppler radar was tracking strong storms along a line extending from Hodges to near Stuart. Movement was east at 80 mph. HAZARD...Brief heavy downpours will lead to localized flooding. Wind gusts up to 30 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Danville... Martinsville... Hurt... Chatham... Gretna... Axton... and Mt Airy. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with these storms and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3655 8005 3666 8006 3673 8009 3681 7991 3679 7976 3682 7973 3683 7967 3686 7964 3695 7962 3711 7927 3709 7920 3705 7919 3708 7914 3707 7910 3654 7923 TIME...MOT...LOC 1713Z 276DEG 70KT 3711 7920 3660 8026 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ RS  475 WHMY40 PGUM 061720 CCA CFWGUM URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Coastal Hazard Message...CORRECTED National Weather Service Tiyan GU 320 AM ChST Fri Feb 7 2025 GUZ001-MPZ001>003-070700- /O.COR.PGUM.SU.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250207T0700Z/ /O.COR.PGUM.RP.S.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T0700Z/ Guam-Rota-Tinian-Saipan- 320 AM ChST Fri Feb 7 2025 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM CHST THIS AFTERNOON... ...HIGH RIP CURRENT RISK REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH THIS AFTERNOON... CORRECTED WAVE RANGE. * WHAT...For the High Surf Advisory, large breaking waves of 7 to 9 feet in the surf zone. For the High Rip Current Risk, dangerous rip currents. * WHERE...North facing reefs of the Marianas. * WHEN...For the High Surf Advisory, until 5 PM ChST this afternoon. For the High Rip Current Risk, through this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Dangerous swimming and surfing conditions and localized beach erosion. Rip currents can sweep even the best swimmers away from shore into deeper water. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced swimmers should remain out of the water due to dangerous surf conditions. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$ Bowsher  987 WWCN12 CWTO 061721 SNOW SQUALL WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 12:21 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOW SQUALL WARNING FOR: =NEW= SAULT STE. MARIE - SUPERIOR EAST. SNOW SQUALL WARNING - REPLACES SNOW SQUALL WATCH FOR: SAULT STE. MARIE - SUPERIOR EAST. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOW SQUALLS DEVELOPING THIS AFTERNOON. WHAT: TOTAL SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS OF 15 TO 20 CM. NEAR-ZERO VISIBILITIES IN HEAVY SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW. WHEN: DEVELOPING THIS AFTERNOON AND CONTINUING INTO FRIDAY MORNING. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: SNOW CONTINUES TODAY AS A LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM MOVES ACROSS NORTHERN ONTARIO. IN ITS WAKE, LAKE EFFECT SNOW SQUALLS ARE EXPECTED TO DEVELOP THIS AFTERNOON. WIND GUSTS UP TO 80 KM/H COULD PRODUCE NEAR ZERO VISIBILITIES IN HEAVY SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW. LAKE EFFECT SNOW IS EXPECTED TO DIMINISH TO FLURRIES FRIDAY MORNING. SNOW SQUALLS CAUSE WEATHER CONDITIONS TO VARY CONSIDERABLY(SEMICOLON) CHANGES FROM CLEAR SKIES TO HEAVY SNOW WITHIN JUST A FEW KILOMETRES ARE COMMON. VISIBILITY WILL BE SUDDENLY REDUCED TO NEAR ZERO AT TIMES IN HEAVY SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW. TRAVEL IS EXPECTED TO BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO REDUCED VISIBILITY IN SOME LOCATIONS. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  497 WGUS61 KRLX 061722 FFARLX Flood Watch National Weather Service Charleston WV 1222 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAZ003-004-WVZ033-061830- /O.CAN.KRLX.FA.A.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Dickenson-Buchanan-McDowell- Including the cities of Gary, Vansant, Grundy, Welch, War, and Clintwood 1222 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WATCH IS CANCELLED, FLOOD WARNING CONTINUES FOR SOME AREAS... The Flood Watch is cancelled for portions of southwest Virginia, including the following counties, Buchanan and Dickenson and southern West Virginia, including the following county, McDowell. Significant rainfall has ended, therefore the Flood Watch has been cancelled. However, flooding continues in some areas. See the latest flood warnings for details. Motorists should use extreme caution and be prepared for water or debris on roadway. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. $$ RPY  020 WSMG31 FMMI 061724 FMMM SIGMET F5 VALID 061726/062126 FMMI- FMMM ANTANANARIVO FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI S2436 E05700 - S3000 E05700 - S2455 E04948 - S2507 E04313 - S2219 E04301 - S2239 E04613 - S1931 E04628 - S1852 E04731 - S1327 E04711 - S1229 E04905 - S2235 E04912 TOP ABV FL500 STNR NC=  899 WOCN20 CWVR 061726 SPECIAL AIR QUALITY STATEMENT FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AND THE B.C. MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY AT 9:26 A.M. PST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL AIR QUALITY STATEMENT ENDED FOR: LAKES DISTRICT. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== ELEVATED POLLUTION LEVELS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED OR HAVE MOVED OUT OF THE AREA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  704 WGUS41 KRLX 061727 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 1227 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The National Weather Service in Charleston WV has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in West Virginia... Little Kanawha River at Glenville affecting Gilmer County. For the Little Kanawha River...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/rlx. The next statement will be issued late tonight at 1230 AM EST. && WVC021-070530- /O.NEW.KRLX.FL.W.0009.250206T1740Z-250207T0657Z/ /GLEW2.1.ER.250206T1740Z.250207T0000Z.250207T0056Z.NO/ 1227 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT TONIGHT... * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Little Kanawha River at Glenville. * WHEN...Until just after midnight tonight. * IMPACTS...At 23.0 feet, Low spots on Brooklyn Drive, Elm Street, and River Street flood. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 11:45 AM EST Thursday the stage was 22.4 feet. - Forecast...The river will rise above flood stage this afternoon to 23.5 feet this evening. It will then fall below flood stage this evening. - Flood stage is 23.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 23.6 feet on 03/31/1940. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3898 8089 3892 8064 3887 8072 3888 8091 $$ JLB  752 WSIR31 OIII 061723 OIIX SIGMET 13 VALID 061722/062030 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3306 E04723 - N3357 E04718 - N3408 E04933 - N3251 E05148 - N3058 E05136 - N3121 E05003 - N3153 E04813 - N3306 E04723 ABV FL320 MOV NE NC=  140 WSPY31 SGAS 061727 SGFA SIGMET 2 VALID 061727/061927 SGAS- SGFA ASUNCION FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1715Z E OF LINE S1930 W06017 - S2400 W05820 - S2434 W05639 - S2719 W05740 TOP FL380 STNR INTSF=  399 WWUS75 KTFX 061727 NPWTFX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Great Falls MT 1027 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 MTZ305-306-062000- /O.CAN.KTFX.EC.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /O.NEW.KTFX.CW.Y.0008.250206T1727Z-250206T2000Z/ Hill County-Northern Blaine County- Including the following locations: Chinook, Havre, Zurich, Hogeland, Harlem, and Fort Belknap 1027 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM MST THIS AFTERNOON... ...EXTREME COLD WARNING IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills as low as 30 below. * WHERE...Hill County and Northern Blaine County. * WHEN...Until 1 PM MST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...The dangerously cold wind chills as low as 30 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10 minutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use caution while traveling outside. Wear appropriate clothing, a hat, and gloves. && $$ MTZ303-304-061830- /O.CAN.KTFX.EC.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Eastern Glacier, Western Toole, and Central Pondera-Eastern Toole and Liberty- Including the following locations: Ethridge, Whitlash, Santa Rita, Cut Bank, Chester, Lothair, Joplin, Devon, Shelby, and Galata 1027 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...EXTREME COLD WARNING IS CANCELLED... The threat has ended. $$ MTZ309>311-061830- /O.CAN.KTFX.CW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Eastern Pondera and Eastern Teton-Western and Central Chouteau County-Bears Paw Mountains and Southern Blaine- Including the following locations: Floweree, Carter, Fort Benton, Ledger, Brady, Rocky Boy, and Conrad 1027 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The threat has ended. $$ Wilson  814 WSIR31 OIII 061724 OIIX SIGMET 14 VALID 061723/062030 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N2731 E05245 - N2939 E05549 - N2909 E05654 - N2831 E05658 - N2634 E05246 - N2701 E05222 - N2731 E05245 ABV FL320 MOV NE NC=  496 WWUS73 KFSD 061729 NPWFSD URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 1129 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 IAZ002-003-013-014-MNZ071-072-080-081-089-090-097-070000- /O.CON.KFSD.WI.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Osceola-Dickinson-O'Brien-Clay-Lincoln-Lyon-Murray-Cottonwood- Nobles-Jackson-Pipestone- Including the cities of Sanborn, Lake Benton, Hartley, Ivanhoe, Mountain Lake, Slayton, Fulda, Hendricks, Pipestone, Worthington, Sibley, Lakefield, Sheldon, Arnolds Park, Milford, Spencer, Spirit Lake, Tyler, Jackson, Windom, and Marshall 1129 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph. * WHERE...Portions of northwest Iowa and southwest Minnesota. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ AP  901 WABZ23 SBGL 061725 SBCW AIRMET 17 VALID 061730/061830 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SFC VIS 2000M RA FCST WI S2405 W05344 - S2405 W05254 - S2331 W05254 - S2331 W05344 - S2405 W05344 STNR NC=  814 WWUS73 KGRB 061731 NPWGRB URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Green Bay WI 1131 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 WIZ005-010>013-018>022-030-031-035>040-045-048>050-073-074-070145- /O.CON.KGRB.WI.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250207T0300Z/ Vilas-Oneida-Forest-Florence-Northern Marinette County-Lincoln- Langlade-Menominee-Northern Oconto County-Door-Marathon-Shawano- Wood-Portage-Waupaca-Outagamie-Brown-Kewaunee-Waushara-Winnebago- Calumet-Manitowoc-Southern Marinette County-Southern Oconto County- Including the cities of Middle Inlet, Keshena, Luxemburg, Townsend, Wisconsin Rapids, Aurora, Chilton, Lakewood, Mountain, Waupaca, Menasha, Stevens Point, Manitowoc, Redgranite, Sobieski, Wausaukee, Marshfield, Neopit, Clintonville, Commonwealth, New Holstein, Porterfield, Crivitz, Pensaukee, New London, Oconto, Eagle River, Appleton, Spread Eagle, Niagara, Brillion, High Falls Reservoir, Tomahawk, Merrill, Kewaunee, Loomis, Peshtigo, Brookside, Wautoma, Little Suamico, Oshkosh, Plover, Green Bay, Wausau, Lac Du Flambeau, Sister Bay, Fish Creek, Neenah, Sturgeon Bay, Harmony, Rhinelander, Crandon, Shawano, Two Rivers, and Antigo 1131 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. A few stronger gusts are possible across east-central Wisconsin this afternoon. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, north central, and northeast Wisconsin. * WHEN...Until 9 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Reduced visibility is also possible due to blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ For more information, visit us at http://www.weather.gov/GreenBay GK  757 WACN02 CWAO 061731 CZEG AIRMET H2 VALID 061730/061730 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNL AIRMET H1 061330/061730=  758 WACN22 CWAO 061731 CZEG AIRMET H2 VALID 061730/061730 CWEG- CZEG EDMONTON FIR CNL AIRMET H1 061330/061730 RMK GFACN36=  527 WSBZ23 SBGL 061730 SBCW SIGMET 40 VALID 061735/061930 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2121 W05520 - S2206 W05509 - S2139 W05223 - S2011 W05310 - S2018 W05405 - S2052 W05357 - S2121 W05520 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  528 WWCN15 CWWG 061732 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR SOUTHERN ALBERTA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 10:32 A.M. MST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING ENDED FOR: CYPRESS HILLS PROVINCIAL PARK - FOREMOST. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED TO REACH EXTREME COLD WARNING CRITERIA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  642 WGUS86 KMTR 061733 FLSMTR Flood Statement National Weather Service San Francisco CA 933 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in California... Russian River at Johnsons Beach at Guerneville affecting Sonoma County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov. The next statement will be issued this evening at 930 PM PST. && CAC097-070530- /O.EXT.KMTR.FL.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250207T0521Z/ /GUEC1.1.ER.250205T0459Z.250205T1800Z.250206T1721Z.NO/ 933 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring. * WHERE...Russian River at Johnsons Beach at Guerneville. * WHEN...Until this evening. * IMPACTS...At 32.0 feet, Flood stage. Minor flooding. Lower Mill Street in Guerneville and Old Bohemian Highway in Monte Rio are expected to flood. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 9:00 AM PST Thursday the stage was 32.2 feet. - Bankfull stage is 32.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 9:00 AM PST Thursday was 35.6 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage later today - Flood stage is 32.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 32.5 feet on 02/16/1959. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3846 12314 3854 12300 3853 12288 3848 12284 3847 12298 3841 12310 $$ MM  857 WWUS46 KSEW 061734 WSWSEW URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 934 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 WAZ506-507-510>512-514-517-555-556-558-559-061845- /O.EXP.KSEW.WW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Western Skagit County-Everett and Vicinity-Admiralty Inlet Area- Hood Canal Area-Lower Chehalis Valley Area-Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca-Central Coast-East Puget Sound Lowlands-Bellevue and Vicinity-Seattle and Vicinity-Bremerton and Vicinity- Including the cities of Redmond, Anacortes, Covington-Sawyer-w, Sedro-Woolley, Monroe, Hoquiam, Elma, Sahalee, Lynnwood, Newport Hills, Kenmore, Pine Lake, Everett, Edmonds, Enumclaw, Silverdale, Prairie Ridge, Port Townsend, Woodinville, Bothell, Kirkland, Montesano, Bonney Lake, Shelton, Bremerton, Burlington, Sequim, Maple Valley, Marysville, Seattle, Mount Vernon, McCleary, and Aberdeen 934 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 10 AM PST THIS MORNING... Snow showers are tapering off across the region this morning and the threat for significant additional snow has ended. $$ NS  272 WWUS41 KPHI 061734 WSWPHI URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 1234 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NJZ007>009-PAZ060>062-101>103-105-061845- /O.EXP.KPHI.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Warren-Morris-Hunterdon-Berks-Lehigh-Northampton-Western Chester- Eastern Chester-Western Montgomery-Upper Bucks- Including the cities of Chalfont, Morristown, Kennett Square, Pottstown, Bethlehem, Perkasie, West Chester, Collegeville, Flemington, Oxford, Honey Brook, Washington, Allentown, Easton, and Reading 1234 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... Temperatures have risen above freezing with precipitation now falling as plain rain. No further icing expected. As a result, the Winter Weather Advisory will be allowed to expire. $$ NJZ001-062000- /O.EXT.KPHI.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T2000Z/ Sussex- Including the cities of Newton 1234 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Sussex County. * WHEN...Until 3 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ PAZ054-055-062000- /O.CON.KPHI.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T2000Z/ Carbon-Monroe- Including the cities of Stroudsburg and Jim Thorpe 1234 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Freezing rain. Additional ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Carbon and Monroe Counties. * WHEN...Until 3 PM EST this afternoon. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Very slippery sidewalks, roads and bridges are possible. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Prepare for possible power outages. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ Hoeflich  832 WWUS73 KBIS 061737 NPWBIS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 1137 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 NDZ001>005-009>013-017>023-031>036-061845- /O.EXP.KBIS.CW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Divide-Burke-Renville-Bottineau-Rolette-Williams-Mountrail-Ward- McHenry-Pierce-McKenzie-Dunn-Mercer-Oliver-McLean-Sheridan-Wells- Golden Valley-Billings-Stark-Morton-Burleigh-Kidder- Including the cities of Killdeer, Hazen, Garrison, Glenburn, Towner, Beach, Center, Wilton, Rolla, Medora, Steele, Mandan, Lignite, Rugby, Bowbells, Williston, Parshall, Shell Valley, Dickinson, Velva, Rolette, Mohall, Bottineau, Halliday, Bismarck, Washburn, New Town, Fessenden, Portal, Columbus, Crosby, Stanley, Tappen, Sherwood, Drake, Dunseith, St. John, Underwood, Powers Lake, Minot, Watford City, Mcclusky, Goodrich, Beulah, Turtle Lake, and Harvey 1137 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 /1037 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT NOON CST /11 AM MST/ TODAY... Wind chills will continue to improve this afternoon. $$ Hollan  619 WVHO31 MHTG 061730 MHTG SIGMET 4 VALID 061730/062330 MHTG- MHCC CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR VA SANTA MARIA PSN N1445 W09133 VA CLD OBS AT 1700Z SFC/FL140 N1456 W09148 - N1446 W09132 -N1444 W09133 -N1447 W09152 -N1456 W09148 MOV W 10KT FCST 2300Z VA CLD SFC/FL140 N1454 W09201 -N1446 W09132 -N1444 W09132 -N1441 W09202 -N1454 W09201=  043 WANO31 ENMI 061738 ENOR AIRMET I07 VALID 061830/062230 ENMI- ENOR POLARIS FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N6405 E01400 - N6350 E00955 - N6810 E01225 - N6940 E01815 - N6630 E01330 - N6610 E01425 - N6405 E01400 3000FT/FL120 MOV NNE 15KT NC=  419 WSBZ23 SBGL 061735 SBCW SIGMET 41 VALID 061740/061930 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0314 W05616 - S0621 W05509 - S0511 W05407 - S0349 W05140 - S0354 W05149 - S0147 W05207 - S0314 W05616 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  386 WSPS21 NZKL 061740 NZZO SIGMET 24 VALID 061740/061742 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 20 061342/061742=  706 WSBZ23 SBGL 061735 SBCW SIGMET 42 VALID 061740/061930 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR CNL SIGMET 41 061740/061930=  593 WGUS86 KMTR 061742 FLSMTR Flood Advisory National Weather Service San Francisco CA 942 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAC075-081-061915- /O.CON.KMTR.FA.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-250206T1915Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ San Francisco CA-San Mateo CA- 942 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1115 AM PST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Urban area and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...San Francisco County and northern San Mateo County. * WHEN...Until 1115 AM PST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. Ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 940 AM PST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain. This will cause urban and small stream flooding. Up to 0.2 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts up to 0.1 inches are expected over the area. This additional rain will increase the threat for hydroplaning, rapid rises on small streams and creeks. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... San Francisco, Daly City, South San Francisco, San Bruno, Pacifica, Brisbane, Colma and Broadmoor. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Please report observed flooding to local emergency services or law enforcement and request they pass this information to the National Weather Service when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3779 12253 3779 12251 3781 12249 3782 12241 3780 12238 3781 12238 3780 12237 3779 12238 3775 12238 3772 12235 3771 12235 3770 12238 3759 12252 3771 12251 3776 12252 3777 12253 $$ Bain  719 WGUS86 KMTR 061742 RRA FLSMTR Flood Advisory National Weather Service San Francisco CA 942 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAC081-061900- /O.CON.KMTR.FA.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-250206T1900Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ San Mateo CA- 942 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM PST THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Urban area and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of San Mateo County, especially urban areas of the Peninsula. * WHEN...Until 1100 AM PST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. Ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 940 AM PST, Doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated heavy rain. This will cause urban and small stream flooding. Between 0.2 and 0.5 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts up to 0.2 inches are expected over the area. This additional rain will increase the threat for hydroplaning, rapid rises on small streams and creeks. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... San Mateo, Redwood City, South San Francisco, San Bruno, Pacifica, Foster City, Burlingame, San Carlos, Belmont, Millbrae, Half Moon Bay, Hillsborough, Woodside, Highlands- Baywood Park, El Granada, Brisbane, Highlands, Montara, Emerald Lake Hills and Moss Beach. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Please report observed flooding to local emergency services or law enforcement and request they pass this information to the National Weather Service when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3757 12252 3759 12252 3770 12238 3770 12237 3768 12235 3766 12234 3764 12235 3763 12233 3761 12233 3759 12229 3758 12225 3756 12224 3754 12219 3734 12240 3747 12246 3750 12250 3753 12252 $$ Bain  574 WSBZ23 SBGL 061740 SBAZ SIGMET 53 VALID 061745/061930 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0314 W05616 - S0621 W05509 - S0511 W05407 - S0349 W05140 - S0354 W05149 - S0147 W05207 - S0314 W05616 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  084 WABZ23 SBGL 061740 SBCW AIRMET 18 VALID 061745/061830 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR BKN CLD 200/0700FT FCST WI S2540 W05156 - S2540 W05107 - S2506 W05107 - S2506 W05156 - S2540 W05156 STNR NC=  653 WSNO31 ENMI 061743 ENOR SIGMET I01 VALID 061830/062230 ENMI- ENOR POLARIS FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N6605 E01430 - N6630 E01330 - N6940 E01820 - N7035 E02330 - N6930 E02325 - N6820 E02000 - N6800 E01750 - N6605 E01430 3000FT/FL120 STNR INTSF=  786 WWUS84 KMEG 061743 SPSMEG Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 1143 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 TNZ001-002-061815- Lake TN-Obion TN- 1143 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHERN OBION AND NORTHEASTERN LAKE COUNTIES THROUGH 1215 PM CST... At 1143 AM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Tiptonville, or 7 miles north of Reelfoot Lake State Park, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and nickel size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Union City, Reelfoot Lake State Park, Tiptonville, Troy, Clayton, Woodland Mills, Rives, Samburg, Wright, Cronanville, Shaffner, Roneys Store, Proctor City, Fremont, Spout Springs, Walnut Log, Old Fremont, Gibbs, Grays Camp, and McCutchen Heights. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3650 8894 3641 8893 3641 8895 3636 8895 3636 8951 3638 8951 3642 8955 3646 8952 3648 8952 3650 8954 3650 8949 3647 8949 3646 8947 3647 8944 3650 8942 3651 8933 TIME...MOT...LOC 1743Z 265DEG 40KT 3647 8947 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.88 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ AC3  203 WSPR31 SPJC 061743 SPIM SIGMET A9 VALID 061745/062045 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1720Z WI S1559 W07232 - S1741 W07029 - S1626 W06907 - S1427 W06957 - S1515 W07116 - S1559 W07232 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF=  926 WWUS73 KMPX 061745 NPWMPX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1145 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 MNZ041>043-047>051-054>070-073>078-082>085-091>093-WIZ023>028-070000- /O.CON.KMPX.WI.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Douglas-Todd-Morrison-Stevens-Pope-Stearns-Benton-Sherburne-Lac Qui Parle-Swift-Chippewa-Kandiyohi-Meeker-Wright-Hennepin-Anoka- Ramsey-Washington-Yellow Medicine-Renville-McLeod-Sibley-Carver- Scott-Dakota-Redwood-Brown-Nicollet-Le Sueur-Rice-Goodhue- Watonwan-Blue Earth-Waseca-Steele-Martin-Faribault-Freeborn-St. Croix-Pierce-Dunn-Pepin-Chippewa-Eau Claire- Including the cities of River Falls, Hutchinson, Blue Earth, Shakopee, Willmar, Sauk Rapids, Olivia, New Ulm, Blaine, St Paul, Little Falls, Waseca, Hudson, Litchfield, Minneapolis, St Peter, Benson, Victoria, Owatonna, St James, Granite Falls, Red Wing, Glenwood, Elk River, Eau Claire, Chanhassen, Chippewa Falls, Menomonie, Long Prairie, Mankato, St Cloud, Fairmont, Monticello, Alexandria, Madison, Chaska, Faribault, Gaylord, Le Sueur, Durand, Redwood Falls, Stillwater, Albert Lea, Montevideo, Morris, and Hastings 1145 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, south central, southeast, southwest, and west central Minnesota and west central Wisconsin. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ JPC  729 WSBZ23 SBGL 061740 SBRE SIGMET 22 VALID 061745/061930 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0413 W04235 - S0428 W04050 - S0337 W04050 - S0256 W04206 - S0256 W04206 - S0320 W04214 - S0320 W04214 - S0411 W04231 - S0413 W04235 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  254 WWUS75 KGGW 061746 NPWGGW URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Glasgow MT 1046 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 MTZ018-019-059-061-061900- /O.EXP.KGGW.EC.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Daniels-Sheridan-Northern Phillips-Northern Valley- Including Scobey, Medicine Lake, Plentywood, Whitewater, and Opheim 1046 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...EXTREME COLD WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 11 AM MST THIS MORNING... Wind chills are beginning to improve late this morning as low temperatures recover. Wind chills may remain near 25 below at times for a couple more hours but improvement will continue through the afternoon. The Extreme Cold Warning is no longer in effect. $$ MTZ016-017-020-022>027-062-061900- /O.EXP.KGGW.CW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Central and Southeast Phillips-Central and Southern Valley- Western Roosevelt-Garfield-McCone-Richland-Dawson-Prairie-Wibaux- Eastern Roosevelt- Including Glasgow, Hinsdale, Wibaux, Richey, Sidney, Frazer, Terry, Saco, Glendive, Malta, Jordan, Culbertson, Circle, Fairview, Wolf Point, Poplar, and Fort Peck 1046 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 11 AM MST THIS MORNING... Wind chills are beginning to improve late this morning as low temperatures recover. Wind chills may remain near 25 below at times for a couple more hours but improvement will continue through the afternoon. The Cold Weather Advisory is no longer in effect. $$ Maliawco  371 WWUS41 KOKX 061746 WSWOKX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New York NY 1246 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 CTZ005>012-NJZ002-004-103>105-107-NYZ067>071-061900- /O.EXP.KOKX.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Northern Fairfield-Northern New Haven-Northern Middlesex-Northern New London-Southern Fairfield-Southern New Haven-Southern Middlesex-Southern New London-Western Passaic-Eastern Passaic- Western Bergen-Eastern Bergen-Western Essex-Western Union-Orange- Putnam-Rockland-Northern Westchester-Southern Westchester- 1246 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 1 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... The threat has ended. $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/nyc BR  820 WWUS43 KMPX 061746 WSWMPX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 1146 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 MNZ041>043-047>050-054>058-064-065-073-071100- /O.CON.KMPX.WS.A.0001.250208T0300Z-250208T2100Z/ Douglas-Todd-Morrison-Stevens-Pope-Stearns-Benton-Lac Qui Parle- Swift-Chippewa-Kandiyohi-Meeker-Yellow Medicine-Renville-Redwood- Including the cities of Madison, Litchfield, Willmar, Long Prairie, Benson, St Cloud, Sauk Rapids, Granite Falls, Glenwood, Olivia, Redwood Falls, Alexandria, Little Falls, Morris, and Montevideo 1146 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY EVENING THROUGH SATURDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 8 inches possible. * WHERE...Benton, Kandiyohi, Meeker, Morrison, Renville, Stearns, Todd, Redwood, Chippewa, Douglas, Lac Qui Parle, Pope, Stevens, Swift, and Yellow Medicine Counties. * WHEN...From Friday evening through Saturday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. && $$ MNZ044-045-051>053-059>063-066>070-074>078-083>085-WIZ014>016- 023>028-071100- /O.CON.KMPX.WS.A.0001.250208T0600Z-250209T0000Z/ Mille Lacs-Kanabec-Sherburne-Isanti-Chisago-Wright-Hennepin-Anoka- Ramsey-Washington-McLeod-Sibley-Carver-Scott-Dakota-Brown- Nicollet-Le Sueur-Rice-Goodhue-Blue Earth-Waseca-Steele-Polk- Barron-Rusk-St. Croix-Pierce-Dunn-Pepin-Chippewa-Eau Claire- Including the cities of Osceola, River Falls, Hutchinson, Shakopee, Center City, New Ulm, St Paul, Blaine, Waseca, Hudson, Mora, Minneapolis, St Peter, Owatonna, Victoria, Red Wing, Elk River, Eau Claire, Chanhassen, Chippewa Falls, Menomonie, Mankato, Princeton, Cambridge, Monticello, Ladysmith, Chaska, Faribault, Gaylord, Le Sueur, Rice Lake, Durand, Stillwater, and Hastings 1146 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE FRIDAY NIGHT THROUGH SATURDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 8 inches possible. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, south central, and southeast Minnesota and northwest and west central Wisconsin. * WHEN...From late Friday night through Saturday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. && $$ JPC  988 WHUS71 KPHI 061746 MWWPHI URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 1246 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ANZ450>452-071000- /O.EXT.KPHI.SC.Y.0021.250206T1800Z-250207T2300Z/ Coastal waters from Sandy Hook to Manasquan Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Manasquan Inlet to Little Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Little Egg Inlet to Great Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm- 1246 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 3 to 5 ft expected. * WHERE...Coastal waters from Sandy Hook to Manasquan Inlet NJ out 20 nm, Coastal waters from Manasquan Inlet to Little Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm and Coastal waters from Little Egg Inlet to Great Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 6 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ453>455-071000- /O.EXT.KPHI.SC.Y.0021.250206T1800Z-250207T2300Z/ Coastal waters from Great Egg Inlet to Cape May NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Cape May NJ to Cape Henlopen DE out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Cape Henlopen to Fenwick Island DE out 20 nm- 1246 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and seas 3 to 5 ft expected. * WHERE...Coastal waters from Great Egg Inlet to Cape May NJ out 20 nm, Coastal waters from Cape May NJ to Cape Henlopen DE out 20 nm and Coastal waters from Cape Henlopen to Fenwick Island DE out 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 6 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ Hoeflich  023 WAIY32 LIIB 061748 LIRR AIRMET 8 VALID 061800/062030 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3757 E01508 - N3902 E01619 - N3846 E01641 - N3728 E01501 - N3648 E01453 - N3753 E01235 - N3757 E01508 STNR NC=  068 WWUS73 KFGF 061747 NPWFGF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 1147 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 NDZ006-007-014-015-024-026-054-061900- /O.EXP.KFGF.CW.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Towner-Cavalier-Benson-Ramsey-Eddy-Nelson-Western Walsh- Including the cities of Minnewaukan, Mcville, Tolna, Fairdale, Lankin, New Rockford, Dresden, Fort Totten, Maida, Cando, Vang, Lakota, Mount Carmel, Adams, Maddock, Devils Lake, Considine, Leeds, Langdon, and Aneta 1147 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT NOON CST TODAY... The threat has ended. $$ Thomas  491 WHUS71 KAKQ 061747 MWWAKQ URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wakefield VA 1247 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ANZ650-652-654-070000- /O.EXB.KAKQ.SC.Y.0019.250206T1800Z-250207T0000Z/ Coastal waters from Fenwick Island DE to Chincoteague VA out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Chincoteague to Parramore Island VA out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Parramore Island to Cape Charles Light VA out 20 nm- 1247 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Southwest winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and seas 4 to 6 ft expected. * WHERE...Coastal waters from Fenwick Island DE to Chincoteague VA out 20 nm, Coastal waters from Chincoteague to Parramore Island VA out 20 nm and Coastal waters from Parramore Island to Cape Charles Light VA out 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 7 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ658-070000- /O.EXT.KAKQ.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm- 1247 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...North winds 10 to 15 kt and seas 5 to 7 ft. * WHERE...Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 7 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ656-070000- /O.EXT.KAKQ.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Coastal Waters from Cape Charles Light to Virginia- North Carolina border out to 20 nm- 1247 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...North winds 10 to 15 kt and seas 4 to 6 ft. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Cape Charles Light to Virginia- North Carolina border out to 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 7 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  872 WOCN11 CWTO 061749 FREEZING DRIZZLE ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 12:49 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEZING DRIZZLE ADVISORY FOR: NIAGARA CITY OF HAMILTON UXBRIDGE - BEAVERTON - NORTHERN DURHAM REGION NEWMARKET - GEORGINA - NORTHERN YORK REGION PICKERING - OSHAWA - SOUTHERN DURHAM REGION MOUNT FOREST - ARTHUR - NORTHERN WELLINGTON COUNTY DUFFERIN - INNISFIL OWEN SOUND - BLUE MOUNTAINS - NORTHERN GREY COUNTY HANOVER - DUNDALK - SOUTHERN GREY COUNTY BARRIE - COLLINGWOOD - HILLSDALE. FREEZING DRIZZLE ADVISORY ENDED FOR: CITY OF TORONTO SARNIA - LAMBTON ELGIN LONDON - MIDDLESEX SIMCOE - DELHI - NORFOLK DUNNVILLE - CALEDONIA - HALDIMAND OXFORD - BRANT HALTON - PEEL VAUGHAN - RICHMOND HILL - MARKHAM HURON - PERTH GUELPH - ERIN - SOUTHERN WELLINGTON COUNTY KITCHENER - CAMBRIDGE - REGION OF WATERLOO SAUGEEN SHORES - KINCARDINE - SOUTHERN BRUCE COUNTY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== AREAS OF FREEZING DRIZZLE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. WHAT: FREEZING DRIZZLE LEADING TO LIGHT ICE BUILD-UP AND SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. WHEN: CONTINUING THROUGH THIS AFTERNOON ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: FREEZING DRIZZLE MIXED WITH LIGHT SNOW, IS EXPECTED TO CONTINUE THROUGH THIS AFTERNOON. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME ICY AND SLIPPERY. FREEZING DRIZZLE CAN PRODUCE THIN, HARD-TO-DETECT LAYERS OF ICE. TAKE EXTRA CARE WHEN WALKING OR DRIVING IN AFFECTED AREAS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN ONTARIO, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  158 WSUS33 KKCI 061755 SIGW MKCW WST 061755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 2W VALID UNTIL 1955Z CA FROM 40SSW FMG-50NE CZQ-20NW CZQ-40ENE SAC-40SSW FMG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 22020KT. TOPS TO FL250. HEAVY SNOW WITH ISOL EMBEDDED THUNDERSTORMS. OUTLOOK VALID 061955-062355 FROM 40NNW ENI-30N OAK-40NNW RZS-90W RZS-80WSW ENI-40NNW ENI WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  159 WSUS32 KKCI 061755 SIGC MKCC WST 061755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 061955-062355 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  160 WSUS31 KKCI 061755 SIGE MKCE WST 061755 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 53E VALID UNTIL 1955Z MD NC VA CSTL WTRS FROM 140SE SIE-180ESE ECG-90ESE ECG-50ENE ECG-60E ORF-140SE SIE AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 26050KT. TOPS TO FL350. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 54E VALID UNTIL 1955Z VA NC WV TN KY FROM 30NE PSK-20NW GSO-30SSE LOZ-20NE LOZ-30NE PSK AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 26050KT. TOPS TO FL310. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 55E VALID UNTIL 1955Z NC CSTL WTRS FROM 150SSE ECG-190SE ECG-180SSE ILM-120SSE ILM-150SSE ECG AREA TS MOV FROM 22010KT. TOPS TO FL350. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 56E VALID UNTIL 1955Z TN KY IL MO AR FROM 60SSW PXV-40ESE DYR-20ESE ARG-50SW FAM-60SSW PXV AREA TS MOV FROM 25035KT. TOPS TO FL310. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 57E VALID UNTIL 1955Z GA TN AL FROM 40WSW VXV-30ESE GQO-50E MSL-40SSE BNA-40WSW VXV AREA TS MOV FROM 26050KT. TOPS TO FL330. OUTLOOK VALID 061955-062355 AREA 1...FROM 30W IIU-70ENE LOZ-HMV-50NNE ODF-40WNW ODF-60E LIT-ARG-30W IIU WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS. AREA 2...FROM 50SE SBY-160SE SIE-150ESE SBY-180ESE ECG-80ESE ECG-30ESE ECG-30ESE ORF-50SE SBY WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  496 WWUS71 KPBZ 061753 NPWPBZ URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA 1253 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVZ514-070200- /O.NEW.KPBZ.WI.Y.0003.250206T1800Z-250207T2000Z/ Eastern Tucker- Including the cities of Canaan Valley, Thomas, and Davis 1253 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Eastern Tucker County. * WHEN...Until 3 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report downed trees, power lines or large branches by calling 412-262-1988, posting to the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page, or using Twitter @NWSPittsburgh. && $$ Hefferan  647 WWUS43 KBIS 061753 WSWBIS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 1153 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 NDZ035-036-047-050-061900- /O.CAN.KBIS.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Burleigh-Kidder-Logan-McIntosh- Including the cities of Steele, Gackle, Napoleon, Bismarck, Wishek, Ashley, and Tappen 1153 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Blowing snow is no longer expected to cause major impacts in Burleigh, Kidder, Logan, and McIntosh Counties, but ground drifting will continue this afternoon. $$ NDZ004-005-013-070000- /O.CON.KBIS.BZ.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Bottineau-Rolette-Pierce- Including the cities of Dunseith, Rolette, Bottineau, St. John, Rugby, Shell Valley, and Rolla 1153 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...BLIZZARD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Blizzard conditions. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Bottineau, Pierce, and Rolette Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Whiteout conditions are expected and will make travel treacherous and potentially life-threatening. Plan on slippery road conditions. Widespread blowing snow will significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Persons should delay all travel if possible. If travel is absolutely necessary, drive with extreme caution and be prepared for sudden changes in visibility. Leave plenty of room between you and the motorist ahead of you, and allow extra time to reach your destination. Avoid sudden braking or acceleration, and be especially cautious on hills or when making turns. && $$ NDZ001>003-009>012-021>023-025-037-048-051-070000- /O.CON.KBIS.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Divide-Burke-Renville-Williams-Mountrail-Ward-McHenry-McLean- Sheridan-Wells-Foster-Stutsman-La Moure-Dickey- Including the cities of Garrison, Jamestown, Glenburn, Towner, Edgeley, Wilton, Lignite, Bowbells, Ellendale, Williston, Parshall, Kulm, Velva, Mohall, Washburn, New Town, Fessenden, Carrington, Oakes, Portal, Columbus, Crosby, Stanley, Drake, Sherwood, Underwood, Lamoure, Powers Lake, Minot, Goodrich, Mcclusky, Turtle Lake, and Harvey 1153 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Blowing snow. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Most of northwest and north central North Dakota, as well as the James River Valley. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Widespread blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use caution while traveling, especially in open areas. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Hollan  105 WHUS74 KBRO 061753 MWWBRO URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Brownsville TX 1153 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 GMZ130-132-135-150-155-061900- /O.EXP.KBRO.MF.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Laguna Madre from the Port of Brownsville to the Arroyo Colorado- Laguna Madre from the Arroyo Colorado To 5 NM north of Port Mansfield TX- Laguna Madre from 5 nm north of Port Mansfield to Baffin Bay TX- Gulf waters from Port Mansfield to the Rio Grande out 20 nm- Gulf waters from Baffin Bay to Port Mansfield out 20 nm- 1153 AM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT NOON CST TODAY... Visibility has improved across the marine areas and the Dense Fog Advisory will be allowed to expire. However, patchy fog will still be possible through this afternoon and more widespread redevelopment is expected again tonight. $$  054 WOCN11 CWTO 061755 WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 12:55 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WEATHER ADVISORY FOR: GATINEAU. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WINTER WEATHER TRAVEL ADVISORY IN EFFECT FOR TODAY. HAZARDS: TOTAL SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS OF 5 TO 10 CM. REDUCED VISIBILITY IN SNOW. POSSIBLE FREEZING DRIZZLE BEGINNING THIS AFTERNOON. TIMING: CONTINUING THIS AFTERNOON. DISCUSSION: CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED TO IMPROVE THIS EVENING. MOTORISTS SHOULD EXPECT HAZARDOUS WINTER DRIVING CONDITIONS AND ADJUST TRAVEL PLANS ACCORDINGLY. POOR WEATHER CONDITIONS MAY CONTRIBUTE TO TRANSPORTATION DELAYS. SLOW DOWN DRIVING IN SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. WATCH FOR TAILLIGHTS AHEAD AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME ICY AND SLIPPERY. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN GATINEAU, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  735 WWCN02 CYTR 061757 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB SUFFIELD DRDC/BATUS ACC AND RANGE SUFFIELD PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 10:57 AM MST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB SUFFIELD DRDC / BATUS ACC AND RANGE (CYSD) TYPE: WIND CHILL ADVISORY ENDED COMMENTS: WIND CHILL VALUES COLDER THAN MINUS 35 ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED. END/JMC  356 WWUS41 KBUF 061758 WSWBUF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Buffalo NY 1258 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NYZ001>005-010-011-061900- /O.CAN.KBUF.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ Niagara-Orleans-Monroe-Wayne-Northern Cayuga-Northern Erie- Genesee- Including the cities of Niagara Falls, Medina, Rochester, Newark, Fair Haven, Buffalo, and Batavia 1258 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Temperatures have climbed above freezing, so the threat for significant icing has ended. $$ NYZ006-070200- /O.CON.KBUF.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250207T0300Z/ /O.CON.KBUF.WS.A.0006.250207T0900Z-250208T1800Z/ Oswego- Including the cities of Oswego 1258 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... ...WINTER STORM WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE TONIGHT THROUGH SATURDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...For the Winter Weather Advisory, mixed precipitation expected. Total ice accumulations of a few hundredths of an inch. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph later today. For the Winter Storm Watch, heavy lake effect snow possible. Total snow accumulations over 7 inches possible in the most persistent lake snows. Winds could gust as high as 50 mph creating blowing and drifting snow along with greatly reduced visibility. * WHERE...Oswego County. * WHEN...For the Winter Weather Advisory, until 10 PM EST this evening. For the Winter Storm Watch, from late tonight through Saturday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult for late tonight through Saturday during the potential lake effect snow event. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. Narrow bands of heavy snow could bring rapidly changing road conditions and visibilities. Localized travel problems will be possible. During lake effect snow, the weather can vary from bands of locally heavy snow with greatly reduced visibilities to dry conditions just a few miles away. Be prepared for rapid changes in weather, visibility, and road conditions. && $$ NYZ007-008-070200- /O.CON.KBUF.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250207T0300Z/ Jefferson-Lewis- Including the cities of Watertown and Lowville 1258 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations 2 to 5 inches, greatest on the Tug Hill and ice accumulations less than one tenth of an inch. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Jefferson and Lewis Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. Narrow bands of heavy snow could bring rapidly changing road conditions and visibilities. Localized travel problems will be possible. During lake effect snow, the weather can vary from bands of locally heavy snow with greatly reduced visibilities to dry conditions just a few miles away. Be prepared for rapid changes in weather, visibility, and road conditions. && $$ RSH  033 WWUS81 KOKX 061759 SPSOKX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service New York NY 1259 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 CTZ005>008-NYZ067-068-062100- Northern Fairfield-Northern New Haven-Northern Middlesex- Northern New London-Orange-Putnam- 1259 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 A mix of sleet and freezing rain may continue for interior portions for the next hour or two. With below freezing temperatures, expected to continue thereafter, could still see ice causing issues on the roads until 4 pm. Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, may remain slick and hazardous until this time. After 4 pm, temperatures should warm into the evening. $$  997 WSID21 WAAA 061800 WAAF SIGMET 28 VALID 061800/062200 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0058 E12011 - S0044 E12223 - S 0109 E12406 - S0207 E12406 - S0243 E12240 - S0220 E11949 - S0058 E120 11 TOP FL530 MOV WNW 10KT NC=  998 WSID21 WAAA 061800 WAAF SIGMET 29 VALID 061800/062200 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1055 E11923 - S0915 E12211 - S 1029 E12239 - S1135 E11950 - S1055 E11923 TOP FL530 MOV W 5KT NC=  118 WGUS41 KRLX 061800 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 100 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC083-070815- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0010.000000T0000Z-250207T0815Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Randolph WV- 100 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 315 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...A portion of northern West Virginia, including the following county, Randolph. * WHEN...Until 315 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...AT a stage of 11 feet, County Route 39 is flooded approximately 225 feet from the bridge heading out of town. At a stage of 14.5 feet, County Route 39 near the bridge heading towards town is flooded. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1253 PM EST, The headwaters of Tygart Valley River continue to rise with the automated gage at Mill Creek poised to cross moderate flood stage of 14.5 feet this afternoon. The river around Mill Creek is expected to recede tonight. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Mill Creek, Dailey and Huttonsville. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3881 7984 3861 8001 3867 8009 3886 7992 $$ 30  866 WAGR31 LGAT 061758 LGGG AIRMET 6 VALID 061758/062158 LGAT- LGGG ATHINAI FIR BKN CLD 3500/9000 FT OBS ATHINAI TMA STNR NC=  476 WWUS75 KVEF 061801 NPWVEF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Las Vegas NV 1001 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 AZZ036-NVZ016-020>022-071200- /O.CON.KVEF.WI.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250208T0300Z/ Lake Mead National Recreation Area-Northeast Clark County-Las Vegas Valley-Lake Mead National Recreation Area-Southern Clark County- Including the cities of Las Vegas, Cal-Nev-Ari, Overton, Boulder City, Mesquite, Primm, Oatman, Henderson, Hoover Dam, Searchlight, Moapa, North Las Vegas, Mohave Valley, Laughlin, and Bullhead City 1001 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 /1101 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...WIND ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PST / 8 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South to southwest winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected today. Stronger winds gusting to 55 mph are expected late tonight into Friday afternoon especially across the western and southern edges of the Las Vegas Valley. * WHERE...Lake Mead National Recreation Area, northeastern and southern Clark County, and the Las Vegas Valley. * WHEN...Until 7 PM PST / 8 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Pockets of blowing dust will reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high-profile vehicles. Use extra caution. Strong winds and rough waves on area lakes will create hazardous conditions for small craft. && $$ CAZ520>523-071200- /O.CON.KVEF.WI.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250208T0300Z/ Owens Valley-White Mountains of Inyo County-Death Valley National Park-Western Mojave Desert- Including the cities of Shoshone, Barstow, Daggett, Independence, Stovepipe Wells, Olancha, Furnace Creek, Lone Pine, Westgard Pass, Bristlecone Pine, Bishop, and Fort Irwin 1001 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. * WHERE...White and Inyo Mountains, Owens Valley, Death Valley National Park, and the western Mojave Desert. * WHEN...Until 7 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Strong downslope winds may strike suddenly along the Highway 395 corridor and could overturn high-profile vehicles and create pockets of blowing dust. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high-profile vehicles. Use extra caution. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ NVZ014-071200- /O.CON.KVEF.WI.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250208T0300Z/ Esmeralda and Central Nye County- Including the cities of Goldfield, Silver Peak, Beatty, and Dyer 1001 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Esmeralda and Central Nye County. * WHEN...Until 7 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high-profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ NVZ017-019-071200- /O.CON.KVEF.WI.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250208T0300Z/ Western Clark and Southern Nye County-Spring Mountains-Red Rock Canyon- Including the cities of Indian Springs, Desert Rock, Mt Charleston, Amargosa Valley, Pahrump, and Red Rock Canyon 1001 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 60 mph. * WHERE...Spring Mountains-Red Rock Canyon and western Clark and southern Nye County. * WHEN...Until 7 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Strong crosswinds are possible along Highway 95 between Las Vegas and Desert Rock. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high-profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/lasvegas JCS  650 WGUS81 KRNK 061802 FLSRNK Flood Advisory National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 102 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC025-089-061812- /O.EXP.KRNK.FA.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Greenbrier WV-Summers WV- 102 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... The Flood Advisory has expired for a portion of southeast West Virginia, including the following areas, Greenbrier and Summers. Flood waters have receded. The heavy rain has ended. Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3795 8081 3799 8077 3806 8080 3808 8089 3810 8088 3808 8071 3827 8044 3805 8026 3806 7996 3769 8030 3773 8066 3743 8086 3759 8109 3771 8098 3768 8088 3781 8093 3782 8094 3787 8075 $$ RS  012 WWUS45 KVEF 061803 WSWVEF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Las Vegas NV 1003 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAZ519-071200- /O.CON.KVEF.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250208T0000Z/ Eastern Sierra Slopes- Including the cities of Aspendell and Whitney Portal 1003 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible in the higher elevations of the eastern Sierra through Friday. Additional 1 to 2 feet of snow expected for elevations above 8,000 feet with locally higher amounts in the peaks. Winds could gust as high as 60 to 70 mph. * WHERE...Eastern Sierra Slopes. * WHEN...Until 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Visibilities may drop below 1/4 mile due to falling and blowing snow. Travel could be very difficult to impossible. Very strong winds could cause extensive tree damage. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The ongoing break in the weather will continue until heavy snow resumes this afternoon. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 1-800-427-7623 for road information. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/lasvegas JCS  123 WAIY31 LIIB 061805 LIMM AIRMET 9 VALID 061805/062030 LIIB- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 2000M BR FCST WI N4529 E00827 - N4449 E00835 - N4439 E01023 - N4523 E01018 - N4529 E00827 STNR NC=  312 WVID21 WAAA 061800 WAAF SIGMET 30 VALID 061800/070000 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT SEMERU PSN S0806 E11255 VA CLD OBS AT 1740Z WI S0818 E11247 - S0801 E11237 - S0749 E11252 - S 0800 E11314 - S0818 E11305 - S0818 E11247 SFC/FL150 MOV N 05KT NC=  132 WGUS61 KRNK 061805 FFARNK Flood Watch National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 105 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVZ042>044-507-508-061915- /O.EXP.KRNK.FA.A.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T1800Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Mercer-Summers-Monroe-Eastern Greenbrier-Western Greenbrier- Including the cities of Flat Top, Union, Hix, Rainelle, Duo, White Sulphur Springs, Quinwood, Alderson, Hinton, Bluefield, and Lewisburg 105 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WATCH HAS EXPIRED... The Flood Watch has expired for a portion of southeast West Virginia, including the following areas, Eastern Greenbrier, Mercer, Monroe, Summers and Western Greenbrier. The flooding threat has ended. Therefore, the Flood Watch has expired. $$ RS  268 WSBZ23 SBGL 061800 SBAZ SIGMET 54 VALID 061805/061930 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0041 W06645 - S0358 W06437 - S0410 W06242 - S0657 W06235 - S0701 W06143 - S0414 W06056 - S0106 W06224 - S0103 W06450 - N0057 W06548 - N0046 W06618 - N0102 W06636 - S0041 W06645 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  725 WGUS41 KRLX 061805 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 105 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The National Weather Service in Charleston WV has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in West Virginia... Elk River At Clay affecting Kanawha and Clay Counties. For the Elk River...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/rlx. The next statement will be issued late tonight at 115 AM EST. && WVC015-039-070615- /O.NEW.KRLX.FL.W.0010.250206T2111Z-250207T1237Z/ /CLYW2.1.ER.250206T2111Z.250207T0000Z.250207T0636Z.NO/ 105 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT FROM THIS AFTERNOON TO TOMORROW MORNING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Elk River at Clay. * WHEN...From this afternoon to tomorrow morning. * IMPACTS...At 18.0 feet, Water floods some basements near and downstream from the Pisgah Pridge. Sections of Elkhurst/Elk River Road start to flood. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 12:35 PM EST Thursday the stage was 16.7 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage late this afternoon to a crest of 19.0 feet this evening. It will then fall below flood stage just after midnight tonight. - Flood stage is 18.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 18.6 feet on 02/26/1972. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3843 8122 3852 8104 3850 8101 3841 8109 $$ JLB  568 WSTU31 LTFM 061804 LTBB SIGMET 7 VALID 061800/061900 LTFM- LTBB ISTANBUL FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1800Z WI N4106 E02827 - N4104 E02852 - N4054 E02850 - N4057 E02827 - N4106 E02827 TOP FL200 MOV S 20KT NC=  448 WSBZ23 SBGL 061800 SBAZ SIGMET 55 VALID 061805/061930 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1206 W05322 - S1219 W05308 - S1211 W05303 - S1031 W05105 - S1016 W04924 - S0912 W04932 - S0922 W05045 - S0922 W05257 - S1206 W05322 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  734 WGUS43 KJKL 061806 FLWJKL BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Jackson KY 106 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC205-070000- /O.NEW.KJKL.FA.W.0001.250206T1806Z-250207T0000Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Rowan KY- 106 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is occurring. * WHERE...A portion of east central Kentucky, including the following county, Rowan. * WHEN...Until 700 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 100 PM EST, Emergency management reported flooding along the North Fork Triplett Creek, flooding Bluestone Road and Bratton Branch Road west of Morehead. Further downstream, near Farmers, old Highway 801 is impassable. Flood waters should crest later this afternoon or early this evening. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Morehead, Bluestone, Freestone, Farmers and Lakeview Heights. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3820 8347 3813 8352 3812 8353 3812 8355 3813 8355 3814 8355 3814 8356 3815 8356 3816 8356 3821 8350 $$ GEOGERIAN  348 WTIO20 FMEE 061807 PANPAN HURRICANE WARNING FOR METAREA VIII (S) ISSUED BY METEO-FRANCE/TROPICAL CYCLONE CENTER/LA REUNION 06/02/2025 AT 1800 UTC. WARNING NUMBER: 010/8 (SOUTH-WEST INDIAN OCEAN) 10 MINUTES AVERAGE WIND SPEED IN KNOTS (KT) (WIND GUSTS AT SEA MAY BE ABOUT 40% STRONGER THAN THE AVERAGED WIND) MINIMUM SEA LEVEL PRESSURE IN HECTOPASCAL (HPA) (INDICATIVE FIGURE). HURRICANE WARNING BEGINNING OF VALIDITY: THURSDAY 06/02/2025 AT 1800 UTC. PHENOMENON: INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 8 (VINCE) 930 HPA POSITION: WITHIN 20 NM RADIUS OF POINT 19.7 S / 80.8 E (NINETEEN DECIMAL SEVEN DEGREES SOUTH AND EIGHTY DECIMAL EIGHT DEGREES EAST) AT 1800 UTC MOVEMENT: WEST-SOUTH-WEST 7 KT THREAT AREAS: SQUALLY WEATHER IN A 250 NM RADIUS AROUND THE CENTER. HURRICANE FORCE WINDS 65/115 KT AND VERY HIGH TO PHENOMENAL SEAS WITHIN A 30 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 35 NM IN THE NORTHERN SEMI-CIRCLE. STORM FORCE WINDS 50/60 KT AND HIGH TO VERY HIGH SEAS WITHIN A 45 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 50 NM IN THE NORTHERN SEMI-CIRCLE. GALE FORCE WINDS 35/45 KT AND VERY ROUGH TO HIGH SEAS WITHIN A 75 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 95 NM IN THE SOUTH-EASTERN QUADRANT AND UP TO 100 NM IN THE SOUTH-WESTERN QUADRANT. NEAR GALE FORCE WINDS 30 KT AND ROUGH TO VERY ROUGH SEAS WITHIN A 105 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 130 NM IN THE SOUTH-EASTERN QUADRANT AND UP TO 135 NM IN THE SOUTH-WESTERN QUADRANT. STRONG GUSTS UNDER SQUALLS. FORECAST POSITION AND INTENSITY: 12H, VALID 2025/02/07 AT 06 UTC: 19.8 S / 77.9 E, MAX WIND = 120 KT, VERY INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 95 NM SE: 175 NM SW: 155 NM NW: 95 NM 34 KT NE: 65 NM SE: 105 NM SW: 90 NM NW: 60 NM 48 KT NE: 40 NM SE: 40 NM SW: 40 NM NW: 35 NM 64 KT NE: 30 NM SE: 25 NM SW: 30 NM NW: 25 NM 24H, VALID 2025/02/07 AT 18 UTC: 20.0 S / 75.6 E, MAX WIND = 120 KT, VERY INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 110 NM SE: 180 NM SW: 185 NM NW: 90 NM 34 KT NE: 75 NM SE: 105 NM SW: 105 NM NW: 55 NM 48 KT NE: 40 NM SE: 50 NM SW: 50 NM NW: 35 NM 64 KT NE: 30 NM SE: 35 NM SW: 35 NM NW: 30 NM OTHER INFORMATION: NIL.=  349 WTIO21 FMEE 061807 METEO-FRANCE/CENTRE DES CYCLONES TROPICAUX DE LA REUNION BMS MARINE LE 06/02/2025 A 1800UTC. NUMERO: 010/8 (SUD-OUEST DE L'OCEAN INDIEN) VITESSES DU VENT MOYEN SUR 10 MINUTES EN NOEUDS (KT) (LES RAFALES SUR MER PEUVENT EXCEDER D'ENVIRON 40% LA VALEUR DU VENT MOYEN). PRESSION MINIMALE AU NIVEAU DE LA MER EN HECTOPASCALS (HPA) (VALEUR INDICATIVE) AVIS D'OURAGAN DEBUT DE VALIDITE: JEUDI 06/02/2025 A 1800 UTC. PHENOMENE: CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 8 (VINCE) 930 HPA POSITION: DANS UN RAYON DE 20 MN AUTOUR DU POINT 19.7 S / 80.8 E (DIX-NEUF DEGRES SEPT SUD ET QUATRE-VINGT DEGRES HUIT EST) A 1800 UTC DEPLACEMENT: OUEST-SUD-OUEST 7 KT ZONES MENACEES: TEMPS A GRAINS DANS UN RAYON DE 250 MN AUTOUR DU CENTRE. OURAGAN 65/115 KT ET MER TRES GROSSE A ENORME DANS UN RAYON DE 30 MN AUTOUR DU CENTRE, S'ETENDANT JUSQUE 35 MN DANS LE DEMI-CERCLE NORD. TEMPETE 50/60 KT ET MER GROSSE A TRES GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE 45 MN AUTOUR DU CENTRE, S'ETENDANT JUSQUE 50 MN DANS LE DEMI-CERCLE NORD. COUP DE VENT 35/45 KT ET MER TRES FORTE A GROSSE DANS UN RAYON DE 75 MN AUTOUR DU CENTRE, S'ETENDANT JUSQUE 95 MN DANS LE QUADRANT SUD-EST ET JUSQUE 100 MN DANS LE QUADRANT SUD-OUEST. GRAND FRAIS 30 KT ET MER FORTE A TRES FORTE DANS UN RAYON DE 105 MN AUTOUR DU CENTRE, S'ETENDANT JUSQUE 130 MN DANS LE QUADRANT SUD-EST ET JUSQUE 135 MN DANS LE QUADRANT SUD-OUEST. FORTES RAFALES SOUS GRAINS. PREVISIONS: POSITION ET INTENSITE PREVUES: A 12H POUR LE 07/02/2025 A 06 UTC: 19.8 S / 77.9 E, VENT MAX = 120 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL TRES INTENSE 28 KT NE: 95 MN SE: 175 MN SO: 155 MN NO: 95 MN 34 KT NE: 65 MN SE: 105 MN SO: 90 MN NO: 60 MN 48 KT NE: 40 MN SE: 40 MN SO: 40 MN NO: 35 MN 64 KT NE: 30 MN SE: 25 MN SO: 30 MN NO: 25 MN A 24H POUR LE 07/02/2025 A 18 UTC: 20.0 S / 75.6 E, VENT MAX = 120 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL TRES INTENSE 28 KT NE: 110 MN SE: 180 MN SO: 185 MN NO: 90 MN 34 KT NE: 75 MN SE: 105 MN SO: 105 MN NO: 55 MN 48 KT NE: 40 MN SE: 50 MN SO: 50 MN NO: 35 MN 64 KT NE: 30 MN SE: 35 MN SO: 35 MN NO: 30 MN INDICATIONS COMPLEMENTAIRES : NEANT.=  382 WGUS41 KRLX 061809 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 109 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The National Weather Service in Charleston WV has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in West Virginia... Gauley River At Camden-On-Gauley affecting Nicholas and Webster Counties. For the Gauley River...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/rlx. The next statement will be issued late tonight at 115 AM EST. && WVC067-101-070615- /O.NEW.KRLX.FL.W.0011.250206T2230Z-250207T0706Z/ /COGW2.1.ER.250206T2230Z.250207T0000Z.250207T0105Z.NO/ 109 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT FROM THIS AFTERNOON TO JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT TONIGHT... * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Gauley River at Camden-On-Gauley. * WHEN...From this afternoon to just after midnight tonight. * IMPACTS...At 19.0 feet, Homes and buildings on Coon Creek Road and Bridge Street are flooded. At 20.0 feet, State Route 20, homes, buildings on both sides of the river are flooded. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 12:00 PM EST Thursday the stage was 16.8 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage late this afternoon to a crest of 19.6 feet this evening. It will then fall below flood stage this evening. - Flood stage is 19.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 19.5 feet on 06/02/1974. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3839 8062 3838 8051 3833 8051 3833 8063 $$ JLB  636 WSBZ23 SBGL 061805 SBCW SIGMET 43 VALID 061810/061930 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2802 W05032 - S2841 W04913 - S2854 W04849 - S2814 W04822 - S2658 W04924 - S2603 W04912 - S2551 W04959 - S2802 W05032 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  090 WSSR20 WSSS 061810 WSJC SIGMET A03 VALID 061830/062130 WSSS- WSJC SINGAPORE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0759 E11428 - N0729 E11517 - N0551 E11311 - N0712 E11221 - N0809 E11258 - N0759 E11428 TOP FL500 MOV WNW 20KT NC=  048 WHUS72 KCHS 061810 MWWCHS URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Charleston SC 110 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 AMZ350-352-061915- /O.CAN.KCHS.MF.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T1900Z/ Waters from South Santee River to Edisto Beach SC out 20 NM- Waters from Edisto Beach SC to Savannah GA out 20 NM- 110 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IS CANCELED... Dense fog has lifted and therefore the advisory is canceled. $$  526 WSMA31 FIMP 061800 FIMM SIGMET B02 VALID 061800/062200 FIMP- FIMM MAURITIUS FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1730Z WI S2600 E05700 - S2800 E0583 0 - S3000 E05830 - S3230 E06430 - S3600 E06500 - S3400 E06100 - S3200 E 06500 - S3000 E05700 - S2600 E05700 TOP ABV FL390 STNR NC=  665 WSBZ23 SBGL 061807 SBBS SIGMET 24 VALID 061812/061930 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1603 W05130 - S1726 W04937 - S1242 W04953 - S1231 W05218 - S1349 W05238 - S1335 W05159 - S1337 W05051 - S1436 W05053 - S1455 W05201 - S1634 W05204 - S1603 W05130 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  098 WSFG20 TFFF 061811 SOOO SIGMET 06 VALID 061800/062000 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0215 W05245 - N0345 W05415 - N0500 W05430 - N0530 W05400 - N0645 W05400 - N0445 W05000 - N0430 W05115 - N0215 W05245 TOP FL460 MOV SW 05KT INTSF=  099 WSRS31 RUSP 061812 ULLL SIGMET 18 VALID 061900/062300 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF LINE N7619 E03500 - N7208 E05832 - N6403 E03954 - N6635 E02925 FL260/400 MOV E 20KMH NC=  034 WWUS84 KMEG 061812 SPSMEG Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN 1212 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 TNZ002-003-061845- Weakley TN-Obion TN- 1212 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHERN WEAKLEY AND EASTERN OBION COUNTIES THROUGH 1245 PM CST... At 1212 PM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Troy, or near Union City, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and pea size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Martin, Union City, Dresden, Troy, Obion, Sharon, Latham, Palmersville, Rives, Mason Hall, Mount Pelia, Ruthville, Ralston, Shaffner, Brundige, Terrell, Pisgah, Matheny Grove, Ore Springs, and Sidonia. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3628 8853 3620 8915 3621 8917 3636 8923 3651 8875 3650 8859 TIME...MOT...LOC 1812Z 256DEG 37KT 3633 8905 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.25 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ AEH  280 WSNO31 ENMI 061813 ENOR SIGMET M04 VALID 061900/062300 ENMI- ENOR POLARIS FIR SEV MTW FCST WI N6507 E01416 - N6513 E01202 - N6750 E01210 - N7040 E01959 - N7102 E02749 - N6923 E02513 - N6916 E02122 - N6507 E01416 SFC/FL400 STNR INTSF=  305 WGUS41 KRLX 061813 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 113 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The National Weather Service in Charleston WV has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in West Virginia... Elk River at Queen Shoals affecting Kanawha County. For the Elk River...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/rlx. The next statement will be issued late tonight at 115 AM EST. && WVC039-070615- /O.NEW.KRLX.FL.W.0012.250206T2346Z-250207T1641Z/ /QUSW2.1.ER.250206T2346Z.250207T0600Z.250207T1040Z.NO/ 113 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT FROM THIS EVENING TO LATE TOMORROW MORNING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Elk River at Queen Shoals. * WHEN...From this evening to late tomorrow morning. * IMPACTS...At 19.0 feet, In Queen Shoals, the lower floor of the abandoned church opposite side of the river from the gauge floods. At 20.0 feet, In Clendenin, basements in some businesses adjacent to the river flood. WV State Route 4 between US Route 119 and Beech Street floods. Sections of US Route 119 are inundated due to backwater flooding of Big Sandy Creek. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 12:00 PM EST Thursday the stage was 16.0 feet. - Forecast...The river will rise above flood stage this evening to 19.7 feet just after midnight tonight. It will then fall below flood stage early Friday morning. - Flood stage is 19.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 19.7 feet on 02/28/1972. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3850 8126 3846 8127 3842 8147 3846 8147 3850 8135 $$ JLB  794 WSFG20 TFFF 061812 SOOO SIGMET 07 VALID 061800/062000 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR SEV ICE FCST WI N0445 W05000 - N0645 W05400 - N0915 W05400 - N0930 W05245 - N0645 W04800 - N0445 W04900 - N0445 W05000 FL175/190 STNR NC=  795 WSTU31 LTFM 061812 LTBB SIGMET 8 VALID 061808/061900 LTFM- LTBB ISTANBUL FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1800Z N OF LINE N4114 E02810 - N4103 E02900 TOP FL200 MOV S 20KT NC=  395 WSTU31 LTFM 061812 LTBB SIGMET 8 VALID 061808/061900 LTFM- LTBB ISTANBUL FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1800Z N OF LINE N4114 E02810 - N4103 E02900 TOP FL200 MOV S 20KT NC=  966 WOAU09 AMMC 061815 IDY21080 40:2:1:04:55S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology At 1815UTC 6 February 2025 GALE WARNING FOR WESTERN AREA SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous flow associated with forecast low 1000hPa near 41S095E at 061800UTC, 1002hPa near 40S096E at 070000UTC, 1002hPa near 39S099E at 070600UTC, 1001hPa near 38S100E at 071200UTC and 1002hPa near 37S101E at 071800UTC. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 37S092E 36S101E 44S097E 43S092E 37S092E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 30/40 knots within 180nm of low in the western semicircle developing from 061800UTC then contracting to within 60nm from 070600UTC. Rough to very rough seas. Moderate to heavy swell. PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. The next alert will be issued by 0100 UTC 07 February 2025  397 WOAU47 AMMC 061816 IDY21060 40:2:1:04:70S075E25090:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology At 1816UTC 6 February 2025 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AREA SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous northwesterly flow associated with cold front near 56S102E 60S105E. Forecast near 56S110E 60S114E at 070000UTC and then weakening. AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 56S102E 56S115E 60S115E 60S105E 56S102E. FORECAST Northwesterly quarter winds 30/40 knots within 240nm east of cold front then easing below 34 knots after 070000UTC. Rough to very rough seas. Moderate to heavy swell. See also Melbourne Gale Warning 8. PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. The next alert will be issued by 0100 UTC 07 February 2025  449 WGUS41 KRLX 061816 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 116 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 OHC105-070430- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0011.000000T0000Z-250207T0430Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Meigs OH- 116 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 1130 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...A portion of southeast Ohio, including the following county, Meigs. * WHEN...Until 1130 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...At a stage of 18 feet, low sections of Scout Camp Road flood. At a stage of 17 feet, the Sugar Run Creek bridge located 150 feet below the river gauge floods. At a low spot on Scout Camp Road near Sugar Run Creek bridge floods. Agricultural fields adjacent to river begin to flood. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 108 PM EST, The Shade River near Chester is cresting just below 19 feet this afternoon according the automated gage near Chester. The river will recede back to within its banks early this evening. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Tuppers Plains, Chester and Darwin. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3920 8215 3919 8206 3919 8205 3919 8203 3919 8197 3919 8196 3919 8195 3919 8194 3918 8185 3911 8181 3903 8183 3905 8196 $$ 30  821 WOAU08 AMMC 061816 IDY21070 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology At 1816UTC 6 February 2025 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AREA SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous flow associated with low 970hPa near 58S079E. Forecast 966hPa near 60S085E at 070000UTC, 964hPa near 61S091E at 070600UTC, 965hPa near 62S098E at 071200UTC and 968hPa near 63S105E at 071800UTC . AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 52S080E 55S111E 61S112E 62S092E 59S080E 52S080E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 34/45 knots within 360nm of low in the northern semicircle. Rough to very rough seas, rising to high seas until 071500UTC. Moderate to heavy swell. See also Melbourne Gale Warning 7. PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. The next alert will be issued by 0100 UTC 07 February 2025  076 WOAU48 AMMC 061817 IDY21070 40:2:1:04:70S075E35060:01:00 SECURITE High Seas Weather Warning for METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology At 1816UTC 6 February 2025 GALE WARNING FOR SOUTHERN AREA SITUATION AT 1800UTC Vigorous flow associated with low 970hPa near 58S079E. Forecast 966hPa near 60S085E at 070000UTC, 964hPa near 61S091E at 070600UTC, 965hPa near 62S098E at 071200UTC and 968hPa near 63S105E at 071800UTC . AREA AFFECTED Bounded by 52S080E 55S111E 61S112E 62S092E 59S080E 52S080E. FORECAST Clockwise winds 34/45 knots within 360nm of low in the northern semicircle. Rough to very rough seas, rising to high seas until 071500UTC. Moderate to heavy swell. See also Melbourne Gale Warning 7. PLEASE BE AWARE Wind and wave forecasts are averages. Wind gusts can be 40 per cent stronger than the forecast, and stronger still in squalls and thunderstorms. Maximum waves can be twice the forecast height. The next alert will be issued by 0100 UTC 07 February 2025  350 WWUS41 KBGM 061818 WSWBGM URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Binghamton NY 118 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NYZ009-015>018-023-025-036-037-044>046-056-057-062-PAZ039-040-044- 048-072-061930- /O.CAN.KBGM.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250206T2100Z/ Northern Oneida-Yates-Seneca-Southern Cayuga-Onondaga-Schuyler- Tompkins-Madison-Southern Oneida-Cortland-Chenango-Otsego-Broome- Delaware-Sullivan-Susquehanna-Northern Wayne-Lackawanna-Pike- Southern Wayne- Including the cities of Utica, Equinunk, Penn Yan, Binghamton, Scranton, Rome, Norwich, Montrose, Honesdale, Oneida, Oneonta, Delhi, Milford, Walton, Hamilton, Auburn, Boonville, Hallstead, Monticello, Watkins Glen, Syracuse, Damascus, Cortland, Seneca Falls, and Ithaca 118 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Mixed precipitation has left the region and thus the threat has ended. $$ JTC  348 WWUS46 KEKA 061819 WSWEKA URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Eureka CA 1019 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAZ107-070230- /O.CON.KEKA.WS.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Northern Trinity- Including Hwy 299-Buckhorn Summit and Hwy 3-Scott Mountain 1019 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST FRIDAY FOR ELEVATIONS ABOVE 2500 FEET... * WHAT...Heavy snow for elevations above 2500 feet. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 8 inches along high elevations of highways 299 and 3. Higher amounts of up to 16 inches on high peaks including Scott Mountain pass. * WHERE...Northern Trinity. * WHEN...Until 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Snow chains may be required. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Including Highway 3 at Scott Mountain Pass. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ CAZ108-070230- /O.CON.KEKA.WS.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Southern Trinity- Including Hwy 36-South Fork Mountain and Hwy 3-Hayfork Summit 1019 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST FRIDAY FOR ELEVATIONS ABOVE 2500 FEET... * WHAT...Heavy snow for elevations above 2500 feet. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 7 inches along high elevations of highways 36 and 3. Up to 12 inches on high isolated peaks. * WHERE...Southern Trinity. * WHEN...Until 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Snow chains may be required. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ CAZ102-105-070230- /O.CON.KEKA.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Del Norte Interior-Northern Humboldt Interior- Including Hwy 199-Collier Tunnel, Hwy 299-Berry Summit, and Bald Hills Rd 1019 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST FRIDAY FOR ELEVATIONS ABOVE 2500 FEET... * WHAT...Snow expected above 2500 feet. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 5 inches along high elevations of highways 299, 199, and 36. Higher amounts up to 12 inches on high isolated peaks. * WHERE...Del Norte Interior and Northern Humboldt Interior. * WHEN...Until 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Snow chains may be required. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For hazard areas see https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/map/?wfo=eka MKK  730 WWUS71 KLWX 061819 NPWLWX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 119 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MDZ001-501-WVZ501-503-505-070230- /O.NEW.KLWX.WI.Y.0005.250207T0500Z-250207T1500Z/ Garrett-Extreme Western Allegany-Western Grant-Western Mineral- Western Pendleton- 119 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 10 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...In Maryland, Extreme Western Allegany and Garrett Counties. In West Virginia, Western Grant, Western Mineral, and Western Pendleton Counties. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 10 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ AVS  078 WWNZ40 NZKL 061818 GALE WARNING 026 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: SUBTROPIC AT 061800UTC IN AN AREA BOUNDED BY 26S 170E 26S 176E 28S 175E 29S 170E 26S 170E: EASTERLY 35KT DEVELOPING NEXT 6-12 HOURS. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 024.  079 WWNZ40 NZKL 061817 GALE WARNING 025 THIS AFFECTS OCEAN AREA: PACIFIC AT 061800UTC LOW 960HPA NEAR 46S 160W MOVING SOUTHEAST 10KT. WITHIN 360 NAUTICAL MILES OF LOW IN SECTOR FROM WEST THROUGH NORTH TO SOUTHEAST: CLOCKWISE 40KT. GALE AREA MOVING WITH LOW. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 023.  469 WGUS41 KRLX 061822 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 122 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC089-OHC053-087-WVC011-013-035-039-053-079-087-105-062330- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0012.000000T0000Z-250206T2330Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Greenup KY-Gallia OH-Lawrence OH-Cabell WV-Calhoun WV-Jackson WV- Kanawha WV-Mason WV-Putnam WV-Roane WV-Wirt WV- 122 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 630 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Kentucky, including the following county, Greenup, southeast Ohio, including the following counties, Gallia and Lawrence, and West Virginia, including the following counties, Cabell, Calhoun, Jackson, Kanawha, Mason, Putnam, Roane and Wirt. * WHEN...Until 630 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is occurring. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 119 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water across the area as area creeks slowly recede this afternoon. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Huntington, Ashland, Ironton, Point Pleasant, Gallipolis, Ripley, Spencer, Coal Grove, Chesapeake, Proctorville, Grantsville, Lake Vesuvius, Kenova, Catlettsburg, Buffalo, Greenup, Kenna, Sandyville, Arnoldsburg and Load. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3860 8274 3868 8276 3903 8135 3896 8103 3880 8106 3867 8114 3855 8131 3855 8205 3847 8221 3841 8258 3853 8269 3851 8316 3863 8307 3866 8286 3857 8282 $$ 30  083 WGUS84 KSHV 061823 FLSSHV Flood Statement National Weather Service Shreveport LA 1223 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Texas... Sabine River Near Mineola affecting Wood and Smith Counties. For the Sabine River...including Mineola, Hawkins, Gladewater, Longview, Beckville, Logansport...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Do not drive cars through flooded areas. Caution is urged when walking near riverbanks. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. For more hydrologic information, copy and paste the following website address into your favorite web browser URL bar: https://water.noaa.gov/wfo/SHV The next statement will be issued Friday afternoon at 1230 PM CST. && TXC423-499-071830- /O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0015.000000T0000Z-250208T1200Z/ /MLAT2.1.ER.250131T2145Z.250204T0400Z.250207T1800Z.NO/ 1223 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL SATURDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Sabine River near Mineola. * WHEN...Until Saturday morning. * IMPACTS...At 14.0 feet, Expect flooding of secondary roadways with picnic and recreational areas flooded as well. Also expect flooded boat ramps as well. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 12:15 PM CST Thursday the stage was 14.7 feet. - Bankfull stage is 14.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 12:15 PM CST Thursday was 15.6 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage early tomorrow afternoon and continue falling to 9.5 feet early Tuesday afternoon. - Flood stage is 14.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 15.1 feet on 02/27/2016. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3278 9574 3263 9535 3257 9535 3259 9550 3273 9574 $$ 26  712 WHMY40 PGUM 061824 CFWGUM URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Tiyan GU 424 AM ChST Fri Feb 7 2025 GUZ001-MPZ001>003-070900- /O.EXT.PGUM.SU.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250207T2000Z/ /O.EXT.PGUM.RP.S.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T2000Z/ Guam-Rota-Tinian-Saipan- 424 AM ChST Fri Feb 7 2025 UPDATE TO INCREASE THE DURATION OF THE ADVISORIES. ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CHST SATURDAY... ...HIGH RIP CURRENT RISK NOW IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE TONIGHT... * WHAT...For the High Surf Advisory, large breaking waves of 9 to 11 feet in the surf zone. For the High Rip Current Risk, dangerous rip currents. * WHERE...North facing reefs of the Marianas. * WHEN...For the High Surf Advisory, until 6 AM ChST Saturday. For the High Rip Current Risk, through late tonight. * IMPACTS...Dangerous swimming and surfing conditions and localized beach erosion. Rip currents can sweep even the best swimmers away from shore into deeper water. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced swimmers should remain out of the water due to dangerous surf conditions. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don't swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help. && $$ Bowsher  974 WTIO31 FMEE 061812 CMRS / CENTRE DES CYCLONES TROPICAUX DE LA REUNION BULLETIN D'ANALYSE ET DE PREVISION CYCLONIQUE (SUD-OUEST OCEAN INDIEN) 0.A NUMERO DU BULLETIN : 10/8/20242025 1.A CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 8 (VINCE) 2.A POSITION A 1800 UTC LE 06/02/2025 : DANS UN RAYON DE 20 MN AUTOUR DU POINT 19.7 S / 80.8 E (DIX-NEUF DEGRES SEPT SUD ET QUATRE-VINGT DEGRES HUIT EST) DEPLACEMENT: OUEST-SUD-OUEST 7 KT 3.A ANALYSE DE DVORAK: 6.5/6.5/D 0.5/6 H 4.A PRESSION AU CENTRE: 930 HPA 5.A VENT MAX (MOYEN/10 MN): 115 KT RAYON DES VENTS MAXIMAUX (RVM): 22 KM 6.A EXTENSION DES VENTS PAR QUADRANTS (KM): 28 KT NE: 195 SE: 240 SO: 250 NO: 195 34 KT NE: 140 SE: 175 SO: 185 NO: 140 48 KT NE: 95 SE: 85 SO: 80 NO: 95 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 55 SO: 55 NO: 65 7.A COTE/DIAM PREMIERE ISOBARE FERMEE: 1006 HPA / 900 KM 8.A EXTENSION VERTICALE DE LA CIRCULATION CYCLONIQUE: PROFONDE 1.B PREVISIONS (EXTENSIONS DES VENTS FORTS EN KM): 12H: 07/02/2025 06 UTC: 19.8 S / 77.9 E, VENT MAX= 120 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL TRES INTENSE 28 KT NE: 175 SE: 325 SO: 285 NO: 175 34 KT NE: 120 SE: 195 SO: 165 NO: 110 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 75 SO: 75 NO: 65 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 45 SO: 55 NO: 45 24H: 07/02/2025 18 UTC: 20.0 S / 75.6 E, VENT MAX= 120 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL TRES INTENSE 28 KT NE: 205 SE: 335 SO: 345 NO: 165 34 KT NE: 140 SE: 195 SO: 195 NO: 100 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 95 SO: 95 NO: 65 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 65 SO: 65 NO: 55 36H: 08/02/2025 06 UTC: 20.3 S / 73.1 E, VENT MAX= 120 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL TRES INTENSE 28 KT NE: 215 SE: 345 SO: 305 NO: 165 34 KT NE: 140 SE: 215 SO: 205 NO: 110 48 KT NE: 85 SE: 95 SO: 95 NO: 65 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 65 SO: 65 NO: 55 48H: 08/02/2025 18 UTC: 20.7 S / 70.9 E, VENT MAX= 120 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL TRES INTENSE 28 KT NE: 230 SE: 350 SO: 315 NO: 185 34 KT NE: 140 SE: 215 SO: 215 NO: 120 48 KT NE: 85 SE: 100 SO: 100 NO: 75 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SO: 75 NO: 65 60H: 09/02/2025 06 UTC: 21.3 S / 69.6 E, VENT MAX= 120 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL TRES INTENSE 28 KT NE: 250 SE: 390 SO: 325 NO: 195 34 KT NE: 150 SE: 230 SO: 215 NO: 130 48 KT NE: 95 SE: 95 SO: 95 NO: 75 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SO: 65 NO: 65 72H: 09/02/2025 18 UTC: 22.5 S / 68.7 E, VENT MAX= 115 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 270 SE: 425 SO: 315 NO: 195 34 KT NE: 155 SE: 260 SO: 220 NO: 130 48 KT NE: 95 SE: 100 SO: 100 NO: 75 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SO: 65 NO: 65 2.B TENDANCE ULTERIEURE: 96H: 10/02/2025 18 UTC: 26.8 S / 67.8 E, VENT MAX= 090 KT, CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE 28 KT NE: 315 SE: 480 SO: 305 NO: 215 34 KT NE: 175 SE: 305 SO: 230 NO: 130 48 KT NE: 100 SE: 100 SO: 110 NO: 75 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 85 SO: 75 NO: 65 120H: 11/02/2025 18 UTC: 33.3 S / 69.5 E, VENT MAX= 060 KT, FORTE TEMPETE TROPICALE 28 KT NE: 400 SE: 470 SO: 285 NO: 240 34 KT NE: 205 SE: 295 SO: 230 NO: 150 48 KT NE: 110 SE: 110 SO: 120 NO: 80 2.C COMMENTAIRES: T=CI=6.5+ AU COURS DES 6 DERNIERES HEURES, LA CONFIGURATION EN OEIL DE VINCE S'EST AMELIOREE ET EST DEVENUE QUASIMENT ANNULAIRE AVEC UNE CONVECTION UNIFORME TOUT AUTOUR DU CENTRE. LES ANALYSES DVORAK OSCILLENT ENTRE 6.5 ET 7.0 AVEC UNE MOYENNE SUR 3H DE 6.5+. LES ANALYSES OBJECTIVES DU CIMSS OSCILLENT AUTOUR DE 115KT. VINCE EST DONC MAINTENU AU STADE DE CYCLONE TROPICAL INTENSE AVEC DES VENTS MAX DE 115KT. EN TERMES DE TRAJECTOIRE, PEU DE CHANGEMENT. VINCE EST PREVU SE DEPLACER EN DIRECTION DE L'OUEST-SUD-OUEST, PILOTE PAR LA DORSALE SUBTROPICALE QUI SE MAINTIENT AU SUD-EST DU SYSTEME. EN FIN DE SEMAINE, LA DORSALE DEVRAIT SE DECALER A L'EST DE VINCE, FAVORISANT UN RALENTISSEMENT PROGRESSIF DU FLUX DIRECTEUR PUIS SON ORIENTATION AU SUD-OUEST PUIS AU SUD. L'ENSEMBLE DES GUIDANCES RESTE EN ACCORD AVEC CE SCENARIO. LA DISPERSION RESTE FAIBLE, MEME SI IFS PROPOSE UNE TRAJECTOIRE PLUS AU NORD QUE GFS AVANT LE VIRAGE VERS LE SUD. LA TRAJECTOIRE DU CMRS EST UN COMPROMIS ENTRE LES DIFFERENTES GUIDANCES DISPONIBLES, EN RESTANT PROCHE DE AIFS. EN TERMES D'INTENSITE, VINCE BENEFICIE TOUJOURS DE BONNES CONDITIONS ENVIRONNEMENTALES (BON POTENTIEL OCEANIQUE, CISAILLEMENT FAIBLISSANT, DIVERGENCE D'ALTITUDE EN HAUSSE). IL POURRAIT DONC CONTINUER A S'INTENSIFIER EN L'ABSENCE DE NOUVEAU CYCLE DE REMPLACEMENT DU MUR DE L'OEIL ET ATTEINDRE AU COURS DE LA NUIT LE STADE DE CYCLONE TROPICAL TRES INTENSE. IL DEVRAIT MAINTENIR CETTE INTENSITE LES PROCHAINS JOURS. PUIS A PARTIR DE SAMEDI, LE CISAILLEMENT DEVRAIT UN PEU AUGMENTER, PUIS PLUS FRANCHEMENT DIMANCHE. VINCE DEVRAIT ALORS COMMENCER A S'AFFAIBLIR PROGRESSIVEMENT PUIS PLUS RAPIDEMENT A PARTIR DE LUNDI. IMPACTS SUR LES TERRES HABITEES : - RODRIGUES : HOULE POUVANT ATTEINDRE 4M DANS LA NUIT DE DIMANCHE A LUNDI.=  147 WTIO30 FMEE 061812 RSMC / TROPICAL CYCLONE CENTER / LA REUNION TROPICAL CYCLONE FORECAST WARNING (SOUTH-WEST INDIAN OCEAN) 0.A WARNING NUMBER: 10/8/20242025 1.A INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 8 (VINCE) 2.A POSITION 2025/02/06 AT 1800 UTC: WITHIN 20 NM RADIUS OF POINT 19.7 S / 80.8 E (NINETEEN DECIMAL SEVEN DEGREES SOUTH AND EIGHTY DECIMAL EIGHT DEGREES EAST) MOVEMENT: WEST-SOUTH-WEST 7 KT 3.A DVORAK ANALYSIS: 6.5/6.5/D 0.5/6 H 4.A CENTRAL PRESSURE: 930 HPA 5.A MAX AVERAGE WIND SPEED (10 MN): 115 KT RADIUS OF MAXIMUM WINDS (RMW): 22 KM 6.A EXTENSION OF WIND BY QUADRANTS (KM): 28 KT NE: 195 SE: 240 SW: 250 NW: 195 34 KT NE: 140 SE: 175 SW: 185 NW: 140 48 KT NE: 95 SE: 85 SW: 80 NW: 95 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 55 SW: 55 NW: 65 7.A FIRST CLOSED ISOBAR (PRESSURE / AVERAGE DIAM): 1006 HPA / 900 KM 8.A VERTICAL EXTENSION OF CYCLONE CIRCULATION: DEEP 1.B FORECASTS (WINDS RADII IN KM): 12H: 2025/02/07 06 UTC: 19.8 S / 77.9 E, VENT MAX= 120 KT, VERY INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 175 SE: 325 SW: 285 NW: 175 34 KT NE: 120 SE: 195 SW: 165 NW: 110 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 75 SW: 75 NW: 65 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 45 SW: 55 NW: 45 24H: 2025/02/07 18 UTC: 20.0 S / 75.6 E, VENT MAX= 120 KT, VERY INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 205 SE: 335 SW: 345 NW: 165 34 KT NE: 140 SE: 195 SW: 195 NW: 100 48 KT NE: 75 SE: 95 SW: 95 NW: 65 64 KT NE: 55 SE: 65 SW: 65 NW: 55 36H: 2025/02/08 06 UTC: 20.3 S / 73.1 E, VENT MAX= 120 KT, VERY INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 215 SE: 345 SW: 305 NW: 165 34 KT NE: 140 SE: 215 SW: 205 NW: 110 48 KT NE: 85 SE: 95 SW: 95 NW: 65 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 65 SW: 65 NW: 55 48H: 2025/02/08 18 UTC: 20.7 S / 70.9 E, VENT MAX= 120 KT, VERY INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 230 SE: 350 SW: 315 NW: 185 34 KT NE: 140 SE: 215 SW: 215 NW: 120 48 KT NE: 85 SE: 100 SW: 100 NW: 75 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SW: 75 NW: 65 60H: 2025/02/09 06 UTC: 21.3 S / 69.6 E, VENT MAX= 120 KT, VERY INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 250 SE: 390 SW: 325 NW: 195 34 KT NE: 150 SE: 230 SW: 215 NW: 130 48 KT NE: 95 SE: 95 SW: 95 NW: 75 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SW: 65 NW: 65 72H: 2025/02/09 18 UTC: 22.5 S / 68.7 E, VENT MAX= 115 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 270 SE: 425 SW: 315 NW: 195 34 KT NE: 155 SE: 260 SW: 220 NW: 130 48 KT NE: 95 SE: 100 SW: 100 NW: 75 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 75 SW: 65 NW: 65 2.B LONGER-RANGE OUTLOOK: 96H: 2025/02/10 18 UTC: 26.8 S / 67.8 E, VENT MAX= 090 KT, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 28 KT NE: 315 SE: 480 SW: 305 NW: 215 34 KT NE: 175 SE: 305 SW: 230 NW: 130 48 KT NE: 100 SE: 100 SW: 110 NW: 75 64 KT NE: 65 SE: 85 SW: 75 NW: 65 120H: 2025/02/11 18 UTC: 33.3 S / 69.5 E, VENT MAX= 060 KT, SEVERE TROPICAL STORM 28 KT NE: 400 SE: 470 SW: 285 NW: 240 34 KT NE: 205 SE: 295 SW: 230 NW: 150 48 KT NE: 110 SE: 110 SW: 120 NW: 80 2.C ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: T=CI=6.5+ OVER THE LAST 6 HOURS, THE VINCE'S EYE PATTERN HAS IMPROVED AND BECOME ALMOST ANNULAR, WITH UNIFORM CONVECTION ALL AROUND THE CENTER. DVORAK ANALYSES RANGE FROM 6.5 TO 7.0, WITH A 3-HOUR AVERAGE OF 6.5+. CIMSS OBJECTIVE ANALYSES OSCILLATE AROUND 115KT. VINCE IS THEREFORE MAINTAINED AS AN INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE WITH MAXIMUM WINDS OF 115KT. IN TERMS OF TRACK, LITTLE HAS CHANGED. VINCE IS FORECAST TO MOVE WEST-SOUTHWEST, DRIVEN BY THE SUBTROPICAL RIDGE THAT REMAINS TO THE SOUTHEAST OF THE SYSTEM. BY THE END OF THE WEEK, THE RIDGE IS SET TO SHIFT TO THE EAST OF VINCE, GRADUALLY SLOWING DOWN THE MAIN FLOW AND STEERING IT TOWARDS THE SOUTH-WEST AND THEN THE SOUTH. ALL GUIDANCE REMAINS IN LINE WITH THIS SCENARIO. DISPERSION REMAINS LOW, EVEN IF IFS PROPOSES A MORE NORTHERLY TRACK THAN GFS BEFORE THE SOUTHERLY TURN. THE RSMC TRACK IS A COMPROMISE BETWEEN THE DIFFERENT GUIDANCES AVAILABLE, REMAINING CLOSE TO AIFS. IN TERMS OF INTENSITY, VINCE IS STILL BENEFITING FROM GOOD ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS (GOOD OCEAN POTENTIAL, WEAKENING SHEAR, INCREASING UPPER LEVEL DIVERGENCE). IT COULD THEREFORE CONTINUE TO INTENSIFY IN THE ABSENCE OF A NEW EYEWALL REPLACEMENT CYCLE, REACHING THE STAGE OF VERY INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE OVERNIGHT. IT SHOULD MAINTAIN THIS INTENSITY OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS. THEN, FROM SATURDAY ONWARDS, THE SHEAR IS SET TO INCREASE SLIGHTLY, BEFORE BECOMING SIGNIFICANTLY STRONGER ON SUNDAY. VINCE SHOULD THEN BEGIN TO WEAKEN GRADUALLY, AND MORE RAPIDLY FROM MONDAY ONWARDS. IMPACTS ON INHABITED LAND : - RODRIGUES: SWELL OF UP TO 4M ON SUNDAY NIGHT TO MONDAY.=  189 WTMA20 FIMP 061830 TTT WARNING OF HURRICANE FORCE WINDS AT 1800 UTC, INTENSE TROPICAL CYCLONE 8 (VINCE) 930 HPA POSITION: WITHIN 20 NM RADIUS OF POINT 19.7 S / 80.8 E (NINETEEN DECIMAL SEVEN DEGREES SOUTH AND EIGHTY DECIMAL EIGHT DEGREES EAST) MOVEMENT: WEST-SOUTH-WEST 7 KT THREAT AREAS: SQUALLY WEATHER IN A 250 NM RADIUS AROUND THE CENTER. HURRICANE FORCE WINDS 65/115 KT AND VERY HIGH TO PHENOMENAL SEAS WITHIN A 30 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 35 NM IN THE NORTHERN SEMI-CIRCLE. STORM FORCE WINDS 50/60 KT AND HIGH TO VERY HIGH SEAS WITHIN A 45 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 50 NM IN THE NORTHERN SEMI-CIRCLE. GALE FORCE WINDS 35/45 KT AND VERY ROUGH TO HIGH SEAS WITHIN A 75 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 95 NM IN THE SOUTH-EASTERN QUADRANT AND UP TO 100 NM IN THE SOUTH-WESTERN QUADRANT. NEAR GALE FORCE WINDS 30 KT AND ROUGH TO VERY ROUGH SEAS WITHIN A 105 NM RADIUS FROM THE CENTRE, EXTENDING UP TO 130 NM IN THE SOUTH-EASTERN QUADRANT AND UP TO 135 NM IN THE SOUTH-WESTERN QUADRANT. STRONG GUSTS UNDER SQUALLS. END=  061 WSBZ23 SBGL 061825 SBAZ SIGMET 56 VALID 061830/061930 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1104 W07038 - S1107 W06840 - S0955 W06631 - S0948 W06521 - S1109 W06524 - S1100 W06428 - S1015 W06425 - S0939 W06112 - S1031 W06132 - S1031 W06132 - S0816 W06040 - S0746 W06046 - S0723 W06123 - S0827 W06921 - S1007 W07036 - S1104 W07038 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  974 WABZ23 SBGL 061825 SBRE AIRMET 21 VALID 061830/061930 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SFC VIS 1000M RA FCST WI S0613 W03540 - S0613 W03450 - S0536 W03450 - S0536 W03540 - S0613 W03540 STNR NC=  822 WOCN10 CWUL 061829 WEATHER ADVISORY FOR QUEBEC UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 1:29 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WEATHER ADVISORY FOR: =NEW= BEAUCE =NEW= QUEBEC METRO MONTREAL - LAVAL VAUDREUIL - SOULANGES - HUNTINGDON RICHELIEU VALLEY - SAINT-HYACINTHE LANAUDIERE LACHUTE - SAINT-JEROME LAURENTIANS UPPER GATINEAU - LIEVRE - PAPINEAU EASTERN TOWNSHIPS DRUMMONDVILLE - BOIS-FRANCS MAURICIE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WHAT: POOR VISIBILITIES IN MODERATE SNOW, CAUSING POOR TRAVEL CONDITIONS. WHEN: UNTIL LATE TODAY. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: THE INTENSITY OF THE SNOW WILL BE ESPECIALLY HEAVY EARLY THIS AFTERNOON. TOTAL SNOWFALL AMOUNTS OF 5 TO 10 CENTIMETRES AND POSSIBLY MORE LOCALLY ARE EXPECTED. POOR WEATHER CONDITIONS MAY CONTRIBUTE TO TRANSPORTATION DELAYS. BE PREPARED TO ADJUST YOUR DRIVING WITH CHANGING ROAD CONDITIONS. SLOW DOWN DRIVING IN SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. WATCH FOR TAILLIGHTS AHEAD AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  645 WWUS71 KCTP 061832 NPWCTP URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service State College PA 132 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 PAZ024-025-033-034-070645- /O.NEW.KCTP.WI.Y.0003.250207T0600Z-250207T1700Z/ Cambria-Blair-Somerset-Bedford- Including the cities of Somerset, Johnstown, Bedford, and Altoona 132 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO NOON EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph expected. * WHERE...Bedford, Blair, Cambria, and Somerset Counties. * WHEN...From 1 AM to noon EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit weather.gov/StateCollege Steinbugl  432 WWUS81 KRNK 061833 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 133 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NCZ003-VAZ015-016-032-061900- Surry NC-Grayson VA-Patrick VA-Carroll VA- 133 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG STORM WILL IMPACT NORTHERN SURRY...SOUTHERN CARROLL...SOUTHEASTERN GRAYSON AND SOUTHWESTERN PATRICK COUNTIES AND THE CITY OF GALAX THROUGH 200 PM EST... At 131 PM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Baywood, or near Ennice, moving east at 60 mph. HAZARD...Brief heavy downpours will lead to localized flooding. Wind gusts up to 30 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Mount Airy... Galax... Flat Rock... Dobson... Pilot Mountain... Fancy Gap... and Cana. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Locally heavy rain will quickly reduce visibility and result in ponding of water on roadways, standing water in low lying areas, and minor flooding of creeks, streams, and areas of poor drainage. Drivers are urged to slow down and use extra caution to avoid hydroplaning. && LAT...LON 3646 8096 3650 8093 3654 8092 3656 8090 3657 8108 3671 8105 3668 8044 3632 8045 TIME...MOT...LOC 1831Z 285DEG 52KT 3660 8098 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ RS  168 WSMG31 FMMI 061830 FMMM SIGMET E5 VALID 061830/062230 FMMI- FMMM ANTANANARIVO FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1100 E04130 - S1037 E04238 - S1357 E04509 - S1428 E04238 TOP ABV FL480 STNR NC=  116 WGUS41 KRLX 061834 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 134 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The National Weather Service in Charleston WV has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in West Virginia... Greenbrier River At Marlinton affecting Pocahontas County. For the Greenbrier River...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/rlx. The next statement will be issued late tonight at 145 AM EST. && WVC075-070645- /O.NEW.KRLX.FL.W.0013.250206T2021Z-250207T0950Z/ /MRLW2.1.ER.250206T2021Z.250207T0000Z.250207T0349Z.NO/ 134 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL LATE TONIGHT... * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Greenbrier River at Marlinton. * WHEN...Until late tonight. * IMPACTS...At 10.0 feet, Low areas along the river are flooded. 1st & 2nd Avenues start to flood. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 12:45 PM EST Thursday the stage was 9.5 feet. - Forecast...The river will rise above flood stage late this afternoon to 10.7 feet this evening. It will then fall below flood stage tonight. - Flood stage is 10.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 10.7 feet on 03/11/2015. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3830 8003 3827 7999 3818 8002 3822 8014 $$ JLB  005 WGUS41 KRLX 061836 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 136 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC007-013-017-021-033-041-083-085-097-101-062345- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0016.000000T0000Z-250206T2345Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Braxton WV-Calhoun WV-Doddridge WV-Gilmer WV-Harrison WV-Lewis WV- Randolph WV-Ritchie WV-Upshur WV-Webster WV- 136 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of central and northern West Virginia, including the following counties, in central West Virginia, Braxton, Calhoun, Gilmer and Webster. In northern West Virginia, Doddridge, Harrison, Lewis, Randolph, Ritchie and Upshur. * WHEN...Until 645 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is occurring. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 134 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water across the area as area creeks slowly recede this afternoon. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Buckhannon, Weston, Glenville, Stonewall Jackson, Jackson Mill, Rock Cave, Burnsville, Jane Lew, Sand Fork, Auburn, Walkersville, Sand Run, Horner, Ireland, Camden, Alum Bridge, Lorentz, French Creek, Kanawha Head and Cleveland. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3913 8086 3926 8093 3919 8054 3916 8037 3897 8012 3875 8005 3866 8009 3851 8022 3866 8031 3873 8044 3886 8063 3897 8110 $$ 30  561 WHGM70 PGUM 061836 MWWGUM URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tiyan GU 436 AM ChST Fri Feb 7 2025 PMZ151>154-071000- /O.NEW.PGUM.SC.Y.0013.250206T2000Z-250207T2000Z/ Guam Coastal Waters-Rota Coastal Waters-Tinian Coastal Waters- Saipan Coastal Waters- 436 AM ChST Fri Feb 7 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM CHST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Seas 9 to 11 feet expected. * WHERE...Marianas Coastal Waters. * WHEN...Until 6 AM ChST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Altimetry and Buoy data shows conditions have deteriorated. Model guidance is under estimating current conditions at Ritidian buoy and Tanapag buoy. Altimetry passes up stream show seas of 10 to 12 feet. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid boating in hazardous conditions. && $$ Bowsher  092 WGUS41 KRLX 061837 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 137 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 OHC009-053-079-087-105-WVC013-035-053-085-105-107-062345- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0013.000000T0000Z-250206T2345Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Athens OH-Gallia OH-Jackson OH-Lawrence OH-Meigs OH-Calhoun WV- Jackson WV-Mason WV-Ritchie WV-Wirt WV-Wood WV- 137 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Ohio, including the following counties, Athens, Gallia, Jackson, Lawrence and Meigs and West Virginia, including the following counties, Calhoun, Jackson, Mason, Ritchie, Wirt and Wood. * WHEN...Until 645 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is occurring. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 137 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water across the area as area creeks slowly recede this afternoon. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Parkersburg, Belpre, Point Pleasant, Gallipolis, Harrisville, Pomeroy, Rio Grande, Elizabeth, Racine, Rutland, Forked Run State Park, Ravenswood, New Haven, Mason, Lubeck, Washington, Mineralwells, North Bend State Park, Gallia and Middleport. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. The saturated ground has produced conditions ripe for landslides and debris flows on steep slopes around the area. Residents with homes on or at the base of hillsides should be aware of the potential for landslides and watch for trees leaning in unusual orientations, water and mud seepage where not expected and other signs of potential ground movement. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3891 8251 3906 8223 3910 8202 3904 8196 3903 8183 3907 8180 3918 8185 3931 8149 3926 8095 3913 8086 3898 8110 3903 8137 3871 8270 $$ 30  326 WSPS21 NZKL 061832 NZZO SIGMET 25 VALID 061838/062238 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3450 E17800 - S3410 W17630 - S3130 W17000 - S3220 W16940 - S3530 W17620 - S3540 E17830 - S3450 E17800 FL370/430 MOV ESE 20KT NC=  407 WSPS21 NZKL 061833 NZZO SIGMET 26 VALID 061838/061859 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 22 061459/061859=  424 WGUS81 KRLX 061838 FLSRLX Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 138 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in West Virginia... Little Kanawha River at Glenville affecting Gilmer County. For the Little Kanawha River...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/rlx. The next statement will be issued late tonight at 145 AM EST. && WVC021-070645- /O.EXT.KRLX.FL.W.0009.000000T0000Z-250207T0656Z/ /GLEW2.1.ER.250206T1734Z.250207T0000Z.250207T0056Z.NO/ 138 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT TONIGHT... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Little Kanawha River at Glenville. * WHEN...Until just after midnight tonight. * IMPACTS...At 23.0 feet, Low spots on Brooklyn Drive, Elm Street, and River Street flood. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 12:45 PM EST Thursday the stage was 23.1 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 12:45 PM EST Thursday was 23.1 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 23.5 feet this evening. It will then fall below flood stage late this evening. - Flood stage is 23.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 23.6 feet on 03/31/1940. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3898 8089 3892 8064 3887 8072 3888 8091 $$ JLB  682 WWUS43 KGRB 061838 WSWGRB URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Green Bay WI 1238 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 WIZ030-035-036-070500- /O.CON.KGRB.WS.A.0001.250208T0900Z-250209T0300Z/ Marathon-Wood-Portage- Including the cities of Marshfield, Wausau, Stevens Point, Wisconsin Rapids, and Plover 1238 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE FRIDAY NIGHT THROUGH SATURDAY EVENING... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 7 inches possible. * WHERE...Marathon, Portage, and Wood Counties. * WHEN...From late Friday night through Saturday evening. * IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions are expected. Use extra caution while driving. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. && $$ WIZ031-037>040-045-048>050-070500- /O.CON.KGRB.WS.A.0001.250208T1200Z-250209T0600Z/ Shawano-Waupaca-Outagamie-Brown-Kewaunee-Waushara-Winnebago- Calumet-Manitowoc- Including the cities of Kewaunee, Waupaca, New London, Luxemburg, Brillion, Menasha, Neenah, New Holstein, Manitowoc, Oshkosh, Wautoma, Green Bay, Redgranite, Two Rivers, Shawano, Appleton, Chilton, and Clintonville 1238 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM SATURDAY MORNING THROUGH SATURDAY EVENING... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 7 inches possible. * WHERE...Waushara, Calumet, Manitowoc, Winnebago, Brown, Kewaunee, Outagamie, Shawano, and Waupaca Counties. * WHEN...From Saturday morning through Saturday evening. * IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions are expected. Use extra caution while driving. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. && $$ For more information, visit us at http://www.weather.gov/GreenBay MPC  023 WGUS41 KRLX 061839 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 139 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC127-WVC005-039-043-045-059-099-062345- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0014.000000T0000Z-250206T2345Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Lawrence KY-Boone WV-Kanawha WV-Lincoln WV-Logan WV-Mingo WV- Wayne WV- 139 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Kentucky, including the following county, Lawrence and West Virginia, including the following counties, Boone, Kanawha, Lincoln, Logan, Mingo and Wayne. * WHEN...Until 645 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 138 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water across the area as area creeks slowly recede this afternoon. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Madison, Louisa, Blaine, Yatesville Lake State Park, Chesapeake, Chapmanville, East Bank, Glasgow, Fort Gay, Pratt, Ranger, Kiahsville, Gill, Harts, Dunlow, Spurlockville, Julian, Alum Creek, Ulysses and Charley. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3795 8258 3791 8260 3790 8269 3800 8294 3796 8299 3799 8302 3811 8289 3818 8292 3827 8266 3825 8260 3816 8263 3809 8257 3827 8195 3828 8174 3823 8172 3821 8135 3805 8164 3792 8237 3792 8248 3796 8253 $$ 30  465 WGUS86 KMTR 061839 FLSMTR Flood Advisory National Weather Service San Francisco CA 1039 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAC081-062000- /O.EXT.KMTR.FA.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-250206T2000Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ San Mateo CA- 1039 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON PST TODAY... * WHAT...Urban area and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of San Mateo County, especially urban areas of the Peninsula. * WHEN...Until noon PST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. River or stream flows are elevated. Ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1039 AM PST, Doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated heavy rain. This will cause urban and small stream flooding. Between 0.3 and 0.6 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts up to 0.2 inches are expected over the area. This additional rain will increase the threat for hydroplaning, rapid rises on small streams and creeks. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... San Mateo, Redwood City, South San Francisco, San Bruno, Pacifica, Foster City, Burlingame, San Carlos, Belmont, Millbrae, Half Moon Bay, Hillsborough, Woodside, Highlands- Baywood Park, El Granada, Brisbane, Highlands, Montara, Emerald Lake Hills and Moss Beach. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Please report observed flooding to local emergency services or law enforcement and request they pass this information to the National Weather Service when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3757 12252 3759 12252 3770 12238 3770 12237 3768 12235 3766 12234 3764 12235 3763 12233 3761 12233 3759 12229 3758 12225 3756 12224 3754 12219 3734 12240 3747 12246 3750 12250 3753 12252 $$ Behringer  794 WGUS41 KRLX 061840 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 140 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC007-013-015-021-039-067-087-101-062345- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0015.000000T0000Z-250206T2345Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Braxton WV-Calhoun WV-Clay WV-Gilmer WV-Kanawha WV-Nicholas WV- Roane WV-Webster WV- 140 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of central and southern West Virginia, including the following counties, in central West Virginia, Braxton, Calhoun, Clay, Gilmer, Nicholas, Roane and Webster. In southern West Virginia, Kanawha. * WHEN...Until 645 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 139 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water across the area as area creeks slowly recede this afternoon. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Sutton, Clay, Webster Springs, Gassaway, Addison (Webster Springs), Camden-On-gauley, Camden On Gauley, Cedar Creek State Park, Craigsville, Big Otter, Wallback, Holly River State Park, Amma, Harrison, Cowen, Burnsville, Flatwoods, Little Birch, Frametown and Exchange. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3873 8111 3885 8104 3897 8105 3886 8063 3866 8032 3850 8022 3836 8032 3826 8055 3826 8066 3852 8069 3842 8128 3855 8132 $$ 30  508 WWUS83 KPAH 061841 SPSPAH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Paducah KY 1241 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 MOZ112-114-061930- New Madrid MO-Mississippi MO- 1241 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI AND NORTHEASTERN NEW MADRID COUNTIES THROUGH 130 PM CST... At 1241 PM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Farrenburg, or 7 miles north of Hunter-Dawson State Historic Site, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and nickel size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... East Prairie, Big Oak Tree State Park, Towosahgy State Historic Site, Matthews, Anniston, and Farrenburg. This includes Interstate 55 between Mile Markers 49 and 60. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3662 8967 3677 8968 3687 8914 3685 8914 3684 8918 3681 8918 3679 8916 3679 8913 3675 8912 3676 8917 3674 8920 3673 8920 3669 8917 3667 8916 3665 8918 TIME...MOT...LOC 1841Z 263DEG 38KT 3670 8956 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.88 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ SP  081 WGUS41 KRLX 061841 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 141 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC019-043-089-127-062345- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T2345Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Boyd KY-Carter KY-Greenup KY-Lawrence KY- 141 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...A portion of northeast Kentucky, including the following counties, Boyd, Carter, Greenup and Lawrence. * WHEN...Until 645 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is occurring. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 140 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water across the area as area creeks slowly recede this afternoon. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Ashland, Grayson, Olive Hill, Grayson Lake State Park, Carter Caves State Park, Cannonsburg, Princess, and Flatwoods. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3852 8268 3846 8261 3835 8260 3831 8257 3829 8258 3817 8294 3818 8298 3820 8301 3818 8305 3822 8308 3827 8316 3824 8322 3819 8323 3819 8326 3821 8330 3832 8334 3834 8323 3843 8324 3844 8321 3851 8316 $$ 30  462 WGUS61 KRLX 061842 FFARLX URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Watch National Weather Service Charleston WV 142 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAZ003-004-WVZ033-070245- /O.NEW.KRLX.FA.A.0003.250206T2300Z-250207T0700Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Dickenson-Buchanan-McDowell- Including the cities of Gary, Vansant, Grundy, Welch, War, and Clintwood 142 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WATCH IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM EST THIS EVENING THROUGH LATE TONIGHT... * WHAT...Flash flooding caused by excessive rainfall is possible. * WHERE...Portions of southwest Virginia, including the following counties, Buchanan and Dickenson and southern West Virginia, including the following county, McDowell. * WHEN...From 6 PM EST this evening through late tonight. * IMPACTS...Excessive runoff may result in flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - The ground is saturated from rainfall today. Thunderstorms tonight could cause flash flooding. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... You should monitor later forecasts and be prepared to take action should Flash Flood Warnings be issued. Additional information can be found at https://www.weather.gov/rlx as well as on our Facebook and Twitter pages. && $$ RPY  948 WSFJ02 NFFN 061844 NFFF SIGMET 07 VALID 061845/061938 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR CNL SIGMET 05 061538/061938=  287 WSBZ23 SBGL 061838 SBAZ SIGMET 57 VALID 061843/061930 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0328 W04525 - S0411 W04231 - S0256 W04206 - S0233 W04249 - S0217 W04427 - S0328 W04525 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  297 WOPS01 NFFN 061800 DCU PASS NAVY NIL  596 WSPH31 RPLL 061845 RPHI SIGMET A05 VALID 061850/062250 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1112 E12921 - N1028 E12848 - N1228 E11827 - N1448 E12033 - N1454 E12740 - N1112 E12921 TOP FL520 MOV WNW 25KT NC=  715 WTAU05 APRF 061849 IDW23100 40:2:2:24:15S101E400:11:00 SECURITE OCEAN WIND WARNING FOR METAREA 10 Issued by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre at 1849 UTC 6 FEBRUARY 2025 STORM FORCE WIND WARNING Please be aware, wind gusts can be a further 40 percent stronger than the averages given here, and maximum waves may be up to twice the height. SITUATION At 1800 UTC Tropical Cyclone Taliah was centred within 30 nautical miles of latitude fourteen decimal eight south (14.8S) longitude one hundred and one decimal four east (101.4E) Recent movement : west at 10 knots Maximum winds : 50 knots Central pressure: 989 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 100 nautical miles in NE quadrant and within 80 nautical miles in SE quadrant and within 100 nautical miles in SW quadrant and within 150 nautical miles in NW quadrant. FORECAST Maximum winds to 50 knots near the centre. Winds above 48 knots within 50 nautical miles in NE quadrant and within 80 nautical miles in NW quadrant with high seas and heavy swell. From 1800 UTC 07 February, winds above 48 knots within 40 nautical miles of centre with high seas and heavy swell. Winds above 34 knots within 100 nautical miles in NE quadrant and within 80 nautical miles in SE quadrant and within 100 nautical miles in SW quadrant and within 150 nautical miles in NW quadrant with rough to very rough seas and moderate swell. Forecast positions At 0600 UTC 07 February: Within 50 nautical miles of 15.9 south 99.3 east Central pressure 992 hPa. Winds to 45 knots near centre. At 1800 UTC 07 February: Within 65 nautical miles of 16.5 south 97.0 east Central pressure 989 hPa. Winds to 50 knots near centre. REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use email to tcwc@bom.gov.au. Next warning will be issued by 0100 UTC 07 February 2025. AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY TROPICAL CYCLONE WARNING CENTRE  496 WGUS41 KRLX 061850 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 150 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC019-127-WVC011-039-043-053-079-099-070015- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0008.000000T0000Z-250207T0015Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Boyd KY-Lawrence KY-Cabell WV-Kanawha WV-Lincoln WV-Mason WV- Putnam WV-Wayne WV- 150 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 715 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Kentucky, including the following counties, Boyd and Lawrence and West Virginia, including the following counties, Cabell, Kanawha, Lincoln, Mason, Putnam and Wayne. * WHEN...Until 715 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is occurring. Minor flooding is occurring along the Mud River. Near Milton, several low spots along East Mud River Road and West Mud River Road are flooded. Near Hamlin, sections of Route 3 in West Hamlin are flooded. Peppermint Lane and surrounding fields in Myra are flooded. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 143 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water across the area as area creeks slowly recede this afternoon. The Mud River will continue to rise through the afternoon before slowly receding tonight. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Huntington, Louisa, Winfield, Wayne, Hamlin, Beech Fork State Park, Hurricane, Barboursville, Kenova, Milton, Catlettsburg, Eleanor, Ceredo, Fort Gay, Ona, Culloden, East Lynn Lake, Centerville, Teays Valley and Burnaugh. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3818 8262 3825 8262 3827 8259 3841 8260 3840 8253 3847 8221 3854 8212 3855 8181 3830 8191 3823 8205 3809 8258 3815 8265 3818 8265 $$ 30  380 WSCI33 ZBAA 061851 ZBPE SIGMET 4 VALID 061900/062300 ZBAA- ZBPE BEIJING FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N45 SFC/FL360 STNR NC=  623 WSUS32 KKCI 061855 SIGC MKCC WST 061855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 062055-070055 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  624 WSUS33 KKCI 061855 SIGW MKCW WST 061855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 062055-070055 FROM 40NNW ENI-30N OAK-40NNW RZS-90W RZS-80WSW ENI-40NNW ENI WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  625 WSUS31 KKCI 061855 SIGE MKCE WST 061855 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 58E VALID UNTIL 2055Z TN KY IL MO AR FROM 50S PXV-50W BNA-40E ARG-30S FAM-50S PXV AREA TS MOV FROM 25040KT. TOPS TO FL370. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 59E VALID UNTIL 2055Z VA TN KY FROM 40N HMV-10N HMV-40SE LOZ-40E LOZ-40N HMV AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 27045KT. TOPS TO FL320. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 60E VALID UNTIL 2055Z NC SC CSTL WTRS FROM 160SE ECG-200SE ECG-190SE ILM-130SSE ILM-160SE ECG AREA TS MOV FROM 22010KT. TOPS TO FL350. OUTLOOK VALID 062055-070055 FROM 40S HNN-30SSW PSK-30NNE SPA-40WNW ODF-60E LIT-ARG-30W IIU-40S HNN WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  021 WGUS86 KMTR 061852 FLSMTR Flood Advisory National Weather Service San Francisco CA 1052 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAC075-081-062000- /O.EXT.KMTR.FA.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-250206T2000Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ San Francisco CA-San Mateo CA- 1052 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON PST TODAY... * WHAT...Urban area and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...San Francisco County and northern San Mateo County. * WHEN...Until noon PST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. Ponding of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1052 AM PST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain. This will cause urban and small stream flooding. Up to 0.2 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts up to 0.1 inches are expected over the area. This additional rain will increase the threat for hydroplaning, rapid rises on small streams and creeks. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... San Francisco, Daly City, South San Francisco, San Bruno, Pacifica, Brisbane, Colma and Broadmoor. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Please report observed flooding to local emergency services or law enforcement and request they pass this information to the National Weather Service when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3779 12253 3779 12251 3781 12249 3782 12241 3780 12238 3781 12238 3780 12237 3779 12238 3775 12238 3772 12235 3771 12235 3770 12238 3759 12252 3771 12251 3776 12252 3777 12253 $$ Behringer  161 WWUS73 KARX 061852 NPWARX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service La Crosse WI 1252 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 IAZ008>011-018-019-MNZ079-086>088-094>096-WIZ017-029-032>034-041>044- 053>055-070000- /O.CON.KARX.WI.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Mitchell-Howard-Winneshiek-Allamakee-Floyd-Chickasaw-Wabasha- Dodge-Olmsted-Winona-Mower-Fillmore-Houston-Taylor-Clark-Buffalo- Trempealeau-Jackson-La Crosse-Monroe-Juneau-Adams-Vernon-Crawford- Richland- Including the cities of La Crosse, Charles City, Medford, Sparta, Mauston, Waukon, Preston, Neillsville, Friendship, Richland Center, Osage, Arcadia, Black River Falls, Whitehall, Caledonia, Alma, Rochester, Tomah, Austin, Prairie Du Chien, Decorah, Viroqua, Wabasha, Winona, Dodge Center, New Hampton, and Cresco 1252 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West northwest winds 20 to 25 mph with gusts of 40 to 50 mph. * WHERE...Portions of north central and northeast Iowa, southeast Minnesota, and central, north central, southwest, and west central Wisconsin. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Blowing snow will be possible in open areas for portions of Clark and Taylor counties. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ JAW  381 WSRS31 RURD 061852 URRV SIGMET 14 VALID 061900/062300 URRR- URRV ROSTOV-NA-DONU FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4604 E03705 - N4415 E04044 - N4400 E03910 - N4427 E03641 - N4604 E03705 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  738 WWPK20 OPKC 061900 BULLETIN FOR MET AREA IX VALID FOR 24 HOURS COMMENCING 0700 UTC 06-02-2025 BY PAKISTAN METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT PART I: NO STORM WARNING PART II: SEASONAL WEATHER PART III: FORECAST SUB AREA NO.1 NORTH ARABIAN SEA WIND NW/NE BECMG SE/SW 10-15KT GUST 20KT N OF 24N, NE/E 10-15KT GUST 20KT S OF 24N WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY/HAZY VISIBILITY 3-4NM/1-2NM IN HAZE SEA STATE SLIGHT/MODERATE SUB AREA NO.2 GULF OF OMAN WIND SE/SW 10-15KT GUST 22KT N OF 24N, E/SE 07-12KT GUST 20KT S OF 24N WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY/HAZY VISIBILITY 3-4NM/1-2NM IN HAZE SEA STATE SLIGHT/MODERATE SUB AREA NO.3 CENTRAL NORTH ARABIAN SEA (12N/55-63E, 20N/58-67E) WIND NE/E 12-17KT GUST 22KT N OF 18N,W & E OF 65E, NE 10-15KT GUST 20KT S OF 18N,W & E OF 63E WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY/CLOUDY VISIBILITY 3-5NM SEA STATE SLIGHT/MODERATE SUB AREA NO.4 GULF OF ADEN WIND NE/E 10-15KT GUST 20KT W & E OF 50 E WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY VISIBILITY 3-5NM SEA STATE SLIGHT/MODERATE SUB AREA NO.5 ARABIAN GULF SUB AREA NO.1 NORTH OF THE GULF SEA (AREA AGN) WIND SE 19-29KT GUST 40KT /NW 10-20KT GUST 30KT WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY/TSRA VISIBILITY 3-4NM/1NM IN RAIN SEA STATE MODERATE/ROUGH OCC'LY VERY ROUGH SUB AREA NO.2 SOUTH OF THE GULF SEA (AREA AGS) WIND SE/E 12-17KT GUST 30KT WEATHER PARTLY CLOUDY/LIGHT RAIN VISIBILITY 3-4NM/1-2NM IN RAIN SEA STATE MODERATE/ROUGH  496 WWUS45 KRIW 061853 WSWRIW URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Riverton WY 1153 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 WYZ012-014-015-024-071400- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0004.250207T0600Z-250208T0600Z/ Teton and Gros Ventre Mountains-Wind River Mountains West-Wind River Mountains East-Salt River and Wyoming Ranges- 1153 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 12 and 20 inches. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph on Friday, and gusts around 65 mph possible for the Wind River Mountains. * WHERE...Wind River Mountains, Teton and Gros Ventre Mountains, and Salt River and Wyoming Ranges. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult, especially across Teton and Togwotee Passes. Strong winds will create hazardous conditions with blowing and drifting snow. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow accumulations 5 to 8 inches over South Pass, with the strongest winds occurring late Friday morning through mid-afternoon. Localized snow accumulations near 24 inches for the Wind River Mountains. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. For graphical depictions of the snowfall forecast, including the official NWS forecast, high end amounts, and low end amounts, visit https://weather.gov/riw/winter. For winter road conditions from the Wyoming Department of Transportation, visit https://wyoroad.info. && $$ WYZ001-002-071400- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0008.250207T0600Z-250208T0600Z/ Yellowstone National Park-Absaroka Mountains- Including the cities of Old Faithful, Mammoth, and Lake 1153 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 6 and 12 inches. Winds gusting as high as 60 mph on Friday. * WHERE...Absaroka Mountains and Yellowstone National Park. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Strong winds will create hazardous conditions with blowing and drifting snow. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow accumulations up to 2 feet for the Pitchstone Plateau of southwest Yellowstone, and accumulations 2 to 5 inches around Mammoth. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. For graphical depictions of the snowfall forecast, including the official NWS forecast, high end amounts, and low end amounts, visit https://weather.gov/riw/winter. For winter road conditions from the Wyoming Department of Transportation, visit https://wyoroad.info. && $$ WYZ025-071400- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0008.250207T0600Z-250208T0600Z/ Upper Green River Basin Foothills- Including the cities of Pinedale 1153 AM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 9 inches for Daniel and Bondurant, and 3 to 5 inches for Pinedale. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph Friday afternoon. * WHERE...Upper Green River Basin Foothills. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Strong winds will create hazardous conditions with blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. For graphical depictions of the snowfall forecast, including the official NWS forecast, high end amounts, and low end amounts, visit https://weather.gov/riw/winter. For winter road conditions from the Wyoming Department of Transportation, visit https://wyoroad.info. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service, visit https://weather.gov/riw/ . Wittmann  235 WWCN02 CYTR 061854 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB PETAWAWA PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 1:54 PM EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB PETAWAWA (CYWA) TYPE: SNOWFALL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SNOWFALL AMOUNT OF 5 CM OR MORE IN 12 HOURS VALID: UNTIL 06/2100Z (UNTIL 06/1600 EST) COMMENTS: A LOW-PRESSURE SYSTEM MOVING OVER EASTERN ONTARIO WILL CONTINUE TO BRING SNOW FOR A FEW MORE HOURS THIS AFTERNOON. TOTAL SNOWFALL AMOUNTS NEAR 5 CM ARE EXPECTED. SNOW WILL TAPER TO FLURRIES LATER THIS AFTERNOON AS THE SYSTEM MOVES TO THE EAST. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 06/2100Z (06/1600 EST) END/JMC  001 WSBO31 SLLP 061853 SLLF SIGMET B1 VALID 061853/062253 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST AT 1853Z WI S1239 W06838 - S1300 W06637 - S1445 W06553 - S1720 W06321 - S1928 W06151 - S2020 W06216 - S2147 W06247 - S2157 W06357 - S2226 W06424 - S2200 W06431 - S1834 W06639 - S1430 W06900 - S1239 W06838 - TOP FL390 STNR INTSF=  413 WGUS81 KRNK 061857 FLSRNK Flood Advisory National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 157 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC163-062200- /O.EXT.KRNK.FA.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T2200Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Rockbridge VA- 157 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...A portion of west central Virginia, including the following county, Rockbridge. * WHEN...Until 500 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. Water over roadways. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 156 PM EST, Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. Between 1 and 1.5 inches of rain have fallen. - This includes the following streams and drainages... Buffalo Creek, Broad Creek, North Buffalo Creek, Colliers Creek, Gordons Run and Maury River. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Lexington... Collierstown... - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. When it is safe to do so, please send your reports of flooding, including mudslides or flooded roads, to the National Weather Service by calling toll free at 1...8 6 6...2 1 5...4 3 2 4. Reports and pictures can also be shared on the National Weather Service Blacksburg Facebook page and on Twitter. && LAT...LON 3777 7945 3775 7942 3768 7950 3775 7965 3779 7963 3783 7958 3777 7946 $$ AS  674 WHPQ42 PGUM 061858 CFWPQ2 URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Coastal Hazard Message National Weather Service Tiyan GU 458 AM ChST Fri Feb 7 2025 FMZ037-PWZ002>006-070800- /O.CON.PGUM.SU.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250207T1900Z/ Yap-Melekeok-Airai-Koror-Peleliu-Angaur- 458 AM ChST Fri Feb 7 2025 ...HIGH SURF ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM CHST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Large breaking waves of 8 to 10 feet. * WHERE...North facing reefs of Palau and Yap. * WHEN...Until 5 AM ChST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Dangerous swimming and surfing conditions and localized beach erosion. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced swimmers should remain out of the water due to dangerous surf conditions. && $$ DS  354 WHGM72 PGUM 061858 MWWPQ2 URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tiyan GU 458 AM ChST Fri Feb 7 2025 PMZ161-171-070700- /O.CON.PGUM.SC.Y.0012.000000T0000Z-250207T0700Z/ Palau Coastal Waters-Yap Coastal Waters- 458 AM ChST Fri Feb 7 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM CHST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts to 30 kt and combined seas of 7 to 10 feet. * WHERE...Palau and Yap Coastal Waters. * WHEN...Until 5 PM ChST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid boating in hazardous conditions. && $$ DS  784 WWUS81 KBUF 061900 AWWBUF NYZ010-070000- Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Buffalo NY 159 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING... The National Weather Service in Buffalo has issued an Airport Weather Warning for... Buffalo-Niagara International Airport. The following weather hazards are expected: Wind gusts in excess of 40 kts. This warning is in effect...Until 700 PM EST. $$  998 WGUS41 KLWX 061901 FLWLWX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 201 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC023-031-071-062245- /O.EXT.KLWX.FA.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T2245Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Grant WV-Hardy WV-Pendleton WV- 201 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 545 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...A portion of eastern West Virginia, including the following counties, Grant, Hardy and Pendleton. * WHEN...Until 545 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 200 PM EST, emergency manager reported streams and rivers our of their banks with multiple roads closed due to flooding. Between 1.5 and 3 inches of rain have fallen. - Flooding impacts will continue, but no additional rainfall is expected. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Petersburg... Franklin... Rough Run... Brandywine... Upper Tract... Deer Run... Ruddle... Oak Flat... Brushy Run... Landes... Milam... Sugar Grove... Moyers... Masonville... Dorcas... Brake... Cabins... Harper... Welton... Seymourville... - Please visit www.weather.gov/safety/flood for flood safety and preparedness information PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. In hilly terrain there are hundreds of low water crossings which are potentially dangerous in heavy rain. Do not attempt to cross flooded roads. Find an alternate route. && LAT...LON 3908 7911 3903 7907 3891 7903 3872 7909 3857 7917 3851 7921 3841 7932 3846 7948 3853 7952 3888 7934 3907 7920 $$ Geiger  473 WWUS46 KHNX 061901 WSWHNX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Hanford CA 1101 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAZ323-326>328-330-070315- /O.CON.KHNX.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250208T0000Z/ Yosemite NP outside of the valley-Upper San Joaquin River-Kaiser to Rodgers Ridge-Kings Canyon NP-Sequoia NP- Including the cities of Wawona, Huntington Lake, Lake Thomas Edison, Florence Lake, Tuolumne Meadows, Cedar Grove, Lake Wishon, Lodgepole, Giant Forest, Shaver Lake, and Devils Postpile 1101 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations up to 34 inches. Winds gusting as high as 60 mph. * WHERE...Kaiser to Rodgers Ridge, Kings Canyon NP, Sequoia NP, Upper San Joaquin River, and Yosemite NP outside of the valley. * WHEN...Until 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. Very strong winds could cause extensive tree damage. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ DAS  438 WOCN11 CWTO 061901 FREEZING DRIZZLE ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:01 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEZING DRIZZLE ADVISORY ENDED FOR: NIAGARA CITY OF HAMILTON UXBRIDGE - BEAVERTON - NORTHERN DURHAM REGION NEWMARKET - GEORGINA - NORTHERN YORK REGION PICKERING - OSHAWA - SOUTHERN DURHAM REGION MOUNT FOREST - ARTHUR - NORTHERN WELLINGTON COUNTY DUFFERIN - INNISFIL OWEN SOUND - BLUE MOUNTAINS - NORTHERN GREY COUNTY HANOVER - DUNDALK - SOUTHERN GREY COUNTY BARRIE - COLLINGWOOD - HILLSDALE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WIDESPREAD FREEZING DRIZZLE IS NO LONGER EXPECTED. CONDITIONS HAVE IMPROVED. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  551 WCAU01 YMMC 061901 YMMM SIGMET J10 VALID 061930/070130 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR TC VINCE PSN S1940 E08049 CB OBS AT 1800Z WI 150NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL540 MOV WSW 07KT INTSF=  925 WCAU01 YMMC 061901 YMMM SIGMET J10 VALID 061930/070130 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR TC VINCE PSN S1940 E08049 CB OBS AT 1800Z WI 150NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL540 MOV WSW 07KT INTSF RMK: MW=  818 WCAU01 YMMC 061903 YMMM SIGMET V02 VALID 061930/070130 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR TC TALIAH PSN S1448 E10124 CB OBS AT 1800Z WI 150NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL600 MOV W 10KT NC=  936 WOCN13 CWWG 061903 BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 1:03 P.M. CST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY ENDED FOR: CITY OF REGINA FORT QU'APPELLE - INDIAN HEAD - LUMSDEN - PILOT BUTTE MOOSOMIN - GRENFELL - KIPLING - WAWOTA CARLYLE - OXBOW - CARNDUFF - BIENFAIT - STOUGHTON ESTEVAN - WEYBURN - RADVILLE - MILESTONE YORKTON - MELVILLE - ESTERHAZY MOOSE JAW - PENSE - CENTRAL BUTTE - CRAIK ASSINIBOIA - GRAVELBOURG - CORONACH. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED TO MEET BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY CRITERIA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  042 WAHW31 PHFO 061903 AAA WA0HI HNLS WA 061902 AMD AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 8 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 062200 . AIRMET MTN OBSC...BIG ISLAND...UPDATE UPOLU POINT TO CAPE KUMUKAHI TO SOUTH CAPE. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 020 DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND CONT BEYOND 2200Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSC...MAUI...UPDATE N THRU E SECTIONS. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 020 DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND CONT BEYOND 2200Z. =HNLT WA 061600 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 2 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 062200 . NO SIGNIFICANT TURB EXP. =HNLZ WA 061600 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 2 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 062200 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...139-144.  110 WCAU01 YMMC 061903 YMMM SIGMET V02 VALID 061930/070130 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR TC TALIAH PSN S1448 E10124 CB OBS AT 1800Z WI 150NM OF TC CENTRE TOP FL600 MOV W 10KT NC RMK: MW=  309 WSAU21 YMMC 061904 YMMM SIGMET W02 VALID 061930/062330 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1140 E09750 - S1150 E10100 - S1240 E10100 - S1340 E09920 - S1540 E09910 - S1450 E09750 - S1330 E09700 TOP FL550 MOV WNW 10KT NC=  337 WGUS81 KRLX 061905 FLSRLX Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 205 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in West Virginia... Buckhannon River Near Buckhannon affecting Upshur County. For the Tygart Valley River...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/rlx. The next statement will be issued late tonight at 215 AM EST. && WVC097-070715- /O.CON.KRLX.FL.W.0006.000000T0000Z-250207T1445Z/ /BKNW2.1.ER.250206T2315Z.250207T0500Z.250207T0845Z.NO/ 205 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL LATE TOMORROW MORNING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Buckhannon River near Buckhannon. * WHEN...Until late tomorrow morning. * IMPACTS...At 24.0 feet, Portions of Cleveland Ave and Wood St flood. Sections of Rte 20 south and north of town begin to flood. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1:45 PM EST Thursday the stage was 20.4 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage this evening to a crest of 23.9 feet just after midnight tonight. It will then fall below flood stage late tonight. - Flood stage is 23.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 24.0 feet on 01/07/1994. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3904 8020 3903 8012 3892 8020 3894 8028 $$ JLB  431 WWUS41 KPHI 061906 WSWPHI URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 206 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NJZ001-PAZ054-055-062015- /O.CAN.KPHI.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T2000Z/ Sussex-Carbon-Monroe- Including the cities of Newton, Stroudsburg, and Jim Thorpe 206 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Precipitation has moved out, with no further icing expected. As a result, the Winter Weather Advisory has been cancelled. $$ Hoeflich  986 WSAU21 YMMC 061907 YBBB SIGMET P14 VALID 061935/062335 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1830 E13950 - S1750 E14730 - S1420 E15150 - S2020 E15630 - S2300 E14810 - S2210 E13850 FL150/260 MOV N 05KT NC=  067 WWUS41 KBUF 061908 WSWBUF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Buffalo NY 208 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NYZ006-070315- /O.UPG.KBUF.WS.A.0006.250207T0900Z-250208T1800Z/ /O.NEW.KBUF.LE.W.0005.250207T1200Z-250208T1500Z/ /O.CON.KBUF.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250207T0300Z/ Oswego- Including the cities of Oswego 208 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... ...LAKE EFFECT SNOW WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM FRIDAY TO 10 AM EST SATURDAY... * WHAT...For the Winter Weather Advisory, patchy freezing light rain or drizzle. Additional ice accumulations around a few hundredths of an inch. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. For the Lake Effect Snow Warning, heavy lake effect snow expected. Total snow accumulations 6 to 12 inches in the most persistent lake snows. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Oswego County. * WHEN...For the Winter Weather Advisory, until 10 PM EST this evening. For the Lake Effect Snow Warning, from 7 AM Friday to 10 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Travel will be difficult. Areas of blowing snow will significantly reduce visibility. Gusty winds could down tree branches and cause isolated power outages. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Heavy snow will fall in relatively narrow bands. If traveling, be prepared for rapidly changing road conditions and visibilities. Submit snow reports through our website or social media. Periods of snow or freezing rain will result in slippery roads and limited visibilities. Slow down and use caution while driving. Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. && $$ NYZ007-008-070300- /O.CON.KBUF.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250207T0300Z/ Jefferson-Lewis- Including the cities of Watertown and Lowville 208 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Light freezing rain or freezing drizzle. Additional ice accumulations around a few hundredths of an inch. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Jefferson and Lewis Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening commute. Gusty winds could down tree branches and cause isolated power outages. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Periods of snow or freezing rain will result in slippery roads and limited visibilities. Slow down and use caution while driving. Submit snow and ice reports through our website or social media. && $$ RSH  569 WSCI34 ZSSS 061908 ZSHA SIGMET 12 VALID 061930/062330 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N25 FL150/380 MOV E 20KMH NC=  414 WWCN11 CWHX 061909 LES SUETES WIND WARNING FOR NOVA SCOTIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:09 P.M. AST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- LES SUETES WIND WARNING FOR: INVERNESS COUNTY - MABOU AND NORTH. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WINDS THAT MAY CAUSE DAMAGE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. MAXIMUM WIND GUSTS: SOUTHEASTERLY NEAR 100 KM/H. LOCATION: MARGAREE HARBOUR TO BAY ST. LAWRENCE. TIME SPAN: OVERNIGHT TONIGHT INTO EARLY FRIDAY MORNING. BE PREPARED TO ADJUST YOUR DRIVING WITH CHANGING ROAD CONDITIONS DUE TO HIGH WINDS. LOOSE OBJECTS MAY BE TOSSED BY THE WIND AND CAUSE INJURY OR DAMAGE. LES SUETES WIND WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF DAMAGING WINDS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NSSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NSSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/ASPC  009 WSAU21 YMMC 061909 YMMM SIGMET O10 VALID 062000/070000 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3440 E09420 - S4150 E10710 - S4640 E10530 - S5000 E10100 - S5000 E09110 - S3300 E08550 FL150/400 MOV E 20KT NC=  187 WWUS41 KALY 061910 WSWALY URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albany NY 210 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 CTZ001-013-MAZ001-025-NYZ032-033-038>043-047>054-058>061-063>066- 082>084-VTZ013>015-062015- /O.CAN.KALY.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250206T2300Z/ Northern Litchfield-Southern Litchfield-Northern Berkshire- Southern Berkshire-Northern Herkimer-Hamilton-Southern Herkimer- Southern Fulton-Montgomery-Northern Saratoga-Northern Warren- Northern Washington-Schoharie-Western Schenectady-Eastern Schenectady-Southern Saratoga-Western Albany-Eastern Albany- Western Rensselaer-Eastern Rensselaer-Western Greene-Eastern Greene-Western Columbia-Eastern Columbia-Western Ulster-Eastern Ulster-Western Dutchess-Eastern Dutchess-Northern Fulton- Southeast Warren-Southern Washington-Bennington-Western Windham- Eastern Windham- Including the cities of Millbrook, New Milford, Beacon, West Glens Falls, Arlington, Oakville, Stephentown, Stratton, North Adams, Amsterdam, Delanson, Hancock, Nobleboro, North Creek, Bolton Landing, Westerlo, Mariaville, Stanfordville, Altamont, Athens, Pine Plains, Ballston Spa, Livingstonville, Amenia, Hague, Bennington, Greenwich, Wells, Poughkeepsie, Hunter, Saratoga Springs, West Hurley, Glens Falls, Dolgeville, Hudson Falls, McKeever, Torrington, Gilboa, New Paltz, Windham, North River, Fort Edward, North Blenheim, Preston Hollow, Berlin, Schenectady, Sabattis, Atwell, Ilion, West Brattleboro, Middleburgh, Kingston, Bellows Falls, Thomaston, Huletts Landing, Mohawk, North Easton, Pownal, Napanoch, Wingdale, Pittsfield, Knox, Albany, Clifton Park, Saratoga Lake, Berne, Troy, Brattleboro, Cairo, Duanesburg, Caroga Lake, Granville, Little Falls, Old Forge, Warrensburg, Mechanicville, Woodford State Park, West Shokan, Guilford Center, Kerhonkson, Woodstock, South Egremont, New Lebanon, Gloversville, Catskill, Cambridge, Coxsackie, Stamford, Hudson, Hoosick Falls, Breakabeen, Long Lake, Rotterdam, Burnt Hills, Londonderry, Florida, Hoffmeister, Dover Plains, Terryville, Dalton, Johnstown, Jefferson Heights, Great Barrington, Waterford, Frankfort, Johnsburg, Eagle Bridge, Big Moose, Tannersville, Cobleskill, Herkimer, Northwood, Sundown, Prattsville, Middle Falls, Whitehall, Gaylordsville, Sandisfield, Eagle Bay, Ellenville, Pawling, and Jefferson 210 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Precipitation has ceased in these areas. Caution is still advised for travel as slippery spots remain possible possible on untreated roadways and walking surfaces. $$ AG  924 WSBZ23 SBGL 061925 SBRE SIGMET 23 VALID 061930/062330 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S1020 W04719 - S1200 W04654 - S1321 W04534 - S1538 W04406 - S1657 W04149 - S1845 W04227 - S1928 W04228 - S2000 W04232 - S2025 W04245 - S2037 W04200 - S2024 W04059 - S2042 W04049 - S2054 W04034 - S2057 W04015 - S2052 W04000 - S2045 W03949 - S2036 W03941 - S2030 W03938 - S1947 W03821 - S1852 W03740 - S1841 W03815 - S1618 W03702 - S1141 W03340 - S1007 W03235 - S0840 W03534 - S0844 W03932 - S1019 W04719 - S1020 W04719 FL230/340 STNR NC=  925 WSBZ23 SBGL 061925 SBRE SIGMET 25 VALID 061930/062330 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0422 W04254 - S0458 W03950 - S0633 W03838 - S0653 W03642 - S0507 W03504 - S0242 W03926 - S0158 W04147 - S0210 W04151 - S0411 W04231 - S0422 W04254 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  926 WSBZ23 SBGL 061925 SBRE SIGMET 26 VALID 061930/062330 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0253 W03257 - S0423 W03252 - S0511 W03004 - S0356 W02838 - S0337 W02913 - S0316 W03207 - S0253 W03257 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  927 WSBZ23 SBGL 061925 SBRE SIGMET 24 VALID 061930/062330 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0726 W04038 - S0622 W04038 - S0622 W03937 - S0726 W03937 - S0726 W04038 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  399 WWUS45 KRIW 061911 WSWRIW URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Riverton WY 1211 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 WYZ012-014-015-024-071400- /O.CON.KRIW.WS.W.0004.250207T0600Z-250208T0600Z/ Teton and Gros Ventre Mountains-Wind River Mountains West-Wind River Mountains East-Salt River and Wyoming Ranges- 1211 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 12 and 20 inches. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph on Friday, and gusts around 65 mph possible for the Wind River Mountains. * WHERE...Wind River Mountains, Teton and Gros Ventre Mountains, and Salt River and Wyoming Ranges. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult, especially across Teton and Togwotee Passes. Strong winds will create hazardous conditions with blowing and drifting snow. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow accumulations 5 to 8 inches over South Pass, with the strongest winds occurring late Friday morning through mid-afternoon. Localized snow accumulations near 24 inches for the Wind River Mountains. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. For graphical depictions of the snowfall forecast, including the official NWS forecast, high end amounts, and low end amounts, visit https://weather.gov/riw/winter. For winter road conditions from the Wyoming Department of Transportation, visit https://wyoroad.info. && $$ WYZ013-023-071400- /O.EXA.KRIW.WW.Y.0008.250207T0600Z-250208T0600Z/ Jackson Hole-Star Valley- Including the cities of Jackson, Afton, Thayne, Alpine, and Star Valley Ranch 1211 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 to 8 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph Friday. * WHERE...Jackson Hole and Star Valley. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Strong winds could create hazardous conditions with blowing and drifting snow at times. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow totals of 3 to 6 inches for the town of Jackson. Warmer temperatures Friday afternoon may limit accumulations. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. For graphical depictions of the snowfall forecast, including the official NWS forecast, high end amounts, and low end amounts, visit https://weather.gov/riw/winter. For winter road conditions from the Wyoming Department of Transportation, visit https://wyoroad.info. && $$ WYZ001-002-071400- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0008.250207T0600Z-250208T0600Z/ Yellowstone National Park-Absaroka Mountains- Including the cities of Old Faithful, Mammoth, and Lake 1211 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 6 and 12 inches. Winds gusting as high as 60 mph on Friday. * WHERE...Absaroka Mountains and Yellowstone National Park. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Strong winds will create hazardous conditions with blowing and drifting snow. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow accumulations up to 2 feet for the Pitchstone Plateau of southwest Yellowstone, and accumulations 2 to 5 inches around Mammoth. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. For graphical depictions of the snowfall forecast, including the official NWS forecast, high end amounts, and low end amounts, visit https://weather.gov/riw/winter. For winter road conditions from the Wyoming Department of Transportation, visit https://wyoroad.info. && $$ WYZ025-071400- /O.CON.KRIW.WW.Y.0008.250207T0600Z-250208T0600Z/ Upper Green River Basin Foothills- Including the cities of Pinedale 1211 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 9 inches for Daniel and Bondurant, and 3 to 5 inches for Pinedale. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph Friday afternoon. * WHERE...Upper Green River Basin Foothills. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Strong winds will create hazardous conditions with blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. For graphical depictions of the snowfall forecast, including the official NWS forecast, high end amounts, and low end amounts, visit https://weather.gov/riw/winter. For winter road conditions from the Wyoming Department of Transportation, visit https://wyoroad.info. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service, visit https://weather.gov/riw/ . Wittmann  570 WGUS41 KRNK 061912 FLWRNK BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 212 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC025-070100- /O.NEW.KRNK.FA.W.0007.250206T1912Z-250207T0100Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Greenbrier WV- 212 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Anthony Creek flooding caused by runoff from excessive rainfall this morning is expected into this evening. * WHERE...A portion of southeast West Virginia, including the following county, Greenbrier. * WHEN...Until 800 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Flooding of Anthony Creek is imminent or occurring. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 156 PM EST, Doppler radar estimated between 1.5 and 2.5 inches of rain fell from this morning storms. Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the warned area. - Locations that will experience flooding will be near the creek along Route 92. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. When it is safe to do so, please send your reports of flooding, including mudslides or flooded roads, to the National Weather Service by calling toll free at 1...8 6 6...2 1 5...4 3 2 4. Reports and pictures can also be shared on the National Weather Service Blacksburg Facebook page and on Twitter. && LAT...LON 3789 8029 3792 8029 3799 8015 3805 8011 3806 8004 3806 7998 3790 8021 $$ RS  723 WSCI34 ZSSS 061911 ZSHA SIGMET 13 VALID 061930/062330 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR SEV ICE FCST N OF N35 AND S OF N30 FL030/180 MOV E 20KMH NC=  958 WSPR31 SPJC 061912 SPIM SIGMET 6 VALID 061912/062000 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET 5 VALID 061700/062000=  400 WSNO36 ENMI 061913 ENOB SIGMET U05 VALID 062000/070000 ENMI- ENOB BODOE OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N7050 E00000 - N7720 E00000 - N7850 E00920 - N7840 E03000 - N7405 E03000 - N7545 E01815 - N7050 E00000 FL150/400 STNR NC=  165 WUUS53 KPAH 061913 SVRPAH KYC039-105-MOC133-062000- /O.NEW.KPAH.SV.W.0002.250206T1913Z-250206T2000Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Paducah KY 113 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Paducah has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southern Carlisle County in western Kentucky... Northern Hickman County in western Kentucky... Southeastern Mississippi County in southeastern Missouri... * Until 200 PM CST. * At 113 PM CST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Towosahgy State Historic Site, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Clinton, Towosahgy State Historic Site, Arlington, and Columbus. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3680 8925 3690 8882 3668 8882 3665 8915 3665 8917 3664 8919 3664 8923 TIME...MOT...LOC 1913Z 260DEG 38KT 3675 8919 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ SP  196 WSBZ23 SBGL 061925 SBBS SIGMET 25 VALID 061930/062330 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S1917 W04732 - S1917 W04721 - S1957 W04631 - S2214 W04519 - S2032 W04358 - S2009 W04324 - S2025 W04245 - S2000 W04232 - S1928 W04228 - S1845 W04227 - S1657 W04149 - S1538 W04406 - S1320 W04534 - S1200 W04654 - S1020 W04719 - S1018 W04732 - S1917 W04732 FL230/340 STNR NC=  197 WSBZ23 SBGL 061925 SBBS SIGMET 26 VALID 061930/062330 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1724 W05407 - S2020 W05127 - S2220 W04955 - S2307 W04734 - S2338 W04639 - S2314 W04552 - S2248 W04546 - S2214 W04519 - S1957 W04631 - S1917 W04721 - S1919 W04834 - S1816 W04913 - S1648 W04951 - S1325 W05019 - S1211 W05303 - S1258 W05330 - S1434 W05338 - S1643 W05306 - S1724 W05407 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  507 WSPR31 SPJC 061913 SPIM SIGMET A10 VALID 061913/062045 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR SIGMET A9 VALID 061745/062045=  148 WWUS76 KSEW 061914 NPWSEW URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Seattle WA 1114 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 WAZ509-511-559-070600- /O.EXA.KSEW.CW.Y.0004.250207T0600Z-250207T1800Z/ Tacoma Area-Hood Canal Area-Bremerton and Vicinity- Including the cities of Silverdale, Shelton, Tacoma, and Bremerton 1114 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Very cold temperatures as low as 15 to 20 degrees across the Kitsap Peninsula and as low as 20 to 25 degrees for the Tacoma area. * WHERE...Hood Canal Area, Bremerton and Vicinity, and Tacoma Area. * WHEN...From 10 PM this evening to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Frostbite and hypothermia will occur if unprotected skin is exposed to these temperatures. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Keep pets indoors as much as possible. && $$ WAZ503-070600- /O.CON.KSEW.CW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Western Whatcom County- Including the cities of Bellingham 1114 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Very cold wind chills as low as 10 to 20 degrees. * WHERE...Western Whatcom County. * WHEN...Until 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Frostbite and hypothermia will occur if unprotected skin is exposed to these temperatures. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Temperatures will warm Thursday afternoon to 30 to 35 degrees before dropping once again Friday morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Keep pets indoors as much as possible. Make frequent checks on older family, friends, and neighbors. Ensure portable heaters are used correctly. Do not use generators or grills inside. && $$ WAZ506-507-555-556-558-070600- /O.CON.KSEW.CW.Y.0004.250207T0600Z-250207T1800Z/ Western Skagit County-Everett and Vicinity-East Puget Sound Lowlands-Bellevue and Vicinity-Seattle and Vicinity- Including the cities of Redmond, Anacortes, Covington-Sawyer-w, Sedro-Woolley, Monroe, Sahalee, Lynnwood, Newport Hills, Kenmore, Pine Lake, Everett, Edmonds, Enumclaw, Prairie Ridge, Woodinville, Bothell, Kirkland, Bonney Lake, Maple Valley, Marysville, Mount Vernon, Burlington, and Seattle 1114 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Very cold temperatures as low as 15 to 20 degrees for Western Skagit County and the East Puget Sound Lowlands and as low as 20 to 25 degrees for the remaining areas. * WHERE...Western Skagit County, Bellevue and Vicinity, East Puget Sound Lowlands, Everett and Vicinity, and Seattle and Vicinity. * WHEN...From 10 PM this evening to 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Very cold temperatures can lead to hypothermia with prolonged exposure and will impact vulnerable populations such as the homeless, pets, and those without adequate access to heating. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Keep pets indoors as much as possible. Make frequent checks on older family, friends, and neighbors. Ensure portable heaters are used correctly. Do not use generators or grills inside. && $$ 15  472 WGHW80 PHFO 061915 FLSHFO Flood Advisory National Weather Service Honolulu HI 915 AM HST Thu Feb 6 2025 HIC009-062215- /O.NEW.PHFO.FA.Y.0022.250206T1915Z-250206T2215Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Maui HI- 915 AM HST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 1215 PM HST THIS AFTERNOON FOR THE ISLAND OF MAUI IN MAUI COUNTY... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall. * WHERE...The island of Maui in Maui County. * WHEN...Until 1215 PM HST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding on roads, poor drainage areas, and in streams. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 909 AM HST, radar indicated persistent moderate to heavy showers along the coast of windward east Maui, with rainfall rates of 1 to 2 inches per hour. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Kipahulu, Hana, Kaupo, Hamoa and Haleakala National Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Stay away from streams, drainage ditches and low lying areas prone to flooding. Rainfall and runoff will also cause hazardous driving conditions due to ponding, reduced visibility and poor braking action. && This advisory may need to be extended beyond 1215 PM HST if flooding persists. LAT...LON 2081 15602 2081 15600 2077 15597 2071 15598 2070 15598 2064 15605 2061 15614 2061 15618 2068 15615 $$ Birchard  897 WSPR31 SPJC 061914 CCA SPIM SIGMET A10 VALID 061913/062045 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR CNL SIGMET A9 VALID 061745/062045=  688 WSPR31 SPJC 061915 SPIM SIGMET 7 VALID 061915/062215 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1850Z WI S0755 W07559 - S1144 W06959 - S1345 W07409 - S1442 W07054 - S1734 W07016 - S1513 W07507 - S1001 W07757 - S0755 W07559 TOP FL470 STNR NC=  539 WWUS76 KEKA 061916 NPWEKA URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Eureka CA 1116 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAZ115-070330- /O.NEW.KEKA.WI.Y.0005.250207T0000Z-250207T1400Z/ Southern Lake- 1116 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 6 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. Locally higher winds possible on ridgetops. * WHERE...Southern Lake. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 6 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Wind gusts will be particularly strong along windward ridges. There is an increased risk of tree branches and other debris on roadways. Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ For hazard areas see https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/map/?wfo=eka JB  193 WSSN31 ESWI 061915 ESAA SIGMET M06 VALID 061945/062345 ESSA- ESAA SWEDEN FIR SEV MTW FCST WI NN6901 E02036 - N6832 E02200 - N6542 E01724 - N6513 E01429 - N6605 E01437 - N6808 E01708 - N6901 E02036 SFC/FL300 STNR NC=  954 WHUS71 KGYX 061918 MWWGYX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gray ME 218 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ANZ150-152-154-070930- /O.CON.KGYX.GL.W.0011.250207T0600Z-250208T0000Z/ Coastal Waters from Stonington, ME to Port Clyde, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Port Clyde, ME to Cape Elizabeth, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Cape Elizabeth, ME to Merrimack River, MA out 25 NM- 218 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 7 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and seas 5 to 8 ft expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Stonington, ME to Port Clyde, ME out 25 NM, Coastal Waters from Port Clyde, ME to Cape Elizabeth, ME out 25 NM and Coastal Waters from Cape Elizabeth, ME to Merrimack River, MA out 25 NM. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 7 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ ANZ151-153-070930- /O.CON.KGYX.SC.Y.0018.250207T0600Z-250208T0000Z/ Penobscot Bay-Casco Bay- 218 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 7 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 2 to 5 ft expected. * WHERE...Penobscot Bay and Casco Bay. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 7 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ HAT  466 WSBZ23 SBGL 061925 SBCW SIGMET 44 VALID 061930/062330 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2216 W04521 - S2216 W03857 - S2138 W03857 - S2045 W03949 - S2052 W04000 - S2057 W04015 - S2054 W04034 - S2042 W04049 - S2024 W04059 - S2037 W04200 - S2025 W04245 - S2009 W04324 - S2032 W04358 - S2216 W04521 FL230/340 STNR NC=  500 WSBZ23 SBGL 061925 SBCW SIGMET 45 VALID 061930/062330 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2849 W05621 - S3013 W05332 - S3000 W05022 - S2822 W04707 - S2616 W04708 - S2628 W04901 - S2614 W05048 - S2809 W05149 - S2717 W05417 - S2819 W05552 - S2849 W05621 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF=  501 WSBZ23 SBGL 061925 SBCW SIGMET 46 VALID 061930/062330 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2344 W05529 - S2359 W05525 - S2349 W05440 - S2418 W05416 - S2532 W05438 - S2542 W05426 - S2537 W05405 - S2622 W05352 - S2641 W05103 - S2614 W05048 - S2628 W04900 - S2459 W04747 - S2323 W04347 - S2214 W04519 - S2248 W04546 - S2314 W04552 - S2338 W04639 - S2307 W04734 - S2220 W04955 - S2100 W05056 - S2231 W05255 - S2344 W05529 TOP FL430 STNR WKN=  502 WSBZ23 SBGL 061925 SBCW SIGMET 47 VALID 061930/062330 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1945 W05808 - S2032 W05806 - S2049 W05726 - S2132 W05718 - S2153 W05620 - S2110 W05529 - S2209 W05359 - S2231 W05255 - S2100 W05056 - S2020 W05127 - S1724 W05407 - S1734 W05441 - S1743 W05611 - S1750 W05743 - S1812 W05733 - S1945 W05808 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  432 WWUS71 KBUF 061920 NPWBUF URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Buffalo NY 220 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NYZ001-002-010>012-019-020-085-070600- /O.CON.KBUF.WI.Y.0002.250206T2100Z-250207T1500Z/ Niagara-Orleans-Northern Erie-Genesee-Wyoming-Chautauqua- Cattaraugus-Southern Erie- Including the cities of Niagara Falls, Medina, Buffalo, Batavia, Warsaw, Jamestown, Olean, Orchard Park, and Springville 220 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Erie, Niagara, Orleans, Genesee, Wyoming, Chautauqua, and Cattaraugus Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ NYZ003>008-013-014-021-070600- /O.CON.KBUF.WI.Y.0002.250207T0000Z-250207T1500Z/ Monroe-Wayne-Northern Cayuga-Oswego-Jefferson-Lewis-Livingston- Ontario-Allegany- Including the cities of Rochester, Newark, Fair Haven, Oswego, Watertown, Lowville, Geneseo, Canandaigua, and Wellsville 220 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 25 to 40 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Monroe, Wayne, Northern Cayuga, Oswego, Jefferson, Lewis, Livingston, Ontario, and Allegany Counties. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 10 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ RSH  482 WSFJ02 NFFN 061920 NFFF SIGMET 08 VALID 061930/062330 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0730 E17612 - S0730 W17912 - S1000 W17924 - S1006 E17648 - S0730 E17612 TOP FL500 MOV WSE 10KT NC=  701 ACUS11 KWNS 061921 SWOMCD SPC MCD 061921 TNZ000-KYZ000-MOZ000-062145- Mesoscale Discussion 0070 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0121 PM CST Thu Feb 06 2025 Areas affected...Portions of western/central Tennessee and vicinity Concerning...Severe potential...Watch possible Valid 061921Z - 062145Z Probability of Watch Issuance...40 percent SUMMARY...Thunderstorms are expected to increase in coverage and intensity across Tennessee this afternoon and evening along and ahead of a cold front. Convective trends will continue to be monitored for the possibility of a watch. DISCUSSION...While synoptic forcing is limited across the area, some vertical ascent is apparent in visible imagery across southeastern Missouri, leading to multiple instances of convective initiation. Deep-layer shear (around 50 knots per mesoanalysis) is sufficient to support organized storm modes, including supercells. Long, straight hodographs will also be supportive of storm splits, as evidenced by the initial storm evolution in northwestern Tennessee. The limiting factor to a more robust severe threat is the marginal instability (currently around 500 J/kg of MLCAPE). Low-level clouds have been persistent across much of western/central Tennessee slowing destabilization across the area. Nevertheless, with some additional clearing/heating, storms are expected to increase in coverage and intensity, especially over northern-middle Tennessee later this afternoon and evening, posing an all-hazards severe weather risk. Convective trends will be monitored for the possibility of a watch. ..Jirak/Hart.. 02/06/2025 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...MRX...JKL...LMK...OHX...HUN...PAH...MEG... LAT...LON 36188936 36698938 36948914 36828849 36748776 36698733 36658659 36808372 36158369 35438528 35248595 35148693 35248803 35318879 35508932 36188936  220 WWUS41 KGYX 061922 WSWGYX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gray ME 222 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MEZ007>009-012>014-020>022-025>028-033-NHZ001>004-070400- /O.CON.KGYX.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T0400Z/ Northern Oxford-Northern Franklin-Central Somerset-Southern Oxford-Southern Franklin-Southern Somerset-Androscoggin-Kennebec- Interior Waldo-Sagadahoc-Lincoln-Knox-Coastal Waldo-Interior Cumberland Highlands-Northern Coos-Southern Coos-Northern Grafton- Northern Carroll- Including the cities of Woodstock, Lancaster, Oquossoc, Wiscasset, Byron, Rockland, Seboomook, Skowhegan, Turner, Newcastle, Waldoboro, Brooks, Moosehead, Brassua, Bristol, Rumford, Bowdoin, Davis, Norway, Knox, Wilsons Mills, Wilton, Alna, Bridgton, Millsfield, Thornton, Damariscotta, Oxford, Waterville Valley, Locke Mills, China, Coburn Gore, Crawford Notch, Palermo, Andover, Newry, Kingfield, Camden, Dummer, Waterville, Liberty, Morrill, Colebrook, Naples, Avon, Middle Dam, Wales, Cornville, Lincolnville, Windsor, South Arm, Chatham, Unity, Jackman, Owls Head, Athens, Fryeburg, Roxbury, Belfast, Northport, Rangeley, Waldo, Milton, New Portland, Farmington, Minot, Arrowsic, Bingham, Errol, Lincoln, Littleton, Auburn, Hanover, Whitefield, Sidney, Bryant Pond, Winterport, Embden, Palmyra, Lewiston, Temple, Greene, Hope, Dresden, Bath, Pittsfield, Bremen, Thomaston, Jay, Phippsburg, Sugar Hill, Phillips, Madison, Boothbay Harbor, Chesterville, Livermore Falls, York Pond, Long Pond, Sabattus, New Sharon, Topsham, Searsmont, Upton, Bethel, Montville, New Vineyard, Rockport, Berlin, Harrison, Milan, Albany, Bethlehem, Jackson, Conway, Appleton, Pittston Farm, Bowdoinham, Vassalboro, North Conway, and Augusta 222 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations between 1 and 3 inches for a storm total of 3 to 5 inches and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of south central, southwest, west central, and western Maine and northern New Hampshire. * WHEN...Until 11 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Snow will change over to a period of mixed precipitation before changing to light freezing rain or freezing drizzle. It is recommended not to plow your driveway and walkways until the storm has ended. Even light snowfall amounts can accumulate on roads and cause dangerous driving conditions due to snow covered roads. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by going to newengland511.org && $$ MEZ018-019-023-024-NHZ005>015-070100- /O.CON.KGYX.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T0100Z/ Interior York-Central Interior Cumberland-Coastal York-Coastal Cumberland-Southern Grafton-Southern Carroll-Sullivan-Merrimack- Belknap-Strafford-Cheshire-Eastern Hillsborough-Interior Rockingham-Coastal Rockingham-Western And Central Hillsborough- Including the cities of Exeter, Nashua, Chester, Dunbarton, Cornish, Hampton, Gilford, Laconia, Amherst, Greenland, Salem, Rumney, Buxton, Mont Vernon, Charlestown, Rochester, Peterborough, Westbrook, Concord, Bridgewater, Saco, Barrington, Alfred, Marlow, Grantham, Hampton Falls, Jaffrey, Newton, Gorham, Wakefield, Hollis, Pelham, Biddeford, Plymouth, Sharon, Boscawen, Sullivan, Brookfield, Claremont, Dover, North Windham, Ossipee, Goshen, Cape Elizabeth, Weare, Meredith, Portland, Unity, North Hampton, Rye, Limington, Goffstown, Old Orchard Beach, Lebanon, Seabrook, Gray, Atkinson, Milford, Tuftonboro, Wolfeboro, Lempster, Ashland, Kittery, Derry, Durham, Goodwins Mills, Hampstead, New Gloucester, Lyme, Ellsworth, Portsmouth, Keene, Manchester, Surry, Sanford, Croydon, Loudon, Canterbury, Madbury, Yarmouth, Plaistow, Gilsum, Brunswick, Newport, Somersworth, Holderness, Berwick, South Portland, Rollinsford, Hooksett, and Moultonborough 222 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations between 1 and 3 inches for a storm total of 3 to 5 inches, sleet accumulations up to one tenth of an inch, and ice accumulations around a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of southwest Maine and central, northern, and southern New Hampshire. * WHEN...Until 8 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Snow will change over to a period of mixed precipitation before changing to light freezing rain or freezing drizzle. It is recommended not to plow your driveway and walkways until the storm has ended. Even light snowfall amounts can accumulate on roads and cause dangerous driving conditions due to snow covered roads. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by going to newengland511.org && $$ Tubbs  732 WHUS71 KBUF 061922 MWWBUF URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Buffalo NY 222 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 LEZ040-041-070600- /O.CON.KBUF.GL.W.0005.250206T2100Z-250207T0900Z/ Lake Erie nearshore waters from Ripley to Dunkirk- Lake Erie nearshore waters from Dunkirk to Buffalo- 222 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds to 35 knots expected. * WHERE...The nearshore waters of Lake Erie from Ripley to Buffalo. * WHEN...Until 4 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LOZ042>045-062>065-070600- /O.CON.KBUF.GL.W.0005.250206T2300Z-250207T2100Z/ Lake Ontario nearshore waters from the Niagara River to Hamlin Beach- Lake Ontario nearshore waters from Hamlin Beach to Sodus Bay- Lake Ontario nearshore waters from Sodus Bay to Mexico Bay- Lake Ontario nearshore waters from Mexico Bay to the Saint Lawrence River- Lake Ontario open waters from the Niagara River to Hamlin Beach- Lake Ontario open waters from Hamlin Beach to Sodus Bay- Lake Ontario open waters from Sodus Bay to Mexico Bay- Lake Ontario open waters from Mexico Bay to the Saint Lawrence River- 222 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds to 40 knots and waves 15 to 19 feet expected. * WHERE...The nearshore and open waters of Lake Ontario. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 4 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LEZ020-070600- /O.CON.KBUF.SC.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-250207T2100Z/ Upper Niagara River and Buffalo Harbor- 222 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 knots. * WHERE...The Upper Niagara River and Buffalo Harbor. * WHEN...Until 4 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Winds and/or waves will cause hazardous conditions that could capsize or damage small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ LOZ030-070600- /O.CON.KBUF.SC.Y.0016.250206T2300Z-250207T2100Z/ Lower Niagara River- 222 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 knots expected. * WHERE...The Lower Niagara River. * WHEN...From 6 PM this evening to 4 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Winds and/or waves will cause hazardous conditions that could capsize or damage small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  322 ACUS03 KWNS 061922 SWODY3 SPC AC 061921 Day 3 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0121 PM CST Thu Feb 06 2025 Valid 081200Z - 091200Z ...NO SEVERE THUNDERSTORM AREAS FORECAST... ...SUMMARY... Aside from low probabilities for scattered thunderstorm development across parts of the Ohio Valley, the risk for thunderstorms appears negligible across much of the U.S., Saturday through Saturday night. ...Discussion... Models indicate that mid-level flow will begin to undergo amplification across the northern mid-latitudes of the eastern Pacific into western North America, including building mid-level ridging across the northeastern Pacific through Alaska and digging downstream troughing east of the Canadian Rockies. Otherwise, it appears that there will be little change across much of the contiguous U.S., with ridging centered over the subtropical latitudes maintaining an influence across much of the southern into central tier states. Within a broadly confluent, zonal regime across the northern tier, a couple of embedded short wave perturbations may consolidate into larger-scale, but still low-amplitude, troughing progressing across the Great Lakes vicinity into Northeast by late Saturday night. It appears that the evolving mid-level trough may provide support for increasingly significant surface cyclogenesis offshore of the northern Mid Atlantic coast by the end of the period. This is likely to be focused along a tightening baroclinic zone, near the eroding southern periphery of a seasonably cold air mass entrenched to the east of the Rockies. Initially stalled across parts of the southern Great Plains into Ohio Valley and southern Mid Atlantic, the surface frontal zone is forecast to advance southward into the Gulf Coast states Saturday through Saturday night, in the wake of the wave. ...Lower Ohio Valley... Model differences concerning the frontal wave development, and potential boundary-layer destabilization, along the eroding shallow southern periphery of the cold air across the interior U.S. remains problematic concerning convective potential. Strengthening of lower/mid-tropospheric wind fields and shear near the frontal wave is likely to become conditionally supportive of severe weather potential, given sufficient destabilization. However, regardless of the boundary-layer modification (and the NAM may be too aggressive with the lingering shallow sharp surface-based inversion across Kentucky, east-northeast of Bowling Green into the Blue Grass by late Saturday afternoon), there does appear a general consensus that relatively warm, dry air at mid-levels may tend to suppress destabilization. At least some convection, perhaps mostly elevated near and north of the Ohio River, may become capable of producing lightning. But the risk for severe weather still appears negligible at this time. ..Kerr.. 02/06/2025 $$  323 WUUS03 KWNS 061922 PTSDY3 DAY 3 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0121 PM CST THU FEB 06 2025 VALID TIME 081200Z - 091200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 3 ... ANY SEVERE ... && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 3 ... CATEGORICAL ... TSTM 38638877 40418390 40698001 39167927 37448117 36428570 35768773 36348955 38638877 && GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 10 E SLO 40 NNE DAY 15 NE PIT 35 ENE EKN 10 N BLF 50 NW CSV 60 SSW CKV 25 NNW DYR 10 E SLO.  320 WSFJ02 NFFN 061922 NFFF SIGMET 09 VALID 061930/062330 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR CNL SIGMET 08 061930/062330=  006 WSCH31 SCIP 061925 SCIZ SIGMET A1 VALID 061925/062325 SCIP- SCIZ ISLA DE PASCUA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3850 W10017 - S4110 W09000 - S4530 W09000 - S4110 W10060 FL350/240 MOV E NC=  691 WSBZ23 SBGL 061925 SBAZ SIGMET 59 VALID 061930/062330 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0429 W06850 - S0429 W06742 - S0648 W06047 - S0645 W06026 - S0627 W05832 - S0623 W05831 - S0306 W05733 - S0304 W05736 - S0304 W05736 - S0210 W05926 - N0020 W05852 - N0138 W05937 - N0221 W06114 - N0012 W06658 - S0429 W06850 TOP FL460 MOV W 05KT NC=  692 WSBZ23 SBGL 061925 SBAZ SIGMET 58 VALID 061930/062330 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1105 W06946 - S1107 W06840 - S0955 W06631 - S0948 W06521 - S1112 W06524 - S1150 W06511 - S1232 W06419 - S1228 W06340 - S1334 W06152 - S1400 W06023 - S1506 W06036 - S1616 W06010 - S1619 W05827 - S1711 W05825 - S1750 W05743 - S1743 W05611 - S1734 W05441 - S1724 W05407 - S1643 W05306 - S1434 W05338 - S1258 W05330 - S1211 W05303 - S1030 W05100 - S0946 W05202 - S0946 W05202 - S0623 W05831 - S0627 W05832 - S0645 W06026 - S0648 W06040 - S0701 W06525 - S0827 W06930 - S1105 W06946 TOP FL450 STNR WKN=  693 WSPR31 SPJC 061924 SPIM SIGMET B2 VALID 061925/062225 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1900Z E OF LINE S1350 W06933 - S1442 W06938 TOP FL460 MOV W NC=  033 WSBZ23 SBGL 061925 SBAZ SIGMET 60 VALID 061930/062330 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0623 W05831 - S0946 W05202 - S0946 W05202 - S0946 W05202 - S0841 W04836 - S0601 W04607 - S0416 W04742 - S0340 W04937 - S0250 W05410 - S0302 W05735 - S0304 W05736 - S0306 W05733 - S0623 W05831 TOP FL470 MOV W 05KT INTSF=  034 WSBZ23 SBGL 061925 SBAZ SIGMET 61 VALID 061930/062330 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0239 W05243 - S0250 W05122 - S0220 W05056 - S0410 W04353 - S0422 W04254 - S0411 W04231 - S0210 W04151 - S0144 W04230 - S0017 W04709 - N0004 W05143 - S0143 W05216 - S0239 W05243 TOP FL470 STNR NC=  035 WSBZ23 SBGL 061925 SBAZ SIGMET 62 VALID 061930/062330 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0050 W05132 - N0217 W05132 - N0217 W05008 - N0050 W05008 - N0050 W05132 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  264 WSFJ02 NFFN 061924 NFFF SIGMET 10 VALID 061930/062330 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0730 E17612 - S0730 W17912 - S1000 W17924 - S1006 E17648 - S0730 E17612 TOP FL500 MOV WSW 10KT NC=  375 WWUS41 KBGM 061925 WSWBGM URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Binghamton NY 225 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NYZ009-070730- /O.NEW.KBGM.LE.W.0003.250207T1200Z-250208T1500Z/ Northern Oneida- Including the cities of Boonville 225 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...LAKE EFFECT SNOW WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM FRIDAY TO 10 AM EST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Heavy lake effect snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 10 inches, with highest amounts across the central and western portion of the area where the most persistent snow is expected. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Northern Oneida County. * WHEN...From 7 AM Friday to 10 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Travel will be difficult. Areas of blowing snow will significantly reduce visibility and roads can quickly become snow covered, causing very slick conditions. Strong and gusty winds could down trees or tree branches, causing isolated power outages. The hazardous conditions will impact the Friday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ JTC  064 WSBZ23 SBGL 061925 SBAO SIGMET 28 VALID 061930/062330 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0349 W04234 - N0315 W04513 - N0118 W04001 - N0025 W03501 - S0017 W02644 - N0110 W02608 - N0156 W02710 - N0348 W03932 - N0349 W04234 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  129 WWCN16 CWHX 061925 WIND WARNING FOR NEWFOUNDLAND UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:55 P.M. NST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: ST. JOHN'S AND VICINITY AVALON PENINSULA NORTH. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WINDS THAT MAY CAUSE DAMAGE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. MAXIMUM GUSTS: SOUTHEASTERLY 80 KM/H, EXCEPT 100 ALONG PARTS OF THE COAST. LOCATIONS: NORTHERN AVALON PENINSULA. TIME SPAN: NEAR NOON FRIDAY UNTIL LATE FRIDAY AFTERNOON. DAMAGE TO BUILDINGS, SUCH AS TO ROOF SHINGLES AND WINDOWS, MAY OCCUR. LOOSE OBJECTS MAY BE TOSSED BY THE WIND AND CAUSE INJURY OR DAMAGE. WIND WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF DAMAGING WINDS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  159 WWCN16 CWHX 061927 WIND WARNING FOR NEWFOUNDLAND UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:57 P.M. NST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND WARNING FOR: BAY ST. GEORGE CORNER BROOK AND VICINITY GROS MORNE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WINDS THAT MAY CAUSE DAMAGE ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. MAXIMUM GUSTS: 80 KM/H, EXCEPT 120 IN AREAS PRONE TO ENHANCED SOUTHEASTERLIES. LOCATIONS: BAY ST. GEORGE TO GROS MORNE. TIME SPAN: FRIDAY MORNING UNTIL EARLY FRIDAY AFTERNOON. REMARKS: LOCAL ENHANCEMENT IN SOUTHEASTERLY FLOW TYPICALLY OCCURRS IN THE VICINITIES OF CAPE ST. GEORGE, PORT AU PORT BAY, THE OUTER BAY OF ISLANDS, TROUT RIVER BAY, BONNE BAY, WESTERN BROOK POND AND ST. PAULS BAY. DAMAGE TO BUILDINGS, SUCH AS TO ROOF SHINGLES AND WINDOWS, MAY OCCUR. MOTORISTS, ESPECIALLY IN HIGH PROFILE VEHICLES, MAY EXPECT HAZARDOUS DRIVING CONDITIONS ON HIGHWAYS SUBJECT TO STRONG CROSS WINDS. WIND WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF DAMAGING WINDS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  814 WSBZ23 SBGL 061925 SBAZ SIGMET 63 VALID 061930/062330 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0007 W07006 - S0052 W06937 - S0055 W06725 - N0012 W06658 - N0101 W06448 - N0122 W06448 - N0114 W06458 - N0046 W06618 - N0215 W06723 - N0146 W06951 - S0007 W07006 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  293 WWUS53 KPAH 061928 SVSPAH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Paducah KY 128 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 MOC133-061938- /O.CAN.KPAH.SV.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T2000Z/ Mississippi MO- 128 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN MISSISSIPPI COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. && LAT...LON 3677 8907 3684 8882 3668 8882 3667 8902 3668 8903 3672 8905 TIME...MOT...LOC 1928Z 262DEG 43KT 3675 8895 $$ KYC039-105-062000- /O.CON.KPAH.SV.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T2000Z/ Carlisle KY-Hickman KY- 128 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 200 PM CST FOR SOUTHEASTERN CARLISLE AND NORTHEASTERN HICKMAN COUNTIES... At 128 PM CST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Clinton, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Clinton and Arlington. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3677 8907 3684 8882 3668 8882 3667 8902 3668 8903 3672 8905 TIME...MOT...LOC 1928Z 262DEG 43KT 3675 8895 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ SP  627 WWCN03 CYZX 061928 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR 5 CDSB GAGETOWN AND RANGE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 3:28 PM AST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: 5 CDSB GAGETOWN AND RANGE (CYCX) TYPE: FREEZING PRECIPITATION WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: FREEZING RAIN/DRIZZLE VALID: 07/0300Z TO 07/0900Z (06/2300 AST TO 07/0500 AST) TYPE: SNOWFALL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SNOWFALL AMOUNT OF 5 CM OR MORE IN 12 HOURS VALID: 06/2100Z TO 07/0500Z (06/1700 AST TO 07/0100 AST) COMMENTS: FREEZING PRECIPITATION WARNING ISSUED. SNOW ASSOCIATED WITH A COASTAL LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM WILL START IN THE NEXT FEW HOURS, GIVING 5 TO 10 CM THROUGH MIDNIGHT. AFTERWARDS, BEHIND THE LOW, PATCHES OF FREEZING DRIZZLE ARE LIKELY TO OCCUR TONIGHT. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 07/0500Z (07/0100 AST) END/JMC  277 WWCN16 CWHX 061928 WRECKHOUSE WIND WARNING FOR NEWFOUNDLAND UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:58 P.M. NST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WRECKHOUSE WIND WARNING FOR: CHANNEL-PORT AUX BASQUES AND VICINITY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WINDS ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. TIME SPAN: OVERNIGHT TONIGHT UNTIL MID-MORNING FRIDAY. MAXIMUM GUSTS: SOUTHEASTERLY UP TO 120 KM/H IN THE WRECKHOUSE AREA. BE PREPARED TO ADJUST YOUR DRIVING WITH CHANGING ROAD CONDITIONS DUE TO HIGH WINDS. MOTORISTS, ESPECIALLY IN HIGH PROFILE VEHICLES, MAY EXPECT HAZARDOUS DRIVING CONDITIONS ON HIGHWAYS SUBJECT TO STRONG CROSS WINDS. WRECKHOUSE WIND WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF DAMAGING WINDS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  500 WSAU21 YBRF 061929 YBBB SIGMET S01 VALID 061929/062100 YBRF- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SQL TS OBS WI S1300 E12320 - S1300 E12420 - S1440 E12400 - S1800 E12720 - S1840 E12620 - S1510 E12250 TOP FL550 MOV W 10KT NC=  436 WWUS43 KUNR 061930 WSWUNR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Rapid City SD 1230 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 SDZ001-002-012>014-078-WYZ060-071030- /O.NEW.KUNR.WW.Y.0007.250207T1500Z-250208T1200Z/ Harding-Northern Perkins-Butte-Northern Meade Co Plains-Ziebach- Southern Perkins-Northeastern Crook- Including the cities of Mud Butte, Faith, Fruitdale, Belle Fourche Reservoir, Red Owl, Sorum, Redig, Aladdin, South Eagle Butte, Belle Fourche, Beulah, Bison, Opal, Vale, Shadehill, Meadow, Colony, Reva, Ludlow, Newell, Ladner, Cherry Creek, Lemmon, Glad Valley, Buffalo, Hoover, Dupree, Camp Crook, Prairie City, Howes, Usta, and Zeona 1230 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM FRIDAY TO 5 AM MST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 5 inches, with the higher amounts near the North Dakota border. * WHERE...Portions of northwestern South Dakota and northeast Wyoming. * WHEN...From 8 AM Friday to 5 AM MST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ JC  834 WWUS83 KPAH 061931 SPSPAH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Paducah KY 131 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ009-061945- Calloway KY- 131 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHEASTERN CALLOWAY COUNTY THROUGH 145 PM CST... At 130 PM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 9 miles north of Paris Landing State Park, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and nickel size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... New Concord. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3662 8825 3667 8807 3661 8804 3654 8803 3651 8804 3650 8805 3650 8818 TIME...MOT...LOC 1930Z 253DEG 42KT 3658 8809 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.88 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ SP  255 WSSN31 ESWI 061930 ESAA SIGMET M07 VALID 061945/062345 ESSA- ESAA SWEDEN FIR SEV MTW FCST WI N6901 E02036 - N6832 E02200 - N6542 E01724 - N6513 E01429 - N6605 E01437 - N6808 E01708 - N6901 E02036 SFC/FL300 STNR NC=  321 WSFJ01 NFFN 061932 NFFF SIGMET 11 VALID 062017/070017 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S2500 E17506 - S2454 E17212 - S2318 E17018 - S2248 E16700 - S2030 E16700 - S2100 E17254 - S2500 E17506 TOP FL510 MOV ESE 30KT NC=  339 WGUS41 KRNK 061932 FLWRNK BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 232 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC017-070130- /O.NEW.KRNK.FA.W.0008.250206T1932Z-250207T0130Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bath VA- 232 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 830 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Back Creek flooding caused by runoff from excessive rainfall this morning is expected into this evening. * WHERE...A portion of west central Virginia, including the following county, Bath. * WHEN...Until 830 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Flooding of Back Creeks is imminent or occurring. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 221 PM EST, Doppler radar estimated between 1.5 to 2.5 inches of rain fell from this morning storms. Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the warned area. - Some locations that will experience flooding will be near the creek along Route 600. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. When it is safe to do so, please send your reports of flooding, including mudslides or flooded roads, to the National Weather Service by calling toll free at 1...8 6 6...2 1 5...4 3 2 4. Reports and pictures can also be shared on the National Weather Service Blacksburg Facebook page and on Twitter. && LAT...LON 3797 7998 3805 7992 3812 7993 3826 7980 3827 7980 3826 7979 3825 7977 3825 7976 3824 7975 3824 7974 3823 7973 3796 7996 $$ RS  532 WWUS76 KHNX 061932 NPWHNX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Hanford CA 1132 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAZ338-070345- /O.NEW.KHNX.WI.Y.0007.250207T1800Z-250208T0900Z/ Mojave Desert Slopes- Including the cities of Mojave 1132 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM FRIDAY TO 1 AM PST SATURDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Mojave Desert Slopes. * WHEN...From 10 AM Friday to 1 AM PST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ DAS  533 WSSN31 ESWI 061930 ESAA SIGMET M08 VALID 061930/062345 ESSA- ESAA SWEDEN FIR CNL SIGMET M06 061945/062345=  578 WSRS31 RUSF 061931 URFV SIGMET 5 VALID 062000/062300 URFF- URFV SIMFEROPOL FIR SEV TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR SFC/FL100 STNR NC=  191 WGUS81 KRLX 061933 FLSRLX Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 233 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Kentucky... Little Sandy River At Grayson affecting Carter and Greenup Counties. For the Little Sandy River...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/rlx. The next statement will be issued late tonight at 245 AM EST. && KYC043-089-070745- /O.EXT.KRLX.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T0928Z/ /GYNK2.1.ER.250206T1202Z.250207T0000Z.250207T0328Z.NO/ 233 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL LATE TONIGHT... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Little Sandy River at Grayson. * WHEN...Until late tonight. * IMPACTS...At 25.0 feet, Affects homes upstream along river and a low section of Route 60 near the river gage. Backwater along streams and creeks draining into the river. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 2:00 PM EST Thursday the stage was 24.2 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 2:00 PM EST Thursday was 24.2 feet. - Forecast...The river will crest around 24.3 feet this evening, then fall below flood stage to 18.6 feet just after midnight tonight. - Flood stage is 21.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 24.5 feet on 04/04/2015. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3840 8295 3839 8287 3828 8293 3830 8300 $$ JLB  072 WWUS43 KABR 061933 WSWABR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Aberdeen SD 133 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 SDZ003>005-009-010-015>017-071000- /O.CON.KABR.WS.A.0001.250207T1800Z-250208T1800Z/ Corson-Campbell-McPherson-Walworth-Edmunds-Dewey-Potter-Faulk- Including the cities of Isabel, Eureka, McIntosh, Mobridge, Gettysburg, Faulkton, Herreid, and Ipswich 133 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 /1233 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...WINTER STORM WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY AFTERNOON THROUGH SATURDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 6 inches possible. * WHERE...A portion of north central South Dakota. * WHEN...From Friday afternoon through Saturday morning. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. && $$ MNZ039-046-SDZ006>008-011-018>023-071000- /O.CON.KABR.WS.A.0001.250208T0000Z-250208T2100Z/ Traverse-Big Stone-Brown-Marshall-Roberts-Day-Spink-Clark- Codington-Grant-Hamlin-Deuel- Including the cities of Wheaton, Watertown, Ortonville, Redfield, Clear Lake, Milbank, Hayti, Aberdeen, Webster, Britton, Sisseton, and Clark 133 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY EVENING THROUGH SATURDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 7 inches possible. * WHERE...Portions of west central Minnesota and northeast South Dakota. * WHEN...From Friday evening through Saturday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. && $$ Parkin  608 WSAG31 SARE 061937 SARR SIGMET 5 VALID 061937/062337 SARE- SARR RESISTENCIA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1900Z WI S2259 W06204 - S2525 W05731 - S2734 W05856 - S2619 W06149 - S2258 W06211 - S2259 W06204 TOP FL350 MOV NNE 05KT INTSF=  864 WSAG31 SARE 061937 SARR SIGMET 5 VALID 061937/062337 SARE- SARR RESISTENCIA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1900Z WI S2259 W06204 - S2525 W05731 - S2734 W05856 - S2619 W06149 - S2258 W06211 - S2259 W06204 TOP FL350 MOV NNE 05KT INTSF=  875 WWUS76 KMTR 061934 NPWMTR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Francisco CA 1134 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAZ504-070600- /O.EXA.KMTR.WI.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250207T1200Z/ North Bay Interior Mountains- 1134 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * WHERE...North Bay Interior Mountains. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ CAZ006-502-505-508>510-512>518-528>530-070600- /O.CON.KMTR.WI.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250207T1200Z/ San Francisco-Marin Coastal Range-Coastal North Bay Including Point Reyes National Seashore-San Francisco Bay Shoreline-San Francisco Peninsula Coast-East Bay Interior Valleys-Santa Cruz Mountains-Santa Clara Valley Including San Jose-Eastern Santa Clara Hills-East Bay Hills-Southern Salinas Valley/Arroyo Seco and Lake San Antonio-Santa Lucia Mountains and Los Padres National Forest-Mountains of San Benito County And Interior Monterey County including Pinnacles National Park-Northern Salinas Valley/Hollister Valley and Carmel Valley-Northern Monterey Bay-Southern Monterey Bay and Big Sur Coast- 1134 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...The East Bay and San Francisco Bay Shoreline, The Central Coast, The Santa Clara Valley and Eastern Hills, The Salinas and Carmel Valleys and Hollister Area, The Marin Hills, The Santa Cruz Mountains, San Francisco, Coastal North Bay Including Point Reyes National Seashore, and San Francisco Peninsula Coast. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ RGass  335 WWUS41 KLWX 061934 WSWLWX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 234 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MDZ001-501-070345- /O.NEW.KLWX.WS.A.0006.250208T1800Z-250209T1100Z/ Garrett-Extreme Western Allegany- 234 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM SATURDAY AFTERNOON THROUGH LATE SATURDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...Heavy mixed precipitation possible. Total ice accumulations around one quarter of an inch possible. Total snow an sleet accumulations less than one inch possible. Winds could gust as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Extreme Western Allegany and Garrett Counties. * WHEN...From Saturday afternoon through late Saturday night. * IMPACTS...Significant ice accumulation on power lines and tree limbs may cause widespread and long-lasting power outages. Power outages and tree damage are likely due to the ice. Travel could be nearly impossible. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...A wintry mix will overspread the area Saturday afternoon. It may initially start as a mix of snow and sleet before giving way to freezing rain that persists through the overnight. The higher icing in Garrett County will likely be along and east of Keyser's Ridge to Swanton. Given the recent icing event, trees may be stressed with another icing event resulting in the potential for more downed trees, power lines, and power outages. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. Persons should consider delaying all travel. If travel is absolutely necessary, drive with extreme caution. Consider taking a winter storm kit along with you, including such items as tire chains, booster cables, flashlight, shovel, blankets and extra clothing. Also take water, a first aid kit, and anything else that would help you survive in case you become stranded. && $$ Belak  051 WWUS84 KOHX 061934 SPSOHX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Nashville TN 134 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 TNZ005-006-062000- Stewart TN-Montgomery TN- 134 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHWESTERN MONTGOMERY AND NORTHERN STEWART COUNTIES THROUGH 200 PM CST... At 134 PM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 9 miles north of Paris Landing State Park, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and nickel size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Dover, Big Rock, and Land Between The Lakes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3666 8785 3663 8785 3664 8757 3651 8756 3648 8806 3649 8806 3652 8804 3656 8803 3666 8807 3668 8802 3668 8799 TIME...MOT...LOC 1934Z 258DEG 42KT 3657 8804 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.88 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ Mueller  103 WGUS41 KLWX 061934 FLWLWX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 234 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The National Weather Service in Baltimore MD/Washington DC has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in West Virginia... South Branch Potomac River near Petersburg affecting Grant and Hardy Counties. For the South Branch Potomac River...including Franklin, Moorefield - SF, Petersburg, Springfield...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/washington or www.weather.gov/baltimore. The next statement will be issued late tonight at 145 AM EST. && WVC023-031-070645- /O.NEW.KLWX.FL.W.0001.250206T2304Z-250207T0632Z/ /PETW2.1.ER.250206T2304Z.250207T0000Z.250207T0031Z.NO/ 234 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT FROM THIS EVENING TO JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT TONIGHT... * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...South Branch Potomac River near Petersburg. * WHEN...From this evening to just after midnight tonight. * IMPACTS...At 14.0 feet, Water approaches structures upstream of Petersburg. Water also begins to cover Fish Hatchery Road near the river. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 2:00 PM EST Thursday the stage was 13.1 feet, or 0.9 feet below flood stage. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage this evening to a crest of 14.2 feet this evening. It will then fall below flood stage this evening. - Flood stage is 14.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 14.2 feet on 03/05/2008. - Please visit www.weather.gov/safety/flood for flood safety and preparedness information && River Name Fld Observed Thu Fri Fri Crest Location Stg Stg Day/Time 7PM 1AM 7AM Stg Time Date South Branch Potomac River Petersburg 14.0 13.1 Thu 2 pm 14.2 11.9 9.9 14.2 7pm Thu && LAT...LON 3891 7928 3902 7920 3907 7899 3907 7897 3897 7902 3894 7918 3886 7921 $$ Geiger  487 WABZ23 SBGL 061930 SBAZ AIRMET 12 VALID 061935/062110 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR OVC CLD 100/0600FT FCST WI S0657 W07018 - S0657 W06928 - S0620 W06928 - S0620 W07018 - S0657 W07018 STNR NC=  641 WSFI31 EFKL 061935 EFIN SIGMET M04 VALID 061944/062344 EFKL- EFIN HELSINKI FIR SEV MTW FCST WI N6836 E02143 - N6903 E02030 - N6919 E02130 - N6849 E02220 - N6836 E02143 SFC/FL300 STNR NC=  033 WAKO31 RKSI 061934 RKRR AIRMET I05 VALID 061934/062100 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC VIS 5000M SN FG BR OBS WI N3819 E12537 - N3433 E12550 - N3516 E12821 - N3701 E12844 - N3832 E12742 - N3819 E12537 STNR NC=  717 WWUS43 KDLH 061936 WSWDLH URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Duluth MN 136 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 WIZ002-070000- /O.NEW.KDLH.WW.Y.0011.250206T1936Z-250207T0000Z/ Bayfield- Including the cities of Washburn and Bayfield 136 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Lake effect snow. Blowing snow. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Bayfield County. This includes the Tribal Lands of the Red Cliff Band. Other locations including the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Localized whiteout conditions are possible due to falling and blowing snow creating visibility around 1/4 mile, across northern Bayfield county on the South Shore. This includes State Route 13, Red Cliff, Cornucopia, Herbster, and Bayfield. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening commute. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Call 511 or visit www.511wi.gov for Wisconsin road information. Use caution while traveling, especially along State Route 13 on the South Shore. Lake effect snow bands are expected to create conditions ranging from locally heavy snow to dry weather just a few miles away. && $$ For more information on Northland weather, visit www.weather. gov/duluth PA  796 WWUS43 KAPX 061937 WSWAPX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gaylord MI 237 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MIZ016>018-022>024-099-070400- /O.EXB.KAPX.WW.Y.0014.250206T2200Z-250207T0400Z/ Emmet-Cheboygan-Presque Isle-Otsego-Montmorency-Alpena-Charlevoix- 237 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations around 1 inch. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...A portion of Northern Lower Michigan. * WHEN...Until 11 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Widespread blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility, resulting in brief dangerous travel conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening commute. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. && $$ MIZ086-087-070745- /O.EXT.KAPX.WW.Y.0014.250206T2000Z-250207T1700Z/ Western Chippewa-Central Chippewa- 237 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Central Chippewa and Western Chippewa Counties. * WHEN...Until noon EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult with blowing snow and reduced visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. During lake effect snow, the weather can vary from bands of locally heavy snow to dry weather just a few miles away. Visibilities can also vary greatly. Be prepared for rapid changes in weather, visibility, and road conditions. && $$ Cornish  187 WWUS75 KTFX 061937 NPWTFX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Great Falls MT 1237 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 MTZ305-306-062045- /O.EXP.KTFX.CW.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250206T2000Z/ Hill County-Northern Blaine County- Including the following locations: Chinook, Havre, Zurich, Hogeland, Harlem, and Fort Belknap 1237 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...COLD WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 1 PM MST THIS AFTERNOON... The threat has ended. $$ Wilson  227 WWUS41 KBGM 061937 WSWBGM URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Binghamton NY 237 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NYZ009-070745- /O.CON.KBGM.LE.W.0003.250207T1200Z-250208T1500Z/ Northern Oneida- Including the cities of Boonville 237 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...LAKE EFFECT SNOW WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM FRIDAY TO 10 AM EST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Heavy lake effect snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 10 inches, with highest amounts across the central and western portion of the area where the most persistent snow is expected. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...Northern Oneida County. * WHEN...From 7 AM Friday to 10 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Travel will be difficult. Areas of blowing snow will significantly reduce visibility and roads can quickly become snow covered, causing very slick conditions. Strong and gusty winds could down trees or tree branches, causing isolated power outages. The hazardous conditions will impact the Friday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NYZ037-070745- /O.NEW.KBGM.WW.Y.0012.250207T1200Z-250208T1500Z/ Southern Oneida- Including the cities of Rome and Utica 237 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM FRIDAY TO 10 AM EST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Lake effect snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 6 inches, with heavier amounts where the lake band sets up the longest. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Southern Oneida County. * WHEN...From 7 AM Friday to 10 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Blowing snow will cause a reduction in visibility and roads to become quickly snow covered, causing slippery conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commutes. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches, causing isolated power outages. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. During lake effect snow, the weather can vary from bands of locally heavy snow to dry weather just a few miles away. Visibilities can also vary greatly. Be prepared for rapid changes in weather, visibility, and road conditions. && $$ NYZ046-057-062-070745- /O.NEW.KBGM.WS.A.0004.250209T0000Z-250209T1200Z/ Otsego-Delaware-Sullivan- Including the cities of Oneonta, Walton, Delhi, and Monticello 237 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM SATURDAY EVENING THROUGH SUNDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 6 and 9 inches. * WHERE...Delaware, Otsego, and Sullivan Counties. * WHEN...From Saturday evening through Sunday morning. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. && $$ JTC  324 WGUS81 KRLX 061937 FLSRLX Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 237 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in West Virginia... Little Kanawha River at Glenville affecting Gilmer County. For the Little Kanawha River...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/rlx. The next statement will be issued late tonight at 245 AM EST. && WVC021-070745- /O.EXT.KRLX.FL.W.0009.000000T0000Z-250207T1258Z/ /GLEW2.1.ER.250206T1734Z.250207T0000Z.250207T0658Z.NO/ 237 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL TOMORROW MORNING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Little Kanawha River at Glenville. * WHEN...Until tomorrow morning. * IMPACTS...At 25.0 feet, Most of Elm Street floods. Water reaches the hotel foundation on Conrad Court next to the old 1885 bridge. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1:45 PM EST Thursday the stage was 23.7 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 1:45 PM EST Thursday was 23.7 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 24.9 feet this evening. It will then fall below flood stage just after midnight tonight. - Flood stage is 23.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 24.8 feet on 03/25/1936. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3898 8089 3892 8064 3887 8072 3888 8091 $$ JLB  824 WWUS73 KAPX 061937 NPWAPX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gaylord MI 237 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MIZ016>018-020>036-041-042-097>099-070345- /O.CON.KAPX.WI.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250207T0600Z/ Emmet-Cheboygan-Presque Isle-Leelanau-Antrim-Otsego-Montmorency- Alpena-Benzie-Grand Traverse-Kalkaska-Crawford-Oscoda-Alcona- Manistee-Wexford-Missaukee-Roscommon-Ogemaw-Iosco-Gladwin-Arenac- Mackinac Island/Bois Blanc Island-Beaver Island and surrounding islands-Charlevoix- 237 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. * WHERE...Portions of Eastern Upper and Northern Lower Michigan. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ Cornish  255 WGUS81 KRNK 061938 FLSRNK Flood Advisory National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 238 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC017-061948- /O.CAN.KRNK.FA.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T2000Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bath VA- 238 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... The Flood Advisory is cancelled for a portion of west central Virginia, including the following area in western Bath County. The threat for flooding along Back Creek has increased over the area. Therefore the Flood Advisory has been replaced by a Flood Warning. Please refer to that bulletin for more information. && LAT...LON 3800 8000 3824 7984 3825 7982 3826 7981 3827 7980 3823 7972 3798 7991 $$ RS  719 WWCN11 CWTO 061938 SNOW SQUALL WATCH FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:38 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOW SQUALL WATCH FOR: =NEW= BRUCE PENINSULA - SAUBLE BEACH - TOBERMORY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOW SQUALLS EXPECTED TO DEVELOP THIS EVENING. WHAT: TOTAL SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS OF 15 TO 25 CM. PEAK SNOWFALL RATES OF 2 TO 4 CM IN AN HOUR ARE POSSIBLE. POOR TO NEAR ZERO VISIBILITY IN SNOW AND LOCAL BLOWING SNOW. WHEN: THIS EVENING THROUGH FRIDAY AFTERNOON. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: LAKE EFFECT SNOW SQUALLS OFF LAKE HURON ARE EXPECTED TO DEVELOP THIS EVENING AS WINDS SHIFT TO WESTERLY. THERE MAY BE A BRIEF PAUSE IN SNOW SQUALL ACTIVITY OVERNIGHT AS WINDS SHIFT TO NORTHWESTERLY. CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED TO IMPROVE FRIDAY AFTERNOON. SNOW SQUALLS CAUSE WEATHER CONDITIONS TO VARY CONSIDERABLY(SEMICOLON) CHANGES FROM CLEAR SKIES TO HEAVY SNOW WITHIN JUST A FEW KILOMETRES ARE COMMON. TRAVEL MAY BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO SUDDEN CHANGES IN THE WEATHER. VISIBILITY MAY BE SIGNIFICANTLY AND SUDDENLY REDUCED TO NEAR ZERO. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. ROAD CLOSURES ARE POSSIBLE. IF YOU MUST TRAVEL, KEEP OTHERS INFORMED OF YOUR SCHEDULE AND DESTINATION AND CARRY AN EMERGENCY KIT AND MOBILE PHONE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN ONTARIO, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  228 WWUS41 KBOX 061939 WSWBOX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 239 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 CTZ002-003-MAZ002-003-008>011-070845- /O.CAN.KBOX.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ /O.NEW.KBOX.WS.A.0002.250209T0000Z-250209T2100Z/ Hartford CT-Tolland CT-Western Franklin MA-Eastern Franklin MA- Western Hampshire MA-Western Hampden MA-Eastern Hampshire MA- Eastern Hampden MA- Including the cities of Springfield, Northampton, Orange, Vernon, Windsor Locks, Amherst, Hartford, Charlemont, Blandford, Chesterfield, Greenfield, and Union 239 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM SATURDAY EVENING THROUGH SUNDAY AFTERNOON... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 6 and 9 inches possible. * WHERE...Portions of northern Connecticut and western Massachusetts. * WHEN...From Saturday evening through Sunday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. && $$ CTZ004-MAZ004>007-012>021-026-RIZ001>007-070845- /O.NEW.KBOX.WS.A.0002.250209T0000Z-250209T2100Z/ /O.CON.KBOX.WW.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Windham CT-Northern Worcester MA-Central Middlesex MA-Western Essex MA-Eastern Essex MA-Southern Worcester MA-Western Norfolk MA-Southeast Middlesex MA-Suffolk MA-Eastern Norfolk MA-Northern Bristol MA-Western Plymouth MA-Eastern Plymouth MA-Southern Bristol MA-Southern Plymouth MA-Northern Middlesex MA-Northwest Providence RI-Southeast Providence RI-Western Kent RI-Eastern Kent RI-Bristol RI-Washington RI-Newport RI- Including the cities of Westerly, Quincy, Taunton, Lawrence, Boston, Warwick, Narragansett, Lowell, Worcester, Putnam, Bristol, Ayer, West Warwick, Foxborough, Willimantic, Gloucester, Foster, Mattapoisett, Cambridge, Brockton, Providence, Plymouth, New Bedford, Fitchburg, Newport, Smithfield, Barre, Milford, Coventry, East Greenwich, Framingham, West Greenwich, Norwood, and Fall River 239 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM SATURDAY EVENING THROUGH SUNDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...For the Winter Weather Advisory, mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch in northern MA and ice accumulations around a light glaze. For the Winter Storm Watch, heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 6 and 9 inches possible. * WHERE...Portions of northern Connecticut, central, eastern, northeastern, and southeastern Massachusetts, and northern and southern Rhode Island. * WHEN...For the Winter Weather Advisory, until 7 PM EST this evening. For the Winter Storm Watch, from Saturday evening through Sunday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. Slow down and use caution while traveling. && $$ MAZ022-070845- /O.NEW.KBOX.WS.A.0002.250209T0000Z-250209T2100Z/ Barnstable MA- Including the cities of Provincetown, Chatham, and Falmouth 239 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM SATURDAY EVENING THROUGH SUNDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 7 inches possible. * WHERE...Barnstable MA County. * WHEN...From Saturday evening through Sunday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. && $$ Visit us at http://www.weather.gov/box BW  888 ACUS01 KWNS 061941 SWODY1 SPC AC 061939 Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0139 PM CST Thu Feb 06 2025 Valid 062000Z - 071200Z ...THERE IS A SLIGHT RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS OVER PORTIONS OF TENNESSEE AND VICINITY... ...SUMMARY... A few strong/severe thunderstorms are expected this afternoon and evening across parts of the Tennessee Valley. ...20z Updates... Updates were made to clip the Marginal Risk to the Blue Ridge Mountains in the western Carolinas to account for where instability wanes and more stable air resides. A few thunderstorms have developed across northwestern Tennessee into southwestern Kentucky. Additional thunderstorm development is expected into Middle Tennessee/central Kentucky through the afternoon and evening. See MCD#70 for more information on this threat. ..Thornton/Hart.. 02/06/2025 .PREV DISCUSSION... /ISSUED 1008 AM CST Thu Feb 06 2025/ ...TN and vicinity... Morning visible satellite imagery shows a surface cold front extending from northwest TN into southern KY. The air mass along and south of the front continues to slowly moisten with dewpoints now in the 60s across most of western/middle TN, and cloud cover appears to be thinning. This will lead to a zone of 1000-1500 J/kg surface-based CAPE this afternoon. Most 12z model solutions indicate scattered thunderstorms will form along the front and track east-southeastward across much of TN through the afternoon/evening. Low-level wind fields are considerably weaker than last night, suggesting the overall tornado risk has likely decreased. However, mid-level lapse rates around 7 C/km, weak forcing, strong westerly flow aloft, and diurnal heating suggest the risk of a few discrete rotating/bowing storms capable of hail and damaging wind gusts. A tornado or two is possible. The threat may persist after dark in east TN, but should weaken as storms move into less instability over the mountains. $$  889 WUUS01 KWNS 061941 PTSDY1 DAY 1 CONVECTIVE OUTLOOK AREAL OUTLINE NWS STORM PREDICTION CENTER NORMAN OK 0139 PM CST THU FEB 06 2025 VALID TIME 062000Z - 071200Z PROBABILISTIC OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... TORNADO ... 0.02 36328799 36878607 37128369 37218242 37018199 36638201 35888290 35308440 35108666 35088806 35258851 35498884 35938862 36328799 && ... HAIL ... 0.05 36368837 37028475 37208278 37268145 36898114 36368140 35968173 35038373 35048582 35108814 35418882 35738898 36368837 0.15 36628642 36608395 36018391 35298461 35248552 35758779 36088795 36318797 36628642 && ... WIND ... 0.05 35488891 35788897 36368841 36798635 37068447 37208243 37248142 36878112 36348137 35918184 35028382 35058683 35118823 35488891 0.15 36638652 36608395 36028389 35308459 35208551 35768777 36048797 36328794 36638652 && CATEGORICAL OUTLOOK POINTS DAY 1 ... CATEGORICAL ... SLGT 36328797 36648645 36598392 36008392 35338458 35218557 35788780 36068793 36328797 MRGL 36388832 36918567 37188313 37248143 36878111 36348139 35958178 35058378 35068687 35108818 35448886 35788897 36388832 TSTM 40322492 41682235 41582029 39821915 38461849 37101782 36451826 36291941 37242089 38072243 38282408 99999999 34357580 35127679 35027815 34818177 34028406 33928696 34419026 34979166 36199159 37659027 38548828 38498197 37787860 38367598 38367388 && THERE IS A SLGT RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 35 SW HOP 25 S BWG 35 SSE LOZ 15 NNE TYS 40 ENE CHA 25 WNW CHA 60 SSW CKV 50 SW CKV 35 SW HOP. THERE IS A MRGL RISK OF SVR TSTMS TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 50 WSW HOP 40 E BWG 30 SSE JKL 15 WSW BLF 30 S BLF 45 N HKY 25 NW HKY 55 SSE TYS 30 N HSV 40 NW MSL 10 SSE MKL 10 NNW MKL 50 WSW HOP. GEN TSTMS ARE FCST TO THE RIGHT OF A LINE FROM 55 SW EKA 25 N MHS 15 ENE AAT 30 NW NFL 75 S NFL 35 ESE BIH 65 NNW NID 40 SSE FAT 20 W MER 30 N SFO 75 SW UKI ...CONT... 60 S HSE 15 ENE EWN 30 SSW GSB 15 ESE SPA 35 NE ATL 25 NNW BHM 40 W UOX 35 ENE LIT 30 N BVX 10 SE FAM 35 ENE MVN 20 WNW CRW 25 SSW CHO 25 ENE NHK 85 SSE ACY.  295 WOCN11 CWTO 061940 WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:40 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WEATHER ADVISORY FOR: CITY OF OTTAWA PRESCOTT AND RUSSELL CORNWALL - MORRISBURG. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WINTER WEATHER TRAVEL ADVISORY IN EFFECT FOR TODAY. HAZARDS: TOTAL SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS OF 5 TO 10 CM. REDUCED VISIBILITY IN SNOW. POSSIBLE FREEZING DRIZZLE BEGINNING THIS AFTERNOON. TIMING: CONTINUING THROUGH EARLY THIS EVENING. DISCUSSION: CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED TO IMPROVE THIS EVENING. MOTORISTS SHOULD EXPECT HAZARDOUS WINTER DRIVING CONDITIONS AND ADJUST TRAVEL PLANS ACCORDINGLY. POOR WEATHER CONDITIONS MAY CONTRIBUTE TO TRANSPORTATION DELAYS. SLOW DOWN DRIVING IN SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. WATCH FOR TAILLIGHTS AHEAD AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. FOR ROAD CONDITIONS AND OTHER TRAVELLER INFORMATION FROM THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION, VISIT HTTPS://WWW.ONTARIO.CA/511, HTTPS://WWW.TWITTER.COM/511ONTARIO, OR CALL 5-1-1. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN ONTARIO, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  488 WVEQ31 SEGU 061940 SEFG SIGMET 4 VALID 061940/070140 SEGU- SEFG GUAYAQUIL FIR VA ERUPTION MT REVENTADOR PSN S0004 W07739 VA CLD OBS AT 1900Z WI N0001 W07751 - S0004 W07739 - S0005 W07739 - S0006 W07753 - N0001 W07751 SFC/FL140 MOV W 5KT FCST AT 0100Z WI N0004 W07753 - S0004 W07739 - S0005 W07739 - S0006 W07756 - N0004 W07753=  769 WWUS53 KPAH 061942 SVSPAH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Paducah KY 142 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC039-105-061952- /O.CAN.KPAH.SV.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T2000Z/ Carlisle KY-Hickman KY- 142 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHEASTERN CARLISLE AND NORTHEASTERN HICKMAN COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. && LAT...LON 3677 8907 3684 8882 3668 8882 3667 8902 3668 8903 3672 8905 TIME...MOT...LOC 1941Z 260DEG 38KT 3678 8877 $$ SP  470 WHUS73 KAPX 061943 MWWAPX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Gaylord MI 243 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 LHZ345>349-070345- /O.EXT.KAPX.GL.W.0006.250206T2000Z-250207T1500Z/ Straits of Mackinac within 5 nm of Mackinac Bridge including Mackinac Island-St Ignace to False Detour Channel- 5NM East of Mackinac Bridge to Presque Isle Light MI including Bois Blanc Island- Presque Isle Light to Sturgeon Pt MI Including Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary-Sturgeon Pt to Alabaster MI- 243 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Highest gusts up to 45 kts from the west and highest waves around 11 feet expected. Occasional gusts to 50 kts possible. * WHERE...Straits of Mackinac within 5 nm of Mackinac Bridge including Mackinac Island, St Ignace to False Detour Channel, 5NM East of Mackinac Bridge to Presque Isle Light MI including Bois Blanc Island, Presque Isle Light to Sturgeon Pt MI Including Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary and Sturgeon Pt to Alabaster MI. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous highest waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ323-341-342-344>346-070345- /O.CON.KAPX.GL.W.0006.000000T0000Z-250207T1000Z/ Grand Traverse Bay south of a line Grand Traverse Light to Norwood MI-Seul Choix Point to 5NM West of Mackinac Bridge- Norwood MI to 5NM West of Mackinac Bridge including Little Traverse Bay-Sleeping Bear Point to Grand Traverse Light MI- Point Betsie to Sleeping Bear Point MI- Manistee to Point Betsie MI- 243 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Highest gusts up to 45 kts from the west and highest waves around 16 feet. Occasional gusts to 50 kts possible. * WHERE...Portions of Lake Michigan. * WHEN...Until 5 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous highest waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ321-322-070345- /O.CON.KAPX.GL.W.0006.250206T2000Z-250207T1000Z/ Whitefish Bay (U.S. Portion)/Whitefish Point to Point Iroquois MI- St. Marys River Point Iroquois to E. Potagannissing Bay- 243 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Highest gusts up to 45 kts from the west and highest waves around 15 feet expected. Occasional gusts to 50 kts possible. * WHERE...Whitefish Bay (U. S. Portion)/Whitefish Point to Point Iroquois MI and St. Marys River Point Iroquois to E. Potagannissing Bay. * WHEN...Until 5 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous highest waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$  762 WWCN11 CWTO 061944 SNOW SQUALL WATCH FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:44 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOW SQUALL WATCH FOR: =NEW= OWEN SOUND - BLUE MOUNTAINS - NORTHERN GREY COUNTY =NEW= BARRIE - ORILLIA - MIDLAND =NEW= PORT CARLING - PORT SEVERN =NEW= BRACEBRIDGE - GRAVENHURST. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOW SQUALLS EXPECTED TO BEGIN EARLY FRIDAY MORNING. WHAT: TOTAL SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS OF 10 TO 20 CM. POOR VISIBILITY IN SNOW AND LOCAL BLOWING SNOW. WHEN: EARLY FRIDAY MORNING THROUGH FRIDAY AFTERNOON. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: LAKE EFFECT SNOW SQUALLS OFF GEORGIAN BAY ARE EXPECTED TO DEVELOP EARLY FRIDAY MORNING AS WINDS SHIFT TO NORTHWESTERLY. CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED TO IMPROVE FRIDAY EVENING. SNOW SQUALLS CAUSE WEATHER CONDITIONS TO VARY CONSIDERABLY(SEMICOLON) CHANGES FROM CLEAR SKIES TO HEAVY SNOW WITHIN JUST A FEW KILOMETRES ARE COMMON. TRAVEL MAY BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO SUDDEN CHANGES IN THE WEATHER. VISIBILITY MAY BE SUDDENLY REDUCED AT TIMES IN HEAVY SNOW. SURFACES SUCH AS HIGHWAYS, ROADS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING LOTS MAY BECOME DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE DUE TO ACCUMULATING SNOW. IF YOU MUST TRAVEL, KEEP OTHERS INFORMED OF YOUR SCHEDULE AND DESTINATION AND CARRY AN EMERGENCY KIT AND MOBILE PHONE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN ONTARIO, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  581 WGUS83 KLMK 061946 FLSLMK Flood Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 246 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Kentucky... Licking River at Blue Licks Spring affecting Robertson and Nicholas Counties. .Heavy rain from the past 24 hours has caused the river to rise. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/lmk. The next statement will be issued by Friday morning at 1115 AM EST. && KYC181-201-071615- /O.EXT.KLMK.FL.W.0008.000000T0000Z-250207T2122Z/ /BLSK2.1.ER.250206T1330Z.250207T0000Z.250207T1522Z.NO/ 246 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL TOMORROW AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Licking River at Blue Licks Spring. * WHEN...Until tomorrow afternoon. * IMPACTS...At 25.0 feet, Cropland flooding begins. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 2:00 PM EST Thursday the stage was 27.7 feet. - Bankfull stage is 24.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 2:00 PM EST Thursday was 27.7 feet. - Forecast...The river will rise to 28.2 feet this evening. It will then fall below flood stage late tomorrow morning to 23.0 feet Saturday morning. - Flood stage is 25.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 28.2 feet on 09/25/2006. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3828 8387 3847 8417 3857 8426 3858 8413 3848 8401 3835 8379 $$ AMS  636 WGUS85 KREV 061946 FLSREV Flood Statement National Weather Service Reno NV 1146 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAC035-061956- /O.CAN.KREV.FA.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T2000Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Lassen CA- 1146 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING HAS BEEN REPLACED WITH A FLOOD ADVISORY... The Flood Warning is replaced by a Flood Advisory for a portion of northeast California, including the following area, Lassen. The threat of flooding continues and a Flood Advisory is now in effect. Please refer to that bulletin for more information. && LAT...LON 4084 12114 4089 12121 4089 12132 4091 12132 4091 12133 4118 12133 4118 12103 4085 12097 $$ MRC  637 WGUS85 KREV 061946 RRA FLSREV Flood Advisory National Weather Service Reno NV 1146 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAC035-102000- /O.NEW.KREV.FA.Y.0004.250206T1946Z-250210T2000Z/ /00000.N.RS.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Lassen CA- 1146 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON PST MONDAY... ...REPLACES FLOOD WARNING... * WHAT...Ongoing moderate to major flooding in the area very slowly receding. * WHERE...Along Pit River and tributaries in Northwest Lassen County including Big Valley, Bieber, and Nubieber. * WHEN...Until noon PST Monday. * IMPACTS...As of Thursday morning, the water level are slowly receding in Bieber and are about 6" below the crest. That slow recession is expected to continue, but flood impacts will be prolonged and likely persist through the weekend. Cold temperatures and ice in slow moving and ponded areas may exacerbate impacts and damage structures or block drainage areas. Numerous rural roads in NW Lassen County are damaged and/or flooded. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1133 AM PST, Gauge reports indicated Pit River flood waters receding slowly. - The Pit River at Canby has dropped about 1' from the peak late Tuesday, but is still near major flood state. The Canby gage is expected to slowly decrease to minor flood stage by Saturday morning. With approximately 30 miles to travel to Bieber, high water and ponding will be prolonged. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Nubieber, Bieber, Pittville and CA 299 At Shasta-Lassen Co Line. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 4091 12133 4118 12133 4118 12103 4085 12097 4084 12114 4089 12121 4089 12132 4091 12132 $$ MRC  079 WGUS86 KMTR 061947 FLSMTR Flood Advisory National Weather Service San Francisco CA 1147 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAC085-087-062100- /O.EXT.KMTR.FA.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-250206T2100Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Santa Clara CA-Santa Cruz CA- 1147 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Urban area and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...A good portion of Santa Cruz County including areas along the San Lorenzo River, elevated regions, Santa Cruz and Aptos in Central California. * WHEN...Until 100 PM PST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. Water over roadways. River or stream flows are elevated. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1146 AM PST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain. This will cause urban and small stream flooding. Between 0.5 and 0.7 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts up to 0.5 inches are expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding, especially across areas of complex terrain, low- lying regions, and flood prone areas. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley, Capitola, Live Oak, Felton, Ben Lomond, Twin Lakes, Boulder Creek, Soquel, Opal Cliffs, Aptos, Rio Del Mar, Lexington Hills, Day Valley and Aptos Hills-Larkin Valley. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. In hilly terrain there are hundreds of low water crossings which are potentially dangerous in heavy rain. Do not attempt to cross flooded roads. Find an alternate route. Flooding is occurring or is imminent. It is important to know where you are relative to streams, rivers, or creeks which can become killers in heavy rains. Campers and hikers should avoid streams or creeks. && LAT...LON 3702 12222 3703 12222 3703 12223 3721 12216 3724 12210 3709 12184 3692 12186 3692 12188 3693 12189 3696 12194 3694 12202 3695 12211 3696 12215 $$ Behringer  365 WANO36 ENMI 061948 ENOB AIRMET I03 VALID 062100/070100 ENMI- ENOB BODOE OCEANIC FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N7930 E00915 - N8005 E01900 - N8010 E02950 - N7640 E01725 - N7610 E01605 - N7930 E00915 1000FT/FL145 STNR INTSF=  366 WSTU31 LTFM 061927 LTBB SIGMET 9 VALID 061935/062235 LTFM- LTBB ISTANBUL FIR EMBD TS FCST N OF LINE N4048 E02852 - N4051 E02759 TOP FL220 MOV SW 25KT NC=  322 WWUS83 KPAH 061949 SPSPAH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service PADUCAH KY 149 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ILZ075>078-080>094-INZ081-082-085>088-KYZ001>022-MOZ076-086-087- 100-107>112-114-062200- Jefferson-Wayne IL-Edwards-Wabash-Perry IL-Franklin-Hamilton- White-Jackson-Williamson-Saline-Gallatin-Union-Johnson-Pope- Hardin-Alexander-Pulaski-Massac-Gibson-Pike-Posey-Vanderburgh- Warrick-Spencer-Fulton-Hickman-Carlisle-Ballard-McCracken-Graves- Livingston-Marshall-Calloway-Crittenden-Lyon-Trigg-Caldwell- Union KY-Webster-Hopkins-Christian-Henderson-Daviess-McLean- Muhlenberg-Todd-Perry MO-Bollinger-Cape Girardeau-Wayne MO-Carter- Ripley-Butler-Stoddard-Scott-Mississippi-New Madrid- Including the cities of Mount Vernon, Fairfield, Albion, Mount Carmel, Pinckneyville, West Frankfort, McLeansboro, Carmi, Carbondale, Murphysboro, Herrin, Harrisburg, Shawneetown, Jonesboro, Vienna, Golconda, Elizabethtown, Cairo, Mound City, Metropolis, Fort Branch, Petersburg, Poseyville, Evansville, Boonville, Rockport, Hickman, Clinton, Bardwell, Wickliffe, Paducah, Mayfield, Smithland, Benton, Murray, Marion, Eddyville, Cadiz, Princeton, Morganfield, Dixon, Madisonville, Hopkinsville, Henderson, Owensboro, Calhoun, Greenville, Elkton, Perryville, Marble Hill, Cape Girardeau, Jackson, Piedmont, Van Buren, Doniphan, Poplar Bluff, Bloomfield, Sikeston, Charleston, and New Madrid 149 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 /249 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ..Scattered Thunderstorms May Produce Small Hail This Afternoon... Isolated to scattered thunderstorms may produce small hail up to dime sized and gusty winds up to 40 mph across the region this afternoon. If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. $$  058 WOMQ40 LEMM 061600 AGENCIA ESTATAL DE METEOROLOGIA DE ESPANA AVISO NUMERO 066 PARA ALTA MAR ZONAS DEL MEDITERRANEO EMITIDO EL JUEVES 06 DE FEBRERO DE 2025 A LAS 20:00 UTC ALCANZA HASTA EL SABADO 08 A LAS 20:00 UTC (ANULA Y REEMPLAZA AL NUMERO 065) AVISOS: MENORCA, LEON, PROVENZA, LIGURIA, CORCEGA MENORCA: N 7 DESDE 081000 UTC HASTA 082000 UTC AL MENOS. LEON: N Y NW 7 DESDE 080800 UTC HASTA 082000 UTC AL MENOS. PROVENZA: E Y SE 7 DESDE 072000 UTC HASTA 082000 UTC AL MENOS. LIGURIA: N Y NE 7 DESDE 072000 UTC HASTA 082000 UTC AL MENOS. CORCEGA: EN EL NOROESTE, NE 7 DESDE 080300 UTC HASTA 082000 UTC AL MENOS.=  733 WWCN17 CWHX 061949 SNOWFALL WARNING FOR LABRADOR UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:49 P.M. AST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOWFALL WARNING FOR: RED BAY TO L'ANSE-AU-CLAIR. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOWFALL WITH TOTAL AMOUNTS OF 15 TO 20 CM IS EXPECTED. LOCATIONS: RED BAY TO L'ANSE-AU-CLAIR. TIME SPAN: EARLY FRIDAY MORNING UNTIL LATE FRIDAY AFTERNOON. PREPARE FOR QUICKLY CHANGING AND DETERIORATING TRAVEL CONDITIONS. RAPIDLY ACCUMULATING SNOW COULD MAKE TRAVEL DIFFICULT OVER SOME LOCATIONS. VISIBILITY MAY BE SUDDENLY REDUCED AT TIMES IN HEAVY SNOW. SNOWFALL WARNINGS ARE ISSUED WHEN SIGNIFICANT SNOWFALL IS EXPECTED. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  408 WWUS71 KBGM 061951 NPWBGM URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Binghamton NY 251 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NYZ009-015>018-022>025-036-037-044>046-055>057-070800- /O.NEW.KBGM.WI.Y.0005.250207T0600Z-250207T1800Z/ Northern Oneida-Yates-Seneca-Southern Cayuga-Onondaga-Steuben- Schuyler-Chemung-Tompkins-Madison-Southern Oneida-Cortland- Chenango-Otsego-Tioga-Broome-Delaware- Including the cities of Utica, Corning, Penn Yan, Binghamton, Rome, Elmira, Hornell, Norwich, Waverly, Oneida, Oneonta, Delhi, Walton, Hamilton, Auburn, Boonville, Watkins Glen, Syracuse, Cortland, Seneca Falls, Ithaca, and Owego 251 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 1 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...A portion of central New York. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 1 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ JTC  523 WGUS83 KLMK 061951 FLSLMK Flood Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 251 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Kentucky... Stoner Creek at Paris affecting Bourbon County. .Heavy rain from the past 24 hours has caused the river to rise. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/lmk. The next statement will be issued by Friday morning at 1100 AM EST. && KYC017-071600- /O.CON.KLMK.FL.W.0007.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /PRSK2.1.ER.250206T1437Z.250206T1915Z.250207T0300Z.NO/ 251 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Stoner Creek at Paris. * WHEN...Until further notice. * IMPACTS...At 18.0 feet, Water floods a few low roads on right bank of creek. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 2:15 PM EST Thursday the stage was 18.6 feet. - Bankfull stage is 18.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 2:15 PM EST Thursday was 18.6 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage late this evening and continue falling to 16.1 feet tomorrow evening. - Flood stage is 18.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 18.5 feet on 02/13/2020. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3804 8413 3816 8425 3829 8433 3835 8422 3823 8414 3811 8401 $$ AMS  031 WWUS74 KMOB 061951 NPWMOB URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mobile AL 151 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ALZ261>266-FLZ201>206-MSZ078-079-070400- /O.NEW.KMOB.FG.Y.0006.250207T0400Z-250207T1500Z/ Mobile Inland-Baldwin Inland-Mobile Central-Baldwin Central- Mobile Coastal-Baldwin Coastal-Escambia Inland-Escambia Coastal- Santa Rosa Inland-Santa Rosa Coastal-Okaloosa Inland-Okaloosa Coastal-Stone-George- Including the cities of Pensacola Beach, Daphne, Fairhope, Valparaiso, Destin, Mobile, Fort Pickens, Eglin AFB, Century, Beulah, Wiggins, Bay Minette, Jay, Ensley, Saraland, Gulf Breeze, Molino, Walnut Hill, Pensacola, Spanish Fort, Gulf Shores, Grand Bay, Fort Morgan, Theodore, Bagdad, Orange Beach, Foley, Seminole, Stockton, Milton, Niceville, Dauphin Island, Fort Walton Beach, Bayou La Batre, Wright, Prichard, Lucedale, Navarre, Perdido Bay, Crestview, and Citronelle 151 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of southwest Alabama, northwest Florida, and southeast Mississippi. * WHEN...From 10 PM this evening to 9 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$  335 WSCG31 FCBB 061951 FCCC SIGMET G2 VALID 062050/070050 FCBB- FCCC BRAZZAVILLE FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS AT 1945Z E OF LINE N0545 E01425 - S0447 E00757 TOP FL450 MOV WSW 05KT NC=  642 WSPY31 SGAS 061950 SGFA SIGMET 3 VALID 061950/062250 SGAS- SGFA ASUNCION FIR ISOL TS OBS AT 1945Z N OF S2730 TOP FL380 STNR NC=  404 WSMS31 WMKK 061953 WBFC SIGMET 8 VALID 062000/062300 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0552 E11312 - N0825 E11630 - N0729 E11731 - N0512 E11909 - N0552 E11312 TOP FL500 MOV NW 20KT NC=  428 WSMS31 WMKK 061953 WBFC SIGMET 8 VALID 062000/062300 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0552 E11312 - N0825 E11630 - N0729 E11731 - N0512 E11909 - N0552 E11312 TOP FL500 MOV NW 20KT NC=  461 WAIS31 LLBD 061935 LLLL AIRMET 23 VALID 062000/070000 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3321 E03548 - N3257 E03555 - N3118 E03510 - N3123 E03453 - N3321 E03548 STNR NC=  648 WUUS53 KPAH 061953 SVRPAH KYC047-221-062030- /O.NEW.KPAH.SV.W.0003.250206T1953Z-250206T2030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Paducah KY 153 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Paducah has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Christian County in south central Kentucky... Southeastern Trigg County in western Kentucky... * Until 230 PM CST. * At 152 PM CST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Big Rock, or 11 miles north of Dover, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Hopkinsville, Oak Grove, Fort Campbell, Lafayette, Linton, and Herndon. This includes the following highways... Interstate 24 in Kentucky between Mile Markers 72 and 86. Pennyrile Parkway between Mile Markers 1 and 7. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3666 8785 3667 8786 3667 8799 3669 8803 3680 8777 3685 8747 3664 8742 3663 8785 TIME...MOT...LOC 1952Z 256DEG 40KT 3665 8781 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ SP  390 WGUS81 KLWX 061953 FLSLWX Flood Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 253 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC171-062003- /O.CAN.KLWX.FA.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T2000Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Shenandoah VA- 253 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IS CANCELLED... The Flood Warning is cancelled for a portion of northwest Virginia, including the following area, Shenandoah. Flood waters have receded. The heavy rain has ended. Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3874 7863 3873 7861 3867 7862 3866 7864 3867 7865 3869 7865 3870 7865 3871 7865 3873 7864 $$ KR  163 WWUS74 KLCH 061955 NPWLCH URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lake Charles LA 155 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 LAZ055-073-074-152>154-241>243-252>254-TXZ615-616-070400- /O.NEW.KLCH.FG.Y.0007.250207T0300Z-250212T1600Z/ Lower St. Martin-West Cameron-East Cameron-Upper Vermilion-Upper Iberia-Upper St. Mary-Southern Calcasieu-Southern Jefferson Davis- Southern Acadia-Lower Vermilion-Lower Iberia-Lower St. Mary-Lower Jefferson-Southern Orange- Including the cities of Franklin, Grand Lake, Orange, Patterson, Johnson Bayou, Abbeville, Cypremort Point, Morse, Meaux, Hackberry, Iowa, Bayou Vista, Port Arthur, Centerville, Grand Chenier, Nederland, Sea Rim State Park, Vidor, Lake Arthur, Sabine Pass, Avery Island, Gueydan, Jeanerette, Lake Charles, Stephensville, Maurice, Creole, Kaplan, Intracoastal City, Bridge City, Morgan City, Rutherford Beach, Burns Point, Cameron, Hayes, Bell City, Forked Island, Carlyss, Berwick, New Iberia, and Klondike 155 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM CST WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of south central and southwest Louisiana and southeast Texas. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to 10 AM CST Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ LAZ030>033-044-045-141>143-TXZ201-261-262-515-516-070400- /O.NEW.KLCH.FG.Y.0007.250207T0600Z-250212T1600Z/ Beauregard-Allen-Evangeline-St. Landry-Lafayette-Upper St. Martin- Northern Calcasieu-Northern Jefferson Davis-Northern Acadia- Hardin-Southern Jasper-Southern Newton-Upper Jefferson-Northern Orange- Including the cities of Topsy, Deweyville, Lumberton, Cade, Ville Platte, Gist, Fenton, St. Landry, Westlake, St. Martinville, Opelousas, Iota, Jennings, Buna, Reddell, Oakdale, Mamou, Eunice, Oretta, Silsbee, Elton, Bundick Lake, De Ridder, Mauriceville, Branch, Breaux Bridge, Vinton, Hathaway, Beaver, De Quincy, China, Crowley, Beaumont, Lawtell, Fields, Kinder, Rayne, Evadale, Welsh, Moss Bluff, Church Point, Lafayette, and Sulphur 155 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 10 AM CST WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of central, south central, and southwest Louisiana and southeast Texas. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 10 AM CST Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ LAZ027>029-TXZ180-259-260-070400- /O.NEW.KLCH.FG.Y.0007.250207T0900Z-250212T1600Z/ Vernon-Rapides-Avoyelles-Tyler-Northern Jasper-Northern Newton- Including the cities of Spurger, Bunkie, Magnolia Springs, Warren, Alexandria, Ivanhoe, Burkeville, Pickering, Marksville, Leesville, Holly Springs, Jamestown, Woodville, Effie, Fort Johnson, Newton, Cottonport, Mansura, Kirbyville, Farrsville, Wiergate, Hillister, Fred, Mt. Union, Pineville, Town Bluff, Call, Simmesport, Bleakwood, Slagle, Jasper, and Roganville 155 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM FRIDAY TO 10 AM CST WEDNESDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter to one half mile in dense fog. * WHERE...In Louisiana, Avoyelles, Rapides, and Vernon Parishes. In Texas, Northern Jasper, Northern Newton, and Tyler Counties. * WHEN...From 3 AM Friday to 10 AM CST Wednesday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ Landreneau  216 WSUS33 KKCI 061955 SIGW MKCW WST 061955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 062155-070155 FROM 60NNW FMG-BTY-EHF-30NE SAC-PYE-50SSE FOT-60NNW FMG WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  217 WSUS32 KKCI 061955 SIGC MKCC WST 061955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 062155-070155 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  218 WSUS31 KKCI 061955 SIGE MKCE WST 061955 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 61E VALID UNTIL 2155Z TN KY IL MO FROM 40SE PXV-20WNW BNA-10NE DYR-50ESE FAM-40SE PXV AREA TS MOV FROM 25040KT. TOPS TO FL410. MONITOR FOR SVR STM POTENTIAL. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 62E VALID UNTIL 2155Z VA NC TN KY FROM 50NW HMV-10W PSK-40SSW PSK-30W HMV-50NW HMV AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 27045KT. TOPS TO FL350. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 63E VALID UNTIL 2155Z NC CSTL WTRS FROM 150SE ECG-200SE ECG-200SE ILM-100SSE ILM-150SE ECG AREA TS MOV FROM 22010KT. TOPS TO FL350. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 64E VALID UNTIL 2155Z KY IN IL MO FROM 70ESE STL-20NNE PXV-40SE PXV-50ESE FAM-30NW FAM-70ESE STL AREA TS MOV FROM 25050KT. TOPS TO FL370. OUTLOOK VALID 062155-070155 FROM 50WNW PXV-40S HNN-PSK-30NNE SPA-40WNW ODF-60E LIT-ARG-50WNW PXV WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  586 WALJ31 LJLJ 061938 LJLA AIRMET 7 VALID 062000/062200 LJLJ- LJLA LJUBLJANA FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N4525 E01344 - N4552 E01332 - N4559 E01358 - N4527 E01436 - N4525 E01344 SFC/5000FT STNR NC=  853 WAIS31 LLBD 061937 LLLL AIRMET 24 VALID 062000/070000 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N3310 E03430 - N3320 E03550 - N2930 E03500 - N3120 E03340 - N3310 E03430 FL040/100 NC=  296 WGUS86 KMTR 061955 FLSMTR Flood Advisory National Weather Service San Francisco CA 1155 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAC075-081-062005- /O.EXP.KMTR.FA.Y.0018.000000T0000Z-250206T2000Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ San Francisco CA-San Mateo CA- 1155 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT NOON PST TODAY... The Flood Advisory will expire at noon PST today for a portion of northern California, including the following areas, San Francisco and San Mateo. The heavy rain has ended. Urban area and small stream flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3779 12253 3779 12251 3781 12249 3782 12241 3780 12238 3781 12238 3780 12237 3779 12238 3775 12238 3772 12235 3771 12235 3770 12238 3759 12252 3771 12251 3776 12252 3777 12253 $$ Behringer  664 WGUS86 KMTR 061956 FLSMTR Flood Advisory National Weather Service San Francisco CA 1156 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAC081-062006- /O.EXP.KMTR.FA.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-250206T2000Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ San Mateo CA- 1156 AM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT NOON PST TODAY... The Flood Advisory will expire at noon PST today for a portion of northern California, including the following area, San Mateo. The heavy rain has ended. Urban area and small stream flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3757 12252 3759 12252 3770 12238 3770 12237 3768 12235 3766 12234 3764 12235 3763 12233 3761 12233 3759 12229 3758 12225 3756 12224 3754 12219 3734 12240 3747 12246 3750 12250 3753 12252 $$ Behringer  730 WWUS41 KCAR 061956 WSWCAR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Caribou ME 256 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MEZ001>006-010-070400- /O.EXB.KCAR.WW.Y.0003.250206T2000Z-250207T0900Z/ Northwest Aroostook-Northeast Aroostook-Northern Somerset- Northern Piscataquis-Northern Penobscot-Southeast Aroostook- Central Piscataquis- Including the cities of Ashland, Baker Lake, Madawaska, Allagash, Caribou, Mount Katahdin, Monson, Clayton Lake, Presque Isle, Baxter St Park, East Millinocket, Medway, Hodgdon, Van Buren, Blanchard, Mars Hill, Billy-Jack Depot, Patten, Churchill Dam, Fort Kent, Greenville, Smyrna Mills, Millinocket, Frenchville, Chamberlain Lake, Sherman, and Houlton 256 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 5 inches. * WHERE...Portions of Central Highlands, Far Eastern, Far Northern, and North Woods Maine * WHEN...Until 4 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory for snow means periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Expect snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Maine can be obtained by going to newengland511.org. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ MEZ011-015>017-029>032-070300- /O.CON.KCAR.WW.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250207T0300Z/ Central Penobscot-Southern Penobscot-Interior Hancock-Central Washington-Coastal Hancock-Coastal Washington-Southern Piscataquis-Northern Washington- Including the cities of Guilford, Bar Harbor, Dover-Foxcroft, Brewer, Danforth, Eastport, Howland, Grand Lake Stream, Aurora, Springfield, Machias, Orland, Dedham, Eastbrook, Princeton, Vanceboro, Calais, Bangor, Ellsworth, Perry, Amherst, Old Town, Orono, Wesley, Castine, Cherryfield, Topsfield, Milo, Lincoln, Bucksport, and Great Pond 256 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 5 inches. Ice accumulations around a trace. * WHERE...Portions of Central Highlands, Coastal DownEast, Far Eastern, Interior DownEast, and Penobscot Valley Maine * WHEN...Until 10 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Winter Weather Advisory means that periods of snow, sleet or freezing rain will cause travel difficulties. Expect slippery roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving. The latest road conditions for Maine can be obtained by going to newengland511.org. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ Brennan  228 WSRA31 RUHB 061956 UHHH SIGMET 7 VALID 062000/062300 UHHH- UHHH KHABAROVSK FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N5529 E13423 - N5436 E14406 - N5227 E14347 - N5117 E13847 - N5006 E13648 - N5346 E13553 - N5529 E13423 SFC/FL100 STNR NC=  496 WWUS74 KLIX 061956 NPWLIX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New Orleans LA 156 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 LAZ034>037-039-046>048-056>060-064>071-076>090-MSZ068>071-077- 083>088-070600- /O.NEW.KLIX.FG.Y.0007.250207T0200Z-250207T1600Z/ Pointe Coupee-West Feliciana-East Feliciana-St. Helena-Washington- Iberville-West Baton Rouge-East Baton Rouge-Assumption-St. James- St. John The Baptist-Upper Lafourche-St. Charles-Upper St. Bernard-Upper Terrebonne-Lower Terrebonne-Lower Lafourche-Coastal Jefferson Parish-Lower Plaquemines-Lower St. Bernard-Northern Tangipahoa-Southeast St. Tammany-Western Orleans-Eastern Orleans- Northern St. Tammany-Southwestern St. Tammany-Central Tangipahoa- Lower Tangipahoa-Northern Livingston-Southern Livingston-Western Ascension-Eastern Ascension-Upper Jefferson-Lower Jefferson-Upper Plaquemines-Central Plaquemines-Wilkinson-Amite-Pike-Walthall- Pearl River-Northern Hancock-Northern Harrison-Northern Jackson- Southern Hancock-Southern Harrison-Southern Jackson- Including the cities of Tickfaw, Wilmer, Harahan, McComb, Thibodaux, Long Beach, Pearlington, East New Orleans, Westwego, Waveland, White Castle, Acy, Kenner, Lutcher, Independence, Moss Point, Leeville, Pointe A La Hache, Paincourtville, Gulfport, Greensburg, Necaise, St. Martin, Houma, Braithwaite, Vancleave, Livonia, Delacroix, Akers, Bush, Alliance, Woodville, Belle Chasse, Gillsburg, Picayune, Grand Isle, Montpelier, Laplace, Barataria, Amite, Lyman, Gramercy, Folsom, Jean Lafitte, Madisonville, Donaldsonville, Golden Meadow, Hammond, Biloxi, Convent, Empire, Springfield, Lafitte, Ponchatoula, Raceland, Dulac, Chauvin, Galliano, Port Sulphur, Liberty, Slidell, Saucier, Bayou Sorrel, Darlington, Dexter, Metairie, Prairieville, Dolorosa, Baton Rouge, French Settlement, Whitehall, Gretna, Escatawpa, Geismar, Myrtle Grove, Brusly, McNeil, Denham Springs, Plaquemine, Gonzales, Yscloskey, Walker, Pascagoula, Crossroads, Lettsworth, Montegut, Killian, Addis, Pass Christian, Violet, Labadieville, Jackson, Fort Adams, Covington, Marrero, Shell Beach, Spillman, Larose, New Orleans, Tylertown, Ocean Springs, Gloster, Wakefield, Pierre Part, St. Francisville, Easleyville, Bayou Cane, Enon, Robert, Sellers, Wade, Boothville, Bogalusa, Centreville, Poplarville, Venice, Reserve, Destrehan, Cut Off, Smithdale, Kiln, Livingston, Salem, Norco, Cocodrie, Clinton, Sorrento, Franklinton, Gautier, Mandeville, Meraux, Bay St. Louis, Roseland, Kentwood, Diamondhead, Chalmette, Buras, Felps, Port Allen, and New Roads 156 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...All of southeast Louisiana and southern Mississippi. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 10 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your low beam headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ PG  857 WGUS41 KRLX 061957 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 257 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC001-033-083-097-062300- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0017.000000T0000Z-250206T2300Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Barbour WV-Harrison WV-Randolph WV-Upshur WV- 257 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...A portion of northern West Virginia, including the following counties, Barbour, Harrison, Randolph and Upshur. * WHEN...Until 600 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 255 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water across the area as area creeks slowly recede this evening. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Elkins, Audra State Park, Belington, Beverly, Junior, Lost Creek, Womelsdorf (Coalton), Ellamore, Volga, Hodgesville and Century. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3905 7989 3881 7973 3882 7984 3886 7990 3874 8003 3895 8011 3917 8035 $$ 30  858 WOCN11 CWTO 061956 WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:56 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WEATHER ADVISORY FOR: =NEW= OWEN SOUND - BLUE MOUNTAINS - NORTHERN GREY COUNTY =NEW= SAUGEEN SHORES - KINCARDINE - SOUTHERN BRUCE COUNTY =NEW= HANOVER - DUNDALK - SOUTHERN GREY COUNTY =NEW= BARRIE - ORILLIA - MIDLAND =NEW= PARRY SOUND - MUSKOKA =NEW= BURK'S FALLS - BAYFIELD INLET. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WINTER WEATHER TRAVEL ADVISORY IN EFFECT FOR THIS EVENING. WHAT: BRIEF BURSTS OF HEAVY SNOW. PEAK SNOWFALL RATES OF 2 TO 4 CM IN AN HOUR ARE POSSIBLE. POOR VISIBILITY IN HEAVY SNOW AND LOCAL BLOWING SNOW. WHEN: THIS EVENING. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: AS THE HEAVY SNOW WILL BE MOVING QUICKLY ACROSS THE REGION SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS ARE NOT EXPECTED TO EXCEED 5 CM. WITH WINDS SHIFTING TO NORTHWESTERLY OVERNIGHT SNOW SQUALLS OFF GEORGIAN BAY ARE EXPECTED TO AFFECT AN AREA FROM OWEN SOUND TO HONEY HARBOUR ON FRIDAY. A SNOW SQUALL WATCH IS IN EFFECT FOR THESE AREAS. TRAVEL MAY BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO SUDDEN CHANGES IN THE WEATHER. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, SLOW DOWN, WATCH FOR TAIL LIGHTS AHEAD AND BE PREPARED TO STOP. VISIBILITY WILL BE SUDDENLY REDUCED TO NEAR ZERO AT TIMES IN HEAVY SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW. FOR ROAD CONDITIONS AND OTHER TRAVELLER INFORMATION FROM THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION, VISIT HTTPS://WWW.ONTARIO.CA/511, HTTPS://WWW.TWITTER.COM/511ONTARIO, OR CALL 5-1-1. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN ONTARIO, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  876 WWUS74 KLCH 061957 NPWLCH URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lake Charles LA 157 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 LAZ055-073-074-152>154-241>243-252>254-TXZ615-616-070400- /O.EXT.KLCH.FG.Y.0007.250207T0300Z-250207T1600Z/ Lower St. Martin-West Cameron-East Cameron-Upper Vermilion-Upper Iberia-Upper St. Mary-Southern Calcasieu-Southern Jefferson Davis- Southern Acadia-Lower Vermilion-Lower Iberia-Lower St. Mary-Lower Jefferson-Southern Orange- Including the cities of Franklin, Grand Lake, Orange, Patterson, Johnson Bayou, Abbeville, Cypremort Point, Morse, Meaux, Hackberry, Iowa, Bayou Vista, Port Arthur, Centerville, Grand Chenier, Nederland, Sea Rim State Park, Vidor, Lake Arthur, Sabine Pass, Avery Island, Gueydan, Jeanerette, Lake Charles, Stephensville, Maurice, Creole, Kaplan, Intracoastal City, Bridge City, Morgan City, Rutherford Beach, Burns Point, Cameron, Hayes, Bell City, Forked Island, Carlyss, Berwick, New Iberia, and Klondike 157 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of south central and southwest Louisiana and southeast Texas. * WHEN...From 9 PM this evening to 10 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ LAZ030>033-044-045-141>143-TXZ201-261-262-515-516-070400- /O.EXT.KLCH.FG.Y.0007.250207T0600Z-250207T1600Z/ Beauregard-Allen-Evangeline-St. Landry-Lafayette-Upper St. Martin- Northern Calcasieu-Northern Jefferson Davis-Northern Acadia- Hardin-Southern Jasper-Southern Newton-Upper Jefferson-Northern Orange- Including the cities of Topsy, Deweyville, Lumberton, Cade, Ville Platte, Gist, Fenton, St. Landry, Westlake, St. Martinville, Opelousas, Iota, Jennings, Buna, Reddell, Oakdale, Mamou, Eunice, Oretta, Silsbee, Elton, Bundick Lake, De Ridder, Mauriceville, Branch, Breaux Bridge, Vinton, Hathaway, Beaver, De Quincy, China, Crowley, Beaumont, Lawtell, Fields, Kinder, Rayne, Evadale, Welsh, Moss Bluff, Church Point, Lafayette, and Sulphur 157 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 10 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of central, south central, and southwest Louisiana and southeast Texas. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 10 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ LAZ027>029-TXZ180-259-260-070400- /O.EXT.KLCH.FG.Y.0007.250207T0900Z-250207T1600Z/ Vernon-Rapides-Avoyelles-Tyler-Northern Jasper-Northern Newton- Including the cities of Spurger, Bunkie, Magnolia Springs, Warren, Alexandria, Ivanhoe, Burkeville, Pickering, Marksville, Leesville, Holly Springs, Jamestown, Woodville, Effie, Fort Johnson, Newton, Cottonport, Mansura, Kirbyville, Farrsville, Wiergate, Hillister, Fred, Mt. Union, Pineville, Town Bluff, Call, Simmesport, Bleakwood, Slagle, Jasper, and Roganville 157 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 10 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter to one half mile in dense fog. * WHERE...In Louisiana, Avoyelles, Rapides, and Vernon Parishes. In Texas, Northern Jasper, Northern Newton, and Tyler Counties. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 10 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ Landreneau  884 WWUS73 KDTX 061958 NPWDTX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Detroit/Pontiac MI 258 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MIZ047>049-053>055-070300- /O.CON.KDTX.WI.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250207T0300Z/ Midland-Bay-Huron-Saginaw-Tuscola-Sanilac- Including the cities of Sandusky, Saginaw, Bad Axe, Bay City, Midland, and Caro 258 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 25 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph. * WHERE...Bay, Huron, Midland, Saginaw, Sanilac, and Tuscola Counties. * WHEN...Until 10 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Wind gusts may exceed 50 MPH along the shoreline of Saginaw Bay and Lake Huron from Sand Point to Port Austin in northwest Huron County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ SC  024 WGUS83 KJKL 061958 FLSJKL Flood Statement National Weather Service Jackson KY 258 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC205-070000- /O.CON.KJKL.FA.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Rowan KY- 258 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is occurring. * WHERE...A portion of east central Kentucky, including the following county, Rowan. * WHEN...Until 700 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 255 PM EST, High water is receding across the North Fork Triplett Creek. Further downstream, near Farmers, old Highway 801 is impassable. Flood waters are near their crest and should recede early this evening. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Freestone, Farmers and Bluestone. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3812 8355 3813 8355 3814 8355 3814 8356 3815 8356 3816 8356 3818 8352 3817 8350 3813 8352 3812 8353 $$ GEOGERIAN  504 WHUS74 KLIX 061958 MWWLIX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New Orleans LA 158 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 GMZ530-532-534-536-538-550-552-555-557-070600- /O.NEW.KLIX.MF.Y.0008.250207T0200Z-250207T1600Z/ Lake Pontchartrain and Lake Maurepas-Mississippi Sound- Lake Borgne-Chandeleur Sound-Breton Sound- Coastal Waters from Port Fourchon LA to Lower Atchafalaya River LA out 20 nm- Coastal waters from the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River to Port Fourchon Louisiana out 20 NM- Coastal Waters from Boothville LA to Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Pascagoula Mississippi to Stake Island out 20 NM- 158 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1/4 NM or less. * WHERE...All of the tidal lakes, sounds, and Gulf waters out to 20 nm. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 10 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  019 WONT54 EGRR 062000 SECURITE STORM WARNING AT 061200UTC, LOW 65 NORTH 22 WEST 972 MOVING RAPIDLY NORTHEAST OUT OF THE AREA BY 071200UTC. SOUTHERLY OR SOUTHWESTERLY WINDS WILL REACH STORM FORCE 10 OR VIOLENT STORM FORCE 11 AT TIMES IN SOUTHEAST ICELAND UNTIL 062100UTC AND IN NORTH ICELAND SOUTH OF 72 NORTH AND EAST OF 15 WEST UNTIL 070000UTC. SOUTHWESTERLY WINDS WILL ALSO REACH STORM FORCE 10 AT TIMES IN NORTH ICELAND NORTH OF 70 NORTH FROM 070300UTC  073 WHUS74 KMOB 062000 MWWMOB URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mobile AL 200 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 GMZ630>636-650-655-070400- /O.NEW.KMOB.MF.Y.0007.250207T0200Z-250207T1500Z/ Northern Mobile Bay-Southern Mobile Bay-Mississippi Sound- Perdido Bay-Pensacola Bay System-Western Choctawhatchee Bay- Eastern Choctawhatchee Bay- Coastal waters from Pensacola FL to Pascagoula MS out 20 NM- Coastal waters from Okaloosa Walton County Line FL to Pensacola FL out 20 NM- 200 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1 NM or less. * WHERE...Portions of the coastal waters of Alabama and northwest Florida. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 9 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  213 WSFG20 TFFF 062000 SOOO SIGMET 08 VALID 062000/070000 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0215 W05430 - N0315 W05415 - N0500 W05430 - N0530 W05400 - N0545 W05400 - N0400 W05130 - N0215 W05245 - N0215 W05430 TOP FL460 MOV SW 05KT WKN=  418 WWUS41 KALY 062001 WSWALY URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albany NY 301 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NYZ038-071015- /O.NEW.KALY.WW.Y.0012.250207T1200Z-250208T1200Z/ Southern Herkimer- Including the cities of Frankfort, Mohawk, Ilion, Little Falls, Herkimer, and Dolgeville 301 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM FRIDAY TO 7 AM EST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 4 inches. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...Southern Herkimer County. * WHEN...From 7 AM Friday to 7 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commutes. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. && $$ CTZ001-013-MAZ001-025-NYZ047>054-058>061-063>066-071015- /O.NEW.KALY.WS.A.0004.250209T0000Z-250209T1700Z/ Northern Litchfield-Southern Litchfield-Northern Berkshire- Southern Berkshire-Schoharie-Western Schenectady-Eastern Schenectady-Southern Saratoga-Western Albany-Eastern Albany- Western Rensselaer-Eastern Rensselaer-Western Greene-Eastern Greene-Western Columbia-Eastern Columbia-Western Ulster-Eastern Ulster-Western Dutchess-Eastern Dutchess- Including the cities of Clifton Park, Ellenville, Troy, Florida, Cairo, Rotterdam, Pine Plains, Sundown, Schenectady, Westerlo, South Egremont, Jefferson, New Milford, Great Barrington, Kingston, Livingstonville, Arlington, Terryville, Woodstock, Preston Hollow, Burnt Hills, West Hurley, Poughkeepsie, Prattsville, Breakabeen, Thomaston, Hancock, Coxsackie, Sandisfield, Kerhonkson, New Lebanon, Altamont, Waterford, Oakville, North Blenheim, Torrington, Gilboa, Mechanicville, Tannersville, Dalton, Jefferson Heights, Pittsfield, Mariaville, Dover Plains, Delanson, North Adams, Knox, Napanoch, Gaylordsville, West Shokan, New Paltz, Ballston Spa, Berne, Albany, Stanfordville, Pawling, Hoosick Falls, Stephentown, Berlin, Beacon, Catskill, Athens, Wingdale, Duanesburg, Amenia, Hunter, Cobleskill, Eagle Bridge, Millbrook, Hudson, Middleburgh, and Windham 301 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM SATURDAY EVENING THROUGH SUNDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations of 7 or more inches possible. * WHERE...Portions of northwestern Connecticut including Litchfield County, western Massachusetts including all of Berkshire County, and eastern New York including the eastern Catskills, Schoharie Valley, Helderbergs, Greater Capital Region, mid Hudson Valley and the Taconics. * WHEN...From Saturday evening through Sunday morning. * IMPACTS...Travel could be difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. && $$ TAW  860 WSCH31 SCFA 061959 SCFZ SIGMET A1 VALID 061959/062359 SCFA- SCFZ ANTOFAGASTA FIR EMBD TS FCST E OF LINE S2048 W06913 - S2314 W06821 - S2842 W06936 TOP FL300 STNR NC=  136 WOCN17 CWHX 062001 BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR LABRADOR ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:01 P.M. AST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR: =NEW= POSTVILLE - MAKKOVIK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== POOR VISIBILITY IN SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW IS EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. LOCATIONS: POSTVILLE - MAKKOVIK. TOTAL SNOWFALL: 10 TO 15 CM (FRIDAY THROUGH FRIDAY NIGHT). MAXIMUM WIND GUSTS: NORTHWESTERLY 70 KM/H (OVERNIGHT FRIDAY NIGHT). REMARKS: VISIBILITY WILL DETERIORATE FRIDAY NIGHT AS FRESH SNOWFALL COMBINES WITH STRENGTHENING WINDS, ESPECIALLY DURING THE OVERNIGHT HOURS. BLOWING SNOW ADVISORIES ARE ISSUED WHEN WINDS ARE EXPECTED TO CREATE BLOWING SNOW GIVING POOR VISIBILITY TO 800 METRES OR LESS FOR AT LEAST 3 HOURS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NLSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NLWX. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/NLWO  852 WUUS53 KPAH 062002 SVRPAH ILC059-193-INC129-KYC101-225-062030- /O.NEW.KPAH.SV.W.0004.250206T2002Z-250206T2030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Paducah KY 202 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Paducah has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... South central White County in southeastern Illinois... Northern Gallatin County in southern Illinois... Southwestern Posey County in southwestern Indiana... West central Henderson County in northwestern Kentucky... North central Union County in northwestern Kentucky... * Until 230 PM CST. * At 202 PM CST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Ridgway, or near Shawneetown, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. * Locations impacted include... Mount Vernon, Uniontown, and Ridgway. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3774 8829 3784 8832 3796 8792 3776 8784 TIME...MOT...LOC 2002Z 262DEG 43KT 3781 8821 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...<50 MPH $$ SP  149 WTXS32 PGTW 062100 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL CYCLONE 13S (VINCE) WARNING NR 011// RMKS/ 1. TROPICAL CYCLONE 13S (VINCE) WARNING NR 011 02 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONES IN SOUTHIO MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 061800Z --- NEAR 19.7S 80.7E MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 260 DEGREES AT 10 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 020 NM POSITION BASED ON EYE FIXED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 135 KT, GUSTS 165 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 035 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 035 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 055 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 055 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 050 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 075 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 095 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 080 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT REPEAT POSIT: 19.7S 80.7E --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 070600Z --- 20.0S 78.5E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 140 KT, GUSTS 170 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 050 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 080 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 265 DEG/ 11 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 071800Z --- 20.2S 76.2E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 140 KT, GUSTS 170 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 265 DEG/ 10 KTS --- 36 HRS, VALID AT: 080600Z --- 20.4S 74.0E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 130 KT, GUSTS 160 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 090 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 48 HR POSIT: 265 DEG/ 08 KTS --- EXTENDED OUTLOOK: 48 HRS, VALID AT: 081800Z --- 20.6S 72.3E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 120 KT, GUSTS 145 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 090 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 72 HR POSIT: 245 DEG/ 07 KTS --- 72 HRS, VALID AT: 091800Z --- 21.7S 69.7E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 100 KT, GUSTS 125 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 050 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 96 HR POSIT: 195 DEG/ 09 KTS --- LONG RANGE OUTLOOK: --- 96 HRS, VALID AT: 101800Z --- 25.0S 68.6E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 085 KT, GUSTS 105 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 020 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 020 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 050 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 120 HR POSIT: 175 DEG/ 12 KTS --- 120 HRS, VALID AT: 111800Z --- 29.7S 69.3E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY BECOMING SUBTROPICAL RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 020 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 020 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 050 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT --- REMARKS: 062100Z POSITION NEAR 19.8S 80.2E. 06FEB25. TROPICAL CYCLONE 13S (VINCE), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 1319 NM EAST OF PORT LOUIS, MAURITIUS, HAS TRACKED WESTWARD AT 10 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE AT 061800Z IS 924 MB. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 061800Z IS 37 FEET. NEXT WARNINGS AT 070900Z AND 072100Z. REFER TO TROPICAL CYCLONE 14S (TALIAH) WARNINGS (WTXS33 PGTW) FOR TWELVE-HOURLY UPDATES.// NNNN  687 WSFG20 TFFF 062004 SOOO SIGMET 09 VALID 062000/062200 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR SEV ICE FCST WI N0400 W05130 - N0545 W05400 - N0845 W05400 - N0700 W04745 - N0445 W04945 - N0430 W05115 - N0400 W05130 FL175/190 STNR NC=  839 WHUS71 KAKQ 062005 MWWAKQ URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wakefield VA 305 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ANZ650-652-654-070300- /O.EXT.KAKQ.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-250207T0300Z/ Coastal waters from Fenwick Island DE to Chincoteague VA out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Chincoteague to Parramore Island VA out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Parramore Island to Cape Charles Light VA out 20 nm- 305 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Southwest winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and seas 3 to 5 ft. * WHERE...Coastal waters from Fenwick Island DE to Chincoteague VA out 20 nm, Coastal waters from Chincoteague to Parramore Island VA out 20 nm and Coastal waters from Parramore Island to Cape Charles Light VA out 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 10 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ658-070000- /O.CON.KAKQ.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm- 305 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Southwest winds around 10 to 15 kt and seas 3 to 5 ft. * WHERE...Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 7 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ656-070000- /O.CON.KAKQ.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Coastal Waters from Cape Charles Light to Virginia- North Carolina border out to 20 nm- 305 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Southwest winds 10 to 15 kt and seas 3 to 5 ft. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Cape Charles Light to Virginia- North Carolina border out to 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 7 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  368 WWUS41 KBTV 062005 WSWBTV URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Burlington VT 305 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NYZ026>031-034-035-087-VTZ001>011-016>021-070300- /O.CON.KBTV.WW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250207T0300Z/ Northern St. Lawrence-Northern Franklin-Eastern Clinton- Southeastern St. Lawrence-Southern Franklin-Western Clinton- Western Essex-Eastern Essex-Southwestern St. Lawrence-Grand Isle- Western Franklin-Orleans-Essex-Western Chittenden-Lamoille- Caledonia-Washington-Western Addison-Orange-Western Rutland- Eastern Franklin-Eastern Chittenden-Eastern Addison-Eastern Rutland-Western Windsor-Eastern Windsor- Including the cities of Massena, Saranac Lake, Middlebury, Bethel, Champlain, Fair Haven, Tupper Lake, Ludlow, Ellenburg, Stowe, Malone, Alburgh, Port Henry, Derby, Burlington, St. Johnsbury, Island Pond, Fort Covington, Newport, Potsdam, Montpelier, Killington, Gouverneur, Underhill, Richford, Johnson, Ticonderoga, St. Albans, Rutland, Bristol, Vergennes, White River Junction, Ripton, Star Lake, Norfolk, Lunenburg, Dannemora, Swanton, South Colton, Enosburg Falls, Waitsfield, Shelburne, Newcomb, Ogdensburg, Richmond, Springfield, Randolph, South Hero, Lake Placid, Hardwick, East Wallingford, Plattsburgh, and Bradford 305 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation. Additional snow accumulations up to one inch for a storm total of 2 to 4 inches and ice accumulations around a light glaze. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Portions of northern New York and central, northeast, northwest, and southern Vermont. * WHEN...Until 10 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the evening commute. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches and create areas of blowing snow. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snow will changeover to a wintry mix of snow and freezing drizzle this afternoon and evening. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. && $$ Neiles  143 WTXS32 PGTW 062100 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 050 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 080 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 265 DEG/ 11 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 071800Z --- 20.2S 76.2E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 140 KT, GUSTS 170 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 265 DEG/ 10 KTS --- 36 HRS, VALID AT: 080600Z --- 20.4S 74.0E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 130 KT, GUSTS 160 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 040 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT // END PART 02 //  144 WTXS32 PGTW 062100 040 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 090 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 48 HR POSIT: 265 DEG/ 08 KTS --- EXTENDED OUTLOOK: 48 HRS, VALID AT: 081800Z --- 20.6S 72.3E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 120 KT, GUSTS 145 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 060 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 090 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 72 HR POSIT: 245 DEG/ 07 KTS --- 72 HRS, VALID AT: 091800Z --- 21.7S 69.7E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 100 KT, GUSTS 125 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY // END PART 03 //  145 WTXS32 PGTW 062100 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL CYCLONE 13S (VINCE) WARNING NR 011// RMKS/ 1. TROPICAL CYCLONE 13S (VINCE) WARNING NR 011 02 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONES IN SOUTHIO MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 061800Z --- NEAR 19.7S 80.7E MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 260 DEGREES AT 10 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 020 NM POSITION BASED ON EYE FIXED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 135 KT, GUSTS 165 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 035 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 035 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 055 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 055 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 050 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 075 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 095 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 080 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT REPEAT POSIT: 19.7S 80.7E --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 070600Z --- 20.0S 78.5E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 140 KT, GUSTS 170 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT // END PART 01 //  277 WTXS32 PGTW 062100 RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 050 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 96 HR POSIT: 195 DEG/ 09 KTS --- LONG RANGE OUTLOOK: --- 96 HRS, VALID AT: 101800Z --- 25.0S 68.6E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 085 KT, GUSTS 105 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 020 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 020 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 050 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 120 HR POSIT: 175 DEG/ 12 KTS --- 120 HRS, VALID AT: 111800Z --- 29.7S 69.3E // END PART 04 //  278 WTXS32 PGTW 062100 MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY BECOMING SUBTROPICAL RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 020 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 020 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 050 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 050 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT --- REMARKS: 062100Z POSITION NEAR 19.8S 80.2E. 06FEB25. TROPICAL CYCLONE 13S (VINCE), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 1319 NM EAST OF PORT LOUIS, MAURITIUS, HAS TRACKED WESTWARD AT 10 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE AT 061800Z IS 924 MB. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 061800Z IS 37 FEET. NEXT WARNINGS AT 070900Z AND 072100Z. REFER TO TROPICAL CYCLONE 14S (TALIAH) WARNINGS (WTXS33 PGTW) FOR TWELVE-HOURLY UPDATES.// ???? // END PART 05/05 //  800 WWUS84 KMRX 062006 SPSMRX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Morristown TN 306 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAZ008-062045- Washington VA- 306 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT WASHINGTON COUNTY AND THE NORTHEASTERN CITY OF BRISTOL THROUGH 345 PM EST... At 306 PM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Abingdon, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 50 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Bristol Va, Abingdon, Glade Spring, Damascus, Holston, Emory-Meadowview, Hilander Park, Benhams, and Konnarock. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. && LAT...LON 3662 8161 3661 8163 3661 8175 3662 8231 3671 8233 3677 8221 3680 8171 3664 8161 TIME...MOT...LOC 2006Z 275DEG 49KT 3672 8188 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...50 MPH $$ JLB  522 WGUS43 KLMK 062006 FLWLMK BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Louisville KY 306 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The National Weather Service in Louisville KY has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in Kentucky... Elkhorn Creek Near Peaks Mill affecting Franklin County. .Heavy rain from the past 24 hours has caused the river to rise. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/lmk. The next statement will be issued by Friday morning at 1045 AM EST. && KYC073-071545- /O.NEW.KLMK.FL.W.0009.250206T2240Z-250207T1537Z/ /PKMK2.1.ER.250206T2240Z.250207T0600Z.250207T0936Z.NO/ 306 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL LATE TOMORROW MORNING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Elkhorn Creek near Peaks Mill. * WHEN...Until late tomorrow morning. * IMPACTS...At 10.0 feet, Stillhouse Hollow Road floods. At 11.0 feet, Schoolhouse Road floods. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 2:15 PM EST Thursday the stage was 9.7 feet. - Bankfull stage is 8 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage late this afternoon to a crest of 10.3 feet just after midnight tonight. It will then fall below flood stage late tonight. - Flood stage is 10.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 10.3 feet on 06/24/2017. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3820 8476 3820 8484 3834 8486 3835 8479 $$ AMS  704 WWUS43 KFGF 062007 WSWFGF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 207 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 NDZ006-007-014-015-070000- /O.CON.KFGF.BZ.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Towner-Cavalier-Benson-Ramsey- Including the cities of Fort Totten, Considine, Langdon, Dresden, Leeds, Mount Carmel, Maida, Maddock, Minnewaukan, Devils Lake, Vang, and Cando 207 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...BLIZZARD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Blizzard conditions. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...Benson, Cavalier, Ramsey, and Towner Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visibility could fall lower than 1/4 mile at times, especially in open areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Travel should be restricted to emergencies only. If you must travel, have a winter survival kit with you. If you get stranded, stay with your vehicle. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MNZ001>004-007-NDZ008-016-027-030-039-070000- /O.EXT.KFGF.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ West Polk-Norman-Clay-Kittson-West Marshall-Pembina-Eastern Walsh- Grand Forks-Traill-Cass- Including the cities of Hadler, Oakwood, Park River, Hatton, Argyle, Mayville, Grafton, Lancaster, Crookston, Karlstad, Akra, Kelso, Florian, East Grand Forks, Backoo, Hillsboro, Portland, Nash, Syre, Twin Valley, Leroy, Flaming, Halstad, Cavalier, Radium, Warren, Ada, Fargo, Walhalla, Stephen, Moorhead, Bowesmont, Hallock, Drayton, Roseville, Grand Forks, Englund, and Faith 207 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Blowing snow. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Portions of northwest and west central Minnesota and northeast and southeast North Dakota. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visibility could fall as low as 1/4 mile at times, especially in open areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MNZ005-008-013>015-022-027-028-070000- /O.EXT.KFGF.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Roseau-East Marshall-Pennington-Red Lake-East Polk-Mahnomen-West Becker-East Becker- Including the cities of Middle River, Fosston, Espelie, Fox, Erskine, Gatzke, Pencer, Shoreham, Casperson, Salol, Grygla, Waubun, Red Lake Falls, Dakota Junction, Mahnomen, Malung, Newfolden, Wolf Lake, Hayes Lake State Park, Rosewood, Detroit Lakes, Fertile, Naytahwaush, McIntosh, Roseau, and Thief River Falls 207 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Blowing snow. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...A portion of northwest Minnesota. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening commute. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visibility could fall as low as 1/4 mile at times, especially in open areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NDZ024-026-028-029-038-054-070000- /O.CON.KFGF.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Eddy-Nelson-Griggs-Steele-Barnes-Western Walsh- Including the cities of Adams, Lankin, Cooperstown, Hope, Aneta, Finley, Lakota, Valley City, New Rockford, Mcville, Fairdale, and Tolna 207 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Blowing snow. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Portions of northeast and southeast North Dakota. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visibility could fall as low as 1/4 mile at times, especially in open areas. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MNZ029>032-040-NDZ049-052-053-070415- /O.NEW.KFGF.WS.A.0001.250207T2100Z-250208T2100Z/ Wilkin-West Otter Tail-East Otter Tail-Wadena-Grant-Ransom- Sargent-Richland- Including the cities of Staples Airport, Erdahl, Barrett, Menahga, Breckenridge, McLeod, Enderlin, Henning, Wadena, Milnor, Wahpeton, Forman, Lawndale, Lisbon, Rutland, Elbow Lake, New York Mills, Parkers Prairie, Herman, Gwinner, Fergus Falls, Perham, Ashby, Battle Lake, and Hoffman 207 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY AFTERNOON THROUGH SATURDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 6 inches possible. * WHERE...Portions of central and west central Minnesota and southeast North Dakota. * WHEN...From Friday afternoon through Saturday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. && $$ TL  986 WSBZ23 SBGL 062005 SBRE SIGMET 27 VALID 062010/062330 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0950 W04044 - S0811 W04044 - S0811 W03853 - S0950 W03853 - S0950 W04044 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  034 WWUS81 KGYX 062007 AWWMHT Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Gray ME 306 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NHZ012-013-062300- Interior Rockingham-Eastern Hillsborough- 306 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Gray Maine has issued an * AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING FOR GROUND OPERATIONS AT Manchester-Boston Regional Airport. * Until 600 PM EST. * For the following hazards... Visibility of 1/4 mile or less. Icing from freezing rain or sleet. Periods of light freezing rain and freezing drizzle will remain possible for the next several hours. In addition, freezing fog may result in visibility as low as 1/4SM at times. $$ Tubbs  561 WWUS53 KPAH 062008 SVSPAH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Paducah KY 208 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC047-221-062030- /O.CON.KPAH.SV.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T2030Z/ Christian KY-Trigg KY- 208 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 230 PM CST FOR SOUTHWESTERN CHRISTIAN AND SOUTHEASTERN TRIGG COUNTIES... At 208 PM CST, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles west of Fort Campbell, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Hopkinsville, Oak Grove, Fort Campbell, Lafayette, and Herndon. This includes the following highways... Interstate 24 in Kentucky between Mile Markers 72 and 86. Pennyrile Parkway between Mile Markers 1 and 7. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3666 8773 3668 8774 3671 8776 3678 8781 3680 8777 3685 8747 3664 8742 3663 8771 TIME...MOT...LOC 2008Z 254DEG 39KT 3670 8763 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ SP  807 WAIY31 LIIB 062009 LIMM AIRMET 10 VALID 062030/062230 LIIB- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 2000M BR FCST WI N4528 E00827 - N4449 E00834 - N4431 E01056 - N4515 E01052 - N4528 E00827 STNR NC=  432 WAIY32 LIIB 062009 LIRR AIRMET 9 VALID 062030/062230 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3859 E00759 - N3942 E00951 - N3832 E01252 - N3626 E01435 - N3628 E01125 - N3728 E01125 - N3859 E00759 TOP ABV FL150 STNR NC=  433 WSBZ23 SBGL 061925 SBAZ SIGMET 64 VALID 061930/062330 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0251 W05427 - S0250 W05410 - S0325 W05059 - S0230 W05105 - S0250 W05122 - S0239 W05243 - S0143 W05216 - N0004 W05143 - N0004 W05137 - N0021 W05303 - S0251 W05427 TOP FL470 STNR NC=  771 WHCA72 TJSJ 062009 MWWSJU URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Juan PR 409 PM AST Thu Feb 6 2025 AMZ711-070415- /O.CON.TJSJ.SC.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-250210T0400Z/ Atlantic Waters of Puerto Rico and USVI from 10 NM to 19.5N- 409 PM AST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT SUNDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 6 to 8 ft. * WHERE...Atlantic Waters of Puerto Rico and USVI from 10 NM to 19.5N. * WHEN...Until midnight Sunday night. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ AMZ723-070415- /O.CON.TJSJ.SC.Y.0010.000000T0000Z-250210T0400Z/ Anegada Passage east of Virgin Gorda and Saint Croix south to 17N- 409 PM AST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT AST SUNDAY NIGHT... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 5 to 7 ft. * WHERE...Anegada Passage east of Virgin Gorda and Saint Croix south to 17N. * WHEN...Until midnight AST Sunday night. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ AMZ733-741-070415- /O.CON.TJSJ.SC.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250207T2200Z/ Caribbean waters of Puerto Rico from 10 NM to 17N, including the coastal waters of Saint Croix-Mona Passage Southward to 17N- 409 PM AST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM AST FRIDAY... * WHAT...East winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 5 to 7 ft. * WHERE...Caribbean waters of Puerto Rico from 10 NM to 17N, including the coastal waters of Saint Croix and Mona Passage Southward to 17N. * WHEN...Until 6 PM AST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  833 WAIY32 LIIB 062010 LIRR AIRMET 10 VALID 062030/062230 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3757 E01507 - N3854 E01614 - N4003 E01539 - N4001 E01523 - N4023 E01503 - N4122 E01435 - N4112 E01506 - N3919 E01612 - N3900 E01628 - N3856 E01650 - N3802 E01606 - N3802 E01530 - N3728 E01501 - N3648 E01452 - N3752 E01234 - N3757 E01507 STNR NC=  893 WSBZ23 SBGL 062005 SBAZ SIGMET 65 VALID 062010/062330 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR CNL SIGMET 64 061930/062330=  894 WSBZ23 SBGL 062005 SBAZ SIGMET 66 VALID 062010/062330 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0251 W05427 - S0250 W05410 - S0325 W05059 - S0230 W05105 - S0250 W05122 - S0239 W05243 - S0143 W05216 - N0004 W05143 - N0004 W05137 - N0021 W05303 - S0251 W05427 TOP FL470 STNR NC=  243 WAIY33 LIIB 062011 LIBB AIRMET 1 VALID 062030/062230 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4112 E01506 - N3919 E01612 - N3900 E01628 - N3856 E01650 - N3930 E01651 - N3936 E01634 - N4036 E01611 - N4112 E01506 STNR NC=  668 WSAG31 SACO 062014 SACF SIGMET A2 VALID 062014/070014 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2014Z WI S2819 W06928 - S2712 W06851 - S2700 W06815 - S2516 W06836 - S2436 W06830 - S2402 W06719 - S2308 W06612 - S2218 W06435 - S2254 W06418 - S2202 W06356 - S2159 W06309 - S2404 W06203 - S2414 W06215 - S2355 W06347 - S2443 W06442 - S2538 W06552 - S2627 W06513 - S2724 W06542 - S2901 W06639 - S2916 W06752 - S2819 W06928 TOP FL400 STNR INTSF=  836 WSAG31 SACO 062014 SACF SIGMET A2 VALID 062014/070014 SACO- SACF CORDOBA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2014Z WI S2819 W06928 - S2712 W06851 - S2700 W06815 - S2516 W06836 - S2436 W06830 - S2402 W06719 - S2308 W06612 - S2218 W06435 - S2254 W06418 - S2202 W06356 - S2159 W06309 - S2404 W06203 - S2414 W06215 - S2355 W06347 - S2443 W06442 - S2538 W06552 - S2627 W06513 - S2724 W06542 - S2901 W06639 - S2916 W06752 - S2819 W06928 TOP FL400 STNR INTSF=  363 WWUS71 KALY 062012 NPWALY URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albany NY 312 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MAZ001-025-NYZ032-033-038>040-047-048-051-058-063-082-VTZ013-014- 071015- /O.NEW.KALY.WI.Y.0004.250207T0600Z-250207T2100Z/ Northern Berkshire-Southern Berkshire-Northern Herkimer-Hamilton- Southern Herkimer-Southern Fulton-Montgomery-Schoharie-Western Schenectady-Western Albany-Western Greene-Western Ulster-Northern Fulton-Bennington-Western Windham- Including the cities of Stamford, Bennington, Wells, Breakabeen, Long Lake, Hunter, Pownal, Napanoch, West Hurley, Dolgeville, McKeever, Pittsfield, Londonderry, Florida, Hoffmeister, Gilboa, Knox, Stratton, Dalton, Johnstown, Great Barrington, North Adams, Berne, Windham, Amsterdam, Delanson, Frankfort, Big Moose, Duanesburg, Hancock, Caroga Lake, Tannersville, Nobleboro, Cobleskill, Herkimer, Little Falls, Old Forge, Northwood, North Blenheim, Sundown, Prattsville, Woodford State Park, Preston Hollow, West Shokan, Kerhonkson, Westerlo, Woodstock, Mariaville, Altamont, South Egremont, Sabattis, Atwell, Sandisfield, Eagle Bay, Ilion, Gloversville, Ellenville, Middleburgh, Jefferson, Livingstonville, and Mohawk 312 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 4 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Portions of western Massachusetts, eastern New York, and southern Vermont. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 4 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ AG  186 WWUS71 KBTV 062013 NPWBTV URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Burlington VT 313 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NYZ028-031-034-035-071000- /O.EXA.KBTV.WI.Y.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1200Z/ Eastern Clinton-Western Clinton-Western Essex-Eastern Essex- Including the cities of Dannemora, Ticonderoga, Port Henry, Champlain, Newcomb, Ellenburg, Lake Placid, and Plattsburgh 313 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 7 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Clinton and Essex counties in New York. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 7 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ NYZ026-027-029-030-087-071000- /O.CON.KBTV.WI.Y.0004.250207T0000Z-250207T1200Z/ Northern St. Lawrence-Northern Franklin-Southeastern St. Lawrence- Southern Franklin-Southwestern St. Lawrence- Including the cities of Norfolk, Massena, South Colton, Saranac Lake, Tupper Lake, Fort Covington, Ogdensburg, Potsdam, Gouverneur, Malone, and Star Lake 313 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 7 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...St. Lawrence and Franklin counties of New York. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 7 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ Neiles  328 WHUS71 KCAR 062013 MWWCAR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Caribou ME 313 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ANZ052-070415- /O.CON.KCAR.GL.W.0011.250207T0600Z-250208T0300Z/ Intra Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME- 313 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM TO 10 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and seas 3 to 7 ft expected. * WHERE...Intra Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME. * WHEN...From 1 AM to 10 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ050-051-070415- /O.CON.KCAR.GL.W.0011.250207T0600Z-250208T0800Z/ Coastal Waters from Eastport, ME to Schoodic Point, ME out 25 NM- Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME out 25 NM- 313 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 AM FRIDAY TO 3 AM EST SATURDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 45 kt and seas 6 to 11 ft expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Eastport, ME to Schoodic Point, ME out 25 NM and Coastal Waters from Schoodic Point, ME to Stonington, ME out 25 NM. * WHEN...From 1 AM Friday to 3 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$  569 WWUS81 KRNK 062013 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 313 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAZ009-012-015-062045- Grayson VA-Wythe VA-Smyth VA- 313 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHERN SMYTH...SOUTHWESTERN WYTHE AND GRAYSON COUNTIES THROUGH 345 PM EST... At 313 PM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles southwest of Chilhowie, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Marion... Chilhowie... Independence... Whitetop... Mouth Of Wilson... Mount Rogers National Recreation Area... and Speedwell. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Locally heavy rain will quickly reduce visibility and result in ponding of water on roadways, standing water in low lying areas, and minor flooding of creeks, streams, and areas of poor drainage. Drivers are urged to slow down and use extra caution to avoid hydroplaning. && LAT...LON 3684 8116 3657 8113 3657 8136 3659 8167 3661 8165 3662 8162 3664 8161 3664 8162 3679 8170 3684 8174 TIME...MOT...LOC 2013Z 271DEG 47KT 3672 8177 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ VFJ  548 WWUS53 KPAH 062013 SVSPAH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Paducah KY 213 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ILC059-193-INC129-KYC101-225-062030- /O.CON.KPAH.SV.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T2030Z/ White IL-Gallatin IL-Posey IN-Henderson KY-Union KY- 213 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 230 PM CST FOR SOUTH CENTRAL WHITE...NORTHEASTERN GALLATIN...SOUTHWESTERN POSEY...WEST CENTRAL HENDERSON AND NORTH CENTRAL UNION COUNTIES... At 213 PM CST, a severe thunderstorm was located 7 miles northwest of Uniontown, or 10 miles southwest of Mount Vernon, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...Half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Mount Vernon, Uniontown, and New Haven. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3774 8818 3788 8820 3796 8792 3776 8784 TIME...MOT...LOC 2013Z 262DEG 43KT 3783 8804 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.25 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...<50 MPH $$ DW  580 WSBO31 SLLP 062012 SLLF SIGMET A2 VALID 062012/070012 SLLP- SLLF LA PAZ FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST 2012Z WI S1056 W06922 - S1059 W06836 - S1018 W06716 - S0936 W06529 - S1122 W06512 - S1221 W06421 - S1323 W06147 - S1341 W06039 - S1608 W06000 - S1613 W05843 - S1702 W05823 - S1738 W05747 - S1931 W05811 - S1908 W05907 - S1921 W06117 - S1432 W06541 - S1237 W06632 - S1221 W06840 - S1056 W06922 - TOP FL410 STNR NC=  952 WHUS73 KDTX 062014 MWWDTX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Detroit/Pontiac MI 314 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 LHZ361-362-070915- /O.CON.KDTX.GL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T1500Z/ /O.NEW.KDTX.UP.W.0002.250207T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Lake Huron from 5NM east of Mackinac Bridge to Presque Isle Lt beyond 5 NM off shore- Lake Huron from Presque Isle Light to Sturgeon Point MI beyond 5NM off shore- 314 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST FRIDAY... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 1 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...During the Gale Warning, expect sustained winds up to 34 knots from the west with gusts up to 41 knots. The largest significant waves will be 13 feet with a potential maximum wave height of 19 feet. During the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater expected, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Lake Huron from 5NM east of Mackinac Bridge to Presque Isle Lt beyond 5 NM off shore and Lake Huron from Presque Isle Light to Sturgeon Point MI beyond 5NM off shore. * WHEN...The maximum winds are expected around 11 PM EST Thursday with the largest waves expected around 11 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LHZ363-462>464-070915- /O.CON.KDTX.GL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T1500Z/ /O.NEW.KDTX.UP.W.0002.250207T0300Z-250207T1800Z/ Lake Huron from Sturgeon Point to Alabaster MI beyond 5NM off shore- Lake Huron from Port Austin to Harbor Beach beyond 5NM Off Shore- Lake Huron from Harbor Beach to Port Sanilac beyond 5NM Off Shore- Lake Huron from Port Sanilac to Port Huron beyond 5NM Off Shore- 314 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST FRIDAY... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 1 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...During the Gale Warning, expect sustained winds up to 32 knots from the west with gusts up to 42 knots. The largest significant waves will be 10 feet with a potential maximum wave height of 14 feet. During the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater expected, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Lake Huron from Sturgeon Point to Alabaster MI beyond 5NM off shore, Lake Huron from Port Austin to Harbor Beach beyond 5NM Off Shore, Lake Huron from Harbor Beach to Port Sanilac beyond 5NM Off Shore and Lake Huron from Port Sanilac to Port Huron beyond 5NM Off Shore. * WHEN...The maximum winds are expected around 10 PM EST Thursday with the largest waves expected around 10 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LHZ441>443-070915- /O.CON.KDTX.GL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T1500Z/ Port Austin to Harbor Beach MI-Harbor Beach to Port Sanilac MI- Port Sanilac to Port Huron MI- 314 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Expect sustained winds up to 28 knots from the west with gusts up to 42 knots. The largest significant waves will be 4 feet with a potential maximum wave height of 5 feet. * WHERE...Port Austin to Harbor Beach MI, Harbor Beach to Port Sanilac MI and Port Sanilac to Port Huron MI. * WHEN...The maximum winds are expected around 10 PM EST Thursday with the largest waves expected around 11 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LHZ421-422-070900- /O.CON.KDTX.GL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T0900Z/ Outer Saginaw Bay SW of Alabaster to Port Austin MI to Inner Saginaw Bay-Inner Saginaw Bay SW of Point Au Gres to Bay Port MI- 314 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Expect sustained winds up to 27 knots from the west with gusts up to 40 knots. * WHERE...Outer Saginaw Bay SW of Alabaster to Port Austin MI to Inner Saginaw Bay and Inner Saginaw Bay SW of Point Au Gres to Bay Port MI. * WHEN...The maximum winds are expected around 10 PM EST Thursday with the largest waves expected around 7 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$  942 WSRS31 RUSP 062016 ULLL SIGMET 19 VALID 062100/070000 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST W OF LINE N7009 E03203 - N6717 E04226 - N6608 E03919 - N6629 E02932 SFC/FL050 MOV E 30KMH NC=  317 WAKO31 RKSI 062050 RKRR AIRMET J06 VALID 062100/070100 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC WIND 320/30KT OBS WI N3818 E12325 - N3822 E12620 - N3448 E12629 - N3501 E13011 - N2919 E12617 - N2918 E12323 - N3818 E12325 STNR INTSF=  813 WHUS73 KMKX 062017 MWWMKX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 217 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 LMZ261-362-364-366-563-565-567-669-868-870-070430- /O.CON.KMKX.GL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T0900Z/ /O.NEW.KMKX.UP.W.0003.250207T0300Z-250207T1200Z/ Lake Michigan from Seul Choix Point to Rock Island Passage 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan South of a line from Seul Choix Point to the Mackinac Bridge and North of a line from Charlevoix MI to South Fox Island 5NM offshore- Lake Michigan from Charlevoix to Point Betsie MI 5NM Offshore to mid lake- Lake Michigan from Point Betsie to Manistee MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Rock Island Passage to Sturgeon Bay WI 5NM offshore to mid lake- Lake Michigan from Sturgeon Bay to Two Rivers WI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Two Rivers to Sheboygan WI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Sheboygan to Port Washington WI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Pentwater to Manistee MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Whitehall to Pentwater MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- 217 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST FRIDAY... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO 6 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Gale Warning, west winds 25 to 35 kt with gusts up to 45 kt and waves 9 to 14 ft. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater expected, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Northern Open Waters of Lake Michigan north of a line from Port Washington WI to Whitehall MI. * WHEN...For the Gale Warning, until 3 AM CST Friday. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, from 9 PM this evening to 6 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Cannot rule out a few, brief storm force gusts this afternoon, especially across central portions of the open waters. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ LMZ080-643>646-671-673-675-777-779-872-874-876-878-070430- /O.CON.KMKX.GL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T0900Z/ Lake Michigan Michigan City IN to St. Joseph MI 5 NM offshore to mid-line of lake.-Sheboygan to Port Washington WI- Port Washington to North Point Light WI- North Point Light to Wind Point WI- Wind Point WI to Winthrop Harbor IL- Lake Michigan from Port Washington to North Point Light WI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from North Point Light to Wind Point WI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Wind Point WI to Winthrop Harbor IL 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor IL 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Wilmette Harbor to Michigan City in 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Grand Haven to Whitehall MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from Holland to Grand Haven MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- Lake Michigan from South Haven to Holland MI 5NM offshore to Mid lake- Lake Michigan from St Joseph to South Haven MI 5NM offshore to Mid Lake- 217 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 25 to 35 kt with gusts up to 45 kt and waves 8 to 13 ft. * WHERE...Nearshore waters and southern open waters of Lake Michigan south of a line from Port Washington WI to Whitehall MI. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$  121 WSRS31 RUSP 062017 ULLL SIGMET 20 VALID 062100/070000 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF LINE N7009 E03203 - N6717 E04226 - N6608 E03919 - N6629 E02932 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  226 WAKO31 RKSI 062050 RKRR AIRMET I07 VALID 062100/070100 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SFC VIS 5000M SN FG BR OBS WI N3819 E12537 - N3433 E12550 - N3516 E12821 - N3701 E12844 - N3832 E12742 - N3819 E12537 STNR NC=  088 WANO31 ENMI 062018 ENOR AIRMET I08 VALID 062200/070200 ENMI- ENOR POLARIS FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N7035 E02335 - N7110 E02735 - N7045 E03030 - N6940 E03025 - N7005 E02755 - N6840 E02320 - N6910 E02155 - N7035 E02335 3000FT/FL080 STNR NC=  089 WSRS31 RUSP 062018 ULLL SIGMET 21 VALID 062100/070000 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV MTW FCST W OF LINE N6933 E03056 - N6752 E03524 - N6658 E03348 - N6659 E02904 FL020/150 STNR NC=  233 WWUS41 KOKX 062018 WSWOKX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New York NY 318 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 CTZ005>012-NYZ067>070-071000- /O.NEW.KOKX.WS.A.0002.250209T0000Z-250209T1600Z/ Northern Fairfield-Northern New Haven-Northern Middlesex-Northern New London-Southern Fairfield-Southern New Haven-Southern Middlesex-Southern New London-Orange-Putnam-Rockland-Northern Westchester- 318 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM SATURDAY EVENING THROUGH SUNDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 7 inches possible. * WHERE...Portions of southern Connecticut and southeastern New York. * WHEN...From Saturday evening through Sunday morning. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Travel could be very difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. Persons should consider delaying all travel. If travel is absolutely necessary, drive with extreme caution. Consider taking a winter storm kit along with you, including such items as tire chains, booster cables, flashlight, shovel, blankets and extra clothing. Also take water, a first aid kit, and anything else that would help you survive in case you become stranded. && $$ NJZ002-004-006-103>108-NYZ071>075-078>081-176>179-071000- /O.NEW.KOKX.WS.A.0002.250209T0000Z-250209T1800Z/ Western Passaic-Eastern Passaic-Hudson-Western Bergen-Eastern Bergen-Western Essex-Eastern Essex-Western Union-Eastern Union- Southern Westchester-New York (Manhattan)-Bronx-Richmond (Staten Island)-Kings (Brooklyn)-Northwest Suffolk-Northeast Suffolk- Southwest Suffolk-Southeast Suffolk-Northern Queens-Northern Nassau-Southern Queens-Southern Nassau- 318 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT FROM SATURDAY EVENING THROUGH SUNDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Heavy mixed precipitation possible. Total snow and sleet accumulations between 2 and 4 inches and ice accumulations around a light glaze possible. * WHERE...Portions of northeastern New Jersey and southeastern New York. * WHEN...From Saturday evening through Sunday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. Persons should consider delaying all travel. If travel is absolutely necessary, drive with extreme caution. Consider taking a winter storm kit along with you, including such items as tire chains, booster cables, flashlight, shovel, blankets and extra clothing. Also take water, a first aid kit, and anything else that would help you survive in case you become stranded. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/nyc MET  994 WGHW80 PHFO 062019 FLSHFO Flood Advisory National Weather Service Honolulu HI 1019 AM HST Thu Feb 6 2025 HIC009-062215- /O.CON.PHFO.FA.Y.0022.000000T0000Z-250206T2215Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Maui HI- 1019 AM HST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1215 PM HST THIS AFTERNOON FOR THE ISLAND OF MAUI IN MAUI COUNTY... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...The island of Maui in Maui County. * WHEN...Until 1215 PM HST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding on roads, poor drainage areas, and in streams. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1017 AM HST, radar indicated that showers have diminished in coverage and intensity over windward east Maui, but ponding likely continues from earlier rainfall. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Kipahulu, Hana, Kaupo, Hamoa and Haleakala National Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Rainfall and runoff will also cause hazardous driving conditions due to ponding, reduced visibility and poor braking action. && This advisory may need to be extended beyond 1215 PM HST if flooding persists. LAT...LON 2081 15602 2081 15600 2077 15597 2071 15598 2070 15598 2064 15605 2061 15614 2061 15618 2068 15615 $$ Birchard  229 WSAG31 SAME 062024 SAMF SIGMET 1 VALID 062024/062224 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2024Z WI S2825 W06951 - S2826 W06944 - S2937 W06827 - S3243 W06842 - S3300 W06932 - S3008 W06949 - S2917 W07001 - S2903 W06949 - S2843 W06944 - S2825 W06951 TOP FL400 STNR INTSF=  685 WWUS84 KLUB 062020 RFWLUB URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Lubbock TX 220 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 TXZ021-022-027-028-071200- /O.CON.KLUB.FW.A.0002.250207T1800Z-250208T0100Z/ Parmer-Castro-Bailey-Lamb- 220 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FIRE WEATHER WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY AFTERNOON THROUGH FRIDAY EVENING FOR STRONG WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR THE FAR SOUTHWEST TEXAS PANHANDLE AND NORTHWEST SOUTH PLAINS... * Timing...12 PM CST Friday to 7 PM CST Friday. * Wind...Southwest at 15 to 25 mph with gusts to 35 mph. * Humidity...Minimum values between 5 and 10 percent. * Fuels...Critically dry. * Impacts...Any fires that develop can spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is discouraged. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Fire Weather Watch means that critical fire weather conditions are forecast to occur. Listen for later forecasts and possible Red Flag Warnings. && $$  897 WWCN02 CYTR 062020 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB BORDEN PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 3:20 PM EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB BORDEN (CYBN) TYPE: GUST SPREAD WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: GUST SPREAD OF 15 KNOTS OR GREATER VALID: 07/0000Z TO 07/0400Z (06/1900 EST TO 06/2300 EST) TYPE: FREEZING PRECIPITATION WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: FREEZING RAIN/DRIZZLE VALID: UNTIL 06/2300Z (UNTIL 06/1800 EST) COMMENTS: A WIDESPREAD AREA OF STRATUS OVER SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO CONTINUES TO BRING PATCHY FREEZING DRIZZLE TO CFB BORDEN. TRACE AMOUNTS OF FREEZING DRIZZLE ARE EXPECTED. FREEZING DRIZZLE IS EXPECTED TO TAPER OFF EARLY THIS EVENING AS THE STRATUS THINS OUT AND MOVES OUT OF THE AREA. IN ADDITION, STRONG SOUTHWESTERLY WINDS WILL DEVELOP EARLY THIS EVENING, WHICH WILL ALLOW FOR A GUST SPREAD NEAR 15 KNOTS. WINDS WILL SHIFT AND BECOME WESTERLY NEAR MIDNIGHT, WITH AN OCCASIONAL GUST SPREAD EXPECTED UNTIL EARLY FRIDAY AFTERNOON. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 06/2300Z (06/1800 EST) END/JMC  171 WSCH31 SCCI 062020 SCCZ SIGMET 02 VALID 062020/062350 SCCI- SCCZ PUNTA ARENAS FIR SEV MTW FCST E OF LINE S4700 W07400 - S5250 W07400 BLW FL140 STNR NC=  431 WHUS73 KGRR 062021 MWWGRR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Rapids MI 321 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 LMZ846>849-070430- /O.CON.KGRR.GL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T0900Z/ Holland to Grand Haven MI-Grand Haven to Whitehall MI- Whitehall to Pentwater MI-Pentwater to Manistee MI- 321 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 25 to 35 knots with gusts up to 45 knots and waves 10 to 15 feet. Brief gusts to 50 knots are possible. * WHERE...Holland to Manistee. * WHEN...Until 4 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ844-845-070430- /O.CON.KGRR.GL.W.0005.250207T0000Z-250207T0900Z/ St Joseph to South Haven MI-South Haven to Holland MI- 321 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 knots with gusts up to 45 knots and waves 9 to 14 feet expected. * WHERE...St Joseph to Holland. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 4 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$  024 WSKO31 RKSI 062050 RKRR SIGMET A03 VALID 062100/070100 RKSI- RKRR INCHEON FIR SEV TURB OBS N3806 E12321 - N3857 E12811 - N3853 E13502 - N3214 E12748 - N3205 E12342 - N3806 E12321 FL120/280 MOV ENE 20KT NC=  147 WONT50 LFPW 062020 SECURITE ON METAREA 2, METEO-FRANCE, WARNING NR 78, THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025 AT 2015 UTC GENERAL SYNOPSIS, THURSDAY 6 OF FEBRUARY AT 12 UTC. TROUGH EXTENDING FROM ICELAND TO WEST ACORES SLOW MOVING EAST WITH LOW DEEPENING 1014 40N34W BY 07/00 UTC, EXPECTED 1009 41N29W BY 07/12 UTC, THEN 1006 41N26W BY 08/00 UTC. FARADAY. FROM 07/12 UTC TO 08/00 UTC AT LEAST. NORTHERLY 8 IN EAST. SEVERE GUSTS. ALTAIR. FROM 07/06 UTC TO 08/00 UTC AT LEAST. NORTHERLY 8 FROM WEST, INCREASING 9 IN FAR SOUTH AT END. SEVERE GUSTS. HIGH SEA. ACORES. FROM 07/06 UTC TO 08/00 UTC AT LEAST. CYCLONIC 8 FROM WEST, INCREASING 8 OR 9 LATER. SEVERE GUSTS. HIGH SEA. BT *  397 WSAG31 SAME 062024 SAMF SIGMET 1 VALID 062024/062224 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2024Z WI S2825 W06951 - S2826 W06944 - S2937 W06827 - S3243 W06842 - S3300 W06932 - S3008 W06949 - S2917 W07001 - S2903 W06949 - S2843 W06944 - S2825 W06951 TOP FL400 STNR INTSF=  296 WWUS73 KGRR 062022 NPWGRR URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Rapids MI 322 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MIZ037>040-043>046-050>052-056>058-064-065-071-070430- /O.CON.KGRR.WI.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250207T0600Z/ Mason-Lake-Osceola-Clare-Oceana-Newaygo-Mecosta-Isabella-Muskegon- Montcalm-Gratiot-Ottawa-Kent-Ionia-Allegan-Barry-Van Buren- Including the cities of Ionia, Baldwin, Hastings, South Haven, Big Rapids, Greenville, Fremont, Mount Pleasant, Clare, Reed City, Ludington, Alma, Grand Haven, Jenison, Grand Rapids, Holland, Muskegon, and Hart 322 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 25 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. * WHERE...Portions of central, south central, southwest, and west central Michigan. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and scattered power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ MJS  302 WWUS71 KBOX 062023 NPWBOX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 323 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MAZ002>004-008>012-026-071200- /O.NEW.KBOX.WI.Y.0004.250207T0900Z-250207T2100Z/ Western Franklin MA-Eastern Franklin MA-Northern Worcester MA- Western Hampshire MA-Western Hampden MA-Eastern Hampshire MA- Eastern Hampden MA-Southern Worcester MA-Northern Middlesex MA- Including the cities of Milford, Worcester, Orange, Barre, Charlemont, Blandford, Amherst, Fitchburg, Greenfield, Ayer, Chesterfield, Springfield, and Northampton 323 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 4 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts between 40-50 mph expected. * WHERE...Central and Western Massachusetts east of the Berkshires. * WHEN...From 4 AM to 4 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and some power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ Visit us at http://www.weather.gov/box Mensch  283 WWUS75 KABQ 062023 NPWABQ URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 123 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 NMZ215-070600- /O.NEW.KABQ.HW.A.0002.250207T1300Z-250208T0100Z/ East Slopes Sangre de Cristo Mountains- 123 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...HIGH WIND WATCH IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY MORNING THROUGH FRIDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...West winds 30 to 45 mph with gusts up to 65 mph possible. * WHERE...East Slopes Sangre de Cristo Mountains. * WHEN...From Friday morning through Friday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds could blow down trees and power lines. Power outages are possible. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles on north-south oriented roadways. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts and warnings for updates. && $$ Guyer  593 WSIR31 OIII 062020 OIIX SIGMET 16 VALID 062020/062330 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N2618 E05312 - N2726 E05259 - N2740 E05400 - N2731 E05500 - N2632 E05519 - N2618 E05312 TOP ABV FL320 MOV E NC=  129 WHUS72 KMHX 062025 MWWMHX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC 325 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 AMZ152-070830- /O.EXT.KMHX.SC.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-250207T1600Z/ S of Oregon Inlet to Cape Hatteras NC out 20 nm- 325 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 15 to 25 kt and seas 4 to 6 ft. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Oregon Inlet to Cape Hatteras. * WHEN...Until 11 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ AMZ154-070830- /O.CON.KMHX.SC.Y.0013.000000T0000Z-250207T1600Z/ S of Cape Hatteras to Ocracoke Inlet NC out 20 nm including the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary- 325 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 15 to 25 kt and seas 4 to 6 ft. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Cape Hatteras to Ocracoke Inlet. * WHEN...Until 11 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ AMZ156-070830- /O.CON.KMHX.SC.Y.0015.250207T0100Z-250207T1200Z/ S of Ocracoke Inlet to Cape Lookout NC out 20 nm- 325 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 7 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 15 to 25 kt expected. * WHERE...The coastal waters from Ocracoke Inlet to Cape Lookout. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 7 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  580 WWJP27 RJTD 061800 WARNING AND SUMMARY 061800. WARNING VALID 071800. WARNING IS UPDATED EVERY 6 HOURS. STORM WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 986 HPA AT 40N 161E FAR OFF EAST OF JAPAN MOVING EAST 25 KNOTS. WINDS 30 TO 55 KNOTS WITHIN 800 MILES OF LOW SOUTH SEMICIRCLE AND 300 MILES ELSEWHERE. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 55 KNOTS WITHIN 800 MILES OF LOW SOUTH SEMICIRCLE AND 300 MILES ELSEWHERE FOR NEXT 24 HOURS. FORECAST POSITION FOR 070600UTC AT 40N 169E WITH UNCERTAINTY OF 50 MILES RADIUS. FORECAST POSITION FOR 071800UTC AT 40N 180W WITH UNCERTAINTY OF 80 MILES RADIUS. STORM WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 972 HPA AT 48N 179E SEA SOUTH OF ALEUTIANS MOVING NNW 10 KNOTS. WINDS 30 TO 45 KNOTS WITHIN 1400 MILES OF LOW NORTHWEST SEMICIRCLE AND 300 MILES ELSEWHERE. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 50 KNOTS WITHIN 1400 MILES OF LOW NORTHWEST SEMICIRCLE AND 300 MILES ELSEWHERE WITHIN NEXT 12 HOURS. FORECAST POSITION FOR 070600UTC AT 49N 178E WITH UNCERTAINTY OF 50 MILES RADIUS. FORECAST POSITION FOR 071800UTC AT 50N 173E WITH UNCERTAINTY OF 80 MILES RADIUS. ANOTHER LOW 988 HPA AT 47N 164E MOVING NE SLOWLY GALE WARNING. DEVELOPING LOW 992 HPA AT 45N 141E SEA OF JAPAN MOVING SSW SLOWLY. WINDS 30 TO 40 KNOTS WITHIN 1300 MILES OF LOW SOUTHWEST SEMICIRCLE AND 300 MILES ELSEWHERE. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 45 KNOTS WITHIN 1300 MILES OF LOW SOUTH SEMICIRCLE AND 400 MILES ELSEWHERE WITHIN NEXT 12 HOURS. GALE WARNING. NEW LOW FORECAST POSITION FOR 071800UTC AT 36N 165E WITH UNCERTAINTY OF 80 MILES RADIUS MOVING EAST 20 KNOTS. EXPECTED WINDS 30 TO 35 KNOTS WITHIN 400 MILES OF LOW SOUTHWEST SEMICIRCLE AND 200 MILES ELSEWHERE WITHIN NEXT 24 HOURS. GALE WARNING. EXPECTED NORTHEASTERLY WINDS 30 TO 40 KNOTS WITHIN NEXT 18 HOURS PREVAILING OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 28N 122E 21N 127E 18N 121E 16N 120E 15N 115E 22N 114E 25N 119E 28N 122E. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER NORTHERN PART OF SOUTH CHINA SEA. WARNING. DENSE FOG OBSERVED LOCALLY OVER WATERS BOUNDED BY 46N 154E 52N 162E 60N 173E 60N 180E 44N 180E 44N 160E 46N 154E. SUMMARY. STATIONARY FRONT FROM 26N 168E TO 28N 175E 29N 180E. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY.=  581 WTXS33 PGTW 062100 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL CYCLONE 14S (TALIAH) WARNING NR 012// RMKS/ 1. TROPICAL CYCLONE 14S (TALIAH) WARNING NR 012 02 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONES IN SOUTHIO MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 061800Z --- NEAR 14.5S 101.5E MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 285 DEGREES AT 10 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 040 NM POSITION BASED ON CENTER LOCATED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 060 KT, GUSTS 075 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 110 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 150 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 130 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 170 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 180 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT REPEAT POSIT: 14.5S 101.5E --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 070600Z --- 14.7S 99.7E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 055 KT, GUSTS 070 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 160 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 150 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 250 DEG/ 10 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 071800Z --- 15.3S 97.7E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 055 KT, GUSTS 070 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 150 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 130 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 255 DEG/ 09 KTS --- 36 HRS, VALID AT: 080600Z --- 15.8S 95.9E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 060 KT, GUSTS 075 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 140 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 120 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 48 HR POSIT: 275 DEG/ 07 KTS --- EXTENDED OUTLOOK: 48 HRS, VALID AT: 081800Z --- 15.7S 94.5E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 010 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 130 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 140 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 72 HR POSIT: 285 DEG/ 04 KTS --- 72 HRS, VALID AT: 091800Z --- 15.3S 92.9E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 075 KT, GUSTS 090 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 010 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 120 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 130 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 96 HR POSIT: 280 DEG/ 04 KTS --- LONG RANGE OUTLOOK: --- 96 HRS, VALID AT: 101800Z --- 15.1S 91.4E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 080 KT, GUSTS 100 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 010 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 110 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 140 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 120 HR POSIT: 260 DEG/ 04 KTS --- 120 HRS, VALID AT: 111800Z --- 15.3S 89.8E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 075 KT, GUSTS 090 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 010 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 110 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 140 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT --- REMARKS: 062100Z POSITION NEAR 14.5S 101.0E. 06FEB25. TROPICAL CYCLONE 14S (TALIAH), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 302 NM EAST-SOUTHEAST OF THE COCOS ISLANDS, HAS TRACKED WEST- NORTHWESTWARD AT 10 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE AT 061800Z IS 984 MB. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 061800Z IS 31 FEET. NEXT WARNINGS AT 070900Z AND 072100Z. REFER TO TROPICAL CYCLONE 13S (VINCE) WARNINGS (WTXS32 PGTW) FOR TWELVE-HOURLY UPDATES.// NNNN  716 WWUS45 KTFX 062025 WSWTFX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Great Falls MT 125 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 MTZ307>310-312>314-316-319-321-071200- /O.CON.KTFX.WW.Y.0016.250207T0600Z-250208T0600Z/ Southern Rocky Mountain Front-Southern High Plains-Eastern Pondera and Eastern Teton-Western and Central Chouteau County- Cascade County below 5000ft-Judith Basin County and Judith Gap- Fergus County below 4500ft-Gates of the Mountains-Helena Valley- Meagher County Valleys- Including the following locations: Floweree, Choteau, Rogers Pass, Fort Benton, Helena, White Sulphur Springs, Hobson, Canyon Creek, Pendroy, Hilger, Bynum, Moccasin, Checkerboard, Raynesford, Craig, Ringling, Stanford, Benchland, Conrad, Lewistown, Geyser, Wolf Creek, Carter, Brady, Ledger, Martinsdale, Great Falls, and Windham 125 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 5 inches. * WHERE...Portions of central and north central Montana. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or visiting the MDT Road Report website. To see a graphical representation of the degree of stress on young livestock please visit our webpage and select Local Programs then Cold Air Advisory for Newborn Livestock. && $$ MTZ315-317-318-320-322-327-330-071200- /O.CON.KTFX.WW.Y.0016.250207T0600Z-250208T0600Z/ Upper Blackfoot and MacDonald Pass-Little Belt and Highwood Mountains-Snowy and Judith Mountains-Big Belt, Bridger and Castle Mountains-Elkhorn and Boulder Mountains-Northwest Beaverhead County-Gallatin and Madison County Mountains and Centennial Mountains- Including the following locations: Lincoln, Monarch, Marysville, Homestake Pass, Kings Hill Pass, Wise River, Big Sky, MacDonald Pass, Maudlow, Neihart, Targhee Pass, Wisdom, Clancy, Big Hole Pass, Dewey, Flesher Pass, Chief Joseph Pass, Montana City, Raynolds Pass, Bozeman Pass, Wickes, Deep Creek Pass, Corbin, Boulder, Trident, Elk Park Pass, West Yellowstone, and Battle Ridge Pass 125 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 9 inches. * WHERE...The central and southwest Montana mountains. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions and reduced visibility in falling snow and localized blowing and drifting snow over mountain passes. Tire chains may be required for some vehicles if traveling through mountain passes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or visiting the MDT Road Report website. To see a graphical representation of the degree of stress on young livestock please visit our webpage and select Local Programs then Cold Air Advisory for Newborn Livestock. && $$ MTZ323>326-328-329-071200- /O.CON.KTFX.WW.Y.0016.250207T0600Z-250208T0600Z/ Canyon Ferry Area-Missouri Headwaters-Madison River Valley- Gallatin Valley-Beaverhead and Western Madison below 6000ft-Ruby Mountains and Southern Beaverhead Mountains- Including the following locations: Bozeman, Pony, Harrison, Three Forks, Bannack, Dillon, McAllister, Whitehall, Jeffers, Monida Pass, Willow Creek, Gallatin Gateway, Norris, Glen, Waterloo, Winston, Townsend, Toston, Cameron, and Ennis 125 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 5 inches. Areas of blowing and drifting snow possible Friday afternoon and evening. * WHERE...Southwest Montana Valleys. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions and reduced visibility in falling snow and localized blowing and drifting snow. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or visiting the MDT Road Report website. To see a graphical representation of the degree of stress on young livestock please visit our webpage and select Local Programs then Cold Air Advisory for Newborn Livestock. && $$ Wilson  450 WWUS53 KPAH 062027 SVSPAH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Paducah KY 227 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ILC059-193-INC129-KYC101-225-062036- /O.EXP.KPAH.SV.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T2030Z/ White IL-Gallatin IL-Posey IN-Henderson KY-Union KY- 227 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL WHITE... NORTHEASTERN GALLATIN...SOUTHWESTERN POSEY...WEST CENTRAL HENDERSON AND NORTH CENTRAL UNION COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 230 PM CST... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However, small hail is still possible with this thunderstorm. && LAT...LON 3774 8818 3788 8820 3796 8792 3776 8784 TIME...MOT...LOC 2026Z 262DEG 43KT 3785 8787 $$ DW  927 WWUS41 KOKX 062027 WSWOKX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New York NY 327 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NJZ002-004-006-103>108-NYZ071>075-078>081-176>179-071000- /O.EXT.KOKX.WS.A.0002.250209T0000Z-250209T1600Z/ Western Passaic-Eastern Passaic-Hudson-Western Bergen-Eastern Bergen-Western Essex-Eastern Essex-Western Union-Eastern Union- Southern Westchester-New York (Manhattan)-Bronx-Richmond (Staten Island)-Kings (Brooklyn)-Northwest Suffolk-Northeast Suffolk- Southwest Suffolk-Southeast Suffolk-Northern Queens-Northern Nassau-Southern Queens-Southern Nassau- 327 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH NOW IN EFFECT FROM SATURDAY EVENING THROUGH SUNDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Heavy mixed precipitation possible. Total snow and sleet accumulations between 2 and 4 inches and ice accumulations around a light glaze possible. * WHERE...Portions of northeastern New Jersey and southeastern New York. * WHEN...From Saturday evening through Sunday morning. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. Persons should consider delaying all travel. If travel is absolutely necessary, drive with extreme caution. Consider taking a winter storm kit along with you, including such items as tire chains, booster cables, flashlight, shovel, blankets and extra clothing. Also take water, a first aid kit, and anything else that would help you survive in case you become stranded. && $$ CTZ005>012-NYZ067>070-071000- /O.CON.KOKX.WS.A.0002.250209T0000Z-250209T1600Z/ Northern Fairfield-Northern New Haven-Northern Middlesex-Northern New London-Southern Fairfield-Southern New Haven-Southern Middlesex-Southern New London-Orange-Putnam-Rockland-Northern Westchester- 327 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM SATURDAY EVENING THROUGH SUNDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 7 inches possible. * WHERE...Portions of southern Connecticut and southeastern New York. * WHEN...From Saturday evening through Sunday morning. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Travel could be very difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. Persons should consider delaying all travel. If travel is absolutely necessary, drive with extreme caution. Consider taking a winter storm kit along with you, including such items as tire chains, booster cables, flashlight, shovel, blankets and extra clothing. Also take water, a first aid kit, and anything else that would help you survive in case you become stranded. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit https://weather.gov/nyc MET  997 WOCN20 CWWG 062026 BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR THE MANITOBA LAKES UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:26 P.M. CST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR: LAKE WINNIPEG - SOUTH BASIN LAKE WINNIPEG - NORTH BASIN LAKE MANITOBA LAKE WINNIPEGOSIS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== POOR VISIBILITY IN SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW IS EXPECTED OR OCCURRING IN SOME LOCATIONS. THERE WILL BE REDUCED TO NEAR ZERO VISIBILITY AT TIMES THIS MORNING FOR PORTIONS OF SOUTHERN MANITOBA AND THE MANITOBA LAKES. CONDITIONS WILL IMPROVE THIS EVENING. TRAVEL IS EXPECTED TO BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO REDUCED VISIBILITY IN SOME LOCATIONS. VISIBILITY MAY BE SIGNIFICANTLY AND SUDDENLY REDUCED TO NEAR ZERO. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  998 WOCN11 CWWG 062026 BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:26 P.M. CST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR: BRANDON - NEEPAWA - CARBERRY - TREHERNE KILLARNEY - PILOT MOUND - MANITOU MELITA - BOISSEVAIN - TURTLE MOUNTAIN PROVINCIAL PARK VIRDEN - SOURIS DAUPHIN - RUSSELL - ROBLIN - WINNIPEGOSIS MINNEDOSA - RIDING MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK STE. ROSE - MCCREARY - ALONSA - GLADSTONE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== POOR VISIBILITY IN SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW IS EXPECTED OR OCCURRING IN SOME LOCATIONS. THERE WILL BE REDUCED TO NEAR ZERO VISIBILITY AT TIMES THIS MORNING FOR PORTIONS OF SOUTHERN MANITOBA AND THE MANITOBA LAKES. CONDITIONS WILL IMPROVE THIS EVENING. TRAVEL IS EXPECTED TO BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO REDUCED VISIBILITY IN SOME LOCATIONS. VISIBILITY MAY BE SIGNIFICANTLY AND SUDDENLY REDUCED TO NEAR ZERO. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO MBSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)MBSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  971 WGUS85 KTFX 062027 FLSTFX Flood Statement National Weather Service Great Falls MT 127 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 MTC057-062037- /O.CAN.KTFX.FA.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250207T1545Z/ /00000.0.IJ.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Madison MT- 127 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING FOR AN ICE JAM HAS BEEN REPLACED WITH A FLOOD ADVISORY... The Flood Warning is replaced by a Flood Advisory for a portion of southwest Montana, including the following area, Madison. The threat of flooding continues and a Flood Advisory is now in effect. Please refer to that bulletin for more information. && LAT...LON 4565 11230 4563 11232 4562 11232 4561 11233 4559 11234 4559 11235 4561 11234 4562 11235 4563 11234 4562 11233 4564 11232 4567 11228 4566 11228 $$ Ludwig  010 WGUS85 KTFX 062027 RRA FLSTFX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Great Falls MT 127 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 MTC057-071545- /O.NEW.KTFX.FA.Y.0001.250206T2027Z-250207T1545Z/ /00000.N.IJ.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Madison MT- 127 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY FOR AN ICE JAM IN EFFECT UNTIL 845 AM MST FRIDAY... ...REPLACES FLOOD WARNING... * WHAT...Flooding caused by an ice jam is expected. * WHERE...A portion of southwest Montana, including the following county, Madison. * WHEN...Until 845 AM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 127 PM MST, emergency management reported an ice jam near the advisory area. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. - Ice jams can form and break up quickly! Avoid areas near ice jams as ice jams can cause unpredictable rises on rivers above and below the jam. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... mainly rural areas of North Central Madison County - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 4559 11234 4559 11235 4561 11234 4562 11235 4563 11234 4562 11233 4564 11232 4567 11228 4566 11228 4565 11230 4563 11232 4562 11232 4561 11233 $$ Ludwig  369 WTXS33 PGTW 062100 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 24 HR POSIT: 250 DEG/ 10 KTS --- 24 HRS, VALID AT: 071800Z --- 15.3S 97.7E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 055 KT, GUSTS 070 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 150 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 130 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 36 HR POSIT: 255 DEG/ 09 KTS --- 36 HRS, VALID AT: 080600Z --- 15.8S 95.9E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 060 KT, GUSTS 075 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 140 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 120 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 150 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 48 HR POSIT: 275 DEG/ 07 KTS --- EXTENDED OUTLOOK: 48 HRS, VALID AT: 081800Z --- 15.7S 94.5E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 065 KT, GUSTS 080 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 010 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT // END PART 02 //  370 WTXS33 PGTW 062100 RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 010 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 110 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 140 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 120 HR POSIT: 260 DEG/ 04 KTS --- 120 HRS, VALID AT: 111800Z --- 15.3S 89.8E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 075 KT, GUSTS 090 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 010 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 060 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 020 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 110 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 140 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT --- REMARKS: 062100Z POSITION NEAR 14.5S 101.0E. 06FEB25. TROPICAL CYCLONE 14S (TALIAH), LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 302 // END PART 04 //  371 WTXS33 PGTW 062100 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 040 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 080 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 130 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 140 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 72 HR POSIT: 285 DEG/ 04 KTS --- 72 HRS, VALID AT: 091800Z --- 15.3S 92.9E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 075 KT, GUSTS 090 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 064 KT WINDS - 030 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 010 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 030 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 070 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 030 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 120 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 050 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 090 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 130 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT VECTOR TO 96 HR POSIT: 280 DEG/ 04 KTS --- LONG RANGE OUTLOOK: --- 96 HRS, VALID AT: 101800Z --- 15.1S 91.4E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 080 KT, GUSTS 100 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY // END PART 03 //  372 WTXS33 PGTW 062100 NM EAST-SOUTHEAST OF THE COCOS ISLANDS, HAS TRACKED WEST- NORTHWESTWARD AT 10 KNOTS OVER THE PAST SIX HOURS. MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE AT 061800Z IS 984 MB. MAXIMUM SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT AT 061800Z IS 31 FEET. NEXT WARNINGS AT 070900Z AND 072100Z. REFER TO TROPICAL CYCLONE 13S (VINCE) WARNINGS (WTXS32 PGTW) FOR TWELVE-HOURLY UPDATES.// ???? // END PART 05/05 //  373 WTXS33 PGTW 062100 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/TROPICAL CYCLONE 14S (TALIAH) WARNING NR 012// RMKS/ 1. TROPICAL CYCLONE 14S (TALIAH) WARNING NR 012 02 ACTIVE TROPICAL CYCLONES IN SOUTHIO MAX SUSTAINED WINDS BASED ON ONE-MINUTE AVERAGE WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY --- WARNING POSITION: 061800Z --- NEAR 14.5S 101.5E MOVEMENT PAST SIX HOURS - 285 DEGREES AT 10 KTS POSITION ACCURATE TO WITHIN 040 NM POSITION BASED ON CENTER LOCATED BY SATELLITE PRESENT WIND DISTRIBUTION: MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 060 KT, GUSTS 075 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 070 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 110 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 150 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 130 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 170 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 180 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT REPEAT POSIT: 14.5S 101.5E --- FORECASTS: 12 HRS, VALID AT: 070600Z --- 14.7S 99.7E MAX SUSTAINED WINDS - 055 KT, GUSTS 070 KT WIND RADII VALID OVER OPEN WATER ONLY RADIUS OF 050 KT WINDS - 080 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 060 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 100 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT 090 NM NORTHWEST QUADRANT RADIUS OF 034 KT WINDS - 160 NM NORTHEAST QUADRANT 110 NM SOUTHEAST QUADRANT 150 NM SOUTHWEST QUADRANT // END PART 01 //  505 WWUS53 KPAH 062028 SVSPAH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Paducah KY 228 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC047-221-062038- /O.EXP.KPAH.SV.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T2030Z/ Christian KY-Trigg KY- 228 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHWESTERN CHRISTIAN AND SOUTHEASTERN TRIGG COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 230 PM CST... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. && LAT...LON 3666 8773 3668 8774 3671 8776 3678 8781 3680 8777 3685 8747 3664 8742 3663 8771 TIME...MOT...LOC 2028Z 256DEG 40KT 3675 8738 $$ DW  031 WWUS76 KLOX 062029 NPWLOX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 1229 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAZ342-345-353-070500- /O.EXP.KLOX.WI.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-250206T2000Z/ /O.CON.KLOX.HW.W.0008.000000T0000Z-250207T0500Z/ Santa Lucia Mountains-San Luis Obispo County Mountains-Santa Barbara County Interior Mountains- Including the cities of Santa Margarita Lake, Hearst Castle, Irish Hills, San Rafael Mountain, Big Pine Mountain, Caliente Range, Figueroa Mountain, and La Panza Range 1229 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... ...WIND ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... * WHAT...South winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * WHERE...San Luis Obispo County Mountains, Santa Barbara County Interior Mountains, and Santa Lucia Mountains. * WHEN...Until 9 PM PST this evening. * IMPACTS...Damaging winds could blow down trees and power lines. Widespread power outages are possible. Travel will be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, and avoid windows. Watch for falling debris and tree limbs. Use caution if you must drive. && $$ CAZ038-340-341-343-344-346>348-070500- /O.CON.KLOX.WI.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-250207T1200Z/ Cuyama Valley-San Luis Obispo County Beaches-San Luis Obispo County Inland Central Coast-Southern Salinas Valley-San Luis Obispo County Interior Valleys-Santa Barbara County Central Coast Beaches-Santa Barbara County Inland Central Coast-Santa Ynez Valley- Including the cities of Buellton, Solvang, Morro Bay, Cambria, Arroyo Grande, Avila Beach, Carrizo Plain, Vandenberg Space Force Base, San Luis Obispo, Lake Cachuma, Lompoc, Atascadero, New Cuyama, Santa Ynez, San Miguel, Paso Robles, Pismo Beach, Templeton, Nipomo, Shandon, Santa Maria, Lake Nacimiento, Creston, Los Olivos, and Lopez Lake 1229 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 15 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Cuyama Valley, San Luis Obispo County Beaches, San Luis Obispo County Inland Central Coast, San Luis Obispo County Interior Valleys, Santa Barbara County Central Coast Beaches, Santa Barbara County Inland Central Coast, Santa Ynez Valley, and Southern Salinas Valley. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ CAZ349-351-352-377-070500- /O.CON.KLOX.WI.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-250207T0800Z/ Santa Barbara County Southwestern Coast-Santa Ynez Mountains Western Range-Santa Ynez Mountains Eastern Range-Northern Ventura County Mountains- Including the cities of El Capitan State Beach, Mount Pinos, San Marcos Pass, Gaviota, Montecito Hills, Refugio State Beach, Lockwood Valley, Jalama Beach, and Ozena 1229 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT PST TONIGHT... * WHAT...South winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Northern Ventura County Mountains, Santa Barbara County Southwestern Coast, Santa Ynez Mountains Eastern Range, and Santa Ynez Mountains Western Range. * WHEN...Until midnight PST tonight. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ CAZ378>383-070500- /O.CON.KLOX.WI.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-250207T2000Z/ Interstate 5 Corridor-Western San Gabriel Mountains and Highway 14 Corridor-Eastern San Gabriel Mountains-Western Antelope Valley Foothills-Eastern Antelope Valley Foothills-Antelope Valley- Including the cities of Warm Springs, Palmdale, Wrightwood, Mount Wilson, Gorman, Tejon Pass, The Angeles Crest Highway, Valyermo, Pyramid Lake, Mount Baldy, Lancaster, Lake Los Angeles, Lake Palmdale, Mill Creek, Elizabeth Lake, Pearblossom, Llano, and Acton 1229 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 20 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Antelope Valley, Eastern Antelope Valley Foothills, Eastern San Gabriel Mountains, Interstate 5 Corridor, Western Antelope Valley Foothills, and Western San Gabriel Mountains and Highway 14 Corridor. * WHEN...Until noon PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ Visit us at http://www.weather.gov/LosAngeles MW  042 WHUS71 KOKX 062029 MWWOKX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New York NY 329 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ANZ350-070930- /O.EXT.KOKX.SC.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-250208T0600Z/ Moriches Inlet NY to Montauk Point NY out 20 nm- 329 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST SATURDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and seas 5 to 8 feet. * WHERE...Moriches Inlet NY to Montauk Point NY out 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ353-355-070930- /O.EXT.KOKX.SC.Y.0016.250206T2300Z-250208T0600Z/ Fire Island Inlet NY to Moriches Inlet NY out 20 nm- Sandy Hook NJ to Fire Island Inlet NY out 20 nm- 329 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST SATURDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and seas 4 to 7 feet expected. * WHERE...Sandy Hook NJ to Moriches Inlet NY out 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ331-332-335-338-340-345-070930- /O.EXT.KOKX.SC.Y.0016.250207T1100Z-250208T0600Z/ Long Island Sound East of New Haven CT/Port Jefferson NY to the Mouth of the Connecticut River- Long Island Sound East of the Mouth of the Connecticut River- Long Island Sound West of New Haven CT/Port Jefferson NY- New York Harbor-Peconic and Gardiners Bays- South Shore Bays from Jones Inlet through Shinnecock Bay- 329 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM FRIDAY TO 1 AM EST SATURDAY... * WHAT...West winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and seas 2 to 4 feet expected. * WHERE...Long Island Sound, New York Harbor, Peconic and Gardiners Bays, and South Shore Bays from Jones Inlet through Shinnecock Bay. * WHEN...From 6 AM Friday to 1 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ For more details, see the Coastal Waters Forecast from National Weather Service New York NY, or visit https://www.weather.gov/okx/marine  250 WSBZ23 SBGL 062025 SBAO SIGMET 29 VALID 062030/062330 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0332 W02956 - S0337 W02913 - S0354 W02842 - S0354 W02829 - S0153 W02829 - S0153 W02956 - S0332 W02956 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  703 WHUS73 KIWX 062029 MWWIWX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Northern Indiana 329 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 LMZ043-046-070430- /O.CON.KIWX.SC.Y.0008.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ /O.CON.KIWX.GL.W.0002.250207T0000Z-250207T0900Z/ New Buffalo MI to St Joseph MI-Michigan City IN to New Buffalo MI- 329 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, west winds 15 to 20 knots with gusts up to 30 knots and waves 4 to 6 feet expected. For the Gale Warning, west winds 20 to 30 knots with gusts up to 35 knots and waves 5 to 10 feet expected. * WHERE...Michigan City IN to St Joseph MI. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 7 PM EST this evening. For the Gale Warning, from 7 PM this evening to 4 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$  860 WSIR31 OIII 062025 OIIX SIGMET 17 VALID 062025/062330 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3306 E04723 - N3357 E04718 - N3408 E04933 - N3251 E05148 - N3157 E05243 - N3055 E05151 - N3026 E05114 - N3026 E05021 - N3100 E04934 - N3150 E04907 - N3306 E04723 ABV FL320 MOV NE NC=  246 WHUS71 KOKX 062033 CCA MWWOKX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE...CORRECTED National Weather Service New York NY 333 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ANZ350-070930- /O.COR.KOKX.SC.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-250208T0600Z/ Moriches Inlet NY to Montauk Point NY out 20 nm- 333 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST SATURDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 33 kt and seas 5 to 8 feet. * WHERE...Moriches Inlet NY to Montauk Point NY out 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ353-355-070930- /O.COR.KOKX.SC.Y.0016.250206T2300Z-250208T0600Z/ Fire Island Inlet NY to Moriches Inlet NY out 20 nm- Sandy Hook NJ to Fire Island Inlet NY out 20 nm- 333 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST SATURDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 33 kt and seas 4 to 7 feet expected. * WHERE...Sandy Hook NJ to Moriches Inlet NY out 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ331-332-335-338-340-345-070930- /O.COR.KOKX.SC.Y.0016.250207T1100Z-250208T0600Z/ Long Island Sound East of New Haven CT/Port Jefferson NY to the Mouth of the Connecticut River- Long Island Sound East of the Mouth of the Connecticut River- Long Island Sound West of New Haven CT/Port Jefferson NY- New York Harbor-Peconic and Gardiners Bays- South Shore Bays from Jones Inlet through Shinnecock Bay- 333 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM FRIDAY TO 1 AM EST SATURDAY... * WHAT...West winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 2 to 4 feet expected. * WHERE...Long Island Sound, New York Harbor, Peconic and Gardiners Bays, and South Shore Bays from Jones Inlet through Shinnecock Bay. * WHEN...From 6 AM Friday to 1 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ For more details, see the Coastal Waters Forecast from National Weather Service New York NY, or visit https://www.weather.gov/okx/marine  344 WWUS45 KPIH 062033 WSWPIH URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pocatello ID 133 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 IDZ060-063>066-071215- /O.CON.KPIH.WW.Y.0005.250207T0600Z-250208T0600Z/ Bear River Range-Caribou Range-Big Hole Mountains-Teton Valley- Centennial Mountains - Island Park- Including the cities of Swan Valley, Ashton, Tetonia, Victor, Wayan, Kilgore, Driggs, Island Park, and Emigration Summit 133 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 12 inches with locally higher amounts above pass level. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...Big Hole Mountains, Centennial Mountains - Island Park, Teton Valley, Bear River Range, and Caribou Range. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Call 5 1 1 or visit 511.idaho.gov for the latest road conditions. && $$ IDZ071>075-071215- /O.CON.KPIH.WW.Y.0005.250207T0600Z-250208T0600Z/ Frank Church Wilderness-Sawtooth/Stanley Basin-Sun Valley Region- Big Lost Highlands/Copper Basin-Wood River Foothills- Including the cities of Stanley, Sun Valley, Hailey, Ketchum, Galena, Copper Basin, Picabo, Bellevue, and Clayton 133 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 12 inches with locally higher amounts above pass level. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...Big Lost Highlands/Copper Basin, Frank Church Wilderness, Sawtooth/Stanley Basin, Sun Valley Region, and Wood River Foothills. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Call 5 1 1 or visit 511.idaho.gov for the latest road conditions. && $$ Visit weather.gov/pocatello for more information. AM  487 WWUS75 KPIH 062033 NPWPIH URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pocatello ID 133 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 IDZ051>057-071215- /O.CON.KPIH.WI.Y.0004.250207T1200Z-250208T0600Z/ Shoshone/Lava Beds-Arco/Mud Lake Desert-Upper Snake River Plain- Lower Snake River Plain-Eastern Magic Valley-Southern Hills/Albion Mountains-Raft River Region- Including the cities of Holbrook, St. Anthony, INL, Blackfoot, Mud Lake, Idaho Falls, Rexburg, Fort Hall, Carey, Heyburn, Almo, Oakley, Rockland, Shelley, Burley, Albion, Richfield, Malta, Craters of the Moon NM, American Falls, Rupert, Shoshone, and Pocatello 133 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 5 AM TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 55 mph expected. * WHERE...Eastern Magic Valley, Shoshone/Lava Beds, Arco/Mud Lake Desert, Lower Snake River Plain, Raft River Region, Southern Hills/Albion Mountains, and Upper Snake River Plain. * WHEN...From 5 AM to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds could make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Unsecured objects may be blown around. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ Visit weather.gov/pocatello for more information. AM  129 WSBZ23 SBGL 062035 SBCW SIGMET 48 VALID 062040/062330 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR CNL SIGMET 46 061930/062330=  130 WSBZ23 SBGL 062035 SBCW SIGMET 49 VALID 062040/062330 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2231 W05255 - S2412 W04603 - S2334 W04440 - S2216 W04423 - S2216 W04520 - S2248 W04546 - S2314 W04552 - S2338 W04639 - S2307 W04734 - S2220 W04955 - S2100 W05056 - S2231 W05255 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  433 WSBZ23 SBGL 062035 SBCW SIGMET 50 VALID 062040/062330 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2532 W05438 - S2542 W05426 - S2537 W05405 - S2655 W05343 - S2717 W05417 - S2809 W05149 - S2614 W05048 - S2628 W04901 - S2616 W04707 - S2418 W04809 - S2529 W05142 - S2436 W05421 - S2532 W05438 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  951 WSNT09 KKCI 062040 SIGA0I KZWY SIGMET INDIA 1 VALID 062040/070040 KKCI- NEW YORK OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 2040Z WI N3500 W07245 - N3430 W07130 - N3145 W07430 - N3115 W07730 - N3300 W07715 - N3500 W07245. TOP FL350. MOV E 10KT. NC.  872 WUUS53 KPAH 062036 SVRPAH KYC047-219-062100- /O.NEW.KPAH.SV.W.0005.250206T2036Z-250206T2100Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Paducah KY 236 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Paducah has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... East central Christian County in south central Kentucky... Central Todd County in south central Kentucky... * Until 300 PM CST. * At 235 PM CST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Pembroke, or near Elkton, moving northeast at 50 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. * Locations impacted include... Elkton, Justice, Everett, and Allegre. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3672 8731 3688 8740 3700 8706 3696 8705 3679 8706 TIME...MOT...LOC 2035Z 246DEG 42KT 3684 8727 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...<50 MPH $$ DW  631 WSBZ23 SBGL 062035 SBCW SIGMET 51 VALID 062040/062330 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2032 W05806 - S2118 W05753 - S2204 W05801 - S2213 W05712 - S2135 W05710 - S2132 W05718 - S2049 W05726 - S2032 W05806 TOP FL440 STNR NC=  043 WWCN10 CWUL 062037 WINTER STORM WARNING FOR QUEBEC ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:37 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WINTER STORM WARNING FOR: =NEW= BLANC-SABLON. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== A WINTER STORM APPROACHING WHAT: A TOTAL OF 15 TO 20 CENTIMETRES OF SNOW IS EXPECTED BY FRIDAY EVENING. THE SNOW WILL BE COMBINED WITH HIGH SOUTHWESTERLY WINDS OF UP TO 90 KILOMETRES PER HOUR CAUSING BLOWING SNOW. VISIBILITIES WILL BE GREATLY REDUCED AT TIMES. WHEN: HEAVY SNOW: LATE THURSDAY EVENING UNTIL FRIDAY AFTERNOON HIGH WINDS: LATE FRIDAY AFTERNOON TO EARLY FRIDAY EVENING BLOWING SNOW: FRIDAY MORNING UNTIL FRIDAY EVENING WHERE: BLANC-SABLON CONSIDER POSTPONING NON-ESSENTIAL TRAVEL UNTIL CONDITIONS IMPROVE. VISIBILITY WILL BE SUDDENLY REDUCED TO NEAR ZERO AT TIMES IN HEAVY SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  392 WSUS05 KKCI 062037 WS5R SLCR WS 062037 SIGMET ROMEO 1 VALID UNTIL 070037 NV CA FROM 60SSW LKV TO 40NNW BTY TO 50ENE EHF TO RBL TO 60SSW LKV OCNL SEV TURB BLW 150. DUE TO STG LOW LVL WNDS AND STG UDDFS AND LLWS. CONDS CONTG BYD 0037Z. ....  413 WWUS43 KMQT 062038 WSWMQT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Marquette MI 338 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MIZ001>003-070600- /O.CON.KMQT.BZ.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250207T0600Z/ Keweenaw-Ontonagon-Northern Houghton- Including the cities of Hancock, Copper Harbor, Ontonagon, and Houghton 338 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...BLIZZARD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Blizzard conditions. Additional snow accumulations up to 3 inches. Winds gusting as high as 55 mph. * WHERE...Keweenaw, Northern Houghton, and Ontonagon Counties. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Whiteout conditions are expected and will make travel treacherous and potentially life-threatening. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday evening commute. Strong winds could cause damage to trees and lead to power outages. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Travel should be restricted to emergencies only. If you must travel, have a winter survival kit with you. If you get stranded, stay with your vehicle. && $$ MIZ004-084-070600- /O.CON.KMQT.BZ.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250207T0600Z/ Baraga-Southern Houghton- Including the cities of Sidnaw, Kenton, and L'Anse 338 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...BLIZZARD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Blizzard conditions. Additional snow accumulations up to 3 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Baraga and Southern Houghton Counties. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Whiteout conditions are expected and will make travel treacherous and potentially life-threatening. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday evening commute. Strong winds could cause damage to trees and lead to power outages. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Travel should be restricted to emergencies only. If you must travel, have a winter survival kit with you. If you get stranded, stay with your vehicle. && $$ MIZ006-007-085-071200- /O.CON.KMQT.WW.Y.0009.000000T0000Z-250207T1200Z/ Alger-Luce-Northern Schoolcraft- Including the cities of Grand Marais, Munising, Newberry, and Seney 338 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Lake effect snow and blowing snow. Additional snow accumulations up to 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Alger, Luce, and Northern Schoolcraft Counties. * WHEN...Until 7 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Widespread blowing snow will significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions will impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. && $$ MQT  584 WSUS06 KKCI 062037 WS6R SFOR WS 062037 SIGMET ROMEO 1 VALID UNTIL 070037 CA NV FROM 60SSW LKV TO 40NNW BTY TO 50ENE EHF TO RBL TO 60SSW LKV OCNL SEV TURB BLW 150. DUE TO STG LOW LVL WNDS AND STG UDDFS AND LLWS. CONDS CONTG BYD 0037Z. ....  352 WWUS83 KLMK 062039 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 239 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ070-062130- Logan KY- 239 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHERN LOGAN COUNTY THROUGH 330 PM CST... At 238 PM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Elkton, moving northeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...Nickel to quarter sized hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Russellville, Anderson, Auburn, Lewisburg, Cooperstown, Insco, Gordonsville, Danby, Spa, and Epleys. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3700 8705 3707 8690 3706 8686 3699 8667 3697 8666 3688 8666 3679 8706 TIME...MOT...LOC 2038Z 247DEG 36KT 3683 8724 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.88 IN MAX WIND GUST...<30 MPH $$ MJ  716 WSBZ23 SBGL 062035 SBRE SIGMET 28 VALID 062040/062330 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR CNL SIGMET 24 061930/062330=  717 WSBZ23 SBGL 062035 SBRE SIGMET 29 VALID 062040/062330 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0635 W04219 - S0756 W04047 - S0555 W03907 - S0458 W03950 - S0451 W04024 - S0635 W04219 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  915 WWUS43 KBIS 062042 WSWBIS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 242 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 NDZ051-070445- /O.CAN.KBIS.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ /O.NEW.KBIS.WW.Y.0005.250207T2100Z-250208T1500Z/ Dickey- Including the cities of Ellendale and Oakes 242 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM FRIDAY TO 9 AM CST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations around 3 to 5 inches. * WHERE...Dickey County. * WHEN...From 3 PM Friday to 9 AM CST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NDZ001-009-010-021-022-062145- /O.CAN.KBIS.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Divide-Williams-Mountrail-McLean-Sheridan- Including the cities of Turtle Lake, Garrison, Underwood, Washburn, New Town, Mcclusky, Goodrich, Crosby, Stanley, Williston, Parshall, and Wilton 242 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Visibility has greatly improved across areas southwest of Highway 52. Therefore, the Winter Weather Advisory has been cancelled for Divide, Williams, Mountrail, McLean, and Sheridan Counties. $$ NDZ004-005-013-070000- /O.CON.KBIS.BZ.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Bottineau-Rolette-Pierce- Including the cities of Dunseith, Rolette, Bottineau, St. John, Rugby, Shell Valley, and Rolla 242 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...BLIZZARD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Blizzard conditions. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Bottineau, Pierce, and Rolette Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Widespread blowing snow will significantly reduce visibility, with whiteout conditions at times. The hazardous conditions will impact the evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, have a winter survival kit with you. Notify a friend or family member of your travel plans. If you get stranded, stay with your vehicle. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NDZ048-070445- /O.NEW.KBIS.WW.Y.0005.250207T2100Z-250208T1500Z/ /O.CON.KBIS.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ La Moure- Including the cities of Edgeley, Lamoure, and Kulm 242 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM FRIDAY TO 9 AM CST SATURDAY... * WHAT...For the first Winter Weather Advisory, blowing snow. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. For the second Winter Weather Advisory, snow expected. Total snow accumulations up to 4 inches. * WHERE...LaMoure County. * WHEN...For the first Winter Weather Advisory, until 6 PM CST this evening. For the second Winter Weather Advisory, from 3 PM Friday to 9 AM CST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the evening commutes today and Friday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NDZ040>045-070445- /O.NEW.KBIS.WW.Y.0005.250207T1500Z-250208T0900Z/ Slope-Hettinger-Grant-Bowman-Adams-Sioux- Including the cities of Selfridge, Bowman, Mott, Solen, Marmarth, Carson, New Leipzig, Elgin, Fort Yates, Hettinger, and New England 242 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 /142 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM CST /8 AM MST/ FRIDAY TO 3 AM CST /2 AM MST/ SATURDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations around 3 to 5 inches. * WHERE...Slope, Bowman, Hettinger, Adams, Grant, and Sioux Counties. * WHEN...From 9 AM CST /8 AM MST/ Friday to 3 AM CST /2 AM MST/ Saturday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NDZ046-047-050-070445- /O.NEW.KBIS.WW.Y.0005.250207T2100Z-250208T1500Z/ Emmons-Logan-McIntosh- Including the cities of Gackle, Strasburg, Napoleon, Wishek, Ashley, and Linton 242 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM FRIDAY TO 9 AM CST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations around 3 to 5 inches. * WHERE...Emmons, Logan, and McIntosh Counties. * WHEN...From 3 PM Friday to 9 AM CST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NDZ002-003-011-012-023-025-037-070000- /O.CON.KBIS.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Burke-Renville-Ward-McHenry-Wells-Foster-Stutsman- Including the cities of Velva, Mohall, Lignite, Jamestown, Powers Lake, Minot, Bowbells, Glenburn, Towner, Drake, Fessenden, Carrington, Portal, Columbus, Sherwood, and Harvey 242 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Blowing snow. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Burke, Renville, Ward, McHenry, Wells, Foster, and Stutsman Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Areas of blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Use caution while traveling, especially in open areas. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Hollan  951 WWCN02 CYTR 062042 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB TRENTON PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 3:42 PM EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB TRENTON (CYTR) TYPE: SNOWFALL ADVISORY ENDED TYPE: FREEZING PRECIPITATION WARNING ENDED TYPE: WHITE WIND WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SURFACE WIND (MEAN OR GUST) GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 25 KNOTS VALID: UNTIL 07/2400Z (UNTIL 07/1900 EST) TYPE: AMBER WIND WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SURFACE WIND (MEAN OR GUST) GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 35 KNOTS VALID: 06/2300Z TO 07/1200Z (06/1800 EST TO 07/0700 EST) COMMENTS: SNOWFALL ADVISORY AND FREEZING PRECIPITATION WARNING ENDED. WHITE AND AMBER WIND WARNINGS CONTINUE. A FRONTAL SYSTEM TRACKING NORTHEAST ACROSS EASTERN ONTARIO, IS BRINGING STRONG WINDS TO CFB TRENTON. STRONG SOUTHWESTERLY WINDS HAVE DEVELOPED ON THE BACKSIDE OF A LOW-PRESSURE SYSTEM. INTERMITTENT GUSTS OF 25 TO 30 KNOTS WILL CONTINUE THIS AFTERNOON THROUGH THE OVERNIGHT AND INTO FRIDAY. WHILE THERE IS STILL SOME UNCERTAINTY REGARDING THE STRENGTH OF THE PEAK GUSTS, A STRONG LOW-LEVEL JET WILL ALLOW FOR WIND GUSTS AS HIGH AS 40 KNOTS TO DEVELOP LATER TONIGHT. THE STRONGEST GUSTS ARE EXPECTED OVERNIGHT INTO FRIDAY MORNING. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 07/0830Z (07/0330 EST) END/JMC  320 WHUS73 KMQT 062042 MWWMQT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Marquette MI 342 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 LSZ162-070445- /O.CON.KMQT.GL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-250207T0600Z/ /O.CON.KMQT.UP.W.0009.000000T0000Z-250207T1200Z/ Lake Superior west of a line from Saxon Harbor WI to Grand Portage MN beyond 5NM- 342 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 /242 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST /MIDNIGHT CST/ FRIDAY... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST /6 AM CST/ FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Gale Warning, west winds 25 to 35 kt with gusts up to 45 kt and waves 6 to 11 ft occurring. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater occurring, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Lake Superior west of a line from Saxon Harbor WI to Grand Portage MN beyond 5NM. * WHEN...For the Gale Warning, until 1 AM EST /midnight CST/ Friday. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, until 7 AM EST /6 AM CST/ Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ221-070300- /O.CON.KMQT.GL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-250207T0300Z/ Green Bay North of line from Cedar River MI to Rock Island Passage- 342 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt. * WHERE...Green Bay North of line from Cedar River MI to Rock Island Passage. * WHEN...Until 10 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ248-250-070445- /O.CON.KMQT.GL.W.0010.000000T0000Z-250207T0900Z/ Seul Choix Point to Point Detour MI- 5NM East of a line from Fairport MI to Rock Island Passage- 342 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and waves 2 to 5 ft occurring. * WHERE...Seul Choix Point to Point Detour MI and 5NM East of a line from Fairport MI to Rock Island Passage. * WHEN...Until 4 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ240>242-263-070445- /O.CON.KMQT.SR.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250207T0900Z/ /O.CON.KMQT.UP.W.0009.000000T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Saxon Harbor WI to Black River MI-Black River to Ontonagon MI- Ontonagon to Upper Entrance of Portage Canal MI- Lake Superior from Saxon Harbor WI to Upper Entrance to Portage Canal MI 5NM off shore to the US/Canadian border including Isle Royale National Park- 342 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 /242 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST /3 AM CST/ FRIDAY... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST /NOON CST/ FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Storm Warning, west winds 30 to 40 kt with gusts up to 50 kt and waves 11 to 16 ft occurring. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater occurring, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Saxon Harbor WI to Black River MI, Black River to Ontonagon MI, Ontonagon to Upper Entrance of Portage Canal MI and Lake Superior from Saxon Harbor WI to Upper Entrance to Portage Canal MI 5NM off shore to the US/Canadian border including Isle Royale National Park. * WHEN...For the Storm Warning, until 4 AM EST /3 AM CST/ Friday. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, until 1 PM EST /noon CST/ Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Storm force winds and hazardous waves will capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should remain in port, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ LSZ243>251-264>267-070445- /O.CON.KMQT.SR.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250207T1200Z/ /O.CON.KMQT.UP.W.0009.000000T0000Z-250208T0000Z/ Upper Entrance of Portage Canal to Eagle River MI- Eagle River to Manitou Island MI- Manitou Island to Point Isabelle MI- Point Isabelle to Lower Entrance of Portage Canal MI- Lower Entrance of Portage Canal To Huron Islands MI Including Keweenaw and Huron Bays-Huron Islands to Marquette MI- Marquette to Munising MI-Munising to Grand Marais MI- Grand Marais to Whitefish Point MI- Lake Superior from Upper Entrance to Portage Canal to Manitou Island MI 5NM off shore to the US/Canadian Border- Lake Superior West of Line from Manitou Island to Marquette MI Beyond 5NM from shore- Lake Superior East of a line from Manitou Island to Marquette MI and West of a line from Grand Marais MI to the US/Canadian Border Beyond 5NM from shore- Lake Superior from Grand Marais MI to Whitefish Point MI 5NM off shore to the US/Canadian border- 342 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM EST FRIDAY... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Storm Warning, northwest winds 30 to 40 kt with gusts up to 50 kt and waves 15 to 20 ft occurring. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater occurring, and may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Portions of Central, Eastern and Western Lake Superior. * WHEN...For the Storm Warning, until 7 AM EST Friday. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, until 7 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Storm force winds and hazardous waves will capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should remain in port, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$  766 WOCN10 CWUL 062042 BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR QUEBEC ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:42 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR: =NEW= MINGANIE =NEW= ANTICOSTI =NEW= NATASHQUAN =NEW= CHEVERY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== VISIBILITIES WILL BE POOR IN BLOWING SNOW WHAT: MODERATE WINDS GUSTING UP TO 70 KILOMETRES PER HOUR COMBINED WITH RECENT SNOWFALL WILL CAUSE BLOWING SNOW. WHEN: FRIDAY MIDDAY TO FRIDAY EVENING WHERE: THE LOWER NORTH SHORE, INCLUDING THE ANTICOSTI ISLAND VISIBILITY MAY BE SIGNIFICANTLY AND SUDDENLY REDUCED TO NEAR ZERO. BE PREPARED TO ADJUST YOUR DRIVING WITH CHANGING ROAD CONDITIONS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  940 WWUS76 KSTO 062044 NPWSTO URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sacramento CA 1244 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAZ016>019-067-070900- /O.CON.KSTO.WI.Y.0006.250207T0000Z-250207T0900Z/ Central Sacramento Valley-Southern Sacramento Valley-Carquinez Strait and Delta-Northern San Joaquin Valley-Motherlode- Including the cities of Fairfield/Suisun, Sacramento, Grass Valley, Stockton, Marysville/Yuba City, Oroville, Modesto, Jackson, and Chico 1244 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 1 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Carquinez Strait and Delta, Central Sacramento Valley, Motherlode, Northern San Joaquin Valley, and Southern Sacramento Valley. * WHEN...From 4 PM this afternoon to 1 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ For more information, visit us at www.weather.gov/sto/ WR  274 WWUS86 KSEW 062045 WRKSAB NZUS99 KSEW 042101 WRKSAB ...THE NORTHWEST AVALANCHE CENTER HAS ISSUED A SPECIAL AVALANCHE BULLETIN... * TEST...TEST...TEST Transmission of WRKSAB Consult www.nwac.us or www.avalanche.org for further information. Similar avalanche danger may exist at locations outside the coverage area of this or any avalanche center. $$  557 WWUS53 KPAH 062045 SVSPAH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Paducah KY 245 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC047-062055- /O.CAN.KPAH.SV.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T2100Z/ Christian KY- 245 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EAST CENTRAL CHRISTIAN COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. && LAT...LON 3679 8706 3678 8707 3675 8722 3688 8729 3692 8729 3700 8706 3696 8705 TIME...MOT...LOC 2045Z 249DEG 43KT 3687 8715 $$ KYC219-062100- /O.CON.KPAH.SV.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T2100Z/ Todd KY- 245 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 300 PM CST FOR CENTRAL TODD COUNTY... At 245 PM CST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Elkton, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...Quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Elkton, Justice, Everett, and Allegre. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3679 8706 3678 8707 3675 8722 3688 8729 3692 8729 3700 8706 3696 8705 TIME...MOT...LOC 2045Z 249DEG 43KT 3687 8715 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...<50 MPH $$ DW  335 WWCN02 CYTR 062045 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB PETAWAWA PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 3:45 PM EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB PETAWAWA (CYWA) TYPE: SNOWFALL ADVISORY ENDED COMMENTS: SNOW IS EXPECTED TO TAPER TO FLURRIES SHORTLY, WITH FLURRIES CONTINUING INTO THIS EVENING. END/JMC  953 WWUS81 KRNK 062047 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 347 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NCZ001>003-VAZ015-016-062115- Surry NC-Ashe NC-Alleghany NC-Grayson VA-Carroll VA- 347 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT ALLEGHANY...NORTHWESTERN SURRY AND NORTHEASTERN ASHE COUNTIES IN NORTHWESTERN NORTH CAROLINA...SOUTHWESTERN CARROLL AND GRAYSON COUNTIES IN SOUTHWESTERN VIRGINIA AND THE CITY OF GALAX THROUGH 415 PM EST... At 346 PM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Volney, or near Mouth Of Wilson, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Locations impacted include... Galax... Sparta... Independence... Fries... Mouth Of Wilson... Ennice... and Bottom. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3671 8151 3671 8150 3676 8076 3644 8076 3652 8153 3667 8154 3668 8153 3670 8153 3670 8154 TIME...MOT...LOC 2046Z 270DEG 49KT 3661 8138 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.00 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ VFJ  458 WWUS46 KSTO 062047 WSWSTO URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sacramento CA 1247 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAZ013-063-071200- /O.CON.KSTO.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250207T1200Z/ Shasta Lake Area / Northern Shasta County-Mountains Southwestern Shasta County to Western Colusa County- Including the cities of Shasta Dam and Alder Springs 1247 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST FRIDAY ABOVE 3000 FEET... * WHAT...Heavy snow Above 3000 feet. Additional snow accumulations up to 12 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Mountains Southwestern Shasta County to Western Colusa County and Shasta Lake Area / Northern Shasta County Counties. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Very difficult travel conditions with chain controls and road closures likely. Low visibility due to combination of wind and heavy snow. Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening commute. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Heaviest snowfall is expected between 3 PM and 11 PM Thursday, with snowfall rates of 1 to 2 inches possible at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Check the latest road conditions from Caltrans online at quickmap.dot.ca.gov or dial 5 1 1. && $$ CAZ014-068-069-071200- /O.CON.KSTO.WS.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250207T2000Z/ Burney Basin / Eastern Shasta County-Western Plumas County/Lassen Park-West Slope Northern Sierra Nevada- Including the cities of Burney, Chester, Blue Canyon, and Quincy 1247 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON PST FRIDAY ABOVE 5000 FEET... * WHAT...Heavy snow Above 5000 feet. Total accumulation from 8 to 18 inches with around 2 feet at highest levels. Winds gusting as high as 75 mph. * WHERE...Burney Basin / Eastern Shasta County, West Slope Northern Sierra Nevada, and Western Plumas County/Lassen Park Counties. * WHEN...Until noon PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Very difficult travel conditions with chain controls and road closures likely. Low visibility due to combination of wind and heavy snow. Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. Very strong winds could cause extensive tree damage. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Heaviest snowfall is expected between this evening and Friday morning, with snowfall rates of 1 to 2 inches per hour possible at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Check the latest road conditions from Caltrans online at quickmap.dot.ca.gov or dial 5 1 1. && $$ For more information, visit us at www.weather.gov/sto/ WR  306 WSAU21 YMMC 062047 YBBB SIGMET T01 VALID 062047/062247 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1800 E14840 - S1400 E15130 - S1620 E15450 - S2020 E15230 - S2330 E14920 - S2300 E14310 - S2030 E14510 FL160/270 STNR NC=  728 WSAU21 YMMC 062047 YBBB SIGMET P15 VALID 062047/062335 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR CNL SIGMET P14 061935/062335=  440 WWUS45 KBOI 062049 WSWBOI URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boise ID 1249 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ORZ061>064-071200- /O.CON.KBOI.WW.Y.0003.250207T0000Z-250208T0000Z/ Harney County-Baker County-Malheur County-Oregon Lower Treasure Valley- Including the cities of Buchanan, Venator, Nyssa, New Princeton, Crane, Diamond, Burns, Baker, Dunnean, Malheur City, and Ontario 1249 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 /149 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 4 PM PST /5 PM MST/ THIS AFTERNOON TO 4 PM PST /5 PM MST/ FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 to 4 inches in lower elevations with mountains seeing anywhere from 6 to 8 inches. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph near the Nevada border. * WHERE...Portions of northeast and southeast Oregon. * WHEN...From 4 PM PST /5 PM MST/ this afternoon to 4 PM PST /5 PM MST/ Friday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. Strong winds could cause extensive damage to trees and power lines. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IDZ011-013-028-033-071200- /O.CON.KBOI.WW.Y.0003.250207T0600Z-250208T0000Z/ West Central Mountains-Boise Mountains-Camas Prairie-Upper Weiser River- Including the cities of Midvale, Cambridge, Council, Pine, Lowman, Cascade, Fairfield, Garden Valley, Idaho City, and McCall 149 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 5 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 6 inches except between 6 and 12 inches over the mountains. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph on ridgetops. * WHERE...Portions of southwest and west central Idaho. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 5 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commutes. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ JDS  174 WSAU21 YBRF 062049 YBBB SIGMET S02 VALID 062100/062300 YBRF- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SQL TS OBS WI S1250 E12240 - S1300 E12330 - S1440 E12347 - S1740 E12640 - S1830 E12600 - S1500 E12230 TOP FL550 MOV NW 15KT NC=  326 WOCN10 CWUL 062048 WEATHER ADVISORY FOR QUEBEC UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 3:48 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WEATHER ADVISORY FOR: METRO MONTREAL - LAVAL VAUDREUIL - SOULANGES - HUNTINGDON RICHELIEU VALLEY - SAINT-HYACINTHE LANAUDIERE LACHUTE - SAINT-JEROME LAURENTIANS EASTERN TOWNSHIPS BEAUCE DRUMMONDVILLE - BOIS-FRANCS MAURICIE QUEBEC. WEATHER ADVISORY ENDED FOR: UPPER GATINEAU - LIEVRE - PAPINEAU. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WHAT: POOR VISIBILITIES IN MODERATE SNOW, CAUSING POOR TRAVEL CONDITIONS. WHEN: UNTIL EARLY EVENING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: TOTAL SNOWFALL AMOUNTS OF 5 TO 10 CENTIMETRES AND POSSIBLY MORE LOCALLY ARE EXPECTED. POOR WEATHER CONDITIONS MAY CONTRIBUTE TO TRANSPORTATION DELAYS. BE PREPARED TO ADJUST YOUR DRIVING WITH CHANGING ROAD CONDITIONS. SLOW DOWN DRIVING IN SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. WATCH FOR TAILLIGHTS AHEAD AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  713 WSBZ23 SBGL 062045 SBAZ SIGMET 67 VALID 062050/062330 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0230 W05105 - S0325 W05059 - S0340 W04937 - S0416 W04742 - S0555 W04612 - S0524 W04521 - S0347 W04523 - S0220 W05056 - S0230 W05105 TOP FL470 STNR NC=  064 WWUS75 KBOI 062049 NPWBOI URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boise ID 149 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 IDZ015-016-029-030-071200- /O.CON.KBOI.WI.Y.0003.250207T1500Z-250208T0000Z/ Southwest Highlands-Western Magic Valley-Owyhee Mountains- Southern Twin Falls County- Including the cities of Twin Falls, Riddle, Silver City, Rogerson, Hollister, Jerome, Murphy Hot Springs, and Grasmere 149 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 AM TO 5 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 55 mph expected. * WHERE...Portions of south central and southwest Idaho. * WHEN...From 8 AM to 5 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ JDS  707 WSUS32 KKCI 062055 SIGC MKCC WST 062055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 062255-070255 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  708 WSUS33 KKCI 062055 SIGW MKCW WST 062055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 062255-070255 FROM 60NNW FMG-BTY-EHF-30NE SAC-PYE-50SSE FOT-60NNW FMG WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  709 WSUS31 KKCI 062055 SIGE MKCE WST 062055 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 65E VALID UNTIL 2255Z TN KY IN IL MO FROM 40WNW IIU-40SE BWG-30ENE DYR-10WNW FAM-70NE FAM-40WNW IIU AREA SEV TS MOV FROM 25040KT. TOPS TO FL410. HAIL TO 1 IN POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 66E VALID UNTIL 2255Z VA NC WV TN FROM 40SW BKW-30SE PSK-40N CLT-10WNW HMV-40SW BKW AREA TS MOV FROM 27045KT. TOPS TO FL360. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 67E VALID UNTIL 2255Z NC GA TN AL FROM 40ESE BNA-10SSE VXV-30WNW ODF-40W GQO-40ESE BNA AREA TS MOV FROM 25045KT. TOPS TO FL310. OUTLOOK VALID 062255-070255 FROM 50WNW PXV-40S HNN-PSK-CLT-40WNW ODF-40SW MEM-ARG-50WNW PXV WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  915 WGUS81 KRNK 062050 FLSRNK Flood Advisory National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 350 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC021-173-185-197-062100- /O.EXP.KRNK.FA.Y.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T2045Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bland VA-Smyth VA-Tazewell VA-Wythe VA- 350 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... The Flood Advisory has expired for a portion of southwest Virginia, including the following areas, Bland, Smyth, Tazewell and Wythe. The heavy rain has ended. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3714 8190 3724 8173 3720 8168 3721 8155 3734 8136 3723 8123 3730 8098 3728 8101 3718 8086 3715 8085 3712 8093 3703 8089 3688 8074 3677 8109 3671 8152 3663 8162 3679 8170 3693 8183 3696 8178 $$ VFJ  379 WHUS73 KLOT 062051 MWWLOT URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Chicago IL 251 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 LMZ743>745-070500- /O.CON.KLOT.SC.Y.0015.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ /O.CON.KLOT.GL.W.0003.250207T0000Z-250207T0600Z/ Calumet Harbor IL to Gary IN-Gary to Burns Harbor IN- Burns Harbor to Michigan City IN- 251 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 PM THIS EVENING TO MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, west winds to 30 kt and significant waves to 5 ft. For the Gale Warning, west gales to 40 kt and significant waves to 8 ft occasionally to 10 ft expected. * WHERE...Calumet Harbor IL to Michigan City IN. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 6 PM CST this evening. For the Gale Warning, from 6 PM this evening to midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ740>742-070500- /O.CON.KLOT.GL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250207T0600Z/ Winthrop Harbor to Wilmette Harbor IL- Wilmette Harbor to Northerly Island IL- Northerly Island to Calumet Harbor IL- 251 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... * WHAT...West gales to 45 kt and significant waves to 5 ft. * WHERE...Winthrop Harbor to Calumet Harbor IL. * WHEN...Until midnight CST tonight. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The strongest winds are expected from roughly 8 PM to Midnight. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$  222 WGUS81 KRNK 062052 FLSRNK Flood Advisory National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 352 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC071-121-155-161-750-770-775-062102- /O.EXP.KRNK.FA.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250206T2045Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Giles VA-Montgomery VA-Pulaski VA-Roanoke VA-City of Radford VA- City of Roanoke VA-City of Salem VA- 352 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY HAS EXPIRED... The Flood Advisory has expired for portions of southwest and west central Virginia, including the following areas and independent cities, in southwest Virginia, City of Radford, Giles, Montgomery and Pulaski. In west central Virginia, City of Roanoke, City of Salem and Roanoke. The heavy rain has ended. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3718 8086 3728 8101 3735 8085 3743 8086 3737 8077 3748 8051 3731 8043 3742 8007 3730 7984 3722 7985 3714 7995 3716 8009 3702 8035 3699 8049 3701 8052 3688 8074 3712 8093 3715 8085 $$ VFJ  326 WWUS73 KMKX 062052 NPWMKX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 252 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 WIZ046-047-051-052-056>060-070300- /O.CON.KMKX.WI.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250207T0300Z/ Marquette-Green Lake-Fond du Lac-Sheboygan-Sauk-Columbia-Dodge- Washington-Ozaukee- Including the cities of Princeton, Markesan, Oostburg, Beaver Dam, Endeavor, Lodi, Hartford, Berlin, Mayville, Plymouth, Grafton, Mequon, Baraboo, Reedsburg, Oxford, Neshkoro, Howards Grove, Columbus, Prairie Du Sac, Sheboygan Falls, Sauk City, Cedarburg, Portage, Germantown, West Bend, Waupun, Westfield, Montello, Lake Wisconsin, and Fond Du Lac 252 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 to 50 mph. * WHERE...Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, Columbia, Green Lake, Marquette, Sauk, Dodge, Ozaukee, and Washington Counties. * WHEN...Until 9 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ WAGNER  334 WGUS81 KRLX 062054 FLSRLX Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 354 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC015-039-067-062104- /O.EXP.KRLX.FA.W.0018.000000T0000Z-250206T2100Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Clay WV-Kanawha WV-Nicholas WV- 354 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 4 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... The Flood Warning will expire at 4 PM EST this afternoon for portions of central and southern West Virginia, including the following counties, in central West Virginia, Clay and Nicholas. In southern West Virginia, Kanawha. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3846 8107 3852 8067 3851 8067 3850 8068 3849 8067 3848 8067 3841 8066 3827 8065 3828 8123 3828 8126 3844 8127 $$ 30  758 WGUS81 KRLX 062054 RRA FLSRLX Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 354 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC039-062104- /O.EXP.KRLX.FA.W.0009.000000T0000Z-250206T2100Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Kanawha WV- 354 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 4 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... The Flood Warning will expire at 4 PM EST this afternoon for a portion of southern West Virginia, including the following county, Kanawha. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3836 8161 3839 8157 3842 8146 3837 8138 3822 8134 3823 8173 3836 8173 3836 8162 $$ 30  044 WWJP81 RJTD 061800 VITAL WARNING FOR NAHA NAVTEX AREA 061800UTC ISSUED AT 062100UTC PRESSURE GRADIENT IS STEEP GALE WARNING NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU, SOUTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU, SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI, SEA SOUTHWEST OF MESHIMA, SEA OFF KAGOSHIMA WITH MAX WINDS 45 KT HYUGA NADA, SEA AROUND AMAMI, SOUTHERN PART OF EAST CHINA SEA, SEA SOUTH OF OKINAWA WITH 40 KT WARNING(NEAR GALE) SEA EAST OF OKINAWA NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 070300UTC =  272 WWJP82 RJTD 061800 VITAL WARNING FOR MOJI NAVTEX AREA 061800UTC ISSUED AT 062100UTC DEVELOPING LOW 992HPA AT 45N 141E MOV SSW SLWY GALE WARNING SETONAIKAI, NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU, NORTHWESTERN PART OF JAPAN SEA, SEA EAST OF OKI SYOTO AND AROUND WAKASA WAN, SEA WEST OF OKI SYOTO, TSUSHIMA KAIKYO, SEA WEST OF CHEJU ISLAND, SEA WEST OF NAGASAKI, SEA OFF KAGOSHIMA WITH MAX WINDS 45 KT SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF NOTO, HYUGA NADA WITH 40 KT WARNING(ICING) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, NORTHWESTERN PART OF JAPAN SEA NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 070300UTC =  479 WWJP83 RJTD 061800 VITAL WARNING FOR YOKOHAMA NAVTEX AREA 061800UTC ISSUED AT 062100UTC DEVELOPING LOW 992HPA AT 45N 141E MOV SSW SLWY GALE WARNING EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, NORTHERN SEA OFF KANTO, SOUTHERN SEA OFF KANTO, EASTERN SEA OFF TOKAI, WESTERN SEA OFF TOKAI, SOUTHERN SEA OFF TOKAI, NORTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU, SOUTHERN SEA OFF SHIKOKU WITH MAX WINDS 45 KT NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 070300UTC =  845 WWJP84 RJTD 061800 VITAL WARNING FOR OTARU NAVTEX AREA 061800UTC ISSUED AT 062100UTC DEVELOPING LOW 992HPA AT 45N 141E MOV SSW SLWY GALE WARNING SEA WEST OF SAKHALIN WITH MAX WINDS 45 KT SEA WEST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF HIYAMA AND TSUGARU, SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE, SEA OFF AKITA, SEA OFF SADO, SEA OFF NOTO WITH 40 KT TSUGARU KAIKYO WITH 35 KT WARNING(NEAR GALE) SOYA KAIKYO WARNING(ICING) SEA OFF SOUTHERN COAST OF MARITIME PROVINCE NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 070300UTC =  846 WWJP85 RJTD 061800 VITAL WARNING FOR KUSHIRO NAVTEX AREA 061800UTC ISSUED AT 062100UTC DEVELOPING LOW 986HPA AT 40N 161E MOV EAST 25 KT FCST POSITION FOR 070600UTC AT 40N 169E WITH UNCERTANITY OF 50 MILES RADIUS FCST POSITION FOR 071800UTC AT 40N 180W WITH UNCERTANITY OF 80 MILES RADIUS DEVELOPING LOW 992HPA AT 45N 141E MOV SSW SLWY GALE WARNING EASTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU, WESTERN SEA OFF SANRIKU WITH MAX WINDS 45 KT SEA EAST OF HOKKAIDO, SEA OFF KUSHIRO, SEA OFF HIDAKA WITH 40 KT SEA EAST OF SAKHALIN, TSUGARU KAIKYO WITH 35 KT WARNING(NEAR GALE) SOYA KAIKYO NXT WARNING WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 070300UTC =  434 WSCI36 ZUUU 062056 ZPKM SIGMET 11 VALID 062120/070120 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N3200 E09700-N3334 E10352-N3153 E10931-N2548 E10817-N2833 E08829-N3117 E08811-N3200 E09700 FL150/340 STNR NC=  451 WWUS53 KPAH 062057 SVSPAH Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Paducah KY 257 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC219-062106- /O.EXP.KPAH.SV.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T2100Z/ Todd KY- 257 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL TODD COUNTY WILL EXPIRE AT 300 PM CST... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. && LAT...LON 3679 8706 3678 8707 3675 8722 3688 8729 3692 8729 3700 8706 3696 8705 TIME...MOT...LOC 2056Z 246DEG 42KT 3692 8701 $$ DW  777 WGUS41 KRLX 062058 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 358 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC039-043-079-070000- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0019.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Kanawha WV-Lincoln WV-Putnam WV- 358 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...A portion of southern West Virginia, including the following counties, Kanawha, Lincoln and Putnam. * WHEN...Until 700 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 356 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water across the area as area creeks slowly recede into the early evening. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Charleston, Nitro, Jefferson, South Charleston, St. Albans, Dunbar, Sissonville, Clendenin, Poca, Pinch, Elkview, Institute, Cross Lanes, Tornado, Alum Creek, Teays Valley and Pond Gap. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3832 8189 3855 8182 3855 8146 3853 8130 3830 8125 3820 8136 3823 8134 3838 8140 3842 8146 3838 8159 3836 8161 3835 8173 3828 8173 3827 8198 $$ 30  008 WGUS86 KMTR 062059 FLSMTR Flood Advisory National Weather Service San Francisco CA 1259 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAC085-087-062109- /O.EXP.KMTR.FA.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-250206T2100Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Santa Clara CA-Santa Cruz CA- 1259 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 1 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... The Flood Advisory will expire at 1 PM PST this afternoon for a portion of northern California, including the following areas, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz. The heavy rain has ended. Urban area and small stream flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3702 12222 3703 12222 3703 12223 3721 12216 3724 12210 3709 12184 3692 12186 3692 12188 3693 12189 3696 12194 3694 12202 3695 12211 3696 12215 $$ Behringer  929 WWUS43 KARX 062100 WSWARX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service La Crosse WI 300 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SNOW, IMPACTS TO TRAVEL SATURDAY... .A winter storm will bring snow to the region Saturday with several inches of accumulation anticipated. Currently, the bulk of the snow looks to fall from the I-90 corridor northward with the potential for 6+". Some shift in the storm track is possible, with adjustments to where the snow falls and how much. Expect refinements to the forecast over the next couple days. If you have travel plans for this weekend, keep close tabs on the latest forecasts and be prepared to adjust or alter your plans if conditions warrant it. MNZ079-086>088-WIZ017-029-032>034-041>044-071000- /O.CON.KARX.WS.A.0001.250208T0600Z-250209T0300Z/ Wabasha-Dodge-Olmsted-Winona-Taylor-Clark-Buffalo-Trempealeau- Jackson-La Crosse-Monroe-Juneau-Adams- Including the cities of Rochester, La Crosse, Medford, Sparta, Arcadia, Mauston, Alma, Winona, Tomah, Friendship, Whitehall, Dodge Center, Neillsville, Black River Falls, and Wabasha 300 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM LATE FRIDAY NIGHT THROUGH SATURDAY EVENING... * WHAT...Heavy snow with accumulations between 4 and 8 inches possible. * WHERE...Portions of southeast Minnesota and central, north central, and west central Wisconsin. * WHEN...From late Friday night through Saturday evening. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. && $$ Rieck  479 WSAG31 SAVC 062104 SAVF SIGMET D5 VALID 062104/070104 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 2104Z WI S4639 W07130 - S4651 W06903 - S4940 W06929 - S4952 W07324 - S4925 W07328 - S4825 W07204 - S4733 W07225 - S4639 W07130 FL240/380 STNR NC=  908 WSAG31 SAVC 062104 SAVF SIGMET D5 VALID 062104/070104 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV TURB FCST AT 2104Z WI S4639 W07130 - S4651 W06903 - S4940 W06929 - S4952 W07324 - S4925 W07328 - S4825 W07204 - S4733 W07225 - S4639 W07130 FL240/380 STNR NC=  439 WOUS44 KLZK 062101 CAEAR ARC001-003-005-007-009-011-013-015-017-019-021-023-025-027-029- 031-033-035-037-039-041-043-045-047-049-051-053-055-057-059-061- 063-065-067-069-071-073-075-077-079-081-083-085-087-089-091-093- 095-097-099-101-103-105-107-109-111-113-115-117-119-121-123-125- 127-129-131-133-135-137-139-141-143-145-147-149-070015- URGENT - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Child Abduction Emergency Arkansas State Police Little Rock AR Relayed by National Weather Service Little Rock AR 301 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE IS TRANSMITTED AT THE REQUEST OF THE ARKANSAS STATE POLICE. AN AMBER ALERT HAS BEEN ISSUED FOR SOPHIA MARTHA FRANKLIN...A WHITE FEMALE BORN ON SEPTEMBER 22ND 2008. SHE IS 5 FEET 9 INCHES TALL AND WEIGHS 186 POUNDS. SHE HAS BROWN HAIR AND BLUE EYES. SHE WENT MISSING ON FEBRUARY 3RD 2025 AT 7:48 AM. SHE MAY BE TRAVELLING WITH GARY F. DAY...A 40 YEAR OLD WHITE MALE. THE SUSPECT IS 5 FEET 7 INCHES TALL WITH BLOND HAIR AND GREEN EYES. THEY MAY BE TRAVELLING IN A BLACK 2014 BUICK LACROSSE WITH PA LICENSE PLATE K G W 5 1 8 6. IF LOCATED PLEASE CALL THE BEAVER DAM POLICE DEPARTMENT AT 9 2 0...7 6 3...4 6 9 2. $$  124 WWUS75 KGJT 062101 NPWGJT URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Junction CO 201 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 COZ001-002-008-071200- /O.NEW.KGJT.WI.Y.0002.250207T1700Z-250208T0100Z/ Lower Yampa River Basin-Central Yampa River Basin-Central Colorado River Basin- Including the cities of Rangely, Dinosaur, Craig, Hayden, Meeker, Eagle, Edwards, Glenwood Springs, Carbondale, and Basalt 201 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM TO 6 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Central Yampa River Basin, Lower Yampa River Basin, and Central Colorado River Basin. * WHEN...From 10 AM to 6 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ KJS  367 WWUS86 KMTR 062102 AWWSFO CAZ508-070500- Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service San Francisco CA 102 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST THIS EVENING FOR SFO AIRPORT... The National Weather Service in San Francisco has issued an Airport Weather Warning for... SFO Airport The following weather hazards are expected: South to southeast wind gusts of 35 knots or higher. $$  281 WSCI36 ZUUU 062102 ZPKM SIGMET 12 VALID 062120/070120 ZUUU- ZPKM KUNMING FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N2633 E10904-N2611 E10841-N2652 E10115-N3147 E10017-N3300 E10301-N3037 E10922-N2633 E10904 FL050/170 STNR NC=  282 WSAG31 SAVC 062107 SAVF SIGMET A5 VALID 062107/070107 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 2107Z WI S4703 W07019 - S5033 W07112 - S5037 W07257 - S4932 W07334 - S4825 W07210 - S4755 W07220 - S4703 W07019 FL070/130 STNR NC=  955 WSAG31 SAVC 062107 SAVF SIGMET A5 VALID 062107/070107 SAVC- SAVF COMODORO RIVADAVIA FIR SEV MTW FCST AT 2107Z WI S4703 W07019 - S5033 W07112 - S5037 W07257 - S4932 W07334 - S4825 W07210 - S4755 W07220 - S4703 W07019 FL070/130 STNR NC=  956 WSBZ23 SBGL 062100 SBAZ SIGMET 68 VALID 062105/062330 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0404 W06248 - N0151 W06235 - N0221 W06114 - N0143 W05948 - N0152 W05919 - N0237 W05958 - N0357 W05929 - N0523 W06010 - N0401 W06232 - N0404 W06248 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  291 WANO31 ENMI 062103 ENOR AIRMET I09 VALID 062230/070230 ENMI- ENOR POLARIS FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N6455 E01410 - N6450 E01025 - N6810 E01225 - N6940 E01815 - N6830 E01605 - N6805 E01720 - N6455 E01410 3000FT/FL080 STNR NC=  525 WSGY31 SYCJ 062056 SYGC SIGMET A2 VALID 062056/070056 SYCJ - SYGC GEORGETOWN FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2053Z WI ENTIRE FIR TOP FL500 STNR NC=  592 WDXS32 PGTW 062100 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/PROGNOSTIC REASONING FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE 13S (VINCE) WARNING NR 011// RMKS/ 1. FOR METEOROLOGISTS. 2. 6 HOUR SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS. SUMMARY: INITIAL POSITION: 19.7S 80.7E INITIAL INTENSITY: 135 KTS GEOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: 1319 NM EAST OF PORT LOUIS, MAURITIUS MOVEMENT PAST 6 HOURS: WESTWARD AT 10 KTS SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT: 37 FEET SATELLITE ANALYSIS, INITIAL POSITION AND INTENSITY DISCUSSION: TROPICAL CYCLONE (TC) 13S HAS RAPIDLY INTENSIFIED OVER THE PAST 24 HOURS FROM 105 KNOTS AT 051800Z TO THE CURRENT INTENSITY OF 135 KNOTS. AS INDICATED IN THE ANIMATED ENHANCED INFRARED (EIR) SATELLITE IMAGERY, TC 13S HAS MAINTAINED A VERY SMALL (80NM DIAMETER) AXISYMMETRIC CONVECTIVE CORE, WITH AN 18NM ROUND EYE (EYE TEMPERATURE PLUS 16C) AND WEAK SPIRAL BANDING OVER THE SOUTHEAST QUADRANT. ALTHOUGH THE SYSTEM HAS AN ANNULAR-LIKE APPEARANCE, THE PRESENCE OF THE SPIRAL BAND AND THE NON-UNIFORM CLOUD-TOP TEMPERATURES DO NOT CHARACTERIZE AN ANNULAR SYSTEM AT THIS TIME. THE INITIAL POSITION IS PLACED WITH HIGH CONFIDENCE BASED ON THE ROUND EYE IN EIR IMAGERY. THE INITIAL INTENSITY OF 135 KTS IS ASSESSED WITH HIGH CONFIDENCE BASED ON THE AGENCY DVORAK ESTIMATES RANGING FROM 127 TO 140 KNOTS (LONE EXCEPTION IS FIMP'S T6.0 ESTIMATE, WHICH APPEARS TOO LOW). THE INITIAL INTENSITY ASSESSMENT IS ALSO SUPPORTED BY THE CIMSS 061800Z ADT, AIDT ESTIMATES. INITIAL WIND RADII BASIS: PERSISTENCE CURRENT STEERING MECHANISM: DEEP-LAYERED SUBTROPICAL RIDGE (STR) POSITIONED TO THE SOUTH, WITH A SLIGHT BREAK ASSOCIATED WITH A MAJOR SHORTWAVE TO THE SOUTH. AGENCY DVORAK AND AUTOMATED FIXES: PGTW: T7.0 - 140 KTS KNES: T6.5 - 127 KTS DEMS: T7.0 - 140 KTS FMEE: T6.5 - 127 KTS FIMP: T6.0 - 115 KTS CIMSS SATCON: 127 KTS AT 061800Z CIMSS ADT: 132 KTS AT 061800Z CIMSS AIDT: 132 KTS AT 061800Z FORECASTER ASSESSMENT OF CURRENT ENVIRONMENT: HIGHLY FAVORABLE VWS: 5-10 KTS SST: 26-27 CELSIUS OUTFLOW: MODERATE RADIAL ANALYSIS CONFIDENCE: INITIAL POSITION: HIGH INITIAL INTENSITY: HIGH INITIAL WIND RADII: LOW 3. FORECAST REASONING. SIGNIFICANT FORECAST CHANGES: DUE TO THE RAPID INTENSIFICATION PHASE, THE SHORT-TERM INTENSITY FORECAST IS SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER THAN THE PREVIOUS FORECAST. FORECAST DISCUSSION: THE MAJOR SHORTWAVE TROUGH ASSOCIATED WITH THE SHRINKING BREAK TO THE SOUTH IS FILLING, WITH THE JET MAX LOCATED ON THE EASTERN SIDE OF THE TROUGH, AND PROPAGATING QUICKLY EASTWARD. CONSEQUENTLY, THE STR IS EXPECTED TO STRENGTHEN DRIVING THE SYSTEM WESTWARD THROUGH TAU 48. DUE TO HIGHLY FAVORABLE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS AND THE COMPACT NATURE OF THE INSULATED CORE, TC 13S SHOULD MAINTAIN SUPER TYPHOON STRENGTH WINDS (130-140 KNOTS) THROUGH TAU 36. HOWEVER, THE VERY SMALL SYSTEM IS SUSCEPTIBLE TO RAPID FLUCTUATIONS IN INTENSITY THROUGH TAU 48. AFTER TAU 48, THE STEERING RIDGE WILL RE- ORIENT NORTH-SOUTH, WITH A BROAD UPPER-LEVEL SUBTROPICAL TROUGH DIGGING EQUATORWARD AND ENVELOPING THE SYSTEM, WHICH WILL DRIVE THE SYSTEM SOUTHWARD THROUGH TAU 120. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS WILL DEGRADE IN THE EXTENDED PERIOD LEADING TO A PRONOUNCED WEAKENING TREND, WITH INCREASING (30-35 KNOTS) VERTICAL WIND SHEAR AND COOLING SST VALUES (24-25C). MODEL DISCUSSION: GLOBAL MODEL GUIDANCE IS IN FAIR AGREEMENT THROUGH THE FORECAST PERIOD, WITH A 90NM TO 150NM CROSS-TRACK SPREAD FROM TAU 72 TO TAU 120. EPS AND GEFS ENSEMBLE GUIDANCE SHOWS A SLIGHTLY WIDER SPREAD OF SOLUTIONS BUT REMAINS IN OVERALL GOOD AGREEMENT LENDING MEDIUM CONFIDENCE TO THE JTWC FORECAST. RELIABLE INTENSITY GUIDANCE REMAINS IN FAIR AGREEMENT ALTHOUGH THERE IS SIGNIFICANT UNCERTAINTY IN THE INTENSITY FORECAST DUE TO THE COMPACT NATURE OF THE SYSTEM. FORECAST CONFIDENCE: TRACK 0 - 72 HR: MEDIUM TRACK 72-120 HR: MEDIUM INTENSITY 0 - 72 HR: LOW INTENSITY 72-120 HR: MEDIUM// NNNN  905 WSKZ31 UACC 062104 UACN SIGMET 3 VALID 062200/070200 UACC- UACN ASTANA FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF LINE N4837 E06242 - N4801 E07159 FL280/390 MOV NE 20KMH NC=  222 WGUS81 KRLX 062106 FLSRLX Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 406 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC027-WVC019-039-047-059-067-075-081-099-109-062116- /O.CAN.KRLX.FA.W.0021.000000T0000Z-250206T2115Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Buchanan VA-Fayette WV-Kanawha WV-McDowell WV-Mingo WV-Nicholas WV-Pocahontas WV-Raleigh WV-Wayne WV-Wyoming WV- 406 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IS CANCELLED... The Flood Warning is cancelled for portions of southwest Virginia, including the following county, Buchanan and West Virginia, including the following counties, Fayette, Kanawha, McDowell, Mingo, Nicholas, Pocahontas, Raleigh, Wayne and Wyoming. Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3776 8176 3775 8176 3774 8175 3769 8181 3773 8203 3796 8215 3805 8164 3810 8153 3808 8154 3806 8151 3807 8149 3806 8148 3801 8147 3798 8150 3799 8151 3797 8154 3793 8157 3792 8156 3776 8173 $$ WVC005-045-062115- /O.CON.KRLX.FA.W.0021.000000T0000Z-250206T2115Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Boone WV-Logan WV- 406 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 415 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...A portion of southern West Virginia, including the following counties, Boone and Logan. * WHEN...Until 415 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 405 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water across the area as area creeks slowly recede this afternoon. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Logan, Chapmanville, Man, Amherstdale-Robinette, Van, Wharton, Mallory, Chief Logan State, Bald Knob, Mount Gay- Shamrock, Holden, Whitesville, West Logan, Mitchell Heights, Sylvester, Blair, Sharples, Jeffrey, Amherstdale-Robine and Mount Gay. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. The saturated ground has produced conditions ripe for landslides and debris flows on steep slopes around the area. Residents with homes on or at the base of hillsides should be aware of the potential for landslides and watch for trees leaning in unusual orientations, water and mud seepage where not expected and other signs of potential ground movement. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3776 8176 3775 8176 3774 8175 3769 8181 3773 8203 3796 8215 3805 8164 3810 8153 3808 8154 3806 8151 3807 8149 3806 8148 3801 8147 3798 8150 3799 8151 3797 8154 3793 8157 3792 8156 3776 8173 $$ 30  392 WADR31 MDSD 062106 MDCS AIRMET ALPHA 3 VALID 062120/070120 MDSD- MDCS SANTO DOMINGO FIR: WSPD ENE 30KT SEVERAL TURB OBS AT 2110Z ENTIRE FIR FM FL040 TL FL090 FCST NC=  180 WWCN01 CYZX 062106 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB GREENWOOD PREPARED BY METOC HALIFAX AT 5:06 PM AST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB GREENWOOD (CYZX) TYPE: SNOWFALL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SNOWFALL AMOUNT OF 5 CM OR MORE IN 12 HOURS VALID: UNTIL 07/0400Z (UNTIL 06/2400 AST) TYPE: FREEZING PRECIPITATION WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: FREEZING RAIN/DRIZZLE VALID: 07/0200Z TO 07/0500Z (06/2200 AST TO 07/0100 AST) COMMENTS: A LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM WILL TRACK IN FROM THE SOUTHWEST GIVING SNOW TO THE REGION BEGINNING LATE THIS AFTERNOON INTO THE EARLY EVENING. SNOWFALL AMOUNTS OF 3 TO 5 CM ARE EXPECTED BEFORE SNOW CHANGES OVER TO RAIN OR DRIZZLE SHORTLY AFTER MIDNIGHT. OCCASIONAL FREEZING RAIN AND ICE PELLETS CAN BE EXPECTED LATE THIS EVENING AND WILL PERSIST UNTIL AFTER MIDNIGHT AS SNOW CHANGES OVER TO RAIN OR DRIZZLE AS TEMPERATURES WARM. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 07/0930Z (07/0530 AST) END/METOC-HFX  395 WHUS71 KCLE 062106 MWWCLE URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cleveland OH 406 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 LEZ061-149-169-070515- /O.CON.KCLE.GL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250207T0900Z/ Ripley to Buffalo NY extending from 5NM off shoreline to US- Canadian border-Conneaut OH to Ripley NY- Conneaut OH to Ripley NY beyond 5 nm off shoreline to US- Canadian border- 406 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds to 35 knots. * WHERE...The nearshore waters of Lake Erie from Conneaut OH to Ripley NY, and the open waters of Lake Erie from Conneaut OH to Buffalo NY. * WHEN...Until 4 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://www.weather.gov/cle  192 WWUS45 KGGW 062107 WSWGGW URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Glasgow MT 207 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 MTZ021>023-025>027-060-071230- /O.NEW.KGGW.WW.Y.0008.250207T1200Z-250208T1200Z/ Petroleum-Garfield-McCone-Dawson-Prairie-Wibaux-Southwest Phillips- Including Wibaux, Richey, Zortman, Terry, Glendive, Jordan, Winnett, and Circle 207 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 5 AM FRIDAY TO 5 AM MST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 5 inches with the highest amounts across Petroleum County. * WHERE...A portion of northeast Montana. * WHEN...From 5 AM Friday to 5 AM MST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. Look for reduced visibility at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Maliawco  895 WWCN01 CWHF 062107 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB HALIFAX PROPERTIES AND 12 WING SHEARWATER PREPARED BY METOC HALIFAX AT 5:07 PM AST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB HALIFAX PROPERTIES (CWHF) LOCATION: 12 WING SHEARWATER (CYAW) TYPE: FREEZING PRECIPITATION WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: 30 MINUTES OR MORE OF FREEZING RAIN OR ICE PELLETS VALID: 07/0200Z TO 07/0500Z (06/2200 AST TO 07/0100 AST) TYPE: SNOWFALL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SNOWFALL OF 5 CM OR MORE IN 24 HOURS VALID: 06/2200Z TO 07/0400Z (06/1800 AST TO 06/2400 AST) TYPE: WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SUSTAINED WINDS OR GUSTS IN EXCESS OF 25 KTS VALID: 07/0000Z TO 07/0500Z (06/2000 AST TO 07/0100 AST) COMMENTS: A DEVELOPING LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM WILL TRACK IN FROM THE SOUTHWEST THIS EVENING GIVING SNOW AND MODERATE TO STRONG SOUTHEAST WINDS. SNOW WILL BEGIN EARLY THIS EVENING AND CHANGE OVER TO RAIN OR DRIZZLE NEAR MIDNIGHT. SNOWFALL AMOUNTS OF NEAR 5 CM ARE EXPECTED WITH THIS SYSTEM. OCCASIONAL ICE PELLETS CAN BE EXPECTED DURING THE CHANGE OVER FROM SNOW TO RAIN AS TEMPERATURES WARM ACROSS THE REGION LATE THIS EVENING. MODERATE TO STRONG SOUTHEAST WINDS WILL DEVELOP AHEAD OF THIS SYSTEM THIS EVENING. OCCASIONAL GUSTS TO 25 KNOTS CAN BE EXPECTED FOR 12 WING SHEARWATER LATER THIS EVENING BEFORE EASING IN THE WAKE OF THE LOW AFTER MIDNIGHT. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 07/0930Z (07/0530 AST) END/METOC-HFX  942 WSNO31 ENMI 062108 ENOR SIGMET I02 VALID 062230/070230 ENMI- ENOR POLARIS FIR SEV ICE FCST WI N6830 E01610 - N7000 E01845 - N7050 E02345 - N6930 E02325 - N6820 E02000 - N6800 E01750 - N6830 E01610 3000FT/FL120 STNR INTSF=  016 WGHW80 PHFO 062108 FLSHFO Flood Advisory National Weather Service Honolulu HI 1108 AM HST Thu Feb 6 2025 HIC009-062118- /O.CAN.PHFO.FA.Y.0022.000000T0000Z-250206T2215Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Maui HI- 1108 AM HST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IS CANCELLED FOR THE ISLAND OF MAUI IN MAUI COUNTY... Radar shows that the heavy rain has diminished. && LAT...LON 2081 15602 2081 15600 2077 15597 2071 15598 2070 15598 2064 15605 2061 15614 2061 15618 2068 15615 $$ Birchard  348 WSBZ23 SBGL 062105 SBRE SIGMET 30 VALID 062110/062330 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR CNL SIGMET 26 061930/062330=  735 WAAK48 PAWU 062109 WA8O ANCS WA 062115 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 070515 . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF PAFK-PASV LN W OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FZFG. NC. . KUSKOKWIM VLY AF MTS OBSC BY CLDS. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG OFSHR AND PAKI-PABE LN NW OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN/BR. NC. . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG PAKI-PABE LN NW MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. NC. . BRISTOL BAY AH OFSHR OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS VIS BLW 3SM BR. NC. . AK PEN AI PAC SIDE MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ PAC SIDE AND ALL SXNS SEGUAM W OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -RA BR/BR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. NC. . =ANCT WA 062115 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 070515 . AK PEN AI AFT 03Z W PAKF SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. DTRT FM W. . AK PEN AI OCNL MOD TURB FL200-FL330. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ BERING E SEGUAM OCNL MOD TURB FL200-FL330. NC. . UNIMAK PASS TO ADAK AJ BTN PADK AND PADU ISOL SEV TURB BLW 020. W PADU OCNL MOD TURB BLW 050. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK BULDIR IS E SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. NC. . ADAK TO ATTU AK KISKA E OCNL MOD TURB BLW 050. NC. . PRIBILOF ISLANDS AND SOUTHEAST BERING SEA AL W PRIBILOFS SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KT OR GTR. DTRT FM SW. . =ANCZ WA 062115 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 070515 . YKN-KUSKOKWIM DELTA AG TIL 03Z NE PAHP-PABE LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 020-080. FZLVL SFC NW TO 020 SW. WKN. . SC FEB 2025 AAWU  736 WGUS41 KRLX 062109 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 409 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC005-045-070015- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0021.000000T0000Z-250207T0015Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Boone WV-Logan WV- 409 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 715 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...A portion of southern West Virginia, including the following counties, Boone and Logan. * WHEN...Until 715 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is occurring. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 406 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water and road closures across the area. Area creeks will slowly recede into this evening. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Logan, Chapmanville, Man, Sylvester, Blair, Sharples, and Mount Gay. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3776 8176 3775 8176 3774 8175 3769 8181 3773 8203 3796 8215 3805 8164 3810 8153 3808 8154 3806 8151 3807 8149 3806 8148 3801 8147 3798 8150 3799 8151 3797 8154 3793 8157 3792 8156 3776 8173 $$ 30  849 WAAK47 PAWU 062109 WA7O JNUS WA 062115 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 070515 . SRN SE AK JD PAMM-PAKT LN W MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS. IMPR FM E. . =JNUT WA 062115 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 070515 . NONE . =JNUZ WA 062115 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 070515 . NONE . SC FEB 2025 AAWU  035 WSRA31 RUPK 062109 UHMM SIGMET P03 VALID 062130/070100 UHPP- UHMM MAGADAN FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N5730 AND E OF E15430 SFC/FL200 STNR NC=  305 WSIR31 OIII 062105 OIIX SIGMET 18 VALID 062104/062330 OIII- OIIX TEHRAN FIR EMBD TS OBS/FCST WI N3607 E05225 - N3612 E05342 - N3516 E05243 - N3548 E05116 - N3607 E05225 TOP ABV FL330 MOV E NC=  384 WSSR20 WSSS 062110 WSJC SIGMET A04 VALID 062130/070030 WSSS- WSJC SINGAPORE FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0825 E11630 - N0552 E11311 - N0738 E11146 - N0852 E11300 - N0915 E11530 - N0825 E11630 TOP FL500 MOV WNW 20KT NC=  385 WOCN20 CWVR 062110 SPECIAL AIR QUALITY STATEMENT FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AND THE B.C. MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY AT 1:10 P.M. PST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL AIR QUALITY STATEMENT FOR: YELLOWHEAD. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== AIR QUALITY ADVISORY IN EFFECT FOR VALEMOUNT (FEBRUARY 05, 2025 9:00 AM) THE MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND PARKS IN COLLABORATION WITH THE NORTHERN HEALTH AUTHORITY HAS ISSUED AN AIR QUALITY ADVISORY FOR VALEMOUNT DUE TO HIGH CONCENTRATIONS OF FINE PARTICULATE MATTER THAT ARE EXPECTED TO PERSIST UNTIL WEATHER CONDITIONS CHANGE. EXPOSURE IS PARTICULARLY A CONCERN FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH CHRONIC CONDITIONS SUCH AS ASTHMA, COPD, HEART DISEASE, AND DIABETES(SEMICOLON) RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS SUCH AS COVID-19, PREGNANT WOMEN, INFANTS, AND OLDER ADULTS. PERSONS WITH CHRONIC UNDERLYING MEDICAL CONDITIONS OR ACUTE INFECTIONS SHOULD POSTPONE OR REDUCE STRENUOUS EXERCISE UNTIL THE ADVISORY IS LIFTED. WHERE APPROPRIATE, MAINTAIN PHYSICAL DISTANCING. ANYONE EXPERIENCING SYMPTOMS SUCH AS CONTINUING EYE OR THROAT IRRITATION, CHEST DISCOMFORT, SHORTNESS OF BREATH, COUGH OR WHEEZING, SHOULD FOLLOW THE ADVICE OF THEIR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER. STAYING INDOORS HELPS TO REDUCE EXPOSURE. REAL-TIME AIR QUALITY OBSERVATIONS AND INFORMATION REGARDING THE HEALTH EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTION CAN BE FOUND AT HTTPS://WWW.GOV.BC.CA/AIRQUALITY. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON CURRENT AIR QUALITY, VISIT HTTPS://WWW2.GOV.BC.CA/GOV/CONTENT/ENVIRONMENT/AIR-LAND-WATER/AIR. VISIT HTTP://WWW.AIRHEALTH.CA FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO REDUCE YOUR HEALTH RISK AND YOUR PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION TO POLLUTION LEVELS, AS WELL AS FOR CURRENT AND FORECAST AQHI VALUES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  687 WSCH31 SCTE 062110 SCTZ SIGMET 03 VALID 062100/070100 SCTE- SCTZ PUERTO MONTT FIR SEV MTW FCST E OF LINE S4000 W07215 - S4700 W07330 TOP FL120 STNR NC=  062 WWUS84 KOHX 062112 SPSOHX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Nashville TN 312 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 TNZ005-006-062145- Stewart TN-Montgomery TN- 312 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHERN MONTGOMERY AND NORTHEASTERN STEWART COUNTIES THROUGH 345 PM CST... At 311 PM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Big Rock, or 10 miles southwest of Fort Campbell, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and pea size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Clarksville, Big Rock, Indian Mound, and Woodlawn. This includes Interstate 24 between mile markers 1 and 12. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3645 8720 3648 8777 3664 8776 3664 8721 TIME...MOT...LOC 2111Z 270DEG 36KT 3660 8766 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.25 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ Baggett  746 WSBZ23 SBGL 062110 SBRE SIGMET 31 VALID 062115/062330 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0429 W04309 - S0440 W04320 - S0635 W04219 - S0451 W04024 - S0422 W04254 - S0429 W04309 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  933 WOCN11 CWTO 062112 SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:12 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR: SIMCOE - DELHI - NORFOLK DUNNVILLE - CALEDONIA - HALDIMAND NIAGARA WINGHAM - BLYTH - NORTHERN HURON COUNTY GODERICH - BLUEWATER - SOUTHERN HURON COUNTY BRUCE PENINSULA - SAUBLE BEACH - TOBERMORY OWEN SOUND - BLUE MOUNTAINS - NORTHERN GREY COUNTY SAUGEEN SHORES - KINCARDINE - SOUTHERN BRUCE COUNTY MIDLAND - COLDWATER - ORR LAKE BARRIE - COLLINGWOOD - HILLSDALE BELLEVILLE - QUINTE - NORTHUMBERLAND KINGSTON - PRINCE EDWARD TOWN OF PARRY SOUND - ROSSEAU - KILLBEAR PARK PORT CARLING - PORT SEVERN BAYFIELD INLET - DUNCHURCH. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WIND GUSTS EXPECTED THIS EVENING AND TONIGHT. WHAT: STRONG WINDS GUSTING UP 80 KM/H. WHEN: THIS EVENING AND TONIGHT. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: STRONG SOUTHWESTERLY WINDS WILL SHIFT TO STRONG NORTHWESTERLY WINDS TONIGHT IN THE WAKE OF A STRONG COLD FRONT. LOOSE OBJECTS MAY BE TOSSED BY THE WIND AND CAUSE INJURY OR DAMAGE. POWER OUTAGES MAY OCCUR. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN ONTARIO, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  934 WOCN12 CWTO 062112 SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:12 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT FOR: MANITOULIN ISLAND. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG WIND GUSTS EXPECTED THIS EVENING AND TONIGHT. WHAT: STRONG WINDS GUSTING UP 80 KM/H. WHEN: THIS EVENING AND TONIGHT. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: STRONG SOUTHWESTERLY WINDS WILL SHIFT TO STRONG NORTHWESTERLY WINDS TONIGHT IN THE WAKE OF A STRONG COLD FRONT. LOOSE OBJECTS MAY BE TOSSED BY THE WIND AND CAUSE INJURY OR DAMAGE. POWER OUTAGES MAY OCCUR. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  197 WWUS45 KMSO 062113 WSWMSO URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Missoula MT 213 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 IDZ008-072115- /O.NEW.KMSO.WS.W.0004.250207T1000Z-250207T2300Z/ Lower Hells Canyon/Salmon River Region- 113 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TO 3 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Likelihood of major impacts from snow is up to 60 percent. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 6 inches and up to 10 inches on Whitebird Hill. Heavy, wet snow may further exasperate power outages. * WHERE...Highway 95 Slate Creek to Riggins and White Bird Grade. * WHEN...From 2 AM to 3 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Winter traveling conditions. For MAJOR impacts from snow, expect considerable disruptions to normal activities. Dangerous or impossible traveling conditions. Avoid travel in the impacted areas if possible. Widespread closures and disruptions to infrastructure may occur. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute, especially over higher passes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IDZ009-072115- /O.NEW.KMSO.WS.W.0004.250207T1000Z-250207T2300Z/ Western Lemhi County- 213 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 4 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Likelihood of major impacts from snow is up to 60 percent. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 5 inches with 7-11 inches in the mountains. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph with blowing and drifting snow at Williams Creek summit. * WHERE...Williams Creek Summit and Shoup. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 4 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Winter traveling conditions. For MAJOR impacts from snow, expect considerable disruptions to normal activities. Dangerous or impossible traveling conditions. Avoid travel in the impacted areas if possible. Widespread closures and disruptions to infrastructure may occur. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute, especially over higher passes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ005-006-072115- /O.NEW.KMSO.WS.W.0004.250207T1000Z-250207T2300Z/ Missoula/Bitterroot Valleys-Bitterroot/Sapphire Mountains- 213 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 4 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Likelihood of major impacts from snow is up to 80 percent in the southern Bitterroot Valley, but up to 50 percent in the Missoula Valley. Total snow accumulations between 1 and 7 inches, with locally higher amounts in the southern Bitterroot Valley. North winds 15-20 mph with gusts around 30 mph will cause significant blowing and drifting of snow. * WHERE...Missoula, Lolo Pass, Highway 93 Sula to Lost Trail Pass, and Bitterroot Valley. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 4 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Winter traveling conditions. For MAJOR impacts from snow, expect considerable disruptions to normal activities. Dangerous or impossible traveling conditions. Avoid travel in the impacted areas if possible. Widespread closures and disruptions to infrastructure may occur. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute, especially with visibility dropping down to one quarter mile at times due to blowing snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IDZ005-MTZ004-072115- /O.NEW.KMSO.WW.Y.0011.250207T1000Z-250207T2300Z/ Northern Clearwater Mountains-Lower Clark Fork Region- 213 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 /113 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM MST /2 AM PST/ TO 4 PM MST /3 PM PST/ FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Likelihood of minor impacts from snow is up to 60 percent. Total snow accumulations up to 3 to 6 inches. * WHERE...Highway 200 Thompson Falls to Plains, Pierce, I-90 Lookout Pass to Haugan, Elk River, Highway 200 Trout Creek to Heron, Highway 11 Pierce to Headquarters, and Evaro Hill. * WHEN...From 3 AM MST /2 AM PST/ to 4 PM MST /3 PM PST/ Friday. * IMPACTS...For MINOR impacts from snow, expect a few inconveniences to normal activities. Use caution while driving. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute, especially over higher passes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IDZ006-007-072115- /O.NEW.KMSO.WW.Y.0011.250207T1000Z-250207T2300Z/ Southern Clearwater Mountains-Orofino/Grangeville Region- 113 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TO 3 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Likelihood of minor to moderate impacts from around 1 to 3 inches of snow is 90 percent, and 3 to 6 inches of snow is 50 percent. Total snowfall at Lost Trail Pass is 6 to 12 inches, and at Lolo Pass is 3 to 6 inches. * WHERE...Dixie, Camas Prairie, Greer Grade, Highway 12 Lowell to Lolo Pass, Grangeville and vicinity, and Elk City. * WHEN...From 2 AM to 3 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...For MODERATE impacts from snow, expect disruptions to normal activities. Hazardous traveling conditions. Use extra caution while driving. Closures and disruptions to infrastructure may occur. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute, especially over higher passes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IDZ010-072115- /O.NEW.KMSO.WW.Y.0011.250207T1000Z-250207T2300Z/ Eastern Lemhi County- 213 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 4 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Likelihood of minor to moderate impacts from around 1 to 3 inches of snow is 80 percent, and 3 to 6 inches of snow is 30 percent. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. Total accumulation at Lost Trail Pass is 6 to 12 inches. * WHERE...Highway 28 Tendoy to Lone Pine, Bannock Pass, Highway 93 Lost Trail Pass to Gibbonsville, Salmon, and Lemhi Pass. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 4 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...For MINOR impacts from snow, expect a few inconveniences to normal activities. Use caution while driving. For MODERATE impacts from snow, expect disruptions to normal activities. Hazardous traveling conditions. Use extra caution while driving. Closures and disruptions to infrastructure may occur. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute, especially over higher passes. Strong winds could cause tree damage. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ007-072115- /O.NEW.KMSO.WW.Y.0011.250207T1000Z-250208T0000Z/ Butte/Blackfoot Region- 213 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 5 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Likelihood of minor to moderate impacts from around 1 to 3 inches of snow is 90 percent, and 3 to 6 inches of snow is 20 percent. Winds 10 mph with gusts 15-18 mph will cause some blowing and drifting snow. * WHERE...Homestake Pass, Butte, Highway 12 Garrison to Elliston, Georgetown Lake, and MacDonald Pass. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 5 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...For MODERATE impacts from snow, expect disruptions to normal activities. Hazardous traveling conditions. Use extra caution while driving. Closures and disruptions to infrastructure may occur. Winter traveling conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commutes, especially over higher passes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Easterly winds will gust between 25 and 35 mph in the Helmville and Garrison Junction areas, and produce blowing and drifting snow at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  547 WWUS83 KLMK 062114 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 314 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ061-070-071-062145- Warren KY-Logan KY-Butler KY- 314 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHEASTERN LOGAN... SOUTHEASTERN BUTLER AND NORTHWESTERN WARREN COUNTIES THROUGH 345 PM CST... At 313 PM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 13 miles northeast of Russellville, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...Nickel size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Bowling Green, Plum Springs, Crestmoor, Mount Victor, Memphis Junction, Anderson, Auburn, Girkin, Rockland, and Buffalo Fork. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe shelter inside a building or vehicle. This storm may intensify, so be certain to monitor local radio stations and available television stations for additional information and possible warnings from the National Weather Service. && LAT...LON 3686 8677 3703 8686 3719 8642 3701 8626 TIME...MOT...LOC 2113Z 248DEG 45KT 3698 8673 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.88 IN MAX WIND GUST...<30 MPH $$ MJ  740 WHUS71 KBOX 062114 MWWBOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Boston/Norton MA 414 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ANZ254>256-071015- /O.EXT.KBOX.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-250208T1100Z/ /O.CAN.KBOX.GL.A.0003.250207T1100Z-250208T0100Z/ Coastal waters from Provincetown MA to Chatham MA to Nantucket MA out 20 nm- Coastal Waters extending out to 25 nm South of Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket- Coastal Waters from Montauk NY to Marthas Vineyard extending out to 20 nm South of Block Island- 414 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EST SATURDAY... ...GALE WATCH IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 5 to 8 feet. * WHERE...In Massachusetts coastal waters, Coastal waters from Provincetown MA to Chatham MA to Nantucket MA out 20 nm and Coastal Waters extending out to 25 nm South of Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket. In Rhode Island coastal waters, Coastal Waters from Montauk NY to Marthas Vineyard extending out to 20 nm South of Block Island. * WHEN...Until 6 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ235-237-071015- /O.EXT.KBOX.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-250208T0600Z/ /O.CAN.KBOX.GL.A.0003.250207T1100Z-250208T0100Z/ Rhode Island Sound-Block Island Sound- 414 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST SATURDAY... ...GALE WATCH IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...West winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 4 to 6 feet. * WHERE...Rhode Island Sound and Block Island Sound. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ231>234-071015- /O.EXT.KBOX.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-250208T0600Z/ /O.CAN.KBOX.GL.A.0003.250207T1100Z-250208T0100Z/ Cape Cod Bay-Nantucket Sound-Vineyard Sound-Buzzards Bay- 414 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 AM EST SATURDAY... ...GALE WATCH IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...West winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 3 to 5 feet. * WHERE...Cape Cod Bay, Nantucket Sound, Vineyard Sound and Buzzards Bay. * WHEN...Until 1 AM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ250-251-071015- /O.UPG.KBOX.SC.Y.0017.000000T0000Z-250207T1100Z/ /O.UPG.KBOX.GL.A.0003.250207T1100Z-250208T0100Z/ /O.NEW.KBOX.GL.W.0009.250207T0900Z-250207T2300Z/ Coastal waters east of Ipswich Bay and the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary-Massachusetts Bay and Ipswich Bay- 414 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 6 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and seas 4 to 6 feet expected. * WHERE...Coastal waters east of Ipswich Bay and the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary and Massachusetts Bay and Ipswich Bay. * WHEN...From 4 AM to 6 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ230-071015- /O.EXB.KBOX.SC.Y.0017.250207T0900Z-250208T0000Z/ /O.UPG.KBOX.GL.A.0003.250207T1100Z-250208T0100Z/ Boston Harbor- 414 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 7 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and waves around 2 feet expected. * WHERE...Boston Harbor. * WHEN...From 4 AM to 7 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ236-071015- /O.EXB.KBOX.SC.Y.0017.250207T0900Z-250208T0000Z/ /O.UPG.KBOX.GL.A.0003.250207T1100Z-250208T0100Z/ Narragansett Bay- 414 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO 7 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and waves 3 to 5 feet expected. * WHERE...Narragansett Bay. * WHEN...From 4 AM to 7 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  034 WVID21 WAAA 062110 WAAF SIGMET 31 VALID 062110/070310 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR VA ERUPTION MT IBU PSN N0129 E12738 VA CLD OBS AT 2040Z WI N0129 E12734 - N0133 E12737 - N0133 E12808 - N 0122 E12808 - N0107 E12758 - N0129 E12734 SFC/FL070 MOV SE 20KT NC=  621 WGUS81 KRLX 062115 FLSRLX Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 415 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in West Virginia... Greenbrier River At Marlinton affecting Pocahontas County. For the Greenbrier River...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/rlx. The next statement will be issued late tonight at 415 AM EST. && WVC075-070915- /O.EXT.KRLX.FL.W.0013.000000T0000Z-250207T1404Z/ /MRLW2.1.ER.250206T1900Z.250207T0000Z.250207T0804Z.NO/ 415 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL LATE TOMORROW MORNING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Greenbrier River at Marlinton. * WHEN...Until late tomorrow morning. * IMPACTS...At 12.0 feet, Sections of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Avenues in Marlinton are flooded. Sections of 9th Street start to flood. Sections of Campbelltown start to flood. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 3:30 PM EST Thursday the stage was 10.6 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 3:30 PM EST Thursday was 10.6 feet. - Forecast...The river will rise to 11.5 feet this evening. It will then fall below flood stage late tonight. - Flood stage is 10.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 11.4 feet on 01/31/2013. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3830 8003 3827 7999 3818 8002 3822 8014 $$ JLB  466 WWUS45 KGJT 062117 WSWGJT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Junction CO 217 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 COZ004-013-071200- /O.NEW.KGJT.WW.Y.0006.250208T0000Z-250208T1400Z/ Elkhead and Park Mountains-Flat Tops- Including the cities of Columbine, Hahns Peak, Toponas, Buford, and Trappers Lake 217 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 5 PM FRIDAY TO 7 AM MST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 6 and 12 inches with locally higher amounts up to 18 inches. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...Elkhead and Park Mountains and Flat Tops. * WHEN...From 5 PM Friday to 7 AM MST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Widespread blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday evening commute. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ KJS  972 WWUS73 KGRB 062119 NPWGRB URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Green Bay WI 319 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 WIZ005-010>013-018>022-030-031-035>040-045-048>050-073-074-070300- /O.CON.KGRB.WI.Y.0002.000000T0000Z-250207T0300Z/ Vilas-Oneida-Forest-Florence-Northern Marinette County-Lincoln- Langlade-Menominee-Northern Oconto County-Door-Marathon-Shawano- Wood-Portage-Waupaca-Outagamie-Brown-Kewaunee-Waushara-Winnebago- Calumet-Manitowoc-Southern Marinette County-Southern Oconto County- Including the cities of Middle Inlet, Keshena, Luxemburg, Townsend, Wisconsin Rapids, Aurora, Chilton, Lakewood, Mountain, Waupaca, Menasha, Stevens Point, Manitowoc, Redgranite, Sobieski, Wausaukee, Marshfield, Neopit, Clintonville, Commonwealth, New Holstein, Porterfield, Crivitz, Pensaukee, New London, Oconto, Eagle River, Appleton, Spread Eagle, Niagara, Brillion, High Falls Reservoir, Tomahawk, Merrill, Kewaunee, Loomis, Peshtigo, Brookside, Wautoma, Little Suamico, Oshkosh, Plover, Green Bay, Wausau, Lac Du Flambeau, Sister Bay, Fish Creek, Neenah, Sturgeon Bay, Harmony, Rhinelander, Crandon, Shawano, Two Rivers, and Antigo 319 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. A few stronger gusts are possible through this afternoon. * WHERE...Portions of central, east central, north central, and northeast Wisconsin. * WHEN...Until 9 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Reduced visibility is also possible due to blowing and drifting snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ For more information, visit us at http://www.weather.gov/GreenBay GK  211 WAHW31 PHFO 062119 WA0HI HNLS WA 062200 AIRMET SIERRA UPDATE 9 FOR IFR VALID UNTIL 070400 . AIRMET MTN OBSC...BIG ISLAND UPOLU POINT TO CAPE KUMUKAHI TO SOUTH CAPE. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 030 DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND ENDING BY 0000Z. . AIRMET MTN OBSC...MAUI N THRU E SECTIONS. MTN TEMPO OBSC ABV 030 DUE TO CLD AND SHRA. COND ENDING BY 0000Z. =HNLT WA 062200 AIRMET TANGO UPDATE 3 FOR TURB VALID UNTIL 070400 . NO SIGNIFICANT TURB EXP. =HNLZ WA 062200 AIRMET ZULU UPDATE 3 FOR ICE AND FZLVL VALID UNTIL 070400 . NO SIGNIFICANT ICE EXP. . FZLVL...139-144.  630 WWUS45 KMSO 062120 CCA WSWMSO URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE...CORRECTED National Weather Service Missoula MT 220 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 IDZ008-072130- /O.COR.KMSO.WS.W.0004.250207T1000Z-250207T2300Z/ Lower Hells Canyon/Salmon River Region- 120 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TO 3 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Likelihood of major impacts from snow is up to 60 percent. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 6 inches and up to 10 inches on Whitebird Hill. Heavy, wet snow may further exacerbate power outages. * WHERE...White Bird Grade and Highway 95 Slate Creek to Riggins. * WHEN...From 2 AM to 3 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Winter traveling conditions. For MAJOR impacts from snow, expect considerable disruptions to normal activities. Dangerous or impossible traveling conditions. Avoid travel in the impacted areas if possible. Widespread closures and disruptions to infrastructure may occur. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute, especially over higher passes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IDZ009-072130- /O.NEW.KMSO.WS.W.0004.250207T1000Z-250207T2300Z/ Western Lemhi County- 220 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 4 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Likelihood of major impacts from snow is up to 60 percent. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 5 inches with 7-11 inches in the mountains. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph with blowing and drifting snow at Williams Creek summit. * WHERE...Shoup and Williams Creek Summit. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 4 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Winter traveling conditions. For MAJOR impacts from snow, expect considerable disruptions to normal activities. Dangerous or impossible traveling conditions. Avoid travel in the impacted areas if possible. Widespread closures and disruptions to infrastructure may occur. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute, especially over higher passes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ005-006-072130- /O.NEW.KMSO.WS.W.0004.250207T1000Z-250207T2300Z/ Missoula/Bitterroot Valleys-Bitterroot/Sapphire Mountains- 220 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 4 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Likelihood of major impacts from snow is up to 80 percent in the southern Bitterroot Valley, but up to 50 percent in the Missoula Valley. Total snow accumulations between 1 and 7 inches, with locally higher amounts in the southern Bitterroot Valley. North winds 15-20 mph with gusts around 30 mph will cause significant blowing and drifting of snow. * WHERE...Missoula, Bitterroot Valley, Highway 93 Sula to Lost Trail Pass, and Lolo Pass. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 4 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Winter traveling conditions. For MAJOR impacts from snow, expect considerable disruptions to normal activities. Dangerous or impossible traveling conditions. Avoid travel in the impacted areas if possible. Widespread closures and disruptions to infrastructure may occur. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute, especially with visibility dropping down to one quarter mile at times due to blowing snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IDZ005-MTZ004-072130- /O.NEW.KMSO.WW.Y.0011.250207T1000Z-250207T2300Z/ Northern Clearwater Mountains-Lower Clark Fork Region- 220 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 /120 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM MST /2 AM PST/ TO 4 PM MST /3 PM PST/ FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Likelihood of minor impacts from snow is up to 60 percent. Total snow accumulations up to 3 to 6 inches. * WHERE...Highway 11 Pierce to Headquarters, Highway 200 Thompson Falls to Plains, Pierce, Elk River, Evaro Hill, Highway 200 Trout Creek to Heron, and I-90 Lookout Pass to Haugan. * WHEN...From 3 AM MST /2 AM PST/ to 4 PM MST /3 PM PST/ Friday. * IMPACTS...For MINOR impacts from snow, expect a few inconveniences to normal activities. Use caution while driving. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute, especially over higher passes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IDZ006-007-072130- /O.NEW.KMSO.WW.Y.0011.250207T1000Z-250207T2300Z/ Southern Clearwater Mountains-Orofino/Grangeville Region- 120 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TO 3 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Likelihood of minor to moderate impacts from around 1 to 3 inches of snow is 90 percent, and 3 to 6 inches of snow is 50 percent. Total snowfall at Lost Trail Pass is 6 to 12 inches, and at Lolo Pass is 3 to 6 inches. * WHERE...Grangeville and vicinity, Greer Grade, Elk City, Camas Prairie, Highway 12 Lowell to Lolo Pass, and Dixie. * WHEN...From 2 AM to 3 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...For MODERATE impacts from snow, expect disruptions to normal activities. Hazardous traveling conditions. Use extra caution while driving. Closures and disruptions to infrastructure may occur. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute, especially over higher passes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ IDZ010-072130- /O.NEW.KMSO.WW.Y.0011.250207T1000Z-250207T2300Z/ Eastern Lemhi County- 220 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 4 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Likelihood of minor to moderate impacts from around 1 to 3 inches of snow is 80 percent, and 3 to 6 inches of snow is 30 percent. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. Total accumulation at Lost Trail Pass is 6 to 12 inches. * WHERE...Salmon, Highway 28 Tendoy to Lone Pine, Lemhi Pass, Highway 93 Lost Trail Pass to Gibbonsville, and Bannock Pass. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 4 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...For MINOR impacts from snow, expect a few inconveniences to normal activities. Use caution while driving. For MODERATE impacts from snow, expect disruptions to normal activities. Hazardous traveling conditions. Use extra caution while driving. Closures and disruptions to infrastructure may occur. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute, especially over higher passes. Strong winds could cause tree damage. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ007-072130- /O.NEW.KMSO.WW.Y.0011.250207T1000Z-250208T0000Z/ Butte/Blackfoot Region- 220 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 AM TO 5 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Likelihood of minor to moderate impacts from around 1 to 3 inches of snow is 90 percent, and 3 to 6 inches of snow is 20 percent. Winds 10 mph with gusts 15-18 mph will cause some blowing and drifting snow. * WHERE...Homestake Pass, Highway 12 Garrison to Elliston, Butte, Georgetown Lake, and MacDonald Pass. * WHEN...From 3 AM to 5 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...For MODERATE impacts from snow, expect disruptions to normal activities. Hazardous traveling conditions. Use extra caution while driving. Closures and disruptions to infrastructure may occur. Winter traveling conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commutes, especially over higher passes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Easterly winds will gust between 25 and 35 mph in the Helmville and Garrison Junction areas, and produce blowing and drifting snow at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$  587 WWUS83 KJKL 062121 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 421 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ087-088-117-062145- Bell KY-Harlan KY-Leslie KY- 421 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHERN HARLAN...NORTHEASTERN BELL AND SOUTH CENTRAL LESLIE COUNTIES THROUGH 445 PM EST... At 421 PM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Stony Fork Junction, or 11 miles northeast of Pineville, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Harlan, Loyall, Evarts, Wallins Creek, Bobs Creek, Mary Alice, Dizney, Chevrolet, Coldiron, Beverly, Black Snake, Saylor, Elcomb, Rella, White Star, Shields, Black Mountain, Blackmont, Rosspoint, and Baxter. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3681 8365 3690 8362 3691 8358 3694 8357 3689 8298 3686 8299 3685 8301 3685 8307 3683 8310 3680 8310 3678 8313 3674 8314 3674 8320 3671 8330 TIME...MOT...LOC 2121Z 280DEG 38KT 3684 8352 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ GEERTSON  534 WOCN10 CWUL 062122 WEATHER ADVISORY FOR QUEBEC UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:22 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WEATHER ADVISORY FOR: METRO MONTREAL - LAVAL RICHELIEU VALLEY - SAINT-HYACINTHE LANAUDIERE EASTERN TOWNSHIPS BEAUCE DRUMMONDVILLE - BOIS-FRANCS MAURICIE QUEBEC. WEATHER ADVISORY ENDED FOR: VAUDREUIL - SOULANGES - HUNTINGDON LACHUTE - SAINT-JEROME LAURENTIANS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WHAT: POOR VISIBILITIES IN MODERATE SNOW, CAUSING POOR TRAVEL CONDITIONS. WHEN: UNTIL EARLY EVENING POOR WEATHER CONDITIONS MAY CONTRIBUTE TO TRANSPORTATION DELAYS. BE PREPARED TO ADJUST YOUR DRIVING WITH CHANGING ROAD CONDITIONS. SLOW DOWN DRIVING IN SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. WATCH FOR TAILLIGHTS AHEAD AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  932 WWUS83 KLMK 062124 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 424 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ023-024-026>028-062215- Grayson KY-Hancock KY-Ohio KY-Hardin KY-Breckinridge KY- 424 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHEASTERN HANCOCK... NORTHWESTERN GRAYSON...BRECKINRIDGE...WEST CENTRAL HARDIN AND NORTHERN OHIO COUNTIES THROUGH 515 PM EST/415 PM CST/... At 423 PM EST/323 PM CST/, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Whitesville, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...Half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Hardinsburg, Irvington, Cloverport, Fordsville, Mcquady, Dyer, Goering, Ralph, Se Ree, and Shreve. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3763 8695 3762 8692 3767 8682 3771 8687 3774 8682 3779 8682 3781 8683 3788 8624 3785 8621 3762 8606 3754 8701 3757 8702 TIME...MOT...LOC 2123Z 261DEG 46KT 3766 8693 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...<30 MPH $$ JDG  702 WUUS53 KJKL 062124 SVRJKL KYC013-095-131-062200- /O.NEW.KJKL.SV.W.0014.250206T2124Z-250206T2200Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service JACKSON KY 424 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in JACKSON KY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Harlan County in southeastern Kentucky... Northeastern Bell County in southeastern Kentucky... South central Leslie County in southeastern Kentucky... * Until 500 PM EST. * At 424 PM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Stony Fork Junction, or 10 miles northeast of Pineville, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Wallins Creek around 430 PM EST. Loyall around 435 PM EST. Harlan around 440 PM EST. Other locations in the path of this severe thunderstorm include Kitts, Three Point and Martins Fork Lake. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3683 8362 3690 8360 3692 8357 3689 8309 3679 8311 3678 8313 3675 8313 3674 8316 3674 8320 3671 8330 TIME...MOT...LOC 2124Z 279DEG 28KT 3685 8354 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ GEERTSON  693 WWUS75 KCYS 062124 NPWCYS URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 224 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 WYZ104-071200- /O.UPG.KCYS.HW.A.0013.250207T1200Z-250208T1200Z/ /O.NEW.KCYS.HW.W.0013.250207T1400Z-250208T1200Z/ Ferris/Seminoe/Shirley Mountains- Including the cities of Seminoe Dam 224 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...HIGH WIND WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM FRIDAY TO 5 AM MST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 65 mph possible. * WHERE...Ferris/Seminoe/Shirley Mountains. * WHEN...From 7 AM Friday to 5 AM MST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Mainly to transportation. Strong cross winds will be hazardous to light weight or high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Wind Warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. Sustained wind speeds of at least 40 MPH or gusts of 58 MPH or stronger can lead to property damage. && $$ WYZ109-113-071200- /O.UPG.KCYS.HW.A.0013.250207T1500Z-250208T1200Z/ /O.NEW.KCYS.HW.W.0013.250207T1400Z-250208T0300Z/ Central Carbon County-Upper North Platte River Basin- Including the cities of Saratoga, Rawlins, and Encampment 224 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...HIGH WIND WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM TO 8 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 65 mph expected. * WHERE...Central Carbon County and Upper North Platte River Basin. * WHEN...From 7 AM to 8 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Mainly to transportation. Strong cross winds will be hazardous to light weight or high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Wind Warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. Sustained wind speeds of at least 40 MPH or gusts of 58 MPH or stronger can lead to property damage. && $$ WYZ110-071200- /O.UPG.KCYS.HW.A.0013.250207T1500Z-250208T1500Z/ /O.NEW.KCYS.HW.W.0013.250207T1400Z-250208T1400Z/ North Snowy Range Foothills- Including the cities of Arlington and Elk Mountain 224 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...HIGH WIND WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM FRIDAY TO 7 AM MST SATURDAY... * WHAT...West winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 65 mph possible. * WHERE...North Snowy Range Foothills including Arlington and Elk Mountain along Interstate 80. * WHEN...From 7 AM Friday to 7 AM MST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Mainly to transportation. Strong cross winds will be hazardous to light weight or high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Wind Warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. Sustained wind speeds of at least 40 MPH or gusts of 58 MPH or stronger can lead to property damage. && $$ WYZ106-071200- /O.UPG.KCYS.HW.A.0013.250207T1800Z-250208T1200Z/ /O.NEW.KCYS.HW.W.0013.250207T1600Z-250208T1400Z/ Central Laramie Range and Southwest Platte County- Including the cities of Bordeaux 224 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...HIGH WIND WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM FRIDAY TO 7 AM MST SATURDAY... * WHAT...West winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 65 mph expected. * WHERE...Bordeaux area along Interstate 25 between Chugwater and Wheatland. * WHEN...From 9 AM Friday to 7 AM MST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Mainly to transportation. Strong cross winds will be hazardous to light weight or high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Wind Warning means a hazardous high wind event is expected or occurring. Sustained wind speeds of at least 40 MPH or gusts of 58 MPH or stronger can lead to property damage. && $$ WYZ107-071200- /O.EXB.KCYS.HW.A.0013.250207T1600Z-250208T0700Z/ East Platte County- Including the cities of Wheatland and Guernsey 224 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...HIGH WIND WATCH IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY MORNING THROUGH FRIDAY EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 60 mph possible. * WHERE...East Platte County. * WHEN...From Friday morning through Friday evening. * IMPACTS...Mainly to transportation. Strong cross winds will be hazardous to light weight or high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Wind Watch means there is the potential for a hazardous high wind event. Sustained wind speeds of at least 40 MPH or gusts of 58 MPH or stronger may occur. Continue to monitor the latest forecasts. && $$ WYZ118-071200- /O.EXB.KCYS.HW.A.0013.250208T0000Z-250208T1400Z/ Central Laramie County- Including the cities of Cheyenne 224 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...HIGH WIND WATCH IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY AFTERNOON THROUGH SATURDAY MORNING... * WHAT...West winds 30 to 40 mph with gusts up to 60 mph possible. * WHERE...Central Laramie County. * WHEN...From Friday afternoon through Saturday morning. * IMPACTS...Mainly to transportation. Strong cross winds will be hazardous to light weight or high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Wind Watch means there is the potential for a hazardous high wind event. Sustained wind speeds of at least 40 MPH or gusts of 58 MPH or stronger may occur. Continue to monitor the latest forecasts. && $$ WYZ116-117-071200- /O.EXT.KCYS.HW.A.0013.250207T1500Z-250208T1500Z/ South Laramie Range-South Laramie Range Foothills- Including the cities of Buford, Federal, Vedauwoo, Horse Creek, Whitaker, and Pumpkin Vine 224 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...HIGH WIND WATCH NOW IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY MORNING THROUGH SATURDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Southwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 60 mph possible. * WHERE...South Laramie Range and Foothills including the Interstate 80 Summit between Cheyenne and Laramie. * WHEN...From Friday morning through Saturday morning. * IMPACTS...Mainly to transportation. Strong cross winds will be hazardous to light weight or high profile vehicles, including campers and tractor trailers. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A High Wind Watch means there is the potential for a hazardous high wind event. Sustained wind speeds of at least 40 MPH or gusts of 58 MPH or stronger may occur. Continue to monitor the latest forecasts. && $$ MN  927 WSVN31 SVMI 062130 SIGMET 01 VALID 062130/070130 SVMI- SVZM MAIQUETIA FIR TS OBS A 0621320Z WI N0223 W06600 N0717 W06411 N0741 W06618 N0502 W06747 WI N0223 W06600 TOP FL240 MOV SW INTSF=  625 WHUS73 KDLH 062127 MWWDLH URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Duluth MN 327 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 LSZ140-141-070930- /O.CON.KDLH.GL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-250207T0600Z/ /O.CON.KDLH.UP.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T1000Z/ Grand Portage to Grand Marais MN- Grand Marais to Taconite Harbor MN- 327 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Gale Warning, west winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and waves 4 to 7 ft. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Grand Portage to Taconite Harbor MN. * WHEN...For the Gale Warning, until midnight CST tonight. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, until 4 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ142-143-070930- /O.CON.KDLH.GL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-250207T0600Z/ /O.CON.KDLH.UP.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T1000Z/ Taconite Harbor to Silver Bay Harbor MN- Silver Bay Harbor to Two Harbors MN- 327 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Gale Warning, west winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and waves 2 to 5 ft. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Taconite Harbor to Two Harbors MN. * WHEN...For the Gale Warning, until midnight CST tonight. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, until 4 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ144-145-070930- /O.CON.KDLH.GL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-250207T0600Z/ /O.CON.KDLH.UP.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T1000Z/ Two Harbors to Duluth MN-Duluth MN to Port Wing WI- 327 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Gale Warning, west winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and waves 5 to 8 ft. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Two Harbors to Duluth MN to Port Wing WI. * WHEN...For the Gale Warning, until midnight CST tonight. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, until 4 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LSZ146>148-150-070930- /O.CON.KDLH.GL.W.0011.000000T0000Z-250207T0600Z/ /O.CON.KDLH.UP.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T1000Z/ Port Wing to Sand Island WI-Sand Island to Bayfield WI- Oak Point to Saxon Harbor WI- Outer Apostle Islands Beyond 5 NM from Mainland- 327 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... ...HEAVY FREEZING SPRAY WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Gale Warning, west winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 45 kt and waves 7 to 10 ft. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, heavy freezing spray at a rate of 2 cm per hour or greater may rapidly accumulate on vessels. * WHERE...Port Wing to Sand Island WI to Bayfield WI, Oak Point to Saxon Harbor WI and Outer Apostle Islands Beyond 5 NM from Mainland. * WHEN...For the Gale Warning, until midnight CST tonight. For the Heavy Freezing Spray Warning, until 4 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Operating a vessel in heavy freezing spray is hazardous. Freezing spray may render mechanical and electronic components inoperative. Rapid ice accretion on decks and superstructures may result in a catastrophic loss of stability. Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should prepare for dangerous accumulation of ice on their vessel. If possible, remain in port, avoid the warning area or conduct mitigation. Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$  708 WWUS45 KCYS 062128 WSWCYS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Cheyenne WY 228 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 WYZ112-114-071200- /O.NEW.KCYS.WW.Y.0010.250207T2100Z-250208T1400Z/ Sierra Madre Range-Snowy Range- Including the cities of Centennial and Albany 228 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 2 PM FRIDAY TO 7 AM MST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 6 and 12 inches above 8500 feet in elevation. Winds gusting as high as 55 mph. * WHERE...Sierra Madre Range and Snowy Range. * WHEN...From 2 PM Friday to 7 AM MST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Outdoor recreation could become dangerous to those caught unprepared for hazardous winter conditions. Hunters, hikers, and snowmobilers may become disoriented and lost due to low visibility in falling and blowing snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ MN  009 WGUS81 KLWX 062129 FLSLWX Flood Statement National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 429 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC071-062139- /O.EXP.KLWX.FA.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250206T2130Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Pendleton WV- 429 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 430 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... The Flood Warning will expire at 430 PM EST this afternoon for a portion of eastern West Virginia, including the following area, Pendleton. Flood waters are receding and the heavy rain has ended. Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3866 7960 3869 7960 3878 7951 3880 7951 3884 7954 3887 7951 3889 7952 3889 7948 3890 7945 3893 7945 3892 7937 3896 7935 3893 7930 3853 7952 3856 7956 3859 7965 3862 7962 3864 7963 3867 7962 $$ CJL  912 WHUS71 KPHI 062130 MWWPHI URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ 430 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ANZ430-431-071000- /O.EXB.KPHI.SC.Y.0021.250207T1200Z-250207T2100Z/ Delaware Bay waters north of East Point NJ to Slaughter Beach DE- Delaware Bay waters south of East Point NJ to Slaughter Beach DE- 430 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM TO 4 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West to northwest winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and choppy waters expected. * WHERE...Delaware Bay. * WHEN...From 7 AM to 4 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ ANZ450>455-071000- /O.CON.KPHI.SC.Y.0021.000000T0000Z-250207T2300Z/ Coastal waters from Sandy Hook to Manasquan Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Manasquan Inlet to Little Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Little Egg Inlet to Great Egg Inlet NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Great Egg Inlet to Cape May NJ out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Cape May NJ to Cape Henlopen DE out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Cape Henlopen to Fenwick Island DE out 20 nm- 430 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West to northwest winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and seas 4 to 6 ft. * WHERE...The Atlantic coastal waters of New Jersey and Delaware. * WHEN...Until 6 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  147 WSCI33 ZBAA 062131 ZBPE SIGMET 5 VALID 062200/070200 ZBAA- ZBPE BEIJING FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N45 SFC/FL360 STNR NC=  165 WWUS85 KPUB 062131 RFWPUB URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pueblo CO 231 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A Red Flag Warning has been issued for portions of the area from 10 AM to 6 PM Friday... COZ229-230-233-071345- /O.UPG.KPUB.FW.A.0001.250207T1700Z-250208T0100Z/ /O.NEW.KPUB.FW.W.0003.250207T1700Z-250208T0100Z/ Huerfano County Including Walsenburg- Western Las Animas County Including Trinidad and Thatcher- Eastern Las Animas County Including Pinon Canyon- 231 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...RED FLAG WARNING HAS BEEN ISSUED FROM 10 AM TO 6 PM MST FRIDAY FOR GUSTY WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR FIRE WEATHER ZONES 229, 230, AND 233... The National Weather Service in Pueblo has issued a Red Flag Warning for gusty winds and low relative humidity, which is in effect from 10 AM to 6 PM MST Friday. The Fire Weather Watch is no longer in effect. * AFFECTED AREA...Fire Weather Zones 229, 230 and 233. * WINDS...Southwest 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 11 percent. * IMPACTS...Elevated fire danger is expected. Fires will catch and spread rapidly and erratically. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && $$  708 WUUS54 KMRX 062133 SVRMRX VAC105-062230- /O.NEW.KMRX.SV.W.0003.250206T2133Z-250206T2230Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Morristown TN 433 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Morristown has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Central Lee County in southwestern Virginia... * Until 530 PM EST. * At 433 PM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Coldiron, or 8 miles west of Harlan, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Jonesville, Pennington Gap, St. Charles, and Rose Hill. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3681 8298 3659 8307 3659 8308 3670 8333 3674 8320 3674 8314 3675 8313 3678 8313 3680 8310 3683 8310 TIME...MOT...LOC 2133Z 285DEG 27KT 3682 8347 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ DGS  940 WWUS83 KLMK 062136 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 336 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ026-027-061-062-062215- Grayson KY-Edmonson KY-Butler KY-Ohio KY- 336 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHEASTERN BUTLER...GRAYSON... SOUTHEASTERN OHIO AND NORTHWESTERN EDMONSON COUNTIES THROUGH 415 PM CST... At 336 PM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 11 miles north of Morgantown, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Leitchfield, Casey, Clarkson, Caneyville, Steff, Rock Creek, Saint Paul, Flint Springs, Do Stop, and Peonia. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3746 8680 3757 8619 3756 8617 3757 8616 3756 8616 3756 8615 3757 8611 3735 8609 3735 8610 3734 8611 3733 8609 3733 8612 3735 8612 3734 8613 3735 8616 3733 8615 3731 8677 TIME...MOT...LOC 2136Z 261DEG 40KT 3738 8670 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...<30 MPH $$ JDG  223 WSVN31 SVMI 062137 SIGMET 01 VALID 062137/070137 SVMI- SVZM MAIQUETIA FIR TS OBS A 062137Z WI N0223 W06600 N0717 W06411 N0741 W06618 N0502 W06747 WI N0223 W06600 TOP FL240 MOV SW INTSF=  391 WAAK49 PAWU 062137 WA9O FAIS WA 062115 AIRMET SIERRA FOR IFR AND MT OBSC VALID UNTIL 070515 . UPR YKN VLY FB SW PFYU OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FZFG. IMPR. . UPR YKN VLY FB S PFYU MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . TANANA VLY FC N AK RANGE OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR/FZFG. DTRT. . TANANA VLY FC NRN MTS OCNL OBSC BY CLDS. NC. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR/FZFG. IMPR FM W. . KOYUKUK AND UPR KOBUK VLY FE MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. IMPR FM W. . LWR YKN VLY FF OCNL CIG BLW 010 VIS BLW 3SM -SN BR/FZFG. IMPR FM N. . LWR YKN VLY FF MTS OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . NORTH SLOPES OF BROOKS RANGE FH MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. IMPR FM W. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI PAWN-PABL LN E OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM BR. IMPR. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI E PAOT-PABL LN MTS OCNL OBSC IN CLDS/PCPN. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ PAOM-PAGL LN S OCNL VIS BLW 3SM -SN/BR. IMPR FM N. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ PAOM-PAGL LN S MTS OBSC BY CLDS/PCPN. IMPR FM N. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK ST LAWENRCNE ISLAND S OCNL CIG BLW 010/VIS BLW 3SM -SN/-BLSN BR. NC. . =FAIT WA 062115 AIRMET TANGO FOR TURB/STG SFC WINDS VALID UNTIL 070515 . LWR YKN VLY FF AFT 03Z NW PANV-PARY LN OCNL MOD TURB FL240-FL340. NC. . NRN SEWARD PEN AND LWR KOBUK VLY FI AFT 00Z SW PAOT-PASK LN OCNL MOD TURB FL240-FL340. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ TIL 06Z NE KOTLIK OCNL MOD TURB FL240-FL340. WKN. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK PAGM-PATC LN NW SUSTAINED SFC WND 30KTS OR GTR. WKN. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK TIL 06Z OCNL MOD TURB FL240-FL340. WKN. . =FAIZ WA 062115 AIRMET ZULU FOR ICING VALID UNTIL 070515 . LWR YKN VLY FF S PAKV-PARY LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 020-080. FZLVL SFC. NC. . SRN SEWARD PEN AND ERN NORTON SOUND FJ PAUN SW OCNL MOD ICEIC 020-080. FZLVL SFC. NC. . ST LAWRENCE IS AND WRN NORTON SOUND FK S BERING STRAIT-PATC LN OCNL MOD ICEIC 020-080. FZLVL SFC. NC. . NS FEB 2025 AAWU  845 WWUS46 KOTX 062138 WSWOTX URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Spokane WA 138 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 IDZ027-071400- /O.NEW.KOTX.WW.Y.0008.250207T1000Z-250207T2300Z/ Lewis and Southern Nez Perce Counties- Including the cities of Kamiah, Winchester, Nezperce, Soldiers Meadow Road, and Craigmont 138 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM TO 3 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 4 inches with locally up to 5 inches. * WHERE...Kamiah, Winchester, Nezperce, Soldiers Meadow Road, and Craigmont. * WHEN...From 2 AM to 3 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. For the latest road information in Idaho, call 5 1 1. && $$ LN  495 WWCN12 CWTO 062138 SNOW SQUALL WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:38 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOW SQUALL WARNING FOR: WAWA - PUKASKWA PARK. SNOW SQUALL WARNING ENDED FOR: NIPIGON - MARATHON - SUPERIOR NORTH. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOW SQUALLS ENDING THIS EVENING WHAT: TOTAL SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS OF 15 TO 20 CM. NEAR-ZERO VISIBILITIES IN HEAVY SNOW AND LOCAL BLOWING SNOW. WHEN: ENDING THIS EVENING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: WIND GUSTS UP TO 80 KM/H WILL PRODUCE REDUCED VISIBILITIES IN HEAVY SNOW AND LOCAL BLOWING SNOW. SNOW SQUALLS CAUSE WEATHER CONDITIONS TO VARY CONSIDERABLY(SEMICOLON) CHANGES FROM CLEAR SKIES TO HEAVY SNOW WITHIN JUST A FEW KILOMETRES ARE COMMON. VISIBILITY WILL BE SUDDENLY REDUCED TO NEAR ZERO AT TIMES IN HEAVY SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW. TRAVEL IS EXPECTED TO BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO REDUCED VISIBILITY. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, SLOW DOWN, WATCH FOR TAIL LIGHTS AHEAD AND BE PREPARED TO STOP. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  608 WOCN11 CWTO 062138 WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:38 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WEATHER ADVISORY ENDED FOR: GATINEAU. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS HAVE IMPROVED. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  609 WWUS45 KBYZ 062139 WSWBYZ URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Billings MT 239 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 MTZ029-042-063-172-228-072145- /O.UPG.KBYZ.WS.A.0005.250207T0000Z-250208T0600Z/ /O.EXB.KBYZ.WS.W.0005.250207T0300Z-250208T0600Z/ Musselshell-Golden Valley-Judith Gap-Melville Foothills-Southern Wheatland- Including the locations of Twodot, Judith Gap, Roundup, Musselshell, Lavina, Melville, Harlowton, Ryegate, Shawmut, and Melstone 239 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 8 inches. * WHERE...Golden Valley, Judith Gap, Musselshell, Southern Wheatland, and Melville Foothills. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult, especially on Highway 191 and Highway 12, due to snow and localized blowing snow. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commutes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The heaviest snow will be on Friday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. For the latest road conditions, call 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ141-072145- /O.UPG.KBYZ.WW.Y.0014.250207T0300Z-250208T0600Z/ /O.EXB.KBYZ.WS.W.0005.250207T0300Z-250208T0600Z/ Northern Sweet Grass- Including the locations of Big Timber 239 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 8 inches. * WHERE...Northern Sweet Grass. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult, especially on Highway 191 through Big Timber, due to snow and localized blowing snow. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commutes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The heaviest snow will be on Friday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. For the latest road conditions, call 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ067-068-072145- /O.CON.KBYZ.WS.W.0005.250207T0000Z-250208T0600Z/ Absaroka/Beartooth Mountains-Crazy Mountains- Including the locations of Cooke City 239 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 5 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 10 to 15 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. * WHERE...Absaroka/Beartooth Mountains and Crazy Mountains. * WHEN...From 5 PM this afternoon to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Outdoor recreation in the high country will be impacted by hazardous winter conditions. Expect avalanche danger to increase. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. && $$ MTZ030-031-057-072145- /O.EXB.KBYZ.WW.Y.0014.250207T0900Z-250208T1200Z/ Treasure-Northern Rosebud-Northern Big Horn- Including the locations of Bighorn, Hardin, Crow Agency, Hysham, Ingomar, Forsyth, Colstrip, Busby, and Angela 239 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM FRIDAY TO 5 AM MST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 6 inches. * WHERE...Northern Big Horn, Treasure, and Northern Rosebud. * WHEN...From 2 AM Friday to 5 AM MST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Travel will be impacted by snowy roads and poor visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. For the latest road conditions, call 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ032-033-036-037-058-138-169-072145- /O.EXB.KBYZ.WW.Y.0014.250207T1200Z-250208T1200Z/ Custer-Fallon-Powder River-Carter-Southern Rosebud-Southern Big Horn-Bighorn Canyon- Including the locations of Ashland, Webster, Fort Smith, Sonnette, Biddle, Ismay, Baker, Powderville, Pryor, Ekalaka, Plevna, Lame Deer, Miles City, Lodge Grass, Wyola, Broadus, Belltower, Birney, Alzada, Volborg, and Hammond 239 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 5 AM FRIDAY TO 5 AM MST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 1 and 4 inches. * WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Montana. * WHEN...From 5 AM Friday to 5 AM MST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Travel will be impacted by snowy roads and poor visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. For the latest road conditions, call 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ139-072145- /O.EXA.KBYZ.WW.Y.0014.250207T0300Z-250208T0600Z/ Southeastern Carbon- Including the locations of Warren, Belfry, and Bridger 239 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow and blowing snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 1 and 3 inches. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Southeastern Carbon. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel will be impacted by snowy roads and poor visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commutes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The heaviest snow will be on Friday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. For the latest road conditions, call 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ173-235-072145- /O.EXT.KBYZ.WW.Y.0014.250207T0900Z-250208T1200Z/ Northeastern Yellowstone-Southwestern Yellowstone- Including the locations of Huntley, Laurel, Billings, Custer, Broadview, and Pompeys Pillar 239 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 2 AM FRIDAY TO 5 AM MST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 6 inches. * WHERE...Northeastern Yellowstone and Southwestern Yellowstone. * WHEN...From 2 AM Friday to 5 AM MST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Travel will be impacted by snowy roads and poor visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. For the latest road conditions, call 5 1 1. && $$ MTZ034-040-056-064>066-170-072145- /O.CON.KBYZ.WW.Y.0014.250207T0300Z-250208T0600Z/ Northern Stillwater-Northern Park-Red Lodge Foothills-Paradise Valley-Livingston Area-Beartooth Foothills-Northern Carbon- Including the locations of Livingston, Park City, Red Lodge, Fishtail, Rapelje, Absarokee, Joliet, Emigrant, Reed Point, Clyde Park, Columbus, Roscoe, Springdale, Roberts, Wilsall, Nye, Fromberg, and McLeod 239 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 11 PM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 6 inches. * WHERE...A portion of south central Montana. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 11 PM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel will be impacted by snowy roads and poor visibility. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning and evening commutes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...The heaviest snow will be on Friday. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. For the latest road conditions, call 5 1 1. && $$ Additional graphics for this hazard can be found at http://www.weather.gov/billings Arends  642 WSLB31 OLBA 062145 OLBA SIGMET 3 VALID 062200/070200 OLBA- OLBA BEIRUT FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST N OF OLBA FIR TOP ABV FL270 MOV NE NC=  643 WSLB31 OLBA 062145 OLBA SIGMET 3 VALID 062200/070200 OLBA OLBA BEIRUT FIR EMBD TS OBS AND FCST N OF OLBA FIR TOP ABV FL270 MOV NE NC=  830 WOCN11 CWTO 062139 WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:39 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WEATHER ADVISORY ENDED FOR: CITY OF OTTAWA PRESCOTT AND RUSSELL CORNWALL - MORRISBURG. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS HAVE IMPROVED. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  400 WWUS53 KJKL 062140 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 440 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC013-131-062150- /O.CAN.KJKL.SV.W.0014.000000T0000Z-250206T2200Z/ Bell KY-Leslie KY- 440 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN BELL AND SOUTH CENTRAL LESLIE COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. && LAT...LON 3679 8349 3684 8349 3685 8348 3686 8349 3689 8349 3689 8309 3680 8311 3678 8313 3675 8313 3674 8316 3674 8320 3671 8330 TIME...MOT...LOC 2140Z 281DEG 29KT 3682 8337 $$ KYC095-062200- /O.CON.KJKL.SV.W.0014.000000T0000Z-250206T2200Z/ Harlan KY- 440 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 PM EST FOR SOUTHWESTERN HARLAN COUNTY... At 440 PM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over White Star, or near Harlan, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Harlan, Martins Fork Lake and Cranks. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3679 8349 3684 8349 3685 8348 3686 8349 3689 8349 3689 8309 3680 8311 3678 8313 3675 8313 3674 8316 3674 8320 3671 8330 TIME...MOT...LOC 2140Z 281DEG 29KT 3682 8337 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ GEERTSON  122 WSUS31 KKCI 062155 SIGE MKCE WST 062155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 68E VALID UNTIL 2355Z TN KY IN IL FROM 20WNW IIU-60WSW LOZ-50ENE DYR-60NNE DYR-40W PXV-20WNW IIU AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25045KT. TOPS TO FL400. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 69E VALID UNTIL 2355Z VA TN KY FROM 50NW HMV-20SE LOZ-50WSW LOZ LINE SEV TS 20 NM WIDE MOV FROM 27035KT. TOPS TO FL360. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 70E VALID UNTIL 2355Z NC SC GA TN FROM 40NNE GQO-40SE VXV-20NE ODF-30ESE GQO-40NNE GQO DMSHG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25045KT. TOPS TO FL290. OUTLOOK VALID 062355-070355 FROM 50ENE PXV-BKW-GSO-30SE SPA-30E MSL-50ENE PXV WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  123 WSUS33 KKCI 062155 SIGW MKCW WST 062155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 062355-070355 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  124 WSUS32 KKCI 062155 SIGC MKCC WST 062155 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 062355-070355 FROM 50ENE PXV-30E MSL-50SW MEM-FAM-50ENE PXV WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  217 WWUS45 KBOU 062142 WSWBOU URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Denver CO 242 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 COZ031-071200- /O.NEW.KBOU.WW.Y.0009.250208T0000Z-250208T1400Z/ West Jackson and West Grand Counties Above 9000 Feet- Including the cities of Mt Zirkel 242 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 5 PM FRIDAY TO 7 AM MST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 6 and 12 inches with locally higher amounts up to 15 inches. Winds gusting as high as 60 mph. * WHERE...Rabbit Ears Pass. * WHEN...From 5 PM Friday to 7 AM MST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult especially along mountain passes. Widespread blowing snow could significantly reduce visibility. Hazardous conditions could impact the Friday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for Colorado can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or by going to www.cotrip.org. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service, visit https://weather.gov/bou Bonner  800 WWUS84 KOHX 062142 SPSOHX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Nashville TN 342 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 TNZ006-007-062215- Robertson TN-Montgomery TN- 342 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHEASTERN MONTGOMERY AND NORTHWESTERN ROBERTSON COUNTIES THROUGH 415 PM CST... At 342 PM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Clarksville, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and pea size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Clarksville, Springfield, Coopertown, Guthrie, Adams, and Cedar Hill. This includes Interstate 24 between mile markers 1 and 18. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3644 8687 3648 8737 3664 8737 3665 8688 TIME...MOT...LOC 2142Z 271DEG 33KT 3659 8725 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.25 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ Baggett  531 WWCN02 CYTR 062144 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB WAINWRIGHT RANGE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 2:44 PM MST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB WAINWRIGHT AND RANGE (CZWN) TYPE: WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: WIND CHILL INDEX OF MINUS 35 OR COLDER VALID: 07/1100Z TO 07/1730Z (07/0400 MST TO 07/1030 MST) COMMENTS: COLD WIND CHILLS OF MINUS 30 TO MINUS 35 ARE EXPECTED OVERNIGHT AND INTO FRIDAY MORNING. -------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND CHILL INDEX -25 TO -39: INCREASING RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 10 TO 30 MINUTES. -40 TO -47: HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 5 TO 10 MINUTES. -48 TO -54: VERY HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 2 TO 5 MINUTES. -------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 07/1000Z (07/0300 MST) END/JMC  532 WWCN02 CYTR 062144 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB COLD LAKE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 2:44 PM MST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB COLD LAKE (CYOD) TYPE: WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: WIND CHILL INDEX OF MINUS 35 OR COLDER VALID: 07/1000Z TO 07/1630Z (07/0300 MST TO 07/0930 MST) COMMENTS: COLD WIND CHILLS OF MINUS 30 TO MINUS 35 ARE EXPECTED OVERNIGHT AND INTO FRIDAY MORNING. -------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND CHILL INDEX -25 TO -39: INCREASING RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 10 TO 30 MINUTES. -40 TO -47: HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 5 TO 10 MINUTES. -48 TO -54: VERY HIGH RISK OF FROSTBITE. EXPOSED SKIN AREAS CAN FREEZE IN 2 TO 5 MINUTES. -------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 07/1000Z (07/0300 MST) END/JMC  248 WSVN31 SVMI 062200 SVZM SIGMET 01 VALID 062200/070200 SVMI- SVZM MAIQUETIA FIR TS OBS AT 2200Z WI N0223 W06600 N0717 W06411 N0741 W06618 N0502 W06747 WI N0223 W06600 TOP FL240 MOV SW INTSF=  397 WDXS33 PGTW 062100 MSGID/GENADMIN/JOINT TYPHOON WRNCEN PEARL HARBOR HI// SUBJ/PROGNOSTIC REASONING FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE 14S (TALIAH) WARNING NR 012// RMKS/ 1. FOR METEOROLOGISTS. 2. 6 HOUR SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS. SUMMARY: INITIAL POSITION: 14.5S 101.5E INITIAL INTENSITY: 60 KTS GEOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: 302 NM EAST-SOUTHEAST OF THE COCOS ISLANDS MOVEMENT PAST 6 HOURS: WEST-NORTHWESTWARD AT 10 KTS SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT: 31 FEET SATELLITE ANALYSIS, INITIAL POSITION AND INTENSITY DISCUSSION: ANIMATED ENHANCED INFRARED (EIR) SATELLITE IMAGERY DEPICTS A LARGE CLUSTER OF DEEP CONVECTION PERSISTING OVER THE WESTERN SEMICIRCLE OF A PARTIALLY-EXPOSED LOW-LEVEL CIRCULATION (LLC). A 061426Z MHS 89GHZ MICROWAVE IMAGE REVEALS CURVED BANDING AND A POSSIBLE UPPER-LEVEL CIRCULATION CENTER TILTED WEST OF THE LOW-LEVEL CIRCULATION CENTER DUE TO HIGH EASTERLY VERTICAL WIND SHEAR (VWS). ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS REMAIN MARGINALLY FAVORABLE WITH THE HIGH VWS AND DRY AIR ENTRAINMENT HINDERING DEVELOPMENT. HOWEVER, EQUATORWARD OUTFLOW HAS CLEARLY IMPROVED OVER THE PAST DAY, WITH A GRADUAL DECREASE IN VWS. THE INITIAL POSITION IS PLACED WITH MEDIUM CONFIDENCE BASED ON THE ANIMATED EIR IMAGERY AND A 061426Z ASCAT-C BULLSEYE IMAGE, WHICH SHOWS AN ELONGATED BUT WELL-DEFINED CENTER. THE INITIAL INTENSITY OF 60 KTS IS ASSESSED WITH MEDIUM CONFIDENCE BASED ON AN AVERAGE OF THE AGENCY FIXES. INITIAL WIND RADII BASIS: OBJECTIVE BEST TRACK CURRENT STEERING MECHANISM: DEEP-LAYERED SUBTROPICAL RIDGE (STR) POSITIONED TO THE SOUTH. AGENCY DVORAK AND AUTOMATED FIXES: PGTW: T3.5 - 55 KTS KNES: T4.0 - 65 KTS DEMS: T3.5 - 55 KTS APRF: T3.5 - 55 KTS CIMSS SATCON: 52 KTS AT 061603Z CIMSS ADT: 45 KTS AT 061800Z CIMSS AIDT: 54 KTS AT 061800Z FORECASTER ASSESSMENT OF CURRENT ENVIRONMENT: MARGINALLY FAVORABLE VWS: 20-25 KTS SST: 27-28 CELSIUS OUTFLOW: STRONG EQUATORWARD OTHER FACTORS: DRY AIR ENTRAINMENT ANALYSIS CONFIDENCE: INITIAL POSITION: MEDIUM INITIAL INTENSITY: MEDIUM INITIAL WIND RADII: LOW 3. FORECAST REASONING. SIGNIFICANT FORECAST CHANGES: THERE ARE NO SIGNIFICANT CHANGES TO THE FORECAST FROM THE PREVIOUS WARNING. FORECAST DISCUSSION: TROPICAL CYCLONE (TC) 14S WILL TRACK WEST- SOUTHWESTWARD THROUGH TAU 36 UNDER THE STEERING INFLUENCE OF THE STR POSITIONED TO THE SOUTH. AFTER TAU 36, A SERIES OF MAJOR SHORTWAVE TROUGHS WILL WEAKEN THE STR LEADING A VERY COMPLEX, EVOLVING STEERING PATTERN. A WEAK STR TO THE WEST OF THE SYSTEM WILL DRIVE THE SYSTEM WEST-NORTHWESTWARD THROUGH TAU 72. AFTER TAU 72, THE WESTERN STR WILL ERODE, WITH A STR BUILDING TO THE SOUTH, WHICH WILL TURN THE SYSTEM WESTWARD THROUGH TAU 120. VWS IS FORECAST TO RELAX AFTER TAU 36, WITH RE-MOISTENING OF THE SYSTEM'S CORE, WHICH WILL PRODUCE STEADY RE- INTENSIFICATION THROUGH TAU 96 TO A PEAK OF 80 KNOTS. MODEL DISCUSSION: WITH THE EXCEPTION OF NAVGEM, THE DETERMINISTIC GUIDANCE IS IN GOOD AGREEMENT THROUGH TAU 72, WITH A 45NM TO 65NM CROSS-TRACK SPREAD IN SOLUTIONS FROM TAU 48 TO TAU 72. THE 061200Z EPS AND GEFS ENSEMBLES ARE ALSO IN GOOD AGREEMENT THROUGH TAU 72 LENDING HIGH CONFIDENCE TO THE JTWC TRACK FORECAST. AFTER TAU 72, THERE IS A LARGE SPREAD IN BOTH THE DETERMINISTIC AND PROBABILISTIC GUIDANCE, WITH LOW CONFIDENCE IN THE EXTENDED JTWC TRACK FORECAST. FORECAST CONFIDENCE: TRACK 0 - 72 HR: HIGH TRACK 72-120 HR: LOW INTENSITY 0 - 72 HR: MEDIUM INTENSITY 72-120 HR: MEDIUM// NNNN  445 WWUS45 KLKN 062145 WSWLKN URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Elko NV 145 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 NVZ030-071245- /O.CON.KLKN.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T2100Z/ Humboldt- Including the cities of Winnemucca, Dufferena, Golconda, and Valmy 145 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM PST FRIDAY ABOVE 5000 FT... * WHAT...Snow above 5000 ft. Additional snow accumulations 1 to 4 inches above 5000 feet. Below 5000 feet, up to one inch. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph. * WHERE...Humboldt County. * WHEN...Until 1 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. Strong winds could cause tree damage. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. Be prepared for slippery roads. Slow down and use caution while driving. If you are going outside, watch your first few steps taken on stairs, sidewalks, and driveways. These surfaces could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury. && $$ 86  335 WHUS76 KPQR 062146 MWWPQR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Portland OR 146 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 PZZ252-253-272-273-071400- /O.CON.KPQR.SC.Y.0016.250207T0000Z-250207T1500Z/ Coastal waters from Cape Falcon to Cape Foulweather OR out 10 NM- Coastal waters from Cape Foulweather to Florence OR out 10 NM- Waters from Cape Falcon to Cape Foulweather OR from 10 to 60 NM- Waters from Cape Foulweather to Florence OR from 10 to 60 NM- 146 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Seas 4 to 7 ft at 7 seconds and north winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt expected. * WHERE...Coastal waters from Cape Falcon to Cape Foulweather OR out 10 NM, Coastal waters from Cape Foulweather to Florence OR out 10 NM, Waters from Cape Falcon to Cape Foulweather OR from 10 to 60 NM and Waters from Cape Foulweather to Florence OR from 10 to 60 NM. * WHEN...Through 7 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service, visit: https://www.weather.gov/portland/marine  718 WWUS43 KBIS 062146 WSWBIS URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Bismarck ND 346 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 NDZ004-005-013-062300- /O.CAN.KBIS.BZ.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Bottineau-Rolette-Pierce- Including the cities of Dunseith, Rolette, Bottineau, St. John, Rugby, Shell Valley, and Rolla 346 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...BLIZZARD WARNING IS CANCELLED... Visibility has greatly improved this afternoon. Patchy blowing and drifting snow will continue until the evening. $$ NDZ048-070600- /O.CAN.KBIS.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ /O.CON.KBIS.WW.Y.0005.250207T2100Z-250208T1500Z/ La Moure- Including the cities of Edgeley, Lamoure, and Kulm 346 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM FRIDAY TO 9 AM CST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations up to 4 inches. * WHERE...LaMoure County. * WHEN...From 3 PM Friday to 9 AM CST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NDZ002-003-011-012-023-025-037-062300- /O.CAN.KBIS.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Burke-Renville-Ward-McHenry-Wells-Foster-Stutsman- Including the cities of Velva, Mohall, Lignite, Jamestown, Powers Lake, Minot, Bowbells, Glenburn, Towner, Drake, Fessenden, Carrington, Portal, Columbus, Sherwood, and Harvey 346 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Visibility has greatly improved this afternoon. Patchy blowing and drifting snow will continue until the evening. $$ NDZ040>045-070600- /O.CON.KBIS.WW.Y.0005.250207T1500Z-250208T0900Z/ Slope-Hettinger-Grant-Bowman-Adams-Sioux- Including the cities of Selfridge, Bowman, Mott, Solen, Marmarth, Carson, New Leipzig, Elgin, Fort Yates, Hettinger, and New England 346 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 /246 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM CST /8 AM MST/ FRIDAY TO 3 AM CST /2 AM MST/ SATURDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations around 3 to 5 inches. * WHERE...Slope, Bowman, Hettinger, Adams, Grant, and Sioux Counties. * WHEN...From 9 AM CST /8 AM MST/ Friday to 3 AM CST /2 AM MST/ Saturday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ NDZ046-047-050-051-070600- /O.CON.KBIS.WW.Y.0005.250207T2100Z-250208T1500Z/ Emmons-Logan-McIntosh-Dickey- Including the cities of Gackle, Strasburg, Napoleon, Wishek, Oakes, Ashley, Ellendale, and Linton 346 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM FRIDAY TO 9 AM CST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations around 3 to 5 inches. * WHERE...Emmons, Dickey, Logan, and McIntosh Counties. * WHEN...From 3 PM Friday to 9 AM CST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ Hollan  088 WWUS43 KFGF 062149 WSWFGF URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Grand Forks ND 349 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 NDZ006-007-014-015-062300- /O.CAN.KFGF.BZ.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Towner-Cavalier-Benson-Ramsey- Including the cities of Mount Carmel, Langdon, Maida, Minnewaukan, Devils Lake, Maddock, Considine, Fort Totten, Leeds, Cando, Vang, and Dresden 349 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...BLIZZARD WARNING IS CANCELLED... Conditions have improved across the warning area. $$ MNZ001>005-007-008-013>015-022-027-028-NDZ008-016-024-026>030-038- 039-054-062300- /O.CAN.KFGF.WW.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ West Polk-Norman-Clay-Kittson-Roseau-West Marshall-East Marshall- Pennington-Red Lake-East Polk-Mahnomen-West Becker-East Becker- Pembina-Eastern Walsh-Eddy-Nelson-Grand Forks-Griggs-Steele- Traill-Barnes-Cass-Western Walsh- Including the cities of Radium, Stephen, Karlstad, Hallock, Fosston, Waubun, Lancaster, Akra, Salol, Grand Forks, Grygla, Adams, Tolna, Oakwood, Mcville, Faith, Malung, Warren, Gatzke, Red Lake Falls, Ada, Drayton, Roseau, Mayville, Roseville, Backoo, Shoreham, Espelie, Kelso, Hatton, Walhalla, Pencer, McIntosh, East Grand Forks, Cooperstown, New Rockford, Dakota Junction, Flaming, Fargo, Wolf Lake, Fairdale, Naytahwaush, Fertile, Nash, Rosewood, Hillsboro, Detroit Lakes, Syre, Finley, Moorhead, Englund, Park River, Fox, Erskine, Thief River Falls, Aneta, Argyle, Newfolden, Portland, Florian, Hadler, Casperson, Leroy, Mahnomen, Bowesmont, Lakota, Valley City, Halstad, Middle River, Hayes Lake State Park, Twin Valley, Lankin, Crookston, Grafton, Cavalier, and Hope 349 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... Conditions have improved across the advisory area. $$ MNZ029>032-040-NDZ049-052-053-070600- /O.CON.KFGF.WS.A.0001.250207T2100Z-250208T2100Z/ Wilkin-West Otter Tail-East Otter Tail-Wadena-Grant-Ransom- Sargent-Richland- Including the cities of New York Mills, Staples Airport, Rutland, Lawndale, Perham, Elbow Lake, Breckenridge, Barrett, Wadena, Lisbon, Hoffman, Gwinner, Milnor, Wahpeton, Erdahl, Fergus Falls, Battle Lake, Enderlin, Henning, McLeod, Herman, Menahga, Parkers Prairie, Ashby, and Forman 349 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY AFTERNOON THROUGH SATURDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 5 inches possible. * WHERE...Portions of central and west central Minnesota and southeast North Dakota. * WHEN...From Friday afternoon through Saturday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday evening commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation. && $$ Spender  145 WGUS41 KRLX 062150 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 450 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC095-070345- /O.NEW.KRLX.FA.W.0023.250206T2150Z-250207T0345Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Tyler WV- 450 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 1045 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is imminent or occurring. * WHERE...A portion of northern West Virginia, including the following county, Tyler. * WHEN...Until 1045 PM EST Thursday. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 444 PM EST, Flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly along Middle Island Creek near Middlebourne. Expect minor flooding in low and poor drainage areas along the creek and tributaries. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Middlebourne. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3944 8083 3949 8092 3951 8089 3947 8081 $$ JLB  178 WWUS75 KLKN 062151 NPWLKN URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Elko NV 151 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 NVZ030-071300- /O.CON.KLKN.WI.Y.0003.250207T1500Z-250208T0000Z/ Humboldt- Including the cities of Winnemucca, Dufferena, Golconda, and Valmy 151 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph expected. * WHERE...Humboldt County. * WHEN...From 7 AM to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles along north to south oriented roadways. Use extra caution. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ NVZ031-034-035-039-040-071300- /O.CON.KLKN.WI.Y.0003.250207T1500Z-250208T0300Z/ Northern Elko-Ruby Mountains and East Humboldt Range in Elko- White Pine-South Central Elko-Northwestern Nye- Including the cities of Preston, Manhattan, Ely Airport, Lund, Round Mountain, Owyhee, Oasis, Tuscarora, Gibbs Ranch, Ruby Lake, Midas, McGill, Mountain City, Charleston, Jarbidge, Ely, Cherry Creek, Ruth, and Tonopah 151 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 AM TO 7 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...White Pine, Northern Elko, Ruby Mountains and East Humboldt Range in Elko, South Central Elko, and Northwestern Nye Counties. * WHEN...From 7 AM to 7 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles along north to south oriented roadways. Use extra caution. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ NVZ033-036>038-071300- /O.CON.KLKN.WI.Y.0003.250207T1800Z-250208T0300Z/ Southeastern Elko-Northern Lander and Northern Eureka-Southern Lander and Southern Eureka-Southwest Elko- Including the cities of West Wendover, Eureka, Palisade, Crescent Valley, South Fork, Grass Valley, Dunphy, Spring Creek, Argenta, Beowawe, Battle Mountain, Hickison Summit, Garden Pass, Pinto Summit, Ryndon, Emigrant Pass, Jiggs, Lee, Diamond Valley, Elko, Lamoille, and Eureka Airport 151 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM TO 7 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected. * WHERE...Northern Lander and Northern Eureka, Southern Lander and Southern Eureka, Southeastern Elko, and Southwest Elko Counties. * WHEN...From 10 AM to 7 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles along north to south oriented roadways. Use extra caution. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ 86  295 WWUS53 KJKL 062151 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 451 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC095-062200- /O.CON.KJKL.SV.W.0014.000000T0000Z-250206T2200Z/ Harlan KY- 451 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 500 PM EST FOR SOUTHWESTERN HARLAN COUNTY... At 450 PM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Lenarve, or near Harlan, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Harlan, Loyall, Bobs Creek, Mary Alice, Teetersville, Chevrolet, Smith, Sunshine, Cranks, Martins Fork Lake, Three Point, and Elcomb. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3679 8340 3682 8339 3683 8338 3684 8338 3685 8337 3683 8310 3680 8311 3678 8313 3675 8313 3674 8316 3674 8320 3673 8325 TIME...MOT...LOC 2150Z 279DEG 28KT 3681 8327 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ GEERTSON  266 WWUS75 KREV 062151 NPWREV URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Reno NV 151 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 NVZ004-071000- /O.CAN.KREV.LW.Y.0006.250207T0600Z-250208T0300Z/ /O.EXB.KREV.WI.Y.0004.250207T0600Z-250208T0300Z/ Western Nevada Basin and Range including Pyramid Lake- Including the cities of Lovelock, Fernley, Fallon, Nixon, Silver Springs, and Imlay 151 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 PM THIS EVENING TO 7 PM PST FRIDAY... ...LAKE WIND ADVISORY IS REPLACED WITH WIND ADVISORY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph with wave heights 1 to 4 feet on Pyramid Lake. * WHERE...Western Nevada Basin and Range including Pyramid Lake. * WHEN...From 10 PM this evening to 7 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Now is the time to secure loose outdoor items such as patio furniture, holiday decorations, and trash cans before winds increase which could blow these items away. The best thing to do is prepare ahead of time by making sure you have extra food and water on hand, flashlights with spare batteries and/or candles in the event of a power outage. Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ NVZ001-003-071000- /O.CON.KREV.WI.Y.0004.250206T2200Z-250208T0000Z/ Greater Reno-Carson City-Minden Area-Mineral and Southern Lyon Counties- Including the cities of Schurz, Virginia City, Sparks, Smith Valley, Verdi, Yerington, Gardnerville, Hawthorne, and Mina 151 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Southwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. Wind prone areas may gust as high as 65 mph. * WHERE...Greater Reno-Carson City-Minden Area and Mineral and Southern Lyon Counties. * WHEN...Until 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. Difficult driving conditions are possible, especially for high profile vehicles. Highway 395, Interstate 580, and Highway 95 will be the most affected. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Winds may knock down burned trees in the Davis Fire burn area. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Now is the time to secure loose outdoor items such as patio furniture, holiday decorations, and trash cans before winds increase which could blow these items away. The best thing to do is prepare ahead of time by making sure you have extra food and water on hand, flashlights with spare batteries and/or candles in the event of a power outage. && $$ GG  326 WSFG20 TFFF 062151 SOOO SIGMET 10 VALID 062145/070000 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR SEV ICE FCST WI N0745 W04400 - N1045 W04600 - N1330 W03730 - N1045 W03615 - N0745 W04400 FL175/190 STNR NC=  058 WWUS84 KAMA 062154 RFWAMA URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Amarillo TX 354 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 OKZ001-TXZ007-071000- /O.EXA.KAMA.FW.A.0002.250207T1700Z-250208T0100Z/ Cimarron-Moore- 354 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FIRE WEATHER WATCH IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY MORNING THROUGH FRIDAY EVENING FOR STRONG WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR CIMARRON COUNTY OKLAHOMA AND MOORE COUNTY TEXAS... The National Weather Service in Amarillo has issued a Fire Weather Watch for strong winds and low relative humidity, which is in effect from Friday morning through Friday evening. * Affected Area...In Oklahoma...Cimarron. In Texas...Moore. * 20 Foot Winds... 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 35 mph. * Relative Humidity... As low as 8 percent. * Red Flag Threat Index... 3 to 6. * Timing... Friday from 11 AM to 7 PM. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Fire Weather Watch means that the potential for critical fire weather conditions exists. Listen for later forecasts and possible red flag warnings. && $$ TXZ001-006-011-012-016-017-071000- /O.CON.KAMA.FW.A.0002.250207T1700Z-250208T0100Z/ Dallam-Hartley-Oldham-Potter-Deaf Smith-Randall- 354 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FIRE WEATHER WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM FRIDAY MORNING THROUGH FRIDAY EVENING FOR STRONG WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR THE WESTERN AND SOUTH CENTRAL TEXAS PANHANDLE... * Affected Area...In Texas...Dallam...Hartley...Oldham... Potter... Deaf Smith and Randall. * 20 Foot Winds... 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 35 mph. * Relative Humidity... As low as 8 percent. * Red Flag Threat Index... 3 to 6. * Timing... Friday from 11 AM to 7 PM. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Fire Weather Watch means that the potential for critical fire weather conditions exists. Listen for later forecasts and possible red flag warnings. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit... www.weather.gov/ama  323 WALJ31 LJLJ 062146 LJLA AIRMET 8 VALID 062200/070200 LJLJ- LJLA LJUBLJANA FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N4525 E01344 - N4552 E01332 - N4559 E01358 - N4527 E01436 - N4525 E01344 SFC/5000FT STNR NC=  833 WSFG20 TFFF 062155 SOOO SIGMET 11 VALID 062200/070000 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR SEV ICE FCST WI N0400 W05130 - N0545 W05400 - N0915 W05400 - N0930 W05115 - N0630 W04815 - N0445 W04945 - N0430 W05115 - N0400 W05130 FL175/190 STNR INTSF=  032 WGUS83 KLMK 062156 FLSLMK Flood Advisory National Weather Service Louisville KY 356 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 INC123-KYC027-085-091-099-163-183-070100- /O.NEW.KLMK.FA.Y.0005.250206T2156Z-250207T0100Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Perry IN-Breckinridge KY-Grayson KY-Hancock KY-Hart KY-Meade KY- Ohio KY- 356 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 /456 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 PM CST /8 PM EST/ THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...Portions of south central Indiana, including the following county, Perry and central Kentucky, including the following counties, Breckinridge, Grayson, Hancock, Hart, Meade and Ohio. * WHEN...Until 700 PM CST /800 PM EST/. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 356 PM CST /456 PM EST/, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Leitchfield, Hartford, Hardinsburg, Webster, Beaver Dam, Irvington, Cloverport, Clarkson, Caneyville and Fordsville. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3747 8712 3763 8695 3767 8682 3771 8687 3779 8682 3784 8685 3784 8691 3789 8691 3792 8687 3783 8659 3805 8648 3779 8617 3757 8630 3749 8609 3737 8608 3733 8642 3743 8662 3726 8695 $$ MJ  291 WWUS73 KDMX 062157 NPWDMX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Des Moines IA 357 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 IAZ004>007-015>017-070000- /O.CON.KDMX.WI.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Emmet-Kossuth-Winnebago-Worth-Palo Alto-Hancock-Cerro Gordo- Including the cities of Clear Lake, Garner, Lake Mills, Northwood, Manly, Mason City, Estherville, Emmetsburg, Kanawha, Forest City, Algona, and Britt 357 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph expected. * WHERE...Cerro Gordo, Hancock, Kossuth, Winnebago, Worth, Emmet, and Palo Alto Counties. * WHEN...Until 6 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ Jimenez  532 WGUS81 KRNK 062157 FLSRNK Flood Advisory National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 457 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC163-062207- /O.EXP.KRNK.FA.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T2200Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Rockbridge VA- 457 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 5 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... The Flood Advisory will expire at 5 PM EST this afternoon for a portion of west central Virginia, including the following area, Rockbridge. Flood waters have receded. Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3777 7945 3775 7942 3768 7950 3775 7965 3779 7963 3783 7958 3777 7946 $$ VFJ  749 WWUS85 KABQ 062157 RFWABQ URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 257 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...RED FLAG WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM TO 7 PM FRIDAY FOR MUCH OF NORTHEAST AND EAST CENTRAL NM DUE TO VERY LOW HUMIDITY AND WINDY CONDITIONS... .Strong southwest winds will develop Friday mid morning east of the Sangre De Cristo and Sandia Mountains to the TX and OK borders, then continue into the early evening hours. In addition, minimum humidity will reach down into the single digits and high temperatures will challenge daily record values. This comes after many days of well above normal temperatures and very low humidity. NMZ104-123-125-126-071400- /O.UPG.KABQ.FW.A.0003.250207T1600Z-250208T0200Z/ /O.NEW.KABQ.FW.W.0003.250207T1600Z-250208T0200Z/ Northeast Plains-Northeast Highlands-Central Highlands- East Central Plains- 257 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...RED FLAG WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM TO 7 PM MST FRIDAY... The National Weather Service in Albuquerque has issued a Red Flag Warning...which is in effect from 9 AM to 7 PM MST Friday. The Fire Weather Watch is no longer in effect. * AREA AND TIMING...Northeast Highlands (Zone 123), Northeast Plains (Zone 104), Central Highlands (Zone 125) and the East Central Plains (Zone 126) from 9 AM TO 7 PM Friday. * 20 FOOT WINDS...Southwest 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...Minimum values between 6 and 11 percent. * IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please advise the appropriate officials or fire crews in the field of this Red Flag Warning. && $$  910 WWUS74 KLIX 062157 NPWLIX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service New Orleans LA 357 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 LAZ034>037-039-046>048-056>060-064>071-076>090-MSZ068>071-077- 083>088-070600- /O.CON.KLIX.FG.Y.0007.250207T0200Z-250207T1600Z/ Pointe Coupee-West Feliciana-East Feliciana-St. Helena-Washington- Iberville-West Baton Rouge-East Baton Rouge-Assumption-St. James- St. John The Baptist-Upper Lafourche-St. Charles-Upper St. Bernard-Upper Terrebonne-Lower Terrebonne-Lower Lafourche-Coastal Jefferson Parish-Lower Plaquemines-Lower St. Bernard-Northern Tangipahoa-Southeast St. Tammany-Western Orleans-Eastern Orleans- Northern St. Tammany-Southwestern St. Tammany-Central Tangipahoa- Lower Tangipahoa-Northern Livingston-Southern Livingston-Western Ascension-Eastern Ascension-Upper Jefferson-Lower Jefferson-Upper Plaquemines-Central Plaquemines-Wilkinson-Amite-Pike-Walthall- Pearl River-Northern Hancock-Northern Harrison-Northern Jackson- Southern Hancock-Southern Harrison-Southern Jackson- Including the cities of Tickfaw, Wilmer, Harahan, McComb, Thibodaux, Long Beach, Pearlington, East New Orleans, Westwego, Waveland, White Castle, Acy, Kenner, Lutcher, Independence, Moss Point, Leeville, Pointe A La Hache, Paincourtville, Gulfport, Greensburg, Necaise, St. Martin, Houma, Braithwaite, Vancleave, Livonia, Delacroix, Akers, Bush, Alliance, Woodville, Belle Chasse, Gillsburg, Picayune, Grand Isle, Montpelier, Laplace, Barataria, Amite, Lyman, Gramercy, Folsom, Jean Lafitte, Madisonville, Donaldsonville, Golden Meadow, Hammond, Biloxi, Convent, Empire, Springfield, Lafitte, Ponchatoula, Raceland, Dulac, Chauvin, Galliano, Port Sulphur, Liberty, Slidell, Saucier, Bayou Sorrel, Darlington, Dexter, Metairie, Prairieville, Dolorosa, Baton Rouge, French Settlement, Whitehall, Gretna, Escatawpa, Geismar, Myrtle Grove, Brusly, McNeil, Denham Springs, Plaquemine, Gonzales, Yscloskey, Walker, Pascagoula, Crossroads, Lettsworth, Montegut, Killian, Addis, Pass Christian, Violet, Labadieville, Jackson, Fort Adams, Covington, Marrero, Shell Beach, Spillman, Larose, New Orleans, Tylertown, Ocean Springs, Gloster, Wakefield, Pierre Part, St. Francisville, Easleyville, Bayou Cane, Enon, Robert, Sellers, Wade, Boothville, Bogalusa, Centreville, Poplarville, Venice, Reserve, Destrehan, Cut Off, Smithdale, Kiln, Livingston, Salem, Norco, Cocodrie, Clinton, Sorrento, Franklinton, Gautier, Mandeville, Meraux, Bay St. Louis, Roseland, Kentwood, Diamondhead, Chalmette, Buras, Felps, Port Allen, and New Roads 357 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. Near zero visibility expected in areas where superfog develops. * WHERE...All of southeast Louisiana and southern Mississippi. Superfog concerns are highest in metro New Orleans. * WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to 10 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your low beam headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ PG  360 WUUS53 KJKL 062158 SVRJKL KYC095-062215- /O.NEW.KJKL.SV.W.0015.250206T2158Z-250206T2215Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service JACKSON KY 458 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in JACKSON KY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... South central Harlan County in southeastern Kentucky... * Until 515 PM EST. * At 458 PM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Bobs Creek, or near Harlan, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Cranks around 505 PM EST. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3676 8333 3684 8328 3682 8310 3680 8310 3678 8313 3675 8313 3674 8314 3674 8320 3673 8324 TIME...MOT...LOC 2158Z 279DEG 24KT 3681 8323 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ GEERTSON  092 WWUS54 KMRX 062159 SVSMRX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Morristown TN 459 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC105-062230- /O.CON.KMRX.SV.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250206T2230Z/ Lee VA- 459 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 530 PM EST FOR CENTRAL LEE COUNTY... At 458 PM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Bobs Creek, or near Harlan, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Jonesville, Pennington Gap, and St. Charles. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3665 8304 3673 8325 3674 8320 3674 8314 3675 8313 3678 8313 3680 8310 3683 8310 3681 8298 TIME...MOT...LOC 2158Z 280DEG 25KT 3679 8324 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ DGS  542 WSJP31 RJTD 062158 RJJJ SIGMET P01 VALID 062158/070158 RJTD- RJJJ FUKUOKA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N3318 E12807 - N3440 E12910 - N3630 E13139 - N3650 E13823 - N3408 E13741 - N3318 E12807 FL130/190 MOV E 10KT INTSF=  543 WSJP31 RJTD 062158 RJJJ SIGMET P01 VALID 062158/070158 RJTD- RJJJ FUKUOKA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N3318 E12807 - N3440 E12910 - N3630 E13139 - N3650 E13823 - N3408 E13741 - N3318 E12807 FL130/190 MOV E 10KT INTSF=  933 WWUS85 KABQ 062200 RFWABQ URGENT - FIRE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Albuquerque NM 300 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...RED FLAG WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM TO 7 PM FRIDAY FOR MUCH OF NORTHEAST AND EAST CENTRAL NM DUE TO VERY LOW HUMIDITY AND WINDY CONDITIONS... .Strong southwest winds will develop Friday mid morning east of the Sangre De Cristo and Sandia Mountains to the TX and OK borders, then continue into the early evening hours. In addition, minimum humidity will reach down into the single digits and high temperatures will challenge daily record values. This comes after many days of well above normal temperatures and very low humidity. NMZ104-123-125-126-071400- /O.UPG.KABQ.FW.A.0003.250207T1600Z-250208T0200Z/ /O.NEW.KABQ.FW.W.0003.250207T1600Z-250208T0200Z/ Northeast Plains-Northeast Highlands-Central Highlands- East Central Plains- 300 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...RED FLAG WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 9 AM TO 7 PM MST FRIDAY... The National Weather Service in Albuquerque has issued a Red Flag Warning...which is in effect from 9 AM to 7 PM MST Friday. The Fire Weather Watch is no longer in effect. * AREA AND TIMING...Northeast Highlands (Zone 123), Northeast Plains (Zone 104), Central Highlands (Zone 125) and the East Central Plains (Zone 126) from 9 AM TO 7 PM Friday. * 20 FOOT WINDS...Southwest 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...Minimum values between 6 and 11 percent. * IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please advise the appropriate officials or fire crews in the field of this Red Flag Warning. && $$  471 WWUS83 KJKL 062200 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 500 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ087-088-062230- Bell KY-Harlan KY- 500 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHWESTERN HARLAN AND EAST CENTRAL BELL COUNTIES THROUGH 530 PM EST... At 500 PM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Stony Fork Junction, or 10 miles northeast of Pineville, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Harlan, Wallins Creek, Blackmont, Hensley Store, Mary Alice, Teetersville, Liggett, Coldiron, Stony Fork Junction, Black Snake, Pathfork, Kentenia, Tacky Town, Elcomb, Tremont, Grays Knob, Molus, Tway, Martins Fork, and White Star. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3680 8360 3687 8359 3683 8328 3670 8334 TIME...MOT...LOC 2200Z 279DEG 24KT 3683 8354 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ GEERTSON  559 WHUS76 KMFR 062201 MWWMFR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 201 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 PZZ370-376-071115- /O.EXT.KMFR.SC.Y.0016.250207T0000Z-250208T0000Z/ Waters from Florence to Cape Blanco OR from 10 to 60 nm- Waters from Cape Blanco OR to Pt. St. George CA from 10 to 60 nm- 201 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...North winds 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and steep seas 6 to 8 ft at 6 seconds expected. * WHERE...All areas. * WHEN...Until 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds and/or steep seas could capsize or damage smaller vessels. * View the hazard area in detail at https://go.usa.gov/x6hks PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners and those operating smaller vessels should remain in port and avoid the area of hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ350-356-071115- /O.EXT.KMFR.SC.Y.0016.250207T0300Z-250208T0000Z/ Coastal waters from Florence to Cape Blanco OR out 10 nm- Coastal waters from Cape Blanco OR to Pt. St. George CA out 10 nm- 201 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Northwest winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and steep seas 5 to 8 ft at 6 seconds. * WHERE...All areas. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds and/or steep seas could capsize or damage smaller vessels. * View the hazard area in detail at https://go.usa.gov/x6hks PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners and those operating smaller vessels should remain in port and avoid the area of hazardous conditions. && $$ Visit us at https://www.weather.gov/Medford  714 WSAG31 SARE 062206 SARR SIGMET A1 VALID 062206/070206 SARE- SARR RESISTENCIA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2130Z WI S2713 W05842 - S2735 W05623 - S2655 W05509 - S2539 W05437 - S2539 W05353 - S2702 W05343 - S2831 W05558 - S2728 W05848 - S2713 W05842 TOP FL370 MOV NNE 05KT INTSF=  908 WSAG31 SARE 062206 SARR SIGMET A1 VALID 062206/070206 SARE- SARR RESISTENCIA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2130Z WI S2713 W05842 - S2735 W05623 - S2655 W05509 - S2539 W05437 - S2539 W05353 - S2702 W05343 - S2831 W05558 - S2728 W05848 - S2713 W05842 TOP FL370 MOV NNE 05KT INTSF=  495 WABZ23 SBGL 062200 SBRE AIRMET 22 VALID 062201/070110 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SFC VIS 0500M RA FCST WI S0254 W04439 - S0254 W04349 - S0217 W04349 - S0217 W04439 - S0254 W04439 STNR NC=  702 WHUS76 KLOX 062203 MWWLOX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard CA 203 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 PZZ645-670-673-070700- /O.CON.KLOX.GL.W.0007.000000T0000Z-250207T1100Z/ Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal westward out to 10 NM- Point Piedras Blancas to Point Sal from 10 to 60 NM- Waters from Pt. Sal to Santa Cruz Island CA and westward 60 nm including San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands- 203 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 25 to 35 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and combined seas 7 to 11 ft when conditions are worst. * WHERE...Portions of the coastal waters of southwest California. * WHEN...Until 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will create dangerous sea conditions which could capsize or damage small and large vessels. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...See the Coastal Waters Forecast (CWFLOX) for more. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for severe conditions. && $$ PZZ676-070700- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0022.250206T2300Z-250207T1200Z/ Outer waters from Santa Cruz Island to San Clemente Island to 60 NM offshore including San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands- 203 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Hazardous wind and sea conditions. * WHERE...Outer waters from Santa Cruz Island to San Clemente Island to 60 NM offshore including San Nicolas and Santa Barbara Islands. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...See the Coastal Waters Forecast (CWFLOX) for more. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ650-070700- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0022.250206T2300Z-250207T1200Z/ East Santa Barbara Channel from Pt. Conception to Pt. Mugu CA including Santa Cruz Island- 203 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Hazardous wind and sea conditions. * WHERE...East Santa Barbara Channel from Pt. Conception to Pt. Mugu CA including Santa Cruz Island. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...See the Coastal Waters Forecast (CWFLOX) for more. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ655-070700- /O.CON.KLOX.SC.Y.0022.250206T2300Z-250207T1200Z/ Inner waters from Point Mugu to San Mateo Pt. CA including Santa Catalina and Anacapa Islands- 203 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Hazardous wind and sea conditions. * WHERE...Inner waters from Point Mugu to San Mateo Pt. CA including Santa Catalina and Anacapa Islands. * WHEN...Until 4 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...See the Coastal Waters Forecast (CWFLOX) for more. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  075 WWUS46 KMFR 062204 WSWMFR URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Medford OR 204 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ORZ023-025-071130- /O.CAN.KMFR.WS.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.EXT.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250207T1500Z/ Central Douglas County-Eastern Douglas County Foothills- Including the cities of Toketee Falls, Roseburg, Umpqua, Green, Winchester, and Sutherlin 204 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM PST FRIDAY FOR ELEVATIONS ABOVE 2000 FEET... ...WINTER STORM WARNING IS CANCELLED... * WHAT...Snow expected for elevations above 2000 feet. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 4 inches. Trace amounts to 2 inches are expected bellow 2000 feet. * WHERE...Elevations above 2000 feet in Central Douglas County and Eastern Douglas County Foothills. This includes Canyon Creek Pass and Stage Pass on I-5. * WHEN...Until 7 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visit weather.gov/mfr/winter for probabilistic snow totals. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. Call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ ORZ024-026-071130- /O.EXT.KMFR.WS.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T1500Z/ /O.EXT.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250207T1500Z/ Eastern Curry County and Josephine County-Jackson County- Including the cities of Merlin, Ashland, Medford, Grants Pass, and Wilderville 204 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM PST FRIDAY FOR ELEVATIONS ABOVE 2000 FEET... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 7 AM PST FRIDAY FOR ELEVATIONS BELOW 2000 FEET... * WHAT...For the Winter Storm Warning, heavy snow expected above 2000 feet. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 7 inches. For the Winter Weather Advisory below 2000 feet, snow expected. Total snow accumulations up to two inches. * WHERE...For the Winter Storm Warming, elevations above 2000 feet in Eastern Curry County, Josephine County and Jackson County. This includes much of I-5, 140, 62 and Jacksonville Hill. For the winter weather advisory, elevations below 2000 feet to the valley floors. * WHEN...Until 7 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visit weather.gov/mfr/winter for probabilistic snow totals. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. Slow down and use caution while traveling. Call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ CAZ080-071130- /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Western Siskiyou County- Including the cities of Somes Bar, Fort Jones, Greenview, Callahan, Happy Camp, Scott Bar, and Etna 204 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Winter Storm Warning, heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations between 3 and 11 inches. For the Winter Weather Advisory, snow. Additional snow accumulations up to 3 inches. * WHERE...For the Winter Storm Warning, elevations above 2000 feet in western Siskiyou County. This includes Etna Summit on Sawyers Bar Rd. For the winter weather advisory, elevations below 2000 feet in western Siskiyou County. * WHEN...Until 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Roads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visit weather.gov/mfr/winter for probabilistic snow totals. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. Call 511 or visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov for road information. Slow down and use caution while traveling. In California, call 511 or visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov for road information. In Oregon, call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ CAZ081-084-085-ORZ029-071130- /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Central Siskiyou County-Northeast Siskiyou and Northwest Modoc Counties-Modoc County-Klamath Basin- Including the cities of Hilt, Altamont, Newell, Yreka, Adin, Klamath Falls, Alturas, Dorris, Tulelake, Day, Lookout, Davis Creek, Midland, Likely, Olene, Macdoel, Canby, and Klamath River 204 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST FRIDAY... ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Winter Storm Warning, heavy snow expected generally above 3500 feet. Total snow accumulations between 6 and 12 inches. Winds gusting as high as 50 mph over exposed terrain. For the Winter Weather Advisory generally below 3500 feet, snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 6 inches. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...In California, the Shasta Valley, Northeast Siskiyou County and Northwest Modoc Counties. This includes Black Butte pass on I-5, Snowmans Hill and Dead Horse Summit on highway 89, Grass Lake on US Route 97 and Cedar Pass on 299. In Oregon, the Klamath Basin. * WHEN...Until 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visit weather.gov/mfr/winter for probabilistic snow totals. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. In California, call 511 or visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov for road information. In Oregon, call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. Slow down and use caution while traveling. In California, call 511 or visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov for road information. In Oregon, call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ CAZ082-083-ORZ030-031-071130- /O.CON.KMFR.WS.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ South Central Siskiyou County-North Central and Southeast Siskiyou County-Northern and Eastern Klamath County and Western Lake County-Central and Eastern Lake County- Including the cities of Adel, Bray, Gilchrist, McCloud, Chemult, New Pine Creek, Pondosa, Lakeview, Valley Falls, Fort Rock, Mount Shasta, Tennant, Crescent, and Dunsmuir 204 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 12 inches. Winds gusting as high as 40 mph. * WHERE...In Oregon, Lake County and eastern Klamath County. In California, South Central Siskiyou County, North Central and Southeast Siskiyou County. * WHEN...Until 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visit weather.gov/mfr/winter for probabilistic snow totals. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. In California, call 511 or visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov for road information. In Oregon, call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ ORZ027-028-071130- /O.CON.KMFR.WW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ South Central Oregon Cascades-Siskiyou Mountains and Southern Oregon Cascades- Including the cities of Diamond Lake, Crescent Lake, Siskiyou Summit, and Howard Prairie 204 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations between 4 and 12 inches. * WHERE...The southern Oregon Cascades and Siskiyou Mountains. This includes Siskiyou Pass on I-5, Mt Ashland, Diamond Lake Junction and Crater Lake. * WHEN...Until 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Visit weather.gov/mfr/winter for probabilistic snow totals. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In California, call 511 or visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov for road information. In Oregon, call 511 or visit tripcheck.com for road information. && $$ Smith  359 WUUS53 KJKL 062205 SVRJKL KYC095-133-193-062230- /O.NEW.KJKL.SV.W.0016.250206T2205Z-250206T2230Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service JACKSON KY 505 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in JACKSON KY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Harlan County in southeastern Kentucky... Southern Letcher County in southeastern Kentucky... Southern Perry County in southeastern Kentucky... * Until 530 PM EST. * At 505 PM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Diane, or 14 miles northeast of Harlan, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Cumberland around 510 PM EST. Lynch around 515 PM EST. Kings Creek around 520 PM EST. Other locations in the path of this severe thunderstorm include Day. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3687 8312 3698 8319 3719 8271 3713 8268 3712 8272 3708 8272 3707 8273 3705 8272 3701 8278 3701 8283 3699 8284 3698 8287 3693 8286 3690 8287 TIME...MOT...LOC 2205Z 249DEG 33KT 3694 8308 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ GEERTSON  429 WGUS41 KRLX 062205 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 505 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC001-033-083-097-070200- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0017.000000T0000Z-250207T0200Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Barbour WV-Harrison WV-Randolph WV-Upshur WV- 505 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...A portion of northern West Virginia, including the following counties, Barbour, Harrison, Randolph and Upshur. * WHEN...Until 900 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 504 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water across the area as area creeks slowly recede this evening. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Elkins, Audra State Park, Belington, Beverly, Junior, Lost Creek, Womelsdorf (Coalton), Ellamore, Volga, Hodgesville and Century. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3905 7989 3881 7973 3882 7984 3886 7990 3874 8003 3895 8011 3917 8035 $$ JLB  482 WABZ23 SBGL 062200 SBRE AIRMET 23 VALID 062205/070110 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR CNL AIRMET 22 062201/070110=  619 WABZ23 SBGL 062200 SBAZ AIRMET 13 VALID 062201/070110 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR SFC VIS 0500M RA FCST WI S0254 W04439 - S0254 W04349 - S0217 W04349 - S0217 W04439 - S0254 W04439 STNR NC=  450 WWCN02 CYTR 062207 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB PETAWAWA PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 5:07 PM EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB PETAWAWA (CYWA) TYPE: FREEZING PRECIPITATION WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: FREEZING RAIN/DRIZZLE VALID: UNTIL 07/0400Z (UNTIL 06/2300 EST) COMMENTS: PATCHY FREEZING DRIZZLE UNDER A WIDESPREAD AREA OF STRATUS HAS DEVELOPED OVER CFB PETAWAWA. THE FREEZING DRIZZLE IS EXPECTED TO BE SPORADIC IN NATURE LATE THIS AFTERNOON AND EVENING. FREEZING DRIZZLE IS EXPECTED TO TAPER OFF NEAR MIDNIGHT AS THE STRATUS THINS OUT AND MOVES OUT OF THE AREA. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 07/0400Z (06/2300 EST) END/JMC  769 WSNO31 ENMI 062208 ENOR SIGMET M05 VALID 062300/070300 ENMI- ENOR POLARIS FIR SEV MTW FCST WI N6505 E01415 - N6515 E01200 - N6900 E01250 - N7045 E02020 - N7120 E02725 - N7035 E03110 - N6935 E03100 - N6850 E02050 - N6505 E01415 SFC/FL430 MOV NE 5KT NC=  962 WUUS54 KMRX 062208 SVRMRX VAC195-720-062300- /O.NEW.KMRX.SV.W.0004.250206T2208Z-250206T2300Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Morristown TN 508 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Morristown has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... The City of Norton in southwestern Virginia... Wise County in southwestern Virginia... * Until 600 PM EST. * At 508 PM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Hiram, or 15 miles southwest of Whitesburg, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Norton, Wise, Coeburn, Appalachia, Pound, and Pardee. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3713 8255 3710 8253 3691 8248 3689 8288 3693 8286 3698 8287 3699 8284 3701 8283 3701 8278 3703 8276 3703 8275 3704 8274 3705 8272 3712 8272 3716 8255 TIME...MOT...LOC 2208Z 260DEG 37KT 3695 8301 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ DGS  656 WSMA31 FIMP 062200 FIMM SIGMET B03 VALID 062200/070200 FIMP- FIMM MAURITIUS FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2130Z WI S2600 E05700 - S2800 E0583 0 - S3000 E05830 - S3230 E06430 - S3600 E06500 - S3400 E06100 - S3200 E 06500 - S3000 E05700 - S2600 E05700 TOP ABV FL390 STNR NC=  319 WWUS83 KJKL 062210 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 510 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ088-062245- Harlan KY- 510 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHWESTERN HARLAN COUNTY THROUGH 545 PM EST... At 510 PM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Tacky Town, or 8 miles west of Harlan, moving east at 25 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Harlan, Loyall, Wallins Creek, Clovertown, Rosspoint, Kitts, Baxter, Sunshine, Ages, Verda, Coldiron, Coxton, Golden Ash, Tacky Town, Elcomb, Tremont, Molus, Harlan Gas, Tway, and White Star. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3682 8351 3685 8348 3687 8350 3688 8349 3689 8346 3688 8346 3690 8345 3689 8341 3690 8340 3691 8340 3696 8324 3683 8321 3680 8350 TIME...MOT...LOC 2210Z 257DEG 21KT 3685 8347 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ GEERTSON  016 ACUS11 KWNS 062210 SWOMCD SPC MCD 062210 VAZ000-NCZ000-WVZ000-TNZ000-KYZ000-070015- Mesoscale Discussion 0071 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0410 PM CST Thu Feb 06 2025 Areas affected...Parts of middle/eastern TN...southern KY...far southwest VA...far western NC Concerning...Severe potential...Watch possible Valid 062210Z - 070015Z Probability of Watch Issuance...40 percent SUMMARY...Some increase in storm coverage will be possible into the early evening, including the potential for a couple of supercells with a threat of hail, damaging gusts, and possibly a tornado or two. DISCUSSION...Relatively strong diurnal heating occurred this afternoon from northeast TN into southeast KY, with greater cloudiness and weaker heating noted across the rest of TN. Seasonably rich low-level moisture is supporting MLCAPE of around 500-1000 J/kg near and south of a surface front extending from southeast KY into northwest TN, and area VWPs continue to depict strong deep-layer flow/shear that is conditionally favorable for organized convection. Thus far this afternoon, robust convection has mostly been confined to areas north of the boundary, aided by modest low-level warm advection, though a couple stronger cells have recently developed across far southeast KY, while another cell is gradually becoming better organized east of Clarksville, TN. Coverage of storms into the early evening remains uncertain, with stronger frontal convergence expected across western TN (where cloudiness has persisted), and more nebulous large-scale ascent expected in the short-term across southeast KY and eastern TN, where stronger heating occurred. However, with time, a couple of supercells and/or stronger clusters could develop and spread eastward into the early evening. Should this occur, a threat for locally damaging wind and hail could evolve with time. Also, while low-level flow is rather modest and veered across the warm sector, low-level shear/SRH is sufficient to support some tornado threat, especially if any right-moving supercells can be sustained into the early evening. While coverage and magnitude of the threat remain somewhat uncertain, watch issuance remains possible if an increase in organized convection appears imminent. ..Dean/Hart.. 02/06/2025 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...RNK...RLX...GSP...MRX...JKL...LMK...OHX...PAH... MEG... LAT...LON 36578730 36838639 37058540 37288382 37378194 37108145 36528154 35888225 35518307 35448376 35458472 35618597 35698676 35818739 35898781 36198798 36578730  809 WSPS21 NZKL 062208 NZZO SIGMET 27 VALID 062210/070210 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3520 E17930 - S3440 W17500 - S3230 W16940 - S3320 W16920 - S3600 W17450 - S3600 W17930 - S3520 E17930 FL370/430 MOV ESE 20KT NC=  050 WSPS21 NZKL 062209 NZZO SIGMET 28 VALID 062211/062238 NZKL- NZZO AUCKLAND OCEANIC FIR CNL SIGMET 25 061838/062238=  680 WWUS53 KJKL 062212 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 512 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC193-062221- /O.CAN.KJKL.SV.W.0016.000000T0000Z-250206T2230Z/ Perry KY- 512 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN PERRY COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The severe thunderstorm which prompted the warning has moved out of the warned area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. && LAT...LON 3688 8307 3698 8312 3717 8270 3713 8268 3712 8272 3708 8272 3707 8273 3705 8272 3701 8278 3701 8283 3699 8284 3698 8287 3693 8286 3690 8287 TIME...MOT...LOC 2211Z 249DEG 33KT 3696 8301 $$ KYC095-133-062230- /O.CON.KJKL.SV.W.0016.000000T0000Z-250206T2230Z/ Harlan KY-Letcher KY- 512 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 530 PM EST FOR NORTHEASTERN HARLAN AND SOUTHERN LETCHER COUNTIES... At 511 PM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Cumberland, or 14 miles southwest of Whitesburg, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe storm will be near... Cumberland around 515 PM EST. Kings Creek around 520 PM EST. Day around 525 PM EST. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3688 8307 3698 8312 3717 8270 3713 8268 3712 8272 3708 8272 3707 8273 3705 8272 3701 8278 3701 8283 3699 8284 3698 8287 3693 8286 3690 8287 TIME...MOT...LOC 2211Z 249DEG 33KT 3696 8301 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.25 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ GEERTSON  742 WWUS84 KOHX 062213 SPSOHX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Nashville TN 413 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 TNZ007-008-027-062245- Robertson TN-Davidson TN-Sumner TN- 413 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHEASTERN DAVIDSON... SOUTHWESTERN SUMNER AND CENTRAL ROBERTSON COUNTIES THROUGH 445 PM CST... At 412 PM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Springfield, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Springfield, Madison, Hendersonville, Goodlettsville, White House, Millersville, Greenbrier, Coopertown, Lakewood, Ridgetop, Cross Plains, Old Hickory, Joelton, Pleasant View, Whites Creek, and Cottontown. This includes the following highways... Interstate 65 between mile markers 88 and 111. Interstate 24 between mile markers 22 and 26, and between mile markers 32 and 44. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3647 8646 3614 8667 3632 8692 3637 8691 3639 8692 3638 8693 3639 8694 3638 8694 3638 8696 3637 8698 3638 8699 3640 8703 3643 8707 3659 8694 TIME...MOT...LOC 2212Z 297DEG 32KT 3646 8691 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.75 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ Baggett  590 WAGR31 LGAT 062211 LGGG AIRMET 7 VALID 062211/070111 LGAT- LGGG ATHINAI FIR BKN CLD 2500/8000 FT FCST ATHINAI TMA STNR NC=  284 WGUS86 KSTO 062214 FLSUSA Flood Statement National Weather Service Sacramento CA 214 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in California... Sacramento River At Ord Ferry affecting Glenn and Butte Counties. Sacramento River At Tehama Bridge affecting Tehama County. For the Upper Sacramento River...including Tehama Bridge, Ord Ferry...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. For more hydrologic information and stage definitions refer to the following web site: wrh.noaa.gov/sto/hydro_data.php The next statement will be issued Friday afternoon at 215 PM PST. && CAC007-021-072215- /O.EXT.KSTO.FL.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250208T0100Z/ /ORFC1.1.ER.250205T0443Z.250206T2300Z.250207T1900Z.NO/ 214 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL TOMORROW AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Sacramento River at Ord Ferry. * WHEN...Until tomorrow afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1:45 PM PST Thursday the stage was 114.8 feet. - Bankfull stage is 114.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 1:45 PM PST Thursday was 115.4 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 116.1 feet late this afternoon. It will then fall below flood stage late tomorrow morning. - Flood stage is 114.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 116.3 feet on 04/13/2006. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3971 12211 3971 12189 3955 12185 3953 12206 $$ CAC103-072215- /O.CON.KSTO.FL.W.0001.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/ /TEHC1.2.ER.250203T0951Z.250205T1745Z.000000T0000Z.UU/ 214 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE... * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Sacramento River at Tehama Bridge. * WHEN...Until further notice. * IMPACTS...At 210.7 feet, Between 210 and 211 feet the county park becomes inaccessible. At 211 feet water begins to enter Driftwood RV fishing resort on east bank of river and just north of the county park. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1:00 PM PST Thursday the stage was 205.1 feet. - Bankfull stage is 206.5 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage late tonight and continue rising to a crest of 211.6 feet early tomorrow afternoon. - Flood stage is 209.5 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 211.6 feet on 04/07/2018. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 4009 12228 4010 12205 3996 12199 3994 12221 $$ CC  724 WSPR31 SPJC 062214 SPIM SIGMET 8 VALID 062215/070115 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2150Z WI S0904 W07800 - S1250 W07647 - S1513 W07521 - S1650 W07132 - S1537 W07106 - S1321 W07416 - S1038 W07115 - S0904 W07800 TOP FL460 STNR NC=  725 WOCN10 CWUL 062213 WEATHER ADVISORY FOR QUEBEC UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:13 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WEATHER ADVISORY FOR: EASTERN TOWNSHIPS BEAUCE DRUMMONDVILLE - BOIS-FRANCS MAURICIE QUEBEC. WEATHER ADVISORY ENDED FOR: METRO MONTREAL - LAVAL RICHELIEU VALLEY - SAINT-HYACINTHE LANAUDIERE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WHAT: POOR VISIBILITIES IN MODERATE SNOW, CAUSING POOR TRAVEL CONDITIONS. WHEN: UNTIL EARLY EVENING POOR WEATHER CONDITIONS MAY CONTRIBUTE TO TRANSPORTATION DELAYS. BE PREPARED TO ADJUST YOUR DRIVING WITH CHANGING ROAD CONDITIONS. SLOW DOWN DRIVING IN SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. WATCH FOR TAILLIGHTS AHEAD AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  391 WAIY31 LIIB 062216 LIMM AIRMET 11 VALID 062230/070230 LIIB- LIMM MILANO FIR SFC VIS 2000M BR FCST WI N4528 E00827 - N4453 E00756 - N4449 E00834 - N4438 E01014 - N4346 E01256 - N4426 E01219 - N4531 E01233 - N4528 E00827 STNR NC=  392 WWUS53 KJKL 062215 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 515 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC095-062225- /O.EXP.KJKL.SV.W.0015.000000T0000Z-250206T2215Z/ Harlan KY- 515 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL HARLAN COUNTY HAS EXPIRED... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been allowed to expire. && LAT...LON 3676 8333 3684 8328 3682 8310 3680 8310 3678 8313 3675 8313 3674 8314 3674 8320 3673 8324 TIME...MOT...LOC 2215Z 279DEG 24KT 3679 8310 $$ GINNICK  197 WAIY32 LIIB 062216 LIRR AIRMET 11 VALID 062230/070230 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3757 E01507 - N3854 E01614 - N4003 E01539 - N4001 E01523 - N4023 E01503 - N4122 E01435 - N4112 E01506 - N3919 E01612 - N3900 E01628 - N3856 E01650 - N3802 E01606 - N3802 E01530 - N3728 E01501 - N3648 E01452 - N3752 E01234 - N3757 E01507 STNR NC=  750 WAIY33 LIIB 062216 LIBB AIRMET 2 VALID 062230/070230 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4112 E01506 - N3919 E01612 - N3900 E01628 - N3856 E01650 - N3930 E01651 - N3936 E01634 - N4036 E01611 - N4112 E01506 STNR NC=  383 WWUS83 KLMK 062216 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 516 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ027-028-045-053-054-063>065-062300- Hart KY-Grayson KY-Marion KY-Taylor KY-Nelson KY-Larue KY-Hardin KY- Green KY- 516 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHWESTERN NELSON... NORTHWESTERN GREEN...LARUE...NORTHWESTERN MARION...NORTHEASTERN HART...NORTHWESTERN TAYLOR...NORTHEASTERN GRAYSON AND SOUTHERN HARDIN COUNTIES THROUGH 600 PM EST/500 PM CST/... At 516 PM EST/416 PM CST/, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 10 miles northeast of Leitchfield, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Pea size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Elizabethtown, Hodgenville, Clarkson, New Haven, Loretto, Upton, Sonora, Raywick, Boundary Oak, and Dant. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3776 8538 3776 8537 3774 8538 3774 8539 3773 8540 3772 8540 3771 8539 3737 8549 3747 8621 3765 8624 TIME...MOT...LOC 2216Z 260DEG 40KT 3758 8613 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.25 IN MAX WIND GUST...<30 MPH $$ JDG  115 WAIY31 LIIB 062217 LIMM AIRMET 12 VALID 062230/070230 LIIB- LIMM MILANO FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4338 E01151 - N4420 E01018 - N4433 E01024 - N4356 E01222 - N4333 E01300 - N4338 E01151 STNR NC=  514 WGUS83 KLMK 062217 FLSLMK Flood Advisory National Weather Service Louisville KY 417 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC085-087-093-099-123-179-070130- /O.NEW.KLMK.FA.Y.0006.250206T2217Z-250207T0130Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Grayson KY-Green KY-Hardin KY-Hart KY-Larue KY-Nelson KY- 417 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 /517 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025/ ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 730 PM CST /830 PM EST/ THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...A portion of central Kentucky, including the following counties, Grayson, Green, Hardin, Hart, Larue and Nelson. * WHEN...Until 730 PM CST /830 PM EST/. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 417 PM CST /517 PM EST/, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Elizabethtown, Hodgenville, Munfordville, Radcliff, Monroe, Horse Cave, Upton, Sonora, Bonnieville and Nolin. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3746 8603 3758 8611 3759 8624 3779 8616 3774 8569 3767 8561 3757 8563 3750 8560 3751 8550 3747 8552 3748 8565 3732 8570 3720 8569 3717 8601 3724 8606 3731 8612 3737 8603 $$ MJ  465 WAIY32 LIIB 062218 LIRR AIRMET 12 VALID 062230/070230 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3906 E00832 - N4021 E00831 - N4029 E00942 - N3910 E00928 - N3906 E00832 STNR NC=  620 WAIY32 LIIB 062219 LIRR AIRMET 13 VALID 062230/070230 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4155 E01320 - N4339 E01149 - N4331 E01312 - N4300 E01301 - N4153 E01358 - N4155 E01320 STNR NC=  262 WAIY33 LIIB 062219 LIBB AIRMET 3 VALID 062230/070230 LIIB- LIBB BRINDISI FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N4150 E01426 - N4331 E01312 - N4300 E01301 - N4153 E01358 - N4150 E01426 STNR NC=  526 WGUS81 KRLX 062219 FLSRLX Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 519 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 OHC053-WVC011-013-035-039-053-079-087-105-062229- /O.CAN.KRLX.FA.W.0012.000000T0000Z-250206T2330Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Gallia OH-Cabell WV-Calhoun WV-Jackson WV-Kanawha WV-Mason WV- Putnam WV-Roane WV-Wirt WV- 519 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IS CANCELLED... The Flood Warning is cancelled for portions of southeast Ohio, including the following county, Gallia and West Virginia, including the following counties, Cabell, Calhoun, Jackson, Kanawha, Mason, Putnam, Roane and Wirt. Flood waters are receding. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3860 8274 3868 8276 3868 8271 3869 8270 3874 8247 3868 8247 3868 8245 3844 8241 3841 8258 3847 8261 3853 8269 3851 8316 3859 8307 3863 8307 3866 8286 3860 8285 3857 8282 $$ KYC089-OHC087-062330- /O.CON.KRLX.FA.W.0012.000000T0000Z-250206T2330Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Greenup KY-Lawrence OH- 519 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 630 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Kentucky, including the following county, Greenup and southeast Ohio, including the following county, Lawrence. * WHEN...Until 630 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 513 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water across the area. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Ashland, Ironton, Coal Grove, Chesapeake, Lake Vesuvius, Kenova, Greenup, Load, Letitia, Flatwoods, South Point, Russell, Vernon, Waterloo, Raceland, Worthington, Wurtland, Aid, Hanging Rock and Pedro. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3860 8274 3868 8276 3868 8271 3869 8270 3874 8247 3868 8247 3868 8245 3844 8241 3841 8258 3847 8261 3853 8269 3851 8316 3859 8307 3863 8307 3866 8286 3860 8285 3857 8282 $$ JLB  260 WAIY32 LIIB 062221 LIRR AIRMET 14 VALID 062230/070230 LIIB- LIRR ROMA FIR ISOL TS FCST WI N3850 E00815 - N3945 E01023 - N3926 E01316 - N3625 E01434 - N3628 E01125 - N3728 E01125 - N3850 E00815 TOP ABV FL150 STNR NC=  849 WGUS81 KRLX 062221 FLSRLX Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 521 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 OHC009-053-079-087-105-163-167-WVC107-062231- /O.EXP.KRLX.FA.W.0022.000000T0000Z-250206T2230Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Athens OH-Gallia OH-Jackson OH-Lawrence OH-Meigs OH-Vinton OH- Washington OH-Wood WV- 521 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 530 PM EST THIS AFTERNOON... The Flood Warning will expire at 530 PM EST this afternoon for portions of southeast Ohio, including the following counties, Athens, Gallia, Jackson, Lawrence, Meigs, Vinton and Washington and northern West Virginia, including the following county, Wood. Flood waters are receding. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3870 8270 3875 8270 3875 8266 3885 8265 3885 8276 3894 8275 3895 8281 3915 8279 3921 8260 3927 8221 3938 8155 3930 8148 3918 8178 3918 8208 3909 8200 3905 8221 3868 8269 $$ JLB  090 WSRS31 RUSF 062220 URFV SIGMET 6 VALID 062300/070300 URFF- URFV SIMFEROPOL FIR SEV TURB FCST ENTIRE FIR SFC/FL100 STNR NC=  172 WUUS54 KMRX 062221 SVRMRX VAC105-169-062300- /O.NEW.KMRX.SV.W.0005.250206T2221Z-250206T2300Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Morristown TN 521 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Morristown has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Lee County in southwestern Virginia... Southwestern Scott County in southwestern Virginia... * Until 600 PM EST. * At 521 PM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Pennington Gap, or 7 miles northeast of Jonesville, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Pennington Gap, St. Charles, Duffield, Clinchport, Jasper, Dryden, and Pattonsville. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3682 8279 3680 8277 3681 8276 3680 8259 3661 8264 3673 8310 3684 8306 TIME...MOT...LOC 2221Z 280DEG 29KT 3677 8301 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ DGS  719 WWUS45 KREV 062221 WSWREV URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Reno NV 221 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAZ071-071430- /O.CON.KREV.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250207T2000Z/ Lassen-Eastern Plumas-Eastern Sierra Counties- Including the cities of Loyalton, Westwood, Portola, Susanville, and Sierraville 221 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON PST FRIDAY ABOVE 5000 FEET... * WHAT...Heavy snow above 5000 feet. Additional snow accumulations between 4 to 10 inches with an additional foot of snow possible at the highest mountain peaks. Ridge winds gusting as high as 80 mph with gusts up to 50 mph at lower elevations. * WHERE...Lassen-Eastern Plumas-Eastern Sierra Counties. * WHEN...Until noon PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. Strong winds could cause damage to trees and power lines. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Strongest winds are expected between this evening and early Friday morning. Heaviest snowfall rates this afternoon with up to 1 to 2 inches per hour. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ CAZ072-NVZ002-071430- /O.CON.KREV.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250207T2000Z/ Greater Lake Tahoe Area- Including the cities of Truckee, Incline Village, Markleeville, Stateline, South Lake Tahoe, Glenbrook, and Tahoe City 221 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON PST FRIDAY ABOVE 5000 FEET... * WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations between 2 and 8 inches with an additional 12 to 18 inches possible at the highest mountain peaks. Ridge winds gusting as high as 110 mph with gusts up to 50 mph at lower elevations. Lake Tahoe waves between 2 to 4 feet. * WHERE...Greater Lake Tahoe Area. * WHEN...Until noon PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. Very strong winds could cause extensive damage to trees and power lines. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Strongest winds are expected between this evening and early Friday morning, with heaviest snowfall rates this afternoon with 1 to 2 inches per hour possible at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ CAZ073-071430- /O.CON.KREV.WS.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250207T2000Z/ Mono County- Including the cities of Coleville, Lee Vining, Mammoth Lakes, and Bridgeport 221 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON PST FRIDAY ABOVE 5000 FEET... * WHAT...Heavy snow above 6500 feet. Additional snow accumulations between 2 to 8 inches with an additional 1 to 2 feet possible at the highest mountain peaks. Ridge winds gusting as high as 100 mph with gusts up to 50 at lower elevations. * WHERE...Mono County. * WHEN...Until noon PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. Very strong winds could cause extensive damage to trees and power lines. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Strongest winds are expected between this evening and early Friday morning, with heaviest snowfall rates this afternoon with 2 to 3 inches per hour possible at times. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ CAZ070-NVZ005-071430- /O.CON.KREV.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T2000Z/ Surprise Valley California-Northern Washoe County- Including the cities of Eagleville, Fort Bidwell, Empire, Cedarville, and Gerlach 221 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL NOON PST FRIDAY ABOVE 5000 FEET... * WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations up to 7 inches. Winds gusting as high as 55 mph. * WHERE...In California, Surprise Valley California. In Nevada, Northern Washoe County. * WHEN...Until noon PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. Strong winds could cause damage to trees and power lines. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ GG  163 WSAG31 SAME 062227 SAMF SIGMET 2 VALID 062227/070027 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2227Z WI S2825 W06952 - S2825 W06944 - S2928 W06840 - S3053 W06833 - S3221 W06815 - S3645 W06827 - S3701 W06919 - S3611 W07016 - S3505 W07009 - S3414 W06949 - S3316 W06945 - S3130 W07014 - S3003 W06949 - S2916 W06959 - S2903 W06940 - S2840 W06936 - S2829 W06954 - S2825 W06952 TOP FL380 STNR INTSF=  298 WSAG31 SAME 062227 SAMF SIGMET 2 VALID 062227/070027 SAME- SAMF MENDOZA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2227Z WI S2825 W06952 - S2825 W06944 - S2928 W06840 - S3053 W06833 - S3221 W06815 - S3645 W06827 - S3701 W06919 - S3611 W07016 - S3505 W07009 - S3414 W06949 - S3316 W06945 - S3130 W07014 - S3003 W06949 - S2916 W06959 - S2903 W06940 - S2840 W06936 - S2829 W06954 - S2825 W06952 TOP FL380 STNR INTSF=  698 WSAU21 YMMC 062223 YBBB SIGMET T02 VALID 062247/070047 YMMC- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1400 E15130 - S1520 E15440 - S1910 E15400 - S2330 E14950 - S2300 E14430 - S2100 E14700 FL160/270 STNR NC=  116 WWUS53 KJKL 062224 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 524 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC095-133-062230- /O.CON.KJKL.SV.W.0016.000000T0000Z-250206T2230Z/ Harlan KY-Letcher KY- 524 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 530 PM EST FOR NORTHEASTERN HARLAN AND SOUTH CENTRAL LETCHER COUNTIES... At 523 PM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Maggard, or 8 miles south of Whitesburg, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe storm will be near... Oven Fork around 530 PM EST. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3691 8300 3698 8300 3712 8273 3713 8268 3711 8272 3708 8272 3707 8273 3705 8272 3701 8278 3701 8283 3699 8284 3698 8287 3693 8286 3690 8287 TIME...MOT...LOC 2223Z 249DEG 33KT 3700 8287 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.25 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ GINNICK  676 WSPR31 SPJC 062224 SPIM SIGMET B3 VALID 062225/070125 SPJC- SPIM LIMA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2200Z E OF LINE S1338 W06931 - S1345 W07053 - S1517 W07010 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  871 WGUS86 KMFR 062224 FLSMFR Flood Statement National Weather Service Medford OR 224 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in California... Pit River near Canby affecting Modoc County. For the Pit River near Canby and its tributaries...Major flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Please report observed flooding to local emergency services or law enforcement and request they pass this information to the National Weather Service when you can do so safely. Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov. The next statement will be issued when conditions warrant or by Friday morning.late tonight at 500 AM PST. && CAC049-071300- /O.EXT.KMFR.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-250208T1900Z/ /CNBC1.3.ER.250203T2233Z.250205T0730Z.250208T0700Z.UU/ 224 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL LATE SATURDAY MORNING... * WHAT...Major flooding is occurring and is forecast to continue through tonight. * WHERE...Pit River near Canby and its tributaries. * WHEN...Until late Saturday morning. * IMPACTS...At 11.0 feet, Expect major flooding in Canby and Lookout in southwest Modoc county and northwest Lassen county. Flow is at 5000 cfs. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1:45 PM PST Thursday the stage was 10.0 feet. - Bankfull stage is 7.5 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 1:45 PM PST Thursday was 10.6 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage late tomorrow evening and continue falling to 6.5 feet early Tuesday morning. - Flood stage is 8.5 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 10.7 feet on 2/10/2017. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && Fld Observed Forecasts (2 pm PST) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Fri Sat Sun Pit River Canby 8.5 10.0 Thu 1 pm PST 8.9 7.9 7.3 && LAT...LON 4119 12121 4139 12118 4155 12065 4145 12058 4119 12109 $$ Guerrero  783 WWCN02 CYZX 062224 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR 5 WING GOOSE BAY PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 6:24 PM AST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: 5 WING GOOSE BAY (CYYR) TYPE: SNOWFALL WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SNOWFALL AMOUNT OF 10 CM OR MORE IN 12 HOURS VALID: 07/0900Z TO 08/0100Z (07/0500 AST TO 07/2100 AST) COMMENTS: A LOW WILL QUICKLY MOVE ALONG THE LABRADOR COAST ON FRIDAY, GIVING SNOW TO GOOSE BAY WHICH WILL START TONIGHT. SNOW WILL BE LIGHT AND INTERMITTENT TONIGHT BUT WILL BECOME STEADIER BEFORE MORNING. THEN, BY FRIDAY EVENING, SNOWFALL AMOUNTS NEAR 10 CM SEEM LIKELY. ALSO, MODERATE NORTHEAST WINDS WILL DEVELOP LATE FRIDAY MORNING. THESE WINDS, COMBINED WITH TEMPERATURES NEAR MINUS 10, COULD RESULT IN LOCAL BLOWING SNOW AND FURTHER REDUCED VISIBILITIES. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 07/1000Z (07/0600 AST) END/JMC  815 WWUS54 KMRX 062225 SVSMRX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Morristown TN 525 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC195-720-062300- /O.CON.KMRX.SV.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T2300Z/ City of Norton VA-Wise VA- 525 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM EST FOR WISE COUNTY AND THE CITY OF NORTON... At 525 PM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Lewis Creek, or 9 miles south of Whitesburg, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Norton, Wise, Coeburn, Appalachia, Pound, and Pardee. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3713 8255 3710 8253 3691 8248 3689 8288 3693 8286 3698 8287 3699 8284 3701 8283 3701 8278 3703 8276 3703 8275 3704 8274 3705 8272 3712 8272 3716 8255 TIME...MOT...LOC 2225Z 260DEG 32KT 3697 8284 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.25 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ DGS  309 WSRS31 RUSP 062225 ULLL SIGMET 22 VALID 062300/070300 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF LINE N7837 E03500 - N7127 E06614 AND N OF LINE N6857 E02836 - N6519 E06129 FL250/400 MOV NE 30KMH NC=  267 WWUS84 KMRX 062226 SPSMRX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Morristown TN 526 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NCZ060-061-062300- Clay NC-Cherokee NC- 526 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHEASTERN CHEROKEE AND NORTHEASTERN CLAY COUNTIES THROUGH 600 PM EST... At 526 PM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Andrews, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Andrews, Nantahala Lake, Topton, and Marble. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3514 8400 3523 8399 3522 8396 3526 8384 3526 8380 3524 8374 3526 8371 3523 8369 3520 8373 3519 8371 3517 8373 3515 8373 3516 8365 3515 8364 3514 8366 3514 8364 3512 8364 3513 8362 3511 8362 3506 8356 TIME...MOT...LOC 2226Z 275DEG 36KT 3518 8391 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ DGS  874 WUUS53 KJKL 062228 SVRJKL KYC133-062300- /O.NEW.KJKL.SV.W.0017.250206T2228Z-250206T2300Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service JACKSON KY 528 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in JACKSON KY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... South central Letcher County in southeastern Kentucky... * Until 600 PM EST. * At 528 PM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Maggard, or 8 miles south of Whitesburg, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Oven Fork around 535 PM EST. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3701 8291 3714 8268 3711 8272 3708 8272 3707 8273 3705 8272 3704 8275 3703 8275 3701 8279 3701 8283 3700 8283 3698 8286 3698 8287 TIME...MOT...LOC 2228Z 248DEG 33KT 3700 8284 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ GINNICK  602 WGUS66 KMTR 062229 FFAMTR Flood Watch National Weather Service San Francisco CA 229 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAZ502>506-071400- /O.CON.KMTR.FA.A.0003.000000T0000Z-250207T2100Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Marin Coastal Range-Sonoma Coastal Range-North Bay Interior Mountains-Coastal North Bay Including Point Reyes National Seashore-North Bay Interior Valleys- Including the cities of Rohnert Park, Tamalpais-Homestead, Novato, Petaluma, San Rafael, Sausalito, South Santa Rosa, Angwin, Napa, Lagunitas-Forest Knolls, Woodacre, and Santa Rosa 229 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WATCH REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH FRIDAY AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Flooding caused by full creeks and streams with additional rainfall expected. * WHERE...A portion of northern California, including Sonoma and Marin counties. * WHEN...Through Friday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Creeks and streams may rise out of their banks. Area creeks and streams are running high and could flood with more rain. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - Periods of rain beginning last Friday have helped saturate soils, fill area creeks/streams, and additional rain expected through this Friday will result in flooding concerns across Sonoma and Marin counties. Areas of greatest concern will be near Healdsburg, Mark West Creek near Mirabel Heights, Green Valley Creek at Martinelli Road, and Guernville. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. && $$ RGass  485 WWCN13 CWVR 062229 EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR INTERIOR AND NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:29 P.M. PST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTREME COLD WARNING FOR: YOHO PARK - KOOTENAY PARK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== AN ARCTIC AIRMASS REMAINS FOR SEVERAL DAYS. WHEN: NOW TO SATURDAY. WHERE: YOHO PARK - KOOTENAY PARK. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: AN ARCTIC AIRMASS COMBINED WITH MODERATE WINDS ARE GIVING WIND CHILL VALUES NEAR MINUS 35. TEMPERATURES MAY MODERATE SLIGHTLY ON SUNDAY. EXTREME COLD PUTS EVERYONE AT RISK. COVER UP. FROSTBITE CAN DEVELOP WITHIN MINUTES ON EXPOSED SKIN, ESPECIALLY WITH WIND CHILL. CHECK ON OLDER FAMILY, FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  832 WSFJ02 NFFN 062100 NFFF SIGMET 12 VALID 062330/070330 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0724 E17606 - S0800 W17224 - S1030 W17330 - S1100 E17548 - S0724 E17606 TOP FL500 MOV WSW 10KT NC=  359 WWCN73 CWVR 062229 AVERTISSEMENT DE FROID EXTREME POUR L'INTERIEUR ET LE NORD DE LA COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE MIS A JOUR PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA A 14H29 HNP LE JEUDI 6 FEVRIER 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERTISSEMENT DE FROID EXTREME POUR: PARC NATIONAL YOHO - PARC NATIONAL KOOTENAY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DESCRIPTION== UNE MASSE D'AIR ARCTIQUE RESTERA EN PLACE PENDANT PLUSIEURS JOURS. QUAND : DE MAINTENANT JUSQU'A SAMEDI. OU : PARC NATIONAL YOHO - PARC NATIONAL KOOTENAY. RENSEIGNEMENTS SUPPLEMENTAIRES : L'EFFET CONJOINT D'UNE MASSE D'AIR ARCTIQUE ET DE VENTS MODERES OCCASIONNE UN REFROIDISSEMENT EOLIEN DE PRES DE MOINS 35. LES TEMPERATURES POURRAIENT REMONTER QUELQUE PEU DIMANCHE. LE FROID EXTREME AFFECTE TOUT LE MONDE. COUVREZ-VOUS. DES ENGELURES PEUVENT SE DEVELOPPER EN QUELQUES MINUTES SUR LA PEAU EXPOSEE AU REFROIDISSEMENT EOLIEN. VERIFIEZ L'ETAT DES PERSONNES AGEES DE VOTRE FAMILLE, VOS AMIS ET VOISINS. VEUILLEZ CONTINUER A SURVEILLER LES ALERTES ET LES PREVISIONS EMISES PAR ENVIRONNEMENT CANADA. POUR SIGNALER DU TEMPS VIOLENT, ENVOYEZ UN COURRIEL A METEOBC(AROBAS)EC.GC.CA OU PUBLIEZ UN GAZOUILLIS EN UTILISANT LE MOT-CLIC (DIESE)BCMETEO. HTTP://METEO.GC.CA/ FIN/CPIP  603 WSMG31 FMMI 062230 FMMM SIGMET E6 VALID 062230/070230 FMMI- FMMM ANTANANARIVO FIR/UIR EMBD TS OBS WI S1100 E04130 - S1037 E04238 - S1403 E04505 - S1428 E04238 TOP ABV FL480 STNR NC=  943 WWCN11 CWVR 062232 ARCTIC OUTFLOW WARNING FOR COASTAL BRITISH COLUMBIA UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 2:32 P.M. PST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCTIC OUTFLOW WARNING FOR: WHISTLER. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== STRONG OUTFLOW WINDS AND COLD WIND CHILL VALUES ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING. WHEN: NOW INTO FRIDAY MORNING. WHERE: WHISTLER VALLEY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: AN ARCTIC AIRMASS OVER CENTRAL BC IS BRINGING OUTFLOW WINDS THROUGH THE WHISTLER VALLEY. OVERNIGHT AND INTO THE MORNINGS, WIND CHILL VALUES NEAR MINUS 20 ARE EXPECTED. ANY OUTDOOR ACTIVITY EXPOSES YOU TO AN INCREASED RISK OF FROSTBITE. AVOID EXPOSED LOCATIONS NEAR THE WATER WHERE WINDS AND WIND CHILL ARE GREATEST. ENSURE THAT SHELTER IS PROVIDED FOR PETS AND OUTDOOR ANIMALS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO BCSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)BCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PSPC  944 WWUS83 KJKL 062233 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 533 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ088-062300- Harlan KY- 533 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT CENTRAL HARLAN COUNTY THROUGH 600 PM EST... At 532 PM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Chevrolet, or near Harlan, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Harlan, Evarts, Clovertown, Bobs Creek, Black Bottom, Dizney, Chevrolet, Louellen, Clover Fork, Coxton, Short Town, Kenvir, Darkmont, Highsplint, Big Black Mountain, Shields, Kildav, Black Mountain, Rock House, and Holmes Mill. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3678 8331 3687 8333 3695 8286 3688 8289 3686 8297 3686 8299 3685 8301 3685 8307 3684 8308 3683 8310 3680 8310 3678 8313 TIME...MOT...LOC 2232Z 266DEG 35KT 3683 8325 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ GINNICK  834 WHUS72 KTAE 062233 MWWTAE URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Tallahassee FL 533 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 GMZ730-755-070645- /O.NEW.KTAE.MF.Y.0008.250206T2233Z-250207T1800Z/ Apalachee Bay or Coastal Waters From Keaton Beach to Ochlockonee River FL out to 20 Nm- Coastal Waters From Ochlockonee River to Apalachicola Fl out to 20 Nm- 533 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Dense fog will reduce visibility to 1 mile or less. * WHERE...Apalachee Bay or Coastal Waters From Keaton Beach to Ochlockonee River FL out to 20 Nm and Coastal Waters From Ochlockonee River to Apalachicola Fl out to 20 Nm. * WHEN...Until 1 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility will make navigation difficult. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must navigate, proceed with caution. Use proper fog signals. Make sure all running lights are on. Remember to use your radar and compass. && $$  718 WSRS31 RUSP 062233 ULLL SIGMET 23 VALID 070000/070400 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV ICE (FZRA) FCST W OF LINE N7009 E03203 - N6717 E04226 - N6608 E03919 - N6629 E02932 SFC/FL100 MOV E 30KMH NC=  055 WWCN02 CYTR 062233 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB BORDEN PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 5:33 PM EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB BORDEN (CYBN) TYPE: GUST SPREAD WARNING IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: GUST SPREAD OF 15 KNOTS OR GREATER VALID: 07/0000Z TO 07/0400Z (06/1900 EST TO 06/2300 EST) TYPE: FREEZING PRECIPITATION WARNING ENDED COMMENTS: FREEZING PRECIPITATION WARNING ENDED. GUST SPREAD WARNING CONTINUED. STRONG SOUTHWESTERLY WINDS WILL DEVELOP EARLY THIS EVENING, WHICH WILL ALLOW FOR A GUST SPREAD NEAR 15 KNOTS. WINDS WILL SHIFT AND BECOME WESTERLY NEAR MIDNIGHT, WITH AN OCCASIONAL GUST SPREAD EXPECTED UNTIL EARLY FRIDAY AFTERNOON. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 07/0400Z (06/2300 EST) END/JMC  090 WOCN20 CWWG 062234 BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR THE MANITOBA LAKES ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:34 P.M. CST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY ENDED FOR: LAKE WINNIPEG - SOUTH BASIN LAKE WINNIPEG - NORTH BASIN LAKE MANITOBA LAKE WINNIPEGOSIS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED TO MEET BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY CRITERIA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  091 WOCN11 CWWG 062234 BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN MANITOBA ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:34 P.M. CST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY ENDED FOR: BRANDON - NEEPAWA - CARBERRY - TREHERNE KILLARNEY - PILOT MOUND - MANITOU MELITA - BOISSEVAIN - TURTLE MOUNTAIN PROVINCIAL PARK VIRDEN - SOURIS DAUPHIN - RUSSELL - ROBLIN - WINNIPEGOSIS MINNEDOSA - RIDING MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK STE. ROSE - MCCREARY - ALONSA - GLADSTONE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== CONDITIONS ARE NO LONGER EXPECTED TO MEET BLOWING SNOW ADVISORY CRITERIA. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  554 WSRS31 RUSP 062234 ULLL SIGMET 24 VALID 070000/070400 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV TURB FCST W OF LINE N7009 E03203 - N6717 E04226 - N6608 E03919 - N6629 E02932 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  098 WWUS54 KMRX 062235 SVSMRX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Morristown TN 535 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC105-169-062245- /O.CAN.KMRX.SV.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250206T2300Z/ Lee VA-Scott VA- 535 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR NORTHEASTERN LEE AND SOUTHWESTERN SCOTT COUNTIES IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. However, small hail and gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. && LAT...LON 3682 8279 3680 8277 3681 8276 3680 8259 3661 8264 3673 8310 3684 8306 TIME...MOT...LOC 2234Z 280DEG 29KT 3675 8287 $$ DGS  100 WHUS76 KMTR 062235 MWWMTR URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area 235 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 PZZ545-070500- /O.EXP.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-250206T2300Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.GL.W.0005.250206T2300Z-250207T0500Z/ Coastal Waters from Point Reyes to Pigeon Point California out to 10 NM- 235 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 3 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...South winds 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Point Reyes to Pigeon Point California out to 10 NM. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, from 9 AM this morning to 3 PM PST this afternoon. For the Gale Warning, from 3 PM this afternoon to 9 PM PST this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ530-070645- /O.EXP.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-250206T2300Z/ /O.CON.KMTR.GL.W.0005.250206T2300Z-250207T1100Z/ San Pablo Bay, Suisun Bay, the West Delta and the San Francisco Bay north of the Bay Bridge- 235 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST FRIDAY... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 3 PM PST THIS AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Southwest winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and rough waters expected. * WHERE...San Pablo Bay, Suisun Bay, the West Delta and the San Francisco Bay north of the Bay Bridge. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, from 9 AM this morning to 3 PM PST this afternoon. For the Gale Warning, from 3 PM this afternoon to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ571-070500- /O.CON.KMTR.GL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T0500Z/ Waters from Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10-60 NM- 235 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, southeast winds 10 to 21 kt. For the Gale Warning, south winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and seas 9 to 11 ft expected. * WHERE...Waters from Point Reyes to Pigeon Point 10-60 NM. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 9 AM PST this morning. For the Gale Warning, from 9 AM this morning to 9 PM PST this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ575-070500- /O.CON.KMTR.GL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T0500Z/ Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos 10-60 NM- 235 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. For the Gale Warning, south winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and seas 9 to 11 ft expected. * WHERE...Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos 10-60 NM. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 9 AM PST this morning. For the Gale Warning, from 9 AM this morning to 9 PM PST this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ576-070500- /O.CON.KMTR.GL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T0500Z/ Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas 10-60 NM- 235 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, south winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. For the Gale Warning, south winds 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 40 kt and seas 9 to 11 ft expected. * WHERE...Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas 10- 60 NM. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 9 AM PST this morning. For the Gale Warning, from 9 AM this morning to 9 PM PST this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ560-070500- /O.CON.KMTR.GL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T0500Z/ Coastal Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos California out to 10 NM- 235 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM PST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, southeast winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. For the Gale Warning, south winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 44 kt and seas 8 to 10 ft expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Pigeon Point to Point Pinos California out to 10 NM. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 9 AM PST this morning. For the Gale Warning, from 9 AM this morning to 9 PM PST this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ565-070645- /O.CON.KMTR.GL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T1100Z/ Coastal Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas California out to 10 NM- 235 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the Small Craft Advisory, southeast winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 34 kt. For the Gale Warning, south winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 44 kt and seas 8 to 10 ft expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Point Pinos to Point Piedras Blancas California out to 10 NM. * WHEN...For the Small Craft Advisory, until 9 AM PST this morning. For the Gale Warning, from 9 AM this morning to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ535-070645- /O.CON.KMTR.GL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-250207T1100Z/ Monterey Bay- 235 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 40 kt expected. * WHERE...Monterey Bay. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous seas which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ540-070645- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-250207T1100Z/ /O.NEW.KMTR.SC.Y.0018.250207T2300Z-250208T0500Z/ Coastal Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes California out to 10 NM- 235 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST FRIDAY... ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM TO 9 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...For the first Small Craft Advisory, west winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. For the second Small Craft Advisory, northwest winds 15 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt expected. * WHERE...Coastal Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes California out to 10 NM. * WHEN...For the first Small Craft Advisory, until 3 AM PST Friday. For the second Small Craft Advisory, from 3 PM to 9 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ570-070645- /O.EXT.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-250208T1100Z/ Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes 10-60 NM- 235 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST SATURDAY... * WHAT...South winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 30 kt. * WHERE...Waters from Point Arena to Point Reyes 10-60 NM. * WHEN...Until 3 AM PST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ531-070645- /O.CON.KMTR.SC.Y.0016.000000T0000Z-250207T1100Z/ San Francisco Bay South of the Bay Bridge- 235 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...South winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 30 kt and choppy waters expected. * WHERE...San Francisco Bay South of the Bay Bridge. * WHEN...From 9 AM this morning to 3 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ For more information from the National Weather Service visit http://weather.gov/sanfrancisco  840 WSRS31 RUSP 062236 ULLL SIGMET 25 VALID 070000/070400 ULLI- ULLL SANKT-PETERBURG FIR SEV MTW FCST W OF LINE N6933 E03056 - N6752 E03524 - N6658 E03348 - N6659 E02904 FL020/150 STNR NC=  091 WWUS83 KLMK 062236 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 536 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ028-029-045-046-062315- Bullitt KY-Washington KY-Nelson KY-Hardin KY- 536 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT CENTRAL NELSON...WEST CENTRAL WASHINGTON...SOUTH CENTRAL BULLITT AND EAST CENTRAL HARDIN COUNTIES THROUGH 615 PM EST... At 536 PM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Elizabethtown, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Pea size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Elizabethtown, Bardstown, Radcliff, Lebanon Junction, Fairfield, East Bardstown, Samuels Field Airport, Bellwood, Botland, and Withrow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3777 8594 3795 8535 3777 8530 3772 8566 3773 8568 3772 8569 3769 8592 TIME...MOT...LOC 2236Z 260DEG 49KT 3773 8587 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.25 IN MAX WIND GUST...<30 MPH $$ JDG  670 WWUS54 KMRX 062237 SVSMRX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Morristown TN 537 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC195-720-062300- /O.CON.KMRX.SV.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T2300Z/ City of Norton VA-Wise VA- 537 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM EST FOR CENTRAL WISE COUNTY AND THE NORTHEASTERN CITY OF NORTON... At 537 PM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Wise, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Golf ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Norton, Wise, Pound, and Pardee. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... This is a dangerous storm. Prepare immediately for large destructive hail capable of producing significant damage. People outside should move to a shelter, inside a strong building and away from windows. && LAT...LON 3713 8255 3710 8253 3695 8249 3694 8265 3695 8275 3698 8281 3699 8284 3701 8283 3701 8278 3703 8276 3703 8275 3704 8274 3705 8272 3708 8271 3711 8261 TIME...MOT...LOC 2237Z 255DEG 40KT 3702 8268 THUNDERSTORM DAMAGE THREAT...CONSIDERABLE HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.75 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ DGS  241 WOCN11 CWTO 062237 WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:37 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WEATHER ADVISORY FOR: =NEW= BANCROFT - HASTINGS HIGHLANDS - DENBIGH =NEW= HALIBURTON =NEW= BARRY'S BAY - KILLALOE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WINTER WEATHER TRAVEL ADVISORY IN EFFECT FOR LATE THIS EVENING. WHAT: BRIEF BURSTS OF HEAVY SNOW. PEAK SNOWFALL RATES OF 2 TO 4 CM IN AN HOUR ARE POSSIBLE. POOR VISIBILITY IN HEAVY SNOW AND LOCAL BLOWING SNOW. WHEN: LATE THIS EVENING. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: AS THE HEAVY SNOW WILL BE MOVING QUICKLY ACROSS THE REGION, SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS ARE NOT EXPECTED TO EXCEED 5 CM. TRAVEL MAY BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO SUDDEN CHANGES IN THE WEATHER. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, SLOW DOWN, WATCH FOR TAIL LIGHTS AHEAD AND BE PREPARED TO STOP. VISIBILITY MAY BE SUDDENLY REDUCED AT TIMES IN HEAVY SNOW. FOR ROAD CONDITIONS AND OTHER TRAVELLER INFORMATION FROM THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION, VISIT HTTPS://WWW.ONTARIO.CA/511, HTTPS://WWW.TWITTER.COM/511ONTARIO, OR CALL 5-1-1. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN ONTARIO, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  603 WWUS83 KLMK 062239 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 439 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ077-078-081-082-062315- Russell KY-Cumberland KY-Adair KY-Clinton KY- 439 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHERN CLINTON...SOUTHERN RUSSELL...NORTHEASTERN CUMBERLAND AND SOUTH CENTRAL ADAIR COUNTIES THROUGH 515 PM CST... At 438 PM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 9 miles northeast of Burkesville, moving east at 55 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Jabez, Bryan, Desda, Cumberland City, Creelsboro, Aaron, Olga, Ribbon, Manntown, and Willis Creek. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3684 8535 3693 8534 3700 8484 3695 8491 3696 8493 3696 8495 3692 8496 3686 8506 3683 8506 3681 8503 3676 8501 TIME...MOT...LOC 2238Z 260DEG 48KT 3688 8524 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ JDG  150 WWUS53 KJKL 062240 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 540 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC133-062300- /O.CON.KJKL.SV.W.0017.000000T0000Z-250206T2300Z/ Letcher KY- 540 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 600 PM EST FOR SOUTH CENTRAL LETCHER COUNTY... At 540 PM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Eolia, or 8 miles southeast of Whitesburg, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of south central Letcher County. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3703 8279 3707 8273 3705 8272 3704 8275 3703 8275 3702 8277 TIME...MOT...LOC 2240Z 248DEG 33KT 3704 8271 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ GINNICK  400 WSRA31 RUKR 062241 UNKL SIGMET 2 VALID 070000/070300 UNKL- UNKL KRASNOYARSK FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N7323 E09100 - N7059 E09432 - N6947 E10330 - N6850 E10230 - N6728 E09432 - N6720 E09200 - N6833 E08320 - N6801 E08052 - N7052 E07835 - N7153 E07600 - N7323 E09100 SFC/FL150 MOV SE 20KMH NC=  775 WWUS84 KOHX 062242 SPSOHX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Nashville TN 442 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 TNZ008-009-028>030-062315- Wilson TN-Trousdale TN-Sumner TN-Macon TN-Smith TN- 442 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHWESTERN SMITH...CENTRAL SUMNER...NORTHEASTERN WILSON...SOUTHWESTERN MACON AND TROUSDALE COUNTIES THROUGH 515 PM CST... At 440 PM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Gallatin, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Gallatin, Lebanon, Hartsville, Hendersonville, Tuckers Crossroads, Cottontown, Bethpage, Dixon Springs, Bledsoe Creek State Park, and Dickerson Chapel Recreation Area. This includes Interstate 40 between mile markers 244 and 248. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3637 8663 3653 8655 3647 8599 3616 8612 TIME...MOT...LOC 2240Z 286DEG 40KT 3642 8646 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.75 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ Baggett  791 WSID21 WAAA 062245 WAAF SIGMET 32 VALID 062245/070145 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0813 E12326 - S0843 E12446 - S 1053 E12423 - S1132 E12202 - S1115 E12009 - S1044 E11957 - S0813 E123 26 TOP FL540 MOV WNW 10KT NC=  855 WWUS53 KJKL 062243 SVSJKL Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 543 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC133-062253- /O.CAN.KJKL.SV.W.0017.000000T0000Z-250206T2300Z/ Letcher KY- 543 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTH CENTRAL LETCHER COUNTY IS CANCELLED... The storm which prompted the warning has moved out of the area. Therefore, the warning has been cancelled. && LAT...LON 3703 8279 3707 8273 3705 8272 3704 8275 3703 8275 3702 8277 TIME...MOT...LOC 2241Z 248DEG 33KT 3705 8267 $$ GINNICK  424 WSID21 WAAA 062245 WAAF SIGMET 33 VALID 062245/070145 WAAA- WAAF UJUNG PANDANG FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S0524 E11659 - S0524 E11931 - S 0605 E12010 - S0717 E11818 - S0626 E11606 - S0524 E11659 TOP FL530 MO V W 10KT NC=  094 WWUS46 KEKA 062246 WSWEKA URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Eureka CA 246 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FINAL ROUND OF SNOW THIS AFTERNOON INTO FRIDAY MORNING... .Snow levels have risen slightly, but many areas they remain around 2500 feet. This is causing impacts on many of the highway summits this afternoon and this will continue into the evening, although snow levels may rise slightly more. Snow levels are then expected to drop tonight. CAZ107-070700- /O.CON.KEKA.WS.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Northern Trinity- Including Hwy 299-Buckhorn Summit and Hwy 3-Scott Mountain 246 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST FRIDAY FOR ELEVATIONS ABOVE 2500 FEET... * WHAT...Heavy snow for elevations above 2500 feet. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 7 inches along high elevations of highways 299 and 3. Higher amounts of up to 12 inches above 4000 feet including Scott Mountain pass. * WHERE...Northern Trinity. * WHEN...Until 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Snow chains may be required. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ CAZ108-070700- /O.CON.KEKA.WS.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Southern Trinity- Including Hwy 36-South Fork Mountain and Hwy 3-Hayfork Summit 246 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST FRIDAY FOR ELEVATIONS ABOVE 2500 FEET... * WHAT...Heavy snow for elevations above 2500 feet. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 7 inches along high elevations of highways 36 and 3. Up to 12 inches on high isolated peaks. * WHERE...Southern Trinity. * WHEN...Until 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Snow chains may be required. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ CAZ102-105-070700- /O.CON.KEKA.WW.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T1800Z/ Del Norte Interior-Northern Humboldt Interior- Including Hwy 199-Collier Tunnel, Hwy 299-Berry Summit, and Bald Hills Rd 246 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST FRIDAY FOR ELEVATIONS ABOVE 2500 FEET... * WHAT...Snow expected above 2500 feet. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 5 inches along high elevations of highways 299, 199, and 36. Higher amounts up to 12 inches above 4000 feet. * WHERE...Del Norte Interior and Northern Humboldt Interior. * WHEN...Until 10 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult. Tire chains may be necessary if travelling through mountain passes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from can be obtained by calling 5 1 1. && $$ For hazard areas see https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/map/?wfo=eka MKK  858 WSMS31 WMKK 062247 WBFC SIGMET 9 VALID 062250/070100 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0236 E11234 - N0318 E11033 - N0451 E11221 - N0413 E11423 - N0236 E11234 TOP FL460 MOV W NC=  859 WSMS31 WMKK 062247 WBFC SIGMET 9 VALID 062250/070100 WBKK- WBFC KOTA KINABALU FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N0236 E11234 - N0318 E11033 - N0451 E11221 - N0413 E11423 - N0236 E11234 TOP FL460 MOV W NC=  388 WGUS81 KRLX 062247 FLSRLX Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 547 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC007-013-017-021-085-062257- /O.CAN.KRLX.FA.W.0016.000000T0000Z-250206T2345Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Braxton WV-Calhoun WV-Doddridge WV-Gilmer WV-Ritchie WV- 547 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IS CANCELLED... The Flood Warning is cancelled for portions of central and northern West Virginia, including the following counties, in central West Virginia, Braxton, Calhoun and Gilmer. In northern West Virginia, Doddridge and Ritchie. Flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3916 8037 3897 8012 3875 8005 3866 8009 3851 8022 3866 8031 3873 8044 $$ WVC033-041-083-097-101-062345- /O.CON.KRLX.FA.W.0016.000000T0000Z-250206T2345Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Harrison WV-Lewis WV-Randolph WV-Upshur WV-Webster WV- 547 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of central and northern West Virginia, including the following counties, in central West Virginia, Webster. In northern West Virginia, Harrison, Lewis, Randolph and Upshur. * WHEN...Until 645 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is occurring. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 545 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water across the area as area creeks slowly recede this evening. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Buckhannon, Rock Cave, Alton, Alexander, French Creek, Tallmansville, Kanawha Head, Eden, Helvetia, Overhill, Cleveland, Pickens, Lorentz, Horner and Waneta. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3916 8037 3897 8012 3875 8005 3866 8009 3851 8022 3866 8031 3873 8044 $$ JLB  585 WWUS81 KGYX 062247 AWWMHT NHZ012-070200- AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE GRAY ME 547 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 |The National Weather Service in Gray Maine has issued an * Airport Weather Warning for ground operations at Manchester-Boston Regional Airport * UNTIL 9pm EST * FOR patchy freezing drizzle * Significant precipitation has come to an end today, but occasional freezing drizzle will continue through the evening. $$ GC  066 WHUS71 KAKQ 062247 MWWAKQ URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Wakefield VA 547 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ANZ656-658-070000- /O.CAN.KAKQ.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Coastal Waters from Cape Charles Light to Virginia- North Carolina border out to 20 nm- Coastal waters from NC VA border to Currituck Beach Light NC out 20 nm- 547 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IS CANCELLED... $$ ANZ650-652-654-070300- /O.CON.KAKQ.SC.Y.0019.000000T0000Z-250207T0300Z/ Coastal waters from Fenwick Island DE to Chincoteague VA out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Chincoteague to Parramore Island VA out 20 nm- Coastal waters from Parramore Island to Cape Charles Light VA out 20 nm- 547 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Southwest winds 10 to 15 kt and seas 4 to 5 ft. * WHERE...Coastal waters from Fenwick Island DE to Chincoteague VA out 20 nm, Coastal waters from Chincoteague to Parramore Island VA out 20 nm and Coastal waters from Parramore Island to Cape Charles Light VA out 20 nm. * WHEN...Until 10 PM EST this evening. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  319 WSRS31 RURD 062248 URRV SIGMET 15 VALID 062300/070300 URRR- URRV ROSTOV-NA-DONU FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N4604 E03705 - N4412 E04014 - N4340 E03904 - N4427 E03641 - N4604 E03705 SFC/FL150 STNR NC=  575 WWUS81 KRNK 062248 SPSRNK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service BLACKSBURG VA 548 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAZ007-062315- Tazewell VA- 548 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT TAZEWELL COUNTY THROUGH 615 PM EST... At 548 PM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Glen Burke, or 9 miles northeast of Davenport, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and pea size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Richlands... Tazewell... Cedar Bluff... Raven... Glen Burke... Jewell Ridge... and Amonate. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3716 8187 3717 8187 3720 8176 3724 8174 3724 8172 3720 8168 3721 8156 3724 8151 3726 8150 3725 8148 3727 8146 3727 8143 3706 8139 3704 8146 3703 8146 3703 8181 3711 8189 3714 8190 TIME...MOT...LOC 2248Z 268DEG 42KT 3716 8198 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.25 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ VFJ  644 WWUS81 KRLX 062248 SPSRLX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 548 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAZ003-062315- Dickenson VA- 548 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT DICKENSON COUNTY THROUGH 615 PM EST... At 548 PM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Wise, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Haysi, John Flannagan Lake, McClure, Nora, Clinchco, and Clintwood. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. In hilly terrain there are hundreds of low water crossings which are potentially dangerous in heavy rain. Do not attempt to travel across flooded roads. Find alternate routes. It takes only a few inches of swiftly flowing water to carry vehicles away. && LAT...LON 3702 8246 3702 8248 3703 8248 3707 8250 3713 8255 3716 8255 3726 8234 3708 8216 3701 8236 3700 8243 TIME...MOT...LOC 2248Z 252DEG 37KT 3706 8261 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ 11  523 WSUS32 KKCI 062255 SIGC MKCC WST 062255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 070055-070455 FROM 50ENE PXV-30E MSL-50SW MEM-FAM-50ENE PXV WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  524 WSUS31 KKCI 062255 SIGE MKCE WST 062255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 71E VALID UNTIL 0055Z TN KY IN IL MO FROM 40E IIU-VXV-30WNW DYR-PXV-40E IIU AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25045KT. TOPS TO FL400. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 72E VALID UNTIL 0055Z VA WV TN KY FROM 40SW BKW-40WNW HMV-20S LOZ LINE SEV TS 20 NM WIDE MOV FROM 27045KT. TOPS TO FL390. HAIL TO 1 IN...WIND GUSTS TO 50KT POSS. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 73E VALID UNTIL 0055Z NC 40NW ODF ISOL EMBD TS D20 MOV FROM 25045KT. TOPS TO FL290. OUTLOOK VALID 070055-070455 FROM 50ENE PXV-BKW-GSO-30SE SPA-30E MSL-50ENE PXV WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  525 WSUS33 KKCI 062255 SIGW MKCW WST 062255 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 070055-070455 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  643 WSPH31 RPLL 062248 RPHI SIGMET A06 VALID 062250/070250 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1509 E12705 - N1530 E13000 - N1308 E13000 - N1045 E12726 - N1355 E12107 - N1610 E12356 - N1509 E12705 TOP FL520 MOV WNW 15KT NC=  769 WSPH31 RPLL 062248 RPHI SIGMET A06 VALID 062250/070250 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1509 E12705 - N1530 E13000 - N1308 E1 3000 - N1045 E12726 - N1355 E12107 - N1610 E12356 - N1509 E12705 TOP FL520 MOV WNW 15KT NC=  795 WWUS84 KMRX 062249 SPSMRX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Morristown TN 549 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAZ005-062330- Scott VA- 549 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT CENTRAL SCOTT COUNTY THROUGH 630 PM EST... At 548 PM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 8 miles south of Big Stone Gap, or 13 miles northwest of Gate City, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 50 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Gate City, Duffield, Clinchport, Fort Blackmore, and Hiltons. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3681 8244 3663 8246 3670 8287 3671 8287 3673 8283 3674 8282 3675 8283 3677 8281 3678 8279 3679 8278 TIME...MOT...LOC 2248Z 272DEG 27KT 3674 8279 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...50 MPH $$ DGS  356 WSPH31 RPLL 062248 RPHI SIGMET A06 VALID 062250/070250 RPLL- RPHI MANILA FIR EMBD TS OBS WI N1509 E12705 - N1530 E13000 - N1308 E13000 - N1045 E12726 - N1355 E12107 - N1610 E12356 - N1509 E12705 TOP FL520 MOV WNW 15KT NC=  354 WWUS81 KRLX 062250 SPSRLX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 550 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAZ004-WVZ033-062315- Buchanan VA-McDowell WV- 550 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT SOUTHEASTERN BUCHANAN AND SOUTH CENTRAL MCDOWELL COUNTIES THROUGH 615 PM EST... At 550 PM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles west of Glen Burke, or 9 miles northeast of Davenport, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and pea size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Oakwood. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. In hilly terrain there are hundreds of low water crossings which are potentially dangerous in heavy rain. Do not attempt to travel across flooded roads. Find alternate routes. It takes only a few inches of swiftly flowing water to carry vehicles away. && LAT...LON 3711 8207 3723 8205 3727 8155 3721 8156 3720 8168 3724 8173 3724 8174 3720 8176 3718 8185 3713 8192 3713 8196 3712 8197 3713 8199 3710 8202 TIME...MOT...LOC 2250Z 274DEG 26KT 3716 8199 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.25 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ 11  487 WGUS81 KRLX 062250 FLSRLX Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 550 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC013-015-021-039-087-062300- /O.CAN.KRLX.FA.W.0015.000000T0000Z-250206T2345Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Calhoun WV-Clay WV-Gilmer WV-Kanawha WV-Roane WV- 550 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IS CANCELLED... The Flood Warning is cancelled for portions of central and southern West Virginia, including the following counties, in central West Virginia, Calhoun, Clay, Gilmer and Roane. In southern West Virginia, Kanawha. Flood waters are receding. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3875 8045 3874 8046 3873 8045 3873 8043 3866 8032 3850 8022 3836 8032 3826 8055 3826 8066 3852 8069 3875 8046 $$ WVC007-067-101-062345- /O.CON.KRLX.FA.W.0015.000000T0000Z-250206T2345Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Braxton WV-Nicholas WV-Webster WV- 550 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...A portion of central West Virginia, including the following counties, Braxton, Nicholas and Webster. * WHEN...Until 645 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 548 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water across the area as area creeks slowly recede this evening. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Webster Springs, Addison (Webster Springs), Camden-On-gauley, Camden On Gauley, Holly River State Park, Craigsville, Cowen, Upper Glade, Diana, Erbacon, Boggs, Centralia, Bergoo and Hacker Valley. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3875 8045 3874 8046 3873 8045 3873 8043 3866 8032 3850 8022 3836 8032 3826 8055 3826 8066 3852 8069 3875 8046 $$ JLB  115 WWUS54 KMRX 062250 SVSMRX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Morristown TN 550 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC195-720-062300- /O.EXP.KMRX.SV.W.0004.000000T0000Z-250206T2300Z/ City of Norton VA-Wise VA- 550 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR CENTRAL WISE COUNTY AND THE NORTHEASTERN CITY OF NORTON WILL EXPIRE AT 600 PM EST... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits, and no longer poses an immediate threat to life or property. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. However, small hail and gusty winds are still possible with this thunderstorm. && LAT...LON 3713 8255 3710 8253 3695 8249 3694 8265 3695 8275 3698 8281 3699 8284 3701 8283 3701 8278 3703 8276 3703 8275 3704 8274 3705 8272 3708 8271 3711 8261 TIME...MOT...LOC 2250Z 260DEG 37KT 3704 8253 $$ DGS  011 WOSP90 LEMM 062250 AGENCIA ESTATAL DE METEOROLOGIA BOLETIN DE FENOMENOS ADVERSOS DE NIVEL ROJO Y/O NARANJA BOLETIN NUMERO 37/ESP_E_S_RN_TT EMITIDO A LAS 23:50 HORA OFICIAL DEL 06/02/2025 VALIDO: 00:00 DEL 09/02/2025 A 00:00 DEL 10/02/2025 NO HAY AVISOS ROJOS Y/O NARANJAS EN VIGOR PARA ESTE PERIODO DE VALIDEZ=  678 WWUS86 KMFR 062251 AWWMFR ORZ026-071345- Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Medford OR 251 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING... The National Weather Service in Medford has issued an Airport Weather Warning for... Rogue Valley Medford International Airport /MFR/. The following weather hazards are expected: Snow accumulation of 1/2 to 2 inches on the runway from sunset this evening through 6 am PST Friday. $$ MAS  272 WSTU31 LTFM 062250 LTBB SIGMET 10 VALID 062250/070150 LTFM- LTBB ISTANBUL FIR OBSC TS OBS AT 2250Z WI N4158 E02801 - N4136 E03024 - N4025 E02949 - N4059 E02720 - N4158 E02801 TOP FL320 MOV S 15KT NC=  243 WGUS86 KMTR 062252 FLSMTR Flood Statement National Weather Service San Francisco CA 252 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning is cancelled for the following rivers in California... Russian River at Johnsons Beach at Guerneville affecting Sonoma County. CAC097-070000- /O.CAN.KMTR.FL.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250206T2252Z/ /GUEC1.1.ER.250205T0459Z.250205T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/ 252 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IS CANCELLED... The Flood Warning is cancelled for the Russian River at Johnsons Beach at Guerneville. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 2:00 PM PST Thursday the stage was 30.0 feet. - Bankfull stage is 32.0 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall to 23.1 feet early tomorrow afternoon. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && Fld Observed Forecasts (3 pm PST) Location Stg Stg Day/Time Fri Sat Sun Russian River Johnsons Beach at Guernevill 32.0 30.0 Thu 2 pm 23.2 19.2 14.8 && LAT...LON 3846 12314 3854 12300 3853 12288 3848 12284 3847 12298 3841 12310 $$ Behringer  306 WSCI45 ZHHH 062249 ZHWH SIGMET 1 VALID 062300/070300 ZHHH- ZHWH WUHAN FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N29 FL170/400 STNR NC=  108 WSAU21 YMMC 062252 YMMM SIGMET W03 VALID 062330/070330 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1120 E09740 - S1228 E10029 - S1400 E09920 - S1600 E09920 - S1640 E09630 - S1300 E09520 TOP FL550 MOV W 10KT NC=  921 WWUS46 KPDT 062253 WSWPDT URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Pendleton OR 253 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...MODERATE TO HEAVY SNOW TONIGHT THROUGH FRIDAY AFTERNOON... ORZ511-070800- /O.CON.KPDT.WS.W.0003.250207T0000Z-250207T2100Z/ Central Oregon- Including the cities of Madras, Redmond, Bend, and Prineville 253 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 6 inches. * WHERE...Central Oregon. * WHEN...Until 1 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Periods of moderate and heavy snow will combine with low visibilities to create difficult driving conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Persons should consider delaying all travel. If travel is absolutely necessary, drive with extreme caution. Consider taking a winter storm kit along with you, including such items as tire chains, booster cables, flashlight, shovel, blankets and extra clothing. Also take water, a first aid kit, and anything else that would help you survive in case you become stranded. && $$ ORZ507-508-070800- /O.CON.KPDT.WS.W.0003.250207T0300Z-250208T0000Z/ Foothills of the Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon-Foothills of the Southern Blue Mountains of Oregon- Including the cities of Condon, Fossil, Heppner, Pilot Rock, Pendleton, and Athena 253 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 5 inches. * WHERE...Foothills of the Blue Mountains of Oregon. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Periods of moderate and heavy snow will combine with low visibilities to create difficult driving conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Persons should consider delaying all travel. If travel is absolutely necessary, drive with extreme caution. Consider taking a winter storm kit along with you, including such items as tire chains, booster cables, flashlight, shovel, blankets and extra clothing. Also take water, a first aid kit, and anything else that would help you survive in case you become stranded. && $$ ORZ505-070800- /O.CON.KPDT.WW.Y.0008.250207T0000Z-250207T2100Z/ John Day Basin- Including the cities of Mitchell, Monument, Dayville, Spray, and John Day 253 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 5 inches. * WHERE...John Day Basin. * WHEN...Until 1 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Periods of moderate and heavy snow will combine with low visibilities to create difficult driving conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting tripcheck.com online, or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ ORZ506-070800- /O.CON.KPDT.WW.Y.0008.250207T0000Z-250207T2100Z/ Ochoco-John Day Highlands- Including the cities of Prairie City, Seneca, Paulina, and Brothers 253 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 6 inches. * WHERE...Ochoco-John Day Highlands. * WHEN...Until 1 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Periods of moderate and heavy snow will combine with low visibilities to create difficult driving conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting tripcheck.com online, or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ ORZ510-070800- /O.CON.KPDT.WW.Y.0008.250207T0000Z-250207T2100Z/ North Central Oregon- Including the cities of Maupin, Moro, and Dufur 253 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 2 and 4 inches. * WHERE...North Central Oregon. * WHEN...Until 1 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be difficult due to periods of moderate to heavy snow. The hazardous conditions could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting tripcheck.com online, or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ ORZ044-070800- /O.CON.KPDT.WW.Y.0008.250207T0300Z-250208T0000Z/ Lower Columbia Basin of Oregon- Including the cities of Hermiston, Ione, and Boardman 253 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations 1 to 3 inches. * WHERE...Lower Columbia Basin of Oregon. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be difficult due to periods of moderate to heavy snow. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting tripcheck.com online, or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ ORZ049-070800- /O.CON.KPDT.WW.Y.0008.250207T0300Z-250208T0000Z/ Grande Ronde Valley- Including the cities of La Grande, Elgin, Cove, and Union 253 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 3 and 5 inches. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Grande Ronde Valley. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Periods of moderate and heavy snow will combine with low visibilities to create difficult driving conditions. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting tripcheck.com online, or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ ORZ050-070800- /O.CON.KPDT.WW.Y.0008.250207T0300Z-250208T0000Z/ Wallowa County- Including the cities of Joseph, Wallowa, and Enterprise 253 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 7 inches. * WHERE...Wallowa County. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be difficult due to periods of moderate to heavy snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting tripcheck.com online, or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ ORZ502-WAZ030-070800- /O.CON.KPDT.WW.Y.0008.250207T0300Z-250208T0000Z/ Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon-Northwest Blue Mountains- Including the cities of Meacham, Tollgate, and Ski Bluewood Resort 253 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 8 inches. * WHERE...In Oregon, Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon. In Washington, Northwest Blue Mountains. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be difficult due to periods of moderate to heavy snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. In Oregon, the latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting tripcheck.com online, or by calling 5 1 1. In Washington, the latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting the website wsdot.wa.gov/travel. && $$ ORZ503-070800- /O.CON.KPDT.WW.Y.0008.250207T0300Z-250208T0000Z/ Southern Blue Mountains of Oregon- Including the cities of North Powder, Ukiah, and Long Creek 253 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 7 inches. * WHERE...Southern Blue Mountains of Oregon. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be difficult due to periods of moderate to heavy snow. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting tripcheck.com online, or by calling 5 1 1. && $$ WAZ029-070800- /O.CON.KPDT.WW.Y.0008.250207T0300Z-250208T0000Z/ Foothills of the Blue Mountains of Washington- Including the cities of Waitsburg, Dayton, and Walla Walla 253 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 4 PM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 1 and 3 inches. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...Foothills of the Blue Mountains of Washington. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 4 PM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be difficult due to periods of moderate to heavy snow. The hazardous conditions could impact the Friday morning commute. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest road conditions can be obtained by visiting the website wsdot.wa.gov/travel. && $$ BL  577 WOCN10 CWUL 062253 WEATHER ADVISORY FOR QUEBEC UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 5:53 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WEATHER ADVISORY FOR: BEAUCE QUEBEC. WEATHER ADVISORY ENDED FOR: EASTERN TOWNSHIPS DRUMMONDVILLE - BOIS-FRANCS MAURICIE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WHAT: POOR VISIBILITIES IN MODERATE SNOW, CAUSING POOR TRAVEL CONDITIONS. WHEN: UNTIL EARLY EVENING POOR WEATHER CONDITIONS MAY CONTRIBUTE TO TRANSPORTATION DELAYS. BE PREPARED TO ADJUST YOUR DRIVING WITH CHANGING ROAD CONDITIONS. SLOW DOWN DRIVING IN SLIPPERY CONDITIONS. WATCH FOR TAILLIGHTS AHEAD AND MAINTAIN A SAFE FOLLOWING DISTANCE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  809 WWUS83 KJKL 062254 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 554 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ079-083-062330- Wayne KY-Pulaski KY- 554 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHERN WAYNE AND SOUTHWESTERN PULASKI COUNTIES THROUGH 630 PM EST... At 554 PM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm near Cabell, or 11 miles west of Monticello, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Somerset, Monticello, Burnside, Naomi, Susie, Parnell, Gregory, Bronston, Elihu, Quinton, Betsey, Delta, Frazer, Tateville, Somerset Pulaski Airport, Cabell, Denney, Kidder, Mill Springs, and General Burnside S.P.. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3692 8496 3696 8494 3695 8490 3700 8484 3701 8485 3702 8488 3710 8453 3687 8458 3686 8459 3681 8459 3677 8501 3681 8503 3683 8506 3686 8506 TIME...MOT...LOC 2254Z 267DEG 45KT 3688 8505 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ GINNICK  977 WSPY31 SGAS 062254 SGFA SIGMET 4 VALID 062256/070256 SGAS- SGFA ASUNCION FIR ISOL TS OBS AT 2230Z N OF S2730 TOP FL400 STNR NC=  966 WSRA31 RUHB 062255 UHHH SIGMET 8 VALID 062300/070200 UHHH- UHHH KHABAROVSK FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N5529 E13423 - N5436 E14406 - N5227 E14347 - N5117 E13847 - N5006 E13648 - N5346 E13553 - N5529 E13423 SFC/FL100 STNR NC=  355 WSAU21 YBRF 062256 YBBB SIGMET S03 VALID 062300/070300 YBRF- YBBB BRISBANE FIR SQL TS OBS WI S1231 E12221 - S1240 E12300 - S1430 E12320 - S1720 E12520 - S1710 E12320 - S1440 E12150 TOP FL550 MOV NW 15KT NC=  455 WGUS81 KRLX 062257 FLSRLX Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 557 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in West Virginia... Elk River at Queen Shoals affecting Kanawha County. For the Elk River...Minor flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/rlx. The next statement will be issued Friday morning at 600 AM EST. && WVC039-071100- /O.EXT.KRLX.FL.W.0012.250206T2257Z-250207T1640Z/ /QUSW2.1.ER.250206T2134Z.250207T0600Z.250207T1040Z.NO/ 557 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT FROM THIS AFTERNOON TO LATE TOMORROW MORNING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Elk River at Queen Shoals. * WHEN...From this afternoon to late tomorrow morning. * IMPACTS...At 20.0 feet, In Clendenin, basements in some businesses adjacent to the river flood. WV State Route 4 between US Route 119 and Beech Street floods. Sections of US Route 119 are inundated due to backwater flooding of Big Sandy Creek. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 5:00 PM EST Thursday the stage was 19.1 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 5:00 PM EST Thursday was 19.2 feet. - Forecast...The river will continue to rise to a crest of 19.7 feet just after midnight tonight. It will then fall below flood stage early Friday morning. - Flood stage is 19.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 19.7 feet on 02/28/1972. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3850 8126 3846 8127 3842 8147 3846 8147 3850 8135 $$ JLB  739 WSRA31 RUMG 062258 UHMM SIGMET M02 VALID 070000/070400 UHMM- UHMM MAGADAN FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N5948 E15601 - N5920 E15659 - N5600 E15000 - N5452 E15000 - N5600 E14600 - N5625 E14325 - N5900 E15000 - N5948 E15601 SFC/FL050 STNR NC=  297 WGUS86 KMTR 062259 FLSMTR Flood Advisory National Weather Service San Francisco CA 259 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 CAC097-070800- /O.NEW.KMTR.FA.Y.0020.250206T2259Z-250207T0800Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Sonoma CA- 259 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT PST TONIGHT... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...Central Sonoma County along Mark West Creek near Forestville and other low lying areas along and downstream of Mark West Creek. * WHEN...Until midnight PST tonight. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. Water over roadways. Overflowing poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 257 PM PST, Doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated heavy rain. This is causing small stream flooding. Overflowing poor drainage areas have already caused minor flooding in the advisory area. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Santa Rosa, Windsor, Larkfield-Wikiup, Forestville and Graton. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3852 12287 3857 12287 3858 12284 3855 12279 3850 12274 3845 12278 3843 12285 3843 12287 3848 12292 3851 12293 3851 12290 3852 12288 $$ Behringer  835 WUUS51 KRLX 062259 SVRRLX VAC027-051-062330- /O.NEW.KRLX.SV.W.0010.250206T2259Z-250206T2330Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 559 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Charleston West Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Dickenson County in southwestern Virginia... Southwestern Buchanan County in southwestern Virginia... * Until 630 PM EST. * At 559 PM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Clintwood, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Davenport, Haysi, McClure, Nora, Clinchco, and Clintwood. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3714 8255 3715 8255 3728 8222 3705 8206 3704 8208 3705 8210 3704 8211 3704 8216 3703 8243 TIME...MOT...LOC 2259Z 253DEG 32KT 3708 8251 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ 11  734 WGUS41 KRLX 062300 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 600 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC089-OHC087-070230- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0012.000000T0000Z-250207T0230Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Greenup KY-Lawrence OH- 600 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 930 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Kentucky, including the following county, Greenup and southeast Ohio, including the following county, Lawrence. * WHEN...Until 930 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 559 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water across the area. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Ashland, Ironton, Coal Grove, Chesapeake, Lake Vesuvius, Kenova, Greenup, Load, Letitia, Flatwoods, South Point, Russell, Vernon, Waterloo, Raceland, Worthington, Wurtland, Aid, Hanging Rock and Pedro. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3860 8274 3868 8276 3868 8271 3869 8270 3874 8247 3868 8247 3868 8245 3844 8241 3841 8258 3847 8261 3853 8269 3851 8316 3859 8307 3863 8307 3866 8286 3860 8285 3857 8282 $$ JLB  431 WWCN12 CWTO 062300 SNOW SQUALL WARNING FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO UPDATED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:00 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOW SQUALL WARNING FOR: SAULT STE. MARIE - SUPERIOR EAST. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOW SQUALLS CONTINUING TONIGHT. WHAT: TOTAL SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS OF 15 TO 20 CM. NEAR-ZERO VISIBILITIES IN HEAVY SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW. WHEN: CONTINUING INTO FRIDAY MORNING. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: LAKE EFFECT SNOW SQUALLS CONTINUE TONIGHT AND IS EXPECTED TO GRADUALLY WEAKEN ON FRIDAY. WIND GUSTS UP TO 80 KM/H THIS EVENING COULD PRODUCE NEAR ZERO VISIBILITIES IN HEAVY SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW. SNOW SQUALLS CAUSE WEATHER CONDITIONS TO VARY CONSIDERABLY(SEMICOLON) CHANGES FROM CLEAR SKIES TO HEAVY SNOW WITHIN JUST A FEW KILOMETRES ARE COMMON. VISIBILITY WILL BE SUDDENLY REDUCED TO NEAR ZERO AT TIMES IN HEAVY SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW. TRAVEL IS EXPECTED TO BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO REDUCED VISIBILITY IN SOME LOCATIONS. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, SLOW DOWN, WATCH FOR TAIL LIGHTS AHEAD AND BE PREPARED TO STOP. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  452 WGUS51 KRLX 062304 FFWRLX VAC051-070215- /O.NEW.KRLX.FF.W.0005.250206T2304Z-250207T0215Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Flash Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 604 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Charleston has issued a * Flash Flood Warning for... Central Dickenson County in southwestern Virginia... * Until 915 PM EST. * At 604 PM EST, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warned area. Between 0.5 and 1 inch of rain has fallen. Flash flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. HAZARD...Flash flooding caused by thunderstorms. SOURCE...Radar. IMPACT...Flash flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other poor drainage and low-lying areas. * Some locations that will experience flash flooding include... Clintwood, Clinchco, McClure and Nora. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be aware of your surroundings and do not drive on flooded roads. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3706 8226 3700 8242 3702 8246 3702 8248 3703 8248 3704 8249 3706 8249 3711 8253 3721 8236 FLASH FLOOD...RADAR INDICATED $$ JZ  828 WWCN14 CWNT 062304 BLIZZARD WARNING FOR THE KITIKMEOT AREA ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 4:04 P.M. MST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLIZZARD WARNING FOR: =NEW= CAMBRIDGE BAY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== BLIZZARD CONDITIONS ARE OCCURRING AND WILL CONTINUE THIS EVENING. CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED TO IMPROVE OVERNIGHT. TRAVEL IS EXPECTED TO BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO REDUCED VISIBILITY. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO NUSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)NUSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/PASPC  519 WWUS81 KBUF 062306 SPSBUF Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Buffalo NY 606 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 NYZ010>012-019-020-085-070030- Northern Erie-Genesee-Wyoming-Chautauqua-Cattaraugus- Southern Erie- Including the cities of Buffalo, Batavia, Warsaw, Jamestown, Olean, Orchard Park, and Springville 606 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SPOTTY LIGHT SNOW...DRIZZLE...AND FREEZING DRIZZLE POSSIBLE EARLY THIS EVENING... As of 6 pm a rather broad area of very spotty light snow...drizzle... and freezing drizzle extended from the Buffalo Southtowns and far Southern Genesee county to portions of the western Southern Tier. While this area is weakening and should largely dissipate by 7 or 8 pm...it could still produce some slick spots on untreated roadways and walkways. If you will be driving early this evening... be sure to slow down and exercise caution. $$ JJR  212 WGUS84 KOHX 062307 FLSOHX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Nashville TN 507 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 TNC147-165-070215- /O.NEW.KOHX.FA.Y.0002.250206T2307Z-250207T0215Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Robertson TN-Sumner TN- 507 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 815 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...A portion of Middle Tennessee, including the following counties, Robertson and Sumner. * WHEN...Until 815 PM CST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 507 PM CST, The public reported heavy rain in the advisory area due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. Between 1 and 2 inches of rain have fallen already. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Gallatin, Springfield, White House, Millersville, Greenbrier, Cross Plains and Cottontown. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3652 8691 3650 8637 3639 8639 3643 8689 $$ Rose  934 WGUS41 KRLX 062309 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 609 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC033-041-083-097-101-070115- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0016.000000T0000Z-250207T0115Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Harrison WV-Lewis WV-Randolph WV-Upshur WV-Webster WV- 609 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 815 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of central and northern West Virginia, including the following counties, in central West Virginia, Webster. In northern West Virginia, Harrison, Lewis, Randolph and Upshur. * WHEN...Until 815 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is occurring. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 608 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water across the area as area creeks slowly recede this evening. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Buckhannon, Rock Cave, Alton, Alexander, French Creek, Tallmansville, Kanawha Head, Eden, Helvetia, Overhill, Cleveland, Pickens, Lorentz, Horner and Waneta. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3916 8037 3897 8012 3875 8005 3866 8009 3851 8022 3866 8031 3873 8044 $$ JLB  702 WSAU21 YMRF 062309 YMMM SIGMET X01 VALID 062309/070100 YMRF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR FRQ TS FCST WI S3300 E12550 - S3350 E12610 - S3440 E12320 - S3350 E12300 TOP FL390 MOV ESE 25KT NC=  949 WGUS41 KRLX 062310 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 610 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC007-067-101-070115- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0015.000000T0000Z-250207T0115Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Braxton WV-Nicholas WV-Webster WV- 610 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 815 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...A portion of central West Virginia, including the following counties, Braxton, Nicholas and Webster. * WHEN...Until 815 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 609 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water across the area as area creeks slowly recede this evening. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Webster Springs, Addison (Webster Springs), Camden-On-gauley, Camden On Gauley, Holly River State Park, Craigsville, Cowen, Upper Glade, Diana, Erbacon, Boggs, Centralia, Bergoo and Hacker Valley. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3875 8045 3874 8046 3873 8045 3873 8043 3866 8032 3850 8022 3836 8032 3826 8055 3826 8066 3852 8069 3875 8046 $$ JLB  948 WSPN02 KKCI 062315 SIGP0B KZAK SIGMET BRAVO 1 VALID 062315/070315 KKCI- OAKLAND OCEANIC FIR FRQ TS OBS AT 2315Z WI N3130 W17215 - N3115 W16615 - N2830 W17000 - N2730 W17945 - N2845 E17900 - N3130 W17215. TOP FL350. MOV E 30KT. NC.  675 WHUS76 KEKA 062311 MWWEKA URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Eureka CA 311 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 PZZ455-070715- /O.EXT.KEKA.SC.Y.0014.250207T0300Z-250208T1700Z/ Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena out 10 nm- 311 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PST SATURDAY... * WHAT...North winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and seas 5 to 8 feet expected. * WHERE...Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena out 10 nm. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 9 AM PST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ470-070715- /O.EXT.KEKA.SC.Y.0014.250207T0300Z-250208T2300Z/ Pt St George to Cape Mendocino 10 to 60 nm- 311 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 3 PM PST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Northwest winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and seas 6 to 9 feet expected. * WHERE...Pt St George to Cape Mendocino 10 to 60 nm. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 3 PM PST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ475-070715- /O.EXT.KEKA.SC.Y.0014.250207T0300Z-250208T2300Z/ Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena 10 to 60 nm- 311 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 3 PM PST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Northwest winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and seas 5 to 8 feet expected. * WHERE...Cape Mendocino to Pt Arena 10 to 60 nm. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 3 PM PST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ PZZ450-070715- /O.CON.KEKA.SC.Y.0014.250207T0300Z-250207T1700Z/ Pt St George to Cape Mendocino out 10 nm- 311 PM PST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM PST FRIDAY... * WHAT...North winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt and seas 5 to 7 feet expected. * WHERE...Pt St George to Cape Mendocino out 10 nm. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 9 AM PST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$  702 WWUS84 KOHX 062312 SPSOHX Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Nashville TN 512 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 TNZ008-009-028>030-062345- Wilson TN-Trousdale TN-Sumner TN-Macon TN-Smith TN- 512 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHERN SMITH...SOUTHEASTERN SUMNER...NORTHEASTERN WILSON...SOUTHERN MACON AND TROUSDALE COUNTIES THROUGH 545 PM CST... At 511 PM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Hartsville, moving east at 35 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Carthage, Hartsville, South Carthage, Pleasant Shade, Dickerson Chapel Recreation Area, and Dixon Springs. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3648 8582 3642 8582 3620 8588 3633 8636 3651 8627 TIME...MOT...LOC 2311Z 277DEG 29KT 3640 8617 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ Baggett  762 WWUS73 KMKX 062312 NPWMKX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Milwaukee/Sullivan WI 512 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 WIZ065-066-071-072-070300- /O.EXA.KMKX.WI.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250207T0300Z/ Waukesha-Milwaukee-Racine-Kenosha- Including the cities of Milwaukee, Racine, Menomonee Falls, New Berlin, Muskego, Waukesha, Kenosha, and Brookfield 512 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph, occasionally to 50 mph. * WHERE...Kenosha, Milwaukee, Racine, and Waukesha Counties. * WHEN...Until 9 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ WIZ046-047-051-052-056>060-070300- /O.CON.KMKX.WI.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250207T0300Z/ Marquette-Green Lake-Fond du Lac-Sheboygan-Sauk-Columbia-Dodge- Washington-Ozaukee- Including the cities of Lake Wisconsin, Mayville, Cedarburg, Berlin, Sheboygan Falls, Columbus, Lodi, Princeton, Waupun, Prairie Du Sac, Howards Grove, Mequon, Hartford, Sauk City, Grafton, Reedsburg, Portage, Baraboo, Westfield, Endeavor, Plymouth, Fond Du Lac, Beaver Dam, West Bend, Montello, Oxford, Germantown, Markesan, Oostburg, and Neshkoro 512 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 25 mph with gusts 45 to 50 mph. * WHERE...Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, Columbia, Green Lake, Marquette, Sauk, Dodge, Ozaukee, and Washington Counties. * WHEN...Until 9 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. && $$ HEEREN  803 WWUS83 KPAH 062312 SPSPAH Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Paducah KY 512 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ILZ087-090-091-094-INZ081-082-085>088-KYZ005>022-070045- Gallatin IL-Massac IL-Pope IL-Hardin IL-Posey IN-Vanderburgh IN- Gibson IN-Pike IN-Warrick IN-Spencer IN-Calloway KY-McCracken KY- Todd KY-McLean KY-Henderson KY-Crittenden KY-Lyon KY-Livingston KY- Daviess KY-Webster KY-Union KY-Caldwell KY-Trigg KY-Hopkins KY- Marshall KY-Muhlenberg KY-Graves KY-Christian KY- 512 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...BRIEF BURSTS OF SMALL HAIL THROUGH THIS EVENING... At 510 PM CST/610 PM EST/, Radar showed a large area of showers. Due to cold temperatures aloft many of these showers are producing brief bursts of pea sized hail. This will likely continue for the next couple of hours. Slightly stronger activity is ongoing along the Kentucky/Tennessee border which may produce brief bouts of up to half inch hail. HAZARD...Pea size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. Locations impacted include... Evansville, Owensboro, Hopkinsville, Henderson, Madisonville, Murray, Oak Grove, Mount Vernon, Princeton, Boonville, Central City, Benton, Newburgh, Morganfield, Providence, Marion, Chandler, Fort Branch, Dawson Springs, and Calvert City. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3800 8677 3790 8699 3779 8682 3767 8682 3747 8711 3748 8713 3734 8714 3736 8703 3719 8689 3709 8689 3706 8705 3664 8706 3668 8807 3650 8805 3653 8854 3721 8850 3833 8768 3825 8707 3820 8707 3821 8679 TIME...MOT...LOC 2310Z 240DEG 49KT 3704 8739 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.25 IN MAX WIND GUST...<30 MPH $$ JGG  225 WGUS85 KTFX 062314 FLSTFX Flood Statement National Weather Service Great Falls MT 414 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 MTC057-091545- /O.CON.KTFX.FA.W.0001.000000T0000Z-250209T1545Z/ /00000.0.IJ.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Madison MT- 414 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING FOR AN ICE JAM REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 845 AM MST SUNDAY... * WHAT...Flooding caused by an ice jam continues. * WHERE...Locations along the Madison River near the Ennis State Park and adjacent areas. * WHEN...Until 845 AM MST Sunday. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Depending on ice behavior, any release of the ice jam could result in sudden rises of water, leading to a rapid flooding situation. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 349 PM MST, emergency management reported an ice jam is occurring near Ennis State Park. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Ennis State Park. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 4532 11175 4533 11176 4534 11174 4536 11174 4540 11172 4539 11171 4534 11173 $$ Brusda  447 WWUS51 KRLX 062316 SVSRLX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 616 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC027-051-062330- /O.CON.KRLX.SV.W.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T2330Z/ Dickenson VA-Buchanan VA- 616 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 630 PM EST FOR EASTERN DICKENSON AND SOUTHWESTERN BUCHANAN COUNTIES... At 615 PM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located near Haysi, moving east-northeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Davenport, Haysi, Nora, and Clinchco. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. Torrential rainfall is occurring with this storm, and may lead to flash flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3703 8234 3721 8240 3728 8222 3707 8207 3703 8231 TIME...MOT...LOC 2315Z 251DEG 33KT 3715 8228 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ FMK  396 WGUS85 KTFX 062316 FLSTFX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Great Falls MT 416 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 MTC057-071545- /O.CON.KTFX.FA.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-250207T1545Z/ /00000.N.IJ.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Madison MT- 416 PM MST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY FOR AN ICE JAM REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 845 AM MST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Flooding caused by an ice jam continues. * WHERE...Locations along the Jefferson River, mainly between Twin Bridges and Silver Star. * WHEN...Until 845 AM MST Friday. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas because of ice jams. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 414 PM MST, emergency management reported an ice jam between Twin Bridges and Silver Star. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 4559 11234 4559 11235 4561 11234 4562 11235 4563 11234 4562 11233 4564 11232 4567 11228 4566 11228 4565 11230 4563 11232 4562 11232 4561 11233 $$ Brusda  363 WSFJ01 NFFN 062318 NFFF SIGMET 13 VALID 070017/070417 NFFN- NFFF NADI FIR EMBD TS OBS WI S2500 E17506 - S2454 E17212 - S2318 E17018 - S2248 E16700 - S2030 E16700 - S2100 E17254 - S2500 E17506 TOP FL510 MOV ESE 30KT NC=  164 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBCW SIGMET 52 VALID 062330/070330 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2850 W05621 - S2921 W05410 - S2828 W05151 - S2941 W04838 - S2641 W04630 - S2446 W04957 - S2452 W05426 - S2532 W05438 - S2542 W05426 - S2537 W05405 - S2655 W05343 - S2819 W05552 - S2850 W05621 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  423 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBCW SIGMET 53 VALID 062330/070330 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1945 W05808 - S2204 W05801 - S2221 W05549 - S2359 W05525 - S2349 W05440 - S2352 W05438 - S2128 W05035 - S2020 W05127 - S1724 W05407 - S1734 W05441 - S1743 W05611 - S1746 W05650 - S1945 W05808 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  424 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBCW SIGMET 54 VALID 062330/070330 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2222 W04950 - S2351 W04914 - S2432 W04828 - S2501 W04631 - S2351 W04346 - S2223 W04309 - S2115 W04432 - S2248 W04546 - S2314 W04552 - S2338 W04639 - S2307 W04734 - S2222 W04950 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  481 WGUS81 KRLX 062319 FLSRLX Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 619 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 OHC009-053-079-087-105-WVC013-035-053-105-107-062329- /O.CAN.KRLX.FA.W.0013.000000T0000Z-250206T2345Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Athens OH-Gallia OH-Jackson OH-Lawrence OH-Meigs OH-Calhoun WV- Jackson WV-Mason WV-Wirt WV-Wood WV- 619 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IS CANCELLED... The Flood Warning is cancelled for portions of southeast Ohio, including the following counties, Athens, Gallia, Jackson, Lawrence and Meigs and West Virginia, including the following counties, Calhoun, Jackson, Mason, Wirt and Wood. Flood waters are slowly receding. Please continue to heed any remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3904 8116 3907 8126 3908 8126 3909 8126 3911 8127 3911 8128 3915 8128 3910 8112 3904 8115 $$ WVC085-062345- /O.CON.KRLX.FA.W.0013.000000T0000Z-250206T2345Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Ritchie WV- 619 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 645 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...A portion of northern West Virginia, including the following county, Ritchie. * WHEN...Until 645 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 616 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water across the area. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Macfarlan. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. The saturated ground has produced conditions ripe for landslides and debris flows on steep slopes around the area. Residents with homes on or at the base of hillsides should be aware of the potential for landslides and watch for trees leaning in unusual orientations, water and mud seepage where not expected and other signs of potential ground movement. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3904 8116 3907 8126 3908 8126 3909 8126 3911 8127 3911 8128 3915 8128 3910 8112 3904 8115 $$ JLB  072 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBBS SIGMET 28 VALID 062330/070330 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1724 W05407 - S1802 W05332 - S1726 W04953 - S1605 W05002 - S1617 W05312 - S1643 W05306 - S1724 W05407 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  073 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBBS SIGMET 27 VALID 062330/070330 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S2127 W05036 - S2220 W04955 - S2307 W04734 - S2337 W04641 - S2337 W04637 - S2314 W04552 - S2248 W04546 - S2144 W04455 - S1956 W04542 - S1830 W04708 - S1843 W04857 - S2034 W04924 - S2127 W05036 TOP FL430 STNR NC=  683 WSCH31 SCIP 062320 SCIZ SIGMET A2 VALID 062320/062325 SCIP- SCIZ ISLA DE PASCUA FIR CNL SIGMET A1 061925/062325=  122 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBRE SIGMET 34 VALID 062330/070330 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0830 W04019 - S0931 W04109 - S1018 W03942 - S0900 W03910 - S0830 W04019 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  123 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBRE SIGMET 35 VALID 062330/070330 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1255 W04220 - S1345 W04111 - S1316 W03953 - S1227 W04038 - S1255 W04220 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  124 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBRE SIGMET 32 VALID 062330/070330 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0647 W04045 - S0735 W04042 - S0803 W03928 - S0700 W03830 - S0623 W03718 - S0503 W03713 - S0326 W04005 - S0645 W04041 - S0647 W04045 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  125 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBRE SIGMET 33 VALID 062330/070330 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0536 W04355 - S0656 W04305 - S0713 W04149 - S0645 W04041 - S0326 W04005 - S0213 W04152 - S0411 W04231 - S0429 W04309 - S0442 W04323 - S0536 W04355 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  279 WSCI34 ZSSS 062321 ZSHA SIGMET 14 VALID 062330/070330 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR SEV TURB FCST N OF N25 FL050/380 MOV E 20KMH NC=  683 WSRA31 RUPK 062322 UHMM SIGMET P04 VALID 062330/070200 UHPP- UHMM MAGADAN FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF N5730 AND E OF E15430 SFC/FL350 STNR NC=  037 WSCI34 ZSSS 062322 ZSHA SIGMET 15 VALID 062330/070330 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR SEV ICE FCST N OF N30 AND E OF E120 FL030/180 MOV SE 20KMH NC=  582 WSNO36 ENMI 062323 ENOB SIGMET U01 VALID 070001/070400 ENMI- ENOB BODOE OCEANIC FIR SEV TURB FCST WI N6930 E00000 - N7435 E00000 - N7900 E00620 - N7840 E03000 - N7315 E03000 - N6930 E00000 FL150/400 MOV S 20KT NC=  406 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBAZ SIGMET 70 VALID 062330/070330 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0958 W06418 - S1228 W06340 - S1334 W06152 - S1400 W06023 - S1408 W06025 - S1117 W05320 - S0844 W05035 - S0719 W05036 - S0607 W05251 - S0200 W05534 - S0505 W06002 - S0524 W06016 - S0526 W06015 - S0741 W06154 - S0721 W06246 - S0958 W06418 TOP FL470 STNR NC=  407 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBAZ SIGMET 71 VALID 062330/070330 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0159 W05534 - S0607 W05251 - S0719 W05036 - S0509 W04642 - S0533 W04353 - S0442 W04323 - S0429 W04309 - S0411 W04231 - S0210 W04151 - S0019 W04441 - N0026 W04921 - S0029 W05329 - S0159 W05534 TOP FL470 STNR NC=  408 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBAZ SIGMET 69 VALID 062330/070330 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1345 W05927 - S1523 W05900 - S1650 W05729 - S1746 W05650 - S1743 W05611 - S1734 W05441 - S1724 W05407 - S1723 W05406 - S1443 W05456 - S1349 W05334 - S1311 W05331 - S1155 W05455 - S1345 W05927 TOP FL470 STNR NC=  703 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBAZ SIGMET 72 VALID 062330/070330 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0213 W05647 - N0041 W05521 - N0115 W05337 - N0219 W05325 - N0238 W05555 - N0213 W05647 TOP FL470 STNR NC=  704 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBAZ SIGMET 73 VALID 062330/070330 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0110 W06510 - S0104 W06500 - S0054 W06257 - S0109 W06243 - S0057 W06127 - N0122 W06018 - N0453 W06102 - N0401 W06232 - N0422 W06448 - N0207 W06349 - N0114 W06458 - N0110 W06510 TOP FL470 STNR NC=  705 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBAZ SIGMET 75 VALID 062330/070330 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0007 W07006 - S0113 W06924 - S0126 W06926 - S0116 W06727 - N0142 W06659 - N0215 W06723 - N0146 W06951 - S0007 W07006 TOP FL470 STNR NC=  706 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBAZ SIGMET 74 VALID 062330/070330 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0313 W06946 - S0623 W06518 - S0741 W06154 - S0526 W06015 - S0242 W06118 - S0054 W06257 - S0126 W06926 - S0313 W06946 TOP FL470 STNR NC=  707 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBAZ SIGMET 76 VALID 062330/070330 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0731 W07358 - S0925 W07313 - S1000 W07210 - S1001 W07116 - S0928 W07035 - S1104 W07038 - S1105 W07017 - S0821 W06840 - S0534 W06923 - S0614 W07321 - S0731 W07358 TOP FL470 STNR NC=  846 WSCI34 ZSSS 062324 ZSHA SIGMET 16 VALID 062330/070330 ZSSS- ZSHA SHANGHAI FIR SEV ICE FCST S OF N28 FL060/180 MOV E 20KMH NC=  354 WSRA31 RUPK 062324 UHMM SIGMET P05 VALID 062330/070100 UHPP- UHMM MAGADAN FIR CNL SIGMET P03 062130/070100=  120 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBAO SIGMET 31 VALID 062330/070330 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S3457 W04330 - S3515 W04051 - S3527 W03728 - S3248 W03705 - S3246 W04021 - S3457 W04330 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  121 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBAO SIGMET 30 VALID 062330/070330 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR EMBD TS FCST WI N0037 W04011 - N0000 W03901 - S0316 W03207 - S0337 W02913 - S0404 W02823 - N0026 W02509 - N0324 W02909 - N0535 W03208 - N0037 W04011 TOP FL450 STNR NC=  892 WWUS51 KRLX 062326 SVSRLX Severe Weather Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 626 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC027-051-062335- /O.EXP.KRLX.SV.W.0010.000000T0000Z-250206T2330Z/ Dickenson VA-Buchanan VA- 626 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...THE SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING FOR EASTERN DICKENSON AND SOUTHWESTERN BUCHANAN COUNTIES WILL EXPIRE AT 630 PM EST... The storm which prompted the warning has weakened below severe limits and has exited the warned area. Therefore, the warning will be allowed to expire. To report severe weather, contact your nearest law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the National Weather Service Charleston West Virginia. && LAT...LON 3703 8234 3721 8240 3728 8222 3707 8207 3703 8231 TIME...MOT...LOC 2325Z 253DEG 32KT 3718 8217 $$ FMK  605 WGUS41 KRLX 062327 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 627 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC085-070245- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0013.000000T0000Z-250207T0245Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Ritchie WV- 627 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 945 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...A portion of northern West Virginia, including the following county, Ritchie. * WHEN...Until 945 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 626 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water across the area. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Macfarlan. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. The saturated ground has produced conditions ripe for landslides and debris flows on steep slopes around the area. Residents with homes on or at the base of hillsides should be aware of the potential for landslides and watch for trees leaning in unusual orientations, water and mud seepage where not expected and other signs of potential ground movement. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3904 8116 3907 8126 3908 8126 3909 8126 3911 8127 3911 8128 3915 8128 3910 8112 3904 8115 $$ JLB  812 WWUS83 KJKL 062329 SPSJKL Special Weather Statement National Weather Service JACKSON KY 629 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ068-079-080-070000- Rockcastle KY-Laurel KY-Pulaski KY- 629 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT CENTRAL LAUREL...SOUTHEASTERN PULASKI AND SOUTH CENTRAL ROCKCASTLE COUNTIES THROUGH 700 PM EST... At 629 PM EST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over Elihu, or near Somerset, moving east at 60 mph. HAZARD...Wind gusts up to 40 mph and half inch hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Gusty winds could knock down tree limbs and blow around unsecured objects. Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Somerset, London, Burnside, Fariston, Wood Creek Lake, Pittsburg, Bronston, Lamero, Mount Victory, Somerset Pulaski Airport, Bunch, Mershons, Hightop, Hazel Patch, London-Corbin Airport, Camp Wildcat, East Bernstadt, Billows, Grade, and Levi Jackson S.P.. THIS INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING HIGHWAYS... Hal Rogers Parkway between mile markers 1 and 5. Interstate 75 in east central Kentucky between mile markers 34 and 51. Kentucky Highway 80 in Laurel County between mile markers 1 and 11. Kentucky Highway 80 in Pulaski County near mile marker 19, between mile markers 21 and 23, and between mile markers 30 and 40. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. && LAT...LON 3693 8458 3707 8468 3730 8413 3707 8399 TIME...MOT...LOC 2329Z 251DEG 52KT 3703 8454 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.50 IN MAX WIND GUST...40 MPH $$ GINNICK  968 WSSN31 ESWI 062327 ESAA SIGMET M09 VALID 062345/070345 ESSA- ESAA SWEDEN FIR SEV MTW FCST WI N6901 E02036 - N6832 E02200 - N6535 E01727 - N6546 E01438 - N6603 E01430 - N6808 E01708 - N6901 E02036 SFC/FL300 STNR NC=  008 WWUS83 KLMK 062331 SPSLMK Special Weather Statement National Weather Service Louisville KY 531 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYZ075>078-081-082-070015- Russell KY-Metcalfe KY-Monroe KY-Cumberland KY-Adair KY-Clinton KY- 531 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...A STRONG THUNDERSTORM WILL IMPACT NORTHERN CLINTON...NORTHEASTERN MONROE...RUSSELL...CUMBERLAND...SOUTHWESTERN ADAIR AND SOUTHERN METCALFE COUNTIES THROUGH 615 PM CST... At 531 PM CST, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm 7 miles south of Edmonton, moving east at 45 mph. HAZARD...Pea size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Minor hail damage to vegetation is possible. Locations impacted include... Jamestown, Edmonton, Burkesville, Leslie, Russell Springs, Desda, Eli, Cundiff, Curtis, and Ida. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If outdoors, consider seeking shelter inside a building. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm and may lead to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways. && LAT...LON 3678 8573 3696 8573 3706 8491 3705 8491 3701 8487 3697 8488 3695 8491 3696 8493 3696 8495 3692 8496 3686 8506 3683 8506 3681 8503 3675 8501 TIME...MOT...LOC 2331Z 259DEG 38KT 3687 8560 MAX HAIL SIZE...0.25 IN MAX WIND GUST...<30 MPH $$ JDG  816 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBAO SIGMET 32 VALID 062330/070330 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2441 W04104 - S2548 W04023 - S2152 W03533 - S1722 W03734 - S1841 W03815 - S1852 W03740 - S1947 W03821 - S2030 W03938 - S2036 W03941 - S2045 W03949 - S2226 W03809 - S2441 W04104 FL230/340 MOV SE 20KT NC=  817 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBAO SIGMET 33 VALID 062330/070330 SBAO - SBAO ATLANTICO FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S1710 W03729 - S1859 W03634 - S1218 W03332 - S0924 W03033 - S0714 W02725 - S0513 W02911 - S1141 W03340 - S1618 W03702 - S1710 W03729 FL230/370 MOV SE 20KT NC=  120 WSAU21 YMRF 062333 YMMM SIGMET X02 VALID 062333/070100 YMRF- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR CNL SIGMET X01 062309/070100=  121 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBCW SIGMET 55 VALID 062330/070330 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S2019 W04339 - S2105 W04315 - S2441 W04104 - S2226 W03809 - S2045 W03949 - S2052 W04000 - S2057 W04015 - S2054 W04034 - S2042 W04049 - S2024 W04059 - S2037 W04200 - S2025 W04245 - S2009 W04324 - S2019 W04339 FL230/340 MOV SE 20KT NC=  608 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBBS SIGMET 29 VALID 062330/070330 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S1446 W04632 - S2019 W04339 - S2009 W04324 - S2025 W04245 - S2000 W04232 - S1928 W04228 - S1845 W04227 - S1657 W04149 - S1538 W04406 - S1320 W04534 - S1254 W04600 - S1446 W04632 FL230/340 MOV SE 07KT NC=  015 WGUS81 KRNK 062335 FLSRNK Flood Statement National Weather Service Blacksburg VA 635 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 VAC017-070130- /O.CON.KRNK.FA.W.0008.000000T0000Z-250207T0130Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Bath VA- 635 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 830 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Back Creek flooding caused by runoff from excessive rainfall. * WHERE...A portion of west central Virginia, including the following county, Bath. * WHEN...Until 830 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of Back Creek is imminent or occurring. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 631 PM EST, Very heavy rainfall fell across the warned area earlier today. Between 1.5 and 2.5 inches of rain have fallen. - Flooding impacts will continue, but no additional rainfall is expected. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Mountain Grove and Lake Moomaw. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. When it is safe to do so, please send your reports of flooding, including mudslides or flooded roads, to the National Weather Service by calling toll free at 1...8 6 6...2 1 5...4 3 2 4. Reports and pictures can also be shared on the National Weather Service Blacksburg Facebook page and on Twitter. && LAT...LON 3797 7998 3805 7992 3812 7993 3826 7980 3827 7980 3826 7979 3825 7977 3825 7976 3824 7975 3824 7974 3823 7973 3796 7996 $$ VFJ  276 WGUS41 KRLX 062335 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 635 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC127-WVC005-039-043-045-059-099-070145- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0014.000000T0000Z-250207T0145Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Lawrence KY-Boone WV-Kanawha WV-Lincoln WV-Logan WV-Mingo WV- Wayne WV- 635 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 845 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Kentucky, including the following county, Lawrence and West Virginia, including the following counties, Boone, Kanawha, Lincoln, Logan, Mingo and Wayne. * WHEN...Until 845 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 634 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water across the area as area creeks slowly recede this afternoon. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Madison, Louisa, Blaine, Yatesville Lake State Park, Chesapeake, Chapmanville, East Bank, Glasgow, Fort Gay, Pratt, Ranger, Kiahsville, Gill, Harts, Dunlow, Spurlockville, Julian, Alum Creek, Ulysses and Charley. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3795 8258 3791 8260 3790 8269 3800 8294 3796 8299 3799 8302 3811 8289 3818 8292 3827 8266 3825 8260 3816 8263 3809 8257 3827 8195 3828 8174 3823 8172 3821 8135 3805 8164 3792 8237 3792 8248 3796 8253 $$ JLB  917 WSAG31 SARE 062340 SARR SIGMET 6 VALID 062340/070340 SARE- SARR RESISTENCIA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2300Z WI S2258 W06209 - S2522 W05736 - S2722 W05848 - S2603 W06039 - S2513 W06151 - S2258 W06209 TOP FL380 MOV N 05KT NC=  117 WSAG31 SARE 062340 SARR SIGMET 6 VALID 062340/070340 SARE- SARR RESISTENCIA FIR EMBD TS OBS AT 2300Z WI S2258 W06209 - S2522 W05736 - S2722 W05848 - S2603 W06039 - S2513 W06151 - S2258 W06209 TOP FL380 MOV N 05KT NC=  012 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBRE SIGMET 36 VALID 062330/070330 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S1255 W04600 - S1255 W04600 - S1254 W04600 - S1320 W04534 - S1538 W04406 - S1657 W04149 - S1845 W04227 - S1928 W04228 - S2000 W04232 - S2025 W04245 - S2037 W04200 - S2024 W04059 - S2042 W04049 - S2054 W04034 - S2057 W04015 - S2052 W04000 - S2045 W03949 - S2036 W03941 - S2030 W03938 - S1947 W03821 - S1852 W03740 - S1841 W03815 - S1722 W03734 - S1318 W04000 - S1345 W04111 - S1255 W04220 - S1227 W04038 - S1305 W04003 - S0952 W04029 - S0931 W04109 - S0901 W04045 - S0853 W04047 - S1014 W04513 - S1255 W04600 FL230/340 MOV SE 20KT NC=  492 WGUS84 KOHX 062336 FLSOHX Flood Advisory National Weather Service Nashville TN 536 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 TNC087-111-159-165-169-070230- /O.NEW.KOHX.FA.Y.0003.250206T2336Z-250207T0230Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Jackson TN-Macon TN-Smith TN-Sumner TN-Trousdale TN- 536 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 830 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...A portion of Middle Tennessee, including the following counties, Jackson, Macon, Smith, Sumner and Trousdale. * WHEN...Until 830 PM CST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. Overflowing poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 536 PM CST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. Between 1.5 and 2.5 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts up to 1 inch are expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Gallatin, Gainesboro, Hartsville, Pleasant Shade, Dixon Springs, Whitleyville, Bethpage and Bledsoe Creek State Park. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3650 8637 3647 8556 3646 8556 3640 8550 3632 8550 3631 8550 3638 8640 $$ Whitehead  712 WGUS41 KRLX 062337 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 637 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC067-075-083-101-070300- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0020.000000T0000Z-250207T0300Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Nicholas WV-Pocahontas WV-Randolph WV-Webster WV- 637 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of central and northern West Virginia, including the following counties, in central West Virginia, Nicholas and Webster. In northern West Virginia, Pocahontas and Randolph. * WHEN...Until 1000 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of small rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. Streams continue to rise due to excess runoff from earlier rainfall. Low-water crossings are inundated with water and may not be passable. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 636 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water across the area this evening. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Marlinton, Cass Scenic Railroad, Greenbank, Snowshoe, Mingo, Durbin, Hillsboro, Slaty Fork, Dunmore, Edray, Valley Head, Frost, Monterville, Arbovale, Boyer, Minnehaha Springs, Cheat Bridge, Bartow, Buckeye and Cranberry Mountain Nature Center. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3835 8035 3866 8009 3861 8001 3881 7984 3882 7973 3868 7960 3866 7963 3862 7962 3849 7969 3836 7973 3831 7981 3827 7979 3818 7992 3806 7996 3805 8026 3811 8036 3823 8036 3827 8044 3822 8050 3826 8051 $$ JLB  971 WSFI31 EFKL 062337 EFIN SIGMET M05 VALID 062344/070344 EFKL- EFIN HELSINKI FIR SEV MTW FCST WI N6845 E02227 - N6829 E02203 - N6903 E02035 - N6920 E02131 - N6845 E02227 SFC/FL300 STNR NC=  089 WGUS81 KRLX 062337 FLSRLX Flood Statement National Weather Service Charleston WV 637 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC019-043-089-127-062347- /O.EXP.KRLX.FA.W.0007.000000T0000Z-250206T2345Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Boyd KY-Carter KY-Greenup KY-Lawrence KY- 637 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING WILL EXPIRE AT 645 PM EST THIS EVENING... The Flood Warning will expire at 645 PM EST this evening for a portion of northeast Kentucky, including the following counties, Boyd, Carter, Greenup and Lawrence. Flood waters are receding, but some low spots in roads may remain impassable. Please continue to heed remaining road closures. && LAT...LON 3852 8268 3846 8261 3835 8260 3831 8257 3829 8258 3817 8294 3820 8301 3820 8304 3818 8305 3822 8308 3827 8316 3824 8322 3819 8323 3819 8326 3821 8330 3832 8334 3834 8323 3843 8324 3844 8321 3851 8316 $$ FMK  930 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBRE SIGMET 37 VALID 062330/070330 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S1251 W03938 - S1710 W03729 - S1618 W03702 - S1141 W03340 - S0513 W02911 - S0434 W02945 - S0304 W03311 - S0656 W03621 - S1251 W03938 FL230/370 MOV SE 07KT NC=  011 WSBZ23 SBGL 062325 SBRE SIGMET 38 VALID 062330/070330 SBRE - SBRE RECIFE FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S0958 W03806 - S1530 W04121 - S1636 W03742 - S1108 W03440 - S0958 W03806 FL160/210 STNR NC=  752 WOCN10 CWUL 062339 WEATHER ADVISORY FOR QUEBEC ENDED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:39 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WEATHER ADVISORY ENDED FOR: BEAUCE QUEBEC. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  795 WSBZ23 SBGL 062334 SBBS SIGMET 30 VALID 062339/070330 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR CNL SIGMET 29 062330/070330=  796 WSBZ23 SBGL 062334 SBBS SIGMET 31 VALID 062339/070330 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S1446 W04632 - S2019 W04339 - S2009 W04324 - S2025 W04245 - S2000 W04232 - S1928 W04228 - S1845 W04227 - S1657 W04149 - S1538 W04406 - S1320 W04534 - S1254 W04600 - S1446 W04632 FL230/340 MOV SE 20KT NC=  214 WSUS31 KKCI 062355 SIGE MKCE WST 062355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET 74E VALID UNTIL 0155Z VA TN KY FROM 50SE CVG-20ESE VXV-20ENE DYR-30SSE PXV-50SE CVG AREA EMBD TS MOV FROM 25045KT. TOPS TO FL400. CONVECTIVE SIGMET 75E VALID UNTIL 0155Z VA WV KY FROM 30SSW BKW-50NW HMV LINE TS 20 NM WIDE MOV FROM 27045KT. TOPS TO FL350. OUTLOOK VALID 070155-070555 FROM EKN-RDU-CLT-30E MSL-50ENE PXV-EKN WST ISSUANCES EXPD. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  215 WSUS33 KKCI 062355 SIGW MKCW WST 062355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 070155-070555 TS ARE NOT EXPD TO REQUIRE WST ISSUANCES.  216 WSUS32 KKCI 062355 SIGC MKCC WST 062355 CONVECTIVE SIGMET...NONE OUTLOOK VALID 070155-070555 FROM 50ENE PXV-30E MSL-50SW MEM-50S FAM-50ENE PXV WST ISSUANCES POSS. REFER TO MOST RECENT ACUS01 KWNS FROM STORM PREDICTION CENTER FOR SYNOPSIS AND METEOROLOGICAL DETAILS.  090 WGUS41 KRLX 062342 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 642 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC019-127-WVC011-039-043-053-079-099-070415- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0008.000000T0000Z-250207T0415Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Boyd KY-Lawrence KY-Cabell WV-Kanawha WV-Lincoln WV-Mason WV- Putnam WV-Wayne WV- 642 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 1115 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...Portions of northeast Kentucky, including the following counties, Boyd and Lawrence and West Virginia, including the following counties, Cabell, Kanawha, Lincoln, Mason, Putnam and Wayne. * WHEN...Until 1115 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is occurring. Minor flooding is occurring along the Mud River. Near Milton, several low spots along East Mud River Road and West Mud River Road are flooded. Near Hamlin, sections of Route 3 in West Hamlin are flooded. Peppermint Lane and surrounding fields in Myra are flooded. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 639 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water across the area. The Mud River will continue to rise this evening before slowly receding tonight. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Huntington, Louisa, Winfield, Wayne, Hamlin, Beech Fork State Park, Hurricane, Barboursville, Kenova, Milton, Catlettsburg, Eleanor, Ceredo, Fort Gay, Ona, Culloden, East Lynn Lake, Centerville, Teays Valley and Burnaugh. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3818 8262 3825 8262 3827 8259 3841 8260 3840 8253 3847 8221 3854 8212 3855 8181 3830 8191 3823 8205 3809 8258 3815 8265 3818 8265 $$ JLB  576 WWCN03 CYTR 062342 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR 17 WING CFB WINNIPEG PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 5:42 PM CST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: 17 WING CFB WINNIPEG (CYWG) TYPE: WIND WARNING ENDED COMMENTS: WINDS HAVE DIMINISHED. END/JMC  575 WAIS31 LLBD 062338 LLLL AIRMET 25 VALID 070000/070400 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MOD ICE FCST WI N3310 E03430 - N3320 E03550 - N2930 E03500 - N3120 E03340 - N3310 E03430 FL040/100 NC=  401 WVHO31 MHTG 062330 MHTG SIGMET 5 VALID 062330/070530 MHTG- MHCC CENTRAL AMERICAN FIR VA SANTA MARIA PSN N1445 W09133 VA CLD OBS AT 2300Z SFC/FL140 N1447 W09149 -N1446 W09133 -N1445 W09132 -N1439 W09143 -N1447 W09149 MOV W 10KT FCST 0500Z VA CLD SFC/FL140 N1455 W09205 -N1446 W09133 -N1445 W09132 -N1440 W09205 -N1455 W09205=  840 WWUS71 KLWX 062344 NPWLWX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 644 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 MDZ005-006-505-070745- /O.NEW.KLWX.FG.Y.0001.250206T2344Z-250207T0800Z/ Carroll-Northern Baltimore-Northwest Howard- 644 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one-quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Northwest Howard, Carroll, and Northern Baltimore Counties. * WHEN...Until 3 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Low visibility could make driving conditions hazardous. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you. && $$ MDZ001-501-WVZ501-503-505-070745- /O.CON.KLWX.WI.Y.0005.250207T0500Z-250207T1500Z/ Garrett-Extreme Western Allegany-Western Grant-Western Mineral- Western Pendleton- 644 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO 10 AM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph expected. * WHERE...In Maryland, Extreme Western Allegany and Garrett Counties. In West Virginia, Western Grant, Western Mineral, and Western Pendleton Counties. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 10 AM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Gusty winds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could be blown down and a few power outages may result. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles. Use extra caution. Secure outdoor objects. && $$ DHOF  303 WWCN10 CWUL 062343 SNOW SQUALL WATCH FOR QUEBEC ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:43 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOW SQUALL WATCH FOR: =NEW= METRO MONTREAL - LAVAL =NEW= VAUDREUIL - SOULANGES - HUNTINGDON =NEW= RICHELIEU VALLEY - SAINT-HYACINTHE =NEW= LANAUDIERE =NEW= LACHUTE - SAINT-JEROME =NEW= LAURENTIANS =NEW= UPPER GATINEAU - LIEVRE - PAPINEAU =NEW= EASTERN TOWNSHIPS =NEW= BEAUCE =NEW= DRUMMONDVILLE - BOIS-FRANCS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WHAT: PERIODS OF HEAVY SNOW POSSIBLE. VISIBILITIES IN SNOW SQUALLS MAY BE GREATLY REDUCED DUE TO INTENSE SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW. WHEN: OUTAOUAIS, THE LAURENTIANS, LANAUDIERE AND MONTREAL: OVERNIGHT MONTEREGIE, EASTERN TOWNSHIPS AND BEAUCE: VERY EARLY FRIDAY MORNING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: SNOW SQUALLS ARE GENERALLY VERY SHORT-LIVED, BUT VERY INTENSE. SNOW SQUALLS CAUSE WEATHER CONDITIONS TO VARY CONSIDERABLY(SEMICOLON) CHANGES FROM CLEAR SKIES TO HEAVY SNOW WITHIN JUST A FEW KILOMETRES ARE COMMON. VISIBILITY MAY BE SIGNIFICANTLY AND SUDDENLY REDUCED TO NEAR ZERO. SNOW SQUALL WATCHES ARE ISSUED WHEN CONDITIONS ARE FAVOURABLE FOR BRIEF BUT INTENSE BURSTS OF HEAVY SNOW PRODUCING NEAR ZERO VISIBILITIES. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER, SEND AN EMAIL TO QCSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/QSPC  029 WWCN02 CYTR 062344 WEATHER BULLETIN FOR CFB SHILO AND RANGE PREPARED BY THE JOINT METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE AT 5:44 PM CST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. LOCATION: CFB SHILO (CWLO) TYPE: WIND ADVISORY LEVEL 1 FOR RAVEN UAV IN EFFECT DESCRIPTION: SURFACE WIND GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 20 KNOTS SUSTAINED VALID: UNTIL 07/0200Z (UNTIL 06/2000 CST) COMMENTS: STRONG WESTERLY WINDS OF 20 TO 25 KNOTS ARE EXPECTED UNTIL LATE THIS EVENING IN THE WAKE OF A DEPARTING SYSTEM. WINDS WILL DIMINISH THIS EVENING. NEXT UPDATE: THIS BULLETIN WILL BE UPDATED BY 07/0200Z (06/2000 CST) END/JMC  438 WWCN11 CWTO 062344 SNOW SQUALL WATCH FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:44 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOW SQUALL WATCH FOR: =NEW= CITY OF OTTAWA =NEW= GATINEAU =NEW= PRESCOTT AND RUSSELL =NEW= CORNWALL - MORRISBURG =NEW= RENFREW - ARNPRIOR - CALABOGIE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== BRIEF, INTENSE SNOWFALL IS EXPECTED TO DEVELOP. UNDER THE SNOW SQUALL, VISIBILITIES WILL BE SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED DUE TO THE HEAVY SNOW COMBINED WITH BLOWING SNOW. WHAT: BRIEF BURSTS OF HEAVY SNOW. PEAK SNOWFALL RATES OF 2 TO 4 CM IN AN HOUR ARE POSSIBLE. POOR VISIBILITY IN HEAVY SNOW AND LOCAL BLOWING SNOW. WHEN: LATE THIS EVENING AND AFTER MIDNIGHT. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: AS THE HEAVY SNOW WILL BE MOVING QUICKLY ACROSS THE REGION, SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS ARE NOT EXPECTED TO EXCEED 5 CM. TRAVEL MAY BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO SUDDEN CHANGES IN THE WEATHER. VISIBILITY MAY BE SUDDENLY REDUCED AT TIMES IN HEAVY SNOW. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN ONTARIO, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN GATINEAU, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)QCSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  107 WUUS54 KOHX 062345 SVROHX TNC027-087-111-133-141-159-070030- /O.NEW.KOHX.SV.W.0001.250206T2345Z-250207T0030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service Nashville TN 545 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Nashville has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Western Overton County in Middle Tennessee... Northeastern Smith County in Middle Tennessee... Jackson County in Middle Tennessee... South central Clay County in Middle Tennessee... Southeastern Macon County in Middle Tennessee... Northern Putnam County in Middle Tennessee... * Until 630 PM CST. * At 545 PM CST, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles northeast of Carthage, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * Locations impacted include... Cookeville, Livingston, Carthage, Gainesboro, Algood, Monterey, South Carthage, Whitleyville, Pleasant Shade, Rickman, Granville, Cummins Falls State Park, and Standing Stone State Park. This includes Interstate 40 near mile marker 295, and between mile markers 298 and 302. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3646 8520 3612 8524 3625 8603 3639 8602 3639 8598 3641 8598 3642 8597 3643 8598 3643 8601 3646 8601 3647 8551 TIME...MOT...LOC 2345Z 277DEG 45KT 3636 8585 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ Baggett  862 WGUS41 KRLX 062346 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 646 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...Forecast flooding changed from Minor to Moderate severity and increased in duration for the following rivers in West Virginia... Greenbrier River At Marlinton affecting Pocahontas County. For the Greenbrier River...Moderate flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/rlx. The next statement will be issued Friday morning at 700 AM EST. && WVC075-071200- /O.EXT.KRLX.FL.W.0013.000000T0000Z-250207T2010Z/ /MRLW2.2.ER.250206T1900Z.250207T0300Z.250207T1410Z.NO/ 646 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL TOMORROW AFTERNOON... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and moderate flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Greenbrier River at Marlinton. * WHEN...Until tomorrow afternoon. * IMPACTS...At 12.0 feet, Sections of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Avenues in Marlinton are flooded. Sections of 9th Street start to flood. Sections of Campbelltown start to flood. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 6:00 PM EST Thursday the stage was 11.6 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 6:00 PM EST Thursday was 11.6 feet. - Forecast...The river will rise to 12.6 feet late this evening. It will then fall below flood stage late tomorrow morning. - Flood stage is 10.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 12.9 feet on 03/02/2007. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3830 8003 3827 7999 3818 8002 3822 8014 $$ JLB  055 WHUS73 KGRB 062347 MWWGRB URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Green Bay WI 547 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 LMZ521-522-070300- /O.CON.KGRB.GL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250207T0300Z/ Green Bay south of line from Cedar River to Rock Island Passage and north of a line from Oconto WI to Little Sturgeon Bay WI- Green Bay south of line from Oconto WI to Little Sturgeon Bay WI- 547 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 40 kt. * WHERE...Central and Southern Bay of Green Bay. * WHEN...Until 9 PM CST this evening. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$ LMZ541>543-070800- /O.CON.KGRB.GL.W.0003.000000T0000Z-250207T0900Z/ Rock Island Passage to Sturgeon Bay WI- Sturgeon Bay to Two Rivers WI-Two Rivers to Sheboygan WI- 547 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...GALE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 3 AM CST FRIDAY... * WHAT...West winds 20 to 30 kt with gusts up to 45 kt and waves 2 to 5 ft. * WHERE...Lake Michigan nearshore waters from Washington Island to Sheboygan. * WHEN...Until 3 AM CST Friday. * IMPACTS...Strong winds will cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels and reduce visibility. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions. && $$  350 WGUS83 KJKL 062347 FLSJKL Flood Advisory National Weather Service Jackson KY 647 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC199-070300- /O.NEW.KJKL.FA.Y.0018.250206T2347Z-250207T0300Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Pulaski KY- 647 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Urban and small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall are expected. * WHERE...A portion of south central Kentucky, including the following county, Pulaski. * WHEN...Until 1000 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 647 PM EST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. This will cause urban and small stream flooding. Up to 1.5 inches of rain have fallen. - Additional rainfall amounts up to 1 inch are expected over the area. This additional rain will result in minor flooding. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Somerset, Burnside, Bronston, Somerset Pulaski Airport, Elihu and Ferguson. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. && LAT...LON 3697 8467 3698 8468 3698 8469 3698 8470 3702 8470 3708 8459 3701 8454 $$ GEERTSON  537 WWUS73 KDMX 062347 NPWDMX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Des Moines IA 547 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 IAZ004>007-015>017-070100- /O.EXP.KDMX.WI.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Emmet-Kossuth-Winnebago-Worth-Palo Alto-Hancock-Cerro Gordo- Including the cities of Mason City, Algona, Northwood, Britt, Lake Mills, Manly, Emmetsburg, Clear Lake, Kanawha, Forest City, Estherville, and Garner 547 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... Wind speeds will continue to diminish into the evening, thus the advisory will be allowed to expire. $$ Cogil  781 WGUS83 KLMK 062347 FLSLMK Flood Advisory National Weather Service Louisville KY 547 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 KYC001-003-009-053-057-061-169-171-207-227-070300- /O.NEW.KLMK.FA.Y.0007.250206T2347Z-250207T0300Z/ /00000.N.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Adair KY-Allen KY-Barren KY-Clinton KY-Cumberland KY-Edmonson KY- Metcalfe KY-Monroe KY-Russell KY-Warren KY- 547 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 PM CST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall is expected. * WHERE...A portion of south central Kentucky, including the following counties, Adair, Allen, Barren, Clinton, Cumberland, Edmonson, Metcalfe, Monroe, Russell and Warren. * WHEN...Until 900 PM CST. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 547 PM CST, Doppler radar indicated heavy rain due to thunderstorms. Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in the advisory area. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Bowling Green, Glasgow, Jamestown, Edmonton, Burkesville, Plum Springs, Mount Victor, Crestmoor, Memphis Junction and Leslie. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Please report flooding to your local law enforcement agency when you can do so safely and have them relay your report to the National Weather Service in Louisville. && LAT...LON 3694 8659 3709 8658 3712 8639 3708 8625 3707 8543 3705 8491 3698 8486 3695 8491 3696 8495 3692 8496 3686 8506 3683 8506 3681 8503 3677 8501 3673 8502 3674 8560 3679 8608 3685 8645 $$ MJ  086 WAIS31 LLBD 062339 LLLL AIRMET 26 VALID 070000/070400 LLBD- LLLL TEL AVIV FIR MT OBSC FCST WI N3321 E03548 - N3257 E03555 - N3018 E03435 - N3042 E03426 - N3321 E03548 STNR NC=  627 WWCN11 CWTO 062347 SNOW SQUALL WARNING FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:47 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SNOW SQUALL WARNING FOR: =NEW= BRUCE PENINSULA - SAUBLE BEACH - TOBERMORY. SNOW SQUALL WARNING - REPLACES SNOW SQUALL WATCH FOR: BRUCE PENINSULA - SAUBLE BEACH - TOBERMORY. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== SNOW SQUALLS DEVELOPING THIS EVENING. WHAT: TOTAL SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS OF 15 TO 25 CM. PEAK SNOWFALL RATES OF 2 TO 4 CM IN AN HOUR ARE POSSIBLE. POOR TO NEAR ZERO VISIBILITY IN SNOW AND LOCAL BLOWING SNOW. WHEN: THIS EVENING THROUGH FRIDAY AFTERNOON. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: LAKE EFFECT SNOW SQUALLS OFF LAKE HURON ARE EXPECTED TO DEVELOP THIS EVENING AS WINDS SHIFT TO WESTERLY. THERE MAY BE A BRIEF PAUSE IN SNOW SQUALL ACTIVITY OVERNIGHT AS WINDS SHIFT TO NORTHWESTERLY. CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED TO IMPROVE FRIDAY AFTERNOON. SNOW SQUALLS CAUSE WEATHER CONDITIONS TO VARY CONSIDERABLY(SEMICOLON) CHANGES FROM CLEAR SKIES TO HEAVY SNOW WITHIN JUST A FEW KILOMETRES ARE COMMON. VISIBILITY WILL BE SUDDENLY REDUCED TO NEAR ZERO AT TIMES IN HEAVY SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW. TRAVEL IS EXPECTED TO BE HAZARDOUS DUE TO REDUCED VISIBILITY IN SOME LOCATIONS. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, SLOW DOWN, WATCH FOR TAIL LIGHTS AHEAD AND BE PREPARED TO STOP. ROAD CLOSURES ARE POSSIBLE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN ONTARIO, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  847 WWUS73 KARX 062349 NPWARX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service La Crosse WI 549 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 IAZ008>011-018-019-MNZ079-086>088-094>096-WIZ017-029-032>034-041>044- 053>055-070100- /O.EXP.KARX.WI.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Mitchell-Howard-Winneshiek-Allamakee-Floyd-Chickasaw-Wabasha- Dodge-Olmsted-Winona-Mower-Fillmore-Houston-Taylor-Clark-Buffalo- Trempealeau-Jackson-La Crosse-Monroe-Juneau-Adams-Vernon-Crawford- Richland- Including the cities of Medford, Prairie Du Chien, Whitehall, Caledonia, Friendship, Sparta, Charles City, Alma, Dodge Center, La Crosse, Austin, Waukon, Rochester, Tomah, Cresco, Preston, Wabasha, Decorah, Viroqua, Winona, Arcadia, Black River Falls, Osage, Mauston, Neillsville, Richland Center, and New Hampton 549 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... Winds have begun to decrease this evening and will continue to do so into the overnight hours. As such, the wind advisory has been allowed to expire. $$ Falkinham  331 WOCN11 CWTO 062349 WEATHER ADVISORY FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA AT 6:49 P.M. EST THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2025. --------------------------------------------------------------------- WEATHER ADVISORY FOR: =NEW= UXBRIDGE - BEAVERTON - NORTHERN DURHAM REGION =NEW= NEWMARKET - GEORGINA - NORTHERN YORK REGION =NEW= DUFFERIN - INNISFIL =NEW= PETERBOROUGH - KAWARTHA LAKES =NEW= KALADAR - BANNOCKBURN - BON ECHO PARK =NEW= SMITHS FALLS - LANARK - SHARBOT LAKE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==DISCUSSION== WINTER WEATHER TRAVEL ADVISORY IN EFFECT FOR TONIGHT. WHAT: BRIEF BURSTS OF HEAVY SNOW. PEAK SNOWFALL RATES OF 2 TO 4 CM IN AN HOUR ARE POSSIBLE. POOR VISIBILITY IN HEAVY SNOW AND LOCAL BLOWING SNOW. WHEN: LATE THIS EVENING AND AFTER MIDNIGHT. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: AS THE HEAVY SNOW WILL BE MOVING QUICKLY ACROSS THE REGION, SNOWFALL ACCUMULATIONS ARE NOT EXPECTED TO EXCEED 5 CM. POOR WEATHER CONDITIONS MAY CONTRIBUTE TO TRANSPORTATION DELAYS. IF VISIBILITY IS REDUCED WHILE DRIVING, SLOW DOWN, WATCH FOR TAIL LIGHTS AHEAD AND BE PREPARED TO STOP. VISIBILITY WILL BE SUDDENLY REDUCED TO NEAR ZERO AT TIMES IN HEAVY SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW. FOR ROAD CONDITIONS AND OTHER TRAVELLER INFORMATION FROM THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION, VISIT HTTPS://WWW.ONTARIO.CA/511, HTTPS://WWW.TWITTER.COM/511ONTARIO, OR CALL 5-1-1. PLEASE CONTINUE TO MONITOR ALERTS AND FORECASTS ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA. TO REPORT SEVERE WEATHER IN ONTARIO, SEND AN EMAIL TO ONSTORM(AT)EC.GC.CA OR TWEET REPORTS USING (HASH)ONSTORM. HTTP://WEATHER.GC.CA END/OSPC  531 WSCH31 SCCI 062350 SCCZ SIGMET 03 VALID 062350/062350 SCCI- SCCZ PUNTA ARENAS FIR CNL SIGMET 02 VALID 062020/062350=  374 WWUS73 KFSD 062351 NPWFSD URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Sioux Falls SD 551 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 IAZ002-003-013-014-MNZ071-072-080-081-089-090-097-070100- /O.EXP.KFSD.WI.Y.0004.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Osceola-Dickinson-O'Brien-Clay-Lincoln-Lyon-Murray-Cottonwood- Nobles-Jackson-Pipestone- Including the cities of Spencer, Marshall, Sibley, Sanborn, Arnolds Park, Ivanhoe, Lake Benton, Hendricks, Mountain Lake, Worthington, Milford, Tyler, Sheldon, Fulda, Hartley, Lakefield, Windom, Jackson, Pipestone, Spirit Lake, and Slayton 551 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... Winds have decreased below criteria. $$ JM  989 WWUS73 KMPX 062353 NPWMPX URGENT - WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN 553 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 MNZ041>043-047>051-054>070-073>078-082>085-091>093-WIZ023>028-070100- /O.EXP.KMPX.WI.Y.0003.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Douglas-Todd-Morrison-Stevens-Pope-Stearns-Benton-Sherburne-Lac Qui Parle-Swift-Chippewa-Kandiyohi-Meeker-Wright-Hennepin-Anoka- Ramsey-Washington-Yellow Medicine-Renville-McLeod-Sibley-Carver- Scott-Dakota-Redwood-Brown-Nicollet-Le Sueur-Rice-Goodhue- Watonwan-Blue Earth-Waseca-Steele-Martin-Faribault-Freeborn-St. Croix-Pierce-Dunn-Pepin-Chippewa-Eau Claire- Including the cities of Sauk Rapids, Owatonna, Montevideo, Chippewa Falls, St Paul, Granite Falls, St James, Minneapolis, Faribault, Monticello, Menomonie, Le Sueur, Blue Earth, Shakopee, Long Prairie, Madison, Waseca, Alexandria, Eau Claire, Stillwater, St Cloud, Chanhassen, Hastings, Fairmont, River Falls, Little Falls, Durand, Hudson, Willmar, Red Wing, Mankato, Olivia, New Ulm, Gaylord, St Peter, Chaska, Benson, Litchfield, Hutchinson, Victoria, Redwood Falls, Elk River, Glenwood, Albert Lea, Blaine, and Morris 553 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WIND ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... Winds are quickly diminishing so the advisory will be allowed to expire at 6 PM. $$ Borghoff  154 WHUS71 KLWX 062353 MWWLWX URGENT - MARINE WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 653 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ANZ530>543-070900- /O.NEW.KLWX.SC.Y.0027.250207T1100Z-250207T2300Z/ Chesapeake Bay north of Pooles Island MD- Chesapeake Bay from Pooles Island to Sandy Point MD- Chesapeake Bay from Sandy Point to North Beach MD- Chesapeake Bay from North Beach to Drum Point MD- Chesapeake Bay from Drum Point MD to Smith Point VA- Tidal Potomac from Key Bridge to Indian Head MD- Tidal Potomac from Indian Head to Cobb Island MD- Tidal Potomac from Cobb Island MD to Smith Point VA- Patapsco River including Baltimore Harbor- Chester River to Queenstown MD-Eastern Bay- Choptank River to Cambridge MD and the Little Choptank River- Patuxent River to Broomes Island MD- Tangier Sound and the inland waters surrounding Bloodsworth Island- 653 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM TO 6 PM EST FRIDAY... * WHAT...Northwest winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. * WHERE...Tidal Potomac River from Key Bridge to Smith Point VA, and Chesapeake Bay and adjoining estuaries north of Smith Point VA. * WHEN...From 6 AM to 6 PM EST Friday. * IMPACTS...Conditions will be hazardous to small craft. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Inexperienced mariners, especially those operating smaller vessels, should avoid navigating in hazardous conditions. && $$ DHOF  473 WGUS41 KRLX 062353 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 653 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...The National Weather Service in Charleston WV has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in West Virginia... Tygart Valley River at Dailey affecting Barbour and Randolph Counties. For the Tygart Valley River...Moderate flooding is forecast. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov/rlx. The next statement will be issued Friday morning at 700 AM EST. && WVC001-083-071200- /O.NEW.KRLX.FL.W.0014.250206T2353Z-250207T1630Z/ /DLYW2.2.ER.250206T2206Z.250207T0600Z.250207T1030Z.NR/ 653 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT FROM THIS EVENING TO LATE TOMORROW MORNING... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and moderate flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Tygart Valley River at Dailey. * WHEN...From this evening to late tomorrow morning. * IMPACTS...At 15.0 feet, Sections of WV Route 219 and Georgetown Road one tenth of a mile to the right of the river gage flood. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 6:00 PM EST Thursday the stage was 14.3 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 6:00 PM EST Thursday was 14.4 feet. - Forecast...The river will rise to 15.2 feet just after midnight tonight. It will then fall below flood stage early Friday morning. - Flood stage is 14.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 15.6 feet on 05/17/1996. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood && LAT...LON 3876 7995 3892 7990 3892 7982 3873 7989 $$ JLB  788 WWUS81 KBUF 062353 AWWBUF NYZ010-070500- Airport Weather Warning National Weather Service Buffalo NY 653 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...AIRPORT WEATHER WARNING... The National Weather Service in Buffalo has issued an Airport Weather Warning for... Buffalo-Niagara International Airport. The following weather hazards are expected: Wind gusts in excess of 40 kts. This warning is in effect...Until midnight EST. $$ JJR  611 WSPF21 NTAA 062354 NTTT SIGMET A1 VALID 062350/070230 NTAA- NTTT TAHITI FIR/UIR SEV TURB FCST WI S1330 W13530 - S1330 W13730 - S0900 W14030 - S0900 W13900 - S1330 W13530 FL260/290 MOV SE 10KT WKN=  020 WSAU21 YMMC 062354 YMMM SIGMET O11 VALID 070000/070400 YMMC- YMMM MELBOURNE FIR SEV TURB FCST WI S3500 E09520 - S4220 E10750 - S4700 E10700 - S5000 E10210 - S5000 E09240 - S3250 E08550 FL150/400 MOV E 20KT NC=  531 WSCI38 ZYTX 062354 ZYSH SIGMET 9 VALID 070000/070400 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF LINE N4311 E11734 - N4303 E12239 - N4208 E12901 SFC/FL340 MOV E 20KMH NC =  762 WGUS41 KRLX 062355 FLWRLX BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Flood Warning National Weather Service Charleston WV 655 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 WVC039-043-079-070300- /O.EXT.KRLX.FA.W.0019.000000T0000Z-250207T0300Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ Kanawha WV-Lincoln WV-Putnam WV- 655 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...FLOOD WARNING NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 PM EST THIS EVENING... * WHAT...Small stream flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues. * WHERE...A portion of southern West Virginia, including the following counties, Kanawha, Lincoln and Putnam. * WHEN...Until 1000 PM EST. * IMPACTS...Flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations is imminent or occurring. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 654 PM EST, Continued runoff has resulted in lingering high water across the area as area creeks slowly recede this evening. Some roads remain closed due to flooding across the area. - Some locations that will experience flooding include... Charleston, Nitro, Jefferson, South Charleston, St. Albans, Dunbar, Sissonville, Clendenin, Poca, Pinch, Elkview, Institute, Cross Lanes, Tornado, Alum Creek, Teays Valley and Pond Gap. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. Report flooding to the National Weather Service by calling toll free, 800 401 9535, when you can do so safely. && LAT...LON 3855 8182 3855 8147 3855 8146 3855 8145 3853 8130 3830 8125 3820 8136 3823 8134 3838 8140 3842 8146 3838 8159 3836 8161 3835 8173 3828 8173 3827 8198 3832 8189 $$ FMK  986 WFUS54 KOHX 062356 TOROHX TNC087-133-141-070030- /O.NEW.KOHX.TO.W.0001.250206T2356Z-250207T0030Z/ BULLETIN - EAS ACTIVATION REQUESTED Tornado Warning National Weather Service Nashville TN 556 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in Nashville has issued a * Tornado Warning for... Southwestern Overton County in Middle Tennessee... Jackson County in Middle Tennessee... Northwestern Putnam County in Middle Tennessee... * Until 630 PM CST. * At 555 PM CST, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located 7 miles southwest of Gainesboro, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...Tornado and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated rotation. IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without shelter. Mobile homes will be damaged or destroyed. Damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles will occur. Tree damage is likely. * This dangerous storm will be near... Gainesboro around 600 PM CST. Other locations impacted by this tornadic thunderstorm include Granville and Cummins Falls State Park. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... TAKE COVER NOW! Move to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. && LAT...LON 3642 8541 3615 8540 3621 8579 3622 8578 3624 8578 3625 8580 3625 8582 3629 8585 3633 8584 3634 8583 3640 8583 3642 8551 3641 8550 3642 8549 TIME...MOT...LOC 2355Z 271DEG 36KT 3631 8577 TORNADO...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN $$ Baggett  035 WSCI38 ZYTX 062354 ZYSH SIGMET 9 VALID 070000/070400 ZYTX- ZYSH SHENYANG FIR SEV TURB FCST S OF LINE N4311 E11734 - N4303 E12239 - N4208 E12901 SFC/FL340 MOV E 20KMH NC =  645 WSFG20 TFFF 062357 SOOO SIGMET 12 VALID 070000/070300 TFFF- SOOO CAYENNE FIR/UIR SEV ICE FCST WI N0715 W04445 - N1115 W04415 - N1330 W03730 - N1100 W03630 - N0715 W04445 FL175/195 STNR NC=  347 WUUS53 KJKL 062358 SVRJKL KYC121-125-199-235-070030- /O.NEW.KJKL.SV.W.0018.250206T2358Z-250207T0030Z/ BULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTED Severe Thunderstorm Warning National Weather Service JACKSON KY 658 PM EST Thu Feb 6 2025 The National Weather Service in JACKSON KY has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Southwestern Laurel County in south central Kentucky... West central Knox County in southeastern Kentucky... Southeastern Pulaski County in south central Kentucky... Northwestern Whitley County in south central Kentucky... * Until 730 PM EST. * At 658 PM EST, a severe thunderstorm was located over Rockcastle Springs, or 14 miles southwest of London, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Hightop around 705 PM EST. North Corbin around 715 PM EST. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building. && LAT...LON 3693 8431 3694 8430 3694 8437 3695 8436 3696 8437 3695 8438 3695 8440 3712 8438 3712 8400 3687 8404 TIME...MOT...LOC 2358Z 276DEG 24KT 3702 8431 HAIL THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX HAIL SIZE...1.00 IN WIND THREAT...RADAR INDICATED MAX WIND GUST...60 MPH $$ GINNICK  764 WWUS43 KDLH 062359 WSWDLH URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Duluth MN 559 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 WIZ002-070100- /O.EXP.KDLH.WW.Y.0011.000000T0000Z-250207T0000Z/ Bayfield- Including the cities of Bayfield and Washburn 559 PM CST Thu Feb 6 2025 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY WILL EXPIRE AT 6 PM CST THIS EVENING... $$ For more information on Northland weather, visit www.weather. gov/duluth Britt  812 WALJ31 LJLJ 062255 LJLA AIRMET 1 VALID 070100/070500 LJLJ- LJLA LJUBLJANA FIR MOD TURB FCST WI N4546 E01537 - N4616 E01315 - N4635 E01338 - N4631 E01432 - N4613 E01558 - N4546 E01537 3000FT/FL100 STNR NC=  113 WWST02 SBBR 062020 1 31 05 02 12 20 SECURITE WARNING NR 030/2025 ROUGH SEA WARNING ISSUED AT 1200Z - THU - 06/FEB/2025 OCEANIC AREA BETWEEN 34S052W, 36S048W, 32S044W AND 32S048W STARTING A T 061500Z. WAVES FROM SW/SE 3.0/3.5 METERS. VALID UNTIL 071200Z. THIS WARNING REPLACES THE WARNING NR 029/2025. WARNING NR 031/2025 NEAR GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1200Z - THU - 06/FEB/2025 OCEANIC AREA BETWEEN 34S053W, 36S048W, 31S043W AND 29S049W. WIND NW/S W FORCE 7 WITH GUSTS 8. VALID UNTIL 070600Z. WARNING NR 032/2025 GALE WARNING ISSUED AT 1200Z - THU - 06/FEB/2025 OCEANIC AREA BETWEEN 36S048W, 30S042W, 30S030W AND 36SS030W. WIND NW/ SW FORCE 8 WITH GUSTS. VALID UNTIL 080000Z.